Val's Cafe



  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hang on, I'll just grab some of that toast. That's the problem with increasing Pred., hunger and craving starchy food! Hence todays meal. :D

    Joan, yes I've often had swollen lumpy knees, and elbows I've had my shoulders drained, hips, and even the palm of my hand. That really hurt. The needle went down through the centre of my two middle fingers. :o

    Glad you enjoyed the pasta Toni, the steroids are helping a bit thank you. And it has been pouring down here too, but it's stopped now. scold scold

    Aidan, sorry you witnessed the accident. I bet it made you wobbly all day, although your nursing experience probably made you want to help. You re welcome for a gleg at my knee, any time you like. :lol:

    Sesame Ginger Tofu and vegetables. Enjoy.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all, bright, sunny and breezy. cfly Plenty of welcome rain overnight, the garden was drying out.

    Oh course, Cheshire Oaks shopping, how could I forget Toni. Glad the toasties set you up for the day ahead. I bet there are some ouchies to tend to :? :?
    Hope you got everything you needed and more :) Coffee and cakes per chance :D:D

    Sleek and Pepe were making a din this morning, laughing at the rubbish and bloomers blowing in the trees in the next village. Yes, it is an at home day for the puskins, given the weather we had earlier.

    Pepe had a hairball :shock: :mrgreen: so that put him out of sorts for a while. He is ok again now and eating sachets that he said were tainted by the vets :shock: We are all in shock. He will tell Miss Sleek of his hairball when they have a catch up later.

    Pawsecco, now, not heard of that one. Just had a nosy, you can get it at Pets At Home, a strange concoction of herbal infusions............not sure that Pepe or Mother would go near it :mrgreen: :shock: :shock:
    Knowing Pepe I would not dare let him try it, given his rather tender constitution :roll: :roll: Let me know if Sleek tries it :? :?

    Whatever next.

    We were a little miffed about the eye test. Especially after being stuck in roadworks and then the horrid accident. I rang them to say we would be a little late too :shock: :?

    I was soon calmed, by coffee and cakes. Plus we did well with the bargain shop :)

    Mum was a tour de force when it came to cleaning, only 6 stone wet through, but she could immaculise the Vicarage in no time at all. We used to call her mighty mouse. :lol::lol:
    Yes, one car and that was not for errands, that was for Dad to tend to his parishoners.

    No worries about cleaning up, the nu nu and Barbara did a wonderful job, I did the ceiling :shock: :lol::lol:

    Hi Joan, no, it was a nasty accident, people think they are so safe in their cars and motorbikes race along the A59, despite knowing how dangerous the road is.
    You have had rain too, so the doggies would not like to be out long in that, a quick nip into the garden.

    Hi Barbara, they are horrid, road accidents. I bet there is one serious accident nearly every week on the main road to Skipton. People think there is room to overtake and then run out of road :shock: :shock:
    B is a very sensible driver and always stays well back from the car in front, we like to see what is going on at all times. When motorbikes fly past, they make you jump.

    Mum was as fit as a lop. She was very tiny, but was super house proud and you never knew who was going to knock at the door, day or night.

    Your welcome to the vitamin list. I cannot think that an increase in greens etc, would cause a problem.

    We had better go and rescue your bloomers, :lol::lol: :shock: I have a long grabber pole, must not let the next villagers see us though, we will go under the cloak.

    So Mr B is making some furniture, from the flat pack. Oh dear, dark mutterings of what rubbish it is............ :? :? keep your head down and make a nice cup of T eh.

    Finally Neuro have been in touch, albeit in a roundabout way. At least they rang you back and said a letter would be on its way to you. Let's hope they don't dilly dally.

    Prednisolone does just the same with me Kath, I am on the hunt for anything and everything, always hungry.

    Draining fluid from your hand is very ouchy indeed. Did they not offer some lignocaine injection first? They would not have got near me without it. Knees, shoulders are bad enough, but between the fingers is OUCH. :shock: :shock:

    Good that the steroids are starting to help.

    Accidents do make me shudder. Cars etc, go with such a bang. The injured had already been taken to Leeds General, it was the car and bike that were being scooped up when we got through. We were always told that we could help at the scene of an accident, but we were liable for our actions as we were not on duty, or insured by the hospital at such a time. :? :roll:

    Look at those lovely veggies Barbara, let's have a snack. Thanks Kath.

    I will just put some cakes out, Cherry pies, with crumble topping.


    I will have a potter. Put some more cream on my split hands and sore lips. I had so much Sodocrem on my lips that B said I looked like I was in the Black and White Minstrels :lol::lol::lol: :shock:

    Hi to everyone else, Kerrin, Carol, Christine, Elizabeth, Mig DD, Toady, Charrisse and all.

    Love and Sparkles to everyone - will be back later XXXX Aidan t4591 t115006
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all

    this is just a quickie before pottering and doing little bits that need to be done will post more tomorrow

    Aidan Barbara
    Toni I have been notified that all people who have ordered off my website will receive an email survey from the company to complete to give them feedback on how the new company is going, can I please ask you kindly to fill it in please. thank you in advance.

    to everyone else if you are interested in seeing my card website you will find it at

    will catch up with you all tomorrow
    love and sparkles to you all t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all - quite cool again tonight, clear skies.

    Hi Carol that's no problem, will do any surveys that the card company send out :) I hope you managed to get all your bits and bobs done, while pottering. As part of the national association of potterers, we must stick together :)

    Any news on the tiling? Did Mr T manage to find someone who can do the work for a reasonable rate?

    I think Toni will need to be resting up, after a day out at Cheshire Oaks. Maybe some ouchies me thinks, in which case I will send the bush babies and possums over, as well as some magical woven squares. t115006 I hope you had a great time though, I will have to Google it and have a nosy around online. Our Niece loves it there.

    Sleek and Pepe were nattering over the crystal ball. Miss Slimkins is keeping a close eye on the village, to make sure that everything is ship shape and perfect, for the judging. She has several catcams set up, to make sure no one leaves any rubbish. She told Pepe there were a lot of bags that came into her house today, which she has to check out.

    Hi to everyone else, in out and around about.

    A quiet evening here, just pottering and the like. B is busy with his jewellery making.

    We had hair cuts the other day. Apparently, because I missed some bits with the clippers, I should really be on a second warning :lol: :shock: :lol: Well, hair hides and then pops up from nowhere. Anyway, it is all sorted now and I have not received my written warning yet............ :? :?

    Right, I will go make a cuppa, take my next lot of pills.

    Off into town today, time we were visiting the T room, perfect as it is only 30 yards from the Surgery and my prescription will be ready. :D coffee and cakes are needed.

    Everyone take lots of care, enjoy the fine weather, as it starts to warm up.

    All the lovelies are fine, the ladies who are expecting are doing well, the Vets have been round again today, to check on progress.

    Let me go sort out breakfast.

    Love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 XX Aidan

    Baked dark chocolate croissant

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,233
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Barbara Kathleen Aidan Carol.
    Barbara we like it warm it's been so cold. sorry if it's too warm for you.
    Kathleen sorry you have been through a lot.
    Aidan my Dad always said when you are driving treat every diver like an idiot.
    Carol I hope you have a good day.
    Hello Toni now you need a rest.
    take care
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,219
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I do need a rest after yesterday :)

    LOTS of bags for Sleek to inspect and inspect them she did. I had a great time and Italian lunch at Carluccio's. 2 Costas too!

    Thanks Joan and Aidan it was fabulous!

    Now I am late on because this morning Paul and I had to meet up with Tia's BF.

    He asked our permission to ask Tia to marry him :D:D:D:D

    WOW!! she doesn't know yet of course and he has chosen a lovely white gold ring for her.

    He is now trying to work out how to propose!!

    Of course we were happy to agree they have been together 5 years now :)


    and overexited Toni!

    Back later when I have calmed down t4591
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Toni, congratulations on your wonderful news. 5 years. How exciting. t4591 t69044

    Whose bloomers escaped, Glad they weren't mine, that would scare all the cats and dogs in the world. :shock:

    I must have looked tough Aidan, as I was offered no pain relief. They probably thought after 5 babies, I could cope. :lol:

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    :shock: :shock: :shock: t69044 t69044 t69044 oh the excitement Toni, I can only begin to imagine how thrilled you are and all done the proper way, asking the parents first - what a nice man, we like him to bits already :)

    I have ordered a hat


    It is all edible, just in case we need a snack, en route. :lol::lol:

    So that's who was on the house phone earlier, Miss Sleek, I wondered what the shrieking was and gave the phone to Pepe. :shock:
    They are choosing outfits at the week end apparently, by order of Miss Slimkins. He said, of course my dear. Bless.

    I am made up for you all, not least Tia, who is still not in the know, so to speak. Sssssshhh.

    You will need another rest after today as well - let alone get over the shopping and the Italian and two lots of Costa, way to go Toni and Paul :) Sleek said the bags were very interesting.

    Do tell more news later, when you have had time to be calm, as IF. :lol::lol: :roll:

    You are right Joan, my Dad said exactly the same thing, if you treat all others as idiots on the road, then you will be as safe as possible :lol::lol:

    Hoping the warm weather comes your way over the week end. They say a very warm bank holiday Monday, which will make a change as it usually rains.

    It's ok Kath, they were Barbara's bloomers and a pair or mine :shock: (well, one likes to be comfy in ones bloomers, hence you could set sail with mine) :lol::lol:

    You must have had a don't mess with me look, but matron would still have offered you lignocaine injections first :)

    It is still very ouchy, even after 5 babies.

    I hope you are not in too much discomfort with your knee, or other ouches and the pred is helping. Have you still got the munchies?

    Apple honey ice cream, thank you, it sounds delicious. I had better put a cake out, in celebration of engagement. The ice cream will go perfectly with it.


    Hi to Barbara, hope you are all ok, is Niemh coming for T tonight? I think it should be chips all round, pretty please Mr B :) Best be choosing a hat.........not Mr B :lol::lol:

    Hi to Kerrin, Carol, Christine, Elizabeth, Mig, DD, Toady, Charrisse, and all.

    Right, I am mid, cleanifying and immaculising, so I will carry on a little.
    We had a lovely leisurely coffee and cakes at the T room this morning, then the vets, (they had no food in for Pepe), :shock: :shock: duly ordered, ready for Sat morning. I will have enough for his nibs, I won't tell him. I always keep hidden sachets in various cupboards :roll: :?

    Onward and upward, oh I am excited too..................................

    Love and many sparkles to all t4591 t115006 t115006 t115006 XXX Aidan
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    :shock: :shock: thought I had posted this morning..someone must have pinched it unless its my imagination
    Toni many congratulation to Tia and BF she doesn't know yet how very exciting..and how lovely of him to ask Paul for his permission what a gentleman :D not many left..not at that age..
    Aiden yes we will both buy new hats..cant wait :D so you had a nice day at the T rooms .. :D the furniture turned out to be ok and the cushions are so comfy so dont know what OH was grumbling at :lol: I did make Tea and kept quiet.. 8) hope you are not on your second you say hairs hide.. :lol: I was wondering if all the vitamins in tablet form will be ok with my kidneys ..I do eat lots of veg was it cherry pie you left and baked chocolate croissant hope all the cream is helping your and white minstrels that took me back..Niamh didnt come this week..but coming at the weekend and daddy is then taking her to a fair with GD...
    Joan I use to love it hot but no more, just nice and warm will you and Sue do..very good advice off your dad.. :)
    Kath the draining of your hands sent shiver down me.. :shock: gosh you have gone through some things..I hope the selling goes down soon for you...
    Carol yes I will fill in the form..hope you are doing well with the cards.. :)
    Right better to everyone t4591 t69044 t4591
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    hi to all, hope everyone is as ok as possible t115006

    Of course Barbara, we will need to go shopping, I will need another hat, because we will eat that one in no time :lol:

    who pinched your post? How rude :? maybe it was your imagination and all the stress of Mr B putting the garden furniture together :lol:
    I am glad it is all duly assembled and the cushions are nice and comfy, just in time for the fine weather - don't sit out too long though, or you will be in a lather.

    It was very pleasant, in the T room, they do look after us, both there and in the GC. I think we will go to the GC on Saturday, best be earlier, as it will be packed if the sun is going to shine.

    Most vitamins, in pill form are quite ok with impaired renal functions, in many cases, an increase in vitamins is necessary. Keeping within the recommended daily dose is certainly ok. A good multivitamin contains most of the vitamins and trace elements like zinc / magnesium etc. Vitamin D is recommended with renal disease, plus you eat plenty of greens. I am sure you will be ok, but if you feel unsure, ask for a call back from the GP, just to check, or ask a pharmacist.

    There were individual cherry pies, with crumble topping, plus baked chocolate croissants, plus honey ice cream from Kath and a big engagement cake for Tia and BF :) So, go for it :lol::lol:

    I have given up on the Sudocrem, trying Diprobase now, just cannot get rid of the sore cracked area. Might need a delve into the lotions ie prescription ones.
    I did look like one of the Minstrels though :lol::lol: B said I would frighten the neighbours :shock: :lol::lol:

    That will be nice if Niamh comes over at the week end, with Daddy and then to the Fair with your GD, she will love that I am sure.

    Draining Bursa's is not pleasant, try not to think about it Barbara, there are things that are very ouchy and not nice, I used to shudder when I was nursing on more than one occasion.

    I imagine Toni has had to lie down with T bags on her eyes, in a darkened room, to get over the excitement. It is all very lovely and very chivalrous of BF to ask the future MIL and FIL for their permission. t4591 t4591

    Lots of cleaning done, litter tray immaculised, much to the pleasure of Pepe and Mother, there is always a race to be first in :lol::lol: plus it is extra fun to throw fresh litter as far as possible :roll: :roll:

    Pepe and Sleek have been looking through various wedding outfitters, Sleek has narrowed her outfits down to about 100. :shock: She thinks that Pepe will look lovely in a new kilt and all the trimmings. He seemed ok with that idea.

    Dad is coming round this morning, for coffee croissant and a hair cut. He was hinting the other day bless him. B was already on the case though.

    Right, I will potter along. Love to everyone, Kerrin, Christine, Mig, Toady, DD, Elizabeth, Charrisse, Carol and all.

    Everyone take lots of care. Love and Sparkles all round t4591 t115006 XX Aidan

    A delicate breakfast today

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,219
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    A delicate breakfast is exactly what the Dr ordered Aidan thank you :) I have recovered very well thank you from yesterday's excitement.

    Sleek has also been looking at outfits for 'Mother of the Bride' and found me several to choose from. I wish my Mum was alive to be part of this. She would have loved it.

    Pepe will be wearing a custom made kilt I believe to co-ordinate with whichever outfit Sleek settles on herself. He dos indeed say 'yes dear' quite a lot.

    Does Dad look smart then? He is very patient :wink: I am sure 'the trainee' did a good job helping sweep up.

    Thank you for the engagement cake it's lovely so exiting! I do like your hat :lol:

    Your bloomers blew onto the windscreen on the way back from choir last night :lol: It was a total blackout :shock: as you say we must be comfy in our undergarments :|

    Always good to have fresh litter to flick around isn't it? :roll: :animal_busy:

    Hoping to sit behind our new balustrade in the sunshine m0150

    NB/ there was no food for Pepe at the vet's Miss Sleek removed it all as it was 'bad numbers'.

    Barbara I am very pleased he is just the right lad for Tia. He can get rid of large spi***s and change lightbulbs :lol:

    I take a multivitamin daily because I don't eat meat and I think it's for the best.

    Maybe you forgot that last 'submit post' button yesterday?

    Thank you Kath it is exiting. He is a nice lad I have always been Team-Mikey for him :) t4591

    I haven't seen your bloomers yet are they the pink ones? I know Barbara's are union jack ones....

    Love the apples and ice cream (added extra clotted to mien of course)

    I think we are due a nice bank holiday so Aidan said :) Hello to Sue!! Just incase you haven't seen we are celebrating an engagement :) Tia and her BF

    Love to everyone

    Toni xxx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,233
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Toni Kathleen Aidan Barbara,
    Toni that is lovely news's I'm so pleased for her and you and Paul :D
    Kathleen how are you today.
    Aidan how ids your Dad doing.
    Barbara I'm always cold not being able to walk very quick I still wear a thermal vest when I go out on the scooter because of sitting.
    have a good weekend everyone and Monday
    take care
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all :D had a lovely sleep for once..Toni I still love my mattress
    Aiden .thankyou for the lovely delicate breakfast for a delicate person.. :lol: .think you might be right about the post :lol: I have my umbrella that I bought last summer and never used.. :o its one that goes on a I can sit in the shade but never for long these days...just a few pages in my book.. :) thanks for the info on the vitamins..I had a look in the chemist yesterday ..never seen so many for eyes ..glad you enjoy the t room..and GC tomorrow..yes go early..ours is busy anyway but with the planting season here.. :shock: its good that dad can pop round like that..haircut and breakfast cant be bad.. :D we dont mind you look like one of the minstrels has long as the cream works
    Toni hes a keeper if her can catch big spiders and change a light bulb.. :lol: its all very exciting... :D did you buy loads at Cheshire oaks..if you are anything like me it was the eating place I went for.. :lol: sitting behind the balustrade will be lovely and just in time.. m0150
    Joan I know what you mean about feeling the cold..dont think I have a thermometer built in ..freezing in the cold and over heating in the sun..but love to see the sun it make you feel much better..hope you both have a lovely day..hold on its Sueday today is she ok..
    Love to everyone... t4591 m0150 t4591
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Poem for Barbara,

    m0150 m0150

    I'm selling my swelling,
    to whom would be telling.
    Am I being unkind?
    Perhaps they won't mind
    If I send them bush babies
    with big jammie dodgers
    and oodles of ice cream
    of the strawberry kind.
    the funny mistakes
    and the typos we make
    can brighten our day,
    send our ouchies away.

    :lol: t69044 t69044 t4591 t115006

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Gorgeous and sunny today. m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 Yes Barbara, it is Sueday. :D Hope you don't mind the little ditty I wrote you. Just look at what you said to me a couple of posts back and all will become clear. :lol:

    Tesco day, so will be on pins in an hours time, they're due between 12-1 o'clock. m0150 m0150

    Joan, thank you, I'm having a good day. Hope you and Sue are too. t4591 t115006 t4591

    Aidan, Thank you for the light, but tasty breakfast. I love your wedding hat, and it's edible too. t69044

    Toni, thank you for explaining about Barbara's bloomers. I sent her a spare pair of my spotted pink ones until she gets them back.

    Help yourselves to healthy Doner Kebabs. Full of vitamins. :D

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all, a lovely sunny day here, just right temperature wise :)

    Seem to have had a lazy ish sort of day, apart from immaculising and general pottering, Dad came and had his hair cut, then coffee and a croissant. All smart again now.

    You are very welcome to the delicate breakfast Toni, after all the recent goodies, we will all pop. :shock: :lol:

    Of course, Mother of the Bride is VERY important and I am sure Sleek will be hot on the trail of a few fab u lous ensembles.

    I wish your Mum could have been here too, but worry not, she will be keeping an eye, our loved ones are never far away t115006 t115006

    Pepe is quite excited about his new kilt and all the trimmings, carefully selected to match in with Miss Sleek and your good self :)

    He does say yes dear quite often, but he doesn't mind and Sleek loves fussing over him, which is lovely.

    I kept clear of any hairdressing assistance. I don't want to blot my copy book any more :? :?

    I must apologise for my bloomers blocking your windscreen yesterday, if there is a good wind, they are off on their own :lol::lol: :shock:

    They are fine, once they are "tucked in". :lol::lol::lol:


    I think I will ask if we can get the bus and come over, to sit outside and admire your new balustrades :) We will bring cakes

    So, that's where the food had gone at the Vets, they went to look and I could see through, that it was all gone from the shelf. Naughty Miss Sleek........ :roll: :roll: obviously the new batch, which will be sealed, will be ok I assume :? Before the Vets can taint it.

    If Tia's beaux, can remove large spid--s and change light bulbs, then he is the one, without a doubt :D

    Kaths bloomers are lovely, you cannot miss them that's for sure :lol: :shock:

    Hi Joan and happy Suesday too :) Hope you are both as ok as can be and enjoying the warmer weather, you will be able to go out and about together with the doggies. Dad is ok, we keep a very close eye on him xx

    Hi Barbara, that's good, to have a lovely nights sleep, I cannot remember what that feels like, but your mattress sounds nice and comfy.

    We don't really sit out, I don't do wasps and flies and those horrid midges that eat you alive, there are millions of them at the moment.

    I am sun phobic, trying to keep the wrinkles at bay, plus I soon overheat like you do.

    It's a pleasure, re the information. There are so many vitamins and minerals these days, it is a minefield.........All I remember Mother giving me was a spoonful of malt and black molasses :shock: The malt was ok...........the other was a bit :mrgreen:

    We are veering more towards the T room tomorrow. It will be packed at the GC until Tuesday and Dad wants some Goose Eggs, from the market in town. :shock: :shock:
    So, we will have our first coffee while he goes off and gathers the golden egg on the market :lol::lol:

    I am liking your poem to Barbara, Kath, very good indeed. :)

    Those bloomers are certainly eye catching, they could be seen for miles around, when they were up the tree :lol::lol:

    I hope Tesco came, delivered everything, went and all was ok. We don't want you on pins now.

    It is a rather fetching hat, we could all wear edible hats, just in case. You can never have enough cake :)

    Those veggie donner kebabs look lovely, I cannot remember how many years it is since I had a kebab.......................40 years maybe :shock: :shock: eeeek.

    We have a selection from the deli, for supper tonight, samosas, bhaji's, chicken breast pakora bites, with some chipppies, sounds good to me. All are welcome

    Right, I must potter away. As much as I vacuum with the cordless, Pepe is there, flinging litter again................ :roll: :roll: loving his fresh tray. FLING............... hcold

    It has gone very warm all of a sudden 24 degrees in the lounge

    Love to all, sparkles too t4591 t115006

    Catch up again later. XX Aidan

    Strawberry Shortcake Trifles

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all

    been a lovely warm day here today hope you have all had reasonable weather too. Had trouble again last night getting to our usual church meal long wait for buses then packed when they came. took us 1 hr 10 mins to get there and only 1/2 an hour to get home. so I have decided when it falls on a Thursday that i am at the local Ms group with the cards i will not be going to the meal unless we go back to the old time. had nice afternoon coffee and a chat with my friend today.

    Aidan your filling in the survey when you get it will be very much appreciated thank you. ooh i have just had a giggle national association of potterers especially when looking a the first letters of each word NAP so we are now naps and of course we all need those :lol::lol: yep got all the jobs done. Waiting for the tiler to call us. re when he can come and see us to give a quote.

    Joan You are like me i love it warm the cold really makes my joints more painful than they usually are

    Toni What exciting news about Tia and her BF and what a lovely traditional thing to do to ask you first.

    Kath ooh escaping bloomers what ever next i wonder who they belonged to. oh I see they were Barbara's and Aidan's

    Barbara cards are doing ok at the moment but it doesn't make me much commission but I enjoy doing it. one of the advantages is if I need a card I always can find a suitable one in my stock i have already purchased. and it will be very much appreciate if you fill in the survey when you get it.

    Must now say good night to you all as it is nearly bedtime
    love and sparkles to one and all t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    A pleasantly warm evening here, just right. All set to get a bit warmer over the coming week end and Bank Holiday. Hotter down south than up in t'north :lol:

    Hi there Carol - glad you have seen some sunshine and enjoyed a warm day. I know you prefer it to be warmer, rather than chilly. It is funny how OA and RA are so different for each of us. I get more pain when it is warm / hot, than when it is cooler weather. Most people are the opposite.

    That was a long journey, to go for the Church meal. I would have given up. You don't enjoy things the same when it has been a struggle in itself, to get there. Cannot blame you for not wanting to go when you are busy with the MS group and your cards.

    Has it become a late in the day meal or just peak time, when the world and his wife want to travel?

    Good natter with your friend over coffee, very nice too. I hope she is doing as well as possible.

    I never noticed that abbreviation of the association of potterers. NAPS, :lol: yes, that is what we do and what we need as well. All new members will be welcome :D:D

    Hope you don't have to wait too long for a tiler to come and give you a sensible quote.

    I will keep an eye out for the survey re the cards.

    :animal_busy: puskins are quite tired, all the online browsing for outfits has warn them out. Pepe said that Miss Sleek is still busy choosing a tiara, even though she has some, she needs another one - you can never have enough apparently. :shock:

    I will away, it has gone midnight and I am already a pumpkin :shock:

    Time for a potter :) Needs must.

    Hi to everyone, Toni, Kerrin, Christine, Elizabeth, Mig, DD, Toady, Charrisse and all.

    Love and Sparkles t4591 t115006 XX Aidan


    Cherry Pistachio Ricotta and Cocoa - nice and wholesome (so we can have a big came later ) :? :? :lol::lol:

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,219
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Ok I will eat my breakie even if it is a bit too healthy :lol: S long as there is cake later Aidan :wink: There's magic in them there footprints :lol:

    Too right Sleek is after more tiaras - I hope she doesn't upstage the bride :shock: She wants to be 'pusskin of honour' apparently. :?

    Pepe is very tolerant of all her fussing and choosing of his outfits. I suspect he secretly likes 'dressing up' :wink: Shhh! Don't tell him we know.

    The bloomers only covered my neighbour's windscreen for a moment before they flew off back to the neighbouring village - HAH!!

    That was them! Extra roomy. Clean and ironed though :?

    Please do bring everyone in the bus and you can have afternoon tea with me pinkies out!! we can dry our washing on the balustrade???? Maybe it would spoil the effect though???

    Glad Dad's hair is all done and he is smart again. You were wise to keep well away methinks.....

    I hope you enjoyed all your deli goodies. I would have been looking forward to them all day!

    I totally agree with you about the meal it is a bit much to expect for those using public transport.

    I hope your friend is doing ok now? Is she still needing to do lots of talking about her husband? I expect so. :?

    Thank you I am very pleased in Tia's choice of BF soon to be Fiancé and his sticking to traditional values :)

    Kath how very kind of you to donate some pink and white spotty bloomers to Barbara :D you are an angel :) I wonder whether they do them in my size. Ideal for a future wedding don't you think?

    I loved the poem about our Barbara's smelling pistake :lol:

    Veggie kebabs went down rather well thanks :)

    I love Carluccio's it was always our plan for lunch so waited all morning for it :) After we had done a morning's shop. We did indeed buy the place up :oops:

    2 coffee (and loo) stops too what more could a woman want?

    Of course your umbrella will needs to come out scold and sunglasses on the balustrade. The glass seems to be self-cleaning :? m0150

    Morning to Joan and Sue of course you do get colder when you are sitting not walking. I also had my vest on but might leave it off today maybe m0150 m0150

    Right better get on!

    Love to everyone

    Toni xxx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,233
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Barbara Kathleen Aidan Carol Toni.
    Barbara yes Sue is well thank you. How are you.
    Kathleen thank you for the poem. Have you had your knee like that before.
    Aidan you cope very well with all your problems.((((())))
    Carol it's the wind that makes me cold. It's a thing with getting older.
    Toni will the wedding be a few years yet.
    have a good bank holiday everyone.
    take care
    Joan xx.
    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all..think we are in for a very warm day.. :o
    Kath I love the poem.. I did try and sell your swellings..but nobody wanted them :lol: now I like the spotty bloomers..maybe a bigger size... :roll:
    Toni glad to hear the balustrade is self cleaning ..or you think it is..I did the outlet was busy with bank holiday coming up ..well worth the wait for you had a good sleep last night with all that shopping... :D I have bought good sunglasses to protect these eyes..not had the umbrella out yet so will see how it is today
    Joan I am glad to hear Sue is ok..I am well thankyou..hope you both get out on your scooters..and enjoy the vit D off the sun..
    Carol..I will keep my eyes open for the survey..and I don't blame you for not wanting to do the buses when they are so busy..nice to have a good chat and something to favorite pastime.. :D
    Aiden I am loving the trifles...and the healthy breakfast will do for now.. :lol: strange but I love my mattress but OH doesn't so its very dad is getting goose eggs..we are going to the market for more duck eggs today I do like them..hope you can get a seat in the T room something :D tells me you will..good idea to have edible storing them the spotty bloomers are mine and the white ones yours..not good having them flying around.. :shock: you have put my mind at rest I take vit D with calcium..enjoy your day and plenty of sun screen
    Right better move or will set
    Love to everyone xxx t4591 m0150 t4591
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Friday night, Jonathan and Dawn visited. Lots of giggling on the settee, we both had the feeling they wanted to tell us something, but didn't. Could there be another wedding imminent? :wink: You never know. Tesco was early and all finished quick spit. Happy with them when they do that. :D

    I had my eggy finger roll beneath the gazebo today. It was so warm. I've signed up to Pharmacy First at one of our local chemist. I get a pack of 32 paracetamol and 24 Ibuprofen, FREE. As I get free prescriptions, I just tell them my name, and surgery. Wonderful. :lol:

    The beloved Scotch egg with a twist—using a mixture of fresh and smoked haddock instead of the traditional sausage, with watercress salad.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    m0150 oh, it's warm now, who put the heating on high :shock: :? :? nearly 26 in the lounge...........any hotter and the AC will be wheeled out.

    Can we have some sunny emoji's pretty please. Not that would mind throwing some snowballs this week end :lol::lol:

    Those who love the warmth, enjoy it, I know it eases many aches for a lot of people here.

    I know, it was a bit healthy Toni, don't worry, there will be cake, I already have some cooling for T time.

    Pepe said that Sleek was on a Tiara hunt, she certainly does want to be puskin of honour, with Pepe waiting for her on the first Pew :) They are well ahead of the game.

    I am glad there was no imminent danger from my ample bloomers, just the shock of seeing them coming towards the car I guess :shock: :shock: :lol::lol:

    Oh yes, gleaming white and pressed to perfection of course :D

    We will have to organise the bus, we can bring our washing, but you are right, it may spoil the look. If you have a 300 foot washing line, that should air our smalls :lol::lol: Self cleaning glass, we want that for all our windows. I guess it might be immaculised every so often though.

    The deli goodies were lovely, just enough. We have French baguettes with humous and cream cheese for supper, no cooking tonight, I will be hot and bothered enough :roll: :roll:

    Pepe is a bit "out of sorts" maybe a bit warm. Nothing specific, just a bit weary looking. The food was ready at the Vets, new batch, so Miss Sleek said it was ok, as no Vets had touched it.

    Hi Joan and Sue and the lovely Doggies too. Enjoy the lovely weather. Thank you, we all cope as best we can, with the things that ail us. You and Sue are testimony to that. XX

    Are you under the shade now Barbara, or inside? Glad you have good sunglasses to protect those eyes, very important. People don't realise just how strong the sun is everyone is out with their shorts on and skirts up to their belly buttons. :shock: :shock: Some very white legs about this morning in town :lol::lol:

    It was packed in town, it is a 5 day Jazz festival, so loads of people about, plus the bank holiday and fine weather. We parked at the Drs, well, a lot do, it is closed, so we make use of it, like the other locals.

    Of course, yours truly got his fav table in the T room, right next to the cake fridge :)
    B and Dad went off round the corner to the market, Dad in search of his Goose Eggs :? Anyway, the man was away for a fortnight so that was soon put paid to. I was happy to wait in the T room. It soon got very busy. Coffee scones and T cakes were all wonderful. Quick trip to Booths, which always costs the earth, :roll: then home

    Good that your mattress is comfy, even though Mr B is not comfy :roll: :? oh dear..................

    You should be fine, taking Vit D, with Calcium :) We aim to please :)

    So there was a lot of giggling then Kath, could there be another wedding :shock: :shock: t4591 t4591 I don't think I can take the excitement :lol::lol: Do keep us posted, you will have to ask leading questions..........

    Good that Tesco were early, all done and dusted in no time, excellent.

    Handy, the pharmacy first, freebies too. Some of our chemists do home delivery, they sort out all your repeats and just bring them whenever.

    Smoked and fresh haddock scotch eggs, mmm, will try one of them, thank you.

    Right, I must potter, I am wilting a bit. The dryer has gone off and the washing put on the airer, no way is the dryer going on again today

    Hi to everyone else, hope all are enjoying some fine weather. I think Monday is going to be the hottest day.

    Let me go lift the cake out of the fridge. Love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 XX Aidan

    Velvet Chocolate Torte - Toni has some clotted cream I think.

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all

    gloriously m0150 m0150 m0150 sunny here today and very warm and it is supposed to be even better for the bank holiday Monday I hope so as we will go out for the day. not too sure where yet.
    Today I may have found a new group for older people near our local high street where I may find an outlet for selling my cards. so fingers crossed for that.
    Mr T had a MRI a few weeks ago and on Thursday he went back for the results he has a disc in his spine that is slightly protruding and it is laying on the muscles and causing the pain. they say no need to do anything yet and just take painkillers when necessary and see how it goes.

    Hi Aidan yes I have always thought the same thing about how RA and OA are so different for us all in many ways which is why I love this forum because we all have things we can advise on from our own experiences. Journey to meal was horrendous. it has been moved to 45 mins earlier than before in the evening but it means we have to travel in the middle of the rush hour. so more people on the buses and more traffic. My friend is doing ok thanks.

    Toni of course Sleek must have a new tiara. my friend is doing ok thanks we do speak of her husband during the time but it doesn't dominate the conversation. it think she is very much relieved than he is not in pain anymore and she doesn't have to worry what she will find when she gets home as he was having a lot of falls and couldn't get up without help and infections causing him to be hospitalised. he was about 15 years older than her I think.

    JoanSame with me the cold and the damp really get to my joints and give me pain.

    Barbara thank regarding the survey not sure when they will send it

    ok its time for the pottering so
    love and sparkles to you all t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    A warm evening to all. Warm, but not quite melting, which is good.

    Hi Carol, you had some lovely warm sunshine, good for those ouchies. Yes, Monday is billed to be the hottest day, so a day out would be nice, traffic permitting.

    Sounds good, that you may have another place to sell your cards, local to you. Everything crossed for you :)

    I remember Mr T had his MRI. A protruding disc. They are seeing how it goes, as they can heal of their own accord. Cool compresses are better than hot, for a protruding disc. The nymphs will send over a magic woven square, to help with any ouches.

    There are so many forms of RA and then OA on top. RA and OA seem to be kind of put under one big umbrella, but go a little deeper and there lie many differences. It is good that we can all help and support and offer advice etc.

    I suspected that you were travelling mid rush hour to your Church meal, not the best move to make really. jostling for a seat or having to stand, is not the best way to travel.
    I am glad your friend is ok. There is often a sense of relief that our loved ones are no longer in pain and at great risk of injury or further infections.

    Enjoy your NAP activities :lol:

    I hope everyone else is doing ok. Kerrin, Toni, Christine, Mig, DD, Toady, Elizabeth and all

    Pepe seems a bit brighter this evening, he had a natter with Miss Sleek, talking outfits and tiara's. He is liking the new batch of sachets. Sleek said they are ok, as the lady on the reception is super kind and knows Pepe very well, so that's just fine.

    Talk of the little one, he is burning holes into my back, sat in the kitchen doorway, again.

    BIL and SIL are coming over today, to see Dad and us, although we have neighbours coming over after lunch as well, so it might take a bit of juggling. :? :roll: An at home day, no doubt immaclulisation will be taking place.

    Has everyone got their bloomers back, from the next village to Toni ? mine arrived air freight, they floated down like a goodyear blimp. :lol::lol:

    On that note, I will go potter and feed his Lordship. Back is ouching loudly, so an extra Tramadol me thinks. C'est la vie.

    Love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006

    Breakfast fruits pizza strudel

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).