Val's Cafe



  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Just back dropped off by Pom about 5 mins ago so just checked on Lucy.

    To tired to post now must go and have a lie-down. :oops:

    I will read back properly tomorrow morning :)

    Sleek will be picking Tosca up early doors Aidan as the mists are set to be fabulous tomorrow apparently. Hoping today has been a little easier I see there is news of Tosca's days at Hogwarts... :shock:

    Just a top up of (((()))) t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006

    Love to everyone

    Toni xxx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all, warm again this evening and set to be positively hot next week. AC at the ready, vent already in place.

    Hi Barbara, good to see you, shame the WiFi is up and down, but it is often the case in public areas, it can soon be swamped with people jumping online.

    Glad you are having a good time, just the bed that is not as good as your own. We all need to carry memory foam toppers, in those bags where you can suck all the air out. ( I could sit in the T room all day long then :lol::lol: ).

    So you are standing us for lunch, that is so kind, if we could, we would, but Dad has two appointments, one for bloods and one for his tootsies trimming.

    Tosca was and still is so cute, just not Motherly. The kittens were all just the cutest and if we had not been moving to France, we would have kept them all.

    I was going to mention Peasholme Park, it is really nice, they used to do a mini battle with boats, on the lake, if memory serves me right. It was quite good to see. Up the lifts to the shops more coffee's, wonderful. I will send some magic sparkles for the bed to be more comfy for you. t115006

    See, I knew they did the battles on the lake, gosh, it was about 1984 when I saw it. :shock: :shock:


    Yes, I will stand in for you on Thursday, for choir practice, I have my outfit ready, hope I don't stand out.

    organist-wing-sleeved-surplice.jpg :? :?

    And you have company when you get home, your Gd and her Gf coming to stay for a few days, bet you cannot wait :) t4591

    Hi Carol, well, those magic sparkles and the tree of sparkles, seem to have helped, even down to an apology and an interest in your new iPad. Just a new top and the magic will be complete :)

    I bet Mr T is pleased that his iPad is now charged and he can pick it up today. Sometimes the charging port, or cable, can suffer some damage or get bits in, which stop them from charging. I have had it with phones doing the same thing.

    Hugs for the ouchy burns. I am banned from the oven, with neuropathy, I can burn myself and not know :shock: The shelves of the oven always used to get me.

    So the dummies went West as well, from Mr grumps. They are a strange breed, these men folks :lol::lol:

    Yes, Mother Tosca has Pepe's wand, hidden in the ottoman, she hasn't taken it out with her, she is playing her cards close to her fur at the moment. We know she is a student of Hogwarts, that news has come forward. I think she is enjoying being taken out for little jaunts, with Miss Sleek, whilst all the time, being a skilled broomstick flyer herself. Time will tell............. :animal_busy:

    Help yourself to the face plant cheesecake, there are lots in the booth. I had saved one for Toni and the power washer is plumbed in and ready to go.

    The jewellery is piling up, ready for uploading.

    You have had a long and busy day Toni, no wonder you were too tired to write. Hair is looking good. I had mine cropped today, so feel much better.

    Tosca will be ready, I will be fast asleep I hope. Sleek will be keen to get the mist from first light. Thursday night being mid summer will be supercharged mists.

    We are going to collect Pepe in his little casket and bring him home, to be with us all and sit with Miss Cookie. Sleek will want to come over and say a little chirrup and brush her cheeks on his casket. :cry::cry: I will have to take a deep breath when we go into the vets. Thank you for the top up on hugs and sparkles. t4591

    Yes, Mother Tosca, has a past, way back in her days at Hogwarts. Minerva is looking further into the records. Silver knows, but is keeping quiet.

    Right, I had best be doing some more pottering. Off to the T room in town, while Dad has his podiatry and bloods done, gather my shipping order prescription, pop in the vets, then home.

    Hi to Kerrin, Christine, Mig DD Toady Elizabeth Charrisse and all. Hope everyone is as ok as can be.

    Leaving hugs and sparkles to all. (all the lovelies are doing fine in the sanctuary) t4591 t115006 XX Aidan

    Fresh Cherry Bread, with a little butter, naturally.

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning! Been up an hour washing and dishwasher on already eating fancy food late at night did not agree with me! Mind you I ought not to have had the crème brulée :mrgreen:

    Aidan we will be all thinking of you today bringing Pepe home :( It will not be easy, one of the hardest things. Sleek is ready to brush her cheeks on his casket and has got some magic squares for you and B ready to pop under your cushions and pillows. These will be essential today (((()))) t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006

    She had been trying to be brave, but Tosca told her this morning that he was coming home and they both had a good yowl and sob. :cry:

    As for Tosca's flying ability she has been letting things slip to Sleek too about Hogwarts and that she had been doing sleeping spells on you and B to make sure you are as ok as possible. More to emerge I have no doubt.

    Those kittens!!! Wow!!! they were adorable :) all white, but how many did she have? I wish we knew which one was Pepe :) Clever Tosca!

    Your hair looks much better too - 10 years younger both of us!! Hope Dad is well today and that you enjoy your visit to the T room too :)

    Just having some of that breakie…..hang on a that a face-plant cake??? White chocolate cheesecake???...……………………………..SPLAT!!!!!

    Hello Carol A grudging semi-apology is better than nothing I think roll: Good that he asked if you like your new IPAD :? maybe he is making an effort...

    He is lucky to be getting his back tomorrow really he ought to be happy about that.

    Men eh? Absolutely present company excepted!

    Sleek has Pepe's broomstick and also his Drs kit. Bless her she does fly on her own, but usually locally.

    Ok so you have 2 burns, but lost 2.5lb!!! GO YOU!! :D

    Barbara I am sure you will be welcomed back to choir with open arms :) Aidan will stand in for you, but can he sing soprano?? :shock:

    It sounds as though you are having a lovely time and no need to feel sad when you come home with your GD and GF coming to stay for a few days :D

    Kath I love my chips, but don't have them very often at all :( I am full up ATM after eating out last night (Pom picked me up so no driving :) ) so if they'll keep can I have mine at lunchtime please?

    How lovely that Tosca's Owl is visiting you!

    I am going for an early walk now might as well I'm up! Been up since 5am :roll: belly ache :oops: :(

    Hi Joan I did enjoy my evening out 12 ladies :shock: lots of cackling and too much food though :wink: It's 21st tomorrow....

    Love to everyone

    Toni xxx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Barbara Aidan Carol Toni
    Kathleen I hope you have a pain free day has possible.
    Barbara no bed feels like your own have a good day.((()))
    Aidan you had your hands full with all those kittens (((()))) thank you for the photo's.
    Carol that's good you are speaking sorry about the sequins.
    Toni enjoy the 21'st party I hope it's fine.
    take care all
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Oh Aidan, those cute kittens. I once delivered 3 kittens. Mum was white - haven't got a clue who dad was. Mum went missing for 4 days, rushed in one day, filthy, starving - and pregnant. :roll: Kittens were mainly black and white, which I read is the default colour for non pedigree 'mongrel' kittens. The last one to be born was ignored by mum whose name I can't remember! :oops: Anyway, I kept pushing said kit to the front, or he would have starved. Our last cat (Topsy-Turvy Twinkletoes) also had kittens, 4, I helped but she was an excellent mum and didn't leave her nest (not even for a tiddle). Her kits were all Tabby as was their pop (I caught them at the deed on the shed roof - the hussy :shock: ) All went to what I'd hoped were good homes. Sadly one died after being - no, I won't tell you. Far too awful for your sensitive ears. I was distraught, and felt guilty.

    I will leave you with strawberry dessert with crisp brandy snap and vanilla ice cream. t4591 t115006 t4591

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all, a rainy start, but now sunny spells and a nice breeze blowing through, hence the dyer is whirring away :)

    Tosca has sent an anti pogged spell for you, to take away the "eating late" effects Toni. Yep, it will be that creme brulee :mrgreen:

    Thank you for you love and sparkles, Pepe is safely home with us now, here are the pictures, just taken, of him, nestled safely with Miss Cookie Paws. :cry: We are just so happy that he is back with us, in spirit and something tangible to treasure and remember.

    We took a lovely thank you card into the vets, after all, they have known Pepe and our brood, for a long time now and he was the most fussy cat in Lancashire :roll:

    Have been ok, it must be those hugs and thoughts that have kept me from bawling. t4591 t115006

    Tosca had a good shriek when we came back from town, she said Sleek had been over and will be back again, to see Pepe's casket.

    Mothers sleepy spells must have worked, I totally ignored my alarms and went back to sleep this morning, B had to wake me up. :shock:

    I have no idea which one of the gorgeous kittens was Pepe. A week or two after that was taken she was loosing patience with them, so Cookie took over as surrogate Mother. She had five in total. Imagine 5 growing ragdolls, attached to little Cookie :shock: :shock:

    I thought we looked 10 years younger too (did you ever watch that programme, oh it was amazing what they can do).

    Bags of drugs picked up from the Surgery, that sounds wrong, lots of my repeat prescriptions sounds better. Dad went off into podiatry and then to have his bloods done, while we waited in the T room. We were in there ages, B went to find Dad in the end, he was on his way to the T room, after nattering to everyone.

    Scone, T cakes, mountains of cream, two coffee's two sparkling waters, I would have sat there all day, with short interludes of pottering and a quick ciggy :? :? :lol:

    Ah, good, you found the cheesecake. :lol::lol:

    Can I sing Soprano, well, I will try, but I think I will need a backing track :shock: :shock:

    21st, ? Is there a party? I know we are out with Joan, under the cloak............

    You are welcome Joan, glad you enjoyed the photo's. We did have our hands full, B was still working in the Salon downstairs and I was nurse maid to all the kittens upstairs. I had been retired by that time, so it was hard work, but well worth it.

    Hope you Sue and the doggies are ok, we will be with you tomorrow, for your hospital visit.

    I see you are well versed in the care of little kittens, twinkle toes, how cute.
    On the shed roof, oh my, how brazen is that :lol::lol: :shock:

    Glad all the kittens went to good homes, don't tell me about the one that passed, another time.......... :cry:

    Thank you for the strawberries, ice cream and brandy snaps, I will eat them politely, apart from crunching noises :roll: :shock:

    I hope Barbara is having another good day in Scarborough, taking in lots of sea air and avoiding seagulls :shock: fish and chips have to be eaten under cover, or they will have the lot.

    Carol will be enjoying her new ipad and I do hope that Mr T has his own, back from the store. Peace can be restored :) These men, are strange folks :lol::lol:

    I had better move, again. Mother is having a shriek, I will have drying to sort in a few minutes, then it won't be too far from nap time.

    Love and Sparkles to one and all. Take care, I will pop in later. t4591 t115006 t115006 XXX Aidan
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I nearly forgot the little wisteria flower, bless it. The bees love it
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I love the wee wisteria flower Aidan :) Adorable.

    I have the 21st (not a 21st) in the cloak's diary :? Mind you Lucy will be 21 next birthday...

    The casket is the sweetest little thing. Safely next to Cookie he is now your beloved Pepe (and Sleek's fiancé of course) it was without a doubt a devastatingly sad day, but it's good he is home again with you all. (((()))) t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006

    Sleek has been full of Pepe's 'funeral' she has marked his casket and taken a selfie of herself with him sans Tiara. Actually she hasn't worn one since he passed has she? She thinks it's a lovely casket as does 'Mother' apparently :)

    I think mid-summer has arrived at just the right time so it will distract them both tomorrow fetching the super-strong mist. It's been getting better and better as the week has progressed. Hermione has given Sleek a trailer to collect extra well as much as possible tomorrow.

    The vets certainly deserved a thank you they have been wonderful with you all.

    5 white kittens!! How soon did you spot Pepe was 'different' and the one you would keep?

    Dad went AWOL did he chattering to all and sundry?!!! Bless him ;)

    I am glad to hear Tosca's sleepy spell worked for you as did the belly-ache easing one for me. I am back to normal now :) PHEW!!! No pigging next time Toni!! Mind you I can never resist crème brulée :oops:

    I used to love 10 years younger! I always wanted to go on it :lol:

    Kath don't tell us the sad story about the cat who died :( don't worry it wouldn't have been your fault ((()))

    Imagine catching your pusskin 'in the thoes' :shock: Shocking!! But kittens are adorable aren't they? My Charley's cat was abandoned pregnant - she had 3 kittens nearly died twice once delivering them haemorrhaged afterwards.

    Mmm.... lovely dessert - I have brought some of Cornwall's finest clotted it anyone wants some?

    Hi Joan there's isn't a 21st I have the 21st (date) in the cloak's diary for a hospital apt for who????? :? :? :?

    I'm hoping Carol's Mr T is being a good boy today.

    Paul was playing up too as he had 'done something' to his phone. The charger would NOT go in. I got my embroidery needle to it and managed to move something and got it in, but I said he needs a new phone tomorrow as a matter of urgency.

    Well better get on time for my shower tonight I will be in bed early!


    Toni xxx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all, a nice fresh evening, still quite light, at 11pm.

    Happy Midsummer Solstice to everyone. Stonehenge will be super busy for the morning sunrise. m0150

    The little wisteria flower is so cute, glad you like it Toni. The bees are loving it, along with all the other bee and butterfly plants that we have.

    I thought the 21st was the 21st as in we are under the cloak for Joan's appointment.

    The caskets look lovely together, the paw prints, everything about them. t4591 t115006

    Knowing Pepe poo is back with us, is very important. I am glad that Sleek has been over and marked his casket and Cookies too and yes, Mother is quite content that all are at home together, her seal of approval is not lightly given :roll:

    This mornings mists, at sunrise, will be so magical t115006 and very important, glad Miss Sleek has a trailer to gather as much as possible.


    There is a lot of work going on around Pendle, the Pendle Hill Project. Restoring and improving pathways and improving the area around the summit stone, keeping it all safe and preserved, protecting wildlife etc.

    I think Sleek could wear a little tiara today, to catch the glint of the morning sun m0150 , Pepe would be very pleased. Tosca may want to "borrow" it :? :?

    The vets have been and continue to be wonderful, not everyone thanks the team, for their diligence and hard work. t4591

    Pepe was very difficult to wean, in fact he lost so much weight, he was at the vets from a very young age. I had to wean him twice and he was very clingy to Cookie, while the others were running me ragged. So, with him being the one who needed nursing, he was staying with us. All 16 years. :cry:

    The anti pogged spell worked I see, that's very good. Resisting that little pudding, is very difficult and, to be fair, if someone has made it, rude not to eat it :lol::lol:

    We loved 10 years younger, I would have been to those Dentists in no time, for a whole set of veneers, only about £30,000 :shock: :shock: Not that my teeth are like lumps of coal :lol::lol::D

    Charley's puskin, oh how dreadful, abandoned when expecting, then having two medical emergencies with her litter. Bless her little socks.

    So Paul is off to get a new phone, having done "something" to it. Oh these men. Chargers and cables are very fragile things, with the ports being very fiddly at times.

    I need a potter, will be right back.................
    It is pouring with rain, that is out of the blue, as no rain is forecast :shock:

    Today will be Barbara's and Mr B's last full day in Scarborough, I hope they are enjoying and having oodles of treats.

    I am sure Mr T will be feeling better, as long as his iPad was returned to him :? best leave some magic squares Carol, just in case t115006 t115006

    Hi to everyone else, Kerrin Christine Mig Toady DD Elizabeth Charrisse and all.

    I see the cloak is all ready and suitably immaculised, ready for Joan's appointment.

    I had better post, or it will be sunrise at this rate. Everyone take lots of care, love and sparkles in abundance t4591 t115006 XX Aidan

    Some pastries, to enjoy, for breakfast

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Up early as usual....well earlier again a few days running :(

    Paul's alarm :roll: 5am. Still washing on dishwasher emptied etc so all good :)

    Choir tonight Aidan! Might don't forget :)

    Sleek went off early doors again with the trailer two very small tiaras one each for her and Tosca. I told her you thought Pepe would approve. She's back and told me loudly: "It all came back Mummy! Tosca is FABULOUS at catching mist!" So there you go she even had proper help. Apparently she can even stand on one TOE to reach the thicker stuff low down :shock:

    Though all the way home she 'rested' with her tiara on :animal_busy:

    I can see why Pepe was the obvious choice then! I only ever chose from a litter once and like you chose 'the runt' nasty name, but it really means the most needy and adorable doesn't it? t4591

    His casket is being called Pepe's ickle casket by Sleek and I think Tosca is calling it the same sorry :oops: ((())) t4591 t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 t115006

    Sleek approves of the work being done at Pendle. Doesn't seem to have affected the quality of the mist at all. The nymphs were most appreciative even sang the pusskins a song :D

    I felt the same about 10 years younger as you! It was the teeth! Mine are absolutely fine, but it would have been fabulous to have them all done like those. :wink: Mind you in my case a posh hairdo would be nice and all the clothes :)

    Fingers crossed Paul gets to the phone shop and gets anew phone ASAP now today :roll:

    Yes today is Joan's appointment we are all ready cloak clean and aired. What time are we going Joan?

    Might stick some clothes on go for a walk I think :D

    Love to everyone

    Toni xxx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Aidan Toni.
    Kathleen have you got any animals now.
    Aidan I bet you wanted to keep all the kitten's they are so cuddle when they are small.((((()))))
    Toni good luck with Paul's phone. my ap is 4 10..
    thank you everyone
    have a good day.
    take care
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    No, it's NOT April 1st. This is a true story, but it will make you laugh.

    A Bakewell pudding which was launched to the edges of space, with tracking devices attached, has gone missing. :lol:
    Pupils at S. Anselm's Preparatory School in Derbyshire launched the dessert, attached to a high altitude balloon, on Monday.
    Tracking devices showed it was at 52,500ft (16,000m) over Saxilby, near Lincoln, when contact was lost.

    A Bakewell pudding is slightly different to a Bakewell Tart. I has no icing on top, or a cherry. So we're all off to the Bakewell Pudding shop. They bake them and sell them on the premises. It's very famous in Derbyshire.

    No Joan, I don't have any pets now. Too upsetting when they die. As our Aidan well knows.

    The 'ickle caskets are gorgeous Aidan. Very smart side by side on your table.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi all, am ok, just running out of time in the day, so will post more later on. Just one of those days :roll: :roll: XXX

    PS don't worry Joan, I will be under the cloak, we can all be in two or three places at once XX
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all
    I'm late tonight as we have had no internet since about 7.00pm until now but of course not enough time to catch up now the day has run out and my bed is calling. so will try to look in tomorrow morning and update then

    love and sparkles to all t4591 t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 t115006
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Well It was fun under the cloak yesterday!! Sleek and Tosca came!! Mind you after a look around Tosca soon went off to sleep :wink: How did it go Joan? although we tried to eavesdrop we failed to be honest with all the snacking nd chirruping and chattering the cats were doing :?

    Carol not a great day then was it? Darn internet just when you actually want to use it. Not to worry at least we know you are alright which is the main thing :)

    Our Barbara will be away home today I think having had a lovely break I hope. WELCOME HOME Barbara I will leave you some t69044

    Kath what a great story!! Who stole the pudding??? :shock: :shock: :shock: Was it aliens I wonder? Or a passing hot air balloon or light aircraft pilot?? :lol:

    I'd have had some :wink: You know me sounds like it would go perfectly with some clotted cream.....

    Now last night I was expecting Aidan at choir practise in Barbara's place (we had a birthday so wine and cheese!!!) when he had to tell me they were off to the hospital with Dad as he wasn't well.

    Matron knows best and was quite right too. They've kept him in on IV ABs with a chest infection. He asked me to let us all know, but will no doubt give us the full story later today. Between hospital visiting and the 101 other things they have to do :?

    Another t69044 for B Snr. and some energy for Aidan and B as well as a top up of ((())) t4591 t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 t115006 as this all might make them feel more emotional.

    Love to everyone! We have a wedding this afternoon at Church, Lucy and Paul are going to Brum to watch the tennis.

    Toni xxx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello its Sue again
    Joan as asked me to ask.please you will know that she went for her results yesterday and was told their is a cyst on her pelvis she has to go for a ultrasound can anyone help please
    Lots of love to everyone
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all, Happy Suesday, Friday, Tesco day, MTX day. Whichever applies. All 4 for me. :lol:

    Toni, Nobody knows where the Bakewell Pudding went. My theory is that 2 certain pusskins on broomsticks got a bit peckish so decided to have a snack. :D The radio presenter played "I lost my tart to a starship trooper" Only IT WAS A PUDDING, NOT A TART. Silly man.

    Sue, we will be anxiously waiting for Joan's ultrasound, and praying it is something relatively harmless. Many are, but we will be under the cape to make sure. There will be lots of (((HUGS))) and sparkles floating through the ether towards Joan. t115006 t4591 t115006 t4591 t115006 t4591 t115006 t4591 t115006 t4591

    Carol, NO INTERNET!!!! I know just how frustrating that is. t69044

    Tesco should be here soon, so must go, but not before leaving some Summer Pudding Cakes (with its own clotted cream Toni) Heading off to the booth later to face plant. Might see you there. :D

    m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Oh gosh Kath! was it our pusskins :oops: Could so easily have been!!

    Bless them love the song even if it was a bit inaccurate :lol:

    Off to the booth for summer pudding and clotted cream - ta!!!...……………….SPLAT!!!

    Joan/Sue look at this thread by our very own mig. I remembered something to do with cysts and arthritis:

    We will absolutely be with you Joan for your ultrasound ((()))

    Very much hoping we hear some good news soon about Aidan's Dad-in-Law today.

    Lovely, but windy here. Wedding at 4!


    Toni xxx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Right, I am here, I think :? :? :shock: What day is it?

    Thank you for posting on my behalf Toni, just as I was about to pop my robes on, for choir practice.

    We got to the hospital, dad was in Resus :shock: RESUS says me, now what's wrong

    So, Dad had a high temp, his heart rhythm was running a bit fast, oxygen sats were down...........suspecting chest infection, no mention of why he was not able to walk. He was in IV fluids, they gave some AB's, a ham sandwich which he woofed down, said he felt champion!!

    We stopped till late, until I was about horizontal. The corridors in A and E were full to bursting. Lots of people under the influence of either drugs, drink, or both, (talk about why the NHS is bed blocked, don't get me started).

    Rang this morning, Dad was on medical ward, so, off we go after lunch (we popped into the GC and let them do lunch for us) get there, as Barbara knows, it is miles, so I am wheely chair, we pass Dad in the corridor, on his way to x ray. Hi boys, see you in a bit :shock:
    Talked to ward staff, no more antibiotics, chest was clear, obs all ok, ankle x rays, came back ok, can go home, probably plantar faciitis, so, he is medically fit? Yes. He has declined any OT or Physio assistance at home :roll: So, big do's and little do's, we stayed a while and then came home, as he had to wait for his tablets..................

    Bill has just gone to pick him up now, 6pm, they rang to say he was ready, with his pills.
    No point me going, with the best will in the world, Bill cannot push two out of control chairs :? :? So I am playing catch up at home.

    We will see how Dad is when he gets home, if he can weight bear and walk ok, seeing as he is now "fit". Me thinks this is not going to be a walk in the park.

    So, that's where we are at.

    Thank you for all the hugs and love and sparkles, lets hope they can do something with the cyst Joan, I will have a think and a nose around.
    It was very noisy under the cloak Toni.

    Sorry I have not had chance to read back very far. I did read that there are some bakewell puddings, in orbit, :o are we expecting them to land :shock: :shock: that would be a very big splat. :lol::lol:

    Sorry I missed choir

    Welcome home Barbara, hope you are ok and I bet you will sleep well tonight.

    Carol's internet went off, hope it is back on now, it is SO annoying when it goes offline, for no reason.

    Tosca is saying nothing about any flying puddings, very tight lipped. :roll: :lol::lol:

    Right, I must away and potter a while, I am in need of more Tramadol. Love and sparkles to all. t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 XXX Aidan
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Me again...........

    Quick update. Dad is home now, not walking well, but managing, just. He has orders to ring at ANY time, B has been round again, late this evening, to make sure he was ok. We will be round there first thing in the morning.

    Silver wanted to remind us that he is watching over us all and leaving sparkles wherever we need them


    apart from all that has gone on, we have had a quiet evening, just catching up with tennis and golf and chilling out, serious brain fade, but never mind. Onward, ever onward.

    I will go and find some sparkles, I am sure Tosca and Sleek have been putting them under carpets and pillows, while we have been out and about.

    BIL and SIL are coming over today, spend some time with Dad and give us some time out.

    Dad wants to go shopping and have coffee :shock: we will assess that this morning.

    Love to all, take lots of care, will catch up again later. t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 I think there will be a SYTT Dress to watch :)
    XXXX Aidan
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all

    Hopefully I managed to get this posted today as I am doing it in the morning I seem to be having trouble with our internet in the evenings funny thing is last night laptop lost its connection but the internet did not go off that was rather weird. woke up around 5.45 this morning feeling wide awake so up at silly o clock Mr T is still in bed snoring away. Mr T got his iPad back on Wednesday and all is now ok with it my iPad is running nicely now, except for it fact that it will not connect up to the hotspot on my phone for when I am at the church with the cards. But a solution has been found we have a school who use our church building during the week and they have internet and Mr T has the password for that so he has given it to me as well. We have our 1st open morning of the month today so I will be able to see if it works this morning.
    The weather has been really nice here the last few days with lots of sun m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 and it is forecast for even hotter weather next week so may be melting next week. had usual dinner out with Mr T yesterday then off to meet my friend for coffee. I am getting quite annoyed on the buses lately when I go out as every day no matter what time of day it is I get problems with mums with buggies in the area where the wheelchairs go which is where I sit with my walker so I am not obstructing the aisle.

    Aidan Sorry to hear about Dads little problem glad he is back home now. glad you both managed to have a quiet evening to recharge. I love your little caskets they are beautiful. our Internet seems to be dodgy in the evenings the last couple of days don't know why. so Tosca is keeping quite about flying puddings and of course she dose have Pepe's wand.

    Toni so we think the pusskins may have some thing to do with the flying puddings do we the little rascals. after all they do have their wands.

    Kath We don't get as many problems with our internet these days but it seems to go in spells we have problems then we go months without any it is just so annoying when it happens when you are just about to post. summer pudding cake that was just too much to resist I just had to join the face plant group and dive in head first sorry about the mess :lol::lol:

    Well Mr T is now up so it is time to have breakfast and get showered and dressed to go to the church open morning.

    love and sparkles to you all t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 and also and flowers for those in need of them to cheer them up. t69044 t69044 t69044
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning Aidan :)

    I am very glad to hear Dad is home, but like you rather confused about what is/was wrong with him :? I hope he is even better today and very much hope it's not the start of a deterioration :( He was doing so well so let's hope not eh? Good that BIL and SIL are coming over to see him and give you both some respite.

    He wants out for a coffee? :shock: :shock: :shock:

    It's like you're manically busy all the time then another problem comes along and somehow you just manage to fit that in too. :roll:

    Sleek and Tosca have been shoving magic squares everywhere including Dad's so fingers crossed. There is indeed a SYTTD ready for viewing recorded ready. Tosca had told her that her 'Grandad' was in hospital yesterday lots of dram going on. Sleek has taken Pepe's Drs kit over and gently taken temp BP etc without waking him.

    ((())) t4591 t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 t115006

    Lovely to see Silver :D

    A quick woo-oooo! to Joan :) I hope you are feeling a bit better about the results today. See my post above which has a link from our MIG about hopefully the same issue.

    Carol good to see you and hear all IPADS are running well and with the aid of school's wifi you should be able to take it to open morning at Church. Best of luck today.

    Glad you have done all your usual this week meals out and friends etc shame about the ack of space for everyone on the bus. What can you do? Only your best which I'm sure you are ((()))

    Glad you enjoyed the face plant. I have set the splatter-booth on to clean so no harm done :wink:

    Love to everyone

    Toni xxx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Toni Aidan Carol.
    Kathleen yes it is so upsetting g to lose a pet but they give so much love back and they are good company.((()))
    Toni thank you for Migs post ((()))
    Aidan sorry about your Dad in law that was a shock((((()))))
    Carol that's good you both have your iPad up and running.((())
    have a good weekend everyone and Barbara
    take care all
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all
    So sorry I didnt get5 on yesterday but our eldest GD and GF came to visit just an hour after we landed home..and our middle GD her sister came to to see he and has slept here..
    Thankyou for the welcome home messages glad to have my own bed back.. :D
    Aiden I am so sorry to hear dad was taken into hospital.. :shock: what a worry for you both...bless it is a long way away Blackburn and all those corridors..but you made it ..and passed him on the corridor..typical him saying hello boys..bless I am so glad he is home and now wanting to go to the GC..sending you all many hugs ((())) and sparkles t115006 ..what a rotten time you are having.. :(
    Carol taking of snoring I haven't had any sleep for 4 nights..I have my own room at home so forgot how bad it was.. :shock: glad OHs tablet is mended and back home :)
    Toni lovely to be able to watch the wedding. form your house..hope Paul and Lucy had a good day at the tennis..are you going to Wimbledon this year.. :)
    Joan I was under the clock for your results and will be with you on the scan..cyst are quite common in that area hopefully all will be well for you..
    Kath I love Bakewell pudding or is it cake I have had..cant remember :? ..but what a waste to launched one into space.. :lol:
    Right better go ..sorry this is short but we have our GD and GF visiting later and we are dropping them at mums so she can meet up with friends.. :D
    See you all later I will tell you about mu holiday then.. :)
    Love to everyone t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Lovely day peeples. We had breakfast beneath the gazebo this morning. Lovely.

    Aidan, here's hoping dad will get over his confusing episode. :shock:

    Toni, it may well have been Sleek and Tosca. I hear they are both VERY mischievous. :D

    Barbara, glad you got back safe and sound after a good holiday.

    Now I know salted caramel is one of everyone's favourite, So I thought you would like the recipe.

    For the cupcakes
    150g Butter (unsalted) (softened)
    150g Unrefined golden caster sugar
    3 Egg(s) (free range) (beaten)
    150g Self-raising white flour
    0.5 tsp Baking powder
    1 tsp Vanilla extract
    For the buttercream
    50g Butter (unsalted) (softened)
    200g Unrefined golden icing sugar
    1pinch Sea salt

    Method Preheat the oven to 180°C (160°C fan, gas mark 4). Line a cupcake tin with 12 paper cupcake cases.

    Place the butter and sugar in a mixing bowl and beat with a wooden spoon or electric mixer until light and fluffy. Gradually beat in the eggs a little at a time until smooth, adding a little flour if the mixture curdles.

    Stir in the flour, baking powder and vanilla extract until smooth.

    Place a heaped dessertspoon full in each cupcake case and bake for 20-25 minutes until golden brown and just firm to the touch.

    To make the buttercream place the butter in a bowl with 1-2 tsp boiling water, add the icing sugar and beat until smooth. Stir in the sea salt flakes. Place in a piping bag with a large star nozzle and pipe on top of the cakes.


    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein