Val's Cafe
Hi to all - thought I would grab a few minutes now, before we head into town for B's appt with Sister. I am sure all is ok with his bloods, just to check his BP again as well.
I am only going as a passenger, I will sit in the car and nosy at everyone going in and out of the surgery
Hi Joan, hi Sue, thank you, I am sure all will be ok with B's bloods. Tosca did look too cute in her blankies, she loves her bed, on the dressing table end of the room, she jumps up onto my bed, then across, to her bed and vice versa, umpteen times :roll: :roll:
Sorry you have no heating, what are they playing at, it is not good enough, time to rant and rave - let us at em............. :x
Hi Kath, you jump into the brownies, help yoursen duck
It was your f2f, on a Sunday, at 0800. :shock: :shock: Thank you for being there tomorrow, you could always bring a spider in a jar and wave it out from the cloakas long as I don't see it of course
It was chilly this morning so the heating is on low, well, it was on for 20 mins first thing and hasn't come back on since, so we must be giving off enough heat.
Thank you for the yummy shortbread, with best butter, of course, nothing less would do.
The puskins went out early doors, there was mist a plenty on Pendle and Mother enjoyed her little jaunt. There was much nattering to the wood nymphs in the ravine :? :roll: t115006 t115006 it's all magic t115006
Right. The bus is leaving soon, so I had better move. I am going out in my slippers and joggies, a right scruffto be honest, I could not care less, it is a testing day, as you can imagine. I want tomorrow morning to be over with now.
Will call back later on. Hi to Toni, Barbara, Carol, Kerrin, Christine, Elizabeth, Mig, Toady, DD, SW and all.
Love and sparkles t4591 t115006 XXX AidanXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Evening all sorry I have been awol..let see what I can remember.. :?
Aiden my ftf was half ten ..and spot on it was ..I will be under the will be fine once it starts, it just the unknown..(()).. t115006 ..glad you are going in something comfy..and happy to hear thats dads bloods are ok for for you Niamh has slapped face..a perfect round red blotch on her face..the doctor says she isn't contagious now the redness is there..
Mum looks so adorable in her blanket..I had to laugh at her face..saying dont you dare take this off mebless
Thankyou for the brownies and apple bits they were very welcome..
Kath the veggie breakfast was delicious ..thankyou we have had a lovely day today thank goodness...
Carol you are a star sorting out all OH is the same on the telephone..and soon loses it..he say his ears are fine.. :shock: what lovely pics of Mr T and the new baby..see I have forgotten her name in less than 2 mins.. :roll: sorry for that..
Toni I hope that Lucy feels better very soon, its so worrying for you with her immune system being like it is..sending some healing hugs..(()) we are practicing in Aidens dads shed..yes I remember now...glad you have been resting..keep it up for a few days..I will put the money in Niamhs box hope she didnt break your hoover though
Joan the weather has been nice and mild..thank goodness..I hope your heating is soon mended but wont hold my breath..this is not good service at all..
Right better move
Love to everyone
t115006 t4591 t115006Love
Barbara0 -
Evening everyone!
Hi Carol Not sure where Lucy keeps getting colds from – school probably, but they sent her home at lunchtime today bless her and I have been and fetched her some bits from the chemist to make life a bit easier for her. Will not stop her doing her sp***r duty!
Mr T is really rather good at losing and breaking things. :? What would he do without you I wonder? You must get those flu jabs organised. We want us all protected
I LOVE the pics he looks very proud of his newest GGD
100% with you on Friday under the cloak for the dentist.
Really Aidan!! I only ate a couple (of 3!) brownies please do make them again… and the breakfast apple bits went down very well.
The galosh turned up (is that singular???) as suspected I think it was in Sleek’s ickle house although Kari just found it through the letterbox last night. :? :roll:
Poor Kari is rather rough the same as Lucy so maybe they caught something at the ‘do’ on Saturday…hmmm… :?
Fetched some cough syrup for Lucy and some menthol crystals for our vapour-thingys. Took the same to Kari along with 2 large dressings. She has fallen off her new bike. It’s FAB!! It’s an old 3 wheeler postie bike. Sleek says Mrs D is planning on sneaking on the back for a ride, but NOT until her Mummy can drive it safely. :shock:
My friend’s ftf seems to have gone well, but who knows for sure? Fingers and paws crossed. We will be under the cloak tomorrow avec the extra sound-proofing. I hope you have done your revision?
The cats had a lovely ride out this morning I think there was sunshine and a rainbow Tosca caught some rainbow droplets on her whiskers and the nymphs were THRILLED with them. So much chattering and oo-ing and ah-ing!! Now you know what was happening!
Your own Mother was right about sp****s 100% I take after mine too. She didnae like ‘em at all! :shock: :shock:
Sure B’s bloods were fine as were Dad’s. The pheasants cross our lawn every afternoon which is fine it was that noise outside the back door!!!
Why go out dressed up if you are staying in the car?! No need at all. At least it’s not in Adsa
Oh Joan!! I can’t believe it!! Your heating!! This can’t keep happening. Thank you Lucy is pretty rough. She was sent home form work (school) today and so coughing badly.
Kath I agree about the weather…it’s not quite right – either too hot or too cold :roll:
Please don’t worry about missing Aiden’s appointment the cloak will fetch you in your PJs! The Cloak NEVER oversleeps and has beds for us lot!
That shortbread!! Melted in the mouth it did it was divine thank you
Barbara Niamh did not damage my lovely dyson battery operated hoover. She had laid it down very gently bless her.She even dusted. Does she feel ok with the ‘slapped face’? I hope so poor wee soul :?
Lucy is doing ok although she hasn’t eaten today. She has taken all meds I have given her though and hopefully will turn the corner tonight I feel. Thanks Barbara ((()))
I am off to bed now. Hopefully will be back to normal in the next day or so.
Good night everyone
Toni xxx0 -
Evening all
At last (I hope) I have sorted most things out. waiting for transport for London to call us back as to when Mr T can go and collect his keys hopefully he can do this on Friday. I have sorted out the I-pad letter. and that has been put to rights. yippee. Flu jabs are booked in for 5th November as our surgery has run out of the over 65 Vaccine they are expecting it in next week. so that's that sorted. had another problem thrown into the mix today when I went to collect my repeat prescription to find they are having a manufacturers problem my water tablets. :roll: luckily this happened a few months ago as well and I found another chemist who had some so asked the dr for another script for just them also my usual chemist ordered them so I ended up with 2 lots, meaning I had a spare all is well there for at least the next month and chemist have this months ones on order. Weather her today has been quite warm. Yes Mr T dose look very happy and proud to see his newest GGD.
Toni You right Mr T is expert at losing and breaking things :? :? don't know how he manages it. mind you having said that I had a panic the day he went away to see family I had been to my aunts and when I left I looked for my keys in my bag to put in pocket of my jacket before getting on the bus only to find I could not find them. :shock: well couldn't find them so rang my daughter to ask her to come and meet me with the spare set of keys she has to our flat. while telling her the problem I am still searching and where do I find them but in my pocket :? :? :oops:. Glad to have you all there under the cloak on Friday with a few added lovely animals no doubt. but please no stray Sp****s as we don't want the dental surgery in an uproar.
Sorry Lucy has another cold but glad she is still ok for Sp***r duties.
Barbara Baby's Name is Rubie- Leigh don't worry I am terrible but with me its when I call them they all get called the wrong name. Well I either sort things out for Mr T or else all I get is him coming into me saying he cannot understand or hear them so might as well do it myself.
Aidan yes hours being stolen from us in abundance at the moment will have to sort that shed out and get them back. O yes I know about the Friday afternoon syndrome happens all the time. And tomorrow is knitting group so I will get some done tomorrow which will be good. hope you are all keeping reasonably well with all your appointments going on. will be under that cloak tomorrow it might have to gather me up still sleeping. we will be pleased to have B on Spid removal duties. he is such an expert.
oh well its time for a potter
love and Sparkles t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 and hopefully not too much of these t111055 t111055 t110007 t110007 don't mind these t120005 t120005 Kath and I can have a little play in themStay positive always👍xx0 -
Hi to all - this might not be my usual ditty. A bit vague / vacant this evening. I am sure by this time Wednesday I will feel a bit better.
Hi Barbara - Don't worry about being absent without leave, as long as you are ok
Thank you for being there this morning, the cloak will be very busy, so good job it has extra sound proofing.
It is always the unknown that causes the concerns t115006 :? :?
Poor Niamh, with slapped cheek syndrome. Soft tissue infection. Naughty parvovirus. Being viral, there is no direct treatment for it and it will resolve on its own once her antibodies start to fight it. Now that the round "slaps" have appeared then she is no longer contagious and it is not usual for adults to catch it, mainly a childhood virus. I think once you have had it, you are not likely to get it again.
It is a one of those coughs and sneezes spread diseases things. Extra hugs for her to get better very quickly t115006 ((()))
Mother was very comfy on her blankies, in between shrieks, she is very settled
Very welcome to the brownies and apple whatsits
Hi Toni, poor Lucy, with another cough and bad cold, everyone is coming down with lurgy :shock: :shock: and Auntie Kari has fallen off her bicycle (which sounds totally gorgeous, not the fall, the old postie bike)
Quite possible they caught something at the "do". lots of people, lots of germification :roll: :shock: even if the other people don't realise it. Folks can carry a virus and never show any symptoms, while the next person will have a horrendous cold, within 48 hours.
Silver is on the way to leave countless magic squares, so expect fizzing and popping and lots of glitter, twinkling away. (((()))) t115006 t115006
Mrs D was talking about Mummy's new peeple peddle carrier, but was not too sure that Mummy was totally au fait with it, just yet :? :?
Thank you for being under the cloak today. Revision, well, I know what was on the form that went in and have a copy etc. My head would not take it in at the moment. B will be there to support me, as well as all my friends here.
Who knows indeed, it is not in our control. We must trust t115006 t4591 and wait.
No wonder Mother has been shouting the house down, with rainbow dew on her whiskers, the very finest imaginable and highly prized by the wood nymphs t115006 t115006 t115006
Mum was indeed quite right about spid--s, I remember sitting with her in the lounge at the Rectory, well, the sitting room, the lounge was kept for best and for Bible studies etc.
We sat there with a yard brush each, as 8 legged ones just kept appearing :shock: :shock: and Dad was out, visiting members of his flock.
He said what on earth are you two up to, when he came back
Pheasants do keep to a route, hence so many end up in great danger, as they wander across roads. They can fly, but they are rather heavy in the beam shall we say, so they do prefer to walk. :? :?
B's bloods were ok, but his BP was higher than last time, so he has to increase double his meds for two weeks and then go back to see Sister again. She did say, with everything that is and has been going on, it is no wonder his BP is up, plus he has white coat syndrome.
Hi Carol Glad to hear that things are sorting, keys to collect, at least you know they are safely under wraps until such time as Mr To goes to gather them.
I Pad letter sorted, Flu jabs booked. Quite a few places have been running out of stock, I think Barbara had to delay theirs as there were limited supplies.
Good job you have a spare months supply of your diuretics. Between you and me and the gatepost, pharmacies etc often change manufacturer if they can, to get them at a cheaper price, generic ones, rather than "known" brands. ( I never said this of course). I have had similar issues with some of my meds over the years.
Let's hope they are back on track by the time your next prescription is ready.
Poor Mr T, always breaking things, I can sympathise totally :roll: :roll: more on the lines of sending things flying :roll: :roll:
Then you lost your keys, noooooooooo. But, they were in your coat after all, that's fine, as long as you found them, even if your Daughter was on standby
Of course we will be there on Friday, just as you will share cloak duties for me today, we are mutually supportive of each othert115006 No, no spiders, we need the Dentist to be calm and relaxed, along with the rest of the surgery. Toni will vac through, just to make sure there are no cobwebs.
I hope you enjoy your knitting and coffee group today, catching up with your bonnets etc.
Appointments seem to be endless at the moment and they continue onward into late Oct and November :roll: :roll:
We will be back by mid day at the latest (he says, hopefully) so will pick Dad up and go for a needed coffee and bite to eat.
Right, I must away, I am setting like stone and need to mooch about a bit.
Love and sparkles to everyone, in and about t115006 t4591 will catch up again later, XXXX Aidan t4591
Mexican Breakfast Wraps (veggie)XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Ooooh! Mexican breakfast wraps Aidan they look YUM!! chomp chomp...they taste yum too thanks
Considering you thought you wouldn't be your usual self last night you did a good job. Matron's professional face was on methinks :?:
The cloak is duly cleaned aired and of course cobweb free. I can't promise it is cat free or sans bush-baby etc though....
All will be done and dusted soon then it is out of your hands. Try not to ruminate after that.
I hope B's BP was a one off due to a stressful time and white coat syndrome.
Oh yes Mother was sooooo proud of herself for catching the rainbow droplet! She saw the rainbow and quick as a flash popped her face out!! How rare are they? Honestly the nymphs were so exited most of them had never seen one before in their lifetime and they live a long time!
Only problem is she had Sleek flying here there and everywhere looking for another rainbow this morning
Aunty Kari's bike is fab I t4591 itshe has her PIP ftf next week I will take her there. Honestly it seems like they are hounding everyone I know :x :roll:
The house is fizzing and popping like there's no tomorrow here hopefully Lucy will feel better soon.
The bottom heavy pheasant was shouting outside not 5 minutes ago!!! He has several ladies with him quite often :?
I hope you enjoyed a lovely lunch out after your stressful morning and Dad does too ((()))
I have everything crossed here now.
Carol I am very pleased to hear everything is sorted out now keys and ipads and flu vaccinations well done.
All I can say is (despite your little panic on the bus with your own keys!) Mr T married the right person in you! Much better organised. Still that's what marriage is about isn't it? Helping each other.
Good job you are one step ahead with your water tablets
Thank you Lucy will be fine in fact she can check our cloak for stray 8 legged peeples for us before the dentist on Friday
Hello to Joan! Lucy is still tucked up in bed ATM they sent her home from work yesterday. I will get her up later. Is the heating ok at the moment? Did they come and fix it yesterday?
Love to everyone
Toni xx0 -
Hello Kathleen Aidan Barbara Carol Toni
Kathleen our place feels cold to me I cannot walk very quick I use a walking frame and wheelchair to warm up.
Aidan the gas man is coming on Fri. I hope your app goes well.
Barbara I hope you have a good day.
Carol that's good you found your keys sorry Mr T has left them there.
Toni I hope Lucy feels better soon sorry Kari fell of her bike I had one like that(((())))
take care all
Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
I've got 3 recipes today. Pinched them off the NOS website. They are part of their "Bake For Bones"
Carrot cake with
mascarpone topping
For the sponge:
1 tbsp orange juice
50g ground almonds
200g carrots, finely grated
125g walnuts, coarsely chopped
For the mascarpone topping:
500g mascarpone cheese
2 tbsp icing sugar
50g walnut halves, to decorate
1. Preheat the oven to 180°C, gas mark 4.
Grease two 20cm sandwich tins. Dust
the sides of the tins with flour and shake
off the excess.
2. Cream the butter or margarine and
sugar together in a bowl until pale
and fluffy. Sift the baking powder and
allspice into the bowl. Add the eggs,
orange rind and juice and ground
almonds and beat well, then stir in the
walnuts and the carrots.
3. Divide the mixture equally between the
two tins and level the surface. Bake for
35 - 40 minutes until the cakes have
risen and are firm to the touch. Leave for
5 minutes, then transfer to a wire rack.
4. For the topping, beat the mascarpone
cheese and icing sugar together in
a bowl until smooth. Use half of the
mixture to sandwich the cake together,
then spread the remaining mixture over
the top of the cake.
5. Decorate with the top with walnuts and
orange zest.
200g dark chocolate, broken into squares
50g unsalted butter
4 tbsp golden syrup
100g cornflakes
30g flaked almonds
50g raisins
1. Add the cornflakes, almonds and raisins
to a large bowl and stir through
2. Melt your butter in a bowl over a
simmering pan of water, making sure
the bowl does not touch the water
3. Add half the chocolate to the melted
butter and stir until melted. Add the
golden syrup and blend through.
4. Add to the cornflake mix and stir until
the chocolate evenly covers all of the
flakes tartlet.
5. Tip the mixture into a baking tray lined
with greaseproof paper and press down
to form an even covering. Refrigerate for
30-40 minutes
Cherry tomato and
goats cheese tarts
Flour, for dusting
225 g ready-made puff pastry
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 medium red onion, fnely chopped
1 teaspoon fresh thyme, chopped
2 eggs
150 ml single cream
25 Gruyère cheese, fnely grated
Salt and pepper, to taste
100 g frm, round goat’s cheese
8 cherry tomatoes, halved
Few fresh thyme leaves, to garnish
1. Preheat the oven to 200°C, gas mark 6.
On a lightly floured surface, roll out the
puff pastry and use to line four 10 cm
tartlet tins. Line the pastry cases with
baking parchment and fll with baking
beans. Chill for 10 minutes.
2. Bake the pastry cases for 10 minutes.
Remove the paper and beans and bake
for a further 10 minutes, until the pastry
is lightly golden.
3. Meanwhile, heat the oil in a non-stick
frying pan. Add the red onion and
thyme. Cook gently for 3-4 minutes
until soft. Remove from the heat and set
aside.Combine the milk, cream and half
the beaten egg (the remaining egg is for
brushing the top of the scones).
4. Beat the eggs and cream together.
Add the Gruyère cheese and cooled
onion mixture. Season and mix well.
Cut the Goat’s cheese into 4 round
slices. Divide the egg mixture between
the tartlets and put 4 cherry tomato
halves and 1 goat’s cheese slice in each
5. Bake the tartlets for 15 minutes until
the flling is set. Cool slightly before
removing them from the tins. Scatter a
few thyme leaves over the warm tartlets
just before serving."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Chris found 2 more squished balloons this morning.
Aidan, the Mexican wraps look lovely, but I can't cope with spicy food so I had to leave mine.
Oh poor Niamh, her face does look sore. I hope it clears soon.
Aidan, I hope we didn't pick any spids up in the leaf piles. I'm thoroughly sick of them now. I'm going to climb that big tree and jump down into a leaf pile, OOOh I am a one.
t120006 t120005 t120005 t120006"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Hi to all -
Well, we both feel like wet blankets and I feel like I have gone through a hedge, backwards, several times. :shock: :shock: :roll: :roll:
I was putting on a brave face yesterday Toni, you are quite right.
Thank you everyone, for being under the cloak for my f2f this morning. t4591 t4591 I am very grateful.
The lady (who was a nurse herself), was very pleasant, she said she could see I was in pain, as I was up and down and wriggling about, my back was screaming. It was 100 degrees in her room, she is always cold. :shock: I had to ask for the AC to be turned onto cool for a while.
I was in there for well over an hour :shock: Everyone was helpful and parking was easy for B, just across the road, after he had hauled me out of the car, at the assessment centre door :roll: :roll:
I nearly lost it when it was over, just the reliefNow a 6 week wait for the decisions. :? :?
I didn't hear any swearing from under the cloak, I could not do many of the things she asked, but she said, if you are not comfortable, then don't try.
Surgery has just phoned, I have to double my atorvastatin to 80mg which is a hefty dose - Sister said, if you have any muscle or joint pain, let us know, :shock: I did say, oh come on J, you know how much pain I am in, before I even take them :roll: :roll: :? :?
I also mentioned that in the last two weeks, since they cancelled one pip assessment, I have alopecia in two areas, B saw them when he cut my hair the other day - because I have been super anxious, I know why.....................anyway, it will grow back, I think. It did last time, some years ago.
Right my lovelies. I am going to sit in a lump, we have not been in long, we came back, picked Dad up, then he took us for lunch at the T room. Then a short trip into Sainsb and back home and now it is nearly 4. We went out at 0930. :shock: :shock:
I am going to look at Kaths lovely recipes, hi to Joan and to Barbara, Carol, Kerrin, Chrstine and all.
I will write later, I need to chill out a bit :animal_busy: Love and sparkles to everyone t4591 t115006 Aidan XXXXXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Well Aidan all I can say is it sounds as though it went very well. You were honest and she has seen what you are able to do and not do. She is also a nurse so qualified to have an opinion.
I am most upset to hear the PIP date being changed (at such short notice) has caused enough stress for you to develop 2 areas of alopecia. :shock: :x :x That is infuriating.
You are to double your statins too :? gosh that is a big increase. I hope it helps though and yes did smile (ironically) at the muscle or joint pain!!
Lovely of Dad to treat you both after your ordeal.
Sleek and Mother were there did you know? they joined us at the centre and were inside their own cloak. The only clue being a slight whiff of sardine (Tosca). Sleek was happy because Mother said her Daddy was ok. t4591
Kath I am definitely going to make the carrot cake. Are the recipes going to help our bones do you think?? I hope so because I love carrot cake anyway as does Lucy.
Joan you will be cold you are of slim build and you aren't that mobile due to the arthritis :? I hope they actually fix that heating on Friday it's a real jokeKari loves her bike, but I expect she needs practise on it as she's used to a 2 wheeler? I bet you loved yours too
Shed is open tonight if anyone (Barbara) fancies a tipple?
Toni xx0 -
Evening all..its been a lovely mild day..
Oh Aiden I did feel for you today..its not a nice thing to have to go glad its over wonder you could sit still with it being so hot that certainly wouldn't help good on you for asking for the AC to be turned least now you can relax...(())
Niamh seems ok with the slapped cheek..OH picked her up today ..Dr said she could go to school ..glad you got to the T rooms ..
Carol... Rubie Leigh...we are the same with our GDs we call them anything but the right name..glad you got sorted with everything..but thinking you had lost your keys..glad you didnt I often leave mine in the door... :shock:
Kath the recipe sounds so nice..but I need someone to cook them for me these days :roll: Niamh face is fine now just a blotch ...very strange thing :?
Toni I hope Lucy and your sister feel better very soon, there are so many colds going around...gosh I know the sort of bike your sister has ..bless ..I hope the cut will heal nicely..and she will be off again..but maybe a bit slower...I forgot to mention the pheasant..they are such lovely birds but seem to like walking across the rds here.. ..I have only ever seen two...
Joan Im glad its not to cold at the min ..but like you say you feel it when you are not has mobile...
we still dont have a date for our flu jabs..just hope its soon :roll:
Have a good evening everyone
t4591 t115006 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
Well, it is time I had a catch up, now that a well earned siesta has been taken, supper, now just trying to relax a little.
Once again, thank you to everyone for being there with us today t4591 t4591 ((())) The lady, being a nurse, was quite qualified to listen and talk about my health and the help I needed.
I am glad you liked the wraps Toni, they were rather yummy, something a little different
There were little hints of puskins being present at the f2f, a rustling from her waste paper basket, plus the tip of a tail at one point :shock:
Everyone else was very calm as far as I could gather, listening intently and did I hear applause a couple of times
To say I am glad it is over, is the months understatement. Having patches of hair loss has only happened once before, at a super stressful time, years ago. I might pop to the Drs and just make him aware.
Mother is still over the moon with her rainbow dew on her whisker. They are rarer than hens teeth and the Nymphs have encased it in a very special clear box, suspended on strands of sparkles t115006 t115006 Everyone is in awe, down in the ravine.
I think todays jaunt onto Pendle did last longer than Mother intended, with Miss Sleek hunting for rainbows, even throwing water in the air, to try and make one :roll: :roll: bless. Mother said, they only appear, by magic t115006 right time, right place, now can we go home
Would love to see a pic of Auntie Kari's bicycleWe will certainly be there for her f2f next week, keep the cloak on standby. We are off to the Dentist with Carol today as far as I recall. How are her injuries / dressings, cold, improving I trust. Lucy too t4591 t4591
Glad there is lots of fizzing and popping, some more sparkles have been left, Silver was over earlier, to scatter some around t115006
Ah, Mr Pheasant and his HaremMum and Dad used to have one that visited their back gardens, he was a fine looking chap.
Bill has had his BP meds increased to their max, with a review in two weeks, maybe add another one in the mix. I am going up by 50% for a couple of nights with my statins, they can be pretty nauseating at times. a 100% increase is a big jump, but, necessary :roll: :roll: I cannot control my lipid and cholesterol levels with diet etc, not with hyperlipidaemia, it is passed on from Dads side. :?
Muscle and joint pain, I had to laugh, are you KIDDING me
Dad treated us, as it is B's Birthday today, but we wanted to stop home, so yesterday was birthday lunch. Dad will be round this morning, for toasted muffins and coffee.
Hi Joan and Sue and the lovely doggies too. Limited mobility does make you feel the cold and some houses do seem to feel chilly. I really hope they can sort out the heating, it is so wrong that you are cold - very cross we are.
Mum was always a cold lady, she loved the hot sunshine.
I think the appointment went as well as it could. Just a long wait now, to see what they decide, at least 6 weeks she said :roll: :? :?
Those recipes look wonderful Kath, thank you. My fav will be the carrot cake, with mascarpone, mmmmmmm, delicious. t4591
Are your balloons breeding in the holly bush :shock: :shock:
I forgot you are not a spicy food person.
Steady away now, too late, you did jump out of the Autumn tree and squashed the leaf pile :shock: :shock: t120006 t120005 we are not wanting any more spide-- now, it is nearly winter, they need to be told, firmly. :roll:
Hi Barbara - it was a mild day, in fact it was tropical in the assessors office, she did apologise and said she was always cold. Better when she turned the cooling up instead.
Thank you for being there t4591 I will try my best to relax ((()))
Gad Niamh is feeling ok with her slapped cheek, it is a funny title for a viral infection. Yes, she should be fine at school, no longer contagious. She can resume her dusting and hoovering again
We were desperate for the T roomsI had a cheese and mushroom toasty and then a homemade choccy brownie.
I hope you can get your flu jabs soon, I think there are a lot of surgeries waiting for more supplies to be dispatched.
Did you make it to the shed, I see Toni was saying it was shed night :? :? steady away now.
Hi to Carol, hope you are ok and had a less stressful day, with limited phone calls etc and no breakages to report :? :? :roll: How is your GD doing? ((()))
Hi to Kerrin, Christine, Elizabeth, Mig, DD, SW, Toady and all.
One of the Acers at the GC the other day, gorgeous
Well, I had best be doing some more pottering. Move the bones around.
Not sure if Mother is our this morning or not, she has not said anything yet. No doubt there will be shrieking at some early hour, if they go in search of dew drops.
It is very cold, think there might be a frost......................
Right, shush now Aidan. Love and Sparkles to one and all t4591 t115006 t115006 Take care XXXX Aidan
Butternut Squash Pancakes with Maple Syrup and PecansXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Morning everyone
Thank you Aidan I love these breakfast pancakes.
Sleek admitted to trying to make a rainbow for Mother to catch another droplet, but accepts Tosca knows best there is unlikely to be another in their lifetimesDid you know Silver has been to see it? Woodnymphs from far and wide (and I mean far and wide) are on pilgrimages to see it. 'Our' nymphs are so proud t115006 t115006 t115006 Tosca is likely to go down in history now.
You heard our applause? :shock: Yes we applauded several times when you gave a good answer or we could tell the lady was on the same page as you.
The cats were playing at throwing balls of paper (quidditch practise) into the waste paper basket :shock: Sleek won apparently.
I hope you cope ok with that huge increase in statins :? if it runs in the family I imagine you were expecting it. Oh and yes I would let the GP know about the hair loss just so it's on record. Sending some magic squares via Tosca for under your pillow t4591
I hope he has a lovely day t4591 t4591
I will certainly take a pic of Kari's bike it's fabulous just a bit different to ride
Mr Pheasant is so much better looking than Mrs and Mrs and Mrs.....
LOVE the acer!
Barbara did you see above 'our' family of pheasants includes a lot of Mrs's only one Mr :? There are loads in our village. I will try to get a pic of them up the lane on my walk if I can.
I am pleased to hear Niamh is coping ok with her slapped cheek and that she can go into school bless her. She probably caught it there anyway! It is odd isn't it?
Joan Did you get the press onto the Housing last year? Because it's getting close to that now. It had BETTER be fixed tomorrow :x
Love to everyone
Toni xx0 -
Hello Kathleen Aidan Toni Barbara
Kathleen that's good work doing all that writing thank you
Aidan I am so sorry you are going through such a lot.((((()))))
Happy Birthday to B I hope he has a good day.
Toni yes I am slim I'm on the go all day I don't like. doing nothing
How is Lucy I hope she's feeling better.
Barbara how is your daughter in law doing.(((())))
I hope you all have a good day
take care
Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Hello all (she said between mouthfuls) these pancakes are so delish Aidan, I think I need Nu nu. How you coped yesterday you brave boy. Especially when I got my jar out with my favourite spid Clarence. I put him out of your sight, but where the nurse could see him clearly. She blanched visibly so I had to put him away as I did't want her to faint and rearrange the f2f. Anyway, we just have to wait now and hope all goes well with the decision. I think it will Ducky. t4591
I'm glad you liked the recipes. Yes Toni, the igredients were selected as they all have bone strenghthening qualities. They will certainly help Lucy's bones. m0150
Joan, I have to confess that I didn't write it all out. :oops: I copied and pasted to save my hands. The same with the one below. It's from the British Heart Foundation, so good for Aidan and others with heart problems. t115006
Hot spiced pears
Category: Dessert | Serves: 2
Prep time: 10 minutes | Cooking time: 50-65 minutes
2 large Conference pears (each about 225g/8oz whole/unprepared weight)
150ml (1/2 pint) red wine (choose a vegetarian/vegan white wine if cooking for vegetarians/vegans)
4 tablespoons unsweetened orange juice
35g (1 1/4oz) light soft brown sugar
1 cinnamon stick, broken in half
2 star anise
Finely pared orange zest, to decorate (optional)
Preheat oven to 180ºC/fan 160ºC/gas mark 4. Carefully peel pears, leaving stalks intact and fruit whole. Place in an ovenproof dish, laying them on their sides.
Combine red wine, orange juice and sugar in a small saucepan. Heat gently, stirring until sugar has dissolved; bring to the boil. Tuck whole spices around pears; pour hot wine mixture over pears and turn them over a couple of times. Cover dish; bake for 45-60 minutes or until pears are softened, turning pears over once or twice during cooking.
Carefully lift pears out using a slotted spoon; place upright on serving dishes. Pour liquid back into saucepan (discarding spices); bring to the boil and boil rapidly for about 5 minutes or until it is reduced and thickened slightly. Spoon liquid over pears, dividing evenly; decorate with orange zest, if desired.
Serve hot or warm, or cool then chill before serving.
Try using other large dessert pears such as Packham pears in place of the Conference pears.
:animal_busy:"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Hi to all, what a lovely day, wall to wall sunshine, heavy frost first thing this morning. Soon melted away, in fact I have had my own personal summertime, with the dryer going, the grill on for the muffins, then the ironing........tatties steaming...........someone put me outside please :shock: :shock: m0150 m0150
Cooling off now.
Hi Toni, now, move away from the pancakes, enough is enough:shock: or is it, nah, keep going they are very yummy
t115006 t115006 Rainbow dew is only seen once in an eon of time, Silver is MOST impressed and there has been a fair few sparkles passing the windows, on the way to the ravine - wood nymphs from far and wide, coming to view the droplet of amazement t4591 t115006
it is suspended in its box, safely, it will never fade, nor dry. Sleek wants one in her ickle house, but understands the importance of this and what it means to the world of Unicorns and Nymphs
Mother has been named, as the greatest dew finder of modern times :shock::animal_busy: I will tell her when she wakes up :roll: :roll:
I did hear muffled applause, hopefully when I was saying the correct things. She asked about falls, I said, I stumble, many times, every day, falls are a great fear, hence I have my crutches / furniture etc as there is always a risk. She probably put, no falls, able to get about...................see, I am over analysing already
So Sleek won at Quidditch with the waste paper :shock: :shock: I wonder if she noticed her bin was full when we left
I kind of knew when my triglycerides were up high, that my statins would be on the way up. I went to 75% of max permitted dose last night and will hit the 100% tonight. I have taken them for 20 plus years now............. :? :?
I will mention to my GP about my hair falling out :? :? It was one patch on Sunday, then by yesterday, it was two patches:roll: :roll: Thank you for the magic squares, I saw them go under when my bed was made earlier. t115006 t4591
Bill says a big Thank You t4591 t4591 t4591 He is having a nice lazy day, just pootling while I fuss, helping as required, with muffins and the big grill, I cannot get to use it in the oven, the grill pan is as big as a tennis courtDad enjoyed his coffee and muffins with lashing or president butter and jam.
The poor lady pheasants are so dower, compared the males, who strut about, resplendent in their finery.
That is one of the acers, at the GC, planted around the entrance areas, they are lovely at all times of the year.
Choir tonight, or do you have a week off, after the concert? I hpoe Barbara has not forgotten.
Hi Joan and Sue, don't you worry hun, you have a lot of things to cope with at home, caring for Sue and making sure the doggies are out for walkies. I am ok, just a bit of a stressful time, when you feel like you are on trial, for being disabled :roll: :roll:
Bill says thank you, he is having a nice Birthday t4591 t4591 t115006
Glad you liked the pancakes Kath, I thought you mightI put about 100 out, not sure how many are left :? :? best put some by for our Barbara, she will be along later.
Oh I wondered why the nurse assessor went all pale, she must have seen Clarence, your pet spid-- :shock: Glad I didn't see him, or I would have fallen off the chair.
Ai, we av to wait now mi duck, nowt ya can do, to meck it any betta............
I will substitute cinnamon, for vanilla, with my pears, thank you kindly, they look lovelyGood for me too. t4591 t4591
Hope any ouchies are minimal.
Right, time is running away. I had best be making a move. Cup of T time and siesta needed.
Hi to Barbara Carol Elizabeth Kerrin Mig DD SW Toady Christine and all
Catch up again later, love and sparkles t4591 t115006 XX AidanXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Afternoon all
this is just a quick little post as been out since 9.15 this morning until just after 3pm at the Christian resources exhibition with Mr T. so just having a little chill out before going out to our usual church meal tonight. all is good with us problems all now solved. keys to be picked up on Tuesday. see you all under the cloak tomorrow at the dentist hope you have had the vacuum cleaning the cloak from cobwebs Toni as no spid**s allowed I will be too occupied too remove them if they escape
Must now have a little potter before going out
Love and Sparkles
t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006Stay positive always👍xx0 -
I have hoovered out the cloak ready for tomorrow Carol never fear!
Kath's Clarence (one of your pet sp****s who guard our bedrooms) has also done a quick once over so I know we are 8-legged friend-free inside the cloak!
We will be there for you no problem
Kath that is really good to know the recipes being so good for bonesLucy loves carrot cake anyway I think I am going to have ago! As for today's recipe Paul adores pears and red wine too :shock:
Aidan it is indeed choir practise tonight no rest for the wicked!! Sure Barbara will be ready
We are now preparing for the memorial service on 11th of November.
I do think Tosca will be so proud when she hears of her 'naming'. She was as quick as a flash according to Sleek. We'll have to get her an imitation droplet to keep in her ickle house bless her. t4591 t115006
Isn't it exiting that the droplet is in our ravine with our nymphs!! t115006
I am very pleased to hear B is having a lovely day. He deserves it and you are coping ok with the HUGE grill :shock: :?
So the applause wasn't too loud? Good because we were cheering too and laughing when Kath did that trick with her pet Sp***r!!
Oh yes the waste paper basket was soon full! A fair few paper quidditch balls failed to meet their mark too :oops:
I was wondering whether you would increase the satin does in one go or not. Well you would know with your understanding of tests and their meanings that things weren't quite right.
Right off to get ready for choir practise!
Toni xxx0 -
Hi to all - so, it is now chilly and the heating is the days change so quickly in Autumn. m0150 t110007 t120006
Hi Carol, glad you are all ok, with all things sorted, key collection etc.
Sounds like you had a busy day, then a quick turn around and now out for the Church meal. Feet up when you get home me thinks, or maybe a cuppa and off to bed. :animal_busy:
We will be there with you at the Dentist. I can vouch that Toni has immaculised the cloak to perfection, no errant spid--s lurking. We could not have one scuttle out while you have the Dentists hands in your mouth :shock: :shock:
Clarence (Kath's new friendly spid--) seems to have the bedrooms on full alert and is patrolling out of sight, so those of us who are a bit ninnyfied when it comes to 8 legs, are not shocked :roll: :roll: :?
Hi Toni, nope, no rest for the wicked. I am sure I saw Barbara going into the shed, or was it Sister Euphemia, who is supposed to be teetotal :shock: :? It was quite dark, so difficult to see clearly. Was there a wimple or not :? :? :?
The memorial service on the 11th, with reference to 100 years since the end of WW1. What will you be singing? Being nosy again.......... :roll: apologies
Mother was most honoured to receive the title, it was sent, via one of the Unicorn Ancients, that we cannot see. They are the elders of Silver and his family and treated with the greatest respect. Somewhere, deep in the Enchanted Forest, is a glade of unimaginable beauty, this is where they live. They are usually the keepers of rainbow dew, with it being so rare. For the Nymphs to have a protected droplet, is an ultra rare event.
Of course Miss Sleek can have a catsimilie of the droplet, for her ickle house - some rainbow crystal droplets, to hang in her house
B has enjoyed his day thank you. He was fine with the grill of large proportions:shock: the muffins were perfectly toasted
We are all under the cloak for Carol today, it is looking spotlessly clean, every room is gleaming
No Quidditch games, puskins must be quiet and calm. Mother will give one of her looks :? to keep order
How are Kari and Lucy, hopefully feeling a bit better t4591 t4591
Full whack of statins tonight, so far, ok. Might as well get on with taking them, it is a bit of Hobson's choice really. :roll: :roll:
Hi to Barbara - hope you are all ok, leaving some extra ((())) and some magic anti slapped cheek for Niamh t115006 I am sure she will be over it in no time at all. Toni is waiting for her, with dusters at the ready
Hi to Christine, Kerrin, Mig, DD, SW, Toady, Elizabeth and all.
We have a busy ish time ahead. B's Brother SIL and youngsters are coming up from London, to stay in Blackpool for the week. Stopping off here on the Sunday, after they have taken Dad out for lunch, B's other Brother will be coming too. We will be doing T and cakes in the afternoon.
Then Monday off to Skipton to meet up with Niece and her partner.
Wed we meet up again half way between here and Blackpool, at a big GC with BIL SIL and mini adultsI say mini, Nephew is taller than me, at 15 :shock: :shock:
I am tired, thinking about it all. Time for me to be pottering a little.
Off to the GC with Dad this morning, then a little shop and home again. Best stock up on coffee pods and diet coke, cakes and the like. The kids eat you out of house and home:roll:
Leaving lots of love and sparkles to all. Everyone take care t4591 t115006 XXX Aidan
Strawberry and Lemon Breakfast MuffinsXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Morning m0150 well it's pitch dark actually but maybe we'll see some sun later
Aidan thank you for breakfast it looks lovelyI love muffins
I wasn't at all sure whether Sister Euphemia (who was at choir practise) was a bit tiddly or not I rather think so wimple awry.....
Barbara made it as there was wine at practise AGAIN!!! we will be singing and unknown number of hymns to make me tear up with the congregation, but on our own:
Though the Mountains May Fall and a lovely WW1 Medley of all the popular songs of that era.
Oh my goodness me!! I think you told Tosca while I was out at choir because Paul said Sleek was making "A right racket while you were out" :shock: Sleek said that Pepe would have been so very very proud which set her off bawling because he's not here to see the award.
I have no doubt at all of the existence of unicorn elders and that where they live would be enchanting beyond our wildest imaginings t115006 Oooh! Thank you for the droplets they are hanging in Sleeks ickle house as we speak and make a musical chime if brushed against by a whisker.
I have reminded Sleek that no quidditch games will be allowed today. Peeples mouths are delicate :shock:
I am very pleased to hear B had a good day bless him he has to wait 365 days to do it all again....or is it a leap year :?
Thank you Lucy went into work yesterday and Kari is soldiering on. As you know having asthma things do not pick up so quickly. Oh yes but Paul has caught it now :?
Enjoy the GC today and your restocking then try to rest before the visitors arrive and next weeks gets turned upside down by all accounts!! Won't it be fabulous to see everyone, but tiring.
Barbara has Niamh been here again while I was out? The place is spotless and the hoover gently laid on the floor again??
Choir practise was good last night with wine as a reward for all our hard work.
Joan my fingers are crossed that the heating engineers sort the heating out this time :x
Carol the cloak is all ready for you see you there. I have a small cloak (pusskin size) but have popped a bush-baby inside incase you need a paw to hold (())
Love to everyone
Toni xx0 -
Good morning every one.
I hope your week has not been to bad and that you all have a good week end.
We have a man coming to fix the heating [we hope]Joan will let you know.
I see we have a bad winter coming.
lots of love speek to you next week.
Suetake care
joan xx0 -
m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150
My what a beautiful sunny morning now the fog has cleared, but so cold though, fluffy socks on, but wish i'd put my extra cardi on too. Think I'll nip out to jump into some leaves and warm up. Clarence has shood the other spids away so I won't be finding them in my knicker drawer again. :roll: t120005 t120005 t120005
Morning Sue, hope your heating man comes today to fix your heating. It's a bit like Groundhog day with your heating. If they'd fixed it properly last year....... Tut tut. I'll have to send Clarece round to watch they do the job properly.
Toni, your house is so musical, with the singing and now Sleek's droplets in her ickle house. On Talking Pictures they show an advert where you can buy CDs of lovely music. They are Ktel and have all kinds of old singers like Doris Day, Frankie Lane, Kay Starr - I can't remember them all there are so many. Oldies but goodies I think Jimmy Young used to cal them. Or was it Terry Wogan?
What's the recipe today Jim?
Chevdo - roasted
Category: Starter/snack, Snack/side dish | Serves: 8
Prep time: 5 minutes | Cooking time: 15-20 minutes
50g/2oz cornflakes
50g/2oz oat flakes with fruit
25g/1oz bran flakes
25g/1oz roughly crushed shredded wheat
25g/1oz raw peanuts
1 tablespoon sultanas
75g/3oz puffed rice
175g/6oz roasted daria (channa)
2 tablespoons rapeseed oil
1 dried red chilli
1 x 2.5cm/1in cinnamon stick
3 whole cloves
1/2 teaspoon mustard seeds
1/2 teaspoon cumin seeds
1 teaspoon sesame seeds
1 teaspoon coriander seeds
1/2 teaspoon asafoetida
1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder
5 tablespoons fresh coriander, chopped
1 teaspoon sugar
2 tablespoons lemon juice
1/2 teaspoon chilli powder
Pre-heat the oven to gas mark 6, 200°C (400°F). Mix the corn flakes, oat flakes and bran flakes, shredded wheat, peanuts, sultanas, puffed rice and daria. Transfer the mixture to a large baking tray and place in the oven for about 10 minutes.
Heat the oil in a large saucepan, add the dried red chilli, cinnamon and cloves, along with the mustard, cumin, sesame and coriander seeds.
When the seeds start to pop, add the asafoetida, turmeric, coriander, sugar and lemon juice. Turn the heat off and add the cereal mixture and chilli powder and mix well. Store in an airtight container for up to 3-4 weeks.
Cook's tips
For a healthy snack, serve with finely chopped onions and tomatoes. Add extra lemon juice and chillies to taste.
Glad Barbara made it to choir practise, but hope she didn't fall off her stool."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Morning all I thought I posted yesterday.. :? :? they will take me away soon :shock:
Aiden the stress is awful sorry it has made things worse for you..they dont take this into consideration..I hope the statins dont make you poorly ..mine are at 40 and I hope they stay there..its the same her it runs in the familyI hope the meds brings down Bs blood pressure..bless maybe that is dont to the stress..
We did did very well..
A belated Happy Birthday to B..sorry I missed it but here are some flowers for him t69044 t4591 you do have a busy time ahead so hopefully you can rest before hand..I can still feel your relief when you got to the T rooms..
I do love the rainbow dew..
now the acers mine are just turning colour..but much smaller than the one at your GC lovely is that..thankyou for the muffins ..I needed to cups of Tea to go with them..
Toni its all go again then for you ..I hope that Lucy is feeling a little better and her cut healing Niamh has been round again .. all she asked is you make her something to eat..she has a good appetitesorry I was late for choir..
Joan and Sue I hope that heating is sorted today..I have everything crossed for you..
Carol we will be under the cloak for the dentist..or am I to late..hope its all goes well for you..
Kath I haven't had a spiced pear for years..thankyou for the recipe
Now I had better moved
Love to everyone t4591 t115006 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
Afternoon to all, turned out quite bright and sunny, after a frosty night. Heating was on this morning.
Talking of heating, Hi Sue and Joan, I do hope that the engineer has fixed your heating, otherwise I am sending my Aunt and Uncle round, who live in your home town, she is a tour de force and takes no prisoners :shock:Old fashioned ward Sister, a bit like myself
Did you manage to get into town, or was it a wait in day, for the boiler / radiator man?
Hi Toni, glad you enjoyed the muffins
Ahh, Sister Euphemia has been known to enjoy a little too much wine, on occasions. Sounds like choir practice was one of those times. :roll: :roll: Lucky the wimple was still attached
I am sure you will tear up with the congregation, I was just the same when I played for services, funerals, well, I was totally unable to see and had to play from memory :? :?
A medley of songs from WW1 will be lovely though. t4591
Yes, Mother told Sleek while you were out, hence the racket, from the pair of them, Mother was up and down for biscuits and drinks and the "powder room", lots of jumping onto Daddy's legs in bed :shock: :roll: :roll:
Silver has told Mother, that Pepe is very pleased and happy for her t4591 t115006 - Sleek was informed this morning when they went up onto Pendle, to gather frosted dew, (another very highly regarded dew, by the Nymphs) t115006
They have to get it to the ravine, before it melts, so Sleek was down off the hill at breakneck speed, Mother had her eyes shut tight :? :? :shock:
The crystal drops look lovely in her ickle house, Mother went through the gate, to have a look t4591
No games allowed under the cloak, it was good to be there to assist Carol with her dental appointment, puskins were very composed. Bush baby was very helpful as chief hand holder, bless.
I would have to look if next year is a leap year 2020 so Google says
Good to hear that Lucy has gone to work today and Kari is improving, steadily. No, it is not easy, when you have asthma on top of things, not at all. Many ((()))
We will rest as much as we can (says me, who can relax in an instant :shock: :shock: :shock: :roll: :roll: ) Before we hit the ground running, from Sunday...........
Hi Kath, so you had fog did ya mi duck, warrit a pea souper
It is beautiful now, lovely Autumn day, I see you have been leaping into leaves again t120005 t120005
I hope Clarence, scares the heating engineer into action at Joan and Sue's, it needs sorting, asap.
We love Doris Day, films, songs, wonderful...................... t4591
That recipe for chevdo sounds very nice indeed, what a lot of ingredients, I will have some of the one that it already prepared, thank you kindly. Tastes lovely
Hi Barbara, don't worry, they are not coming to take you away, although I did see a man in a white coat
Stress is my middle name :roll: :roll: I have lost patches of hair before. B made sure the lady was aware that cancelling one appointment at the last minute had caused my hair to fall out in patches. Go Bill
I have a low belly ache today, which is the statins, 80 is a big dose. I have some capsules of colofac I can take, to limit the side effects. I will get used to them, I have been some form of statin for the last 20 odd years :roll:
Thank you for the Birthday greetings for BillHis BP has always been on the high side and with the ongoing stresses it is no wonder it is a bit higher than normal. Mine is in my boots, thank goodness.
The relief at getting to our home town T rooms, was immense. We never smoke in the car, but, when we left the pip place, we made an exception to the rule, it was extenuating circumstances for sure. Mind you, I burnt a hole in my troosers in the process :shock: :roll: :roll:I didn't care either
Our acers are as bald as coots now, I think with them being in big pots, they seem to loose their leaves quicker than ones in the ground. Lovely colours though, I do love Autumn / Winter.
You are welcome to the muffins, two cups of T is always a good idea
I read that Niamh has been round to Toni's and done the cleaning, bless her. I am certain Toni will feed her anything that Niamh fancies, she will spoil her for sure t115006 t115006 Just like Nan does
Carol, I hope all went well under the cloak, we were all very quiet, although the bush baby did squeak a little. :shock: hopefully the dentist thought it was his chair / stool. ((())) for any ouchies.
Right, I had best be seeing what we have for a little sweet treat for Friday evening.
I will call back later, Love and sparkles to everyone, in and about. Time for a potter about. XXXX Aidan
Strawberry Cream Slices - I think they will be messyXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0
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