Val's Cafe
Afternoon - it is going chilly here.............have had a lot of sunshine though earlier on.
Hi Joan and Sue, that was a quick appointment, so you have to have an open op to remove the cyst. Will that be under local, or spinal block? We will be there with you and it was a pleasure to be with you yesterday. t4591 t115006 ((()))
That is what we are here for, to help and support each other, especially with cake
Thank you, B is feeling better ((())) the AB's are strong ones, the one a day dose.
Any news on the thermostats for your radiators? Now we have Toni who has trouble with her heating and hot water. :roll: :roll:
I hope everyone else is ok. I will leave a little pile of magic squares to use as necessary. I have a feeling they will be needed, I know my back is very shouty today.
Hope you are keeping warm Toni, just a pain not having hot water, as soon as it won't work, we need to use it immediately :roll: Thank goodness the showers are electric, ours are off the mains / boiler.
All the pressing of shirts done, fussing and immaculising, Mothers powder room has been bleached and re filled, so she will be most pleased, she likes tidy facilitiesA bit like Daddy.
Natters with most of the neighbours, well, all of the immediate neighbours, out of the door, or out of the windows - one has to keep up with the "goings on"
I won't dally, I need me my pills. Hi to Barbara, Kath, Carol, Christine, Kerrin, Elizabeth, Mig, Toady, DD, SW and all.
Everyone take care, I will call back later. Love and Sparkles in the meantime. t4591 t115006 Now, where did Mother and Sleek go to? ?
XXX Aidan
Caramel, Pecan and Cream, Slab Pie. Booth is on...............XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Evening all..
Oh Aiden what are we do make me laugh..I tell you the poor GP would have gone off sick today..counting back in 2 did you say.. :shock: it was such a lovely pic of it was the GC then to booths..I wish we had one here it sounds so nice....
maybe its best that dad wasn't dwelling on it being a year for mum..its seem to have gone so quickly..bless her..thankyou for the Custard Peach Pie much appreciated and just has some Pecan and cream pie..
Carol our GD has looked into being a paramedic or even the ones that go long with them..I have forgotten the name.. :? I dont think she could afford to give up work to train..but your daughter is half way there...glad the cold is not to bad..and I am sure your teeth wont need much doing to them if anything..
Toni sorry you were staring with a migraine..I know they are horrible seem to have a good heating engineer go with what he says..Baxi used to charge half of that but I suppose its inflation...hope its sorted soon and you are welcome..
Joan my SIL had her cyst removed ..she had it for a couple of years but then it got to big..we will be there under the cloak and thankyou but dont worry about forgetting..
We have just had Niamh and her sister..we haven't seen her sister for a while so it was nice..she is 14 now and we had a good I now have my feet up..
Love to everyone
t4591 t115006 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
Another rubbishy migrainy aurary day!!! Grrrr!!! My vision has hardly cleared all day Sitting on magic squares a few up my sleeve too and one in my pocket. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.
Luckily I could managed that hot maple cake it was lovely Aidan
Sleek has bought Mother a hip flask and yes it was from the Hogwarts store. She loves getting her friends presents. So you must tell Tosca they are sold out for now ok? They did do well yesterday morning and this morning getting some frozen mist/dew only a little bit, but it was good stuff I heard.
The Gate does have a bit of a squeak Sleek has been again with her pipette and had a look at B too. She is convinced mother has ‘cured’ him!
Yes poor neighbour such a shock for them both. She has her own needs as you know, but they did cope well together. That’s what love does eh? t4591
That pecan and caramel slab…..fetching a dollop of cream an heading for the booth………thanks Aidan!! Double wash again very sticky indeed!
Nice and cosy here again and lucky we have the one shower that’s electric so we are clean. The kettle is boiling all day for washing up and hand washing etc. Still tomorrow Baxi should be here so fingers crossed eh?
I did some ironing too, but those shirts!! You could cut your finger on them the crease is so sharp. Lovely!
Glad to hear you are up to date with the gossip and that Mother’s facilities are immacculised. So are Sleeks of course. She fetches me if she has a number 2 you know to get rid ASAP!!!
Joan I am very glad to hear that cyst will be got rid of soon. Let us know when and we’ll be there for you. I am ok we can shower in the electric shower and he managed to get the heat on. Hope the boiler can be fixed tomorrow. What about yours?
Thanks Carol the heating is fixed but the water still isn’t ok. Baxi are coming tomorrow so fingesr crossed please!
The plaque with your lost soldiers is fine for doing your two minutes silence.It’s the thinking about them that matters isn’t it? Our memorial garden is a walk up the road, but it was a lovely thing to do with my neighbours.
I’m very pleased to hear you haven’t felt ill with the cold at least and sounds as though it’s on it’s way out now too. :?
Hi Barbara I will find out between 8 and 9 tomorrow what time Baxi will be here. Hoping for an easy fix. Fingers crossed.
How lovely having Niamh’s big sis there too to visit. I bet Niamh ADORES her.
Hoping for a migraine free day tomorrow myself! Thanks ((()))
I hope our Kath is ok today :? :? :?
Well goodnight to everyone
Toni xxx0 -
Hi to all -
Hi there Barbara - We would be a tour de force if we went in together to the GP, by the end of the appointment no one would know why we were there or what day it wasThe poor Dr would have to take the rest of the day off.
Thank you it was a lovely pic of MIL No, best for Dad not to dwell, sometimes, forgetting things, is not always a bad think, if you get what I mean. t115006
GC was as good as it always is (avoiding all Sat mornings in late Nov and through Dec, as it is breakfast with the children and Santa, the stuff of nightmares for me and B :shock: :roll:) only after 11 is it safe to go
Booths is very nice, quite gentile. Their hot deli is drool worthy - I don't eat meaty things, but everything looks really good, from sausages to gammon joints and everything in between. The veggie burgers were delicious.
They are a Lancashire based company, not sure where your nearest one would be? Would be worth looking though
You are very welcome to the pies, I had some clotted cream with mine, for extra calcium
Glad you have had Niamh and her Sister with you, I bet you were in need of a rest. Did the duster come out
Sorry you have had a rotten migrainy day Toni, I was ready with the magic squares, Matron knows you know
I am certain the maple pecan cream pie will have helped too
I will forewarn Mother that the Hogwart store has sold out, then it will be a lovely surprise from Miss Sleek.
I didn't hear them go out dew gathering in the morning, but I did hear the gate squeak near to T time, Sleek popping in and making sure everyone was "healed" by Mother. :shock: :shock:Bless her heart. t4591
You neighbours did so well to cope, love does keep things going strong, quite right t4591 t4591
Let's hope the boiler man can fix things today, sending sparkles for it to be mended t115006 t115006 Sleek said there was a boiling peeples man coming :shock: :roll:
I am very proud of my shirts, I was the same with my uniforms, white tunic tops and black trooosers. There was never a mark on them
Oh yes, we know about the puskins "facilities", Mother makes things known, VERY loudly and usually with much drama :roll: :roll:
Migraine free today, yep, Silver has already been over in the night, to leave lots of magical sparkles t115006 t115006 t4591
Our internet has dropped out, fortunately I have copied and pasted my ramblings
Hi to Carol, hope you are ok and the cold is improving t115006
To you too Kath, hope any ouchies are not too bad. Some extra ((())) to help t115006
Hi to everyone else, in and around about.
Quiet evening here, enjoying the ATP tennis finals from the O2 ArenaWould love to go, but it is a lonnnnng way away.
Internet has just come on at nearly 2am, so will post, before it has any more hiccoughs Love and Sparkles to all t4591 t115006XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Morning Aidan
sorry to hear about your internet playing up...I wonder why that was :?
The girls have been out this morning, but only to the nymphs café it being a very mild day with no change of frosted mist/dew or even the 'normal' stuff apparently.
They had a cat breakfast there. They have their own table you know (with Tosca being so revered after she found the rainbow droplet) and were fed a delightful repast! Sardines, herrings, tuna cream etc.
Sleek fair rolled in here!!
No migraine auras for me in the night thank goodness so let us see what the day brings. I imagine you and Barbara can remember about 9 years ago when I had one which didn't clear for 4 days solid! The GP tried to blame it on my patches! Maybe the maple pecan pie did do the trick this time!! We shall see.
Breakfast with Santa? Whatever next - we must be in America now :roll:
Right waiting for a call from Baxi between 8 and 9 to tell me what time they'll be here. Fingers crossed!
A quick woo-oo! to Joan I hope all is well with you? How is your heating? Don't forget to let us know when the cyst removal is happening
Toni xx0 -
Just a quick visit. Didn't get online yesterday.and everything has gone wrong today. So I could just SCREEEEAM! Love to all.
t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Hello Aidan Toni Barbara Kathleen.
Aidan i'm sorry you lost your internet but it's back now good(((()))
Toni your heating is fixed good. we are still the same((()))
Barbara did you have to read backwards as well.((((())))
Kathleen i hope you have had a good day today(((())))
take care all
joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Hello Aidan Toni Barbara Kathleen.
Aidan i'm sorry you lost your internet but it's back now good(((()))
Toni your heating is fixed good. we are still the same((()))
Barbara did you have to read backwards as well.((((())))
Kathleen i hope you have had a good day today(((())))
take care all
joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Afternoon to all - nice bright ish day, no howling winds, no frosts and no rain
Hi Toni, I hope you are not functioning with lots of hot water :? :? Silver was over, scattering glitter on the baxi man
No idea what went wrong with the t'internet, took about an hour or so to decide to play ball again, leaves on the line probably :roll: :roll:
Good to hear that you have had no migraine auras in the night, trust that none today either. Blaming them on the patches as in pain relief patches - nah, not buying that one.
I do recall you were proper poorly for a good while. We don't want that again, ever.
Keep going at the maple and pecan cream pie, all will be well, nuts are good for us t115006 t115006
Mother was FULL of it when we arrived home, she was shrieking the house down, wanting more fish !!! She settled for one of her gourmet chicken dinners, the teeny weeny tins. She is partial to them.
There was no mention that they had already been for breakfast in the Nymphs T room. :roll: :roll: Naturally they have their own table, as you say, being the finder of the rainbow droplet, is held in high esteem.
So Sleek was a little pogged when she turned up at home.
I know, Breakfast with Santa, perish the thoughts, even our friend who only works Saturdays at the GC now, said, whatever you do, make sure you come after 11. :shock: :shock:It is a bit like "happy holidays" - er, no, it is Happy Christmas and always will be.
Now then Kath, what's up mi duck, your not avin much luck ar ya. Have a good scream and then tell us all about it. Had a feeling something was amiss.
Leaving you a mountain of sparkles and hugs t115006 t115006 t115006 (((()))) t4591 t69044 and flowers and some leaves to dive into t120005 t120005
Hi there Joan and Sue - hope you are both ok and your hip is not hurting too much ((()))
Thank you, the internet is ok, at the moment, one of those "things" that happen to all this modern technology.
Hi to Barbara, hope you and yours are ok t4591 t115006 I had best be getting the cake out that I made earlier
Hi to Carol, Kerrin, Christine, Elizabeth, Mig (mouldy leaved added to the brew) SW DD Toady and all
Went to the T room this morning, enjoyable, nice and quiet really. Then to dept store, Dad wanted a new ceramic frying pan (he had seen the advert on tv) :roll: :roll: Then Sainsb then home, by which time it was already into the afternoon. Now it is nearly pitch black out. That was Wednesday.
Will pop back later, love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 t115006 Take care, hope everyone is warm and cosy. XX Aidan
Whole Wheat, Dark Chocolate, Maple Syrup and Yoghurt CakeXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Just a quick pop in to let you know l now have heating and hot water!!!!!! He only changed the sensors???
Off out to a charity event with Pom so can't stop.
Just wanted you all to know.
Migraine auras only 1 all day so way way better!!
See you all later xxxx0 -
Toni has her heating and hot water back
That's me, in the middle, on point :shock:
Very good to hear that your sensors have been replaced and things are working once more, lashings of hot water, I bet there was some immaculising going on
Glad that the auras have been limited to 1, hopefully none today.
Hi to Pom and trust the charity event was very enjoyable
Sleek came over with Mrs Darcey and they all ate sweets, while Daddy's had their siestas. No shrieking, they were very quiet indeed - what are they plotting :? :? :roll: :roll:
I hope everyone else is as ok as can be.
Kath I trust you are not having to scream today, lots of calm and sparkles on the way to you t4591 t115006 t115006
Same for you Barbara and Carol t115006 t115006 t4591
Not forgetting all our other forum friends too t4591 t115006 t115006
A quiet evening here, enjoyed the tennis from the O2 arena
At home today, time for a catch up.
Quite where the evening has vanished to - it is nearly 1am. I must away, it is past pumpkin time
Lots of love and sparkles to everyone t4591 t115006 t115006 Take lots of care XXXX Aidan
Simple breakfast, just need lots of butter and a few preservesXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Having computer problems now!!!
I am ok will try to get on later Sorry.
Sleek said they were only doing their Christmas shopping yesterday though so nice and quiet....
Back later I am sure..
Off to reboot and probably a million updates!
Toni xxx0 -
Morning all ..think I have missed a day :?
Aiden I think the GP caught me on a good day..well at least I remembered to turn up..
is it the t rooms today..see I did read all the post but then it goes out of my head..I think you said B is feeling a little better on the ABs..there does seem to be tennis on most of the year now..
has for your internet we are waiting for a new router form TT..its so slow at the min... :roll: all your ironing is done ..I used to work at a laundry many moons ago and loved seeing the sparkling white shirts come out of the press..I am a dab hand at folding them
we did enjoy having Niamh and her sister..but no dusting this time they were drawing..there is 8 years between them, but they really do enjoy each others company
Thankyou for the very large chocolate cake..I was covered in it. :shock: and all the lovey bread for this morning..and yes it does help to forget sometime..thankyou..(()) t115006
Toni I am so pleased your boiler is up and running..the sensor is the thermister that OH mentioned..but he said its a good boiler .so hopefully you should get a few more years out of it..those migraine aura sound awful ..I hadn't heard of them till you mentioned must dread them..hopefully they will now leave you alone for a while.. t115006
Joan and Sue hope you are both able to keep warm..must say its quite mild but like you say when you have to sit a lot you feel it..I am finding this outhope you both get out and about with the little doggies..(())
Kath I hope the screams helped and today is a better one for you..(())
Better go OH is looking at me to say how much longer..
Love to everyone
t4591 t115006 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
Hello Aidan Toni Barbara
Aidan yes I can see you on tiptoe in the wards being very quiet.
Toni sorry you have computer problems I hope they are soon sorted I hope the charity event went well.
Barbara I hope you have had a good day yes I have my thermals on
take care love to all
joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Afternoon to all - a nice sunny day, quite mild, in fact with the tumble dryer on, I am having a "moment". :shock:
Oh dear Toni, I see you are having computer issues and need a boot, sorry, a re-bootor was I right the first time and the pc needs throwing out the window :? :?
Oh the million updates, we know them well :roll: :roll: :roll: Please wait while Windows updates are wasting half of your day..............
So the puskins were all Christmas shopping, no wonder they were quiet. I did see the Catgos catalogue on the side.They also had the Fortnum's Food Hamper book too - ££££££££££ more pocket money :roll: :roll:
Hope your migraine has ceased, the heating and hot water are plentiful too t115006
Hi Barbara, don't worry, whatever day it is, it always seems to be Friday :? :? and we all say where did that week go. I am convinced that as we mature in years, the time goes much faster. :? :?
I am sure it was a normal day, when you went to the GP and you did fine. It was the counting back in sevens, from 100, that used to be a dreadful question, I would fail, every time. :roll: :roll:
It was the T room yesterday, at home today. Catching up on bits of house duties.
B only has one more AB left for tomorrow. I think they have certainly helped.
I hope you get your new router soon, as I recall TT were never the best at sending things out in a hurry, one reason we gave them the boot.
I would have helped you fold the shirts in the laundry, hot work I can well imagine. I remember the hospital laundry rooms, they were SO hot with the giant pressing rollers for the squillions of sheets etc.
So Niamh and her Sister were busy drawing, lovely that they both get on so wellt4591
Glad you enjoyed the chocolate cake, there was quite a mess but all is immaculised now.
As long as Mr B knows all about thermistors, that's fine, I assume our baxi duo tech has at least one :? :?
Kath I hope you are feeling a bit less screamy today. I have ear defenders on if you want to screech. Leaving lots of ((())) and some sparkles too t115006 t115006
Hi to Carol and to everyone in and about. I will go and find something to go with our cups of T.
Everyone take care, love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 will call back later XXX Aidan
Just seen you there Joan - hope you and Sue and the doggies are all ok, I see you have your thermals on, don't blame you. Hope you are warm indoors.
We did tiptoe round the wards at night
Strawberry, Ricotta and Walnut MuffinsXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Where's me blinking post?????
I left you a beautiful cake recipe
Chocolate Raspberry Cake
Ingredients Vegan margarine, for greasing 300g (10 1/2 oz) plain flour 50g (1 3/4 oz) cocoa powder 1 tsp baking powder 1 tsp bicarbonate of soda 1/2 tsp salt 300g (10 1/2 oz) granulated sugar 375ml (13 fl oz) soya milk 125ml (4 fl oz) rapeseed oil 7 tbsp seedless raspberry jam 1 tsp vanilla extract For the icing 40ml (1 1/2 fl oz) soya milk 85g (3 oz) vegan dark chocolate, broken into small pieces 60g (2 1/4 oz) icing sugar 1 tbsp maple syrup Fresh raspberries, to decorate
Method Preheat the oven to 180°C/Gas Mark 4. Grease a 23cm/9 inch cake tin and line with baking paper. Sift the flour, cocoa, baking powder and bicarbonate of soda into a large mixing bowl and stir in the salt and sugar. Pour the soya milk into a medium saucepan and add the oil, raspberry jam and vanilla extract. Place over a medium heat and whisk to combine. Stir into the dry ingredients and mix thoroughly. Transfer to the prepared cake tin and bake in the preheated oven for 45 minutes, or until a skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean. Leave to cool completely on a wire rack before icing. To make the icing, heat the soya milk in a small saucepan until boiling, then stir in the chocolate until melted. Remove from the heat and whisk in the icing sugar and maple syrup. Set aside to cool before icing the cake. Top with a few fresh raspberries.
phew, found that anyway."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Hi all
this is just a quickie note to say I am still around and about but have been so busy :animal_busy: Christmas shopping and other bits that I just have not had the time to post. tomorrow is not such a busy day so will try to post then and update you
Love and sparkles to you all
t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006Stay positive always👍xx0 -
Hi to all
Oh dear Kath, did you write a post and loose it :? :? I am going to hide under the cushions while you have a scream :shock: :shock:
But the Raspberry cake makes it a whole lot better, thank you kindly, it will go perfectly with the muffins. Always nice to have a choice, or have both
I hope any ouches are behaving, the sparkles are on their way again, with some ((()))
The Nymphs have sent you some magic too, to use as required
Hi Carol You have been busy, out and about, being a prepared lady, gathering Christmas presents. As long as you are all ok - look forward to your updates
Hi Toni, did I spy that you have been visiting some lovely ReindeerSleek said you had gone out to meet Rudolph :shock:
A quiet evening here, catching up with the tennis. After the end of year finals that are on, you have to have an amazon prime account to watch any of the grand slams and major tournaments, Sky did not bid, to keep the tennis _BIG shame
Shopping today, then coffee and croissants at home for a change. B and SIL are coming over on Sat so we will be out at the T rooms for lunch. Table already booked.
Best be moving the bones, it takes several potters, to write a post.
Lots of love and sparkles to everyone in and about t4591 t115006 t115006 Take care XXXX Aidan
Sweet Bread Breakfast with Strawberry and ChocolateXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hello Everyone
Thank you everyone for helping me I know I was being silly but at the same time I am looking forward to having my teeth.
The weather is going to be colder next so winter is coming.
Joan will speak to you tomorrow. love Suetake care
joan xx0 -
Sue you are not being silly about your teeth it must be really scary, but you will be so glad once you've 'worn them in'!!!
Aidan of course the reindeer!! Lucy was an Elf last Christmas? Well they phoned and asked her to go back so amongst picking up prescriptions, shopping, taking her for her counselling, choir practise etc we squeezed in a visit to themTook Auntie Kari with us - she loved them!!!
Good idea to book the T rooms if there will be a few of you especially at this time of year :roll:
Barbara got to choir just in time for tea break. She insisted on having 2 biccies!!!
Thanks for my breakfast needed today as we are of to the Royal orthopaedic in Brum for Lucy's hip check-up :? that will be fun - not! on the M6 with those rd works (5 miles long) which are going on until 2022!!
Sleek hasn't had the best week I expect she's been at yours a fair bit? The men have been laying concrete for the new garage and Mummy trapped her in didn't want her burning her paws on wet cement :shock: also imagine if she dropped her wand in it or quidditch ball? :shock: :shock:
Luckily you have all those catalogues for her to look through with Tosca. She did ask for a raise in pocket money now you come to mention it :?
Computer is now operating well. It was playing up yesterday even after the updates, but my neighbour (at choir) said their was too so probably atmospherics. All is back to normal speed today
Had one migraine aura only yesterday and one in the night last night, but all seems well so far. Don't worry Paul is driving to the hospital.
Barbara I would have loved to work in the laundry too I love pristine white clothes so muchI could imagine us and Aidan having a laugh in there
I hope your router solves your speed issues.
Yes the boiler's problem was one of the thinks your OH suggested. I hope he's right and it chugs along a while yet
The problem with the migraine auras is you can't drive because you can't see. I have been stuck in Asda before now waiting!!
Carol I can see you will be super-busy with all those to buy for! and the knitting too :shock: So long as well know you are ok don't worry too much.
Kath that cake (glad you found it!) will be made for Aunty Kari without a doubt by myself and Loopy-Loo!
Looks lovely
She is back on her diet, but can have a tiny piece...
Love to everyone
Toni xxx0 -
Sorry I had a melt down. :oops: 3 days of problems with my laptop - I THINK it's finally sorted. Won't write a long post, as my stress levels are HIGH so I'll just leave you a vegan recipe.
Aubergine and chickpea penne
Ingredients Large pinch of saffron threads 2 cups (450ml / 16 fl oz) vegan stock 2 tbsp olive oil 1 large onion, roughly chopped 1 tsp cumin seeds, crushed 1 1/2 cups (350g / 12 oz) aubergine, diced 1 large red pepper, deseeded and chopped 400g (14 oz) canned chopped tomatoes with garlic 1 tsp ground cinnamon 5/8 cup (30g / 1 oz) fresh coriander, roughly chopped 400g (14 oz) canned chickpeas, drained and rinsed 1 1/2 cups (280g / 10 oz) vegan dried penne Salt and pepper Harissa or chilli sauce, to serve
Method Toast saffron threads in a dry frying pan set over a medium heat for 20–30 seconds. Place in a small bowl and crumble with your fingers. Add 2 tablespoons of the hot stock and set aside. Heat the oil in a large saucepan. Add the onion and fry for 5–6 minutes. Add the cumin and fry for a further 20–30 seconds, then stir in the aubergine, red pepper, tomatoes, cinnamon, coriander stalks, saffron liquid and remaining stock. Cover and simmer for 20 minutes. Add the chickpeas to the saucepan and season to taste with salt and pepper. Simmer for a further 5 minutes, removing the lid to reduce and thicken the sauce if necessary. Meanwhile, bring a large saucepan of lightly salted water to the boil. Add the pasta, return to the boil and cook for 8–10 minutes, or until tender but still firm to the bite. Drain and transfer to a warmed serving bowl. Add the sauce and half the coriander leaves, then toss. Garnish with the remaining coriander and serve immediately with the harissa or chilli sauce."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Afternoon to all, a grey day here, funny light. Not long until it is dark.
Dad has not long gone, he was enjoying the gold from Dubai, after having lunch with us, croissants, cheesy bread rolls, lots of butter, mayo and cheeses too.
I think we have all the shopping, having been to Sainsb and Tesco, enough for one day :roll: :roll:
Hi Sue, of course, it if Friday Suesday. I bet you will be fine when you get your new teeth, won't be long now.
You are not being silly at all, not knowing how what where etc, is always a concern.
That is why we are all here, to support one another t4591 t4591 Hi to Joan too and the lovely doggies
It is going to drop a lot cooler by next week t110007 t110007 keep warm.
Hi Toni, that's great that they want Lucy to be an Elf again at the wonderland. The Reindeer looked so well cared for. I have read and seen so many horror stories where they are so neglected, it is dreadful to see.
Nice that Auntie Kari went with you too, HIGH Auntie Kari, waving, ooo oooh t4591 t4591
Now, what else where you up to, oh yes, everything, including choir practice, I had completely forgotten, shame on me for not letting Sister Inviolata know. Good that Barbara turned up and enjoyed the biscuits (was there a whiff of gin) :shock:
Yes, Clitheroe gets very busy on a Sat, with the market and tourists etc, so wise to have our table sorted. B and SIL will meet us there.
I wondered why the cloak was whisking my alter ego away, to come with you and everyone else, to Lucy's appointment at Brum hospital. Hoping everything goes well t115006 t115006 t115006
I think the M6 is one of the worst motorways, for amount of traffic and road works too. Works until 2022, what are they doing for goodness sake :shock: :shock:
We used to dread going on the M62, that could be horrendous at times, over Saddleworth moor, in winter, oh boy, some scary drives we have had........... t110007 t110007
Sleek has been over quite a lot, saying that she was banned from going out into her land :? :?
Mother wondered what she was talking about :? :? when she said peeples were tipping wet "stuff" into the room that looks after Mummy's wheels - I think she has grasped it now, I have explained to her again.
No, concrete burns like mad, the lime will chew through your skin in no time. Horrid stuff.
Loosing a wand in the mixture does not bear thinking about, oh the shrieking would have been like no other. :shock: :shock:
I am glad your PC is behaving, things such as Solar storms, from the sun, they have a huge impact on electronic items, satellites etc.
Good that the Migraine Aura's are down to minimum levels, hopefully none today, but extra ((())) and sparkles t115006 just in case.
Daddy is driving to the hospital, so you can relax :? :? :roll: :roll: like I would
Now then our Kath, don't you worry about meltdowns, we have all had them, on more than one occasion. 3 days of laptop not behaving I would have been throwing it out of the window. Hopefully it is working ok now. Some extra anti gremlin sparkles t115006 t115006
Loving the look of the Vegan Penne, I will be snacking on that later, thank you kindly.
A big hi to Barbara, Carol, Christine, Kerrin, Elizabeth, Mig, Toady, SW, DD and all
I had better be sorting out, ready for a cuppa. Let me go see what I baked earlier..
Love and Sparkles to everyone t4591 t115006 will be back later. XX Aidan
Almond pastry cake with vanilla cream filling.XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
evening all what a mild day..I had a few moments.. especially in Sainsburrys they had there heating on top wack... :shock:
Toni I hope all was well with Lucy hip..these motorways are getting worse for road works.. :roll: I want it wrote in my contract with the choir that I have 2 biscuits..not one..think I deserve it now, a real diva I am...and I really hope the migraines have left you alone..maybe you need some quiet me time..(())I have delayed the new download but will have to bite the bullet :roll: I did love working at the laundry .. 3 pounds a week I got.. :shock:
Sue you are not silly ..its good to know we all support one another..hopefully when you get your new teeth they fit really well
Joan I will get my thermal vest out next week ready for the cold snap :shock:
Kath thank for the recipes..I like the look of the pasta..but the cake wins hands down..glad you got sorted with the net
Carol like I keep saying sometimes busy is good it takes you mind off other things..I need to get going with my Christmas shopping..all done online these days...
Aiden so you went to the T rooms and got a nice seat..or any seat come to that..the laundry I worked in was a small one dated from the I wasn't there thenI loved watching the sheets come out of the press..and vowed my sheets would always be cotton
Lancashire cotton was the best in the world and I still have a sheet ..50 years old...a quiet day at home , I see that Roger is doing well..he goes on and on
I do like the pic you put fairy dust..I need some..
And thankyou for the sweet bread breakfast and the Almond pastry will keep me going for a while..
Better go we have our middle GD on her way..
Love to everyone m0150 t4591 t115006Love
Barbara0 -
Evening all
Well as promised here I am with an update GGD'S presents brought for Christmas and an extra one for Graycie who will be 2 in December The little madam I cannot believe She will be 2 growing so quickly its scary mind you they are all growing to quickly Lillie will be 7 in February and Rubie was 3 months a few days age thought you may like to see this photo of them all together from about 3/4 days ago.
We have only three more presents to get and that is it all finished
of course i am still knitting for GS and his GF little ones. i have three weeks to finish them before we take a little 2 day trip to Ramsgate to hand over christmas presents and to celebrate Graycies birthday. her actual birthday is 4 days later.
I still have my cough but to be honest I think that it has been one of the viral type colds that leave a lingering cough. I also have another batch of mouse ulcers which I don't think they are all due to the dentures I think it also has to do with the cold I have had.
Barbara yes you are right busy is good for taking your mind off other things.
Sue I was the same I asked the dentist all sorts of question about my teeth some of them sounded to silly afterwards but like you I was a bit worried about them but they are coming along just fine.
Toni so Lucy is going to be an elf again this year how nice to be asked to go back this year.
Kath don't worry I have had computer problems this evening too it keeps booting me out and then I lose my post oh how I hate computer gremlins
Aidan yes we are all ok thank you. hope you B and dad are all ok.
Well i must potter now as i have sat to long. and it is a open morning at church in the morning and to those who have ordered any of my cards in the past i have had problems getting the christmas catalogue but they are all on my website. this also goes for those who have not ordered before. take a peek also we now have a customer club that if you click the bit that says customer club a give you details they will keep you up todate with all the new cards at the same time as me amongst other things like little gifts in your orders. so get clicking those keys
love and sparkles t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006Stay positive always👍xx0 -
Hi to all - A bit more of a breeze tonight, weather seems to be on the turn.
Talking of turns, I see you have had a couple of "moments" Barbara :shock: :shock:As our neighbour said, at least 5 times, it's been warm today.................Yes, you said, an hour ago :roll: :roll:
Our Sainsb seems to have trouble with the heating and cooling. Last week when it was frosty, the AC was on full as the heating had broken, it was bloomin freezing in there.
I am sure you will be allowed as many biscuits as you want Barbara, for singing so well at choir. Sister Inviolata has a penchant for a custard cream
£3 a week at the laundry, goodness. We got £100 a month as first year student nurses. Thought I was Rothschild
Of course you were not there in the 1920'sLancashire cotton is the best and I can well believe you have a sheet that is 50 years old and still going strong. Mum had loads of linen squirrelled away from years and years ago.
Roger is through to the semi finals, he does seem to go on, like Peter Pan of the tennis world. The world tour finals are always good at the O2 Arena
Glad the breads and cake managed to tide you over
Have a nice time with middle GD t115006 t4591
Hi Carol You are very organised, nearly done your Christmas shopping :shock:
I can hardly believe that Graycie is 2 in December, we were all on delivery watch and it seems moments ago. :shock: :shock: :shock:
A lovely picture of them all togethert4591
You are still knitting for Queen and country, those needles must be wearing out :shock:I am sure everything will be done in time for your visit to Ramsgate
((())) and sparkles for your cough and cold to go as soon as possible t115006 t115006 most are viral, but they can settle on chests and cause an infection. As long as it is not getting worse.
Best be having some more sparkles for those ouchy mouth ulcers t115006 t115006
We are all falling in bits :roll: :shock: :shock: :? :?
I think things are pretty normal, (whatever that is) here. We keep a close eye on Dad and make sure things are ok. He enjoyed the golf viewing, while eating his lunch here.
I hope the open morning at Church goes well, Silver will have to divert people in t115006 t115006
Hi Toni, Sleek was saying that Mummy and Daddy and Lucy were tired after going to the big house with lots of peeples in beds :shock:
She was nattering to Mother whilst spitting sweets all over the place :roll: :roll:
I hope all was well and the journey not too protracted. t115006 t4591
Well, after 4 potters about, it is time I posted.
Off to the T rooms with Dad, to meet up with B's Brother and SIL for lunch. No doubt a wander to the dept store just a little potter away.
Love and sparkles to everyone, in and about. t4591 t115006 Take lots of care XXXXX Aidan
Baked Eggy Crumpets for BreakfastXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0
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