Val's Cafe
Hi to all, hope everyone is as ok as possible t4591
How was choir Toni? Did you manage to find Barbara in the shed :shock:Sleek said that everyone was in fine voice when she popped over with Mrs Darcey at siesta time.
Lucy will be guarding her photo and personal message from David Emanuel. Last of the SYTTDress Las Vegas tonightAfter a break, the SYTTD UK will be back on our screens.
The puskins said they have put a spell of protection on her recent surprise t115006 t115006
Did Kari fair ok with her jab? Hope your arm is not troubling.
I had a list of people to ask after Barbara, your neighbour, your friend in rehab, the sisters in the care home, your DIL, been thinking of them all and sending lots of t4591
How are your eyes, the PC still causing issues. You can adjust things in settings to stop it glaring.
Now, we are off under the cloak of many rooms, to meet with Carol today, at the dentist. Then you are all coming with me, to my COPD test in the afternoon, (thank you in advance) t4591 Lots of puffing and blowing t110007 :shock:
A quiet evening here, catching up with the golf, B is busy away, I am pottering, as one does. Mother is :animal_busy:
Off to the GC for brunch this morning. Soup most likely, with chips and then a sconeDad will be with us, then it is shopping, BIG shop, need a re-stock. Then home, then out again, to the surgery. I think we have a lot of t111055 today.
Hi to everyone else in and about, Christine, Kerrin, Mig, Toady, DD, SW, Elizabeth and all.
Lots of love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 XXXX Aidan
Roasted Pumpkin, Spinach and Ricotta ToastiesXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hello every one its Sue
I am sorry I am later writing Joan has gone out on her own. I have been sick 6 times in the night so I am staying in today.
I hope every one is ok
love Suetake care
joan xx0 -
Morning Joan, morning Sue. Very overcast here but not raining - yet. I'm sure it will though, if my aches are anything to go by. :roll: Hope you are not feeling too bad today. Oh Sue, 6 times That will make you tired. Take care. t115006 t115006
Aidan ay up me duck, thank you for the Roasted Pumpkin, Spinach and Ricotta Toasties. Very tasty. It's Goose Fair next week, bet you've bin to a few of them in your time. My favourite ride was the Rocket. Lean sideways to tip over - WHEEEE I also liked the one with the animals and motor bikes on. BIG WHEELNOOOO. Scared me to death, and the waltzers. Me mate Sheila and me used to sit clinging to each other and screaming and the chaps would stand behind our car and spin it round to make us scream more.
Toni, I bet you get a really funky, but pretty frame for Lucy's photo.
Special today is Chocolate Pepprtmint bark roll. Some to face plant, but don't wash after if you're going on a spid hunt. Put some extra in for Lucy as she's been a great help.
I must have some fun in the leaf pile before it rains. t120005 and again. t120005
Barbara, are you back in the shed again? I've sent you some sun. m0150 m0150 t4591
t120006 t120005 t120006 t120005 t120006 t120005"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Oooh! Look at that chocolate roll with peppermint Kath thank you!! I have told Lucy to have some she being an excellent sp***r saver and releaser.
I love Goose fair too but that was a long time ago! The lads always liked to make the girls scream, but the waltzers actually made me sick
Oh poor you SueI hope you feel better soon and that Joan doesn't catch it ((()))
Kari's arm is recovering Aidan and Lucy had no trouble AT ALL after her jab yesterday.....I've forgotten sorry :oops: when yours are due?
The cats have all been here to look at Lucy's photo peering from a slight distance and making admiring and the personal message are both protected now
We were off with Carol this morning under the cloak and after a quick lunch Roasted Pumpkin, Spinach and Ricotta Toasties (thanks!) and creamy butterfly cakes (even bigger thanks!)we are on our way to your COPD check. All cats in tow including Tommy Thumb...who is sat beside Mother behaving ATM...... :?
Barbara was a very good girl at choir last night another extra one on Monday ::) She sang like an angel again and helped me to wash up!!!
Love to everyone
Toni xxx0 -
Hi to all, only just home, a long day. Will have to write later. Thank you for being under the cloak.
Sorry you were sickly Sue, bless, sending hugs (())
Love to all, catch you later XXXXXX AidanXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Evening all sorry i'm late..I did read all your post but will answers more tomorrow
Aiden how lovely of you to organize the photo of David for for Lucy...I hope the COPD checkup is were very young to have your heart attack
I fell asleep in the shed not a clue who was singing in my place..but apparently they were good
...I could never see the seed beads anymore even with my glad B can ...
Sorry to hear that Sue is poorly hope you feel better very soon..and Joan doesn't catch whatever it is
Kath the sun was very welcome..its did wake me form my shed slumber..
Toni I bet Lucy is over the moon with the pic of David and signed has deserves pride of place in her bedroom
I will see what food is around and be back tomorrow
Have a good evening everyone t4591 t115006 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
Good evening all
Hope you have all had a reasonable day. Good to know you were all there under the cloak for me this morning which was ok as it was only for a filling and as there was no decay and it was clean, just broken it could be filled with no numbing injection. them some more impressions for the dentures I will get at the end of treatment. then the cloak just invisibly swooped me up and off to be with Aidan for his COPD appt hope that went well.
Aidan Yes Lillie we are all very proud of Lillie for being so good and I am certain she will get the promised present her daddy has said she will have. As far as GD is concerned It seems they are saying they will take the gall bladder out within the next 2 weeks. and after this she will be making sure they do, she is still in hospital at the moment but may be allowed home tomorrow.
yes I caught the bush baby just in time. glad there were no escapees today at the dentist.
You have summed the hotel room up good and proper there and with he manky carpet in the hall and the broken toilet seat it was just a crappy place to stay.
And you overdosed on coffee oops not a good idea.
Barbara the room was awful to say the least it sure needs closing down to be honest.
Yes Lillie was a little star and I know she will get the very deserved treat she has been promised.
Dentist went perfectly ok no worries at all.
Joan yes very clever for a six year old and will get her present.
Toni It was Lillie making the call and looking after Graycie Lillie is the oldesther Mummy is still in hospital but hoping to go home tomorrow. and the hospital have now said they will be taking gall bladder out within the next to weeks.
Hi Sue Hope your feeling better soon.
Kath the chocolate peppermint bark roll was very very yummy indeed but I resisted washing after because I was going on a spi**r Hunt after. And you put an extra one in for Lucy.
Lovely lovely leaves just don't like them when it rains they are slippery
Well its now time for a little potter doing bits and bobs
Love and sparkles
t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006Stay positive always👍xx0 -
Finally, at 1130pm I am having five minutes........... :roll: :roll:
Sue, I do hope you are feeling better today t4591 It is horrible being sickly. You did right and stayed at home. Let's hope you are improved and Joan does not get any bugs, it is that time of year :? Some extra t115006 t115006 for you and some more ((()))
Hi Kath, you were welcome, to the lovely toasties. Of course, it is Goose Fair time, oh yes, I have been many many times. I went on the big wheel once and they had to stop it to let me off, I was hysterical :shock: :shock::roll: going up and over and tipping back...................oh no. They did stop it, thank goodness. How embarrassing :oops: :oops:
I loved the walzers, they guys used to pick on you and make it spin so fastthe louder you scream, the faster you go
Great idea with the peppermint bark cake. I am covered in it and enjoying every bitno spid--s on ME. Thank you kindly.
You are covered in leaves again, you do like diving into them
Hi Toni, it wasn't just the girls that screamed their heads off at Goose Fairyou could hear me for miles :shock:
Glad Kari's arm is a lot better and Lucy had no trouble with her flu jabs. We had ours the day before they cancelled my PIP assessment.
All the puskins are very impressed with Lucy's photo and personal message from David. Glad they are safe and protected. Did you watch the last of the Las Vegas dress, it was fabulous t115006 t115006 David loved my tweets about it.
Roll on the new series of SYTTDress UK. I will be asking when that is going to be on.
Glad you enjoyed the food goodies, you are very welcome.
As you all know, it was COPD test today. Amidst all the talking shop about nursing and this and that and the other. It is three years since my last test, I got an 8 out of 10, which is a lot better than I thought.
My bloods were ok, apart from the trigycerides that have shot up a bit. Sister is going to ask my GP about increasing or changing the statins I am on.
My diabetes is well under control, that's good MORE cake
I could hear some shuffling while I was nattering with my fellow nurseI did see a paw, with a big thumb, so I knew who that was
Thank you all, for being there under the cloak, it was up and off to be with Carol, drop me back home, then scoop everyone up again later. It's all go.
Are you sure it was Barbara at choir, :? she fell asleep in the shed, so she doesn't know who was there in her place. It wasn't Sister Inviolata from the Nunnery :? :?
Seeing as we were out for so long I have not caught up with what the puskins have been up to. I know they were on cloak duties, but I think they went up to Pendle as the mists were so thick, the hill vanished in the morning :shock: The dew would have been superb.
Oh we had a nice surprise before we went out, a big hamper. The bank had messed us about, a while back, with a transfer, so as an apology they sent a hamper with all these goodies in it
Hi Barbara - it was a pleasure to organise the photo for Lucy, David is really kind and thoughtful.
COPD was not as bad as I thought, so that was good. I was young, when I had my first heart attack. It was a silent one, so no pain or anything, but when they admitted me to do a angiogramme, the ECG spotted it straight away. My second one, was not silent, it was just horrendous pain.
We are trying to find out who was at choir, if you were in a heap, sorry, asleep in the shed:shock:
I would not stand a chance with the seed beads or pearls. B is so patient, most of the time. Occasionally there are some choice words :shock: :shock:
Hi Carol Glad the dentist visit was not too bad, no need for an injection. t115006 The cloak was very busy, from one place to another.
Lillie was super good at making sure everyone was alerted and safe. I wonder what surprise she will get as a treat
Sounds like they are not going to hang about taking your GD gall bladder out, within two weeks is good, to get it over and done with before Christmas etc.
Hope she comes home today to wait for the surgery date. I assume it will be keyhole.
Oh a manky carpet and a broken toilet seat in the hotel, even worse :shock: I would have been fit to be tied
We did overdo the coffee the other day, ooops
I love Autumn and the leaves changing t120006 agree with you, they are slippery little things when wet, not good for sticks, walkers or crutches.
We all enjoyed brunch at the GC, it was sweet potato and chillie soup, which was gorgeous, with chips and then an even bigger scone than last time. I didn't know whether to eat it or climb over it
Stocked up on shopping, then home, turn around and back out again to the surgery. Back at tea time, then siesta, supper and now it is after midnight :shock:
Dad will be round today for croissants and coffee, then two lots of neighbours will be calling in...............the sign on our door says Arkwrights, Open All Hours :roll: :roll:
Well, I had best be pottering again. Hi to everyone, in around and about. t120005
Love and Sparkles to all t115006 t4591 Take lots of care XXXX Aidan
Omelette Baguette's for breakfastXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Omelette baguette for breakfast? - that should fill me up for tea/coffee making duties at the Church craft fayre today thanks Aidan
So the silent heart attack? Did you not notice it at ALL?? 34 would be too young in my opinion - never mind 32. Mind you one of the training bosses at the SS (social services) had his only one at 28 so I know it can happen.
8 out of ten is very good and very good for diabetes too. I know you pretend to be super naughty with your eating, but am sure you are very careful really.
Its t111055 here
You your boys also squealed at goose fair??
Sleek took Mother all the way up to Pendle and back she was bone dry and so cosy. She decided not to stretch her bones at the top though. The wisdom of age. :animal_busy:
Kari had an oversized comfy chair delivered yesterday for her dining room (HUGE room) and Mrs D was straight in it!!! Cats eh :roll:
Now the cloak did a great job yesterday picking us all up and dropping us off, but it found a dentistry item inside itself on it's final return home..... I suspect the bush baby was caught getting back inside :shock:
Sleek put it in Pepe's Drs warned don't ever mention tooth pain :shock: :shock: :shock:
What a fabulous hamper!! VERY posh indeed t4591
Hope Dad remembers his coffee and croissants this morning and is well
OF COURSE we watched SYTTD!! Have we ever been known to miss it??? NEVER!!!
I bet David likes his praise from his two super-fans Aidan and B!!!
Carol the cloak is fabulous and it was no problems coming with you yesterday you were very well behaved....but read this:
"Now the cloak did a great job yesterday picking us all up and dropping us off, but it found a dentistry item inside itself on it's final return home..... I suspect the bush baby was caught getting back inside" :shock:
I am going to be chilly inside Church today for our craft fayre t110007
Fingers crossed Lillie's Mum gets her gallbladder sorted out ASAP within that 2 weeks bless her. Looking forward to haring what Lillie's reward is
Barbara Lucy adores her pic and all the pusskins have been an had a look. Sleek and Tosca took selfies with it over their shoulders :roll:
So it wasn't YOU at choir...was it Sister Inviolata?? There was a wimple someone found.....???
Joan I very much hope Sue feels ok today and that you haven't caught it?
Love to everyone
Toni xxx0 -
Hello Kathleen Toni Aidan Barbara Carol
Kathleen I hope you have a good day to day.
Toni that's good Lucy's arm did not hurt after the flu jab.
Aidan I'm sorry I did not know you had so many things wrong with you you must keep the chemists going. the gas man did not turn up he phoned to say he'd ordered the wrong parts.((()))
Barbara have a good day I hope it's not raining there.
Carol that's good your grand daughter does not have to wait too long for the op.((()))
thank you for your kind wishes for sue she is feeling better today
take care all
Joan xx Hello Toni(((()))take care
joan xx0 -
Not stopping long. Felt very squiggly since yesterday tea time. Tummy ache, wasn't sick, But the toilet was rather busy! And I'm so cold. Went to bed early and fell asleep immediately. t2507 I wonder if I had the same as Sue? glad she's feeling better today Joan. t4591
That was a lovely box of goodies Aidan. I think a couple of the Bush Babies thought they were coming with me yesterday. But the sight of my spid filled bin store sent them scooting back. Glad you all made use of the peppermint cake.
Well time to snuggle down for a nap."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Afternoon to all. Sunshine now, quite cool though, in the shade, down to freezing tonight, then up to 20 degrees mid week :shock: :shock:
The baguettes will certainly keep you going at the Church Fayre today Toni. Tea and coffee making are very VERY important duties, everyone needs a cuppa, at any event
The silent heart attack. I remember going for a treadmill test on the Friday, as I had had some minor chest tightness. The cardio (the one that looked after me for 20 odd years) said, I don't think there is anything wrong but we will check.
Start on the treadmill, after about 5 minutes he said, ok, we are stopping this now and I want you to have three sprays of the GTN Why said me? Because I can see on the ECG that there IS something wrong. I felt nothing and he wanted me admitted that very afternoon, but I said no, I am going home. :roll: :roll: typical nurse. :roll: :?
He said ok, your choice, do NOT do anything strenuous and you will be admitted Monday.
Sometime between the Friday and the Monday, I had the silent MI. I was a bit breathless, but no pain.
Thereby started all the angiogrammes, stents, balloons, further heart attack which was just horrendous pain. More angio's, stent, etc etc...............Went on two cardiac rehab courses.
Having an MI is no respecter of age at all. We now have a defibrilator on the park, the ones in the yellow boxes, where you ring 999 for the code. Great idea, one of the college students in town, took the initiative to have them placed all over town and in the villages too, way to go young man, all credit to you.
Oh I am rambling already, apologies. :roll: :oops:
I guess 8 out of 10 is not so bad, so too with the diabetes. I am sort of careful, but I don't knock myself out over a cake or some chocolate, 4 squares a day is my max.
Oh yes, we shrieked at Goose Fair, let alone scream :shock:
Mother said she had a nice trip up to Pendle, admiring the view and sniffing out of the sidecar window, but no getting out, it was a bit blowy t110007
She did mention that Mrs Darcey had had a new chair delivered, just for her:roll: Poor Kari won't get a look in
Right, we have something dental related in Pepe's medical kit, ok, none of us must mention anything to do with teeth, or Miss Sleek will be off like a shot. :shock: :shock:
The cloak did a very admirable job, I see it has been immaculised ready for the coming weeks.
The hamper was a very nice surprise, some things we will give to our neighbour, that we would never eat, but the chocolate etc, cannot be shared, obviously, nor the wonderful fruit cake.
Dad was here, on the dot of 11, for croissants and coffee, we made it into lunch, just in case all the neighbours arrived at our normal meal time.
SYTTD was wonderful and David loved my tweet, within 2 minutes of me writing itBless him. Cannot wait now for the UK SYTTD, there will be a new series asap. I am building up to ask to be walk on extras, in the background
8) 8) t115006
I am sure David loves his super fans - I will make sure we get to meet, I am working on it
Right, two hours gone by, neighbours have all been and gone.
I hope you were not too chilly for the craft fayre today, some warming hot chocolate might help
I think it might have been Sister Euphemia, from the same order of Nuns as Sr Inviolata, he, ooops, she is always in fine voice :?"she" has a wimple too
Hi Joan and Sue. Sue I am glad you are feeling better today, that is good news, bless you it is horrid being sick, so draining. Make sure you drink plenty today t4591 t115006
I do keep the pharmacy going, I am sure of it. My medicine cupboard is crammed from top to bottom, with extra's all over the place.
I do have a fair range of problems, but, we carry on and potter along, saying to people, oh, I am fine thanks, one of our stock answers, when all the time you are hurting like hell..................
You both have a nice week end, I hope it is not too wet or cold. Oh, the engineer did not come, wrong parts, well, that's a good start, NOT. :roll: :roll:
Oh Dear Kath, you are feeling icky and squiffy too................quick, some magic squares are on the way, ((()))
You must have needed extra sleeps. It could be a bug, pills, all sorts can set us feeling icky. t115006 t115006
Keep warm and cosy.
Thank you for the lovely soup with pasta and chickpeas. Very warming t4591 t4591
I must away and potter a bit. A big hi to Barbara and Carol, Christine, Kerrin, Mig, Toady, DD, SW, Elizabeth and all.
I will be back later, after siesta time, he says, usually wide awake the minute I lay down. :roll: :roll:
We should have a light cake this afternoon, something that won't upset delicate tummy's
Love and Sparkles t4591 t115006 XXXX Aidan
Little Raspberry and Pistachio puddingsXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Before l forget l heard from Barbara who is having a very busy family weekend and might not get on. Just so none of us worry . Bless you Barbara l hope all goes well ((()))
Aidan your MI story is just horrific!shocking to say the least! Were you and B together then? Did you have his support? I knew that ecgs show heart attacks from the past. I can't imagine the pain and don't want to ever. We have a defibrillator in our village too and are saving up for a second.
Now...what was that sister's name? She/He left her/his simple behind....l will hang on to it. Great soprano though to rival our Barbara....
Well done to Dad on time for his croissants
Mrs D loves 'her' new chair! Kari's son and DIL were over and didn't get to try it out!!!
Sleek said Mothers side car was a bit steamed up hence Tosca peeking out of the window. Sleek feels very honoured to be allowed to fly her up to Pendle.
None of us had better mention teeth wherever we do. Imagine what Pepe t4591 t115006 would have done!!
I was ok in Church...had my vest on ready! We made £205 So happy with that! The Rev Delphine was there and even did a wedding at the rival village's Church in the middle of it all!
Kath l do hope you feel much better after a good sleep again tonight ((()))
I wonder whether we have a bug going around???
I didn't realise Bush babies are scared of spiders :?
Joan the heating engineer was a 'no show' hmmmm we shall see....send Sue our love.
Love to everyone
Toni xxx0 -
Hi to all, a very cold night here, with Jack Frost on the way t110007
Thanks for the update Toni, you take care Barbara over your busy week end, t4591 I will make sure there are plenty cakes, saved for you in the "ever fresh" cake tin. t4591 t115006
No, I didn't know B then, I was house sharing with another nurse, she was lovely, she was there for me as I was admitted to the hospital where she worked, so I had lots of fuss and attention.
Having defibs dotted about, is just great, they really are life savers and they are automated, so they won't give a shock unless you are in cardiac arrest. It talks you through what you need to do. t4591 The pain of the second heart attack was utterly terrifying. It haunts me to this day. :? :?
Now, it was Sister Euphemia who was at choir practice, a good friend of Sister Inviolata and confidant to Mother Superior. :shock: She is of fine voice without a doubtWord is out that she he lost her his Wimple, it can happen when singing with great gusto :roll:
Mother said that Mrs Darcey was very happy in her new peeples chair, said that Mummy bought it just for her to lay in:animal_busy: Has Kari had a sit in it yet ???
We will have to organise a demister for Mothers side car. I know it is fully heated, just needs some blowers in it, gentle ones, of course.
Mother is rather keen on her little jaunts up the hills, she does love travelling (she would happily sit in the car all day and be driven about).
Oh no, nothing about teeth, Pepe would have been in there with all the implements under the Sun.:shock: t4591 t115006
Well done at the Church Fayre, that is a good sum to make. Glad you were not frozen and nice to hear of Rev Delphine, busy as usual. Is the next village part of her Parish too.
I am sure the T and Coffee making was done very well. All things washed and immaculised.
I hope there isn't a buggly doing the rounds. They always say the wintert2507 bug.
I had to smile, when I was having my COPD check and nattering all things nursey with Sister. She was saying, we don't want you with a bad chest infection etc, we try and keep everyone out of hospital because of all the bugs that are in there :shock: :shock: :shock:
We agreed, that times have changed in a big way. Such things were not a worry, when we trained. The wards were spotlessly clean.
We have had a quiet evening, after the run of neighbours in the afternoon. Siesta was fitful dozing, but eased the bones a bit.
B is busy away, next door has bought another set to take away, I think she has one suite, for each day they are on holiday
I did the ironing earlier in the day and some fussing / pottering.
We are going to Skipton today, just the two of us, a wee bit of time out, lunch in Nero's, pop into B and M and Boyes, stock up on bits and bobs. Dad is happy away with his leaf blower / sucker, he has great fun with it. He might even have a pootle round the park on his buggy.
Hi to Carol, was it lunch with Mr T today, or was it Church open morning? I forget which one it was. Brain fade, due to Tramadol. :roll: :roll:
Kath, I hope you are feeling less squiffy today, some extra ((())) to make sure.
Joan and Sue, was it cold at yours last night? With those dicky rads, we will be on to the Prime Minister soon, to get it fixed
Well, I had best be moving my bones. I have checked on the lovelies in the Sanctuary and they are all doing really well. Lots of fruits and every other food, is piled high in the store roomsMeerkats say it is arctic weather now, their heating is on 32 degrees C :shock:
Hi to everyone else in and about. Love and Sparkles t4591 t115006 XXXX Aidan
Some delicious pastries for breakfastXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
It IS chilly Aidan we have a good frost out here I bet you do too :?
Pastries? perfect! I can eat a small (large) supply on the way to feed Charley's pusskinNow she is a character. She has thus far refused her offer of a place at Hogwarts says she is an 'indoor cat' and that's that! She tries to eat pizza and poppadums too if they are in the house
Sleek took Mother out again this morning. Apparently the whiskers were producing good dew again. Mother didn't supply any herself as she was too snug in her side car. Demisters work perfectly thanks! She's after more customisations now :roll: well catomisations
Sister Euphemia! That's her is it? She/he sings like an angel, her wimple is size XXXL??
Aidan I suspect you will never forget that pain ((())) I am glad you had a good nurse friend to look after you.
As for the nurse at your COPD check gosh yes! Imagine the trouble there would have been if there were bugs of any sort in the hospital in those days :shock: :shock: Now the place is so dangerous for the vulnerable.
Kari has now had a sit in her chair. She has another friend visiting her this week - that's 2 since she came down here. Shows how lovely she is doesn't it? t4591 Mrs Darcey said "that woman needn't think she can sit on my new chair!!" Unless of course she can then sit on her lap maybe :?
Yes the next village is part of the Rev's parish, but she lives here in our village! so there!!! She's ours
No reason why next door can't have a suite of jewellery for every day of her holiday. She needs them all. :shock:
I want a leaf sucker. I used to have one but it stopped sucking
Did I tell you I bought some cloth Christmas crackers at the craft fayre? They are fabulous! Obviously reusable and you put your own gift in for the person you want to have itThe snappers can be bought again from hobbycraft. That's my crackers bought into the future now
I shall take us a pic and post it.
Well you enjoy Skipton!
Morning to JoanI hope Sue is totally recovered and you avoided catching the bug. It's very chilly here, but I suspect it will be a lovely day later.
Love to everyone
Toni xx0 -
Hello Kathleen Aidan Toni.
Kathleen I hope you have not got the bug that's going around((((()))))
Aidan it must have been very worrying for you having that wrong((((()))))
Toni I hope you have a good day with not too much pain ((((()))))
love to Barbara and Carol
take care
joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Oh I'm so cold. t110007
I don't think I've had a bug. I take Lansoprazole and I think I've forgotten to have them for 3 days. :oops: As soon as I started them again, I've been ok. Silly me.
Thank you for the pastries Aidan me duck.
No Barbara, I didn't know Bush Babies were scared of spids either. I hope you're enjoying you'e visitors, thanks for warning us of your absence - we do worry.
This looks tasty, Portabello and blue cheese melts.
1 red onion, cut into wedges
1 tsp olive oil
2 tbsp balsamic vinegar
2 Portobello or flat mushrooms
1 tsp thyme leaves
25g blue cheese
1 ciabatta bread roll
handful rocket leaves
oven fries, to serve (optional)
Heat oven to 220C/200C fan/gas 7. Mix the onion with the oil and vinegar, spread on a baking tray, then put the mushrooms on top, stem-side up, and scatter over the thyme and some seasoning. Cook in the oven for 15 mins, until starting to soften and caramelise.
Crumble the cheese into the cavity of the mushrooms and cook for 5 mins more until the cheese is melted and bubbling.
Split the ciabatta roll in half and lightly toast. Top with a handful of rocket, the sticky onions and the cheese-topped mushrooms. Serve with oven fries, if you like. I bet I know who will
I've seen the weeks weather. Double thickness woollie pullies for me. t110007 t111055 t120006"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Hi to all
I will have to write my usual dissertation later this evening, all out of time after our trip out to Skipton - then had fussing to do when we got home, then had a hypo again. Must be Nero's that cause them :? :? :roll:
Love and Sparkles to all, ooh I bought a Unicorn too, will put a pic up later t4591 t115006 t115006 t115006 Aidan XXXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Afternoon all nearly evening..
Sorry I was awol but cant stay away for long..
I have had a read of all your post,but might just forget here goes.. :?
Toni thankyou for letting everyone know I was busy..and well done all of you collecting all that money ...I can imagine how lovely Kari is she is your sister..
has she settle in now and all unpacked...Christmas crackers you can refill how nice..we have a craft fair next week at out little GC maybe they will have them
Carol I am glad to hear your tooth was filled without the needle ..I dont like that bit..and your other teeth will be made soon..a bit like mine..still getting use to them but glad they can do it..
Joan we have had a couple of nice mild days here ...not much rain the heating engineer came with the wrong part.. :x hopefully next time it will be right..I hope Sue is feeling better
Kath hope you feel better I take ameprizole but not every day but I should..just goes to show that they work..thankyou for the recipe..
Aiden you are kind thankyou for the cake..much you got an hamper ..oh I bet it was nice looking through it..did the neighbours help then..
no chocolate is not for sharing :shock: and you had a nice day in Skipton..must say the soup sounded good..I like making soup but its not the same without salt.. :roll: gosh you were lucky they spotted something was wrong with your you say the defibrillators should be everywhere we once saw one being used at the railway station....
Now I will help myself to some pastries..I did enjoy the Raspberry and Pistachio puddings..with thick custard..
Right will leave you all for now..Niamh has just gone home so its feet up
Love to everyone t4591 t115006 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
Hi to one and all - finally time to write a little
I hope you had an ample supply of Pastries on the way to feed Charley's puskin.
So she is not having anything to do with Hogwarts, bless her, she is too busy eating poppadoms and pizzaOne of my boy Siamese, he loved my home made chilli and rice :shock:
Being an at home cat is just fine, Mother totally understands the need to be safe and indoors. :animal_busy:
Catomistions to Miss Sleeks side car - we will have to look into that. A small tv would be nice, Mother likes her tennis and golf programmes. A picnic hamper, with select beverages and nibbles............
The dew was plentiful, as the frost started to melt on Pendle. Mother was not opening her windows, it was FAR too chilly t110007 t110007
Yes, Sister Euphemia, she has quite a large neck :shock: :shock: :? :? which adds to the vocals apparentlyI think she he sang so loud, her wimple flew off :shock:
I was very well looked after, on every admission to hospital - they wouldn't dare notwith my eyes on every move
Hospitals are very dangerous for those who are elderly, immuno comrpromised, those with underlying health conditions. They need bleach and phenolic, like we used to have, not those stupid swiffter things, that do not a lot. :roll: :roll:
So Auntie Kari has had a sit her new chair, way to go, at last, where was Mrs Darcey, probably over here, with Miss Sleek. Another friend visiting Kari, that is lovely for sure. t4591 t4591
Naturally Rev Delphine belongs to your village community, wherever the Rectory is her home.
Dad had four parishes to look after, but Gotham was base camp. Kath will know of Ratcliffe on Soar, West Leake, Kingston, they were all Dads remit. Ratcliffe on Soar used to be flooded so many times in winter time, they used to take Dad to the church in a boat :shock: :shock:
Next door does need so many items of jewellery, for every evening, rightly so. It is their first wedding anniversary, remember B was the chauffeur to get them to the Chapel on time
Dad loves his leaf sucker, blower, we can hear it whirring awayYou do need a new one, if it won't eat the leaves any more.
I like the sound of the Christmas Crackers, far more personal when you can choose the perfect little gift, then keep the crackers for the years after.
We did enjoy Skipton, it was nice just to do a bit our own thing. That sounds a bit selfish, but you know what I mean.
It was not very busy, lunch in Nero's, emmental and mushroom toasties, then I had one of their new deserts, cherry and chocolate tart, which was lovely. Went into B & M, Boyes, Tesco's, got some fuel, then headed home. Of course, my teeny weeny Unicorn, it was in "adopt me" box and the last one, so I just had to have himt115006
He can sit on my computer table and sprinkle magic t115006 t115006
Hi Joan and Sue, I hope you are both doing ok. No more bugs about and Sue is fully recovered from her sickness. t4591
We all have worrying times, with regard to our health, most people don't really understand the things we face and cope with every day.
Hi Kath, it was cold on Sat night, very frosty. I hope you have got your thermals on:shock:
ooops, missing out on your omeprazole, not good, it is very protective for your tummy and much needed. No more forgetting now, listen to Matron
your welcome duck, lovely pastries, essentials in life
Portabello and cheese, just WOW, I could eat them all the day long, until I popped. In ciabatta rolls too, even better. Thank you very much indeed
Serve with chips, of course I will, no worries
We have warm weather on the way, 21 degrees on Wednesday :shock: :shock: m0150
Hi Barbara, don't you worry about being awol, I know you were busy, so we have to sort things into priority t4591
You are very welcome to the cake, we always need cake in life, it is very important.
It was lovely to have the hamper arrive, I saw the delivery van and heard him coming up the steps, "hamper for you". Oooo, thank you.
Some things we have given to our neighbour, that we would never eat, or drink. The chocolate it in the fridge, safely out of reach. It has an alarm on, in case it is touched.
The GC make some fabulous soups, yes, most of them do have a fair bit of salt in, just by default. I found these, you can get them at Holland and Barrett or Tesco's They are very low salt 0.1 gr
I was lucky in many respects, that they found out about my heart problems when I was in my early 30's. At least they kept an eye on me regularly, better to know, than be totally unaware. The defibs are great, they should be in every public place. If we won on the lotto, we would buy some more for places around here.
I bet you will need a rest now, if Niamh has just gone home, bless her.
Sending extra t115006 t115006 and (()) hugs are always free
Hi to Carol, hope you are ok, did you have a busy week end? t115006
We are off to the GC for brunch again today ( I know, we are never in) Dad has an appointment at Burnley Hosp, one of the lenses from his cataract operations, has gone a bit cloudy, so they are going to laser it, to clear it. Apparently it is quite common thing to happen.
That will no doubt take up most of the afternoon, then he will want to go to not sure I will get on in the afternoon today.
Best be doing some more pottering. Hi to everyone in and about. Christine, Kerrin, Toady, Mig, DD, SW, Elizabeth and all.
Love and Sparkles t4591 t115006 t115006 XXXX Aidan
Granola, fresh fruits and Soya YoghurtXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
I've been absolutely freezing this weekend (wind on the living room window t110007 ) so I fished out an extra cardi, and now it's turning warmer. :roll:
Aidan, I'm glad you managed to give the last unicorn a home. He will be very happy with you, B and Mother, so lots of love and sparkles will be available. t115006 t4591 t115006 I promise I won't forget my Lansoprazole again Matron. How very dare I.
t120006 t120005 t120006
Tuck into some Nutella and fresh fruit waffle sandwiches. There's a good variety of fruit availble - even goosegogs. I'm sure Toni won't mind if we dip into her vat of double cream to add to them."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Hello Kathleen Aidan Barbara
Kathleen i'm pleased you feel better. yes I've been cold all weekend.((((())))
Aidan the gas man is coming on Thursday lets hope he has the right knobs. sorry you had an hypo((((())))
Barbara I hope you had a good weekend and enjoyed yourself.(((())))
take care all love to Toni Carol
joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Afternoon to all
Not long back from our brunch, visit to hospital with Dad in Burnley and a bit of shopping.
Brunch at the GC was lovely, as usual, I had garlic creamed mushrooms on red onion sourdough - mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
A scone, of course
We were early for Dads appointment and they saw him early in the eye clinic, put some drops in, then called him back in, did the laser, to clear the lens, five more minutes and we were out and on our way home, all credit to the Eye Clinic team, running perfectlyMatron was impressed.
Hi Joan and Sue, I do hope the gas man has the right bits and bobs, knobs etc :shock: to get the bloomin job done and sorted, period !! ((()))
I always seem to have a hypo when we go to Nero's, for some reason, I eat ok, obviously I need to eat more cake and toasties when I go again
Hi Kath, we can barely see you, under all the woolies and fleeces t110007 t110007 it is going up to 20 degrees by mid week, so we will have to peel the layers off, one at a time
Hope any ouchies are minimal, ((()))
My little Unicorn is lovely, I will have to give him a name, I like Poppet, if everyone agrees or has any more suggestions t115006 t115006
No, you must not forget your tummy medicines, very important
The nutella waffle sandwiches look yummy, I will just take the banana off mine, I cannot eat it,makes me gag :shock: :roll:
Toni won't mind us taking some cream from the vatsThanks Toni t4591
Well, I am out of daytime, need to sort some washing. So, I will love you and leave you for now, t4591 t115006 love and sparkles to all. Catch up again later. XXX AidanXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Just a quick post to day l haven't forgotten about you all. Just been a bit manic here and still have choir practise again tonight . Practised this afternoon with neighbours too.
Tosca came storming through the gate this morning she was livid!!!! A black cat was menacing Sleek!!
I have a feeling he won't be back!
She heard the yowling before me!!
Lovely to see Barbara hope everyone is well.
Toni xxx0 -
Hi to all
I knew you would not forget us Toni, that is not in your psyche
Hopefully today will be a little less manic. Did choir practice go well - I heard that Sister Euphemia was in the vicinity again :? :? with Wimple firmly in place :shock:
Sleek said there had been a lot of peeples singing in her village recently
So, that is why Tosca has been more than vocal, grumbling away to herself and shrieking :shock: :shock: there was an imposter in Sleeks garden, causing trouble. This must have all gone on while we were out and about.
Mother gave THE most withering looks
Even Miss Sleek nearly fainted :shock: Peace and order were restored. I think Mrs D, Sleek and Mother all went down into the ravine, to see the Wood Nymphs and enquire as to their progress of the magical
that cannot be spoken of :? :?
Mother is resting now, having put a spell of protection around Sleeks garden t115006 t115006 woe betide any unwelcome felines, that would upset Sleek, therefore upsetting Mother, which is a bad idea :shock: :? :?
Hi to Carol and to Barbara, hope you are ok, leaving ((())) and sparkles t115006 There are some spare hours in the kitchen drawer Carol, in case you need them
Kath / Carol, one of your spid--s seems to have escaped, it was sat on the lounge wall, looking down at me earlier, it was rather large :shock: B was on hand to remove it out of the window. I am now on regular patrol this evening, to check for any more escapees :shock: :?
We did have a laugh at the GC. Dad ordered his haddock fillet sandwich, he loves his fish. I had the mushrooms and Bill said scrambled eggs on toast. The lovely waitress who always looks after us said will you want marmalade with that :shock: err, no thanks. :?
Food arrives a little while later, fish / mushrooms and a plate of toast for Bill.No, scrambled eggs on toast ---- ooops. We ended up with so much toast once the order had been sorted.
At home today, need a catch up on bedding and the like, always lots of washing to be done, we like clean.
Right, I had best be having another potter round. I think we have a few days of quite warm weather ahead. m0150 Summers last hurrah, before the nights draw dim...........oh hark at me, going all Dickensian :roll: :roll:
Love and Sparkles to all, in and about. t115006 t4591 t115006 XXX Aidan
Honey and Walnut Breakfast BreadXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0
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