Val's Cafe



  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Aidan Barbara.
    Kathleen witch Magnum do you like the best our friend likes almond. ((()))
    Aidan it's my right foot so we would hobble along good together.
    all the best to your Dad ((()))
    Barbara how is your sister in law. ((()))
    have a good day everyone
    take care all
    Joan xx Sorry Christine about your Dad (((())))
    take care
    joan xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Joan It's my left foot which is still damaged after my back op as well as part of the back on the LT knee and a bit of bum cheek :shock:

    No rain? it rained ALL day here!!

    Barbara Sister Inviolata was only coming to choir as a one-off, so it's back to you now :wink:

    Very glad to hear DIL is feeling as though the shoulder is far more stable now t4591

    I hope Niamh was a good little helper for her Grandies?

    Pom's exhibition was lovely. Some collages I rather think Lucy would like downstairs.....but originals at about £400 :shock: Kari loved it too. It was set in the gallery where a consortium (right word???) of artists sell their wares so she browsed for HOURS!!

    Thanks Aidan I am eating a peach pastry and typing with my mouth full again :oops:

    I hope you and B enjoy the GC and Dad a rest before is scooter trip with his neighbour tomorrow :roll: is the neighbour on commission??

    It rained all day yesterday here Paul dropped Kari and I outside the door of the gallery and for the first time ever I got to properly browse (no Paul chivvying me along!!).

    I should say it was a success for definite! Lots of visitors to the gallery despite the weather.

    Then in the evening we were at the 'soroptimists' quiz also with Pom and two Gkids and her husband. we came last :lol::lol::lol::lol:

    Poor poor Christine :( She loved her Dad so much didn't she? I will need to pop over to Fbook to offer my condolences.

    If you need to tell David what Lucy has been through to get the photos feel free. We have never used any 'cancer perks' for her at all. No free trips to Disneyland or anything like that.

    Sleek was full of it telling me all about Tosca's days at Hogwarts. She was a bit of a cheeky pusskin from what I'm told :wink: She said Tosca got up to all sorts.

    They were out early doors collected a load of mist for freezing then Mother insisted on coming over and 'doing the perimeter' again with her cheeks. Looks like it did the job too. No more sightings :D

    AS for the 8-legged creatures....Johnny is on the case at least as far as bedrooms are concerned. I want him to also put a veto on the inside or bathrooms/loos above doors so you end up TRAPPED!!! :shock: :shock: :shock:


    Imagine opening your eyes to one d025.gif

    Kath I have been to the Sanctuary and the koalas had a visitor...was it YOU??


    Thank you for the 3 baked apple treacle roly polies. Yum! as for the custard! delectable! What was in it I wonder?!

    Sounds like your delivery was really not that successful, but I am very pleased you have your sketchers :) I wouldn't be without mine.

    To think you could have got your watch batteries too :roll:

    I have frozen some macadamia cakes :)

    Love to everyone!

    Toni xxx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I did pop in to see the Koalas Toni, the Bush Babies have fallen out with me since I fessed up about liking 8 legged peeples. :oops: They aren't so touchy. And they don't eat all the jammy dodgers. :lol:

    So sorry to hear about Chritine's father. Hope she will be alright. t4591

    Regarding yesterdays mess up with my parcels. I'm wearing my joggers and they are better than I first thought. I sent for size 7 Sketchers, but wish I'd asked for 7.5 as they are a wee bit tight across the instep. I'm hoping they will stretch. I shouldn't have such huge, broad plates of meat. :o

    Thank you for the pastries Aidan, I'm rather partial, whether sweet or savoury. Hope you enjoy todays supper, Quorn sausages and white bean casoulet.

    Aidan, have you got one of those sp***r catchers? You place one end over the critter and slide the lid over, then tip him/her out the window.


    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all. Some rain today, quite windy. Sun has just decided to pop out for a while.

    Hi Joan and Sue. We would hobble along, like a three legged race :lol:
    We bought two boxes of white Magnums today, they were on half price offer, so too good to miss out on :)

    Dad is ok, we are just waiting to see if he actually buys a scooter tomorrow. He doesn't really need it, he can walk about ok and the Rheumy said, walking and physio, but physio is a no no, he won't go.

    Hi Toni, I bet it was lovely at the exhibition and I am sure Lucy would like some collages - maybe I would not have bought any, a little pricey, but no doubt wonderful.
    Nice to see the works of other artists too, I know you said Kari likes painting. Nice not to be chivied along, by Paul :lol:

    I have been round with the nu nu, there were a few flakes of pastry about :? :? :lol::lol:

    Well we never made it to the GC. A lazy start really, so decided to just go to Booths, get a few bits and a hot cooked chicken, which has done lunch and will do supper, plus Mother has already had two helpings and is now resting :animal_busy:

    We will definitely be in Nero's in Skipton tomorrow, it is the law.

    Not sure if Dads neighbour is on commission :lol::lol: We will wait and see what has gone on, when we ring tomorrow tea time.

    Christine did love and look after her Dad very well. Very sad time for her. t4591 :cry:

    I did mention very briefly, about Lucy, but not in a freebie kind of way. I know you would not do that and neither would I. I know some do and that's fine, if there is that need. I am awaiting a reply............... :D:D

    I can well imagine Mother was a cheeky puskin, as a young pupil at Hogwarts. Minerva has mentioned that she was a little unruly at times and had to be reigned in a time or two :roll: :lol::lol:

    Another perimeter marking I see. Plus whatever spell that Sleek can now cast, that should do the trick. Tosca has an app on her pawphone that alerts her, if there are intruders in Sleeks vicinity.

    There were no 8 legs, in the bedrooms last night. I had to have the en suite light on at siesta time though. I was awake on and off from 0500 this morning, so I kept an eye on the room, scanning round very quickly.
    Bathroom ones are the worst. I can see most of me en suite, in the reflection of the mirror, just the over the door bit and behind the door that is invisible. That is until you get in there and one is sat over the door, looking at you. Eeeeek. :? :? :shock:

    I have woken up to one on my bedside table, a long time ago when I lived in Skipton. I was nearly through the ceiling. :shock: :shock: :lol::lol: :roll:

    There are more of the lovely macadamia nut cakes, Kath must have them on auto bake, for everyday consumption. Bless her heart.

    And there you are Kath, oh dear, you have upset the Bush Babies. Can we not give them sweeteners in the biscuits instead? Mind you, they would know and turn their noses up.
    Plus they are not best pleased that you like spid--s. Ooops. Maybe a little jam tart would appease them.

    I am glad you like the joggers, more than you thought you would. I am sure the shoes will "give" a little. So you have feet like mine, B says they are like Camels feet, they spread out so wide, I can walk on sand and not sink :shock: :shock: :lol::lol::lol: I am terrible at finding shoes that fit and are comfortable.

    I ordered two new cardigans from Premier Man yesterday, on offer at £10 each, cannot go wrong at that price. Unless they don't fit :lol::lol: Will see later in the week when they arrive.

    A Casoulet, how very French, thank you, I will certainly have some and save it for tomorrow.

    Toni will know the casoulet I mean, the white sausage one, in a tin, that you get in France - we tried it once :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen: OMG it was horrific, almost as bad as the tinned sprouts :mrgreen::mrgreen:

    I have seen the spider catchers, but I would be so dithery, the spid-- would have run a mile, before I had chance to catch it. I know they eat flies and keep the place clean, but, when you are phobic about them, it is a bigger problem :roll: :roll: :? :? :oops:

    Right, the washer is nearly done, so I will go and potter, then have a shave, cut myself to ribbons as usual :roll: :roll:

    Hi to Barbara, who will be along soon. hope you had a nice time with Niamh and your DIL continues to improve.

    Hi to Carol Kerrin Christine Mig Toady SW Mig Elizabeth DD and all.

    Will catch up again later. Love and Sparkles to all t4591 t115006 XXX Aidan

    Fruit Milk Jellies, perfect for the Booth

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    evening all..very late Niamh was here earlier then I fell asleep :lol:
    Toni so glad you got to take your time at the exhibition..I do love art but OH would rush me round I think..a couple of years ago I went to a Manchester artist could have spent a week there..I am not surprised Poms painting go for that much she is very good will Kari be exhibiting there in the future..
    Kath glad you are pleased with the joggers..we have found that sketchers can be small..tight really..I need to get one of the spider catchers..we have a giant one lurking somewhere :shock:
    Aiden thankyou for letting us know about Christine dad..bless it so hard to lose out parents.. :cry:
    So you had a lazy day it wont do you any we have to wait and see if dad gets a scooter.. :o ..fingers cross he wont..the spiders are on the rampage here..and the legs on them are huge..even bigger than normal I wonder if its the hot weather we had...thankyou for standing in for me at choir..I might just borrow the voice changer microphone you have .. :lol: ..
    Joan our Dil is more comfortable thankyou..its not long off our appointments..
    lets see what we have to eat..cassoulet off Kath..and pastries and milk jelly off Aiden...that will do nicely thankyou
    now OH has gone to get a curry..I will have a bit of his ..cant eat a full one..Rogan josh... :)
    Just to say how sorry I am Christine..and I am thinking about you..sending many hugs and love..(())xx
    And love to everyone t4591 t115006 t4591
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all

    Yesterday was a very busy day I don't know where it went before I knew it was bedtime.

    Kath this is my last mammogram unless I ask for them because I am now 70. as for bowel cancer one I keep getting sent kits but don't bother with it. Smear test and Mammograms were enough for me and both have stopped now.

    Barbara Rubie is a tiny but she is very cuddly. They all love a cuddle. GD is having difficulty coping with a small baby but she is one determined lady and she finds a way to cope. hopefully I will heal ok as you say. hope your DIL feels better soon.

    Aidan yes lunch was good. it is cooling down at lot now but we haven't got to the stage of the heating coming on yet. Don't worry my brain is still whirling around. Believe it or not this is the 4th time my GD has broke the same wrist once when she was little. and either not longer before or after each of the births of the girls.

    how did the bush babies get on with the sugar free wafers. hope you enjoyed the GC. :lol:

    Toni don't worry about getting GD mixed up with Lillie and yes she is being a little Angel her mum always says she is her angel child :lol: yes but it did last now 48 years some times I wonder how. :roll: :roll: :? hope Charly's pusskins is a bit better now.

    Joan thank you I think GD is just annoyed that she is finding it hard to do things with three GGDs

    Time to otter me thinks

    love and sparkles t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all :D

    Hi there Barbara I see Niamh wore you out and you fell asleep, I don't blame you for having a nice nap, we need naps :)

    That's ok, I saw Christine's post on FB and thought I would let people know, of her sad news. It is hard to loose our parents, I miss mine every day. It would be so nice just to pick up the phone and have a natter. I talk to them anyway. We always ask my Dad to find us a parking space and he has never let us down since 2011 t115006 t115006
    Christine has posted a very good insight into the stages of grief.

    So dad was said he was going out with his neighbour today, but, now it is Wednesday instead. So he is coming to Skipton with us. We told him that there will be a wait at the dentists, as we are seeing the hygienist then the dentist. He won't mind, he will natter the hind legs off a Donkey, to someone, probably our friend on reception. :lol::lol: :roll:

    I was hoping that the super hot and dry weather would have decreased the spid-- population, but it seems not. I will be on another scout round soon, to check all areas, very carefully. It is the legs that get me, big crunchy legs, with pit boots on :shock: :shock: :shock:

    So you have one lurking, oh I would never settle.

    Sister Inviolata was more than happy to stand in for you at choir. Despite an itchy habit and wimple :shock: :shock: :lol::lol: That sounds very wrong but you know what I mean :? :lol::lol::lol:

    I would have to wear Mother Superiors outfit if I had to take your place again, hers is far less scratchy. :lol: By all means you can borrow the microphone, but, your voice is just perfect, everyone at choir says so and Toni will agree 100%

    Rogan Josh, very nice, we have not had a curry in I don't know how long. I used to like a Jalfrezi and B likes the creamy korma's

    Glad you DIL is feeling better and that bones are where they should be, in alignment.

    Hi there Carol So you ran out of hours, don't forget the huge shed is still full of weeks and months, ready for Autumn and Winter. We will have to potter over and gather a few :)

    Glad you enjoyed lunch with Mr T. The heating has come on twice now, during the night and I have nudged it on a bit late in the evening. It is certainly cooling, which I don't mind, far easier to get warm, than to try and keep cool.

    You poor GD, having broken her wrist 4 times now. It will be a weak point for sure. Has it ever been pinned, or plated? I bet Lillie is being good for Mummy and helping her when she can. It will be difficult, but, being a determined person, she is finding a way. I will send some magic squares over t115006 t115006

    The bush babies loved the sugar free wafers. The vanilla cream in them is very sweet, so they think it is sugar and are very happy.

    We didn't get to the GC, we bought a fresh cooked chicken instead and feasted on it, twice :) Then had a white magnum :)

    Hi there Toni All quiet here at the moment Mother :animal_busy: is resting, after marathon shrieking earlier. I think she had been doing spells, with Miss Sleek during siesta time, as she was up and down like a jelly on springs. Her book of spells is under her bed of many fleeces. I saw some flashes and sparks, so goodness knows what they were up to :shock: :shock: :roll:

    They are all white magic spells, so all for the good


    Well, I had better do some pottering, have my spid-- check around. Make sure I have all my pills etc, for our Skipton trip.

    Love to everyone, in and about. Will catch up with you later. Take care, love and sparkles t4591 t115006 t115006 XX Aidan

    Swedish Pancakes for Breakfast

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Toni Barbara Kathleen Aidan Carol
    Toni Lucy has done so well ((()))
    Barbara good luck for your appointment
    Kathleen I hope you have a good day ((()))
    Aidan did you read about Paul McCartney 's wife being reincarnated as a squirrel.
    Carol yes the days go quick.
    take care all love to Christine (((())))
    Joan xxx
    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all..yes you can believe your eyes.. :lol: and its only 9.30..
    Aiden Thankyou for the pancakes.. :D sorry you had an itchy wimple..not nice at all.. :lol: there are creams for it... :lol:
    So dad is going to Skipton with you and B..and the scooter hunting will be weds.. :o is it both you and B at the dentist I have forgotten already :? ..good luck anyway..I don't like the scraping so always give it a miss..I am sure dad helps with the parking..I find it comforting to talk to my mum and dad.. :) like you say they are always there..
    Yes I had a nap yesterday after Niamh had gone home..saying that she is so good these days.. :D and we bought a cooked chicken form Sainsburys yesterday.. and just cooked veg to go with it..

    Joan its my appointment on the 22nd..I think... :? the only way I remember is its our GDs 21st Birthday.. just remind us what date yours is..
    Right better move ..having cheese on toast... :)
    Love to everyone t4591 t115006 t4591
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I felt rather sad earlier as I thought I'd found a deceased spidie man/lady. But as I tried to scoop the little body with 8 legs up, it moved. :o I thought how that would have scared most of you, so was glad it was my visitor and happy he/she was still alive.

    No food today (sorry) but I thought you might like to see a photo from 1964 of me, my sister and two litte girls who lived next door, Gail and Sheila. It's odd to think I was the tallest then, now I'm the diddiest. My sister is the tot on the end with Gail next to her and Sheila at the other end. I would be about 14, Anita 7 Gail 12 and Sheila also about 7. See the drainpipe behind us? I climbed up it several times. Then it slowly collapsed while I dangled from the top. Tomboy moi. :lol: Happy days.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    What a day.....
    Into Brum got Lucy's bridesmaids dress.
    Then back home
    Over yo pharmacy to collect inhaler and drop off repeats.
    Cooked our dinner/Yes
    Then off to the 'friends of...' meeting
    Finally home now!

    Well long as you GD is on the mend now. :)
    Lillie is a little angel - l knew she was bless her.
    I hope GD is doing ok now?

    Barbara your singing is good enough you don't need to cheat!!
    One of the chaps in the village just broke is shoulder which he dislocated a month or two back catching an escaping sheep!

    Kath that is a lovely photo ! You all look so happy :)
    I don't need to eat l had enough today!!

    And spent an hour searching for a particular homeless man

    I heard him saying l an a person too. It upset me.

    I gave him a burger and a hug. He IS a person!!

    Hello Joan you wait till you see Lucy in her bridesmaid dress :)

    Aidan Sleek and Tosca are doing spells yes....called
    Good and positive spells for felines.
    Volume 1

    I think all will be well.

    Sleek says Tosca blew the dust off it...she's had it for years and used to be very proficient.

    All being well her skills will come back and things will be fine :?

    Any news from David? You can tell him Lucy's story if you want to. He needs to know all about her for when she gets wed

    Kari is a bit poorly so Mrs D is Mummy sitting!

    I hope all is well

    Mostly l hope tomorrow is a good day for is all l need a rest.....!!
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all

    Suffering from a very sensitive tooth at the moment anything very hot or very cold touches it is painful or if I chew on it but otherwise it is ok hoping I can last out until my first appointment for the other dental work to start on the 20th.

    Aidan O you have the eight legged creatures around again there is a spid.. catcher but I cannot remember where I saw it now I will see if I can find it online. I am ok with them it's Mr t that dose not like them in our house. try this link
    Think I may have to visit the shed to claim a few hours back.
    I don't think GD has ever had her arm plated or pinned. and yes Lillie is helping mummy I'm sure. she can be a good girl really.
    I love chicken yummy and white magnums too but don't have them very often.

    Kath that is a good picture climbing trees was my favourite.

    Toni I'm hoping GD is improving it is a week today since she did her arm but she has only had it plastered since Wednesday at first they only put a splint on it. GD always says Lillie is the angel child and Graycie is the devil child :lol::lol:
    hope Kari is better soon with Mrs d mummy sitting.

    time to have a potter down to the shed to claim some hours back.

    love ans sparkles averyone t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all. Finally, at the end of the day. Wet and wild out at the moment.

    Hi Joan and Sue. No, I didn't realise that Paul McCartney's late wife was reincarnated as a squirrel :shock: :shock: well, eerrmm, I guess, if that's what you believe happens, then a happy squirrel is ok, with plenty of nuts and lots of trees. :? :?

    I hope you and Sue are as ok as can be and the doggies too.

    Hi Barbara Gosh, you were early doors :shock: You are welcome to the pancakes and no, itchy wimples are not good. :lol::lol:

    Dad joined us for the trip to Skipton and was happy to sit in the surgery while B and I had out teeth cleaned, then examined.......I have to have one out and a filling replaced :roll: :? But that is in October. After today's bill of a hundred and how much :shock: :shock:
    The next bill will be £200, but, needs must and he is a very good dentist. It will be 30 years next year, since I started going there.

    Dad did find the perfect parking, as he always does :) t115006 It was busier than we thought it would be. We had our fav seats in Nero's though, perfect for watching people going by. I could stay there all day. B was back on coffee too.

    I am sure Niamh is very good for you. It was obviously the day for cooked chicken :)

    Hi Kath, so you scooped a spi--- up that was all legs curled up, then it moved :shock: :shock: oh I would have fainted on the spot. :roll: :roll: after screaming like a big ninny of course :lol::lol:

    I love the picture, from 1964, I was only a wee one then. So you were up and down the drainpipe until it gave way, what are you like :lol::lol:

    Did you manage a sit on your benches, or has it been raining with you. Quite chilly at times too.

    Hi Toni You have been running about. Bridesmaid dress for Lucy, I bet it is gorgeous.
    Prescriptions and inhalers sorted, catering, then out at the friends of, is that the friends of the village meeting :)

    That was very kind of you to find the homeless man and give him a meal and a hug t4591

    I have no idea where Mother has been keeping her book of spells, covered in dust you say, mmmm, maybe one of the spells, is to make it invisible. Makes sense. t115006

    Sleek came over and they were reading through, jogging Mothers memory as to her spell casting powers. They are all good, helpful and positive spells :)

    Not sure if Mother will be out mist gathering, maybe she will, she likes her little side car on Sleeks broom, with it being heated and pretty much water tight. t115006

    I have not seen David post this week on Twitter. Usually he does, maybe he is away, or filming. I am certain he will get back to me. I gave a brief synopsis of the challenges that Lucy has faced and come through. t4591

    Sorry to hear that Kari is not feeling too good. Special ((())) and magic squares are on the way. Mother is going to cast a spell of well being t115006 t115006 Mrs D will look after her and you are close by too.

    Hi Carol Oooh, don't mention teeth and sensitivity..........mine is on the way to coming out in a months time. I am getting less and less :shock: :? :?
    I remember you have work starting on your teeth, having paid for the treatment some time ago. Maybe it needs a root filling, dentist said he could do that on mine, but really, as it is "shot" it might as well come out :shock: :shock:
    Hugs for it to be less painful t4591 t115006

    So you don't mind the spid--s, you and Kath can be chief spider removers, B can get them out too, I will stand on a chair, shrieking :lol::lol::lol: :roll: :roll: Thank you for the link :)

    Glad Lillie is helping Mummy.

    I would happily have a Magnum every evening, but we don't. Once or twice a week.

    I did have to shovel chocolate in at T time. my Blood sugar was very very low, had to get it up quick sharp. Soon back to normal though.

    Well, I am running out of hours too. I had best be pottering along.

    Definitely going to the GC this morning, determined.

    Some shopping and that will be it.

    Love to everyone, in and about. Sparkles abound t4591 t115006 XX Aidan

    Slow Cooked Whole Oat Porridge

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Barbara Kathleen Carol Aidan Toni.
    Barbara my appointment is the 24 is it your sinuses you are having done.
    Kathleen lovely photo you had no pain then.
    Carol sorry you have toothache how is your internet now.
    Aidan have a good day what ever you do.
    Toni I bet all the dresses are lovely when is the wedding next year.
    take care all
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Carol, I just knew you were a tree climber. No trees where we lived, just drain pipes, although I used to holiday in the wilds of Lincolnshire with Gran and Grandpa where I spent every day up a tree. That is when I wasn't watching Grandpa fishing, or running through the hen house collecting eggs and admiring the deer antlers that were kept in there.

    Joan, I know I spent most of my time dancing, climbing drainpipes, jumping over walls and roller skating down steep hills with lampposts in my path [SMASH] :shock: . But I did have bone pain even then. Mum said it was growing pain. Now of course we know different.
    And spent an hour searching for a particular homeless man

    I heard him saying l an a person too. It upset me.

    I gave him a burger and a hug. He IS a person!!

    How kind you are Toni, I'm sure he appreciated your gesture.

    OOOhhh, Slow Cooked Whole Oat Porridge
    thank you Aidan lovely. Yes we had our magnum but didn't sit long as the sky was black. Half way home the Heavens opened and we got drenched. But it proves my theory. I had awful pain in my hip and thighs before the rain, afterward it quickly eased off. :D

    I've sent some Pumpkin Tartlets. I'm sure Toni will have some thick cream to have with them. t4591

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all. Nice day, lovely breeze (thank goodness) when ironing in front of the tumble dryer, I was having "moments".

    That aside, the day has vanished and it is now coming up to 5, then siesta time.

    A quick hi to everyone.

    We went to the GC today Joan, which was very nice. The scone was a little crumbly, but tasty none the less.

    Next week for hospital appointments for you and for Barbara, the cloak will be busy.

    Hi Kath, so you were either up the drainpipe, or up a tree, in the chicken coop, fishing, admiring the antlers :shock: :shock: and more besides I bet :) Bone pain then, not knowing what we would know now, ouch, with the lamp post :o:o

    I did have a pair of roller skates, but I was very unstable, even in my younger years :roll: :lol::lol:

    You are welcome to the porridge, it looked too good to miss out on.
    Good to hear you had your magnum's, but not so good you were drenched by the time you arrived home. Pain before rain, then better again :) well, not better, but you know what I mean, easier.

    The pumpkin tartlets look wonderful, thank you. Toni will indeed have some clotted cream, never runs out of stock.

    I had a personal reply Toni, from you know who :) Sssssshhhhh, no one knows, only us. Tosca knows, she was the one shrieking, you have a message from D. Sleek knows, but she is keeping tight lipped.

    Hi to Barbara Kerrin Carol and all who are in and about. I will have more time to write later. Just wanted to put the news out :) Love to all XXXXX Aidan
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening everyone
    Hope you are all well.

    I am fine had a friend over this morning I had taken in her wife's secret bday pressie. A Garden Sentry box!! We wrapped it together and she has it now and LOVES it :)

    Popped to check on Kari - Mrs D is doing a great job looking after her, but she is pretty rough snotty and coughing. :( My poor sister :( Still at least she's nearby now. Mrd D said Silver has been so she will sort Kari out tonight she hopes fingers and paws crossed.

    Aidan you have news?!! Fabulous I am exited to hear. He is such a LOVELY man :D

    Thank you for the porridge YUM!

    Not good news about your teeth. I find the go in phases. They are great for years then all of a sudden we need work done :roll:

    Maybe the scone was mouthwateringly crumbly?!

    Yes the meeting was a 'friends of the village one.

    Sleek said that the spell book can 'go missing' I think that was invisible yes :) She took Mother with her this morning in the cosy side-car, but I think she did all the work with Tosca cheering off from inside.

    Kath what a great childhood you had lots of fun and very physical. Good memories to look back on.

    I had to help the man I am still a bit upset about him now. I have enough and some people have nothing :cry:

    The clotted cream is here plenty of it those tartlets were exquisite! thank you m0150

    Hi Joan yes the dresses are gorgeous! he wedding is 31st August next year.

    24th is in the cloak's diary so you can count us in.

    Carol not you too with teeth issues ?:( I have some sensitive teeth too which is why I microwave my ice cream!!

    Do you need the cloak for the 20th?

    I have that sp***r catcher Paul uses it and Lucy it is very gentle and doesn't hurt them.

    I also hope GD's pain has eased for her (())

    Why can't I find Barbara?

    Hope she is ok :?

    Love to everyone

    Toni xxx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all - Wet and wild out - seasons are a changing :?

    Good to hear you are ok Toni and what a surprise for your friends wife, to have a lovely pressie all wrapped up in secret :D serendipity for sure :)

    Now, we will have to make sure Kari is feeling better asap. t2507 if one is poorly, we all feel out of sorts. Silver has been over and left some magical sparkles to help her feel better.


    Some flowers too t69044 cat safe ones, of course t4591

    Sleek was telling Mother that Mrs Darcey was being a very good nurse to her Mummy, she has borrowed Pepe's Drs bag :)

    Oh yes, news, I was SO over the moon when he private messaged me, the wonderful Mr Emanuel :D:D t115006

    Porridge was very yummy, there is some in the fridge if anyone fancies some for supper, ideal with some maple syrup, two minutes in the microwave and enjoy :)

    Oh teeth, yes, they do go in phases and I am having one of them for sure :roll: :roll: Carol too, we are a right pair.

    The scone was meltingly wonderful, I was very very careful with the clotted cream, making sure it stayed on the scone. I would happily have had seconds, but I was restrained, not literally :shock: :lol::lol:

    Mother is all for keeping nice and cosy at the moment, rather vocal, excited about her spell book, which she cannot find now :roll: :roll: it has gone back to being invisible, she cast a spell and it vanished :roll: :roll: :lol: One of us will fall over it I am sure. She enjoyed her trip out in the side car, cheering Miss Sleek onward into the mists :lol:

    She is very happy with her immaculised powder room and immaculised bed with many fleeces, all washed, de fluffed and back in place :)

    So much fur comes off in the dryer, enough to stuff a cushion. Plus I always run a cleaning sachet on a hot wash, to sparkle and shine the drum and pipes.

    Goodness, it is raining stair rods :shock: :shock: Spid--s will be running for cover............. :? :? :shock:

    It was very kind of you to help the homeless man, we do have just about all we could wish for and so many have so little. We don't see many, well, no one who is sitting out homeless, with it being a small town and villages. We do give to local charities and always to the Air Ambulance, you never know when you might need them.

    I knew you would have a plentiful supply of Rhoda's cream, to go with the lovely tartlet's from Kath.

    I cannot find Barbara either, who stole Barbara :shock: , we want her back in the fold. Hope you are ok t115006

    Hi Carol, hope your tooth is not too painful, my sympathies. More magic squares for your GD too. t115006

    Hi to Kerrin, Toady, Christine, Mig, DD, SW, Elizabeth and all.

    A quiet evening here, B busy away with jewellery, me, writing and pottering and fussing and checking for spid--s every so often :? :? I know, it's beyond obsession.

    At home day today, well, a quick nip to the main sorting office to pick up B's new phone, we missed the delivery on Tuesday, which did not best please Mr B at all :x :x

    Glad I did all the ironing yesterday, can relax a little, (who said that? Not me) :roll:
    Dad will be out with his neighbour, "looking" at scooters...........say no more.

    All the lovelies are doing fine, the heating is on full in the meerkats burrows, they don't do rain, or chilly winds :roll:

    Mountains of fruit, vegetables, fish, milks, and every possible feed pellets for our every growing members of the sanctuary. A new supply of bamboo and eucalyptus has arrived. Something for the spid--s too, but I didn't look :? :?

    Time I was fussing in the kitchen. I will leave lots of love and sparkles, to all t4591 t115006 XXX Aidan

    Gruyere Cheese Souffle

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Aidan Toni.
    Kathleen when I was small my gran was always sat in a chair I was told she was in pain I wondered if it was Arthritis thinking back now. Yes my bones hurt more in the cold and wet. ((((()))))
    Aidan I was told A Acid damages your teeth. I'm pleased your scone was nice. (())
    Toni I'm sorry Kari is not well I hope it soon clears up.((((())))
    take care all
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all..was I kidnapped by Aliens.. :? I am sure I posted... :shock: maybe the Aliens have sorted my brain..who knows..
    Joan yes its my will be do I want to go ahead with the op..I'm still not my hips were a doddle..hope all is well with yours..
    Kath oh to be young again..climbing drainpipes..and collecting eggs.. and the pic is lovely ..all sisters together.. :D
    Toni I hope Kari is on the mend today..poor thing....its nice to look out for the homeless..we always buy food and not give money..its nice of you to say how good my singing OH disagrees... :lol: Oh so Lucy has her when is the date remind me :D
    Carol sensitive teeth are not nice.. I keep buying the toothpastes for it.. it does help a lovely that Lillie is helping mum..bless..she will feel all grown up..I hope your GDs arm heals nicely for her..and maybe no more skating.. :)
    Aiden I am here..tell you I am sure something went on yesterday..I have a blank few hours..or day come to that.. :lol: so you have to have a tooth out..mine are going one by one..the young people today are lucky to have dental dentist when I was around 8 took lots of my teeth was the 1950s..I ended up at hospital :( like you say all that money... :shock: David has got back to you... :D wow Lucy will be so pleased..fingers crossed its soon..but I suppose he is always busy... I love the little bottles of unicorn sparkles ..and Im sure they will work there I will help myself to some porridge my favorite in a morning..
    Today I am meeting my niece for an hour after she finished work.. :D
    Love to everyone t4591 t115006 t4591
    Forgot to say we forgot to put our blue badge in the car ..its a few weeks ago now was on the dash but it was closed..any how we rang them and a few weeks later they have overturned it..phew...very kind of them.. :)
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Unicorn magic! Lovely give me some:)

    Mothers spell book turned up in her side car the invisibility spell wore off Sleek will drop it off in the morning.

    So B has a new phone?! Lucky him...what did he have?

    I popped to see the lovelies avoiding the 8 legged ones...but sending love via Johnny.

    Always have a good supply of rhodas

    Kaths cake needs some.

    Ta Kath.

    Hope all is well not too much pain.

    Barabara was stolen by aliens?

    Back now though? That's good :)

    The wedding is 31st August next year.

    Hi Joan yes poor Kari but at least she has family around her now t4591

    Love to everyone

    Toni xxx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I'm so tired, I have 6 matchsticks in each eye, holding them open. d015.gif

    Oh poor Kari, I do hope she gets better soon. t115006 Kari t115006

    Our Barbara, abducted by aliens, HOW VERY DARE THEY! She is OUR Barbara and we love her. August 31st 2019, down in my organiser under VIW for very important wedding.

    I think the 8 legged peeples are sheltering beneath out sturdy and waterproof bin shelter to keep dry. There are lots of places to hide. No room for the wheelie bins though as it's been there for years, when we just had the old fashioned bins. They just fitted snugly under there. When they brought the wheelies in, most people had their shelters removed. We didn't. :D

    Thank you for the Gruyere Cheese Souffle.

    For later we'll have Poppy Seed crusted Haddock with sweet potato fries.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all, quite bright and pleasant today, lots of blue skies.

    No having windows open, to try and prevent spid--s coming in. A mahusive one in B's room this morning. :shock: :shock:

    Hi Joan and Sue, I am sure you Gran did have one form of Arthritis, enduring pains far more so than today. I know we are in pain, but we can mask it to some extent. Bless her.

    I know you don't like it cold or wet, it makes your ouchies worse. I feel easier when it is cold, rather than hot. Strange how we are all so different with OA and RA. Each one affected in so many different ways.

    Alendronic Acid does have a range of side effects, one of them being damage to the bones in the jaw and can make your teeth loose. Careful dental hygiene is needed when on A Acid, to try and minimise any dental or gum problems

    The scones are always good, both the GC and the T room, I guess the GC ones are my favourite, if I had to choose.

    See, you were abducted Barbara, it's official, they took you away and stole your post :shock: :shock: How rude of them :roll: :roll:
    Plus you have a blank few hours, oh tell me about it, I can quite easily go blank :shock: :shock: and days do tend to vanish. Did you have another little nap :? :?

    Yes, another tooth, the numbers of teeth are dwindling. Tooth decay in youngsters is really high, teenagers too, due to sugary drinks, fizzy drinks like cola etc. Fruit drinks as well.
    I try and keep everything as clean as possible, with those silly little brushes that go between your teeth - I am all fingers and thumbs with them and they end up pinging everywhere :roll: :roll:

    I am not surprised you ended up in hospital, after having so many teeth out at one time. :shock: :shock:

    David has indeed replied to me and is more than happy to oblige. He is lovely, such a nice man.

    Hope you enjoy the time with your niece, putting the world to rights and having a laugh too. t4591

    I am glad they overturned your parking indiscretion, it was only a moment of distraction, not a heinous crime. I have done similar and not put the badge out until we have been sat down in the T room for a while. Touch wood, no tickets so far. :? :? The parking man in town is very keen and won't take any flack from those who are overstaying their welcome :lol::lol:

    Hi Toni, there is plenty of Unicorn Magic, there are lots of bottles on the side, in the cafe, Silver left some after visiting Kari last night. We can help ourselves when we have a cake, or go splat in the booth :shock:

    Ah, that would be the reason Mother was shrieking at whatever silly o clock time it was this morning, having found her spell book, in the luxury side car.

    She has put it under her bed of many pillows and blankets, along with her award from Hogwarts. I did see her bed floating round the room a while back :shock: :shock: :?

    We nipped into town, B got his phone, it is like the P20, he is very pleased with it so far.
    Then we went to the tip, with a side table, that was neither use nor ornament. We have two new ones, from Tesco's of all places, very Scandinavian in style, get us, all modern :lol::lol:

    I could not avoid the spid-- this morning, I sat down with cup of T and there is was, looking at from the corner of B's room............he said, oh yes, I will eat it later :shock: :shock: :shock: the heck you will, remove it please, as I headed off as fast as I possible.

    That was a welcome start to the day, not.

    We do have Barbara back with us, the Aliens did take her, as she is missing several hours.

    I hope Kari is feeling a little better today, less snotty / coughy and the like. t2507

    Hi Kath, the matchsticks seem to be helping with your tiredness. :shock: It is like hitting a wall isn't it :roll:

    Barbara is indeed ours and we do love her, they have no right. Would be worth a look though, see what wonders of medical sciences they have

    So you are keeping all the spiders in hiding, ready to come out at night, oh Kath, how could you :shock: :shock: they give me the willy's :? :? :roll: I nearly threw the tea this morning :lol::lol::lol: :roll:

    Poppy seed crusted Haddock and sweet tattie fries, mmm, thank you, I will enjoy some of that. We will need a cake, just for a little sweetness, no other reason :? :? :? :D

    Hugs for any ouchies, that might be lurking t115006 I am bushed, but I bet I am wide awake the minute I go for a lie down - typical.

    It's warm, with the sun streaming in, mind you, the dryer is going too, which is not helping matters.

    Hi to everyone else, Hi to Carol, Kerrin, Mig, Toady, DD, SW, Elizabeth, Christine and all.

    I must away and potter some more, or I will fall onto the keys.

    Lots of love and sparkles, t4591 t115006 will catch up again later XXXX Aidan

    Raspberry Bakewell Cake - Toni has left a big pot of Rhoda's clotted cream on the side

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all

    Had a good day today at Knitting to all of you asking the tooth is behaving if I am careful when I eat and drink and receptionist at the dentist said when I go on the 20th to tell the dentist and she is sure he will included it in the first treatment as it is a tooth he was going to do a small filling in anyway. also GD still has quite a bit of pain but as she says when you have three kids you just have to carry on and do your best. the hospital dose however want to investigate as to why she keeps breaking her arm so she is to have some tests I believe. Lillie helps mummy most days especially when they are getting ready to do the school run in the morning.

    No Aidan I don't mind spiders but I hate mice. I do have one tooth that needs the root canal and then filled but that on is no problem at the moment and I believe that that is due to be the first treatment. Glad you enjoyed the GC yesterday with a crumbly scone. I too had roller skate loved them. Oh no Barbara has disappeared hope she is ok.

    Joan I don't actually have toothache as such it is just sensitive on eating and drinking. otherwise it doesn't hurt. our internet and phones are ok now. Kath I had trees in my primary school playground we were always climbing them we were allowed to in those days unlike now.

    Toni yes please to the clock on the 20th at 10.30. think I might invest in the spider catcher because if they are higher than I can reach with a glass I cannot get rid of them and Mr t is not good with spid..s and kills them which I don't like doing.

    Barbara Noooo not abducted by aliens we can't have that how dare they. oh I dare say GD will go skating again with Lillie because Lillie enjoyed it and want's her mum to do it with her again. Lillie loves helping her mum with her sisters. because she says she is the big sister.

    Time to go for a potter and do a few this

    love and sparkles t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all, nice clear skies tonight, cooler, which is welcome. I was in quite a lather at T time :roll: :roll:

    Hi Carol Good to hear that you enjoyed your knitting group and that your tooth is behaving at the moment.
    We will have to gather under the cloak for your trip to the Dentist on the 20th.
    The cloaks will be quite busy, we have three duties, Your good self, then Barbara at the hospital ENT, then Joan on the 24th, I think I got that right.
    Toni has all the dates and the cloak will always go with anyone, at any time, automatically, even if no one knows. The Bush babies would be there, as well as the puskins. t115006 t115006 just a little bit of magic :D:D

    Your GD sounds to be doing a very good job, in a difficult position. Bless little Lillie for helping Mummy, of course, she is the big girl and needs to help the little ones t4591

    I am pleased to hear they are going to investigate your GD's bones / wrist, to see if there is a particular reason why they are very prone to breaking.

    I remember you saying that you don't mind spid--s, but Mt T is not too keen.
    I am not so fond of meeces either, we had quite a lot in our second house in France, as it was in the middle of a field :? :? Three cats and two of us and could we catch them, not a hope. Pepe used to jump in the air if he saw one :lol::lol::lol:

    I take it you were good on your roller skates, not like myself, bambi on ice.

    Hi to Toni, I hope you are ok and Kari is getting over her cough and cold. Mrs D will be doing a good job of looking after her and with you all nearby it is so so much better :)
    You have had a busy time, here, there and all over, some home time and pottering would be nice I am sure.

    Hi to everyone else, Kerrin, Christine, Barbara, Elizabeth, DD, SW, Toady, Mig and all

    Quiet evening here, Dad has been out and bought a scooter :roll: :roll: we are very wary and said, you must be insured, no matter what, even if we have to pay for it, you are going to be insured :? :? It is not expensive and well worthwhile if you go bump or run over someones feet. :shock:

    At home again today, I might wangle a hair cut, if I make extra cups of T and drop BIG hints. :lol::lol:

    Time I was pottering, instead of sitting here in a lump :shock: :lol::lol:

    Mother has just had a mad moment, running from room to room - I think she has been casting spells, there are probably toads, sat on my bed :shock: :shock: :lol:

    Lots of love and sparkles to everyone t4591 t115006 XXX Aidan

    Blueberry and Custard Danish Pastries

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).