Val's Cafe



  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Kath I've been looking for you! Look out for a special photo on fbook of Lucy AKA Kylie!!! Just for YOU!

    Aaww Toni, is it the Dungaree one? I posted a pusskin photo to it, gorgeous. t115006 t4591 t115006 and there are some Caramel Chiffon cakes in the larder. Have fun. Oh they smell so yummy.

    Carol, what a bonus just before your hols. :D Lovely photos of Graycie. :D

    Joan, I'm having a very good day today thank you. I hope it lasts.

    Kerrin, well done you and your class. m0150 m0150 m0150

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all ..I need more hours and haven't done much.. :roll:
    Carol little Graycie is so cheeky and so very cute bless her... :D 2 more sleeps now then you will be off and the cheque has come just in time for your holidays I am really pleased for you.. :D
    Kerrin glad to hear you had a good rest in half term..but now back to working hard..and I suppose all the traveling to and fro doesn't help..
    Aiden poor dad putting weed killers on his roses..I hope he doesn't do it with the new ones ...must say I have sprayed my plants and forgot that weed killer had been in there.. :oops:
    Yes we can have a long table at the french restaurant we can sit indoors and the rest outside.. :) so GC today and T rooms yesterday..I think.. :? :lol: thanks for the heads up on Jane godparents used to live in NewZealand..and have lts of postcards they used to send bu I have never been there...what a relief not having to milk the buffalo's :lol: just couldn't see me with a bucket under it..waffles yes please.. :D
    Toni yes lots of pics..I look forward..Lucy is a love having the dress on her phone..I am sure she will get the man of her dreams..someone that will take care of her..Aiden and I will vet them.. :lol:
    Joan its lovely here a nice breeze..hope you dont get the rain they are predicting for your area..
    Our DIL has just been to physio and they are disgusted ..she has 2 bad breaks that are completely out of place..and she has just got a new job has a carer next door but not a clue what next the poor thing ..
    Right will have to move
    Love to everyone t4591 t4591 t4591
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all

    Yes its 2 more sleeps thenthe horrendus journey to whitby i now have been told by mr T that we have booked seats for the first and second trains but not the third and we have a space of 10 mins in between the 1st and second. trouble was he booked the holiday before he had booked the train tickets or he would have chosen somewhere else. but we will manage I am sure.
    yesterday when i put on the photos of graycie I realised after that they were both the same this was her once had climbed out of the high chair. the smile says it all. out of high chair 2.jpg?dl=0

    Barbara Graycie is certainly cheeky my GD daughter jokingly calls her the devil child although she loves them both dearly, the cheque will take till Wednesday next week to clear at the bank so cannot touch it till then. pity it didn't come last week. :lol: mind you most of it will be put in my savings account anyway.

    Kath thank you Graycie is rather gorgeous as is her sister Lillie but then i am biased after all i am their great nanny so I'm allowed to be. yes it was a bonus the letter made me a very happy bunny. the cake was delicious could not resist. so you have already made friends with the buffalo. will have to pop to see them in a moment.

    Toni I am always worried about forgetting my medications. when i go away. our consultant is very good really and always says that. she also says life is for living and if you are to keep up the weight loss you need to have the extra treats, so that you will not feel deprived of them and get fed up and stop altogether.

    Aidan 2 more sleeps before the off will be packed by teatime tomorrow.

    well its time for bed so I must away love and sparkles to you all
    t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 t115006
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all, way too hot for me, so AC is on, I went out to water the plants and was irradiated by the sun, hence I got into a complete lather.
    B cut the hedges so he was leaking like a sieve :roll:
    Plus I have had the tumble dryer on. :shock:

    We are cool enough in the lounge and the bedrooms seem to be keeping cool as well.

    Hi Kerrin, glad you had a nice break, but are now back in the thick of it with sports days, cricket matches and everything else on top. Hugs and magic squares for the ouchies ((())) t115006 I think the puskins are all behaving, kind of :shock: :lol:

    Hi Joan B is more the odd job man, I am hopeless at DIY, but very good at breaking things :roll: :roll: :lol::lol: I can trash the kitchen in five minutes flat.
    I was thinking this morning when B was doing hedge, I used to love doing that and cutting the grass, imagine how big the gardens were at the Rectory's, acres of land. Now, I can only potter and be an onlooker. :? :?

    I hope you Sue and the doggies are having a good day, with favourable weather.

    Hi Toni, love the pic of Lucy :) very Kylie :) We love Kylie too.

    Our duo must have gone off very early, for their trip to Lytham. How nice for them to have a romantic moment by the boating lake. I was up at 7 with his Lordship, not really a "headache", but there was a lot of sorting out needed, plus bedding to change, wash and immaculise.

    Run out of time, will save and post later, neighbour came round for a natter and a cool off.

    And now it is going up for midnight :shock: :roll:

    Pepe is not himself, he is eating ok and I am adding extra water, so his fluid levels are up, given the hot weather. He is not liking it so warm. Very grizzly and out of sorts. :? Will keep an eye over next 24 hours and maybe a trip to the vets.

    We mentioned to Dad on Wed, to pop round on Thur morning for a coffee, but he never turned up, he will have forgotten and it was not mentioned when B phoned later in the day.

    PC arrived safely at its destination, which is a huge relief.

    Booking is a must at the Black Prince and I am sure they used to be closed on a Tuesday - probably changed by now.

    We have so many hectares of land now, it is like the Savannah - Silver did good t115006 I am sure Kath was in the enclosure again, petting the buffalo. No Moose riding, at all............. :shock: :shock: We will have to warn the park Ranger.

    Good to hear you had a better day on Thursday, hopefully more to follow t115006
    Chiffon cake, mmm, that sounds delightful, caramel too, even better. Promise I won't face plant, I will be polite and eat with pinkies held high.

    Hi Barbara, so you ran out of hours too, it seems to be a recurring problem with us all :roll: :roll:

    We will make sure a new rose bush is cared for, with no need for weed killer. He doesn't even need it, he has patio areas and a gravelled area under the trees. He will have been out pottering. I will check what needs watering when we go this morning.

    It was an at home day Thursday, GC today :lol: don't worry, I have no clue without looking at my phone, to tell me what when and where we should be.

    Looking forward to seeing Jane on her cruise to New Zealand. B has been to Sidney and the Gold Coast, I have never felt the urge to travel 24 hours on a plane :shock:

    No, the buffalo's don't need milking and Kath is out riding on them already, the seem to have made friends.

    Oh dear, your DIL is not having the best time at all. I thought they said the fractures would be ok with a sling and being immobilised. It appears that they were wrong. If the bones are out of kilter then the healing process will not be straight forward and the area will calcify. I wonder if they will have to consider surgery, to pin or plate the breaks?
    t115006 t115006 for her

    It sounds like a hop skip and a jump, to get the right trains, with hardly any time so spare in between. :shock: I am sure you will be ok with seats on the third train, if you are 1st class. I hope it is as smooth as possible. One more sleep now. :D:D

    I didn't realise that the pictures of Graycie were the same, After looking at them both. I can see the difference now, with her escaped from her chair and grinning with her achievement.

    Of course you are allowed to be biased with your GGC, it is part of being G Nan.

    Make sure your meds are all packed and ready. I would be the same, I would have to take a medicine trolley.

    Right, I must post, every time I potter, another half hour seems to fly past.

    Love and Sparkles to everyone t4591 t115006 XXXX Aidan

    Mixed Berry Pancakes this morning

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Tia's BF proposed yesterday lovely and romantic so excitement ahead for our family!!

    Morning Aidan sorry about typing with my mouth full I am eating some of those pancakes :D yum! h040.gif

    My research into Monflanquin tells me there is still and morning market on Thursdays and the evening market (a farmer's one) is only in the summer. So we can go Morning and lunch at the Prince Noir or PM and dine.... :D

    It was a muggy day yesterday for sure, but it rained overnight so much better today :) Don't worry too much about the gardening and what you used to be able to do. My neighbour the one who has RA and is paralysed from the chest down - she 'does' it all. At least she chooses what goes where and when :) It remains her garden.

    Sleek says she did the mist collection on her own today, but will come and watch some (recorded) curvy Bride's boutique with Pepe later. She can be at yours in about 7 mins on her broomstick so will check if he is in first.

    I had an unexpected visit to the vet's yesterday with a pigeon with a broken wing. I found him on my walk and Pom helped me catch him. The vet says he should be ok (although initially they thought Daisycat had caught him :lol: ) and I will ring at 9 am.

    Best not to upset Dad by telling him what he forgot to do I agree ((())) The important things will be remembered by you two.

    Those new super thin curling wand thingies are amazing! Took me a while though and my hip was most cross :roll:

    The park ranger has been informed and is keeping his eye out for Kath :wink:

    Carol Graycie really is adorable you know the most gorgeous baby t4591 cheeky is fine!

    Your consultant is quite right - too strict and no fun at all and a lot would give up. That's why all these boot camps do so well to start with then people have enough of it. It's too hard.

    I think the journey will be fine a lot better than you fear you will have a lovely time when you get there I wish I was coming with you.

    Barbara it was good to see you at choir yesterday, although we needed you to sing alto really being so low on numbers yesterday - only myself and my neighbour :shock:

    I will book us in at the Prince Noir we can go any time I can get the minibus out? Inside if it's too hot though...

    When Lucy finds the man of her dreams he MUST be vetted.

    Oh gosh your DIL must go to the fracture clinic :shock: that is outragious :shock: :shock:

    Oh no Kath I have had a look and the kylie photo isn't on yet. Was upstaged by TIA's BF proposing in France!

    I ate my chiffon cake politely too just like Aidan - pinkie out! Thank you :)

    A quick Woo-oo! to Sue/Joan as it's Suesday. Hope the weather is ok for your shop :)

    Love to everyone

    Toni xxx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello its me again
    hope everyone is happy.
    i have just joined twitter if anyone wants to find me im under my first name Hettie might see you l followl Ant and Dec
    lots of love Sue.
    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all..yes morning .. :lol: very humid not sure what it will do
    Carol what a lovely cheeky smile Graycie has.. :D I love watching there antic at that age... :lol: what a shame the money wont be cleared but at least you know it will be there..hopefully all goes smoothly with the trains and you have a lovely time..
    Toni what brilliant news ..Tia's BF proposing..a wedding to look forward to ..more shopping at the outlet... :D:lol: dont worry i manged alto after all the fluids.... :lol:
    Sue I tried twitter but made a real mess of it..I am followed but one of my GDs bands..a goth one.. :lol: I do like Ant and Dec hope they get together again soon
    Kath sorry I must have missed you yesterday ..and missed the caramel cake it was all gone :roll:
    Aiden so dad forgot to come round..good you didnt mention it to him.. :) now DIL they are saing it will have to be an op and 18 weeks off work..she has just got this job and is so upset , its next door but one has a carer for the mans wife..
    I remember you said you did the garden at the vicarage boy that must have been hard..but like you say when you are fit :roll: it was roasting here again yesterday I stayed indoors for most of it :shock:
    think I will join Pepe and Miss Sleek in Lythem we do like it there, I hope Pepe is more himself when it when it cools down..I forgot to mention the lovely wisteria that would be nice for Tias wedding.. :D
    Right better go have to see the nurse for my blood pressure..
    Love to everyone t4591 t4591 t4591
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Toni, congratulations, to you and Tia. Wonderful news. And thank you and Lucy for the Kylie erm, Lucy photo. :D

    Hi Sue, I don't do Twitter, I'm a Facebook user though. Are you an Ant and Dec fan? m0150

    Yes Aidan, I've been petting the Bison again. He's very gentle. I will leave the moose well alone. He looks quite cross anyway.

    No face plants today, not unless you tip the pot of jam over your head. :lol:

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hahaha! I will not put the jam on my head Kath :lol:

    Glad you finally saw Lucy's hair took me a good while that did!

    Yes some lovely news about Tia been waiting for him to pop the question once he'd asked our permission.

    Barbara that is awful news for your DIL it would have been a perfect job for her. If she doesn't have the op she risks bad pain in later life doesn't she? I would go back and see someone and have a think about it. They may well keep the job for her ((()))

    Your singing was spot on yesterday :)

    Tia's fav colour is purple so I draed to think what her cake will be like :?

    Hi Sue - I don't do twitter either, but love Hettie and also love Ant and Dec :)

    Right off to the Docs for Lucy's meds review.


    Toni xxx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all, this will be quick ish as I am on Matron's duties, we took pepe to the vets this afternoon. Saw a lady vet, very nice, Spanish lady.

    She thinks there is an internal bleed somewhere, causing the last two days of "problems".......... likely to be stomach. I was armed with thick coat and gardening gauntlets, but she had a firm hold on him.

    I said we can give him tablets at home, as he had his head under his blanket and was not coming out, even with the top of the carrier taken off, if he couldn't see anyone, they weren't there :? :?

    So, started on omeprazole, half of the minute beads, twice a day. Plus Metronidazole (a very unpleasant antibiotic) twice a day, well they are bigger than human ones, there is no way on this earth, he would take them, crushed, in water, broken up, or otherwise. The omeprazole is the important one to stop any bleeding.

    I said to the receptionist, can he not just have antirobe, nice small capsule, easy to take..........she went off, vet said to crush them.............right..............she said, ring in the morning, I am on, we can change them to the antirobe then.

    Came home, he had a little wander, then grumbled a bit, then fell over onto his side :shock: no siezure or black out, just the shock of the visit I think. Kept an eye and he got up after a while, pottered about, had his minute omeprazole beads, in a syringe with water. I am not even stressing him out with the other pills.

    Letting him do his own thing, he has some food out, a litter tray in two rooms. He is just sitting about, enjoying the cooler being on.

    Appointment for Monday, not with same vet, another lady vet, who we have seen before.

    a proposal for Tia, wonderful news, t69044 t69044 many congratulations :)

    Hope the Pigeon is ok.

    Pom's garden, is her garden, I know what you mean, she is still in charge of things which is admirable.

    I never remember the farmers market, even though we lived in Monflanquin over two years :roll: :shock:

    Lunch or dinner, less bugs at lunchtime :shock:

    thanks to Sleek for gathering mists, she will have heard through the grapevine about pepe, who is "out of action" for a little while, he will chatter to her later though. He send his love.

    Love Lucy''s picture as Kylie, lovely photo.

    Hi Sue, happy Suesday. I will have a look for you on twitter :)

    So you follow Ant and Dec, so many people do I am sure, thousands of them :) Hope you both have a good day, get all the shopping you need

    I guessed your DIL might need an op Barbara, then recovery, 18 weeks and just when she has a new job, she must be so upset, they could have done this weeks back and she would have been well on the mend now :roll:

    Hope your BP is ok at the Drs.

    Cumpets jam and T, thank you Kath, best not wear jam on my head :roll: with a crumpet sat on top :lol::lol:

    Right, I must away and do some pottering, have been here there and everywhere today. I need a lie down, but pills are needed now, need to keep calm and relaxed, for Pepe :roll: :roll: (did I say that)?

    Love to all, will report back later, love and Sparkles. Carol will be sat on her suitcase now :) t4591 t115006 XXX Aidan
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all..
    Kath no jam over the head but plenty in the mouth...and cream :D thankyou..and yes stay clear of the moose.. :shock:
    Aiden ..I do hope Pepe will be ok..she has a good nurse and you are doing all you can..hopefully the omeprazole helps..its so hard to get get meds down animals..if only they knew it was for there own good..many hugs and positive vibes (())..will be thinking about you ..xx
    Toni I did well last night ..did try a little gin think that Tia likes purple..oh well we all have different taste.. :lol: hope the review of Lucy meds goes to plan
    right better move
    Love to everyone
    t4591 t4591
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Thanks Barbara, hugs and thoughts are very welcome. He is still passing altered blood, he was quiet and settled at siesta time, just wanted to lay on the bed. So I had about a a foot of the bed and he had the rest.

    I rang and spoke to the Vet before we lay down, she said we can always go to the 24 hour vets, (same group, but they are open 24 /7) which is a car ride away, 20 minutes. Have an appointment booked for Sat, at 11.50, with Sarah, at our vets.

    Best carry on, will keep everyone posted. Love to all t4591 XX Aidan
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all
    just a quickie all packed except for some last minuet bits that cannot be put in until the morning we will be on our way by about 8.30. by mini cab to the station. to start our Journey which as you have all said will probably go smoothly. not sure if we will have Wi Fi so I may well not be on line until next Saturday.
    well been sitting all evening watching one of the world speedway meetings which is over 2 nights at the moment the British boys are leading the scores by 3 points. wont see tomorrows meeting but hoping they win. if i get internet I will probaly be able to find out the result Tomorrow fingers firmly crossed.

    Love a sparkles to you all t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006
    see you soon.
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Have a lovely holiday Carol and Mr T, enjoy Whitby and all of it's history and literary inspirations.
    I trust the journey will be as smooth as possible.

    I hope you have some WiFi, we need to hear of some wonderful fish and chips :)

    All quiet here, pepe had another gone off legs and falling to his side episode, he is sleeping now, has had some more omeprazole, not interested in food.
    Very frustrating when you have nothing to go on but your mind racing, from thinking about the symptoms etc. :cry:

    I had best be pottering. Sorry I am not much use at the moment. Love and hugs to all t4591 t115006
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Oh dear :( Ragdolls are floppy pusskins Aidan???? I am hoping that's relevant or maybe just shock of it all :? Sleek has been here there and everywhere says well shrieks that her beloved is poorly so she is doing all the jobs.

    Mist collected and several extra strength squares taken to yours expect to tread on them everywhere :shock: sorry! Many pushed underneath him while he is sleeping.

    Silver is looking in g3113.gif

    She is very worried, but reckons one of his Daddies is a nurse so all should be well. She had a look in your cupboard for his Drs kit to use, but couldn't find it :?

    I am very glad you have an apt this morning and hope his ABs will be changed then. Could they not do an AB injection too?

    Nothing else matters just get him well poor boy ((())) t4591 t4591 t4591

    Hoping Carol has a lovely holiday - no need to worry about us if there's no wifi you can fill us in later with photos :)

    Hi Barbara was everything ok with your BP? Your singing was fine with the aid of the gin :wink:

    I know Tia likes purple

    Takes allsorts eh?

    A quick woo-ooo! to Joan hope all is well with you all :)


    Toni xxx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Barbara Kathleen Aidan Carol Toni.
    Barbara sorry about your sister in law((((())))
    Kathleen ow are your foot and ankle.
    Aidan (((((())))))sorry about pepe I don't know what to say.
    Carol have a lovely time.
    Toni lovely Tia getting engaged congratulations.
    have a good weekend everyone
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all a very warm again last night..unless its me having moments :o
    Carol you have a lovely holiday in Whitby ..hope the travelling goes well and you have a good rest..I hope we win the it the one at Belvue.. :)
    Toni Tia reminds me of our eldest GD very gothic..yes the gin did help..but I was swaying a bit and it wasn't to the music.. :oops: :lol: BP is still up.. :shock:
    Aiden I had to pop in to see hoe Pepe was doing..he was on my mind last he has had more little episodes..bless you didnt get much sleep..I hope he is more settled today and has a little food..many more gentle hugs for all of you..((())) will pop in later when Niamh has gone home and see how he is..xx
    Joan thankyou. you are so kind..hope you Sue and the doggies have a good day..some hugs back to both of you (())
    Yes Niamh is coming today poor mum needs some daddy is taking her out later..
    Love to everyone t4591 t115006 t4591
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    thank you for all your lovely thoughts and prayers for pepe. He has had 5 episodes of going over, with distressed calls before each one.

    he is pretty poorly to be honest. will keep you posted, or text you Toni. Love to all t4591
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Aidan, so sorry that dear Pepe is a poorly boy. Will have a read, then do a longer post. t4591 t115006 t115006 t4591

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I know everyone is anxious about poor Pepe, poor darling, I've had to go and have a cuddle with the Bush Babies and they are thinking of him too. t4591

    We had breakfast beneath the gazebo, but paid a visit to the barber first. Both had very tidy No. 2 cuts - at the barber, not under the gazebo. :lol:

    I found some T-Bags in the cafe larder, they were Green Tea so I've made a pot for those who like it (me for instance) and there are some Lavender biscuit to have with it. Nice and calming for anxious folk.

    t69044 t115006 t4591 t115006 t69044 t115006 t4591 t115006 t69044 m0150 m0150 m0150

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Very Sad News

    I am so very sorry to have to let you know on behalf of Aidan and B that Pepe has gone to rainbow bridge to be with Cookie. t115006

    Their lovely boy was suffering too much and they had to make that sad decision to let him go.

    Aidan said he went very peacefully, but they are both of course devastated. :cry:

    I know he will post as soon as he is able to.

    I can hardly post I am bawling so much I have given Sleek such a squeeze she doesn't understand why.

    To the wonderful, funny, attention seeking, fluffball of love who was Pepe Longstockings Ragamews

    REST IN PEACE lovely boy t4591 t4591
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Oh no...thankyou for letting us know Toni
    Aiden and Bill I am so very sorry... :cry::cry: I felt has though Pepe was part of all our more words but sending you both some gentle hugs,and love (()) xx
    God Bless Pepe....and rest in peace t4591 t115006
    Toni yes give Miss sleek lots of hugs..x
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all t4591

    I will see how far I can get with my post, just reading everyone's kindest words, here and on FB, makes me bawl every time. :cry:

    Thank you for posting for me Toni, you summed Pepe up just perfectly, he will be very happy with that. Apart from having Daddy wrapped round his little paws for the last 16 years. :roll:

    It is 4 months since Cookie passed away, almost to the day. I know she will have been there to meet him, along with all our loved ones. We know we did the right thing, there is no way on earth that we could see him in obvious distress, albeit intermittent.

    The lady vet was just wonderful, she was upset, she kissed Pepe and gave us big hugs and looked after him so well. t4591 t4591

    The lovely ladies on reception were upset, when we came out I was howling, the poor people coming in with their pets :shock: the reception lady who we know well said, go, come back on Monday, don't worry about anything.

    Mother Tosca is aware that he is not around, even though she disliked all of her kittens since they were 5 weeks old, she wanted nothing to do with them :roll: and I had to feed them all feline milk formula umpteen times a day and night, then wean them all and Cookie became surrogate mother. Oh the times we have had.

    Of course all of our puskins were and still are bilingual, having spent 5 years in France. Tosca can shriek in a dozen languages :shock:

    Silver says he has spoken to Sleek t115006 t115006 saying that all is well - sorry, I'm off again :cry::cry:

    He has also spoken to Tosca, who, despite her years, does not mind a turn of speed and would consider a flight with Sleek, on her broomstick. She might not appear to notice what is going on, but, all puskins are telepathic and she knows of all the ventures our intrepid duo shared. Mother, being deaf as a post, would rely on telepathy. So, their journey can and will, continue.

    Bless you Barbara, thank you for the hugs and kindest thoughts t4591 t4591

    As we arrived back on the park, our neighbours were out for a walk, so we stopped and told them, she was crying, I was stateless.......

    Siesta time was very strange, but I did manage to sleep for a little while.

    Our neighbours who lost their lovely doggie, rang up and said, don't worry about your supper, I am cooking you a stew and dumplings. Bless them, how kind is that. They came over with dishes in hand and it was lovely just to sit and eat a meal, all done for us, out of the blue t4591

    B is busy making jewellery, to keep his mind focused, I am just pottering about.

    It is very warm, I am having frequent melting moment.

    I might take a couple of those lovely lavender biscuits Kath, to have with a cup of T before bed. Thank you kindly. Hair is looking smart, I have mine on No 2 as well.

    I don't think I can write much more. I will leave lots of love and sparkles to everyone t4591 t115006 and catch up again later today. XXXX Aidan and Bill
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Good morning everyone.

    Such a lovely day today so sad that Pepe is no longer with us Aidan. Little Sleek is in shock. She said Silver came and told her the news explaining that Pepe was very, very ill, but that he had loved her very much, that she must continue their work and see whether Tosca would like to join her.

    She said she will, but is having a couple of days off. I believe Tomicat and Jericat and Mrs Darcy are filling in for now.

    She slept on her own last night in the spare room not with us or Lucy. the first thing Lucy said was "Have you told Daisy"? I did and squeezed her rather hard :|:|

    Keep busy Aidan, you and B (his beading will help him), you must clean that's what I do. Maybe Dad will let you clean at his too? (((((((())))))))

    Today I don't have much to say, so sad, we all feel we knew Pepe as though, almost, he was one of ours. If you find his Drs kit could Sleek have it please she couldn't find it herself :(

    t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006

    A quick hello to Joan. I hope you and the doggies and Sue are well xxx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Barbara Aidan Kathleen Toni.
    Barbara I hope you have a good day.
    Aidan we are so sorry you did the best thing for him you thought of him and not you ((((((((((())))))))) he's not in pain now.
    Kathleen how are your foot and ankle are they still painful.
    Toni I hope you all have a good day.
    take care
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx