Val's Cafe
Hi to all, a nice, pleasant temperature day. Me thinks that will soon turn into a scorchio week m0150 :? :?
Matron and assistant Matron have been on duty from 10 till 4, so we were both shattered, apologies for not posting earlier.
Hi Carol, I hope your internet is working as it should. Maybe Openreach or some cable company are working not too far away, which is causing glitches.
So you were up with the Larks at silly o clock with Mr T snoring away quite happily. Bless. :roll:
Good that both iPads are working well, Mr T will be much more content and you have sussed out how to get online while you are at Church. How was the open day, did you sell many cards, have more people?
I think we will be melting as the week progresses - it will hit nearly 30 here, the forecast says 26, but they usually get it totally wrong and it ends up like a furnace.
How is your friend doing, I hope she is feeling a little more settled and her shoulder is healing.
Don't get me started on buggies, I had best not comment, or I may be excommunicated from the forum :shock: :?
I will fill in about Dad, but he has been better today (Sat), with our assistance.
Our siesta was SO welcome, we were totally done in, that horrible feeling, almost like being drunk and not thinking clearly.
Tosca is still very tight lipped about flying bakewell puddings, I think they might still be in orbit :shock:
Thank you for the hugs, sparkles and flowers, always welcome
Morning Toni, (even if I am a day late ) :roll:
Dad was really not good when he came home on Friday, but he was somewhat better on Sat. We were round there soon after 10, B had already nipped round earlier, just to see how he was doing.
He had a good night sleep and was going to take one, low dose co codamol. I stepped in and said you really need to keep your pain relief at a constant level, while your foot / ankle is so painful. So, he is taking two, soluble co codamol, every 6 hours and lo and behold, he feels better.
So, pain relief is on board.
I was going to help him dress etc, but he said he had to do it, which he did, apart from shoes / socks, which B helped with. He was definitely wanting to go out, so, out we went.
Quick stop at the mobility shop, he thought a walker might be better, but, the shop is closed on a Sat, how bonkers is that. So, he has his stick.
Let's go get something to eat and drink. Ok, so B dropped Dad and I a few yards from the T room and I helped Dad across the road, slowly. Me dragging one crutch, holding on to Dad, stopped all the traffic:?
He was quite happy to enjoy lovely juicy prawn sandwiches, with a coffee. We had mushrooms and fried egg, on toast...........and a scone.
Slow walk back, across the road, B went to get the car and picked us up.
Then it was Tesco's. B pushed Dad in a wheelchair and I had to push the trolley. I was getting some angina pain, but I didn't say anything and just took it steady.
By the time we got back, BIL and SIL had arrived, so we went home, sorted out my pills etc, then went back round. While Dad was nattering, I just happened to grab all the washing I could find and put it all on a hot washTowels, clothes from hospital etc.
Then I watered his wilting plants. What's that noise, is it the washer he said. Oh don't worry, I am just giving the laundry you brought back a quick wash, nearly finished now. :? :? SIL said she would put it all in the dryer and they would make sure he had his third lot of pain killers.
We signed off at 4, came home and medicated myself to the eyes, for screeching back and joints.
Yep, it's all go, as you say, but, somehow we just have to do it and take it all one day at a time.
BIL and SIL stayed a few hours, then B went round at 9 ish, Dad was washing some pots, said he felt a lot easier and in less pain.
We will be round again this morning, to have coffee, croissant and I will no doubt be fussing, whilst not appearing to interfere, if you know what I mean.
I think I have trodden on a few magic squares and I saw quite a few under Dads mattress and pillowsKind of Tosca and Sleek to leave them dotted about.
Tosca was right, lots of drama, which is now calmed. I did notice a Drs bag, hiding in the bedroom, so Sleek will be back again, doing her obs round in the night.
Thank you for the hugs and sparklest4591 t4591
I think I missed a summer pudding that Kath left, not to worry, I will dive into the salted caramel muffins
Hi Joan, yes, it has been a bit of a manic few days, but after the last 8 years of family in and out of hospitals, so many bereavements, you do think, whatever next and hope you can get off the roundabout sometimes.
Thank you for the hugs, sorry I missed Suesday and I hope you found out what you needed to know about your scan results. If you want me to find out more, I will do with pleasure. XX
Hi Barbara, goodness, you landed home and then suddenly had a houseful within an hour :shock: :shock:
Thank you for the hugs and sparkles. We are about 30 minutes from Blackburn hospital, quicker if there is no traffic, so not too bad.
it is still hard work, B has to push me to the wards in those big chairs that won't behave and the corridors are miles long.
Dad is a lot better, but we will keep up the supervision and assistance.
So you have had to put up with Mr B's snoring. I have my own room too, as I snore like a Hippo :roll: :? :shock: :shock: It will have been quite a shock for you, with the shattering of the peace.
Enjoy all your visitors and I look forward to hearing about your holidayXX
Hi Kath, good that you had your breakfast under the gazebo, you should have a good week of weather, for dining al fresco, with ice creams and the like
I am assuming the Bakewell puddings are still in orbit. I have asked Tosca, but all I got was an enigmatic smile :roll: They may have been practising with their wands, our puskin duo. Tosca is a dark horse leading us to believe that she has never been on a broomstick etc.
I am in there, with the salted caramel, I did a face plant on four of them, they are super sticky and yummy, I was in a right mess.the Face plant booth is on a wash and rinse cycle.
We have had a restful evening, B is busy with his creations and I am just doing my pottering and fussing. If I sit too long, I won't get up.
Catching up with the tennis and golf, just on in the background. Looking forward to the final with Novak and Cilic. Then Eastbourne, then WimbledonAre you going this year Toni?
Well, I had better move, needs must. Leaving hugs and love and sparkles to everyone. Kerrin, Christine, Mig, DD, Toady, Elizabeth, Charrisse and all. t4591 t115006 t4591 XXXX Aidan
Cheesy Mushroom Omelette this morningXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Morning everyone
Just having some mushroom omelette thanks AidanMmmm very nice!
I would never know you'd been in the booth it's sparkling.
As are Dad's clothes I'm sureGlad SIL dried them at least and you got a rest form that. This is not easy is it? You did FAR too much!!!!!!! :shock: :shock: :shock: I know B can't push both of you and you even had to help Dad cross the Rd....blimey!
Until the stupid mobility shop opens you must try to do as little as possible out. Hopefully maybe tomorrow you can get Dad something to help :? Glad to hear he seems in less pain of course, but no-one wants you in MORE!!
Subtle inobtrusive fussing is fine - hope he continues to improve.
Sleek has indeed been doing Snr's obs. overnight. She has left you the charts to look at as you are Matron. She has been checking on you too, but you wouldn't know she was there; such a gentle paw she has. Unlike her beloved Pepe's was
As for the pudding. I think I have the answer. Tosca finally got her wand out for Sleek. She had made it invisible and keeps it on her person at all times :shock: She spotted that pudding and dent it straight into...….the hippo enclosure where it was chomped in milliseconds :roll:
Being busy helps with loss though but I am sending a top up of ((())) t4591 t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 t115006 anyway.
Sadly we failed to get tickets to Wimbledon this year, but fingers crossed for next year eh?
Kath it was Sleek and Tosca they pinged the pudding into the hippo enclosure so it is definitely gone :oops:
Salted caramel is one of my VERY favourites (in ice cream too....sigh!) and I think Lucy might have a go at those making them. In the meantime I have eaten 4, but politely with my pinkie out
Recipe copied and pasted to word and savedTHANKS!!
Barbara it's lovely to have you back. Enjoy your girlie visitors ALL of them!! Don't worry so long as we know you are ok
Glad you are back in your own bed. So Mr B snores?? Oh dear :? so does Paul he has a reputation in our family.....doesn't help if you are in another room so I hear :roll: I don't mind luckily.
Joan I hope that mig's post reassured you a bit. It sounds as though it might be normal in arthritis.
I hope your weekend is good too and the doggies are enjoying the sun m0150
Love to everyone
Toni xxx
Oh Ps!!!
Met with Tia fiancé and in-laws to be yesterday discussed wedding!
Looks like it may be as soon as next year venue allowing.
A little disappointed that she doesn't feel a Church (our church) wedding is 'her' but sucked it up as it's not my day!
So lots of excitement ahead.
Also my Sister's house should be completed mid July!!!!
Busy busy!!
Toni xx0 -
Hello Barbara Kathleen Aidan Toni.
Barbara you enjoyed your holiday except the bed I'm sorry(((())))
Kathleen I hope you have a good day.
Aidan I'm sorry I don't know what happened to your Dad I'm sorry and I'm sorry about your pain you've been through enough((((((()))))))
Toni sorry Tia doesn't want your church. that's nice your sister's house will soon be ready.((()))
take care have a good day
Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Morning all
Aiden thankyou for breakfast..I do love omelettes..
But please try and slow down, I know its easy to say but you will be of no use if your become poorly...its so stressful for you both on top of everything else..I really do feel for glad you managed some sort of siesta..and tennis..bless ...I think its awful that the mobility shop was closed on a Saturday..hope you get sorted soon with the walker..I remember the corridors well in Blackburn..I always wished they had moving floors.. :shock: I hope today is a little easier for you all especially that relatives er there to help out...I hope.((()))
yes OH snores like a donkey..what a shock it was.. :shock:
Toni so you are meeting Tias family and fiance...what a shame its not your church ..but like you say suck it in..or bite your lip has my mum would have said..
what a shame you didnt get tickets to Wimbledon...
Kath I love salted caramel ..but not suppose to have salt ..saying that there isn't much in there..and thankyou for the welcome back..
Joan the bed was ok ..but there is nothing like your own..but we did have a good time all relaxing..hope you and sue have a good weekend..
Eldest GD and GF are here till Tuesday..they are coming round today to make dinner..middle GD gone back to mums now..and Niamh is coming later ..there is a carnival on in our town and it has grown year by year so it will be niceI wont be going..
Love to everyone will be back later... t4591 t4591 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
Oooo, lovely mushroom omelette. Slurp. Thank you Aidan.
So it WAS Sleek and Tosca.I shan't tell. I hope the hippos enjoyed it, although I don't expect it touched the sides.
I'm on countdown for Thursday. I don't know how I've managed to wait this long. :? I hope the treatment improves things.
Another face splat, get in the booth.Cherry Cream Pie. My mouth is watering already. So I've put 6 ready. t115006 t4591 t115006
m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Afternoon to all, a hot and sunny day here, AC is on so nice indoors
It's going to be super for the next two weeks I think m0150 :shock: :shock: Lots of garden watering me thinks. We need to keep cool Barbara, anywhere that is AC, is fine.
Our neighbour kindly watered all our pots and garden yesterday, as she knew we were up to our eyes with one thing and another.
Dads clothes were all wonderfully clean, SIL had dried them all and put most away. Dad is much more active today, thank you Toni. In fact when we went round this morning, he was out the back feeding the birds :shock: :shock:
Still a bit of a limp, but nothing like he was 24 hours ago. HE is keeping up with his pain relief and said he feels so much better and easier than he did. Which is a huge relief.
We both did far too much yesterday and I am still on payback mode, well, B is too, so he is taking some of my co codamols, as he does if he has back pain etc. I don't mind sharing, sharing is caring.
I will keep up the extra (not extra to the max dose) Tramadol, they seem to help take the edge off, when all the others don't quite manage it. :roll: :roll:
Yes, it was a bit of a sight, me, helping Dad, across the road :shock: :shock:
Dad seems ok with the one stick now, and most of the time he forgets were it is and is pottering about without it. :roll: So, we will not push for a walking frame, he will just clatter into everything, there is not enough room really, with all the "stuff".
Thanks Sleek, Dads Obs all seemed fine, I see mine are too, blood pressure in my boots is quite normal :shock: :roll: I know she was telling Tosca that my BP was low. No idea that she had been doing her rounds, not like Mother who lands like a sack of spuds when she dives off the bed, or when Pepe decided to bath me at all hours - Bless.
So, that is why the wand was missing. I looked in the ottoman when Mother was not around. It is now invisible and will only go to her.
She sent the Bakewell puddings into the hippo's, well, they would soon be gone.
Busy, yes, busy does keep your mind from dwelling on things, thank you for the top up of t4591 and t115006 t115006
Aww, no Wimbledon this year
Oooh, a meet up with Tia's finace and in laws to be, very nice. Not a Church wedding, oh, well, as you say, it is their day. I would have had to bite my lip a little. Maybe they will re think t115006
And you Sisters house will be complete, mid July, that is amazing, oh it is all go, at yours, ours, Barbara's, everyone is everywhere:shock:
Hi Joan - don't worry no need to apologise. Dad had a lot of pain and they thought he had an infection lurking, so he spent a night in hospital. He is home and we have his pain under control and he is moving about much more easily now. We were just here there and all over the place, the past two days.
Thank you for the hugs. XX I hope you are enjoying the super fine weather, it is going to be very warm this week and into the week after. Flaming June, as they say.
Hi Barbara, hope you are not melting too much. You might have to borrow an AC unit again.
We have slowed down today. We went round to Dads and had a coffee and I sorted the croissants. He is in a lot less pain, which is good.
B will go round again later, to see how he is and remind him to take more pain killers.
Moving floors at the hospital, would be a great idea, like they have at airports. The hospital I trained in in Nottingham was four times the size of Blackburn, imagine the miles we used to walk :shock: :shock:
I am sure it would be a shock, if Mr B snores like a Donkey and I snore like a Hippo:?
You have a busy enough time as well, with family visiting and Niamh coming over, then the carnival (no, I would stop at home too).
Wonder what you are going to have for dinner, if you are to be catered for
Hi Kath, I think everyone enjoyed the mushroom omelette. Reminds me, we must get some tomorrow.
The Hippo's enjoy their food, they could eat trays of Bakewell puddings, in one mouthful. At least we know the puddings are out of orbit
We will be there on Thursday, to assist
Now, let me just pop into the booth, I have to plant my face in one of the cherry cream pies, very good for the complexionThank you kindly.
Right, I had best be pottering and sorting my pills. Leaving hugs and sparkles to everyone t4591 t115006 I will pop back later. I think Sleek is coming over at siesta time, to chill out with Tosca for a while.
XXXX AidanXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hi to all - just comfortable this evening, fans on, but AC is off now. Mind, we haven't been on gas mark 6 for a few days yet, to really bake us :roll: :shock:
Had our siesta's, Tosca put her spell of sleepiness on me, so she could chatter to Miss Sleekness.
I think there is an early morning broom flying, Sleek is bringing Pepe's broomstick, for Tosca to try. I am guessing Mother will already be a dab paw at flying, hiding her light under the bushel :shock:
I think they are reading up on some spells too
I bet you Sis is so excited Toni, being so close to moving. Mrs Darcey will be so close by. Sleek says Mother Tosca, knows her, from a long time ago?? She is a dark puskin, with all these secrets coming out.
How is Bot, off duty again now that we are in a heatwave :? I think it cools down a bit here, on the 4th July :shock:
I bet you are needing to put your feet up Barbara, with GD and Gf and Niamh, how was the Carnival? Hope you are not too warm, maybe the quilt will be confined to barracks for a while.
How was the open day at Church Carol. Did you manage to hook up to the WiFi on your iPad? I hope you sold some cards too.
We have been catching up on the final of the men's at Queens, so glad that Marin Cilic won
Only a week until Wimbledon, there is Eastbourne on this week, and the golf, so we are well blessed with viewing.
B popped round to check on Dad, he was ok, been watching all the football matches. Advised him to drink more, hopefully it won't fall on deaf ears.
We will go to the GC this morning, everyone will be outside, so we will have indoors to ourselves, bliss. I could not sit in the sun and drink coffee, I would turn into a pool, plus I don't share my scones with flies and wasps. :shock: Dad will enjoy his coffee and something yummy to eat.
I need to potter a little, won't be long............pills needed (again). :roll:
Hi to Kerrin, Christine, Elizabeth, Toady, Mig, DD, Charrisse and all.
Leaving lots of love hugs and sparkles to everyone t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006
Keep as cool as you can m0150 m0150 XX Aidan
Blueberry Bagels for BreakfastXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Had my Blueberry Bakewells for breakie thanks Aidan lovely very healthy.
Bessie-Bot is indeed off-duty while the grass is so dry and not growing. Looks like France!
The other night (sleepy spell on you two!) Mrs D and Tosca were on the crystal ball with Sleek - what a racket!!! Indeed Pepe's broomstick did go out with Sleek this morning and Tosca had a go. Sleek said she was very good for a Pusskin of advancing years. Although she was really good she still asked Sleek to look after the broomstick and travelled home in the seat on Sleek's. Said her bones were aching.....
Sleek is working on a spell for that - you are right :? amongst other ideas :shock: :shock: :shock:
You did do far far too much, but needs must - I get it. So lovely t hear Dad is moving freer I hope he keeps on taking his meds and feeding the birdsNo rush for a walking frame while he is doing well bless him.
Thanks to SIL for the drying of clothes. Dad will enjoy the GC today.
Sleek is diligent in her recording of obs. Yes your BP is low (as is mine) she only does a tiny chirrup when she goes down to the floor off beds bless her.
I have the aircon at the ready I absolutely MUST make sure at least that the bedroom is cool and ideally the L room too :roll: m0150 m0150 m0150
Mrs Darcey has hidden her broomstick inside a box of my sister's art supplies. Very wise one of the safest places. Tosca has 'inherited' her son's wand and showed it to Mrs D over the crystal ball.
Hope the tramadols can be reduced back down soon.
((())) t4591 t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 t115006
Barbara maybe the girls will take Niamh to the fete? She'd enjoy that and you can put your feet up!
There is NOTHING and I mean NOTHING like your own bedEspecially if the snoring donkey is further away
Yes I am sad about Church, but lip bitten
Kath I don't suppose the bakewell did much to fill the hippos really :roll:
Thanks for the pie wow what a face splat that was - pink!! The booth is all clean now you'd never know I'd been there :shock:
WE will 100% be with you on Thursday so don't worry. Fingers firmly crossed the treatment helps you.
Joan thank you. I would have loved a Church wedding, but it's FUN organising or helping to organise it anyway
Right must get on I am not even dressed yet :shock:
Love to everyone
Toni xxx0 -
Hello Barbara Kathleen Aidan Toni.
Barbara you sound very busy enjoy your grandchildren.
Kathleen what time is your appointment on Thursday.
Aidan I hope your Dad's pain has calmed down now ((((()));;
Toni it song be long now before your sister's living over here.
take care all
Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Hello Joan, I have 2 appointments on Thursday. One at 10am and the other at 11.30, so I hope the first is finished in time for me to get to the 2nd. They aren't too far away, as both are on the first floor. If a kindly nurse (and most are) will run me across in a wheelchair, I SHOULD make it. :?
Toni, yes I like pink. I bet you looked very pretty after your face splat. Not a face splat today, we have Carrot Cake Scones so better get the best butter out.
Carrot Cake Scones
INGREDIENTS 2 cups flour ¼ cup brown sugar 3 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon salt ½cup (cold) butter ½ cup whole milk 2 teaspoon vanilla extract 2 teaspoons cinnamon 2 eggs 1 cup grated carrots (3 medium carrots) ½ cup chopped walnuts
INSTRUCTIONS Mix together flour, sugar, baking powder and salt. Cut in butter until mixture resembles coarse crumbs. Add milk, extract, cinnamon along with eggs, mix until blended, then stir in carrots and nuts. Knead on a floured surface, cut with a cookie cutter to the desired shape. Bake at 450 for 8-10 minutes.
2 cups powdered sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 tablespoon corn syrup 3 tablespoons water gel food coloring (orange, green) Americolor
INSTRUCTIONS Mix all ingredients until smooth, split the icing into two bowls, with more for orange and less for green as you won't need as much for the stem area. and pipe or drizzle on cooled scones.
Aidan, thank you for the Blueberry Bagels. So yummy. I don't know wether to change my patch today instead of tomorrow. I can rarely make them last the required 72 hours, usually change them ater 48! :roll: Back hurts so much today, and hips.I hope dad is feeling better today.
Hope Barbara is OK. t69044 t69044 t69044"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Afternoon to all, on a very hot and sunny day m0150 :shock: AC is on and it is stopping on. Hotter tomorrow apparently, my guess will be 30 degrees.
I hope everyone is keeping as cool as possible and drinking lots.
Those Blueberry Bagels were yummy, quite healthy with all that butter on them, after all, we need our vitamin DThat's my excuse and I am sticking to it
I thought Bessie Bot would be off duty, yes, the grass, around and about, does look like France, mid summer, with the gardens going from green to straw like. Deffo on with the AC, for Lucy's room and the living room too.
Oh the puskins can make quite a racket, Mother shrieks most of the time when she is up and about, so I can only imagine what it was like when they were all on a three way call :shock:
I am glad Tosca had a gentle fly round, but, with her old bones aching, the seat on Sleek broomstick is far more comfortable, gel filled of course. She is resting now, in AC comfort
So Sleek is going to cast a spell for anti ouching bones, well, that will be very welcome, for us all. Does it need practice first :? :?
Dad was doing ok again today, he had been pottering, then had nodded off in his chair when we went round. He was soon up and about, ready for his trip out. He did say, will I need a woolly :shock: :shock: then realised just how hot it was.
The GC was packed outside, as we knew it would be, so we had all the room possible, indoors - fine by me. He had a bacon butty and I had my scone with trimmings and B had his T cake and pinched 1/2 my cream :?
A once round Sainsb and then home, before the ice creams melted. m0150 m0150
I was impressed with Miss Sleeks Obs chart, resps, O2 levels, BP, Pulse, Temp. Very thorough indeed. She does have gentle paws, not like Mother who lands like a sack of tatties
So you Sis paints / drawers, a good place to hide Mrs Darvey's broomstick. We have most of the lovely paintings my Dad did, I won't part with them.
I have cut out one Tramadol already, I need to leave them as a back up, so no point going for the max dose. 4-6 instead of 8, today it will be 4, which is good.
Oooh, more lovely hugs, thank you, they are always welcomed t4591
Those Cherry Cream Pies were SO wonderful, I went in for another face plant, but made sure there was enough for everyone else.
Hi Joan, yes, Dads pain seems to be under control and he is mobilising much better now, his foot still hurts, but nothing like it did two days ago. He uses his stick.
Is the warm weather suiting, I know it is better for your joints.
Love to both and the doggies too xx
Hi Kath, we will be there on Thursday, without a doubt, making sure you are at each appointment on time and that all the staff are super kindly, as they should be.
Toni is immaculising the cloak and making sure the AC is up and running in there, otherwise we will all be swooning.
Now, those carrot scones look very tempting, as you say, with a good portion of butter, or a little cream cheese per chanceor both, even better
The patches should still contain enough pain control for the full 72 hours, if you think that there is breakthrough pain would you take a small dose of oromorph? to help with the ouchies t115006 t115006
Thank you, Dad is doing a lot better than he was, moving about more easily.
I hope you are ok Barbara, I know you are very busy with family stopping etc. Plus, trying to keep cool is no mean feat. t4591 t115006
Hi to Christine, Kerrin, Mig, DD, Toady, Charrisse, Elizabeth and all.
I will do some pottering, see how the drying is doing, out on the back decking, no way am I going out front, it is like a furnace out there, full sun, all day m0150 m0150 :shock: :shock:
I will pop back later, if I haven't melted like a snow cone in Phoenix:? :?
Love and Sparkles to all t4591 t115006 Take care, keep cool. XX AidanXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Evening all
Aiden I watered the garden and my feet were on fire with the sun..that was this morning it has moved around the back..far to hot to sit in...I didnt go to the carnival OH Niamh and her daddy went ..this weather does makes my joints worse.. :shock: they were shattered when they got back
Not Niamh though :shock:
So glad SIL has done dad washing ..and all ironed and put much does she charge..she could come to me dad ask did he need his jumper..oh bless...but glad you all got to the GC and got a nice seat inside..I hope that you and Bill can have some us time soon you certainly need a rest..I dont have an AC ...we must buy one, says me now its 30 they will all be gone..I love the doggy pic..just wish I could do the same...
Toni I suppose you have to be careful with the heat for Lucy..yes a snoring donkey..I just cant see how we can go away again..unless I leave him at home
Kath I will be on clock duties on Thursday..2 appointments :shock: gosh that will be hard..I hope all goes well
Joan we have been busy ..but GD has now gone to mummy's for today then tomorrow they travel home to London...
Did I say I got the results of the brain scan , there is nothing to show thank goodness but I have to go for more test and have bloods..
Better go my head is melting... :shock: :shock:
Love to everyone.. t4591 t4591 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
Evening all I am just back from the trustees of the 'friends' of our village meeting. :roll:
I have got the bedroom down to 20 degrees Aidan with some effort sure tomorrow will be worse. :?
Tosca is quite right to have lovely gel-filled rides as a general rule and some fun on Pepe's broomstick if she fancies it. Oh yes she shrieks as can Miss Sleek bless her.
Dad thought he needed a woolly did he? Bless Dad glad you got out, but even gladder your tramadols are back down to 4 something up your sleeve if needs be
Sleek will be continuing with her obs charts tonight. She does take her job seriously she is very diligent. If the sore bones spell works we will all be happy to try it!!!
That dog in the ice!! I wish it was me!!
Barbara I was on Church Wall watering duties today which was sooooo hot! Naughty Sleek crossed the rd to come and 'help' so I had to cross her back and shut her indoors :shock:
Glad you didn't go to the carnival, but that Niamh did I bet she loved it.
Very good news that your brain is fineWell done
I do not like Lucy getting hot she already has a sore throat
Kath the cloak is all ready and if needs be we can zap you from room to roomAir con is all gassed up and super-cool.
Carrot cake scones is a really lovely idea! I hope they are as yum as they lookI will just try one...pinkie out
Hi Joan I am so exited my sister will be here before we know it
Love to everyone! Hope Carol is ok and Kerrin :?
Toni xxx0 -
Evening all
My it's hot today and it is forecast we will have it here for the next 2 weeks at least. yesterday after church we had windows in our living room wide open and the fan on until bedtime. so it was nice and cool indoors same at the moment window open fan on. Dinner of salmon in chilli sauce , baby potatoes and green beans (making my self feel hungry now) on, my speedway is on in 35 minuets so all set up for that.
Managed to get my iPad linked up to the internet in the church on Saturday for the open morning didn't sell any cards but that is not unusual. We did have 2 people in towards the end of the morning, in fact one just as we had packed up. On Thursday is the monthly meeting of the local MS group that I sell the cards at so keeping my fingers crossed there may sell one or 2. Mr T will have to go to the church meal on his own this week, as they fall on the same day and the earlier time for the meal doesn't give me time to have a sit down at home in between.
Mr T had to take his iPad to curry's where it is under there know house cover today as it was telling him that it had no internet networks on it but they sorted it out there and then so happily he was able to bring it home again it just seems to be on thing after another. Getting a bit fed up with it. Its a good thing we have the know how cover on the laptops and iPads or we would be bankruptsorry tis is short but i have been watching my speedway and then a little fussing as Aidan would say so I will leave it here as it is getting near to tablet time and bed time.
So love and sparkles for all t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006Stay positive always👍xx0 -
Hi to all on a very warm evening.
Hi Barbara - our neighbour watered our garden again this morning, she said she didn't mind. Very kind of her, but I will have to brave the heat and do it tomorrow :shock: m0150 Things in pots dry out in no time.
I am not surprised your feet were on fire, it has been sweltering, far hotter than the forecasts say. Our neighbour at the back was sat out in it for ages today - some people love it and don't seem bothered by it being roasting hot.
I am with you, the hot weather makes my joints screech quite a bit louder than normal, knees like melons, oedema in my lower legs.
I am glad Niamh and Daddy enjoyed the carnival. Poor Daddy, he was shattered and Niamh was still ready for more fun
It was a work of art, getting Dads washing done, I was like a super sleuth, while he was chatting in the lounge, I was rounding up towels and t towels etc and before you knew it, it was on a hot wash
SIL put it all in the dryer after we had left. I think if truth were told, he didn't mind really.
I have quite a bit of ironing to do, it drives me crazy if it is sitting about on hangers, so I will put the AC on max today and get through it as quick as possible.
Dad is a lot better on his feet now, so a quick visit this morning, have a coffee and see if he is ok. Make sure he is up to speed with his pain killers. We are not going out, into town, so most of the day we will be at home, doing our own thing and keeping as cool as we can.
Our summers and late spring seem to be getting hotter, the AC is the best thing since sliced bread at the moment.
So you will have to go away with someone who does not snore, well, that rules me out, Mr B out, Paul, Mr T? :? :roll:
I am very glad to hear that the scan came back, with no problems. Great news. More bloods and more tests though. They will be keeping an eye on your renal functions quite closely I would guess. t115006 t115006
That sounds a very important title for the meeting Toni :shock: I had a flash back of the wheel tappers and shunters club, "All around the room"
Doesn't it take an age to get the rooms down to an ambient temperature :roll: ours shut off at 22 degrees tonight, so I took the mesh in and shut the window. Now we have a big fly, goading us :? :? Today is going to hit 30, without a doubt. I think it takes 10 times as much energy, to cool a room, than it does to heat it :shock: Glad that the rooms are nice and cool for Lucy, important without a doubt.
Tosca cast her sleepy spell, for a short while, so that she could natter to Sleek and Mrs D, they also spoke with Tomi and Jericat. Much shrieking and nattering.
I am happy that my Tramadol is down to 4 today, last one to take in a minute. Like you say, you have to have something there, in reserve. Arthur and other health issues rear their heads at the drop of a hat.
Miss Sleek is doing a sterling job with her observations, she is diligent, very much so. Super gentle and quiet too.
As soon as our puskins cast the spell of anti achy bones, we will all be there, even if I turn into a toad :shock:
I love the dog on the ice, yes please...........mind you, I would never get up :roll: :roll:
Look at you with your pinkie out, eating the carrot cake scone with such aplomb8)
Hi Carol - hasn't it been hot, even hotter where you are deep in the south of the country 8)
Glad you managed to cool your home, with windows open and fans on.
Dinner sounded delicious, which I am sure it was.
Hope you enjoyed the speedway racing, I know you like it.
Bah, no cards sold, as you say, it is nothing new. Fancy people coming in when you were all packed up and ready to go :roll: :roll: I trust you will sell some at your monthly meeting with the MS group.
No point you rushing from one meeting to the Church meal, with hardly time to breathe in the middle. It is far too hot for rushing.
Oh dear, Mr T having trouble with his iPad again, fortunate that the Know How team managed to sort it while he waited. He would have been one unhappy bunny, if they had kept it :roll: Having the insurance on things is worth it, we have made good use of it with appliances that have gone wrong, with D and G, they have always been very good, if they cannot fix it, you get a new one. Fine by me.
Right, time is marching on, so I will away and do my pottering. I think I finally got the fly, with much tea towel bashing in the kitchen........having said that, I clobbered it and now it has vanished :shock: I will have to immaculise the worktop again and put t towels in for hot washing.
Hi to everyone, in out and around about, hope all are as ok as can be and taking care.
Love and sparkles in abundance t4591 t115006 XXXX Aidan
A refreshing breakfast today, Super Berry Smoothie BowlXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hello Kathleen Barbara Aidan Toni Carol.
Kathleen good luck for your appointment's. mine is 1 00.
Barbara I hope you have a good day today.
Aidan i'm glad your Dad is doing alright with you keeping a helpful eye on him.((((()))))
Toni try not to work to hard it's heavy work watering flowers.
Carol i'm pleased the ipad is working again.
have a good day everyone
take care
Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
I want to be where that doggy is, when I've finished my super berry smoothie bowl. Followed by a face splat into the Cantaloupe with icecream and Almond Praline. Who's joining me in the booth?
Joan, Hopefully I might be finished by the time you get in. It will be busy under the cape that day.
We had mini Magnums on the benches. Lots of Sparrows there today, chirrupping away. m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150
My poetry tutor had some very nice things about the latest poe I posted on the site yesterday. Said it should be set to music. Anybody know anyone who writes folk music? t115006 t4591 t115006
Lovely to know you've all got things organised for Thursday. 3 appointments in one day, 2 mine and 1 for Joan. :animal_busy:"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Just a quick hi on this SUPER HOT day. Have run out of time to write much now.
We spent all day getting the house down to a nice temperature with the AC on max, then at 3, the power went out for the whole village. :roll: :roll: needless to say, the temp soon went back up to 30 degrees, so I was just pothered.
It has just come back on now, hoorah, so we are back on cooling mode.
Siesta time might well be a melting moment.
I am already in that melon and ice cream, in the booth, face covered in it Kath.
I will write more later, if we still have power. There was a fire in the sub station. Probably spontaneously blew up, in the heat.
Love and sparkles. Take care, drink plenty t4591 t115006 XX AidanXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Evening all I wont mention the weather... :shock: :shock: but can someone cover the sun for a while :shock:
Aiden no your electric went off so no AC... :roll: that is not your joints are worse in hot is much better..glad to hear you are now down to 4 Tramadol..hope I have that right..not good when everyone snores..mind you OH say I do..glad you had an at home day..far to hot to go out..saying that we went to the bank in the next town..they closed ours.. :roll: the carpark was empty..think everyone has stayed at home..glad dad is managing with your help..I bet he wonderd were on earth all the towels were going..
The smoothie is the only thing I have had today lovely and cooling..
Toni oh you really have been excepted into the village being allowed to the meetingso you did wall watering duties..phew not good..I do hope that Lucy throat doesn't get any worse..bless at least she is nice and cool...
Kath is putting her poems to music..maybe there is someone on U tube that could help..
Joan so its your appointment on the same day has Kaths..I will be there..Aiden sorted it so we could be in two places at once..good luck xx
Carol those blinking you say good job you have cover for them..I hope you sell lots of cards at the MS meeting..Mr T can talk to himself over lunch.....glad you got to watch the speedway..only once have I been to one meeting many years ago at Bellvue..very exciting..and dusty..
Well our eldest GD and GF have gone home..they caught the 1 oclock train..OH ran them to the station..they have text to say they landed all is quiet here again till Niamh comes Wednesday or Thursday..they hoovered my bedrooms and made a chicken pie for our freezer
bless um...
Right better move I have 2 fans going here..
Love to everyone hope you can keep cool... t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
Evening all
It’s hot hot and I’m suffering surprisingly enough not with my arthur ouchies but with the Asthma and Hay fever I have tickly cough and slightly tight chest from the Hay fever and have put myself back on the inhalers today. And then stuffed nose and sneezing with the Hay fever so nasal spray for that. Up at silly o clock again this morning because I could not go back to sleep, so got up sat in the armchair and promptly fell asleep for the next 2 hours. I made a mistake yesterday it was Mr T’s laptop not his iPad causing problems that needed shop assistance. :roll: Went to weigh in this morning and I have gained 2 of the 2 and a half lb
l lost last week but I was expecting that as it has happened after a holiday before but now dead on my target so I have the wiggle room of 3lb up our 3 lb below nice position to be in. I also won the raffle this week which was the ingredients of a dessert mixed berry Eaton mess so made it this evening and it was delicious and we have some left for tomorrow. No I don’t mind turning into a toad if the spell of anti achy bones works either.
Aidan yes the insurance on things is worth it definitely hopefully Thursday may be better we will see I enjoy it so it dosen’t Matter . The dinner was scrumptious.
Toni sorry Sorry Lucy has throat problems.
Barbara I have lunch with mr t then go to the Ms group it doesn’t start till 2 pm and we usually have lunch around midday so I plenty of time to do both. I do love the speedway I used to go every week to Wimbledon but we have no stadiums in
London anymore so now cannot get to live meetings all too far away so I watch it on telly.
Love and sparkles to all t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006Stay positive always👍xx0 -
Evening all late on today . Bro came this morning took me for a walk (knee and hip are cross with the weather) Then Tia came over and we spent the afternoon wedding planning!! Great fun! We have 6 venues to go and look at. Plan is Tia and I will go first (suss costs and atmosphere) then she can go with her fiancé and finalise choice. Wedding fayre at the Mollineaux (sp) stadium on Sunday so we’ll be going there too!
Barbara it is TOOOOO hot! My A/C has got the bedroom down to 21 so far, but no lower. My bones don’t like heat either although less of a problem abroad oddly :?
Oh yes I am one of the trustees now coerced by Pom!! Still I can help the village more now too.
How sweet the girls making you a pie and cleaning up for you! I bet you’ll miss them
Aidan it is trop chaud trop trop chaud!! The breakfast was perfect and set me up for my busy (hot) day
Aircon doing it’s best in the bedroom we’ll survive in her till then just! At 21 now, but do not think it will get lower today.
Sleek and Tosca have been out early doors but too warm after that. She is doing obs on Lucy (a cold I hope but Drs apt booked for Friday am just incase. She is still doing obs on B Snr too of course!
They forgot to sleepy spell me I heard the shrieking and laughing!! Bless them it was good to hear Sleek laughing she still misses Pepe very much. You too I expect so ((())) t4591 t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 t115006
I hope power at least allows you to keep aircon on.
Kath I have faceplanted 3 times into that cantaloupe melon – so perfect for this super-hot weather
Of course the cloak can do as many apts as needed in one day never fear we are ready How lovely that your poetry teacher loves you work as much as we do! Go you!!!!
Carol of all the people to have IPAD problems Mr T is not the ideal person is he? Glad all is well for now.
You do well to have plenty of speed foods like you do.That’s why you stay on target. Enjoy that Eton Mess!! I think we need some here for the face-plant booth!! I hope you can get the asthma and hay fever under control ((()))
So you had some visitors at the open day at least my fingers are crossed that you will sell a few cards at the MS group.
Lucy may be brewing a cold not nice when it’s this hot.
Joan we are lucky to have a long hose at the Church, but it’s still hard work. We’ll be with you for your apt on Thursday too never fear!
Love to everyone
Toni xxx0 -
Right, I think I am just about cool enough, to write a little. Goodness it has been a total scorcher.
Not the best day to have a power cut, mid afternoon, no AC, temp went up to nearly 30 again.
Hi Joan, I hope you, Sue and the doggies are ok and keeping as cool as you can. I know you like it warm, but this is another level of heat :shock:
Thank you, Dad is doing ok again, pottering about, he wasn't going to do much with it being so hot. We said to drink plenty, which he was doing.
We will be with you for your appointment too Joan, as you know, the cloak and all of us in it, can be in as many places as needed, with a little bit of magic. t115006
I made rather a mess in the booth, I forgot to press the auto wash and dry button, after I had face planted into as many melons and ice creams as possible. Ooops, sorry Kath, but hey, never mind, it was fun. I think Toni is wanting some Eton Mess, for the face plant booth, I know you will find a lovely one for us
Perfect day for eating mini magnums on your benches. It is nice to hear the sparrows, we have a lot now, chattering in the bushes, they do love a natter.
Their numbers were depleting rapidly, but of recent years, there has certainly been an increase.
We have some lovely Dunnocks too, that sit on top of our hawthorn hedges and sing VERY loudly.
Mmmm, folk music, no, cannot help you there, but I bet Google can. Way to go Kath, with your poems, would be great if it could be set to a tune. t4591
Yes, all appointments are booked into the cloak, Toni has set it on to automatic, so it will collect us all, at the right time and be in two places at once. I think she has sorted the AC, so it will be nice and cool in there.
No, don't mention the weather Barbara, I am totally with you, it has been a little draining, to say the very least. There have been some bad fires on Saddleworth Moor over the past day or so.
Yes, two hours, no electric, no AC, so we just melted, as you do. It came on in time for a cuppa, before a siesta that was not enjoyable. I felt like I was being poached in my bed :shock:
We did nip round to Dads, to have a coffee and check that he was ok, then I watered our garden, which took a while and I was boiled by the time I came in.
Funny, it was quiet on Monday, car parks were very empty at the supermarket.
So all is quiet again at home, glad to hear your GD and GF arrived back home safely. You will nave to put your feet up for a day, ready for Niamh to whisk you into play time
Kind of them to clean upstairs and make a pie for the freezer. We were going to do some cheesy chips, but there was no way the oven was going on. :shock: :shock:
Hi Carol, sorry you are suffering with hay fever, the pollen levels are very high at the moment, with all the heat and very little wind to clear things away.
It is not good weather for hay fever sufferers, or people with COPD, or heart conditions. ( I fall into two of those :? :? ).
Dad does just the same, gets up before the Larks, then falls to sleep in his armchair
So it was the laptop that was not behaving, even worse, if they had kept that, so glad they fixed it for him.
Way to go, wiggle room is good at SW, a big ice cream will be more than fine, in this weather. Then you won the raffle and had everything to make an Eton Mess, they are wonderful............mmmm
I bet you miss going to the speedways, noisy dusty and great fun too. At least you keep clean and dust free, watching it at home.
A nice walk with your Bro, Toni (with knee and hip objecting to the heatwave). Then wedding planning and looking at venues, all super exciting. A wedding fayre too t115006 t115006
A Trustee on the board of the village committee, you can indeed, do more for the village, which is good.
Trop chaud - unne vague de chaleur and then some. We are down to 23 degrees, in the lounge and drifting down the hall to the bedrooms. I doubt it will take it any lower, maybe 22, then it will shut off at that.
Tosca said she was out just at day break, with Miss Sleek. She rode pillion, in her comfy seat and enjoyed the cooler morning air. Then, it was take cover, as the heat ramp'd up.
It is lovely that Tosca can go out with Miss Sleek. I know she will miss Pepe very much, we do too. I still cannot believe he has gone from our sight, but not from our hearts. He is about though, I can tell.
Thank you, more hugs. The same to you and to Lucy, I hope it is nothing that will need AB's, wise to get a check up at the Drs though, with the week end coming.
I have seen the observations chart and all seems well, very meticulously carried out I must say. Well done Slimkins. Matron is very impressed.
It is hard work watering, I felt I had to do ours, I didn't want our neighbour to have to do ours again. We were very grateful though, as it gave us more time to keep an eye on Dad. Everything has had a good drenching, which will last at least 1 day. :roll:
We will pop into the T room today, as we need to pick a prescription from the Drs, it would be rude not to cross the road and drink coffee and eat cakeWon't be out too long, want to get back and keep the house cool.
Well, I need to potter. The bones and joints are ouching muchly.
Hi to everyone else, in out and around about. Take lots of care in this hot weather.
Love hugs and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 t115006 XXX Aidan
Lemon and Ricotta Blueberry WafflesXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Mmmm….lovely waffles thanks Aidan! I am the same I will leave the house for essentials in this weather, but it must be in the morning so I can spend the whole afternoon early evening trying to cool it down :roll:
I'm sure you must miss Pepe so much, I bet you 'see' him out of the corner of your eye? We miss hearing about him on here too ((())) t4591 t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 t115006 but as you say never gone completely while we all remember him.
The good thing is it has brought Tosca out of her shell a bitThey had another early morning jaunt she was telling Sleek al about the Saddleworth fires - not the nice kind you have at home - No!! Scary ones!!! They were sensible and didn't go to have a look. To be fair if Pepe had been here they probably would have done
You will be so impressed!! I finally got round to putting the mesh in the window gap for our A/C and got the temp down to 20!!! A much better night was had by us and also no midges, flies or moths got inA heatwave indeed!
I was most awed by Paul's new van which he collected yesterday. Looking good. Sleek has checked it over as Mrs Darcey will be travelling down in it when they arrive (still on for 14th). Apparently it will do :shock:
I did not have the energy to water the garden yesterday so will have to do a good job today. It was a tiring day. Good on you managing yours though m0150
Lucy hopefully only had a cold, but may well keep the Drs apt for Friday as you said it being a weekend.
Sleek is preening over your praise for her obs chartsShe wanted to ask matron whether she needs to stop doing Dad's now?
Not sure whether they have purrfected the bone-ache spell yet.....
Love to everyone
a Woo-ooo! to Joan
Toni xxx0 -
Hello Kathleen Aidan Barbara Carol Toni.
Kathleen I hope both your app go well.
Aidan I think they said rain for Sunday. Sue loves the heat.((((()))))
Barbara how old is Niamh now. sorry it's too warm (((()))
Carol you will soon lose that have a good day.
Toni sorry Lucy has a cold I hope it soon clears up.
take care all
Joan xx. hello Toni have a good daytake care
joan xx0 -
Morning all..
If I get things wrong blame the weather my head is baked.. :oops: :oops:
Aiden its not good is it..I saw the fires on Saddleworth on the TV ..our son drove through yesterday and said it was impacting on the motorway at one you poached in your bed..oh bless ..I am glad when morning comes and I can get out of it..yes all is quiet till it today at the Tea rooms..glad that dad is doing ok..hope it continues..Pepe really is missed but like you say he is never far away... t4591 and thankyou for breakfast the waffles were lovely ..think I had 3...
Toni dont you go taking more work on..even though you are now a trustee..I think you do your share and more..I do hope that Lucy's cold doesn't you say in this weather its not nice at the wedding planning is under way..
ooh I do love a enjoy the wedding fair
Carol I always get things glad you got to have lunch with Mr T..I hope your chest doesn't get any worse..keep your inhalers with really have done well with SW keeping within the target weight..not easy...
Joan yes I am to hot.. :shock: but never mind its normally short lived in this country...I will be there Thursday...then we can all go to the tea rooms ...xx
Right thats all I can to everyone keep cool... t4591 t4591
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