Val's Cafe
Hello Aidan Toni and Kathleen Barbara Carol.
Aidan you go care full no more hypo's(((())))
Toni have a good time tonight singing.
have a good day everyone
take care
Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Excuse me a moment while I help mesenn to a slice of Honey and Walnut Breakfast Bread. Very carefully, I don't like the face on that rather cross pusscat. Oh thank you Aidan - a gentle nudge wih your fairy feet, well one of them anyway, now she's moved. I like Poppet for a unicorn name, but I think Pocket is rather good too. BTW Aidan, or should I say Will Shakespeare Esq. I forgot to mention that we have at least 3 defibrillators in Sawley. 1 on the front of the Comm Centre (where we sit on the benches) one near the chippy and another on the PO.
Talking of the benches, we were on them this morning.
t120006 t120006
We are trying to encourage the spids to go into hiding before winter sets in. So unfortunately we need to stock up on pepprmint oil and peppermints to secrete in every nook and cranny, to tell them to sling their hooks. t110007 t111055
Help yourselves to some Carrot, Cumin and Kidney Bean Burgers."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Afternoon all lovely and sunny here...
Kath I do like nuttela and can eat it out of the I would never double dip...hope you are warmer today..
Joan yes we enjoyed having Niamh ..I hope you Sue and the doggies are well..
Toni busy will keep you out of mischief..glad to hear Tosca sorted the black cat ..we dont want anything putting on Miss Sleek :roll:
Aiden we do need hugs..thankyou..I love the little unicorn and to right it shouldn't have been left on its will watch over you while typing..
so your food order got mixed up..just so long has you like toast
so glad they didnt keep dad waiting to have the lazer..what good treatment in and it nice and clear now...1 year for your neighbours that has gone fast
Soup with low salt is never right but I will look our for the ones in Holland and Barratts..maybe add a bit..shouldn't I know.. :roll:
I will have a couple of pieces of the walnut bread looks so yummy..thankyou
Had my 5 weeks hair cut and coloured this morning then went for lunch...I am still craving eggs so had eggs on toast..more like breakfast.. :?
Love to everyone .. t4591 t115006 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
Hi to all
A warm and sunny day here m0150 in fact I was having my own summertime with the dryer going and me pressing shirts - thought I was going to pass out :shock: :roll: :roll: We did have two big windows open (with fine mesh in, so stop any spid--s).
Hi Joan and Sue, I will try not to have any more hypo's. They are unpleasant.
Hope you are both ok, I keep thinking it is Friday, I was just about to ask about your engineer visit, but I am way ahead of myself. :? :?
Hi Kath did ya like bread my duck, thought ya mate. :?
Mother is less grumpy today, I don't think there have been any reports of impostors at Sleeks house.
Poppet and Pocket, now, we need to combine the two to make the name of my Unicorn. Anagrams time. Will Shakespeare ? Am I rhyming
The more Defibs the better, three is good in Sawley, ideal at the community centre, one outside the chippy, well, why not I say and the other by the PO. They save lives
Nice that you had a little sit on the benches this morning, I hope the weather was good and you had an ice cream
I am all for the spiders going into their winter homes, underneath the house, out of sight and not in my BEDROOM :shock: :? :? I didn't see any more last evening, which was good.
The veggie burgers look yummy, thank you kindly.
Right, I will have to write more later, sorry Barbara, I can see neighbours heading this way....................................
Stand by your beds.
Love and Sparkles to all t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 XX Aidan, catch you laterXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Evening everyone late on again! I think maybe I have some hours in the shed….I might ask Caol to have a look for me next time she goes in!
I hope all is well with you Carol :? that Lillie and Graycie’s Mum is ok and your teeth are all fine now? When do you have to go again now?
Hi Barbara Poor little Sleek! She seemed so tiny (although she assured me she was ready to strike the imposter down with a spell when Tosca arrived) and he so BIG!! :shock:
Now she keeps trying to hide her food bowl. :?
Your hair looks lovely – 10 years younger! Good singing last night you sopranos and Sister Euphemia sang beautifully too. Us altos were too quiet I think
Some ((())) for you all from me too.
Aidan it’s been lovely here today so much so that Paul came home early to trim more hedges. Lucy had her counselling this afternoon and there were bees/wasps maybe lurking in the bush behind my car. Luckily I haven’t seen any 8 legged people lately.
No more sightings of big black puss since Tosca shot over and waved her rolling pin at him! That cat has got a HISS!! The spell of protection is holding nicely. That is a great photo of Mother Sleek said that is exactly what she looked like!! :shock: :shock: :shock:
This morning Sleek took Tosca a ride out up to Pendle then through the chase to see Mrs D and Tommy too. She tried out Kari’s new comfy chair and pronounced it perfect for elderly pusskins’ bones. I think we should expect a fair bit of screeching on the crystal ball later. :roll:
Sister Euphemia and Barbara swelled the ranks of the sopranos so much and so well that us Altos got told off for being too quiet
Thank you for the breakfast bread I have had mine for tea as I am so late on. On the subject of food the cream is there in the ever fresh vats for us all to use.
I am actually very, very tired ATM hope I am up for Saturday’s concert!
Joan thank you I did enjoy singing I always do I am also doing extra practises with two neighbours from the village. How are you doing? Heating engineer coming on Thursday still?
Kath what about Poppet the Pocket Rocket for the little unicorn??
Did I tell you our vicar drove into one of our benches??!! Yes all is well only a tiny scratch on the car and Paul has fixed the bench now.
Hmmm those burgers were nice I had one (or 3) for my lunch :oops:
Off to my bed now
Love to everyone t4591 : t4591 t4591
Toni xx0 -
Evening all
Hope you didn't miss me too much have been in a bit extra pain the last couple of days so have not taken to much notice of my laptop. I have also been doing lots of Knitting, trying to get a little cardigan for Graycie finished and also trying to find patterns of hats and scarfs for GS GFs two little ones for Christmas they are only small so shouldn't take long. I have until mid December. Mr T will be visiting our ever increasing family in Ramsgate and Margate on Thursday and staying over night in hotel and coming home late on Friday and he will meet Rubie for the first time. so extra to our usual meetings on Wednesday and Friday for coffee and knitting my friend and me are going to go out for a meal on Thursday evening at a small restaurant near me.
I have looked in and kept up with all the happenings in here but of course I can't remember all of them
could not believe it on Saturday night (our block of flats where we live has security doors to enter the block we all have a key to it) our neighbour rang the buzzer to be let into the block, as she had forgot her keys at 1.45 am :shock: :shock: . we were none to pleased at being woken up :x :x . She is in her 80s and has a bit of dementia and has a habit of leaving her keys behind when she goes out. I had awful difficulty in going back to sleep so Sunday afternoon certainly was a nap time for me.
Aidan so you have had one on of our spids loose in your house ok hope he has now left you . mind you we had a huge one in our living room on Monday but he was duly caught by me and dispatched outside again. you could say it was busy weekend
and except for the ouchies I am fine
hope dads lens is sorted soon. Oh my that gorgeous little unicorn I want one.
Kath So the bushbabies are scared of Spids I didn't know that either. ooh the Portobello mushroom looks Yummy scrummy.
I take lansoprazole too. not good to forget our pills but we all do it at some point
Barbara I had impressions taken for the new denture which wont be the next appt which is next week I'm not sure he what be doing, after that I will have 1 more appointment when I will a or part of a tooth as that is all that is there extracted, and I will get the dentures on the same day. but that should be it all in time for Christmas. I expect it will take me some time to get used to mine too. How long have you had yours.
well I must potter now as I don't want to set chair shaped.
Love and sparkles to you all
t115006 t115006 t4591 t4591Stay positive always👍xx0 -
Finally, I can sit a little and catch up.
Apologies again Barbara, vanishing earlier, but I heard next door's door go and thought, yep, they are on the way. To gather all her jewellery for the holidays on Thursday, to Tennerife. Some mini cakes, for me going AWOL :roll:
I keep meaning to try Nutella, I have never had any as far as I can remember. I know, shocking :shock:
You are welcome to the hugs, here are a few more, with some extra sparkles on top ((())) t115006 t115006
My Unicorn is too cute, Poppet the Pocket Rocket (Duly named by Toni / Kath and Myself), also known as PPR t115006 He is watching me at the computer
It was funny, having a table full of toast at the GCwe ate it all though, well, it was free, they made the boo boo.
Yes, Dads eye was clear as a bell, straight away :shock: amazing what they can do now, even from the days of my nursing, things have advanced so quickly, in the last 17 years. He was thrilled.
The year has flown, it seems only a short while since we were all dressed up and off to the Chapel for our neighbours wedding.
They will have quite a choice I would think, I Holland and B, Tesco sell them too, in the bigger stores I guess.
Hair is looking lovely
I am sure Carol will pop into the shed Toni, there are oodles of hours, all of them ours - see, I am at it again, rhyming away
It has been a lovely day, very warm at one point. More of the same today I think.
Nice that Paul finished early and tended the hedges, then Lucy had her counselling
Bees and maybe wasps, are they all getting ready to move on, or swarm :shock: :shock: :shock:
The less spid--s the better in my book, yours too I would guess.
Mother does indeed have a hiss, rather like a king cobra :shock: :shock:
Glad her spell of protection is working at present. It will need topping up, so I will have a word with her when she wakes up
She did enjoy her trip up to Pendle then over to the Chase and to try our Auntie Kari's new chair. It has Mothers seal of approval, being of great comfort to puskins of mature years. There was a bit of screeching at siesta time, but not too bad.
So the Alto's have to sing a little louder, being drowned out by the Soprano's and Sister Euphemia :shock: shehe is in fine voice I must say :? :?
Sleek and Mother will cast a spell of energy, for Saturdays concert. Should get you through to the encore t115006 t115006
Oh dear, Rev Delphine drove into one of the benches, oooops, nothing too drastic though, thank goodness and Paul has kindly fixed the benches. Bless him.
Hope you slept well ((()))
Hi Carol Of course we missed you, we miss all of our friends, but understand that other things and how we feel, make it difficult to post.
Sorry you are having the ouchies - some extra magic squares are on the way, along with sparkles t115006 t115006
You are busy away knitting and Mr T is off to visit the family this week, that will be lovely, he will see Rubie Leigh, he will be excited
You will be out and about too, steady away, but enjoy as well.
Don't worry about all the happenings in here, it can go at a pace sometimes, I get confused, Barbara too :roll: :roll:
Your poor neighbour, locking herself out, then buzzing to get back in at all hours. Does she have any help / carers / family, to support her.
So you had a monster spid-- in your living room as well.........eek, you are very brave, removing them, just like B does. I am usually in another room by that point. :shock: :roll:
PPR is a cute Unicorn, tiny, but full of sparklest115006 t115006
Happy pottering
We have been quite busy, doing housey things, I had to rest at one point, I think I was doing a bit too much :? :roll:
Beds all done, vacuuming, dedustifying, immaculising, ironing and more.
Enough for one day.
Off to pick up my new inhalers today, a visit to the T room will be in order, rude not to when it is so close.
Look at the time, 1 in the morning. :shock: I had better move myself, I am rooting to the spot.
Leaving lots of love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 XXXX Aidan
Coffee pancakes and mixed fruitsXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Carol don't apologise life takes over sometimes! I think your neighbour is struggling with her dementia bless her, but gosh you do not need nights like that too often :shock: :shock: :shock:
I very much hope you'll enjoy the meal out with your friend! She will certainly I'm sure being on her own now
I hope you find your hat pattern and am sure you will soon whiz all those items up for everyone
Morning Aidan Minicakes breakfast?! Noo-noo!! Over here please...chomp chomp…
As you go up through the village the winter sun is dazzling so the Rev tried to park up to get her bearings....
I hope Mother has been over to top up spell of protection....I do know they were out early doors collecting mist and dew...
I think Auntie Kari has sat in her chair now. It has a 'removable' pusskin blanket on it :roll: you understand I know :roll:
Will the spell of energy only work on Saturday? only asking as I am still exhausted
I doubt there will be an encore
Can sister Euphemia sing Alto I wonder???
Have you new new inhalers or just repeats? If so what have you got? any better than mine??? I am nosey aren't I?
Poppet the Pocket Rocket it is t4591 t4591
Ah I see pancakes with fruit!! Have I any room after those cakes.....ah I see I have
A quick hello! To Joan I hope your day is sunnym0150
Love to everyone
Toni xx0 -
Hello Kathleen Barbara Aidan Carol Toni.
Kathleen we are having warm weather today I hope you are.
Barbara have you got four grandchildren. Have a good day.
Aidan I hope you have a good day and your Dad.
Carol I'm sorry you had a bad night. I'm sure you will get the knitting done.
Toni did you sing where you lived before. love to Lucy
take care all
Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Poppet the Pocket Rocket
I love it Aiden - Aidan!! Yes it is you. very dapper that colour definitely suits you. I agree with Carol, we should all have one (PPR that is). BTW Emily tells me conkers are good for getting rid of spids. Maybe we should have peppermint sprayed on conkers to be doubly sure.
I am quite warm, but then I am wearing 2 woolly pullies and me famous woolly socks.
Carol, we did miss you, but we all understand pain, so sending some sparkles for you. t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006
I notice we've had quite a lot of fruit lately. Nowt wrong wi that but for a change, we'll have an afternoon tea tray. Some for dad and Cari too.
While the sun's still out, I'm off to find a pile of leaves.
m0150 m0150 t120006 t120005 t120005 t120006 m0150 m0150"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Afternoon all what a lovely day..we have been chilling at the gc..but lots of wasp there..
Carol the time goes nowhere :shock: scarves are about the only thing I could knit properly..hope you can find the patterns you Mr T is off visiting and you and your friend will be out for a enjoy..I have had my 2 teeth for around 9 months now..I was talking with a lisp but that has gone now ..and have got used to them..just wish I had my own teeth back but not to grumble wonder you could get back to sleep at that hour..hope it doesn't happen again :shock:
Toni I was only saying to my OH that the sun get lower at this time of the year so he should wear his sunglasses..I bought him the ones that go over your own glasses..the poor vicar but good of Paul to mend the benchMiss Sleek did right to move her food..
and thankyou for the hugs..I will send you some buckets of energy...hope they help..
Joan we have 3 GC 21..17..6 and our step GC who is 13..but means the same to us..hope you are all ok..and been out and about..
Aiden cake and pancakes we cant go need to apologise have your neighbours gone away now..hope they dont get the floods they have had in southern nutella it is very addictive ..our middle GD makes hot chocolate with it..I just like to eat it has it is..then I feel sick... :roll: so you unicorn is PPR..bless..I hope that mum doesn't get jealous..glad you enjoyed the toast..just has is good they they sorted dads eye so quickly..the NHS is still there for us..did you read about the flu jab for the over 65s..its is much stronger to boost out immune system..and there is a shortage..they have had it for many years in France and Italy but its the first time here..thats if we get it :roll:
Hello Kath I do love an afternoon cream tea..thankyou..have you had a walk in this lovely weather ..its set to change...
Right better move..Niamh is being picked up by Granddad..
Love to everyone
t4591 t115006 t4591 m0150Love
Barbara0 -
Afternoon to all, well, WHO put the heating back on m0150 m0150 Just checking, we are in October, yep, I thought so.
26 degrees in the lounge today and 22 out in the shade :shock: :shock: needless to say I am melting :roll: :roll: all fans on again.......
Hi there Toni, those mini cakes were just too cute not to eat, then I see you found room for the coffee pancakes,They say, eat like a King for breakfast, I am hoping that a scone counts
Winter sun is pretty hazardous to drive in, even worse when the roads are wet - It can trigger migraines and all sorts of headaches. No wonder poor Rev Delphine was dazzled by the light, so to speak.
Yes, Mother went back through the "gate" with Sleek, after their mist gathering, (it was super plentiful this morning, lots of dew as well).
Topped up the spell of protection in Sleeks garden t115006 t115006
They were back early, Mother was shouting at 0800, time to get up Daddy - errr, no, it is NOT :roll: :roll:
Glad to hear that Auntie Kari has had a nice rest in her new chair. We fully understand puskin blankets
I think the change of seasons, is draining our energies, much tiredness and extra ouchies seem to be prevalent - we will make sure you get through the concert, the cloak will be right behind you, with the softest of landings, as required.
Sister Euphemia can sing within all ranges, just let herhim know and away we goWimple is at the ready and firmly attached
The inhaler is the respimat, cartridge one. Just had first two mistings :? :? with a paper sheet that says about taking my ventolin 8 puffs a day - er, no, cardio said don't take it........... :roll: :?
PPR is watching my every move and leaving glittery sparkles on the keyst115006 t115006
Hi Joan and Sue, glad you are enjoying the warm weather, you can have all of ours if you want, I won't mind at all 8) 8)
We have a lot of rain forecast for Friday and Saturday, but warm for the next three days. I am boiled this afternoon.
Dad is ok, enjoying his coffee's out with us, chatting to everyone who stands still long enough:roll:
It is me, you are quite right KathWe have, well, I have a collection of conker sprays, that are supposed to repel all spid--s, like eck they do :roll: :roll: but I still waft it about, willy nilly :shock: :shock:
No wonder you are warm :shock: :shock: you have more layers on than an onion, we will need to waft you soon.
I am with you on the fruit bit, more than enough for a little while, so afternoon T is just the job. I will look after the sconesjust to keep them safe, of course. :? :?
Off you go then, into the leaves, those spid--s might be coming in on your clothes :shock: :shock: t120005
Hi Barbara, we were relaxing at the T room, while you were chilling at the GC, great minds eh
I have seen a few wasps, they will be loving this weather, nipping out from their winter homes, to hand out stings as necessary :? :?
Glad you enjoyed the cakes etc and the hugs, ((())) a few more, as they are free for all
Our neighbours go to his parents this evening (they always go away with them), then they fly from Manchester at 0600, taxi picking them up at 0400 :shock: :shock: that is silly o clock in my book
No floods in the Canaries as far as I know, but with the weather, as it is, in this world of ours, can bring just about anything, at anytime. They say that there are 12 years left, to bring about serious climate changes, or the planet will not be able to recover from the damage we have done - so sad
I meant to get a small jar of nutella today, will put it on the list fro Friday. I am determined to try it, even if I make myself sickly with it :? :? :roll:
Yes, I was noseying at the info on the flu jabs in the surgery, how the one for over 65's will boost the immune system as well as protect against three major types of influenza. They really are trying to avoid mass admissions to hospital. Last year there were over 33000 admissions, who had influenza, or complications from it. That is a lot of added pressure on the already stretched health system.
Dad is having his flu jab on Friday, there seems a plentiful supply over here. Mind you, the population numbers are a lot less for the area.
They were good with Dad's eye, we were only in the clinic at Burnley hospital for about 25 minutes, all done and lasered, he can see nice and clear again now. :shock:
Stand by your stations, Niamh is on her way with GD, out with the polishing cloths
Extra sparkles for Niamh too t115006 t115006
Right, I need to move again, I am just SO bloomin hot.................Washing is outside, no way was the dryer going on today, they would have had to carry me out :shock:
Love, Sparkles and lots of hugs to everyone in and around about. t4591 t115006 t4591 t120005
Hope you are less ouchy today Carol ((()))
Will call back later, it might be a bit cooler :? XXX Aidan
Some Ice Cream for those of us who are a tad warmXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Unicorn icecream for me please Aidan!! That is a mixture of all the pastel colours and thensome sparkles on top
t115006 Its been so hot today!! m0150 m0150 m0150 shouldn't complain really.
I don't have a PPR, but there are lots of unicorns in ma hoose!
The best kept village totem pole arrived today:
There will be a proper 'do' soon but it's hereYou can see a tiny bit of our roof in the photo!
I'm sure we can eat scones for breakfast...i've certainly eaten biscuits before now....and pizza :? :shock:
Bless her heart the Rev Delphine left some flowers outside for myself an Paul to thank us for repairing the bench...which is now recemented back inThere was no need we really just didn't want her upset. The sun really dazzles right up the lane :?
Sleek and Tosca do have to go out early and were actually back after protection spell by 7am so Tosca was actually rather patient according to Sleek :roll:
Thank you for the extra energy you have sent and the cloak for Saturday. We need Sister Euphemia to sing Alto is he/she can pleaseWimple in place
Had a look at your new inhaler looks fab! Not sure about Ventolin though with your heart :?
Ladybirds Barbara that's what we've had today trying to find a nook/cranny to hibernate in :shock:
I hope your OH is wearing his sunglasses those ones are ideal so he can keep his prescription ones on too
Thank you for the energy here are some more ((())) and love for you all. Hope Niamh is ok and her Daddy too
Kath I am not sure about the conkers think that's an old wives tale....I think they just fall off the trees and ripen at the end of sp***r mating season sadly. Happy to try the peppermint though.
Ooooh! Afternoon tea!! Goody goody!! Kari and Aidan's Dad will love some too. I have taken a selection for my sis. Thank you very much
Look at that tea set!! t4591
Joan there was no choir where I used to live sadly so haven't sung for a long timeCan either of you sing?
Better get myself in the shower I am in need of another early night.
Toni xx0 -
Just noticed if you zoom in one the photo to the notice board there's one of someone behind a pot by a bench? that's me and the bench is now to be known as 'The Vicar's Bench'!!!
Or the Reverend's Hollow?
Ideas please!!0 -
Hi to all, still very warm, we have gone back two months m0150
Unicorn ice cream for Toni, t115006 t115006 absolutely, three scoops ok ?
I think we all need a PPR to sit by our computers, they seem to be in most toy stores, or the Range, B and M etc, they are only wee little ones, in a box............we need a herd, is it a herd of Unicorn????
The best kept village totem pole is wonderful, everyone, including your good self must be very proud t4591 t4591
You can indeed see some of your roof, how cool, that it is outside your house, even MORE special
Sleek was trying to explain that a big thing on a tree had arrived at her house, Mother was still rather perplexed. :shock: :? I think she will go over to Sleek today and have a look for herself
I am sure there will be a do, to celebrate the totem pole's arrival.
So kind of Rev Delphine, to leave some flowers. A token of thanks for Paul mending the bench, lovely of her.
Don't worry, Sister Euphemia will sing Alto at the concert and ensure that there are magic squares, all over the place, to provide much needed energy bursts t115006 t115006
I am quite impressed with the inhaler, much better than inhaling bits of plastic from the spiriva capsules :? :? :roll: Had my first two shots at T time.
I avoid Ventolin whenever possible, it is very rare I use it, the heart rhythm changes are not pleasant.
Sister Euphemia will have the cloak of many nunneries ( a new one on me, but, it does a similar job apparently) :shock: :shock:
I think the conker extract is a myth too, but I will try anything :roll: :roll: it is warm, so the spid--s will be on the move again :shock: :?
Kath did have a lovely T set, I had mine in a melamine cup, much safer, for when I send things flying :shock:
Oh, yes, I can see youon the bench woo woooo
So we need a name for the bench now, right, let me have a think........I may be some time
The Reverend's Repose
At home today, no plans, at time of writing :?
Well, time is a fleeting, half past 12 and I am still melting.
I hope everyone else is as ok as can be. Carol, I trust the ouchies are easing, sending extra ((()))
Hi to Kerrin, Christine, Elizabeth, Mig, Toady, DD, SW and all
I should be pottering, I am too hot, sat here, sitting :?
Love and Sparkles to one and all t4591 t115006 Let me go see what is for breakfast XXXX Aidan
THE biggest veggie / vegan breakfast I can musterXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Oh my goodness Aidan you have excelled yourself!! What a breakfast
Noo-noo is on the way chomp chomp....
The totem pole looks great doesn't it? it is actually slightly to the side, but at least I am there
We sorted out the 'old bus stop' bench because Delphine was upset really and it could have been any of us with that low winter sun :roll: Reverends Repose....mmmmm….not at all bad!!
Your new inhaler looks very smart indeed and seems to work better? I have the older type as you know with the red/pink lid a Spiriva. Is yours a newer product?
So I could have my own PPR then? I wonder whether they adopt us though? and yes it would be a herd of unicorns t115006
Sleek said she brought Mother over to look at the totem pole this morning and they flew through the triangle bitShe said then they landed on our roof (thought we had thunder!!) then up to the Church spire to see Sleek's village. She was very proud
Apparently Tosca loved it all
She'll be shattered once she's told you all about it :animal_busy:
No sign of the bully boy cat
Thank goodness for the arrival of Sister Euphemia t4591 we totally need her! I have been practising though. Barbara doesn't need to for some reason. I think it might be cider???
A quick hello to Joan who will be here any minute. Fingers crossed the heating engineers sorts the radiators once and for all today :roll:
Toni xx0 -
Hello Kathleen Barbara Aidan Toni.
Kathleen have a good day what ever you do.
Barbara is Niamh 6 now that's gone quick.
Aidan I hope you have a good day and B and your Dad.
Toni sue used to have singing lessons when we lived in Wales our Dad was welsh we did our schooling down there.
have a good day everyone love to Carol
take care
Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
So THAT is where the spids are hiding. IN MY KNICKER DEAWER. They have been sneaking in on my clothes after my leaf bath, and scurrying up to my bedroom when I'm not looking.
. I've just remembered that when Marie Claire was little, she knew that when she got undressed she took her clothes off. But if she only removed one item, it was a clo.
Can I have green ice cream Aidan please, minty with choc bits in. As it's still fairly mild, I thought salmon and cucumber sadwiches - pinkies out.
t120006 I'm keeping out of the leaf piles for a bit. :?"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Hi to all, I am early doors today, ie before 3pm. :shock:
I did push the boat out with the breakfast, making sure that is was veggie and vegan, so that everyone could enjoy it (hi Kari)
So that was why Mother was up and down like a Jack in the box, having been literally up the polewith Miss Sleek, then clattering about on your tiles, then up to the Church, to take in Sleeks surrounding lands. She was full of it, constant chirrups from whatever time it was.............. :roll: :roll: :animal_busy: now of course, she is fast asleep.
Indeed it could have been anyone, distracted and dazzled by the winter sunshine. Poor Rev Delphine, I am sure she was most upset t4591
Glad you liked the Reverend's Repose
I think my inhaler is a new ish one, Sister said it had not long come onto their prescribing list, as it was far more effective than the capsule inhalers. Might be worth dropping it into conversation, next time you see the GP
PPR is watching and showering us with t115006 t115006 a herd of Unicorns, I wasn't quite sure what a gathering of magical creatures would be t115006
Sister Euphemia has been practising on the park, in the club / pool house, nearly taking the windows out, when hitting the big money notes. :shock: :shock:
No, Barbara has no need to practice, there is something in the shed, that tunes her to perfection :shock: :shock:
Time has marched on, just been nattering to Niece who has just got a new job, head of IT at a grammar school, she worked there before, but it was only temp. This time it is permanent - very pleased for her.
Then nattering to neighbour, who rang to say they had arrived safely in Tennerife and it was HOT HOT HOT m0150 m0150
So, where was I.
Hi to Joan and Sue I think :? :?
So Sue had singing lessons when you lived in Wales, I am sure there is room in the Choir in Toni's vilage
You both had your schooling in Wales, with Dad being Welsh. I was Baptised in Welsh, for some reason, ah, yes, my Godfather was the Rector and he was Welsh, when my Dad was his Curate.
We have had a quiet ish day at home, just doing house things, fussing and pottering (((())))
Have they fixed the heating today Joan, I do hope so, or we are all coming down on the bus, to sort the housing people out. Toni has her rolling pin and Kath has lots of spiders, to freak them out
Talking of spiders, I see you have found them in your knicker drawer :shock: :shock: :shock:I said they would be attached to you, (the spiders) when you had been throwing yourself into piles of leaves
:roll: :roll:
You will need a full change of clo's when you come in from leafing
Lady after my own heart, minty ice cream with lots of dark chocolate in.............mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm We shall have three scoops each I think. Then pinkies out for the lovely salmon and cucumber sandwiches. Thank you
Hugs ((())) just in case there are any added ouchies t115006 t115006
I know Barbara will be along soon, so I will go find the dainty cakes I have made, to go with our very high T.
Hope you are ok Barbara, will call back later and catch up again. Hi too, to Carol and Kerrin and all our friends. t4591 t115006 XXX AidanXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Evening all
Mr t went off to Ramsgate this morning around he will be back tomorrow in the evening my meal with my friend has been postpone until tomorrow lunch time as at knitting on Wednesday she told me she would not be able to meet me as her SIL was coming to the Uk (London area) for a friends funeral and wanted to meet up with my friend today and as she has not seen her for about 4 years she could not really put her off. so I rang my elderly aunt and asked her if she wanted a visitor this afternoon as she doesn't get out and about. so I went out about 11 this morning did a bit of shopping in the shopping centre near her and had some lunch too arrived at her house at around 1.30pm and as I didn't have to rush home I never left there until about 6.15pm and arrived home at about 7.15pm. So a long day but really enjoyed the long chat. and seeing a couple of other family members. Now enjoying programmes I like on the telly. the one thing I miss though is our dog Snowie this is the first time I have been home with mr t away all night without my Snowie. and thinking about it a couple of days ago its been 1yr 8 months we have been without him at the end of this month.
Aidan So the PPr unicorn is sprinkling us all with sparkles I think I saw some this morning in the bathroom. yes a real monster of a spid and he got very quickly got dispatched back outside and instructed not to dare come backthink I made it clear he was not to return as have not seen him since. I have no idea if our neighbour with dementia has a carer or family, and I do have sympathy for her but arriving home at 1.45 in the morning and ringing the buzzer to be let in was just not on as It is not the first time. Yes ouchies now all very much better back under control now.
Toni Yes I think our neighbour is struggling a bit but what can you do. but no your right we don't want to be woken up by her ringing our buzzer to be let in the block at 1.45 in the morning. Meal with friend is now tomorrow lunch time.
Joan I'm knitting hat and scarf sets for GS girlfriends 2 little ones for Christmas one scarf half done already so I'm sure all will be finished before the time we take the Christmas present to Ramsgate in mid December.
Kath thank you its nice to be missed by my extended family on here .
well time for a little potter Love and sparkles to you all t115006 t115006 t4591 t4591
Barbara well I have found a pattern for the sizes but making up my own simple pattern one scarf is about half finished and I only started it Wednesday afternoon at my knitting group. so not doing too bad. Mr T also spoke with a lisp when he first had his so I am expecting to be the same. but as you say it dose get better.Stay positive always👍xx0 -
Hi to all - thankfully it is cooler than Wed evening. We have weather alerts now, storm Callum, bringing very heavy and persistent rain t111055 t111055 quite blowy too by the looks of it. t110007
Hermione sent a note down the chimney we don't have. She has cancelled all broom flights up to Pendle, puskins can only use the "gates" to visit each other, no flying is allowed and all brooms have been deactivated :shock: :? well, that told me.......
Hi Carol - sending you extra hugs and sparkles, for you to have a restful night t4591 t115006 I cannot think where the time has gone since Snowey passed. ((())) He will be there, keeping an eye, as our loved ones do, from Rainbow Bridge t115006
I hope Mr T has a wonderful time catching up with family and meeting Rubie Leigh for the first time. Lots of cuddles and snuggles I am sure. t4591
You had quite a day out, visiting with your Aunt and catching up with family members too. With lunch out today, as a re-schedule.
Knitting is well underway I see, when you are not catching huge spiders :shock: :shock: :? :? you are very brave, hats off to you. I would be off down the road :roll:
It is sad that your neighbour has dementia of some form, but, as you say, it is unfair for you to be buzzed awake at all hours of the night. I hope she can have some help, or long term care if needs be.
Glad the ouchies are under control, PPR is making sure that we are all well sprinkled with sparkles
We are an extended family, t4591 we miss each other and care very much how others are feeling. It is a unique forum, without a doubt.
A quiet evening here, we are keeping an eye out for next door, even though their Son is at home (he is an adult and quite responsible) but, we like to make sure all is well and there are no impromptu parties. :shock: Matron would be round as fast as my ninny feet would go
Dad has his flu jab today, at noon, so, it would be rude, not to go into the T room, for a bite to eat. We will need shelter from the rain, so two excuses, even better
Sleek came over and took Mother down into the ravine, the Nymphs were inside the underground living areas, having supper, so they shrank Mother and Sleek down to miniature and invited them in :shock: who knew they could do that :shock: I bet that has been going on for some time, but all was kept quiet.
They served them a light tuna soup :? with wild violet cream for afters.
They were both back to normal size as soon as they left. I might pop down there myself, ask if they can shrink me a bitIt is like Alice in Wonderland all over again.
I have taken a lorry load of goodies into the Sanctuary, all our lovelies are doing very well indeed. The possums and the bush babies are busy, providing healing paws to those who have bad ouches. t4591
Well, I had best be pottering a little. Move the joints, which love to set rather quickly :roll: :roll:
Hi to everyone in and about. Take lots of care. Love and Sparkles and some magical energy from the enchanted forest, for those who need some.
t4591 t115006 t120006 XXX Aidan
Now, breakfast .............................
Assorted fresh fruit muffinsXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
I'll have one or two muffins please Aidan thank you
Well it's blowing up here rather a gale :shock: Sleek said that she and Pepe had been shrinkended but yesterday was the first time Tosca had experienced it. She had been worried about upsetting Mother's delicate sensibilities :? Not sure whether they shrink peeples :?
She nipped through the gate to visit her this morning, but no trips out further unless Hermione says it's ok
I will take some energy please Aidan we had a long rehearsal last night dues t lighting and soundchecks :roll:
Enjoy the T room and fingers crossed Dad's arm isn't too sore ((()))
Good to hear neighbours are fine and that you are nearby incase son gets up to mischief or needs any 'grown up' help :roll:
I shall certainly be dropping hints at the Drs about 'new' inhalers for COPD
I staggered over to the sanctuary with some extra fruit and see there is a great supply of everything already. Well done! The Meerkats were saying it was cold again :roll: :roll:
Carol I bet you did miss Snowiet4591 t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 t115006 especially with Mr T being away. a year and 8 months sounds such a long time but isn't in our hearts is it?
Well done with your knitting progress!! I think I can hear the click clacking from here
Making the most of time on your own aren't you? Elderly aunt no doubt enjoyed her visit and lunch will be good with your friend. It's getting dark early now isn't it?
Oh dear Kath!! Sp****s in your knicker drawer :shock: :shock: :shock: Of course you will acquire a few when you leaf bath :?
Thanks for the posh butties pinkies OUT!!
I loves the clothes and clo singular. Charley used to call her fingers 'thingers' as in thumbs
Joan/ Sue. You can sing then Sue? you can join our choir if you want toDid the heating get fixed?? The Welsh are known for their lovely voices
It's blowy out there t110007 t110007 t110007
Love to everyone!
Barbara was at choir last night so she's ok!
Toni xx0 -
Hello its me again
Thank you for asking about me.
in a couple of weeks I will have false teeth up the top I am dreading it.
joan has asked me to say we have the flu injection tomorrow morning so she might be a little bit later writing
love Sue.take care
joan xx0 -
Morning all sorry didn't get in yesterday ..I did miss you all..
Joan my family on my dads mum side were welsh..I always wondered why I like Wales so muchhow lovely that you and Sue used to live there..what part of Wales..hope you all have a lovely day..
Toni I love the best kept village sign..will it light up at Christmas..have the village won before or is it all the hard work you and Paul have put in..
how kind of Delphine to leave the flowers, its nice to feel appreciated there are more buckets of energy on there way for you..dive in..and thankyou for the hugs
Aiden what a breakfast ..I am still working my way through it..I did help myself to cake yesterday it was very welcomeam glad to hear the new inhalers are working well for you..
I remember my brother saying that the ventolin would make his hear flutter.. :? now the flu jab we are informed it might get to early November..I just hope it kicks in fast :shock: good that dad has already had his..Niamh did some fact I am hiring her out...
she doesn't half put dome elbow grease in
bless her words GM these window sills want painting
so you are part welsh has well...thats is were the voice comes from... not sure what happened with mine :roll: forgot to say the icecream really came in to stop me l.melting..what a lovely selection
thanks for the hugs and sparkles..
Carol how nice to get to visit your Aunt..and have a good chat..I wish I had aunt's left ..I used to love seeing them and getting info on the familyI really can imagine how it feels being alone without Snowy..bless they are such a comfort..sending some hugs for you (())..blimey you have done well with the scarves..I would still be on row 3..
Kath has spider in her knicker drawer.. :shock: I will save the sandwiches for later or will they be a bit curled at the edges..
Hello Sue I hope your teeth are ok when you get them..mine only has 2 on but was fine once I got used..glad its the flu jab for you tomorrow..we are still waiting.. hope you all have a good day..
right will make a move
Love to everyone t4591 t115006 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
OOO, lots of tiny fancies. So I'm grabbing dozens in my thingers and popping them into me gob by the dozen.Oh dear, the Nottinghamese is turning me into a yob again. :oops: I've cleared me knicker drawer out, and checked the others too, all spiderless thank goodness. But I'm sure I saw a rather large one scoot up my bed as I woke up this morning. Don't know where she went (I know she was female because of her size). Well she can just sling her hook! I don't care how wet and windy it is outside. t110007 t111055
I feel sorry for Princess Eugenie, what a day to have a wedding. :shock:
Oh morning Sue, you were so quiet there. Getting anxious about false teeth fitting AND flu jab? Don't worry, we will all be under the cloak to make sure all goes well. I'm sure Aidan will bring PPR along for good measure. t115006 t4591 t115006
Morning Toni. Welsh and French. I am one quarter Scots and a smidgin of Irish. I love both countries and the music, so I know what you mean. Heritage always comes through.
Enjoy the vegan (carrot) hot dogs."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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