Val's Cafe



  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all - it was a frosty start this morning, (so our neighbour said, before our getting up time ) No wonder the wisteria was drooping :shock:

    Hi Joan and Sue, I like to see cobwebs on the hawthorn hedges, frosty or misty mornings, they glisten and you can see just how clever the spid--s are.

    So far, the day has gone to plan. B and Dad are at the Drs, having their annual reviews, so I pottering at home.

    Do you think they will ever fix your heating system, so that everything works at the same time?? Time for local press to be informed.

    Hi Toni, Oh Lucy, you are brave beyond words, you put me to shame. Capturing large spid-- and putting it outside :shock: :shock:
    Being a big ninny, I would have been shrieking like Mother and Sleek, whilst exiting with Mum :roll: :roll: :lol::lol:

    Mother is less quiet today, quite shouty from early morning :roll: wake up daddy, wake up.............I am awake..........and so on, until alarm went off.

    She is not a lover of winter, just as she dislikes super hot summers. Minerva has been over and given her a tonic. Plus she had some pilchards, which caused even more shrieking :lol::lol: :roll: resting on plush cushion at present. t4591

    She did enjoy her trip out with Miss Sleek, wrapped in her fleece, as it was frosty when they were up on Pendle

    Waiting for B to get home, from the surgery. I have just been pottering around. Back now, mix up with the appointments, it was for a result of recent blood tests, not a full health check - anyway, sorted out now. :roll: :roll:

    I think it was Barbara in the booth, plenty of sparkling cakes left though. Best not press the wash cycle, if someone is in there :shock: :shock: :lol::lol:

    All washing duly de -haired. Those pesky little ones do get into your skin, like splinters and they can root as well :shock: :shock: I used to wash and dry all the towels when B had his Salon, so hairs were a constant battle, washing drying, hoovering...........I was well away, plus working full time. How did we do it???

    Glad you liked the Harvest Festival picture, reminded me of Dads Church,with the big loaves of bread on the Altar and fruits all around. t115006

    Wise words from Rev Delphine about the horrors in Indonesia and an enjoyable service :)

    Then lots of good food to eat, with Lucy joining you, plus a trip to the cinema too, no wonder you were in bed and asleep by 9 :shock: :shock:

    Hope Lucy managed to get a new fleece :)

    Hi Kath, the temperatures do seem to have dropped, a LOT. I don't mind really, I prefer being able to get warm, than trying to cool off. My fingers were frozen this morning though, when we got back from Sainsb.

    That is one big and wonderful cake, for St Pancras Station 150th Anniversary. We should have gathered under the cloak and asked it to take us............mind you, it would have known our motive was to dive into cake, not assist on a health or personal matter :roll: :? :? Worth a try though :lol::lol: t115006

    Yes, spid--s are running out of time to find their mates, with the LARGE lady spid--s roaming around. I keep telling them, there are no boy spid--s in this house, so no point giving me the heebie jeebies, move along now. We won't have spid-- shinannigins on our premises :shock: :shock: :? :?

    Baking spid--s errrrrrm, no, I am not sure Toni and I could partake in the cakes, just in case there was an errant hairy leg in the mix :shock: :shock:

    Hi there Barbara don't worry. Sorry your eyes are getting worse, not easy using the computer at arms length. Is it the brightness of the screen, that can sometimes, mess with people's eyes? I know you have problems with your eyes though t4591

    I did have the run of the Church, when no one was around :lol::lol: loved it as a child, dusting all the pews, with Mother. Niamh would have had a field day :lol: I often went to practice the hymns, during the week, nipping off with the keys :) Deciding what music I would play at the beginning and end of the service.

    Hugs for your friend and you neighbour are very welcome. So kidn that you are leaving lots of messages for your friend who is in rehab. Extra sparkles for him t115006

    Ah, the naughty spid--, that has been lurking, has now been removed by OH, (brave Mr B) I hope it is the last - I am not counting my chickens, or spid--s for that matter, until October is out. :? :? If I drop my guard, one will be there, looking at me with 8 eyes :shock: :shock: :shock:

    Dads flu jab is not until the 12th of this month. Everyone over 65 is having a different injection this time. A triple attenuated vaccine I think I read, although I didn't have me eyes on at the surgery.

    White chocolate cake is wonderful, I must admit.

    ((())) for your eyes. I will send the possums over with some cucumber to rest on your eyes, while they massage your temples. They are very very gentle.

    Well, I had best be moving myself again, more pottering to do.

    Love to all, sparkles a plenty t4591 t115006 t115006 I will pop back later. Crusty bread and hummus and cream cheese for supper. Oh and plenty of President butter too. Simple, but good.

    XXXXX Aidan

    We have not had a fruit cake, for a long time..................

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Kath what a cake!! BUT we missed it sorry my fault :oops:

    So pretty wasn't it?

    I am with Aidan unsure about the sp****s baking cakes. They would be super-efficient mixers and whiskers, but it's thought....

    Lucy is a star she easily and oh so gently catches them in the sp***r catcher and just pops them outside....

    I am chief door opener cum eyes averter!

    So not a proper check up for B and D the, Aidan? Never mind. Oh and I think I've got to the bottom of the reason why over 65s are having a different vaccine. It's something along the lines of they need something to boost their immune system to make antibodies. So quite right too.

    I bet you LOVED washing and drying all those towels for the salon!! I would too - I'd have been in my element!

    Sleek said Tosca is much better Minerva gave her some medicine bless her! They have been on the crystal ball again while yo were siesta-ing what a racket!!! Mrs D was joining in too!

    Sleek was shuddering though about the tuna :roll:

    Still she is still going to treat Mother like a Queen all wrapped up - she won't take any risks with Pepe's Mum!

    Blimey I hadn't thought about switching the booth on when someone is inside :lol:

    Having some fruit cake now - pinkie out!!

    Lucy did get her new fleece it's cream and very cosy - feels like Mrs Darcey's fur :)

    Expect a rude awakening from the cloak tomorrow. Pneumonia jab for me at 8.20am!!!


    Love to everyone

    Toni xx

    PS we will have to contact Joan and Sue's MP!
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all, a wet and breezy evening / night, here. Heating on, most Autumnal.

    Chief door opener and eyes averted, absolutely. I am not sure I could do the door bit though, being chief Ninny :roll: :roll: :lol::lol:
    Lucy, we applaud you, for you kindness and bravery, when it comes to spid--s t4591

    That's quite right about the flu jab, it boosts the immune system in those over 65 and it is hoped that the usual huge pressure on the NHS with admissions over winter, will be reduced significantly, all good.
    I was in my element, with all those towels, the washer and dryer were always going and Tosca used to be jumping in and out of the laundry basket, gosh, that is a long time back. 2000 / 2001 :shock: :shock:
    We would have made a good team with all the washing : )

    Mother is a little better, VERY noisy at siesta time, what was all THAT about, so much shrieking with the ladies. :roll: :roll:

    She has decided to give up riding her broom. It is too much for her back legs now and she is so comfy being in Miss Sleeks side car, wrapped in a blanket and surrounded by gel cushions, to ease the bones.
    Minnerva has accepted her broomstick resignation. Mother has cast a spell to make her broom teeny weeny, it is now under her bed of many blankets. :cry: A bit sad, but she feels better not having to fly any more.

    No Pilchards for Sleek then only Tuna, duly noted.

    Sleek is most kind to Mother, treating her with the utmost respect, whilst having a good laugh at the same time.

    No, we must not switch the booth on with someone in, goodness, they would come out immaculised :shock: :shock: :lol:

    Glad Lucy found a new fleece, with it feeling just like Mrs Darcey :)

    Pneumonia jab at the crack of dawn, ok. I might be asleep when the cloak picks me up, but I will be there to check the jab is done well. Should not cause any problems.

    I have the details of Joan and Sue's MP, who is a QC as well, if needs be :D:D

    Right, I had best be moving again. I was watching some of Graham Norton with Lady Gaga and the new Lady Dr Who.

    Leaving lots of love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006

    Hi to Carol, Christine, Kerrin, SW, DD, Mig, Toady, Elizabeth and all

    At home day today. XXXX Aidan

    Potato Pancakes for breakfast

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Toni Kathleen Aidan Barbara.
    Toni Lucy is good we have not had any spiders in doors yet perhaps its the dogs.
    Kathleen yes I have my. Thermal vest on and socks and heating.
    Aidan we have the man coming on Thursday to put new knobs on the rads the kitchen and living room and sue's bedroom are the one's not working sue's works when it wants to mine is hot.
    we have a new boiler firm coming this lot seem better.
    Barbara have you got computer glasses we have.
    I hope everyone has a good day
    take care
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Mmmm, beautiful fruit cake Aidan, thank you. And ta for potato pancakes for brekkie too. Yesterdays cake was rather magnificent, todays is rather special too, lemon verbena tart with cape gooseberry compote.

    I see we have some new icons, more suited for the weather. Thanks mods. :D

    t120006 We have some trees like this on the front green. Isn't it a beauty.

    Joan, I'm glad you and Sue have your thermals on ready. t110007 We went to the Co-op this morning. Very windy, so difficult to walk.

    Aidan, we haven't done anything about our flu jabs yet but Martin is coming to do my blood test next Wednesday (10th) so I will ask him about it. A lot of those on DMARDS/anti-inflammatorys/biologics etc are rather concerned about the jab for over 65s as they think it will set their immune system working again, which is the opposite of what their treatment does. It don't bother me.

    Just off to have a leap into the pile of leaves. t120005 :lol: . Nearly as good as a face plant.

    Hope nobody has been bothered by the spids today. t111055 That should drive them away.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all, warmer today, out of the wind anyway. Leaves blowing about. Still the odd butterfly about, which is nice to see.

    Thank you for the new emoji's Mods, very grateful, we love autumn. t120006

    I think I was still asleep when the cloak picked us up for Toni's appointment, t115006 t115006 we were all there, lined up in the beds :lol::lol::lol: I did make sure everything went ok with needles etc :) All puskins were there too, it was a job to stop them shrieking :shock: :shock:

    Hi Joan and Sue, glad you have not had any spid--s indoors, you are right, the doggies might keep them at bay. Would they chase one if they saw it?

    Thermal vest, socks and heating, good for you, we don't want you cold.
    I hope the new boiler service team are considerably better than the last lot, who seemed pretty hopeless :roll: :roll:
    Thursday will be D day, or Radiator day.

    Hi Kath, it was a lovely Fruit cake, I had to put quite a lot of butter on, plus a little cheese, to bring out the flavours :) Your welcome mi duck, for tatties :lol::lol:

    It is quite blowy, which does make it more difficult to potter along. You made it to the Co Op though. Did you sit on the benches, or was it a bit too breezy for that t110007

    It will be interesting to see what the DNurse says about the flu jab and how much of a boost to the immune system is involved. I suspect it will be vaccine specific, to build up immunity to particular strains of influenza, I could well be completely wrong :roll: :roll:
    He will probably bring the flu jabs with him, I bet he carries some in his medical kit.

    We managed to get you out of the pile of leaves, it's fun diving in, but then getting out can be a bit different :shock: :lol::lol:

    The lemon verbena tart is just fabulous, thank you kindly. I will pop some clotted cream on mine, Toni always leaves some in the fridge, she orders it in catering tubs :lol::lol:

    I haven't seen any spid--s today, I remain on guard and on patrol.

    It was a bit blowy for Mother to go out this morning, there was very little mist and the dew had all but gone. Sleek whizzed up to the top and gathered what was there, plus some heather and delivered it to the wood nymphs. t115006 t115006

    Mrs D and Sleek will be over at siesta time, for a chatter with Mother. (who has had some lugs removed, so she is a bit of a smiling crocodile at the moment :shock: :lol::lol: ). I was going to trim her claws, but I might leave it for a while :? :? :animal_busy:

    A quiet day at home. B is busy with his website. Etsy is finished, so everything will be on his own site, which is being updated.

    I have been pottering, some washing / drying. Not a great deal. Makes a change not to be chasing our tails.

    Right, I had better post. Barbara will sniff out that lovely tart and be along soon.

    Hi to Carol and to everyone else in and about. I am off for a shave, no doubt cutting myself to ribbons in the process :roll: :roll:
    Cannot use electric, gives me a terrible rash. :roll:

    Love and Sparkles to all t115006 t4591 t120005 XXX Aidan
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all..very windy but was mild earlier.. :) oh just spotted the new smilies..what a lovely tree.. :) thankyou Mods..
    Joan tell me about these glasses for computers they might just help my eyes..hope they sort that heating soon..its getting cold..
    Kath hopefully you will find out something about the new flu jab..ours is suppose to be at the end of this month...lemon verbena tart ... :D thankyou..
    Toni ..I hope the new flue jab does improve our immune system.. :) cant be bad...what did Paul think of your new mother of the bride clothes.. :) and I am soaking whoever turned on the flush in the booth..chocolate cake is not good when soggy... :shock: we will be under the cloak tomorrow I had my pneumonia jab a few years ago but OH has a letter for his..and tomorw is my tilt test.. :o
    Aiden Thankyou for the hugs and sparkles..I just wish I could get glasses for distance but they are changing all the time, I might just ring the eye clinic..nice to have a potter when everyone's out..well whats this about Etsy will you give me the detail of Bs new site please..we had 2 more spiders yesterday but a lot smaller..I dont mind catching them with the catcher but If I cant find them :o:o I can just see you having the church to yourself and planning the music.. :lol: now Niamh would have loved to help with the dusting..
    we have fruitcake, I had the pancakes for breakfast..thankyou..but I am never going in the booth again :shock: ,
    tomorrow is my tilt test I nearly forgot again, but my phone would have reminded me..10 oclock
    right will put the kettle on for a slice of fruit cake :D
    Love to everyone t4591 t120006 t4591
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all

    Kids and grandkids drive you mad Arrrrg they all want you to do something for them at the sametime at the same time. the last 2 days its been a bit hectic with it. Still its nice to know that they feel they can ask. just not all at once please. been a reasonable day today pain wise the ouchies from holiday have now eased up. tomorrow is knitting group will not be meeting my friend at all this week as she is away at the moment. right I think I have picture problems sorted out. the first 2 are our room the next one is the Arc de triumph from the top deck of tour bus.

    will have to put more pictures on over a few days because I can only put 3 at a time on

    Aidan yes the story of the vanishing hours is all to familiar to us these days. I will be ordering the brochures for the new cards next week and I will send you one when I get them. the Christmas ones are quite nice. Barbara's Spid has been removed. yes Mr t is feeling better thank you. enjoyed watching the manatees having a swim and our warthogs have got so friendly

    Toni yes the new cards are online and when I get my brochures which I am going to order next week I will send you one. Kath, Lucy and I are doing well bringing the 8 legged peeples into line again after their wayward ways after their French trip. wow those manatees are good at the synchronised Swimming. :o

    Joan a complaint has been made but we don't hold out much hope of getting any answers or refunds. too be honest.

    Barbara we are over 65 but I have already had a message from my doctor about getting my flu jab I haven't made an appointment yet must do so soon. I agree its not fair with the hotel. if you look at the pictures I have posted you will see the size and odd shape of the room I will post a couple more tomorrow showing the state of the room and the carpet outside the room

    well its time to potter hope sorry if I have missed anyone out
    maybe I will have fun with these t120005 love the new smilies t120006

    Love and sparkles to all t115006 t115006 t4591 t4591
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening everyone 

    Back from extra choir practise :roll:

    Thank you all for coming for my pneumonia jab with me. :) Luckily Sleek woke me up this morning just back from mist and heather collecting. :shock:

    All went well done and dusted, but another few nights avoiding sleeping on the arm …already sore Aidan Busy making those antibodies!

    The clotted cream is in the fridge to be eaten as you know I get it in by the vat-load! Thanks for the potato pancakes I had several before going to have my jab. Make sure I stayed upright!!!

    Sleek was telling me that Mother had been a bit grumpy about having her fur brushed (Sleek is pretty good, but is short-haired to be fair) and is glowering incase anyone is silly enough to attempt her nails. Which she is ‘growing for the wedding’???

    No more flying her own broom ten for Tosca? Sleek thinks she has been very wise she is much better off being cossetted by herself cosy and warm all joints supported. Sleek has got a photo (courtesy of Minerva) of Mother in her hey-day playing quidditch. She is having it framed for her for Christmas. t4591

    I have had a busy day not out, but washed my hair and blow dried and cleaned bathroom ensuite and kitchen then hoovered through. Tomorrow my arm will probably not allow it :roll: 

    The issue of the flu jab + immune booster when you are on DMARDS is an interesting one and being discussed all over the place ATM by users of the vaccines – on here on LWA and also on the British Lung Foundation.

    Will we have to look elsewhere now for B’s creations then?

    Kath no Spi**r issues here today thanks  :):)

    Not sure whether I can face plant into the lemon verbena tart…I think I can, but best avoid jumping into the leaves straight afterwards!!

    Loving the new smilies :D

    Joan Lucy is great around the sp****s! I wonder whether the dogs are scaring them off at yours? I hope so I also hope the new plumbers are better and get you sorted out!

    Barbara and I have been at choir practise after my jab and before her tilt test. We will be with you never fear. Hope you don’t feel too queasy ((()))

    As for the booth giving you a wash and blow-dry – appologies it was me :oops: :oops:

    Carol blimey that room was tiny you couldn’t swing a pusskin in there!! I bet if both of you were one end you were cramped!

    Lucy is loving helping you and Kath with the sp****s! She is good at it. :?

    Yes please a copy for me of the new cards. Knitting tomorrow for you? I hope you enjoy it and maybe a week off a cuppa with your friend will do you good?

    Love to everyone t4591

    Toni xxx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all, it was quite chilly earlier, so heating on and oven on too for jacket tatties, we were melting.......... :roll: :roll: cooled off a bit now.

    Hi Barbara Loving the new smilies, especially the tree t120006

    There are various glasses that you can wear, when using the pc / phone / tablet, that absorb the blue light (which causes eye strain and over active brain signals ) :shock: I would ring the eye clinic, I am sure you would not be the first person to ask about making pc screen easier on the eye.

    Specsavers do offer a service that caters for people who suffer from eye problems when using the PC.

    Ooops, you got a bit wet in the booth. Toni said is was her than pressed the button, but, I pressed it when I went past as well :? :? no wonder you were soaked. t111055 t111055 No, I am not giggling at all, honest. We both apologise

    We will all be there for your tilt test, the cloak will gather us all together, so we can keep an eye on your tilting table. You will have wires and BP and pulse oximeter on while they do the tests...It can take a while, but we will be there, to hold hands and tilt with you :? :?

    I will message you B's website, worry not. He is beavering away and has been for 10 hours today :shock:

    Two more spid--s, but smaller ones, that's not toooooo bad I guess. When they run and hide, that the worst :shock: :shock:

    I thought Niamh would love dusting all the pews with us, it used to take a fair while. (we had bats in the Church, so they left little presents) :lol::lol: :roll:

    Enjoy all the cakes and tarts etc, we are blessed with goodies at the moment.

    Will see you this morning 10am.

    Hi Carol, so everyone is wanting Mum / Nanna at the same time, one at a time please, form a queue.

    It is nice to know that they can ask, as you say. :)

    Let me be looking at the pictures. My oh my, it is barely a single room, let alone a double, who gets in bed first and sleeps with the wall jammed up against them :roll: :roll: Green, is that a restful colour.
    How on earth are you supposed to watch the television, it is nearly on the ceiling and round the corner too :shock: :shock: :shock: I would have complained too, it is not a nice place at all.

    the arc de tromphe is much nicer to see, it is a wonderful sight.

    Look forward to seeing more pictures :)

    Also look forward to the new card book, thank you. Glad Mr T is feeling a lot better.
    The manatees are very graceful with their synchronised swimming. I am still not too sure about petting the warthogs and the wild boars :? :?

    Steady away now, as you leap into the pile of leaves t120005 :lol::lol: enjoy your knitting group too :)

    An extra choir practice Toni, was that an impromptu one, orders of the choir leader.

    You are welcome, even though I was asleep for the most part, during the trip to the surgery. Thank goodness the cloak can scoop us all up, as required.

    Oh dear, another ouchy arm. Some magic squares to pop on, tiny ones like plasters t115006 t115006

    The tattie pancakes were very sustaining, with magical powers that make you eat more and more :? :? that's my excuse anyway.

    I knew there would be plenty of clotted cream, I notice we have a special industrial fridge, just to keep it all in :lol::lol: :shock:

    So Sleek is growing her nails for the wedding, gosh, they will be talons by next year :shock: :shock:
    Mother was very good with her lugs, I knew when she had had enough, some more another day.

    So Minerva has given Sleek a picture of Mother in her hey day, playing Quidditch,
    I do have a pen drawing, done by one of her feline class mates, at the time


    Sleek Mother and Mrs D are quite impressed with the new uniforms too, I think they will be ordering one each from Hogwarts.


    Sleek is more than happy to escort Mother in the side car, wrapped in all the comfort and warmth.

    You have had an at home day too, busy though, with immaculising and washing / drying of hair too. All spick and span, looking very nice :)

    There will be lots of discussion about the new flu jabs. I am sure they will be ok, but some will be reluctant to have them I guess.

    I will message you the details for B's website :)

    I apologised to Barbara as well, I thought the booth needed jet washing, so pressed the button, that must have been just after you had been round and done the self same thing :? :? :? Big Ooops.
    We will make sure Barbara is ok on the tilt table

    Will see you under the cloak. 10am

    Fortunately we can be in two places at once, so I will be in the T room as well as in the clinic with everyone else. We have not been out for coffee since Friday, it is unheard of :shock: :shock:

    Right, I must away, more pottering needed, before I set solid.

    Hi to everyone else, in and around about. Leaving hugs love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 t120005 XXXX Aidan

    Simple Honey and Oat Bread for breakfast

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Macchiatos on to go with the simple oat and honey bread :D Lovely thanks Aidan

    I'm so glad I did so much housework yesterday because today my arm will not go above shoulder height. Still I am sure I'll manage something :wink:

    I LOVE that line drawing!! Sleek has no idea who did it - I wonder if Darcey will know though :?

    Now I know what all the shrieking was about! The adorable new uniforms :) Their plastic has taken a hit!! Mother bought a tiny one for Tommy (with growing room :shock: ) Thumb.

    You enjoy the cuppa blimey you must be desperate by now :shock: . Of course we will be with Barbara too. We will monitor her vitals ourselves. :?

    At least we know she's clean after her extra washes in the booth :oops: :oops: :oops:

    The extra choir rehearsal is because of our concert on the 13th :shock: :shock: :shock:

    Yes please PM the link to B's new website. Our fridge is definitely industrial and keeps all foods 100% fresh at all times :Dc085.gif

    A quick Woo-ooo! to Joan! Hope all is well there new plumbers along tomorrow? t111055

    Love to everyone

    Toni xxx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Aidan Carol Barbara Toni.
    Kathleen you go steady in the wind and cold.
    Aidan how is your Dad doing keep warm all of you.
    Carol I will look at the photos later you won't be going there again.
    Barbara ask the optician about glasses for the computer I have a pair and sue.
    Toni it's the heating man who's coming tomorrow. Sorry about your sore arm.
    take care all
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Oh Carol, I've had bigger hospital rooms than that! Not surprising you complained :x

    Aidan, thank you for the honey and oat bread. Scrumptious. I could do with special specs for the laptop. I use my reading glasses but they aren't very good. Specsavers come to examine my eyes at home every year. She's very efficient.

    I think it's definitely soup weather. t111055 t110007 so here's some spiced mushroom & lentil hotpot. Wonder if it would go down well with some of Aidan's crusty bread? t120005 t120006

    Joan, hope your thermals are keeping you and Sue nice and snuggly buggly.

    Found this in Derby Telegraph:
    Colder weather outside encourages spiders to make their way to warmer shelters, which is normally our homes.

    They head inside to find a mate but in the process manage to scare and stress out many of us.

    But now arachnophobes have reason to celebrate - a simple hack has been found to keep spiders out of homes this winter.

    Fortunately, there's an unlikely ingredient spiders despise that you can use to keep them away.

    Apparently a simple essential oil completely puts them off coming inside our houses that doesn't involve any poison, Mirror Online reports.

    Goodtoknow says that peppermint oil is like a repellent for spiders - they absolutely hate it and will avoid it at all costs.

    All you need to do is grab a spray bottle, put a few drops of peppermint oil in and spray liberally around the house, particularly at potential entry points.

    It'll be trial and error at first but apparently should keep them at bay, make sure you dust and vacuum away any cobwebs they may be hiding in first.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all, quite mild, rain overnight. Seems dark already. :shock: t120006
    Hi Toni, thanks for the coffee, to go with the honey bread.
    You do have a sensitive arm, to the injections. Do they pinch the skin a bit when they do the jab? Hope not, it can lead to more bruising etc.
    I am sure you can immaculise with one hand :) We will not be beaten when it comes to cleaning :lol::lol:

    Cannot throw any light on the pen drawing. Mother said it was done by a fellow pupil, when they were playing quidditch, but there was no name, it was there in the puskin bedroom. :? Mrs D might well know

    Oh yes, shrieking from 6 this morning, they are all a bit excited with the new uniforms. Tommy will look gorgeous in his, he will soon grow into it :shock: :)

    Sleek was over with Mrs D this morning, there was a very thick mist on top of Pendle today, only just gone. Very bountiful with lots of dew on the heather as well. Tosca enjoyed her trip out and had a little totter around the trig point at the top, before getting back into her cosy side car :)

    It was terrible, not having coffee out, for 5 days !!!! The T room ladies were pleased to see us and fussed over us. Lots of coffee, perhaps a bit too much - B and I were both a bit "wired" when we left :shock: :lol::lol: Scone was very nice with cream and jam, of course. Dad loves his Mocha's now.

    Then to Sainsb and back home.

    I think Barbara is ok, after a quick check up, recovering from the tilting. She will be more than ready for some cake, (I have one cooling as we speak). Was a pleasure to be there and make sure all vital signs were ok. t115006 t115006 :D:D
    The fridge is wonderful, everything kept at a permanently ice cool temperature, with magical freshness built in. :D:D t115006

    Concert on the 13th, very nice, what choice pieces is one singing at this concert? :)

    Hi Joan and Sue and the lovely doggies. Dad is doing ok thank you. We keep him up to date and sort out all his appointments at various clinics etc.
    Make sure he has everything he needs and take him out for coffee/ brunch, regularly :)

    Let's hope the heating engineer can sort out the rads etc, once and for all.

    Hi Kath, I know, that hotel room for our Carol and Mr T, was just horrid. I have had bigger side rooms too.

    Oh the hotpot will be perfect with the honey bread, thank you kindly, it looks lovely.

    Specsavers are very good, quite a lot of opticians do home visits now :) Worth asking them about PC specs.

    I will be off to get some peppermint oil asap, to make sure we keep the spid--s at bay, whenever possible. Anything that reduces the stress of meeting one, is good in my book :shock: :shock:

    Vacuum, oh yes, I will make sure everything is cleansed - no webs wanted :? :?

    I see you have been jumping in the leaves again, there are somein your hair :roll: :lol::lol::wink:

    Right, I had better move. This won't get the cake finished, for our Barbara (and all of us).

    Will pop back later. Love and Sparkles to everyone. t4591 t115006 t120006 XXX Aidan

    Red Velvet Cream Cake

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    evening all I am chilled :o tilt test done and dusted..was a bit sickly..well a lot..but fine now thanks for the cloak duties sorry if I made a mess :oops:
    Toni at least you got through all the cleaning..hopefully your arm will recover soon ...glad the Pneumonia jab went well..nice to be protected.. :)
    Carol that is a tiny room..what a shame..hopefully you can stop others booking it.. or at least your family have you running ring..they do forget that we are older then they are..but like you say we whatever..I love the pic of the Arc de triumph.. :D
    Kath stew is just the job for this weather .. :D hope you are less ouchie today...
    Joan I will ask about the glasses thankyou..we will all come along tomorrow and lock the heating man in till its sorted.. :shock:
    Aiden thanks for the red velvet cake..boy was I ready for that.. :D feeling ok now..after an unplanned sleep.. :D must say I love the uniform on the cat how dapper.. :D and got to go for coffee at last ..and a proper one..I will stay clear of the booth thankyou..thought I might drown... :shock: the tilt test did take a while..they did one then asked me to wait then did my brain has gone blank...thankyuo for the info on Bills site he deserves to do well..very talented he is.. :D
    Now I will use the sun smilie before we lose it altogether..I dont want winter to come just yet m0150 t120006
    Love to everyone t4591 t115006 t4591
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Red velvet cake?!! Can I start Aidan?

    Poor you Barbara I am glad you are home now with your feet up and not queasy now :? When will you get your results then?

    The cloak is all clean no evidence at all :D

    Dunnae worry aboot ma arrum!

    You did a good job at extra choir practise last night sang your heart out!

    Nesum Dorma, Londonderry Air, California Dreaming, Beatles Medley etc...that's some of our tunes! There are a few other things going on some poetry and the like.

    They didn't pinch my arms no - just my body making antibodies I hope.... s050.gif

    Kari had hers this evening so she can moan now instead :lol:

    yes I managed to immaculise loos at least today. I prioritised.

    Been on B's new site it looks fabulous. Googled it and loads pops up!!

    Glad you had your coffees out even if you were both a bit out of your trees afterwards!! hehehe!

    Sleek is going to see if Mrs D can find out the origin of the drawing....she was a year or so behind Mother at Hogwarts. Of course Tommy will soon grow into his uniform :? :shock:

    They had a great time on Pendle. Mother isn't doing too much these days says Sleek - she was wondering whether they do 'buggies' like Mother's Grandad's pusskin size :roll:

    Kath I enjoyed my spiced lentil hotpot - spot on as we head into Autumn :) t120005

    Interesting sp***r information there. I once worked with a bro and sis with L disabilities and annually a man came and sprayed their skirtings. I wonder whether it was with peppermint??

    Joan a 'heating engineer'? sounds as though he should know what he's doing. Thank you my arm will be ok by tomorrow I'm sure :)

    Love to everyone

    Toni xxxt120007.gif
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening everyone

    Had good knitting group today. I must remember to book my Flu Jab. I don't usually have any problem with it except my arm always seems to feel heavy on the day but the next day it feels ok. 2nd dentist appointment on Friday so Lunch with Mr T will be postponed till Saturday as it is an 11.30 appointment so if I have injections it will still be numb so it will be soup for lunch for me. and I will cook in the evening. as usual.
    I know you will all be there under the cloak with assorted animal. as well good job our cloak can expand as needed :lol::lol:

    Toni Yes you could call the room small it was a tad cramped my walker had to be folded and put in the bathroom. :roll: if you had tried to swing a pusskin in there and you let go I reckon it would have hit a wall :? :roll: Glad Lucy is good at spid** removal we need people like Lucy with all the 8 legged pests.
    I don't mind not meeting my friend for coffee this week as I have the dentist in the morning so it is quite convenient for me. was there under the cloak had to make a grab at a bush baby before it escaped but a vanilla wafer or 2 did the trick. as soon as I get the brochures I will send you one. and they are online already.

    Aidan I love the new smilies too they are great. t110007 t111055 t120005 t120006 oops sorry I got carried away there :wink: Spid remover duly sent to rid you of them. Dont think they know what an orderlly queue is eldest daughter was ringing to let us know that eldest grandaughter was in hospital with problems with her gall stones which has been going on since she fell pregnant with Graycie. then after she was born they said she had to wait for 6 months then when she went back they said
    she would have to wait in the queue again she got to the pre op apppointment stage and then a few days later found she was pregnant again so had to wait until Rubie was born. but hopefully they are going to do it quicker as it has now moved and cause her to have a mild attack of pancratitis. We are all very proud of Lillie because when her mummy was in real bad pain she rang her other auntie and told her mummy was sick and she needed her to come and get them. then after her auntie called an ambulance she called her daddy and told him what was happening and then sat on the door step waiting for the ambulance and looking after Graycie telling her its alright an ambulance is coming to make mummy better. Her dad has told her on his payday she will get a big present for being so brave and good doing what she did t4591 . then grandson was wanting to ask me something. all this whilst I am trying to do a bank transfer online to my youngest daughter. it was madness for about and hour and a half. after I came in from Knitting.
    Its ok Mr T moved the bed to the middle of the room because we both get out of bed in the night for the loo so we need a space either side of the bed. :lol: :roll: Didn't watch the Tv anyway because there was no English programmes on anyway.Your right it was not a nice place.

    Here are 2 more pictures of problems in the room at hotel Cambrai
    first one just outside bathroom door Cambrai5.jpg?dl=0

    next tiles in Bath room Cambrai 4.jpg?dl=0

    and a better one of the Eiffel Tower from the top deck of the tour bus.

    Joan No we certainly will not be going there again.

    Kath I too have had bigger hospital rooms than that :lol:
    have sent out Spid removal patrol to rid Aidan of his spids. seems we need to arm them with peppermint oil then and spray bottles then.
    Soup weather definitely spiced mushroom and lentil hot pot an crusty bread definitely was delicious.

    Nearly Missed you there Barbara yes the room was tiny and as you say if by putting on the booking site hopefully it will make others think before booking. no I wasn't really running around just chatting on telephone and on laptop at the same time but as you say as parents and grand parents we do what we can for them.

    Think I will potter down to see the manatees synchronised swimming again they do love to show off. and give the bush babies a little cuddle. and a little dive into the

    t4591 t4591 and t115006 t115006 for all
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all :)

    Hi Barbara, I put the heating on after siesta time, it was a wee bit chilly.

    Glad you are ok and back from your tilting - sorry it made you feel sickly :mrgreen: No mess at all, everything immaculate, worry not. Glad we were there to hold hands. I know the test seems to take ages :roll: :roll:

    I guessed you would be ready for some lovely cake, so go with Kaths veggie casserole. You did right, to have an impromptu nap, much needed after being tipped up and down :shock: :?

    The pus cat Hogwarts uniforms are just adorable, they are all shrieking with glee and cannot wait for theirs to arrive.

    I didn't put your cake near the booth, I know you had a terrible drenching, we are most apologetic for putting you on a wash cycle, twice :shock: :shock: :? :?

    Coffee, scone etc, was very nice, having not been out for 5 days !! Unthinkable. We must not let it happen again :lol::lol:

    B's site is for the personal touch, not lost in a sea of imported items on that shopping site, with a lot of people claiming they are hand made and they are not. :? :roll: :roll:
    I know the hours that B puts in and the pride he takes in his work.

    I wonder if there is a wintery sun emoji ??

    Of course you can start Toni, oh, I see you are already busy with the velvet cake, it's rather good :)

    Wow, that is quite a repertoire for the concert. Suitably impressed :D:D I like California Dreaming. I loved the Mamas and the Papas, Mama Cass sadly passing away at 32, after a heart attack. Very sad.

    Glad they did not pinch your arm, see, we were taught to do that, but, I did train with Florence Nightingale and things were different then :lol::lol: :shock:
    Only when it transpired that people bruised and the vaccine was more likely to cause discomfort, was the practice stopped.

    Mrs D said that Mummy was making noises about her arm, after some peeples stuck pins in her :shock: :roll:

    You did very well, always have immaculised loos, you never know who might pop in and need the powder room :? I would freak, if I thought, are they spotlessly gleaming, or not :o:o

    B is very pleased with his new site, a more bespoke service, rather than lost in an ocean of items. A lot more to add yet, but Rome was not built in a day.

    We were both wired for sound, after our coffee's, if I had had any more I would have been over at the surgery :shock: :shock: t2507

    Mother has been trying to think back, to the days of her mastering Quidditch, I think it might have been one of the tutors that did the pen drawing, not one of the pupils. Maybe Mrs Darcey could ask Minerva, just out of interest.

    I will see if there are mobility buggies, for elderly puskins. Mother said no, I do NOT need any aids or adaptations...........that's me told :? :? :shock: :roll:

    Hi Carol Glad you enjoyed your knitting group, sped on with coffee along the way :)

    We will be there for your dental appointment on Friday, make sure it all goes well. Best not go out for lunch, with a numb mouth. I did that and went to Nero's, I was covered in coffee, drooling it all over :lol::lol::lol:

    The cloak is enormous, it can accommodate as many people as arrive. Be it 1, or 100, there are rooms in abundance, there is even an upstairs, with a stair lift, that I wasn't aware of. It is down the hall past the kitchen. Not sure what is up there :shock:

    Glad you caught the Bush Baby, before it jumped on the table with Barbara :roll:

    So your GD has gall stones, poor love. They are not nice at all. I would think they will get a wriggle on and take them out asap, if she has mild pancreatitis.
    Lillie was just wonderful, ringing Auntie then ringing Daddy, then waiting for the ambulance, bless her, she needs a big present for being so helpful. t4591 t4591

    Then your GS on the phone and you are busy on the pc doing banking, it was all go :o

    There was not much space in your room anyway, even less with the bed in the middle. but, needs must, Mr T could hardly dive in and out of the bed as required :o :shock:

    The flooring is manky, oh, the mucky cracked tiles and dangerous lino - awful.

    The Eiffel Tower, now that's better, very nice to see :)

    Hope the Manatee's put on a good show for you, they are very accomplished :)

    Well, I am rambling away, I had best be having another potter round and a quick spid-- check :? :?

    At home day today. Doing housey things :) Friday I am having my COPD check up :? :? not sure I will get 10 out of 10 Toni.

    Right, move yourself Bubbles. Love and Sparkles to one and all. t4591 t115006 Take care XXXX Aidan

    Poached Eggs and Mushrooms on Sourdough Bread

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Aidan Barbara Carol Toni.
    Kathleen sue does not wear thermals she's too warm. She has not got arthritis. have a good day.
    Aidan have a good day I'm sure your home is spider free.
    Barbara what were you tipped upside down for I'm sure they were not looking for money.
    Carol yes a clever little girl she deserves a present.
    Toni how is your arm doing have a good day.
    take care all
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all ..yes its me and not a stand in... :lol:
    Carol the room is awful and I would complain to the tourism in Paris.. has well as the booking site..I am sure they would be outraged..and maybe close it down.. :x
    What a star Lillie is bless her, not easy for an adult not to panic but a child..she is brilliant ..I can just see them sat on the step...she certainly does deserve a treat... :D hope the dentist goes ok Friday and you and Mr T can enjoy a meal out on Saturday..
    Toni I really enjoy the singing especially all the songs form my era..the Beatles and mamas and papas I mean .. :D I was on top its Kara's turn for the job hope all goes well..
    Joan they didn't find any money.. :lol: but I nearly lost my teeth... :lol: now what a site that would have been.. :shock: ..hope you are both ok..
    Aiden I am fine now :) the cake helped..dont worry I stayed clear of the booth...mind you I did smell nice..not that I dont :o:lol: so its an at home day today..dont worry we are off to the GC so I will have a scone just for you.. :D and bring you one back..honest...
    I think that Bill has done brilliantly setting up his own you say I lot on the other were bought in.. :roll: Bs is very unique.. :D
    thankyou for the poached egg and mudrooms on sour bread toast..I crave eggs lately it must be the vit D in them...
    Hope everyone has a good day
    t4591 t115006 t4591
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I need immacculising after filling up with liberal slices of red velvet cake. I think I've mentioned before I'm a right mucky eater. But it were yummy :P Better switch nu nu on.

    I've put a load of peppermint sprays in the cafe, enough for us to take some home AND use in the cafe.

    I watched Emily's Amazon parcel arrive yesterday. I love to watch the blue blob creep up to the little red house and leap on it. :lol: Little things please little minds. Which is why I enjoy face plants and jumping into heaps of leaves. t120005

    scold cfly t111055 t110007 t120006

    That's made me hungry, so let's have some Vegetable lasagne. by the fire. h070.gif

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Carol what a little star is Graycie!!! Looking after Lillie and making all those calls :) Her Daddy is right to buy her a treat what a girl she is :)

    I hope her Mummy is ok?

    So not only was the room the size to hurt pusskins but it needs some work done on it too :roll: Not good at all :(

    We will be with you for the dentist never fear the cloak has the apt in it's diary...hope you can eat your tea ok and agree your meal out with Mr T should be postponed.

    Bush-babies are easy to bribe with wafers :lol: Good job really imagine a paw appearing in mid air :shock: :lol:

    Kari had her jab thanks Barbara now she has a sore arm bless her.

    You know all the words to the songs so you have a head start! normal practise tonight so be ready!

    Eggs are good for you eat up!! If its vit D you need all good :D

    Hahaha! Joan had a point did your pockets empty out when you were tilted?? Mine didn't my money was in my bag :lol:

    Joan my arm is much better today - now my sister has had hers done :roll:

    Hi Aidan :) I am shocked that people are pretending they made stuff on Etsy!! Kari is on there I think....well she was...WAS I just checked for the same reason too! B is quite right to have his own site. I think he is very clever I couldn't do that no way :shock: :shock:

    Oh yes Sleek had a good look at my arm with her magnifying glass....I think that's an old one of mother's?? She said she could see where the 'pin' went in. Now someone did the same to her Auntie Kari so Darcey will be having a look with her magnifying glass too ::)

    Mrs Darcey will have a chat with Minerva see what she can ascertain about the drawing of Tosca. Oh gosh! We must not upset her mentioning aid/adaptations :shock: :? She's just fine with Sleek's side car :shock:

    To die at 32 from a heart attack? What a shame :( There are other artists at the concert too. We will do our usual raffle as well.

    Loos must be immaculised daily and then after never know


    We will be with you for your COPD check-up. Fingers crossed you get on better than you think :D

    I have had the mushrooms on sourdough for afternoon tea thanks :)

    Thanks for the lasagne Kath I have taken some for our tea tonight. Also a peppermint spray thanks for THAT!!

    I bet you enjoyed watching the little blue blob arrive at the house :lol:

    Just been across to Church helping set up for the craft Fayre on Saturday there was an Eeeee-nor-mous!! 8 legged friend in the kitchen bit

    Love to everyone

    Toni xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    I forgot to say a VERY special letter arrived here today courtesy of some lovely friends who lucky for us have contacts in high places :shock: :D

    It contained a very precious photo for Lucy!! From David Emanuel her hero from SYTTD!!

    She has been screeching nearly as bad as the pusskins :D

    I am charged with locating a special frame for it.

    So a HUGE thank you to Aidan and B for (ab)using your contacts for us t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591


    Toni xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    frogmorton wrote:

    I forgot to say a VERY special letter arrived here today courtesy of some lovely friends who lucky for us have contacts in high places :shock: :D

    It contained a very precious photo for Lucy!! From David Emanuel her hero from SYTTD!!

    She has been screeching nearly as bad as the pusskins :D

    I am charged with locating a special frame for it.

    So a HUGE thank you to Aidan and B for (ab)using your contacts for us t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591


    Toni xx

    You are MORE than welcome, it was a pleasure - took a while, as David is always so busy, but, sorted now and SO glad that Lucy is pleased t4591 t4591 t4591
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all - a dull day, a bit of rain...........quite mild though

    Hi Joan and Sue, I am hoping that there are not too many spid--s roaming in the shadows. I am a terror for keeping the place lit up like Vegas :shock: :lol::lol: I like to see what's about :? :?

    Have the engineers been and sorted your heating out, once and for all?? Let's hope so

    Gosh, you were early doors Barbara :shock: :D:D are you sure it was not Mr B :? :?

    Oh I am glad you didn't loose any teeth yesterday............always a risk in any hospital situation. We used to have a special pen that would write on denture / bridges etc. First thing we did, give me your teeth :D:D:lol::lol:

    Of course, the cakes always help, they have magical powers, to aid recovery t115006 t115006
    No, best keep away from the booth. I have made sure there is a window on the booth door now, so you can see if there is anyone in there, planted into a cake :lol::lol: before pressing the button.

    You enjoy your scone, I am still trying to find must be here somewhere :wink::wink:
    Thank you, B is busy away, he is doing a range of heart bracelets at the moment, they are so sweet. His website will be much better than lost in a sea of imports. Bespoke is far better and a high quality :)

    So you are craving eggs at the moment :shock: :shock: you are not wanting bits of coal and gherkins as well are you :shock: :shock: :lol::lol: No, phew, that's good then. Just the Vitamin D. More cream for Barbara please. Choir practice tonight, shed first though :lol::lol:

    Hi Kath, don't you worry, I have been round with nu nu and you are spick and span. I am a clutterbucket with some food, or drinks, I can happily throw them down myself and not realise. Bless, it's a shame. :roll: :roll:

    Thank you for the peppermint spray, we will all smell like extra strong mints :) That's an idea, we need to eat them all the time if spid--s don't like peppermint.

    I like tracking parcels too, it tells you what number you are on the list and when yours is next, it send you a text :)

    You enjoy jumping into the leaves, t120005 The trees are really starting to turn now.

    Vegetable Lasagne, by the fire, I might melt, but it will be well worth it, ta mi duck.

    Hi Toni It didn't really come as much of a surprise, with so much stuff being imported and then sold as hand made. Not to knock those who make some really fabulous things, because there are some lovely items.

    No I cannot even see the seed beads, even with glasses on, let alone thread them and stitch them into all sorts of designs, it is a skill, that's for sure.

    Mother does have a very old magnifying glass, it was a gift from Hogwarts t115006 It can pick out the most minute of pin pricks and expand them to enormous size, so Miss Sleek will certainly see it :shock: :shock:
    Mrs Darcey will have the same type of magnifying glass as Mother.

    Mother seems to have calmed down, about the thoughts of her being in a mobility buggy, we were all sent to Coventry and she had to have tuna, to bring her round. :roll: :roll:

    I am sure the concert will be really good. With other artists and a raffle too :)

    I was only 34 when I had my first heart attack, no respecter of age :shock: :shock:

    Oh yes, loo's have to be done, before and after guests, including towel change, me, OCD, not at all. :roll: :roll: :? :? :lol::lol:

    I am sure the COPD test will be ok, I have not had one for about three years now :? :? :? ooops.

    A humungous spide- in the Church kitchen, oh my. I remember them well, in Dads Church, if you climbed the spire on the stone winding stairs, I could not look up, as there were webs of all description. It was like Indiana Jones. Even worse coming down......... :shock: :shock:

    Barbara is on her way to the shed, maybe best if you call in for her, before choir :shock: :lol::lol:

    Has Lucy stopped admiring her signed photo and personal note yet t4591 t4591
    Of course you must get a wonderful frame for them :)

    Right, I must move again, I am setting on my gel cushion.

    Hi to everyone in and about, love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 t120006 Catch you later XXXX Aidan

    Let me go fetch the cakes I made :wink::wink:

    I was SO creative here, with the cream butterfly cakes :)

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).