Val's Cafe
Hi to all, it has been wet and wild in the evening t110007 t111055 t111055 calmed down now thank goodness.
Hi Carol Good that you did not get a soaking while you were out with Mr T, he who shares cold germs so willingly t2507 :? :roll: :roll:
Let's hope is stops nasal and doesn't settle on throat or chest.
Kind of him to let you have some lozenges, french ones too.
It would be good for St John's to show their good work and the dedication of its members. Obviously they don't like the idea of social media, which as taken off in leaps and bounds over the last few years.
Yes, I am glad that B's vision has improved. A couple of times he said he can see the same marks. The Dr will look today. I think this is the first time our health centre has had a Saturday surgery. No one really knows much about it :? :? Only one Dr will be there, plus a security / admin. Cannot leave it with just one person in there.
I might go in and do a triage
Electric toothbrushes do whizz about and would cause the ouchies :shock:
Hope your gums are improving t115006 t115006
Hi Toni How are the hands, I bet they are sore from glossing, some extra magic squares are scattered about. t115006 t115006 me thinks they might just come in useful :?
Mother was quite vocal at nap time, she had been through her "gate" to see Sleek and Mrs Darcey. Going over their time at Hogwarts and comparing blending spells. Sleek has ordered a wizards cloak from the Hogwart outfittersApparently Mrs D has one somewhere.............
No mention of a fly up to Pendle today, mind, they go and come back in no time at all.
Hi to everyone else, Barbara, Christine, Kerrin, Mig (some more dusty cobwebs have gone in the brew) SW DD, Toady and all
Love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 Time I was pottering, take care XXXX Aidan
Caramel Apple Pecan and Coconut SconesXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hi Joan! I see you there!!0
Hello Kathleen Aidan Carol
Kathleen I hope you have a good weekend how is the A Acid going(((())))
Aidan sorry about B's eyes I hope they have righted their selves now(((())))
Carol I'm pleased you've mastered your teeth lot's of people give up ((((()))))
take care love to Barbara Toni and others
Joan xx. Hello Toni have a good weekend xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Morning everyone else
Aidan Best of luck at the Dr's today....I hope all is well i.e. no shingles and that B's eyes are ok too :? Our H/C has a Saturday service shared with 3 others in their consortium. Never needed to go myself.
Yes yours needs a nurse I think you would fit the bill very nicely
Are those breakfast bars? If they are I would eat them every day lovely
After a grotty night we have a lovely morning m0150
Thank you for all the squares much appreciated. Sleek has a phial (that's what she is pompously calling it - a phial which she showed to myself and Lucy from her advanced blending class as done Mrs Darcey all slightly different hues I believe. I think hers is definitely to temporarily remove sadness. No sign of the Cloak from Hogwarts yet.
They all went out this morning for an autumnal ride to chase away the cobwebs, (any which they catch go in the pot for mig of course), over the Chase this time although Sleek said they called in to see the nymphs yesterday and Silver was there.
I suppose hearing about these atrocities on the news makes it worse sometimes I think what kind of a world are we living in? then someone has a baby and that's it - all worth it t4591 t4591 t4591
Yes Sister Inviolata was there at choir too I am expecting them at the centenary service tomorrow 10:15 for 11 (of course).
That meal at the GC sounded lovely!!! I think it would have been disrespectful not to partake of a scone!!! :shock:
The white chocolate rocky Rd was yum just needed Nu-nu
Carol how is the cold doing? Still only in the nose I hope?
Nice of MR T to give you some lozenges, but keeping his cold would have been even nicer
Just like me! I keep those little mementoes all the decorations the kids made for the Christmas tree the lott4591
I'm so glad the jabs have been kind to you this time it's much better that way. Keep up the
Hi Kath thanks for the dahl. I love dahl never had mung dahl though so this is a first. I got into it when Lucy was in the QE and some of the Mums used to feed us!!
I hope, and am confident, that your Tesco order was all present and correct?!
Joan you have a good weekend yourself t4591
Well onwards and upwards
Love to everyone
Toni xxx0 -
Sorry Joan haven't taken A Acid for two years. I now have Zolendronic infusions once a year. Have you had any side effects from A Acid? Most of my OP group won't take it as they are too scared. Can't say I blame them.
Toni, what a smashing surprise to see you on HH BLF forum. They are a very friendly and helpful group. We had a really heavy downpour this morning, good job we stayed home. t110007 t111055 t111055 t111055
Spicy plantains and spinach
Category: Snack/side dish, Starter/snack | Serves: 4
Prep time: 10 minutes | Cooking time: 40 minutes
2 firm, ripe plantains (yellow in colour)
2 spring onions, finely chopped
2 fresh tomatoes, chopped
1 red pepper, thinly sliced
1/2 teaspoon of mild curry powder
Large bunch of spinach, finely chopped
1 tablespoon of rapeseed oil
Small stem of ginger, peeled and finely chopped (about a tablespoon)
Scotch bonnet pepper to taste
Make an incision along the length of each plantain so it's easier to peel once cooked. Boil in water for 10-15 minutes or until plantain can be easily pierced with a fork. Remove from water and leave to cool.
Heat the rapeseed oil in a large non-stick pan. Add the spring onion, red pepper, ginger and tomato and cook gently for 8-10 minutes. Season with black pepper to taste. Meanwhile peel the plantains, discard the skin and slice into discs about 1 inch thick.
Transfer plantains to the pan, add the spinach and mix well. Serve as a starchy food with meat or fish and a portion of vegetables.
Yummy yummy Aidan, Caramel Apple Pecan and Coconut Scones. I'll take 4 please and plaster them with best butter. With a cuppa red teaa, they'll go down very nicely ta muchly.
Love to Carol, Barbara, Sue, Kerrin and anyone else I've forgotten.
t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Best be writing a little, before the whole day has gone.
Hi Joan and Sue Thank you for the hugs, B's eyes are not as bad now
The Dr said he has a sinus infection so is on AB's for a week.
A lot of people do give up with their new teeth. I remember one of the Domestic Supervisors at the hospital, always took her teeth out before meals :shock: :shock:
Hi Toni, all went ok at the Drs, certainly no waiting, one person taking details then Dr calls you straight in. Sinus infection he thinks is causing the problems, so AB's for a week and see how things go. If no better, then go back...............No signs of shingles and eye is much better. Thank goodness. Mother will be doing scans, with her magic wand, to check on Daddy's vital signs. :shock: :?
I could work in the surgery on a Sat morning, just putting dates of birth into the computerNEXT
As we were so close to the T room, we just had to pop in and have a couple of coffee's, bearing in mind I had had one before we went out. So, I was totally wired by the time we left the T rooms :shock: :shock: No cakes were had, we didn't dally too long, it was packed to the doors
They did come up as breakfast scones, but, they look as if they could be eaten all day, every day
Sleek has a phial, that is what Mother was trying to tell me then, that Miss Sleek has a phial and not a file...............little words, big difference :roll:Of course, it is a posh word, no wonder she is feeling all peas above stick about it.
Both phials / bottles, do contain cheering up medicine. Will come in handy when the skies are grey and the days are short. Mother has hidden hers, somewhere :? :?
I really am getting nowhere fast this afternoon. :roll: :roll: I might post and then start again later on.
So, until later, love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 XX Aidan
Chocolate Brownie Meringue Cake with Raspberry Cream
XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hello all..lets see what I can remember I did read all your post honest..
Carol I hope you dont go down with Mr Ts cold..that is all you need..and hopefully your gums will heal soon..the teeth do rub but not for long..unless they are really loose..St Johns saved our youngest sons from being disabled many years ago..he was 11 and we went to a fair ..long story short they had a zip harness and he let go mid air...they kept his airways clear ..recovery position and kept his neck rigid..he was so lucky they were there..apparently he could have lost the use of his leg..but all was well..after a long recovery :shock:
glad your GD has had her cast removed it has been a long journey for her..
Aiden you ended up at the GC..I do hope that Bs eyes will be ok maybe he has over done the jewellery and they need a rest..bless...and you might have shingles..I was going to ask you about the jab for them, if it works are not..dont they give you the antiviral cream or meds..our surgery has just stopped doing Saturdays.. :roll: hope the PIP result will be here soon I didnt get another text off them just the letter.. t115006 thankyou for all the sweet treats..we can rely on you..
Sue you are very welcome ..we like to help were we can..
Joan we have had mild weather again..just hope it continues for us all..
Toni glad to hear you have had the windows open..I do go on a bit.. :oops: but it was a painter friend that drew our attention to the fumes..I did sing well didnt I..I tried the gin you left behind the bar very soothing on my throat
Kath thankyou for the recipes..we had a friend that used to eat mung beans all day long..they are suppose to be very good for you..
We went to a art exhibition this morning only a small one but was brilliant to see..and the church next door was open for tea and cake so we could walk past..
Love to everyone
t4591 t115006 t4591
Just spotted you there nearly pinched my post..sorry could not see the cake you left..did Toni pinch it..Love
Barbara0 -
Evening everyone
Been really nasty weather here today got wet in the rain coming home from getting some little bits of shopping this afternoon. managed to avoid the worst of it as was in coffee shop when it was really pelting down. hope you all have not had too much rain where you are.
Barbara I do have Mr T's cold but at the moment it is mainly in the nose with just the odd tickle in the throat. and not really feeling ill at all at the moment, fingers crossed it stays that way. the teeth are rubbing a bit but I am not giving up on them as a lot of people do. paid too much for them for that. I good to hear about St John saving your son from being disabled my daughter was here when I read your post and I read that bit out to her and she said she was pleased to hear it. yes GD's cast was on for nine weeks.
Aidan Well thats St John for you Glad the doctors went well and no sign of shingles. and eyes caused by sinus problems. I certainly won't give up with the teeth I have felt like it but then come to my senses and told myself I must not give up on them.
Joan I cannot say I have fully mastered the teeth yet but I have only had them for 9 days and still a couple of ulcers but I am getting there slowly.
Toni yes Mr T keeping his cold would have been better indeed but the lozenges have done the trick with the sore throat. and cold is still mostly in the nose just the occasional tickle in the throat causing a little cough. I have never had any problems with the flu jabs. and yes I am keeping the knitting going.
must now move to have a little potter or I might just set chair shaped and I don't really fancy that.
love and sparkles to all
t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006Stay positive always👍xx0 -
Now, where was I, all those hours ago :?
I think I was about to say Mother enjoyed her trip out to the Chase, no mention of seeing the Nymphs or Silver, I think they like to keep some things secret and within the magical circles t4591 t115006 t115006
Every time I look at the online news from the Mail - or any other media source, there is another stabbing, machete wielding, shootings then the natural disasters like the fires in California - We live in dangerous times and we must realise that we are at the mercy of Mother Nature.
Of course all choristers will be there today, for the Centenary Remembrance service today. A very poignant time, lest we forget. t4591
Lunch at the GC on Friday was lovely, yes, I quite agree, that to ignore the scones, would be an insult to the chefs.
I did have another quick whizz round with the nu nu, I think you dropped quite a few bits
Has the painting finished now? How are the hands, wrists, backs :? :? :? hope Charley is ok too.
Hi Kath, wise to stop in or you woulda bin sowked mi duck, then ya would gorra cowdSorry, my accent was coming back to me
If you don't mind, I will have my supper, without the plantain, they are banana family and one thing I cannot eatI might substitute sweet potato instead
Those scones were yummy and rather moreish, I had two, ish........ :? :?plastered in butter is essential and some clotted cream, for extra calcium.
Hope any ouchies are minimal, some ((())) just in case t115006 t115006
Hi Barbara - goodness, your Son was lucky, to have St John's there to help, at the fairground. They do a wonderful job, nationwide.
B's eye seems ok at the moment. The Dr said it was not likely to be shingles, more a sinus infection, so he is on Doxycycline for a week. He does get small cold sores and used the antiviral cream, with good effect
Yes, the shingles vaccine does work, but it very age specific. I cannot remember why, to be honest, I would have to re read about it. The acyclovir tablets are very expensive and only really effective at the first signs of spots /blisters appearing.
So your surgery has just stopped the Saturday morning clinic. :? :? :roll: :roll:
I hope the pip letter comes soon, I won't be able to open it, B will have to do that.
Of course, I try and get as many treats for us all, it is Matron's duty
I thought it might have been gin, in the shed. But as you say, it gave your voice a certain angelic tone
Glad you enjoyed the art exhibition
You didn't see the cake, oh dear, no, there were several of them, Toni would have planted in only one.
Just for you, some chocolate mousse, encased in meringue
Hi Carol Good that you managed to avoid the worst of the rain. A lot of places have been flooded, especially in Wales. We have not had much at all by comparison.
You are doing very well with the new teeth, far better than I would.
Knitting going well I see and the cold is not travelling to other areas, which is good. Tell Mr T off for being so generous at sharing his cold. :roll: :roll: :?
At home today, a quiet day I think.
There is creamy porridge on the stove. A simple breakfast today.
Love and Sparkles to everyone, in and about t4591 t115006 XX AidanXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Morning everyone! Singing this morning with choir for the 100-year Remembrance Service. All sisters will be present and correct Barbara too I hope. :? Really lovely Remembrance picture there.
So it was a sinus infection Aidan? well that's good best of luck with the ABs. Sleek says if Mother needs Pepe's Drs kit???? Did you apply for the job?
Sleek says they don't tell us everything :shock: :shock: Good job then that Hermione tends to know everything!!! Sleek loves her phial I peeped in the house it's in the shelf underneath to Pepe's photos on the wall t115006 Raining here again this morning and her mac is on the airer. Look for that kind of evidence Aidan. Small puddle underneath... :roll:
So you thought Mother said file?!! Sleek knows where Tosca put her own phial. Don't worry it's safe.
Those fires in California so terrifyingI have been thinking about them and all the violence too it's just dreadful. Best not to dwell to long.
Thank you for asking hands/wrists are ok strong enough for my music today back not so good arcoxia downed already. :roll: Charley is feeling much better and GF says the wheezing has stopped
Clotted cream is FULL to the brim with calcium
Oh my!!! Chocolate mousse(s) in meringue :shock: :shock: :shock:
Did I leave crumbs yesterday :shock: :oops:
The chocolate brownie meringue cake was fabulous. Had to put the booth on an extra cycle though :?
Well done Carol getting a seat when the rain really chucked it down!! The weather's been the same here and we'll be up at the village memorial too :?
You are doing well with your teeth hopefully giving Joan's sister encouragement for when she has hers.
I hope the cold is on it's way away now and ...can I hear it? clack click clack.....
Barbara was that Niamh's Daddy who had that dreadful fall? Thank God for St John's being there that's all I can say :shock:
I have brought a little of the gin for you to down prior to the Remembrance service this morning.
Paint fumes all gone now don't worry about 'going on' it's only because you care t4591
Lovely to see some art isn't it? I go quite a bit now as my sister is an artist
Kath I should have known it was you by your username on the BLF site!! It was lovely to find youIt's active isn't it? V busy.
It proper rained a few times yesterday and has done here already this morning....wonder if the Rev will keep us in Church or if we can go up to our Memorial for the Remembrance Service :?
I have never had plantains in my life....are they a bit like a nana?
Thanks for the recipe might give it a go..... :?
Love to Joan and guess what? Out boiler has died! Suddenly no hot water (well to be fair it had been getting colder) no heating! Luckily I have an oil filled rad for Lucy and of course a 'proper' fire
I will text the plumber later and let's see how quickly he sorts it.
Love to everyone
Toni xx0 -
Hello Toni Kathleen Aidan Barbara Carol
Toni how is Lucy getting on with her teaching just the right person.
Kathleen I have the Alendronic drink I asked if I could have the injections he said we don't like doing them.
Aidan that's good B's eye is getting better((((())))
Barbara your son was lucky sue was watching Emmerdale and in the break was a advert for Arthritis care.
Carol yes it will be worth it with your teeth lots of people give up you won't((((()))))
take care all
Joan xx. sorry Toni I hope you don't have to wait too long((((()))))take care
joan xx0 -
I'm sat sitting here with a chocolate mousse meringe on the tip of each finger, so I can eat them like HulaHoops. And two Chocolate Brownie Meringue Cakes with Raspberry Cream on the table in front of me tongue at the ready. :P Hehehe, thank you Aidan. I know Plantain and nanas are related, but one is sweet while the other isn't.
Rang me dad this morning and asked him all about me granddad, who was in both WWl and WW2. He was a marine in the first one, but he was too old to join the 2nd - until Dunkirk,when they let him join up, and he went to Scotland to defend should there be an invasion from Norway. Then he went to Africa, and travelled from the desert up to Italy. Brave man was granddad Arthur. Sadly he died in the 1960s of a wasting disease similar to MND.I'd be about 12.
I enjoyed the singing, and the bagpipes playing Flowers of the Forest today. Very moving.
t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591
Smoky bean chipotle stew. Vegetarian. This delicious and nutritious veggie bean chilli recipe gets its smoky flavour from chipotle paste, made from smoked jalapeno peppers.
This meal provides 501 kcal, 18g protein, 71g carbohydrate (of which 18g sugars), 16g fat (of which 3g saturates), 17g fibre and 1.4g salt per portion.
For the chipotle stew
2 tbsp olive oil
2 medium onions, sliced
1 yellow pepper, deseeded, cut into chunks
1 medium sweet potato (approximately 300g/10½oz), peeled, cut into chunks
1 tsp ground coriander
1 tbsp plain flour
400g tin chopped tomatoes
2 tbsp chipotle paste (available at larger supermarkets and delicatessens)
400g tin cannellini beans, rinsed and drained
400g tin red kidney beans, rinsed and drained
salt and freshly ground black pepper
soured cream, to serve (optional)
For the coriander quinoa
150g/5oz quinoa, rinsed
1 ripe but firm avocado, halved, stone removed, flesh scooped out
1 lime, juice only
4 spring onions, finely sliced
1½ tbsp chopped fresh coriander, plus extra to garnish
salt and freshly ground black pepper
Recipe tipsHow-to-videos
Heat the oil in a large heavy-based saucepan over a medium heat. Add the onions and fry for 2-3 minutes, stirring well. Add the pepper and sweet potato and fry for 3-4 minutes. Sprinkle over the coriander and flour, stir to combine, continue to fry for 30-40 seconds.
Add the chopped tomatoes, chipotle paste, beans and 600ml/20fl oz cold water to the saucepan. Stir well to combine and season with salt and pepper.
Bring to the boil, then simmer for 18-20 minutes, stirring more and more regularly as the cooking time progresses, until all of the vegetables are tender. Add water if it starts to dry out.
Meanwhile, for the quinoa, half-fill a saucepan with water and bring to the boil. Add the quinoa, stir well, then simmer for 12-15 minutes, or until just tender.
Cut the avocado into chunks and drizzle over the lime juice.
Drain the quinoa and put in a large bowl. Set aside to cool for 3-5 minutes, then fluff with a fork. Stir in the avocado, spring onions and coriander. Season with salt and pepper and mix well.
Spoon the quinoa onto plates and top with a ladleful of the stew. Serve a dollop of soured cream alongside.
Recipe Tips
Tip 1: This stew will work well with any canned beans.
Tip 2: If preferred, substitute the quinoa with 200g/7oz rice.
Tip 3: If you can’t find chipotle paste, season the stew with 1 teaspoon of paprika and 2 tablespoons of tomato purée."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Afternoon to all, a very damp and grey start to Remembrance Sunday, but now the sun has come out to shine. Maybe it was dark for a reason t4591
All the Sisters and Barbara were there for the lovely service today. Including Mother Superior
Everywhere has really marked the 100 years since the end of WW1, the village schools, with the poppies the children have made, with stories, all on the railings, each village has a banner to remember those who were lost from their respective villages. Huge poppies on the lampposts. t4591 t4591
B has the infection, not little old me - don't worry, we all get a bit fuddled at times :shock: me more than most.
The Dr was not from our surgery, they obviously do the rota in a consortium so it is spread out fairly. He asked B what he did, said he was a carer for me. What's wrong with him the Dr asked. B said, what's right with him is more like it :shock: :shock: :shock: :roll: :roll:Oh, said the Dr..................... :? :?
Mother has been checking on B's sinuses, with her magic wand, she can shine a super bright light up his nose :shock: I did hear the little bottle, of magic potion, clinking in the early hours, but it was squirrelled away when I looked.
Hermione knows all that goes on, even if we are not always pirvvy to it. If needs be, she would always keep us informed.
Sleek has hers under Pepe's picture, bless her heart t4591 t115006 I would like to look through the pictures of him, but I cannot do it yet. A glimpse is ok, but to study them, not a chance.
Bit of a strange day, it is a year tomorrow since Bills Mum, Joan, passed away in the wee small hours. t4591Cannot believe where the time has gone. Feels like our feet have not touched the ground. Or is that the case for most years now. :roll: :roll: :?
We are in a world full of such terrible things, I guess you have to get on with your days, keeping things as normal as possible.
Glad you hands are not too bad, guessed the back might be a TAD ouchy. t115006 t115006 ((()))
Good to hear that Charley is ok and is no longer wheezing at night.
You enjoyed the chocolate cream in meringue, oh and the cake too, it was quite gooey so a double wash in the booth was a good idea
Crumbs, no, not many, soon hoovered up.
I hope you can get your boiler sorted asap. No hot water, no heating:shock: noooooooooo, Sleek will be in bed with Mother at siesta time, or, maybe not, :? :? Mothers affection is limited :roll: :roll:
Hi Joan and Sue, hope you have had a nice week end. Keeping as warm as you can, with the strange radiators that seem to plague you.
Yes, B's eye is a lot better thank you and his sinus infection will soon get better.
So I was not the only person that had a hula hoop on ever finger Kath, especially the BBQ ones
I might have a wee sample of plantain, just to see how nana they are :shock:
Nice to have a chat to Dad and ask about GDad serving in the great wars, he certainly did his duty and travelled to many countries during his active service. A very brave man indeed. Sad that he passed away with a motor neurone disease.
I know my Gdad on my Dads side, was in the first WW, but it was never really spoken of, sometimes very little was said, due to the horrors that they had to endure.
The smokey bean chipotle sounds and looks yummy, perfect for us suppersthank you kindly t4591
Hi to Barbara, who will be along soon. I am sure you needed a nap after the service this morning, singing so loudly in the choir. Mother Superior said, "can you smell gin" :shock: :?
Hi to Carol and everyone else in and about. Time I was moving again.
I was going to iron today, but lost the oomph, still, it will all be there tomorrow.
Right, pills Aidan. Love and Sparkles to all t4591 t115006 t115006 will pop back later XXXX Aidan
A special cake for today xxXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hello all again I have just typed loads and a little chitchat pop up appeared do I clicked it off because it was block my typing and my post went...thats one for the mods it has happened twice now
Aiden I did say I am glad B got to see the makes a difference when they open Saturday mornings..the ABs he has are the last ones I had and the have worked so far...
glad you got to the GC and enjoyed your scones..all that calcium in the creamand thankyou for the chocolate mousse I was ready for that..and such a lovely cake for remembrance day..I agree the stabbings and the fires are awful..did you see the pic in one of the papers..three young lads that have been murdered..and it said they will not grow old
Carol your daughter could become a GD has been looking into it ...thank her from me for doing such a good job..your teeth might just want altering slightly mine were to tight and they shave a bit off..not sure what they will do if they are loose
Toni the gin was very nice gave me a unique all the painting done now..give your wrist a rest..ready for your next venture...
Joan I have seen the AC advert..I am glad to see its getting the publicity it needs..
Kath thankyou for the recipe I am another that has never had plantain wounder if it taste like banana :?
we went to our cenotaph this morning there were a couple of hundred people there..and we are only a small town..I took the chariot so couldn't see much but at least I was there..
Better go before I lose another post
Love to everyone t4591 t115006 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
Forgot to say could I ask for cloak duties for tomorrow morning..its my memory test..I wish her luck
if you could all whisper me the answers I would be grateful..xx
Barbara0 -
Evening to all - Clear and quite chilly tonight
Hope you are managing to keep as warm as you can Toni, with the boiler going squiffy. I bet the log fire was roaring awaySending warming hugs and sparkles t115006 t115006
Sleek came over at siesta and they shared some "sweets" and some very raucous shrieking. They are hoping for a touch of frost on Pendle, so they plan to go up there early this morning, to catch some frosted dew.
Sleek said that her house had turned into an Igloo :shock: :roll: :roll: t110007
Hi there Barbara of course we will be there under the cloak, but best to let Toni Carol Kath Joan et al to whisper the answers. You know what us two are like, peas in a pod :? :? :shock: I think it has been Monday, all day on Sunday :shock: , so I wouldn't even get the day right :roll: :roll:
You will be fine t4591 t115006
I realise that you said Bill, at the Drs, I was reading it wrong. See, another reason not to rely on me :roll:
Doxycycline is a pretty strong AB, so should work.
You are welcome to the treats, glad you enjoyed themThe Poppy cake was perfect
No, I didn't see the news about the three murders, terrible, just terrible what is happening.
I think there has been a huge amount of support and respect, for those who were remembered throughout the world, marking the end of WW1.
Glad you managed to go to your Cenotaph, to pay your respects. We were silent at home, at 11am.
Well, it is nearly 1am and I should move my bones and potter a little.
I have put a lovely pic of B's Mum on FB, a year since she passed away.
I think the GC today, Joan would want us to have a scone and coffee, her favourite t4591
Love and sparkles to everyone in and about t4591 t115006 Take care XXXXX Aidan
Broccoli and Cheese OmeletteXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Took till now for my migraine aura to clear enough to see to read and type!!
Barbara we were there with you. Did you hear us? Think you did ok anyway then what will they test next?? :roll:
Thanks to your OH for his useful troubleshooting advice for our boiler via snapchat!
The engineer will be over today to asses thank goodness! It's mild-ish ATM but for how long?!
I have more gin for you for Thursday!
Kath thanks for the recipe. Smokey bean chipolata stew YUMLots of the healthy ones do seem to be veggie don't they? Has anyone got an instant pot? Kari has one and swears by it.
How lovely to be able to ring your Dad up and get information like that!! I wonder what the wasting disease was. I bet they knew less about that sort of thing then.
Aidan Sleek told me Mother is happy with Daddy's progress she thinks he will be ok.
They went up to Pendle first thing all wrapped up. Not sure how well they did, but Sleek is STILL wrapped up
Why does she still sit by the now cold radiators?!!bless she is an optimist!
She says she can understand you can't yet look at photos of her beloved boy Pepe. She says you would need all of Mothers 'file' and probably hers too. In time ((())) t115006 t115006 t115006 t4591 t4591 t4591
Thinking of you all today on the 1 year anniversary of B's Mum's lossespecially B and B snr. ((())) xxx
Boiler man will be over here later today not sure what time, but definitely today just to assess what is going on. I can save him time by telling him what Barbara's OH got us to try last night. :?
Luckily we have the fire isn't it? and one oil filled rad for Lucy.
The poppy cake was so lovely thank you t4591
Joan thank you it's not too cold yet thank goodness, but the 'heating engineer' will be here today. Lucy is loving her teaching assistant job thanks
Love to everyone
Toni xxx0 -
Hello everyone its Sue
Joan has just left for her hospital appointment she will tell everyone about it.
Thank you every one for all the advice about my teeth I don't mind telling you there is one thing I am scared about I know its silly but I keep thinking I will put the glue on put the teeth in my mouth in the morning and when I want to take them out they will have stuck so hard that I wont be able to get them out. any advice please.
You are all so kind to me letting me come on here.
enjoy your day and I will speak to you all on Friday.
love Sue.take care
joan xx0 -
OOOh Aidan, Broccoli [munch munch] and cheese [gobble slurp] omelette. How delicious was that? Daren't touch the special cake, too beautiful. Definitely one to gaze at and not sink your gnashers into,
I once listened to a patient having her memory test. She was in the bed opposite me at the City. I hadn't a clue about the answers, so I'd better keep vey quiet. Actually I'll take notes and keep them for when I have the test. :roll:
Sue, nice to see you at the beginning of the week instead of the end.
I don't know whether to be happy or not The Linnet's Wings (The Sorrow Issue) is on sale on Amazon. Popped to look at it, as my poem Mrs Dalloway is in it. Shock Horror - £15.99 ad its only a paperback.:shock: :?
Anyway, dinner. Sticky Garlic Noodles - it's vegan."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Afternoon all..
Went for my memory test.and dropped 2 points ..she says that isn't to bad..I could count back from 20 and say the months backwards but remembering the name and address she told me at the beginning.. :oops: I got his name right but not the address..anyhow thatnkyou for whispering the answers it did help..
Kath you have your poem published that is fantastic..such a shame about the OH reads a lot and is always grumbling about the price of books..hence he goes in the charity were wise to keep quiet at the memory test...
Sue I use the stuff to hold my 2 teeth in place..dont worry it is suction rather than glue but they are easy to get out..I hope Joan is ok at her appointment sorry I did forget.. :oops: thats my memory for you :shock:
Toni Jimmy said you are very welcome and just wish he could have drove over to help..hopefully today you will be up and running...thankyou for being under the clock were very good with the counting backwards..
Aiden thankyou for the Broccoli and Cheese Omelette was delicious.... the photo you put on FB is so lovely, a beautiful lady.... t115006 (()) didnt do to badly with the memory test..I could hear you whispering the address I was suppose to remember..but couldnt quite hear you..
the ABs have help me..just left with the catarrh..but no pain thank goodness so I hope they help B...the GP asked me what day it is..good job you didnt speak...what are we like
Better move love to everyone
t4591 t115006 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
And that is Monday all but gone :? :? :? :roll: :roll:
I am sure all went well for you Barbara, we were all there, well, in three places at one time, with Joan's appointment too.
We used to do mini mental tests as a routine, on people over a certain age, well, I used to ask the questions and half the time I would think,I have no clue what the answer would be :shock: :shock: fortunately it was written down. Counting back from 100, in multiples of 3 :? :shock: :?
Lots of hugs and a big cup of T (cake in a bit).
Sorry you have had a migraine Toni, I knew there was something amiss, hopefully the magic squares will help, along with some ((())) t115006 t115006 t4591
Yes, Mother is happy with Daddy's progress, she was up and shrieking from 6 this morning. Lots of powder room and litter throwing activity :roll: :roll: They did fine a little patch of frosted dew up on Pendle. Duly delivered to the Nymphs. They were out, note on the door, "gone to the enchanted forest" :shock: t115006 so they left the dew in a special container.
Sleek said that she was keeping her winter outfit on, until the heat peeples had been. Good job you have the fire and hopefully the boiler man will have things up and running again in no time. Mild at the moment, but that won't last t110007 t110007
Good of Mr B to do a snapchat assessment
Don't worry Miss Sleek, Daddies will look at lots of pictures soon, just one of those times, againThank you for the hugs, where has that year gone we ask :shock: :shock: t4591
I did love the poppy cake, there is one safely under wraps and one for eating, with pinkies out t4591
Hi Sue, nice to see you. We were all there with Joan too, hoping everything went ok at her appointment t4591 t4591
B said that the least amount of the fixative, the better, two or three tiny dots, should hold things in place nicely. Learning from experience, if you put too much in it will ooze out and that is not pleasant :? :? Not to have a hot drink, for a while after dotting and fixing them as well.
You can come in as many times as you like, it is your cafe, just as much as anyone else, all are welcome, at any time. I am usually about until the wee small hours if anyone wanted a natter
Hi Kath, glad you liked the omelette. There is one poppy cake for keeping and one for eating, it has been cut, into delicate slices t4591 t4591
You were as bad as me then, it could have been me asking the memory test at the City, takes me back, (not the day you were in though)I wudda gorra hug if i wa lookin after ya mi duck
That seems quite a lot for a paperback book. Can you get it on Kindle, it would be a lot cheaper that way? Lovely to know that your poem is in the book though
Sticky Garlic Noodles, thank you, I am all over them like a rash.
We went to the GC, with Dad, he had not remembered that is was a year since Mum passed. We had a good chat, over coffee and cakes, then more coffee.
Then nipped out of town, to get a voucher for next doors Birthday, then back to supermarket, Booths today, their hot deli is a wonder of delights. B and I had veggie burger, on brown roll, with cheese and mayo, to take home. It was lovely.
Picked up my prescription for 60mg of Atorvastatin, no way can I do 80mg
By the time we got home, sorted etc, it was well after 2 :roll: :roll:
Well, I had best do some pottering, sort the washing / drying. Fuss a bit.
Hi to everyone else, Barbara, Carol, Christine, Mig, Toady, SW, DD, Elizabeth, Kerrin and all................
Lots of love and sparkles t4591 t115006 will pop back later, take care XXXX Aidan
Deep Dish Custard Peach Pie
Just seen you there Barbara, glad your test was ok, dropping 2 points is perfectly fine, will write more later XXXXXXXXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Good job our cloak can have us in two places at once we were with Joan too....just waiting to hear how she and Barbara got on now....
Sue I think dentures can always be got back out even with fixative. I read somewhere that you can loosen them with just warm water swished around your mouth. I can totally understand why you are worried though. I would be the same!
Barbara I have always been good at counting backwards. It sounds as though you did fine on your test well done
The heating engineer got the heating back on not the water. He thinks it could even be the circuit board. Advised us to use the Baxi one off repair scheme. £350 which will repair hopefully if not they only charge call out of 95. If they can't fix it he advised a new boiler. It is 13 years old.
Booked chap coming on Wednesday. Thanks again to your Jimmy such a lovely man. Shame he doesn't live near Joan and Sue :roll:
Hi Kath How much?!! HOW MUCH???!!! Blimey that is unfair but maybe it's the big book which comes aout afew months before the smaller sized one? :?
Those noodles look fabulous. Kari will be very pleased
Aidan pass me some of THAT!!!!! Looks scrummy just add a shovel-full of clotted!
My neighbours (of the 50th wedding anniversary) he had a health scare a few years ago (encephalitis???) and the made him count backwards from 100 in 7s :shock: YES 7s!!! who can do that?!
I think Barbara did amazingly well.
Thanks for the magic squares still feeling a bit rough roll on bedtime. How did you know something was wrong? was it Sleek again? :roll:
That's Sleek's little flask keeps frosted dew crispy and sparkly t4591 t115006 She was so pleased they actually found some. They hate letting the nymphs down.
I am informed that Mother is very pleased with Daddy he is doing so well bless her and it's all down to her (apparently :? )
All is cosy now but water not sorted shower is electric anyway so not a problem.. It should be fixed by Weds if the plan doesn't work we will have a new boiler :?
Sleek has hung her coat up and sorted you out some of her 'file' which she has dropped onto your pillows. ((()))
I hope the compromise statin dose is enough to do the job for you.
Love to everyone
Toni xx0 -
Evening all
hope everyone had a good day today think my cold is at the catarrh stage but at least it clears the tickly cough is still about but funny thing is I have not feel ill with it just fed up with it. so I'm hoping it will go and pick on someone else soon.
Aidan I am doing ok with the teeth but the bottom ones have made the area just under the centre of my tongue very sore so today I have not put them in had a day without them. and may try them again tomorrow if its not too sore but this is the first day in 11 days that I haven't put them in. when I had shingles 2 years ago I had the antivirals in less than 48hrs from seeing the first spot. and things were not too bad glad B's eye is better now. now that poppy cake is some cake I have to keep going back to look at it. Thinking of you both today on the anniversary of Bill's mums Passing.
Toni boiler breaking down not good especially with the weather we are getting at the moment. I was at our church yesterday we don't have a war memorial in our church as such,
we only have a memorial plaque on the wall with the names of all the members of our church were killed in the war we held our 2mins silence gathered around that.
Hi Joan hope your appointment well we were all the under the cloak
Kath ooh chocolate brownies and meringues I can almost taste them from here. wow £15.99 is expensive for a book.
t120005 t120005 t120006 t120006 just a few leaves for you just be careful they are not wet before you dive in.
Barbara yes I suppose our daughter could be a paramedic but I don't think she want's to be. good luck to your GD if she goes in for being a paramedic its a heck of a lot of training. It seems only the bottom teeth that may need a slight alteration. I am giving it a couple of weeks to see if it gets better and it is just me. before I go back and tell the dentist. I will tell my Daughter thank you. you did very well with your memory test I was there under the cloak.
Hi there Sue you are most welcome anytime to come on here. not being able to get my teeth out if I put fixative on them but they do come out ok. don't worry about it they will come out.
well isuppose its time for a potter and a bit more knitting
love and sparkles to all
t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006Stay positive always👍xx0 -
Hi to all, a wet evening here, very breezy too t110007 t111055
Sorry to dash away earlier Barbara, time was eluding me.
It was a pleasure to be there, with Toni Carol Kath et al whispering the answers to you. I was too busy counting my fingers and toes counting backwards :shock: :? Then I was trying to whisper the address, and said it was Sunday instead................oh dear, glad it is over. :? :?
Thank you for the hugs and rainbows, Bill picked the photo to put on to FB, he knew Dad would like that one. Thank you for your kind comments too, appreciated greatly.
I think the AB's are working ok for Bill, he has not complained about his sinuses hurting as much.
Hi Toni, so you have heating, but no hot water. I will have to re read the baxi scheme again, if you pay the £350, so that would cover all repair costs, if not, then you only charge the call out. I get it now. Just ignore me, the memory test has fuddled me completely
A new boiler, possibly. Baxi again? They do offer a 7 year guarantee, which ours has, thank goodness.
You poor neighbour, encephalitis, yes, it can affect anyone at any age really, inflammation on the brain either by infection or immune response.
Counting back in 7's, oh, I would be there a week. That is not easy at all. I would have said, no, I aint doing that. Next question.
How did I know something was amiss, just a little voice via the "gate" and a bit of magict4591 t115006 There are more squares, dotted about, expect glitter
Sleek and Mother were very pleased with their morning sortie onto Pendle. Mother rather likes Sleeks hip flask and wants one of her own now :roll: :roll: I think it is from Hogwarts, I will enquire.
Daddy is indeed recovering, due to Mothers ministrations and health checks - bless her little paws. Not that I was saying such, at 6 in the morning :shock: :roll: :roll:
Ah, I thought I heard the "gate" open and close, that will have been Sleek, popping in with her pipette, putting magical drops on the pillows t115006 t115006
I think the 60 statin dose, will be ok, better be, cannot take 80mg :? :?
Hi Carol, colds are SO annoying, I quite agree. Good that you are not feeling ill with it though. Some extra sparkles for it to go as quickly as possible. t115006 t115006 Mother has sent some hot lemon and honey mixture that she blended earlier. ((()))
Maybe the denture will need a little "filing" at the dentist, I remember B's did, at first. A day without will give your tongue time to mend.
The antivirals are good, for treating shingles, if you can catch the pesky virus at the earliest stage, otherwise it is painkillers and just time to get over it.
I thought the poppy cake was wonderful too, I was amazed when I saw it and it was just so fitting.
Thank you for your kind thoughts, a year on from MIL passing away. t4591
Well, time and tide have caught up with me once more. I had best be moving my joints a bit. Throw some pots around in the sink :roll: :roll:
At home day today, mountain of shirts to steam, immaculising to be done............
Love and Sparkles to everyone in and about t4591 t115006 Take lots of care, XXXXX for now. Aidan
Baked Maple Cakes for Breakfast - straight from the ovenXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hello Kathleen Aidan Barbara Toni Carol
Kathleen you must feel very proud having your poem in print.
Aidan i'm pleased B's sinuses are feeling better that's good (((()))
Barbara how did your test go i'm sorry I did not remember I hope you don't have to wait too long for the result((()))
Toni sorry about your heating Wednesday will soon be here good.
how is your cold.
Carol i'm sorry you have a cold I hope it soon goes((())))
thank you everyone for thinking about me yesterday my appointment was 11 0 I was out by 11 15 I have to have a open op to remove the cyst as its getting bigger I don't know when it will be yet.
take care all
joan xxtake care
joan xx0
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