Val's Cafe
Knee quite sore, and feels warm to the touch. My appointment is on Thursday June 28 at 10am.I don't know how long it will take to heal Joan, quite a while I expect. I wonder if she will manage to get any fluid out, and put some steroid in?
Oh Kerrin, go careful with that shoulder. t115006 t4591 t115006
Oh Kardomah Aidan. I never went in, but I'd walk up and down outside, inhaling the aroma from inside. They used to keep sacks of coffee beans near the door.Happy days.
I can't let you face plant this cake Toni, but there are 3 in case you want to try. Iced fruit cake."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Afternoon to all. The entire morning and afternoon has vanished before my beady eyes............therefore I will have to post later on, as it is fast approaching t and siesta time.
Anyone passing the shed, would they leave me a spare 12 hours, please and thank you.
I will be back this evening, love and sparkles to all. Toni, mind that lovely cake, it isn't a face plant one............. :shock: :shock:
t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Well, I ran out of daytime and now it is early morning :roll: :roll:
Siesta was a waste of time, but he ho.
Computer had a little squiffy episode, but is now back to "normal" :? :?
So I am afraid this will be a abridged version:?
Hi Kerrin, I hope the taped area will improve your shoulder / neck area. No swimming, that's a pain, especially as you are doing the competition :? :roll: A tight trapezium muscle - there are lots of exercises that you can do, depends what they recommend, lots of shoulder shrugging is one thing. I don't think I could get my shoulders up to my ears though :shock:
Hope the new pillow helps, if I had £5 for every pillow I have tried, I would be rolling in ££. They seem to be the bane of sleeping, for so many.
Glad the prescription is sorted.
A new puskin on the block, so Tomicat is on guard, he will need lots of food for his strength, that's what he has told Pepe and Sleek
Oh, said puskin came into the house, goodness, there could have been fur and spitting for sure. We won't tell him.
Hope the second round of tennis went well for you and your children
Hi Toni, yes, we are barking, no doubt about it, but I am not bothered at all, we need somewhere to escape to, so to speak. Helping and supporting along the way.
I thought you did a running jump, I found the mini trampoline :shock: that was some SPLAT !! :shock: :shock: Cushioned by the sauce though
Some of the coffee shops do tend to turn into the local creche, I know that sounds a bit harsh, they are entitled to have a coffee when they want to, but not everyone wants to take time out and have screaming little ones in their ears. Now I sound like a right Victor Meldrew :? :? I best hush.
Pepe said that Sleek was on duty in her villlage, watching the preparations for the best kept village competition. All is meeting her approval so far and she said the stuffed peeples are looking nice :shock: :shock:
It was nice when they went out flying in the morning, there was no mist, but Silver said they could catch some sunshine in their jars (only Silver know how it works) and pass it on to the Nymphs. They duly enjoyed a fly round, gathering sunshinem0150 m0150
We have buds on the teeny tiny and the mid size wisteria, ever hopeful for a flower or two. I hope yours comes into flower, I have a feeling it will t115006 I will be out with the camera if I spot one
Pom make a good Latte, well, good company and good coffee, how lovely.
So sad, one of Lucy's friends passing. My admiration for her knows no bounds.
We ended up at the GC, the car kind of went left at the bottom of the lane and we ended up at the GC and not the T room, but, that was fine, all was good
I have heard Barbara singing, Nessum Dorma is coming on nicely
Hi Joan, I hope you, Sue and the lovely doggies had a good day. Clitheroe is full of T rooms and chain store coffee shops, it is quite a tourist town really. There was a bus trip in at the GC, but they were leaving, as we arrived, so that was well timed.
Skipton has dozens of them, on the high street, but so many tourists go there it is packed to the gunnels in summer.
Hi Barbara, don't worry, we knew you needed some time out after your hospital appointment. Hair cut then the GC, then the rest of the day just doing your own thing.
I knew you were worried, it was tangible. Our support and words were meant from the heart t4591 I am sure your concern was made worse, having been there when your Dad was diagnosed with a tumour. t115006 t115006 We will be there for all appointments, just as you would be there for us.
You did the right thing, to relax as much as you could yesterday. Nothing wrong with that, being anxious is very draining.........
The PC is ok, it was having a hissy fit earlier, but now it is fine. Good job, as we are selling the other one.
The sooner you can get anti virals, the better, when you have shingles. It's a bit like putting the cream on, at the first tingle of a cold sore. Once it has blistered, only time will heal it.
Dropping the age bit is fine, we are as old as we feel and sometimes I feel about 200 years plus:roll:
Steady now, with all the cakes and the breakfasts, no wonder you are feeling a bit queasy :shock:
Hi Kath, hugs for your poorly knee. Just keep and eye that your knee does not get really hot, or really ouchy, or the broken area starts weeping, we don't want any infection in there.
Ususally they can drain some fluid off, not sure if they follow that with depo medrone injection. I would have to re read. My brain goes into fade mode.
Kardomah did smell wonderful and you felt really posh going in for coffee, a bit like Betty's Tea Rooms in Harrogate
Right my friends, time is marching into the wee small hours.
I will catch everyone later today. An at home day today, maybe we will find some spare time:? :? I wish.
Love to all, here, busy about and around about. t4591 t115006
Take lots of care XXX Aidan
Cheesy chived egg Muffins for breakfastXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hello Barbara Kathleen Aidan
Barbara you must have been so worried thinking you had the same has your Dad. everyone would have thought the same but you did it ((((())))). I have my little boot's.
Kathleen sorry your knee is so painful ((((())))
Aidan I hope your computer behaves it's self.((((()))))
have a good day everyone
love to Toni xx
Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Morning all
have just been in the shed and left you some hours Aidan there are plenty there think the shed has been very busy stealing them again. went to knitting group yesterday as usual, we were very short of people only about seven turned up lots of the usual people did not come. but a had good chat with those who were. had a few frustrating moments on the buses yesterday with too many buggies and stroppy people still i let it go over my head. which was surprising considering the problems I had already had during the the morning with the good old technology again but all sorted now. Will explain that later.
The day just Disappeared yesterday and I have another quite busy one today but will reply back on that later after my monthly trip to our local MS group with my flamingo Papers cards will report back on that later when time allows
Untill the keep safe my friends I will be back later
t4591 t115006Stay positive always👍xx0 -
Hi Carol - the shed has been stealing your hours again? Typical :roll:
Sounds like fun on the buses for you never mind patience is a virtueShame not many made it to knitting but at least you ahd a good natter.
Best of luck at MS group
Joan I think village life is wonderful. Full of characters and so friendly
Kath I hope the knee is ok. I hope it's not infected if it's hot :? June 28th seems a long time to wait....???
the cake looks fabulous, but I will not face plant in it it's far too gorgeous like the unicorn ones were. We have a glass display unit by the counter here I shall put it with the unicorns in there
I am enjoying those muffins Aidan thank you I am glad they are calorie free!!
I didn't face plant (I can show restraint sometimes) I put it with those unicorn ones in the display cabinet.
Miss Sleek has been over to see Pepe early this morning they are visiting the village cat lady's feral pusskins later and going to be 'taught' a few tricks by them. I am worried the 'tricks' are about manipulating peeples :?
More posters went up yesterday in the village and one grumpy lady refused muttered they look untidy :roll: some people.
Barbara we are all so glad your eyes were not something as terrifying as your Dad's eye tumour. My own fears were similar. Neuro might let you off now or see you to tick the box now.
Here is the soldier scarecrow. Pom and I made it
Are you ready for choir tonight? Have you practised nessum dorma?
The buds on Pom's wisteria are much larger but I do have some
I hope I didn't miss anyone or anything back later I hope
Toni xxx0 -
Good girl Toni. As a reward, today we have a supersoft squidgy triple layered berry Victoria sponge. There are 4 so face plant to your heart's delight.
My knee is healing. The scab has gone, but the bursa is still warm but not infected. There'll probably nothing to see by the 28th! :?
Thought I'd had my 5 annual mammograms. Then letter arrived from Breast clinic with appointment in June. So I rang up. After she checked, she said I have had 5 but they've got me down for one this year, AND ANOTHER NEXT YEAR!!!! After asking someone else, she said I don't have to go and cancelled it!! What's all that about then! :roll:
Aidan, Chris' laptop went squiffy yesterday. It was a Windows add on that sent it wonky, but it's fine now.
Barbara, you must record Nessun Dorma and post it on here. I want to hear you warble. t4591
Love to all. t115006 t4591 t115006 t69044 t69044"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Afternoon all..
Aiden thankyou for your kind words..I am so relieved..I can tell you..I could hear you all you will be the comp had a blip but is ok now..good that you have got B mentioned pillows..gosh like you I have had many..not one has worked on this neck..but will keep trying..
so the car knows the way to the GC..
I am sure your wisteria will you cant wait..
I will go and have a look if there is any caramel sauce left it looks so yummy..
Toni thankyou..not heard a thing of Neuro yet.. :? gosh the pic of the soldier scarecrow is so brought a tear to my clever ..yes I have been practicing and will be at choir practice but not quite got the hang of Nessun Dorma.. :shock:
Carol what a shame not many turned up to the knitting group..hopefully next week will be better..I used to have the same with the buses and on many occasion had to stand ..strange enough it was usually the young people that would give up there seats.
Joan are you have your little boot..that is much better then tand glad you dohe big ones..hope you and Sue are ok
Kath not quite there with Nessun Dorma..maybe another week or two..gosh you have a long wait to have your knee looked at..I hope it carry's on improving..
Doctors tomorrow morning to see how the Neuro will ask her to ring see whats going on..
OH has gone to pick up Niamh..
Love to everyone t4591 t4591 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
Afternoon to all, breezy day here, pleasant enough though.
Hi Joan, I think the pc is fine now, it was a driver update that was needed. B duly sorted that.
Glad you have your little boot and hope you are both ok, managing to get out and about ok.
Thank you putting some spare hours our for me Carol. I seem to have caught up with at least one, which is not bad.
So the knitting group was thin on the ground, any particular reason, people away, transport? Sounds like you had enough of a faff on the bus anyway.
Best to let all the stroppy people go over your head, people do get very fractious don't they :shock: their blood pressures must be high.
Trouble with technology, oh dear, I hope it is fixed now :? :? Is it to do with Mr T sorting out the spare laptop :?
Look forward to your reports on that and the days activities at the MS group. Hope you sell some cards.
The muffins were yummy, I only had three :shock:
It was a lovely cake that Kath made, a lot of work. I did take a little slice from the spare one, dainty, with pinkies out of course.
So that is where Pepe has been, visiting the cat ladies feral puskins. He was rather up to mischief this afternoon, which might be explained from the things they have been taught. Manipulating of peeples is a definite skill, which they hone very well :roll: :roll:
Oh, so grumpy lady said no to the posters, well yah boo to her, no dancing round the maypole for her !! Pepe and Sleek wanted to cast a spell that would cover her house in posters, from floor to ceilingBut Hermione stopped the spell from working. It would have been funny, but not really for the greater good.
The soldier scarecrow is wonderful, high praise to you and Pom.
I have heard Barbara practising her Nessum Dorma, but I think she has a backing track, as it is quite difficult in parts.
How is MIL doing, and the lovely Rev Delphine?
Hi Kath, thank you for the lovely cake, I will face plant in one, cannot waitI am sure Toni will be along later to lay claim to one.
Glad the knee is healing and not giving extra cause for concern. I am sure you will keep a close eye on it. It will probably be better by the time you are seen, but I suspect the fluid will still need to be drained.
Sounds like a mix up at the radiography department, if you have had five annual checks already. So they wanted another, then another the year after :? :? now they have cancelled it, did they just cancel this year, or both appointments?
I think Windows does send itself into a spin sometimes. This one was fine when I turned it off at 5, then on again later and it was like the slowest computer imaginable.......anyway, that was soon put right. That's Windows for you :roll: :roll:
Hi Barbara, you are more than welcome hun. I can imagine the relief was immense. All the worry is so so tiring.
You are as bad as we are then, for pillows.......endless ones, too high, too low, too soft, like a brick, neck shaped, air filled, cool topped.................and still wake up with a neck that has been put on backwards :shock: :shock: :roll: At least he cats are comfy and enjoy their siesta's :roll: while I count sheep.
Oh yes, the car knows that if you turn left, you end up at the GC, after about a mile or so, if you turn right, you end up in town at the T room, similar distance. Either way is fine by me
We are going to the big Boundary Mill store at Colne tomorrow. Dad wants to look for some new troosers. I will be quite happy being pushed around by B. Then we will go to Banny's I think it is called, lovely fish and chip restaurant on the same site. Will let you know what the coffee is like :? :? :shock:
We hope the wisteria does flower, we will wait with bated breath.
I said to Toni that you would take a backing track, to get your through the difficult bits in Nessum Dorma. No one will know.
There is a fresh pot of caramel sauce, that will go nicely with Kath's cake.
Have a nice time with Niemh visiting and will be thinking of you at the Drs in the morning. Find out what Neuro are up to, we don't want you hanging on for appointments or info.
Right, it is nearly 5. I think I am about caught up today. Washing, tick, drying, tick. Immaculising done, cleaning cupboard cleanedGeneral fussification - check.
Time for T me thinks. I have been to see the lovelies and they are all well, the warthogs have had babies and they are really cute, but I won't go into their enclosure to pet them :shock:
The Tapirs are having a swim, blush is happy with his lady friend. The Meerkats are not sure whether to come out or not, they keep peeping.
The manatee's are looking very well, babies too. The pools are very tempting to have dip, but we are best not to.
Hi to everyone else, to Kerrin, Christine, Mig, DD, Toady, Elizabeth, and all.
Love and Sparkles XXXX t4591 t115006 Aidan.XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Back again - before midnight, so that spare hour was very useful, thanks Carol.
A quiet evening, it is quite chilly tonight. Just relaxing and some pottering. No fussification needed, as it was all done earlier today.
B has been making some more jewellery, another commission
Pepe and Sleek were chatting on their phones earlier. Silver has been teaching them about the magic of catching the suns rays. Of course they were in awe. Their next and greatest challenge will be to catch some of a rainbow when one appears. That will be some feat. t115006 t115006 It must be possible, or Silver would not have asked them.
They have ordered slippers, from catazon prime. I rather like them and need a paid of my own.
Did you see the new shoes that Sleek has ordered Toni? I think they arrived while you were out at choir practice. They are in her ickle house, you cannot miss them :shock:
How did your Nessum Dorma go? I am sure Barbara was in full voice, with a little help from her backing track, no one will have noticed 8) 8)
Carol will have another busy day today. Out with Mr T I think and then coffee with her friend. Cannot believe it is Friday already.
I hope that Kerrin is feeling not too bad and the tennis tournament went well. I am sure the children did you proud. Now you can look forward to the week end and a recharge.
Hi to Christine, Mig, DD, Toady, Elizabeth Charrisse and all who wander into our crazy cafe. Everyone is welcome
It is gone midnight and I am already the shape of a pumpkin :shock: so I will away and potter a while.
Everyone take lots of care. Love and sparkles, XXX Aidan t4591 t115006
Mini pancakes with blueberriesXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Thank you for the pancakes Aidan very nice almost healthy breakie!
I have been in Sleek's ickle house and in the wardrobe pride of place are the little kitty shoes! they are the tiniest things you've ever seen
AS for the slippers I must take you some photos because they were copying LUCY!! She has two pairs of unicorn slippers!
BTW Sleek told me a bit of news....she said supervert has been in and we may have one or two babies on the way! Blush and at least three manatees!!!
Catching rays from the sun hmmmmm....rainbows too? Mind you this is the time of year to learn isn't it? t115006
Did you hear that they did play a trick on the mean lady? They made her have a dream that her house was covered in posters windows too.
Barbara did make it to choir with the backing track (we all have one, but no-one else plays theirs in their ear-phones!!!) and it didn't half help!
B is a busy-B then? How lovely commissions must be lovely knowing who something is actually for before starting
Your car knows the way to the T room and GC!!! we went to ours yesterday myself and Tia to fetch some plants for the fish tank
Barbara I have the shaped pillow the one with a dip on the centre for your head one end for side sleeping one for back sleeping.
Good luck at the Docs I think he will chase up neuro for you and give you even more reassurance
Choir was fun with all that Elderflower wine we drank!!Mind you I'm sure it lubricated our vocal chords!!
I have christened the soldier 'Charles' and already people are taking photos! Hehehe! Maybe we'll beat the next village this year eh?
Oh KathThank you!!!!!!!!!!!!
Look at that! light layers of spongeMy face will easily go through them to get at the cream
Aidan's already had one so I'll have one too..........SPLATTT!!!
Getting extra breast screening appointments will scare you! Honestly! They are silly :roll:
A morning Hello! to Sue/Joan (it's Suesday) hope it's not raining with you both?
Love to everyone
Toni xxx0 -
Hello Carol Barbara Kathleen Toni Aidan.
Carol you have a busy day enjoy it if you can.
Barbara good luck at your appointment we will be there.
Kathleen that's good your knee getting better.
Toni how is Lucy doing. how is your back.
Aidan that's good your pc working properly now. snow in places this weekend we have rain to wet for dogs we are going in to town by dial a ride.
have a good day everyone
take care
joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Mini pancakes with blueberries, thank you Aidan, I'll have half a dozen. :oops:
Greedy me.
I was going to take a new photo of my knee, but I have a patch on it so couldn't. Maybe tomorrow.If the weather is still like today, I don't think we will be under the gazebo. :? scold scold
I know today's cake looks a bit basic, but it has home made Damson jam in it. So there are 6, as it is a definite face planter.Extra jars of Damson jam in the cafe pantry, help yourselves. I might have a go at home made jammie dodgers for the bush babies.
The Royals are taking their time telling us the new Prince's name. Maybe they can't choose one. I think they should consult Aidan, with his expertize at choosing pedigree names. I'm sure he'll do them proud. Maybe we could have a little competition? How about James Algernon Charles, nicknamed Algy? I'm being daft now, aren't I. :roll:
Stay warm and dry everyone xxxx"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
So it's Prince Louis Arthur Charles. I quite like it, but I still think Aidan could think of a better name.
t69044 t4591 t115006 t69044 t4591 t115006 t69044"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Afternoon to all, a wet, mizzling day, the sort of rain that soaks you through :shock: You know what I mean
It was "almost" a healthy breakfast Toni, depending on the amount of finest maple syrup:?
I can only imagine how totally cute those little shoes are, that Miss Sleek has. I would definitely be all broody :shock: :shock:
Pepe likes his slippers, ah, so they were peeking around and saw Lucy's Unicorn slippers.
Babies, see, I knew I was broodyBaby Blushes and Baby /Mannatee's, aw, we will need creches.
Our duo were out this morning, in their wet weather gear, the managed to gather some mists. I think they were hoping for a gap in the clouds, to see if they could catch a rainbow, but no luck today.
Pepe didn't mention that Mrs grumpy drawers had had a dream that her entire house was covered in posters and post it notesApparently they all said "I must keep the place tidy"
Glad to hear that Barbara was in full voice with her backing track keeping her on pitch and the elderflower wine was helping to reach those higher notes.
Yes, B has finished the commission already :shock: he was beavering away last night, next thing I knew there was a 16 inch seed bead and pearl necklace :shock: :shock: He said he had seedbead itis and was bug eyed :?
Hope the plants are happy in the fish tank. Oh yes, the car knows its way around here, knowing full well that we will end up at one cafe or another :roll:
Rightly so, people should be taking photo's of your Scarecrow, he is highly commendable. Well done to you bothCharles is a very fitting name.
Didn't we make a mess with those lovely cakes from Kath, goodness, we had to nu nu and vax everywhere. It was fun though.
Hi Joan, it's Suesday too, so a wave to Sue as well. Don't blame you for taking dial a ride when it is wet. I was reading about there being the chance of snow over East Anglia way. It was not so warm today either.
Hope you managed to get all your shopping sorted.
Hi Kath, yes, another pic of your knee, need to see how things are progressingnosey nurse aren't I :? :roll:
Cake is cake is cake Kath, it looks just yummy with lovely damson jam too. Did you say six ! Ok, I am heading off to plant my face in one, thank you kindly. Toni will be here in a while.
Oh, a Royal naming, I see the name has been chosen, but I guess that HRH should have a name, using the first letters of the word PRINCE
Pepelongstocking - sleekness, Richard, Napoleonic, Charles, Ebeneeezer :shock: Imagine signing anything
A very nice cake there Kath, for the Royal Prince.
We had a trip to Bounday Mill, enormous place it is. Within a minute of getting there, Dad decided he wasn't going to bother with new trousers, they were too expensive :roll: :roll: :shock: :shock: ok, right, never mind. B pushed me round in a chair, he got a nice pair of Clark's shoes, for £20, I got some long lasting t lights (8 hour burn time). Dad bought a big lemon drizzle cake (enough to feed the street) and that was that. :?
Back homeward and to the T room, so at least we had a nice lunch and lovely coffee. Then the Vets, then Sainsb, then home, finally, with my knees screaming at me, for sitting too long. All pills and two Tramadol on top, are just starting to kick in, so I am going to post soon as I am typing everything twice, as there are so many errors :roll:
Hi to Barbara, hope you were ok at the Drs, was thinking of you t4591 t115006
Hi to Carol, Kerrin, Mig, Christine, Toady, DD, Elizabeth and all.
I think we have enough cake, but I did have a rather nice chocolate brownie at lunch, well, we were sat next to the cake counter and they were looking at me :? :?
Love and Sparkles to all, catch up again later. t4591 t115006XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Evening everyone.
It’s Friday and I survived the week. My little tennis team exceeded expectations and came 2nd out of 16. Not bad considering none of them play outside of school. It was a rather physically exhausting day though.
Tape is off the shoulder, nice to have a proper bath. Still going to Southampton tomorrow for swimming comp as paid for hotel but might only do the breastroke. Will see tomorrow.
So much for getting my prescription sorted. GP wouldn’t prescribe without word from the hospital as liver enzymes were raised in last blood test. Sigh. So haven’t increased my dose yet.
Tomicat is still enjoying his extra snacks but also sneaking up to eat Jericats food. Jericat spent the day stuck inside a drawer, she is such a numpty!
The new pillow is helping but need to decide whether to lug it to Gloucester next week on the School residential trip.
Scarecrows in the village, sounds lovely.
Kath, hope the knee is feeling a bit better.
Hope more people make it to the knitting group next week. Nice to gather together for a knit and natter.
Prince Louis, I quite like the name. Or we can go with Aidan’s suggestion!
Time to get off the train, drive home and let the weekend begin.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk0 -
Evening all sorry this is late doctors this morning..then gallivanting and had a nap..nap 3 hours it was.. :shock:
Aiden we have been to the boundary mill at Coln , I think there is another one further up country..did you not have fish and chips mind you we have only been in the tea room it a bit to big for me now but loved it..glad B got as bargain with his shoes..would love to see a pic of the jewellery he has just we have baby warthogs...I wondered what the squeals were bless
yes choir practice went well thanks to my back music..
loved the the unicorn slippers I want some..and the legs come to that..
and the little diddy trainers so cute.. thanks for thinking about me will type what went on at the end..
Joan we had rain all day now the sun is out and thankyou all was well.
Kerrin is busy has usual but your prescription isn't sorted..I hope they do has soon as the bloods come back and yes take your pillow with you..
Kath more cake thankyou never to much..rain here has well.. :roll: yes the baby has been named..little Louis
Toni give me the name of the pillow I am always up for trying another one..I have the body one but not the shaped neck one..did you see me jigging away to Nessum deserve to win best kept village on the scarecrows alone..
Right is that everyone..the doctor got the receptionist to ring Neuro , they said we have rang twice they haven't I always check the phone when we have been they will send an appointment for another MRI..then take it from there..delaying tactics I think :roll: ..anyhow the doctor was lovely..and want to see me in 3 weeks she went over everything and said dont go worrying.. :shock:
Off for some cake now which to to all t4591 t4591
Barbara0 -
Back again, with one eye on the tennis from Barcelona that we record in the daytime. I want Klizan to beat Raffa (not that I don't like Raffa, just nice to see someone else go further for a change)
Talking of tennis, your team did you proud Kerrin, I knew they would. Second out of sixteen is really good, pats on the back all round. Especially to the teacher
I bet you enjoyed your soak in the bath, with tape removed. How does your shoulder feel now?
Breaststroke it the most gentle of the swimming strokes, so best keep to that one for now. I know you won't risk overdoing it.
GP's are quite reserved about prescribing some medication, that is "hospital based". Are they going to re check the bloods in a week or two. Let's hope the enzymes levels come down. Glad you are ok with the current dosage.
Pepe and Sleek are forever sending magic parcels of slimming foods down to Tomicat. Oh my, poor Jerricat, stuck in the drawer.........big oooops. They do like to get in the most awkward of places and then pretend they cannot hear you when you call them :roll:
I would take the pillow, if it is for a residential week, you need to have some comfort, you never know what the pillows are going to be like :? :?
Hi Barbara don't worry about being later in the day, look at me, I am often only just sitting down at midnight :roll: :roll:
A three hour nap, way to go. You must have needed it. Siesta's are very difficult for me at the moment, Pepe is all unsettled, just as much as I am, a right pair :roll: :?
There are other Boundary Mill stores, Newcastle, Grantham, Walsall and Sheffield. I didn't realise there were 5. It is a huge place and that in itself I find a bit daunting. It is ok of you know just what you are looking for, in which area.
The home ware section is nice, upstairs. Lots of sparkly shiny things t115006
We have baby warthogs, yes and more red panda's and manatee's too, mums are all expecting
I would love some Unicorn slippers, but fear I might end up in a heap:shock: I can trip over a matchstick, so squishy bouncy glitzy slippers might not suit
I would look a right bobby dazzler.
No problem, we all think fondly of each other. t4591 So, your GP sounded quite ok with things and said don't go worrying - right, ok, of course you won't :shock: :?
Fancy Neuro saying they had rung you twice, mmmm, telling little porky pies there.
Another MRI, at some point and see the GP again in three weeks. I wonder if your Dr will do a bit more chasing up during that time.
Which cake? Hobson's choice, so some of everythingJust to make sure you like them all.
I think Pepe and Sleek are off to Lytham today, some sea mists are needed and any excuse for a piece of fresh haddock, sitting on the promenade, bless. t4591
I will away and do a little pottering, too much sitting today, the wheelchair was not really ample enough, for those of us who are broad in the beam shall we say, ie, yes, my bum did look big in it
Love to all, Toni, Carol, Christine, Mig, DD, Toady, Elizabeth, Charrisse and everyone.
Love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 Take lots of care XX Aidan
Rustic Wild Blueberry wholewheat Tart with lemon and gingerXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Blueberry tart Aidan? Mmmm I shall add a dollop or clotted cream to mine and left what is left (not that much I'm afraid :oops: ) in the fridge. Maybe it will expand :?
Sleek is just back from Lytham and has had a lovely time she is full of it and exhausted bless herenjoyed her fish and I think maybe Pepe will not disturb your siesta so much today fingers crossed. they tried again to catch a rainbow but didn't see any t115006
I told them no more bad dreams for Mrs Grumpypants. hehe!
So many pregnant animals for usHow lovely is this? We'll all be stroking them again and taking it in turns to feed them with bottles. Barbara will be making formula again :shock:
I am sure B's commission is all done and looking lovely for some lucky personI would have seedbeaditis after about 3 of them!!
Yes we did make amess both of us running up and splatting all up the wall and even the ceiling :oops: :oops: The chocolate brownie was lovely and much more civilised
You did have a busy day yesterday I hope you have recovered now ((()))
Do you know what - I am ashamed to say Boundary mill is one place (our nearest is Walsall) I NEVER go. Tried it twice and failed to find a single bargain either time. Most disappointed I wasI prefer the Range and TKMax and maybe Dunhelm. Oh and I love Cheshire Oaks' retail outlets. t4591
I am glad you know what to buy there thoughMaybe you and B should take me?
Barbara I should think 3 hours after your recent worries! A week would be reasonable!
You need to try a 'contour pillow' you can get them at dunhelm easily enough I have probably had about 6 over the years since my first one.
How much did you have of the elderflower wine? It aws fabulous wasn't it? He whispered in my ear that it was about 15% proof and I had already had my amytrip :shock: so was careful not to have much. You can do Nessum Dorma can't you with your tiny earphones in
Glad the GP was reassuring and I hope the MRI is soon so it can be 'put to bed'
Kerrin I always take my contour pillow away with me if at all possible.
I am so glad the shoulder has eased and hope you do well today swimming take care now.
Well done to your team!
Jericat trying to be clever eh? Hiding in a drawer and ending up trapped :roll: cats! Tomicat told Pepe and Sleek that if Jericat is stupid enough not to finish breakfast he will sort it
Kath Louis pronouncing the 's' or not? Very good name at anyrate. Not as good as Pepe though Sleek's choice.
Algy would have been rather sweet for a baby maybe not so as the Prince grew up though??
I love the wee face planter and stopped only to add a thick layer of cream to mine
The cake for Prince Louis is very fitting.
Joan I hope you enjoyed your shopping nd didn't get too wet. Poor doggies don't like rain do they? My back is ok ATM thank you just usual painkillers and a wheatie most days, but ok. What about you? what is the next thing for you?
I hope all is well with Carol i'm sure it is though she might need a trolley to fetch her hours from the shed!!
Love to all
Toni xx0 -
Hello Kathleen Barbara Aidan Toni Kerrin.
Kathleen I hope your knee is not too painful.
Barbara the Doctor sounded has if she cared.
Aidan chocolate brownie's are nice with coffee.
Toni I'm the same has Barbara waiting for a MRI mine is late because of the snow.
Kerrin. I bet you were pleased with the children it's thanks to your hard work.
take care have a good weekend
Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
A considerable improvement methinks.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Oh I definitely prefer Aidan's choice.
But the family has spoken, so Prince Louis of Cambridge it is.
Thank you Joan, my knee only hurts when I kneel on it. Hope you get your MRI soon.
So Pepe and Sleek can't catch a rainbow. Perhaps they would have more success with Rainbow Trout.
What a tasty looking tart Aidan, and already sliced too.
A 3 hour nap Barbara, sounds good to me.
Raspberry Polenta Cake. Plenty to go round."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Afternoon all..a lovely day but cool in the breeze..
Kath that knee still doesn't look right to me but you know best..glad its healing for you..yes 3 hours... :shock: and I slept last night..mow I will have a slice of that yummy cake
Toni we go to dunhelm so will have a look at there pillows I know I love there bedding..I did have a bit to much wine..but it was so good..the little headphone worked a treat..
but still need the back track...
Joan yes the doctor is so lovely one of 3 I have seen and they are all nice..but she is the main you are waiting for your MRI..I hope you get it soon
Aiden are you ok say you are unsettled ..we don't want it because of Pepe or something else.. I didnt know about the other Boundary mills...but remember how good there homeware is..I take my hat off to B doing all the seed work..he must have good thumbs and eyes thank I will have a slice of the blueberry tart...with Kath cake of course..
and better make up some feeds..
Just had a trip to our little cafe..I am fancying again...salmon sandwiches on brown bread..and lemon drizzle cake, shared of course.. :roll:
Love to everyone... t4591 t4591 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
Afternoon to all, a sunny day, pleasant temperature, could stand this all year m0150
I did look for some clotted cream, but it seems to have vanished, instead of expanding :shock: :? I had to make do with thick double cream instead :roll:
There was considerable excitement after the trip to Lytham, Pepe was all out of sorts, too much hunting for rainbows. He is very tired now, the sea air has worn him out and hopefully he will settle at siesta time, maybe both of us will :shock: :roll: :roll:
They still chuckle about their spell of sticky notes and posters, for Mrs Gtrumpypants. But they won't cast any more, yet :?
I think Barbara will be very busy with the new formula's when all the babies arrive. There is a new feeding system that is linked to all the enclosures and pools, a bit like piped oxygen in hospital
It will save dashing about in the buggies, from one place to another.
There is a 50 gallon feeding tank in the keepers preparation room, I am sure Barbara will keep it up and running, as needed.
B's commission is for next door, she is coming round in a while, to see if the necklace is the right length. He has had a bead free day so far.
Chocolate brownie was much less messyand equally yummy.
I am takes a few days sometimes, to feel like you are back to your own kind of "normal".
It has been years since we went to B Mills, We like the Range, TK Max and Dunelm Mill far more. The Range is the best, there are SO many sparkly wonderful things in there, I am like a kid in a sweet shop.
Have never been to Cheshire Oaks, our Niece and her partner have been a few times and seem to like it. They usually stay overnight, in a B&B, so they can shop till they drop
We could take you to B Mills, but, there are better places to go to round and about. We have to go where there is proper coffee.
I tried one of those contour pillows, I could not move my neck when I woke up :shock: :roll:
15% proof Elderflower wine, one glass would be more than enough to put me on my back.
Hi Joan, you are waiting for an MRI too, I remember now. Let us know and we will make sure we are under the cloak.
I was having my second coffee with the chocolate brownie yesterday. I am slowly working my way through the cake counter in the T room
Hi Kath There is definitely fluid in that knee, which I would happily drain for youI would go for a steroid shot as well, depending on the scan.
It looks a little less angry to me. Try not to kneel on it....... :?
Oh I am sure rainbow trout would be far easier to catch, well, maybe for Sleek, not sure how Pepe would react to a big wet fish flapping about - he might faint.
Oh, Polenta cake, wonderful, I will cut a couple of slices for later, thank you kindly. It looks SO yummy.
Hi Barbara, steady away with that Elderflower wine, it can be quite overwhelming :shock: :shock:
Me being unsettled is nothing new, worry not. I go through phases like this and then I seem to calm down again. Nothing that I can put my finger on in particular, nor could the pshychologist, ,even after a years worth of visits. :roll: :roll: He did give me a label, I forget, neurotic anxiety with OCD I think. That was a long time ago.
I am sure some extra polenta cake will help.
The homeware section on B Mills is good, I think we would go on our own, if we went again.
Quite hoe Bill sees the beads I have no idea, I know he wears his glasses, but I would need a huge magnifying glass, even then I would never catch them. It would be like tiddlywinks
Next door is on her way round in 5 mins, to try her necklace on. So I will away for now.
Everyone take lots of care, love to all, in out and round about. Hugs and Sparkles to all t4591 t115006 Aidan XXXXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hi to one and all.
Nearly midnight, but finally seem to be catching up. Neighbour came round with her best friend, who we know well. It was like a jewellery show, with orders for this, that and the other..............B had to write things down, so he could remember everything. Way to go, more commissions
Siesta was kind of hit and miss. Pepe was unsettled again. Said Lordship won't be out flying in the morning, he is resting after an unfortunate "headache" (Toni will understand). :shock: Sleek had a "headache" a week or so ago.
With Pepe having long trousers, it was for the best that he had a nice shower. We will leave it at that :shock: :? :?
Much cleanification, washing, degermification etc. He is nice and settled now, having dried himself a thousand times, as they do.
He left a note for his beloved Miss Sleek, to apologise for his "headache" and he will speak to her later. :oops:
So, that was a little time taken up and a lot of back pain to boot, showering a puskin is never easy, you need at least 8 arms.
All is quiet at the moment and he is eating just fine. Not much puts him off his meals, as long as the batch numbers are to his liking :roll: :roll:
B is busy away, ordered a lot more supplies and a trip to buy more beads is high on the to do list.
I hope everyone is as ok as can be. I have left some hours in a carrier bag for you Carol, I feel you may need them. Was it Church open day on Sat? Did you sell any more cards.
How is MIL doing Toni? Any nearer to going home? News of any little flowers appearing on Whilemena? Wonder if Pom's will flower first.
It is cold tonight, feels like it could be a bit frosty here. Not what we need when little buds are appearing on various plants.
Hi to everyone else, Kerrin, Elizabeth, Kath, Christine, Mig, Toady, DD, Charrisse and all.
The lovelies are all happy, most are asleep in suitably heated stalls, stables, pools, ponds, burrows etc.
I will away and do some more pottering, I am setting rapidly.
Love and sparkles to everyone t4591 t115006
Some extra sparkled from the Nymphs
Some Waffle JafflesXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0
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