Val's Cafe
Rheumy nurse just rang. New appointment 29th October 9am. Just need to book transport. Been struggling to read my screen all afternoon, just realised I'm wearing the wrong glasses. :roll:
t120006"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Afternoon to all - A very blowy day it has been, leaves flying all over the place t120005 t120005 I am sure I saw Kath heading for a fresh pile of horse chestnut leaves, that were raining down. :shock: :shock: t120006 t120006
Hi Joan and Sue - the first heart attack was what they call a silent one - I was not aware that I had had it. The cardiologist had me on marching on the treadmill while I was wired up, then he stopped it and said, use this GTN and rest. There is a problem. :shock: :shock:
He wanted to admit me that day, the Friday, but I said no, I want to go home and I will come to the ward on Monday. Which I did. Somewhere between the Friday and the Monday, the heart trace showed that I had had a heart attack.
The second one, was not silent by any means, I was in agony and on a blue light to coronary care. I would not wish that pain on anyone. That heart attack did a lot more damage. But, I bounced back, well, not sure I bounced.........I did two cardiac rehabs, have had 7 angiogrammes, two stents umpteen balloon angio.............My cardio said I was his veteran in the cardiac catheter suite :shock: :shock: :roll: :roll:
I am still plodding along, obviously OA has taken a big hold on me now, so I am limited in my mobility. I do get some angina pains, but the spray takes them away. I would never hesitate to call 999, if the angina did not ease.
Aidan, enough rambling on............. :roll: :roll:I am so glad your heating is working well, we should have a party really, to celebrate, how many years is it now............... :roll: :roll:
Good to hear that Dad is improving Kath, his eye will be sore, it soon settles though and everything will seem super bright and clear after a while. Bless him.
It has been blowing a hooly today, don't blame you for not wanting to sit on the benches t110007 t110007 t110007
Anita and Toni can eat all our share of the OlivesWe can just have deep fried mushrooms for hors d'hourve
Extra hugs for the ouchies in the hips. ((())) t115006 Thank you for the hugs too, I need them for my back. I have done a little too much "helping" with the car cleaning :roll: :roll:
We went to the bigger garage in town, they have several bays of jet and hot brush washes, which you do yourself. B was super busy with the lance and the hot brushes, suds everywhere, wind howling, I was drenchedt111055 t110007 I was going round with a toothbrush, the cars nooks and crannies were green with algae OH THE SHAME :shock: :shock: :oops: :oops:
I kept feeding money into the machine, until the car was scrubbed, waxed and done to a T. Then moved over to the vacuum and removed half of the Ribble Valley from the carpets
Then home and a layer of wax on the bonnet, boot and roof, just to finish off. So Bette, is looking as good as new bless herI can barely walk and my back is screaming, but, we have a clean car :? :?
The vegan chickpea roast tatties looks wonderful, I will have a sweet chilli sauce please and thank you in advance
We missed you Barbara, I was going to send out a little search party...........
So your telegraph pole was down and a new one put up, then no internet, that figures :roll: :roll:
Then the Drs, so no ideas why you are going off kilter, despite the tests. A spinal tap / lumbar pucture..... ok, we will be with you for that, for sure. Usually minimal discomfort, after the local injection, you can get a headache afterwards, which is reduced as you normally lie down for an hour or so.
A memory test, oh dear, I will come with you on that one, we can help each other out, we will get better scores
You will be fine with that, I just know t4591 t115006 t115006
I am sure we will have a nice time, meeting back up with family, tomorrow at the HUGE GC, Barton Grange, which is more like a mini Disneyland. It will be full to bursting with everything Christmas and sparkly t115006 t115006 I am not buying, but I might take some piccies
I guess is will be super busy too, with the children off school, but, never mind. They have lots of buggies, so I will be off and away
As long as they have chips, scones and half decent coffee, I am sorted, just leave me in a corner
Dad will be reminded umpteen times tomorrow, that his B and SIL are coming in the evening. He has food in, we made sure of that and will take him to Sainsb on the way home, to get any last minute things.
The house was gleaming on Sunday Barbara, still is pretty tidy to be honest, just the drying going round, had to wash the dirty car cloths twice, polish is very smelly to get rid of in the wash. All done now though.
Enjoy all the cakes, the mousse cake and the triple berry buns and the lovely jacket tatties from Kath.............................we are spoiled rottenrightly so.
I see the booth was a mess, did Toni forget to press the wash button? :shock: :shock: that is most unlike her, I best go check.
You would pay a deal more for a Sunday roast in a bar / restaurant, so good value if it is all cooked to perfection and more than ample portions.
Where did the spid--s go? :? :? :? have they been moved on by Clarence and Florence? Kath will know, or Carol..............Not knowing where they are, after seeing them in hiding, is a scary thought :shock: :shock:
Niamh will be there tomorrow, for a sleep over, she will soon have your dusting and vacuuming done t4591 t4591
Thermal vest, well, it will get chilly, just don't wear it when you are out in the sunshine m0150 m0150 :shock: :shock:
Hi again Kath, just seen your post on FB, that's good, to have your appointment for Monday, we will be with you and you are wearing the wrong glasses at the moment, oooops 8) 8) :roll: :roll:
Hi to Toni, hope your back is not too bad, if it is like mine, then keep up with the pills :roll: :roll: But, we have to do things, we are a determined lot, are we not.
Hi to Kari and Lucy and Paul of course, hope Lucy and Kari are improving t4591 t115006
Sleek did come over, through the gate this morning, what a clatter it was, getting her broom through :roll: :roll:
It was blowing a big gale on top of Pendle, so Hermione cast a spell of protection, to keep them safe from the winds. They gathered some more heather, which the Nymphs will use on the tables and also for dying the threads they use to make the magic squarest115006 t115006
Mother has just come in shrieking, so best go see what is to do. Pilchards for lunch, so she was very happy Lady.
Hi to Carol Kerrin Christine Mig DD, Sw Toady Elizabeth and all
Will call back later - love and sparkles t4591 t115006 XX Aidan
Chocolate and Orange BattenburgXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Good evening everyone
Aidan I hope you are still reminding poor old Dad about his visitors!! I hope it’s gone in anyway by now. Sounds like it has.
Now be fair would I have missed that fabulous mousse-cake!!!
Sleek and Mother were a bit worried despite the Spell of protection and avoided Pendle this morning. Sleek used the gate and they stayed in looking through…you guessesd it! CAT a logues!! Expect them over later they have recorded some telly…some reality show about cats…’paws for thought’ I think it’s called. About a group of young cats with Essex accents….?? Sleek has the ‘sweets’ ready.
I am sorry to hear Mother is a bit stiffer and slower than usual, but she is doing fine if she still chirrups ‘hello’ can jump on Daddy’s legs and of course enjoys her food. We have rather spoiled them methinkswell why not? They are our babies!!
My back sounds a lot like yours and will ease back to 'normal levels' soon enough yes I am still taking the tablets.
Saw Kari today for a cuppa after I went to steno. Mrs D had a sleep on my lap bless her. Kari getting nervous about her FTF on Thursday. :?
Lucy and Paul are fine as ever m0150 thank youI hope B is ok too?
Chocolate and orange battenburg!! Lovely will it still have marzipan around it? Pinkies methinks for this one.
Hi Joan My back is easing thanks don’t worry about me. So Sue has a basket like me on the front of her bike! I am so glad you are both finally warm enough with all rads working!!!
Kath thanks for the vegan jackets – I have taken one for Kari too
Good news your Dad is doing so very well Amazing isn’t it? :shock:
I like olives now myself and Lucy ate them over and over until we actually LIKE them now!! :roll:
Yes pilchard smelling salts very effective!!!
I managed my walk just a short one it’s cold :shock: VERY pleased you have a new appointment with R nurse. As for your glasses that did make me laugh at lease your eyes are ok!
Barbara that’s awful I just realised you have to have further tests due to your imbalance!! We’ll be with you 1000% just let us know when you need us. Not sure about memory tests though :? :? :?
Now that is very odd because I did press the ‘start’ button in the booth…..wonder who used it after me :?
You are in for a busy half-term I am sure Niamh will enjoy herself.
I wonder whether the baby sp****s have maybe moved out of home? Or do you think being spotted scared Mother S****r and she decided to hide somewhere you can’t find them?
See you all later t115006 t4591 t115006 t4591
Toni xxx0 -
Evening all
Waffles mousse cake and lots of other good things oh had to have a good splat in them.
not had much time to post in the last couple of days but I will update you all tomorrow as have not got time now. as it is pottering time. then tablet time and bedtime.
Aidan I think Clarence and Florence must have sorted the Family of Spids that were at Barbara's they are very efficient.
t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 for you all and some extra leaves for kath to dive into t120006 t120006 t120006 t120005 t120005 t120005Stay positive always👍xx0 -
Still rather blowy here, but not overly chilly.
Yes, Dad seems to have it logged in now Toni, that family are coming to stay with him today. Not arriving till later in the evening, so we can enjoy our time at Barton Grange, with B and SIL, plus grumpy teenagers
No, you would never have missed the mousse cake, just the wash button on the booth :shock:
The intrepid Pendle duo must have asked Hermione to gather some heather, telling me they had been up there when it was blowing a gale, little fibbers :roll: :roll:
A puskin reality show, with Essex accents, well gellots of super Daz white teeth, long acrylic claws and way too much fake tan on their fur :shock: :shock:
I wondered why the sweet dish was empty every time I go in the bedroom :? :? they are rather partial, our Sleek and Mother.
Oh yes, Mother is still jumping from her bed on the dressing table, onto my legs, then a shriek, then some sweets, then jump back up onto my bed and back across. t4591 t115006 she has a great appetite and is TOTALLY spoiled, our eldest baby t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006
We do have glass backs, well, crumbling glass :roll: :roll: things do settle a bit, then we do something extra and off it goes again. Keep up the tablets, quite right too t115006 t115006
Nice to have a catch up with Auntie Kari (you don't mind me calling her Auntie Kari, tell me if you do)?
Sending extra calming magical squares over, scattering them all around and in her new chair too. I can totally sympathise with her about her f2f t4591 t115006 t115006 Just say it like it is and make sure you have someone with you, don't be afraid to move if you need to, don't do things that you feel you cannot do.
We will be there with her, in the sound proof cloak, so we can shout and sw--r and applaud as necessary
Glad Lucy and Paul are ok, Charley and Tia too
B is ok too, a bit achy from all the scrubbing and immaculising of Bette. No rain now, we don't want puddles and muck on the car............ :roll: :roll:
Was it me, who didn't press start on the booth................I know Barbara said it was a right could well have been me, I was totally covered in mousse cake and went off to the showers. Oh the shame, first a filthy car, now leaving a manky booth. :? :? :oops: I have been in and totally immaculised it, top to bottom.
We will certainly be there with our Barbara, for any further tests. t4591 t4591
Hi there Carol - looking forward to hearing your news, pottering, pills and bedtime, are all importantHope you sleep well
Good to hear that Clarence and Florence have been efficient in the removal of the spid--s from Barbara's house. Where did they go to though :shock: :? :? :?
Well, I guess I had better be moving and pottering a bit.
Not sure if I will get to post in the afternoon, being out and about with family, then some shopping on way home...........the day will be gone. But, I will appear later
Leaving hugs and love and sparkles to all t115006 t4591 everyone take care XXXX Aidan
Blueberry Breakfast PolentaXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Super-fruit for breakfast Aidan? mmmm….rather lovely!
I'm sure it wouldn't have been either of us in the booth.... :? we wouldn't have forgotten to press the button :? somebody too small to reach the button maybe???????
Enjoy your time with the B and SIL today (hope the teenagers behave :roll: ) it looks like Dad is ready for his visitors
The wind is really bad here today t110007 so it must have moved down here Sleek and Mother did brave Pendle and got extra heather to make up for yesterday's 'day off'They don't know we know
Not a word. Sleek has a packet of 'sweets' to bring with her later they are binge watching that programme. You know the one? Just be careful incase Mother starts using fake tan it ruins the shower :shock: They can paint their claws and use photoshop to make their teeth white, but I draw the line at fake tan!!
Mother sounds to be doing just fine. Let's hope she keeps on like that for a good few more years t4591 t4591 t4591
Kari is always Auntie Kari so that's fine. Apart from Charley who decided a few years ago to call her 'Aunt' KariThought she was too grown up maybe
She sill say it as it is I hope for her ftf, but as you can imagine is already stressed about it. She has ME going with her :shock: I won't let her down. I will let her know she has invisible back-up and plenty of it too
Bette being immaculate is a big worry to me! Reminds me that Dudley is filthy :oops: :oops: :oops: He needs a good hoovering, but no way am I up to that ATM :roll: He'll have to wait a bit.
I bet Clarence and Florence have rehomed Barbara's sp***r family to a nice warm sp***r friendly home somewherePerfect! Everyone is happy m0150
A quick woo-ooo! to Joan!
Love to everyone else
Toni xx0 -
Hello Kathleen Aidan Barbara Toni
Kathleen I'm sorry you have pain I hope it calms down soon(((())))
Aidan I'm sorry you have had all that wrong it must have been frightening is it all under control now(((())))
Barbara a memory test that's different I wonder what they will find(((())))
Toni good luck to Kari with her appointment (((()))) and Charley.
take care
Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Ok so I know that I have not been in the cafe for a while but I cannot find the cauldron searched everywhere for it if you borrowed it please return it its time to start brewing .0
1 Check I have the correct glasses on.
2 scoff some of that amazing Battenburg - thank you Aidan.
3 I see Mig's cauldron is missing. Could Clarence and Florence have nicked it for the spid family? You never know.
Oh blimey 5 days, and still no BHF website. Right just off to hunt for a nice meal for us. How about vegetarian Hungarian Goulash with Dumplings? to me she said licking her lips. :P
So someone used the booth and didn't switch it to clean! :shock: It wasn't me- was it? Oh I hope not. :oops:
As it wasn't quite as windy, we went to the benches for ice cream. No, the ice creams were from the Co-op. We ate them on the benches. :roll:
t120005 t120006 t120006 t120006 t120005"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Evening all
Have missed you all the last couple of days was very busy yesterday and didn't get on the laptop until early evening then it started mucking me around and not working properly oh well the joys of technology.
I spent a lot of the day Monday and yesterday knitting my scarf and hat sets finished one scarf yesterday and then realised I had made a big error in it and in trying to correct it I completely ruined it, so I will need to do it again right from the start good job I brought more wool than I needed. so I have now re started it. hope I will be able to get them done in time, if not I will just have to buy GS's little ones something instead.
I will be popping in when I can but its knitting every time I sit down even in coffee shops.
Knitting group was ok and I did a good bit of my scarf so happy with that
Aidan Florence is keeping quite about where the family of spids went all she will say is they are safe and warm. maybe in cauldron perhaps Kath yes I do sleep well so being busy is not all that bad.
Toni Florence and Clarence are being very quite about the spid family only saying they are safe and warm. :?: :? Tell Auntie Kari we will be with her under the cloak especially as it scoops us all up and whisks us away to wherever we are needed.
Mig if you find the cauldron you might need to check that Clarence and Florence mine and Kaths pet Spid**s have not put a family of Spid**s in there for safe keeping.
time for a little potter and then maybe some more knitting
Love and sparkles and leaves t4591 t115006 t120005 t120006Stay positive always👍xx0 -
Hi to all, ooh, what a long day................. :shock: I will get to that in a while
Hi there Toni, no, I am pretty sure it wasn't me that left the booth in a state :? :? certainly not you either. Who is little and cannot reach the button, well, me, if I slipped in all the mousse :shock:
Dad is ready, visitors have duly arrived safe and sound, he has bought just about every cake and treat imaginableWe will meet up in the morning and go into town to the T rooms, for cakes and coffee.
It has been breezy, but not too bad, until now, it has picked up a pace, changing the weather, it is going to be very cold by the week end t110007 t110007 t110007
I noticed there was some Heather on Mothers bed of many blankets, so I knew they had been up to Pendle. There is not a lot left now, to gather, but the nymphs will store what is brought for them, in magic jars. t115006 t115006
Oh my, they are binge watching the only way is catessex :shock: :shock: they will be talking all funnyI cannot see any fake tan, a little bottle of sparkling pink claw varnish and teeth whitening kits :? :? :?
Mother was full of shrieks when we arrived home, bless her socks t4591 t4591
That's lovely, I will carry on calling Kari, Auntie Kari t4591
We will be there, at the f2f, have no worries about that and you by her side. I could not have gone through with it without B there, even though the assessor was pleasant.
I know just how you are feeling Auntie Kari, it is rotten what they put us through and then after it, they make us wait weeks and weeks, to see if they deem us entitled to some small amount of £ help.
I had a look at my alopecia, with aid of mirrors, it is quite a patch that has vanished. That was due to them cancelling the first appointment and then waiting another 2 plus weeks for the next one. :? :? :roll:
It did rain a little overnight, so we thought Bette would be filthy, surprisingly no, the rain seemed confined to the park :shock: so no mucky puddles and after 60 miles, she is still as clean as a whistle.
Dudley will be fine, no overdoing it with the glass back, you know what we are like.................. :roll: :roll: :? :?
I will just pop this picture on, I took it today in the melee that was the GC come Disneyland - I had toI wanted THEM ALL t115006 t115006 t115006
Hi Joan and Sue and the lovely doggies. B's Aunt and Uncle are up from Swindon now, staying until the week end. We will see them this morning and go for coffee, cakes and a big natterAuntie Joyce was a ward Sister, so we like to talk about the good old days of nursing.
I think most of my health problems are as controlled as they can be, I am on max tablets for most, ie cardiac, OA COPD etc etc. Keep taking the pills, they keep me going, literally.
Hope you are both nice and warm, keep snug, as it is going to be cold by the week end. t4591
Hi Mig, lovely to see you, now, the Cauldron, mmmmmmmmmm, not quite sure, let me go look
Is this the one, it was out in the back field for some reason - there are lots of cobwebs in it and spid--s too :shock: :shock: It is indeed, time for the brewing to commence :shock: :shock: :shock: t115006
Hi Kath, good, you can see us, that is a bonuseating cake, excellent,
I found the cauldron, it is full of spid--s, relatives of Clarence and Florence apparently. They have left now, just the cobwebs inside, to start Migs potion a brewing.
No, you would not leave the booth in a state, surely
I think it might have been me, I slipped in all the mousse, landed on the cushion soft floor and was winched out by two strong men and a wheelbarrow. So, I might have forgotten to press "WASH" ooops.
The veggie Goulash sounds delightful, oh yes, with veggie dumplings too. Where is my spoon...............................Do you remember when we were always running out of spoons in the cafe, that seems SO long ago :shock: :shock:
Hugs for any ouchies ((())) t115006 t120005
Glad you enjoyed your ice creams, from the Co Op, on the benches
Hi Carol We have missed you too, you are a busy lady, so other things, like life, get in the way :shock:
Then the laptop went and did strange things, I bet that pleased you no end - NOT :roll: :roll:
Oh dear then the knitting went askew - did Mr T have to take cover as the needles went west :? :?
I hope you manage to get back on track, but as you say, you can always get the GS little ones something else if needs be
I had to advise the spid--s to leave the cauldron, otherwise they would end up in Migs brewing process :shock: :? :? They are the ones from Barbara's I think, they are in the barn now, up in a corner, watching :shock: :shock:
Right, Thursdays trip out.
Off we go, to meet up with BIL SIL and teenagers. Uneventful journey, about 40 minutes from here to Barton Grange. (worth Googling)
Lots of disabled parking, so that was handy, plus there was one buggy left to borrow.
Family arrived, a little late, but not to worry. The place was absolutely packed to the rafters, I have never seen so many people and children. With it being half term, that made it all the more hectic.
Pootled through some of the festive decorations, as you can see from the photo's, I found the Unicorns t115006 t115006
Let's head for the cafe...............ok, cafe is now closed, as there is no further room available...........(it is a huge canteen really) so people were already queuing for it to re open.
There is a waitress service restaurant adjacent, so we moved to there, yes, if you come back in one and a half hours, we will have a table for the 7 of you.
Matron was not pleased and was getting a bit frazzled by the amount of people around. Sack this, let's go, enough of this already.
Open google maps, places to eat nearby, pick one in Garstang, just a little way off, so we went there and it was absolutely wonderful, a gorgeous bistro / bar, the coffee was out of this world, the food was amazing, we were destined to go, I am sure of it. t115006 t115006
Had a little wander on the cute high street, nice and flat, lovely shops, went into the Air Ambulance charity shop, got some nice Christmas cards. Said our cheerio's to family, as they are heading home on Friday.
The youngsters were not too moodyjust teenagers, as we all were............
Didn't get home until 4pm, so we were done in. Could not wait to get horizontal and take the pressure off the bones.
A gentle day today me thinks. Local, less frantic and more reposed, at the T rooms.
Well. I am shouting, not me, my bones.............time for another potter. Must move, or I will be like Mrs Overall.
Leaving lots of love and sparkles to everyone, in and about. t4591 t115006 t4591 Take lots of care. XXXX Aidan
I will have to pop breakfast on another post, I am up to my quota of pictures. XXXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Breakfast today, are
Brown Butter Walnut and Chocolate Chip Oat Bakes
XX t4591XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
2 breakie bars in my bag for myself and Auntie Kari although I suspect Kari won't want hers until after the F2F
Thanks Aidan
Will reply later, but thanks to all of you for being with us this morning/lunchtime for Kari's FTF. She is terrified to say the least. I will be picking her up at 9.30 and we will arrive probably an hour early. She would rather that.
I know the cloak will bring you directly to the assessment place :?
Love to you all
Sorry to be in a rush
Toni xxx0 -
Hello Mig Kathleen Carol Aidan Toni
Mig it's nice seeing you I hope you are having a good week.
Kathleen yes stew and dumplings would be good for dinner thank you.
Carol sorry about your knitting it will be right in the end.
Aidan sorry they could not fit you all in but you found a good place((()))
Toni I hope Kari's test goes well we will be thinking about you both((()))
take care all love to Barbara
Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Morning all..sorry I missed yesterday I need to get a grip :shock:
Carol what a busy time you are having..sorry your knitting was ruined..but knowing you it will be resolved soon..
Toni I will be under the cloak today for Kari (())..its awful the stress they are causing people :x I hope it all goes well for her..yes a memory test for me.. :? :? glad to hear your back is a little better but please be careful..
Kath is jumping in leaves ..think I will join you and glad to hear you have your appointment..
Joan and Sue are nice and warm..Joan I dread to think what they will find in my head..or not find..
hope you are all doing ok..
Mig sorry I have been using the cauldron for soup ..will bring it back before Halloween..hope you are doing ok ..anymore trips on the horizon
Aiden what an awful time you have had with your health..I have heard about the heart pain..must be horrendous..then all those ops..but like you say you bounced back ..well in a fashion :shock: (()) t4591
so the car is gleaming..I do like the car washes but OH doesn't so he takes it to a garage down the rd now that does a took some talking into I shall tell you..glad you all got something nice to eat at the bistro..I can imagine how busy the GC was..we are staying clear of ours.. :shock:
can you imagine the two of us having a memory test ..they would take the doctor away :shock: :shock:
Right will help myself to some of the goodies you have left..a cuppa anyone
Love to all... t4591 t115006 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
I'm back inside now, jumping into leaves is fun, but tiring. So I'm having a sit down and having a cuppa with a breakfast bar, thank you Aidan. How brave of you speaking to the spids and asking them to vacate the cauldron. Mig will have a good start for her brew.
Got to go, my security stuff has all shut down, so must go and sort it out.
Tata for now. xxxx"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Phew! I am exhausted heaven knows how tired Kari must be
Thank you all so much for being under the cloak it makes such a huge difference doesn't it?
We went to Nero's afterwards and had a coffee and falafel wrap YUM
Then we tried on some of our Mum's perfume to remember her. Shalimar by Gerlain… nostalgia
Sorry I can't hang about just realised it's choir tonight nd we have a new song to practice and of course have yet to cook tea. :roll:
I hope everyone is as well as possible and thank you again
Toni xx0 -
Afternoon to all - a funny, drizzly day here, Pendle is shrouded in mists, so the puskins had a wail of a time this morning, gathering a bucket load of mist. As it gets nearer to Halloween, the mists become stronger :shock: :? :?
I hope our presence under the cloak was felt, for you Toni and for Auntie Kari - mountains of hugs ((())) and sparkles t115006 t115006 we were cheering at several pointsand one point were there was a little episode of rude words, but not too many :shock: :shock: :?
You will both need the yummy bars, for when things are over. I can totally feel for Kari and it is nerve wracking for you as well :? :? I am feeling a bit of shouting from your back, tension does not help us at all.................. t4591 t115006
Don't worry about being in a rush. Sleek said that Mummy and Auntie Kari were going to meet strange peeples, in another land :shock: :shock: She is about right there
Hi Joan and Sue, it worked out better, yesterday, going to the lovely little Bistro, rather than being in the chaos at the GC come bun fight. We won't be going there again. I don't do manic crowds of people. :shock: :roll: :roll:
Don't you worry about missing a day Barbara, you have plenty to keep you busy at the moment, with the school holidays and Niamh being a resident cleanert4591 t4591
It was madness at the GC over near Garstang, never again, once bitten, twice shy as they say. We are at our GC on Saturday, meeting up with my bestie from years back, we used to work together, we got into so much trouble for laughing and messing aboutShe is still as mad as a box of wasps, her hubby, just goes along with things, he is so laid back, bless him.
Absolutely I will be there for your memory test, it will be one to remember that's for sure, that's if we remember to turn upThey might well take the Dr away, for therapy :? :? :?
Cuppa, I will, thank you kindly, it will go nicely with the pumpkin pie with cream. I dare not go near the booth, for fear of not pressing the button again, oh, the shame :oops: :oops: :oops:
I was very brave Kath, I spoke to the spid--s on a megaphone, from a long distance awaythey soon scarpered into the beams of the barn. The Owls are watching them now :? :?
Glad you are happily diving into the leaves t120005 t120005 t120005
Hugs for any ouchies, ((())), you can never have too many t4591 t4591
You are welcome to the yummy bars and thank you for the pumpkin pie, one of my fav. Toni will be in there like a shot.
Did the computer shut down / ?? hope all is ok, security wise XX
We went round to Dads to meet up with Aunt and Uncle, then we all headed into town (in two cars) the T room was very quiet, almost had the place to ourselves for a while. Coffee, scones, cakes, all very lovely.
They are coming round in the afternoon tomorrow, for cakes and a natter, before heading back south on Saturday
Hi there Toni, I see you are back at home now, singing, while cooking tea, ready for choir tonight, I forgot to remind Barbara - she will remember I am sure.
It was a pleasure to be there for you and Auntie Kari t4591 t4591
Coffee and falafel wraps, very nice indeed, and very necessary.
You will be super tired and ready for bed, early doors tonight.
We treated ourselves to a freshly cooked chicken, from Booths today. Our monthly meaty meal. The rest of the time it is veggie and cheeses really. I will not eat red meat now. I was veggie for many years, so I don't miss it. Fish is ok and the very occasional chicken.
Well, it is raining now t111055 t111055 Pendle has vanished completely :?
Ironing done, glad it is out of the way. Some drying going round.
Time to potter away, so love and sparkles to one and to all t4591 t115006 will catch up again later XXX AidanXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Found the cauldron out in the field allsorts of strange things floating in it so will leave them there ,haven't cleaned it out might add to the power so whatever nasties you have around just chuck em in BUT be careful not to splash yourselves.0
Hi to all
Is that singing I can hear - I believe it is, Toni and Barbara and I thought I saw Sister Euphemia darting into the shed, wimple in hand :shock: :shock:
So glad you have the cauldron back in your care Mig. I will have a root round in the garden and see what I can find, to go in the brew. I have left some old wash tongues, to put the "items" into the pot, so as not to splash ourselves, Mig has warned us not to touch the "mixture" :? :? :?
I have some moulding leaves and extra cobwebs, plus some bat drop---gs to set things going :shock:
Now, I can still hear singing, so choir must have gone quite well. Barbara was singing like a Lark in Springtime
Hope you are also managing to rest a bit, after a traumatic day assisting Auntie Kari with her f2f. Lots of t115006 t115006 for everyone. Some more anti ouchie squares, (with heather flowers in)
Sleek was over at siesta time, she flew through the gate, not sure if there was an intruder in her garden...........Mother had sent her a text, to say that there was fresh cooked chicken in the house, maybe that was the reason for the high speed
A lot of shrieking and jumping onto the bed, making sure that Daddy could not sleep :roll: :roll: :roll:
Then Mrs Darcey appeared, to report that her Mummy had had a very tiring and stressful day, so Mother got her spell book out and sent a wave of calm to her house t115006 t115006 t4591 her wand is a lot better now, after so long under her bed of many blankets
I hope you are doing ok with the knitting Carol, catching up from where things went a bit askew :? :? Is it lunch with Mr T today and then coffee in the afternoon, best carry your knitting with you at all times
Hi to Barbara, Kerrin, Christine, Toady, Elizabeth, DD, SW and all, in and about.
A quiet evening here, just pottering and browsing and some more pottering. Tennis on in the background.
At home today, Aunt Uncle and Dad will appear after lunch, with carrot cake
Hair cuts are due this morning, cake and hair done, what a treat t4591 t4591
Right, I must away, I am setting. It is quite chilly out and very damp t111055 t111055
Leaving hugs ((())) love and sparkles t4591 t115006 to all. Catch up later XXX Aidan
Can we have Blueberry Buttermilk Pie, for breakfast, You BET WE CAN t4591 t4591XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hello Im back.
Well I did it I had all my top teeth out yesterday I have got to wait until Jan 8 to have a mould taken of my mouth can anyone give me some advice on wearing false teeth please.
Have a good weekend
Love Suetake care
joan xx0 -
Morning Sue, always nice to see you.
I don't have false teeth, so I can't help you. I have several screw in ones, in fact they are the only ones that are complete. All my own are full of holes so big, I can stick my tongue in them!!
Mig, I've been under our beds and scraped out loads of fluff balls, some mouldy sweets that had crept under there, and a few spider skelebobs too. So it's all gone in the cauldron. It's gone a sort of grey with ginger streaks in it, and it looks as though it's ALIVE!!! Oh, an old pair of Chris' grotty slippers and some stinky socks too.
Aidan, thank you for the Blueberry Buttermilk Pie, I'm off to the booth, taptaptaptappity SPLAT! Oh my,cleaning cycle ON. Lovely. My laptop didn't shut down, I was running a scan and it suddenly vanished. :shock: frit the life out of me. But it's OK now, although I'm keeping me peepers on it.
Toni, you and Kari have a nice bowl of sweet potato tortilla soup (vegan and gluten free). You will soon perk up.
Where's Barbara? We were sharing a leaf pile and she disappeared.COME BACK BARBARA Oh, there you are. I warned you not to jump too high, you're stuck in the trees now.
t120006 t120006 t120006 t120005 t120005 t120005
I can hear Carol's needles clicking, so she must be around somewhere.Looks as though she's just finished a lovely sweater. Erm and now she's started another t4591 t115006 t115006
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Hi to all, yes, I know it is early afternoon and I am HERE. :shock: :shock: with Dad Aunt and Uncle coming round sometime soon, we had a very early lunch and are all ready - no flies on us
Hi Sue, oh big hugs ((())) t4591 t4591 after having the top teeth out. The gums will take time to heal and return to their normal shape / size. Here is a link to the NHS Denture info sheet
B had the same, but he had already had the impression done and the set was made, ready to put in on the same day :shock: :shock: He was fine with them, says it is the best thing he ever did, after continual gum infections.
Plenty of pain relief, as your mouth will be ouchy t115006 t115006 t4591 t4591
Hi to Joan too
I am like you Kath, I have gaps, mainly at the side / back, where teeth used to live :roll: :roll:
Ooooh, the brew in the cauldron is alive, I looked in and it was moving of its own accord and a very peculiar colour :? :shock: I have put some more mouldy leaves in, with maybe the odd slug attached :? :?
There were plenty of buttermilk pies, so glad you enjoyed yours in the booth, I see it is all washed ans sparkling clean too
So your laptop was doing a scan, maybe a glitch in the programme, doesn't sound like a virus or malware. As long as it is ok now. Keep your beady eyes on (with the right glasses though):?
Don't tell me Barbara has got herself stuck up a tree, I will ask Hermione to levitate her back to the ground. Last time we were up a tree, it was to retrieve a pair of bloomers, as I recall. :shock:in the next Village to Toni's, sorry, Sleeks.
I am all over the soup, it looks wonderful, thank you. I shall try not to slurp :oops: :oops:
That's better now Barbara, you are back on leafy land again. Any news on hospital appointments? Maybe a bit early.
It is Friday, is Mr B cooking chips later - if so, Toni and I will be over about 5
Sleek and Mother were out very early, first light and they were off up to the top of Pendle. Mother had her catmena on, as well as her barbour outfit. She was very snug in Sleek side car. There was some mist, not quite icy, but good quality, as we near halloween. There was a bit of a clatter as they arrived back, which woke Daddy of course :roll: :roll:
Mother has been catching up on her rest :animal_busy:
Mrs Darcey said Mummy was glad that the meeting with the peeples was over with and she will administer lap sitting and purring as required t4591
Hope you back is less zinging today Toni. ((()))
I can hear Carol, knitting away, at break neck speed.
Right, best be going, visitors will be here very soon. Two matrons in one house, stand by your beds :shock:
Will catch up again later, love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 XXXX Aidan
Chocolate Fudge Cake with Chocolate Mousse and Chocolate Fudge filling.XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Look at that soup!!! Thank you Kath it's vegan so we'll both have it!
Hang on a minute...what's that? pumpkin pie?! taptap tap tap TAP TAP TAP TAP!!!!! splatttt! Booth on a good washsigh m0150 t4591
I can hear knitting needles too I wonder where Carol is?
Today I have been busy because I am preparing for a short break on Monday to....HUNGARY!!!! To meet family
Sue I think the best person to ask will be Carol she is having hers fitted in about a week's timePlease thank Joan for thinking of Kari
It was indeed myself, Barbara and sister Euphemia warming up our vocal chords in the shed Aidan
Thank you for the blueberry buttermilk breakfast
Just typing at the same time there. Yes the cats did well this morning the mist was good quality. Sleek always makes sure she keeps Mother snug and dry. See below to see what she got up to on her way home though :roll:
How embarrassing Sleek crashing in for chicken :oops: That would be it I'm afraid. Her favourite, but honestly she is better brought up than that. :oops: :?
It's been raining here this morning I saw Sleek on her broomstick going round and round trying to catch some rainbow dew Obviously it wasn't successful despite trying very hard. Bless her she made herself quite queasy!
The good news is that the calming spell Mother made for Auntie Kari worked and she actually slept much better last night
Wolverhampton is like another land large noisy and polluted we thought not good for our lungs. Still the Nero's was lovelyThank you for all the sparkles yes things were definitely achy I'm sure those seats are designed to torture along with the orange wall :roll:
I thought I heard a cheer! Auntie Kari did well she is pretty on the ball and knows their tricks. :?
I hope all has gone well with Dad's visitors and you enjoy seeing them this afternoon with carrot cake!!! YUM!!! Pre and post immacculasion needed :roll: try not to overdo it!
You will be much happier in your own GC on Saturday meeting up with an old friend here will be much adult shrieking!!!
Mig I have been busy and located several gross items for the cauldron. I have put on my protective clothing including face mask before adding some snail trails, some rancid milk and putrefied - well not sure what because it's putrefied....but it's vile so bound to help
Barbara I was careful yesterday I reckon the stress hurts your bones :x All done now it's in the lap of the Gods as they say.
Thank you for being there for us ((()))
You will do fine on your memory test I am sure but best not take Aidan along too as you said the Dr might need help afterwards!!!
Poor you Carol making a mistake such a long way back in the scarf((()))
We can all hear your needles clacking you are doing a good job.
Thank you for being with us for Auntie Kari's F"F I hope it went ok fingers crossed.
Don't you worry about reading back if you have time to pop in just tell us you're ok and how the knitting is going.
Love to all
Toni xx0 -
ooooh, loving the Rainbow Toni, no wonder Sleek was a little queasy trying to chase the droplets, bless her. These things happen, when least expected, as in the one on top of Pendle, out of the blue t115006 t4591 Serendipity, wonderful thing. XXX Glad Auntie Kari is ok and your back is less ouchy......................XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0
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