Val's Cafe



  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning everyone :)

    Lovely breakfast Aidan! Very tasty...needed a nice latte to go with...ta! :Dc055.gif

    Sleek said Hermione told them not o go up on Pendle this morning she'd heard somewhere that there 'might be a dusting...' :wink: They can make snow angel-pusskins she says once there's a proper layer.

    Oh dear me a parcel arrived! its a complete snow suit for Mother! it even has a tail space to keep her tail warm! It looks very cozy and is faux fur lined. Not sure how to describe the colour though.... :?

    The sanctuary is the best place to go today it's on lower ground and warmer and of course the lorries need the cats to supervise them :lol: :roll: and i's a later start! I think Sleek and Mother (and Darcey if she joins them) will probably have their own siesta in the meerkat enclosure :wink:

    I hope it doesn't count as cheating typing up for poor Lucy, but she hasn't been well since Thursday and it's got to be in tomorrow?

    Magic unicorn cat looks very sweet and like he may be related to Sleek. I shall show Lucy later. t4591 please thanks Mother for us.

    Aidan I agree it is time action was taken over Joan and Sue's heating system. It ought to have been replaced over a year ago and people can DIE of cold - I know they aren't silly enough to not add layers etc, but still that isn't the point!

    Oh yes lots of drama on IACGMOOH! Blimey :shock: shall we call it celebrity?? :shock:

    I'm afraid half the time my gaze is averted too all those sp****s :shock:

    Hope your shopping is done super-fast and Dad enjoys his croissants and coffee with you both :)

    Morning Joan can you remind us all - were you on the radio or in the paper about your heating?

    Love to everyone

    Toni xx

    Yes new mad people always welcome to pop in!
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all sorry I missed little brain thought I had posted :?
    Toni I am sorry to hear that Lucy is feeling poorly..bless but shes a trouper and sure she will get in good on you for helping with her assignment.. :) sending some very gentle hugs for Lucy and you who I am sure needs them..((()))xx
    Betty's is worth a visit old worldy tea room that has to be done once at least :D
    Aiden how awful that B lost his sister like that and his BIL..gosh life throws some things at us.. :cry:
    So dad has a new coffee machine just like yours..but he is there most morning.. :lol: bless he will be practicing has we speak..yes TVs have dropped though the floor for these new 8K..and they are a fortune..our Samsung was only 399..its brilliant and OH loves Utube..but even that is reduced.. :shock: so today is an home day..I saw there was snow on the hills haven't seen winterhill yet till we go out..blimey winter is here..get January here and springs is around the corner.. :lol: well it did start in March last year :D
    the makeup was hard work but no pics I would let her take any or I would have been on facebook :lol: I do love the pic of the unicorn cat... :lol: and thankyou for the apple bake breakfast..and will go and look what I missed yesterday..serves me right
    Carol you are feeling down ans its not like you.(()).Mr T had a fall and is making you suffer..tell me about least you have your knitting group to get away form things..and I hope the catarrh leave you alone very soon its an horrible thing
    Joan oh no not the heating again and another OH was fuming when I told him..I hope you can both keep warm ...(())Niamh is being picked up today ..she always makes us laugh :lol:
    Kath its hard to wrap up against this cold dont blame you for staying in ..thankyou for the recipe I thought I didnt like Aubergines till I had them In a vegi will give this a go..
    right better get some food in ready for Niamh..she likes a roast dinner off to marks it is.. :lol:
    Love to everyone t4591 t115006 t4591
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 21. Nov 2018, 08:38
    As it's so cold and wet, t110007 t111055 t110007 t111055 I've done two posts with 2 vegan recipes. This is one pot linguine. The second is hoisin tortilla wraps.

    Enjoy t4591 t4591

    Recipe 1

    200g dried linguine (or spaghetti)
    500g passata with onion and garlic
    1 red chilli
    6 slices sun-dried tomato (from a jar)
    50g pitted black olives
    1 tbsp capers
    1 tsp sugar
    2 tbsp olive oil
    Handful fresh basil
    Find a large lidded saucepan in which the linguine will lie flat on the bottom, or snap the linguine in half to fit in a regular pan. Cover the linguine with the passata, then re-fill the passata carton or jar half way with water (250ml), and add this to the pan. Bring it to the boil and reduce to a simmer. Keep stirring whilst the pasta softens to ensure it doesn’t stick to the bottom of the pan.
    De-seed and finely slice the chilli, drain and finely chop the sun-dried tomatoes, halve the olives and drain the capers, then add all these ingredients to the pan, along with the sugar and olive oil. Stir well, cover with the lid and cook on a medium heat for 10-11 minutes, (stirring regularly), until the pasta is cooked through.
    Roughly chop the basil. When the pasta is cooked, stir in the basil and a grind of black pepper (it shouldn’t need any salt), then serve

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Recipe 2

    4 tortilla wraps
    1/2 yellow pepper
    1/2 red pepper
    1/2 green pepper
    1-2 tbsp vegetable oil
    1 red onion, chopped
    5 oz (150g) vegan mince
    7 oz (200g) mushrooms, quartered
    2 fl oz (60ml) water
    5 tbsp vegan Hoisin sauce
    3-4 tbsp spicy tomato salsa
    Salt to taste

    Warm tortilla wraps following the packet instructions.
    In the meantime, deseed peppers and slice into thin strips.
    Heat oil and saute onion until softened. Add mince, mushrooms and peppers and simmer until mushrooms and peppers are cooked. Stir in water, Hoisin sauce and salsa. Adjust seasoning to taste.
    Serve with salad and a little dish of salsa or soya yogurt on the side.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Aidan Toni Barbara Kathleen
    Aidan the heating is still working just not as warm. I hope you are having a good day you need it (((())))
    Toni we have new gas engineers they are quicker than the others.
    Lucy's doing well with her teaching good luck with the course.
    Barbara have a lovely time with Niahm i bet she is a little live wire,
    Kathleen i hope you are having a good day stay warm.
    take care all love to Carol
    joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all, goodness it is winter today, all of 4 degrees when we out at the supermarket.
    Snow on top of Pendle, as we had guessed.

    Glad you enjoyed the breakfast Toni, rather tempting I must admit.

    Hermione was right, she had closed the "gate" onto Pendle, so the puskins had to stop indoors, at each other houses, too and fro. A wise move, it would have been too cold up there for them all.

    Mother has seen the snow suit, :shock: she went off to the bedroom, shrieking her head off. :shock: :? The colour, well, a kind of neon colour, I think for remaining visible, even in Siberia :roll: :lol::lol:
    She was very polite and thanked Miss Sleek, but said it doesn't fit properly or allow quick visits to the powder rooms :shock: :lol::lol: Sleek will be wanting some stamps to return it to catazon I would guess.

    That is where they went then, to the Meerkats enclosure, extra warm, I should have known really. They all seem to get on with the Meerkats

    No, it isn't cheating, Lucy had done all the course work, but was not well enough to type it up. All the teachers and professors have secretary's after all, they type things up for them. No difference :)

    I wondered if Unicorn cat was a relation of Sleeks, Lucy will love him to pieces, bless, I hope she feels better very soon t4591 t115006 t115006

    We used to watch Celebrity Jungle, the one with David Emanuel in was the best, but we are a little biased of course :) No, they were really good. Noel Edmunds is going in, for a 600 thousand ££ fee. WOW, I might even pick a spider up for that amount :shock: :shock:

    Shopping was done quickly, soon back here, heating on, croissants and coffee suitably enjoyed. Dad stayed until early afternoon, then B took him round home, as his ankle is playing up (RA).

    We are all slightly bonkers, but the more the merrier in the cafe. We don't bite :D:D

    Letter today from DWP, a very thin letter :? :? We have all the information we need to make our decision, no need to call, we will write to you when we have made a decision. :shock: :roll:
    OK, that's the second time you have told me this, the waiting is just driving me crackers.

    Maybe the thicker letter, won't be too long now.

    Hi Barbara - don't worry about the post, we are as bad as each other :lol::lol: :roll: :roll:

    It was a terrible time, loosing B's Sister, she was a year older than B, so would be 60 now.
    She kept a lot of things to herself, with regards the cancer - we knew there was more than just the primary, but, you have to respect a persons reasons not to tell.
    His BIL had pulmonary fibrosis, which runs on his side of the family, his brother died from it too.
    5 weeks between Sis and BIL passing away, was just numbing.
    We had my Dad, then SIL and BIL then my Mum, then my Aunt and Uncle, then B's Mum plus Cookie and Pepe............sometimes you just want to stop the world and get off. But, you carry on and people support you and we support others.

    Dad is happy with his new coffee machine, he won't use it much, he just wanted one like ours, bless him.
    He enjoyed his lunch here, watching the skating.

    Oh yes, an 8K TV I will have one of them please - they are a LITTLE BIT expensive at the moment though :shock: :shock:

    Pendle was white over this morning and it will be again, as it is almost freezing at the moment.

    I am out of time, distracted with printer messing about. Will catch up again later.

    Quick Hi to Kath, thank you for the recipes, they both look A Mazing

    Love and Sparkles to all t4591 t115006 XXXX Aidan
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all

    Hope you have all had a reasonable day. At last dispite the cough still lingering around I am starting to feel a lot less irritated with things long may it last, Am slowly getting used to the teeth the bottom denture still continue to be a problem getting it to stay put so I think it has a visit to the dentist for an adjustment. The mouth ulcers are gone except for one on the side of my tongue which gas nearly gone. Knitting continues to go well. Knitting group today was good. Tomorrow I have my cards at the local MS group and this weekend we have open morning on Saturday and on the Road where the church is they have the traders Christmas fair. which means we will have the church open for 4 hours in the afternoon after the service on Sunday. Slow cooker dinner called for on Sunday so it will be ready by the time we get home.

    Aidan We too have had a very windy wet t110007 couple of days, today has been cold but not as windy and dry. hope you are keeping warm. thank you for the magic squares they seemed to have worked. Mr T is not complaining so much so silver must have worked a magic spell on him I think. :lol::lol: raspberry cream cake could not help a splat in that. switch the booth on for the next person.

    Kath I see the gremlins are stealing the post again we will not mention the l.. t.. not behaving mine often dose that. Technology is a wonderful thing when it works :roll: :roll: think I'll pass on the Aubergines thank you I don't like them.

    Joan yes I do use Olbas oil but I find it doesn't last for very long but I do put it on my pillow at night and that keeps my nose clear most of the night. I have been using Otrivine during the day. Mr t just has a nasty tender bruise but he ok .

    Toni I am feeling much more myself today thank you poor Lucy i am sure it is not bad you typing her work up for her after its only you and her that know. the cold is not a new one it is a lingering one. no its not my fault Mr T hurt himself I wasn't even in when he did it :? :? silly man.

    Barbara I am feeling much better tahnks

    time to potter

    t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all, a very cold night here, frost on the park home tops - looks like a full moon too.......... t110007

    Sorry I ran out of time earlier, I wasn't ignoring you Barbara. t4591

    I am sure if you had allowed your GD to take pictures of the stage make up they would have been on FB and you would have been in shock :shock: :shock:

    Unicorn Cat is lovely. You are very welcome to the apple and pecan bake. We need soul food in this weather. Hence we bought two small syrup sponges to have in the coming days :) Hope you had a lovely time with Niamh :)

    Hi Kath, I assume you did not venture out in the wet and cold weather. Best to be indoors, with your thermals on. Hope the ouches are minimal and the laptop is working well, extra sparkles to keep it all going t115006 t115006

    Both dishes are a delight, I would gladly tuck into them. Thank you kindly :)

    Hi Joan and Sue - so the heating is on, just not as warm as it should be, grrrrr. The new engineers do seem to come out far more quickly than the last lot, that left you very cold.

    I hope you are both keeping as cosy as possible and the heating is sorted very quickly.

    Thank you, we have had a nice day ((()))

    Hi Carol I am glad to hear that you are feeling a bit better. The magic squares have helped, which is lovely. Now we have to get rid of this lingering cough. t115006 t115006

    A trip to the dentist might well be in order, just to tweak things a little on the bottom ridge.

    Mr T is less grumblesome too, Silver did do a good job. I hope his ouches are not as bad now.

    The knitting is going well, boosted by the knitting group and coffee, to speed things along :shock: :shock:

    I hope you sell some more cards at the MS group and also at the Church open day. With the Christmas market on, I am sure more people will come in.

    We are nice and warm, park homes are very well insulated, the boiler just comes on for a few minutes every so often, to top the temperature up. It has been very wet and wild. At least the wind has dropped, hence the frosts.

    I am glad you enjoyed the raspberry splatter cake :lol::lol:

    Hope you are ok Toni and Lucy is feeling a bit better. Sleek said she is still on regular observations with Pepe's Drs bag. Mother has sent a phial of potion, a wellness potion, for sleek to administer t4591 t115006 t115006

    They are planning a quit trip up onto Pendle, early morning, with the first snow and some heavy frosts, the iced dew will be perfect. Mother said she will wear the all in one uber warm fake fur lined winter suit that Sleek bought, she had a pang of guilt. I had to assist with the tail section :shock: :lol::lol:

    At home today. Time I was pottering about a little. Leaving lots of love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 Take Care and keep warm XXX Aidan

    Carrot Cake Porridge

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Carrot cake porridge with berries Aidan! Lovely :D Thank you very muchly t4591

    Lucy did love unicorn cat - Sleek says they are related on Tommy Thumb's side :?

    Bless Tosca wearing the winter neon onesie Sleek bought her :D She can be kind can't she? I can see the tail part would be tricky...Sleek said she looked lovely up on Pendle (Mrs D didn't join them this morning) and was so cozy although she struggled a bit to move her paws :? Sleek had to do most of the ice-dew collecting :?

    The phial from Mother has helped Lucy no end she slept like a log which she must have needed. Sleeks observation charts have been inspected and she might be allowed some off-duty tonight :) She is so proud to own Pepe's Drs kit now. t115006 t115006 t4591 t4591

    They are planning another visit to the meerkat enclosure today 'if this weather keeps up' and Mrs D is going to join them!

    I suppose the new heating engineers are responding quicker, but no-one seems to want to fix the system once and for all and Joan and Sues :roll:

    Lucy's assignment went well all typed up all line spaces set at 1.5 (that wasn't easy) and arial 12. Only problem was I tried to cut and paste each part together in one document and the 'tables' from the OU didn't paste across just the words :shock: Need to see my nephew urgently today as it needs to go today :?

    The stress! What a silly letter :roll: I really hope it's not much longer now :(

    Glad Dad enjoyed his croissants and coffee hope his ankle eases off soon ((()))

    Hi Carol I am glad you are finally feeling a bit better now finally.

    Good job Silver's squares did the job and Mr T has stopped complaining. :roll: men eh?

    Glad the knitting group was good and you are still doing well. Fingers crossed the MS group buy a fair few cards :)

    Get those Christmas shoppers in on Saturday from the Christmas fayre and open Sunday :D Perfect to get home to a lovely home-cooked meal in the slow cooker.

    Joan thank you for your good luck for Lucy I will let you all know how she gets on. I'm glad at least the engineers come out a bit quicker.

    Kath thank you for the vegan tortilla wraps. The linguine will go down very nicely indeed:)

    Both very healthy and filling I think Kari will be pleased :)

    Barbara thank you for Lucy's hugs her voice is very quiet today and hoarse. I hope the kids at school behave! :shock:

    I hope Niamh enjoyed her roast...mine always loved their Nanna's roast.

    Right better crack on hairdresser today and still have the problem of Lucy's assignment to get off!

    Love to everyone

    Toni xxx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Helping myself to some carrot cake porridge with berries. A washing up bowl full actually, thank you muchly Aidan. That will keep me warm. :lol: We did go out on Tuesday morning, it was all in my missing post. So forgotten now.

    Joan, I think you need a complete new heating system. We can't have you losing heat. :o

    Only one recipe today, they are all vegan and very healthy. I like to keep my lovelies well fed.

    Enchanted Vanilla pancakes

    Dry Ingredients
    1 cup (120g) whole wheat pastry flour/plain flour
    1 tsp baking powder
    1/4 tsp salt
    Wet Ingredients
    1 1/2 cups (269g) cooked white beans or 1 can (425g), rinsed and drained
    1 1/2 cups (355 ml) unsweetened non-dairy milk (vanilla, if possible)
    1/2 cup (40g) rolled oats
    2 tbsp (28ml) olive oil
    2 tbsp (26g) sugar or (40g) agave nectar
    1 tbsp (14g) ground flaxseed mixed with 2 tbsp (28ml) warm water (this is optional: you can use three tbsp of whisked aquafaba instead)
    1 tsp vanilla extract
    Peach compote ingredients
    5 peaches
    1 tsp cinnamon
    ¾ tsp cardamom
    ¼ tsp allspice
    ¼ tsp nutmeg
    Sweetener of your choice, to taste

    To prepare the dry ingredients, mix all the ingredients in a large bowl.
    To prepare the wet ingredients, add all the ingredients to a food processor and purée. Add the purée to the dry ingredients. Mix with a wooden spoon until thoroughly combined.
    Heat a non-stick pan over medium heat. You can cook a few at a time, but make sure not to crowd them in the pan. Cook until you can see a few bubbles on the top and the edges are dry, then flip and cook a few minutes more until the pancake is cooked through.
    To prepare the peach compote: Cut the peaches in half, remove the stone, and remove the peel. Cut into small pieces. Add all of the compote ingredients to a saucepan and bring to a simmer over medium-high heat. Decrease the heat to low, cover, and cook for 15 to 20 minutes, until the fruit is cooked through
    t115006 t115006 t115006 t4591 t115006 t115006 t115006

    I'm all snuggly buggly, heating on, and triple layers.

    t110007 r045.gifr060.gif t111055

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Aidan Carol Toni.
    Aidan I hope you have not had anymore scary pain's keep warm all of you(((())))
    Carol that's good your ulcers are going I know people that have given up over problem's with their teeth((((()))))
    Toni how are you feeling now better I hope(((())))
    take care all love to Barbara Kathleen xx
    joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all - what a grey, dark day, funny sort of light, makes your head woozy :? :?
    It was very frosty first thing, definitely an at home day here.

    Glad you enjoyed the carrot cake porridge Toni, we need warming things and stodgy puddings in the winter :) My excuse anyway

    Unicorn Cat is related to Tom Thumb, well, who knew. Such a well connected group of puskins we have t4591

    Mother said it was like Siberia on top of Pendle and she was glad of the onzie. As you say difficult to get a paw to function while wearing it, but Sleek took charge of the frozen dew.
    Mother shrieked when she came back through the gate, I had to ease her gently out of her neon garb. :shock: :lol::lol:

    Mothers magical potion must have helped with Lucy being able to sleep all the way through.
    Mother has scanned the observation charts and agrees that twice nightly is sufficient for obs rounds, with Pepe's medical equipment :)

    Not sure if Mother went to the Meerkats, she did wander off to the bedroom and was gone a while, so I am guessing so.

    It would be good if Joan and Sue could have some continuity of keeping toasty warm. What don't the association understand about limited mobility and being cold :roll: :roll:

    Hope you get the assignment sorted with your Nehpew and the cutting, pasting etc :? :?

    Dad will be ok, we keep him moving, even when he grumbles about his ankle. The Rheumy said there was no RA in the joints, but that was a few years ago now.

    Hair is looking good :D:D:D Our salon will be open this week end, I might be getting promotion :shock: :? :? :? might.

    Ooo a good helping of porridge there Kath, it will keep you warm and toastie along with the thermals etc.

    Ah, the missing post, yes, least said, soon as mended.

    A lovely vegan recipe, thank you, I will be partaking in those pancakes later.

    Glad you are nice and warm. It's grey and dull out, going dark already here. Curtains shut tight :)

    Hi Joan and Sue - no more angina at the moment. The loads of pills I take should keep a lid on it for the most part, just occasionally it rears its ugly head :roll: :roll:

    We are nice and warm, hope you are too. A cold week coming up.

    Well, I had best be sorting out a big pudding, no, not me, :? :roll: something sweet and stodgy - wait, that IS me :shock: :lol::lol:

    Hi to Barbara and Carol and everyone else. Barbara will be ready for a snack or two.

    Will check back later, in the meantime, take care, love and sparkles to everyone t4591 t115006 t115006 t110007 keep warm. XXX Aidan

    Steamed Veggie Suet Treacle Pudding

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Just a quick hi to all - I have eaten far too much syrup sponge :) still plenty on the side, with lashings of custard, clotted cream, etc etc.

    Cold, but not frosty, raining a little, even though there is none forecast :? :?

    I hope you are all as ok as can be.

    Toni, how is Lucy feeling, croaky voice still ? Sleek has reported to Mothers, all the observations. Leaving some sparkles t115006 and some more magic squares (with knitted peat moss added) :shock: it might sparkles even more than normal t115006

    It was choir practice, did Barbara turn up, I saw her going into the shed :shock: :lol::lol:
    Sister Eumphemia was there, just in case Barbara was delayed.

    I hope you and yours are all ok Barbara, did Niamh enjoy her roast dinner :)

    Carol, is that pesky cold and cough retreating, I do hope so. Today will be lunch with Mr T, if he is in a good mood :roll: :roll: then coffee with your friend. Knitting in hand, at all times :D:lol:

    Kath will be nice and cosy in her thermals, Joan and Sue too.

    A quiet evening here, golf on in the background, me pottering about, as I do.

    Mother said that seeing as Daddy's are out with GDad, at the GC this morning, she will host a cattee morning, with freshly ground pilchards, sweets, treats and lactose free cream. Invitations have gone out to Mrs D, Tom Thumb, Miss Slimkins, Tommy cat and Jeri cat too. A spell of entertainment will be cast :shock: Should be interesting.

    Right, time to potter again. Bones need a move around.

    Everyone take lots of care, love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 t4591 XXX Aidan

    Pink Velvet Waffles

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning everyone :D

    Sleek has been busy this morning trying on different collars and tail rings and of course tiaras for the cattee at Tosca's house. She absolutely cannot wait!! She is going on her own Mrs D is picking Tommy-thumb up. She wants to see Tommy and Jeri-cat! She is taking some 'sweets' as her contribution. Was going to bring extra litter, but it unbalanced her trailer too much. :?

    Tommy thumb was trying to invite unicorn cat, but he was ignoring his texts....wonder why :?

    Lucy's obs were ok Mother inspected them 1st thing. Yes she can go to work today and b an elf of Sunday. :roll: Glad you were there to help Mother out of her onsie! Bless her her paws are so fat in it like the Michelin-cat!

    They did go to the meercats, but Mother couldn't get out of her onsie on her own to go in so she visited the penguins :shock: Sleek asked Hermione for a spell to get her out of it on her own :wink:

    Pink velvet waffles Aidan!:shock: :D for breakfast!!! Wow!! totally to the booth with mine :lol:

    Thank you I feel 10 years younger now :wink: Your salon will be busy will Dad have his done too all those towels to wash....rubs hands together!

    Euphemia and Barbara were at choir last night :)

    Loved the suet pudding by the way - had mine with the usual rhoddas :)

    Hi Joan all is well with me thank you :) Got the children's Christmas party at the community centre this afternoon :roll: help!

    That's it Kath heating on and layered up :)

    The pancakes sound lovely and in fact - enchanting!! Thank you!

    I will go out soon I think :? coming?

    Luckily I saw Barbara at choir last night (via snapchat) so I know she is ok :)

    Love to everyone

    Toni xxx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Just realised it's Suesday! What's next with your teeth Sue?


    Toni xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Oh Aidan, what a lovely photo of you. Oh sorry, thats the suet pudding. :lol: Will definitely have some of that, with lashings of custard.

    Morning Sue, how's the teeth? Better than mine, my cavities are all stuffed with suet sponge now. Where's me toothpick?

    Toni, was going to join you for a coffee (although I'm not as fussy, so might have tea. Then I remembered it's Tesco day and wasn't sure I'd be back before twelve. Anyway, I couldn't get me coat on with all me layers. :? t110007 t111055 Then I saw the pink velvet waffles so stopped off at the booth, and had a quick leap into the leaves, even though they are a bit damp and squidgy. But I thought as I'll be having a shower after the booth, why not.
    t120005 t120005

    So mother knows all about Siberia, she's certainly a well travelled pusscat. t4591

    Thought you might give this a try.

    Ingredients Mushroom and leek pie

    1 tbsp olive oil 2 medium leeks, trimmed and sliced into discs 3 cloves garlic, minced 500g button mushrooms 1 tsp dried mixed herbs A pinch of salt and pepper For the sauce: 1 tbsp vegan margarine 2 tbsp plain flour 350ml dairy-free milk 1/8 tsp ground nutmeg A pinch of salt and pepper 1 roll vegan puff pastry (or gluten-free, if needed) 4 tbsp dairy-free milk, for glazing

    Method Add the olive oil to a large saucepan on a medium heat. Fry the leeks and garlic for 2 minutes, to soften. Add the mushrooms, herbs, salt and pepper and stir for a minute. Place the lid on top and cook for 8 minutes. Meanwhile, in a small saucepan, melt the vegan margarine on medium heat. Add the flour and stir until combined. Slowly add in the milk, a tablespoon at a time and whisk, until you have a smooth thick mixture. Stir in the nutmeg and season with salt and pepper. Combine the cooked leeks and mushrooms with the sauce and leave to cool completely. Make sure your puff pastry is at room temperature (if using frozen, leave at room temperature overnight) and preheat the oven to 200C. Add the leek and mushroom mixture to a pie dish and top with the puff pastry, cutting off any excess pastry around the edges. Crimp the edges using a fork and score a criss-cross pattern on the top with a sharp knife. Finally, dip a pastry brush in a little dairy-free milk and brush the top of the pie, to help it brown. Cook for 25 minutes until golden brown. Serve straight away.

    Barbara, happy to know you made it to choir practice. t115006 t115006

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • mig
    mig Member Posts: 7,154
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Daughter brought in some brussle sprout flavoured crisps :!:
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all ..late again and not done much..Niamh is here and sleeping :)
    Aiden what an awful time you and B have you say these things are sent to test us..and we have to carry on ..that is how they would want it (())
    So you had a letter..gosh I only got one thank was bad enough opening that... :shock: family have gone home now I think..does dad like his coffee machine..he will be having you and B round instead of the other way round..steamed treacle pud with custard is my favorite..will have that first then a waffle :D must say we haven't had any rain.. cold and still..
    Kath you make me hungry with all the recipes..I very rarely have an appetite.. :D
    Toni so Lucy has gone into work she really is a trouper bless..glad to hear that Lucy notes are all typed up but something didn't paste..hope your nephew could help :o good luck to her..
    Carol is getting there...and will have an open day at church..I hope it is busy maybe the bad weather will bring them in...
    Joan Niamh is a live wire but is calmer than she used to be..still doesn't like certain noises and is that heating sorted yet ..sorry I forget what I read..hope Sue is ok...
    Mig sprout crisp... :lol: were they good...
    Sorry this is short..but Niamh is waiting for her chippy tea.. :lol:
    Love to everyone t4591 t115006 t4591
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Where's Aidan?!???

    I hope just super-busy :?

    Barbara Get Niamh her chips ASAP :) We got the Assignment off ok and on time on our OWN!! me and LU :D (Head swelling) :oops:

    You didn't tell everyone about your Kevin the carrot!!!

    Funnily enough mig Lucy tried to get me to buy some brussel sprout crisps :mrgreen: I do NOT think o do you? :shock:

    Kath we could have a coffee or tea after 12 no problem :)

    I hope you have had your shower and got all the leaf muck off you??


    Oh Mother knows everything I think she is well travelled and well-read (being a female cat).

    Mushroom and leek pie looks yum will make the pastry with vegan marge so Kari can have some :)

    Love to everyone

    Toni xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi all, I am still here, let's just forget Friday and then start afresh on Saturday...................................................

    Nothing wrong, coffee scones, shopping

    home, new printer arrived, that has taken till nearly midnight to get it to connect to the wifi :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :x :x

    Neighbour from across the way came over in the afternoon, so all of that time went west.

    Siesta was a waste of time, I was wound up like a clockwork toy for some reason, anyway, that's by the by..............................

    Printer now working, neighbour across way wants to buy our curved tv, so we said yes, now we are going to need to go SHOPPING for a new one :D:D:D:D:D:D I said it would be lethal, going to Curry's. Well, why not eh.............

    Toni I am glad that Lucy is feeling better and has been to school and will turn into an Elf at the week end, bless her, lots of hugs to all (((())))

    Hope the children's Christmas party was ok, all those youngsters :shock: :shock: :shock: :? :? :? EEEK

    Tosca had the most wonderful time, they were all so refined and dressed up to the nines for their cattee morning. Mother is STILL shouting about it now. Lovely that they got together with Tomicat and Jericat too.
    Sleek looked divine in her tiara and a feather boa to match, pink, to match her "diamonds".

    Kath you have had the Tesco delivery, jumped into squishy leaves, had a shower, dived into the booth, eaten all the puddings and are so wrapped up in thermals, that you are almost nuclear powered m0150 :D:D:D:lol:
    Thank you for the yummy pie, my fav, mushrooms and leeks t4591

    Mig has had some sprout flavoured crisps - I had read about them Mig, not seen them as yet and I am not sure my "constitution" would hold up too well, that's all I am saying on the subject of sprouts :o:o:o :? :? :? :oops: :oops: :roll:

    Barbara is having a pyjama party with Niamh on her sleep over, that will be lovely for you. Any dusting needs doing, send her off with a cloth t4591 t115006
    You had chippies for T, you should have sent me a Txt :) and Toni too.

    Dad is liking his coffee machine and says it is working well, phew, that's good to know.

    Hi to Joan and Sue and Carol and everyone else in and about. Sorry this is short and sweet. I say today will be less frantic, but, if we have to go tv shopping, we could be a while........................

    Leaving lots of love and sparkles and (((()))) to everyone. t4591 t115006 t115006

    A tout a l'heure XXXX Aidan
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Aidan aujourd'hui est un autre jour! (Today is another day) hopefully a better one a little more restful :roll:

    Sleek I hoping Mother will do another cattee soon, but I suggested it might need to be after Christmas now :? She has outfits chosen ready for at least another two :wink:

    Up to Pendle first thing and of all things they took Tommy thumb!!!! :shock: He proved very good at digging (sustainable) moss peat for the nymphs. A bit mean but they dropped him off at home before they took it to him. Mother said he s too young and might tell peeples…..he can't keep secrets I hear.

    Then the spent an hour in the meerkats enclosure :)

    Thoroughly enjoyed that little cosy siesta.

    Enjoy currys today won't you? a new telly...hmmmm the curved ones make me a little travel sick!!

    No sure what to do today.....possibly make some BREAD to go with the carrot and coriander soup Lucy and I made yesterday...??? I don't knead anymore (Sleek offered to help :? ) I used the mixer kneading attachment!!

    Sky colour looks a little yellow :shock: :? :shock: :?

    Hello to Joan I hope all is well Sue didn't post yesterday??

    Love to everyone

    Toni xxx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Aidan Toni Mig Barbara Kathleen
    Aidan that's good your angina is behaving it's self.
    Toni I hope the party goes well and Lucy's forms
    Mig no I don't think I fancy sprouts crisps have you tried them.
    Barbara I bet Niamh enjoyed her chips in her pj's.
    no the heating has not been done yet.
    Kathleen sue goes in jan for her teeth impression I hope you are having a good day.
    Sue tried twice yesterday to write it vanished she thanks all of you for your help((((((())))))
    take care have a good weekend love to Carol
    joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all. Chatted to Emily on the phone last night. She is really enjoying her job. She's assigned to a 14 year old Downs boy, and communicates by Makaton. She also helps out with the swimmers, and even does crossing duties on the roads. We're very proud of her.

    t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044

    Barbara, another recipe to boost your appetite. Vegan lemon cake.

    250g vegan margarine
    200g sugar
    2 tsp vanilla sugar
    30g soya flour
    1/2 tsp xanthan gum
    200ml warm water including juice of 2 lemons Finely grated zest of 2 lemons 150g plain flour 100g corn flour 15g baking powder 50g ground almonds Icing 150g icing sugar 3 tbsp lemon juice 2 tsp lemon zest

    Method Preheat oven to 170 degrees, line a 30cm cake loaf tin and lightly grease. Place vegan margarine, sugar and vanilla sugar, soya flour, lemon zest and xanthan gum into a mixing bowl. Combine on low speed. Top up the lemon juice with warm water to 200ml in total. Let liquid drizzle into mixture beating on medium speed for 3-4 minutes until creamy. Sift flour, corn flour and baking powder and fold under mixture with a spatula. Fill with loaf tin cake mixture and bake for 65-70 minutes. Icing Mix the icing sugar with zest and lemon juice. Spread over cake.

    I'm sure Kari will enjoy it too Toni. t4591

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all..its a cold but sunny day.. :D
    Niamh has just gone home daddy has taken her..she sleeps well till 9..
    Toni Phew you and Lucy did well there is nothing nicer than solving it yourself..give yourselves pats on the back :D so Lucy is an Elves the children love her..must say crusty bread with hot soup nothing nicer..I cant knead so in the bread maker it goes.. :D
    Kath and so you should be proud of Emily she is doing a really good job helping the little boy...and all the other other duties..good for her..thankyou for the lemon cake..can I put custard with it.. :lol:
    Joan poor Sue losing her post..just so long has she is ok..yes Niamh did enjoy her fish and chips in her PJs.. :lol: and so did I come to that..hope you are all doing ok..
    Aiden of course you need a new TV after seeing them all in Currys.. :lol: but dont tell my OH or he will be following you there.. :lol: bet you cant wait for it to be up and running in time for Christmas.. :D hope today is not has busy..apart form TV hunting..or have you seen one..the chips weren't made by my OH ..or I would have text you and Toni..oh and you got a new printer..its drives me mad when they wont connect...but you got there in the end.. :D
    We are off out later for a curry with some fronds..8 of us I think..I dont like going out in the dark but they have insisted..we only see most of them once a year.. :o Im sure we wont be out long..
    Right will make a cuppa
    Love to everyone t4591 m0150 t115006
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all

    Well, Friday vanished and Saturday has done the same :shock: :roll: :roll: :roll: Not even set foot out of the door, but 13 hours, gone in a flash.

    I hope everyone is ok, let me have a bit of a catch up..................

    Hi Toni, bien sure tomorrow is another day, Sunday might, I say migh, be a bit more homey rather than trying to get things done and you never seem to get going

    I think the cattee morning will be after Christmas, Mother kept Daddy awake for most of the bloomin night, shrieking and jumping about, throwing fresh litter, eating sweets, more shouting................All that excitement of the socialising had set her right up the pole :shock: :lol::lol::lol:

    Mother said that they enjoyed the time up on Pendle, she was most impressed by Tommy's digging capabilities, he will make a superb litter thrower she thinks :lol::lol:
    Wise not to take him into the ravine, the Nymphs, while loving Tosca, Mrs D and Miss Sleek, are still very shy and fragile forest dwellers. They do like to keep their location "unknown" and well hidden.
    Tommy didn't mind, he was excited to have been allowed to dig up the peat moss, as you say, very sustainable.

    A rest with the meerkats was enjoyed. Mother thinks they are quite cute if a little here there and everywhere :lol::lol:

    I read your comment and thought for ages, were we having a curry, I don't remember saying anything about curry, then, the penny finally dropped. Curry's.........the big shop :roll: :roll: bless, it's a shame really.

    We didn't go to Curry's, have bought the tv from a more local small chain dealer, that we have used before, wanted to support the smaller business, than the big electronic warehouses. It is same size, a Samsung, not curved this time.

    Carrot and coriander soup and home made bread, sounds wonderful. How did the bread turn out. kneading is certainly a machine job, goodness, my hands would drop off.

    A yellow sky, is that dust from the Sahara? :shock: :?

    The neighbours who have bought our TV, are over the moon, they bought a brand new carpet shampooer (Vax) from us too. it has stood in the wardrobe for two years, never used. With the two new doggies, one of whom is still a puppy, it will come in VERY useful.
    She brought over a meat and potato pie for B and a cheese and onion pie for me, all homemade and delicious. There was enough for a family, so have saved some of each for Dad. Lovely of her, she likes to feed us up :shock:
    I might regret the onion, but, least said................... :oops: :oops: :? :?

    How was the children's party?

    Hi there Joan and Sue - No, we will pass on the sprout flavoured crisps - one thing that is even worse, was tinned sprouts when we lived in France. OH MY DAYS we had to open the windows after opening the tin :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:

    Hope the heating man is coming to sort things out this coming week. We need you both cosy and warm. Doggies too of course.

    Sorry to hear that your post vanished on Suesday, Sue. Very annoying isn't it.

    Hi Kath, good to hear the Emily is enjoying her job, being assigned as carer to a teenage Down's Syndrome boy. Makaton is very good at combining spoken language and sign language as well.
    Helping with the swimming and looking after the traffic as chief boss of crossing the roads safely :)

    Thank you for the lemon cake, I have been very slack, in not putting out a tempting treat, over the past 48 hours. Shame on me.

    Hi Barbara - Glad you enjoyed the time with Niamh, sleeping well until 0900, that is very good. No need for everyone to be up with the Larks.

    As you will have seen, we didn't go to Curry's, everything was done online, with Richer Sounds, you will have heard of them, they are a Lancs Manchester area, more local firm, with a very good reputation. Mr B would be more than welcome to go gadget shopping with me, it would be a very expensive outing, I can bet :shock: :shock: We get a 6 year warranty with the new tv as well, which is excellent.

    It has been one of the days were you take all day to get a few things done. I think we are about up to date now, just hair cuts today, then get ready for Monday, when the car has its service in Preston. Still no word from the DWP :? :? :?

    I knew you would have let Toni and I know if Mr B was making homemade chippies :)

    Ah, see, I was right about the Curry after all, you are off out for a curry with friends. I am sure you will enjoy it and not be too late home t4591 t115006

    Hi to Carol, how was the street fair and open day at Church? I bet you were shattered by the time you got home. At least dinner was ready in the slow cooker.
    Hope your cold is a lot better and that naughty cough is on the mend too. t4591 t115006

    Hi to everyone else too, in out and around about.......................

    Time I was a pottering. Back is very shouty :roll: so time to move.

    Quick nip to Booths with Dad, then back here for coffee and croissants. Then catch up with things that didn't get done on Saturday.

    Love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 ((())) too. Take lots of care XXXX Aidan

    Totally veggie vegan breakfast skillet

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).