Val's Cafe



  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning everyone

    Glad Barbara is bavk as Kath said she is OURS!!
    Naughty aliens!

    A bit of time with your niece is always lovely :)

    No it can't be? Kath is responsible for the sp***ders?,!!


    Am on my walk l hope you enjoy yours. Have a magnum for me please :)

    Carol the 20th is safely in the diary now. We shall be there with you with some of those unicorn bottles :)

    Yes GD can't stop can she with the children? A dexa scan would be an idea maybe...

    Joan l hope you are well and it's not raining or cold.l don't like humid heat. Rather my bones don't....

    Aidan naughty B he wouldn't feed you a sp****r! He knows you are phobic. Sorry to say but l don't think they cone inside.... :?

    Thanks for my breakie

    We LOVE David!!!! He is star and will be framed in a cream frame downstairs in Lucy's room :)

    Kati is definitely on the men d now Mrs D has done a great job.

    Glad Mother has her book bavk and is clearly practising old spells!!!

    We need to go to the tip too.....

    Tesco has some surprisingly good finds :)

    Better get on

    Love to everyone

    Toni xxx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Barbara Kathleen Aidan Carol Toni.
    Barbara don't worry about your appointment we are thinking about you.
    Kathleen we did mud pie's children wouldn't think of that they would be bored today.
    Aidan I'm sure B would cut your hair if you made him a cup of tea.
    Carol I'm sorry your granddaughter has a problem with her bones I hope she does not have to wait too long for an appointment.
    Toni did you get Lucy the dress you wanted.
    have a good day everyone
    take care
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I'm munching on Raspberry Bakewell and Blueberry and Custard Danish Pastries thank you Aidan. Yes, just call me Spider Woman. :lol: Whoops sorry I mean 8 legged peeples lady. :lol: Don't worry, I've trained them NOT to enter the bedrooms of my friends. They have a photo gallery of "bedrooms to stay out of" So any visitors you get are not mine. I paint their toenails with pink nail varnish - but I don't imagine you would check. :shock:

    So happy Kari is getting better Toni.

    apple cinnamon fritters. With a dollop of ice cream, :D

    t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all..a lovely sunny cool day..
    Toni I am glad to hear Kari is feeling a little better..the wedding is the 30st of August just after our 50th anniversary..its scary how time has gone maybe the aliens had something to do with it.. :shock: I bet Lucy cant wait to get her sighned pic..its very kind of Aiden.. :D
    Joan thankyou..its nice to be here for one another..and you and Sue always are..I hope your heating is behaving we dont want a repeat of last winter..
    Kath I wonder if a tonic would help the tiredness..or are you not sleeping very well..a silly questions I bet...I think the Aliens knew I needed help with this brain..but then they seemed to give up on me.. :lol: thankyou for the fish and chips and the fritters were lovely thankyou
    Carol I hope the test your GD has on her bones show there is no problem we dont want her with painful joint with the children to look after..she is a real trouper carrying on with the broken arm but like she says there is no choice.. bless her
    Aiden I thought the Aliens may have help with my brain but going off remembering what people have said :? :? then no.... did you get an haircut.. :?: so dad had bought a scooter..I hope he will be safe on it..dont you just worry...B has a new that will keep him busy for a while.. :) it was good of the parking firm to let us off we had to send them the badge num but we did hold our hands up to not opening the badge...phew....I did have a lovely time with my niece...her son my godson has his first driving lessen today.... :)
    Right better move OH has gone to pick Niamh up from school :D
    Love to everyone t4591 t115006 t4591
    I have spotted bakewell cake and danish I may be some time.. :D
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all, looks like rain is heading this way, Pendle is vanishing into the mists :? :?

    Hi Toni, Kath is indeed, our chief of spid--s and all things related to them :? :shock:

    Hope you enjoyed you little walk, was the sun shining or is it a bit mixed, as it is here?

    No, B is very good with spid--s and picks them up :shock: :? and throws them outside. I tell him, it will be back and bring friends with it :o:lol: :roll: The one the other would have had to knock it was SO big.

    I am indeed, phobic about them, he is used to be shrieking his name or clattering about in my furore to get out of a room. :roll: :roll: :lol::lol:

    Brekkie was yum, I keep pinching some more, it has mystical eat me powers t115006

    David is a STAR m0150 I am keeping an eye out every day. I was there to greet the postman at the top of the back steps / decking.

    No, not today, instead, I got my letter for my face to face for my PIP assessment :shock: :shock: :shock: on the 26th at 0900 in Blackburn.

    I have been in a cold sweat ever since. I will need a full compliment of friends and lovelies under the cloak of woven gems on that day, pretty please and thank you in advance.

    I must try not to over think it, I keep telling myself it will be ok.

    Right, forget it for now :? :? :roll:

    David, yes, he is wonderful and as soon as I have the necessary, it will be on its way, in a safety envelope :) It will be lovely in a cream frame in Lucy's room.

    Tomorrow is the second of the SYTTDress Las Vegas, with a wedding for two guys who are drag queens, oh my, is that going to be fun or WHAT. t4591 t115006 :lol::lol:

    So pleased that Kari is on the mend, Sleek was telling Mother, that her Auntie Kari was feeling better and there are still lots of magic squares laying around, to keep things improving nicely t115006 t115006 Hi Kari, hi to Mrs D.

    Mother is very pleased with her new book being safely under her blankies. She was even more pleased when she had pilchards for lunch, there was a great deal of Shrieking :shock: :lol::lol:

    Oh we like a trip to the tip, very cathartic to throw things out.

    Hi there Joan and Sue. Oh we made mud pies, in the brook tharan through part of the Rectory garden, well, it was a muddy smelly oily brook, that came out of the Bus garage, but we had a wail of a time in it :lol::lol: Health and Safety, nah, we were fine.

    Mud pies were great, even better with worms in them

    I did have a hair cut, the extra cups of T have worked, plus a big "please can I have my hair cut" :) Smart boy now.

    It will be Suesday tomorrow, where did that week go. Is you heating up and working properly, we don't want you to be cold at any point this autumn and winter.

    Hi Kath, so you are spid-- woman :lol::lol: chief of staff, for 8 legged peeples. That is very kind, for all the ones you know, to avoid our bedrooms. You paint their toe nails, well, that's very nice, but, as you rightly say, I won't be getting close enough to check :shock: :shock: :lol::lol:

    I am guessing you enjoyed the bakewell and danish, weren't they delicious.

    I am not a lover of cinnamon, but I am going in for some of those lovely fritters, with ice cream :) Thank you kindly.

    I hope there are minimal ouchies for you both, some extra sparkles, just in case t115006 t115006

    Hi Barbara it is a nice day, cool breeze and I seem to be in less of a cold sweat now, after the shock of getting my PIP face to face appointment :?
    What did those aliens do, did you learn any secrets of the universe?

    Oh yes, hair all cut, down to number two and neat around the edges, B is a very good hairdresser, well, he would be, seeing as that was his profession :lol:

    B is very pleased with his new phone and he has been quite busy getting the layout to his liking. I am thinking about a new one, but I have not had this one for long, so best not :? :roll:

    I think that if you were quite open with the parking people, it was a genuine mistake and they know that the badge number is valid etc. So many are stolen now, then people just leave them closed and park in disabled bays, or on double yellows. Apparently they sell for over a £1000 on the black market :shock: :shock:

    Always take them out of the car when you get home is their advice.

    Glad you enjoyed your time with your Niece, I know she cheers you up no end. So your Godson has his first driving lesson, hope that goes well, is he a confident person?

    Quick, your Niamh is on the way, bless her, dusters at the ready :lol::lol: keep her busy. Hope Mum is feeling better each day.

    There is always time for cake Barbara, always :lol::lol:

    Hi to everyone else, in and about. Carol, Christine, Mig, Toady, DD, SW, Elizabeth, Kerrin and all.

    I had better do a little more pottering. Almost time for T and biscuits.

    Everyone take lots of care, will catch up again later. Love and Sparkles to all t4591 t115006 XXXX Aidan
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all on a very wet and wild night. A no fly zone for puskins on orders from Hermione.

    Mind you, Mother would not be out, far too comfy on her cushions at the moment :animal_busy:

    I hope everyone is as ok as can be.

    Did you enjoy Niamh visiting you Barbara, I am sure you were kept quite busy.
    Oh, it was choir, did you go? There was no call made for Sister Inviolata's assistance :lol::lol:

    Sleek says Mummy is not racing here there and all over the place, just doing housey things and immaculising :) We love clean. She did call Mother at siesta time, but they kept fairly quiet, just one shriek of laughter :shock: Something to do with the magic spell book.
    It might be a spell to encourage Paul to have a big sort out in the garage :D t115006

    Hope you are ok Carol, Friday has come round so soon, will you be out with Mr T for lunch today? Hope you GD is doing ok, sending her extra hugs ((()))

    Hi to everyone else, Kerrin, Kath, Christine, Mig, Elizabeth, Toady, DD, SW and all

    I seem a little distracted and my eyes are sore for some reason, so I had better think about pottering a little.

    Off to the T room this morning, not been there for what seems like ages. No doubt we will see Dads new scooter :? :? when we pick him up.

    Love and Sparkles to everyone t4591 t115006 Take lots of care XXX Aidan

    Almond Brioche this morning, nu nu at the ready Toni :lol::lol:
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    Joan we did get Lucy's bridesmaids dresse yes! Kari and l loved mud pies and Kari.....ate worms too!!

    Barbara we did well at choir last night no need for Sister Inviolata!!!

    I hope little Niamh is ok the Snapchat of her is more than cute!!

    Kath thanks for the yummy treats.. and for keeping your sp****s out of my bedroom :shock:

    Aidan is off to the T rooms. I hope B is not like Paul with his new phone - never off it!!!

    Sleek is most unimpressed about the no fly zone and has decided to have a clear out of her ickle house....what a mess!!

    Apparently Tosca's tidy garage spell works on ickle houses too. Fingers crossed.

    I will check both later

    Auntie Kari is way better slept 12 hours yesterday night :D t2507

    Mrs Darcey can go back to bird watching now. She has returned Pepe's Drs kit.

    Sleek is very happy to have it back bless her.

    She knew Kari was poorly and that Darcey would take very good care of it.

    Carol will be busy today you're right it's Friday.

    The almond brioche was lovely and yes Noo noo was busy and I'd better get in that shower now.

    Love to everyone

    Toni xxx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello All
    Its me again its felt like winter at times this week but I love being on my scooter walking my dog. with Joan and her dog its lovely. what ever the weather {except snow}{ because our road is blocked}
    Fridays Joan walks them on her own. have a lovely weekend

    lots of love Sue
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning Sue (quick check of time) yes, it is still morning. I agree, it has been quite wintry. But after all that heat we had, I'm not comlaining. I can always add another layer if it's too cold. Can't do anything about getting too hot. :o

    Toni, I'm so glad Kari got a good long sleep. If I sleep for longer than 2 hours I can't move for stiffness and pain when I do wake up. :shock:

    Not only are my 8 legged crew well trained to stay away from your bedrooms, they also keep guard nearby, but outside, to make sure no strange 8 legged peeples get in. They know they will be in trouble with the chief of all 8 legged creatures {ME} if they do not obey. My other title is SHE WHO MUST BE OBEYED :lol:

    Aidan, don't be afraid. We will be beneath the cape to protect you at your F to F for PIP. Silver has also promised to be there to make sure you get a fair hearing.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all, am ok, just run out of daytime :roll: :roll: so I will write tonight, when I might find some time, spare, somewhere............

    Love to all, sparkles to all, take care t4591 t115006 t115006 XXX Aidan
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all..
    Guess what I did this morning forgot my hip follow appointment was today :shock: I wondered were the noise was coming form it was my reminder on my phone :lol: anyhow all was well..
    Toni did I actually turn up for choir .. :lol: glad to hear that Kari had a good mum would say you heal when asleep.. :)
    Sue this weather cant make up its mind..we have the heating on it gone quite cold..I can imagine how lovely it is to take the doggy's out :)
    Kath I agree its nice to put layers on instead of melting..
    Aiden you have your date for the face to will be fine I promise... dont do anything that cases pain...
    Now did you get to see dads scooter..strange we should be talking about insurance for them , there was something on the news about how many accidents are caused compared to a few years ago..but I am sure dad will be careful... 8) I hope
    Talking of spiders we found the large one on the landing...Im ok if I know were they are and not in my bedroom... :o Niamh was good and yes she polished the table.. :lol: I bet it wont be long before David send the signed photo
    Now did I see.Almond Brioche thankyou :D
    Love to everyone t4591 t115006 t4591
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all

    Not quite sure where yesterday went but one minuet I had just got up and the next it was bed time again. I am on countdown again as this time next week Mr T and myself will be in Paris for a few days we go a week today on the Friday and come home on the Tuesday. Then 2 weeks and 2 days after that I have a couple of days to my self as Mr t is going to see the family and meet Rubie for the first time and he will stay down there in a hotel over night for one night.
    Life is very busy with us all these things going on, but at least I can't say I'm bored I suppose :lol::wink:

    Aidan I see we make enough cups of tea you earn our haircut :lol:. So dad did buy his scooter glad you suggested insurance oh yes and you and B must make mental note to keep your feet out the way.
    Lillie loves helping with the little ones. Its weird really with Gd broken arms. because it has only been the same arm every time. We will be under the cloak on the 26th I'm sure it will be ok.
    I used to love making mud pies when I was little and yes lovely little wiggly worms too definitely all the better. yes lunch with Mr t and knitting and coffee with friend today all very nice GD doing ok.

    Toni Naughty Aliens indeed how dare they steal Barbara. yes do come supplied with the unicorn bottles as I am due to go away to France the next day :? :? :roll: so they will be a lot of help. No GD says when you are a mum you can't just stop everything which I agree with her partner is out at work so she just has to get on with it because with his job if he don't work he don't get paid. I'm sure I ate mud and worms when making mud pies to :lol::lol:

    Joan I hope GD don't have to wait too long for an appointment too. Hope you have a good weekend.

    Kath All these delicious cakes so yummy. do you need an assistant 8 Legged peeples Lady I don't mind them either.

    Barbara Our family are all the same we all carry on when not well or in pain always have we just get on with it.

    time for a potter now as bones and joints are not liking the cooling down of the weather :roll: :roll: but we must carry on . I will not let them beat me.

    Love and sparkles t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Finally, time to have a little sit down............a pretty wet day here, quite chilly too, had the heating on this morning, to warm us through.

    Hi Toni, I am very glad Sister Inviolata was not needed at choir last night, I had lost my wimple and without it, I would not have been so convincing :shock: :lol::lol::lol:

    We picked Dad ukp, said LARGE scooter was under its cover under tha gazebo, on the drive. It is a class 3 one, so has to be registered with the DVLA, all beyond me at the moment. Will sort it tomorrow, we knew we would end up doing all the leg work :roll: :roll:

    Anyway, we went to the T rooms, very nice, quiet, because of the wet weather. Scone was lovely, with cream and jam and butter, naturally.

    Mother said that Sleek had been very busy in her ickle house, tiara's and Dr's bag, dresses, spell books, wands, broomsticks, designer clothes for wet weather etc............I think it is all spick and span now, everything in its place and all neatly put away. Mother did cast a little spell of "neat and tidy" to help things along. t115006

    Way to go Auntie Kari, that's a really good sleep :shock: Good to hear she is feeling a lot better t4591 Bless Mrs Darcey, watching the birdies, she has been a very good nurse to Mummy.

    I was in a bit of a crumby mess with the Brioche, but it was well worth it :)

    I read that hurricane Helene is racing across the Atlantic and we will get the tail end of it on Monday / Tuesday :shock: :shock: along with a big blast of hot air.

    Hi Sue and Joan, happy Suesday :) It has felt wintry at times, we have had the heating on morning and night, when it is chilly. Make sure you keep warm, I know you don't like the cold. Are all the rads working properly?

    I bet you do enjoy being on your scooter with the doggies and Joan, but not in the snow, oh no, too dangerous.

    You both have a lovely week end too t4591

    Hi Kath, I am very glad to hear that your spid--s are well trained and on guard, (out of sight) to keep strange 8 legs away from our bedrooms, most grateful. I have been for a check, just now.

    You must be obeyed and the spid--s know it :shock: :shock: :D:D
    Thank you in advance for being under the cape when I have my PIP face to face, I am dreading it to be honest :roll: :roll:
    Nice to know that Silver will be there too, I will have to look out for sparkles and glitter :D:D t115006

    I did get a liking for kedgeree, so many thanks, I will enjoy a serving :)

    Hope you have had a good day, did you manage to get out to the Gazebo, or was Tesco delivering? Any ouchies, bush babies are back on speaking terms now, I have given them some sugar free biscuits and they like them.

    Hi Barbara, ooops, never mind, another appointment can be made I am sure. I have to put everything into the phone, with countless reminders, it is the only thing that knows what we are doing and when, where and why.

    I will be ok I am sure, at my face to face, I know I will be in a state, but that is part and parcel of things. I won't do anything that I am not comfortable doing and B will be with me, as well as all my friends here.

    Yes, we did see the scooter, it is huge. It was the biggest one in the store so Dad had to have it. It is about 4-5 years old, in good condition with a new battery, it is a road use one, so B told him it has to be registered with the DVLA, regardless of where you use it, on the park, pavements, or roads (Heaven forbid).

    Now his neighbour is taking him to get a huge storage shed type thing, to put it in, it will have to be enormous. We are staying out of it.
    BIL and SIl are coming over on Sunday, so we will see what they have to say.

    There have been some terrible accidents involving mobility scooters.

    Glad you found the HUGE spid-- on the landing. If I know one is on a wall, in a room, wherever, I can cope far better than seeing one by surprise, that freaks me out. I know, a big ninny :roll: :roll: :lol::lol:

    See, I guessed Niamh would do some polishing, bless her :) t4591
    You did see Almond Brioche, sorry I didn't have time to bake a cake and put it in the cafe.

    Hi Carol, don't worry, all the hours and days are still in the massive garden shed, we really must go and gather some, we will need a shopping trolley each.

    You are busy, with countdown's, oooh, we like a countdown, this time you are off to Paris, how lovely. So that is a week and counting, then after that you have time out, while Mr T goes to see Rubie and the family.
    No, you don't have time to get bored. Youngsters ie teenagers, make me laugh when they say I'm bored. How can you be, there are not enough hours in a day. One thing I have never been, is bored, I can always find something to do, perfecting the art of pottering, as we have done over the years.

    Yes, scooter is at Dads :roll: :roll: we will make it is insured and registered and then it is up to him, he says he won't go on the roads, ie off the park, which is a blessing. A little voice tells me he will be tempted though..............

    Glad Lillie is helping Mum, little love. A bone scan might be a good idea, like Toni mentioned. There is obviously a weak area that is very prone to fractures.

    Thank you for your kind words about my PIP assessment. I know everyone will be there for me, even at 0900 in the morning. I won't even be awake :lol::lol:

    I am sure Kath will take you on as assistant spid-- catcher and caretaker of :D:D :shock:

    We do carry on, through thick and thin. Some days it is very hard, but we push forward and do as much as we can.

    Well, time is racing on, into the wee small hours, heavy rain one minute then clear as a bell the next.

    At home today, B is popping round to get the details of the buggy, model numbers etc, that's all.

    A big hi to everyone else, in and about. I had best be pottering. I will go and find something nice for breakfast.

    In the meantime, i will leave love and sparkles t4591 t115006 to all, take lots of care XXXXX Aidan

    Swedish Cardamon, sweet knotted buns

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I forgot it was Suesday! Well hello to Joan! Apologies to Sue for yesterday

    Barabara forgot her outpatients!!! Well the cloak did not!! It was at the hospital on its own!

    Phone up and grovel. :?

    Please send your little cleaner over to help me:)

    Yes you were at choir.. .but you had been to the shed first!!

    Carol some time alone is always good l think. I am sure Mr T will enjoy his visit.

    Paris pour vous? Tres bien!!

    Can l come too?

    Your GD is right nothing she can do if her oh is at work she has to do everything for the little people.

    Now Kath l LOVE jedgeree or kedgeree!! Thank you....

    Noo noo on!

    So you have trained guard sp****s the? O.....k.... if you're sure :?

    Oh Aidan. The largest scooter in the UK!!! Yes no doubt registered to drive on rds! :shock:

    Such a worry for you two....and now the expense of a shed for it :roll:

    Maybe the key will go missing.....???

    Kari only had one coughing fit in that 12 hours too!

    Sleek ickle house is immaculate now. Thanks in part to the help given by Tosca and her spell :)

    She doesn't know what to do today with yet another no fly zone due to threatened storm :(

    I suspect Hermione will help them out. You can only watch birds for so many hours....

    Right onwards and upwards l need to get busy!

    Love to everyone

    Toni xxx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Aidan Barbara Carol Toni.
    Kathleen The weather is going to be warmer next week they say.
    Aidan a scooter has to be registered with the D V l A if it goes over 4 miles an hour it can go on the road it does not cost anything to be long. It should be registered. your Dad will enjoy it.
    Barbara i'm sorry you forgot your appointment.
    Carol you enjoy the time on your own.
    Toni having my jacket potato yesterday I did not look what I was doing and I dropped my Cocodamol tablet in my coffee I fished it out and put it in the glass of water with the other one the water tasted of coffee.
    have a good weekend everyone
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Carol, you're now my second in command with the 8 legged brigade. Welcome aboard. :D

    Joan, yes I heard the weather was going to get warmer again. Although today I was quite chilly out. had breakfast under the gazebo, bought new batteries fo our watches and sausage rolls and other snack foods for later.

    As it is going to be warmer, I've filled the cafe freezer with Grape Popsicles (suckers to those from Nottingham Aidan)

    Time to get the matchsticks out again. My eyelids feel sooo heavy. d040.gif

    t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 :animal_busy:

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    oh the best laid plans of mice and men.

    Bang goes another day and my writing time. Neighbour who lost her doggy, has another one now and is also getting on of the puppies she has recently had, so lots of registering needed, on the web, change of ownership, kennel club etc etc. Now it is 5pm

    Will have to catch up later. I will have one of Kaths suckers, yes, I am a Nottingham lad :lol::lol: I need it, to cool down.

    Love to all, must potter away. t4591 t115006 XX Aidan
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all late again we went to the canal boat festival in the next town..its so lovely to see and the colours.. :D we took the chariot thank goodness..but then I fell asleep when we got home
    Carol how lovely having Paris to look forward to... :D I can tell you have a strong family....then you have a day of peace and quiet...I bet hubby cant wait to see Rubie and the rest of the family :D
    Joan what am I like missing appointments... :o I did ring and they gave me a new one ..they know I never miss..Im glad you were able to fish your meds out of your coffee..good job it didnt melt..
    Toni I did grovel..they will send me a new appointment..its the first time I have forgot I did attend choir..I dont remember leaving the shed..
    Kath how nice having breakfast under the gazebo..and thankyou for the Popsicles not heard that word for a while
    Aiden so dads scooter is very big.. :shock: maybe its for the best at least he will know there is no chance of it going in the car..and getting a shed to put it in..bless like you say leave him to it.. :)
    your neighbours are getting a new doggy..I just wish I could walk one they are good the face to face at your house or somewhere else..we will all be there..I was in a sate but once the face to face started I calmed down.. :)
    Right I had better see if there are any cardamon buns left..thankyou
    Love to everyone t4591 t115006 t4591
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all

    Hope everyone has had a good day. ours has not been bad.

    Kath has now promoted me to 2nd in command of the 8 legged creatures. so watch out spid..s I'm watching out for you. the popsicles look really nice .

    Aidan So Dad has a huge scooter. and you had scones cream and jam at the tea room sounds yummy. I love being busy I only get bored when it snows and I have to stay in then I get really bored and I am not the nicest of people to live with then. Yes looking forward to Paris. with me and Kath the Spid..s have no chance :lol:

    Toni you can come to Paris with us as long as you don't mind being stowed away in our suitcase :lol::lol:

    Yes I am sure Mr T will enjoy his little trip to see Rubie and the others. Barbara and we are all well it hurts so what just get on with it no good feeling sorry for yourself.

    Time for a potter me thinks need to do a jelly for my trifle tomorrow

    Love and Sparkles to all t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    A little earlier this evening, at least it is still Saturday at the moment.

    Hi to all, at last.

    So Barbara did get to choir Toni, it seems as if after the shed, things are a bit of a blur :shock: :lol::lol:

    We are relying on Kath and Carol's guard spid--s to keep us free from shocks and shudders from 8 legs. :? :? I hope it works. You will hear me if not :roll: :roll: :lol:

    It is a pretty big scooter, it will be used once or twice then it will sit under its covers all winter. Dad has been out with his neighbour to buy a huge storage thingy, to keep it in, Lord knows how big it is.

    We will make sure it is insured and registered, then say no more about it. Wrong time of year to be getting scooter for pootling about purposes. Anyway, we have enough to think about and worry over.

    I could ask Mother to levitate the keys round to ours, she is asleep at the moment, but I will mention it :lol::lol:

    Good to hear that Kari is getting a lot better, once bout of coughing in 12 hours sounds like a good improvement. Extra sparkles just in case t115006 there are any lurking buglies

    Hermione has transported Mother over to see Sleeks immaculate ickle house, I think they had high T, in the back room of her house :shock: Mrs Darcey came along too, knowing that Mummy was mending nicely.

    It must be like the jewelled cloak of many rooms, with added areas, that are only accessed by Sleek and her friends. Mother said that the Parlour was most pleasant :shock: t4591 With pictures and awards and bronze figure of Pepelongstockings - Bless.

    The weather warnings are now for Monday into Tuesday, they keep moving the goalposts as to where the remains of hurricane Helene will hit land, I guess we will know when it arrives.

    Mother, Sleek and Mrs D all have quidditch on their catphones now, so expect shrieking :shock: :shock:

    Hi Joan and Sue. We will fill in the forms for Dad, they look complicated, but it is quite easy for a scooter. I am sure he will enjoy it, when the weather is fine.

    Ooops with the co codamol, glad it was a tablet and not the fizzy ones I take, that would have made the coffee quite interesting :mrgreen:

    It is going to be warmer, for a couple of days, with the hurricane pushing warm air up from the southern Atlantic.

    It was chilly yesterday morning Kath, I put the heating on a for a little while. Now we have warm weather arriving's that time of year I guess.

    Carol will do a great job as your second in command on spid-- duty.
    Breakfast under the gazebo, lovely, batteries in all watches, very good and lots of little treats for T time / supper time. We like treats :)

    The grape suckers are very nice, thank you. I was having a moment in the afternoon, so they came in very handy. Ta mi duck

    I hope your eyes a feeling a little more open today, horrid when you cannot keep them open, then go to bed and BING, wide awake :roll: :roll:

    Hi there Barbara, I bet you enjoyed the canal boat festival, the colours are amazing. I remember the ones they have in Skipton. All the barge ware painted jugs and pots and pans :) Glad you had your chariot with you. Good for you, having a little nap when you arrived home.

    Glad you managed to sort out a new appointment, they will know that you are not one to miss them. The cloak was there, Toni said it went on its own, no doubt assisting someone while it was there :) t115006

    I thought you had gone to choir, you were singing in full voice apparently, a different piece of music to everyone else, but singing none the less :shock: :lol::lol::lol: Was it the gin, or the cider :roll: :roll: :lol::lol:

    Oh Dads scooter would never go in our car, even with it folded into whatever shape. It went into the neighbours estate car ok, as did the big storage box thing.
    We are letting him get on with it. BIL and SIL are over today, he will help Dad put the shed box together, unless it is already assembled.

    Yes, the neighbours who had their lovely doggy put to sleep, already have the Mother of a litter and when they come back off holidays, they are picking up one of her puppies too. Next door is looking after the doggy while they are away and we are looking after their park home and car :)

    The face to face is in Blackburn, about 25 minutes from us. SO not looking forward to it, so many people are loosing their benefits, I will have to not think of it like that. B will be there for when I dry up and get in a state. :roll: :roll: I know you will be there with everyone else, bless you t4591

    Hi Carol, now, we are on 6 days and counting I think, before the trip to Paris.

    Scone with jam and cream, is an essential part of life :) Along with two very strong coffee's.
    I like snow, as long as we have enough supplies of essentials. If we are marooned, then that is a different matter.

    Trifle, did I hear trifle..........I will be round at T time :)

    Is it Church open morning? Let's trust that people come in.

    Well, I had better be having another potter around. At home again today, with family coming in the afternoon, once they have been out for lunch with Dad.

    Hi to everyone in and about, Kerrin, Christine, Mig, Toady, DD, SW, Elizabeth and all.

    Love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 XXXX Aidan

    Potato and Cheese Pancakes

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Just a quick post

    Off out with a friend this morning will post properly later :)

    Love to everyone

    TonI xxx

    Just grabbing a pancake first though..... ;)
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Aidan Barbara Carol Toni.
    Kathleen we have not got any spiders yet I don't mind them.
    Aidan my tablets are dissolvable it did fizz a bit.
    Barbara that's good you have another appointment.
    Carol yes we keep busy it's easy to find things to do.
    Toni you have a nice time out.
    take care all
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Potato and Cheese Pancakes thank you Aidan, don't mind if I do. You certainly are a Nottm lad, and proud of it. :D

    Carol and I work very well together and our troops are just as respectful of her as they should be. The Pink nail varnish has been replaced with Bovver Boots with cushioned soles, for quietness. And they are all in training.

    Aidan, will dad need a protective helmet when he's out and about on his scooter?

    All the hobbling we did yesterday has made us rather ouchy today, but our next foray won't be ubtil Tuesday so hopefully we should have recovered by then.

    How does English muffins with salmon and creamy scrambled eggs suit for tea? If you can't wait until then, tuck in.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all - so, third day running and the afternoon has gone again :shock: :shock: :roll:
    Family and Dad have just gone, round back to Dads to watch the football.
    So, I will have to love and leave everyone until later this evening. Hugs ((())) Love and Sparkles to one and all. t4591 t115006 Later XXXX Aidan

    Oh, is it me, or has it gone WARM m0150

    Ice cream sundaes all round :)

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Scrambled egg was lovely Kath thank you :)

    Also thank you for not showing your 'little soldiers' exercising just their personal trainer :shock:

    I hope you are les ouchy tomorrow.

    Joan I don't think co-codamols taste great coffee flavoured :? Yes I had a good time lots of laughter always good :)

    Oh dear.....Aidan has lost today too rather like me...….and what is this delightful delectable dish I see before me?

    tap tap tap tap TAP TAP TAP TAP TAP TAP TAP......SPLATTTTT!!!

    Woosh and whirr of the booth....

    We have sunshine then April showers here m0150 Maybe good for the grass seed I sowed a week or so back?

    I do think the scooter will not be used too so make sure you keep all important docs and spare key so it can be sold in future :roll:

    There he goes....

    doesn't look to happy :?

    If needs be Mother will levitate the keys no problem Sleek said :wink:

    Oh yes Sleek's ickle house is full of rooms a little like our bejwelled cloak. It's full of mementoes of Pepelongstockings of course as well as his Dr's kit etc....

    High tea was delightful much shrieking occurred Lucy's eyes were popping open :shock:

    Who's turn is it next to entertain? Hermione said she will help out with travel arrangements - safety first with Hurricaines threatened.

    Sleek reckons she is on level 21 on the quidditch game, but I suspect I will need to put it away tonight or she'll get no sleep :roll:

    Count us in for your PIP assessment. It will take enough out of you just getting there. As I always say do NOT do anything that hurts even if they ask you to :x

    I can fit in a suitcase!! NO problem at all :)

    Make the most of some space while Mr T is enjoying himself with Rubie-leigh. Time apart can do us good - more to talk about when he gets home :D

    Barbara that sounded fun the canal boat festival! I bet you were wrecked :shock:

    I have no idea how you got to choir from the were there though the loudest singer of us all :lol:

    I am very pleased grovelling got you another appointment. It's so upsetting when it's a genuine mistake isn't it?

    See you all later

    Toni xxx

    2nd in command sp***r trainer for Kath? Good! just keep them away from me :shock: