Val's Cafe



  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all another nice sunny one..
    Aiden OH has taken DIL in this morning..they recon she will be home tonight..this always shocks me that they don't let them spend a night just to keep an eye on them.. :shock: bed thing I know.. :roll: now the lady and gentleman that have just got married in there 90s..the lady is the last renaming member of the cast of Brief Encounter...wonderful film...
    So mum used to make bread..I just wosh I had found this maching years ago my hands might be in better shape..yes look good naked.. :lol: you do make me laugh it would be the same here..poor fella would faint.. :lol: thankyou for the pear cake.. :) hope podiatry goes ok..
    Toni blueberry gin..I am sure it will be good..just leave it in the little cupboard near the fridge.. :D I was forgetting kari is also and artist..I remember seeing a pic of, I think you and her when young... :) I do like Gok ..and used to love his program..proper women they were.. :)
    Joan I am not surprised at some shops having Christmas things in..its gets earlier every year..must say I start looking in the sale or used to when the children were its Niamh..not a clue for her..she says a fish tank.. :lol:
    Hopefully Carol had a good nights sleep after the traveling.. :)
    right better make a move
    Love to everyone.. t4591 t115006 t4591
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I heard something on the news today I thought you would find interesting, but I've forgotten what it was. :o Where is my brain? Has Miss Sleek hidden it in her ickle house? I hope it does her more good than it does me. :roll:

    I remember Z-cars and Brief Encounter. I wonder who the lady from it was that got married?

    Now this might shock you, so have a sit down with a nice cuppa T and slice of cake (Worzel Gummidge has nothing on me) :lol: anyway, I actually like 8 legged peeples. There, I've said it. m0150

    Joan, I like all Magnums. Milk chocolate, dark chocolate, white chocolate, nutty ones too. But the Magnums we have are Co-op ones, so not too many flavours. :D

    Aidan befoe RA I used to enjoy baking, especially bread. My baking day was a Tuesday and I'd start with pies, pastries and biscuits, then different cakes, and finally bread. I had one of those huge child fire guards which I would stand the bread on top of to prove before baking. I was quite the little homemaker - what with baking, knitting and sewing. Before RA that is. :?

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all. Pleasant day, broken sunshine, gentle breeze :)

    Window cleaner just been, so we are very smart again.

    I do remember Z cars Toni, it went on until 1978 and started a year after I was born, 1962. They filmed one episode in Gotham, where Dad was the Rector, it was a huge event, I think most of the village went to nosy.

    Podiatry was for myself. After my hip / thigh, suddenly went extra ouch last night, I was hobbling more than usual.
    Was not wanting to sit in any cafe, just feet doing, B took dad to Sainsb while I was being attended to and then it was home again.

    I am assuming it is from my back, just another glitch along the way. Never mind, I am pottering regularly, in a wobbly kind of way :roll: :roll:

    The gin's sound very nice, I could just have a taste, to see. It is years and years since I had a drink.

    Mother was awake this morning, for her pillion ride over Pendle. The mists were just vanishing, with it being a clear day, Sleek had to be very quick to catch what there was. Mother was a little :mrgreen: at one point, but soon recovered. :roll: :lol:

    Mother said it was nice to teach Tom thumb, some junior magic and some theory of broom handling. He was very intent bless him. Mrs Darcey was supporting Mother in her wise words.

    Hi Joan and Sue I will have to go into Costa at some point, just to be nosy and see this printing onto the coffee.
    Christmas, yes, there are things appearing already, after all, it is the beginning of September :roll: :roll: almost time for panic to set in :lol::lol:
    Drives me mad, bah humbug.
    So you are a Magnum fan too, they are yummy. Sainsb do their own similar brand, not quite as much chocolate, but still very good.

    Oh good job we are all in two places at one time, with DIL going in for her op today. At least we were under the cloak. In and out on the same day :shock: :? Really

    I would have said a minimum of 24 hours post op, to make sure there are not problems. When I was nursing it would have been a 5 day admission, but, beds are like hens teeth now, sad, but true.

    I truly hope she is able to move on, once things have healed. t115006 t115006 t69044 She will feel pretty groggy for a day or so, lots of fresh air and fluids

    How wonderful that the lady who married is the last remaining actress from Brief Encounter, an amazing film, a true classic. I was definitely not even a twinkle in 1945 :lol::lol:
    Do you remember Victoria Wood and Celia Imrie doing a spoof on it, brilliant it was. With Michael Parkinson as the station master.

    No, making me look god naked would be beyond the realms of even Gok's skills. There would have to be a lot of large feathered fans to cover all the wobbly bits :shock: :shock: :lol::lol:

    So Niamh wants a fish tank for Christmas. You can get the toy ones with the lifelike tropical fish in, that swim about.

    I have had a look on the Crystal Ball Kath, no sign of a missing brain, not in Sleeks ickle house........... :wink::lol::lol:

    I am very glad I am sat down, to find out you like 8 legged peeples :shock: :shock:
    Well, we can always send some, Toni and Barbara will send some over too.
    I am such a ninny when it comes to spid--s, everything up in the air :roll: :roll: :lol::lol:

    Liking all Magnum's is far nicer :) I can totally go along with that.

    You were a domestic Goddess for sure, just like Mum was, washing day was Monday, then baking day, then a bread making day.

    The Swedish Tea Ring looks wonderful, perfect with an afternoon cuppa. Thank you kindly. I might have a little clotted cream, Toni always leaves some in the fridge.

    Just in case there are ouches lurking, some extra ((())) and sparkles t115006 t115006 I am guessing the possums are with you, I cannot see them in the Sanctuary.

    They might be with Carol, after her time away, a rest will be needed. After all the cuddles and kisses from GGD's t4591

    Back from more pottering. Just thrown some vit c drink over B :shock: :roll: :roll: leg gave out and he got swilled, only his arm and not all over the computers. :roll: :roll:
    Best if I don't touch anything else today :? :?

    Hi to Kerrin, Elizabeth, Mig, Today, DD, SW and all.

    I will have another catch up later. In the meantime, love and sparkles to all, t4591 t115006 XXX Aidan

    Oh, just for fun, there are some chocolate blancmanges in the booth, help yourself :) They are Veggie.

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all

    I seem to have faffed about and pottered around, sitting for long is never an option.

    Now it is Thursday morning, just. :roll: I hope everyone is as ok as possible. t4591

    Mother and Sleek went to see the Nymphs during siesta time, they were discussing the ever frozen ice crystals and what they can do with them. It remains a mystery to us peeples :? :?

    Have you decided on the perfect place for Pom's lovely picture Toni? It would make lovely notelets / cards too :)

    Garage all sorted :? :roll: or not, as the case may be :lol:

    I meant to ask if your wisteria, or Pom's, had flowers on this year. Our newbie one, has had another little flourish, only small ones, but the bees love them.

    Lucy was back at school Wednesday, if I remember correctly, hope all was well :)

    Hi Barbara How is your DIL? How did the surgery go? We were under the cloak, sending out our love and prayers t4591 t115006

    Maybe they kept her in, to make sure all was ok, post op.

    Carol, I hope you are ok, rested after your days away. Coming home to a nice new look in the kitchen too :)

    Kerrin will be back at school, but more time in class, which will feel strange, rather than being out and about with the children. Hope the ouchies are minimal.

    I see there has been booth activity, lots of water about, from wash and rinse. The number of Blancmanges has gone down considerably. Toni----Kath--- :lol::lol: Me :shock: :lol:

    At home day today, rest a bit, potter a bit, need to keep moving, or I will seize up.

    Will catch up again later. In the meantime, everyone take lots of care. Love and Sparkles to all. t4591 t115006


    Can we have Fruit Tart and Coffee for breakfast, yeah, course we can

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Barbara Kathleen Aidan.
    Barbara I hope you have a good day today.
    Kathleen yes I used to make bread puddings and jam rely poly spotted Dick.
    Aidan I read yesterday about a teenager who lost a video game so he sawed his head off with a chain saw in front of his mother.
    they should be banned.
    have a good day everyone
    take care
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all

    I am fine I did a post last night then while trying to get a couple of photos of the little peeples on here for all to see and silly me managed to delete my post :roll: :roll: :x :x I am busy this morning but will pop in later to update you.

    love and sparkles till later
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Well I had great fun in the booth with a chocolate blancmange. Thank you Aidan. t69044 Talking of booths, I remembered what I wanted to tell you yesterday. It wasn't on the news, it was Heidi Booth's daily do on the radio. She was wandering round Derby inviting peeples to try Broccolata. It's a new healthy coffee from Australia. Now Aidan, don't get excited, you wouldn't enjoy it. I don't know if I spelled it right, but it's coffee with ground broccoli in it. :shock:

    Joan, that's awful. poor mum. She will never get over that. :?

    I've been shopping at George online. New joggers for both of us and slippers for Chris. It's arriving on Saturday,as we won't be going out. They've forecast heavy rain. I was hoping to go out to get watch batteries fitted in 2 of my old watches. Never mind, I can do it another week.

    Enjoy the vegan spinach, sweet potato lentil dhal.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all, a nice fresh, bright day, supposed to be dry, but we have had two spells of rain :? :?

    Hi Joan and Sue, oh that is horrific, how can anyone do that, or get over such a thing. :o:o t115006 I don't like chain saws AT ALL. The tree surgeons use them around the woods here, makes my skin creep and they know what they are doing. Being able to buy them to use willy nilly at home, is frightening.

    If you are making a jam rolly poly then we will all be there to see you, might need a bread pudding too :)

    Oh no Carol, as long as you are ok. Big ooops on deleting the post, we won't say any more and pretend it never happened :? :?

    Look forward to seeing the pictures and a synopsis of your writings :)

    I thought you had been in the booth Kath, I am guessing Toni will have been in there too.

    Now then, this coffee broccolata, with broccoli you say :mrgreen: I might have to pass on that one. They must freeze dry the broccoli and then grind it with the coffee beans, eeewww. I would be poorly t2507 :lol::lol:

    We are going to get some new lounge wear, or whatever they call it, lightweight joggers and I def need some new slippers. I destroy them within weeks, B says I claw my toes up and take all the insides out :shock: :shock:

    Hope your purchases arrive safe and sound, they are usually very quick and good with their deliveries.

    Thank you kindly for the lovely Veggie dish, sweet potato lentil and spinach, mmmm.

    I hope any ouches are limited, that's all we can do really, keep them at bay as best we can.

    Hi Barbara, how is your DIL doing, been thinking about her and hoping things are ok. t115006 t69044 She will be sore for a while and pretty much out of action until things heal. Niamh will be coming over to see you I am sure. Keeping you on your toes. :shock: Don't forget it is choir practice tonight.......

    Hi Toni, how are things in the building / landscaping world? Sleek said that her new annexe, built especially for her, will be very nice, she is looking forward to showing Mother, Mrs D and Tom Thumb. :lol:
    Sleek was over and they went out for mist gathering, Mother was non plussed as she forgot to wear her wet weather gear and it rained on Pendle and there was no mist anyway :shock: :shock: :roll: :roll: They did get some purple heather, that grows up there, for the nymphs, they needed it for dying some cloth.
    Sleek had her travel hair dryer with her, so gave Mother a blow dry when they got back :shock: :lol: I wondered what all the racket was at 0800 :roll: :?

    I reminded Barbara about choir, depending how her DIL is of course. If needed, I will step in and use the voice changing microphone :D:D Just send the cloak if you need me and it will get me out of my siesta.

    A steady day here, just pottering and fussing, immaculised the fridge and what I can reach, in the bathrooms, plus a couple of areas I should not really try to get to. :roll: :roll: I know, we all do it.

    Hi to everyone else, in and about. Let me go find something sweet, to add to Kath's lovely dhal.

    Love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 will catch up again later.
    XXX Aidan

    some little treats

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Just a quickie to tell you l am ok.
    Sorry had a mad day will fill you in tomorrow....l hope!
    Hope everyone is ok.
    Off to choir practise now xx
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening All

    hopefully tonight I will manage to post without deleting :lol::lol:
    It has been a hectic few days. met my gorgeous adorable Rubie-Leigh for the first time on Sunday evening when my GD and her partner and the little peeples and my youngest GD joint me for a meal.
    here is a picture of myself and Rubie she is tiny. with great nanny.jpg?dl=0

    On Monday after traveling to Ramsgate to meet my daughter in the morning to see her new house we returned to margate to meet up with eldest GD and the GGDS at Dreamland so that Lillie and her cousins could have fun on the roller skating rink there this was unfortunatley cut short as my Grand daughter who was on the rink with Lillie had a fall and has managed to break her arm.

    a couple of pictures of GGDs at the Skating rink 2018.jpg?dl=0 2018.jpg?dl=0

    Then on Tuesday I met up with eldest GD with the 2 youngest GGDS (Lillie had to go back to school that day). along with my GS, his GF and her 2 little ones for coffee in the Costas in the big shopping centre in Broadstairs. after GS and GF left us myself GD and GGDs met my sister and had a meal in a toby carvery. then it was time to return to Margate so that my GD could Pick up Lillie From School and for me to catch my coach back home.

    No wonder I was absolutely shattered when I got home. when I read that back I can see why. But after a good nights sleep on Tuesday I was ok just a bit tired.

    Today I had the delights of my last Mammogram. :roll: unless they raise the age.

    hope everyone is as well as can be
    well must have a little potter or i will set to chair shaped. think i will go and see the bushbabies for a little cuddle.

    Love and Sparkles to all t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all

    Glad to hear you are ok Toni, having a busy busy day, a mad day even :shock:
    Hopefully today will be less hectic - steady away now.

    I heard the singing, c065.gif while Sleek was talking to Tosca on the text phone, as Sleek natters, it comes up in cathand, for Mother to read (with her hearing not being so good).

    It might be a bit chilly for a morning flight, the skies are as clear as a bell, stars in abundance t115006 no mists in sight. Maybe they will go out later in the morning while we are out. At the moment Mother is :animal_busy: on her satin cushion :roll: :roll:

    Hi Carol No deleting of posts, phew, that's a relief, or the tablet would go through the window :lol::lol: :? :?

    Bless, you had a lovely meeting, at the meal, with your little peeples and Rubie Leigh, who is a very little person. Lovely picture of you both.

    Then it was off to the kiddies play zone, Dreamland (love the name), with more family, oh dear, a fall and a broken arm for your GD, ((())) hope it mends quickly.

    Then you were everywhere on Tuesday, I will have to re read, Broadstairs, Margate, Costa, Carvery, then catching the bus home.

    I am tired thinking about your adventures :shock: No wonder you slept well on Tuesday night.

    I hope all is well with the mammogram. t115006 There is a trial going on testing women of 47 and upwards, with one more test over the age of 70.
    Of course you can request another screening, with your GP if you wish to. Oh I sound all nursey again :lol::lol: :roll:

    Is it lunch with Mr T and then coffee / knitting, with your friend today? Enjoy

    Hoping you and yours are ok Barbara, sending ((())) t4591

    Hi to all, in and about, Kerrin, Christine, Mig, DD, SW, Toady, Elizabeth et al

    Quiet evening here, watching the tennis from the Big Apple. It is cool out, positively chilly.

    Off to the GC today, not been out for coffee since Sunday, that will never do.
    Big shop, Mother Hubbard's cupboards are bare.

    Best be pottering. Love and Sparkles to all t4591 t115006 XXX Aidan

    Greek Yoghurt and Fruit bites

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    Healthy but rather yum breakfast Aidan thank you :) Only one problem....I spotted some chocolate blancmanges in the fridge :shock: tap, tap, tap TAP,TAP,TAP TAPTAPTAPTAPTAP! SPLATTTT!!!!!!

    Booth on a jet wash :oops:

    Sleek took Mother out this morning....tucked up in a cosy blanket on her (warmed up) gel cushion inside the (heated) trailer-tent-thingy! Tosca supervised from inside there through the window :roll: :animal_busy: No need to blow dry Mother's hair today you'll be glad to know. Not so much as a paw or even a claw emerged from her tent. :lol:

    Sleek has bought herself a Barbour coat in green to wear on chilly mornings Fur lined mittens and boots completed the ensemble. Have they been watching vintage Gok??

    The heather is for a reason. I shall say no more but think weddings....shh!

    Enjoy the GC today I feel like doing something like that myself. hmmm...

    No news on the outbuildings yet....Paul has to sort out his bit first and that is holding us up ::)

    Sleek was sleeping on the area (like an enormous cat litter!!) and another cat was there too...I was peeping out of the window when I saw....the other cat menace her :x

    Out I go hissing and spitting :shock: Lucy bringing up the rear doing the same. Took some time for us to get poor Sleek's tail back to normal size :? :(

    Charley's pusskin isn't right ATM going to vet first thing I will let you know as soon as I know.

    Z cars was filmed in your Dad's village once?! wow!! Why don't I remember Z cars then? :? I remember the 'line' though :? I bet I'd recognise the them tune too...

    Carol!! Oh no!!!!!!! Lillie! :shock: Bless her little heart! Is she ok? I bet everyone is making a fuss of her t4591

    Now I got confused just reading all you did, who you saw and where you went!! You and Mr T have left so many children Gchildren and now GGChildren :D I bet you have all their birthdays and ages imbedded in your heart too t4591

    The bush-babies were expecting you after your adventures.

    Fingers crossed for the mammogram results((()))

    Kath I am also a bit dubious about broccolata :? :?

    Decaf coffee is my limit I think :mrgreen:

    The staorm will keep us all in for sure :( You still have no batteries in your watches then? :roll:

    Loved the vegan dahl! Took some over to Kari :) We had it with some of my chutney t4591

    Joan and Sue those video games are addictive in some kids. :( I guess he must have been a disturbed boy his poor mum :(

    Is Barbara ok? She didn't make it to choir last night :? I hope al is well ((()))

    Hoping for a more restful day today!

    Love to everyone

    Toni xxx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning everyone
    I hope everyone is feeling ok
    Joan sends her love.
    Shes dog walking and will speak to you tomorrow
    LOTS of love
    take care
    joan xx
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all

    Nice bright sunny morning here at the moment looks a bit windy though.

    Aidan Yes it will be Lunch out with Mr T but I my friend id still away so I will not be meeting her today. yes I did read about the new trials on the mammogram and I don't mind you sounding all nursey at all :lol::lol: .

    I must admit it was and exhausting couple of days but I enjoyed it and I have not really had any severe payback either. but I did have some magic square with me which silver left me the night before.
    Thank you for the hugs hopefully GDS arm will mend quickly she is in a lot of pain at the moment and feeling upset because she is having problems picking the baby up without pain. I have sent a few sparkles and magic squares to her :) Sorry your hip is playing up hope that gets better soon sending ((())) and t115006 have also sent a few bushbabies to soothe the ouchies. oops think I may have eaten most of the Greek yoghurt and fruit bites so yummy I couldn't stop. :shock: :oops: enjoy your trip to the GC today

    Toni It was my GD not Lillie who broke her arm :lol: although Lillie was with her mummy at the time and was very upset her mummy fell but she is soon got over it. and bless her is being a big help to her mummy so I am told.
    I'm not surprised you got confused, I get confused all the time but as I say I'm entitled to as a Mum of 2, Nan to 3 and a great nanny to 3. I do remember all the ages and birthdays though. :lol::lol:
    Poor Charley's pusskin it horrible when they are not right and worrying too.

    Good morning Sue hope you and Joan are well

    must potter now as it will soon be time to go out
    Love and Sparkles to all t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Just a quick visit to leave a few warm toffee Macadamia nut cakes. :D Watch your teeth.

    Morning Sue, good to see you. t4591

    Carol, I'm giving up on mammograms and bowel screening. It's too stressful when they query things. :shock:

    So, no takers for the Broccalata! Can't say I'm surprised. :lol:

    Today I'm wearing my one watch with a battery. And looking at a pair of Sketchers I fancy on Amazon. They are my colour - pink.

    t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all
    Now I posted yesterday afternoon...and even had one of Aidans tarts and blancmange...I think I must have posted at the same time has Aidan..and he got there first.. :) I did say Aidan my legs gives way because of my you are probably right..they sent DIL home just after 6 in the evening..and in a lot of pain but they gave her painkillers..and in the night she was very sick..I suppose its an empty tummy and then meds on top of it..anyhow she is comfortable has you would say..I think the sling has to be on for 6 weeks..and I was just a twinkle in my mums eye in 1945.. :lol: hope your legs has been behaving today.. t115006 its so scary..I have just watched the Royal and the name of the hospital is St Aidans :lol: thankyou for all the sweet treats you never let us down.. :D
    Joan the man shaving his head with a chainsaw.. :shock: maybe he was on drugs has well has the games..hope you and Sue are doing ok..
    Carol what lovely pics.. the one of you holding Rubie..she looks so cuddlesum..dont you just forget how small they are..oh know your poor GD breaking her rotten and so painful..I hope it will set ok and she gets proper treatment unlike our DIL..and glad you don't have much payback.. :)
    Toni I forgot about choir again not good is it...but I have been practicing..poor Charleys cat I hope she will be ok its such a worry
    Kath coffee with ground broccoli..I don't think so..but thankyou for the sweet potato dhal.I had it for lunch..
    Batter move and get the blood flowing
    Love to everyone
    t4591 t115006 t4591
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all, a nice day, breezy, sunny spells, pleasant :)

    Hi there Toni
    The breakfast bites are more than yummy and have mystical powers that make you eat more :shock: :lol::lol:
    Ah, good, you found the Blancmange, booth is spotless too.

    Mother was happier this morning, more chirrups than shrieks. She said she had been out in her special flying cocoon. Able to observe, without the worry of rain drops or sneaky breezes.

    Sleek was very proficient with towing Mother behind her. The heather is lovely at this time of year, most plentiful and is THE most perfect colour for events of the marital kind. :D:D

    Sleek looks fabulous in ther Barbour attire. I think they have been watching Gok and tonight it is SYTTDress Las Vegas. David tweeted me yesterday and said Friday, it's nearly there. How cool is that Lucy :)

    Miss Sleek said there had been an intruder, from the dark side :shock: :? that caused her tail to be like Basil Brush. They do take some settling down, bless her. Mummy and Lucy spitting and hissing, she was most impressed.

    Silver will sprnkle some sorting out magic on Paul, watch this space eh t115006 t115006

    Sorry to hear about Charley's puskin, I do hope they can help, terrible when they are poorly, sending many hugs ((()))) :cry:

    You would remember Z cars, have a nosy on YouTube, there will be endless episodes on there :)

    The GC was replaced by the T room, seeing as we had to pop in the surgery for B's prescription, plus Dad had forgot a bloods appointment (which we knew nothing about), so he had that done while we went to the T room to wait.
    Coffee, Tea, lovely scone with cream and jam, B had his toasted T cake and most of my cream and Dad had a slice of home made custard tart.

    Dad's neighbour, who bought a second hand buggy, is taking Dad, to the same place, so he can look at getting one, on Monday. We made it perfectly clear that we are not happy at all, but, we cannot stop him, it is his choice.

    If he gets one, it will sit outside, doing nothing, as the weather turns and it is wet, cold, windy etc. Anyway, we are in Skipton on Monday.
    His Rheumy said, gentle exercise, walking etc, keep mobile, and have some physio. He won't have physio, because they don't know what they are doing apparently :shock: and now he wants a buggy, to sit in and not walk. :roll: :roll:

    Anyway, we will see what transpires.

    Hi Sue, nice to see you. Hope you both have a good day and get all the shopping you need, pop into Nero's perhaps, a cake and a coffee :)

    Hi Carol, it is windy, we are not used to it being blowy. Getting to that time of year..........

    Hope lunch was nice with Mr T and glad you don't mind when I go all Matronly :lol::lol: :roll:

    The magic squares will have helped on your whirlwind visit to family. I would still be spinning around.

    Lots of hugs for GD broken arm to heal quickly. There is never a good time to have an accident and ouchy bones.

    Thank you for the hugs and I see the bush babies are here, looking for jammie dodgers, they will have to make do with sugar free vanilla wafers.

    Don't worry, I have put another tray of the yoghurt and berry breakfast bites out on the side, they are very good.

    We will "do" the GC on Sunday, not been for a week. :shock: :shock:

    Those Macadamia nut cakes, (warmed), look wonderful. I am at the dentist on Monday, so I can have my fillings put back in :lol::lol: :roll: Mmmm, all gooey and sticky, perfect, thank you.

    I don't blame you for giving up on scans etc. :? :? :? t115006

    I think the broccolata will have to be put to one side, far far away :mrgreen::D:D

    Did you say you would be getting all of your watches put right, when the market was on? Glad one of them works, as it should and go on, treat yourself to some Sketchers, shop around though.

    See, you are blaming me for posting at the same time now Barbara :lol::lol::lol::lol: I reckon you were distracted with the blancmange and the tarts :wink::wink::D

    We had better not go out arm in arm, with both of us having legs that give way, I fear we would be in a heap on the floor :shock: :shock: :? :?

    I am glad you DIl was home for the evening, but, as you say, in a lot of pain. The after effects of the anaesthetic can catch up with you later on in the day, hence the sickness. I hope she is feeling a little easier. Sometimes the pain can increase for a few days, with swelling / trauma to the site etc, before it starts to subside. Some magical sparkles for her t115006 t115006 t115006

    My leg did give way just as I was going to take a cup of T into the lounge, for B. I said, you best take it, or you might be wearing it :shock: :lol::lol:

    St Aidan's, what a wonderful name :) It was St Aidan's Day on the 31st August and I forgot all about it. My Dad always used to remind me.

    I did a good stand in for you at choir, so don't worry, I wore a Nun's Habit and had a voice changing microphone, even Toni didn't realise who it was :shock: :lol::lol:

    It was Drs, then Vets, then Tesco's, then Sainsb today, then pay gas and electric up at the office. I seem to be several 100 ££ lighter than when we went out :? :? not to worry eh :shock: I have done the lottery, so a big win maybe.

    Right, I will away, take the washing out of the dryer, fuss and potter a little, rub all the tummy's on the Buddha's, as you do.

    Rain forecast for most of the week end I think.

    Love to everyone, in out and around about. Will catch up again later. t4591 t115006 t4591 XXX Aidan

    Seeing as the booth is so clean, we had best try out the new jet wash facility

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Oooh! A strawberry gateaux of the creamiest variety!! Thank you to the booth!

    Sigh :D

    Tested out the booth again ;)

    David tweeted you?!! Lucy is well-jel!! So am I come to that! We will definitely be going to his when it's her turn :)

    Barbara didn't show for choir but there was a new 'girl' there in a nun's habit - sang like an angel...

    Will Dad get himself a scooter? I very much hope not :? but if he does i'd leave him to it - he can visit his neighbour on it :roll:

    So it was the T room then and B had most of your cream? Still bloods are done and the vets visited as well as prescriptions collected etc etc....

    Kari and didn't get out in the end Mrs D trapped me on the sofa bless her :) She is so fwuffy!

    Talking of which poor Sleek being menaced in her own home :shock: :shock: Tosca got her rolling pin out and was all set to fly over here on her own and sort the intruder out!!

    and she could do it too so Mrs Darcey said. :shock: :shock:

    how is DIL doing? The poor thing. Lucy was sick to after her shoulder op. It is not eating then being drugged up and anaesthetics too :roll:

    Don't worry about choir at least you are practising...there was an odd 'new member' there in your place :? :?

    Charley's pusskin - it's her allergy on her neck this time so back on steroids and anti b's Hopefully she will feel way better very soon. The 'girls are going to see her later with Tommy Thumb :)

    Oh Kath!! Warm macadamia cake t4591 m0150 I loved it!! I added some clotted cream. Even Paul stole some off my plate!!

    Treat yourself to the sketchers I have 3 pairs and LOVE them :)

    I have baked some jammie dodgers with stevia so we can try the bush babies with them?

    we also had a lovely day, but rumour has it rain is on the way :roll:

    I am a bit embarrassed I thought it was Lillie who broke her arm :oops: it was her Mum?! Oh dear, but Lillie is being the best happy helper the little angel :)

    I bet you are tired, but not as confused as me. I knew you'd not forget a single birthday/age :) 8 people added to the world because of you and Mr T! and they said it wouldn't last!!

    Charley's pusskin has allergies, but the vet has given her anti b's and steroids so she should feel better soon thank you :)

    Hi Sue and Joan I hope you aren't due some rain. Not nice walking dogs in rain :roll:

    Love to everyone

    Toni xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Indeed, the most creamy strawberry cake imaginable, just ideal for testing the booths capabilities.

    Glad you enjoyed making a big mess Toni :lol::lol:

    David has tweeted and re tweeted and other people have loved and re tweeted. Now all we have to do is watch the programme :roll: :roll: With the tennis men's semi finals on, we have to watch live on Prime.

    Don't tell Lucy but I am going to ask David for signed photo's, one for Lucy and one for us t4591

    It was quite a trial to get into choir, there was no expectation that a "nun" was coming to sing. "what order do you belong to"? The order of the holy Warthogs :shock: residing in a very remote nunnery on the remote islands of the outer Hebrides. "Warthogs" yes, we breed rare animals and are famed for our fleeces made from the hair of the warthogs...... :? :? ........Finally I was allowed in, on trial. :? :? No one seemed to think of warthogs being an anagram of Hogwarts :)

    I am glad the voice changing microphone worked well and the singing was that of an Angel. :D:lol::lol: The biscuits were very good too. I did say to the choir mistress that I had to go back to the Outer Hebrides, as one of the warthogs was with child.

    So Mrs Darcey trapped you on the sofa, bless her heart. All fluffy, not luggy, like Mother :roll: Hi to Kari :)

    It was nice to see the lovely vet back in practice, the man who came out when Cookie was so ill and had to be put to rest. :cry: We were so sad when he left for another practice, not too far away.

    He was there when I went in for Mothers biscuits and was sorry to hear of Pepe's passing.
    I said it was lovely to see him back :)

    Mother has had a mean ish kind of look, being very cross that her dear friend Sleek, had been menaced. Her wand, can turn into a rolling pin, or a frying pan and yes, she can swing it with great accuracy. Apparently she was head of puskin archery at Hogwarts :shock: :shock:
    I thought it best not to get any lugs out this evening :? :? :lol:

    Sleek came over for Mother, during siesta, to go visit Charley's puskin, along with Tom, they took some treats for her. Glad that she is going to be ok. Many cuddles for her ((())) Mother offered to go and attack the Vet, but Mrs D calmed her down :roll: :roll: :lol::lol: She is in a feisty mood.

    Is it me or it is a tad chilly - I might have to nudge the buttons on the remote thermostat :)

    We are backing off, with regard any scooter buying. What will be will be.
    Dad will be here this morning, for croissants and coffee :)

    How are the inhalers working Toni, I keep meaning to ask?

    Hi Barbara, how is your DIL, sending lots of magic squares, prayers and get well soon wished t115006 t4591
    Will Niamh be coming over to play and talk of fish tanks for Christmas :o :shock:

    Carol you do so well remembering all the birthdays. I have to have friends and family ones written on the Google calendar, which then appears on my phone, with so may reminders it is untrue :lol: :roll:
    I hope your GD is feeling better, what with your GD and Barbara's DIL.........we will need to open the ward again.

    All the macadamia cakes have gone, we soon polished them off, thank you Kath. Can we have some more please, pretty please. :D:D

    Hi to everyone in and about, Kerrin, Christine, DD, Mig, Toady, SW, Elizabeth and all. t4591 t115006 love and sparkles to all XX Aidan

    Time for me to be pottering about. I will go and see all the lovelies in the Sanctuary before sorting out our breakfast.

    Oooh, Croissant Donuts,

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning Aidan :)

    I don't think the choir mistress knows a thing about Hogwarts :roll: She did seem happy enough to have an 'extra' member though who could actually sing :lol:

    I have been watching an adorable squirrel collecting nuts and burying them in our lawn :shock: reminded me to nip down to the sanctuary too and visit everyone :) Johnny was there so I asked him to ask the 8-legged peeples to please ask their cousins to leave us alone!!

    Also I turned up the heating in the meerkat enclosure. I agree it is chilly and the heating is on here ATM too...nudge up that thermostat.

    If you get a signed photo Lucy would be over the MOON!! It would be framed in a French style cream frame to go in her shabby chic suite downstairs :D:D:D I shall say not a word incase it doesn't come off :|

    I think Tosca has been here - well by here I mean in the garden. I have seen no sign at all of any intruder cats in Sleek's territory and there is CCTV (Cat-circuit Television Cameras) all along the perimeter. Not us it's quite low down :?

    Sleek said Mother has calmed down now and that she gave her a hug which she rather thought Mother enjoyed - even though she pretended not to :lol: t4591

    I think you were very wise not to try to get any lugs out yesterday. Gosh no! It was definitely NOT the right time :shock: :shock: :shock:

    So is the lovely vet there to stay? I do hope so! We need vets we trust and who we know care almost as much as we do for our animals don't we? We have a lovely lady vet at our practise. She sees Sleek and Charley's pusskin and will now have Mrs D on her books too :)

    Now m inhaler. It is helping I think quite a bit especially with the coughing up - you know :oops: Thanks for asking.

    You are very wise to back off regarding the scooter I agree. See what happens and keep faces neutral. :roll: :roll:

    Off this morning to the opening of Pom's exhibition. Kari is coming along too and says hi back BTW :)

    Hell-o-o! to Joan. I hope you haven't had to take the dogs out in rain? It's a miserable morning here :(

    Love to everyone

    Toni xxx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Carol Kathleen Barbara Aidan Toni.
    Carol sorry your granddaughter broke her arm 6weeks is a long time when you are young.
    Kathleen hope you have not got any rain yet.
    Barbara sorry you have a bad back arthritis gets everywhere.
    Aidan it's very difficult when you cannot walk far since my last op the surgeon said I would have nerve damage I said yes not realizing what it meant.
    Toni no we have not got any rain yet.
    have a good weekend everyone
    take care
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    More Macadamia nut cakes in the pantry. :D

    Blimey, what a morning. We had an order from Amazon which they split so we had two different orders on different vans. So far so good. Ditto George. And a twin pack of joggers for Chris only contained one pair. :o So we actually had 4 deliveries instead of two. With a missing pair of joggers, and the ones I'd ordered for me were really flimsy. :x So we stayed home anticipating heavy rain (we had none Joan) disappointed with the stuff we'd bought - except the shoes - they were lovely. When we could have gone into town and got some batteries in my watches. :roll: My shoes are Sketchers and Chris had some very light weight ones and a pair of slippers. :animal_busy:

    When you've finished the Macadamia Nut cakes, have a slice or three of Baked Apple and Treacle Roly poly. There's a huge pan of custard on the stove. t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all. A very wet day, it has only just stopped raining in the last few minutes.

    I am glad I wasn't rumbled, at choir practice Toni, tell them Sister Inviolata sends regards, for next week :shock: :lol::lol:

    They are funny, squirrels, at this time of year, we used to like watching them at Mums in Skipton. They would bury them in plant pots, in the lawn, the flower beds :lol::lol: pinch them off the bird feeder and then bury them all.

    I think your visit to the Sanctuary must have overlapped, with me coming face on to a rather BIG spi--r on the wall in my bedroom. Mother was shouting, about 7, it was coming light, so I had a quick scan round, as you do, then hauled myself up and there is was, sat on the wall, looking at me. :shock: :shock: :? :?
    Right, Kath, don't listen, so I misted a little fly spray which got it to move away from the wardrobe side, then I fizzled it with my zapper tennis bat :? :? I know, but, my bedroom, my rules. There are NO lady spide-s in my bedroom, to look for.
    B has just removed one from the house bathroom, we are invaded :shock: :shock:

    I did put the heating on for a while this morning, it was very chilly, very wet and very misty.

    Did Sleek come over? Tosca had slightly damp ears, so I am assuming they were out into the thick mists, with Mother in the side broom, to stay warm and relatively dry.

    Mother has been into Sleeks garden, making sure that there are no strangers lurking, to worry her. She has rubbed her chin on every available vantage point, with special scent, to ward off any incomers.
    She always pretends not to like hugs, but she does really. t115006

    I have asked, about the photo, so will let you know................... t4591

    I hope the vet is there to stay, he was missed so much. The lady vet who cared for Pepe's last visit :cry: was truly exceptional in every way.

    Glad you have a wonderful vet, to look after Sleek and Mrs D and Charley's puskin too.

    Good to hear the inhaler is working and making things easier :D in the "clearing" of lungs.

    Yes, we know nothing more of scooters, we will just wait and see. :roll: :roll:

    Ooo, Pom's exhibition, I bet it will be wonderful. Kari will enjoy it too. Hi Kari - waving here :D:D

    Hi Joan, glad you had no rain, so at least the doggies could go out and play and have walkies.
    It is difficult when you cannot walk far, I think we all get very frustrated with it. t115006
    Damage to nerves is horrid, very strange as well. I often think I have no left foot :shock: :shock:
    Hi to Sue, hope you managed to get all you needed on Friday, while out and about.

    Bless you Kath, I will head off and nab a macadamia nut cake immediately.

    So four deliveries instead of two, which would have been more sensible all round. So the clothes are going back I assume, but the shoes are nice.

    Missed your trip into town to get your new batteries :roll: typical, when you want to go out you have a stream of vans calling.

    Oh the treacle, apple roly poly looks gorgeous and I have never seen such a big pan of custard :shock: :shock: It is industrial sized. I will have to try a small ish, portion. Thanks kindly.

    Barbara will be along soon, so best save some for her.

    Hi to everyone else, to Kerrin, Carol, Christine, Mig, DD, Toady, SW, Elizabeth and all.

    It was pouring with rain this morning so B went to pick dad up, for his coffee and croissants. All of 100 yards, but he would have been soaked.

    Pottering and washing / drying etc. Mother is shrieking, it is getting near to siesta time, so she is a bit "vocal" :shock: :roll:

    Right, I will away, taking a large dish of roly poly and custard. Everyone take care. Love and Sparkles, will call in later t4591 t115006 XXX Aidan
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all..pouring down here ..GD says its lovely in London..
    Joan I think nerve damage is common with ops..I am a lucky one and didn't have any with my hips..was it your ankle op that caused it..
    Kath what a palaver with the parcels..not to bad when they all arrive but with one missing :roll: my OH wears sketchers..and our GD I like the look of the baked apple treacle roly poly... :D with custard I think..
    Toni there was a nun at choir.. :lol: hope he or she didnt show me up Mrs D trapped you on the sofa.. :lol: its hard to disturb them when they get so comfy.. :) so Pom is having an exhibition how lovely you and Kari enjoy and I hope Lucy gets the pic knowing Aiden she will somehow.. :D Dil is much better thankyou.. we have Niamh today..
    Aiden it was you dressed has a num I should have known :lol: has long as you didn't show me up with your singing.. :) dad seems to be on a mission with this you say it his choice.. :roll: we are never to old to learn..maybe he will change his mind..glad to hear the vet is back..nice when you know and trust them.. :) Dil is much better thankyou..and says the shoulder feels much more stable and so it should..after all she has been through :shock: I hope you get the pics of David ...he seemed so nice when he was in the jungle..I am sure he wont mind.. :D Croissant Donuts and strawberry cake what more could we ask for..I have been chilled for a couple of nights now..but not grumbling..honest.. :lol:
    Right will make a cuppa to go with a doughnut or two
    Love to everyone t4591 t115006 t4591
    Aiden I just spotted you before you pinched my post... :lol:
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all

    Exhausted after the Ladies final at the US Open, with Serena being given a game penalty after three warnings and it went on and on and Osaka beat her to win her first Grand Slam. Everyone was bawling, horrible end to the ladies final.

    Anyway, it will be in all the papers, ad infinitum.

    I digress. Hi there Barbara - I think it is raining again now, at nearly midnight.
    So it has been sunshine in London, with your GD, therefore it will be nice for Carol too :)

    We are used to wet weather, up ere in t'north :lol::lol:

    I think the Nun was very good, although it was a one time show so to speak, they had to go back to the Outer Hebrides, to tend to the warthogs babies :shock: :lol::lol::lol:

    It was only the auto tune microphone that helped me, I mean, the Nun, to get through choir practice.

    We need you back in the choir for next week, that Habit, was very itchy and I had terrible trouble getting my double chins, into the Wimple, I think it is called, the white cloth veil.

    Good to hear that your DIL is feeling a bit better, with the bones feeling more stable. As they should. Keep up with PALS and see what they advise.

    I have asked David, just waiting to hear back, it is all top secret, I hope he will, he is a really nice person. The SYTTDress Las Vegas, we really good.

    It is chilly again tonight, I have nudged the thermostat buttons, but the boiler has decided it isn't cool enough yet. I might have to press them some more :)

    We certainly have a veritable feast of cakes and puddings at the moment. That won't stop me finding something nice for breakfast though :lol::lol:

    need a little potter, be right back, you will never know I am missing

    There, that's better.

    I hope everyone else is ok. Carol, how is your GD with her broken arm, bless her, looking after kiddies as well. Extra ((()))
    Has it been open morning at Church on Saturday? Have just seen your post on FB that it would have been your late Mum's 97th Birthday. Lots of (())) t4591

    Hi Toni, how was Pom's art exhibition, I hope it was a great success, we would have been there without fail :)

    Sleek was over at siesta time, hence Mother was rather vocal. The first of Harry Potter's films was on, Mother was a little wistful, talking about the early days of her schooling at Hogwarts. Sleek was very attentive and Tosca taught her a new magic might have something to do with intruder puskins. It is not harmful though. Just a bit startling :shock: :shock:

    I am guessing there will be a trip up to Pendle Hill, the mists are thick and of fine quality, well worth freezing into everlasting ice sparkles. t115006

    B and I are off to the GC, Dad is having a rest, as it is Sunday. Then we are out Monday in Skipton at the Dentist / Hygienist, while Dad goes out with his neighbour, looking at scooters :? :? :roll: We will say no more.

    I have just seen on FB that Christine's Dad has passed away, thoughts and prayers are with her and the family at this sad time. :cry: t4591

    Hi to everyone in and about. Time I was doing some more pootling about. Love and Sparkles to all. Take care XXXX Aidan t4591 t115006

    These looked to tasty to miss

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).