Val's Cafe



  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Barbara Kathleen Aidan Toni.
    Barbara how is your son. (((((())))))
    Kathleen Thank you t4591 t4591 (((((())))))
    Aidan I don't do the lottery I think it's making other people millionaires hope it's you.
    Toni that will be good your sister moving down to England.
    take care all
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Barbara Kathleen Aidan Toni.
    Barbara how is your son. (((((())))))
    Kathleen Thank you t4591 t4591 (((((())))))
    Aidan I don't do the lottery I think it's making other people millionaires hope it's you.
    Toni that will be good your sister moving down to England.
    take care all
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006

    Afternoon all, hope all are well. Sunny here, but chilly. Wearing my fleece, knee length trousers. long socks and a sweater over my lap. :lol: Rang dad for a short chat. He has a new book of the history of Nottingham, so we've been reminiscing about "the olden days" . We lived in a very cosmopolitan area, with West Indian, Pakistanis, Italians, Polish and our clan (Derbyshire/Scottish/Nutters). :wink:

    Joan, we don't do the lottery either. Although when I was at worked, our school ran the lottery bonus ball. I chose 45 (my age at the time) and won several times. :D

    Oh Toni, Wipes! :roll: So troublesome. We've had our share of those problems, as you know.

    Wonderful breakfast Aidan, thank you. I've had More than my share. I've left a few face plants for those who feel the need. BYEE.
    Chocolate and nut Sundae Cake.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all..a lovely morning here after it being cold yesterday
    Aiden you take a bow I have great respect for nurses..I have done many hospitals with mum dad and brother.. :) you deserve a
    Glad to hear dads coffee machines has come could take it in turns at each others house now .. :D
    so you are eating out today at your will be a nice change...forgot to say how nice the present was that Pepe got miss sleek ..think it was that way round..the hospital know I have had a scan so not having another unless really necessary..and not had many funny dos lately just off balance..thankyou for the cake and buffet... :D yes the nurse are lovely coming around 4ish today.
    Joan thankyou..for the hugs..for our OH does the euro lottery and dreams of what he will spend it I say :lol:
    Toni you ask for the guarantee to be extended..we did with a CD recorder we had that was mended twice..its not on when you have paid all that money..I hope the saniflo is fixed soon..Lucy cant do with out your sister thinking of moving nearer to you..I know I shouldn't say it having lost one brother out of two but I always yearned for a sister..even more so you have a new villager and you are not the newbie she Indian like my neighbour I love her samosas..and they are veggie..
    Kath I had to laugh at you trying to swim..that was me when I was 40..rubber ring, arm bands..float..but still sank.. :shock: :lol: it was cold here yesterday..
    Right better go ..nurses might come early we have the blind dogs home at the back having there field day..we have thousands of cars park everywhere..mostly on the new rd that goes pat the dogs home..we came back that way :shock:
    Love to everyone xxx t4591 t4591 t4591
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon All

    Really dull showery weather here yesterday and quite chilly. did not do much got my fruit shopping and a quick look in a couple of shops, then it started raining so popped into one of the many coffee shops in our high street for a coffee, and then went back home. I needed to cook my evening dinner early as I wanted to watch The speedway racing on the sports channel its the only sport Myself and Mr T follow. so it was early dinner like it or not :lol::lol: today the weather is better not cold but quite pleasant.
    Mr T's camera has been safely retrieved from lost property and is now back with us here is the picture of me which identified it as ours in festival Hall .jpg?dl=0

    Kath hope you new meds routine is working ok. Almond cookies yummy.

    Aidan Oh dear more accidents with your coffee I always seem to manage to do that when i have something light coloured on the baby manatees are so lovley. Lunch on Friday with mr t was fine on Friday but no thank you forthcomming but then I didn't expect one anyway. my friends son has been like this for a very long time now and it's not even as if he is young he around the same age as my 2 daughters. I think she is quite used to it now.
    Yes all my little Kent family are now in Ramsgate except Eldest GD and her little family but they are only a 20 min bus ride away. No we have no intentions of moving nearer at the moment. Think the only time we would do that is if anything happened to one of us and the other was left alone.
    B is a busy bee at the moment with his jewellery. ooh Blush and beaux two more babies to feed and keep us busy with the cuddles. so cute

    Joan Hope you and Sue are well and have had a good weekend.

    Barbara Yes surprisingly there are still some good people about who will hand things in they find. which is good. Glad your son is improving and ABs are working.

    Toni Hi you seem to be having a very busy time. :wink:

    love and sparkles to you all. t4591 t4591 t115006
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all, thought I had better put fingers to keys, before Sunday, becomes Monday.

    You are welcome to the breakfast goodies Toni, we aim to please :)

    Yes, Sleek was showing off her Tiara box and gave Pepe a kiss on the whiskers :oops: he went to mush (which is nothing new :lol: ). He is very pleased to hear that Mrs Darcey will be moving south, Sleek was almost at shrieking point, but not quite :shock: :lol::lol:

    It has been lovely today, nice breeze, sunshine, very pleasant. Quite cool tonight though.

    We had a pleasant late lunch with our neighbours, roast lamb dinner. We don't eat a lot of meat, just occasionally. It was very nice indeed and followed by strawberries, crushed meringue and double thick cream...............lovely.

    Good to hear the Rev Delphine enjoyed her bacon buttie and then had to whisk herself away to the next village. I hope the bride was not late. It used to wind my Dad up no end, sometimes up to half an hour late :shock: :shock: a very grumpy Rector :lol::lol:

    I would not be too pleased with the shower and the problems you have had, extending the warranty seems more than reasonable. Ooops with the face wipes, they are not flushable and Saniflo are very fussy. Flood, not good, lots of mopping and immaculising I would guess.
    Boil wash, that's what we like to hear.

    One person won 22 million. Not I. If we did and that bungalow had sold, I would be ringing the bell and offering double what they paid for it :) Can you move out please, today :lol::lol:

    So we are going to have baby hippo's too, gosh, best let their mums tend to them, they are not the most people friendly and have VERY big teeth.

    Hi Joan, yes, there are lots of new millionaires with the lottery and euro millions, just need to join the growing list :roll: I guess everyone says, it will never be me and one day it is. Pure luck.

    Hi to Sue and the lovely doggies too. Hope the weather is keeping fine for you. I think we have good weather for the next week at least.

    Hi Kath, I see you were well wrapped up, it was breezy and cool out of the sunshine. We don't want sneaky breezes :shock:

    nice to have a chat to Dad and talk about the good old days. So you were in a very cosmopolitan area :D:D I bet I would not recognise Nottingham now.

    We used to to the bonus ball on the ward. I never won that either :lol::lol: :roll:

    Thank you for the lovely cake, I will save it and face plant today.

    Why thank you Barbara, I duly take my bow. I have my badges, which I guess are my medals, I worked hard for them too. It all seems so long ago now............17 years since they put be out to pasture.

    It was nice being catered for, we rarely cook a meal from scratch, I am too much of a liability in the kitchen, so it is simple things and even then I can send most of it flying :roll: :roll:

    I hope you don't have to have another scan and glad that those horrid dizzy do's have abated. I think arthur makes us loose our balance, for one reason or another, be it pain, over compensating due to discomfort etc. Stumbling about is a daily event.

    Will tomorrow be the last day for the IV antibiotics? I seem to remember you said Tuesday they would stop? Hope he is feeling a lot better and your DIL in less pain too. ((()))

    Hi Carol - you had different weather way down there. Cold and damp :(

    Fruit shopping and of course a coffee pit stop, essential. I caught some of the speedway, as I was going through the sports channels, they go at a heck of a pace :shock: I can imagine it is quite addictive and exciting, even more so if you are there. I went to the F1 in Indionapolis when over in the USA, it was SO SO noisy, you don't realise what it is like when you see it on tv.

    So glad you have the camera back, now let me look at the picture

    :D I am loving the hat, I want one.

    I managed not to disgrace myself at lunch, making sure I was very careful with my drinks of T and food :shock: :lol:
    So no thanks from Mr T, we will have to send some more sparkles, sometimes they take two or three goes.

    It is sad that your friends Son is like that, not letting Mum know where he is or giving his phone number, I just cannot imagine how she must feel. Like you say, if it has been going on a long time...........I will send her some extra t115006

    Have you planned a trip to see the GC down in Margate, it seems a while since you were there? I see your point about moving.

    B is indeed a busy bee with his jewellery, our neighbour is spreading the word far and wide, she knows a lot of people around and about.

    We are getting quite a creche at the Sanctuary and now we have hippo's who are expecting :shock: I heard one of the keepers mention that the big Spid-- has had babies too :shock: :shock: I won't be checking up on them, I believe him.

    Just been to the back door, goodness it is chilly. The owls are all hooting and shouting.

    I had best be doing some more pottering, I have had a reduced potter so far, with being out and about.

    Off to the GC this morning, needs must :) Take Dad and sort his new coffee machine out.

    Hi to everyone in, out and around about. Everyone take lots of care. Love and Sparkles to all t4591 t115006 XX Aidan

    Omelette with feta cheese and mint

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Barbara Carol Aidan.
    Kathleen how is your knee. I hope you have a good day.
    Barbara I wonder what meds the Queen takes she hasn't even got a stick. have a good day.
    Carol that's good Mr T having his camera back. have a good day.
    Aidan I hope you do win the lottery at least you would know what to spend the money on.
    Toni will be here soon (())
    take care all
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning my lovelies. I'm chilly, and feeling so miserable. Just feel like sobbing all day. When that wears off, I can't stop twitching and get a horrible sensation in my stomach. t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591

    Glad you enjoyed your meal Aidan, I love lamb. The omelette was scrummy thank you.

    Joan, My knee looks better, but feels odd. 6 weeks to my scan. :?

    Carol. love yor hat. It should suit you. :D

    Barbara, what a pair of non floaters we are. Did you ever learn to swim? I didn't.

    Toni, Toni - where are you?

    Romaine Salad with apples and Cranberries. Oh, and CREAM, lots of it.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Well, the "borrowers" have been and pinched several hours from our afternoon and it is already 5pm :shock: sorry I won't have time to write much now.

    Hi to Joan, hope you Sue and the doggies are enjoying the good weather.

    Hi Kath, some extra strength hugs and sparkles Kath, don't like to hear that you are feeling so out of sorts and horrid. t4591 t115006 t69044
    Silver will be scattering some sparkles over you asap, so if you see glitter, you know who has been around. t115006

    Hi to everyone else, Toni, Carol, Kerrin, Barbara, Mig, DD, Toady, Christine and all.

    Thank you for the lovely salad Kath, it looks wonderful. I will go and bake something quickly, for afters.

    I will be back later, love to all XXXXX Aidan

    It is ages since we had a cream T

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I'm here was helping Pom this morning with her scarecrow - she spent so much time helping others.....

    Uploading pics......

    Haircut this afternoon then Tesco shopping hen home time to prepare dinner :roll:

    Back in a sec

    how amazing is this ?

    She is so talented.

    I am a mere happy helper!

    the lilac tree has gone MAD!!!
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    Last one Sleek sunning herself yesterday :)

    Today has been ANOTHER silly day so sorry everyone.

    Hello to Joan I can't wait for my sis to come down :) She' like your sis, is the only person who has known me all my life so very important to me :)

    Aidan it is rhoddas Cream we have every time it's the best :) The dessert you had sounded purrfect! a sort of Eton Mess!

    I showed Paul the £1m house he loves it especially the garage!! I like the garden and can see excellent studio areas for B.

    Cream T thank you little fingers OUT!!!

    The Rev Delphine enjoyed the wedding O I think the bride was not too late :?

    Yes that shower has been a HUGE pain in the rear end.

    We can see the baby hippos when they come but only at a distance. They look so cute though. Won't be long so Johnny said just now.

    Carol they could definitely see it was a pic of YOU there :)

    Mr T must be so pleased with you making that phone call.

    At least you got your fruit before it rained off your shopping trip! I see you left 3 large boxes full for the lovelies :shock:

    I agree with you no rush to move nearer while you are happy and able which you both are.

    Did you see my lovely sister is moving near to me from Scotland I am over the moon :)

    Kath I'm here!! Sorry to be late AGAIN :oops: cake from yesterday was lovely too I didn't say thanks just ate some :oops: Today's salad was lovely too thank you.

    Like Aidan I am not at all happy to hear you aren't yourself ((())) from me too. Get yourself down to the manatee pool and then visit Blush's babies t115006 t69044 t69044

    Has Barbara been in? Have I lots her or has her day been as bad as mine???

    At any rate LOVE to everyone

    Toni xxx t4591 t4591 t4591
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi yo all, well, it is now well after midnight, all the evening hours went somewhere, into the shed no doubt :shock: :roll: :roll:

    Hi Toni, you are a very good helper. I love the doggie scarecrow, very good indeed. Pom is very artistic, a bit like Bill. It would not have looked like a doggie if I had had to make if from straw :shock: :lol:

    And the lilac tree has gone into overdrive, it looks beautiful. We were saying the other day, we could do with a smallish lilac read my mind :)

    Pepe is printing out the picture of Sleek on her steps to her house in her village :lol::lol: she is looking very demure.

    Haircut too, very smart, Tesco, we were in there too, today, yesterday, whenever it was :?

    I am waiting for your Sis to start the house hunt. Of course, you need her close by t4591 Silver is already sprinkling magic sparkles over several suitable houses :)

    That bungalow has our names on it, all over it...............the work room / office / jewellery making room, is perfect, B has already laid claim to that. I said fine, it is upstairs anyway, so I won't be up there, I will be in the kitchen, ALL DAY :lol::lol: Immaculising and the utility, is nearly as big as our house :shock: :shock:

    Cream T was a proper pinkie one, we were all very polite :)

    Glad the bride was not too late for her Wedding

    Baby hippo's are due very soon, wonderful, but, as you say, only at a distance, no cuddling, or Mothers would be a little testy :shock: :shock:

    Nope, I cannot find Barbara either, I think we have all had one of those days, I am just getting nowhere, so I will give up and forget today :roll: :roll:

    Lots of combined sparkles and hugs for Kath t4591 t115006 paddling with the manatees and cuddling the baby red panda's will be a great tonic. Sending lots of positive vibes. That goes for us all really.


    I had best be moving, or I will still be here when the sun comes up. I need to potter.

    Love to Carol, Barbara, Kerrin, Christine, Mig, DD, Toady, Charrisse, Elizabeth and all. Everyone take lots of care. XXXX Aidan

    Oyster mushrooms with Brie, on toast

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Aidan Toni.
    ((((((Kathleen)))))) i'm sorry is it your knee that's making you feel like that.
    Aidan one day you will find the right house.
    Toni yes there's no one like your sister. lovely scarecrow and puss I forgot I know it's not pepe and the lilac tree
    take care all
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all..awol yesterday ..went to see my neighbour..then the nurse came ,then I fell asleep.. :shock:
    Carol thankyou ..its will be nice to visit your family in Ramsgate, you know were you are comfortable for now..I vaguely remember going to the car racing at the old Belle Vue in Manchester.. :) that is defiantly you on the pic.. :D and I love the hat is it yours or Mr Ts..
    Kath some hugs coming your way to add to the sparkles..I did once do a length at the lessons and nearly drowned at the that was that.. :shock: the salad was lovey on this sunny day..
    Toni the dog is brilliant..she is so cleaver..the lilac tree reminds me of a small on in out form garden when I was at home..its flowered once in 19 years.. :roll: the one there is stunning.. :D
    Joan I was thinking the same about the must be all the good food..and the maids and butlers.. :lol: she really had dont a grand job and still is ..amazing
    Aiden so you were on your best behavior at the meal.. :D they will have you round again :lol: yes our son has his last drip today..but is worried it will come back so they have told him to see the doctor to see if they will extend the ABs..must say the weather yesterday was just you say a nice breeze.. :D it wasn't me that won the 22 million..but will let you know when I do.. :lol: Bri and mushrooms on toast sounds good to me..will save the cream Tea for later..
    I had better move ..
    Love to everyone ..hope the weather is nice for you t4591 m0150 t4591
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Joan, one word - Morphine! Thankfully, it's starting to improve. So thanks to everyone for your messages of love. t4591

    Awww, Lovely photo of Sleek Toni. Does Pepe have a copy, he will swoon. And the fact you had some cake is enough thanks for me.

    We toddled to the benches this morning. :D It's been a beautiful day.

    Oh dear Barbara, that's not funny. I bet you were scared. :shock:

    Cream T with pinkies out, most definitely.

    Question for the admins - when will winter leave and summer arrive? :lol:

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all. I was chilly this morning, so I popped the heating on when I got up :shock: now, I am boiled :lol::lol: Apart from being a wee bit warm, it is a lovely day. m0150

    I seem to have lost a couple of hours, not quite as many as yesterday. Carol will need them, we tend to share them between us. They are all in the shed cupboard Carol.

    Hi Joan, I hope you are having fine weather too. We love where we are now, in our park home, it is perfect for us. I am one who always has a dream. It would just be nice to make a difference to a lot of people / charities etc.......
    Hi to Sue and the lovely doggies too xxx

    Hi Barbara you did go AWOL, another day and I would have been sending a Txt.

    How is your neighbour, I hope she is doing ok and you are there to keep her strong and help wherever you can.

    When we get our swimming pool, it will be 4 feet deep right through, so you can paddle and walk, without sinking :shock: :shock: There I go again, dreaming............. :roll:

    Oh yes, best behaviour for our lunch, but not over fussy :lol: I just didn't want to slop anything, or knock anything over.........

    Did the GP say for your Son to stop on IV AB's, if he is concerned that the infection will come back. I understand his concern.

    There is a nice breeze today, I am just having one of my "do's", it's my age.......... :lol::lol:

    No, know one that we know won the 22 million, or if they did, they are keeping VERY quiet :? :?

    Enjoy the Brie and Mushrooms.

    Hi Kath - you are more than welcome to all our love and hugs, sharing is caring, we cannot keep all the sparkles for ourselves.

    I take it that you have had some pain relief and it is working, well that's fine, you do what is required to make you feel more comfortable. Sorry, Matron was barking out orders :lol:

    Pepe does have a copy of Miss Sleeks latest picture on her steps. They are both excited about the Royal Wedding, Sleek cannot wait to see the dress and the diamonds and tiara's............... t4591

    Glad you had a nice potter to the benches, to enjoy the fine weather.

    I am hoping that the emojis will change to hot and sunny summer things and cooling fans etc :) Pretty please.

    Chicken on sticks, lovely, I have made some veggie ones to go with them, thank you kindly, they look super tempting.

    B has been taking the neighbours doggy out for walks and wee's, while they are at work, she is only working one day, so rang and asked if he minded being the babysitter. Poor doggy she is very old and not so well. She had been sickly, so B went back over with the little green clean machine, they are fantastic for cleaning smaller carpet areas. Bissell make them. Would not be without it.

    Some sorting and re potting in the garden, not by me, I just made cups of T.

    Goodness it is getting hotter..................... m0150 m0150

    Sleek was over, early doors, to get the very thick mists. You could not see Pendle at all this morning, she was totally shrouded. They managed to fill two tailers and 4 large jars. The Nymphs are out and about, nipping around in the woods, always just vanishing out of sight.......

    I bet Toni is busy again, maybe more scarecrow to help with, plus keeping Sleeks Village tidy........I will leave some magic squares, I can tell there is an ouchy, than will need some magic. t115006

    Hi to Kerrin, Christine, Mig, Toady, Carol, Elizabeth, DD and all.

    I will away and sort out my pills :roll:

    Will catch you all later, in the meantime, take lots of care, love and sparkles to all. t4591 t115006 XX Aidan

    Blueberry and Cream Butterfly Cakes

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Heloo everyone so sorry t be late in AGAIN!!

    Aidan is right I have huge ouchies ATM I think I have been overdoing it a bit :oops: To much helping in the village :roll:

    Never mind it will go off in the end won't it? I have taken 3 magic squares that should do it and will be off to bed in 5. With a fairy cake :)

    Sleek has been a little sweetie today. HRH (Pepe LOngstockings) has invited her to yours to watch it on your telly. She is bringing tuna sandwiches and some pusscorn as well as sardines (not for herself and Pepe you understand). Do NOT expect to hear a THING imagine the shrieking there will be :?

    My goodness were they laden with mist this morning. They dropped on large jar over the village so it was super-foggy early this morning :shock:

    It was v kind of B to hide any embarrassment for the elderly Canine bless..... :(

    Kath Pepe loves Sleek's photo :)

    Well done going for your walk. I didn't manage mine today, but will tomorrow for sure.

    I am so glad you are on the mend now ((()))

    Barbara some days are just like yours was yesterday. So long as you are ok that's all that matters :)

    Poor little lilac! Only once in 19 years bless it

    I hope your son is ok and they continue ABs if necessary.

    Ah yes Joan the Puss was Daisycat AKA Diddicat AKA Sleek AKA Miss Slimkins.... :D

    My Sis should be here by the end of summer/early Autumn :D:D

    I have been down to see but no baby hippos yet.....maybe tomorrow?

    Love to everyone

    Toni xxx
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all

    No No I haven't gone Awol I am so mad tonight i spent ages typing a long post and just as i got to the end i went to post and the internet went down :x :x and yes you guessed right I lost the post I am so cross that I really am in no mood to retype it . as it is now almost time for bed. so i will post again tomorrow. however I thought i would still post these two photos our little Graycie the little monkey climing out of high chair.jpg?dl=0 climing out of high chair 2.jpg?dl=0

    love and sparkles to you all t4591 t115006 t4591 t115006
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all, I cannot believe it, I am here, before midnight. :shock: I must have gained an hour.

    See, I just had an inkling that there were ouchies afoot. Best be sending some sparkles - Silver is sending some over, with the wonderful Owl.


    All that immaculising in the village and helping Pom and doing this, that and the other, all at once. Sleek has been telling us :roll: steady away now. Just the one butterfly cake? Hugs for the ouchies to ease ((())) t4591

    Ah, so that is why there was shrieking, over the phone earlier, Pepe has invited Miss Slimkins over, she is bringing a feast I see. Pusscorn and sardines :mrgreen: Tosca will be loving them. I imagine they will want to see it on the big tv, not the bedroom one. Every detail will be examined I am sure.

    It will take shrieking to a whole new level :shock: :lol::lol: I guess the box of Tiara's will be coming with her.

    It was foggy, summer mists, usually mean it is going to be a hot day. The Nymphs have enough for a couple of weeks weaving now.

    Pepe did a special glide in the bedroom, to fluff up his fur to the max, he wanted Sleek to see

    Sis is due to move by the end of Summer. I am over the moon and back. :D:D t4591 Maybe Mrs Darcey would like to come to watch the Royal wedding. Sleek and Pepe would love that.

    Apparently the Hippo's have gone into labour.................... :shock: Vets are on duty and on hippo watch.

    Oh dear, it is SO annoying when the internet goes off and your posts go into the ether. Even Silver cannot find it :shock:

    I am barely able to speak, when I loose a post that I have spent a long time writing, in between potterings.

    Love the pictures of little Graycie, escaping from her chair and looks to be into everything I would guess.

    Extra t115006 t115006 for a restful night and a settled internet today.

    Had my hair cut today, which feels much better, no longer like wearing a felt hat.

    Off into town this morning, to the T room, they even have doilies on the plates, I like doilies :) I will try not to choke, spill, or otherwise disgrace myself with my coffee and scones :roll: :roll:

    Hi to everyone in out and about, Christine, Kerrin, Mig, DD, Toady, Elizabeth, Charrisse and all

    Everyone take lots of care. Love and Sparkles. t4591 t115006 X Aidan

    Help yourselves to breakfast

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Barbara Kathleen Carol Toni Aidan.
    Barbara have you got your app for your results mines the end June.
    Kathleen i'm pleased you are feeling better.
    Carol lovely photo's of Graycie she looks like you.
    Toni that's nice your sister moving to England I hope the time soon goes.
    Aidan enjoy your time at the café how is your Dad.
    take care all
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all..up early today its my Birthday..I will never grow up :lol: 68.. :shock:
    Aiden I love the pic of Pepe he really is doing his best to impress Miss Sleek.. :) it seems to be working..I see that both collected mist form over Pendle Hill.. :) glad you enjoyed your tea and there were no miss nice of B to take the neighbours doggy out..they would be mortified if they knew it had been sick on your floor..but all was well in the end..our son has been put on oral ABs for a week, would you believe the cannular came out has she was trying to do the last one, so the nurse put a smaller one in just to finish, then had to take it out neighbour is doing fine was another neighbour I went to see..he is quite poorly ..and it happened so suddenly..a very fit 86 year old gardening and diy then he get a chest infection.. :roll: thankyou for the buffet breakfast I will help myself before anyone else sees it.. :D
    Carol your GGD is a little monkey..that little look on her face says it all.. :lol: I could eat her has my late mum would say.. :D sorry you lost your post is so annoying..
    Kath it was scary ..I never swum again after that..would love to have learned ..I agree about the smilies..the little man throwing the snowballs send shivers down my spine :lol: I hope those meds are helping..x
    Toni you need to slow down a little just for a few days..and give your bones time to lovely that your sister will soon be nearer you..something to look forward to.. :D
    Joan I haven't had to other scan yet ..they have one of my head,,so have to wait for another appointment..I think they are confused by my brain..or lack of it :lol:
    Better go OH is taking me and our Niece to the GC and treating neighbour came in last night with flowers and chocolates.. :D love to everyone xx t4591 t4591 t4591
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Aidan, thanks for the breakfast. :D And Pepe's fur looks so luxurious.

    Carol, Gracie looks so sweet, but mischievous. t4591

    Not sure whether my meal is for us, or the puss cats. Maybe we could share it. Stuffed Sardines with fresh herbs. :lol:

    Had my blood test today, a different DN as Martin (my usual one) is poorly.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    A quick hi to one and all. The hours have vanished into the shed again.

    Now, I wish we had known earlier, we would have sent a card.........hope you have a lovely day Barbara, age is only a number and I feel 120 :lol::lol: :roll:


    Have a lovely time at the GC with Mr B and your Niece. t4591

    I have had a potter round the garden today, while B was clearing out under the steps / decking. A big toad lives under there :shock: :shock:

    I watered and fed some plants and flowers, especially the wisteria. There MIGHT, be a flower or two, on the baby one.....................with a frost forecast for tonight :shock: :shock:

    Pepe was showing off and had made himself extra fluffylicious :lol::lol:

    Kind of you to pop in to see the neighbour who is not well. Glad that your Son is on oral AB's now, pity about the cannula coming out and then a new one in, then out, like the hokey cokey........ :lol: :roll:

    Toni does need to slow down, I knew there were some ouchies, in the back region particularly. I am out in sympathy, just from half a hour in the garden. Grrrrr, I used to love being in the garden, busy away.
    Sleek tells us all the things that have been going on with the peeples, well, she tells Pepe and I listen in :lol::lol:

    Hi Kath, Pepe's fur is more than luxurious, just keeping it free of knots is a daily task.

    I hope you are feeling a good deal better. A new D Nurse, oh dear, the other one is poorly. Hope the blood tests are ok.

    Thank you for the fish, they look lovely and Tosca will be sniffing round, to see what it left.

    Hi to everyone else, I will catch up again later on. He says, rolling his eyes :roll: famous last words.

    Right, we need a Birthday cake..............let me go see.

    Love and Sparkles to all. t4591 t115006 XX Aidan

    A nice, gooey, yummy, chocolate cake

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our lovely Barbara :)


    I hope you are having a great day!

    Glad son is having oral ABs for now all good better safe than sorry I reckon.

    Ok I will slow down.....I hope!!

    Carol Graycie is adorable really sweet looking - how many toys?!!

    Aidan the breakfast was lovely much needed we have been out again in the village planting more flowers!! I have had enough now luckily it's just the hospice ladies lunch tomorrow (pinkies definitely out!!) so more restful.

    Sleek is a tittle tattle!! The Wheaties were out last night as were the anti-inflams to add to the patches. Not to worry all will be well.

    I think they have invited Mrs D to yours to share YOUR TV and the goodies on Saturday(the sardines were for Tosca you are right) they can't wait! You might need earplugs :?

    Miss Slimkins has printed off Pepe's latest photo (he does rosebud lips too!) and put in in her ickle house :D

    I heard a commotion down by the hippo pit!! the babies are coming :D:D

    I have some cider for Barbara, put up the bunting and will wait patiently for some cake......

    Your hair looks very smart just right for the posh tea-room :)

    Kath stuffed on earth?!! I hope the stand-in DN was up t standard?

    Joan My sister is coming soon I also hope the time flies by :) End of June for your scan results? Good we can come with you if you remind us nearer to the date :)

    Love to everyone

    Toni xxx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I had a lovely day thankyou..
    Aiden that is very kind I love the card and the cake, better get cutting it before Toni does a face splat :lol: so you have pottered in the garden ,I do hope your wisteria survives the frost..hopefully just a bit of frost.. :roll: we saw quite a few wisteria at the GC and they are starting to bud :) yes cannular done with now...all the time the nurse was doing it I was thinking of you...such a difference in the nurses some cleaned the tray with all the stuff on others didnt.. :roll:
    Toni hopefully that is the last of the planting for now..and rest with the ladies from the hospice..tea and cake :) and thankyou I did have a good day but to much chocolate :lol: I think I will try a little cider
    Kath sardines ..not had them for ages.. :) I hope the bloods are ok
    Better move love to everyone... t4591 t4591