Val's Cafe



  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Stuffing (munch munch ) myself (muffled sounds) with crepes. Thank you Aidan. :D

    DN arrived promptly at 8.50 am, so blood test successfully done.

    In honour of Toni's sister's new home, Emily's new home, and Sleek's 'ickle house, Here are some lovely House warming cakes. :wink:

    Loved the tales of various cat's running off with socks/chicken, and other assorted items.

    It's been sunny most of the morning, but as the day has worn on it's gradually darkening skies are warning of rain later. When it does rain, most of my aches and pains will disappear. They usually do. :roll:

    Oh Joan, we'd all like the answer to that question. My gran had RA but mum had a different type of Arthritis. We all have different aches and pains.

    Barbara, hope your neighbour's funeral goes well.

    t4591 :animal_busy: :animal_busy: :animal_busy: :animal_busy: t4591

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Kath Good DN being nice and early :) not nice waiting for breakfast even more so for a drink :?

    All these houses to celebrate! the cakes are adorable!! Sleek is looking over my shoulder and says are any of them tuna flavoured? I'm sure they are :)

    Darkening sky here too...rain a-coming methinks ;)

    Barbara Sleek was very gentle with Tosca in fact she has popped over again just now - must be siesta time at Aidan's.

    She wants to build her up to coming over here, but won't get her up early to so the mists and suchlike.

    I'm so glad your neighbour ate your food keep on feeding her. I am glad you are going to the funeral that's kind.

    I cannot wait to see my sister any day I like!!! Such a good job we have the internet these days so you can easily get a house without needing to be actually here! She will come down and stay with us just before completion though.

    Joan I have had a good day so far I hope you all have too - no rain!

    Hope Aidan and Bill are ok. t4591 t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 t115006 ((()))


    Toni xxx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all, warm, but a breeze, which is always welcome. Rains and high winds for tonight / tomorrow :shock: Storm Hector apparently.

    The crepes are very nice indeed, I have lost count how many I have eaten :? Glad you enjoyed them Toni.

    We like nice people, they are always welcome :)

    Tosca did enjoy her gliding, she said they didn't go too high, just over the tree tops. She is up for another trip out when Miss Sleek is ready. I am sure Mrs Darcey and Mother, will get on just fine. She is looking forward to meeting her, ( she did say "again") then went quiet. I am starting to wonder if Mother, has her own flying abilities, but has kept it totally private.
    Miss Sleek will have to ask leading questions

    Glad your Sisters house is going through ok. I will be there, with my white cloth, to help immaculise. A bit whiffy you say, I will bring extra supplies of cleansing equipment.

    I have been busy, doing the ironing first thing, to get it out of the way, some more cleansing, washing, drying etc.

    It has suddenly gone very humid, goodness :shock: I am having a moment :roll: :roll:

    Good that Sleek is content with Pepe's broomstick and Drs bag. I am keeping his bed / pillows, next to mine, on the bed. I cannot remove them at the moment. One step at a time. A bit flat in mood today, just quiet and thoughtful.

    B is making lovely bracelets at the moment, very busy bee.

    Health and Safety would never allow the use of pins, to eat pomegranates with, Heaven's forbid. How did we all survive :roll: :roll:

    Thank you for the hugs, I am gathering quite a collection now, from everyone, which is lovely, I can nip in and take some hugs when necessary. t4591 t4591

    Hi Joan, Ragdolls are beautiful puskins, they are not usually long lived, normally to about 9 or 10 years, so Pepe was an elderly gentlepus, at 16. His Mother is now over 18. She has just enjoyed some pilchards in tomato sauce, she loves them. She always detects them as soon as the tin is open and starts shrieking :shock:

    You will like the cruise with Jane, fancy, Mr B, you need to watch, you would enjoy it, I don't :roll: :roll:

    Oh my Siamese boys were so funny, they used to go for walks on their leads, usually round and round my car..........sometimes a little walk up the street. We even popped them in the car and nipped over to my Mum n Dads when I lived in Skipton. Off to Nanas.... :lol:

    Tosca has had some lugs taken off with the clippers, she was ok for a while, then she said, I think that's enough - or words to that effect :shock: :shock: :lol::lol:

    We said to Dad, you need another Lanyard for your glasses, but he said he had one at home. It won't surprise us if they go walkabouts, but not to worry.

    B has lots of the readers ones that you can buy just about everywhere, mine are prescription, he says, with them sat on the desk instead of on my eyes :roll: :roll:

    Thank you for the hugs and sparkles. How is your DIL and her shoulder problems, have they decided what they are going to do?

    Glad you neighbour enjoyed her tatties and veg. She will be pleased that you are going to the funeral, to offer your condolences.

    I had a run round with the nu nu Kath, the crepes seemed to be very popular, I will have to make some more

    Good on the DN for getting to you early, then you can get on with eating more crepes :)

    I love the little house warming cakes, they are super cute. I will ask Toni if she has a little clotted cream.

    I think we are all in for some rain / winds, with Hector on the way. We have a warning in place for tonight

    I hope the rain chases your ouchies away, in case there are some lurking, I will leave some magic squares t115006 t115006

    Ah, so that was the shadow going past the window, it was Miss Sleek. Just when I was mid clippering a few lugs from Mother. Much to her delight :shock: :shock: :roll: Siesta at 6, so she will pop back I am sure, once we nod off.

    It will be lovely to see your Sis any day you like Toni, I can feel your excitement, it is tangible :)

    Nice that she will be coming to stay while things are completed and of course, immaculised. No nasty niffs wanted in said new home.

    Yep, we can buy a house anywhere, who would have thought it, even in our lifetime, that you can sit at home, order anything you can think of, book a holiday, buy a house, all over the t'interweb.

    Right, it is time I was pottering again. Love to everyone, in out and around about. I will pop back again later.

    Love and Sparkles to one and all t4591 t115006 XX Aidan
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Well, the evening has vanished and n ow it is well after midnight.

    I seem to have been sitting around in a lump, just thinking and pondering :roll: :roll: not that I had anything pressing to get done. I am all thought out now.

    Podiatrist this morning, at the Drs Surgery, my trotters do need a trim :shock:

    No doubt a little coffee or two, with scone etc, in the T room, over the road, well, it would be rude not to pop in when we are so close by.

    Raining now and quite windy, supposed to get quite bad.

    Tosca and Sleek had a little glide towards Pendle, they didn't fly to the top, Mother was not quite convinced about that yet. She was quite chirrupy when I woke from siesta's, so I am guessing she enjoyed her little jaunt. She is resting now, getting her beauty sleep in.

    Sleek was transported back home, with the impending weather warning, Hermione is always a worry pot when they are issued.

    I will go see what I can find for breakfast. Everyone take lots of care, love and sparkles to one and all.
    XX Aidan


    We just had to have some more crepes, with strawberries and cream, a little indulgent, but not to worry.

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Oh my gosh those crepes Aidan!! I want to face plant in them...trying to behave. Have left you some clotted cream in the fridge for the house cakes :)

    It sounds to me as though yesterday was a tough day for you :? t4591 I'm not surprised Pepe has left a hole in the café so l can imagine the hole he's left in your hearts and home :( t4591

    Busier today with podiatry and T rooms all good. Taking Dad with you? If so see if he still has his specs.

    Now Sleek was telling me things about Tosca....apparently she used to fly when she was a youngster, but lost her nerve after she had her completely that it's a miracle she went with Sleek at all! It's breezy here and HUGE plants are blown over in their pots, but so far no rain :? Hermione has put a no fly zone up until further notice.

    Sleek will speak to Tosca on the crystal ball if needs be later if it's ok she may return to take her a little furr-ther :D

    Oh yes I cannot wait to have my sister so close by. My bro is exited too and has plans to dominate all her free time I think :roll: not to worry she can cope with him!!

    Lots of work will be needed on the house but we may be able to start fairly soon if what she says is true about dates :D:D

    Those sparkles were sooo pretty!! You are so good at finding pics :)

    Right better make sure Lucy's alarm went off ok.....she ended up doing the race for life with the bigger children yesterday!!

    First time since her own cancer diagnosis! Prior to that we all did it many times (walk in my case!!)

    These are for you and B just in case t4591 t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 t115006 (((())))

    A quick hello-o! to Joan I hope the storm hasn't hit and misses you don't want Sue nervy do we?

    Love to everyone

    Toni xxx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Barbara Kathleen Aidan Toni
    Barbara I hope it's fine for the funeral. Yes I like live yoghurt.
    Kathleen yes I'm sure our gran had arthritis but they did not know about it then.
    Aidan and B ((((()))) it showed you looked after pepe that's a good age.
    Toni sue's not that bad. That's good your sister living so close.
    take care all
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all..very windy last night has they pots and things blown over..and rain so the garden is happy..
    Toni even better that your sister will stay with you till things are sorted with there house..hope it is all straight you say the wonders of the web..makes life so much easier.. :D so glad that Tosca has Miss Sleek to keep her company and I am sure her confidence will grow..Miss Sleek is a good teacher.. :) so Lucy has done a run..good for her..hope she is enjoying her job with the children :)
    Kath what lovely little cakes for an house warming..think I might need 4 though... :lol: glad yo hear the DN turned up ..hope the results are ok...
    Joan live yogurt is so good for us..I always used to have it after ABs but have it all the time now..never to late :) hope you all have a good day...
    Aiden the crepes look delicious..thankyou...we had a neighbours many years ago that used to take her Siamese cat out on a lead..much better than letting them roam around..I can just see you all tangled up with the leads.. :lol: so B has many readers around the house..I have quite a few but still lose them.. :? so you manage do some deluging for Tosca..I can just imagine her face when she wanted you to stop.. :shock: :lol: I remember well using pins on immigrants..these days I buy them in tubs..I found most of the ones bought weer rotten in the middle :roll: but cant have then now..not many anyway.. :roll: today is trotter trimming .. :) and then for coffee..why not..and I will top up the hugs for you and B..(()) t4591
    Our DIL has to have keyhole surgery ..but to be honest I cant see it there are 2 breaks one is quite big..and a small one on her clavicle...she has told her neighbour she cant do the job for a while, they have been very good and said they will get a temporary one till she is ready
    Right better move...OH is picking Niamh up from school latter ...
    Love to everyone t4591 t115006 t4591
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Oh Barbara, you do make me laugh.
    I remember well using pins on immigrants..these days I buy them in tubs..I found most of the ones bought weer rotten in the middle
    Oh dear!

    I've just had to chase the bin men. Emptied everybody else's and left ours. So now I'm all hot and bothered, out of breath, with screaming hips, back and feet. :? :(:o :shock: So now I'm going to have a large slice of Neapolitan Confetti cake. There's enough for face plants, 4 I think. 4 cakes that is. :lol:

    No rain at all here in spite of the forecast. But a good sailing wind. Pity I don't have a boat.

    Hello to Joan, Aidan, an anyone else I've forgotten.

    t115006 t4591 t115006 t115006 t4591 t115006 t115006 t4591

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon on a very windy day and what was a very windy night too, with the garden totally upskittled this morning :shock:

    A spot or two of rain, but nothing to water the garden in any way.

    I woke up with a sore R eye, as if it has been taken out, rolled in grit, then put back in again. Not conjunctivitis, no idea what it is. Got some eye bathing solution from the chemists, to ease it.

    I think I ate one of those crepes sideways, they were so good, don't worry about being polite, we can face plant at any time of day Toni.

    Thank you for the clotted cream, perfect with the house cakes.

    Yesterday was a strange day, just feeling odd, you know what is wrong, but knowing that, doesn't make it any better. Difficult to explain.

    Podiatry was ok, trotters duly trimmed - they surgery has huge conker trees outside, so you can imagine what the entrance and main reception was like, after the howling winds :shock: :shock: It was like an autumn walk inside and out. :shock:

    T Room was as good as ever, plenty coffee and a hug from one of the ladies, she said, I can tell you need a hug, bless her. That and a lot of cream, did the trick. t4591

    Dad still has his glasses, so far................. :? :?

    So Tosca was a broomstick flyer when she was a young lady, obviously while we were at work, who knew? Not surprising she is a little dubious about flying again, now she is a lady of mature years.

    I think the no fly is still in place, as the winds are still whipping round here. I have watered all the pots, drenched them, to keep them upright. B was busy with his decoupage onto plain jewellery boxes, they look delightful and everyone around, wants one :shock:

    SO you Bro is excited too, not surprised, I am sure your Sis can cope with his demands on her time 8) So work can start on the house soon, oh my, I will be there with my new cloth and away I will go :)

    Thank you for the hugs and I loved the sparkles - thank you, I am pretty good at hunting down just the right pictures.

    I saw that Lucy did the race for life oh FB, way to go. How far her journey has come, she is amazing t4591 t4591

    Hi Joan, thank you for the hugs, Pepe and the other two puskins were doted on, just Mother left now and she is happy to sleep lots of the day. We give her lots of fuss and she sits on B's lap and has cuddles, like a baby :roll: :roll:
    I hope you were not storm tossed, lots of places have had a real battering, our garden being one of them :roll: :roll:

    So you had all our rain as well then Barbara, we just had a shower and a howling gale.

    Siamese are one of the few breeds of cats that don't mind going for walkies on leads, they used to get me in a tangle for sure. Far better than letting them roam around, near busy roads, always freaks me out when one darts across, in town...........I hold my breath.

    B has so many pairs of glasses, most are on lanyards so as not to loose them.
    Tosca was quite good, for a while, letting me loose on some of her lugs, I have the clippers on standby, and might have another go in a while. I will give her her medicine first though.

    Barbara, we must not stick pins in immigrants :lol::lol: We know you mean pomegranates though. I see Kath has had a chuckle too. Don't worry, when I read my posts back, some of the words I write are not even in English :roll: :lol:

    Thank you for topping up the hugs supply, they are very necessary and welcomed.

    Keyhole surgery, for repairing breaks, mmm, not quite sure about that one, unless things have advanced a long way, since I worked on ortho wards. Not an easy place to do keyhole surgery, but, who am I to say. I hope it goes well for her though t115006 and the neighbours are kind, in waiting until she is well enough.

    Stand by your beds, Niamh is on her way with GDad, enjoy :) xx

    Kath, come back, no more chasing the bin men :shock: :shock: how rude of them not to collect yours.
    No wonder you have the ouchies now, some t115006 t115006 on their way to you. Rest up now.

    If we had a boat, I think we would be somewhere over Sweden way, with the strong westerly winds :shock:

    Thank you for the cakes, I will face plant one of them, if no one minds. Too late. I will clean up, mind, I might as well wait until Toni has fallen flat into another one :lol::lol: Confetti cake, wonderful it is too.

    I must away and potter a little. Then it will be siesta time. My Tramadol are catching up with me, which is no bad thing.

    Leaving lots of love and sparkles to everyone, Carol, Kerrin, Christine, Elizabeth, Mig, Today, DD, Charrisse and all. t4591 t115006

    I will pop in again later. Take care. XX Aidan
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all yes I am still around just having trouble getting my tablet to post anything I keep writing you nice long post about our hold but then cannot post not sure why love to all
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Well the last post decided to call me a list all is going ok been to Scarborough today and yesterday we went to Gothland where the hearbeat series was filmed on the steam railway . Now shattered will post now while I:m having some success hugs to all
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all, finally the winds from storm Hector have ceased and all our pots are upright :)

    Hi there Carol, I see your posts are vanishing :shock: it must be the sea air that is getting into the tablet :? :? As long as you are having a good time.
    I always liked Scarborough, we went to see the Krankies there - don't ask, it was a long time ago :lol::lol: :roll:

    Goathland too, it is a lovely village, with lots of visitors wanting to see where Heartbeat was filmed. A series that I was sad to see finish.

    Have you had some wonderful fish and chips yet? I am sure you will have by now. All the sea air will make you sleep well, lots of ozone and negative ions. A good place to be when there is a lot of pollen about. Enjoy the last day or so of your holidays, then you can tell us of your ventures on your return home. Safe and smooth travels back home. t115006

    Had a little doze at siesta time, feels very odd, not having Pepe lying there on the bed with me. :cry:

    Managed to remove a couple more lugs from Mother, little by little, she will be bald as a coot :shock: We looked at the same make of clippers that they use at the Vets, then looked away, as they start at £300.00 :shock: :shock: no wonder they whizz through animal fur. So they should at that price.

    I think Sleek and Tosca have planned an early morning glide, Mother doesn't mind getting up early doors, as long as she can go back to bed, ready for Daddy to wake up. m0150 They were signing, over the crystal ball, discussing flying and maybe a trip into the ravine, Mother has not met the Wood Nymphs yet. t115006

    How was choir practice Toni? I trust all were in fine voice, aided by a quick tipple in the shed en route :lol: Barbara is certainly hitting those high notes :shock:

    I hope you enjoyed the visit from Niamh, Barbara, with time to put your feet up afterwards, then on to choir practice with Toni. It's all go. I will be thinking of you and your friend, at the funeral today. Leaving lots of t4591 for everyone who will be there.

    I saw your post on FB Kath, about Grange Farm, I do remember going there, it was considered THE place to be. I went there for my 21st and several other times too. Prawn cocktails were very a la mode.

    I had better move, my back is singing and it is NOT in tune by a long way :roll:

    Everyone take lots of care, hugs and sparkles XXX Aidan


    Mushroom Burritos with Egg, Fig and Cherry Tomatoes

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    One fuming Toni!!

    Just deleted my own post :(

    I am so silly :x m0150 m0150

    Wanted to say thank you to Aidan for the burritos which were lovely on only managed 4 this morning :)

    My phone calls you 'Sudan' :shock:

    Sleek and Mother went to the ravine and the nymphs had made them both flower garlands. This was the first time they has seen Sleek since the passing of Pepe to rainbow bridge of course so a bit tearful and yowly :cry:

    I think this may become a regular event now Sleek feels it's time she took over the reins again from Tomicat and Gericat and Mrs Darcey who have so ably collected mists while she has been grieving.

    Lucy is sad that she still watched SYTTD with Pepe's Dr's kit on her lap, but I think it's fine.

    I am sure there will be a few flat days ahead for you and B (and extra lug removals for Tosca too :wink:), there is nothing easy about grieving is there? :cry: (((()))) t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006

    Sorry this has been short but got a manic day ahead :oops:

    Excellent singing Barbara last night - how many ciders did you have??!!

    Fingers crossed DIL's shoulder can be fixed and such good news she will still have her job!! :D

    Hope you have recovered from Niamh's visit!! :lol:

    Hello Carol! Sounds like you are having a great time!I love Scarborough too :)

    I cannot believe Kath had to run after the bin-men!! That is naughty :( grrr!!!

    I loved the confetti cake thanks. Face planted of course and then had to wash my hair :roll: Circles of pink icing stuck in it :shock:

    A quick woo-ooo! To Joan and Sue as it's Suesday today enjoy your shopping trip ladies :D

    Love to everyone

    Toni xxx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello its me again.
    I hope everyone had a not to bad week.
    I would like to thank every one of you for being such a good friend to Joan.
    Joan has rung she is on her way back I had better say bye for now and get ready
    Speak to you all next week
    Love sue
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Happy Suesday to all. Joan is a lovely friend to us Sue, we cherish you both. t115006 t4591 t115006

    Mushroom Burritos with Egg, Fig and Cherry Tomatoes - MMMMM thank you Aidan. Luvverley. The post about Grange farm was made by Chris. He does all the Long Eaton stuff, as he's a native "Nose Bagger" (someone born in Sawley) I'm a St Anns girl. Nottm born and bred. Cut me in half and you will find sandstone all the way through. :lol: Did you ever visit the caves here? Fascinating. They were used as bomb shelters during WW2.

    You can face plant todays cakes, made with Cadbury Chocolate buttons AND chocolate fingers. I'd take one apart and eat the cake first, then the buttons and fingers. :lol:

    I'm glad Carol is having a good holiday. I have been watching old episodes of Heartbeat on ITV3 in the afternoon. But they've finished now. I also watch old episodes of Corrie on that channel too. But we've both become rather partial to Talking Pictures. You can watch Talking Pictures TV on Virgin 445, Freesat 306, Freeview or Youview 81 or on the Sky digital satellite platform, channel 328. We adore the old films they show. Advert over. :lol:

    m0150 t69044 m0150 t69044 t4591 t69044 m0150 t69044 m0150

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all, hazy sunshine, pleasant temperature here.

    You deleted your post Toni, oooops - I think we have all pressed cancel, instead of submit, on more than one occasion. It is SLIGHTLY annoying isn't it :shock: :roll:

    Those burritos were a must have, glad you managed to enjoy four of them, I bet they are ones that once you start, you cannot stop........... :? :?

    So, your phone thinks I am "Sudan", that's fine, I will answer to most things :lol:

    That is what Tosca was hiding under her bed, the flower garland. How kind of the Nymphs to share them with Sleek and Tosca. Teary and yowly indeed. Mother has had her shrieking levels up high, when she caught a whiff of the tuna at lunchtime.

    Mother is not sure about mist gathering, :? but will ponder the matter. Sleek will soon be up to speed again, with a double keep net. Many thanks for Tomi and Jericat, and Mrs Darcey, for taking over during times of need.

    SYTTDress is on tonight and Curvy Brides and Jane McDonald, Friday night, it's all going on. Tosca will sneak a peak at the dresses, but she is not mad about it, like the rest of us.

    Flat days, yes, for sure. Going over and over in your mind, to the point of distraction. I keep busying myself and immaculising so that helps.
    The Vets should be phoning soon, as Pepe's casket will be back with them any day now.

    I have yet to go in with the clippers, medicine first, then Mother can have a little de lugging, mood dependent.

    Thank you for the hugs and sparkles, always welcome.

    Hope you are not being too manic, steady away, or there will be ouchies.

    It's Suesday, Hi Sue, nice to see you. It is a pleasure, being friends with Joan and with you. You are both so very kind and thoughtful to everyone.
    I hope you were ready on time and had a good time at the shops and a coffee / cake too.
    You pop in whenever you like, we can always have Suesday on any day of the week :)

    It brought back some memories, thinking back to Grange Farm Kath. Very interesting reading. I know it used to be quite expensive, I remember we had champagne for my 21st and I bet I had some Black Forest Gateaux, as that was very much the desert of of choice :lol: 37 years ago, oh my goodness. :shock:

    So you were a St Anns girl - I used to drive up and down St Ann's Well Road a lot, when I was working in and around Nottingham. We did a stint at Mapperly Hospital, which was an "experience". I was glad to get back to the QMC and City Hosp.

    The only caves I remember were mortimers hole, at the Castle, don't think I went to any others.

    I am going straight in for a face plant with the wonderful chocolate cake - thank you in advance :)

    Right, Barbara will be along in a while, I hope everything has gone ok at the funeral today t4591 t115006 Your friend will be glad to see you there.

    I must potter a little, before T and siesta. Tramadol and everything else are making my eyes a bit squiffy.

    Leaving lots of love and sparkles to one and all. Take lots of care, will be back in later. XXXX Aidan t4591 t115006
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Sue just so you know Joan gives us all as much back as we give to her - she's just lovely!

    Kath oh dear me I can feel a running jump coming on where's my shower cap??!!………...SPLAT!!!!!! Mmmm….yum :) Thanks :)

    I like watching vintage corrie too and Lucy sometimes watches it with me :)

    I have visited the caves!

    Barbara - thinking of your poor neighbour and her husband's funeral. More tatties and bacon needed methinks :?

    Hi Aidan :)

    Lovely flower garlands aren't they? The nymphs have made them 'ever-fresh' so they can wear them whenever they like. Glad Tosca has put her safe.

    Sleek says she thinks Tosca may come with her to fetch the mist, but is a bit sacred as it does involve some swishing and swaying especially with a double net :?

    She was talking to Lucy about Pepe's 'funeral' I suspect she means when the casket is collected? She will want to come over and sniff it and wipe her cheek on it I think if that's ok?

    Yes keeping busy is all we can do to distract ourselves isn't it? I know it gets easier, but we never get over it and such painful pangs hit you and it's as though it just happened :cry:

    Extra top up of (((()))) t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591

    Friday night is a great night will all those lovely dresses to look at but Lucy is at her friends so we shall record it to watch later in the week. The 3 of us :)

    Take care I have had my 5 minutes now I have to be ready for my bro and SIL coming over for a curry and a GIN!!! :shock: :shock: :shock:


    Toni xxx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all..we went to the funeral his wife looked so fragile for the first time ever..she is such a strong lady for her 80s..nice to see lots of people there..he was a real gentleman and when I had my hair done at there house, he would see me across the rd bless him..
    Kath how embarrassing..I dont think immigrants should have pins in then.. :shock: this blinking spell checker combined with these eyes is not good... :oops: :shock: hope the pains have eased for you and I am ready for cake.
    Carol we have never been to Goathland but are off to Scarborough next week for 4 days so might just have a look..hope you are having a good time..
    Toni sorry I was late for the choir ..I was on Wednesday..not good is it and didnt touch a drop.. :lol:
    Aiden how nice of the ladies to give you an will feel strange with Pepe not being there..glad you managed some siesta, I am sure you can feel his presents..bless him..(()) t4591 how is your eye now..there is nothing worse than the feeling of sand in them....I am sure you will treat it with Matron trolley..
    I am with you on our DILs shoulder..and I am not medically trained..her treatment has been horrendous , I have spoke to pals and they are looking into it
    I do love the sparkly pics .. :D and will have a couple of burritos for tea..thankyou
    Sue we love you and Joan..and she is always so kind to us..has you are..hope you all have a good weekend and speak to you next Friday..
    Has I said to Carol we are off to Scarborough on Monday for 4 days..2 hours or so but we will stop on the way..and the B&B has a lift and overlooking the looking forward..just the journey really that is hard work these days
    Love to everyone
    t4591 m0150 t4591
    Just spotted you there Aiden thanks for thinking of me .. :)
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all, it feels quite chilly this evening :shock: almost on the verge of putting the heating on :roll:

    The cakes that Kath made, were just perfect for diving into. Crunchy, but well worth the effort :lol::D I see you were there with your shower cap Toni.

    Tosca is rather fond of her garland, nice to know that it will come out from under her blankets, as good as it went in. Tosca is still considering the mist gathering. A little swaying might be ok, her seat is very safe with a good harness on it and Sleek is a very good broomstick handler.
    I think they were nattering earlier, lots of chirrups and the odd shriek from Miss Slimkins, about SYTTDress.

    Of course Miss Sleek can come over to mark Pepe's little Casket. It is the same as Cookies, with the paw print on top, just a different colour. He will be with Cookie on our console table. We like them, as they look just like ornaments.

    I keep having my potters and do a little fussing about. The times you say to yourself "what if"...........then you have to clear your throat and carry on. Should, would and could have, drive you crazy. Apart from all that I am fine :roll: :roll:

    Thank you for the top up on hugs, loves and sparkles :) t4591

    We have recorded everything, as we are watching golf, the US Open from Long Island (a lovely place, the Hamptons, oh the houses there are already immaculised to perfection). I did go to Long Island, but only a quick drive through. I have seen a nice property, only 59 million $$ EEEK.

    I hope you enjoyed your family visit, curry and gin :shock:

    Hi Barbara, was thinking of you, going to your friends husbands funeral. Good that a lot of people came to pay their respects. Bless her, looking so frail, such times take all our reserves don't they. He sounded to be a lovely man, how kind of him to walk you safely across the road.

    I am sure you will be popping over with some tasty treats, you are a very caring neighbour.

    One of the ladies in the T room is very much a spiritual person, not really in a religious way, more on the holistic side, very aware of how people are feeling.

    My eye is not so sore now, I have been faffing about with the eye bath, with good effect.

    I think you do right to speak to PALS, about the treatment, or lack of treatment, that your DIL has received. They will certainly look into it for you.

    So you are off to Scarborough on Monday, how lovely. I can sympathise with the travelling part of the holiday, being an ill sitting hen myself, I am bad enough, going into town and back.

    At least there is a lift in the B & B, an essential, we don't do stairs if we can help it.

    Carol will be returning home today, hopefully a smooth journey, back from Whitby.

    Well, I had better move again, I am sat here staring into middle distance, wake up Aidan.

    Leaving lots of hugs and love and sparkles to all. Everyone take care. t4591 t115006

    A little bit of magic too


    Savoury Waffles with Asparagus and poached eggs

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning everyone :D

    Finally! Some RAIN!!!! I can switch Bessie-Bot back on now :)

    Thanks Aidan that was a very tasty breakie - you can do that again :wink: .

    The what-ifs are the worst part of grieving, but as you know perfectly normal. I shouted NO!! as Eric's final 'injection' went in, but looking back I know I didn't mean it. He was suffering as was poor Pepe and none of us lives for ever do we? Extra special (((()))) for you from us here and some t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 I wish it was possible to take your pain away, but have always though that the amount of pain you feel is equal to how much you loved the person/pusskin you have lost. :cry:

    Guess what? Sleek went out first thing to collect Mist and Tosca went along too :) Hermione put a 'balancing spell' on her seat so she didn't feel any movement at all! They took it over to the nymphs and have popped a few squares around your home for you. They are healing squares, but for the heart. One is on B's daylight bulb switch so watch out for it!!

    Tosca is rolling her eyes about the dresses, but suspect Sleek will win her over in time :wink:

    When the casket arrives she will come over super-fast. She has already marked Cookie's casket. Pepe's will get extra special marking and she will say whatever she needs to.

    We did enjoy our curry and GIN!! Only two small ones rather decadent we thought! It was nice as Lucy was staying with her friend so it was adults only :D

    Glad your eye is much better. Mind you the pollen count has been off the wall this week you know :?

    Carol will be back from her hols. I hope she's had a lovely time. I expect she'll upload us some pics when she's recovered a bit from the journey home. Wasn't an easy one there was it? WELCOME HOME Carol m0150

    I am so glad the funeral went well and there was a good turnout. Maybe others remembered what a gentleman he was too :)

    Maybe arriving in time for tea and biccies helped your singing because late or not to choir practise you were definitely on form


    I wait to hear what happens with DIL's shoulder :?

    A quick woo-ooo! to Joan - I hope it's dry enough to take the dofs out today. I am thinking I will be able to weed a bit easier today now after this s060.gif

    Love to everyone t4591

    Toni xxx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Toni Aidan Barbara.
    Kathleen how are all your aches and pains today.
    Toni Does Bessie the bot put it's self away when the grass is cut.
    Aidan ((((((()))))))) how many cats have you had.
    Barbara you have a lovely holiday you need it.
    have a good weekend everyone our friend has still not taken a tablet for depression she said even my eyes are disabled I have glasses.
    take care
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all yes rain and more rain..
    Toni glad the bot can be switched on and do its duty :) the gardens were crying out for rain ..mind you it doesn't seem to be going nice curry and gin ..who made the curry was it in the shed.. :) I will update you on dil shoulder..and I am sure all the people at the funeral love him so much... :)
    Joan you are kind thankyou so much..I will be ok once at the hotel..I don't like moving far away form home these days..I will take my laptop it does say..wifi..fingers crossed...hope you and Sue are doing ok and you little family..bless your friend..I hope she will try the ADs..I do wonder if these eyes are related to Arthritis there seems to be some many on this forum with eye probs..
    Aiden thankyou for the lovely went down a treat.. :D and glad to hear your eye is feeling a little better..wounder what caused it..I agree with the what ifs..they are sent to test us..bless it shows how much you loved Pepe..(()) :) ..and the lady in the cafe being in tune with peoples feeling :) and dont forget we are all here for one another..its lovely of Miss sleek to want to come over when the casket arrives... :cry: now Im off had better go..
    I really dont want to pack..I honestly didnt think this day would ever come..I have always loved holiday..especially the 2 weeks in caravans when the boys were little..mostly in Cornwall..
    Right Im rambling
    Love to everyone t4591 t115006 t4591
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    We haven't been out today. It looks like we may get rain which wouldn't surprise me, after all it is carnival day. We'd have got down there, but would have had problems getting back. Traffic would have been blocked by the carnival parade. :? We used to go regularly when younger (as young as Aidan is now) and took photos. I'm 10 years older now, so like Tosca, I have to take things steady. :D

    Savoury Waffles with Asparagus and poached eggs. Thank you Aidan, it looks delicious, but I'm anxious about the effects of the Asparagus on my bladder. :roll:

    I know Barbara, my spell check drives me barmy! :shock:

    Toni, don't jump too high when you face plant - whoops, too late. There goes the chandelier - again. :lol: So your 'phone calls Aidan "Sudan". Pity he doesn't like hot weather.

    Not a good idea to face plant the beetroot soup. Just eat it. :wink: t4591

    t4591 t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044 t4591

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Kath it poured down this morning, but when I checked the grass was still dry?!!

    Sorry about the chandelier :oops: Aidan's B is repairing it :oops:

    The soup was lovely thank you I ate it with WHITE thick sliced buttery bread yum thanks :D

    I am sure you will enjoy your holiday once you get there it is a lovely place you go to.

    The curry was at home form our usual curry house they deliver even out here :)

    Please do let us know how DIL gets on we are all quite upset for her.

    Sleek loved Pepe very much and is still grieving according to Lucy quite understandable. I so feel for B and Aidan and even me who never met Dr Pepe Longstockings feel so so sad :(

    Bessie does put herself away - she has a charger like our phones only bigger - I'll take you a photo! She goes there to charge and overnight when she has finished for the day :D

    I hope your friend is ok without her tablets :?

    Aidan I am sending you copious (((()))) t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006

    Thinking of you and B very much.

    Hope you have just had a busy day today hence your absence from the café

    Love to everyone!

    Toni xxx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    Look who has popped by to check up on everyone :D


    Toni xxx