Val's Cafe



  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Oh dear, Toni, you lost your long post, that's so frustrating. I wish we had auto save.

    Sleek is right, Pepe is not himself at all. :mrgreen: and very quiet, won't eat, no matter what I put down, just walks away. He is sleeping at the moment, so he might have a snack later. This is nothing new, Pepe has had so many times like this over the past 16 years..............delicate tummy or what. Of course I am not one to worry when he is like this - MUCH :roll: :roll: :? :?

    I will mention weddings, in passing, when he is feeling a bit more himself. t4591

    Poor doggy over the way, plus consoling the owners. She is still ok with her little walks and eating treats and taking her pills.

    Yes, dates are in diaries, we need a cloak reminding service :lol:

    So pleased the Wilma and baby Wilma are flowering, cannot wait.

    Hi Barbara It did seem a long time and we were up and off to different areas. I think I left a scone in one of the testing rooms :shock:

    Glaucoma and a cataract oh dear, big hugs ((())), they can certainly replace the lens and control the glaucoma with drops, sometimes laser treatment, that would depend on the opthalmic surgeon. Keeping up with the greens etc will also help.

    I bet your head is banging and I hope you manage to rest well overnight.

    31st, right, that is a week away to the day, Toni will have that in her diary and the cloak will be refreshed, all ready for the scan. It's all go isn't it......... :shock:

    We are a bit shattered to be honest, sounds a bit "poor us", but we do help neighbours an awful lot, plus keeping Dad on the ball, almost every day, sometimes you feel that there is not a lot else you can do. Just one of those times I guess, we will be ok and rally round and carry on.

    His Lordship has had a snack - no :mrgreen: this time. Been playing with my glasses cord too. Seems bright enough.

    Where was I? :roll: We are super pleased that the wisteria has teeny flower buds on, I was very careful to feed them well. B is busy away with another trio, very evening wear, dark black and silver, looks amazing.

    I seem to be loosing my concentration tonight, so I will call it a day / night / morning............

    Hugs, love and sparkles to everyone, in out and about. t4591 t115006 XX Aidan

    Plum Squares with marzipan crumble

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Toni Aidan Barbara.
    Kathleen I'm sorry about all your pain's I will be there for your appointments. (((())))
    Toni sorry you lost your post very frustrating I know.
    Aidan sorry about all your problems (((()))) and little dog how is your Dad.
    Barbara sorry you have so many eye problems ((()))
    take care all
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all..a lovey breeze out there...and had a good sleep what more can you ask :D
    Aiden wonder you were both tired..I know you like helping people .. :)(()) some strengths hugs... I forgot to mention the lovely pic of the wisteria ..think I said next doors was 20 something ft tall..but they chopped it down when they got rats ..the firm that came to get rid of them said they would climb the was stunning when in flower .. :( thanks for the hugs..they mentioned drops for my eye..and the cataract isn't to bad yet.. :roll: my appointment on the 31st is 7.20 pm :shock: at a big teaching hospital we have never been to :shock: plum squares look very nice and I love marzipan..
    Joan thankyou..will plod on like we all do...hope you all have a lovely day and have the sun...with a breeze... :D
    Going to chill today after yesterday..not sure were
    Love to all... t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    OOh, Plum squares, WITH MARZIPAN so yummy, thank you Aidan.

    What a beautiful Wisteria. Will attract tons of Butterflies. t115006 t4591 t115006

    Thanks for the suggestion of Sudocrem Aidan, I have a huge pot of it in the bathroom.

    Thank you Joan, that will be lovely. m0150

    So sorry you lost your post Toni.Most frustrating. t69044

    Oh Barbara, so many eye problems. You are a brave lady. t4591

    My hips feel really tight and 'locked up' today. Off for cuddles with the cuddlies and to paddle with the Manatees.

    Help yourselves to Marzipan and Hazelnut cake. There's plenty if you feel like a face plant Toni. :lol:

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all, very bright and m0150 m0150 nice breeze, but we still have the AC going as well as the tumble dryer :roll: :roll: and two windows open.

    Hi Joan not to worry about my problems, I keep on pottering and plodding along :) We are all experts at that without a doubt. Not ones to give in easily.

    Dad is ok, we will see him in the morning, when we pick him up for a coffee / cakes / shopping. Our neighbours doggy is slow, but managing to pootle about and go on little walks. Thank you for the hugs t4591

    Hi Barbara, I am glad you had a good sleep, it does make a lot of difference, although it is something that eludes me and has done for as long as I can recall. Even with the chemical kosh, it is only the drugs that are sending you dozy. Anyway, that's by the by. Thank you for the strength hugs, they are very welcome indeed, some sparkles for you too t115006 t115006

    I would love that wisteria, the one I found a picture of. I do remember you saying about your neighbours having a lovely one, but the rats went up it.................. :shock: :shock: I would have had it down in half an hour, emergency chopping session. Rats, no, don't do rats. Shudder.

    Drops for your eye is pretty certain, to reduce the pressure and encourage drainage from the inner area of your eye too. I would push for the cataract to be done, it is very simple and quick. My late Dad had his done and Dad 2 has had his done, even though they were not "ripe" as they used to call them.
    He was referred by the optician, so he kind of fast tracked and they did them both at the local private hospital too. Takes the pressure of the NHS system. Worth a shot eh?

    What time in the evening, goodness, I will have to be in two places at one time, in bed and under the cloak, maybe I should combine the two :lol::lol: Is that at Manchester Royal?

    I am glad the plum squares went down well at breakfast. I am sure Toni will find them too and I see that Kath has left a cake or three.

    I hope you had a restful day and went to the GC for snacks and coffee :) Well, needs must, keeping local business going, they need out support :lol::D

    Hi Kath, I can see lovely cakes. So you love marzipan too, I chose well.

    You are welcome, it is worth giving sudocrem a try, it won't do any harm and is less likely to cause a reaction, than germoline. (Always your little finger, when you are digging into pots of cream, just something that a ward Sister instilled in us, years ago, they are always the cleanest of them all). There I go, waffling on again.

    Sending you some anti ouch vibes, for your sore hips. t4591 t115006 and lots of ((())) too. Cuddles and paddles will help too. The manatee's tickle with their whiskers :lol:

    I have already face planted in one cake, ooops, could not wait. There are several more on the side Toni. I hope I cleaned up properly.

    Pepe is quiet today, he has eaten a bit, he doesn't like the weather too warm. He had a chat to Sleek while we were out. They are taking time out at homes, to recoup a little.

    We took the new box of food that he won't eat, back to the vets, swapped it for a box that I took back weeks ago (different batch), so we will see how that goes. They have ordered some more, to gather tomorrow lunchtime, oh he is a fusspot and then some. They are more than used to him. As soon as I went in, they said, oh dear, he doesn't like that batch then. :roll: :roll:

    We went to the tip, had lots of wooden spindles, from the decking slope out the front. B has taken most out and is going to use wire cable, to make the handrail look a bit more up to date and not like a galleon.

    Watered the garden again, it was dry, after drenching everything yesterday, it all goes so quickly when things are in pots. Rain tomorrow I think and cooler too. Happy days.

    Right, I am away. I need to move and potter a bit, before T and biscuits, pinkies out :lol::lol::D

    Love to everyone in out and about. t4591 t115006 Many sparkles too. XXX Aidan

    I am NOT jealous of this wisteria at all........................ :? :?

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternooon everyone I am getting ready for choir practise.

    Poor Barbara what a day yesterday was....not great news but at least nothing sinister. Pom had her eyes lazered on Tuesday and is already driving!! Amazing what the can do isn't it?

    So well enough to join me tonight?

    31st is in the Cloak's diary.

    All this cake Kath you are really spoiling us!! Sorry about the mess :oops: Noo-noo is running...

    Hope your hips are ok ((())) Aidan will have sent over some magic squares for you I'm sure always have cuddles with the manatees they love being hugged :)

    Aidan Sleek knows her beloved now and will be relieved to know he is eating again. She was a tad worried about him yesterday :?

    I think they will both be happy to get married if they can stay at home with us, but have all the fun of dressing up and weddings. Sleek might turn into a bit of a catzilla though :shock:

    Pepe has told her about the doggie which upset her quite a bit - poor Doggie and his parents :(

    I have had the A/C on today too it's been lovely again I even managed a small time in the garden.

    Charley has been she is off to pride in Brum on Saturday I hope she stays safe and has a great time.

    I love today's wisteria pic!! How clever!! Look after Wilma and little Wilma :) t4591

    I have eaten the plum squares thank you very much yes cake too from Kath!! I am stuffed and there will be biccies at choir practise too :roll:

    It still hasn't rained her today!! If it doesn't tomorrow I will have to drown everything not just by watering can too :shock:

    I know you have lost posts too Joan I am sure it was my own fault really :roll:

    Love to Carol and Kerrin and everyone

    I will try not to talk Carol :lol::lol::lol:

    Toni xxx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all started quite breezy this morning but very warm now.. :o
    Kath thankyou but I am not brave..just trying to find a way to cope like we have to..your poor hips , do they need replacing or have they not got to that stage yet..and cake just what I needed thankyou.. :D
    Aiden the pic of the wisteria is like one at the GC but there's is smaller but trained the same.. :)
    what a good idea using your little finger in pots I always think of the germs that might be lurking in there..I have to laugh at Pepe and the food.. :lol: bet you don't know if you are coming or going.. :) this weather has effected the cats next door..they are so layed back at the min and not chasing birds thank goodness :shock: I have my water pistol at the ready if they do...not sure if they would do a cataract op with this macular but i will ask, I was also told the dry MD can turn to have to tell them if I notice anymore loss in my sight.. :shock: yes wegot to the GC and like yours everyone was sitting outside so nice and quiet..the hospital is Salford..never been to Salford so OH say he will drive round and and I have a plan off the net.. 3 car-parks they have ours is num are welcome to the hugs and thankyou for the sparkles.. :D
    better move love to everyone t4591 m0150 t4591
    Just spotted you there Toni dont worry I will be at choir..and will bring my glasses..glad you got some time in the garden ..just chilling I hope :D
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all
    Not a bad day here today weather wise started off quite drab and dreary and windy but improved as the day went on.
    I have a day to myself tomorrow Mr T will be out all day from about 8.30am until late afternoon. I shall be meeting my friend in the afternoon for coffee, i saw her yesterday as although she cannot knit at the moment she decided to come along to the knitting group.
    and we have decided we will meet up tomorrow as usual. My meal with Mister T will be on Saturday this week after our church open morning. Today my knee has been really painful but then again I have done a lot of extra walking over the last few days so I suppose I should have expected that. Yesterday when I tried to post our internet was having a hissy fit and kept going off so it was hopeless trying to do anything.

    Aidan yep the tops were a real bargain and very comfy. was so pleased with them. No blisters no that's what becomes of all the st john training. just a reasonable size red mark cold water compress was on it very very quickly. At least the meal was enjoyed so that was good. it was a Bolognese pasta bake. that child's burns would have been horrendous falling in a fire. How sad. Sil was pleased to see Mr t. Hope Dads bloods are all ok. Sorry for your neighbour whose little doggie is sick its horrible to see them like that.

    Joan So its not only me and Aidan then that do these silly things.

    Barbara some of Asda's clothing collection is lovely I dont go there very often as it is 2 short bus rides away i cannot get there directly from where we live.

    Toni sorry you lost your post it is so annoying we were having so many on and off with our internet last night i gave up posting

    Toni Hope we have been good tonight at choir and not chatting and giggling.

    just been to see our cuddlies to have a few cuddles the manatees and the bush babies love it.

    Its time to go so i will say good night all love and sparkles t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all, q pleasant temperature this evening, no need for the AC, just the fans on low.

    Siesta was a complete waste of time, I was as relaxed as a bag of wasps :roll: :roll: Pepe was jumping around and Mother was up and down eating biscuits every 10 minutes.

    That aside. Neighbour came round to gather a quite of jewellery, to take to her friend tomorrow. That pushed supper on later than normal, but not so bad, it was only sandwiches.

    Pepe was eating, now he isn't. :roll: He ate ok when we went for siesta's, so I know he has had at least three good snacks today. He is just not interested and seems very low.

    Will be keeping a close eye on him. Sleek will have to nip over I think, to check up on him while we are out this morning. She might cheer him up a little :)

    Sleek, a catzilla, :lol::lol: :shock: :shock: well, all things are possible I guess
    They will enjoy dressing up for their wedding, just need to see what is amiss with his Lordship.
    We have been here before, many many times, over the years.

    Yes, poor doggie, still doing ok and having walkies and lots of fuss and treats.

    You had a potter in the garden too. I did the watering. Even when it rains, a lot of the planting, like Acers and bonsai horse chestnuts, they parasol over their pots, so no water gets to them. The horse chestnut is 30 years old now, about three feet tall. Dad did the bonsai whatever's, now we have it in our care. I will take a pic.
    I did take pic of the mini flowers bud, but it was SO bright, the picture was rubbish. Will try again.
    The bigger of the two Wilma's, it is a false alarm, it was a bunch of leaves coming out, not a flower :cry::(

    I remember Charley went to Brum Pride last year, if memory serves me right. Showers of protection for her to be safe. t115006 t115006 hope she has a great time.

    I would fight for that white wisteria. They have some, albeit smaller ones, that are trained like that, at the GC, but the ££ is a little SHOCKING :shock: :shock: So many houses in town have lovely ones growing up and draped in flowers

    I turned the nu nu off, it had cleaned everywhere nicely. Glad you enjoyed all the cakes and plums and marzipan............

    Now, no talking I hope, at choir practice. Two strikes and you will be on detention :shock: :lol::lol: Barbara will be there, I am sure.

    Your GC must have the same suppliers Barbara, with the wisteria umbrella's. They are gorgeous, but way too expensive.

    Yes, little pinkies are always the cleanest, when dipping into pots. As long as everyone else has done the same :? :?

    Pepe is a law unto himself and runs rings round me. We are off to the vets again this morning, to gather yet more food.............if it is the same batch as the ones I have taken back, not quite sure what we will do. He has just had a snack now.......... :roll: :roll:

    Glad the puskins next door, are leaving the birds alone. Far too warm for chasing and jumping.

    Let's trust that the dry Mc stays that way, I know you will be careful and monitor things. There seems to be no evidence that cataract surgery would make dry MD any worse and would improve vision.

    I have been looking at Salford Hospital website, it seems to be quite forward thinking and patient led, so I am sure your visit will be ok.

    The singing was very tuneful and no backing tracks this time :)

    Hi Carol You will enjoy your knitting group and meeting your friend for coffee. Even though she cannot do any knitting, it will be nice for her to join you for a natter.

    Let's hope you sell some cards on Saturday, then enjoy your meal out with Mr T.

    Walking has caught up with you and giving you the ouchies in your knee. My sympathies are with you, they hurt like heck don't they. We will share some magic squares, there are quite a few now, in the spare cake tin. t115006 t115006

    Your internet was doing strange things, like Toni's, I blame the weather, too hot for the routers :roll:

    Good that you had no blisters and your training will have stood you in good stead over the years. We should open a clinic, one for pottering and one for medical drop in centre. :lol:

    Bolognese pasta bake sound wonderful. I could fancy some of that.

    Yes, Mum said it was horrific, when that poor boy was burned by the fire.

    So the bush babies, babies, came out from their bamboo to see you, that's lovely. I am sure they are growing now. They like cuddles, just like the manatee's. Just the warthogs, hippos and spid--s that don't need cuddling. :shock:

    I must move again, time to potter. I am Z shaped already.

    Lots of love and sparkles to everyone, in and out and about. t4591 t115006 Take lots of care. XXX Aidan

    Summer berry cream cheese crepes

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Oooh! I feel all French Aidan with those delectable crepes :) Mmmm thanks :)

    I had a much better night last night and woke to rain lovely raint111054.gif

    Sleek sorted it for me because I was complaining :wink: waterbuts should be refilling nicely.

    She is most worried about her beloved and fears he may be getting one of his 'headaches' :shock: For all your sakes I hope not and that you can change the food ok. Not surprising you couldn't sleep with that worry. She will be over to keep an eye while you are out this morning. Her mackintosh, sou'wester and galoshes are ready beside her broomstick waiting....

    Delayed supper due to prospective jewellery sales? A good thing I think all things considered at least nothing spoiled.

    Thank you I am sure Charley will be fine at Pride, but big cities are a worry these days.

    I did some gardening and watering yesterday and agree with you some plants do not get wet in rain including hanging baskets :roll:

    Did you imply that the sp****s have had babies :shock: :shock: :shock: I know Sleek said they are people too, but :?

    Carol I didn't talk....much anyway ;) Hehehe!

    Glad your friend is coming to knitting and natter after all the social aspect is part of it isn't it?

    I hope your knee eases soon for you ((())) at last so you can enjoy your lunch with Mr T.

    Did you drop off some fruit for the lovelies yesterday? have some here and don't want to overfeed them...

    Miss Sleek has caught (and eaten :shock: :mrgreen: ) 2 birds one vole this week that I have seen we 'saved' one vole I think - hope...

    The rain today has her confined to barracks except when visiting Pepe of course t4591

    Salford hospital sounds are doing well coping with all that stuff with your eyes ((()))

    I suppose you don't care what it is so long as it isn't what happened to your D Dad.

    Choir was good last night we did well I think :)

    A quick Woo-oo! to Joan (it's Suesday!) hope it's not too wet to enjoy your shopping today.

    Love to everyone

    Toni xxx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello back
    Joan is walking the dogs then we are off to town
    Try to stay as happy as you can I know it can be very hard but it seems to make hard times easer to cope dont you think
    Well i had better go and do the washing up

    I look forward to speaking to you all next time

    lots of love


    ps this page as gone all funny
    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all who asked for it is..
    Morning Sue its lovely to hear from you..that is so right..these things are sent to test us and really does make you appreciate the good enjoy your trip to town and hopefully you get to your cafe.. :D
    Toni yes there are worse things to cope Miss sleek is confined to the house today.. :lol: it nature I suppose but I have my water pistol ..but one of the cats loves it :lol: yeah we have the garden will come alive...hope that Charley enjoys the pride..and they will both be safe..
    Aiden I did get to choir but was late so stood at the back..must say you were well behaved this time.. :lol:
    Aiden Salford is getting more familer the longer I look at the does say limited thats our worry..especially that we dont know the area..but like my late mum would say it will come and go :shock: poor you not being able to settle on your siesta..hopefully today you will get a nice nap..I hope that Pepe is just being fussy again and not unwell might just be this weather..has you say last night was much cooler..I was dreading it to be good to hear that Bs jewellery is taking off.. :D it will keep him pout of mischief.. :lol: the wisteria at the GC was just the same only smaller ..and yes they are a fortune.. :o
    Now I must have a couple of summer berry crepes..thankyou :D
    Carol is busy knitting ..hope you have a lovely half day with your friend nothing better than a good chat..but give that knee a rest for a while..and enjoy your meal tomorrow with Mr T.. :D
    Right better leave you for now ..
    Love to everyone ..xxxxxx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Pouring here, hope it stops before Tesco arrive. :?

    Hello Sue, lovely to see you. :D

    Thank you Aidan those crepes look super. Thanks for the hugs too. Ouchies not as bad today, they always ease a bit once it starts to rain. :roll:

    Toni, my sister goes to Pride most years, but I don't know if she will this year, what with her back and all. :?

    Carol, rest those knees. I bet you don't know what to do with yourself because of the pain. t115006 t4591 t115006

    Barbara, I don't care WHAT you say, you are brave. We all are. t4591

    More cake, I'm sure you don't mind. Sponge roulade with cream, mandarin and cherry. :D

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all - totally run out of daytime.............borrowers have been and taken at least three hours away :? :roll:

    Rain here too, cooler, pleasant. Grass and trees will be grateful for the water. We have had a long dry spell really.

    Pepe is not too bad, has had three snacks. I got the new batches from the vets, same batch number, but different sell by dates ---- hopefully he will pick up, he ate about half of a little serving this afternoon and then enjoyed a sit on the ironing board. Now he is fast asleep again.

    He knows when I am wound up, so he gets all upset with himself too. It's a vicious circle :? :roll: :roll: what a pair we are.

    Toni is glad of the rain, didn't get detention from the choir mistress

    Sleek is eating all manner of wildlife............... :mrgreen: She said to pepe that she had been hunting, to give gifts to the peeples and mummy. :shock:

    Barbara is enjoying the cooler weather and was late for choir, not to worry, you threw your voice very well apparently

    Kath is less ouchy which is good to hear t115006 t4591

    Hugs and love to all, must go sort a cup of T. Thank you for the cake Kath, it looks amazing, if there are a few, I might plant my face in one.

    Be back later, when all will be relaxed and calm................WHO said that? ? :lol: t4591 t115006 XX Aidan
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all, late in the day now.............

    The crepes were very French Toni and very moreish.

    It has been welcome rain, your lawn will be very grateful, as our teeny little patch out front is. Kind of Sleek to conjure up some rain, filling the water tanks, ready for more warm weather.

    Pepe is not himself at all. He had eaten a little, but was very :mrgreen: after siesta time. He slept up to about 11 and has just had a little snack. I checked the times the Vets were open over the next three days, just in case. I think there might be a visit at some point :? :?

    Good of Sleek to come sit with him while we were out. You are quite right, I cannot settle, I try and be all smiles and offer lots of encouragement and fussing. But, you cannot fool a puskin.

    No, nothing spoiled with the delayed supper on Thursday. A sale is a sale.

    I would not want to be in a big city now. I am sure everything will be ok.

    We have yet to plant up the hanging basket. Went to Homebase on Thursday, they had trailing petunia's £1 for 6, so we said, we will get some on Friday.............., same things were nearly £4 :shock: sack that, we will go somewhere else.

    I am let to believe that the Big Spid--s have had hundreds of little baby spid--s :shock: :shock: I have not checked, but I noticed a very large tank going in today :? :? :o

    There seems to be plenty fruit in the Sanctuary kitchens, along with fish, mealworms, crickets, bamboo shoots, vitality pellets, straw, hay, corn, vegetables, nuts, seeds...............

    I am glad you managed to save a vole, let's hope it doesn't appear again, as another little "gift".

    Hi Sue, nice to see you on Suesday :) Hope you got everything you needed in town and maybe a cake and a coffee too. We try and stay positive, we smile and say we are ok. Sometimes through gritted teeth :lol::lol: :roll:

    What happened to the page when it went funny :shock:

    Hi Barbara It looks a large hospital in Salford, similar to Blackburn on some of the pictures. Maybe smarter around the main entrance, Blackburn could do with a good scrub :roll:

    Limited parking, mmmmmm, mind you, it is an unsocial time that you are there, so I would guess parking will be fine in the evening.

    I managed to have a little nap at siesta time, until pepe was sick. It was time to get up then anyway. Bless him he looks very sorry for himself at the moment, but everything is functioning normally :? wee's and p--ps He is under close observation from Matron.

    B is busy away with something, he has vanished into the kitchen with some mixing compound :shock: he will probably come out with the Venus de Milo statue :lol::lol: No, he was mixing paints, for decorating the plain jewellery boxes you can buy.

    Hi Kath Glad your ouchies are not as bad. I can understand the changes in weather, making a difference. So strange though, my joints are terrible in summer :roll:

    Did the rain stop before Tesco's arrived with the shopping ?

    Pride is always so well attended, a great time for people to gather and celebrate their lives. Shame that your Sister might not go, with her ouching back.

    Well, it is after midnight and my typing is more errors than sense, it's a good job it turns red when you type something wrong :roll:

    I will make a move, potter a little and fuss.

    At home this week end. Dad will come round this morning for a coffee and croissant.

    No doubt there will be some pottering in the garden. It all looks nice and tidy, but there is always something to do.

    Hi to everyone, hugs for those ouchies out there. Carol will be off out for lunch with Mr T and Kerrin I hope you are re charging your batteries, are you off this coming week?

    Love and sparkles to all. t4591 t115006 Take care XXX Aidan

    Carrot, coconut and pumpkin seed muffins with lime cream cheese icing.
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Super-quick reply Pom is picking me up and another lady then we are off to market for.......MORE village plants :shock: :shock: :shock:

    Sleek is on standby to visit Pepe......
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Barbara Kathleen Aidan Toni.
    Barbara how is your son doing.
    Kathleen I hope the rain is not on all day for you.
    Aidan I take 14 tablets a day as well as the A Acid once a week. I thought that was a lot never mind it keeps you going.
    Toni good luck finding the plants you want.
    have a good Bank holiday everyone
    take care
    joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all ..not sure what the weather is doing sunny now cloudy..
    Toni you are a busy bee.. :D you make sure there are plenty of plants ..we want you all to win the best kept village..Aiden and I will bring the wisteria out of the Picture he posted..
    Joan our son is on oral ABs for a couple of weeks..but so far all is well thankyou for asking..did you and Sue buy anything nice yesterday ,and did you get to your favorite cafe
    Kath yes we are all brave..and just have to take each day has it come ..just like Sue said :) hope your order form Tesco was nice and dry..
    Aiden ..poor Pepe..bless I will send him some healing calming hugs..don't cats go quiet when they are off side.. :( I was thinking the same about Salford ..that time of the night should be quiet fingers crossed..unless they have lots of evening is B painting the boxes lovely...all the plants had a good watering yesterday so no need to bother today.. :D just enjoy the croissants with dad..
    the muffins look delicious will save two for later thankyou..
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    The rain stopped before Tesco arrived yesterday, so our order was dry, and on time. But the hips are screaming again today and I've just seen they are forecasting more rain tonight and tomorrow. :o We went out this morning too, had a bacon and egg cob beneath the gazebo. My goodness that wind was chilly so the gazebo wasn't actually there. I lied. Sorry. :lol:

    Those of you on Facebook might have noticed my post. My grandson Reece married his beloved Reeanne yesterday, in the US. and are living in Missouri now. They have been long distance courting for a few years now, so we are all very pleased they have finally taken the plunge. t4591 t4591

    Hope Toni managed to get some plants. Also hope that Pepe is feeling better after daddys gentle care.

    I'll just have a wander to count the baby spid--s :wink:

    I thought we'd try some chocolate Raspberry cupcakes today. t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I am here, in the afternoon, wonders will never cease.

    I was outside, watering plants then nattering to neighbours while B is busy replacing the decking spindles, with nice wire cables. It is south facing on the front, so I was melting and had to come in m0150 m0150

    Toni is off buying more plants for the village, which will win most plants award, as well as top prize :) Hope you have had a nice time and managed to rest a little en route.

    Sleek has been over to see Pepe, who, is, kind of ok. Not quite himself, but he has been more talkative and ate some breakfast and a little snack this afternoon. He is back asleep now. No more sickness.............. :mrgreen: She stayed a while and went to gather some woven squares to put under his blankets. Bless her.

    Neighbours are taking their doggy to the vets tomorrorw, she is going to meet our lovelies, Cookie and Eric and all our family furry ones, at Rainbow Bridge t69044 t69044 Cannot think about it too much or I will be in no state at all :cry::cry:
    Silver said he will be there to make sure all is well and there will be showers of love raining down, oh dear, I am off...............

    Right, talk about the garden. Yes, very windy here, all plants are watered, some were blowing over.........It is warm though, hence I am in a lather. AC is on, just to take the edge of things :)

    Hi Joan It was nice to hear from Sue yesterday. I hoipe you both had a nice time in town and managed to get everything that you needed and coffee breaks too.

    I am so used to taking a shed load of pills. trouble is, every time you go to the GP, you end up on more. :shock: :roll: :roll:

    Hi Barbara, there are three of those lovely wisteria's on their way to Toni's, sorry, Sleeks village, a wave of Sleeks wand and they will be where they seem best.

    Glad to hear your Son is doing ok and the oral AB's are working well.

    Thank you for the healing hugs, they do work you know t115006 t4591 I can tell when they are about. Pepe will soak them all up, he is certainly no worse and I would say a little better.

    Cookie went very quiet, very still, hardly moved, then had no reactions at all, at that stage the vet was already on his way here. Cats are usually quite good at hiding things if there is something wrong.

    We enjoyed the coffee and croissants, they were very nice. In fact, the ones from Sainsb, are better than the ones at the GC. I will have to tell them that theirs are not of high enough quality :)

    Hi Kath Good that your Tesco order arrived in fine weather and on time too :)
    Not so good that your hips are very shouty and ouchy, magic squares and lots of ((())) t69044 to help them feel better.

    Cobs, how wonderful to hear cob again. From my days of living in and around Nottingham and Mum always baking cobs at home. When I travelled to northern climes, no one had a clue what I was on about.
    A bacon and egg cob, yum. Enjoyed under the imaginary gazebo :lol::lol: pity it was so windy. It is blowy here too.

    I did see the post on FB about the wedding of your GS to his beloved, what a lovely picture. Missouri, a place in the states I have never been. I wish them the very best of everything

    You are going to count the baby spid--s :shock: ok then, after you

    Chocolate raspberry cupcakes, they look delightful, I will have a little clotted cream ice cream with mine, thank you kindly. Pinkies out :)

    Right, I had better move myself, my legs feel like they are on backwards :shock: :roll: I need to rest them, horizontally.

    Love and Sparkles to everyone, t4591 t115006 hope you are all enjoying the fine weather. We have weather warnings in force, from midnight Sunday, big thunderstorms :shock: :shock:

    Catch you later XX Aidan
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Oh no :( Oh Aidan :cry: I am desperately sad for your neighbours who are doing the right and loving duty. the final duty of good pet owners. t115006 bridge it is...Eric and Cookie will be there along with my old yorkie Scruffy and Arthur (Art the *art) Tilly Foxtrotter and Mortimer (Mort the wart). He will have such fun running and playing and being WELL again. Thanks to Silver for overseeing his journey.

    Yes sorry gardens....erm I managed some gardening here this afternoon and we got Dahlias, salvias and large geraniums for the village and will be planting them tomorrow afternoon weather permitting.

    I need to take you all some photos don't I?

    Sleek said Pepe was more chatty today but still not gliding much very little showing off so she is still a little worried. She may have overdone the woven squares though so careful not to trip over any and if Pepe seems a little higher up...

    My sister has located the property we went to see it today and took a million photos for her. Its' lovely about 20mins cycle 7 mins car from me! 2 mins from her so and his new wife.

    Poor Kath! Your hips are screaming :( Can you take a wee bit of oramorph? it is why you have it prescribed... :?

    the cupcakes were divine thanks! t4591

    I must nip into fbook and have a look. All I can say is, if they have survived a long-distance relationship they will do just FINE :D:D

    Do let me know the number of baby sp****s :shock:

    Barbara you can cut and paste the wisteria onto the church grass!!

    We got loads of plants for the village they are in my garden behind Humpty. Pom and the other lady got some for themselves I only bought one for me. m0150

    Good to hear your son is still on ABs for now safety first!

    I am sure your apt will go well and you'll park no probelm :D

    Joan they want Lucy on A acid too...for a few years?? Is that normal? 14 tabs is a lot :( ((())) and you rarely ever moan at all!

    Love to everyone

    Toni xxxx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all, a warm evening, pleasant breeze when we are at the back door, having a ciggy, I mean, taking the air :? :lol:

    It is sad Toni, but the right thing to do for their lovely doggy. They are staying up all night with her, she is a bit lost and pretty disorientated, so they want to make sure she is ok. They would not sleep, knowing them both. They rang and asked B to pop over and take a picture of them with doggy in the middle. Oh Bless.

    My previous two Siamese will be there, Jason and Shere Khan, Judy 1 and Judy 2 my parents doggies. After Judy one passed, we would regularly here her walking over the parquet floor in the Vicarage, as soon as we had gone to bed. Dad would say, Judy is back again. All of your lovelies with their wonderful names, Art the -art :lol:

    We are bound to see them, in fact I think they will pop over if my guess is right, after they have everything sorted.

    Ok, I will move on, I have been on the verge of bawling all day :? :? :cry:

    I like Salvia, very nice, bees and butterflies like them too. Never had much luck with Dahlias and geraniums were always fabulous when we were in France. Everyone had them in their window boxes and gardens.
    We usually have a few in the raised bed boxes, at the back, where we park the car. That is the Royal We :lol::lol:

    I am sure everywhere is looking so lovely. Pictures, yes, we need pictures for sure.

    Pepe is not really gliding at the moment, whinging a bit, eating most of his food, which is good. He never drinks, ever, gets all his water from the wet food. He was ok at siesta time. We all managed to have a nap.

    There are magic squares everywhere :shock: Pepe said Sleek had a back pack full of them. If you tread on one, there are sparkles everywhere t4591

    Oh wow, your Sis has found a property. Too right, taking a million and one photo's to send to her. 7 mins from you and 2 mins from her Son, oh, buy it, buy it, I will get Silver to spread sparkles of protection over it. I bet you are all excited. I am over the moon already.

    So all the plants are behind your wall, ready for putting out into the village. You have to win. Sleek said she is going to win best puskin village award. Even though she owns the next village, she favours Mummy's of course.

    Our weather warning has gone, all the rain and thunder is for Wales, the midlands and the south. We have no rain forecast until the second week in June !! :shock: Lots of watering.

    Well, I had better move, knees are a wee bit screechy at the moment. Pottering is necessary.

    Hi to everyone, Kerrin, Carol, Elizabeth, Christine, DD, Mig, Toady and all.

    Leaving love and sparkles. t4591 t115006 XX Aidan

    Carrot and Potato Hash Browns with Spinach Cream

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Barbara Kathleen Aidan Toni.
    Barbara I'm pleased your son is getting on ok. Yes we did go to the café. Then I noticed the Pepe shop is closing.
    Kathleen I hope it's fine for you today.
    Aidan ((((((())))))) I'm sorry about neighbours dog the best thing.
    Toni I have been on A Acid 5 years and I have another 5 years to go. My bones are older than Lucy's.
    have a good day
    take care
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • mig
    mig Member Posts: 7,154
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning everyone just checking in,Im good just had my 6 month check up with rheumy everything is good come back in 6 months.
    So I joined a knit and natter group at local library,I was surprised how many things happen there.Been tramping round cemeterys with nieces and nephews tracing family graves,I keep going to slimming group even though I have maintained my weight for 9 months.We are going on a cruise soon round the med it was a special birthday present from my hubby last year as I was 70,next year will be our golden wedding but are still deciding whether to have a big family party or treat ourselves to another cruise can't afford to do both.
    Barbara hope you had a good birthday and all is well with you, hope everyone is as well as can be take care all lots of love Mig. X
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Tricky one that Mig.....the family would probably love a party and being with you all making memories....but it's your anniversary!

    well done for remaining at target and I am pleased rheumatology was ok for you :)

    Gosh Joan 10 YEARS!! That is a long time :shock: We have been having thunder and lightening here on and off all night. Hope not for you and Sue.

    Morning Aidan lovely 'healthy' hash browns yum :)

    Tis nice to remember our old pets isn't it? now the memories are good and not so sad. I hope time will do the same for your neighbours. Poor B I bet he wanted to sob out loud taking that photo :( So lovely hearing Judy 1's paws padding!

    Right no more I am welling up!!

    Pom has just texted wants to plant tomorrow afternoon due to the thunder and lightening expected here today. Had some overnight Paul slept through it :roll: not me :(

    Sleek has been over to yours this morning she says Pepe is o...k...not 100% though :? Good he is eating isn't it? Those squares are lovely aren't they? I have trodden on a few too :D t115006

    I am very relieved that you have got Silver to protect the house for my sister It's purrfect!! Sleek is going to take Pepe Longstockings to see it with Mrs Darcey when he is a bit better.

    Take care now!


    Toni xxx