Val's Cafe



  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Barbara Kathleen Aidan Carol.
    Barbara I hope your scan does not take too long. I get my results on the 21'st. (((())))
    Kathleen we only had a little bit of rain yesterday.
    Aidan your sensible with your tablets I should take 8 solphadol I take 6 my friend is depressed she won't take the tablets she's looked on the internet at the side effects.
    Carol I hope you have a good day with no rain.
    take care all
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all..looks like more rain on the way..
    Carol I am sure the banner will work to get people in, its so sad how our church congregations have declined..but things go in late mum would hopefully things might change..we have two churches that have been made into flats..I suppose its better than knocking them down.. :roll: Eggs Benedict..I haven't had one ..the sauce puts me off..maybe one day..
    Joan thankyou..I hope that your results are good on the 21st..think we get used to them saying well there is this and that wrong..hope all 4 of you have a nice day..I try not to read all the information about meds..but sometimes cant help myself.. :shock: :lol:
    Aiden yes Toni and family should be relaxing..hopefully...I put my thin duvet on and stick my feet out..but cant fall asleep with just a sheet..but end up with only that on.. :lol: so you had a shower..not good is it..even with our 2 storms the ground is dry..I was half hoping they would say dont come in but I am resigned now..OH had a ride around and says its straight forwards.. :o watch this space..I will set the sat nav.. :lol: thanks for the cloak duties I am sure Toni will be there with pastries :D bring a flask off coffee.. :D the win wont be long I just know it.. :D we could all turn up in France and surprise Toni... :lol: Crepes with Spiced Apple Compote sounds lovely thankyou
    I have to be at the hospital for 7 then they take you to the mobile unit..I have had 2 scans in these units and they are very was in B&Q carpark.. :lol:
    Will leave you for now love to everyone... t4591 t4591 t4591
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I'm in trouble, I wrecked Chris's email. He isn't very happy with me. :oops:

    No rain today, but theyve given more out for tomorrow.

    Aidan, so Lancashire is now in the SW. Better tie your house down, it might blow out to sea any day now. :lol:

    Yes, Toni definitely needs that holiday. Should I forward a cream horn to her. She could stick it to her forehead and pretend it's a face plant. :lol:

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello to you all from sunny France! Bit of a last minute job this.
    Had to buy dry eye drops
    Yeux secs!
    Will be home on Sunday so will be back online a bit better then.
    Missing you all it no need to miss the cream horn rammed in my mouth in one go.....muffled sounds
    Hope everyone is well.
    Toni xxx
    Ps Pepe has been looking after my starving pusskin :roll:
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    All aboard the Cloak of many rooms, we have everyone to pick up, including Toni, in France, so best get a move on now. We don't want to miss Barbara's appointment. 7pm, we will be loitering, you may see a scone or two :lol::lol: t4591 t4591 We will see you at the scanner unit............Coffee machine is ready to go.

    Hi Joan, it is a shame that your friend does not take the tablets to help lift her mood. I know they are not miracle workers, but they do help, I take two different lots :roll: and the side effects are not bad at all.
    They have to list every possible side effect online and in the packaging, even if just one person reported it back to the drug company. Never a great thing, to read them all, it kind of sets you off on the wrong foot and you sit and wait for them all. I will send her some showers of confidence and trust, so maybe she will try them. They can always be stopped, or changed.

    I thought it was Suesday then, I am a day in front. :roll: I am as bad as Barbara :wink::wink:

    You are brave, using a summer duvet Barbara, I would melt. I have just been out to water the garden and I am totally lathered, sat on the AC unit and still leaking like mad. Plus a nasty flying thing bit me, I felt it take a chunk out of my arm. :shock: :shock:

    It keeps going cloudy here, but no rain, all the weather forecasts are totally different to each other. Very humid out, thank goodness the cooler is working. It went off earlier and I thought it was kaput, but it is ok again now. We have had it a good few years now, from the charity shop in Huddersfield.

    I am sure you will be fine, Mr B has scanned the hospital area and as long as it is all straight forward, traffic should be ok at that time, better than rush hour.

    Oh dear Kath, you have trashed Chris's email, so you are on the naughty step at the moment. :? :?

    Yes, Lancashire is on its way to Guernsey at the moment, we are way out into the channel :lol::lol::lol: I have just checked the bbc weather and it says rain tomorrow, cooler than today, but no rain is visible all day on the forecast. Work that one out :shock: :roll:

    I will wear one of the cream horns too and look like a Unicorn :D:D
    I see Toni looks like a Unicorn too, how wonderful


    I will leave one stuck to me and eat another, thank you kindly.

    Hi Toni, (waving across to la belle france ) I hope you are having a great time, enjoy the break, it will do you good, you have not stopped recently.

    Cakes will be sent across by Hermione, we don't want you missing out.

    Pepe is sending food parcels to Miss Sleek, he knows she is trying it on and is distracting her, they went up onto Pendle today, for a fly round. He is not 100%, but better than he was.

    Right, I need to move, pill time. Again.

    Love and sparkles to all, everyone keep cool and take care t4591 t115006 XXXX till later, Aidan
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all sorry I didnt get back yesterday but had a pounding headache with that blinking scanner..and a big thankyou for the cloak duties especially the scones and coffee..
    Got there early had to go through a barrier and take a plastic disc to pay later for parking..horrible things..
    Anyhow didnt wait at all..but had to get a chair to go the distance between were we waited to the hospital grounds were the unit was..and leave OH a mile away :roll: ...if you have never been in one of the units they are tiny just a couple of seats for staff and a little door through to the scanner..lied down..and then the worse bit a mask over my face ..then into the bit it had AC and was nice and cool till I went into the machine. :shock:
    Aiden it was the hottest day here yesterday or the most humid..many people had cancelled..but not me..get it over with.... :lol: no duvet last night folded it along the wall like a body pillow..then throw it on the floor :lol: Its made a difference knowing you were all there..but sorry you had to stand did go dark here but no rain ..they do say today in the North west..
    I still put Lancashire on my address..and always will do :D hope that knee has eased..and you slept okish..
    Kath thanks for the cream horns..I was covered in it..and hopefully Chris has his emails back..
    Toni is in France I hope whatever you got eases the dry eyes..not nice at enjoy..
    Hi to Sue or Joan hope you all have a good day..
    And love to everyone.. t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Barbara Kathleen Aidan Toni.
    Barbara I'm glad that is over for you just the results now.
    Kathleen sorry you damaged the email it was not your fault.
    Aidan thank you for your help she will not know if she does not try them.
    Toni have a good time you need it we can think we are there with you.
    have a good day everyone
    take care
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    It's a bit hazy here, but humid. Today, my toes hurt. :o I'm a bit fed up. :roll: But I know that reading your posts will cheer me up. :D

    Waiting for Tesco (as usual) and we've been expecting the window cleaners all week, but they have't been yet. :?

    Joan, it WAS my fault. I messed about with the settings and he can't log in now, although I can - oddly enough. Well he has 3 other addresses. 8)

    Barbara, what a horrid day for you. I can just imagine you in a mask and covered in ice-cream. t4591

    Aidan, there have been phone calls to Radio Derby about you TOPLESS on the front of EVERY newspaper. Oh no, that's Aidan Turner, not you. :lol: SORRY!

    Face plant coming up, no less than 6 peach melba cakes all ready for everyone who wants a go Toni. :lol:

    m0150 t69044 t115006 t4591 t115006 m0150 t69044

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Last day tomorrow so will be back with you all soon.
    Charkey sent snaps of Sleek so l feel reassured. Sure Pepe is keeping her occupied:(
    Hope all is well with everyone
    Face plant time.. .....splat!!!
    26 here but so hot!!
    Toni xxx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all, SO humid here, you could wring the air out. We have had one rumble of thunder and one heavy shower, so, more humidity.

    Needless to say the AC is on.

    We didn't mind waiting outside the scanner, there is not a lot of room in them, with the size of the machinery etc. Glad it went well and it was cool inside. No surprise that you had a bad headache, the MRI's are so noisy they go with such a bang :shock: :shock:

    You were very brave, having a mask on your face, was it a full face one, or just over your eyes :? :?

    Good that you didn't have to wait, apart from being ferried from one side of Salford to the other, while Mr B was left a mile away. :roll:

    A lot of people do cancel their scans, for one reason or another, some, like me, for non compliance when they start the scan and have to be scooped out in a gibbering heap :roll: :roll: I am very very proud of you :) t4591 t115006 It was a pleasure to be there, was thinking of you xx

    I think it is going to be a bit cooler tomorrow, it is pretty horrid today, I fare badly when it is like this and I am sure you are the same, we both melt. No surprise that the quilt went flying in the night :lol::lol:

    That's ok, putting Lancashire on your address, the post seems to find it's way. A lot of it is automated, with the machines reading the post codes, millions a day.

    I have put a thick small towel, to rest between my knees, when I am in bed, that seems to ease it a little, along with all the pain dullers :roll: :roll: I might go see my GP and ask him to do a cortisone injection. He is pretty good at them, no messing, bullseye :shock:

    Hi Joan, hope you are ok and not having thunderstorms. They seem to be bubbling up all over the place at the moment I keep waiting for one, to clear the air.

    Your friend would be right, to try the tablets and see if they help, they do more good than harm. All pills and potions have some side effects, most people get very few. Reading all the things that you might get, is never a good idea.

    It is hazy Kath, very. Pendle has vanished into the mists. Now, let me get a magic square to wrap your toes in, we don't want them giving ouchies at all. t115006 t115006

    Hot / humid weather, is hard work and can make you feel pretty down. Those of us with COPD struggle, when the air quality is poor.

    I hope Tesco have been and the window cleaner. Ours turns up once a blue moon, he must be about due. It normally rains, as soon as he is finished :roll: :roll:

    It is an easy mistake to make, between myself and Aidan Turner :lol::lol::lol: NOT. No one would buy a newspaper if I was topless on the front page. :shock: :shock: :lol::lol: We share a Christian name, but I do not share his physique. :roll:

    Thank you for the Peach Melba, I am going right in there - I see Toni has already planted in one of them :lol::lol:

    Hi there Toni, waving across to you in France woo woo :)

    Looking forward to your return. 26, that's pretty warm. :shock: Have there been any storms over there?

    Pepe was out with Sleek this morning, gathering a huge amount of haze, the Nymphs are inundated with it, but, it is very magical, so it will be used.

    Sleek seemed to be in good spirits and Pepe was more his normal self last night. He is resting a the moment, after all the flying. Sleek said that she had been photographed for Mummy.

    Right, I must move, again. I am setting, rapidly. Time for pills. Hi to everyone else, leaving love and sparkles all around. Will be back later t4591 t115006 XX Aidan
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all.. :oops: :oops: this is me not embarrassed but hot
    Aiden can I come to yours, is there room for two; of us on top of the AC..please..I am melting at the moment and there will be nothing left of me at this rate
    The mask was a full face one with sides ,and slits to see through...not that it helped.. I think it was to keep my head was horrible..but closed my eyes and pretending we were all in France..till the banging..and the ear plugs had come out.. :shock: hence my head banging..anyhow its gone now..yes you go and get an injection in that knee, like you say this weather doesn't help :shock: no rain here today..don't mind the rain but the thunder.. :shock: :shock:
    Toni you are home tomorrow, can you not drag it out a little bit..we were all going to join you..enjoy your last day and safe journey home
    Kath I could have taken a selfie if my phone had been allowed..hope the emails are working..and window cleaner has been maybe the weather has put him off
    Joan yes that is over with..thank goodness..not keen on the hospital and its the one I should have my back op...but fingers crossed that is behaving.. :)
    I am sat in front of our fan here..but only my legs are cool so better move the fan to the table..
    Love to everyone t4591 t4591 t4591
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all

    weather quite nice here today not hot but cloudy but still warm enough to out without a coat. Usual lunch with Mr T then coffee with my friend who seems to be coming along quite well with her arm not so much pain now but she still has to be careful , and still has to wear a sling 24/7 except for when she is washing or showering but she must let her arm hang down beside her when she has the sling off and still has to do things left handed. Well I am now on count down to our weeks holiday in Whitby we have 8 sleeps to go now. funnily my friend is away the same week as she is going to stay with her sister for a week. we recently had new neighbours move in above us and although there are 2 children up there they are so quite unlike the ones we had for about 9 months before. there is no banging or shouting or anything like that. Its so peaceful. church meal was good last night had problems getting there bus driver was driving as if he was out for an Sunday stroll.

    Aidan you certainly are not the only one to shout at your ouches i do it all the time i am always arguing with my body it says I'm not going to do it and I say yes you will :lol::lol: I usually win . Yes eggs benedict is nice I often have it. Sounds like bbc weather is worse than me at geography :lol: We have also had warnings for rain but haven't seen any oh and also thunder storms.

    Joan yes we have had a few days where the weather has not been to bad if it has rained it has been little short showers.

    Barbara We can only hope the churches will see a rise in attendies. I rather like Eggs benedict.

    Kath oh dear so you are in the doghouse for wrecking Chris's email oh dear naughty you. hehe :lol:

    Toni hope you are all enjoying France Mr T and myself will be going to Paris a long weekend 4 days in September. so you left Pepe looking after you poor starving pusskins.

    Wow peach melba cake Kath lead me too it on second thoughts i hink i can find my own way too it and face splat indeed.

    its now time to go and potter a bit
    love and sparkles sunshine and flowers for all t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 m0150 m0150 m0150 t69044 t69044 t69044
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    A warm, sorry, HOT and humid evening to all. We had a bit of a storm, some thunder and one flash of lightning. Some more rain which is welcome.

    My back went into spasm just before siesta time, which was very hurty, I could hardly walk. No idea why, but it is not welcome. Well, I do know why, it is lumbar spine erosion.

    I did rest as much as possible, taking Tramadol on top of everything else, keeping the worst of it at bay at the moment. :roll:

    Anyway, I am waffling and grouching. Shut up Aidan.

    Hi Barbara, I am totally with you on the heat front. We turn the AC off once it gets dark, even with the mesh up at the window, all the bugs in creation manage to get in, so the windows are firmly shut. Now, I am melting :oops: :oops:

    You are more than welcome to come sit by the AC. Just give us a shout and I will put the kettle on, or, maybe some chilled lemonade instead.

    A full face mask, nope, not a chance..........So so proud of you, I can only imagine how unpleasant it was. I have seen the frames they use to keep people's heads still, or use them for radiation markers.

    So the ear plugs came out, no wonder you had a headache :shock: A lot of people can almost doze off in the MRI, our Niece does :shock:

    I hope you get some rain, it is very welcome. You best be moving that fan to the is going to be a warm night

    Hi Carol, I forgot it was Friday, so lunch and then coffee. Glad to hear your friend is doing ok with her shoulder / being sensible and doing gentle movements. Good that the pain is not too bad for her.

    You must have the same weather forecaster as us. Dry, with thunder and rain, cloudy and sunny, with no chance of rain and no storms. :shock: :shock:

    8 sleeps, well, sleeps now, until your holiday in Whitby. I loved it there, very atmospheric in the Abbey, climbing and counting all the steps up the side of the hill.........gosh, those where the days.

    There used to be a fabulous fish and chip shop on the harbour side, but, that is going back about 35 years :shock: :shock: it might have changed hands since then :lol::lol:

    How lovely to have super quiet neighbours, we like it quiet, we don't do noise, it upsets our equipoise :D:D

    So the bus driver needed a kick up the proverbial, to get him to find the accelerator pedal.

    I am glad you are often arguing with your ouchies, I didn't want to be the odd one out. They won earlier, I was rooted and so glad to lay down for a while.

    Pepe has been keeping his eye on Miss Sleek, there was a no fly zone this evening, with the thunder etc. There is plenty of mist, low cloud and haze for them to gather this morning.

    Enjoy your last day in France Toni, have a safe journey home. I hope you have had a chance to rest up a little. You have been super busy recently and a little recharge of the batteries will have done you good. Sleek is fine, Pepe is fussing over his food, so back to normal I would say :roll: :roll:

    I must potter again. Hi to everyone else, around and about, in and out.
    Everyone take lots of care. I might just pop down to the manatee pools and have a paddle, see the babies.

    Love and sparkles t4591 t115006 XX Aidan

    Blueberry and Rhubarb Compote on Waffles

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Aidan Toni Barbara Carol.
    Kathleen you did not mean to muck it up.(((()))
    Aidan I'm sorry you have so much pain(((())))
    Toni have a good last day see you soon.
    Barbara all the pains are sent to try us it can be hard at times but we laugh (((()))
    Carol that's good you have quiet neighbours above. (((())))
    take care all
    have a good weekend
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Thank you all l have had a good rest ;)
    Will be back 1st thing tomorrow.
    Arranged to come back in July....
    Saw lovely Snapchat video of Sleek so watching that happily we do miss her.
    I hope Pepe has been on the crystal ball to her while they can't fly :(
    She won't have liked that!
    Love to you all
    Toni xxx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all..a little cooler this rain or thunder last night
    Carol I love Whitby and always go there when we are in Scarborough..we keep saying we will have a few days there but never have Aiden says good chip shops and they are still there Aiden even the Magpie cafe opened one.. :) but you have to watch out for the seagulls..I am glad you have peace and quiet upstairs make such a difference to our lives..and happy to hear your friends shoulder is healing..
    Joan I love yours and Sues attitude..I do love to laugh and like you say its keeps you going.. :lol: hope you both have a good weekend..and thankyou for the hugs.. :)
    Aiden I am on my way f150.gif..I like tea when its hot, seem to refresh me ..but coffee is a no no..this is what bed felt like last night and the night before l020.gif
    Yes the face mask wasn't good.. :shock: :shock: I just shut my eyes but was panicking inside.. :roll: your poor back spasm are horrible..I have only ever had one many years ago when this back started to trouble me..I know there are anti spasm injections for will know...(())maybe these will help...there are many good chip shops in Whitby :D but the seagulls are in waiting has soon as you walk away form them :roll: we did the abbey steps once when our sons were to the top and was told it was closing.. :lol: but they let us in for ten mins..bless um :D now I will try a Blueberry and Rhubarb Compote on Waffles thankyou..and be careful with that back..
    Toni will be home today ..have a safe journey..what a shame they couldn't stay longer..but there will be a next time I'm sure.. :D
    Right better to everyone t4591 t115006 t4591
    oops you are there Toni..and going back in July..see you tomorrow..xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all, cooler, not a lot, but anything is better than yesterday. Last night, I was melting and ouching :roll: :roll:

    These things are sent to try us aren't they Joan, we carry on and laugh whenever possible. I was angry and in pain and half laughing when I could barely walk yesterday. Thank you for the hugs, I can feel my back grumbling, but it is not as bad as yesterday.

    t4591 I know you both have lots of ouches and never complain, bless you.

    Hi Toni, good to know you have had a nice rest and are going back in July, will have to see piccies :) Pretty please.

    Take care on your way back,((())) my regards to Bergerac airport. Is the corn field growing yet, as you drive down to the airport?

    Sleek is missing mummy too. She told Pepe this morning. It was murky weather and Pepe was not feeling too good, so he didn't go out gathering mists.
    He managed to eat his breakfast while we were out, so that was something. I think he is bothered by the heat, I keep putting extra water in his food, as he never drinks. :roll: Mind you, he didn't want his lunch either.

    Hi Barbara, I knew you would have been melting last night. It was a bit like being in a giant sandwich toaster :shock: :shock: Feel free to come over and cool off. If you have AC in the car, think of any excuse to go for a drive :) We have done that before.

    I am glad the chip shops are still there in Whitby. Seagulls are terrors, they will steal your food in a flash. Always dine in, when at the seaside, says me, who has not been to the coast for years.

    I would not have got to the "put this mask on" stage, you are braver than I.

    Thank you for the hugs, my back is not as bad as it was yesterday, no idea what set it off. I am on top of things with half the medicine trolley (I used to put the trolley out in here, every night, as I remember ) :lol: I am being very careful today, I sat very still while I was eating my scone, jam and cream, in the T rooms in town :)

    I cannot remember how many steps there are up to the Abbey Ruins, over a 100, felt more like 1000. But, we were younger and more able. Glad they let you have a look round, even though they were closing.

    Yes, Toni is on her way back, looking forward to hearing all about un petit vacance a Bergerac.

    Right, I had best be moving again. A little potter, sort some drying out, nice to be able to put the dryer on and not pass out. Windows are wide open and a little breeze has picked up, hoorah.

    Hi to everyone, Kath, Christine, Carol, Kerrin, Elizabeth, Mig, DD, Toady and all. Love and Sparkles to all, XXX Aidan

    Sachertorte (which are SO chocolatey it is untrue) bliss


    Kath might have an alternative healthy treat :? :?
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all a strange day first cool then hot now much cooler..
    Aiden we do have AC in the car..and had it boosted last year thanks to you, OH was saying its these modern cars the AC is no good.. :lol:
    I remember you with the trolley when Tony was on with us..not heard off him for a while ..he is missed.. :(
    Yes there are many chip shops in Whitby now..not sure how they all survive but they do..we are still working up to going away for a few get harder to even think of it.. :roll:
    I think you did very well sitting still eating your scone... :lol::lol: bet there were few crumbs.. :D poor Pepe like you say the weather is very heavy hardly any air..maybe he will pick up when it cools down a little...
    Now Sachertorte ..never heard of that but it looks so good can I have Toni's piece.. has well as mine that is..don't tell her will you..
    Just been to Aldi..the cats next door love there pate cat food..I think its because they are old and not many teeth..there owners said they keep coming round to yours for the posh food, when I told them were it was from off they went to buy some :lol:
    Right some chocolate cake and a cuppa..
    love to all t4591 t4591 t4591
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all

    Holiday countdown is now 7 sleeps to Whitby. Not looking forward to the travelling but looking forward to the holiday. I think I need one. weather here was nice today, it is quite warm this evening. have had quite a relaxed day today just a little shopping for our fruit. have had a little visit to the lovlies and some cuddles, the baby manatees are growing very quickly. added some foodie bits to the store cupboard in the pantry while i was there.

    Aidan So you have some ouchies in your back spasm
    not very nice iv'e had them very hurty indeed sending some sparkles and magic patches. and i sent a few bushbabies to you. the neighbours before the present ones were horrendous thank goodness they were only there for about 9 months. I too like Whitby we have been there before when our girls were about 12 and 14.

    Joan i like quite neighbours too. and even more so considering there are 2 children in the flat there. So mum obviously makes sure they do not cause trouble.

    Barbara I have also been to Scarborough i Like it there too.
    Its alright Ive had samples with seagull in devon and cornwall
    areas when we have been on hols. will keep my eyes open for good fish shops.

    well its time to move so night to you all have a good day tomorrow t4591 t115006 m0150 t69044
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all. A tolerable warmth this evening. Way better than Friday night :roll:

    So Mr B thinks the AC is not so good in "modern" cars :lol: I love it and happily freeze myself when we are out. Trouble is, you have to get out.

    Yes, we do miss Tony, I hope he is as ok as can be. I know he had a lot of things going on, family bereavement, lots of pain.
    I was always here with my medicine trolley, piled high with all manner of anti ouchies, lavender pats, wheaties etc. :D Did you have a key to it, or was it Valval.

    Whitby and Filey are very popular with lots of tourists, so I guess the demand for fish and chips is pretty high. So you are going to get away for a few days, I totally understand how you feel. We have not actually been on holiday since 2001 I think, when we went over to France, to nosey at property for sale.

    I could not cope with going away now. Neither of us are bothered and prefer to be happy home birds. I would not relax for one minute. :roll: :roll:

    I was very good with my scone, B pinches most of the cream, to go on his toasted T cake, I didn't make a mess, slop my coffee, or choke on anything, all in all a very civilised venture. Dad enjoyed it too. He had a slice of an enormous custard tart. They bake all their own cakes etc.
    We were thinking of going to the GC, but it is better there on a week day, less frantic than the week ends.

    Pepe is brighter this evening. He enjoyed his siesta, even if I was wide awake for almost all of the two hours. :shock: Two co codamol, pregabalin, 5mg diazepam, 2 tramadol, plus all my cardiac pills and I still cannot nod off. :shock: :roll:
    My Cardio said I am on enough to flatten a horse :shock:

    Anyway, enough of my insomnia. Of course you can have an extra piece of Sachertorte. It is a German chocolate cake. I used to make them and had "chocolate Sunday's" when I lived in Skipton, friends would come round and we would have my Sachertorte, with warm fudge sauce and cream. Wonderful. They take a lot of baking and fussing, with all manner of chocolate going in. Worth it though.
    I will put some spare ones in the fridge, for Toni and everyone who has yet to spy them.

    So your adopted piskins like the soft food. Ideal if they have fewer teeth. I bet the owners stocked up on them, after you told them where the posh food came from. I like LIDL, we have one in town, but never seem to go in very often. Must have a look round, I like their cleaning products :) for my immaculising.

    And now it will be 6 sleep Carol. Are you going by train / coach? It is quite a journey from your neck of the woods. The sea eair will be good for you, blow the cobwebs away as Mum used to say.

    Relaxing days are good, just a potter round, a little shopping and then visiting all the lovelies. They are all growing, the manatee's and the hippo's, Blush's babies are just so cuddly. I noticed that the store room was overflowing with supplies. Johnny has gone off on a mission - what will he come back with :shock: :? :?

    Thank you for the anti ouchie woven squares and the bush babies, I wondered who was massaging my back earlier :? :lol: t115006 t4591

    We had horrendous neighbours, when we moved back from France. We chose a town in between both sets of parents, so easy travelling. It ended up with 14 squatters taking over the house attached to ours. To be honest it was terrifying. Our house was so lovely. We found the landlord and he got them all out in the end and had to virtually re build the place. We bought at the beginning of the price crash and sold it for £30,000 less than what we paid for it. :shock: :shock:
    Anyway, we managed to buy our new park home and are super happy here, could not be more different, worlds apart.

    Sorry, I am rambling away, I bet everyone is asleep :? :?

    Good that your terrible neighbours have gone and you have nice people in now, who are super quiet. Quiet is good.

    You will have to report on the best fish and chips in Whitby :)

    Well, this won't get the baby a bonnet. I had best be pottering again.

    Toni will be back with us today :) Sleek is over the moon and cannot wait. I think she came over at siesta time, as there was a lot of litter flicking and gliding going on :roll:

    Hi to Kerrin, Christine, DD, Toady, Kath, Mig, Elizabeth, Charrisse and all.

    Lots of love and sparkles to everyone t4591 t115006 XX Aidan

    Silver send his magic


    I could not resist

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Toni Barbara Aidan Carol.
    Toni now you feel ready to charge on after your rest.
    Barbara I hope you have a good week.
    Aidan enjoy whatever you do today and your Dad.
    Carol it's worth the journey to enjoy the holiday.
    have a good day everyone
    take care
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Kath might have an alternative healthy treat

    You must be joking Aidan, Veggie burger and chips is about as healthy as I get today. :lol:

    We had breakfast beneath the gazebo yesterday. And yes, it was there - unlike last week. :roll:

    Just popped in to let you know that I have rejoined an online writer's group, where I already have loads of my poems published. So I'm quite excited about that.

    Toni, happy to see you back and glad you had a good time en Francais.

    Aidan, I hope the Bush Babies helped to ease your back ouchies and spasms.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello all..I forgot that I set the windows 10 update to start this morning..a couple of hours it took..and has voice recognition so will try that later..they dont usually understand me :lol:
    Carol we have never had bad fish and chips at Whitby..they have lots of competition so have to keep standards up :D think I might just join you ..are you going by train..I do love train journeys..says me that hasn't been on one for a few years.. :)
    Aiden so you used to bake that lovely chocolate wonder people used to come round.. :lol: so you had squatters next door that is awful..we have seen the mess some of them leave on the TV.. :shock: it ius such a shame you let all that money..but things happen for a reason and not you have your lovely park home and are happy :D gosh I tried tramdol but could get on with ended up on the patches..the first ones were fentynal..not they are butec..I honestly think some of these meds..I blame the amitryptaline..(SP) for not being able to sleep and felling uneasy ..or agitated..
    yes if you remember OH was saying that aircon in modern cars wasnt has good..and I was saying it wants I asked you was yours ok and it was.. :lol:
    Kath I am glad to hear you got under the gazebo..and had breakfast.. :D you deserve to have your poems published..good for you :D
    Joan I hope you and Sue have a good day...and the little doggie of they not like the warm weather..
    Right better move..will have one of Aidens pancakes then some of Kaths chips.. :D
    Love to everyone t4591 m0150 t4591
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all, warm again, so keeping cool indoors with the AC on.

    The day has vanished and it is already T and biscuit time, then try and rest.

    Hi Joan, we have had an at home day, Dad came round late morning, for a coffee and scone, sorted out a chunk of paperwork for him, that put lunch back. He wanted to treat us to lunch out, but we said coffee and cake in the morning will be fine. Then one of neighbours came round to sort out her phone..........

    Hair cut for me, which is wonderful, was going to do Bills, but time is not on our side and I need daylight and lots of concentration :shock: :shock:

    Hi to Toni who will be back now :) Sleek was shrieking to Pepe this morning, wondered what on earth the noise was :shock: :roll: :lol::lol:

    hi Kath, that looks just yummy, veggie burger and chips, all good, plenty of veg in there.

    I see you were under the gazebo, very nice too :) Great to re join the writing group and have your poems published

    Barbara has had fun with her windows update, it does take forever and a day.

    Yes, I loved my chocolate Sundays. As did my friends.

    I will write more later, sorry to be all in a rush. Neighbours on way round again, for phone.............................bye for now. Love to all t4591 t115006 XX Aidan
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Batteries all charged here Joan:) thank you!

    Ready to return though next month! Can't wait. Corn field isn't visible yet Aidan at the airport and guess what? Your cases (even the 10kgs) go in the hold now!! It was hot there - hotter than here now, but just well fresher somehow? A/C is on got bedroom down to 22 FINALLY :roll: :shock:

    Mr Ragamews has been over to see Sleek many times while we've been away with the crystal ball and Charley and GF staying in between so she has been just fine :) Spoiled actually.

    She threw herself at her Mummy, daddy and little sister when we arrived back and has 'helped' me put the baskets back up (with Paul's help) as tie up the tomatoes and the cucumbers. She has been doing a lot of shrieking yes :oops:

    Good that Dad can just pop round isn't it? Bless him wanting to treat you on such a hot day m0150 phew!

    Lovely to see Silver he sent me one of those blue dragonflies?

    Also my pretty bunting has arrived :) I couldn't resist and it's up looking amazing so pretty :)

    Can I enjoyed les vacances en France very much merci Kath! I am a bit deaf though...sore ears probably because I have had a nasty cold while out there.

    Veggie burger - perfect!

    Carol I have a huge soft spot for Whitby :) You will be there very soon that 7 days will fly by so best get packing ;)

    Extra fruit was it you left for the babies? Soon gone I expect I will check first thing ::)

    Barbara i'm sure there was cake here somewhere...maybe not :wink:

    The amitrip helps me sleep the others do NOT!!! I agree :(

    Right better get on need to do Lucy's meds....


    Toni xxx