Val's Cafe



  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all, the day has vanished, before my eyes. It is nearly Sunday already.

    We have had some rain today, not a great deal, but any is welcome, our river is nearly down to nothing. Even the ducks are having trouble paddling about.

    Glad that Bot can now be switched on again Toni, the grass should start to pick up a bit.

    I will always try my best, with the most wonderful breakfasts :) Glad you liked it

    Thank you for the extra special hugs, I think they are very much needed. t4591 t115006 I know it was right, I know it was for the best, we could never see a loved puskin suffering. To say it has knocked me for six, is an understatement. But, we will get there, as we do.
    It is a culmination of so many losses over the last few years.

    So that is why Mother Tosca was up early, having a little shriek - out gathering mists. Bless her. She seemed to have enjoyed her ventures

    I think I have trodden on a few magic healing squares and notice there are some under the bed covers and under Mothers bed. I can hear them fizzing :)

    Mother was off colour this afternoon, she had either a petit mal, or a TIA, with her back legs trembling, front legs extended and vacant for a minute or two. I can tell you our hearts sank for a moment.
    She soon came round and I gave her a small amount of her diazepam dose, then a little more after an hour. She seems back to her usual self again, shrieking and chirruping, staying close to us - I think she is a bit lost as well. Matron will be keeping a very close eye. :?

    She is watching the golf, on B's lounge chair, on a cushion, naturally. Comfort is essential. :roll: :lol:

    No word from the Vets as yet, it will be next week when Pepe comes home :cry::cry: then Sleek can come and pay her respects and mark his little casket. t4591

    An adults only gin and curry party, I used to like a G and T, ice and a slice. Glad you enjoyed it :)

    I have noticed that the pollen count has been sky high. My eye seems back to normal again, from whatever it was :?

    Hi Joan, I wish your friend would try the antidepressants, they do help, it might take a while and although they cannot perform miracles, they do ease things, with a little patience.
    I have had 5 puskins now, my first two were siamese boys, one lilac point and one jet black. Then we have had our three, now with just Mother tosca left.
    Thank you for the hugs. I hope you got all your shopping done and had a coffee and a cake in town.

    Hi there Barbara Packing for your holidays. I am with you on preferring to be near to home. I don't mind just local, Skipton is more than far enough :roll: :roll:

    There are a lot of us with eye problems, I think some of it is down to the medication, some to age related problems, RA can cause problems with the sclera, the whites pf your eyes, making them sore and red.

    The thoughts and worries that we have, after making huge decisions, are sent to try us, without a doubt. Thank you for the hugs t4591

    I used to like going away when I was younger, I was off to the med, all over the USA, then living in France. Something must change in us, where home becomes our safe ground. Just a thought. ((())) for you all and DIL's poorly bones.

    So you have not been out today Kath, as you say, with the carnival it would have been pretty hectic.

    As young as Aidan is now, I like being called young :):lol: Taking things steady is a common bond between us all I think.

    Just have the eggs, if you are a bit concerned about the Asperge, sorry, Asparagus, on ones bladder.

    Thank you for the soup, it looks and tasted delicious. Very healthy, which means we can have a decadent breakfast :)

    B is busy with the lighting, that a certain Lady took out with her running jump into the cake. Big Ooops. Oh, there you are Toni :lol::lol:

    Crusty cornbread, with lashings of butter, is rather nice. Tesco's do there own, from the bakery.

    Lovely, some more hugs, just in time I think, I was getting to maudling, but am a bit better now.

    I know you are thinking of us, it is tangible, just as everyone has been, such kindness is a wonderful thing and we are all here to help each other through good and bad times. t4591 t4591 t115006

    Well look who appeared, Silver, how lovely to see him. I know he has been about, but rather busy with the Sanctuary, Johnny is bringing in so many animals, I have lost track :shock:

    I hope you are home and resting now Carol, was it a long journey? I do trust it went smoothly. You will need a few days extra holiday, to recover. t115006

    Hi to Kerrin, Mig, Christine, Toady, DD, Charrisse and all. Hope everyone is as ok as possible.

    Leaving lots of love, hugs and sparkles t4591 t115006 t115006 XXX Aidan


    We have Malted Waffles, Fresh Berries, Blueberry Whipped Cream, Almonds and Dried Fruit

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Oh my goodness what a breakfast Aidan!! VERY decadent!!! only problem is..………...SPLAT!!! Good job there are more :oops:

    Aha. I suspected you might have been struggling yesterday :cry: not helped by Tosca having a 'turn' :? Sleek has been informed to watch out for them when they are out. She went on her own this morning after yesterday's turn, but will be over at siesta time to take 'Mother' off out for a gentle ride if she's up to it.

    Even if she wasn't the motherly type I am sure there isn't enough doing on for her now with Pepe and of course Cookie absent :(

    5 cats you've had then? and each has added their own unique character to your lives :D I am on my 7th with Daisycat. I have told her she will be able to go to Pepe's 'funeral' (mark his casket) next week all being well. Each loss you experience does remind you of all the previous losses I think (((())))

    There may be a few more magic squares so watch out and of course Silver popped by after he'd been to the sanctuary to check on us all, but probably mostly you and B.

    Did I tell you our rain didn't even wet the ground under the grass? and there was LOADS of it!! Still Bessie is off running anyway :) Uploading pics to Drive to show Joan as I type.....

    I hope your ducks are ok without enough rain :?

    Thanks to B for fixing the chandelier :oops: I think I might put the little trampoline away? It did make face planting such fun though didn't it?

    Thank you for the sparkles Aidan. Extra (((()))) t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006

    Right Joan This is the 'docking bay' where Bessie-Bot goes to charge and rest: She pops her 'nose' in there!

    This is from above so you can see the dead grass under where her main body is at night:

    Hope you have a good day!

    Love to everyone

    Toni xxx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Barbara Kathleen Toni Aidan.
    Barbara you have a good holiday it makes a change going somewhere different.
    Kathleen I hope you don't have rain today.
    Toni I hope everyone has a good day.
    Aidan((((((()))))) time heals but it takes time you have good memories.
    take care all
    Joan xx. Thank you Toni I will look ((((()))))
    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning- afternoon all..more rain but still the garden looks dry
    Toni the garden is dry goodness knows were all the rain went..we had a real storm yesterday..with thunder.. :shock:
    So the curry was delivered to the shed..its reminds me of my nieces son..he has a shed and orders pizza for him and his friends.. :lol: so thats Bessie's cute.. :)
    Joan you are so lovely and caring.. :) you and Sue..not long now till your results..hope all is okish...
    Kath I must use my glasses at all times, especially when using the spell checkers..not good when you click on the wrong word :shock: :lol: I have done quite a few over the years.. :oops: but at least we get a laugh... :lol:
    Aiden I can feel some of your pain.. t4591 t4591 and poor Tosca having a funny do must have put the fear of god in you... :( I am glad your eyes are might well have been the pollen..
    I see that Miss sleek is looking after Tosca..she is in good hands..and Lucy is helping bless her.. :)
    Thankyou for the lovey breakfast malted waffles with fruit..but it was a little bit squashed , had Toni already been there..and all those sparkles... :)
    I loose track of the dogs and cats I have had over the years..and tortoises...rabbits..and so on mum use to say not another one, but she was like me for animals we just had to convince dad.. :?
    Right I will have to pack with OHs help..will take my laptop with me..
    I hope Carol is home safe and sound..
    Love to everyone t4591 t115006 t4591
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Mmmm Toni, thick white bread and butter with anything, is so tasty. Don't worry about the chandelier, as long as you had fun. :lol: Thank you Bill for fixing it again. :D

    Barbara, we've all had the occasional spillchock error. They do make us laugh. :roll:

    Joan, we haven't had any rain, but it's still quite chilly.

    t115006 t115006 t4591 ((((Aidan and Bill)))) t4591 t115006 t115006 Thinking of you both, and hoping Tosca will be OK. Glad she's enjoying her adventures though.

    I'm watching one of my all time favourite films on Talking Pictures. Noel Coward's "This Happy Breed" with Celia Johnson and Robert Newton. They don't make 'em like that any more.

    t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591

    Enjoy the vegan shepherd's pie.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all, quite warm now, after a chilly start - I even had the heating on :shock: Give it another week and I will be sat next to the AC. :roll:

    Rain is forecast, everywhere is dry again. I can totally imagine the grass was dry Toni, despite some rain. It seems to vanish, or evaporate. Glad Bot is busy away, with her little house. Bless.

    I did put plenty of those rather decadent waffles out, I see you found one, as it was pancake flat :lol::lol:

    It was not a good day yesterday, then Tosca having a "do" was just the icing on the cake.

    I will divide Mothers dose of vallium again, to keep her on an even keel. She seems ok at the moment, shrieking away. She has found the warm air exit on the dryer, so is happy to sit there and have a wash. Tell a lie, she is shouting the odds again :roll: :lol::lol:

    We keep her occupied / fussed / pampered etc and we are never out very long. Still no replacement for our departed puskins though.

    Yes five pus cats, now down to one. They did have their own characters, that's for sure.
    Miss Sleek is always welcome. She is going to talk to Mother at siesta time and see how she feels about a little glide.

    I think I have vacuumed up a magic square, made the biggest fizz :lol::lol: :shock: or was it the edge of a rug :? :?

    No, keep the trampoline, it is fun, for taking a high nose dive into the cakes. I won't use it, I would just go straight through it and end up in a heap. :roll: :lol::lol:

    Thank you for the hugs and thoughts and sparkles ((())). Loved the pic on FB :)

    Oh the ducks are bonkers, they fly up to the park, from the river, all chasing one another mid air, then you hear a thud as one lands on the roof and starts quacking :shock: :lol: It is that time of year for ducklings, I wish they would not lay their eggs up here, they walk around with their brood, one by one, the numbers get less. :? There are too many pus cats about, for baby ducklings to be safe.
    Go back to the river, (what's left of it) and keep your babies there.

    B did a good job with the chandelier, all those crystal drops needed cleaning and re hanging :roll: :roll: I think we need a face plant booth so we can make as much mess as possible, without it hitting the ceiling and lighting :lol::lol:

    Hi Joan, hope you, Sue and the doggies are having as good a day as possible. Yes, time takes the sting away. Lots of good memories to look back on. I cannot look back at pictures at the moment, but I will do. xx

    So you and OH are packing now Barbara, Plenty stop along the way, to potter a little. It is a fairly straight run for you.

    A thunder storm, no, we didn't have thunder, rain, but not a great deal and as you say, it vanishes in no time.

    Phones are the worst for predicting the text you are going to write, I have written some corkers, that bear no resemblance to what I wanted to say :shock:

    Thank you for the hugs, yes, when Tosca had a do, I was very concerned, we both were.

    Since childhood we have had quite a menagerie, dogs, rescued birds, tortoise, guinea piggies, rabbits, hedgehogs..........Mother was always finding animals in the orchard. The best ones were the bats in the Church, that used to fly round during the service :lol::lol: All Gods creatures and protected by law.

    Sleek is doing a good job, keeping an eye on Tosca, taking charge of mist and haze collections, visiting the nymphs every day, she is non stop bless her. t4591

    I think you found one of the waffles that Toni landed on, she went a bit too high on the mini trampoline and hit two waffles on landing. There are plenty more in the fridge and we have removed the trampoline and installed a face plant booth, that we can hose down. Apologies for the mess, I will go and immaculise :shock: :roll:

    I think you said there was WiFi at the bed and breakfast, all good, so you can keep us posted as to your ventures around Scarborough. Try and visit Goathland it is worth a trip and not too far from Scarborough.

    Have a lovely time, safe travels, lots of love and sparkles. t4591 t115006

    No worries Kath, Bill s good at fixing things and is very patient with most things.

    Thank you for the hugs love and sparkles, welcomed for sure XX

    Celia Johnson, now we are heading back in time a few years for your favourite films.

    That vegan shepherds pie looks totally amazing, I am going right in, just to test it :? :? :lol: I have a shovel with me. Thank you.

    I hope you are resting up a bit Carol, after your journeys home. I am sure you will bring us up to speed, when you have the oomph. if there are any ouchies, here are some sparkles to help t115006 t115006

    Hi to everyone else, who is in out and around about. Happy Fathers Day, to all Dads.

    Talking of Dads, Bill senior came round for coffee and brunch, croissants sausage rolls, mini scotch eggs, blueberry muffins. He enjoyed that and we will go to the GC tomorrow, we have not been in over a week now. They will wonder where we are.

    I will pop back in later, let me see if there is a cake or two, in my larder. XXX Love to all Aidan t4591

    Strawberries and cream cake

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Mmmm...vegan shepherds pie thanks Kath we enjoyed that :)

    Glad you watched your favourite film. Why not?

    Yes B fixed the chandelier I have put the trampoline further away so I don't bounce underneath it when I take a running jump onto cakes and the like :oops:

    Pom got 'popping corks' mixed up last week. Can you imagine what she said?

    Barbara my Dad was the one we had to convince with animals too :roll: probably because they are more sensible and know about vets bills and the work involved and kids soon loose interest in doing the boring stuff don't they?

    Still we need more rain and my ex MIL told me today that we are due a heatwave :shock:

    Sorry about the waffles :oops: they just looked sooo...lovely!!

    Yes that's where Bessie lives I will have to wait for her to have a break to take a pic of her in there.

    Hi Joan I had a great day at some open gardens in Eccleshall. Great fun bought loads of new perennials too :D I will take a photo of Bessie-Bot in her docking bay when I can.

    I think today is the tiniest bit better than yesterday? I hope so (((())))

    Sleek is checking in on Tosca later being a bit worried. A we bit of diazepam can just slow those brain waves down so probably wise. How often does she have them? Nice warm vent for her to site by? Why not!!

    I popped the heating on for an hour first thing too it was NIPPY!!

    If you hoover up a magic square there is a loud pop followed by sparkles...was that it?

    Oh dear how distressing for you to see the numbers of ducklings diminishing like that :( :shock:

    A face-plant booth eh? Sounds an idea!! Oh there it is!! Wow!!! Brilliant :) People can watch and not get messy! :D The chandelier looks amazing now so sparkly and clean :)

    Sounds as though Bill senior ate VERY well today I bet he did enjoy it!! Yes you are due at the GC soon tomorrow will do :)

    Take care (((()))) t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006

    Love to everyone. Hoping Carol is settled back at home.
    Toni xxx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Pom got 'popping corks' mixed up last week. Can you imagine what she said?

    No, I have no idea what Pom was on about :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: A bit of a Hilda Baker moment. I have quite a few myself.

    I see you have found the booth, it's great, just pressure wash everything down and it is ready to go again.

    Today is slightly better, thank you kindly t4591

    Right, pills and potions time. Mother is due hers again now, she takes about 1mg a day, which is a tiny dose, I take a lot more than that, but, I am the size of a hippo, compared to Tosca :lol::lol:

    Back later, Love to all t4591 t4591
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all

    Well got back home around 6.45 last night. Cannot really say a great or a bad holiday just a very annoying one in places. as I posted all stared on the Saturday on arrival when we had trouble getting in but this was because Mr T had not had his mobile switched on all day :roll: and had missed the text giving us the door code numbers to get in. then finding the minimal cooking facilities when expecting self catering . :? then get over that and the lost pass on the Sunday which mr t had a phone call while we were out which he didn't answer in time and a number was left for us to call, on trying several times and get recorded message we are helping other customers at this time please hold and we will get to you soon . so a moody Mr T for the rest of the Sunday into Monday morning. I was almost getting to the tearful stage and wanting to go home. when I said well as it is a pass why don't we try the station it might have been handed in there. and it had been. happiness then restored until Tuesday morning when Mr T finds that his I pad had not charged and seemed to have frozen at 1% battery. so he was then without that for the rest of the week. So we have hardly any photos of this holiday at all as we were using the camera on that instead of taking our cameras (bad mistake that ) things were not too bad for the rest of the week as we got out and about on Wednesday and Thursday to Gothland and Scarborough. and Friday we spent a last day in Whitby. After church today Mr T has taken his iPad into PC World where he has it under warranty and they have had to send it away it will be 7-10 days before he gets it back. again not very happy about that so a bit moody, and has spent most of the afternoon asleep since he had his lunch. Met up met youngest daughter this morning and had to sit and listen to her going on about St John Ambulance which is virtually as she talks about and about her phone that has stopped working which also has to be sent away for the next 7-10 days. Think I need some retail therapy to cheer myself up. oh my have just read this back to myself and though how have you kept sane this week Carol. Oh well that seems to be my life story these days. Roll on getting back to my knitting groups and meeting my friend. Sorry this is all doom and gloom it's just how my feelings are at this past week I am going out tomorrow to buy myself a new Tablet or ipad to replace my very small tablet so that when I am out trying to sell my cards I can have my website on show as well, and my refund cheque will now be cleared in the bank so I can use some of it. Think I may feel better then. on the up side pain levels are not too bad at the moment. so I supposed that is something to be cheerful about.

    must have a little potter now

    love and sparkles to all t4591 t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 t115006
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all - a damp evening, quite mild compared to early in the day.

    Oh Carol (there's a song in there I believe )

    You have had a week of ups, downs and "I want to go home" moments, this last week.

    The code for the door, the cooker not being much more than you would find in a Barbie kitchen :roll:

    Loosing the pass and card, which you finally found at the station, a grumpy Mr T and an upset Carol, oh my. You need some special sparkles


    Then Mr T's i pad would not charge, 1% is not a good level, so no tablet for the rest of the week :? :?

    Tablets don't take bad pictures, but they don't compare to smartphones or camera's. At least you had a couple of days, visiting the home of Heartbeat and then to Scarborough and your last day in Whitby :D

    So Mr T has another week or more, without his i pad, oh dear, there will be grumps, I can tell, throw some of those sparkles into his slippers when he is not looking :lol:

    Your Daughter has phone trouble and is without that, I quite agree, you need retail therapy, lots of coffee and chatting with friends, after buying a new tablet / i pad. There is plenty of choice out there, so happy shopping.

    I am glad the ouchies have not been too bothersome, that would have added insult to injury.

    Happy pottering, you will need to fuss and sort, after the week away that we will pretend never happened :? :?

    We have had a quiet evening, a siesta which was needed to rest the joints. Tosca was having an occasional shriek, talking to Miss Slimkins on the crystal ball. In between eating biscuits very LOUDLY :roll: :roll: bless. If it is not raining too hard in the early morning, she will go out with her Sleekness. I think the broomstick chair of comfort and safety, has a big umbrella attached, so Mother should be fine.

    There is mist a plenty over Pendle, she vanished by about 5pm. A gentle glide up to the top the nets will soon be brim full t115006

    Talking of sparkles, B is very busy with his bracelets, they are dazzling. He will add them to his etsy shop soon.

    I will away and have a little potter, make a cup of T.

    Should we have another decadent breakfast :? :? Well, why not, start the week off on a sugar rush :lol:

    Honey Almond Breakfast Cups, sound good to me


    Everyone take lots of care, love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 XXX Aidan
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Oh dear me poor Carol what a dreadful week! Not sure I would have wanted a week away with Mr T either. You will be much happier doing your own things getting out and about and catching up with friends. Too much moaning and misery has gone on and not one bit your doing!!!

    TREAT yourself go on you deserve it after that! Hope the new tablet sets up nice and easy for you and you LOVE it :) A few ((())) for you xxx

    Morning Aidan I do not know how I missed that gorgeous gateaux from yesterday!!! :shock: Leapt straight into the booth which has my trampoline in it too SPLATTT!! then jet washed it all sorted :D

    Tosca and Sleek are now chatting on the crystal ball quite regularly. Tosca is enjoying her rides out definitely. All mists gathered with ease and delivered to the nymphs. They are both remembering to wear their flower garlands when they visit them :)

    Sleek likes Tosca except sometimes she talks about things like 'cricket'. Not quidditch...…. :wink:

    Oh yes and se crunches very loudly :lol:

    Natural sugar for our breakfast at least Aidan! Honey and almond lovely :D:D:D Thank you!

    What is B making?? Hmmm??? Might be worth a quick look in the etsy shop sometime soon :)

    A top up of (((()))) t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006

    Morning to Joan I hope all is well with you both. This is a pic of Bessie-Bot in her charging station (bed we call it!!)

    Love to everyone

    Toni xxx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Barbara Kathleen Aidan Carol Toni.
    Barbara thank you the orthopaedic man I'm seeing on Thursday said he did not think he could do anything to help its to do with a bone called the lilac bone but he sent me for the bone scan and MRI to see he said it was unusual. you have a good day.
    Kathleen we have not had any rain its going to be a mini. heat wave for a few days.
    Aidan((((())))) your lassies sound so lovely I bet they looked beautiful.
    Carol I'm sorry you had a bad week I hope you have better luck now your home.
    Toni thank you for the photo's I thought bot was red.
    take care all
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all
    A quick one before we set off.. :shock: I get all jittery these must be my age :roll:
    Aiden sending more love hugs and sparkles to you and Bill t4591 (()) t115006 ..and hope that Tosca will be ok ..bless it must be something to do with Pepe not being there.. :( fancy the ducks landing on your home..I have to laugh when they go over head the noise they make.. :lol: enjoy the GC ...and yes I made made a few blunders on my phone.. :shock: :lol: don't ask....
    Toni I love the bots house it looks so cosy... :) glad your enjoyed your curry evening ..the gin does help.. :lol: and yes we will enjoy the holiday when we land.. :)
    Poor Carol ..what a you will be nice to get back to normality.. :) I was worried the train would be canceled and the coaches put on ..I just hope ours goes to plan... :o
    Joan you are the bone painful...must say I have never heard of the lilac one , I am sure Aiden has though..hope they can help with it..
    Kath I have made some blunder in the past ..say no more..but like Aiden says the phone are the worse I know to my cost... :shock: :lol::lol: Right will have to move
    I will try and get on tonight..this is a new B&B hopefully the WiFi is working ok
    Love to everyone good while I'm away... :) t4591 t115006 t4591
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Barbara, I'm probably the biggest blunder bus of all. But, I've had a rather good day actually. I've booked patient transport for the 28th June appointments. My prescription arrived. And I've finally taken your advice Barbara. One of my poems is to be published in the autumn edition of a publication called The Linnet's Wing. :D

    I'm very happy we now have a face plant booth. I might even try it myself, so here goes with one of the Japanese souffle pancakes. There are quite a few. SPLAT

    t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all, now that I have watered all the garden, it has started to rain - ho hum :roll: :roll: or words to that effect :?

    I cannot understand how you missed a big CAKE :shock: :lol::lol: the booth is ideal, just a quick power wash and good as new again.

    Yes, Tosca said she enjoyed her glide out this morning, no rain, just a bit breezy, but with her safety stabilised seat, she was fine and Sleek is a very good pilot.

    I think Tosca is confusing Tennis with Cricket, or just not quite sure what Quidditch is, she never took much notice of the games of Hogwarts. Strange, she mentioned Hogwarts :? has she already been there in years gone by I wonder.

    Yep, lots of natural sugars, all good :lol::lol::D:D

    B will be adding lots of things to the site, when he gets some time, it takes a long while to do all the images and then resize them and then this and then that..............looses me :roll: glad he knows what he is doing. I will give a nod, when things are sorted.

    Thank you for the top up of hugs and sparkles. Still no word from the Vets, best not rush them along, let things take their course. :cry:

    Hi Joan, so you are going to see the Specialist, re your ileac bone, or wing of the pelvis. I hope he can offer some help for you, sending lots of hugs and we will be there under the cloak of many rooms. Reminder to self, ask Toni to air the cloak and freshen the facilities :)

    I will find some pictures of my Siamese boys, it will take a while, they all need scanning into the computer.

    Hi To Sue and the doggies too and hugs for all ((()))

    Now then Barbara, you will be ok once you are there, I am sending lots of sparkles to the B and B, so expect some glitter when you arrive. t115006 t115006

    Tosca is missing her puskin partners, she was Mother, in charge, so to speak. Bless her, she is getting SO much fuss and attention. She looks so lost sometimes :cry::cry:

    Ducks, oh they are nuts at this time of year, they land with a thud, on the roof, run up and down the little roads front and back, lay eggs in peoples gardens......... :shock: :lol::lol:

    We watched a large Barn Owl on next doors tv dish the other night, it was a big one, not bothered by us. Eventually it flew off, silently, wonderful birds.

    The GC was just fine, coffee was just about ready by the time we got in and sat down. Scone was lovely, with jam and cream, some cream was purloined by B, for his T cake.

    I sent a text once, that was utter garbage, as I had not read the auto suggestion words, they just went in and I pressed send. I got a big ?? back, so I had to explain :shock: :lol::lol:

    Look forward to hearing how you are enjoying your stay, when you are hooked up to the WiFi :) t4591 t115006

    Hi Kath, you have been a busy lady. Transport booked, poem going into print, prescription arrived. All that and you had time to make some wonderful looking Japanese souffle pancakes. I will pop into the booth, when you have finished jet washing, I need to face plant asap. They have fruit on top, so that's one of your five a day, isn't it :? :? :roll: :lol:

    Went to Sainsb after the GC visit, Dad was a bit behind when we got round to pick him up, but he was soon back on track with us two prompting him :)
    I have never seen so many empty shelves at Sainsb, bread, cakes, tinned things, crisps, chocolates, all sorts of gaps. Not impressed, hope they are not going to pot, now that they have been taken over :shock: :?

    Right, I had better move, we are all clouded in mists now, Pendle has vanished again.

    Drying to sort, T to make, biscuits to eat :)

    Love and hugs to everyone, will pop back later.

    I hope you managed to get a nice shiny new tablet Carol :)

    Take care t4591 t115006 XXX Aidan
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Aiden I found the sparkles when we landed.. :D thank you they are very welcome.. it's lovely weather here and a nice room.we can see the whole of scarborough and the bay..and the lift to the spa is across the already had 2 coffee in farrars.i can imagine all the fuss Tosca is receiving she is enjoying it..and glad you got to the gc..
    Kath I just managed a price of the cake before face splat.. and many congratulation on having your poem published :D
    Right better go we are eating evening meal here
    .love to everyone t4591 t4591 t4591
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all

    Went and purchased my new ipad today and it is now up and running I did buy a cover after being assured it would fit but Guess what it doesn't so it is going to have to go back as it was quite a expensive one. But that's minor blip the ipad it's self in working still have some things to set up on it. things are very quite at the moment at home due to a big argument with Mr T this morning because he ruined one of my tops with sequins on by putting it in the washing machine at a 90% wash so the glue on the sequins melted and quite a few came off so I was not very happy as I have told him to only put the washing on 40% wash at the most. he said that was what I told him to put it on, and when I said why would I say that I never ever use that temperature myself, he lost his cool yelled at me then walked off into his little office (our spare bedroom) and slammed the door. so I got myself ready to go out and just left without a word. since then no words have been said. :roll: :roll: oh well he can stew until he decides to apologise. I guess he is still annoyed that iPad has had to be sent away.
    Weather has been really nice this afternoon. cloudy this morning but sunny this afternoon.

    Aidan Honey almond breakfast cups now they were very nice this morning Thank you for the sparkles think might need extra strong ones after todays tantrums. So Tosca is having trips out with sleek on her broom in her stabilised seat good for her. the ouchies are starting to build up with all the stress at the moment that always happens to me when things are a bit fraught. but taking the extra pain killers that i normally miss out is helping.

    Toni Your right Normally Mr T is ok on holiday but due to the things that happened he has been a real misery. and no doubt it is possible it will be on and off like it until he gets his iPad back. Thank you for the hugs I needed them. I have my iPad now and it set up very easy and so I'm very happy with it just the small blip of the case I brought not fitting it but that will easily be sorted out.

    Joan No it was not a good week so a week to forget I think.

    Barbara Hope your holiday goes better than mine
    I'm sure all will go smoothly with the journey and that you enjoy your holidays.

    Well must potter and give the joints a bit of a move
    Love to all t4591 t4591 and of course sparkles too t115006 t115006
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Oh Dear Carol :( Naughty MR T. Some more ((())) for you :roll:

    So silly doing that to a lovely sequined top! I hope he has learnt from it at least. 90% towels sheets only :roll:

    I think you will have a misery on your hands now until he gets his IPAD back. Probably he's jealous you got yours working so quickly!! ENJOY it!! :lol:

    I am over the moon for you!!

    Well done!

    Did you enjoy your first face-plant?? It's fun isn't it? Don't forget there's a shower cap and shower if you need it :)


    I am glad you have arrived safe and well and all is as it should be :)

    I am certain you will enjoy your break.

    I promise to behave :? honest!! BUT will you be here for choir practise?

    Aidan ditto here. Our day on the rota to water the church wall. I gave it SUCH a good water too Poms spotted me doing it thoroughly then of course along comes the rain :roll: :lol:

    I do not know how I missed the big cake either it was soooo lovely!

    Loving the booth and the shower afterwards if needed. I think Kath is in there ATM :shock:

    I have a feeling Tosca can't tell the difference between her sports, but that was interesting her mentioning Hogwarts when you hadn't said anything about it....Hmmmm…

    Leave it with me Mrs Darcey is a similar age she may know. :?

    Please do give me the heads up when B pops his new creations on Etsy I must have a look and can imagine how tricky it is to upload all the pics and details :roll:

    No I wouldn't rush the vet either. Best to let things take their course methinks.

    Sleek has seemed a little happier today bless her - watching me water the Church wall flowers from our garden :D She just insists we still call Pepe her fiancé which of course we do. She has so far only used his broomstick she starts hers daily though and runs it over the village to keep it in tip top condition. She reckons Tosca has his wand...did you know?

    Now the barn owl! This is important!! Sleek said it is Tosca's Owl!! did you know that?

    Glad the GC was good apart from B half-inching your cream :lol: the things we do for love eh? You are a good un! Paul does the same for me.

    Early start for miss Sleek as the mists are very strong tomorrow she believes very powerful.....

    Sending some extra (((()))) t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591

    Joan Bot is gunmetal grey same as my car!! Should I buy her some eyelashes do you think??? :lol: We haven't forgotten your apt on 21st the cloak is all ready then Kath on 28th :)

    Hairdresser AM and ladies dinner tomorrow so might be late on if I am don't worry everyone!!


    Toni xxx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Before anything else, I think Carol is in urgent need of a tree full of sparkles


    By all means, there are plenty for everyone to help themselves to.

    I am glad you found the sparkles when you arrived at your accommodation Barbara t115006 Good weather and a room with a view, lovely :) m0150
    2 Coffee's in Farrer's, I am coming to meet you there for lunch, I have looked at the light bites and it is amazing. How was the coffee?

    Tosca is enjoying lots of fuss, to a point, she likes her rest, so we have to oblige and let her snooze as required.

    It was v nice at the GC, well over a week since we went, with all the events of last week and the upset.

    Ooh, evening meal in your guest house too, very nice indeed. I hope you sleep well with all the ozone and a comfy bed.

    Now, Carol, what are we going to do with Mr T. Well, he is a man, that's the main problem :lol::lol: (I am not in that equation). He has lost his toy and has thrown all of his teddies out of the pram.

    Not only that he has boiled your sequin top :shock: :shock: which, will be your fault. Of course you would ask him to boil wash your delicate clothing :roll: :roll:

    Boys and toys are happy together and he will be a WEE bit envious that you have a nice shiny new iPad. :D

    So, off into the office for a good sulk. I will pop some sparkles throughout, he is bound to tread on some of them and then he will feel more apologetic. The tree of sparkles is very powerful. t115006 t115006

    I am very happy that you found your new iPad, even if the case is the wrong one :roll: they will swap that for sure. All things set up on it, so you will be well away. I would be saying very loudly, how WONDERFUL it is, just for the heck of it :lol::lol:

    Ouchies do get worse, when we are upset and stressed, many hugs for them to go away as soon as possible. Standby pain killers are always necessary.

    Tosca is doing quite well on her super comfy stabilised seating on the broomstick. Sleek is very careful with her gliding

    I could always stand in for Barbara at choir practice, with my vestments on, know one would notice and I would lip sync :):lol::lol:

    Yes, it is interesting Toni, that Tosca kind of let slip, about Hogwarts, Mrs Darcey will know, if not, Minerva will have all the details on record.

    I will give a shout when sparkles are added to B's pages. They are fab u lous t115006 t115006

    Of course, Pepe will always remain Sleek's Fiance, forever, ooops, having a moment now......... :cry::cry: that's set me off..........right, deep breaths.

    So you were doing the watering as well, with Sleek watching on. I was very careful to water everything I could, until my back said "NO MORE". Then it rained, for about 7 hours :roll: :roll: :shock: Everything is definitely wet now. No watering for a couple of days.

    I was wondering if Sleek was using Pepe's broomstick, bless her. As long as hers is kept well maintained. I think they will be going back to Hogwarts for a full MOT and service soon.

    Tosca is not one for sports, she likes golf, that is quite sedate, she falls to sleep with the tennis, even if we are shouting at the screen.

    Mother does have Pepe's wand, it is hidden in the ottoman, she only goes in there when we are out.

    That will be why the lovely owl was not worried by our being there, if he belongs to Tosca, I am sure he will appear again.

    There is an abundance of mist, so, with it approaching the longest day, the mist becomes more powerful.

    bless you for the hugs and sparkles. t4591 t4591

    Bot needs eyelashes, absolutely, rush and get some asap :)

    Busy day tomorrow, ladies lunch and hair do, enjoy................I am after a hair cut too, must drop big hints :)

    I had best do some pottering.

    Hi to everyone Kerrin, Christine, Mig, Toady DD, Elizabeth, Charrisse and all who happen upon the cafe.

    Lots of love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 Take care XX Aidan

    Carrot and courgette Hash Browns

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Barbara Kathleen Aidan Carol Toni.
    Barbara have a lovely time you deserve it(((())))
    Kathleen good luck for the 28'th((()))
    Aidan ((((())))) what colour were the Siamese pussie's.
    Carol I'm so sorry all that has gone wrong for you.(((())))
    Toni enjoy your evening out((()))
    take care all
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Toni, I did enjoy my first face plant. Great fun. We went to the benches today, had our lollies, white chocolate this time and as I've been busy on my poetry pages, a quick supper of Caulifliwer cheese and chips. Or tea if you can't wait for supper. :lol: I know that some of us LOVE our chips. :D

    Carol, your Mr T sounds like my Mr T. Happy when he gets everything his own way, but even happier when he's moaning. :oops: Did I say that?

    Joan, thank you. I feel better now all the arrangements are made.

    Aidan, yes elderly ladies like myself and Tosca NEED our snoozes. By the way, I loved the carrot and courgette has browns. I also loved watching Tosca's barn owl swooping through the forest. So beautifu, so silent. Reminds me of two of Walter De La Mer's poems. Silver and Someone. Both ethereal and beautiful.

    t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    While I remember Joan, you were asking about my previous Siamese boys, one was jet black and one was lilac point. I did find some pictures of them, here they are together, in front of the fire. A long time ago now.

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all, rather warm here, not helped with the dryer going for most of the day, lots of immaculising of laundry / bedding etc. Wishy Washy's is very busy today.

    Hi Joan, hope you like the picture of my beautiful siamese boys.

    Thank you for the hugs, I hope you Sue and the doggies are all as ok as can be. Some sparkles for you all t115006

    I am glad you enjoyed your fist face plant Kath, it's great fun and very tasty at the same time, eating your way through the cake :)

    Ice creams on the benches, lovely, white magnums, they are wonderful.

    So you have been busy with your poetry, hence the wonderful T of cauliflower cheese and CHIPS, we love chips. I will have myself a little serving while I am here, thank you.

    Your Mr T is happiest when he is moaning, :shock: :lol::lol::lol: Bless, men eh, what are they like :roll: :?

    We all need our snoozes, just that some can snooze easily and some of us cannot, even with a medicine chest of drugs :roll: Last night it was well after 3am and I was bing wide awake :?

    Tosca is about to have her meds, so I will have to wake her from her slumbers.

    Weren't those Hash Browns just the best, I could just keep on eating them, until I popped. :lol: I have saved some for Toni, she will need something later, for a snack, after her ladies luncheon.

    Owls are beautiful, silently flying around our woods and fields. They don't half make a racket when they are hooting and shrieking to each other. They like it best on cold clear nights, it is quite a noise.

    I hope Barbara is having a good time, taking in the sea air and trying out lots of coffee shops and fish and chips :) Well, it is rude not to, if you are at the seaside. How is the food at the guest house, as good as the view I trust.

    Sleek was over early doors, to take Mother Tosca out for a spin, well, not a spin, but a glide. The mist was perfect, Thursday will see the most powerful mists at midnight, mid summers night.

    Apparently Tosca was a student of Hogwarts, Minerva was telling Hermione, but she took time out to have her babies and never really went in for the quidditch etc. But, she can cast spells with Pepe's wand. She might be a bit rusty :shock: so expect some toads and frogs to appear. :shock: :shock:

    Here is a picture of Mothers rare moments of care and love, for her offspring, it was short lived, look at them all, I delivered every single one :)

    I hope you are having a better day Carol and Mr T trod on so many sparkles, that his feet were fizzing.

    Best move, I am chair shaped and need another potter. The joints are ouching.

    I will go make a quick cake and pop it into the booth. Love and sparkles to one and all. Take care, will pop back later t4591 t115006 Aidan XXX

    Skyscraper White Chocolate Cheesecake

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all..will keep this Shortish.. the net is up and down..
    Aiden the coffee at Farrers Is really good,and the food come to that, will see you there tomorrow and will buy you lunch..what lovely pics of your Siamese cats and Tosca with her babies..bless you did well deluding them..
    Carol you are having a bad time..i hope Mr t has come round now, it's such a shame he has spoiled your top..maybe he will treat you to a new one
    Toni I won't be there for choir, but I see Aiden will stand in for me..they probity won't want me back :lol: it rained after you watered the wall..typical
    Joan we are having a lovely time thank you.. just wish I had my own bed.. :lol:
    Kath has made chips.. :D thank carry on with your poems..hope you will want to know us when you are famous
    Been to peashome park on the seafront bus had lunch then got off the bus and up in the lift to the shops a few coffee later back to the hotel..wish I could have brought my bed would have been perfect :D
    Love to everyone see you Friday and our eldest rd and gf are coming for 4 days.. :D xxxxxxxxxx
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all

    Well I can say today has been a better day we are now talking so I think my outburst and walkout yesterday got through and made him think. I sort of got an apology just before bedtime. But today things have been ok went to slimming world to weigh in and I lost 2.5lbs even after all the naughty's last week went to lunch with Mr T and as I was going to change the case for my iPad he asked it I would speak to them about a call they made to him yesterday that he missed saying the info he had given them to get into his iPad but they didn't leave a number to ring back on. so changed my case ok then asked about the call. spoke to the guy who rang him to be told there was a new development he had had it on charge today for twenty mins before I enquired and that it was charging and it might not have to be sent away after all. so they have kept it on charge today and at 6pm tonight they rang to say it is now fully charged and he can collect it tomorrow.
    only thing that has happened not so good today is that I managed to put my arm on my hot Pyrex baking tray at dinner time tonight twice so 2 small burns on my arm now but they have had some first aid treatment and are now feeling ok.

    Toni I too hope Mr T has learnt his lesson he has not mentioned it because I think he knows he was wrong. and hopefully he will be a lot happier tomorrow when it seems he will get his own iPad back again, funny thing is I have not mentioned mine, and how easy it was to set up he saw me doing it yesterday and this morning he said do you like your new iPad nearly fell through the floor when he said that. but well they are a funny breed men (Aidan excepted of course.)so Sleek has taken over Pepe's broomstick I see.

    Aidan Thank you for the sparkle tree it seems to have worked well think the feet were fizzing. don't know about teddies out the pram I think it was dummies too yesterday morning. :lol::lol: :roll: my new case was a lot cheaper too and fits perfectly.
    So Tosca has Pepe's wand and takes it out with her and enjoys her jaunts with sleek in her super safe stabilised seat. must have a look at B's shiny jewels when he puts them on Etsy. The pictures of your Siamese are beautiful and Mother and her Babies too.
    White chocolate Cheesecake a real face splat that one let me at it yummy.

    Joan thank you things have been a lot better today hope you Sue a doggies are ok.

    Kath Yes you are probably right That dose sound like my Mr T too oops I have said it too now . :oops: :oops: but that is how they make you feel isn't it. Snoozes are a must I always say.

    Barbara Yes We are now Talking and no offer of a new top yet I don't expect there to be.

    Its now time to potter so off I go Love and sparkles t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006
    Stay positive always👍xx