Val's Cafe



  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all - A nice bright day, lovely breeze, thank goodness, to keep me from melting, during all the immaculisation.
    I was told off for doing too much at one point :? :? :oops: Oops.

    Enough for today. B has been busy in the garden, cut the grass at the front, trimmed the hawthorn hedges, fussed round the bots and removed all the dead flowers from the butterfly bushes. We are looking smart. :D:D

    Hi there Toni - It was a lovely scone, the ones at the T room are less crumbly than the ones at the GC, but either are fabulous :) Cream is a must have, extra calcium :roll: :lol:

    When I got the text from the PIP, I thought don't tell me it is all a mistake and I should have been there 20 minutes ago :shock: :shock:
    There was a mild panic I can tell you :o:o

    The box would be ideal for Carol, to aid in the puskin getting in through the kitchen window. Perfect height.

    Interesting, about the flu jabs, so, we are not on the list.........mmmmmmm why the text I had to arrange my flu jab, due to my chronic illness' :? :? Risk levels can be for any age, surely - or am I thinking too laterally :roll:

    Glad you liked the pancakes, they were just too good not to put out for breakfast.

    So the ladies and Tom Thumb will be out, gathering Harvest mists and heather dew. Tom thinks Mrs D's broom is old fashioned does he.
    Hermione got wind of that and has sent Mrs Darcey a new broom, a rather high powered one, :shock: he had better hang on to his hat in the morning :shock: :shock: Mother said it is the quidditch one, that they used during training at Hogwarts.


    Mrs D can fly at a very high speed, Mother less so, she is more stately now and prefers to ride in Sleeks side car - bless her.

    I will have a peek on FB, work my way through family of family :)

    Hi Joan, no, not too long before my new appointment, the 17th October.
    I thought the cloak was scooping me out of bed, to be with you at your appointment
    Are they going to drain the cyst Joan, under ultrasound maybe? 10cm is quite big and will be uncomfortable I am sure (((()))) WE will all be there again for your next appointment. Keep us updated.

    Hi Kath, so the spiders are all back, suitably French, with music and foreign languages, at least they are in the house next door, it does serve them right. We have two big windows open, but there is mesh in them both, to stop the heeby jeebies.

    Roast Pollock, an underrated fish really. I have had it before, it is quite nice.
    Thank you for the recipe, it looks very nice indeed, will go nicely for supper.

    Have you been for a potter today, down to the benches?

    I have done too much fussing really, I know I will be having payback tomorrow :roll: :roll: But cleaning is always worthwhile, with a nice end result, even if you can hardly walk the day after :shock: :shock: :lol::lol:

    Well, I had best do a little bit more putting away of laundry, all immaculised.

    Hi to Barbara and Carol and Kerrin, Elizabeth, Christine, Mig, Toady, DD, SW and all

    Time to leave lots of love and sparkles t4591 t115006 and a cake, Barbara will be here in no time, so I must hurry and it is choir practice tonight too
    XXX Aidan

    As it is the great big coffee morning tomorrow, for McMillan, we need some special cakes

    t4591 t4591 Macmillan-coffee-morning-2016-IMG_7705-e1476266651953.jpg
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all

    I hope everyone is as ok as can be.

    Carol, I trust you are more rested and the ouches are not too bad. I did look at the hotel you mentioned, there were lots of pictures of the rooms and the en suites that were smaller than a coat cupboard :shock: :shock:
    The bedrooms were "interesting" to say the least :? :? :o

    Are you out with Mr T for lunch and then meet up with your friend, you can tell her all about your recent vacation :o

    Hi Barbara, hope you are ok, did you make it to choir practice? I did see someone going into the shed :? :lol:

    Hi Toni I think Barbara came to choir, someone was in the shed, doing some singing :shock:
    I am recuperating from all the immaculising :) A spid-- was on the wall, above my computer, so B had to come to the rescue. It wasn't huge, but enough to cause a little alarm :shock: :shock:

    I found the pic of Tom Thumb, he is adorable. t4591 Mother says he is a little tinker and needs stern looks sometimes - she seems to have a soft spot for him though.

    I hope Mrs Darcey likes her new broom. There is another sortie onto Pendle this morning, as the mists are plentiful and the dew quite heavy.

    Hi to Kerrin, Christine, Elizabeth, Mig, DD, SW, Toady and all.

    Off to the GC, for a little brunch, have my appointment for bloods, wee test, 6 monthly check, with the health care assistant. She is really nice. COPD check is next week.

    I had best be doing some more pottering. Leaving lots of love and sparkles to everyone t4591 t115006

    Silver says Hi - who is the puskin, taking a ride across the Galaxy???


    Mother has no idea :? :?

    Take care, XXXX Aidan

    Mini English Muffins, for breakfast

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello its me again.
    I hope everyone is doing ok.

    Joan is walking the dogs then we will be going out
    Have a lovely weekend
    love Sue
    take care
    joan xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Joan/Sue So we have to wait now to see the Dr? A cyst full of fluid isn't too bad, but will they want to drain it I wonder :? Cloak ready as and when needed ((()))

    Kath those cheeky 8 legged people partying and swearing en Francais!!

    I bet when they dance it's a racket!!

    You have found us another healthy dish to try. Several of our 5 a day there methinks :)

    Aidan the Slalom is back on for tomorrow weather is set fair. Mrs Darcey is thrilled with her new broom so Tommy had better watch out. Especially as Mother will be there to give him a 'look'

    I am so glad you found the pic of him peeping under the loo door :lol: He's a Mummy's boy really :roll:

    I had my first COPD and inhaler check yesterday I got 10 out of 10. I like this nurse. She has told me if I am ever ill just to tell the reception that she says I need an appointment ASAP! woo-wooo!!

    Enjoy the GC today.

    We are collecting Tia's wedding dress this morning :D:D:D

    SYTTD is on this very day!! Send a tweet to Mr Emmanuel ASAP!!

    Good to see Silver and Sleek says they all know that pusskin including Mother, but she won't tell me who she/he is..... :?

    Thanks for the tiny English muffins!! As they are so very tiny I have had 7.

    Hi To Carol hope you are ok all settled not too many ouchies ((()))

    Have I lost Barbara again?? She was at choir having already been at the shed then my neighbours got out some left over champagne from their 'do' and she had a bit more...... :shock:


    Oh there she is!

    Hope she sobers up for the Harvest Service Sunday morning at 11 :roll:


    Toni xxx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Sue, and everyone else. My NEW 8 legged neighbours kept me up all night partying and parley vous francais! So it's match stick time. 8) I'm just delivering a nice cake for the Macmillan Big Breakfast - and none is going next door. I think they are all too drunk anyway. l050.gif

    I'm off for a snooze before Tesco arrives. :animal_busy:

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all
    Were was I yesterday.. :? sure I posted..can I blame the shed please.. :lol:
    Toni you are picking up Tias dress..ooh I can imagine how you feel.. :D its so exciting..glad you like your COPD Nurse that is very good of her ..nice to know you wont have to wait for appointments.. :)
    Carol that was a bit of luck and Im pleased for you must have been nice travelling home like that , and having a meal included....but how scary at the station...I cant wait to see the pic you have.. :D
    Kath thanks for the recipe...we went to M&S and gave for the Macmillan cause..that was my excuse for cake.. :lol:
    Joan I should think they might drain the it uncomfortable or can you not feel it... :?:
    Sue its a lovely day to walk the dogs and then have something to eat at your cafe..hope you both enjoyed :)
    Aiden the shed thingy looks very neat..and can just imagine B taking the pic he did a good job :lol: I do love T rooms with table cloths it make such a difference..
    gosh my heart would have missed a beat when the PIP text they not think these things through , its bad enough..
    I did get to the shed ..but then dont remember much :? ..dont worry about whattaspp but I do hope you get it.. :lol: our middle GD just uses that to call and text with no contract to Im going on again will shut up now..sorry :roll: ignore me I dont mind..
    so thats the difference between the flu jabs, is it the first time they have dont this..had different ones I my brain has had it..thankyou for the pancakes and the selection of
    hope everyone has had this lovely weather..I do like Autumn days like this not to hot.. :D
    Love to everyone t4591 t115006 t4591
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon on a very bright and m0150 m0150 day. Cool to start with but warm in the sunshine :)

    Finally, back from brunch, then Bloods and bi-annual review of BP etc.

    Hi Sue, happy Suesday :) Hope you and Joan have a good day and trip into town, getting all you need and having a coffee and a cake too.
    Hope your cysts is not too uncomfortable. I will assist if it needs draining, Matron will be on hand

    Ah, that is why Tosca was all excited and shouting at 0630 Toni. She thought the slalom was today...... :roll: :roll: .....soon settled and went back to sleep after reminding her it is Sunday.

    Mrs D will be off like a shot on her new broom, Tom Thumb thinking hers was old fashioned, hah, he had better have nerves of steel tomorrow :lol::lol:

    Well done on the 10 out of 10 for your first COPD tests. Mine is next Friday :? :?
    Absolutely, if you feel out of sorts, then you need an appointment asap, well done, I like the nurse already :)

    Ooooo, collecting Tia's wedding dress, I am sure the puskins will be shrieking later.
    Exciting times t4591 t4591 t115006

    I have already tweeted about the up and coming SYTTD Las Vegas show tonight :D:D 8) 8) Giving great praise to my friend David :)

    I did ask Mother about the puskin who was with Silver, she just smiled and walked away - we will have to find out somehow.

    Only 7 little muffins, well, I guess it is a lucky number, so I will have 7, plus 7 :lol::lol:

    Oh dear, it was Barbara I saw then, falling, I mean walking into the shed............ :lol::lol: champagne on top of cider, oooh dear. :shock: :shock:

    Of course, it will be Harvest Festival Services this week end. I am sure Barbara will be sober by then :lol::lol::lol:

    Hi Kath, what a lovely cake, for the great big coffee morning for McMillan :)
    Those spiders need to be brought into line again, going all French and partying all night, all those hairy legs, dancing the night away - shudder............. :shock: :shock:

    Hope you managed a nap, before Tesco came with your delivery ((())) for any ouchies that are causing trouble.

    There you are Barbara, yes, you can blame the shed, we understand, I think it might have been the champagne from Toni's lovely neighbours, that tipped the scales :lol::lol: :shock:

    Dad is very pleased with his new scooter home. He is off to polish and preen his buggy this afternoon. Bless.

    I was startled when the DWP sent a text, the morning of the cancelled appointment :shock: :shock:
    I still have not studied whatsapp, but I will looky into it later. I know a lot of people use it

    I think this is the first time I have heard of different vaccines, for different age groups, they must be targeting specific strains of flu, that affect those under and over 65 years. Glad ours are out of the way. Let's hope they are effective, it is fast approaching that time of year when admissions to hospital, go through the roof, with those having influenza.

    Autumn days are lovely. Sharon, Admin, can we have some autumn emoticons pretty please, I know Kath likes kicking leaves about :lol::lol:

    Brunch was lovely. I had homemade curried sweet potato and lentil, oh it was amazing, I could have had a pan full, quite easily. Shared some chips with B, who had sausage and egg muffin, then I had the biggest scone I have ever seen (they do spoil us). Dad had his hand battered haddock fish fingers, he loves them.

    Then Sainsb, then Tesco, then home, then unpack and put away, then back out to the surgery for my bloods etc. Have had enough today. I am looking forward to a nap.

    Right, I had best be pottering, my legs are going numb.

    I think we will have enough cake, from the one Kath brought in.

    Hi to Carol, hope you are ok and back into your normal routine again. Looking forward to seeing some pics :)

    Hi to everyone else, in and about. Leaving lots of love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 t4591 t115006 will catch up again later XXXX Aidan
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all

    It has been sunny but a bit chilly here today not too cold though. We are back to normal routine now as I did my knitting group on Wednesday ,then yesterday I was at the monthly MS group that meet locally with my cards. Today Mr T and I had our usual Friday meal out and then I met my friend for coffee after. Tomorrow we have church open morning so its all back to being busy. Ouchies still lingering a bit but improving.

    Mr T has e-mailed a complaint to the booking company about the Paris Hotel so we shall see if we get a reply.

    Kath what naughty Spids we must do some serious training here we cannot have this bad language even if it is en Francais it is just not on. oh and now we have drunken Spids :roll: :roll:

    Aidan I agree Eurostar deserve 5 star rating every one of them we dealt with on Tuesday were so helpful, and to get the surprise of the free meal was the icing on the cake as the saying goes. yes the box is just what we need in our garden. oh those cakes were yummy had to have 1or2 or was it three think I lost count, :lol::lol: Love the coat cupboard bit and yes very interesting shape rooms to say the least. and i'm sure the ones you were looking at were like the one we had. don't worry those Spiders will be sorted out we wont have that behaviour at all :shock: :shock:

    Toni The ouchies are not too bad today but we are rested at least. Kath and I really must get these 8 legged peeples under control we cannot have such antics as dancing and swearing en Francais :roll: :roll:

    Barbara It was fantastic treatment coming home Eurostar get a big 5 star recommendation there. Staff were so nice. It was a bit scary with the bomb scare or as they put it on the notice that went up suspicious item has been found.

    well time for a little potter love and sparkles to all

    t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all

    It is decidedly chilly this evening, probably the coolest night since the winter went away. Heating on "moderate" :) A glorious day though, wall to wall sunshine. Love Autumn

    Hi there Carol, So things are returning back to normal, with knitting group then the MS group, lunch and then Church open morning today. I hope you sell some more cards.

    Some ((())) for the remaining ouchies t115006

    The spide-- do need to go to boot camp for a few days, to bring them back in line. Swearing, en francais, non, Ce n'est pas bien (that is not good).

    It was "interesting" looking at the hotel you stayed at. Quirky rooms and very odd bathrooms. I did spot a kettle in one room, maybe that was the Presidential Suite :shock: :lol::lol: The score on the hotel averaged at 2.8 out of 5 stars :? :?

    I hope you get the right response from your booking company.

    Loosing count over the little cakes, not to worry, they are all sin free :D:D

    I can well imagine how scary it was at the gare de nord, with the suspicious item. Eurostar really did come up trumps and went the extra mile, which was a pleasant end to your journey.

    Now, Mr T, we need a couple of piccies of your trip around Paris, pretty please.

    Sleek and Mrs D were on the crystal ball this evening, all very hushed and a lot of it in puskin sign language, so, beyond me :shock: I think it has to do with the slalom, on the chase, this morning.
    Mother has been busy, in the cloaks cupboard, rooting out one of her brooms, from years gone by - I didn't know she had any in there :shock: :?
    I guess we will all be slumbering Toni, while the puskins are out, racing between trees. No doubt there will be shrieking when they all arrive home.

    A quiet evening, siesta was welcome, to rest the bones a while.

    B is busy away, creating all things gorgeous. I am fussing and pottering, which is now a confirmed life style, contented pottering :)

    I think we need a little ditty, about pottering, Kath, when you have a moment to think :)

    SYTTDress Las Vegas was wonderful, David made sure everyone looked stunning, right down to the last seconds. Fab u lous.

    At home this week end, Dad will be coming round for croissants and coffee this morning, not sure if he will whizz round on his buggy - we will see...........

    Right, I will potter away and catch up on more of the Ryder Cup. There is a touch of frost on next doors roof :shock:

    Love and sparkles to everyone, t4591 t115006 Take care XX Aidan

    Blueberry pancake stack for breakfast

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Barbara Toni Kathleen Aidan Carol.
    Barbara how is your Daughter in law I hope she's doing alright
    Toni have a good journey getting the dress.
    Kathleen how many spiders have you seen in a day.
    Aidan is bubbles your nickname we had a auntie bubbles her hair was curly.
    Carol I bet you are pleased to be back home and you were looking so forward to it.
    have a good weekend everyone
    take care
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all... :shock: :shock: yes its me.. :lol:
    Carol I am so pleased that Eurostar looked after you like they did..they do deserve the feedback..and MT is putting in a complaint to the booking site about the hotel..I hope that take heed and get something done about you are now back down to earth and busy..I hope the church morning goes ok.. :)
    Joan our DIL is getting there and much more comfortable than she was ..the hospital is the one I had my hips done and Lucy had her new shoulder..its brilliant..hope you all have a good weekend..
    Aiden all bloods done and blood pressure hope it was ok..must say the curried sweep potatoes sounds nice..I love sweet potatoes but OH thinks they are horrible..little does he know he had them mashed the other day.. :lol:
    So when is the program on with David I am missing it...something I can watch when on my own.. :D
    Harvest festival I used to love going round with our vicar and giving out the parcel to the elderly..must say though some weren't very we dont like baked beans.. :lol:
    I know what you mean contented pottering.. :D
    Will help myself to blueberry pancakes..thankyou..
    I need Kath ..there is another spider at the back of my bed :shock: :shock: same place every year..I think this one is the smaller male..we caught the big female and let it go out the window
    We also have Ivy bees, I looked them up last year there are hundred on the Ivy flowers so I have documented them on a site..they came from the continent in 2001..and this is the furthest north according to the site.. :D
    Right better move Niamh is coming.. :D
    Love to everyone t4591 t115006 t4591
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    Aidan’s in a dither
    and can’t think where to start
    should it be the ironing?
    or in the kitchen making tarts?
    Now Toni’s had a frightful scare
    and feeling quite afraid
    those naughty spids don’t really care
    whose bedroom they invade!
    Those 8 legged peeples MUST be taught!
    We’ll give them jobs to do.
    If pottering is good for us,
    it’s good for spiders too.

    That made me hungry, so I've made Deluxe scrambled eggs with salmon and spinach. Watch where you step, I might have dropped some! :oops:

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon on a very bright and sunny day m0150 m0150 a pleasant breeze.
    It was a cold start though, after last night mini frost.

    Hi Joan and Sue Hope you have a lovely week end. B's Cousin is getting married, so family in Swindon will be busy this week end :)

    Bubbles does seem to be my nickname, Bubs for short. I loved Bubblesdevere from Little Britain and decided I should be called Bubbles after that :lol::lol::lol:

    Hi Barbara - morning, goodness, what on earth :lol::lol:

    Oh the sweet potato and lentil soup was wonderful, OH would have liked it too, if we didn't tell him, or said it was carrot :lol::lol: Glad he had them mashed the other day and didn't realise - well done you :)

    BP was fine, pulse, wee samples fine, just wait till next week for bloods when I see my Sister friend at the COPD appointment, we just talk shop really :lol::lol: and put the NHS to rights :D:D

    Say yes to the dress UK, is on TLC on a Friday at 8pm. The last 4 weeks it has been Las Vegas, but I am sure you can find them all on TLC catch up on the tv. Well worth watching, in fact, it is compulsory :) With my friend David Emanuel 8) 8) :D
    There is another one that runs in the afternoon and early evening, Say Yes, in Atlanta, which is ok, but we like the UK one best.

    I always liked Harvest Festival, Dads Church used to be festooned in fruits, foods and flowers, it looked amazing. I used to play for the communion service. Later in the day, the food / fruit boxes, were auctioned off :) It was great fun.

    A spid-- at the back of your bed :shock: :shock: :shock: oh no, I would have to have the room emptied and fumigated. I always peep behind my headboard, to check there is nothing with 8 legs there.
    Kath will sort it, don't worry...........says me :roll: :roll: :lol::lol:

    Glad you DIL is feeling better, with things healing nicely now I would think. t115006 t115006

    Some hugs for your neighbour ((())) t115006 and your friend who is in rehab, hope things are going ok for him.

    Ivy bees, not heard of them, so you are the furthest north they have travelled, wow, famous you will be :) We like bees.

    Oooh, stand by your beds, Niamh is on the way :D:D:D:lol:

    t4591 t69044

    Kath, you are a superstar, I love your poem on pottering. Thank you very much indeed. t4591 t4591 t4591

    Did you manage to get out and about, sit on the benches, magnums?? Maybe a bit chilly............hope any ouches are minimal t115006 t115006

    The deluxe scrambled eggs look delicious, thank you. I will take some for supper. I got the mop out and went over the floor, it wasn't toooooooooo bad. :roll: :lol::lol:

    Now, was Toni shopping today, or was it yesterday, Sleek seems to think there is some shop activity today........Exciting, we like shopping, but, just in case of any over shoppingitis, there are magic squares all over the place t115006 t115006 to help with any ouchies.

    The puskins enjoyed their time on the Chase, Mrs Darcey won hands down on the Slalom, with her super charged quidditch broom, she was off like a shot, with Tom holding on as tight as possible :shock:

    Mother and Sleek didn't mind them winning, Sleek didn't want to fling Mother round in her side car, she would have been :mrgreen: without a doubt. :roll: :roll:

    They were back in a flash, courtesy of the "gate" that Hermione had put on the Chase, (only temporary for today). t115006 t115006

    Back after the umpteenth potter. I should post really and get ready for cups of T and biscuits, before our siesta's.

    Hi to Carol, hope your open morning went ok and you had some people through the doors.

    Hi to Christine, Kerrin, Elizabeth, Mig, DD, SW, Toady and all. Love and Sparkles t4591 t115006 XXXX Aidan

    Let me go and fetch what I baked earlier..........................

    A Double Chocolate Marshmallow Cake - there are several, so, whenever you are ready, the booth is open.

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Sleek was FULL of the antics on the Chase this morning so exited!! I had to hear all about it. Apparently Tommy Thumb was almost sick Mrs Darcey went so fast :lol:

    I suspect he will never again be so cheeky to his Grandmother cat :roll:

    Sleek doesn't mind 'loosing' she likes to look after 'Pepe's Mum' she treats her like the Queen :)

    She was rather hoping the Chase Gate (the name of a local public house too oddly!) might be here tomorrow even though I have told her it won't be bless her.

    Today Auntie Kari and I went to Manchester together on the train to a special Mother of the Bride dress shop :) I have been really naughty and bought 2 dresses which have sort of capes/jackets and one extra cape/jacket AND a hat!! Yes a hat the first I have ever worn apart from my wooly one!

    I had to text Paul for permission to hit the joint account like that :oops: he said I could bless him. I think I've hit the right note; classy not too young/old or too showy.

    I snapchatted to the girls (and cat-chatted to Darcey and Tosca and Sleek) so everyone approved :)

    Shame I couldn't have asked your friend David Aidan!

    I am very pleased that your BP and urine samples all good bloods will be too ((()))

    Just nipping in the booth.....for half a marshmallow cake!!! YUM!!!

    Thanks for the t115006 t115006 t115006 totally necessary.

    The scrambled eggs went down very well Kath on the train on the way home Kari and I had had no lunch!!

    The poem was great perfect. Those 8 legged chaps are so cheeky!! Swearing in French :shock: :lol::lol:

    Barbara please do not tell me you are missing David :shock: :shock: I am horrified!! we are all watching him here Tia especially now it being all about weddings!!

    Aidan has special contacts with him. He is such a delightful man an ambassador for Macmillan.

    So your Ivy is special if thebees are the furthest North at yours :) Wow!! What a compliment.

    I hope you survived darling Niamh :)

    Joan we got Tia's dress and I now have 2 :? We got something 'special' for Tia too, but you will have to wait until the big day to see :wink:

    Carol you hit the ground running didn't you?!! MS group, knitting Mr T for lunch and friend for coffee then the Church meal :shock:

    You also need some of these t115006 t115006 t115006

    Kath and you have a lot of very cheeky 8-legged peeples :shock: They need taking in hand ASAP!! Such language c'est atroce!!

    Right feet up for me after a quick shower and in my nightie :)

    Love to everyone

    Toni xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all, another chilly night. Reading the weather in the Daily Mail they are saying icy conditions and snow...........not that they embellish things at all :roll: :roll:

    Mother was telling me about Tom Thumb being a little green around the gills, after Mrs Darcey shot off through the woods at a heck of a speed :shock: :shock: :mrgreen: WHO knew, she could ride a broom so well, she must have been a champion at Quidditch.

    No, Tommy won't be cheeky to Nanna Darcey or Auntie Tosca. Sleek is very kind to Mother, who said she really enjoyed her time on the Chase. So there is a pub there, called the Chase Gate, I see why Sleek would think it a permanent entrance for them to all nip off to. Bless.

    Ahh, there was shopping, Sleek was right. With Auntie Kari, Hi Kari (waving).
    It is not naughty at all, to have two dresses and capes / jackets, plus one spare. One needs to wear different outfits for different times of the Wedding Day. It is only fitting t4591 :D:D

    A hat too, lovely, to complete the ensemble. I am sure you have chosen the perfect items and of course Paul would say yes, to the dress, OH MY, another Yes to the Dress, it's all too exciting.

    Mother was chatting about outfits and nodded her approval :)

    Yes, we need David to take a look, I am sure he would agree that you have chosen well. 8) 8)

    I guessed there would be a need for the magic squares t115006 t115006

    Lovely that your Sis could be there with you too. Oooh and something special for Tia as well..............all will be revealed on the big day.

    Enjoyed the cake I see :lol::lol:

    Hope you had a restful evening, feet up after a nice warm shower :)

    Hi Barbara, how was your visit from the lovely Niamh? I am sure you had a good time, then had a nice rest later on.

    Hi Carol, you have had a busy time since arriving home, you will need a rest today, maybe a nap after lunch :)

    Hi to Christine, Kerrin, Mig, Toady, DD, SW, Elizabeth and all

    A quiet evening here, enjoyed catching up with the Ryder Cup from Paris. Europe is way in the lead, just the final day to go, Europe only needs another 4 points to beat the USA.

    At home day today, I am hoping it is haircut time :) I don't want to get too woolly :shock:

    Time for me to be pottering. I will pop into the Sanctuary while I am up and about. Apparently some of the wild boar and warthogs are quite tame and like being petted (so Johnny says) :shock: :?

    Lots of love and sparkles t4591 t115006 XXX Aidan

    Silver sends some extra ones too


    Cheese and Mushroom Omelette today

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Actually Aidan a cheese and mushroom omelette is exactly what I need after yesterday's escapades and rubbish food :roll:

    The ouchies are a little retreated, but not totally so those squares will be needed today as it's the Harvest Service at Church followed by the village lunch :?

    I haven't go the energy to go to the Sanctuary today so I asked Sleek if she and Mother would drop fruit off for me which they have done. Bless them. After the usual dew/mist collection of course. They spent a while with the Meerkats as they often do (apparently :? ) and came back to say that the manatees are planning a synchronised swim (like the hippos on telly?) Johnny has been spending time with them :shock:

    Mrs Darcey had certainly hidden her light under a bushel hadn't she? Mother and Sleek have had her old broom 'done up' and framed for her and it now has pride of place in her cupboard in Kari's art studio :D t4591

    Mother of the bride only needs her sparklies now and shoes/handbag(s) :lol: I think I have got the right level. Not showy/old fashioned/OTT/too bright. I will not cringe I think when we look back at the photos in 10 years time :D m0150

    Morning to Joan I hope you and Sue are ok. How is the heating doing?

    Right onwards and upwards Toni!

    Love to everyone
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Barbara Kathleen Aidan Toni.
    Barbara I bet Niamh made you laugh and kept8 you busy.
    Kathleen good poem again.
    Aidan have a good day. The sun is just. Coming out here.
    Toni we still have some rads working and some not. You had to get the things you liked they go so quick.
    take care
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Went into town under the gazebo and I couldn't stop shivering, even with my fleece under my coat and I had my hat on which was a good job as we had our hair cut on number 2.So when I got home, I put my vest on under my T-shirt and fleece. Fluffy socks help too. r075.gif

    Rang dad this morning and Anita was there, so we had a long chat and she has managed to find a little job near where she lives. 2 days a week as a receptionist at a private optician. So pleased for her.


    Got some washing done this morning too


    Trained the spids to peg my washing out using their 8 legs

    Supper is jacket potato with salad.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all. A rather blustery day, as Winnie the Pooh would say :)
    Some showers, which are not forecast and some sunshine too.

    Hi Toni Glad that the breakfast was just what you needed to set you up for the day :) Enough of junk food (cake cannot be included in that list though).

    You will need all your sustenance for the Harvest Festival and then the village luncheon, some extra magic squares on the way.

    Happy Harvest Festival To All


    Sleek and Mother went to the Sanctuary - they have free access now, all the animals have got to know them well. They took a huge cart load of fruits, grains and the like, to make sure all the lovelies had plenty in stock.

    So the Manatees are doing a synchronised swimming show, well, they are very graceful and can hold their breath far longer than any human.
    I didn't know that Sleek and Mother were so au fait with the meerkats, they go in their big enclosure and chase each other round. Well, they chase Sleek, Mother sits there and natters to the elders of the group.

    Mrs Darcey's old broom looks very nice, framed, in the cupboard of Kari's studio.

    There was quite a gathering of mists and dew this morning. duly given to the Nymphs in the ravine. Their building continues, but remains a closely guarded secret, even with pilchards, Mother will not speak a word :? :roll:

    Mother of the Bride, yes, sparkles, shoes, handbags to complete the outfits :) I am sure you have chosen just right.

    Looking back on the Wedding, everyone will look gorgeous.

    Feet up I think later, with large cup of T and some cake, which is in the oven at the moment :D:D

    Hi Joan Glad you have had some sunshine, is it blowy there, like it is here? We don't want you getting cold if you go out. Especially as the radiators are still not working all at the same time :roll: :roll: Something must be done, not fair that you should be ok on in one room and cold in another. :x :x

    Hi Kath, it must be hair cut day, mine has been done on No 2 and B has his from 2 to 6, no wonder I hold my breath when I am doing his hair :lol: :shock:
    You would have needed your hat and all your fleeces and the like.

    Hope you have thawed out by now.

    Glad you had a nice long chat with Anita, after ringing Dad. That is good, to have a part time job near to her home. Will be very interesting, in an Optician's.

    The spid--s will have the washing out in no time, with all them legs :? :? :?

    Supper looks fabulous, thank you. Perfect for an Autumn evening. :D

    Large load of drying just gone in - always lots to do after haircuts, have to wash everything, or you get itchy little hairs :shock: :shock: :lol::lol:

    Hi Barbara, hope you are ok and your DIL, friend and neighbours are doing ok too.
    I had best be getting that cake out of the oven, or you will miss it and that will never do. :shock:

    Hi Carol, hope you are having a bit of a rest this afternoon :) How is Mr T, has his cold started to go away?

    Hi to everyone else, in and about. Time I was away and pottering some more.

    Let me go sort that cake. Love and Sparkles to all t4591 t115006 will pop back later XXXX Aidan

    Sparkling Cranberry and White Chocolate Cake

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening All

    Have had to visit the Shed to see where yesterday went we had open morning to start with then on the way home I got my fruit shopping in and then made a nice spaghetti Bolognese for last nights meal. so the day just vanished.
    today has been my normal Sunday church this morning then nap after dinner. the weather is certainly cooling down now especially in the evenings.
    will post the pictures soon but having a problem doing it at the moment

    Kath hope your spids next door are now behaving better now no more swearing and drunken dancing to be seen or heard. what a great idea to train them to put the washing out after they do have many legs to get it done quickly. I had a couple of spids sweeping the floors for me today to keep them out of mischief. wonder what else we can train them to do. :lol:

    Aidan I did sell some cards at the MS group I must order some of the new catalogues with the Christmas cards in I will send you one when I get them. yes the hotel wasn't the highest of rankings but you do expect more than what we got yes quirky rooms to say the least when I Manage to get my pictures to post on here to post on here I will show you the room we had. open morning was same as usual just 2 people in but 2 is better than none.

    Joan Paris itself was lovely it was just the hotel that made us glad to be home. but we did enjoy it when we were out and about.

    Barbara Yes it was 10 out of 10 for Eurostar indeed. Mr T has sent in a report to the booking company as he was really disgusted with the hotel. Glad your DIL is getting on ok now. Don't worry the spider will be severely reprimanded for getting behind your bed and put to work.

    Toni I suppose you could say I hit the ground running if only I could :lol: don't think I am capable of running these days. but yes rather busy yes Knitting, meal coffee and open morning at church. Kath and I will soon have those 8 legged peeples under control the trip to Paris really made them really naughty and out of control.

    Time for a potter think I will have a potter down to the sanctuary and see what our bush babies and others are up to may have a cuddle with the bush babies.

    Love and sparkles to you all t4591 t4591
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all. Cool again this evening - heating on moderate :)

    Hi Carol I thought I saw someone popping into the shed with a shopping trolley :shock: gathering some hours back. Trouble is, even the ones we take back, seem to vanish again :shock: :?

    I am glad you sold some cards at the MS group. Thank you, I will look forward to seeing the Christmas cards in the new catalogue :)

    You do expect a minimum standard in a hotel, clean, room to move, ability to make drinks, reasonably quiet at night. Quite a lot of people who have left reviews on the hotel, have said it was pretty grim, even worse in summer as there is no air conditioning, not even a fan in the rooms.

    Sorry you are having gremlins with the pictures, I am sure it will resolve then we can see the hotel, plus the nicer sights of Paris.

    2 people in the Church open morning, is better than none, quite true.
    Glad the spid--s are being so helpful, Kath has them pegging out the washing and you have them sweeping the floors :shock: :shock:

    Barbara needs to have the intruder spid-- moved on from behind her bed. I would not even go in, let alone get into bed and rest :shock: :shock: :roll: :roll:

    Hope Mr T is feeling better now.

    Pop in and see the Manatee's, they are doing synchro swimming and the warthogs are enjoying being petted :shock:

    I hope the Harvest Festival service went well Toni, with rousing singing :) Then the luncheon. Trust you managed to have a rest in the afternoon.

    Sleek had a chat with Mrs D and Mother, no shrieking, I think they were quite tired from their slalom on the Chase. Mother is certainly very quiet at the moment :? :? Bless her.

    A quiet evening, enjoyed the final round of the Ryder Cup, with Europe winning by 7 clear points.
    Tennis from Beijing starts today :)

    B and Dad have their health check ups today, so a quick visit to Sainsb, no coffee's out. Their appointments almost follow on, so I will stay at home, while they head off after lunch.

    Did I see Barbara :? hope you are all ok

    Hi to everyone else, in and about. I had best be doing some pottering.

    Love and Sparkles to all t4591 t115006 t115006 XXXX Aidan

    Crumpets for Breakfast

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Aidan Carol.
    Kathleen we have cobwebs on the washing line none in doors.
    Aidan I hope all of you have a good day today.
    Carol I hope your husband gets an answer from the travel agent you need your money back.
    take care all Barbara Toni
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Joan Lucy just got rid of a HUGE sp*der out of the living room :shock: :?

    Not happy to hear all of your rads aren't working :(

    Aidan Sleek is a little worried Mother was too quiet for her liking :? . She took her out this morning wrapped a blanket around her in her side-car. Mother enjoys being taken out, but Sleek worries it's getting too cold for her. She is having a word with Minerva about Tosca.

    I hope Dad and Bill's health checks go ok and you enjoy a little time on your own.

    Just having a crumpet...then I see some sparkly cake? where's the booth? Oh it's engaged!!!! Who's in there Bang bang bang!!!

    Is it you in there Barbara??!!

    Oh well I can wait.

    You hair looks very smart :D Small hairs get in everything. I bet B has had a few hair 'splinters' in his time :roll:

    Fabulous Harvest display you put on there I love it. t4591 We had a lovely service. Some wise words from the Rev Delphine. thinking about the people in Indonesia. :(

    Then we all went off and stuffed ourselves!! Lucy joined us and a good time was had by all. Then we went to see Christopher Robin at the cinema. T think I was asleep in bed by 9pm!!!

    I am sitting on a large magic square thank you:)

    Hi Carol :) Ok you hit the ground running metaphorically :lol:

    Well done selling some cards. Will the new Christmas ones be online? I would like to see them.

    I hope the 8-legged peeples are behaving now? Lucy sent one outside this morning form the l room, but none in our bedrooms luckily.

    Paris is a bit decadent. Lots of wine and dancing ::) not easy for them to get back under control.

    Go see the manatees they are doing synchronised swimming like the hippos on TV!!

    my vest is on and staying on now :roll: the heating is also going on when needed.

    I bet you were cold. Sometimes the only answer is a hot shower jammies dressing gown and fluffy socks t4591

    Good news that Anita has got a job well done her!!

    It's love to see your sp****s putting the washing out - I bet that's fast!!!

    Thanks for the jacket spud I had it for my tea last night yum :)

    Well better get on Lucy wants a new coat/fleece from New Look her treat out of her wages.

    Love to everyone

    Toni xxx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Kath my vest is on and staying on now :roll: the heating is also going on when needed.

    I bet you were cold. Sometimes the only answer is a hot shower jammies dressing gown and fluffy socks

    I think we skipped autumn Toni, and leaped straight to winter. :!: tcold cfly scold

    I think we should head off th St Pancras station. If we use the cloak, we should be there in no time. It's the 150th anniversary today and they have made a cake (see below). Heidi Boothe was there and Ian Skye (the show's presenter) told her to leap face first into the cake, as it would be seen on BBC East Midlands Today. She refused, but WE could do it en masse. Not got long though as they are cutting it at around 5 o'clock. It would be a shame to miss the opportunity.

    These spids are getting really out of hand, it's as if they know they don't have much play time left. So sorry Lucy has been roped in as spid catcher supreme. Brave lass. t69044

    I'd suggest training them to bake, with all those legs, they'd be great at beating cake mix. But I can't imagine Aidan and Toni eating anything they baked.

    Joan cobweb on washing lines is a nuisance. Although they look pretty on a frosty morning when draped over the bushes.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I'm here..sorry about yesterday ..but my eyes are getting worse..I can see close up with my glasses but the comp has to be at arms lengths.. :shock: very scary..
    I did read all your post but might just forget some..sorry
    Carol needs more hours in a day..were on earth do they all go..and I am not busy like you...I hope that the booking place takes on board what MrT tell them about the hotel..its just not fair to treat people like that :roll:
    Kath I was thinking there same Autumn has turned into winter :shock: I was hoping for an Indian summer..
    Joan is awful that your heating isn't all working at the same time..I wish that we lived nearer...OH would be round there sorting it..we did have a laugh with Niamh she is so funny these days..
    Toni went shopping for mother of the bride in Manchester ..was it the Trafford center or the City...and you bought 2 outfits well why not you could change your mind on which one :lol: sorry I meant to say how happy I was that you got 10 out of 10 at your chest clinic all that walking is paying off.. :D
    Aiden I love the pic of the harvest food.and can just imagine how exciting Harvest was for you :D bet you had the run of the church :D and thanks for the hugs for my friend and friend in rehab cant contact us for a couple of weeks but we can leave messages for we leave many... :) now the spider..I found it about my wardrobe..OH could reach it with the catcher..I am hoping that is the last of them.. :shock: thankyou for all the food must say the white chocolate cake was yummy... :D
    I rang today about the flu jabs not till the end of October because we are over will have to wait :roll:
    Right will make a move
    Love to everyone t4591 t115006 t4591