Val's Cafe



  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all, just at the end of Sunday. Neighbours in, neighbours out, in out in out...........B still trying to sort the mobile for them, been at it for hours and the air has been blue :shock: :shock: :? :?

    Anyway, I am keeping very quiet..............

    So you will have cortana that listens to you and does things on the PC. I have never tried it. I use ok google on the phone sometimes and Alexa (who usually ignores me, or cannot understand the question) :roll: :roll: B asks her and she answers straight away, so what language do I speak then :shock:

    It was horrid with all those squatters, drug dealing, you name it. I feel we were protected though, definitely guardian angels were watching over us and we never came to any harm.

    Things do happen for a reason, sometimes you wonder what on earth or why on earth such things happen, but, they do and one day we will know the answers.

    We are very happy here, in our citizens advice centre, sorry, park home :lol::lol:

    I seem to be ok with Tramadol, a lot of people cannot tolerate it at all. I know the amitrip is supposed to help with neuropathic pain, it also has quite a few side effects, I get a super dry mouth, to the point where I cannot speak. Consultant said it is the amitrip that does it :roll:

    I do remember about the AC in your car. The system does need re charging from time to time, usually done during a service. They don't use harmful gases now, in the cooling system, which is good.

    Welcome back to the fold Toni, good to see you :)

    You are all booked to go back next month, ( I won't tell Pepe). Glad you had a lovely time. It is a bit early for the corn to be up high, so all cases and hand luggage goes in the hold now, things have changed.

    It is a different heat, most of the time it is less humid, which makes a big difference. It has been like a swamp here, Barbara and I have been wilting.

    Bless, Sleek being spoiled while you were away, rightly so and she was super pleased to see you and has helped with various jobs around the house and garden, she is a love. Shrieking, yes, there will be more shrieking when she comes over to see Pepe for their morning mists gathering.

    Yes, we don't mind Dad coming round, he is a terror for wanting to go out for drinks and cakes or lunch. He will enjoy the GC this morning. We need some animal friendly slug pellets, half of the trailing lobelia that B planted two days ago, have been eaten, down to the roots :shock: :shock:

    Silver is happy to leave wonderful gifts :) t115006

    Bunting, oh, must see, must see, pretty please :)

    Not nice that you had a cold while you were away, t115006 not caught on the plane I hope :?

    Cake, yes, we saved you a sachertorte, to face plant in, in the fridge, with you name on it.

    I didn't have time to bake more on Sunday :wink: the day went west, very quickly.

    As is the evening :roll: :roll: It is getting hotter too :?

    I will have to have another potter. My back is bearable at the moment, dropping a couple of doses of Tramadol to test the water.

    Hi to Carol, 5 more sleeps before you are away.

    Hi to everyone else too, in out and around about. I had best be going to find something nice for breakfast.

    GC, then vets, then pick up a few bits, then home. Hopefully will have time to cut Bills hair :shock:

    t4591 t115006 to all. Take care, keep cool / or warm, whichever suits best :) XX Aidan

    Asparagus and New Potato Frittata

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Ooooh! That looks nice Aidan thank you :) Different to my daily croissants while en France :lol:

    I am certainly going to miss my president butter :? still you can buy it at one particular Asda here so I might just have to nip off for some!

    One thing I did notice were less sunflower fields...I know they wouldn't be anywhere near flowering of course but virtually none planted up :shock: I wonder whether rapeseed is taking over there too.

    I believe our pusskins did very well this morning, much mist gathered taken straight to the nymphs:) Apparently there is going to be a UK yes to the dress soon and I am ashamed to say they are planning to watch, of all things, love Island :shock: :? :roll:

    The cold was an English one I had had a very sore throat for 3 days prior to the trip. No-one has yet caught it though fingers crossed all that hand-washing worked eh?

    Quick woo-woo to Joan!

    Love to everyone

    Toni xxx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Barbara Aidan Toni.
    Kathleen I wish you well with the writing site.
    Barbara yes the dogs like the heat they lie in the garden.
    Aidan it's nice you can help your neighbours I'm sure they are grateful.
    Toni I'm pleased you had a good time I bet the pusses were pleased to see you.
    have a good day everyone
    take care
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all, a pleasant day, still have the AC on, but windows open too.
    Dryer going, so it is a battle of hot and cold air :roll: I thought condenser dryers didn't give out much heat. :shock:

    You are very welcome to the breakfast Toni, yes, will make a change from lovely buttery croissants, with extra butter (for the calcium only) :? :? :lol:
    We only ever buy President spreadable (with NO vegetable oils), Sainsb sell it, but Tesco don't. Stock up time later this week. I need to see it in the fridge, piled high :)

    Sunflower fields used to surround just about everywhere we lived, filed after field of them, just gorgeous. Then there was sweetcorn for cattle feed, usual hay etc and a few rapeseed. Shame if they turn a lot over to rapeseed, the bees loved the sunflowers.

    Say yes to the dress started last Friday, the new UK series ( David Emanuel and I are pals on Twitter --- ohhh get me :lol::lol: ) He always likes my tweets and thanks us. Sleek and Pepe were glued to it on catch up, (they wanted to watch it privately, bless).

    Then there is Curvy Brides boutique, which is on before say yes to the dress, we love that too, the ladies that run it are SO good with people of all sizes and are very encouraging to people who are sometimes so upset about their weight, thinking they are not worthy of wearing a lovely dress. They soon sort them out though.

    Don't tell me they are going to watch love island, oh my, I draw the line at that. Staged or what. Still if Sleek and Pepe like it.........

    Pepe had a little tiny headache this morning, so did Mother for that matter :roll: :roll: Sleek knows nothing, it was over and sorted in a flash. He is resting now, after the mist gatherings.

    I hope the cold and sore throat is well on the mend, sending some extra t115006 t115006 to help things along.

    Hi Joan, hope you Sue and doggies are ok and the weather is favourable for you. Not too hot, but pleasant enough. I am sure our neighbours are grateful. Mobile rang at nearly 2 in the morning, next door, had run out of a particular tablet and did I have some - err, no, sorry, I know I take a lot, but that one, no. They knew we were still up as our lights were on, I was thinking that our neighbour would ring at that time to say they had really bad chest pain..........I was ready to toddle off with my sprays and aspirin..........glad it wasn't that again.

    We went to the GC this morning, scone, croissant, coffee's all very good. Dad was waxing lyrical about the old days, bless him.

    New stock of food at the vets, batch 52 this time, which I think Pepe likes, well, he liked the one I opened at lunchtime. I asked how much my bill was and nearly fainted.........will go back on Wed and pay up - :shock:

    I am sure Barbara will be along in a minute, so I will pop a cake out, there maybe two, if Kath puts one out as well.

    Hi to everyone else, I will go potter with the washing and drying. Love and Sparkles, until later XXX Aidan t4591 t115006

    A nice simple strawberries and fresh cream cake, there are 6, so anyone who wants to face plant, feel free...............

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    Let me at that cake!! SPLAT!!!!!!!!!!!!

    yum yum yum...Oops! better get the nu-nu out :oops:

    Thanks for that Aidan :) So they were watching yes to the dress UK while we were en France were they? In private!!! Sleek does not discriminate size-wize and neither does Pepe they agree that all brides look beautiful curvy brides MUST have fabulous dresses too :D

    Lucy will be star-struck when I tell her about you and David Emanuael!!

    So both pukssins had tiny headaches? Hmmm....hopefully a bug not his 'usual'. Sleek knows nothing don't worry.

    Number 52 is ok on Sleek's list - I have checked it all is well.

    Scary neighbours calling at 2am. I know you were awake else they wouldn't have phoned, but I bet your heart was racing!

    President butter in Sainsbury's? I must look I haven't seen it at ours.... :? Checked I have still got some in the fridge from before we went away :)

    When we return in July (for 2 weeks!!!) I will investigate the missing sunflowers and let you know. I would like to take a trip over to see your old village too :)

    Right onwards and upwards......


    Toni xxx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    oooh, yes, pop to Monflanquin, it is a fabulous bastide village, oooozing in history, from the Church at the top, come straight down, through the square, down rue st marie, we lived opposite the electricians shop - oh how exciting :)
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello all Im here at last..we had a lovely neighbour pass away in the early hours ..the house I have my hair dont at by there mobile hairdresser..he was 86..and such a gentlemen..his poor wife is beside herself :cry: he had suddenly got a chest infection ..but not sure what has happened...
    Aiden I would be shaking cutting Bs hair.. :shock: B has been busy sorting a neighbours phone, even though the air was blue :lol: ...its very kind of him..and dad popping round is so nice...I miss my dad doing that he used to work across the rd form us till they knocked the works down and would call for lunch.. :D GC today for you ...I think last night was by far the warmest I was up at 3 stood by the open window :shock: so you are friends with David Emanuel on twitter he came over very nice when in the jungle..must say I haven't seen say yes to the bride..will look out for it..Asparagus and New Potato Frittata was lovely now for some of the strawberry cream cake.. :D
    Toni welcome back ..I bet the felds in France have gone over to rapeseed oil..I was reading how they get money to plant it..but have to spray with all sorts to keep the bugs at was my favorite oil..what a shame you had a bad cold..hopefully it will be gone soon did you fly..or drive apparently lots of bugs are picked up on planes.. :roll: July to look forward to.. :D is Lucy going with you..
    Joan I can just imagine the little doggies lying in the sun..bless our Susie didnt like the heat, and she was a little jack Russel..hope you all had a good day..
    Right better go and get something done I have not eaten today.. :o
    Love to everyone t4591 t115006 t4591
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all

    5 sleeps left then off we go for a week. it's creeping up very fast. tomorrow i will weigh at home before deciding weather i go to sw weigh in if i know I will be well in target i will go if not I will give it a miss our consultant already knows i may not be around for 3 weeks, as i will do the same the Tuesday after holidays weigh at home to see if i have put on while away. mind you we will be self catering so we will not be out for all meals so it may not be as bad. However we are always ease up a little on holiday and have the treats we want, after all you are only on holiday for a short while.

    Aidan we are travelling by train but we have 2 changes so a bit of a bitty journey, cannot get a train straight through.
    yes all our baby lovelies are growing at a rapid speed. talking of growing quickly I cannot believe while we are away our Graycie wil be 18 months where has that time gone. And its only about 10 weeks before our baby Rubie will make her appearance into our lives.
    so Johnny is of on his travels wonder what he will come back with this time :lol:
    Hope the Ouchy squares and the bush babies massaging helped.
    Squatters are awful I would imagine.

    Barbara we are going by train and i am sure we will have Fish and chips at least once while we are away. i don't mind train journeys, but this one is 3 trains none direct so not looking forward to the changing twice.

    Toniglad you enjoyed your time away hope your cold is better. packing will be done by Friday teatime. as it want to watch a programme on TV in the evening. so want a relaxed evening doing that. Yes i left plenty of fruit for the babies they eat it so quick you may need to get some more.

    its time for a little potter so goodnight one and all t4591 t115006 t4591 t115006 t4591 t115006
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Just gone midnight, so good morning to all :D

    Hi Barbara, that is very sad about your neighbour passing away. Chest infections can turn into pneumonia in no time at all, I have seen it many times. I am assuming though, and I should not do that. I am sure his wife is in terrible shock, sending her lots of t4591 and strength.

    I did manage to cut B's hair and I think I did a good job, I didn't leave any lumps or bumps, so my copy book has not been blotted this time :? :? :roll:
    I did hold my breath a couple of times, doing tricky bits round ears.

    The phone was sorted and has been delivered back to the neighbours, the air is less blue and a little calm has been restored. He is busy adding items to his etsy site at the moment.

    I bet it was lovely having Dad pop in for lunch, times that we can remember fondly. t4591

    It was so warm last night, so you were up at the window at 3, getting some air, not that there was much.

    I had a melting moment this evening, after a hot supper, with Pepe on my lap, just to make me extra warm :shock: There was a lot of wafting and cool flannels needed.

    Say yes to the dress and curvy brides boutique are on TLC, starting at 8pm on Fridays. We love them.

    David seems a really nice man, he always responds to my tweets in person. He was great in the jungle.

    Enjoy the cake. Oh, I see there is one less, Toni found it and went splat :lol::lol:

    Yes Toni, they were watching the bridal programmes and loving them, they are happy with brides of all sizes and everyone looks fabulous, as they should do.

    Indeed Lucy, I am friends with David Emanuel, he is so polite, likes my sense of humour and always writes back. When he posted on twitter about "are we ready ladies, for say yes to the dress at 9pm" I wrote and said, what about us gentlemales who adore the show too. He thought that was a great response.

    No more headaches for the puskins, all is normal once more. Pepe is loving the new batch, sleek rang him and said they were verified as not tampered with by a Vet :roll: :lol::lol:

    It was a bit of a shock when the phone rang at that time of night / morning :shock:

    We sold one of our PC's, a spare one, as you do, on Ebay, so we have to go find a huge box to pack it safely. B said we will likely find one at the tip :shock: The staff are really good there and very helpful. We have some wood to get rid of anyway, so not a wasted trip.

    A trip to our village in France would be wonderful, you will love it, oozing history. I think the market was on a Thursday if I remember correctly.

    Hope your cold is better t115006 t115006

    4 sleep now Carol, until your holiday. Sounds like a bit of a chop and change, to get there on the train, but I am sure it will be ok and you will arrive safely, in time to enjoy all those little treats. Don't worry about SW, you will be fine and within your target when you get back home, a few treats never go amiss.

    Graycie is 18 months old, I am sure it is only a week since you said she was a year old :shock: :shock: I swear time is going faster, every month that passes by.

    Thank you, my back is not screaming, it is back to grumbling, which is normal :roll:

    No sign of Johnny, he has travelled to far flung places on a rescue mission :? :?

    Right, I am setting, I must move and potter about.

    All the lovelies are fine, babies are doing so well, as are all the parents.

    Love and sparkles to everyone t4591 t115006 take lots of care XXXX Aidan
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Aidan Barbara Toni Carol.
    Aidan do you ever go to a neighbour and ask them for something.
    Barbara I'm sorry about your neighbour he's not in pain now.
    Toni I hope all of you have a good day.
    Carol enjoy your holiday not long now.
    take care all
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Well, where was my head yesterday? I came in - honest, had a look round and just left again! I didn't even realize until I'd switched off - honest! Anyway, we were on the benches at 7.30 this morning, and yes, we had our Co-op Magnums while there.

    Dark treacle and ginger cake with mango filling etc etc. Not sure whether you can face plant or not. But there are 4, so I'll leave it for you to decide.

    Joan, thank you. I've posted two poems on there, Stalker (about cancer) and Mrs Dalloway. And I've started a blog on there too. :?

    Well, I'll just wander around our ever growing zoo and talk to the animals like a female Dr Doolittle. t69044

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all...a lovely day sun and a breeze.. :D
    Aiden thankyou I have been to see our neighbours across the rd..I have to get OH to direct me because you cant see the traffic coming..she is in a sate has you can imagine..its the first time she has been on her own in over 65 years..they never had a family but her nieces and nephews are very good..
    How lovey the village sounds in France..I have never been but when its on the TV we always say how they have kept all there old buildings and charm..if the buildings had been here they would have knock them down :roll: glad all went well with Bs haircut..he has still got 2 ears.. :o:lol: how nice of David Emanuel replying to your tweets :D he was nice in the jungle totally different from what I thought..glad to hear your back is a little be careful with it..and you have sold your PC..good on you..
    Carol its good to have something to look forward to, a shame you have 3 trains to catch but hopefully it will all go smoothly for you, and yes dont worry about dieting when there, I am sure it is all second nature now what to eat with a few little treats.. :)
    Kath I wasn't up at 7.30..we have magnums in the freezer from Aldi.. :D thankyou for the treacle cake
    Joan you are right our neighbour is not suffering and its the way he would have wanted to go..he was always very fit ..doing the garden ..growing veg..he would always bring me some tomato round form his greenhouse..
    Right better make a move
    Love to everyone t4591 m0150 t4591
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all - lovely day here, not too warm, says me, who has been ironing and steaming potatoes (with the AC on).

    We have run out of day again. It is always nearly 5pm, or midnight, where the time in between goes, I know not

    This will be brief, I will write more later.

    Joan, hi to you and to Sue and the doggies. Every blue moon we might pop round to a neighbour, for something, but it is a rarity, we don't need to really, they all come here :lol::lol::lol: :roll:

    Hi Barbara, that is a long time together, a bit like B's Dad and Mum, they were together for over 65 years. Good that their Nieces and Nephews have stepped up to the plate to offer their Aunt the support she needs.

    Bless her, some more hugs on the way to her. t4591 t4591

    The places in France are quite strict about what you can and cannot do to an older property. We had strict instructions about colours of new render on the first house that was renovated for us.

    Bill has both ears, thank goodness :shock: :lol::lol: It looks very neat and tidy, if I do say so myself :)

    I am trying to be careful with my back and knees, knees are winding up to a shouting session, I can feel them ouching. Not one thing, it's another :roll: :roll:

    We were out for hours hunting a huge box, for the PC to go in..........finally, after going to the far end of the field and back, we went to the GC and they gave us permission to root in their cardboard bins, sorted, there were loads :)

    We had a coffee in Nero's while we were out, which was welcome. A scone and clotted cream too. Toni will be proud of me :)

    I see you have been out under the gazebo Kath, with your lovely ice creams. Good for you. Don't worry, if you came in and went out and forgot to write, we all have those "moments". :roll:
    I will dive into that cake, if that's ok with you, I see there are a few on the side, so Toni will be along to claim another :lol::lol: OOO it is very sticky when you face plant. I am in a total mess :lol::lol::lol:

    Enjoy the wander round the sanctuary, the animals all like being talked to.

    Johnny is on his way back, with Bison, Buffalo and Moose :shock: :shock:

    We need a poem about cakes and scones, something to think about :)

    Pepe and Sleek have been out and had a good fly around Pendle, gathering mists, they even went further into the Trough of Bowland, to gather some more heather.

    I must away, pottering to do before T and a sit down.

    Love and sparkles to all, catch up again later t4591 t115006 XX Aidan
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening everyone :) .

    Late on today been busy again apologies. Took Lucy to see her new counsellor for post cancer which threw me a bit. Lovely chap think he will help her lots. :P

    Aidan thank you we Will go to Monflanquinn for sure it sounds lovely – bastide did you say? I will google market day. Is it a day/night market?

    Sleek was telling me she’d been somewhere new this morning in fact she was full of it bless her. The truff where they make bows for your hair, but they only got heather…. :wink: Glad no further headaches at yours big phew!

    Tis good news that you left B’s ears attached to his head – always best and you are still ‘the Saturday boy’!! Well done for getting a box for the PC of course they would let you have a box – best customers you are!!

    First name terms with David Emannuel then - Lucy was impressed! Too right Gentlemales can enjoy it too :D

    I hope you had a HUGE dollop of clotted cream with your scone? And of course you have beaten me to the face plant. Sticky did you say? Ok I’ll get the shower cap before I have mine!

    Now where is Johnny off to now? :shock:

    Barbara your poor poor neighbour she must be devastated. Bless her good she has lovely nephews/nieces to help and support her. It will all feel too much for her ATM. :?

    Take care yourself and don't take on too much ((()))

    Kath dark treacle and mango cake….looks very messy. Shower cap on………SPLAT!!! Hmmmm…lovely thanks now better get in the shower myself!

    You forgot to post yesterday?!! Never mind maybe you need an extra magnum?


    Joan thank you we had a good day today. Hope you did too.

    I am impressed that your packing will be done early Carol, but I think it’s a good idea so you are all relaxed and can enjoy your programme.

    Don’t worry I will keep the fruit topped up while you are away. I am a good bit better now thanks.

    I agree with Barbara don’t worry about dieting on your hols you can always shift any, unlikely, gain.

    Love to you all

    Toni xxx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I am sure I am not alone when I say, will we ever catch up with ourselves :roll: :roll: :? :? :?

    I have just said to B, we need a full week at home, just to get things done, that need doing. Not that we are living in a tip, far from it, but, just to do the extra fussing, washings, etc etc.

    Anyway, shut up Aidan, just carry on carrying on.

    And now it is after midnight. PC is duly packed to within an inch of its life, for safe transport. B has been in a lather, making sure it is packed to perfection.
    The buyers is arranging a courier to collect, no idea yet though.

    Hi Toni, gosh, that shower cap is ruined :lol::lol: you enjoyed one of Kaths cakes then :shock: :shock: :lol:

    So glad that the counsellor is a really nice man and will help Lucy, all working for the greater good. t115006

    You will like it in Monflanquin, some nice cafes, the Prince Noir is a good restaurant
    It is a day market, I just cannot remember the exact day of the week :roll:

    The puskins did enjoy their flight into the forests of bowland, gathering heather and mists and I think they nudged whiskers too :shock: :D

    No headaches today, all is calm ish. Pepe has decided that he doesn't like this batch of food now................after ploughing his way through half the box, with great gusto :roll: :roll: NOT that he is pampered of course.

    We are on the highly considered customer list at the GC, in all the deapartments :)

    Glad Lucy was impressed with my natterings with David Emanuel. he is so kind, would love to meet him, maybe we could go to the shop of Say Yes, just in the background, noseying at dresses with female companions (Toni and Lucy) that would be awesome.

    I clarted my scone with as much clotted cream as I could, without getting into a huge mess :lol::lol:

    Johnny is back, with the Bison, Buffalo and Moose, they are in a huge enclosure, with all manner of lakes and woodlands and grazing land. They seem happy together. Not sure about petting them, just yet, let them settle. :shock:

    How many sleeps are we at now Carol, 4? I think so. Getting excited now. Well, I am, so I am sure you are :) Are you travelling in comfort class again, well worth the extra.

    Off round to Dads this morning, take him to the T room, gather his prescription, go shopping, fill in lots of forms that need sending off............It is all go, then you come home and start again.........Hedges need a hair cut, they have grown like crazy. I need to do my watering, should have done it yesterday, but lost the will by 530pm. The baby wisteria is going mad, sending out tendrils all over the place. Flower is still developing nicely :) Bigger one is in full leaf, no flowers.......yet.

    Right, I had best move myself, pottering to do, knees are ouching.....must keep moving.

    hi to Christine, Kerrin, Mig, DD, Toady, Elizabeth, Charrise and all

    Love and sparkles to everyone t4591 t115006 XXX Aidan

    some marmalade muffins for breakfast

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Mmmm...marmalade muffins eh? Perfect with my decaffeinated flat white.

    Thanks Aidan I have left you one too :D

    I did get in a mess with the cake and have now binned the shower cap :oops: nice though wasn't it?

    Lucy would LOVE to root through the dresses with you, me and 'David' :D She knows what she wants you know even though not yet WHO she wants :lol:

    Sleek said Pepe going off the food was nothing to do with her. As far as she knows they are not contaminated at all number 52. They did indeed touch whiskers yesterday :wink: t4591 ahh!!! This morning he took her to see your wisterias she said they were lovely very pretty and she would like wisteria in her bouquet :roll:

    I need a full day no visitors too to catch up I agree with you 100% :roll:

    Glad the PC is all ready to safely go off with the courier.

    I have googled Monflanquin and the market is Thursday EVENING!!! Do I need to book a table pour trois at the Prince Noir?

    Oh my I have been down to see what Johnny brought....they are all HUGE but didn't go close by. They are all endangered so all good :)

    Hi to Joan! Lovely and sunny here, but so far there is air hope also with you


    Toni xxx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Barbara Aidan Toni.
    Kathleen how is your knee now I hope it's not too painful.
    Barbara when do you get your results.
    Aidan have a good time with your Dad I hope he's doing alright.
    Toni the bot puts it's self away when it's finished but does it get it's self out to start.
    have a good day everyone
    take care
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I've just been for a ride on the Buffalo - great fun. :D I thought about riding on the moose, nice big handles on his head. But he wouldn't stand still long enough for me to clamber on his back. .

    Thank you for the marmalade muffins Aidan, delicious. If you see several rainbow jellies in the fridge, help yourselves. Toni, I dare you. :lol: Aidan too. But get the shower ready.

    Thank you Joan, my knee is fine. It's my ankle and foot now. But only 4 weeks until my appointment now. :wink:

    Toni, I'm so happy Lucy has a new councillor and that she is happy with him. t69044 t69044

    t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all a lovely day but a bit to warm again..I will be grumbling when we have rainy days although we need a couple to be sure..
    Kath rainbow jelly that takes me back to doing party for our sons and GC..I thought I was really clever.. :lol: we have buffaloes I am not milking one of those.. :shock:
    Toni I am so very pleased Lucy has a new Councillor..bless her and he is a nice chap I really do hope he helps her she know the dress she wants but not the person..I love it ...she must take her time and choose wisely.. :D I think you should book at table at the restaurant in France..we don't want you to miss out and what to hear all about it.. :D
    Joan I think they said 2 weeks..but I was in such a hurry to get out I didnt really listen :shock: :lol: ..I will check with my GP..I hope you all have a lovely day..
    Aiden thankyou for the hugs for our neighbour..OH went round to take her doggie out and see if she needed anything its such a shame :cry:
    the village sound so idyllic..we all need to go..we could book a long table at the restaurant and hire a cottage..glad to hear B has both ears and you found a box at long last..we do need more hours I maybe 4 more 26 hours a didn't get covered in cream did well there I always do.. :roll: did you say it was the GC today I am lost now..we have just been to ours and everyone was sat in the sun , but they do coach trips so we found it hard to get a table..and the queue for food.. :shock:
    Tell you I am not milking buffalo..what else do we have I forgot.. :lol: good job we have Johnny :lol:
    Think I will have a marmalade muffin with a cup of tea..thankyou
    Love to everyone... t4591 m0150 t4591 m0150
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all, turned out to be bright and sunny, with a litte breeze, not too warm, but warm enough for Matron.................

    I think we have done everything we had to do, including two trips to town :roll:
    We had brunch at the T room, Dad got his prescription, then we left the huge box, with the pc in, at the local collection point in town. Then shopping, then back to Dads to fill in more forms, then home, shopping away, water garden, washer on.................. etc etc

    Enough for one day.

    You are welcome to the marmalade muffins, thank you for leaving ONE for me :shock: :lol::lol:

    It was lovely to get in a totally gooey mess with Kaths cake. Great fun. I see she has tempted us again today, so I will be diving into her jelly pudding :)

    We would have a good time going through all the sparkles and bling on SYTTDress We can all help Lucy choose hers, then the groom can be vetted in due course :lol::lol:

    Pepe seems to be back on track with is food today. He must have been having one of his fuss pot days yesterday, I told him that Sleek had confirmed they were all fine...........

    They enjoyed looking round the garden, both of them hovering and noseying at the wisteria, they love the little flower and cannot wait for it to open. There was more whisker touching t4591 there may be a proposal in the offing. Wisteria in her bouquet, absolutely. She loves this cake too


    Full days, with no visitors, now, they are a rarity, as we well know :roll: :roll: much as we love all our friends and family - we all need some catch up time.

    The market in Monflanquin must have changed times, it was always in the morning. Deff book a table at the Prince Noir in July, it gets super busy, you can eat under the arches outside, or inside in the cooled air.

    All the newbies are huge, when you get up closer to them, Bison are massive, as are the buffalo and Moose.

    I am sure I saw Kath, in the enclosure :shock: :shock:

    hi Joan Sue and the doggies. Hope you are all ok, enjoying the weather.
    Dad is ok, we keep him organised and see him most days, to make sure things are ok. He relies on us for all his paperwork and things.

    I was right, you were in the new enclosure, riding on the buffalo, goodness, you must have charmed them. Way to go Kath :)

    Steady away now, not sure how Moose are about having people riding on their backs :shock: those antlers are ideal for holding on to though.

    No need to dare us :lol::lol: Toni and I will face plant in the jellies immediately, nice and cooling. Rainbow jelly, the best, thank you t115006 t115006

    Hugs and magic squares for your ankle and foot t4591 t115006 one of the possums is on her way over.

    Hi Barbara how lovely that Mr B went round to take your neighbours doggie out for a walk. I will keep her in my thoughts and prayers, with a little sparkle too t115006 bless her, it's horrid isn't it.

    You would love the village in France, yes we could have a long table, half in and half out, so that we can sit in the coolness :lol: there is a house to let in the village and plenty to rent nearby, with pools and the like.

    I was very surprised to keep myself clean, while eating a scone, laden with cream and jam. I did well today, no spilling of coffee, or making a mess with my bacon roll and then almond slice. It was nice, not to have to come home and then think about lunch.

    No, it was T room today, GC will be Friday most likely, Dad wants some more roses. He says he fed his, but we know he used weed killer instead on the ones he has............... :roll: :shock: :? :? oh dear. Not to worry, we will buy him a couple more.

    You had to queue for food, not surprising, with the good weather, everyone wants to be at their local GC. I hope you got a table though.

    No, we won't need to milk the buffalo, they are not expecting so there are no udders to speak of :shock: :lol:

    There is a jelly for you, Toni and I have made such a mess with ours, I will get the wet and dry nu nu out.

    Right, I had best be moving. It is T time and biscuits are calling me :)

    Till later, love and sparkles to everyone. t4591 t115006 Enjoy the sunshine m0150 XX Aidan
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all

    oooh its only three sleeps now and Saturday morning off we go. getting in the holiday mode now. Very happy Bunny today as got a very nice cheque in the post from a company I have an account with a refund for an protection to that account that that was flawed and I should never have been sold it. as you can imagine it was a bit of a surprise. our weather here is quite nice warm but not too hot.

    Aidan So you cut B hair and was ok no lumps and bumps so can you be promted soon :lol: glad the back isn't screaming and is back to grumbling, we dont mind that we are used to it . Graycie is growing so quickly and is a cheeky mischievous little monkey I'm told. thought you might like these 2 pictures of her climbing out of her high chair climing out of high chair.jpg?dl=0 climing out of high chair.jpg?dl=0
    Don't worry I intend to enjoy the little treats whilst on holiday. and as I do more walking on hols i usually don't gain a lot. so not worried at all. interesting what Johnny will bring back heavens knows. just read your second post so it's bison buffalo and moose is it think the sanctuary is expanding all the time. Bigger than the cloak with many rooms even.. :lol::lol: 3 sleeps now
    1st class on first and last trains they don't do 1st class on the middle one.

    well must potter or will set armchair shaped

    so love and sparkles t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006

    Joan Don't worry i fully intend to enjoy my holidays every little bit.

    Kath OOH that cake yummeee.

    Barbara the journey is a bit of a pain but i am sure all will go well. Sorry to hear about you neighbour. the eating is so much our way of eating now that we can have the little treats while away and as soon as we are back the very next day we snap back to the plan and are careful of the treats. this i mainly because when we started i stopped buying all extra treat thing like cake and biscuits. so we don't have them to eat.

    Toni Aidan says Johnny has gone off to some far flung place nobody knows where so no idea what he will come back with perhaps some exotic animal who knows, we will have to wait and see. I always try to get packed the afternoon before I go I can then relax the night before and am not packing and panicking at the last minute. Thanks for keep the lovelies topped up with fruit while I am away. Not at all worried about any gain as our consultant says don't worry you have to have a social life too. she also say life gets in the way sometimes.
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all, the nights are drawing to their shortest now, it was not really dark until gone 11.

    Hi Carol, three, no, two more sleep now, until you are off up to Whitby. Bucket and spade all packed and ready :)

    Way to go, a surprise cheque in the post, always a welcome find. If they miss sold payment protection, then you are rightly due a refund. just before you hols too.

    Not sure if I will be promoted beyond salon junior, even if I do a very good job, after all, I have been cutting and clippering B's hair for 18 years plus. I should be assistant stylist :roll: :lol:

    We are used to grumbling joints, they are part of our lives :roll: every so often we have a bad period to get through. Pottering keeps us moving.

    Cheeky little Graycie, escaping from her high chair. the climbing phase, into everything and exploring their world. Mum will have her work cut out for sure.
    Thank you for the lovely pictures :) She is adorable.

    First class on two legs of the journey, just the middle one to grin and bear it. At least you will arrive in style 8) 8)

    Our Sanctuary is always expanding ( a bit like my waist :lol::lol: :shock: ) our new lovelies large, but seem quite friendly. Kath has already been for a ride on one of the buffalo's :shock: :shock: brave lady.

    Treats on holiday are vitally important, seaside without fish and chips would be a crime :lol: All that sea air will do you good, lots of ozone.

    It is always a bit cooler on the east coast, but checking the weather, it is dry until next Thursday.

    Sleek and Pepe were on the phone at siesta time, looking forward to this weeks curvy brides and SYTTDress, Miss Slimkins was waxing lyrical about her gown and how there will be sparkles and silver threads in the veil..........I think Pepe glazed over, he nodded off :shock: :lol::lol:

    They are off to Lytham for sunrise today, apparently there will be sea mists to gather. They will sit by the boating lake for a while.

    His Lordship is eating his meals ok. I bet you any money, when we go back to the vets for more supplies, they will have a different batch number again............ :roll: :roll:

    While I think of it Barbara, Jane Mc Donald it back on her cruises this Friday, Sydney to New Zealand. A long long way away. Don't know how she fits it all in, with her tours etc.

    Right, I had best move and potter a little. It is T, pills and a square or three of chocolate.

    Love and sparkles to everyone in out and around about. Take lots of care t4591 t115006 XX Aidan

    chocolate chip buttermilk waffles

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • Kerrsa
    Kerrsa Member Posts: 233
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning everyone.

    Had a good week off from school last week. Half of it spent visiting relative-in-laws in Wales and the other half chilling at home.

    Half way through a very physical week at school and boy am I feeling it.Hurting everywhere and soooooooo tired. Tuesday was sports day and today is day 2 out of 3 of cricket competitions. The little ones did ok yesterday, won 2 and lost 2.

    Hope everyone is well and all moggie monsters are behaving themselves.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Barbara Aidan Kerrin.
    Kathleen I hope your foot and ankle are not too sore.
    Barbara I hope you have a good day today.
    Aidan your the odd job man who does everything.
    Kerrin. you need a rest now.
    love to Toni
    take care
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Joan yes the bot gets herself out too when she's ready to start cutting the grass. I might turn her off now though for a bit as it's so dry the grass isn't growing... :?

    Poor you Kerrin already suffering. Lucy is looking FORWARD to sports day at her school :D Well done to your little ones.

    I hope Jericat and Tomicat are ok??

    Sleek said they had a great time at Lytham Aidan and yes they did have a romantic interlude at the boating lake. She adores the cake!! Wow!! as does Lucy :) Just needs tiny pusskins on top of it to make it 100% purrfect!

    She said she had a word about Pepe's fussy eating so hopes he will behave for a while :?

    Sounds like plenty to do to help Dad bless him. so long as he is ok I have no doubt you two are ok. :D Glad the PC is dealt with now.

    We will book at the Prince Noir. Definitely might eat outside we usually like to as it's a rarity in the country.

    The acreage in that new enclosure!! Silver must have got us some more land :shock:

    A jelly?? Oh YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thank you for the choc chip waffles - yum!

    Carol life does need to get in the way of our weight sometimes that's fair enough your consultant is quite right!

    I have dropped off some fruit now and will top up while you are away.

    Moose and Buffalo!! and apparently Kath has already made friend's with the buffalo. :shock:

    Packing the day before I do it too, but always worry about toothbrushes and last minute stuff whatever happens :oops:

    Barbara I will have to take loads of photos when we go to Aidan's old village and of the Prince Noir too :)

    Lucy has definitely chosen her dress yes she has it saved on her phone, but choosing the right man - not so easy!!

    I don't think we have to milk the new acquisitions :shock:

    Sun is out here but a nice breeze.

    I've been looking for you! Look out for a special photo on fbook of Lucy AKA Kylie!!! Just for YOU!

    Don't ride the MOOSE!!!! Get away from the moose!! Buffalo is fine not Moose!!! :lol:

    Now where is the jelly??

    Oh my goodness!!……………….SPLAT!!!!

    Love to everyone

    Toni xxx