Val's Cafe



  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,219
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning everyone :)

    Poor Aidan still only the Saturday boy then? Glad B's hair passed his high standards! :lol: The vegetable bake was lovely thank you :) YUM!!

    Enjoy Skipton - does that mean a Nero's? I hope you can get Dad's coat can't have him cold and of course your slippers ;)

    I loved my busy poem :lol:

    I'm sure Kath and Carol will send their soldier sp****s to check your bungalow for you.

    It's raining here today so Sleek did have her rain gear on, but took it off at yours when she picked up Tosca.

    Sorry Sleek had had a delivery from catazon if they were shrieking it will be Sleek showing Mother all her purchses (apart from Mother's gift of course)!

    Barbara Tia's Grandad is all sorted for dinner this year. There's an adapted taxi booked so he can stay in his wheelchair and is only 15 mins away. Last year he was a fair way away, but we got him here didn't we?

    'Elvis' was great very good we had a great night :)

    OMG!! That is awful :( You poor niece! Just for a tiny (albeit H&S ) mistake!!

    HI Kath

    I haven't been of fbook :? will try to find time later....I bet it's a great pic!!

    The sp***r was in Aidan's and wants you to send Clarence over??

    Now vegan apple crumble!! Sounds fabulous thanks!

    Hi Joan! :) It's raining here. Lucy says thank you think of her at 10 oclock!

    Have I lost Carol??

    Love to everyone

    Toni xxx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    CLARENCE, come here ducky, now (whisper, whisper XXX) Right, that's sorted. He'll pop round while you are at dad's, I'm dipping some chocky bickies into my bowl of custard. And the breakfast was WOW, thankee kindly. Oh we with shouty backs, mine is having a right old niggle - I'm blaming the downpour we had this morning. It's bothering me hands annall. :roll:

    Thank you Joan, I hope Emily is feeling better today too. She refuses to have any time off work. She'd better wrap up warm and dry. t110007 t111055 t4591

    Vegan wholewheat maple cinnamon buns

    185 ml unsweetened almond milk 7g dried active yeast 2 tablespoons maple syrup 1 tablespoon ground flaxseed 1 tablespoon coconut oil , plus extra for greasing 150 g wholegrain flour 160 g plain white flour 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon FILLING 90 g pecan nuts 2 ripe medium bananas 4 medjool dates 1 tablespoon ground cinnamon 2 tablespoons maple syrup ALMOND ICING 1-2 tablespoons almond milk 75 g icing sugar

    To make the dough, gently heat the almond milk until lukewarm, then combine in a small bowl with the yeast and maple syrup. Set aside for about 5 minutes for the yeast to activate. Meanwhile, in a large bowl, stir the flaxseed into 3 tablespoons of water and set aside for 1 to 2 minutes. Melt the coconut oil, then add to the flaxseed mixture along with the flours, cinnamon and ¼ teaspoon of sea salt. Gradually stir in the yeast mixture. Bring everything together with your hands – the dough will feel a bit tacky, but this is fine. Turn out the dough onto a lightly floured surface and knead a couple of times. Place in a greased bowl, cover with a tea towel and leave somewhere warm to prove for 1 hour or until doubled in size. Meanwhile, make the filling. Toast the pecans in a dry frying pan. Peel the bananas and destone the dates. Reserving one-third of the toasted pecans to one side, add all the filling ingredients to a food processor, then blitz until smooth. Preheat the oven to 180ºC/gas 4. Grease a 20cm x 20cm baking dish with a little coconut oil. On a lightly floured surface, roll the dough out to 20cm x 40cm. Blob the nut mixture onto the dough and spread it evenly across to the edges. Roll up widthways (from the shortest edge) tightly into a log, then cut into nine slices. Place the slices in the baking dish, cover with a clean tea towel and allow to prove for another 25 minutes or until doubled in size. Bake for 30 minutes, or until golden and slightly firm to the touch. Leave in the tin to cool. In a small bowl, mix together the almond milk and icing sugar until it’s thick enough to drizzle over the buns. Chop and sprinkle over the reserved toasted pecans and serve.

    Tasty hmmm.
    t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,233
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Aidan Barbara Toni Kathleen
    Aidan I've heard of **** having hair balls. we had a new fan fitted last week and today he got all the rads working but we cant have any new knobs the rads are too old they don't make them anymore we have to wait till they all stop working.((((((()))))
    Barbara I hope your having a good day((((()))))
    Toni I hope you have all had a good day.(((((())))
    Kathleen Emily is good a lot of people take a week of for no reason and wonder why they lost their job.((((((()))))
    take care all
    joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    And finally we are home :shock: :? :?

    I think we did everything that we were supposed to do in Skipton
    Dad found a coat, in a charity shop, so he was over the moon.

    Nero's was perfect, car space just outside, about 10 yards. Lots of coffee and new panini for B and I, Cranberry and Brie I think it was. Very nice, then a pain au raisin.

    It was quiet in Nero's, lots of traffic and people, but we had the place nearly to ourselves :) t4591

    Loads of cleaning stuff bought - I like to have lots of stock of immaculisation supplies.

    I did get my slippers, they are velcro fasten ones, so B has to make sure they are on properly. They are fab and the other ones that were like two canal barges, have gone in the bin.

    Tesco's, into the buggy and off we went, not all of us, just me in the buggy :lol::lol: Didn't need a lot.

    Then B & M just for a little nosey, I didn't walk round, just stayed near the checkouts, SO much tinsel and plastic toys etc :shock: :shock: and lots of Unicorns on everything - I could have had a field day t115006 t115006 :lol::lol:

    Glad you liked the breakfast slices Toni. I had 5, or was it 6 :roll: :roll:

    I am still the Saturday hired help in the Salon :lol::lol::lol: I don't mind, I had my glasses on this time, which made quite a bit of difference :shock: :shock: :shock: :lol::lol:

    Yes, Clarence has been, Mother said she saw him, frog marching something out of the door - what door I don't know. Mother was not really bothered, her radiator was far too warm to leave. Bless t4591 t4591

    It was pouring this morning, then by the time we set off it cleared to a lovely day, no going very chilly indeed. t110007 t110007 frosts tonight.

    Mother has had some shrieking episodes, telling me about the HUGE order from Catazon - they are going to go through it later, while we are napping. I expect more noises :shock: :roll: :roll:

    Glad that Granddad is all sorted for Christmas Dinner. I remember it was quite a journey last year. Much better now, nearer and in a better place I feel.

    Now, how did Lucy's interview go, I am trusting it went well t115006 t115006 t115006 t4591 t4591

    Sleek said that Lucy had to face the interrergaychon peeples :shock: :shock:

    Aww, ta mi duck Kath, for sendin Clarence ower to our ouse - I ope he gorrit out a ouse and slung its huck :lol::lol: see, we can speak in Nottingham, like a secret language :lol::lol:

    Glad you liked the goodies :) Ouchy backs are just horrid. I was only in the car five minutes and I had had enough. Always carry plenty of pain relief, so kept topped up all day

    Hope Emily is feeling a bit better t4591 t115006

    Thank you for the cinnamon buns :) Lovely. With clotted cream of course :) Toni has it delivered by the lorry load :lol::lol:

    Hi Joan and Sue. Hope you are both ok. ((())) in case of any ouches.

    So they have done as much as they can with the heating, it all has to conk out, before they will change the rads - typical :roll: :roll:

    Puskins are champions at getting rid of hair balls :roll: :roll:

    Hi to Barbara, your GD will be there by now, with her fiance, how wonderful for you, I bet you have a lovely week, lots of treats I am sure.

    Time is vanishing, so I am off to potter. Love and sparkles to everyone t4591 t115006 t115006 XXXX Aidan Will pop back later XX
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Good afternoon all

    Yes it is afternoon as I start this post but onl6 just :lol:Toni No you have not lost me, there is no fear of that. I have not been online a lot as I have been very busy with the knitting and am very pleased to say I nearly have the hat and scarf sets done, the trouble is planned things keep changing. Was hoping I would have today and tomorrow free to do the last of the knitting but last night Mr T informs me that something we thought was on Thursday evening is actually tomorrow evening men what can we do with them. Of course he doesn’t see why I’m am annoyed. As I had my week planned out. then this morning I had a reminder that I have a drs appt tomorrow which I had forgotten for a medication review and blood pressure check enter white coat syndrome tomorrow :lol:Kath Clarence picked up Florence Sp...r on the way to Aidan so there were two on the job. Aidan No our Anniversary is in July. I just felt like a change of picture on FB profile that’s all. :lol: have done lots of knitting but have had the odd time out.

    Well I must be pottering and cooking some dinner.
    Love and sparkles to all t4591 t4591 t115006

    PS Just been told GS girlfriend is pregnant so that will be due next year around the end of July I will be great nanny for the 4th time. And of course if I add the GF two it will be 6. help this is of course without any that youngest GD may produce as she is getting older too and will be 17 in February :shock:
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • mig
    mig Member Posts: 7,154
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi everybody ,not been too good these past few weeks pain in the sternum and slight swelling ended up in A&E at the weekend after tests turns out its costochonitis (sp) very painful.I can't praise a&e staff enough the stuff they have to put up with.
    We are going out for lunch on christmas day so yeah no cooking for me.
    Take care all Mig
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,219
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Oh mig you have y sympathy I have had a bout of that in the past probably twice it was dreadful. Hurts t breathe ((()))

    Joan I am very pleased to hear the rads are all working for now and will be changed when they all conk out. Lucy think the interview went well so fingers crossed she will hear by end of week.

    Carol I thought you were busy click-clacking


    Well done another set done :)

    and another Gt Grandbaby on the way!! Many congratulations to you all :)

    Paul is the same getting dates mixed up I think it's a gender issue (present company excepted) and meds review too :roll: poor you we will try to keep your BP down if we can :?

    Kath I hope Emily is on the mend today bless her ((()))

    Those cinnamon buns have been 'saved' they look fabulous Kari will be over the moon if we (me and Lucy) make her those :) They look totally tasty!

    Aidan sounds like Dad got a bargain. He should shop with Kari!!!

    As for the new Nero's food sounds YUM!!

    Slippers cosy and not at all barge-like!

    Tosca has understood what Sleek said about the interview. She has her front paws crossed apart from (and I am sorry about this....) when she and Mother went through the catazon order!!

    What a racket that was :shock: g150.gif

    Looks like both soldier sp****s have been over so you should be safe now fingers crossed

    Yes it was an epic journey getting and adapted vehicle for Grandad this time we have the cab and it's also booked for the wedding next August. He and Paul's Mum are priority and guests of honour for Christmas. t4591

    Always plenty of ultra fresh Rhoddas in the fridge :)

    Best get on it's 'celebrity!'

    Love to everyone

    Toni xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all - it is a chilly evening. We had a thick frost by 6pm, then it had all gone at 9, now it is just cold, but no frost :shock: :? Strange weather.

    Hi Carol, I guessed you had been a busy bee, with knitting and getting on great guns with the hat and scarf sets almost complete, way to go Carol and those needles t115006 t115006

    Ah, Mr T came up with an error in the appointment system, so tomorrow is now up skittled - MEN, goodness, they are a funny lot (naturally I am not including myself, even if I am as funny as the next one) :lol::lol: :? :?

    Of course you are annoyed, I will send Silver over, to cast some "realisation" sparkles onto his slippers t115006 t115006

    And a Drs appointment today as well. The cloak will be out, we will be there, Toni will have it all sorted. We don't want any more with white coat syndrome. Slow steady breathing and don't let them take your BP as soon as you sit down in the room. Give it a minute or two, they should know that, but, Matron will be watching. :? :? Hoping all goes well t115006 t115006

    Thank you for sending Florence over, with Clarence, to make sure we are as spid-- free as possible.

    I love the change of picture on FB, I just wondered was it Anniversary time :)

    A Great Nanny for the 4th time, now that GS girlfriend is expecting there will be SO much knitting, you will need a machine and your own flock of sheep :shock: :lol::lol:

    Hi Mig, ooooh, costochondritis, very ouchy indeed, non cardiac chest pain, inflamed cartilage of the rib cage - sending lots of ((())) gentle ones. You did right to go to A & E, just to be sure, as it can often present as a similar pain to acute angina. Glad the staff were just as they should be, super caring and yes, they do and we did, put up with a lot. Was it the Queens Med that you went to. I did my A & E stint there, it was pretty eye opening and the abuse you got from some of the patients was scary at times. There were normally quite a few Police around, night and day.

    Great, no cooking on Christmas Day, same here, we are just having a little buffet, with lunch out three days before. :) Makes life a bit easier.

    Hi Toni - yes, it is a gender issue, men, getting things mixed up - I do it too, but don't admit it of course :lol::lol:

    Oh Dad is over the moon with his Bomber jacket - not quite sure how it looks on, as I was already getting the seats sorted in Nero's :? :?

    Auntie Kari is more than welcome to come shopping, with your good self, of course :)

    Loving my slippers, far safer than the flippy flappy ones I had, nearly went over twice on Sunday :roll: :roll:

    Mother spoke about Lucy's interview and has her paws crossed :) As do we all

    The noise, over the Cat a log was quite something, :shock: :shock:

    I do remember the troubles trying to sort out the special taxi for G Dad last year, almost at the 11th hour. Things will be more sorted this time and booked for next August too, perfect t4591 t4591

    With Paul's Mum and Gdad as guests of honour for Christmas, wonderful, they will be most delighted

    You cannot beat a healthy :? :? portion of Rhoda's clotted cream. Looking forward to the GC on Friday, for my portion of said calcium :)

    Hope you enjoy, Celebrity, Noel Edmunds is out already I believe :shock:

    Well, I have had so many potters, if I don't post this, I will loose it, or forget - sorry, I don't forget, I just postpone :lol::lol:

    At home today, bits to catch up with..............

    Love and Sparkles to one and all. Everyone take lots of care, keep warm and safe t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 XXXX

    Cranberry and Orange Pancakes

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Poor mig, costochondritis is nasty. :shock:

    Aidan has new snuggly (and safe) slippers. :D

    Carol is going to be a great granny again. m0150 t4591

    Joan and Sue are keeping warm as their rads are working.

    Clarence and Florence jave been checking round the houses for unwelcome visitors. Were they holding hands Carol? :lol:

    We have been given some new smilies. t07108

    Sat on the benches a while in the freezing cold. t110007

    Enjoy the chick pea curry (vegan of course)

    t120006 t120006 t120006 t120006 t120006 t120006

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,233
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Aidan Carol Mig Toni
    Aidan Velcro slippers yes very comfortable. all the rads are working except Sue's bedroom she does not mind as its warm everywhere. (((((())))
    Carol how nice more baby's how many will that be (((((())))
    Mig i'm sorry you have that wrong ((((())))
    Toni i'm thinking of Lucy I hope she gets it.(((((())))))
    take care all
    joan xx Hello Kathleen I just saw you how is Emily(((((()))))
    take care
    joan xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all, it was thick fog this morning and has only just started to clear. Could hardly see three doors away. :shock: :shock:

    Hi Kath - I do feel safer in my new slippers, they actually support my feet, better than the last pair, that were bigger than Co Co the Clowns :lol::lol: I felt like was walking round in flippers. :lol:

    So you went to sit on the benches in the freezing cold - I hope you had your thermals on :? :shock: How is Emily feeling, I hope a little better, or even a lot better t4591 t115006

    We do have some very nice new smilies t07108 t07108 T'is the Season t7304 :)

    I have written our Christmas Cards lists, for us and for Dad - will write a lot of them out tomorrow. Two have arrived so far.

    Chick Pea Curry, thank you very much. Warming for these foggy chilly nights t110007

    Sleek and Tosca went out and gathered thick fog for the Nymphs, Mother is still full of shrieks, they had to fly by autopilot, as they could not see a paw in front of their whiskers :shock:
    The Nymphs can make very good use of the fog, stronger and more powerful magic squares, they can be re-used :D:D t115006

    Caught up with housy things, shirts all immaculised, pottering and fussing, washing and the like. Bubbles laundry services - I rather like the sound of that for a business venture :D:D

    Hi Joan and Sue - I am glad that nearly every rad is working now and you are not cold. We don't want either of you getting chilled, it is just not on.

    Slippers are very comfy, very quiet too, so I don't flap about like I did in the others.

    Carol will be at the Drs for a medication review, hopefully we kept your BP down to normal, with no white coat syndrome.

    It was quite busy under the cloak, we had scones, no crumbs came out from underneath did they?

    Any news on Lucy's interview yet Toni? Or is it a bit soon - everything crossed though, even Mother has her paws crossed :animal_busy:
    I trust you are having a less frantic day - time for some R and R, or those ouchies will be lurking :? :roll: :roll:

    Barbara will have her GD and finace staying with them now, all very exciting with lots of trips out and treats, oodles of coffee and cakes :)

    It is going dark already, only 345 :? :? we don't mind having the curtains shut early and everything cosy warm :) Hibernation mode must take over.

    Almost pill time, so I will away and have a potter

    I will pop back later, in the meantime, everyone take lots of care, love and sparkles and twinkles as well t4591 t115006 t79146 XXXX Aidan

    Some individual sponges, pinkies out, no face planting :lol:

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • mig
    mig Member Posts: 7,154
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    It was QMC we went to we still can't believe how well we were treated we even made a comment to the two nurses who looked after me one of them said we can tell when its genuine.
    I went to my knit and natter group this morning these ladies are the best I didn't feel myself and they ran round getting me biscuits and tea got choked up.its our Christmas lunch next Tuesday so have spent the afternoon picking an outfit that will take me through the holidays picked some checked trousers in a grey blend and a mauve jumper that looks like it has a shirt underneath.Im sat here with a wheaty bag round my neck, any advise for a stiff neck that keeps tightening up Aiden.Hubby is getting tea ready its just ham, hard boiled eggs, cheese side salad for me he will have h---- spaghetti in tomato sauce.
    Take care all Mig
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello all sorry I missed yesterday but busy with Granddaughter being here... :D
    I did read all your post but might not remember everything.. :?
    Carol is going to be a great nana how exciting and more knitting :D but Mr T has spoiled the plans..maybe you could get around them :)
    Aiden has been very busy in Skipton...must say I do like B&M..glad the coffee shop was quiet everyone will be in the has a bargain..there are plenty around everyone is after our money...we are really enjoying having our GD and fiance here thankyou..and they put our tree up today.. :D
    Poor Mig has been in a lot of pain ..Im so pleased the hospital look after you makes such a difference..I hope it all eases for you very soon..xx
    Joan that boiler has had everything fitted now..but glad you are warm :D and hopefully you will get new rads soon with new valves.. :D and thankyou we had a lovely day
    Toni our tree is up thanks to our GD..and fiance..bless them :D glad to hear GD is much nearer this year and the transport is all booked.. :D
    Kath you sat in the cold.. it does do us good to out get, but the cold soon get through..thankyou for the vegi recipe
    Hope I remembered everyone..our GD arrived with a suitcase of pressie :D so love having them here tomorrow they are seeing mum..then back to dads..
    Better move
    Love to everyone..ooh now smilies :D t07108 t7304
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,219
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening everyone t4591  Aidan I loved those pwetty cakes! Little finger out and a pot of tea made to go with…. c075.gif

    Well done doing Christmas card lists…can you do mine too?

    Lucy and I are alone tonight Paul is on site overnight. Santa has just been Sleek went MAD!!!! Round table I suppose raising money. Lucy video’d him going past I waved and shoved some cash in their collection tin.

    I expect Sleek has catchatted a pic/vid to Tosca. She said it was a tricky ride out this morning, but that they did REALLY well and even stuffed some fog/mist inside the side car with Mother (she could breathe – just!! :shock: ) for the nymphs.

    I have also wrapped up some present for the food bank which our Church supports and added some Christmassy food treats too. Feel sad to think of families/individuals needing such help at this time of year 

    Lucy will hear about the job at the end of the week so they said. They must be interviewing someone that end of the week so let’s hope Lucy is the best!!

    I have also been on laundry duties and popped to see Kari this afternoon for a cuppa.

    Absolutely the cloak took us to Carol's meds review :)

    Mig sore necks are truly vile. I usually take my pain meds to the max allowed dose and add a warm wheatbag to it. Remember your head is very heavy to your neck so as soon as I can lie down. I now have a contour pillow but the first time this happened I was only about 26ish and instead rolled up a hand towel in my neck groove in bed. I ditched my two pillows also at this point

    Barbara you enjoy this time with the ‘kids’ lovely they want to be at home with you all  They will be very busy over the festive season with work won’t they?.

    I bet the tree looks fab! I’ll snapchat you mine if you snapchat me yours!!

    Joan thank you I also hope Lucy gets the job it’s much more hours but I think she can cope now.

    Kath its proper chilly today. My eyes were pouring on my walk. :shock:

    Thanks for the chickpea curry – yum!!

    Lots of lovely smilies for us to play with t07108 t07108 t07108
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all - chilly evening, but no frost as yet and no fog.

    Hi Mig - The nurses are right, they / we know the genuine ones from the others who don't really need to be in an emergency department.
    I love the "knit and natter" group, fab name for a group and very kind of them to make sure you were ok.
    The outfit for the Christmas do, sounds lovely, where are you all going, into town somewhere?

    Ohh, an ouchy neck that keeps tightening up - personally, I up my tramadol a notch or two, keep things as still as possible to stop any spasms that go across your shoulders and down your arm. Warm wheaties will ease things, lots of arnica gel, the SBC one, you can get on Ebay or from QVC (shop around as it varies in price). You can lather that on as much as you like.

    Cool packs, can help more than warm ones, for some people

    Making sure your head is supported in line with your spine, when in bed, is a must. Finding the right pillows can be a lifetime struggle.

    Some ((())) and sparkles for it to feel better asap t115006 t115006

    Hope you enjoyed your T :)

    Hi Barbara - We knew you would be busy with your GD and fiance being there and you all excited and looking after them. t4591 t4591

    It was nice in Skipton, it is so familiar to me, it feels like home, well, it was, for many years.
    B and M was rammed with everything Christmas, toys, tinsel, Unicorns all over t115006 t115006 I still like a little nosy round though, you can get things a lot cheaper, like wash liquids etc.

    I am sure Dad will have his Bomber jacket on today, when we go to Sainsb.

    So you have the tree up, courtesy of your lovely guests t79146

    And they arrived with a suitcase of presents, ooooh, do they rattle, have you peeped :lol::lol:

    Hi Toni - Glad you enjoyed the cakes, Sleek said, Mummy was there with her paws pointing out :shock: :lol::lol: eating peeple food.............bless her.

    Yes, I can do your lists for cards, but, not the cards, you know what I am like, I procrastinate forever, rather than write them and send them :roll: :roll: As my Dad would have said, procrastination is the thief of time............

    Girls night in while Paul is away on site. Santa has been already, wow, he is early doors :lol::lol: So Sleek went mad, with excitement I assume.......

    Round table / Rotary Club, go round town here, but don't venture into the villages and certainly not up ere in the woods :shock: :shock: They do raise a lot of money for charity.

    Yes, Mother went off to the bedroom and was shrieking, so she must have been watching the video of Santa. They were stacked high with fog on their trip out to Pendle. It was tricky for sure. Thank goodness for the autopilot (and a little help from Hermione, but don't say anything).

    Mother did say it was quite a squeeze in her side car, carrying extra fog would explain it :lol:

    A lot of the Supermarkets here have food bank donation trolleys, which, are piled high. Good that they are supported so well, but sad, in so many ways, that we need them, in 2018/2019 :cry::cry: t115006

    Fingers crossed for Lucy to hear some good news, re the job interview, at the end of the week t115006 t115006 t115006 t4591

    Laundry duties too, we are peas in a pod :lol::lol: and a hi to Auntie Kari - oh, we had some vegan sausages tonight, they were so yummy, with roasties and lots of mayo of course, cannot remember who made them, from Ireland, they had seaweed in them as well as the usual plant based ingredients. Will be off to buy some more of those.

    I am glad I am not alone with watering eyes in winter time. I am forever "dabbing", especially if it is windy............... :roll: :roll: t110007

    Hi to Carol, I hope all was ok at the Drs, for your meds review. Leaving hugs and sparkles t4591 t115006 to keep your blood pressure nice and even.

    Hi to everyone else, in and about. Quiet evening here, some pottering and fussing. B busy with his decoupage - he needs a shop :lol::lol:

    Picking Dad up this morning to take him to Sainsb, then back here for his hair cut, lunch and card writing.

    Time to have another move about. I am setting very quickly.

    Leaving hugs and love and sparkles to all ((())) t4591 t115006 t115006 Everyone take lots of care XXXX Aidan

    Christmas French Toast with Blueberry Compote

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • mig
    mig Member Posts: 7,154
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Not into town Aiden we are going to the stadium leisure which is on nottingham road ,its a lunch time do festive christmas meal, there will be bingo and silly party games.We had a vote on whether to go into town in the evening or go for a lunch Im pleased to say lunch time won wouldn't want to be in town on an evening without hubby cos its ladies only and some of them are older than me :lol:
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all.. see I can be early :lol: quiet today has girls going to mums and out shopping..saying that Niamh is being picked up I think ...we have to wait and see..
    Aiden sorry I didnt thank you for all the goodies especially the tiny cakes..I had to have 4 they were so small..I have only dont decoupage once many years ago it was a calendar its good fun..and B does need his own shop.. :D how many unicorns were bought yesterday...a few I bet.. :lol: I am lovely the story of Mother watching Santa and sat in the side car with all the fog.. :P just wait till we see Niamh :D now how did you know I had been shaking presents...I cant resit.. :oops: so you are off to sainsbiz today , its much milder this morning but so wet.. :roll:
    Mig I use heat on my neck just before I exercise it it ..very gently..I love the knit and natter name..nice to have a group of new friends like that..and enjoy your Christmas meal :D
    Toni so you and Lucy are home alone..I have everything crossed she get the job I really you had a visit form Santa..had he been in the shed..its not time yet :lol: I will snapchat a pic of our tree..its a new one this year, and I am really pleased with it..the other one we couldn't manged anymore this one is just 3 sections..with snow on the branches :D
    I cant write the cards this year, my thumbs are shot so hopefully OH will do..or no one will get any...
    Better move..
    love to everyone
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hope all are as well as can be.

    Rainbow pie

    For the filling
    80ml olive oil
    plus extra for brushing
    2 tsp ground cumin

    ½ tsp ground cinnamon

    1 tbsp vegan red wine vinegar (we used Aspall)
    3 beetroots (about 400g), peeled and sliced into rounds about ½ cm thick
    1 small celeriac

    (about 750g), peeled, cut into quarters and then sliced into triangles about 1 cm thick
    4 thyme sprigs, leaves picked
    4 fat unpeeled garlic cloves
    3 large sweet potatoes

    (about 600g), peeled and sliced into rounds about ½ cm thick
    2 tsp smoked paprika
    1 tbsp semolina

    250g Swiss chard

    , leaves only (save the stalks to add to soups, stews and risottos)
    For the pastry
    150g coconut oil, plus extra for the tin
    500g spelt flour
    almond milk, for brushing
    First, make the filling. Heat oven to 220C/200C fan/gas 7. Mix together 1½ tbsp oil with the cumin, cinnamon and vinegar, and rub the mixture all over the beetroot. Put the beetroot into a small roasting tin, season well, then cover with foil and roast for 20 mins.

    Meanwhile, toss the celeriac with 2½ tbsp oil, the thyme, garlic and some seasoning in a second roasting tin. Separate out the slices so they cook evenly, then cover the tin in foil. In a third roasting tin, mix the sweet potato with the remaining oil, the smoked paprika and some seasoning, and cover with foil. Once the beets have cooked for 20 mins, add the celeriac and sweet potato to the oven alongside them, and roast all the veg for 40 mins further or until tender. Remove the thyme sprigs, squeeze the garlic cloves out of their skins and mash them in with the celeriac, then leave all the veg to cool. All the veg can be cooked the day before and kept in the fridge.

    For the pastry, boil the kettle and use some coconut oil to grease a deep 20cm springform cake tin. Pour the flour into a bowl and add 1 tsp salt. Mix the coconut oil with 200ml boiling water, stir until melted (put it in the microwave if need be), then pour into the flour and mix with a wooden spoon to form a dough. Working as quickly as you can (it’s best to roll the pastry when it’s warm), cut off a ¼ of the dough and set aside under a tea towel. Roll out the rest to 0.5cm thick, then use it to line the cake tin, pressing the dough into the corners and leaving any excess pastry overhanging the sides. Don’t worry if the pastry breaks – it’s very forgiving, so you can patch it up as you go. Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6.

    Now build the pie. Cover the base with chard leaves, then scatter over the semolina (which will absorb the beet juices), press in the beetroot, and season. Add another layer of chard, followed by the sweet potato, and season. Add a final layer of chard leaves, then top with the celeriac and season again.

    Roll out the pastry you set aside to a thickness of 0.5cm to use as the lid. Put the lid on top of the pie and, using a fork, press together the overhanging pastry to create a crimped edge. Make a steam hole, then brush the top with a little almond milk mixed with a spoonful of oil (this will help to colour the pastry). Bake in the centre of the oven for 45 mins until the pastry is a deep golden brown. Leave to cool for 15 mins, then remove from the tin and serve in the middle of the table. Will keep for up to three days in the fridge (the pie is also delicious cold).

    It's right miserable outside, so stopping in to eat all the lovely grub from Aidan.thanks lad.

    t111055 t111055 t111055 t111055 t111055 t111055

    t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,233
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Barbara Mig Toni Aidan Kathleen
    Barbara it must be lovely to have a big family (((()))
    Mig sorry about your sore neck I hope it settles down soon(((((()))))
    Toni you are kind and helpfull(((((())))
    Aidan how many hospitals have you worked in (((((()))))
    Kathleen how is Emily feeling today and you(((((()))))
    Thank you to Sharon (moderator) for login into my tablet(((((())))
    take care all
    joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • mig
    mig Member Posts: 7,154
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I have been using a wheat bag,what sort of exercises do you do Barbara.
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all, on a VERY rainy day here in the Ribble Valley t111055 t111055

    A quick hi, before I go square eyed - been sorting cards, with assistance, for us and for Dad. I think we are now more than half way through the lists, ready to post off on Friday.

    We did our shop and then Dad came back for croissants with cheeses and mayo. Then we went through his address book with him to see who he wanted to send cards to. All those are done. :)

    You were early doors Barbara, with the girls out and about with family - I see Niamh is coming over, stand by your beds and dusters at the ready - bless her heart t4591 t4591

    You are MORE than welcome to the goodies, you fill your boots, they were very dainty little cakes, so 4 is just fine.

    B is decoupaging Keepsake boxes, for quite a few friends around about, who want them as Christmas presents. He does need a shop front, on the back door :lol::lol:

    Goodness knows how many Unicorns have been sold this year, they are all the rage, everything from cuddly toys to bags, pens, jumpers, ornaments................

    B has bought some Unicorn glitter, he said, to shut me up :shock: :lol::lol: it will be put to good use on a decoupage Unicorn at some point.

    Mother was even more excited today, as Pendle was topped in cloud, which is even better than fog apparently. She called Sleek who raced over with the trailer, off they went, to gather clouds :shock: :shock: t115006 t115006 they are thick with magic. Mother had a small cloud on her lap, the rest was in the trailer. It was pouring with rain, but that did not deter them. t111055 t111055

    See, I knew you would be shaking presents - it is compulsory to do so :):D:D

    I find writing a big struggle, I have to wear my splints and can only do a little at a time. :roll: :roll: to think I used to spend my time writing reports etc.

    Hi Kath, hope you are as ok can be, with minimal ouches - no sitting on benches, not when you have the same weather as we do t111055 t111055 Best to stop indoors and keep warm.

    Now, that rainbow pie, smells lovely, looks lovely and I am sure it is lovely, thank you kindly.

    Hi Joan and Sue. Glad you can now log in on your tablet and sit in your recliner to write to us all. Thank you to Sharon :)

    How many Hospitals have I worked in. Let me see, 4 in Nottingham, 4 in West Yorks, then the rest in Private Nursing Homes in between the Hospital posts.

    Hope you are both keeping nice and warm and not going out if it is too wet - the doggies can have a run in the garden. Do they mind wet weather?

    Hi Mig. Wheaties are ok, but I would alternate with cool packs as well. When you heat up an area, it can increase the blood flow and sometimes increase the discomfort. Not always, but it does happen.
    I hope it is not as bad and gets easier very soon t4591 t115006 t115006

    I am all in agreement for going out at Lunch time, instead of night time and not around town, that's good. I know Nottm Road :) Not a million miles from the QMC. We don't want you ladies out in town, at night. I would not be comfortable walking round Nottm now, of a night time.

    Hi to Toni, Paul will be back from work today, so everyone at home. Sleek is phoning Mrs D later and they will natter to Tosca, browsing yet more cat a logs, I think I saw Mother with Cat gos book.

    Hi to Carol, now, we must be getting very close to your trip to see GGD and the rest of the family :) 3 days and counting?? Hope the knitting is coming on leaps and bounds and you are all ok.

    I must away. I will pop back later. Time for T and biccies. Everyone take lots of care, Love and Sparkles t4591 t115006 XXX Aidan

    Caramel Pecan Ice Cream Sandwich Cake

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,219
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Oh my!! Rainbow pie Kath!!! It looks fabulous :) anyone would want a slice of that vegan or not!!

    See you in the booth..caramel and pecan ice-cream cake!! :shock: race you!!!!!!!

    Thanks Aidan have put the booth on a double hot wash :oops:

    Clouds it was clouds!! I understand now I thought she said clowns! :oops: :oops: She said the trailer was full and Tosca had one on her lap and the nymphs were so very pleased (not quite as much as when Tosca caught the rainbow droplet of course) she even forgot all her rain gear!

    Yes hey are going through more cat a logs :roll: Mrs D is after something for Tommy...Mother said she has an idea :lol: Something from 'Not on the per shop dot com'

    Well done helping dad with his cards that will be a great help.

    I have an idea....maybe for all of us? Could we get a stamper made up with a Christmas message for our cards???

    Paul is due back about 6.30-7pm. Homemade Leek and Potato soup with a lovely fresh loaf. I am cleaning the oven out today :?

    Santa's visit caused a real stir - Lucy and Sleek both videoing it!! He definitely waved to us t77058.gif so of course Sleek would have shown it to Tosca ;)

    Where are the unicorn jumpers?? We NEED one!! Unicorn glitter sounds so pretty too :)

    mig I hope your neck eases soon ((())) I totally agree with you lunch is absolutely the way to go this dark and chilly nights :)

    Ah Joan so Sharon sorted you out and you can use your tablet in your recliner now :) Hoorah!

    Barbara in early :shock: are you feeling ok?

    Enjoy Niamh if you have her. She will love the tree. It's gorgeous a good choice t79146

    Thank you I also hope Lucy gets the job :)

    Yes Santa was on his sleigh coming right past our bungalow into our tiny village how lovely was that? :)

    I had an idea for our cards I put it in my bit to Aidan have a look I might look into it...

    Right time to look at rinsing the cooker out :shock: :?

    Love to everyone

    Toni xxx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all - a misty murky evening here, finally it has stopped raining, the streams are running well t111055 t111055

    I left the booth as clean as I could Toni, I went in after your second wash cycle, all was pristine. Well worth a face plant :)

    Yes, clouds, I know, they do get things a little muddled in the translation. Clowns / clouds, very similar in puskin speak.

    The Nymphs had quite a job, getting the clouds into their underground homes, I think they managed it, with a lot of huffing and puffing and a little bit of magic t115006 t115006 They were thrilled, as you say, the rainbow droplet is still the most revered of all things. t115006 t115006 captured in time, for generations to see. t4591 t4591

    Mother did mention getting something for Tommy, she said it will involve a special journey - I wonder if they are off to Hogwarts, before Christmas - no tickets have been seen :? :? :shock: :shock:

    Of course, we can have our own personalised stamps, that would take the oomph out of writing, that for sure. This is a nice website that does just the thing.

    Dad will be pleased that 90% of his cards are all done, stamped and will be posted today. He will keep asking if we have done them, but that's ok. Bless him.

    Oooh, leek and tattie soup with fresh baked bread, yes please Maam :) Hope he had a safe journey home.

    Has the oven come up gleaming, I am sure it will have. Ours needs doing, he says, we hardly use it, so it is still like new. But, you have to keep it that way :D:D

    Sleek was still very excited about Santa coming to see her in her house in her village :lol: :roll: :roll: t4591

    Unicorn glitter is lovely, just waiting to see what Mr creative does with it. Pics will be taken, don't worry. t115006 t115006

    Hi to Carol, we must be at 3 days now, for the visit to family :)

    Hi to everyone else in and about.
    Time I was moving again, potter a little. At home today, well B is nipping to town with Dad who has a dental appt, but that is all.

    t4591 t115006 love and sparkles to all, take lots of care XXXX Aidan

    Kale Egg and Mushroom Breakfast Cups

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,219
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Aidan I've actually made those Kale egg and mushroom breakfast cups!! This morning you've made them for me thank you :D

    I've peeped inside the booth it's immaculate after your face plant :)

    I'm not over-keen on clowns you see....the nymphs were thrilled with their clouds. The two of them took their chance to visit the rainbow droplet which is still being visited by nymphs from far and wide.

    Oh I love those stamps!! I will get one made for us, but it probably won't be possible to get one in time for this Christmas, but next year :) t4591

    Dad is a lucky by having you two to help with his cards. Mine are all down to me :roll:

    I hope you enjoyed your leek and tattie soup? I made it in the instant pot so nice and quick :)

    The oven is sparkling and new bulb (plus spares) arriving today! Yes must keep on top of them else they don't end up pristine at all :shock:

    I bet Carol is manically busy with all those to sort out for Christmas bless her.

    Woo-ooo! to Joan hope you don't have t111055 like us?

    Love to everyone

    Toni xxx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,233
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Mig Aidan Toni
    . Mig how is your neck today. ((((()))))
    . Aidan I'm sorry it's so wet for you. The dogs don't mind the rain as long has it's not to heavy.
    . I saw the Doctor yesterday because of heartburn I'd had a fortnight gaviscon did not work I had not had heartburn before I have to have an e-xray for the tubes that run down the middle of your body I think anendoscopy I knew you would know thank you(((()))
    . Toni I hope all of you are having good day((((())))
    . take care all sorry about the spelling hurrying
    . joanxx
    take care
    joan xx