Val's Cafe



  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 20. Sep 2018, 17:33
    Afternoon all

    Yes Afternoon :shock: I am doing this now as I may not have time later Dentist went well. anaesthetics all gone now and if I was to score the discomfort at the moment it would be only 1/2 so I think the meal is on tonight for me, I was told not to eat anything to crunchy or to chewy today. He also fixed the sensitive tooth with a small filling which one the list to be done another day, but he did it today. I knew you were all there under the clock because a little paw came out to stroke my hand while the dentist wasn't watching. :lol:. I did have a little nap when I got home. then did a bit more packing rest to be put in in the morning.

    Kath I am sure the films will keep the spids occupied and out of mischief while I am away. choice of films sound ideal
    that sweet potato apple and leek casserole was delicious of course vey soft just right after the dentist trip

    Barbara I'm sure the walker will fit in if it doesn't I can blame Mr T. :lol: did you spot the little paw stroking my hand hope the dentist didn't if he did he never said anything :lol: we are leaving
    at 10.30 to get to the station early so there is no rush, train leaves at 1.30pm

    Aidan yes there must be coffee and a sit down on our strolls yes I am sure the rollator will fit in if not its Mr T fault not mine. made sure I had painkillers on me today so that I could take them very soon after the dentist. The café looks nice..

    well I must have a little potter before I set

    Love an sparkles for all t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Barbara Aidan Toni Kathleen Carol
    Barbara I came on yesterday the website was down then.
    Aidan I hope the weather's not too bad there
    Toni I hope the winds not too bad there.
    Kathleen l hope you have had a good day.
    Carol i'm glad the dentist was not too bad.
    take care all
    joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • mig
    mig Member Posts: 7,154
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi everyone hope you are all as well as can be.Hubby and I are off to Germany on saturday with my sister and hubby, we are doing the mernah dam (sp) colditz castle.Went down to look after the grandchildren for a while while mum and dad were away.Take care all. Mig X
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all, finally, at the end of the day. What a wet day it has been too. None stop from early hours until a few minutes ago, with more on the way.

    Now we have flood warnings :shock: :? :?

    We are smart, nice new colours they are too Toni. Quite agree :)

    The "surprise" will be with you today I would hope, recorded post, safely sealed and protected. We will listen for the shriek :D:lol::lol:

    The cake was a bit creamy, but well worth the mess :lol::lol: cake and cream pies are always sin free.

    So it is your neighbours 50th, many congratulations on their Anniversary. t4591 70 people attending the celebrations :shock: I hope they have lots of room / rooms etc for everyone to expand into.

    I am sure the flower displays will be lovely, (any piccies would be nice, if you can sneak a couple) :)

    I see there is a Gazebo too, I hope the weather improves. It is far less windy today (Thursday). t115006

    All the bits from the huge, what would you call it, a giant bin store, with doors on the front and a top that lift up, at Dads, is still under his gazebo. He has his new electric screwdriver, but the weather is not fit and B is not assisting in pouring rain or high winds. :roll: :roll:
    Roll on this time next week, for sure. I am afraid it is totally consuming my thoughts, darn pip. :? :? But, it will come and it will go and I know everyone will be there :) which is wonderful.

    From the weather forecasting, it looks like Saturday would be the best day for the slalom on The Chase. All the other days have weather warnings, from rain, to winds and thunder too :shock: :shock:
    Mother is sorting out some extra warm ensembles, with ear muffs and little ugg boots too. Sleek was there to help her choose the outfits from Burberry :shock: :lol:

    Glad you arm is much better and hope that Lucy's jab was ok. Oh the injection, only a little "sting" :lol::lol:

    Breakfast was yummy, all that fruit, so good for us :? :? :? :lol:

    How was choir, I think Barbara was there, no evidence of the shed being used :lol:

    I have had three bouts of really bad dizzy spells over the past two days, like room going round, even when I am sat. Most unpleasant. :mrgreen: Will monitor, have had vertigo a few times, but it is 20 odd years since.

    Mother has been in and out of the gate, visiting, then shrieking, then vanishing again.........Sleek was about as was Mrs Darcey, I could see their shadows in the bedroom.

    Hi Kath, glad you found the raspberry cream pie, most satisfying :) Steady away with the full stop key :lol::lol: some keys often get a little "slack", e being one of them, as it is the most used letter.

    It has been dark today, I don't mind rain though. I was melting earlier in the day, with the dryer going and me pressing shirts, I had to fling windows open and put a fan on :shock: :roll: :roll:

    Then after siesta, I had the heating on :lol::lol:

    Those lovely scary films will suit the spid--s to a T. Keep them occupied. I am on lookout, they often come in when it has been raining a lot........... :? :?

    The casserole was delicious, thank you kindly. Very tasty

    Hi Barbara, oh, weeds, they are growing by the day...........even in the heatwave, they were quite happy :? will wait until next week, when the weather is better, to zap some of them.

    Fortunately all of Dads "store" remain intact. As you say, it can wait until the weather improves, I won't let B get soaked trying to put the thing together.

    I wish there was a way that your neighbour could prove the money being put aside from his business. Does he really want her to loose the house by not paying the mortgage, is that the game? I think Silver is needed, to sprinkle some sparkles of truth over him. Nothing bad, just making things more transparent t115006

    You look lovely in your white blouse, sipping drinks on the Champs Elysee. 8) 8)

    B was in and out of the surgery in minutes, no problems getting bloods. Mine are next week, I think. There are so many appointments next week, something every day. :roll:

    It was a pleasure to be under the cloak with all of our friends and the bush babies too, while you were in the Dentist. Glad the pain levels are low t115006 and you can go to your Church meal. A soft meal will be fine, best not have cheese and crackers :shock: :shock:

    You even had a nap, excellent :) The packing is all but done, save a little for this morning and then you are away.

    Have a safe journey and a lovely time, plenty of time for coffee before you get the Eurostar :) t4591

    Hi Joan and Sue We thought you had been abducted, like Barbara. Nice to see you are back with us :)
    We have had lots of weather, rain gale force winds, more rain........good for filling the reservoirs though. Just hope the rivers don't flood.

    It is Suesday now, so you will be out with the doggies and then off into town. Hope it is not too wet.

    Hi Mig, lovely to see you :) So you are off to Germany this week end, visiting the Colditz Castle, that will be atmospheric for sure. I hope you all have a lovely time, with your Sis and BIL. Take care :)

    Well, I had best have another potter, these joints are not getting any less shouty.

    Off to the GC this morning, if I have to get a taxi, I am going :lol::lol:

    Hi to everyone else, in and about, Kerrin, Christine, Toady, SW, DD, Elizabeth and all.

    Love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 XXXX Aidan

    Toasted Bagels with Apple Breakfast Compote

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Aidan Mig
    Aidan have a nice time at the garden centre sorry about your dizzy spells is it your ears. (((((())))))
    Mig my friend loves Germany have a lovely time.
    love to Barbara Toni Kathleen Carol ((((()))))
    take care all
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all what a storm we had around 5..I am sure my bed was moving..I am in the extension and its over the garage so the noise.. :shock:
    Carol I am so pleased to hear the pain isn't to bad..hope you enjoyed your meal..not long now before you can relax..I did see the little comforting... :D
    Joan glad all is ok and it was just the forum down..its Sue day hello Sue hope you both have a nice day out ..and don't have our weather.. :shock:
    Hello Mig its good to hear form you..I would love to visit the dam ..its ll happened on my Birthday..not that I was born then just a few years have a lovely trip... :D
    Aiden glad B wasn't putting the shed ..bin whatever up..its vile neighbours husband is trying to sell the house they get wind of him truing to remortgage.. :x I am sure the spells will do the trick.. :) thankyou..
    the GC today ours was getting ready for Christmas.. :shock: grand opening on the 2nd Oct...
    Thankyou for the toasted bagels with looks so yummy..and guess what while I am on here a little parcel has come through the letter box.. :D
    right will make a move
    Love to everyone..
    t4591 t115006 t4591
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello mig, lovely to see you. :D Enjoy your trip, but come back safe.

    Morning Sue and Joan, glad you didn't get blown away in the night. We thought our roof was about to take flight. But no, just a couple of potted plants toppled over. :o

    Carol, very happy to know your dental treatment went smoothly.

    Aidan, thank you for the Toasted Bagels with Apple Breakfast Compote. It's taking a while to type this, as I have to keep going back to add missing full stops! Aologies if there are still some missing. :roll: My letter 'e' seems to be holding out though. :lol:

    Another healthy fruit snack, mixed fruit with yoghurt topping I don't know what flavour yoghurt though. Maybe I should have replaced it with Creme Fraiche?



    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Me again..
    Kath thankyou for breakfast you spoil us.. :D
    Just an inquiry.. has anyone had a consultants appointment on a Saturday. :? .just realized its mine tomorrow..I have had scans before on a Saturday...
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all, it's all sorts of weather, sunshine, blowing a hoolie, pouring rain, rivers way way up the bank, chilly too.

    I seem to have had several hours taken away today, a rather annoying problem, which will be resolved, as soon as, nothing to fret over, just very "not cricket" :x :x

    Hi Sue, Hi Joan, happy Suesday, We did have a nice time at the GC, I meant to take a picture of my scone and cream, but then when I remembered, I had eaten most of it :lol::lol:

    No really bad dizzy do's today, thank goodness. Thank you for the hugs, bless you.

    Hope you managed to get all you needed today and that the weather has been kind. It is certainly going colder now.

    Oh, we didn't have a storm Barbara, it must have been over the hills from us and settled over your neck of the woods. We had some rain, oh boy, enough to need an Ark.

    Dads bin store, scooter house, whatever can stay under the gazebo until the weather fairs up, I see we have another storm belting our way, I forget its name, all in time for Sunday. More weather warnings.

    So he is trying to sell the house, but not telling the mortgage company? Is that right? Oh my, that could come really unstuck and land him in the do-do. :shock: :shock:

    Our GC is advertising Breakfast with Santa, for each Saturday in December, nearly all booked up already :shock: :shock: :roll: We haven't been through into the display areas, but I bet they are gearing up for Christmas, oh, the thoughts..................Yours has a grand opening on the 2nd October, oh my :? :?

    You are welcome to the Toasted Bagels, they are yummy. Oh, a little parcel arrived, how nice :):wink: Glad you like it t115006

    You asked about Consultants working at the week end. As far as I remember, there was always a duty Consultant, one covering medical, one covering surgical, then the others were on ICU and A & E. I guess there are more working week ends now, to keep up to the demand. Could well be their understudy House Officer or Registrar.

    We will be there, don't worry, making sure that all is ok.

    Glad you kept your roof on Kath, it was a bit wild :shock: :shock:

    I had not noticed any missing full stops, give it a whack, that will sort it :shock: :lol::lol:

    The fruit and yoghurt is lovely, mine was thick vanilla custard, which was very nice, thank you.

    Hi to Toni, Mother has been shrieking, goodness she was miffed about something :shock: :shock: we had to console her with pilchards, with some effect. It seems to be one of those days, one which is sent to try us, I am sure you know what I mean.

    Sleek has been over this morning Toni and she watched the rain and black clouds over Pendle, from the bay windows. I think they turned the heating up too, bless them t4591 t4591
    Mrs Darcey said it is a little inclement and was stopping put with Mummy, she didn't want to see the trees bending and rain lashing down. Pendle has vanished in mists and cloud now.

    Hope you are having a fair day, I know it is a busy week end with the Anniversary of your lovely neighbours. t4591

    See, it is now 5pm and almost time for siesta, not that I am really in the mood to sleep, but a rest of the shouting bones will not go amiss

    Hope you had a safe journey to Paris Carol, have a lovely time XX

    Hi to everyone else, in and about. Hope all are taking care and staying dry and safe.

    Leaving love and sparkles to everyone t4591 t115006 with a few extra sparkles, we need them :) t115006 t115006 Catch up again later XXX Aidan
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all

    Arrived safe and sound in Paris Hotel only about a 5 min walk fro the station. Quite a small hotel our room is very small and pokey barely enough room to swing a cat in, very little storage space but Aidan worst of all NO coffee or tea making facilities. Can you send the pusskins and silver over with a magic kettle :lol: . Oh well you get what you pay for I suppose and as hotels go it was not one of the most expensive ones, and I am sure we will enjoy the break any way

    Love and sparkles t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening everyone :)

    Aidan I quite understand when things go wrong which shouldn't. All I can say is karma.

    Things will sort out. :cry: ((())) Lucy is watching Ebay...

    Sleek has been over and saw Tosca the two of them are cross about something as well and are busy plotting heads bent over Tosca's spell book. They are planning a pow-wow on the crystal ball with Mrs D later :? Yes they did indeed up the thermostat on your heating :animal_busy: Mine to and Auntie Kari's :lol:

    I'm glad you managed to get to the GC and hope you enjoyed it?

    The cats are after breakfast with santa :lol: bless them!

    Slalom postponed until next weekend due to weather here. Also Lucy's jab due to a cold :roll: t2507

    I have been busy at the neighbours helping Pom make things look pretty. Bunting everywhere. I am a great 'scrub nurse' scissors, ribbon, etc I can pass things really well :D

    I have also washed about 50 glasses ready for Sunday's big do :) They have a fabulous house a period property and I love it. the garden is so pretty. there are gazebos up now too thanks to the village men.

    I will get some pics if I can :)

    I am very pleased to hear you haven't been dizzy today. Be careful. ((()))

    Thank goodness Barbara came to choir last night I was the only Alto and she kept me company t4591

    Yes they are doing appts at weekends now to get lists down - just check you have the right month the cloak is ready!

    That nasty ex-neighbour will get his comeuppance what goes around does indeed come around.

    Glad to see you also posting on the forum. I made the effort and will try to do so more often incase new people find us with the new charity.

    Kath thank you for the mixed fruit. Lovely :) I might add clotted cream to mine :wink:

    Hello Joan! Good to see you. We have been putting up bunting at our neighbours for their 50th wedding anniversary do on Sunday.

    Safe journey to Carol I hope yo and Mr T have a great time :)

    Oh yes the little paw was there for you :) Sounds like you have a great dentist and very much hope you enjoyed your meal!

    Hi mig! Very nice of you to babysit :)

    Have a great time in Germany :D

    Beter get on!

    Love to everyone

    Toni xx

    Ps just saw you Carol! No coffee/tea making facilities?! :shock: shocking!! have a great time otherwise :)
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all, finally, I think it has ceased raining for a day. A pretty full moon, not sure if it the Harvest Moon.

    Hi Carol, glad that you arrived safely in Paris and that you are very close to the station, ideal location.
    But, the hotel is small and your room is straight out of Lilliput :shock: :shock: Do you both have to stand sideways to get past :?

    NO T or coffee making, OH, MY, GOODNESS, that is not on, of course I will send Silver over immediately with a magic kettle, that brews whatever you fancy t115006
    I know you will enjoy yourselves, but having to buy every cup of T or coffee, in Paris, is not cheap, by any means. Take care xx

    Hi Toni, yes, Karma, some things should not go wrong. As you so rightly say, what goes around, does come around

    Things will sort, ((())) Hi Lucy, browsing Ebay, just about everything you can imagine appears on there. :? t115006

    Tosca has had her spell book out again, it is usually under her bed of many comforts, but she is keeping it in full view. It was fizzing earlier, :shock: she said Sleek had been over and was a tad annoyed, Mother too. Mrs Darcey has been on the crystal ball, there has been shrieking, so goodness knows what they have planned :shock: :shock: :? t115006 t115006

    I think they did right to up the thermostats, it is chilly and is going down to near freezing here, over the next few nights 2-3 degrees, the first frosts maybe, which are very early :? :? :roll: That will shock the plants and trees.

    It was nice to get to the GC, as we said to one of the lovely waitresses, it seems like years since were there. (only a week) really.
    Dad had forgotten to have breakfast so he fancied a sausage muffin, there were 5 sausages in there :shock: they do spoil us a bit. My scone was huge, with Rhoda's clotted cream, of course :)

    Ah, the puskins want to sit on the fireplace that they put in the restaurant, with a big chair that Santa sits in. I am sure they will drop in, the kids will love a little bit of extra magic t115006 :D:D

    Oh bless, hope you are over your cold asap Lucy t2507 lots of vitamin c and plenty fluids too t4591 They would not do a flu jab if you were full of cold.

    Definitely postpone the slalom on the the Chase. We have another weather warning for Sunday - persistent heavy rain, with flooding likely :roll: not quite sure why, when it says light rain and light winds :? :?

    You have been very busy, with all the preparations for Pom's 50th Anniversary. Chief passing and assisting is a very important duty not to mention washing scores of glasses. I bet it all looks beautiful.
    I remember you mentioning their house, it sounds delightful, looking forward to some piccies :)

    No more excessive dizziness, will monitor in a matronly manner :)

    Thank goodness Barbara was there for choir, singing alto on your own, too much pressure :shock:


    A quiet evening here, siesta was ok, managed to nap a little. Having a cup of T, sat on bed, while we come round, heard a noise, thought Mother was up to something, no, the noise was at the front door, sounded like the heavy rubber mat in the porch bit, was being lifted up and dropped, very quickly :shock: :shock: :? :? I put all the lights on, peered out the window in the lounge - nothing, no cats, dogs, peeples - a little strange........... :? :? B went out, no one about at all, it is very quiet at the moment, neighbours away.......

    Apart from said strange "event", a quiet evening, watched SYTTDress Las Vegas, with the wonderful David Emanuel, great show.
    Now watching the golf, B is busy away, being creative :)

    Dad will be round this morning, for coffee and croissants. An at home week end, need some R and R before next week.

    It is high time I was having another potter. I have had 5 already, during my ramblings.

    A big hi to everyone in and about. Take care one and all. Love and Sparkles t4591 t115006 XXX Aidan

    Chocolate French Toast Sandwiches

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Thank you Aidan that's a very nice breakfast :D


    Might have one or two too many :wink:

    It isn't Pom's do this time it's the neighbour between Pom (school then Church) then us :) the ones who take me to choir practise most of he time.

    I wonder whether your strange noises were anything to do with the cats stirring up spells? I believe Hermione has had a word and pointed out that they are supposed to them only for 'greater good'? which rather means no angry/revenge ones..... :?

    Sleek has gone through her ickle house on her way to yours. Expect more fizzing and popping of the book. It was their idea for Lucy to monitor ebay.

    I have been trying to cheer Miss Slimkins with talk of Santa's chair they are planning on taking Tommy thumb with them. It's his first Christmas t4591

    What is Dad doing forgetting his breakfast? Maybe he wanted an excuse for a cheeky sausage muffin :wink: I rather suspect you would be favourites of the waitresses :D

    Lucy will chuck the cold off. It is a new term at school and as you can expect all the germs come in with the children.

    Then she can have her flu jab :)

    Yes a quiet weekend is required for you I hope Dad remembers his croissants this morning :roll:

    SYTTD was enjoyed in this house too - Sleek has recorded it (at yours) so they can all watch it in the week together.


    Love to everyone

    a Woo-ooo! to Joan :)

    Toni xx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Barbara Kathleen Aidan Carol Toni.
    Barbara good. Luck today for your scan I hope it's not too uncomfortable.
    Kathleen that. must have been frightening thinking your roof had blown off.
    Aidan are you going to be Santa at the garden centre. That's good no more dizzy spells.
    Carol I'm sorry no coffee tea machine I hope there's food.
    Toni congratulations to your neighbours on their anniversary .
    I hope Lucy's cold soon goes((((()))))
    have a good weekend everyone
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Just popped in to leave some cheesy olives cracker snacks. Haven't been out, I think I've caught Aidan's funny spells. So won't hover. Have a lovely weekend. XXX

    t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all, a dry day, with all weather warnings now gone and sunny days for a week and more. Cool though, which is nice :)

    How many chocolate french toasts DID you eat Toni, I heard someone saying they were feeling delicate :roll: :? :lol::lol: I had more than enough too, but chocolate is good for you :)

    I remember now, the lovely man who takes you to choir, not Pom's, isn't his wife in a wheelchair and was in hospital for a good while?

    Goodness knows what the goings on where, outside the front door, it was a little unnerving to be honest. It might be one of Mothers spells going squiffy, she is still a little bit rusty.

    No angry spells are allowed, they would backfire, :shock: so the puskins are duly warned by Hermione and Minerva has repeated the same thing to them. t115006 good can always overcome the bad, even though it doesn't always seem possible.

    Sleek did come through this morning, while I was half asleep and dozing, Mother was up and down, the spell book was out and there were a few sparks flying, pretty ones too t115006 t115006

    Tom thumb will love it, breakfast with santa, they all get presents and hot chocolate and cakes, I will make sure they are booked in and Mother can pay out of her pocket money :) Our friend who works there, only at week ends, said, if you want peace and quiet, come after 1130 on a Saturday, when the little loves have all gone :lol::lol:

    Dad does like his snacks when out for coffee, even if he has had his breakfast he will normally have a toasted T cake, or a slice of custard tart, or a big fluffy Eccles cake.
    He came round, just after 11, for croissant and coffee. He is keen to get his scooter store built now he has his new electric screwdriver.
    B will help him, while I make a quick exit left and come home. :? :?

    Oh the germs, germs of new terms, a good start to a poem there, don't you think Kath :) They will be plentiful, bless the little ones, for bringing them all in :roll: :roll:
    Get better very soon Lucy t4591

    SYTTD Las Vegas is all recorded, ready for Sleek Mrs D and Mother, to watch while we are out, probably on Wed, while I am being "assessed" :shock:

    Hi Joan and Sue - no, I would not make a good Santa at all, I could not bear anyone sitting on my knees and the noise from the excited children would be way too much. :shock:

    I wonder how our Barbara is doing, was the consultant there? They are trying to get the waiting lists down whenever possible. We were all under the cloak Barbara, t4591 making sure things were as ok as possible. One of the Possums nipped out from under the cloak, I hope no one saw him :o:o:lol:

    Let us know how you got on, we could not pick up everything that was said, even though we had stethascopes listening in :lol::lol:

    Hi Kath, not going out today, oh, we don't want you having these dizzy spells too. Most unpleasant. Not had any since Thursday now.
    Thank you for the olive and cheese crackers, I don't mind olives if they are with something, on their own I am not as convinced.

    Some magic squares are on their way, to make sure any ouchies, or funny do's are kept to a minimum t4591

    Carol will be out and about in Paris, with Mr T :)

    I need to do some more pottering, joints are not happy :roll:

    Hi to Kerrin Christine Elizabeth Mig Toady DD SW and all.

    Will catch up again later. Love and Sparkles t4591 t115006 XXX Aidan

    Chocolate Vanilla Cream Cakes

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all..
    I am back..well obviously.. :lol: there were 2 of us waiting.. :shock: he was very nice and said going off the scans there is persistent infection in my sinuses especially on the left side so they need opening.. :shock: but I can keep trying the steroid sprays ..he shouldn't have said that should he :o :roll:
    Anyhow I see that Aiden and B got tho the GC and they have been missed ..and dad got breakfast bless..oh the map moving strange...who knows what is going on.. :o yes it would have been illegal to remortgage the house..he is trying all sorts.. thankyou for the chocolate vanilla cakes..just what I needed..sorry I missed that you had been having dizzy spell..please be careful... t115006
    Carol how awful that there are no tea or coffee facility..its the basics really..but I hope you can still enjoy..sure you will ..good that is was so near the station
    Toni like you say Lucy will pick up all sorts form the children but hopefully it will help her immune system..I hope she feels better very soon..such a good job you are doing for your neighbours its does sound lovely ..and so does there house ..I so like is the party tonight I will have to get ready... :D
    Joan thankyou my sinuses need opening up..but I knew its down to me now..I hope you and Sue are keeping warm..
    Kath thankyou for the cheesy snacks..I hope you haven't caught the dizzy spells.. :o
    Sorry this is short but I think I left my brain back at the hospital :?
    Now for a cuppa.
    love to everyone t4591 t115006 t4591
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all

    Oh my I know I said last night this was not one of the most expensive hotels but things go from bad to worse . The noise in this hotel is something else I don’t know weather it is the lift or or the room above us but all. It sounds as if someone is moving furniture followed by loud thuds, and it goes on most of the night neither of us had much sleep last night. After a continental style breakfast in hotel of cornflakes (the only cereal available I might add ) plus a croissant a small roll with either jam or cream cheese and a cup of tea out we go From about 9.30am came back to hotel around 4.30pm and decide to have a nap, hopeless as the noice is the same. Have been to complain but to no avail.

    Aidan yep NO TEA OR COFFEE MAKING FACILITIES In room. So other than at breakfast in the dining room you have to either go out or use the machine in the reception lounge area which is all in french instructions which neither of us understand.

    Joan The only food you can have in the hotel is breakfast you have to eat out otherwise.

    Toni No no tea or coffee facilities in room. We had to go to supermarket to buy some fresh juice and bottles of water and have any Hot drinks out. :roll: :x :x and disgusting is my word not shocking. Otherwise when out things are ok. We did have some light rain this afternoon otherwise a good Hope Lucy feels better soon.

    Well that’s all for now

    Love and sparkles to all. t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Kath thank you for the crackers. I wonder whether the dizzies is a virus??? V odd maybe a computer virus ;)

    Joan thank you Lucy us doing well bless her

    Carol what a nightmare having to fetch drinks in to survive :(

    But the noise! What is that about?

    At least Paris itself is fine :)

    Thank you Lucy will soon get rid of the cold lm sure.

    Barbara you are a good girl. Now are you on the list for the procedure??

    We will come along and hold your hands.

    Kath might finish the poem for you when she's less dizzy. :)

    Kiddies are germy but hopefully as you say Lucy will get stronger:)

    Aidan l am so pleased that Minerva and Hermione have had a chat to the cats. We can't have bad spells only good ones. Sleek has understood she was telling me that good always wins in the end.

    They are watching SYTTD together yes on Wednesday because Mother will be biting her nails. She has told Sleek that her Daddy is having a test that day and she is already stressed.

    Oh l ate plenty of chocolate this morning thank you the best breakfast ever!

    Yes you have the right neighbours now!

    I have photos and will Pm to anyone who wants to see them.

    We are very honoured to be invited along with Pom to their personal family and friends do today (tomorrow is for the village) as well as tomorrow.

    I feel very privileged:)

    Bless B helping Dad with that darn shed!!

    Right better crack and get showered!

    Love to everyone

    Toni xxx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all, it is very chilly out tonight, heating on low - ish :)

    Hi Barbara, we were all there and thinking of you at your appointment. t4591
    So, the windows need opening, as they used to say on ENT. I know the choice is yours and having the option to keep using the steroid spray is ok, to a point. The sprays can start to have the opposite effect in the longer term, not working basically.

    Endoscopic sinus surgery, to widen and allow drainage of the affected sinus is usually done under a general anaesthetic, but can be done under a local anaesthetic, with some sedation too.

    Lots to think about and what is best, in the long term. Whatever you decide, everyone will be there to support :) t4591 sinus op, WHO said that :shock: :?

    Yes we did get to the GC and it was very nice indeed. They lok after us so well. Dad was over the moon with his sausage muffin, I have never seen so many sausages crammed in :shock: :shock: I don't eat sausage, but he loved it :)

    We have a moving door mat, all very odd :shock: :roll: no noises tonight, very quiet in fact.

    Your naughty neighbours ex is really rocking the boat, is he really willing to take such risks, we need to send some magic, so that he can see some common sense, not be sly and risk everything.

    I knew you would need a few cakes when you got home :) The dizzy spells seem to have subsided, It must be over 20 years since I had mennier's, it was horrid, as you well know.

    How is your DIL doing, improving I trust :)

    Hi Carol, oh dear me, it sounds like you are in the worst room in the hotel.
    Lifts do make a lot of noise, especially if you are next to the machinery :? :? and a constant clatter and thud all night...........Silver is on the way, with sparkles of silence t115006

    Then breakfast was meagre to say the least. :o:o Toni and I will translate for you.........I have had a few arguments in French, the more annoyed I get, the more fluent I am. :lol::lol:

    Supermarket it was then, to get some supplies :roll: :? :?

    Glad that all is well when you are out and about. I will send some sleepy ((()))

    No bad spells can be made - I had to remind them of that, when they heard about Carol's hotel. :roll: :roll: I think we had best get over there Toni and help out with the translations. Poor Carol and Mr T, not having a hot drink all evening / early mornings

    Mother is a little anxious so watching SYTTD with Sleek and Mrs D, will help take her mind off Daddy's "tests". :? :?

    I am trying not to think about it - trying :? :?

    How lovely that you have been invited to your friends family "do". You have helped a great deal and taken a caring and supportive role in the life of the village, so, enjoy :) on both days :D:D

    Look forward to seeing some photo's on a message :)

    The shed / big box thing will no doubt be built this coming week.

    Well, I am duly setting like concrete, so I must move myself. Hi to everyone in and about.

    Love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 t115006 XXX Aidan

    Chocolate Breakfast Wreath

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Aidan Barbara Carol Toni.
    Kathleen I hope you don't have anymore dizzy spells((()))
    Aidan we had a moving door mat a fox was seen taking it and chewing it. I hope your dizzy spells have gone((()))
    Barbara how long have you got to decide about the operation ((((()))))
    Carol Oh dear that's not what you call a holiday you won't be going there a gain ((((()))))
    Toni did you have a good time when you went out with friends ((((()))))
    take care all
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    My dizzy spell was just tiredness, I get overtired but the dizzy spell wasn't a bad one. So it's not a worry. :D

    Joan, a fox munching your doormat! I bet the doggies were curious.

    Toni, I can just imagine your 'fluent French'. :lol: The only language I speak fluently is Double Dutch with a Nottm accent. Which means I speak very lazily. Nottm peeples don't end their words properly. Or should I say Nottm peeples do'n end their words proper. :lol:

    Aidan, I'll have a think about the poem. :D Er, I can'tfind it. :o

    Get the best butter out, and have some slabs of Irish Soda bread thickly spread with it. Yum Yum Yum.

    :animal_busy: t69044 t69044 t4591 t69044 t69044 :animal_busy:

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all..
    I have lovely news our GD is engaged to be married..its was her 21st yesterday and we knew her GF was proposing she asked us and her dad before nice is that..they went to an hotel ..and while GD was having a bath her GF did the room up with rose petals ..I am so pleased for them .. :D it was whatsapps all night keeping us updated with pics . :D
    Joan thankyou I have has long as I want thank funny is the fox I bet it wants it for nesting material.. :D
    Carol what a shame the hotel is spoiling things..its odd but we always think Paris or France will be on the ball ..I hope you are enjoying looking around Paris ... people watching with a cup of coffee..
    Kath I am always picking our young ones up not pronouncing there Ts.. :lol: thankyou for the soda bread.. :D
    Toni I bet today is very busy with the whole village attending your neighbours anniversary..hope they have this nice weather chilly but Im not on the list yet.. :shock:
    Aiden yes the windows need opening ..but he went over all the things that can go they do..but my dad had surgery on his sinuses and was in agony..mind you he had a least I know mine is infection :roll:
    I love it..the more annoyed you get the more fluent in French you are.. :lol: poor Carol I do feel for them..
    Dil is improving slowly..her job is safe so that is something.. :)
    will let you all know I am back on face book ..I was missing to much :lol:
    Right what have we got to eat..soda bread and a chocolate wreath off Aiden..thankyou
    Love to everyone t4591 t115006 t4591
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all, bright, breezy, quite pleasant in the sunshine. Was chilly last night though :shock:

    So, we are not alone with the moving door mats Joan, yours was done by a fox, not quite sure what was moving ours, it is heavy rubber :? :?
    It has not happened again - so far. No more really dizzy spells either, just an added ouch from my left hip, but, we carry on :)

    I don't think Carol and Mr T will be re booking the hotel in Paris, or recommending it others :shock: :shock:

    I hope you have both had a nice week end and kept warm enough, with those strange radiators you have............we need them fixed properly, ready for winter.

    Hi Kath, I can totally sympathise with the overtired bit, Fybro fog as I call it. The Rheumy said it is now called "chronic widespread pain syndrome" - fair enough, whatever label it is, we have it :roll: :roll:

    We will have to keep an eye, I might ask next door to rewind their cctv, see what was throwing our door mat up and down. It might have been a fox, seeing as we are in the woods. Or a wild boar :shock: :shock:

    I can understand double Dutch, with a Nottm accent mi duck, no trouble. Not goin darn pally on satdi. Is the Commodore Venue still there, at Aspley, we used to go there for Christmas Dinner, from the hospital, the food was vile, country veg soup, was water with one pea in it :shock: :lol::lol:

    The poem, oh, it was only the first line, now, how many pages back was it...............hang on.................nope, I cannot see it and I have gone back umpteen pages. :shock: :?

    I will have some thickly buttered soda bread, while I have another look, ta mi duck, its luvvly :

    Hi Barbara, well wonderful news about your GD and her GF, t4591 t4591

    How romantic with rose petals and the whole works, I bet you were snap chat all night, keeping up with their good news. :D:D t69044

    So you have as long as you like to decide when the operation will be :? :? There are risks, as there are with any procedure, they have to tell you, or they are not doing their job of keeping the patient informed.
    It would have been very different for your poor Dad bless him ((())) you know yours is a recurrent infection and poor drainage.

    The wife of one of Dads Church Wardens, was an elocution teacher, so you had to be very precise when you spoke to her, or you were told off for dropping your h's or missing your t's. :lol::lol:

    I feel bad for Carol, having a not so pleasant hotel. Yes, I was good at arguing with the electricity board and france telecom :lol::lol:

    So you are back on FB, that's nice and like you say, you can miss so much.

    Hi Toni I hope you are having a wonderful time with your neighbours at their Anniversary celebrations. Sleek was early doors here, so Tosca was shouting from goodness knows what time. Sleek said there is a big gathering of peeples in one of her other houses, they are having cakes and Mummy has been chief peeple helper :)

    Mrs Darcey was over while we popped round to Dads. We needed to sort through the paperwork he piles up on the kitchen table, put it into the file folders and make sure it is organised, says me, with everything all over :roll: :roll: :lol::lol:
    We hear on the grapevine that his neighbour is round there this afternoon, helping him build his shed thing, we said B would help this coming week, while the weather is good, but no, he obviously had other plans. C'est la vie.

    Right my dears, I must potter again, I am not sitting well. Love to all, in and about or far away on the continent :)

    Love and Sparkles to all t4591 t115006 will catch up again later XXX Aidan

    Vanilla Caramel Whipped Cream Mini Pies

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all

    We have been on the tour buses today around Paris two very long journeys but Mr T a has some very nice Photos of places taken from the top deck of an open top bus I was sitting downstairs of course but although tiring I was a nice to see some of the sights. When we get back home I will copy some of his pictures to my laptop and post some. When we got back to Gare du Nord it was raining so we had some lunch in a nice place where we have been having our evening meal. And as we sat eating the rain was torrential, Mr T now has a streaming cold but we carry on.

    Aidan We have decided that the noise is the lift and our room I right next door to it so there is escaping it I slept better last night Mr T says he didn’t and was awake all night, but I know he did sleep cos each time I got up to go up to go to the loo he was snoring away. And making a moaning sound that he always makes when he has a cold. :lol: I think silver was around last night to give me magic sleep sparkles :lol:

    Toni We have worked out that The noise is the lift which is right next to our room. however :wink: when we get back Mr T will be making a complaint about all the other things that are not right.

    Joan thank you NO we certainly will not be coming back to this hotel again and wouldn’t recommend it to anyone else either

    Kath could you send some of the untrained spids over please then I could set them loose at the reception desk l will instruct them not to enter our room of course :lol::o oh I am naughty :wink::wink:

    Barbara my congratulations to your GD and partner. and yes we are enjoying the looking around Paris it’s just the hotel mind you you need to be very careful crossing the roads as car drivers are very impatient and even on designated crossing places
    They move as soon as the light change.

    Aidan We did go down the champs Elyesse not spelt right but you know where I mean but we did not potter we were on the tour bus did you see us :lol::lol:

    Hope the rain has stopped when we go out soon to have our evening meal. Don’t fancy getting wet agin today.
    Another up date soon

    Love and Sparkles to all t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006
    Stay positive always👍xx