Val's Cafe



  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello everyone
    its Sue i hope everyone is doing ok
    thankyou to everyone who gave me advice about my is coming on ok I don't like what my mouth looks like but it wil be worth it in the end.

    have a good weekend love Sue
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning Sue, Glad you are getting on with your new teeth. :D You too Carol, :D

    Toni, thanks for reposting your photos. That view is stunning. The one with the shoes is very sad. t115006 t115006

    I've just noticed my trackies are inside out. Good job I noticed before Tesco arrives, they think I'm dippy already.

    Roasted Butternut Squash
    Prep time: 15 minutes | Cooking time: 40 minutes

    900g (2lb) butternut squash, de-seeded and chopped
    2 red peppers, chopped
    1 large Spanish onion, chopped
    1 clove garlic, sliced
    2–3 sprigs fresh rosemary
    Freshly ground black pepper
    1 tbsp vegetable oil
    Juice of 1 large orange

    Heat the oven to 200°C/180°C fan/gas mark 6. Put the squash, peppers, onion, garlic, rosemary and pepper in a large, non-stick roasting tin, in one layer. Drizzle over the oil and mix together with your hands until all the vegetables are coated in the oil.
    Roast the vegetables for 35–40 minutes or until all are very soft and caramelised.
    Stir the orange juice through the hot vegetables.

    OOO, Jevon - my favourite Tesco man rang to say as he's early, do we want our delivery now, or wait a bit? It was only 11.20am when he rang. We said come straight away. So no time to change my joggers right way round. It's just turned 12 noon, he's been and gone and shopping is all away. :D

    Aidan, you will know Jevon from the nature photos on Tucan Photography on FB. He has a little Jack Russell called Marmite. No, he doesn't come with daddy when delivering.

    t120005 t120006 t120006 t120006 t120005

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all, a sunny say, but quite chilly. Lots of leaves around and about, plenty for Kath to dive into. t120005

    Hi Toni, oh dear t2507 a Hungarian cold, Sleek didn't mention it to Mother, but I am sure she will be bringing Pepe's medical bag out at every opportunity. t4591
    Some super strong magic squares and ((())) for the European cold, to vanish asap t115006 t115006 Mother has found out and is on with boiling lemons, honey and barley :shock: :shock:

    Thank you for the pictures, the Budapest Eye, it is like a big wheel at the fair, no wonder it was swinging about. :mrgreen: :shock: I would have been a total ninny and made a disgrace of myself :? :? :lol::lol:

    I remember Jane McDonald stopping off in Budapest on her cruise programme, she went to see the shoes, by the river. Achingly sad, the atrocities that happened during the war. :cry::cry:

    The pictures of the Spa, the Parliament and the Palace are lovely, with Lucy looking skyward :)

    The Puskin cafe is wonderful, we need one here, in town :) I did see one on FB somewhere, I think it is in Bristol. We would never leave t4591 t4591

    Another very poignant memory of Hungary, with the Russian part of the flag, cut out.

    Rest up now, we want that cold better as soon as t115006

    Hi Sue, hi Joan Try not to worry about your mouth, we always see a different image of ourselves, when other people say they don't notice anything :? :roll: I know I have 20 chins, but people say, no, you only have three :lol::lol::lol:
    I hope you are both as ok as can be, keeping warm, managing to get everything you need at the shops. Maybe a coffee and a cake too

    Hi Kath, I see you had your trackies on inside out, :lol::lol: don't worry, I went to work in my slippers one day, a 14 hours shift :shock: :shock:
    I am sure Tesco's don't think you dippy at all, maybe if they saw you diving into piles of leaves t120005 :lol::lol: YOur fav delivery man called and arrived early, that's even better. I bet he never noticed you had your pockets on the outside of your pants :shock: :lol::lol:

    Ohh, the roasted butternut squash looks lovely. I will be all over it like a rash. Thank you kindly.

    I thought I recognised the name, yes, I love Tucan photography and his little doggy too :)

    Hope any ouchies are minimal, ((())) t115006 t115006

    Hi to Barbara who will be along soon, fancying a little something sweet..............
    Hi to Carol, Kerrin, Christine, Elizabeth, DD, SW, Toady, Mig and all

    We went to the GC this morning, it was quite busy, but we still managed to nab our fav table. Scone with butter and clotted cream was very nice. Dad enjoyed his bacon and egg butty

    Supplies from Sainsb, picked up a small repeat order from the surgery, then home. That was all the morning gone.

    Almost time for pills and a potter. So, I will go find something to follow the butternut squash..................we need to feed a cold, for Toni.

    Love and Sparkles to all. t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 will be back later XX Aidan

    Chocolate and Cherry Self Saucing Puddings

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all - a quiet evening here, siesta, rest of the bones, pottering, supper, more pottering - it is an art form without a doubt :D:D

    How are we feeling Toni, with the Hungarian Cold t2507 Sleek has been to see Mother, letting her know that she is using Pepe's medical equipment to monitor Mummy at regular intervals.
    She said there is a lot of tissues, all over :shock: Oh dear, more hot lemon and honey and some (()) and sparkles t4591 t115006

    Hi to Carol - have you been out for lunch with Mr T and coffee with your friend?
    How is the knitting going, are your fingers worn out :shock:
    Hope the new teeth are settling in nicely :D

    Hi to Barbara - hope you are ok, Mr B too. How is Niamh, bless her t115006 hope she is feeling a bit better and can visit Nan for some dusting :wink: Extra ((())) for all

    Kath is somewhere in a pile of leaves, I said, don't go out in the dark, to play in the leaves - :roll: :roll: t120005 t120005

    Hi to Kerrin, Christine, Mig ( I popped some mouldy cheese in the cauldron earlier) DD, SW, Toady, Elizabeth and all. ((()))

    At home this week end, as normal. Dad will be round this morning for coffee and brioche (no croissants in Sainsb at all - just not on)

    Lots of pottering no doubt. Bits and bats to do, some fussing and immaculising no doubt :)

    Love and Sparkles to all t4591 t115006 Everyone take lots of care XXXX Aidan

    French Toast, Pre soaked in melted ice cream, crisped and served with fresh fruits and maple syrup................mmmmm
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Aidan and anyone else I missed
    Kathleen sue has not got her teeth yet. I hope you have a good weekend.
    Aidan are you having snow this month.I hope not.
    take care all love to Barbara Toni Carol
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning everyone :)

    I slept a lot better last night so hopefully the cold will improve now. Well apart from Nurse Sleek's observations. (at 30 minute intervals). t2507 Thanks for the magic squares Aidan they were under my pillow to raise me up. Don't want a COPD exacerbation do I? :shock: :shock: :shock:

    No doubt the obs charts will be examined by Tosca who will advise accordingly on treatment options :wink:

    Sorry there are (or were) tissues everywhere! One of my bad habits (attention seeking!) my Dad used to call them Toni's fall-outs!

    Tosca's hot lemon was very nice indeed. She brought some over via the gate in a flask.

    They were out early doors not sure what they collected today, but I know they went and had another look at the rainbow dew droplet. The queues have died down a little and anyway as they are honoured guests they go straight to the front. Then they went to the nymphs café and had herrings and cream :mrgreen:

    I hope you enjoy your breakfast with Dad even if there are no croissants :roll: outrageous :shock: :shock: :shock:

    It wasn't really a pusskin café just looked like one by the name...I think there should be more in real life. We ate a lot of vegan food while we were there - who would have thought? vegan Hungarians :shock: they love their meat :?

    Right I shall have some posh French toast...thank you :)

    Kath trackies on inside out :lol: :oops: :oops: :oops: Not to worry I went out once with 2 different boots on I have a photo somewhere...I could NOT stop laughing!!

    I love it when my delivery of food comes early I bet you were chuffed :)

    The sweet pots look lovely another veggie dish to try :)

    Sue I bet you look as you should once it's all done your teeth will look great. It's just hard while all the work is going on.(()) Joan I hope you are ok? This cold is ok I'll be fine in a few days :)

    Look at you Carol with your new teethy-pegs!! Looking good my girl :) 10 years younger too :D I know it will take some getting used to.

    I hope you are doing ok with the knitting?

    I am very glad to hear your GD is home now op all done and resting I hope she recovers quickly ((()))

    I did have a great time in Hungary yes, but it was LOVELY to get in and squeeze my Sleek and feel her purr! :) thank you!

    Barbara I hope Niamh is feeling better bless her? I have a Hungarian cold not nice!

    I was back in time for choir but didn't want to spread this cold around.

    Good to hear you've kept your kidneys stable well done! I had to have vitamin D ampules earlier this year a bit yuk but they work fast.

    Mig I have no idea about trick or treaters I was in Hungary :D

    Tia had loads and even had to nip to Tesco to re-stock!!!

    Love t4591 to everyone I hope I didn't forget anyone :oops:

    Toni xxx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all I am sure I posted yesterday.. :?
    Carol I am glad its mostly over with now at the dentist..must say I soon got use to my teeth..I sill feel like I lisp sometimes but people say they dont notice.. :lol: I am glad to hear your GD is doing ok..and she has SIL to look after the girls..its will be a big help for her..knitting nearly done :) now Mr T must get together with Mr B to talk about there complaints.. :lol: it took me a while to get Mr B to have a flu injection.. :shock:
    Sue your mouth will look much better with the new teeth..I know what you mean its sort of sinks in ..
    Joan how have you got on with the cyst..are they going to drain it.. :?:
    Toni I love all the photos..what a lovely parliament building they have..but you have got an Hungarian cold .. :( I hope you feel better very soon..and I can imagine how Miss sleek was when you arrived back.. :D so your dad came over in 1956...all those poor people that didnt make it :cry: ..I wasn't sure who was Hungarian in your I know.. :D
    Aidan..I have had the blood pressure monitor at home..very unnerving when it suddenly starts to inflate..I hope it shows all is well with Bs you are not quite a salon junior..wonder why... :) did I get to choir..I dont remember mind you that is nothing new. :lol: we did go the GC but there were coaches galore parked we came away..and went to our small one I was happy..hope you enjoyed breakfast with nice for him to be able to pop round like that.. :D thankyou for the granola but must say the french toast was to die for.. :D
    Kath I have never had Squash so might just try the recipe
    Niamh is much better..thankyou for asking everyone..she is up to her old tricks.. :lol:
    Not sure what we are doing feels quite mild..
    Love to everyone t4591 t115006 t4591
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I've started with my meal suggestion first, give you chance to have a look. I've had a nibble of all meals on offer, Don't know which I like best, although the toast comes pretty high up. Thanks Aidan.

    Vegan Breakfast potatoes.
    3 tbsp olive oil
    3 medium potatoes (roughly 14oz/400g)
    2 medium onions
    7 oz extra firm tofu (7oz = 200g)
    1 tsp cumin
    2 tsp oregano
    1 tsp salt
    1 tsp black pepper
    2 medium tomatoes
    US Customary - Metric

    Clean and cut the potatoes in cubes, roughly as thick as your small finger. Peel and cut the onions into “half rings”.
    In a pan, put a bit of olive oil and set to low-medium heat. Add the potatoes and cook for 5 mins, stirring gently. When it starts to sweat add the onions.
    Now crumble in the tofu. Stir and add the spices, salt and pepper. If you have, put a lid onto the pan and cook for 15 min.
    In a second pan add olive oil and set to medium heat. Cut the tomatoes in half and fry for roughly 5 minutes until some dark spots appear. Season with salt and pepper.
    If you don’t have a second pan, or don’t want to use one, then pop the potatoes on a plate and cover (or keep warm in oven).
    Assemble the potato mix and tomatoes on a plate.

    Got me troosers the right way round today. But I should have taken Aidan's advice and not leaped into leaves in the dark. You never know what will attach itself to you. As there were fireworks last night, several squibs stuck to me, a dead mouse, and some tatty chip paper. All gone in the cauldron mig. Not the chip paper, but I scraped the remains of someone's curry and chips in though. :lol:

    Hope your cold is improving Toni, you certainly don't wat a COPD exacerbation. t2507

    Not been out today. They said it was going to be windy so as my cough is bothering me, Chris and our next door neighbour too. We stayed home. t110007

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all, just started raining here, very windy too t110007 every time we open the back door for a cig, we are visited by leaves :roll: :roll:

    Hi Joan and Sue. I have not heard of any snow appearing, but, nothing would surprise me. We often get a flurry in November. I don't mind it, as long as we have supplies of essentials.
    Hope you are both ok and the doggies too. I was going to ask about the cyst, any date for draining etc??

    Hi Toni So glad you slept well, my sleepy spell worked :) I hope you are feeling a bit better.
    Sleek said she was very busy keeping Mummy checked, obviously every half hour :shock: :roll: :lol:

    Tosca has looked at all the charts and she said everything is within normal ranges, lots of fluids and feed a cold, so, cake is a must. She did suggest pilchards and cream, but, best not eh :mrgreen::mrgreen:

    I guessed that you would be just like Mum was, she was always neat and tidy, but if you helped her make her bed, goodness knows how many tissues appeared from nowhere :lol::lol:

    The didn't seem to gather anything from Pendle today - :? :? they went up to the trig point on top and admired the work that the Pendle Hill Project is doing, to make the paths a lot better, keep people from straying off them and eroding them further. They have done amazing work. I wish I could go up, I really do. But, I will be content with looking at her out of the window. :)

    No mists, nor heather, nor dewdrops. I think it was a bit of "quiet time" together, looking at the views over all of Mothers Lands :D

    They did go and see the rainbow droplet and loved the herrings and cream. Mother has had pilchards for lunch too, so she is very happy and there has been a lot of shrieking :roll: :roll: :lol::lol:

    Then some extra shouting, as her "Powder Room" has been bleached, immaculised and re - filled

    Dad was a wee bit late, but enjoyed his coffee and brioche, whilst watching the golf. He was here quite a while, nice and settled, bless him. Then it went dark and he said I am off, before it pours down. t111055

    Puskin cafe was a great sign. We should have more. There are plenty doggie friendly coffee houses, one in Skipton is all geared up for doggies. Nero's let them in, downstairs, which is nice.

    Lots of vegan foods, very nice, I am surprised as meat is high on the food consumption there.

    The French toast is DIVINE :D:D t4591

    Hi Barbara, so, it took a while for Mr T to be persuaded to have his flu jab, tut tut, I will be having will boost his immune system and help shrug off the worst of the flu viruses, over the winter period. Did you hear all that Mr B :):lol:

    The BP machine is an as and when one, he has had the one that is strapped to you and goes off at random, they are funny, you sit there and suddenly you see an arm getting bigger :lol::lol: I am supervising, of course, I cannot resist.

    Coach parties at your GC, how rude, when you wanted to go and enjoy. Glad you found room at the other one though. It is breakfast with Santa at ours, every Sat morning up to Christmas. Avoid at all costs, until after 11am :shock: :shock:

    Good to hear that Niamh is on the mend and up to her old tricks again t4591 t115006

    Hi Kath, so, the ice cream soaked french toast is high on the list of yummy things :) you are very welcome

    Vegan breakfast tatties look lovely, that reminds me, must pop some butter on our new tatties, we like them cold, at supper time.

    Good to hear that your kecks are on the right way mi duck :lol::lol:

    See, I said, there would be all sorts of "things" that would find their way and attach to you, in the leaf pile. At least Mig's brew has had a top up of ingredients.
    Cold curry and cold chips :mrgreen::mrgreen: feeling queasy.

    Don't blame you for not going out, it is certainly windy and very wet t110007 t111055 t111055 stopping in where it is warm :)

    Hugs and sparkles for your cough to improve asap t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006

    Right. I must away, time for me to get a cup of T and think about a siesta. Biscuits first though, dunked :)

    Love and Sparkles to everyone, in and about. t4591 t115006 will pop in later. XXXX Aidan

    Pumpkin Praline Cake :)

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all you lovely peeples

    Aidan Dinner with Mr T went ahead but my friend is away at the moment looking after another friends pusskin. I wont see her until Knitting group on Wednesday. but had a nice chill out in a coffee shop with my knitting by myself. glad dad enjoyed his Brioche
    and coffee. of my pumpkin praline cake had 1 of those or was it 3...
    not sure lots count after the first one.

    Kath What a delightful mixture of things attached themselves to you from amongst those dark leaves but at least the potion in Migs cauldron must be quite potent now. hope the cough is better soon.

    Barbara yes it is all over at the dentist now just have a small problem with the lower denture as it keeps slipping upwards might have to see if the dentist can adjust it I will contact the surgery on Monday if it is still the same It may be just that I am not used to them and feel like they are slipping we shall see. `yes we need to stick Mr t and Mr B in a room together and se who can moan the most. Mr T has had the flu jab every year since I have had one never been a problem getting him to have it. We have ours on Monday.

    Toni the teeth will take some getting used to to be sure. had to take them out early today as the top ones have caused a couple of mouth ulcers but that will not stop me wearing them. its really funny since I have had them on Thursday Mr T has put his in every day which is a miracle as ever since he has had his he has never put his in every day. :lol::lol: :? :?

    well folks time to potter as a very busy day tomorrow as my youngest daughter is staying with us tonight so that we can go to her award ceremony together we are going out early about 10.30 so that we can have some dinner together beforehand. ceremony starts around 2.15pm and everyone has to be seated by 2.00pm I probably wont be home till around 5- 5.30pm so a long day. Mr T will have to do his own dinner.
    love and Sparkles to all
    t115006 t115006 t4591 t4591
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all - wet and wild here, blowing a hooly and lots of rain. t110007 t111055 not overly cold though.

    Hi Carol - glad you enjoyed your meal out with Mr T and then a quiet coffee on your own, with knitting in hand :D That's nice, your friend is looking after a friends puskin :animal_busy:
    You can have a good catch up on Wednesday

    I think it was three pieces of pumpkin praline cake, well, you have to make sure it is ok for others to eat.

    I am sure the denture will settle down. They can cause small ulcers at first. A little adjustment may be needed.

    So Mr B and Mr T are going into a moaning booth, :lol::lol::lol: bless em eh. Men, what are they like :roll: :roll:

    At least he is wearing his dentures now, not wanting to be outdone :D:D

    I hope the award ceremony for your youngest Daughter goes well, you will be very proud indeed. Have a lovely time. I will put some extra magic squares round and about, for when you get back, to ease any ouches t115006 t115006 t115006

    How is your Hungarian cold Toni, hope you are feeling a little better, extra ((())) and some more hot lemon and honey from Tosca. She said there is an extra ingredient, one that they used at Hogwarts to ward off colds :? :? :? not, quite sure, what it is, she had a teeny tiny bottle and put one drop of the "mixture" in.

    Apparently it is magically good t115006 t115006 and can only help. Sleek likes it, she had a big drink :lol::lol::lol: and her whiskers started to sparkle :shock:

    How is Auntie Kari, Rev Delphine and Pom ? Cuddles of course, to Mrs Darcey t4591 t4591

    Hi to Christine, Barbara, Kath, Kerrin, Elizabeth, Joan and Sue, Mig, Toady, SW, DD, and all - hope everyone is keeping safe and warm.

    We have had a quiet evening. Was watching the tennis that had recorded and then they announces it was changing channels, well, we were snoozing at that time, how annoying IS THAT

    Time I was a pottering a while. Lots of shirts to steam today, they are breeding, I am sure of it :shock:

    Love and Sparkles to all t4591 t115006 Take lots of care XXX Aidan

    Help yourselves :)

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Barbara Carol Aidan Toni
    Kathleen I hope your cold soon goes(((())))
    Barbara I go to see about my cyst on the 12 that's good Niamh is feeling better(((())))
    Carol sorry you have a sore mouth (((())))
    Aidan I hope you have a good day((())) and B and your Dad
    Toni I hope your cold soon goes((((())))
    take care all
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Pankcakes scrambled egg and some fruit for me (a nod there to my 5-a-day :wink: ) thanks Aidan. It's a good job your pumpkin praline cake was self-replacing because I gave quite a few out last night we had village fireworks in our back garden!!

    I got through it ok, Kari and Pom were here but not The Rev not sure why :? about 40 people :shock: Miss Slimkins proving just how slim she is hid in our bed under the covers between our pillows. She's checked the garden over for damage already this morning.

    I am starting to cough now :shock: :( . The tincture from Tosca was lovely very effective my whiskers didn't sparkle, but sleeks are still....and the bottle is considerably lower. Obs are now 2 hourly (thanks Tosca!) Sleek is keeping an eye on my temperature etc safety first :wink:

    When questioned about their activities this morning Sleek was pretty tight-lipped. I know they went out, but again collected nothing.

    They still seem pretty upbeat, but they need to sort out their winter activities soon don't want them getting down do we? I know they love snow.....making snowangel-pusskins and the like, but this in-between weather isn't good for them. :?

    Glad Dad managed his brioche even if he was a little late.

    I need to iron too today all our holiday clothes. weren't we lucky temps around 22-24 degrees. Paul even got burnt!! You need to keep B looking smart and yourselves in your breeding shirts :D

    The telly knew you were snoozing and wanted you both off to bed so switched channels :lol:

    100% like your Mum!!! Tissues everywhere :oops: :oops: So is my neighbour the one who had her 50th w anniversary and I got to choir with. Always have a spare for each other if our sleeves don't produce the required item!!

    Carol at the moment with so much knitting to do you are probably better off having coffee on your own and keeping on going...oh there you are! c020.gif

    Good you are being a positive role model to Mr T with his teeth! I hope the ulcers ease off soon they will I am sure.

    Enjoy the awards ceremony you will both be so proud of your daughter :D Enjoy your lunch out Mr T will cope :roll:

    Kath what a messy pair of kecks you had! Good job the cauldron is still around. That will ferment beautifully for next year :)

    I don't want a COPD exacerbation no no way :shock: Am actually monitoring ATM Scarf over nose when outside etc :)

    Best not to walk if it's super-windy takes the breath from the healthiest!

    Those spuds look tasty and for breakfast too. I love grilled tomatoes :)

    I have about 20 left over baked spuds if anyone fancies one? They microwave super fast???

    Barbara yes it was my Dad who was Hungarian, Mum was French I am a cross-breed!!! :lol: Obviously I go to France a lot, but this was my first time in Hungary. My sis went over in the 80's saw our Grandparents and my bro worked over there when he was about 19 for 6 months.

    I am very pleased to hear Niamh is recovering well and up to mischief as she should be at her age :D

    It was mild yesterday and we were lucky the rain came AFTER the fireworks!!

    Hi there Joan. I hope all is well with you, Sue and the doggies and no-one was scared of the fireworks?? I am coping ok with the cold thank you just avoiding giving it to Lucy of course.

    Love to everyone

    Toni xxx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Very miserable and damp. s010.gif Autumn/winter is awful for those of us with lung problems (ain't it Aidan and Toni) I shall be coughing until April/May. But I take Azithromycin on Monday, Wednesday and Friday to keep infections at bay. Especially Pseudomonas with or without Pneumonia. :shock:

    Toni, do you sneeze/cough in English, French or Hungarian, or all three?

    Aidan, I like the look of everything you have given us, so along with Toni's jacket spuds, I am getting rather full. But I have to be careful as all my fillings have fallen out - so - I tend to suck most things. Except Mints, I always chomp, then OUCH. :o

    Oh dear Carol, does Bonjela help with your sores?

    So, let's get scoffing.

    Falafel with minted yoghurt dip

    Category: Main meal | Serves: 3-4

    Prep time: 25 minutes | Cooking time: 20 minutes

    For the falafel

    400g (14oz) can chick peas in water, rinsed and drained

    2 tablespoons light tahini

    2 tablespoons lemon juice

    1 clove garlic, crushed

    1 teaspoons each ground cumin and ground coriander

    1 tablespoons each chopped fresh coriander and flat-leaf parsley

    Freshly ground black pepper, to taste

    Plain flour, for dusting

    2-3 teaspoons olive oil

    For the yoghurt dip (not suitable for vegans/ dairy-free diet)

    150g (5 1/2oz) reduced-fat natural

    Greek-style yoghurt

    1 clove garlic, crushed

    1-2 tablespoons chopped fresh mint leaves

    Preheat oven to 180ºC/fan 160ºC/gas mark 4. Line a baking sheet with non-stick baking paper; set aside. Make falafel. In a food processor, blend together first five ingredients to form a smooth paste. Spoon paste into a bowl; mix in herbs and black pepper.
    Using lightly floured hands, shape falafel mixture into walnut-sized balls; flatten slightly. Lightly brush each one with oil; place on baking sheet. Bake for about 20 minutes.
    To make dip, combine yoghurt, garlic and mint in a small bowl; season with black pepper.
    Serve falafel hot or cold with yoghurt dip alongside.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all - relatively mild today m0150

    Not too many fireworks last night, just a few around and about.

    Hi Joan and Sue, hope you are both ok, keeping warm and cosy. We are all doing ok, keep pottering along. ((()))

    So you had the fireworks in your garden, very nice too Toni. The pumpkin cake is permanently self replacing, just in case I cannot bake on a particular day :lol::lol: The more you hand out, the more appears in the tin :shock:

    40 Peeples, but not Rev Delphine, she might have had a prior engagement.
    Sleek was telling Mother about the peeples in her garden, setting fire to big sparkles t115006 t115006
    Naturally she was super thin and can hide in between sheets, with no evidence of her being there.

    Garden all inspected and no damage reported :)

    Now, keep an eye on that cough, we don't want any chest infections appearing from nowhere, which they can do...............Sleek is on hourly obs now with the stethascope, reporting back any noises to Matron............... t4591 t115006

    Some extra bottles of magical potion have been given to Sleek, to administer as appropriate :? :? don't worry if you start to sparkle t115006 t115006 :lol::lol:

    There are goings on, up on Pendle. I cannot seem to get to the bottom of it. I did see them fly up there, then vanish, then they appeared back on the broom again a little while later. :? :? Is there another "gate" up there. I have asked, but Mother just shrugged her shoulders :shock: :roll: :roll:
    It will be something to do with the winter approaching. To keep them all occupied, when times of mists and dew, are few and far between.

    You were lucky with the temperatures in the low 20's, just pleasant. Well, not so pleasant for Paul, if he was burnt - tut tut

    All shirts immaculised and ready for the week. All pillowslips in creation are now wrinkle free too :)

    Tissues, well, I always carry quite a lot of tissues, for mopping up coffee, catching sneezes etc. Mum's pinny used to be full of them :lol::lol: with more up her sleeves just in case. :D:D

    Leftover jackets, oh yes, I will have some thank you, with the yummy falafel from Kath. Smothered in butter and cheese, naturally :)

    Interesting to hear of your parents origins Toni t4591 Lovely that you had the opportunity to meet up with family, also for Sis and Bro to meet the Grandparents some time ago. :D

    Hi Kath, this time of year is not great for lung problems t110007 , shall we all move to California m0150 m0150 It won't be long before I have a chest infection, going on previous years events :roll: :roll: some extra hugs for you ((())) t115006

    Good that you have a prophylactic antibiotic, to keep the bugs at bay, as you say, especially pseudomonas t115006 t115006

    I think Toni sneezes in French, Sleek has told me before :lol::lol: :shock: There are quite a few "blesses" in French, depending on the number of sneezes.........

    There are so many goodies, plus the lovely falafel, thank you kindly for those. We will be stuffed and no denying. But, it is all calorie free, so fill your boots and mind your teeth :shock: :lol::lol:

    A HI to Barbara, Carol, Christine, Kerrin, Mig, DD, SW, Toady, Elizabeth and all ((())) love and sparkles to everyone t4591 t115006

    I will away and rattle some pots in the sink, throw a few around, as one does. Then it will be time for biscuits and siesta.

    Let me see if there is something light, to tempt us XXX Will be back later XX Aidan

    White chocolate raspberry trifle cake - I will put the light on in the booth, just in case

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all very mild here..last night i was having a moment... :lol: 13 tog quilt ended up on the floor and the 4 tog back on.. :shock:
    Carol how nice that you get to go with your daughter to the ceremony you will be so proud and able to have a meal together..even better... :D I should ask about your teeth mine were a tight fit I did get a couple of sores but not bad the way Mr B has all his own teeth and has only ever been to the dentist once :? think I must be doing something wrong.. :shock:
    Joan we will all be there on the 12th..then we can all come back to yours for tea... :) thankyou Niamh is much better..
    Toni so you are half Hungarian and half must have been so nice being able to visit after all these years.. :D so you had 40 at the reminded me of the one my mum would put on when were were little ..we would collect the wood and she would cook all day..all the street would come..hee happy days..hope that cough leave you alone soon..
    Kath you are spoiling us ..I have never had Falafel..but I am up to trying anything.. :D I hope the ouches are not too bad..
    Aiden dad must have been comfy staying so long at yours.. :D did you get all the shirts steamed..I agree they do seem to breed with the rest of the clothes.. :roll: I hope the machine shows that Bs blood pressure is ok..I have the white coat syndrome..I will tell Mr B you are going to give him a good talking to..boy he needs it... :roll:
    All the fresh fruit and pancakes were delicious thankyou..I have stored away the praline cake for later :D
    We might just give the GC a go tomorrow but the coaches are coming in now for Christmas..I want it all to myself :lol:
    made our own dinner today with a cook chicken form Sainsburys and the ready prepared veg for Marks.. :D
    Better make a move
    Love to everyone t4591 t115006 t4591
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all :)

    It is mild Barbara, I had my own moment, with the steaming of shirts. So the 13 tog went west and the 4 tog duvet was back in its place. :lol:

    We used to have a bonfire "do" at the Rectory, there was an orchard and paddock, so plenty of room for a bonfire. Mum would make bonfire toffee, mushy peas (soaked overnight with this tablet in the white bag) pies, baked potatoes and some fireworks, mainly sparklers.

    Good times eh Barbara. No health and safety, the fireworks were in one of mothers old biscuit tins :lol::lol::lol: :shock: did you have the crackerjack fireworks that jumped about all over the place, catherine wheels that always flew off the nail :shock: :shock: rockets that went sideways out of the milk bottle :roll: :roll: :lol::lol:
    My late Dad's Birthday is today, bonfire night. I have put a lovely picture on FB, of him tending to some of his plants in the garden in Skipton.

    Dad was very comfy and well into the PGA golf tournament.

    All shirts done and dusted, nothing hanging about, I cannot bear it when they are looking at me, waiting to be ironed :? :? :roll: :roll:

    B's blood pressure is fine, nothing abnormal. Definitely white coat syndrome, which is quite a common thing.
    Yes, Matron will be coming round to do a home visit for Mr B :D:D syringe at the ready :shock: :shock: :lol:

    Store as much praline cake as you like, it is always available and seems to be a favourite :)

    We are off to Skipton today, some paperwork to sort at Dads bank, no doubt Nero's will be visited and goodies will be enjoyed.

    Hope you get a seat at the GC, early doors to avoid the coach parties. Might be a bit quieter on a Monday.

    Glad you enjoyed your meal at home, everything ready to go, rightly so too :)

    Hi Carol, you will have had a very busy day. Many congratulations to your Daughter Becky, on her award for leadership. I bet you were both very proud indeed :D:D t4591

    just in case there are any ouches, I have left some sparkles, around the house t115006 t115006 Hope your mouth is less sore today

    Toni I hope your Hungarian cold is on the mend, sending lots of extra ((())) and sparkles to send it on its way. Sleek is keeping a good record of chest soundings. Keep an eye. t4591

    Sleek and Mrs D, came over at siesta time, I say siesta, with fireworks going off and shrieking going on, dozing was nigh on impossible :roll: :roll:
    There is definitely some kind of "gate" up on Pendle. Sleek and Mother were explaining to Mrs D about a new "route".
    Now we need to find out just where this route leads to :shock: :? :? :?

    Hi to Kerrin, Christine, Mig, DD, SW, Elizabeth, Toady and all.

    I had best be pottering and getting ready for T before bed time.

    Leaving lots of love and sparkles t4591 t115006 XXXX Aidan

    Strawberries and Cream Breakfast Bake

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Oh gosh what was that?!!! Excuse me tap tap tap taptaptatpTAPTAPTAPTAP! SPLATTT!!!! Straight in the trifle cake Thanks Aidan :D Booth on jet wash button pressed!

    Now some of that breakfast strawberry creation....mmmmm will save that for later.

    Coughing well ATM you and Kath know the kind...until you heave then :shock: Have to get a grip. It's productive and oddly sparkly :?

    One hourly obs are probably necessary I may avoid my walk today too to be on the safe side.

    Now what are our pusskins up to on the hill?? Hmmm....they are flying up there then vanishing...… very odd then reappearing. I think it is to do with the winter months Hermione doesn't want them just watching SYTTD or endless the only Way is Catex all winter. She thinks the first Christmas without Pepe will hit them hard too.

    Time will tell no doubt.

    You are right to advise Barbara to go to her GC early that is always best and safest if you want space and a seat!!

    All pillowslips flattened suitably as well as shirts?! Well done you :)

    Oh yes our fireworks were always in the garage too no H&S in those days, but I'm sure fireworks were less dangerous then too?? The odd milk bottle falling over and a rocket going sideways!! we are lucky really a chap in our village used to do pyrotechnics at a local historical attraction so all was attended to safely here :)

    No bonfire incase we hurt any hedgies :shock:

    Your D Dad's birthday ah.... sending some ((())) t115006 t4591 t115006

    Kath I will certainly do the falafels we had them twice in Hungary and I love Neros falafel wraps t4591

    Prophylactic AB's eh? Good idea you need to stay well.

    Now Aidan says I sneeze in French I probably do, but at least they aren't as loud as Paul's!! He BARKS!!! no warning!! Scary!

    I probably cough in Hungarian :lol:

    Barbara The fireworks were lovely thank you our garden the perfect venue having the field at the back no fences so safe-ish. Sounds as though you have many happy memories of bonfire night with your Mum ((()))

    I think Aidan is right about your GC get there early and you might not have to share. Can you book tables there?

    I see Mr B is in trouble with Matron too :shock: s040.gif

    A quick woo-oooo! to Joan :) Hope the dogs are ok with the fireworks :? The 12th is in the diary for cloak duties :D


    Toni xxx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Toni Kathleen Aidan Barbara
    Toni I'm glad you all enjoyed yourselves.
    Kathleen you like cooking have you tried macaroni cheese with a small tin of tomatoes in our grants recipe.
    Aidan that's good your Dads blood pressure is alright I hope you are has well.
    Barbara yes thank you I hope you had a good weekend.
    take care love to Carol
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Joan, Chris does't like macaroni cheese, he says it smells like baby sick. So we never have it. Although he loves cauliflower cheese. Strange man. :oops: Who said that? Not me, honest.

    Toni, Yes, I thought you would give a very delicate French sneeze OOOh La la, :lol: My cough is never productive, just rasping and noisy. But difficult to discover which infection is in there.

    WOW, Aidan I've just been in the booth with a beautiful breakfast gooey dooda. Wonderful, thank you. Power jet on, so all nice and sparkling.

    We had a cellar to keep our fireworks. Granddad would have to move his vans and lorries (he was a landscape gardener). We lived on a cul-de-sac and we had a huge bonfire in the middle of the street. I remember my aunty Glenys being chased by a jumping jack, then burnt by a runaway Catherine Wheel. The bigger kids on the street (like Aunty Glenys and her twin brother Uncle Ernie) would bake spuds round the bottom of the fire. I was allowed to hold two sparklers at once under gran's beady eye. At least we didn't have to worry about Hedgehogs, just dogs and cats.

    Chris sleeps under a Tog 4 duvet all year round. I use a 13 Tog even in the summer, when it ends up on the bedroom floor.

    Barbecued courgettes and peppers with lemon and mint

    Prep time: 10 | Cooking time: 8-12 minutes

    2 courgettes, trimmed (about 425g/15oz)

    2 red peppers, halved and deseeded (about 350g/12oz)

    4 teaspoons olive oil

    1-2 small cloves garlic, crushed

    Finely grated zest and juice of 1/2/ lemon

    3-4 finely shredded fresh mint leaves

    Freshly ground black pepper, to taste

    Light barbecue about 30-45 minutes before you want to start cooking.
    Cut courgettes in half widthways; cut each half into quarters, lengthways. Cut each pepper half lengthways into 3.
    Place courgettes and peppers in a bowl. Add 2 teaspoons of olive oil and the garlic; toss to coat.
    Place courgettes and peppers in a single layer on rack over barbecue. Cook for 4-6 minutes on each side or until tender and lightly charred, turning once.
    Combine remaining olive oil, lemon juice, shredded mint and black pepper in a small bowl; add lemon zest to taste and whisk together. Drizzle over vegetables before serving.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    A quick hi to all - only just got back from Skipton - a 3 hour lunch / coffee in Nero's, B and Dad had a break in between and went to the bank over the road, all paperwork sorted.

    I had THREE large Americano's, fortunately the middle one I had was a decaff, otherwise I would now be on the ceiling :shock: :shock: :lol::lol:

    They have a five cheese toasties, well worth trying, mmmmmmm Dad had a meaty one, pigs in blankets toastie :shock: :shock: he said it was lovely, but, we don't eat piggies :? :? We are more and more veggie now. I had a piece of slated caramel cake and it was horrid, :roll: which I made sure the lovely staff new about :shock:

    Mother left a tell tale sign from Pendle. A new wand. Well, the only way she can get a new wand, is from Hogwarts, sooooo, I am assuming, that the "gate" at the top of Pendle, leads straight to Hogwarts :shock: :shock: :shock: who wonder they were all shrieking. t115006 t115006 I have sent a note to Hermione, up the chimney we don't have :lol: :?

    We have thick thick mists on the hill, so a late evening visit is on the cards, mothers new wand has illumination on it.

    Glad all the fireworks were under proper control, I have seen some terrible injuries in A and E :? :?

    Now, this cough, there are signs that there might be something lurking.............according to Sleeks recordings. I am sure I heard a crackle or two. t4591 t115006 be ready to go to GP if needs be.

    Yes, Matron is after Mr B, he has to be told off :lol::lol::lol:

    Glad you enjoyed your time in the booth, all sparkling clean I see :)

    B sneezes just the same as Paul then, even Tosca jumps and she is deaf as a post - me, I nearly fall off my perch. :shock: :lol::lol:

    Thank you for the ((())), Dad would have been nearly 90 now. Bless his Soul.

    Hi Kath, sounds like you had a great time with the bonfire and jumping jacks :lol::lol::lol: Sparklers were great, Mum used to say, oh pretty, bless her, the Roman Candles were a real treat.

    Chris thinks Mac Cheese is like baby :mrgreen: nooooo, it is wonderful, with lots of parmesan on top, mustard too in the cheese sauce, wonderful. Tell him to hold his nose and try some :):lol::lol:

    We need to keep a check on your chestickles too, Sleek will be round later, to have a listen :)

    Thank you for the BBQ courgettes and peppers with lemon and mint, we will be snacking on them later.

    Hi Joan and Sue, B's blood pressure is being checked, dad is as fit as a flea :lol::lol:
    Tomatoes in Mac Cheese, oh yes, very nice it is too.

    Right, time has really caught up with me and it is T and biscuits, then a rest............

    I will be back later. Love and Sparkles to everyone, t4591 t115006 t115006 XX Aidan

    Apple and Butterscotch Sponge

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all..late again and done nothing apart form the gc this morning..we did get a seat..but the queues... :shock: poor OH took him ages just to get us a sandwich :o
    Toni ..I do have lovely memories of our bonfire..we had a very large garden at the side of out council house..I hope your cough are you getting on with your new inhalers.. :?:
    Joan i hope this mild weather continues ..but like you say when you need to sit alot you feel the cold..
    Kath I will try the baked aubergines..a long time since I had them and wasn't very you have 13 tog all year round I would melt away :lol:
    Aiden many hugs for you on your dads Birthday.. t4591 t115006 its always hard,,I love the photo of him he has such a kind face :) bless him..(())
    Now the fireworks..I hated the cracker jacks :lol: they always headed for my ankles.. :shock: yes milk bottle for the rockets and fireworks in tins..but I dont remember any accidents..apart from the hot sparklers :o glad you got your coffee fix..with a decaff in between..very wise..I like the sound of the 6 cheese toastie..will look out for those.. :D thankyou for the strawberry and cream breakfast bake.. :D and the butterscotch bake ...enough sugar for today... :lol:
    we have 3 cats here, next door have gone to a bonfire... :D
    Love to everyone t4591 t115006 t4591
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    hello everyone!

    Kath those peppers sound lovely....thank you very muchly :)

    Chris is quite wrong baby sick smells yuk mac'n' cheese is fabulous! men can be odd sometimes...present company excepted of course Aidan!

    Be warned Sleek will be over to do your obs as well tonight ;)

    I don't remember jumping jacks at all :( they sound a bit scary :shock: Catherine wheels are my favourite. You have great memories too :) TWO sparklers?!! Wow! lucky you :D

    Right Joan I will try the tomatoes in my macaroni cheese! Does it go in before it goes in the oven?

    So Aidan the cats nipped out a bit back and got some mist Sleek was full of it she loves 'night flying' :roll:

    Sleek said Tosca and she have swapped stories about their respective Daddies sneezes!! :shock:

    There's a gate to Hogwarts?!! The new wand is a bit of a giveaway….Let me know what Hermione says when you get a reply down the chimney you haven't got.

    I hope my obs improve over peak-flow is down a little and heart rate up so we shall see eh? Hopefully just Hungarian colds are a bit evil. Any doubts I promise Matron I will get straight to the nurse at the practise.

    Blimey you took a risk 3 coffees! Very wise at least one decaf. Their decaf is lovely but clearly the salted caramel cakes are rubbish :(

    The 5 cheese toastie sounds worth a try but you must try the falafel wraps t4591

    I have taken some apple and butterscotch slices for myself nd Paul with some of Cornwall's finest. eft some in the fridge if you want some :)
    Hi Barbara Are you babysitting next door's cats? That is good they don't always like fireworks bless them.

    Thanks for asking the new inhalers have helped me a lot I think, but cure I'm afraid :roll: still it was my own fault. :roll:

    Council houses used to have big gardens didn't they? They've got smaller these days. I hope our kids have such good memories of their time with us.

    Then we'll have done our job right :D

    At least you got a seat at the GC!!

    Love to everyone

    Toni xxx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all - :)

    Hi there Barbara - don't worry, late is fine, look at the times I get here at night / morning :lol::lol:

    So I take it the GC was busy then :shock: :shock: It is that time of year. I thought it might be a little less hectic for you, on a Monday, but obviously not. Good that you got a seat, not so good that it took an age to get a sandwich. :roll: :roll:

    Thank you for the hugs, on Dads Birthday in Heaven. It is a lovely picture. Both he and Mum had green fingers, whatever they planted or took cuttings of, just flourished. Dad must have had a direct line to the Almighty, to encourage their growth t4591 :D

    Those jumping jack fireworks always chased us and when you think about it, they were so dangerous, but we loved them :shock: :lol::lol:

    I certainly had my coffee fix, more than enough. I think if I had had three full caffeine, I would still be dithering. The umpteen cheese toasties are very nice, they also do mini bite cakes, which I should have had, 5 different varieties.

    Oh bless, you are puskin sitting for your neighbours. t4591 t4591

    Hi Toni, I quite agree, men are very strange sometimes, as always, I am not including myself in that statement :lol::lol: Mac cheese is soul food :)

    Yep, flying when it was going dark, with Mothers new wand of illumination, the whole hill was lit up :shock: :shock: m0150 a very powerful wand it is too.

    They were swapping stories about gigantic daddy sneezes, that shake the neighbourhood :shock: :shock:

    There was a reply, down the chimney we don't have. Hermione said that there is now a "gate" to Hogwarts, hidden on Pendle. Sleek Mother and Mrs D can visit once a day, if they so wish and they can take Tommy with them, as long as they chaperone him at ALL times.
    So, interesting times ahead and a treat for the puskins, to see them over the winter months, the "gate" will only be there, until March. I am sure there will be extra tuition in spells and a nice introduction to the world of magic, for young Tommy. t115006 t115006

    I will try the falafel wrap next time we go to Nero's, I saw them today and never though............ :roll: :roll:

    Enjoy the sponge pudding and clotted cream, we need our calcium after all :D:D

    Good, no taking of chances with our COPD, bugs will head straight to out chesties, so best to have the practice nurse on speed dial :D

    Well, time is a marching, heading up to 1am, so I should be pottering about a little.

    At home today, bit more fussing and doing, as you do :)

    Hi to Carol, Kerrin, Mig, Toady, SW, DD, Christine, Elizabeth and all

    Love and Sparkles to all t4591 t115006 t115006 XX Aidan

    Crispy Baked Oatmeal

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Barbara Aidan Toni
    Kathleen yes we like cauliflower cheese has well have a good day.
    Barbara how are you doing I hope you have a good day.
    Aidan how long have you been in your park home ((((()))))
    Toni the Macaroni is boiled on the gas then drained the grated cheese is put in and the small tin of tomatoes it has to be a tin for the juice that's it. Have a good day.
    take care ((((()))))
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx