Val's Cafe



  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Mmmmm....very nice 'pizza' for breakfast Aidan :D thank you.

    The cake was also lovely my one had clotted cream on it of course and Sleek and Pepe tried their new 'cleaning spell' afterwards (it was a face plant to be fair :? )it worked didn't it? The place is as clean as a new pin :D

    Sleek does the eyes-boring into you bit too usual for treats :roll:

    She is also a tiny bit worried about her beloved thinks he might have a 'headache' coming on :? Hope not.

    Aha the front pew will be saved for pusskins then? Sleek now has a shortlist of Tiaras as well as outfits :wink:

    She and Pepe had an early morning litter swoop on our village and added the rubbish to the next villages :shock: Not sure it will be as environmentally friendly as yours and Barbara's :?

    I heard they have cut up Barbara's bloomers for bunting for the royal wedding :D

    The balustrade is 300m. I can get at least 5 pairs of bloomers if I sue the whole length :)

    I hope you weren't too hot overnight (our air-con will be out for sure) and enjoyed having your neighbours around. Pom and husband came over for a little soiree on our lovely new patio area :D

    Village clear-up this morning! We have had permission from the chancellor (Church) to put new stones on some neglected (very old) graves. Took some getting but will be well-worth it I think.

    Joan yes the wedding will be in a couple of years time so they can get the reception venue they are after.

    Kath those scotch eggs look rather tasty and a bit healthier too I suspect. Oh I do hope you might have some news too....wonder what though??? t4591 t4591 t4591

    Good idea to sign up with a pharmacy which delivers too. Free painkillers? Why not? Will you get that every month? Did I read right?

    Carol I am glad your friend can talk to you about her husband and good that she isn't dwelling too much too. Often people don't want to talk to bereaved people once the funeral is over. It is good she has you :)

    15 years age gap catches up in older age sadly sometimes.

    I hope that group might be interested in some cards.

    I think Sleek might have several new Tiaras :lol:

    Poor Mr T protruding discs can be very painful. I hope he is resting? If he can take them anti-inflams (with food) is best. Or usually has been for me.

    Barbara I think the umbrellas should come out now :) It's lovely!

    and good sunglasses too :) Always wise.

    Oh dear...your bloomers are now cut up and made into bunting for the royal wedding :shock: I might put some along my balustrade maybe??

    Love to everyone!

    Toni xxx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Barbara Kathleen Aidan Carol Toni.
    Barbara yes we have a lovely few days of good weather. I had a phone call from the hospital yesterday to ask if I could go on Wednesday for my MRI.
    Kathleen I hope you have a good day. How is your knee.
    Aidan the problem with my tablet it was doing an update every week.
    Carol our neighbour wife died 5years ago then the had to have the dog put down it was 16 years yesterday we found him Yorkshire terrier x pom 4 months old he loves it.
    Toni Have a lovely couple of days all of you.
    take care
    joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Bad night. Too hot, too uncomfortable, and noisy neighbours outside after midnight. GRRR :x :x

    I was hoping we might have some different smilies, maybe after Bank Holiday. HINT HINT Admins. :wink::lol:

    Joan, we'll be there on Wednesday for your MRI. Will Sue go too?

    Have you seen the new photos of Prince Louis? Identical to his dad, even the hair - or lack of it. :lol: Oh, I feel a little rhyme coming on. The hair of the heir - or maybe not. :roll:

    When I rang the pharmacy for my next prescription, I forgot it was Bank Holiday, so i won't come until Tuesday at the earliest. I ONLY HAVE ONE PATCH LEFT :!: :!: :!: Hope it arrives. :shock:
    There are so many forms of RA and then OA on top. RA and OA seem to be kind of put under one big umbrella, but go a little deeper and there lie many differences. It is good that we can all help and support and offer advice etc.

    Aidan, many peeples now call RA, RD. Rheumatoid Disease, take the word Arthritis out of the equation, and those who don't understand the differences sometimes "get it". :?

    Limoncello & Raspberry semi-freddo (whatever that is!) Looks nice though. m0150 t115006 t4591 t115006

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    A very warm afternoon to all. I lasted as long as I could, until the AC had to come out of wraps. Whirring away in the lounge now, chilling us down. 22 degrees my eye, it's way over that.

    Anyway, I am sure many of our friends here will be enjoying warming through. I like to see the sunshine, this morning was just right, about 10am............

    BIL and SIL and Dad have just gone, no sign of neighbours yet, only to see them driving off :roll: :? :? If they turn up, they turn up eh. Too hot to be worrying.

    I thought that pizza sounded a bit strange Toni, I think they were more waffly things.

    It did look spotless in the cafe kitchen, obviously the puskins cleaning spell works a treat, I will ask Pepe to wave his wand over the place here..............or not.............. :roll:

    Pepe is a bit hot and bothered, but will cool down now the AC is on. No "headaches" to the time of writing - hopefully none later either.

    So that was where they were headed, to litter pick and then scatter it in the next village :lol::lol: they are naughty, mind you, I cannot say anything, throwing my smalls into the trees :shock: :shock:

    I am sure the bunting will look lovely for the Royal Wedding, Barbara won't mind parting with some bloomers :lol::lol: you can have some of mine and tie dye them if you want, if you have a bucket big enough :lol::lol:

    Nice that Pom and her Hubby came round for a little "do" on your lovely patio. 300mtrs is fine, for drying our bits and bobs, too late, I see there is bloomer bunting going up :shock: :shock: :lol::lol:

    That is nice to have new stones on some of the old graves, I remember, it can take a long time, back and forth, before permission to tend to other graves, etc, is given. They will look a lot better and those who are laid to rest will be most pleased.

    Hi Joan, hope you are both enjoying the warm weather, do the doggies like it warm, or do they get too warm with their fur coats.

    Updates on pc and laptops can have mixed blessings

    That's sad to hear about your neighbour, loosing his wife and now having to have his dear doggy put to sleep, but he has a new companion now, which is lovely.

    We will be with you on Wednesday for your MRI.

    I see you were a bit warm last night Kath, uncomfortable and then noisy neighbours..........grrrr indeed

    I hope you managed to have a little siesta today. I am boiled, sat next to the AC and I am leaking like a sieve :roll:

    I think a new rhyme would be very fitting, for the up and coming wedding and the new Royal baby. Heir with the hair :)

    Of course, bank holiday, I hope your patch can last, they had better arrive for you on Tuesday.

    Rheumatoid Disease does sound more encompassing, a bit like COPD, which is sometimes called OAD.

    semi freddo, is that semi frozen, just a guess. Whatever, it looks amazing and I need some immediately, thank you kindly. We need ice cream on days like this.

    Been watching the tour de Yorkshire, they went through Skipton and all around, so it was nice to see everywhere I know so well.

    Still waiting for our neighbours to come round, we just love hanging around, waiting..................NOT

    Right, I am going to move, I am melting like a snow cone in Vegas

    Love and sparkles to all, will come back later. t4591 t115006 XX Aidan
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all
    Aiden like you say who turned the heating up..I have only spent ten mins out yesterday..its ok OH has his own bed..but tried mine to see if he like the mattress :lol: so visitors have gone ..did you manage to juggle them..gosh it would have been busy with the jazz festival :shock: :D you did well to park at the doctors..just heard my bloomers have been cut up..not very nice..they were my favorite.. :( all the goodies were greatly appreciated..see I have forgotten what you put out but it was good.. :lol:
    Toni my bloomers are along your balustrade.. :roll: so its cleaning up day again must be the cleanest village in the country.. :lol:
    Joan we will be with you at the MRI and glad you have had good weather even if it it is a little to warm.. :o so glad your neighbour has got a little yorkie ..bless it will be good company.. :)
    Kath might have a wedding to go to..might has well save our hats Aiden..and good the pharmacy will brings all your meds..
    Carol I am sure you will sell more cards ...poor Mr T he must be careful not to lift anything heavy , unlike I did and made matters worse..hope you got your day out.. :D
    We have been to the GC for some sweetpeas..our small on and they have sold out..I used to grow them from seed..will have to go to the big GC in the week..more cake and coffee.. :lol:
    Right better go OH is cooking steak...I only wanted a salad..but better not say anything.. :lol:
    Love to everyone ... t4591 m0150 t4591
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    OK, that's hot enough now, thank you. Is it Autumn yet :? :roll:

    We had the AC on until nap time, then shut the windows, or all the midges in creation come in. We don't do midges, they bite.

    Just about keeping on a low simmer at the moment. Three fans two extractors all going on full.

    Ah, so Mr B tried your bed, well, of course, it would be like the Princess and the pea, it would never be comfortable for him :lol::lol: it's your domain :)

    Well, BIL and SIL were going to go round to Dads, then ring.......instead they just appeared, while we were having an early lunch........
    They had not eaten, so they didn't stop too long, took Dad out for something to eat as well, it was well into the afternoon, so Dad was fit to be tied, as he likes to eat at 1230 on the dot...... :roll: :roll:

    Neighbour finally appeared, with their GD, they had been swimming up at the club house. She had dropped her I phone into the water, so she was in a flap. They didn't stop long as she wanted to get her phone sorted, everything was a bit of a whirl.........peace was restored before 5pm. And breathe.

    Skipton was even busier, we saw the tour de yorkshire go through on tv, it was PACKED to the gunnels. Glad we were at home to see it. I was saying, oh, that's the road to my old house :) It was the canal boat festival as well, no wonder the world and his wife were there.

    Clitheroe does have a lot of festivals, quite a tourist town now, which is good for local trade.

    Toni was snipping away at your bloomers, no stopping her. Running them under the sewing machine, so they didn't fray. We will get you a new pair, to replace them. These are quite nice, keep your knees warm too :lol::lol:


    Don't let Toni see them, or they will be on the Church Flag Pole.

    Don't worry about forgetting what goodies we had, I have forgotten what I left as well :roll: :roll: Bless, it's a shame really. :lol:

    I think Toni's village is the cleanest in the country without a doubt, woe betide anyone who drops any litter.

    We are going to the GC this morning, early, not long after they open, otherwise it will be mayhem. I will be making sure they have the AC on or I will be nattering the boss. Everyone will want to sit outside anyway.

    Steak, was it good? Even though you only wanted a salad. He is a good un.

    I hope everyone is enjoying the fine / hot weather. I will grit my teeth for another hot day today, then it starts to cool off a bit.

    Sleek and Pepe are off at the crack of dawn, to see if there is any mist about. (Hermione will make sure there is some on Pendle, but don't tell them).

    It will be nice and cool for them at that time of day. Sleek will bring a selection of magazines that she has been looking at, for suitable outfits for weddings.

    Everyone take lots of care, keep cool, stay safe in the m0150 Apparently the pollution levels are higher today :roll: Love and Sparkles to all t4591 t115006

    Some griddled summer fruits and oats for breakfast

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Aidan Barbara.
    Kathleen no I go on my own. have you got OA and RA i'm sorry.
    Aidan you were busy yesterday no you need a rest its rain from Tuesday on.
    Thank you Barbara my app is 2 45. The puppy likes cuddles.
    take care have a lovely day
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Having my breaksat now and then some of Kath's posh pud after. Will leave mine out for 5 mins it will be thawed!

    Aidan I am very pleased neighbours didn't overstay their welcome but wish hey had come a little earlier shame about the phone :roll:

    Poor Dad! Imagine having to wait for his food. I am like him. When I need to eat I need to EAT! NOW!!!!

    The next village stole Barbara's bloomers for bunting - we have union jack here in honour of the impending nuptials. I have some on my balustrade!!

    How lovely to see your old home on telly :) I bet it was a fabulous day to watch the bikes. Too hot probably to be on one :?

    Bank holiday weekend Aidan you won't get your summery smilies I can't imagine admin working banks hols....

    Those new bloomers will do Barbara a treat - smashing they are :wink:

    Too blooming hot already this morning, but it will start to cool down after tomorrow. A/C is out for now, but not so far the fly screens...

    I hope the GC is cool enough for you today and Dad eats on time.

    Sleek is back having given Pepe her magazines to peruse (plenty circled!) they got LOADS of mist (Thanks Hermione :wink: ) so are well chuffed. Sleek says this hot weather doesn't agree with her beloved, but she likes it.

    Barbara it wasn't me who cut up your bloomers honestly it was a lady in the next village. Ours here are union jack.


    Look what I found a new café sign :)


    This is a very clean village here yes just farming mud hay and maybe horse poo :wink:

    Best of luck with your sweet peas. I used to love them but so did the greenfly which then came inside with me :roll:

    I am very pleased you have date for your MRI we will be there with you :D What time is the action? Just saw it you posted at the same time.

    The puppy was a really good idea :)

    Prince Louis is adorable isn't he Kath? I read somewhere that babies are meant to look like their Dads at birth; nature to make sure they don't deny them.

    DO the poem!!

    You should get your patches in time, but a quick phone call tomorrow to check might be a good idea.

    Enjoyed the semi freddo thanks added clotted to mine of course but didn't face plant I was so hot I ate it!

    Better get on next door's gardener is in and I am still in my nightie :oops: :oops:


    Toni xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning..not sure about the heating being turned up more like a blow torch last night..just a sheet ..and I normally like the weight.. :shock:
    Aiden we dont get much in between do we..17 would be about you had you visitors then your neighbours..and then warm to entertain... :lol: how lovely seeing your old house on you say its better to watch the cycle ride on TV and not be in town :o the boat festival must be nice to see..but not the you have a swimming pool on site now OH would love that I cant swim very well but do paddling.. :lol: think the bloomers would be a bit to warm for today.. :) will put them away for winter.. :lol: you enjoy the GC I am off to look for sweet peas again..
    Toni so the green fly followed you in..thats not you shovel up the manure for your garden..we used to has the horse went past ..I remember putting in on a climbing rose..boy did it take off.. :D you have bunting ready for the royal wedding..bitter sweet for me its the day I lost dad.. :( but cant wait.. :)
    Joan don't worry, not that you do.. :) we will be there..its in my diary now..and good luck with the results..I do love puppy's and kittens..have you had a cuddle yet.. :D
    Right better move..the traffic on this rd is building already .. :shock:
    Love to everyone xx t4591 m0150 t4591
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Ah Barbara what a shame it being the day your D Dad died :( Still hopefully a royal wedding will give you a good memory now.

    I have NEWS!!!!!!!!!

    I have seen the best kept village inspectors here at 11:15 on a bank holiday :shock:

    I said hello and what a lovely day it was. 3 very pleasant ladies in their 60s with clipboards.


    Toni xxx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    :lol: I'd better get me writing noddle on then Toni. Just as long as Kylie AKA Lulu, will sing it for me. Yes, I was thinking a phone call would be advisable. Hopefully we might get down to the benches, but we're back home before the pharmacy opens, else I could pick them up myself.

    Anyway, I have a couple of things to do, so will leave something cooling to eat, then I will work on the poem. :D

    m0150 t4591 t115006 t69044 m0150 t4591 t115006 t69044

    Chocolate chip ice cream cake. Enough for a cool face plant for Aidan and Toni. :lol:

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    The Hair of the Heir

    The hair of the heir
    just isn’t there!
    But I’m sure it was
    in the beginning.
    I know some are born
    with hair thick as a lawn
    but in other’s it’s certainly thinning.

    When grandfather’s head
    has hair that has fled
    and his son is following suit.
    But what about baby,
    who’s as bald as a coot?
    If he ever gets curls
    or moustache that twirls?
    He’ll certainly win all the girls.

    So if there’s an heir
    without any hair
    don’t think that the future is grim.
    Just give him a hat,
    or the nattiest cap
    and make sure it has a large brim.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    WEll DONE Kath!! I love it


    a035.gif heir with or without hair ever need fear being left on the shelf methinks ;)

    Back from BBQ now off to Pom's :)

    Love a very very hot

    Toni xxx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Bloomin eck, it's hot, another scorchio day here. Now after 11pm and it is still 26 in the living room :shock:

    Would have had more time to write in the afternoon, but I messaged our neighbours on the other side (best friends). I said, are you hot, YES, well come round and cool off in our living room. So they did, before you could say boo to a Goose, they were here :lol: We had a long catch up and a natter. Now the afternoon as gone West. Lots of trying on of jewellery that M has commissioned, ready for her jolly holls.

    Hi to Joan, enjoying the fine weather I hope. We have had a more relaxing day today, thank you. Hi to Sue and the doggies too. Did you manage to get all your shopping on Suesday?

    Toni, you have spotted JUDGES :shock: :shock: with CLIPBOARDS :? :? :shock: goodness. Let us keep our fingers and toes all crossed (which they are normally) :roll: :roll: that your lovely village wins its much deserved title, goodness, the effort that has gone into making everything just right, you all deserve medals, as well as being awarded the title. Oh, I see there is Horse Poop and Hay oh, mud as the nu nu team asap.

    Dad was not best pleased about yesterday and the lateness of his lunch - we knew he wouldn't be.

    In fact he was quite confused today, but he will settle as the week goes on and we do our normal things and go to our normal places, familiarity is important. Not being taken half way around Lancashire, for something to eat. :roll: :roll:
    People don't realise how it can upset ones equipoise. It would upset mine, let alone someone who has memory problems already.

    I am a bit like that, feed me, feed me now, being diabetic doesn't help either. If I am having one of my hypo's it is a case of get out of my way, I am going in for the chocolate.

    The GC was already super busy when we got there today, at just after 10, everyone was outside, so we had the inside almost to ourselves :) Fine by us. It was very pleasant, it is nice and airy inside, with all the bi fold doors open onto the terraces. The AC wasn't on, but it was fine.

    How rude, the other village taking the bloomer bunting :shock: :shock: Your Union Flag ones look very nice and most becoming for the pending Royal Wedding.

    Pepe has a pile of magazines on the bed to go through :roll: :roll: they did get mists and they also captured some heat haze, which is very prized apparently. :? :? Duly delivered to the Nymphs who were very impressed at their new catch. Haze does something to the weaving process, adding more magic me thinks. t115006 t115006
    Sleek is quite right, her beloved does not like the heat at all. He is super fussy and precious at the moment, "no, cannot eat that, or that, or that one" :roll: :roll: Finally, tonight, he seems to approve of this sachet.

    Love the cafe sign t4591

    Hi Barbara, yes, there is a lovely indoor pool up at the club house, hardly ever anyone in. I could venture up there one day and just fall in I guess. It is 4 foot deep all the way, so no nasty deep ends. I would have to take my crutches in with my, or I would never get out :shock: :lol: We have been here over nine years and I have never been in. Family have been in for a swim on a few occasions.

    You are quite right, one day it is pleasant, the next three days it is like the oven doors have been opened. Beds feel like they have electric blankets on full :roll: :roll:

    All guests have been and now gone :) We have been relaxing and watching the tennis from Madrid.

    Skipton was always so packed in summer, we used to avoid going in when I lived there, never on a week end..........far too many offcumdens. We used to wear badges that said, WE LIVE HERE :D:lol::lol: People used to ask all sorts of strange questions, "excuse me, where can we get something to eat"?
    Well, walk about 10 yards in any direction and you will find a t room or coffee shop :lol::lol:

    Did you find any sweet peas? there are loads at the GC here, all on their little wig-wam frames. We had some a couple of years back and it was greenfly hotel.

    Sad about the Wedding Day being the same day that you lost Dad. Bless, we share how you feel, it is rotten. I would dearly love to pick up the phone and ring my folks. I still talk to them, but don't tell anyone. :cry::cry:

    Hi Kath, did you say Kylie and Lulu are going to sing, love them both :)

    Pity you could not time your trip to the benches, to coincide with the Pharmacy opening. I am sure they will have your patches ready. Everything back to "normal" today.

    Thank you for the face plant ice cream, I was straight in there, I think Toni had already been into hers, there was an empty dish :lol:

    I LOVE the poem, way to go Kath. It is really good.

    I think most people around here have had a BBQ over the past few days, hope you enjoyed yours Toni. Hi to Pom. How are the Wisteria's. Ours are in leaf, no sign of any flowers :(:(

    I hope you are all ok and Lucy is keeping as cool as can be, I know you will have had the AC unit going, like us.

    Hi to Kerrin and Carol, I think you will have had it even hotter, being that much further south.......... :shock: Kerrin doesn't mind too much, but Mr K doesn't sit well with the heat.

    Hi to Christine, Elizabeth, Mig, Toady, DD, Charrisse and all.

    All our lovelies in the Sanctuary are just fine, lots of drinks and cooling waters as required. The meerkats are happy as can be, saying it is just starting to warm up :shock: m0150

    The mummy manatees are very much ready for their babies. The vets are on hand, 24/7.

    Right, it is time I was pottering again. The joints are shrieking, the warmer I get :roll:

    Cooler today and for the rest of the week. Some much needed rain as well.

    Everyone take lots of care. Love and Sparkles t4591 t115006 XX Aidan

    Some Summer Veggie Breakfast Tacos
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Toni Barbara Kathleen Barbara Aidan.
    Toni I hope you win best garden. My ap tomorrow is 2 45.
    Barbara yes we have had cuddles.
    Kathleen good poem. Have a good day
    . Aidan you are a good neighbour.
    I'm trying to finish this because this post has gone four times.
    have a good day everyone
    take care
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all...I came down at 6 far to hot last night..
    Aiden wish I had known I could have joined your neighbours at your AC party..our neighbours had a barbecue and asked us round , not way could I sit outside..her poor friend was wilting cooking the food f087.gif..the pool sounds nice least I could stand up in it..our GC had AC but most people sat outside so we had it nice and 4 sweetpeas..just hope the greenfly stay away...poor dad he will get back into his routine soon I know how he feels..yes dad died on the 19th..20 something years after mum..I was 30 when mum passed away , like you say they are always with us but would be lovey to hear there voices on the phone..what a good idea a badge saying I live her...nice and friendly.. :D thankyou for the veggie breakfast.. :D and will show the vet to the manatees house.. :D
    Toni you spotted people with a clipboard..oooh fingers crossed this it the year :D I am sure my bloomers in the next village will ruin it for them.. :lol: yes I will have happy memories now of the 19th..
    Kath thats a brilliant poem poem..I hope you are saving them all to be published :D and chocolate cake for later... :D
    Joan hope you and Sue have a good day much cooler here I think.. :)
    Really enjoyed the snookers last night..and Williams won 15 years after his last one :D
    Love to everyone n030.gif m0150
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Glad you liked it. :lol: What I meant was that Lulu Castle IS Kylie. I want her to sing for me. She is my inspiration - as I've told Teenage Cancer, who I've donated to again. :D

    Have any of you heard of Wood Green?

    Pop over to look. Great for pet owners and children. Added it to my list.

    As it's so hot, My offering today is WATERMELON CAKE - slurp.

    I'm happy the pets are all OK. Bet the wart hogs and Okapi are enjoying a good wallow. l015.gif Mud, mud, glorious mud. l015.gif

    Patches might not get here today. :( :shock: :?

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon, a cooler and much more welcome temperature. It has just started to drizzle here. Windows open, nice breeze. Washing, drying and pressing all done, immaculisation done :)

    Oh dear Joan, you lost your post 4 times :shock: I am sure there are lots of posts, from many of us, up in the clouds somewhere. :roll:

    We will be there, tomorrow afternoon, t115006 t115006 Toni will have the cloak all perfect and pristine, ready for our duties. I have baked scones, some normal, some cherry.

    We try and be good neighbours, everyone seems to come to us for just about anything, sorting this, that and the other, advice, medical assistance, shoulders to cry on...............They all say we are banned from ever moving from here. (not if we win the lottery - we have our eye on THE most gorgeous bungalow in huge manicured grounds, just outside Skipton). Well, someone has to win...................

    So you were up at 6 then Barbara, it was hot last night, the worst of the three nights by a long way. It makes me feel proper poorly. My knees are like footballs and I could not get going this morning, without taking Tramadol, on top of everything else. I never normally take it in a morning.

    You would have been very welcome to the AC soiree. A BBQ, cooking it would have finished me off, that's if I didn't throw most of it up in the air or on the floor :roll: :roll:

    Glad you managed to find your sweet peas, they are true favourites of greenfly. Wasps eat them and Ladybirds. Prefer to see the latter.
    Very weak washing up liquid is supposed to help get rid of them, in a spray bottle.

    I am the same with routines, if they are suddenly changed, I don't fair well with it. Dad will be back on track this week. He is having his feet done tomorrow, so he will be very happy about that.

    It would be lovely to dial up to Heaven and chat, but, it doesn't work like that and we have to wait, until we all meet up once more t115006 t115006

    Yes, the vets will be needed, to make sure the manatee's have their babies safely.

    Glad you enjoyed the snooker. We have the tennis on at the moment.

    Ah, I see now Kath, Lulu is an inspiration indeed and I am sure she would sing your poem to you :) Money from Mum's funeral went to Cancer research.

    Thank you for the link I will have a good look. I seem to remember the name from FB I think.

    That cake is a definite face plant one, I see there are three on the side, so Toni will head for one, literally :lol:

    No patches, oh dear, that's not good............have you got a back up, ie oromorph etc, if needs be?

    I hope the judging is going well in Toni's village, sorry, Sleeks village :lol:
    The puskins were out with bags of litter, throwing it all over the next village. Hermione was not best pleased, she thought that was a bit much, so she made it vanish.

    they are all happier with the temperatures today. Pepe is more his normal self. I can see a lot of mist descending on Pendle, so they might pop out later and gather some for the nymphs.

    Well, I will carry on pottering. Just waiting for the fleeces to dry. Nice to have a catch up day.

    Will pop back later, love and sparkles to everyone t4591 t115006 XXX Aidan
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all

    Oh my today has been a funny old day good things and bad things going on all day. short recap of day, it started bad going out to slimming world with out my watch ok mobile has time on it until i meet mr t at lunch time who had already been called to bring my watch with him. next mobile starts going mad doing things it shouldn't do and kept turning itself off. no 2 bad thing. Weigh in and have maintained no 1good thing, win slimming world raffle no 2 good. take mobile into shop told its the battery gone need new battery cost £50-£60. 3 bad then after lunch stop at mobile phone stand in the same shopping centre phone checked out with charger no battery although it had started with 89% this morning so looks i need new battery anyway. can get me one for £15 better but will have to wait a few days. ok so no 3 good and no 4 bad. then get home charge phone up to full again and it works again sort of. so no 4 good if i can keep it going until i get new battery. in the meantime whilst i am recharging it i had it switched off and miss a call from dr i was expecting about my blood test to se if i can still take my water tabs everyday no 5 bad. Manage to get dr to call me back on main line phone to find i can continue to take water tablets everyday as sodium levels have actually risen over the last 8 months which is good so end the day of no 5 good. wow and that is a short recap. sorry my short recap was actually long and if you managed to get to the end of it I congratulate you.

    Because it has been such a mixed up day i have not really read all your posts i will catch up properly tomorrow. hope you are all as well as can be and had a reasonable weekend Yes Aidan we did get out for the day yesterday and rather enjoyed it more update on that tomorrow.

    so love and sparkles to you all t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening everyone 

    Managed to make the most of the ‘last sunny day’ for a while, but overall am very pleased I might be able to sleep tonight!

    My brother visited this morning and came for my 2nd walk of the day. He has put himself on a diet and lost 4lbs last week  Bless him he is feeling very empowered. :D

    He had his thyroid zapped about 2/3 years ago and so has none at all thyroxine is helping, but I think it’s probably relevant.

    Joan I have aired the Cloak of invisibility so all ready for us to come along for your MRI tomorrow afternoon. Glad you posted in the end. 4 lost posts is a bit much :(

    Kath you mean my Lucy-Lu don’t you? Actually she can sing really well, but tends to restrict it to the shower!

    When does your patch need changing? Hopefully tomorrow is soon enough…you did have one left?

    Thanks for my own ice cream cake it was yum. Very sticky so luckily had time to pop on my shower cap.

    God bless you for donating to TCT again thank you. That animal site look very interesting thanks for the link

    Watermelon cake perfect for this warm weather thank you m0150

    Aidan lovely breakkie thanks. All chomped first thing. I hope Dad is feeling the benefit of his routine being reinstated? Bless him.. Some people think it’s a treat to visit new places….not so when you are getting older and suffer a bit with your memory!

    Today feels so much better doesn’t it? Much cooler and we also had some rain – not much though.

    Sleek and Pepe are feeling a bit chastened that Hermione removed the litter….it was bin day so they really had gone OTT bless them. Thy have made up for it with the mist and are back in Hermione’s good books. I am glad to hear His Lordship is feeling much better today. Heat haze wasn’t so prolific today, but will be able to get some next time it warms up now they know what they are looking for.

    Has he finished looking at his mags?

    Do you think that and horse poop is ok in a village with 3 farms?? I think so.

    Pom’s and my wisterias don’t have flowers but plenty of leaves  Fingers crossed eh?

    Barbara. I must steal some horse poop and try it on the roses.

    I would happily get in a pool in yesterday’s weather. Today has been much more comfortable. Open windows has been enough no need to AC 

    Blimey Carol that was a day of ups and downs for you! I am glad that in the end it looks like most things worked out You got the battery priced up cheapish and the phone is still hanging on in there. Even better you maintained at SW and can keep on taking water tabs 

    Don’t worry too much about reading back. Important news is Joan’s MRI tomorrow afternoon.

    Love to everyone

    Toni xxx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all - nice and pleasant temperatures, it was SO hot on Sunday night...........

    Hi Carol, I did indeed, make it through your post. You certainly had your ups and down's in the day. Well done on keeping your target, that is excellent. :D
    Naughty phone, having fits and starts, not holding power, definitely the battery.
    The first price check was a bit of a shock, (pardon the pun), £60 for a battery :shock:
    The second one was more reasonable.

    You made it to lunch with Mr T though and he brought your watch along.

    Ooops, missing a call, whilst charging the naughty phone. Good that you did get in touch and had a call back and you can stay on the water tablets. Sodium levels are very important to keep a check on, as long as yours are ok, that's just fine :)

    We will have a catch up under the cloak of many rooms this afternoon. Toni has it all immaculised, ready to keep our Joan company and offer hands and paws and a little bit of magic t115006

    Hi Toni, glad you made the most of the last of the hotter days. I think we will all sleep a little better.......says the incurable insomniac :roll: :roll:

    Nice to have a walk with your Brother. Well done on his weight loss, he will feel empowered.

    The thyroxine will be helping, I assume he had a thyroid ablation.

    I knew you would have the cloak all sorted, we will all be there, Hermione will make sure we can all be in two places at once if needed.

    Dad is looking forward to having his podiatry appointment today. He never forgets those appointments :? We will go to a nursery not far from us, then back into town for brunch at the T room, then the Drs for his feet doing, then shop, then home, then that will be enough. Of course I will be under the cloak too. Two of me, what a thought :shock: :lol:

    There was a bit of a sulk going on, after Hermione had removed the scattered litter.
    There is so much mist, Pendle has vanished into it, so a trip out in the morning will be very fruitful.

    Pepe has gone through half of the magazines - He is making notes, obviously for Miss Sleek to read. They can write in pawhand, so only they can decipher what each other is saying.

    I would think a village with three farms can be allowed some Horse poops. Quite how it would go against the awards would be questionable.

    So, we all have Wisteria leaves, but no flowers yet. I notice some in town, are flowering first, not that I am jealous. :?

    Well, I had better do some pottering. Hi to everyone else, Kerrin, Christine, Elizabeth, DD, Toady, Mig, Charrisse and all

    Will see everyone under the cloak. Scones are packed and ready.

    Manatee baby, is imminent......................


    Some Asparagus and Artichoke Bake for Breakfast

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Barbara Kathleen Carol Aidan Toni.
    Barbara yes snooker it won't be long to Wimbledon.
    Kathleen how is your knee.
    Carol sorry about your problems things are sent to try us.
    Aidan I got cold yesterday when I went to bed I put the heating on.
    each day is colder.
    Toni that was nice seeing your brother nice having a. good talk.
    thank you everyone for coming with me today.
    take care
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    Joan it was lovely o see my brother but I would really love having my sister down here too - she's in Scotland and you know more than anyone that there is no-one who can replace your sister.

    We are all ready for later I think some animals may be with us no need to thank us you do the same for us all :)

    Aidan I hope Dad's chiropody goes well today it's good that he remembers them :)

    Yes Sleek said the same about pawhand I definitely can't read it :?

    Did you know what she's bought from catazon now?!! A 'tailer' it's a trailer for the back of her broomstick. It came back FULL of mist!! Ludicrous amounts of the stuff mind you it will all be used.

    Guess what there is serious excitement down at the manatees pool! Supervet is there as several cows are in calf and he suspects one may be having twins which is really unusual :D

    Right better get something done now!


    Toni xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all..another emergency so late on ..our youngest son Niamhs daddy has been admitted to hospital ..he has been bitten and has a large red line up his arm to his armpit..he has had cellulitis before and been on a drip..OH has taken him there and is waiting..
    Sorry if I forget what you have all said..but did read your post..
    Joan I am under the clock..or will be later..nit quite time yet..good luck hope all is well for you
    Toni has her brother there how nice..and how well he has done losing the weight cant be easy after having his thyroid zapped..I hope they can get it on a level for him poo is brilliant for plants try it on the wisteria
    Aiden is going to the T rooms while dad has his feet done..and the neighbours dont want you and Bill to wonder you are there resident doctor and cab :) yes it was far to hot for the soiree..the first time I heard that words was 20 years ago at an antiques fair and they were having one.. :lol: and you have seen your dream house or bungalow in you say someone has to win..good luck but I hope its me :lol: if its enough will but you the house..
    Carol hope that phones sorted and everything else come to that..and glad the bloods were ok ..
    Kath is waiting for her patches..hope they arrive..and I agree Lucy is such an inspiration bless her..
    Now I had better go ..and wait for the phone ..more worry..not heard of Neuro yet so will ring them.. :roll:
    Love to everyone xxxxxx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Still no patches. :shock: They should have been changed on Sunday Toni. They got lost at the surgery, on the doc's desk. :( The pharmacy had all the rest of my stuff, and hopefully they SHOULD have the patches by now. I do have Oramorph, but I've been trying to wean myself off it. :cry: So I'm on pins now. t115006 t4591 t115006

    Barbara, sorry to hear of your son-in-law. Don't worry about forgetting what I said, it never amounts to much any way. :D

    Joan, thank you, my knee seems so much better now. I don't know what they'll think on my appointment. :roll:

    Toni, yes I do mean your Lucy Lu. I will post myself outside her bathroom so I can hear her sing. Sleek will show me the best place. :lol:

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein