Val's Cafe
Well, to say it is a bit t110007 t110007 t110007 t110007 would be an understatement :shock: :shock: t120006 t120006 t120006 t120006 all over the shop and the wind blew one of our decking steps off :shock: :? B has fixed that now.
Just a quick hi and bye really, time has eluded us again. Dad had his flu jab, then we had lunch, then shopping, then the vets, to pick up some kitten biscuits for Mother, I know, she has lived all years on mainly kitten biscuits :roll: :shock: she has others, but the kitten ones are her fav, the James Wellbeloved ones. Girls in the vets were pleased to see us, our visits are very infrequent nowt115006 t115006
Puskins are certainly grounded, Mother went to dust her broomstick and it growled, so she left, in a huffSleek did come through the "gate" this morning and the shouting was plentiful, from daybreak onward :roll: :roll: bless em
Lots of energy coming your way Toni - sounds like you will be needing it. I hope the weather calms for the concert times. t115006 t115006 Sister Euphemia is in full voice, ready and wimpled to perfection.
Hi Sue, hope you and Joan are ok. No venturing out in the high winds though, it is not safe, with all sorts blowing about. Keep safe and warm. We always like to ask after you, you are both very special to us all t4591
I am sure you will be fine with the new teeth, B has mostly false ones, but you would never know and he said it is the best thing he has ever had done, after constant infections and trouble with his own teeth, for years and years.
Hi Barbara We missed you too, but I know you will be busy with family and Niamh is your right hand housekeeper, bless her all over. A bit of elbow grease, that's what we like to hear. How much an hour is she charging ££Best be getting the paintbrush out Mr B
With my Surname being Williams, there is a Welsh connection along the lines somewhere, Dad was well into the family tree, but I have not found it yet, amongst the papers and diary's. I remember we had many holidays there, before we discovered Bonnie Scotland.
Not sure why there is a shortage of flu jabs for the over 65's, I will have to be enquiring :? :?
The inhalers are more effective, without a doubt. I avoid ventolin, it does make ones ticker, do fluttering things.
We all needed the ice cream, it was SO warm the other day. It is not cold today, just blowing a hoolie t110007
You are welcome, hugs and sparkles are always available t115006 t4591
Hi Kath, I am SO glad you have sorted your knicker drawer - but you had a Spid-- running up the bed this morning, oh my DAYS :shock: :shock:
Eugenie did look lovely, rather blowy though, some hats went west. Not the Queens though, it must be glued on :shock: :shock:
The vegan hot dogs look wonderful, thank you kindly. t4591
I had a lovely cheese and mushroom toasty in the T room, at least half a lb of cheese in it, the same with B's and Dads, plus they had bacon in theirs, but I don't do bacon any more.
Ok, I am moving, time for T and a biscuit or three. I will pop back later, everyone take care and keep safe, it is wet and wild.
Love and Sparkles to all t4591 t115006 t115006 XXX Aidan
Dark and Milk chocolate blancmange, time for the boothXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
No worries Sue and Joan if you're late in the injection is essential. I am sure Sue you will not regret having your teeth done.
Kath lovely vegan hot dogs! Thank you from myself and Kari.
We went out today everywhere! Got her a lovely pouffe to got with her comfy chair. She has finally been allowed to use it.
Poor Mrs D was hiding behind it in 'her duvet when we got back...scared of this wind
Barbara please send Niamh over. I will pay above the national minimum wage!
I hope the new over 65s vaccine works really ours for under 65s...first time I've been in Lucy's age group!!
Concert tomorrow practise at 2.30 concert 7.30pm
Aidan did you see Sleek? She was over at yours...Tosca has also been here. The cats have struggled being household bless them...
Can you make sure sister Euphemia is ready for tomorrow?
I made Kari spend more money ...see above! I am a bad influence :oops:
All the energy my way l hope l will cope tomorrow. Yesterday l was I a lot of pain standing :? I am saving every bit you are all sending for tomorrow.
Also l have a PPR !!!!!
Photos to follow!
Love a tired....Toni xx0 -
Hi to all on a very stormy night t110007 t110007 t111055 t111055 t111055 t111055 no jumping into leaves tonight, it would be a SPLAT :shock:
I hope everyone it taking lots of care
Actually the winds have dropped a bit, they were pretty fierce, so Heaven knows what the poor people of Florida and the Carolina's endured, with utter devastation - thoughts are with them t4591
I hope I replied to everyone earlier, I know I forgot to wish Sue and Joan well with their flu jabs - apologies :oops:
I see you have been spending your Sis's ££ - it's great fun isn't ita lovely pouffe to go with Karo 's new chair. Very nice, I am sure Mrs Darcey will be inviting Sleek and Mother over, to give it their approval.
Kind of Mrs D to let Mummy sit in her chair (as in Mrs D's chair). Bless, the wind has been frightening, no wonder she was hiding in the duvet. t4591 t4591
Mother posted a little letter to her, up the chimney that we don't have, to let her know it would be ok, it was just breezy and she would be quite safe t115006
Sleek has been over, then Mother went to yours, then they both came back here, then went off to Mrs D's, much hither and thither :roll: :roll:
We have warnings of lots of thunderstorms today :shock: :shock: no fly, no going out.........
Concert today, 2.30 rehearsal and 7.30 all systems go. Sister Euphemia is in full voice and I do believe that Sister Inviolata is coming out of the nunnery to act as backing singer
You have a PPR,he must go with you today, to spread a lot of sparkles at the concert, hide him in your bag
t115006 t115006 looking forward to seeing pictures
I know how painful it is to stand in virtually one position, things start to scream. Sending LOTS of energy your way, t115006 t115006 t4591
Hi to Carol, I hope Mr T got home safely, after visiting and having lots of cuddles with Rubie Leigh and family t4591 t4591 Did you manage to sleep ok while he was away for the night? I was thinking of you t4591
Hi to all our other friends, in and about. It is time I was having another potter about.
At home this week end, Dad will be here this morning for coffee and brioche, (no croissants) :shock: :shock: He is having his hair cut as well, then I think it is my turn........:)
Love and Sparkles to all t4591 t115006 XXX Aidan
Blueberry Oatmeal Breakfast Squares - lots of slow release energyXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Morning everyone
Aidan thank you for the oatmeal squares I'm sure they will help! I hope all the energy helps lots and also my own PPR t115006 . I hadn't thought of taking him with me! I will do that thoughI will also use my flutter this morning and take a painkiller before going as well as some guaifenesin to help with my cough and will drink at least 2 litres of liquid early on so I don't need a trip to the loo :oops:
That should do it :?
Yes not much more fun than spending someone else's £££ and on such a perfect item too with storage!! so all bits can be hidden super-fast if unexpected visitors arrive
Mrs D's Duvet is what she stole a while back and likes to sleep inside of! t4591 she looks so sweet and chirrups if you peep at her.
Sleek said she and Tosca had told her not to worry about "stupid wind" it's rubbish and there is no need to hide behind 'her' chair
Expect a few visits today Sleek of course and possibly Mrs D too with Tommy in a back-pack on her back to visit Tosca. He needs Mother's 'look' fairly regularly to keep him in check. He has asked for a tool box for Christmas :? I can see some Pepelongstockings behaviour coming...…
I am glad to hear The Sisters Euphemia and Inviolata will be along to offer their support
I hope Dad enjoys his coffee and brioche bless him
Still a bit breezy out there :shock:
Love to everyone
Toni xxx0 -
Its a bit blowy and wet :shock: :shock: t110007 t110007 t111055 t111055
Hope everyone is taking care in this weather. t4591XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Whoops, Who is being blown away there? We don't go out in these strong winds. I wobble at the best of times, I'd be all over the place in this! Needless to say we stayed in. Just watching the trees swaying.
t120006 but keeping out of the leaves.
My lovely grandson Chester is being Baptised tomorrow. So proud of him. m0150 m0150 t4591
So Toni has a PPR.How lovely.
Blueberry Oatmeal Breakfast Squares Thank you Aidan. I won't get Nu nu going, not while the cats are snoozing.
:animal_busy: :animal_busy: :animal_busy: :animal_busy:
Yes Aidan, my back is reet complaining. Trying to hang on for another hour or so to change me patches. :shock:
Preserved radish omelet sounds interesting. It might be windy, but it's quite warm."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Hello Kathleen Aidan Barbara Toni.
Kathleen you go steady don't do a Mary Poppins.
Aidan the flu jab was alright no pain yet. thank you for for helping with sue's teeth.
Barbara we used to live in South wales Pontypool. have a good weekend.
Toni is your arm still sore.((()))
have a good weekend
joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
I thought it was calming down a bit, but it is blowing with renewed vigour t110007 :shock: :shock:
Toni will be at the dress rehearsal for the concert later this evening, so sending lots of extra energy and sparkles t115006 t4591
Painkillers and cough medicine, fluids and the works, all sorted before the concerts, wise move Toni. PPR will be there, giving out sparkles.
Spending other peoples money is great funideal if the pouffe has storage too. Bless, Mrs Darcey hiding in the quilt, chirruping when you peep, awwww, Mother and Sleek will be there to see her today, to reassure her about the silly winds. t4591
Mother will certainly give looks towards Tommy, if he needs a little bringing into place. :?
A tool box for Christmas :shock: :shock: mmmm, that does have notes of Pepe and his boxes of tricks :? :? :roll:
Sister Euphemia, Sister Inviolata and Sister Chastity will be there, to act as backing singers, you might not see them, but a wimple could go flying:shock:
Dad enjoyed his coffee and Brioche this morning. Also his hair cutting.
Hi Kath, not sure who it was being blown along the beach :shock: :shock: I am not going out today, far too blowy. You do right, stopping in, we would all be wobbling for sure.
That is lovely, your GS being Baptised tomorrowt4591
Hope you are less ouchy now, with the new patches t115006 t115006
I am looking forward to the preserved radish omelette, thank you kindly.
It is warm, very warm, I am in my own summertime again.
Oh, two errant spid--s in the hoose, one in the lounge last night and B has just found a monster one in his bedroom while he was sorting out and tidying up - he caught is and put it outside :shock: :shock:
They do need bringing into line again, give them a telling off pretty please :shock: :shock: :? :? I am on pins.
Hi Joan and Sue, glad your flu jabs went ok and no discomfort in your arms.
Do you miss living in Wales? I hope you are both keeping safe in the high winds and rains - I know it is not all over the country.
Barbara will be along soon, so I had better get the cakes out ready.
An apple and almond sponge cake - there is a vat of clotted cream, from Toni.
I will away and potter, check for any more 8 legs, lurking. :? hopefully the dryer won't be long, I am melting away here.
Love and sparkles to all, take care XXX Aidan t4591 t115006XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hello all I was blown here... :shock:
Aiden thankyou for the almond cake and chocolate blancmange..Im afraid I missed your step disappeared we have a few pots blown over and the trampoline next door is on its mother likes kitten biscuits..bless..
Jakes form next door has a pate now because of his teeth..saying that he can chew chicken..
Niamh is on a pound and hour sorry no pound sign...
she like polishing and hoovering now..a nice weekend at home is right in this weather thankyou again for the hugs and sparkles..
Talking of being Welsh I forgot I have it on mums side has well Davis..and Edwards on dad side..
Toni we are working hard practicing for the choir you went shopping and Kari got carried away with your help..why not thats what its fornow lets see if you can take things easy for a while..something tells me not
sending more buckets of energy Cris sent them to me..
Joan how lovey that you lived in South Wales..its so beautiful ..hope its not to windy were you are..
Kath how clever a carrot hotdog..wonder what it taste like ..carrot I supposethe female spider are massive... :shock:
Better move..our credit card are not working so we rang them and apparently they have been suspended and they are sending out now one has a site we use ticket master was hacked..along with British airwaves..can you imagine if you were on holiday and that happened :shock: scary... :shock:
Love to everyone keep safe.. t4591 t115006 t4591 t110007Love
Barbara0 -
Hi to all
Hoping that the concert went well, for Toni and the choir, joined of course with Barbara and Sisters Inviolata, Euphemia and Chastity. t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006
Now, a good sleep and some extra magic squares, sparkles and energy, straight from Silver
You did blow in Barbara, I think we all did on Saturday. It has calmed down a bit now, at midnight and a bit cooler too, thank goodness. Silly temperatures for mid October :shock: :shock:
You are welcome to the cake and blancmange and all goodies, I think Toni went in the booth with one of the chocolate pies, there was an almighty splat :shock: :shock:
I bet there are a few trampolines in various places that they should not be, after the storm. Our pots were ok, but we did have leaves a plenty, every time we opened the back door t120006 t120006
Yes, Mother likes her kitten biscuits, I have just emptied and refreshed her lounge biscuit bowl, she was shouting at it, which usually means, I want more fresh ones. Mother has all her teeth still, she has always had good teeth. She likes cooked chicken too and her gourmet chicken whatever, at nap time and bed time. Spoilt, no, not a bit.
So Niamh is on a £ an hour, that is a very good rate. Toni is paying above minimum wage so Niamh has a job lined up alreadyhoovering as well, bless her heart. Extra hugs for her and Dad and all t4591
We are all of Welsh descent then, we need to form our own cafe choir, we should be in fine voice..........I will conduct though, as I just cannot sing a note. Play, yes, sing, nooooo.
I hope your accounts were not hacked, the bank should have stopped all transactions the second they knew. Ticket Master and BA have huge numbers of accounts and card details, these hackers stop at nothing to take what is not theirs. :x :x
Lady spid--s are huge, glad I did not meet the one in B's room, on his fleece, on the BED :shock: :shock: He removed it, very swiftly, out the window. A hero.
Hi to Carol - have you been catching up on family news from Mr T, after meeting up with GGD Rubie Leigh. Hope the weather has not been as stormy.
Hi to Kerrin, Christine, Elizabeth, Mig, Toady, DD, SW, and all.
I think the puskins have all been resting this evening, while the storm blows itself away. More settled weather in the week, so Hermione will soon lift the flying ban.
I had better move myself, I am reading bits of news at the same time and going boggle eyed :shock: :shock:
Everyone take lots of care - Love and Sparkles to all t4591 t115006 XXX AidanXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
I'm here sorry to have been AWOL!
Thank you all for your wonderful support yesterday all the extra energy t115006 and meds inhalers etc I hardly coughed at all
That's how I feel today - in need of a good rest
The concert went really well. The prizes at the raffle were a real hit (I wrapped them up pwetty!) and I got a mention in the thank yous!
Got in at 23:44 though :roll:
The sisters....including Sister Chastity(!) were wonderful thank you
Sleek still had kitten food too until Tesco stopped doing it now she eats 'as good as it looks' chicken flavour ONLY!!
Paul is going to take me out to our GC's tearoom as a treat in a bit
Woo-oooo! Joan!
love t you all
Toni xxx0 -
Hello Aidan Barbara
Aidan your lovely cats are not spoilt they are loved. Wales was nice when we were children but Swindon is nice and flat
Barbara Niamh is earning her pocket money at a young age that's good very helpful.
love to Toni Carol Kathleen and everyone else
have a good day
take care
Joan xx. Toni I'm glad you enjoyed it have a lovely time when you go out.take care
joan xx0 -
Yesterday evening we kept hearing a popping soud out the back. On looking out the window we saw two balloons in our garden - I wonder where they came from. Chris thinks they kept blowing onto our prickly bushes (one is a Holly) and that made them emit little popping sounds. As it was far too windy to go out to get rid of them, we left them. No sign of them today, so they must have either blown away, or finally burst. :roll:
I gave those pesky spids a good talking to Aidan, I hope it works.
Toni, I'm glad the concert was a success. Perhaps some double bean and roasted pepper chille will perk you up.
Not so windy today, but we've had some rain, and it's really dull.
t111055 t111055 t111055 t111055 t111055 t111055 t111055"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Afternoon to all, we finally have blue skies and no howling winds m0150 cooler though, very pleasant.
Don't worry Toni, you have not been AWOL, you have been very busy and still found time to pop in an say hi.
So glad the concert went well, with lovely raffle prizes, all wrapped up, perfectlyt115006 t115006 You are welcome to all the energy and sparkles. You will need to rest, or those ouches will have to be sent packing. Listen to Matron - rest, like I do :shock: :? :? :?
Mentioned in dispatches, of course you should be
I heard that Sisters Euphemia Chastity and Inviolata, were on voice, as was the choirSleek was there, with Mrs D, but you didn't spot them, they have their own cloak. Mother Superior (not Tosca) was in the background, to step in if one of the Nuns had a turn :? :roll:
It was a late night, nearly midnight when you arrived home, then you have to kind of "come down" a bit, stop your mind racing.
Hermione has lifted the ban on flying, so I am sure there will be a morning flight tomorrow, Sleek will be itching to get on her broom and pop Tosca in her side car.
I trust the GC treat was worth it, I am SURE it was, we like treats
Hi Joan and Sue. All of our pus cats have been spoiled, we only have Tosca left with us now, our other gorgeous ones are over rainbow bridge, but keeping an eye on us all t115006 t115006
Wales has some beautiful scenery and places to see. Swindon is nice and flat, which is good. Aunt and Uncle love it there. They should be coming up to see us sooner, rather than later.
Hope you have had a good week end.
Hi Kath, with the popping balloons outside, I am sure they will have blown away in the end, with the howling winds that we had.
Thank you for giving the spid--s a telling off, they needed bringing back into line. I think the storm unsettled them :roll: :? :? :shock:
Hope an ouchies are not too bad, with a new patch in place. Just in case, some extra sparkles t115006 t115006 t120005
The double bean and roasted pepper chilli sounds and looks delicious. Thank you kindly.
Hope the weather clears up for you, it is nice to have cooler, fresher air and blue skies again. Favourite timet120006
I hope everyone else is ok, Barbara, Carol, Kerrin, Mig, Toady, SW, DD, Elizabeth and all.
Let me go see what we can have, to follow the lovely chilli. time to potter as well, Tosca's many blankets are immaculised and ready to go back on her bed.
Custard Cream Cake - I feel a face plant coming on...................XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Afternoon all after a horrible morning its now lovey and sunny m0150
Aiden we could form a cafe choirbut I must warm you Im not up to parr yet..may need a shed to call in
yes Niamh is earning her money..she has a money box so we pop it in there..mind you when she has hovered she just drops the hoover.. :shock:
we have to wait for new cards now ..I find it scary that they pushed these things on us..then this can happen..mother deserves to be spoiled bless especially at her age..thankyou again..
Toni bless you must be shattered but the ..the GC is just what the doctor glad the concert went well and you got a mentionNiamh will be round today just gibe her a list
Kath the chilli looks so good..I will put some rice on to go with it..gosh balloons popping in the hedging..I would have gone out either
Joan..Niamh is a good help...especially has she is only 6...she is older than her years..I am glad you like Swindon flat is good at our age..
Not done much today just sorted things for the charity shop tomorrow..I love a good clear out..but them miss some of the things.. :roll:
Love to everyone..
t4591 t115006 t4591
Just spotted you there Aiden I must have smelt the cake thankyouLove
Barbara0 -
Hi to all - it is quite chilly tonight, down to about 5 degrees, compared to nearly 20 the other night :shock: No two days are the same.
Hi Barbara, I think you must have posted about the same time as I did. Great minds think alike
Dad has got plenty of sheds for us to practice our singing inwe could all fit in his buggy shed too, with room for a bottle or three of cider
Bless, Niamh is earning her keep. I like it, dropping the hoover when she is finished
You are quite right, we are encouraged to shop online for just about everything now, all these companies with lots of our details and card numbers etc. We just expect them to be secure. Worrying when they are hacked. I remember our Talktalk account was hacked, along with thousands of others. They didn't get the banking details, but they did get personal details, phone no, address etc :shock: :roll:
Mother is keeping nice and warm on the cushion in Daddy's chair (B's) resting now, after a good shriek up and down the hall :roll: :roll: I think she is excited to be going out with Sleek this morning, to take in the air, on Pendle. Not sure if Mrs Darcey is joining them.......
So you have been having a tidy up, for the charity shop. I need to go through wardrobes, well, the Royal we, I will assist, while B turfs everything out, just in case there are any spid--s lurking :shock: :shock:
Dad has appt with Sister, at the surgery today, to go through his blood results. We will all go to the GC beforehand and get the shopping done, as his appt is not until 1pm. B will go in with him, as Dad would not remember what was said.
Quiet evening here, just pottering a bit, browsing, nosing at the news, well, most of it is gossip :roll: :roll:
Toni I hope are a bit more rested today and not doing much, anti ouchie squares are dotted about t115006 t115006
Hi to Carol, Kerrin, Christine, Mig, DD, SW, Elizabeth and all.
Hope everyone is as ok as possible. Time I was a pottering, 1am already
Love and Sparkles to all t4591 t115006 t115006 XXXX Aidan
Baked Cheese Toasties with warm vanilla sugarXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hello Kathleen Aidan Barbara
Kathleen yes it's been raining and windy here I hope it's calmed down for you now.
Aidan I hope your Dads bloods are alright. I hope the weather is not too bad there for you.
Barbara Niamh's 6years's have gone quick. I hope the weather's not too bad there.
take care all love to Toni Carol
Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Hi Joan Swindon being flat is very good for people with mobility issues
Is your heating ok? Lucy has another cold!! This is not good at all bless her
Aidan thank you that was a lovely breakfast very tasty toasties!
Mrs Darcey did indeed join them on Pendle she flew behind Sleek and Mother in the side-car. Mother was dry and warm as toast. Sleek and Mrs D had their sou'westers and machintoshes on. Just a few drops of rain got on their whiskers.
The freedom according to Sleek after the no-fly zone was lifted was wAnderful :roll:
If you hear shrieking laughter it's over that rather weak 'joke' :roll:
I hope you all enjoy the GC this morning and that Dad's blood results are all good ((()))
Thank you I did rest a lot yesterday and had a super-early night and will do the same tonight too t4591 The energy sparkles and magic squares all helped as did the presence of the sisters and Mother Superior!
I think the cats held my music folder for me!! It had been hurting my hands during practises, but oddly not on the night :? Hmmmm…..
The booth has been working overtime with that lovely custard creamy cake!!! Tap tap tap tap, taptaptaptapTAPTAPTAP….SPLATTTT!!!!
When I got back from the GC tearoom Niamh must have been Barbara The whole living area was hoovered and the hoover on the flooralso the dishwasher was loaded :shock: Stick her some money in her piggy bank please for me.
Aidan says we can use Dad's shed for our choir practices!!!
Good girl having a sort out! The charity shops always appreciate the donations.
Kath the chilli was lovely and just what I needed yesterday and saved me cooking the tea toot4591
It rained all day yesterday and all day today so far :roll: t111055 t111055
At least the wind has dropped now anyway. How amazing the popping sounds! Funnily enough I kept hearing a scary sound by the back door (where the freezer,fridge and washer and dryer are) a weird sound I was scared. I thought one of my electrics was about to blow up :shock:
Turned out to be a pheasant in the hedge outside the door!! He did it again the next day too
Love to Carol. Hope all is well ((()))
Right shopping needs to be done just a few bits so will just nip to the Co-op
Love to everyone
Toni xxx0 -
Chris braved the wind and rain this morning, it was still fairly dark! There were the remains of 5 balloons in the back garden.
It's still a bit windy and drizzly and I am cold. :x
Ahh, bless Nimh she's such a good girl.
Glad the chilli went down well. I enjoyed the baked cheese toasties, but I had to remove the sugar. The veggie sausage today is Linda McCartney brand, so I know you'll enjoy them.
t120006 t110007 t111055
Glad the puss cats enjoyed their trip to Pendle in the rain. Thank goodness for mackintoshes and sou'westers."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Afternoon to all, well, the day has just vanished, in a flash. It is nearly tea time pills already.
Hi Joan and Sue - hope the weather is improving now, I think we are in for some high pressure, so more settled weather. We had enough of the rain and high winds over the week end. Dad is ok thanks, all his bloods are fine, nothing to worry about, test again in a years time. B went in with him, to make sure everything was understood
Hi Toni, I am glad you are rested and will do more resting today, in between the shopping etc :roll: :roll: I know, we are all the same.
Ah, no hands hurting, just a little bit of t4591 t115006 Wanderful magic
We have had a glorious day, sunshine, some clouds, cool, lovely autumn colours.
Sleek and Mrs D and Mother all had a nice time up on Pendle. The rain wear, was not needed in the end, but it was chilly early on, so they kept the outfits on to be warm.
Mother poked a whisker out, to gather one droplet of dew (she likes to do her bit)
Here she is, at bedtime last night, with all her immaculised blankies - she looked SO comfy, I just had to take a picture
Dads bloods, all good. B went in with him to see Sister. Pleased with results. B has an appointment for his results tomorrow, with same Sisterhe said, see you tomorrow, just me next time.
GC was lovely, as was my scone, with butter and Rhoda's cream
From there is was shopping, then Drs, I sat in the car, no point a whole tribe of us marching in
I had my reminder for my PIP f2f on Wednesday at 1030 - major cloak duties, pretty please. :? :? :shock:
So Niamh has cleaned all the house while you were out Toni, she is a little love, money in the pot, for sure
I hope it has stopped raining now and the blue skies have appeared.
I would have had the willy's as well, with strange noises outside the back door...........a pheasant.......... :shock: :shock: At least you know what is was and is, if it carries on shuffling about in the dark :? :?
Hi Kath, it was very chilly last night, we had the heating on low, then I turned it up first thing. Everyone around seems to be having something done outside, mixers, tractors, work men, concrete's all going on. Mind you, I was wide awake at 0530 after not getting to sleep until after 4am :roll: :roll:
Chris was brave, facing the elements, t110007 kind on im intit mi duck
Glad you liked the toasties, minus the sugar, I will have to remember to use sweeteners and not too much in the way of sugars.
The Chilli was a big hit, as the sausages will be today, thank you kindly t4591 t4591
Hope any ouchies are as minimal as can be t115006 t115006 you can start throwing yourself in the leaves again now Kath t120005 t120005
Barbara, hope you are ok, I know you will be along soon, so I had better get a wriggle on with something for pudding. t115006 t4591 to all, as always
Hi to everyone else, in and about. Time for me to do some pottering, a few pots to throw about............. :roll: :roll:we have melamine plates etc, for good reason :? :?
Love and Sparkles to all, will catch up again later XXXX Aidan t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 t120006
Low Sugar Chocolate BrowniesXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Oh gosh those brownies Aidan!!! To die for thank you
Tosca looked so sweet in her clean blankieBless her little cotton paws. Good on her catching one droplet of dew on her whiskers. Kari has reported that Darcey has lost one of her galoshes. Cream coloured with little rainbows on them? Any sign?
It has rained her all day so they needed theirs before they got to yours for Mother....must look in Miss Slimkins' wardrobe for the missing welly....
Good to hear Dad's bloods were fine and hope Bs are tomorrow too sure they will be ((()))
Of course Rhodas cream nothing else is good enough
My friend is having her ftf tomorrow morning at 8am at home. Her wife will remain with her and I think they are ready. Revision for them tonight :?
Revision for you tomorrow night. The cloak is totally really and has had extra soundproofing added incase any of us swear :?
Honestly you should have heard the pheasant. Looks like our hedge is on it's route home at night!!
It is STILL raining here and hasn't let up all day :roll: t111055
Kath where do you think the balloons came from then? Very odd. the wind has dropped here, but it's been very wet all day t111055
Where would the cats be without their mackintoshes and sou'westers? Not to mention their galoshes. Mrs D has lost one of those by the way if you spot it? It's cream with little rainbows on it..rt paw.
Oh lovely Linda McCartney (McCATney :roll: ) sausages in a full English which I had for my tea ta!
I hope everyone is well
Toni xx0 -
Evening All
So many things to do and not enough time to do them. since Mr T came back last Friday it's been non stop busy. spent nearly 2 hrs this afternoon on the telephone trying to sort out problems. Mr T's lost keys which he lost before he went away, a coverplan for my I-pad that was not set up properly which resulted in it not getting paid last month received a letter today about it :roll: , getting Flu jab appointments, I do all the phone calls as Mr T is not good on the phone because of his hearing problem especially if its someone with a foreign accent. I don't mind doing it for him as it save him being bad tempered with me because he cant get it sorted. but at least we know where his keys are and it just needs a phone call and a visit to the transport for London lost property place in central London to get the back. and I have just one call to do in the morning to sort out the payment problem of mine hopefully as by the time I found the correct department to deal with it of course it was closed. :roll: :roll: and I will pop in to Dr to arrange flu jabs rather than ring I think. otherwise we are fine. yes Mr T did have his cuddles 2 photos coming up with great grandad.jpg?dl=0 ith great grandad .jpg?dl=0
since Saturday my knitting has even taken a backseat my poor brain is fried I thinkOur weather has been a bit grim and wet t111055 windy t110007 and cloudy for the last few days not nice at all still I suppose we are getting nearer to wintertime.
Kath glad you and Lucy have been keeping a good eye on those pesky Spids I had to remove a huge one from my Living room last week who came I uninvited how dare he
Barbara I think you replied to my comment about Snowie being gone for 1yr 8 months and yes you still do miss them even after that length of time you never forget them.
Aidan Will be with you under the cloak for your PIP. hope it all goes well. so B had a huge Spid in his bedroom perhaps Kath and I should have him on our Spid removal squad as well.
Can I too have you all under the cloak on Friday at 11am for the dentist please.
well its is time for a bit of pottering
love and sparkles to all t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006Stay positive always👍xx0 -
Hi to all, a quiet, very calm and still evening, not a breath of wind.
The brownies turned out very well I think Toni. Glad you enjoyed them allsorry, I mean the two that you had :? :? :shock:
Tosca did look SO comfy, I was rather jealous to be honest. It was really dark ish but phone camera's are good for low light shots. Now, no sign of a missing galoshes - I will ask Mother when she wakes up for a shriek :shock:
They did all enjoy their trip out though, despite missing items of footwear, possibly in Miss Sleeks ickle house, we know how she loves all things rainbow and glam t4591 t115006
I am sure B's bloods will be ok, the HCA said there were no glaring problems last week, so Sister will say the same. Dads were all spot on, which is nice to know.
I pray all goes well with your friends f2f today, at 0800, didn't they come to see Barbara at that time, or was it Kath...........forgive my wandering mind, it is not focusing at the moment. :? :?
I think it wise to add extra soundproofing to the cloak, if there were to be ************* :shock: *** expletives, it would be best not to hear them :shock:
so, swear away, as required
We do hear pheasants going through the woods, they are not the most dainty of birds, with gentle little feet. More like a bull at a gate and they are going through, no matter what :shock: :shock:
You have had total opposite weather to us then, we have had a lovely autumn day t120006 t120005 while you have been rained upon, all the day long :? t111055 t111055
Hopefully you will have some more settled weather today
Hi Carol Oh dear, you do hit the ground running.I love the pictures of Mr T enjoying his cuddles with Rubie Leigh t4591 t4591
Father Time has been stealing hours from you again - we need to have a trip to the shed, asap.
Don't you find being on the phone for a long time, so totally draining - I do, it galls me, when you are passed from pillar to post and then they are CLOSED :x :x :x :shock: :roll:
Best though, if you are on the phone, for Mr T, with his hearing problems. We did all the phoning for my Mum, when she was well, as talking on the phone was so difficult.
Another thing that is so frustrating, something always seems to need sorting on a Friday afternoon, about 430, when everyone has gone home........................head and brick wall come to mind.
So, keys are safe and are going to be collected and one more call, to sort out the insurance plan on your I pad. Let's hope that will be it.............for now.
Maybe best to pop into the surgery to book your flu jabs :? :?
We need to get you back on track with your knitting, it was coming on so well............. t115006 t115006
I think most of us have had some pretty iffy weather recently, with storm whatever its name was, then very warm, now very chilly. It is getting to wintertime now t110007 t120005
B will gladly join the spid-- removal team, he is a hero when it comes to turfing them out, while I am tottering in the other direction, being a total ninny :roll: :roll:My Dad used to say, awww, isn't he lovely, when one appeared, usually with Mother up on the sofa - ( I take after my Mother obviously)
Thank you in advance for being under the cloak tomorrow (wed). t4591 It has had an extra layer of sound proofing, in case of shouting or swearing :shock:
I cannot believe it is nearly 1am. I had best be pottering around. The joints do not get any easier :roll: :roll:
At home today, just a bit of fussing and the like.
Hi to Barbara, Kerrin, Christine, Mig, DD, SW, Toady, Elizabeth and all - hugs to everyone ((())) lots of love and sparkles t4591 t115006 t115006 t120006
Take lots of care XXXX Aidan
Apple Pie Breakfast BitesXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hello Toni Kathleen Aidan Carol
Toni I'm sorry Lucy has had another cold would it be after the flu jab I have one((((()))))
Kathleen I'm sorry you are cold do you have any heating we don't our's went off in the night.
Aidan I hope B's blood test goes well((())) the puss looks lovely in her blanket.
Carol lovely photo of Mr T with Rubie Leigh good the keys keys were found.
take care all
Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Oh Aidan mi duck, methinks I shall be jumping into Chocolate Brownies before leaf piles, O mebbee it should be after. They look reet slurpy mi duck. Ta luv. Yes, my f2f was 8am ON A SUNDAY. We'll be there on time - if the cloak does't oversleep! I loved Tosca in her blankie. t4591
Joan, yes we do have heating but don't have it on in the mornings. We keep warm by pottering, but I was only wearing a thin cardi with my thin trousers. Then it turned colder than I was expecting. Some days I'm expecting it to be cold so I wrap up warm, then end up sweating. I can't win. :roll:
Carol, Lovely photos of great granddad cuddling Ruby.
Scotch shortbread biscuits made with best butter.
Hugs and kisses to Barbara, Toni. and anyone I've missed. I forgot, we were on the benches this morning.
t120006 t120005 t120005 t120005 t120005 t120005 t120006"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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