Val's Cafe



  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all a lovely sunny day if you wrap up m0150
    Joan you do make me laugh ..we are the last to get the heating fixed and Mr B is mostly retired now so no excuse..I do have heating but turn the stat off at night and I use my oil filled rad if its to dont worry about me :) have you Sue and the doggies been out have to catch the sun while we have it
    Mig I hope your OH doesn't t have to wait to long we seem to be lucky here..around 6 weeks...
    Toni glad you had a safe journey and Miss sleek is happy.. :D its a lovely photo of you all..and a nice keepsake :D
    Aiden :lol: yes 13 tog and I still have the pics of the temp at 40 in the garden :shock: my room is nice and cosy if I leave my oil rad on low..we normally set the thermostat to come on in the early hours ready for when we get up ..makes you wonder about the days before central heating.. :) later this week my duvet will be to warm according to the weather.. :)
    So the podiatrist wasn't very nice..why on earth do they do the job..I suppose you get them everywhere but not nice when you come across cost nothing to be nice.. :x thankyou for the potato and mushroom breakfast..very filling.. :D extra sparkles are always welcome :D
    Niamh is poorly again ..full of a cold and cough Grandad has gone to drop her a pumpkin off..she was asking for one.. :) just hope he doesn't bring back the bug :shock:
    Will go and make a cuppa..any cake around... :D
    Love to everyone .. m0150 t4591 t115006
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all - chilly, with some wintry sunshine

    Good that you all arrived safe and sound in Hungary / Budapest. It is a lovely picture of you all, with your family and to be guest of honour with your fav meal, how delightful. Enjoy your time

    Mother has printed the picture off and put a copy under her bed of many blankets - she likes to keep a track of the family trees :D:D

    Sleek has a copy too, in her ickle house, she is happy that Mummy is visiting family peeples in another country (I think she has the gist of the planet and countries now).

    She came over early doors and went out with Mother to gather some very frosty dew and the last of the heather. All safely delivered to the Nymphs, who are snug in their underground home, with little wood burning stoves keeping them toasty and cosy. t115006 t115006

    Hi Joan and Sue, hope you are ok and keeping warm, with whichever radiators are working at the moment :roll: :roll: when it gets to thick frosts, you need to be warm all the time.

    A hypo is a bit like a cold sweat, it starts in my feet and I can feel it travelling upwards. I get quite dithery (more so than normal :lol::lol: ) I can tell I just need to shovel sweet things in, usually a few squares of chocolate puts things right again. They happen out of the blue.

    Have you been out and about or has it been a bit too cold t110007

    Hi Barbara, it is a very nice day, if you wrap up, says me, who hates coats with a passion, I am a funny thing. :roll: :roll: :?

    As long as you are warm enough with your oil radiator, they are quite good for keeping a room aired. Then when you get up the heating is on too, so you are nice and warm. Much easier to get warm, than to cool down.

    B doesn't like bedrooms too warm, but I like mine warm in winter, for Mother as well, with her sleeping on the dresser on her blankies. She needs the warmth for her old bones bless her.

    I will ask specifically not to see that podiatrist again and if I am asked why, I will tell them :) Matron does not take lightly to ill mannered health care staff. :x :x

    Some extra hugs and sparkles for Niamh t4591 t115006 bless her, being poorly. I hope Mr B has been degermified, before being allowed back into the house, we don't want you all going down with bugs.

    Right, Cake, let me go fetch the ones I made earlier. Hang on one tic.

    A BIG HI to everyone else, Kath, Carol, Kerrin, Christine, Mig, DD, SW, Toady Elizabeth and all.
    Love and Sparkles everywhere, for everyone. t4591 t115006 t120005

    Will call back later XXXX Aidan

    Italian, Spiced, Orange and Rice Cake

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Just popped in with some vegan Caraway seed cake with best butter.

    Lolloped down to the benches. all wrapped up warm with scarf and gloves on. At least it didn't rain. I'm watching Tipping Point, then the Chase. Hopefully see you tomorrow.

    t110007 t120006 t110007 t120006

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all, no frost tonight.

    Hope everyone is as ok as can be. Almost at Halloween. Lots of people climb Pendle Hill on Halloween night, given its past history and folklore it is like a pilgrimage.


    Hi Kath Thank you for the caraway seed cake, I love it. Mum used to make it, a distinctive aroma and taste from the seeds. Mmmm with best butter, of course t4591 t4591

    You lolloped down to the benches :shock: :lol::lol: Long time since I heard that said, stop lolloping around, it must be a Nottm word :lol::lol:

    Did ya av a sit darn mi duck or just gerra ice lolly :lol::lol::lol:

    Glad to hear that you were well wrapped up.

    Tipping Point, I think I have seen the trailers for it. Never seen, The Chase, but I know next door are always glued to watching it.

    How are the ouchies, I suspect there are some naughty niggles and you are not happy with your long wait to hear back from the rheumy nurse. Some very special ((())) and sparkles t115006 t115006 and a fresh pile of dry leaves, spider free, to throw yourself in to t4591

    You betcha you will see us today, or we will come trick or treating, dressed as ghouls :shock: :shock: :wink::wink:

    I am guessing Carol will be knitting away and trying to catch up. I hope all of yours are ok and the op goes well, for your GD t4591

    I am right, it is your GD who has gall stones.............oh I am hopeless. I know Rubie and Graycie have been poorly too - bless them both

    Toni I hope you are all having a lovely time with your family. Sleek said that she is being pampered and fussed :) Mrs D, Sleek and Tommy came over at Siesta, they were very quiet, engrossed in the only way is catessex :roll: :roll: :lol::lol:

    There will be trips up to Pendle today, with it being Halloween, any mists and dew, will have extra magical powers t115006 t115006

    Mig, I have put some dried up slugs into the cauldron, plus some more bat droppings :shock: :?

    Hi to Kerrin, Christine, Toady, SW, DD, Elizabeth and all.

    I had best be pottering again.

    Off to the vascular clinic with Dad this morning - over in sunny Accrington :? :? to the huge health centre which is more like an airport hangar. Then it will be lunch at the T room when we arrive back.

    Lots of love and sparkles to everyone. t4591 t115006 Take lots of care XXXX Aidan

    Halloween Spiders Web Pancakes

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 31. Oct 2018, 02:25
    Lots of flies in the spider webs Aidan!!

    Well yesterday we went in the Budapest eye....

    I was terrified! It wobbles and wavered so l had my eyes shut the whole time! Lucy has a photo of me!

    It is way smaller than the London eye which l coped with! :oops:

    I hope everyone is ok Sue and Joan warm enough......Carol clacking.....Kath leaf leaping....Niamh hoovering...

    Mig stirring!!!

    Sleek and Tosca hallowe'en mist collecting.....


    Toni xxx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Barbara Kathleen Aidan Toni.
    Barbara when your rad does have a problem can Mr B still get the part or does he have to call some one out when he's retired.((((())))
    Kathleen I hope you have a good day how is the lady who had the op((((()))))
    Aidan is a hypo connected to Diabetes I'm so sorry you have that((((())))
    Toni you were brave the photo's did not work for me ((()))
    take care all love to Carol
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    How do mates. I finally got here. :shock: Can't see your pic Toni. Clicked on it and my laptop locked up. It's taken me an hour to get everything back again. :? I've made mesen feel better by eating 4 cobwebs and spiders. :lol: Neh mind. I'm sat sitting here with a T-shirt, jumper, cardi, another jumper, joggers, fluffy socks and me blankie. Inspire arrived this morning, lovely. representatives were in the hospital foyer on Monday, but I couldn't chat as the ambulance driver took me straight to clinic so she could fetch her next patient.

    m0150 m0150 m0150 Sunny and dry today, but frosty and cold. t110007 m0150 t110007

    Aidan we allus gerra sit down duck, and a sucker. :lol: Then we gerroff home for a warm. And yeah, I love Tipping Point and The Chase. :lol:

    Any road, Greek Fig Tart recipe

    100g unsalted butter
    100g clear honey (or dark muscovado sugar)
    2tbsps lime or lemon juice (or brandy)
    Good pinch of sea salt flakes
    10-12 fresh figs, halved lengthways
    375g butter-puff pastry block, defrosted if frozen (or 320g pack ready-rolled sweet shortcrust pastry)
    Greek yogurt or crème fraiche, to serve
    20cm ovenproof frying pan or 23cm cake tin (not loose-based)

    Melt the butter with the honey (or sugar) in the frying pan over a medium heat. Let the mixture bubble for 4-5 mins, until it starts to caramelise. Carefully stir in the lime or lemon juice (or brandy) and salt (it will spit). Take the pan off the heat while you pack in the fig halves, cut-side down. Put the pan back on the heat for 3 mins until the figs start to soften, then leave to cool for 15 minutes. Set the oven to 200°C/400°F/Gas Mark 6. (If using a cake tin, transfer the hot caramel and figs to the tin.)

    Roll the pastry out so it’s just large enough for you to cut out a round 2.5cm larger than the top of the pan, or the cake tin. Use a plate as a guide. Lay the pastry over the figs, tucking the excess inside the pan or tin.

    Bake for 30-35 mins (or 25-30 mins if using shortcrust) until the pastry is crisp and golden. Run a knife around the pastry edge. Leave the pan or tin to cool on a rack for 20 mins.

    Put a large plate on top of the tart and flip it over to turn it out. Serve warm with yogurt or crème fraiche.

    ENJOY. :D

    t120006 t115006 t4591 t120006 t120005 t120005

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all
    Toni I couldn't open the pics it wants me to sign into googles and I have forgot my password.. :) think my legs would have wobbled when I got off the Budapest eye.. :lol: but you would have had a glorious view...think you sent me a couple.. :)
    Joan our son does heating has well so we are ok if hubby doesn't want to do it.. :lol: hope you are all warm enough feel a little warmer here..not sure of tonight..
    Kath thankyou for the cake and the Greek fig tart recipe..just wish I could stand and back like I used to ..a shame you couldn't talk to the AC people...I take my hat off to them for standing there..or sitting..
    Aiden yes you ask for a new you are off to Accrington..somewhere I haven't been..hope all is well with dad at least they are keeping a good eye on him.. :) and so they hubby doesn't like his bedroom warm..must say I am toastie under my duvet ..but if its warms up then the 10 tog will come out :lol: the spider web pancakes are a good idea I might just do them for Niamh..when we see he ..its should have been today but she is still poorly bless..I am all ready for trick or treat..were are we meeting Pendle Hill ..I remember hearing of it when I was young.. :shock: we could make a fire and do jacket potatoes.. :lol:
    And thankyou for making the Spiced, Orange and Rice Cake cake yesterday very nice it was..with my cuppa :D
    I hope that Carols GGD and GD are feeling better..hopefully the gall stones are gone forever..
    not done much today..have to see the doctor tomorrow has put my amy's up the other has cut my patches..she said we are trying to get people off them.. :shock: we shall see
    Love to everyone t115006 t4591 t115006
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Toni, I think the pictures are set to private, so we cannot see the lovely views and you having the vapours :shock: :shock: :lol::lol:
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    If not don't worry I'll be home tomorrow and will post them all again then :)
    Barbara yes l snap chatted you xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all - some rain tonight, otherwise not been a bad day. It went in a flash, but, that seems to be normal :roll: :roll:

    Hi Toni - there were a lot of flies in the spiders webs, but tasty ones :)
    You were brave in a wobbling and swaying Budapest Eye :mrgreen: :shock: :shock:
    I would have been on the floor, eyes shut and most likely screeching :? :? :roll: :roll: Thank goodness it was a lot smaller than the London Eye.............

    The picture of the puskin bar is LOVELY, look forward to seeing the others when you arrive home. Have a safe journey t4591 t115006

    Sleek was nattering to Mother, saying that Mummy was coming home from Europe (she has been doing her Geography lessons) after seeing all her peeples.
    They were out early, gathering some mist and some special moss, that only grows in and around this area. The Nymphs use it for medicinal purposes, in the magic squares. t115006 t115006

    Hi Joan, Hi Sue. Yes, the hypo or hyper are connected to diabetes and the balance between sugar levels and insulin levels. I am type 2, which is often known as maturity onset diabetes. I take tablets that encourage the production of insulin.
    Some have to have insulin injections to regulate their diabetes, if the pancreas no longer produces any.

    Thank you for the hugs, you are so kind, bless you both t4591 It is something that is pretty well controlled, just the odd day when I have low blood sugars and go a bit squiffy :shock: :roll: :roll:

    Hope you are both ok and the heating is working, at least 90%

    Hi Kath, yawright mi duck, glad you liked the cobwebs, helped in sorting your computer out

    Are you sure you have enough clothing on, maybe another cardi, just for good measure. :shock: :shock: Nice that Inspire arrived.

    Good on ya for gerrin a sit, teck weight of ya lallies :lol::lol::lol: :shock:
    A sucker too, luvly.

    The fig tart is just delightful, I will have a little slice or three, thank you kindly.......... t4591 t4591

    Hugs for any ouchies that my be lurking t115006 t115006 t4591

    Hi Barbara It is certainly less chilly tonight, the heating was on, but we seem to be up to temp and quite comfy.
    Handy that your Son can sort the plumbing and heating, if Mr B is otherwise asleep, ooops, engaged :lol::lol::lol::wink:

    You have not missed a great deal, in Accrington, no offence to any people there, but it is not an inspired place to visit.

    We were there about an hour, at the Health Centre, then half hour back, then lunch, then shopping, then the day had gone :roll: :roll:
    It will be busy up on Pendle now, half past midnight, it will be packed :shock: :lol::lol: t115006 t115006 all the white witches plus lots of locals and tourists alike.

    Poor Niamh still poorly t2507 , bless her, some special magic sparkles for her to feel better very soon t115006 t115006 t4591

    I hope Carols GD is ok and the wee ones are feeling a bit better t4591

    Hope all goes ok at the Drs, they are forever trying to alter people's medication, as the Drs are accountable for every prescription, especially for strong pain relief, patches, tramadol, morphine etc. Well, are they happy for us to be in agony, don't they have a duty of care. Makes me so mad :x :x

    On that note, I had better do some pottering. We are at home today, well, B has an appt with Sister in the afternoon, but that won't take long.

    Love and Sparkles to everyone, in and about. t4591 t115006 Take lots of care XXXX Aidan

    Some Hungarian Crepes for Breakfast

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Aidan Barbara Toni
    Kathleen I hope your appointment went well and you don't have to wait too long(((())))
    Aidan you do well with all your problem's I think you only have one life you have to enjoy it.((((()))))
    Barbara that's good two gas men how is Niamh ((((()))))
    Toni have a safe journey home((((()))))
    take care all love to Carol
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • mig
    mig Member Posts: 7,154
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Well last night around here was a big flop no trick or treaters think it was the stink from the cauldron.

    Hubby thinks he's the bees knees at the moment he's booked and paid for my daughter Sharon and me to see Alfie Boe next april thats our christmas present he's as happy as a pig in muck.

    Hope you all stay warm and dry (raining here in Notts) love to all Mig. X
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all..see I can be early..had to be at the doctors for 9.. :) bloods and meds reviews..kidneys not changed.. :) think it must be the diet I follow..includes plenty of red grapes and peppers..Vit D is love so he has prescribed some..I do take it with calcium but its obviously not enough...
    Joan it is hand having two gas men.. :lol: saves us a fortune..Niamh is still off school bless her thankyou for asking..she is full of a cough and cold..I suppose its the time of the year :roll: I hope you are all doing well the sun has just come out here .. :D so hopefully you will get out with the doggies..did you see the Dachshund puppies on Paul O Grady last night...awwww
    Toni the pic worked yes you did snapchat me them..I love the pussykins bar...Miss Sleek would have been over the moon :lol: have a safe journey home..
    Aidan you know Mr B to well... :lol: he does nod off quite a lot.. :lol: I bet it was busy on Pendle Hill..can you see all the people form your home...think I would be a white witch.. :lol: bet you were tired after the trip to it all concrete..its such a shame what they do to these towns :roll: thankyou for the sparkles for Niamh she is still off school..she did want to go trick or treating last night but had to sit in with her pumkin :( right will help myself to some Hungarian Crepes.. :D thankyou..
    Mig how kind of your hubby ..he must feel good being able to treat you and your daughter..and Alfie bow..I think you have seen him before if my mind serves me right..
    Off to the GC now :D its a lovely morning..I do like Autumn... :D think I have said this before.. :lol:
    Love to everyone .. m0150 t4591 m0150
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    There is a photo of me eyes shut holding onto Paul Lucy's skirt and shrieking "keep talking keep talking then shut up then sorry sorry sorry!"
    I will post it at home!! Well she'll probably put it on fbook!
    We are at airport can't wait to squeeze SLeek!!
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Oh how lovely mig, Alfie Boe. I luv 'im. t4591 No trick or treaters here either mig. Mind you, I was rather happy about that. There was quite a lot of folk tooing and fro-ing, and noise.though.

    Toni, I'll pop to FB in a bit to look at your pics on there. t4591

    Aidan, thaks for the Hungarian Crepes. I had quite a few. I'm quite warm thank you. It's not quite as cold today, but it's spitting a tad.
    Me peepers have gone bozwonk and everything is blurred.
    t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006

    Off to get some Sotted Dick and creamy custard.

    :animal_busy: :animal_busy: :animal_busy: :animal_busy: :animal_busy:

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    hi to all - going cooler now, sun setting and temperatures dropping

    Hi Joan and Sue - you are quite right, you do only have one life and you have to make the most of things while you can, in which case, I need to eat more scones :lol::lol: and chocolates :roll: :roll: :lol::lol:
    I think we all do as well as we possibly can, with the problems that we have. Some days are really a trial and effort, some or a little easier, some are down right horrid. But, we carry on. We are nothing, if not determined t4591 t4591

    No trick or treaters Mig, it would be the smell of the cauldron, it is a little :mrgreen::mrgreen: I had to put a mask on when I took some rotten apples to pop in earlier - was very careful not to get too close, the liquid was definitely "moving" around. :shock: :shock:

    So you are booked in to see Alfie Boe in April, well, that's a nice present, but you need things to open on Christmas Day, so best be reminding him of that :)

    It was an early start this morning when the cloak scooped me up and out of bed, ready for your appointment.
    Best to be on Vit D, it is important for a lot of things. No change on renal functions is good.
    I had a sneaky suspicion that Mr B nods off from time to time :lol::lol: but, very handy that you have two plumbers, to hand. I bet it does save a fortune.

    We can see Pendle from the front room, not close enough to pick out people walking, we can see cars going up and over at night and there is a restaurant up there and a ski club too, with a dry ski slope.
    We see hang gliders and paragliders drifting about, rather them than me.
    It would have been busy last night, for sure.

    White witches are lovely, they are kind and helpful :D:D t115006 The word witch always conjures up nasty spells and the like, but it is not the case.

    Accrington is a typical old mill town, as so many were, in and around Lancashire. Lots of terraced houses, some not so nice areas, which is not abnormal these days :? :?

    Bless, I hope Niamh is feeling better soon, sitting in with her pumpkin, oh, little love. Extra sparkles t115006 t115006

    Hope you enjoyed the GC, I think we will be going to ours in the morning. :)

    We are looking forward to the pictures Toni, after you have arrived safely home, squeezed miss Sleek lots of times, had a cuppa and put your feet up, you may well need some magic squares, so I have dotted them about t115006 t115006 t115006 t4591

    Sleek and Mother have had a day off today, with Mummy coming home from her family peeples. Mother was fine about it, they will have a natter later, I am sure.

    Glad you liked the Hungarian crepes Kath, they were rather good. We are not counting, so help yourself :) I have put a dozen asside for Toni

    Hugs for those peepers going askew t115006 t4591 have you got the right specs on :shock: :? hope they ease off and feel better soon.

    Spotted dicky and thick vanilla custard sounds just perfect, thank you kindly, I will dive in.....................

    It is choir practice tonight, I meant to ask you Barbara - we should go, in case Toni cannot make it. I will ask Sister Euphemia to assist - I think the shed is open :wink::wink:

    Hi to Carol, I hope you and yours are all as ok as can be, recovering from ops, bad chests, coughs and colds. How is the knitting going :?

    I cut B's hair today, I did a good job, but I am STILL not a salon junior, although I can vacuum with the cordless, without supervision :shock: :roll: :lol::lol:
    His BP was still high at the appt with the nurse. He has white coat syndrome, so they have given him a BP machine to test it at home. It will be fine I am sure. It was the last time he had a 24 hours test.

    Right, I had best have a potter round. Get sorted, before siesta time.

    Mother is shouting the odds, she knows it is coming up to T time and sit on Daddy's lap for cuddles. Bless her :animal_busy: t4591

    Will pop back later - off to eat some of the wonderful pudding and custard

    Love and Sparkles to all t4591 t115006 t115006 XXX Aidan
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all

    Well last visit at the dentist happened today tooth came out ok or should I say the bits came out did not take long at all, numbness from injection has now worn off completely so gum is a little sore but not too bad. dentures now in and it feels most odd to have a full set of teeth again after many years. But must say they look good I am lisping a little on the letter S but dentist says that will soon disappear in a couple of days. Managed soup at lunchtime and I have a nice soft shepherds pie for tea. thank you all for your presence under the cloak . Mr T will be at the church meal this evening but I am not going tonight for obvious reasons. But should be eating normally by tomorrow. we Had a good knitting group yesterday and I have about 2 inches to go on the re knitted scarf to do scarf then that one is finished ,so we are going along nicely with that.
    GD is fine after the op a bit sore but ok they did it by keyhole surgery so she was back home at her mums last night. Her Sil had the girls staying with her last night. have not heard anything about the little ones so I would think all is ok with them otherwise I would have heard.

    As I have not been on here for a couple of days as usual to many things have happened to remember them so I will not even try . weather here today is awful nothing but rain all day.

    had fun trying to eat my shepherds pie for dinner tonight with the dentures but managed it I am sure I will get used to eating with the dentures just feels strange to have a full set of teeth.

    Hi Aidan I found a spare spiders web pancake which I had just before going to dentist yummy. Hope dads vascular appointment went well yesterday. the knitting is coming along fine and GD'S op went ok and think the Rubie and Graycie are ok are ok or would have heard. you cut B's hair and STILL you are not a salon junior. so b has white coat syndrome too when it comes to having BP taken but it is not high enough for medication or a 24 hr test

    Kath We didn't have any trick or treaters last night either we are lucky round here we don't usually get them. I love the word bozwonk but not nice to have blurry vision. oh yummy spotted dick and custard think I will go for some of that. after all its not that's not too chewy or crunchy after the dentist.

    Toni Hope you have had a great time in Hungary and are soon home safe and sound. you will certainly have missed Sleek and be happy to be reunited with her.

    Barbara Poor Niamh is hope she feels better soon Mr B sounds like Mr T always nodding off. always say he could sleep on a washing line as long as he was pegged onto it oh I am wicked. Mr t made me laugh today I have had a tooth out today when I got back he popped out as he had stayed in this morning because youngest daughter had arranged for a parcel of hers to be delivered to us as she has no one to take it in. when he came back he said how's the pain I said what pain all I've got is a bit of a sore gum he looked at me as if I had gone crazy. he has a very low pain threshold.

    oh well I suppose its time for a little potter and then some more knitting.

    love & sparkles to you all t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all - another frosty night here, roof tops all white t110007

    Hi Carol So glad that things went well at the dentist and you have a lovely beaming smile with your new partial set of pearly whites :):D:D t4591
    You will get used to them very quickly and the S lisp will be gone asap. It will be strange though, for a little while.

    Best to have a soft ish meal and skip the Church dinner. Mr T will hold the fort while you are recuperating from your dental works.

    I guessed the knitting would be coming on in leaps and bounds, lots of clicking of needles has been reported, in your neck of the woods :lol::lol:

    Very glad that the gall bladder op went well for your GD and she is home. Keyhole is better, for a faster recovery, but, still take it easy for a while, surgery is surgery, even if it is keyhole. Some extra sparkles for her to mend well t115006 t115006 t115006

    Your GGD must be ok, recovering from their coughs / colds. You wold have heard otherwise, for sure.

    So you have had rain, Mig said it was raining in Nottingham too. We had a little last night, but dry for the most part, in fact the river is really dropping down to low levels again. All the stones are showing.

    Glad you found one of the Halloween pancakes, they were very spooky :)
    Dads vascular check was fine, he has been a lot better since his last appointment. One more check up in a couple of months and they will discharge him I think.

    B is on medication for his blood pressure, Ramipril 10mg. He has had two 24 hour BP tests and they were both fine, so, he / me will check it a few times a day and write down the results for a week. I am sure it will be fine, white coat syndrome is not uncommon.

    Yes, still waiting for promotion to salon junior :roll: :roll: never mind, I will stay as a sweeper upper :? :? :cry::cry:

    Now, is it lunch with Mr T today and then coffee with your friend? Knitting in hand at all times, of course :)

    Hi to Toni, Sleek said that Mummy Daddy and Lucy were home and there had been a lot of peeple cuddles. Mummy was tired and a wee bit ouchy, but very happy to have seen her family. t115006 t4591 Sleek popped over at Siesta and was whispering to Tosca, about all the goings on.
    Mrs D was on catchat, enjoying relaxing in Auntie Kari's chair.

    Barbara and Sister Euphemia went into the shed, but I am not sure if they made it to choir :? :? :shock: there was singing, coming from somewhere :roll: :roll: :lol::lol:

    Hi to everyone else, in and about. Kerrin, Christine, Mig, toady, DD, SW Elizabeth and all

    Silver wanted to say a big hello t115006 t115006 It is already mid winter, in the enchanted forests


    Well, it is time for me to be pottering again. I am setting like the frost on the roof, solid :shock:

    Off to the GC this morning, pick up my px, gather some groceries, that will be enough.

    Everyone take lots of care - Love and Sparkles to all t4591 t115006 XXXX Aidan

    Easy Stove Top Granola for Breakfast (milks and yoghurts in the fridge :)

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Did Sleek tell Tosca that Mummy has brought home a Hungarian cold? Well she has (first cold for EVER so can't complain) :oops:

    Had rough night, but bless her she stuck with me on her blankie on Mummy's and Daddy's bed :)

    Right photos:

    Budapest eye

    A café for our kitties...
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Woo-ooo! to Joan I bet you are posting now too

    The monument to the Hungarian Jews killed by the Nazis in 2nd world war. They were lined up along the river (the danube) and pushed or fell in :(

    Lucy in the Gellert Spa
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    View of the palace over the Danube

    The Hungarian flag with the Russian part cut out during the uprising in 1956 when my Dad came over here.

    Hope those were the pics I was trying to send :)

    Love to everyone

    Will catch up later

    Toni xxx