Val's Cafe



  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all late again and not done much family been round for a couple of hours
    Joan yes I'm pleased I got my other appointment...well have to wait for it to come through the post...this weather is very up and down ..I hope your heating is working ok..
    Kath you rest till Tuesday...then off you go again...and you can look forward to breakfast.. :D bovver boots with cushioned you are on spider watch...cant miss them here.. :shock:
    Toni did I really sing that good..must say I remember the cider and that is all.. :lol: good idea with Aiden and Bills dads scooter..maybe it will be a fad... :o
    Aiden..its not just you that is warm..I am melting today but its gone a bit cool now..glad that dad has the family there ..hopefully not to put a shed up :lol: I do think it was the cider...well its the last thing I remember and then this strange noise..must have been my singing :?yes the canal festival was very busy..I think OH was glad to get back home ..the chariot with me in it is quite heavy :oops: ..mind you we were still for most of the time just boat watching.. :D
    I know how worrying the PIP is.. so you have to go to just not fair to put people through all this worry :roll:
    the potato and cheese pancake was good..thankyou now I will try the icecream sundae :)
    better move
    Love to everyone
    t4591 t115006 t4591
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all

    Have had a relaxing afternoon after going to church this morning.
    did not make my jelly last night so I made a rice pudding for dessert slimming world style of course. Now just 5 full days till we go to Paris.

    Aidan I think snow is ok on the 1st day it falls its when it freezes overnight and then you have the ice under any fresh falls of snow. the trouble is our councils in London grit the main roads but don't bother with the side roads so you are then stuck in unless you care to walk in the road. where the traffic clears the road I don't trust myself not to fall over :roll: :roll: :lol:. Sorry didn't make the trifle after all did a rice pudding instead.
    No it wasn't open morning that is usually the last two saturdays of each month but we will be away this Saturday so the next one will
    be the Saturday after. but our fortnightly church meals restart this week as we don't have them in late July and in August.
    I may go but not sure as I have the dentist on Thursday morning so it depends how I feel buy the evening.
    Kath and me will soon tame those 8 legged things they don't stand a chance.

    Joan I always go out each day even if I don't want too otherwise I get annoyed with myself because I feel I have wasted the day.

    Kath I love that bovver boots with soft soles even. those Spid..s don't stand any chance. :lol::lol: hope you feel less Ouchy soon. sending some magic square and some bush babies over to help. oh yes Salmon and creamy scrambled eggs I don't mind if I do.

    Toni Don't think I would fancy coffee flavoured
    co-codamols either ok I will leave space in the suitcase for you :lol: yes time apart is good unfortunatley though with Mr t it dosent give us more to talk about he would sooner sit in silence these days.

    it is now that time again for a potter need to check on the adventures of the 8 legged peeples so they are kept under control. dont worry Barbara we are on our way to sort yours out.

    Love and sparkles to all t115006 t115006 t4591 t4591
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all - late as is the norm. Cooler now, after my melting episode in the afternoon.

    Hi Joan and Sue - eeeew, fizzy coffee / co codamol, you did well to get it out quickly.

    So you don't mind the spid--s, we seem to have clearly marked camps, one where the 8 legs are ok and the other camp where there are lots of us shrieking at the mere thoughts :shock: :roll: :lol:

    There are always things to do, you are quite right.

    Hi Kath, yes, a Nottm Lad, I have lost my accent now, after living up here in both North Yorkshire and now Lancashire, (just on the border) since 1989.

    So, the spid-- guards now have boots on, oh my :shock: :shock: mind you, some are that big you could put a saddle on and ride them into town :? :? :? :lol::lol:

    To be honest I don't think Dad will make much use of his buggy. Maybe a once round the park, every blue moon and that will be it. :roll: :roll:

    Hope you are both less ouchy, after the hobbles. Just time to recover, before you go out again :roll: there is always one thing, that causes the next thing, so annoying don't you think.

    Thank you for the muffins salmon and scrambled egg, very nice too :)

    Hi Toni, I hope you had a nice day with your friend. The time does fly, I am sure the afternoons are getting shorter :shock:

    I see you found the ice cream sundae :lol::lol:

    This weather will be good for growing the new grass, it is going to be warm for the next two days, even if the remains of hurricane Helen are on the way.

    The buggy will remain under wraps for 99% of the time. No paperwork came with it. B has filled in the form for the DVLA, the insurance is set to go, so we are happy about the formalities being done.

    Mother can levitate things very well, her bed was on the ceiling at nap time :shock:

    Hermione has been thinking about the no fly times, in bad weather and has come up with a solution.

    At the back of Sleeks ickle house, there is now a small brick wall, which comes out under the dressing table in my bedroom, just like platform 9 3/4 t115006 t115006
    Mother was back and forth at nap time, trying out "the gate" through to Sleeks, only those who are Hogwart scholars, can go through, anyone else, will just hit the wall and bounce. :lol::lol: :?

    Sleek was showing Mother all the additional rooms in her expansive ickle house, the powder room, the shower room, the pantry, the trophy room, broom room, it's all in there.

    Pictures of her beloved on the parlour wall, bless, we do miss him.

    Level 21 on Quidditch, wow, better than Mother, who's paws are not quite as nimble. I think there is a time out on the game, so they don't stay up all night going boggle eyed

    I know you will be there for my PIP assessment. True, having travelled there, I will be stiff as a board. That's before we go in. The anxiety, well, let's not even go there. :? :? :roll:

    I certainly won't be doing anything that I am not 100% happy with and if I am not happy with any of the questions, I will say so.

    Hi there Barbara So you have had family round too, it is all our families fault, for stealing the hours :lol::lol:

    The buggy, is certainly an impulsive buy. Next door bought one, so he had to have one, but bigger :roll: :roll:

    I wondered if you were feeling warm. I was chatting to SIL and I was getting hotter and hotter, in the end I had to go in the kitchen were it was cooler, threw the windows open (with mesh in of course)
    Too many peeples in one room.........SIL had a thick fleece on too :shock: :shock:

    Ahh, the cider had its effect and caused amnesia, still, you sang very well at choir, from all accounts :lol::lol:

    B can only push me in a chariot, if the floor is as smooth as a millpond, ie in a supermarket. I gave mine back to OT, as he could not move me around the park, it takes horse power to get Bubbles on the move :lol::lol: :shock: :roll: Did Mr B fall to sleep as well, when you arrived home.

    B says, thank you xx

    Yes, Blackburn, for the assessment, it is not too far, or I would be asking for a home visit. I am trying my best, not to over think it.

    It made me laugh, the same day the appointment came, a letter from the surgery, to make appointment for my 6 monthly review, due to my "chronic illnesses", well, chronic, as we were taught, means long term and progressive. Anyway, I am rambling.

    Hi there Carol, now we are on 4 days until Paris, oh the time is flying by.

    Good that you had a relaxing afternoon, following Church. Not to worry about the trifle, I love rice pudding too :)

    Yes, when snow is compacted down, it is far more dangerous, walking in fresh snow, is usually ok.
    The little side roads around here do not have any gritting, only the road at the bottom of the hill, which is a school route.

    It won't be long until I am ninny walking and no, Toni, there will be no pictures of me ninnying on ice :lol::lol::lol:

    The first Church meal for a while, I am sure you will go if you feel up to it.

    Taming the spide-s, OK, tame is good, I guess :? :? I know you and Kath will keep any intruders at bay, wherever possible. t4591

    So Mr T is being quiet at the moment. You could always "jump" when he asks or says something, say your frightened me, I thought you were having a sponsored silence. :lol::lol: Oh I am bad :D:D

    Right, it is now time for me to be pottering, going up for 0100, some glasses to wash and throw about :roll: :roll: Need to move, I am totally set like stone.

    Off to the GC this morning, been too long since we went. Dad and BIL SIL went yesterday, for lunch.

    Love and Sparkles to everyone in and about. t4591 t115006 Take care, hopefully I can get in this afternoon :? :? XXXX Aidan

    Maple, Pecan, Overnight French Toast Bake

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Just pouring on some maple syrup on my breakfast...thanks Aidan! Noo-noo on standby :wink:

    Of course I found the sundaes! Yum :D very nice!

    GC for you this morning? I might just have to join you.....see if Kari is up to venturing out.

    So that is where Sleek has been!! She kept going missing!! Then I'd hear Tosca's voice as well as hers!! I thought she's taken the crystal ball down there with her!! very impressive indeed.

    Her house is lovely (so I hear - we can't fit in of course). Sometimes she goes in for a quiet sniff over Pepe's things and photos t4591 t115006 ((()))

    Apparently Tom thumb's parents got him a quidditch game and he is already on level 38! Not that surprising having his extra thumb always :)

    Carol naughty Mr T!! Giving you the silent treatment is he? tut tut!! I rather like Aidan's idea of jumping out of your skin when he does speak :lol:

    I think I should come to Paris then you'll at least have me to speak to :D m0150

    Dentist for you Thursday - cloak is ready and waiting.

    Dare I say it, but your sp***r guards are doing a great job here :?

    Barbara I feel as though Aidan and B's Dad's scooter will be an expensive fad too :roll:

    Yes you sang like an angel. Maybe Silver nipped you over??

    Family over? Very nice on a Sunday.

    It isn't always moving that tires you is it? Just being out doing something different.

    Morning to Joan :) Do you have rain? We do here Sleek is sitting by the door (open for airing) and sulking a bit....

    Love to everyone

    Toni xxx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Toni Aidan Barbara Carol.
    Kathleen I hope you have a good day with not too much pain.
    Toni i'm glad you had a good time. No we have not got rain.
    Aidan are you having the bad weather today.
    Barbara not all the radiator's are working he's coming this afternoon.
    Carol yes we go out every day the dogs enjoy their walks.
    have a good day everyone
    take care
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Helping mesen to Maple, Pecan, Overnight French Toast Bake. So scrummy. Thank you Aidan. I'll soon have you talking Nottm lingo again, you'll be asking everyone "A yer gorrany on em on yer?" and "ave yer mashed duck?" :lol: At least I'll understand yer me duck. :wink:

    I've a horrible feeling another vertebra has gone. The pain is just as it was at first, when I had 4 at once. I'ts difficult to get comfy anywhere. Sorry to mither. :roll: b007.gif

    Carol and I took the spids swimming yesterday, f092.gif They seemed to enjoy it. Anything to keep them out of mischief. You can't see them, they were underwater swimming.

    Right, off to the booth with some Strawberry Cheesecake. Ready Toni and Aidan? taptaptap SPLAT slurp.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all ..
    Carol sorry I forgot you yesterday brain isn't what it used to be or was it ever..I don't know :? so you are having the silent treatment .like Toni I love Aidens idea of jumping when Mr T speaks..we are all so naughty..not long now till Paris... :D
    Toni poor kari has she not been out yet..there are some rotten colds going in the Daily Mail yesterday a new treatment for COPD and bronchectisis..SP....a little valve they put into your lungs and it makes the capacity 3 times better.. :)
    Joan I hope they get those radiators fixed before it gets to cold..tell them to flush it out..
    Kath did you see the new device for lung the mail yesterday..wish it has been around for my brother..4 vertebra..gosh I have just 2 ..and that is bad enough..hope you can mange to get I will try the cheescake if there is any left..
    Aiden the bracelet i have ordered off Bill. is for my GDs 21st among other things..she loves green :D I can only imagine the work that has gone into it..GC today you enjoy..hope you get your usual seat..who knows maybe dad will shock us all with the scooter and go far and wide..not to far though :o when fo your neighbours pick up there new puppy or did you say..oh for a cuddle... :) yes I was melting..and today it went so warm this afternoon..must be the tropical stream they were on about..
    thankyou for the delicious french toast :D
    My friend the young gay man has gone into rehab today..bless him ..he has had so many problems with his family he started to drink a lot..its a private place but under the NHS..he thinks it will be 3 to 5 I sent him off with a ST Christopher..I pray it works for him..
    Right better move
    Love to everyone t4591 t115006 t4591
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon, yes, I know, it is afternoon and I am determined to put my neuropathic little fingers to the keys. :D:D

    You are very welcome to the breakfast Toni, I have had another nip round with the nu nu, I seem to have made a BIG mess :roll: :roll:

    Fancy me even asking, did you find the sundae :lol::lol: of course you did.

    Yep, that's where Sleek and Mother have been, going through the "gate" backwards and forwards, Tosca is forever nipping into the bedroom now, then 2 minutes later there is shrieking, (in real life too)
    They are having a wail of a time............ :lol::lol: solves so many worries that Hermione had about weather warnings. (the broomsticks won't work though, during weather warnings). That won't bother them, with all the fun they are having.

    I always go and touch the lovely little caskets of Cookie and Pepe, every day t115006 t115006 I could bawl at the drop of a hat, but, deep breath..............Bless, Sleek likes her quiet time in her ickle house too.

    Tom has a distinct advantage, with his big thumbs, he will race through quidditch, Mother is only on level 10 :roll: She says "I have done this before, for real, winning awards for it too" :shock: "silly game" :lol::lol: she is a bit miffed as we didn't have fish today. I said, we will all have gills at this rate :lol::lol: :shock:

    Spider guards have been doing a good job indeed. Thanks to Kath and Carol.

    So, we get round to Dads this morning, normal time, about 1030. "I have missed my podiatry appointment", no, it is on Wednesday. "I have missed my bloods appointment" we did ask about this on Sunday, if he had been given one...........turns out to be in 10 minutes time :shock: So it was no leisurely GC visit, it was off to town asap.
    Everyone in the car, off we go...............Good job we are only 2 miles from town...........................B has given the surgery our mobile, to ring, with any further appointments, if we don't know, we cannot put it in the calendar. They know Dad and know of our concerns. All sorted.

    Buggy and humungous box / storage thing, well, remember those buildings and towers that Aristocracy built in their vast estates, follies, that' the name. Say no more.

    It was chilly and drizzling this morning, by the time we had been into town and the T room, it was very warm indeed :shock: Getting quite windy here now. Good, windows wide open, with mesh in of course.

    Hi Joan and Sue, so the man is coming about the radiators today, oh dear, he had better sort it properly, we don't want the saga you had last winter, with you and Sue sitting in one room trying to keep warm.
    We seem to have three days, of weather warnings, starting Monday evening :? :?

    Hi Kath, your rite mi duck, you elp yoursen luv. :lol::lol: aya gunna gerra fish at chippy, :lol::lol: ya gunna gu daaarn taarn on bus -takes me back.

    oh dear, let's hope it is not another vertebrae that has gone / going. You are not mithering at all, when there is something amiss, there are ouches and we need to send hugs and sparkles to you ((())) t115006 t115006 Are you going to see the GP and have it x rayed.
    I have two vertebrae where the facet joints are shot.

    So all the spiders are in training at the pool, very nice, I think :? :?

    I will be off to the booth, with the cheesecake, as soon as I finish writing, in between pottering............... It looks lovely, thank you.

    Hi Barbara A new treatment for COPD, I will have to take a look at that one. Would be very welcome indeed.

    I am sure your GD will love the bracelet, it is made with chrysocolla, semi precious stone. It looks even better in the flesh, so to speak.

    Here is a link, to read all about it

    As you will have see, we never made it to the GC, due to an unknown bloods appt for Dad. Anyway, the T room was fine. No hardship.

    The neighbours are in Crete at the moment, so other neighbour is looking after the new doggy ( who is the mother of the litter of puppies). The breeder said they could take Mum, as they would not breed from her again, she is only 3 and so gorgeous.

    I do hope your friend is ok in rehab. Drinking to excess is a big problem in society now, far more than people think.
    I pray his problems can be put into perspective and that he gains the strength he needs to carry on. t115006 t115006 t4591

    Right, I had better move myself, before I set again. Hi to Carol, are we at 4 days and counting now?

    Hi to Kerrin, Christine, Mig, Elizabeth, Toady, DD, SW and all. Love and sparkles t4591 t115006 off to the booth I go..............XXX Aidan
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Glad you've had no rain Joan..we had a good bit bit then it was sunny m0150

    Kath l am very worried about ypur back ...shouldn't you have an x ray?

    Thanks for the fabulous dessert. Been in the booth and then had another shower ;)

    Barbara l am so sorry to hear about your friend l will light him a candle. Alcohol is dangerous because it's legal cheap and socially acceptable :(

    A new treatment for COPD? Well that is good news :)

    Aidan l had my flu jab today....arm sore already!!

    Dad gets you all rushing about doesn't it?

    Good job the surgery are keeping you in the loop now.

    Sleek goes in her house ...then l hear shrieking - two voices!! I an so glad they can see each other in bad weather. Safety first!

    Mrs Darcey is going to arrange a tree dodging Slalem through the trees on Cannock Chase tgen crab paste butties for all of them including Tom thumb. She is happy with Kari's health now.

    Watching the undateables l love it it's do heartening:)

    After that off to drop some fruit off with Johnny :)


    Toni xxx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all, goodness, it is warm :shock: fans on here

    We do want Kath to have an x ray asap. Lots of gentle hugs and magic squares to help with the ouchies.

    So you had to have another shower then Toni, it was an almighty splat though, cheesecake everywhere :lol::lol:

    So true about alcohol, everything drink wise is always on the next trend, it was prosecco :mrgreen: and now it is gin, with a thousand different flavours :? :?

    I have seen what it does to people and like cigarettes, there should be a range of warnings on all bottles/cans etc. It is advertised widely, but if one ciggy was advertised the world would come to a stop with the shock.
    Sorry, I am rambling, I will shut up. :roll: :roll: Extra prayers for your friend Barbara t4591

    Flu jabs can give sore arms, almost every time, feels like you have been thumped in the top of your arm. Ours are next Monday I think.

    Rushing about, tell me about it. Not that I can rush, but yes, we are kept on our toes, so to speak. We are very pleased that B, is the first point of contact for any of Dads appointments etc.

    Hermione has sent an apology to Mrs Darcey, for not installing a "gate" in her home, well, there is one now, somewhere in the kitchen I think :? :? Mrs D will certainly find it. So, the three of them can now get up to even more mischief :lol::lol: I think the "gate" will open at 0800 this morning. So, if Mrs D is not about, she will be at yours, or at ours. :shock: t115006 t115006

    The slalom on Cannock Chase, sounds real fun. I wonder if Mother will fly her own broom, or ride with Miss Sleek in the side car. I guess Tom Thumg will ride with Mrs Darcey, I hear she can go at a real pace when needed.

    I am glad to hear that Kari is well on the mend, maybe a little shopping trip soon, to aid recovery :) t115006

    Mmm crab paste butties :mrgreen: lovely. I remember shippams paste, oh they smelt horrific - feeling queasy now. Salmon paste and cucumber sandwiches on a Sunday :shock: :? :?

    Does anyone remember kidney soup, Heinz made it, oh my DAYS, it never really caught on, surprisingly :shock: :shock: It was discontinued 36 years ago - right, deep breaths now...............

    I have seen the trailers for undateables, it is heartening for sure t4591
    Are you watching the last ever BB?

    The Sanctuary looks very well stocked, you brought tons of fruit, veg, cereals, straw, mealworms, fish, bamboo, eucalyptus, the whole works.........The keepers are doing a wonderful job looking after all the lovelies, who are thriving :)

    Hi to Carol, now we are on 4 days and counting, or is it 3 errrm, 4 :roll: :roll: almost time to pack anyway :D:D
    I hope Mr T has decided to break with the Trappist Monks vows of silence :shock:

    Quiet evening here, neighbour popped round before siesta, as it was her Birthday and we wanted her to have her presents :)

    I am pootling about, writing a bit, then pottering a bit more.

    At home day today, catching up from the week end, beds to immaculise, laundry to do :)

    Hi to Kerrin, Christine, Mig, Toady, Elizabeth, DD, SW, and all

    I will make a move and fuss a little. Love and sparkles to everyone t4591 t115006 XXX Aidan

    Pumpkin and Apple Pancakes

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Aidan Barbara Toni.
    Kathleen I hope you can get a Doctors appointment today(((())))
    Aidan yes the gas man came and turned the rads down from inside to get sue's and mine working last night ours worked but not the others we shall see.(((()))
    Barbara sorry about your friend I hope he can be helped. Yes the rads have been flushed(((()))
    Toni we have wind at the moment I hope it's not too bad for you.
    take care everyone
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    No Joan, I have no intention of going to my GP I know I said my back, but it's actually more in my hips but spreads up my back Toni, there's no need to worry I'm already having treatment so there's nothing more to be done. So I just come here for a bit of a moan knowing my lovely friends will listen.

    We went our walk today. Very difficult with that wind. All the spids are sheltering under the bin shelter, although one or two have been wind surfing on their webs. :roll: Little monkeys :lol:

    Time for Nu Nu and to set the booth up for wash and dry for Salted Caramel cake. Enloy. :D

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all, warm again, very windy too.

    Hi there Joan and Sue, so the rads are half working, oh dear, let's hope they can sort it out asap. At least you were both warm and cozy.
    I bet the doggies fur blows in the wind when it like this :shock:

    Hi Kath, as long as you are sure. I can understand the pain spreading into your back, referred pain is horrid and can appear in the most unlikely places.
    You are not moaning at all, gi up wi thinkin that duck :lol::lol: that what we are here for. For all the good, bad, happy and sad times, not to mention the ouchies, which are a bane to us all. :roll: :roll:

    It has been super blowy, B has been out rescuing plants that have gone toppling over in their pots, only to see them all tipped up again :roll:
    Then the hanging basket fell off its hook and onto the back decking, frightened me out of my slippers :shock: :shock:

    Glad you managed to battle the wind and have a little walk. I bet the Gazebo was not up today.

    So, the spid--s are under the bin store lid, ok, that's fine. Now, Mother was shouting at 7 this morning, thinking it was time to be up and about (I think she had been to see Miss Sleek). Then she was shouting at just after 8 and looking at something - I turned to look and I am sure there was a spid--- just nipping behind the curtains :shock: :shock: where my half asleep eyes seeing things, (they do that with one of the cardiac drugs, makes me see shapes etc, very weird ) or was it an 8 leg :? :? We need a search party from the spider patrol.

    Well, that was it, I would NOT get back into bed, so I sat on the bed, armed to the teeth, wafting curtains and voiles - whatever the neighbours thought I don't know :shock: :lol::lol::lol: even Mother was looking at me gone out. I have not found it, B has not found it, so, erring on the side of caution, I am assuming there is an 8 leg in hiding, until I know different. :? :?

    Apart from that I have been happily pottering, washing, drying, melting at times, fussing and the like. B has been busy with Etsy.

    Dryer has finished, so I will go sort more laundry and get pills ready.

    Hi to Barbara, hope you are ok t115006 Now, I think your appointment is first, or is it Joan's.........oh dear, I hope Toni has remembered, see, if it's not in my phone, I am lost in the wilderness. :roll:

    Hi Toni, Sleek, Mother and Mrs Darcey have been in and out of each others houses like crazy, having a wail of a time.

    Any news on the tidy garage yet? Or not, as the case may be :lol: :roll:

    Carol will be counting down, it will be 3 tomorrow, exciting.........

    Hi to everyone else, in and about. I am off to fall flat on my face into the wonderful cakes that Kath has left.................goggles on.........

    Love and Sparkles to all t4591 t115006 will catch up again later. XXX Aidan
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all..had a neighhbour round then went shopping..very warm but I see the storm is hitting in the early hours..and the forum is off line tonight..
    Aiden its so nice to have Pepe and Cookie so bawl away no used holding it in :cry: its lovely that your neighbours have mum and the puppy..they will be good for one another..I dont remember kidney soup but not surprised they stopped making it.. :shock: must say I do like there beef you missed the GC and took dad for his bloods..its a good idea to have them text you in the sp**der..I hope it was an illusion... :shock:
    thankyou for the prayer for my friend ..we rang today and he is settling in..he has a shared room with someone that is much further on with there treatment.. :)
    my appointment is the 22nd and today I have a letter for a tilt test do with the funny dos I was having..thats on the 3rd October..I think :roll: thankyou for the link on the stones..they do look lovely
    Kath I have referred pain in my hips from my back..I have 2 new hips and they would be good if it wasn't for this back.. :roll:
    Joan honestly all this palaver over your rads..I hope they get them working for you..and thankyou for your kind words for my friend..
    Toni yes the new treatment sounds promising..and thankyou for lighting a candle its very was drinking that caused my brother to suffer..he did give it up for ten years.. but it got to him in the end...Im so glad to hear that Kari is feeling better..I asked about our flu jabs yesterday and they say to ring back in October.. :o
    Right better go but will help myself to some apple pancakes and some of Kaths salted caramel cake :D
    Love to everyone t4591 t115006 t4591
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Recovering from my flu jab today left arm weighs a ton!! Hope it's ok tomorrow sure it will be :wink:

    Can't believe I'm moaning about something so trivial and vital :oops: :oops: Thumped I feel for sure Aidan! Pneumonia jab on 2nd at 8.20am :shock: If needs be the cloak can support you a nd B for yours on Monday.

    Those cats - in and out in and out all day!! Mrs Darcey brought Tommy Thumb with her he had a great time - tried to get outside here again, but one stern look from Mother and that was him sorted!

    She's tough with him and he needs it, but she wants to ride side car for the Slalom Mrs Darcey is planning.

    I am indeed watching the last ever BB with Lucy but we are recording it and watching it when we can. It's actually rather good so far.... :?

    Kath you will always be guaranteed a caring ear here for sure :) I shan't worry now unless you tell us to ((()))

    Now I need your help! Lucy had two big sp****s downstairs (she popped them out with the sp***r catcher thingy, but wo they made her jump!! Can you add her space to your soldiers' rounds? Will you tell Carol too?


    That cake!! It was to die for I added some of cornwall's finest too to mine so the booth was running jet powered!

    Joan I am NOT happy the radiator saga is going on and on and on!!


    The wind was strong and gusty but warm!! Now it's eased I hope you didn't get it??

    Barbara you are 22nd and 3rd October. I had the tilt test before they diagnosed benign directional vertigo (SP)

    Glad to here the chap is doing ok. Cannot come off alcohol without medical help sadly. ((()))

    I wish they'd do our jabs earlier honestly by the time we get them it's already here :roll:

    Take care everyone

    Forum being worked on overnight then?

    What will be here at 9am tomorrow I wonder :? :shock:

    Toni xxx
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all

    It started off quite windy today but it has warmed up during the day.

    countdown to Paris is now 2 full days then we are off. must get packing started tomorrow because wont have much time on Thursday what with dentist in the morning and church meal in the evening.
    Aidan Ninny walking on ice no way :lol::lol: and especially no pictures. Mr T say's so little I don't think the jumping would work :lol::lol: good idea though. as for bad I'm always bad never good me. Yes Spid..s all under control we are keeping them very busy. Aidan mr T is always very quite it is him its usually me who initiates conversations. but I did giggle at the trappist Monk vow of silence :lol::lol:

    Toni Mr T is always very quite that's just him. I would jump but It always seems me to start a conversation anyway. of course you can come to Paris for a natter he he . yep dentist Thursday but I know you will all be there under the cloak. with the Pusskins and bush babies . so the spid..r guards are working well, Kath and I are giving them lots of training. need to book my flu jab.

    Kath Toni say's the spid guards are doing a good job so we are training them well. the spids did love their swim. we are only naughty because it's boring being good but fun being naughty. Paris in 2 days. hope your ouchy bits improve for you. 4 vertebrae at once very ouchy .

    Barbara We are only naughty because being good is boring :lol: its fun though. :wink: and of course you must come to Paris we can be naughty together then :lol::lol:

    Must now have a potter so love and sparkles to all t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all - a little less blowy at the moment - high winds forecast for Wednesday
    There seems to be many storms out in the oceans. A lot cooler over the coming days - there, that's the forecast done :lol::lol:

    I am hoping to post before the website goes offline for the updates

    Oh I will bawl Barbara, don't you worry - at the drop of a hat I am off. It is nice to have our beloved puskins with us.

    Dad used to like Scotch Broth. Most of the time though, he made their soups from scratch.

    We will catch up with the GC on Friday. Dad is having his feet done at the surgery today, so we will take him and get what shopping we need, no T rooms, cannot go every other day.

    I am hoping the spid-- was an illusion, but I am not taking any chances, regular checks being carried out this evening :? :roll:

    I am glad to hear that your friend is settling in to the rehab unit. Being with someone who is further into their recovery, will be a good help for him, sharing a problem is good. Prayers are always being sent :)

    22nd for your nose / sinuses - then 3rd Oct for tilt test. Toni will remember. I do remember that the 22nd is at the hospital that you are not too keen on.

    We will be there for all of them, without fail, the cloak will pick us all up t4591
    You are welcome to the link, the stones are really nice :)

    I meant to ask about your neighbour and her kiddies, are they ok?

    Hi Toni, it is thump and then some. Obviously a few new strains in this years jab, hence the ouch. Heavy arm, yep, that's the flu jab for you :? :roll: The pneumonia jab is fine, not usually any problems with it. Says Matron :lol::lol: just a little scratch :shock: :shock:

    I think the cloak will be hovering about for the coming week, with so many appointments, hospital visits, dentists, flu jabs, PIP assessment to name a few. Good job it scoops us all up and take us along.

    The new "gate" is causing quite a stir, in and out and then you think, how many cats did I just see, then they are all gone....... :shock: :shock: Tom did enjoy visiting, but said that Mother gave him a very learned stare, so he had to behave.

    Yes, Mother is going to go in the side car, preferring comfort and cushioning, if Sleek is dodging trees :shock: Tosca trusts her though, she knows how good she is at Quidditch. As is Mrs Darcey.

    I thought you might be watching BB :)

    So, Lucy has had some scary spid--s in her boudoir :shock: :shock: glad she is brave and can catch them, all credit to you there Lucy. But, they make you jump and that is what freaks me out.
    Carol and Kath will add Lucy's rooms to their search and remove list.

    The booth was still on a wash cycle, water everywhere :lol::lol: you must have enjoyed that cake and cream, as we all did. I have checked the filters and they are all fine. I have nudged the pressure up on the water jets, just to warn people :shock: :? :?

    You all take care too. t115006

    Hi Carol, now, the countdown is really racing along. Time to pack asap.
    Are you going on the Eurostar, straight through to Paris? Sorry, I am a nosy parker :roll: :lol:

    That's ok, being a bit naughty, much more fun than always being good :lol::lol:
    Glad I made you chuckle with the Trappist Monks. If that is Mr T's nature, then there is little you can do to change things.

    We will be there under the cloak at the Dentist.

    I think we are all coming to Paris by the sounds of it. We can potter on the Champs Elysee :lol::lol:

    Right, I had better post soon, or this will be lost in the ether.

    A big hi to everyone in and about. Leaving lots of love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 Take lots of care XXXX Aidan

    Creamed Mushrooms with Chive butter, on toast

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Creamed Mushrooms with Chive butter, on toast - double helping for me please Aidan. Or maybe 3. Greedy wotsit aren't I :lol: I think perhaps a newly trained spid might have got a bit zealous and probably just chased off a naughty stranger. I think this because you never found him/her. He was brave to venture out in this wind, remember even spids get scared. :mrgreen:

    Isn't the forum looking posh The admins have done a good job. :D

    Toni, Carol and I will certainly update the search and remove list to include Lucy's quarters Can't understand how we missed her off. :oops:

    No need for the booth today Prune buns. If you don't fancy eating them, perhaps you could keep them handy for lobbing at strange shapes on the wall, just in case Carol takes some trained spids on holiday with her :lol:

    t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all..very windy but warm..
    Carol I hope you have a lovely holiday in Paris ..yes make room for all of us..trouble is our specialty... :lol:
    Toni my arm is always quite sore after the flu jab, but OHs isn't..not a clue why... :? so you had the tilt test I thought I remembered someone mentioning it..just hope they don't tilt me upside down :shock:
    Aiden Thankyou for the mushrooms on of my favorite :D so it the GC today..I hope it all goes to plan.. :)thankyou for the prayers for my friend, it is a good idea to have someone to talk to that has gone through it ..they have said if they don't get on there are single rooms..think I would be a bit worried sharing with someone I don't know.. :shock: the young lady next door is having more problems with her ex..he is saying he cant pay the mortgage or pay much to the children..we know he is hiding money ... :roll: just had a read back you are not at the GC today dad is having his feet done it will be Friday..has he had a go on the scooter yet
    Right will go and recharge my brain... :lol:
    Love to everyone t4591 t115006 t4591
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all, on a VERY windy day, goodness, it is blowing a storm out there. Absolutely a no fly zone, all brooms are offline on orders of Minerva, as well as Hermione :shock: :shock:

    The only time it poured with rain, was the minute we arrived home and had to get into the house - soaked. Then it stopped. :shock: :roll: :roll:

    Hi Kath, you enjoy your three helpings of mushrooms in chive butter, on toast. There is a huge pan full of them, I know Toni will like them, a little :lol:

    Still on sign of any large spid--, so far :? :? I was awake until goodness knows what time, keeping an eye, into the early morning. Even Mother thought I was nuts and went to sleep. Me, relax, of course, easy as pie :roll: :roll: said no one, ever.

    The forum is looking lovely, so too is Google Chrome, it is different, looks a bit more slick, unless it is just me :?

    If the lovely Sharon our Moderator, please can have some Autumnal emoji's, it is getting to that time of year and we have enough leaves flying past the windows already. Thank you kindly :)

    Oh no, the prune buns look lovely, no lobbing of them, not yet. If I do see anything with more than 6 legs, I might throw one :lol::lol:

    Hope any ouches are bearable, sending over some more magic squares. They will be down in Nottm in no time at all in this wind :shock: :shock: t115006 t115006

    No walk today I would guess, far too windy and wild :? :?

    Has Joan got an appointment today? I know we can be in several places at once, so the cloak could well have scooped me out of bed :o:o

    Hi there Barbara, yes, super windy and warm too. I was having a moment after lunch, had to throw open the kitchen window. Most things are being blown about in the garden and leaves are everywhere.

    Sore arms are quite common after flu jabs, just the body taking a look at the vaccine and then building up the antibodies to the particular strains of flu they have jabbed us against. Some don't feel any after effects, some get a thump, like Toni did.

    One thing at least, it cannot give you influenza, which I hear so many people say "that flu jab gave me a bad cold" No, it didn't :roll: :roll:

    I guess there are mixed blessings, for your friend, sharing a room. There is that level of support and encouragement, if they get on well. As you say, there is always the option of a single room, but then you don't want him to feel isolated, which I am sure the staff would not let happen. Thoughts and prayers for his well being t4591

    So your poor neighbour is being given the run around with her ex, saying he has no money to pay the mortgage or pay towards the children's upkeep. Stashing the money away, I wonder where?? Child support agency would soon make enquiries, ie where he works, what his income is, what he has in outgoing, savings etc.

    No, it was the T room after all, even though we said we were not going for coffee / cakes, we did end up there, while Dad was having his feet done. B went to the Post Office, as you know. Then to Sainsb, then home, Dad wanted a cordless screwdriver for assembling the huge storage box thing, so ordered one from Argos, collect tomorrow.
    B knows he will end up making his buggy store for him. Dad has unpacked it and put it under the Gazebo, well, it was there, in this wind it could be anywhere on the park :shock: :roll: :lol::lol:

    No, he has not been on the scooter yet, it is still sat there under its cover. Forms have gone off to the DVLA, just to insure it, then he might have a go. Kind of the wrong time of year to be venturing out around the park in howling winds and sudden downpours.

    Definitely going to the GC on Friday, we have not been for YEARS :shock: :shock: :lol:

    Mother has been very vocal, lots of visits to the bedroom and I suspect through the gate to see Sleek and Mrs Darcey, lots of shrieking :shock:

    As you know, something very nice arrived today Toni. t115006 t4591 which will be sorted tomorrow. We love surprises. t4591 t4591

    Hope things are not being blown willy nilly :shock: :shock: will Bot take off in the wind, or stay in her house?

    Carol is busy and then will be packing, two days and then off we go to Paris :)

    Hi to everyone else, in and about. It is time I was pottering about before siesta.

    Lots of love and Sparkles to all t4591 t115006 I will pop back later XXXX Aidan

    No delay, straight to the booth, Raspberry Cream Pie

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all

    Funny weather here today we have had cloudy and windy, then a couple of short bursts of light rain not even enough to make you wet then Sunshine.

    Paris countdown now just one full day 1 full day. have already started to pack as tomorrow will be busy because I have dentist at 10.30am ( and I know you will all be there under the cloak along with Pusskins and bushbabies) and then leave church meal at 6pm the latest. still I suppose at least being busy It will take my mind off any pain due to the injection wearing off, and the root canal being done. as long as I get a short Nap in the afternoon I am hopeful I will be ok to go to the church meal.

    Aidan I don't mind you being Nosey yes we are going straight through to Paris. just hoping there is space for my rollator in the luggage rack as of course Mr T booked seats but not the disabled seats :roll: :roll: or else we may have problems. Mr T just says stop worrying about the luggage we will get it on. Pottering on The Champs Elysee sound good. search and remove list updated to include Lucy.

    Kath have updated the search and remove list to Include Lucy we cannot have Scary Spid..s lurking about can we. I have no intention of taking any trained spid..s to Paris with me i am sure you can cope while i am away.

    Well its time to potter a little t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all, a little less blowy, we are down to a hefty breeze now, with rain. Definitely cooler.

    Hi Carol, so, one more day on your countdown.

    We will be there for your appointment this morning, 1030, the cloak will gather us all, being able to put us in at least two places as once, with just a little bit of magic t115006
    Hugs and sparkles t4591 t115006 in advance of any potential ouchies. Top up with painkillers asap after your visit to the Dentist, then they will help as the anaesthetic wears off.

    There will be sleepy magic squares for when you get home, to lull you to sleep, prior to the Church meal. But, if you are not feeling up to par, then an at home evening instead.

    I am sure there will be room for your rollator on the Eurostar. Ooops, not booking disables seating... :roll: ....maybe, if they are free, then you could ask the guard, or whatever they are called now :?
    Try not to worry, I know, easier said than done.

    We will all have a stroll on the Champs Elysee, maybe a coffee and watch the world go by :) This cafe looks rather nice :)


    Hi to Barbara, hope things have not been too blown about :shock: it was pretty wild in the afternoon.

    Hi Toni Hope all is ok with you and yours. Mother, Tosca and Mrs Darcey have been busy in and out of the "gate", sampling each others foods, touring around the houses, generally having a good time.

    The cloak will be ready for us all at the Dentist, with Carol :) There are fresh scones in the kitchen.

    Hi to Kerrin, Christine, Mig, Toady, SW, DD, Elizabeth, Joan and Sue and all who come in.

    A quiet evening, I am pottering, B is busy away.

    Just bloods today, for B, won't be out long. It is going to pour with rain, so most of the day at home is fine by us. I have a multitude of shirts to press. Keep me quiet for a while.

    I had best be moving about a bit. Leaving love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 XXX Aidan

    I saw fruits on these, so thought they would be nice for breakfast :? :D

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Look at this swish new Forum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

    How striking are we?? :D:D

    I love the colours :shock: more memorable I should think than our pink and ARUK's orange. We may have been a bit too wishy washy and if we want the donations people need to remember this new charity.

    Joan!! Jo-oan!! Where are you? are you ok?

    Aidan of course the surprise! I can't wait you will hear Lucy shriek just like Mother and Sleek through the special doors!!

    I had my super creamy cake later on yesterday in lieu of my evening meal and had to have a shower again :oops:

    I was very busy yesterday helping my lovely neighbours (the ones who take us to choir) with some preparations for their 50th wedding anniversary do this weekend - over 70 people will be there :shock:

    We are doing flower centrepieces at Pom's today lots of us.

    Bunting tables and gazebo on Friday when hopefully the wind will have dropped.

    I hope the bits from Dad's shed thingy are still where he left them :? Bloods again today so no GC :(

    Roll on Friday for you!

    The slalom was going to be this weekend but Mrs D is waiting until she hears what the weather is doing.... :roll: It's raining here ATM, but looks less windy now :?

    Flu jab for Lucy today with our lovely pharmacist :) My arm is fine now....what was that Matron talk about the pneumonia one? 'sharp scratch'??? :roll: yeah!!

    Thank you for the delectable breakfast. One or more of our fie a day :)

    Carol the cloak is ready and waiting for you. A bushbaby or two will be coming along so you can hold a paw :)

    You and I and Aidan too will have a great natter in Paris what time are we leaving?

    I hope the Church meal is not too chewy then I am sure you'll be fine ((()))

    Barbara the tilt test was side to side back and forwards. At the time I was proper giddy so it proved the point really easily it was forwards for me but didn't go upside down.

    I hope your lovely neighbour will get on to the child support agency or courts if he starts to play games......their home is at stake :x

    I also wouldn't want to share with someone else. They could be anybody :shock: Still so long as it helps him ((()))

    Don't forget choir tonight!!

    Kath I am not sure how Lucy got missed either - she is pretty brave though isn't she? There is one very small one on the wall looks like he is keeping guard he is ok to stay t4591 . I suspect he is one of yours and Carol's??

    I couldn't lob a bun at a sp***r even if they do give me the eeby geebies :? have we got elephants in the sanctuary? we have haven't we? I shall take some down there right now....coming?

    Love to everyone

    Toni xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Phew, that was very satisfying, thank you Aidan, I'll just check I've left the booth ready for the next splatter platter of Raspberry Cream Pie.

    It's so dark and gloomy here with all the rain. Oh d*^at this full stop key. I have to whack it really hard!

    Carol, don't worry, I'll manage fine by myself. I'll probably arrange some films to show the spids Arachnaphobia should go down well, Jaws, Alien, and a few gardening programs.

    Hope you enjoy the sweet potato, apple and leek casserole :D

    :animal_busy: :animal_busy: :animal_busy: :animal_busy:

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all ,,very heavy rain here..I think the weeds were waiting for it.. :shock:
    Toni glad to hear your arm is not has sore..and Lucy will have hers, cant be to careful...I do like the new heading for the forum much easier to read for me :D now what this about it the one were you go from house to house..hope it stay dry for you..I will definitely be giddy after the tilting.. :shock:
    Kath sorry I must have posted at the same time has you yesterday..the casserole is just the job for this gloomy weather..
    Carol we will be under the cloak and hope you can keep the pain down..a nice nap then a meal and last of the exciting... :D Mr T does sound like my OH ..I hope you find a slot for your walker and then you can settle down...and enjoy
    Aiden I have visions of dads shed flying around..sorry I shouldn't laugh just hope B is up to doing it but not in this rain :roll: the man next door has his own business...she knows he is filtering money out but cant prove it..I just hope someone can .. :x
    see the lady with the white T shirt on the Champs Elysee..that's me enjoying brunch..I wish... :lol: ..I hope Bs bloods are ok..
    oh those lovely healthy cakes..thankyou
    I hope Joan is ok...
    better move

    love to everyone t4591 t115006 t4591