Val's Cafe



  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Sorry, had to leave in a hurry. Will be back later. Some Key Lime Profiteroles for enjoy XXXXX Aidan

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all, drier, but still very blustery t110007 whatever storm it is called - Doris :? :?

    I missed you earlier Joan and Sue, apologies, with the neighbour calling, I had to vanish in a hurry.

    Not been a bad day thank you, keep taking all the pills and potter along.

    I know you were asking Barbara about the spinal tap, here is a link that will tell you all about it. Sorry, Matron being Matron, I thought I would help out

    Glad that you managed to get onto the forum, I know Toni had similar problems a while back. Sharon will have been a great help to keep you updated as to life in the cafe. Hope your new tablet is behaving.
    Take care and keep dry if you are out and about. t110007 t111055

    Hi Barbara, hope you had a good time with your Niece, always a tonic, which is good :) Niamh must be due over soon, maybe later on today, GD going to collect from school

    Hope you don't have to wait much longer to hear from the not so nice hospital :? :?

    Toni - have you had chance to rest up a little, you have had rush about days that have been more than worrying. I pray everyone is ok and sorting out. t4591 No word from the Police? Hope your wrist is less ouchy

    Sleek was on the crystal ball earlier, they were whispering about something - they have a scanner apparently in the puskin general hospital - don't ask, I have no idea where this "hospital" is. Is there a spare door in Sleeks ickle house that we don't know of :shock: :? :? t115006
    They can do in depth catanalysis :shock: :shock:

    Hi Carol, you will be at your knitting group today, armed with your wool and needles.

    All pretty quiet here, B did have a cathartic clear out of the cloak cupboard in the hall. It was rammed full of "stuff", that just gathers. Lots of things going to the tip, lots thrown in the recycle bin, all tidy now. The cupboard next to it is the shoe and linen department, that needs a go through, there is more linen than Dunelm Mill :lol::lol: :shock:

    Ironing done, all shirts crisp and white :)

    Time I was pottering a while. I have upped the Tramadol a bit today, to keep on top of the ouches.

    Off to the GC this morning, not been this week, so a little visit is in order. Some shopping to get, that's about all I think.

    Leaving everyone lots of love and sparkles t4591 t115006 Take care, we still have a weather warning for high winds and rain for the next 10 days :shock: :? :? :? we will need an Ark t111055 t111055 XXXX Aidan

    Belgian Waffles With Strawberries, Nutella and Cream

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all..yesterday went nowhere.had a lovely time with my niece..lots of laughing..
    Toni thats is awful Tias fiance having his van broken into ..its getting worse with not many police around they know they can get away with it..I really feel for you all :x :( glad they didnt get into the do need a good rest so hopefully very soon..just to recharge your batteries...the girls really did have to grow up must be so proud of them all..glad you got away form the horrible neighbours
    Carol you a re a busy bee again ..nice to have your church meal and one with Mr T to look forward to...I am sure the children will love what they get off you .. :D
    Kath what a lovely pic I do like to see the old ones.. :D I hope your ankle is doing ok...make sure you rest it..(())
    Joan the same happened here when I changed my email but I rang AC has it was then..they sorted it for me..and thankyou again :)
    Aiden Thankyou for the Lime Profiteroles and the waffles with nuttella..have you tried it yet :D
    I have had the facet joint injections and they weren't very nice, and I have a good pain threshold..thanks for the info I did google it :lol: sometimes I wish we couldn't.. :shock:
    So you have had a good clear out..or B has..and you are nesting..I know what you mean dark and cosy at night..but I cant wait for spring... :) glad all your close neighbours are nice..leave the others to it :shock:
    Will make a cuppa..
    Love to everyone
    t4591 t115006 t4591
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Glad you enjoyed granddad's photo. I have another taken in the desert during WW2.

    Sun is shining at the mo, but it has been slingin it daan. I thought it was storm Diana. t110007 t111055 t110007 t111055 m0150

    OOOOO. Belgian waffles with strawberries. yummy. I'll plonk a choc ice on top. Thank you Aidan. Lady DN came and took my blood pressure this morning. It was 143/80 yippee. My rheumy asked GP to arrange it, as at the clinic in October it was 183/132. :shock:

    Hope you like this Pumpkin and black bean burger.

    Ingredients 1 tbsp oil 1/2 cup (75g) diced red onion 1/2 cup (90g) diced red pepper 3 cloves minced garlic 1 tsp ground cumin 1-15 oz can black beans 1 tsp salt 2 minced chipotle peppers 1/4 cup (45g) sweetcorn 3 tbsp mashed pumpkin 1 cup (90g) breadcrumbs 1/2 cup (65g) chopped pecans (optional if you are avoiding nuts)

    Method Dice red onion, red pepper and mince garlic. Heat the oil over a medium heat then add garlic, onion, red pepper and sweetcorn then sauté for 3 minutes. Remove from heat and set aside. Drain and rinse the black beans and pat dry. Place in a deep bowl. Using the back of a fork, mash about half the beans and leave the other half whole. Then add the pumpkin, cooked vegetable mixture, chipotle peppers, pecans, breadcrumbs and cumin. Mix well until all ingredients are combined to desired consistency. Note, if mixture is too dry you can add a little more pumpkin. Using hands, form into four large patties and refrigerate. Heat grill medium high heat. Brush grill with oil then place burgers on the grill. Cook for approx. 3-5 minutes on each side. Remove and serve immediately on your favorite vegan roll. Enjoy! Tips Other toppings include avocado spread , fresh roasted tomato, caramelized onion or your favorite burger toppings. Garnish with Kosher Dill pickle.

    Salt and pepper to taste

    My ankles aren't too bad now. I decided to visit the pusskin hospital, you get there by tapping your heels and saying "pusskins are best" three times. They are very efficient and most kind. :animal_busy:

    t4591 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 t4591

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,233
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Barbara Aidan
    Barbara these things are sent to try us I've had an epidural when I had my knee replacement don't worry((((())))
    Aidan thank you for the information on the spinal tap your memories are helpful and you are kind thank you((((())))
    take care all love to Toni Carol Kathleen (((((()))))
    joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all on a rather blustery day :shock: :shock: Storm Diana gave us very strong winds and lots of rain. t110007 t110007 t111055 t111055 Fortunately we managed to dodge the pouring rains.
    Even I wore a waterproof coat - wonders will never cease. It was unearthed in the cloak cupboard in the hall, during the clear out yesterday.

    Oh my it is pouring down again, stair rods. Neighbour just gone, so will be shorter again and a catch up later................... :roll:

    Hi Barbara No, I am still waiting to try nutella, just never remember to get any when we are shopping, as it is not something I have bought before.

    Glad you had a lovely time with your Niece, lots of laughing and putting the world to rights :)

    You are right. The internet is a wonderful and informative place, but, it can also tell you too much sometimes. :shock: :shock: A bit like reading the side effects list in the prescriptions we get. :? :?

    I must try and get an appt to have my knee injected again, it is super ouchy at times and gives way, regularly. Facet joint injections, mmm, no, not pleasant at all.

    Yes the coat cupboard is a coat cupboard again, just the linen / show cupboard to sort, oh and the larder cupboard..............A trip to the tip tomorrow me thinks.

    Curtains all shut, tucked behind rads, like Mother used to do. All cosy. Wild out though t110007 t111055

    It is slingin it darn mi duck, wi us ere an all :lol::lol::lol: A bit wet then Kath :wink::wink:

    Your blood pressure is just fine and dandy, a great improvement on the last one :shock: :shock:

    The pumpkin and black bean burger looks wonderful, thank you, most enjoyable :)

    I am very happy to be veggie again, as I was for many years. :D:D

    So you have been to puskin hospital, I will try and click my heels, but I am not promising I won't fall over :roll: :roll: :roll: :shock: :shock: :lol::lol:
    I assume Mother, is Matron t4591

    You are very welcome to the info Joan and Sue - we aim to please and help wherever possible. How is the heating, any news on it being fixed?

    Hi Toni, hope your wrist is not too bad and you and yours are all ok. t4591

    The gates are closed, rightly so, it is just horrid out at the moment. t110007 t111055 Lots of chatter on the crystal ball, excited about their hospital and that Kath was the first in patient. I think they did every test under the sun and moon, trying all the complex equipment out :shock: :? :?

    Is it choir practice tonight? Sister Inviolata was seen going into the shed, with Barbara................... :lol::lol:

    GC was fairly quiet this morning, not surprising, as we blew in and blew out again .............tried to have a ciggy on way back to car, no chance, it was bad enough walking, never mind trying to puff away. :roll: :roll:

    Shopping, then home, in fairly good time.

    Right. Time I was pottering and then resting up a while.

    Hi to everyone else, in and about. Love and Sparkles to one and all t4591 t115006 t4591 Take lots of care XXX Aidan

    Un Bouche de Noel

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,219
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Oooh! Christmas log!! Thanks Aidan :)

    I have been reading back and suspect that after reading your notes you are very glad you can't have an oppperwashun!! Pillz much better :shock: Dr Pepe would have been likely to give it a go :?

    Tia's finace is doing ok Tia is too al is well now kittens and them both ok I think they appreciate it.

    There was a bust up in the village not physical just verbal yesterday so didn't sleep again. Tried to separate the two concerned because I like them both :roll: Dust needs to settle.

    It is indeed Choir tonight I had a wee practice and am very glad yo hear Sister Inviolata is ready hope you are too Barbara? I just hope I can stay awake!

    Joan if Sharon webby can help I am sure she will sort out the techie problem so you can use your recliner and post.

    Kath I love the photo and have to agree with you - VERY dashing indeed! Thanks for the burger recipe looks good :)

    Took Kari to Asda today we both had stuff to do.

    Lucy had a trial at a local nursery....on the back of it they are interviewing her on Monday :shock:

    Love to everyone

    Toni xxx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Oooh you cannot beat a bit of Yule Log, with clotted cream of course, I know you have a constant supply Toni :)

    I have had three slices, just to check that it was ok :? :?

    I am VERY glad that at Puskin General Hospital, I was not booked in for an operwayshun - you are quite right, Pepe would have been Surgeon in chief, "skalpell pleeze" :shock: :shock: :shock:

    Sticking with the pillz for the time being :? :?

    I am glad to hear that Tia's Finace and her lovely self, are doing ok and the kittens are fine too. What a horrid time, thieves, vandals and the like, do not understand the trauma that it puts people through. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

    Oh dear, a verbal bust up in the village, no wonder Sleek was shouting to Mother on the crystal ball, saying that Mummy was a referee in a peeples match in her village and there was lots of "words".
    I am sure you did your utmost best to calm troubled waters. It plays on your mind though, hence another sleepless night. Liking them both, is ideal, you are an equal mediator. Silver will be flying by with some extra strong sparkles, scattered all over the village. t115006 t115006 t115006

    Did you manage to stay awake at choir. I know Sister Inviolata was singing to raise the roof, just in case you nodded off for a little while. :D:D I think Barbara was there, I didn't see anyone in the shed later on.

    That is good news about Lucy and her having an interview at a nursery next week. Every possible success wished and prayed for t115006 t115006 t4591 t4591

    Hi to Carol, how was the knitting group? I bet you are well underway with the last set. Coffee helping to keep those needles clicking away :)
    Lunch with Mr T today. Now, are we at 9 days and counting? Or is it 8...........

    I was going to say that the weather is not quite as wet and wild, but I can hear the rain beating on the windows. Storm Diane has been a grumpy one, with more rain and high winds forecast for today. t111055 t110007

    Hermione is keeping the gates closed, it is too dangerous on the hill, so crystal ball and play quidditch on the catstation P4 Mother thinks Sleek will beat her, being more deft of paw. We will see. t115006

    We are off to the tip today, gosh, we know how to have a good time :roll: :roll: :lol::lol: Might have to pop into Booths they do some lovely veggie things, more than the other supermarkets. Then our tv is going across to the neighbours, ready for the new one coming on Saturday. We will have to watch the teeny 20 inch bedroom one tonight :lol::lol: :shock:

    Well, time is racing away, better do some more pottering. Always something I can fuss with.

    Leaving lots of love and sparkles to everyone t115006 t4591 t4591 Take care, it is still a bit wild out t110007 t111055 XXX Aidan

    Baked Cheddar Eggs and Skillet Potato

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,219
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Ooooh! what about that for a breakfast Aidan! Lovely very filling - even for me I only managed two plate-fulls!! :shock:

    Yes it is still too windy the broomstick would not fly straight at all. They had a great time on the PS4 Sleek did win Mrs D came in last and Tosca 2nd. They are debating whether to include Tommy Thumb but have concerns his 'thumb' might give him and unfair advantage :?

    Barbara did get to choir, (a little tiddly and late - Inviolata was there of course) and I managed to stay awake, but slept like a log last night!! Back bad through not moving I think, but easing already following my arcoxia and sitting upright.

    We are singing at a local nursing home on the 15th Dec - carols. Two of our ladies have husbands in there. One with dementia the other something dreadful, sneaking and progressive neurological. My lovely neighbour (not involved in the dispute) went there for respite too.

    Yes stick with the pillz you can cope, more or less, with them. Pepe Longstockings would have had a go I think, but I also think Hermione would have blunted his 'skapel' :lol::lol: She tended to know what he and Sleek got up to. Of course though we didn't know it...TOSCA would also have intervened!

    Enjoy Booths and make sure you get some lovely treats!

    Right a quick Woo-ooooo! to Joan and of course Sue as it's Suesday today! :D

    Love to everyone else

    Toni xxx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    It is certainly wet and wild still - intermittent sunshine m0150 then pouring rain and a lot cooler t111055 t110007 t110007

    Glad you enjoyed the breakfast Toni, it is very filling, two plates full is just about enough :? :? :lol::lol: we need winter foods though.

    Certainly no flying allowed, I think today will be the last of the bad winds.
    I think they are going to let TomThumb have a go on the PS4, he will have an advantage with his huge thumbs, but, quidditch is quite a skill to master.

    Hermione would have made Pepe's skalpel disappear, that would not have stopped him, he would have been casting spells for more :shock: :shock: t115006

    Glad that Barbara was at choir, even though there was a whiff of gin :lol::lol::lol: You did well to stay awake, Sister Inviolata said that you were listing a bit :shock: :? :?
    Not surprised that you slept well last night, that's good. Better now that you are moving and doing, it's a battle between rest and activity - striking the balance is a real trial and error :roll: :roll: But, we keep on trying t4591 t115006

    That will be lovely, singing at the local nursing home. The school choir came round to the home my Mum was in, in Clitheroe. Plus they had a lady come round once a week, to lead a little sing song. Mum would remember all the words to any hymns and songs, despite her alzheimer's - God Bless her soul.

    Something progressing and neurological, motor neurone, huntingdon's, there are so many horrid things.................. :cry::cry:

    I remember your neighbour went in for a respite break. Glad she is not involved the hoo ha that is hopefully settling down t115006 t4591

    We went to the tip, B duly put the right bits in the right giant skips, it was very quiet - they have lots of peacocks that live there, they often come and say hello - more a case of what have you got to eat :D:D They are a very good early warning system apparently.

    Then we went to Booths, some nice veggie and vegan things bought, also some higgedy rolls, one meaty, for B and one feta a peppers for me. With falafel and a baguette, heavily buttered of course. Lovely.

    We were soon home. Too cold and blowy to be out long.

    TV is all ready to go across the road to the neighbours when they get in, about 4pm. Then we will be watching the teeny weeny portable tonight :shock: :shock: :shock: I will have eyes like a chameleon :lol::lol::lol:
    New one is en route, according to the tracking system. Just waiting for a time slot for tomorrow. Cannot wait :D:D:D Boys and their toys eh.

    Right. I am going to post this, otherwise it will be too late and all activity will begin.

    Love and sparkles to everyone, I will check back again later. Take lots of care XXXXX Aidan t4591 t115006

    Limoncello and Mascarpone cake

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Sorry I'm late. Been a bit busy today so thought I'd just pop in with some Mediterranean bean stew.

    2 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil, plus extra to serve
    2 red onions cut into wedges
    2 courgettes, chopped into 1cm/½in batons
    150g/5½oz celeriac, cut into cubes
    1 garlic clove, finely chopped
    2 tbsp tomato purée
    1 tbsp smoked paprika
    1 x 440g/1lb tin chopped tomatoes
    200ml/7fl oz vegetable stock
    1 x 400g/14oz tin butter beans or mixed beans, drained
    handful fresh basil
    1 lemon, zest only
    100g/3½oz cooked broad beans
    For the griddled potato cakes
    250g/9oz mashed potatoes
    1 tsp baking powder
    100g/3½oz plain flour
    salt and freshly ground black pepper
    1 tbsp fresh thyme
    2 tbsp vegetable oil
    Recipe tips

    For the stew, heat two tablespoons of the oil in a casserole pan and fry the onions, courgettes, celeriac and garlic for 4-5 minutes.

    Add the tomato purée and smoked paprika and cook for a further 4-5 minutes. Add the chopped tomatoes and stock, bring to boil, then reduce to a simmer for 20-25 minutes.

    Stir in the butter beans, basil and lemon zest and cook for a further 10 minutes, then stir in the broad beans. Finish the stew with a good glug of extra-virgin olive oil.

    Meanwhile, for the griddled potato cakes, mix the ingredients together in a bowl until well combined, then shape the potato mixture into six patties.

    Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry the patties for 3-4 minutes on each side, or until crisp and golden-brown on both sides.

    To serve, ladle the stew into serving bowl and serve the potato cakes alongside.

    Recipe Tips
    You can buy readymade mashed potato from the chiller and freezer sections of most supermarkets, which will make the potato cakes much quicker to make.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Im here..better late than never :o
    Toni so there was a dispute...suppose people dont always get on on,human nature I suppose..but glad you slept well ..but your poor back ..its a no win really when you get a good nights sleep..hope its ok lovely that you are singing at the home..I will definitely be there ..I have been promoted to front row..or was that so they could keep an eye on me.. :oops: good on Lucy I hope she gets the job at the nursery but more to the point really enjoys it.. :D
    Kath you do get some good recipes.think I will stick with the stew..something I really is your ankle doing ..hope its getting there..
    Aiden glad it was quiet at the GC like you say no wonder..and not good for lighting a ciggie bless :lol: today has been much better here and quite mild..thank goodness you got treats from booths..I love bringing cooked food home.. :D I am sure after watching your portable tonight you will really appreciate your new TV..or you could watch yours through your neighbours window :lol: thankyou for all the treats especially the chocolate log not had any of that for years..
    Joan you are a love..and you are right these things are sent to test us and we do get there somehow..hope you are all keeping warm...
    right better move
    Love to everyone t4591 t115006 t4591
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all - weather seems a lot more settled now, Diane has gone on her merry way t110007 - chilly though

    Hi Kath - As long as you are as ok as can be, don't worry, we have these days, that start, then finish, in no time at all :shock: :shock:

    Thank you for the Bean Stew, smells lovely, perfect for a chilly evening with lots of crusty bread and butter :)

    HI there Barbara, it is normally me, who turns up late. Glad you are here though :)

    So you are on the front row of the choir now, well done you. I am sure it was due to your singing qualities, rather than to keep an eye on you when you leave the shed :lol::lol:

    Yes, the weather has been less windy, although the Heavens opened just as B and the neighbour were carrying our tv over to theirs. It was well covered, as the super thin screen cannot get wet at all.
    We have borrowed their old one, which is tiny in comparison.

    We helped get it all set up for them and they are thrilled, I know Mr M will be glued to it :lol::lol:

    I love a yule log at Christmas, any excuse for large amounts of chocolate :)

    Carol will have had a busy day, with Mr T for lunch then meeting up with her friend in the afternoon. I am sure the knitting was not far away - on countdown now, must be 8 days :shock:

    Now, did Toni have something planned for the evening? I cannot remember - sleek said that peeples in her village had had shouties, but Silver had been flying overhead with lots of sparkles to calm troubled feathers t115006 t115006 t115006

    I think Hermione has opened the gates now, so no doubt there will be a lot of activity over the next 24 hours, after their confinement. I would imagine there is a trip to Pendle, while we are out this morning.

    Quiet evening here, pottering and doing the normal. Watching some tv on the little screen :? :?

    New tv is being delivered between 5 and 8 PM :shock: :shock: :shock: that is siesta time - oh my. Maybe it will be 5pm on the dot :)

    Right, I am off for another potter. Some bits to do in town today. Pop into Costa while we are there and can park outside the door. Rather like their new blend of coffee. Cake will be needed, naturally.

    Love and sparkles to everyone, in and about. t4591 t115006 Take lots of care XXXX Aidan

    Blueberry Coconut Oatmeal Pancakes

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I've been sorting my iPads out (I have two) the photos were in a jumble, so I've tidied them up. It took ages. :shock:

    Well it's rained all morning, t111055 but it's stopped now, and it's nowhere near as windy. Poor Emily has a streaming cold and bad throat. Rang her last night, and she could hardly talk. t2507

    Barbara, I'm glad you like my recipes. I get them off t'interweb and make sure they're all vegan ad hopefully tasty. Just like the ones Aidan gives us.

    Serves: 6
    1 large onion, cubed
    350g soya or vegan mince
    225g sliced mushrooms
    240ml tomato passata
    2 teaspoons dried oregano
    1 teaspoon garlic powder
    salt and ground black pepper to taste
    1 (500g) packet ready made polenta, sliced into 12 pieces

    Prep:15min › Cook:20min › Ready in:35min
    Lightly grease a large pan and heat over medium heat. Add onions; cook and stir until golden, 5 to 7 minutes. Add meat free mince and mushrooms; cook until browned and softened, about 5 minutes. Stir in tomato passata, oregano, garlic powder, salt and pepper. Reduce heat to low; cook until sauce is heated through, about 2 minutes.
    Lightly grease a large pan. Cook polenta slices over medium heat until golden, about 4 minutes per side.
    Place 2 pieces of polenta on each serving plate; top with sauce.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,233
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Aidan Toni Barbara Kathleen.
    Aidan has your tv arrived yet do you have the same problem as me getting things out of the box (((((())))
    Toni yes Sharon is helping me. i wish Lucy all the best ((((())))
    Barbara people in our street have their decorations up.
    Kathleen stew lovely with dumplings,
    have a good weekend everyone
    joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi all - what a wet wet wet day, Lake District rain, that soaks you through t111055 t111055 t111055 so misty, just about everything has vanished :shock: :shock:

    We did get wet in town, but we all had our waterproof coats on so not too bad and we managed to park within a few yards of Costa, despite there being hoards of people, with Santa coming through the town, along with Olaf and lots of Mods on their bikes (they raise a lot of money for charity).

    There were little market stalls down alleys, it was quite festive, even if I do say so myself. Bought a wonderful Mystic Pyrite stone, I will take a pic of it later. It is VERY magical - I was drawn to it :) t115006 t115006

    Drank too much coffee, with a lemon muffin, bought B a panatone, which they toast, except it was a chocolate one :roll: :roll: I was sure they were currants in it...........ooops :lol::lol: (he is not a choccy lover).

    After a short potter about, back in the car, then to Tesco, which was not too busy.
    Then home, to change out of wet things.

    It is not cold really, just mizzling wet.

    Hi Kath - so you are sorting out which pictures go where on which I pad, good luck :shock: :shock: :? :? I keep all my photo's off the pc now, on a usb stick, saves a lot of faffing about duck.

    t2507 Some ((())) and t115006 t115006 for your Emily who is feeling rotten, SO many people are full of colds at the moment, coughing and spluttering...........germs all over the place. :shock:

    We do come up with some lovely meals and goodies don't we Keeping us going through the day and night.

    Sleek and Mother went up to Pendle, they had to rely on the auto pilot and auto landing - why they didn't use the gate I don't know. Sleek wanted to air the broom I think.

    Mother was not setting a paw outside of her side car, but Sleek was in her total wet weather gear, so gathered oodles of mist and dew to take to the Nymphs. Mrs D was not for going out into the wet mistiness. Don't blame her.

    Hi Joan and Sue - still waiting for the TV, I can see the delivery van, on the map, but it is a way off yet :roll: :roll: It is usually a two man task to get things like a big tv out of the box, then you wonder where to keep the box :shock: Hope you are both ok and keeping warm and dry. ((()))

    Hope you and yours are all ok Toni, you too Barbara and Carol and all.

    I had best be fussing and getting ready for the delivery, ever eager that they will be here before nap time. :? :?

    t4591 t115006 t115006 Love and Sparkles to everyone XXXXXX will try and get back later, if not, I am glued to the tv :lol::lol: Take care XXX Aidan

    white Chocolate Raspberry Pie

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Picture of the Mystic Pyrite ring, that I was drawn to, today.

    t115006 t115006 t115006
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all..oh not quite ..think Aiden said it starts after 6 :)
    Aiden thankyou for the Blueberry Coconut Oatmeal Pancakes this morning ..and the white chocolate cake for later.. :D I must try this new coffee at Neros..not a coffee shop we normally go in ..but I know we have one in the next town :D glad the neighbours are happy with there TV..and yours is on its exciting :D and you can see him on the map :lol: ... I use panatone to make bread and butter pudding but I have noticed all the different ones lately...its nice to have the little markets at this time of the year , I do like the must have been drawn to for a reason :)
    Kath I do like new recipes, I dont cook much at all these day so give them to our eldest soon he is a good cook..I hope Emily feels better very soon..
    Joan the earliest house I saw with there decs up was the 12th of November.. :shock: mine will go up next week when our eldest GD comes up form London.. :D
    Finished off our Christmas shopping that is..eldest GD coming up form London on Monday for 3 days..with her fiance... :D
    Love to everyone
    t4591 t115006 t4591
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all

    Just a quick note. Still raining and super misty t111055 t111055 I think we are in cloud actually. :shock:

    Hi Barbara - you are welcome to all the goodies, it is nice to have treats in our cafe world. Lots of sharing and caring. t4591 and cakes :lol::lol:

    The new coffee is in Costa's. It is the new roast, if you go in, just say can I have the new blend. Much much better than it used to be.

    Neighbours are very happy with the tv and ours arrived half an hour before nap time. So it was left in its HUGE box until later. Panatone would make a wonderful pudding, great idea - might have to try that one.

    A shame the weather was so wet, but it didn't seem to put the shoppers off, from busying about town. The mystic ring, is lovely, it is glowing at me right now t115006 t115006

    Bet you are looking forward to your GD and her fiance coming up from London, to stay, that will be wonderful :D:D t4591

    Had to pop over to neighbours, tv would not find the signal from their box. Soon sorted, it is just way more high tech than the one they had, it was out of the dark ages :lol::lol:

    I could not sleep, for excitement. Supper was late, as I was helping B with the assembly of the new tv, the stand, the invisible wiring - all the connectivity goes into a separate box, then this super thin wire goes to the tv, up inside the stand. Amazing really - there was rather a lot of huffing and puffing and a few naughty words :shock: :?

    Anyway, we are all sorted, it is lovely, super ultra hd, 4K and lots of other things...............

    Supper was late, but not to worry. It has been warm this evening, so warm we had a rather large spi-- in the kitchen and daddy long legs - WHY, it is December for goodness sake :shock: :shock:

    How is everyone else. Toni, hope you are ok, that your wrist is not too painful, just in case, some anti ouchy squares are scattered about. Lucy will have been Elfing with Santa.
    Carol, hope you are ok too, after a busy day, was it Church open day?
    Knitting needles going 10 to the dozen I hear :)

    Well I am running out of steam, it is well after 0100 and time I was pottering again. I am technologied out.

    Leaving lots of love and sparkles to everyone, in and about. t4591 t115006 Take lots of care XXXX Aidan

    Vegan Breakfast Fried Potato Patties

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,219
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning everyone!

    Sorry to have been AWOL yesterday I had a very busy day. Had to take Lucy Elfing yesterday morning then Tia came over and we had to dash to see her Grandad to sort out Christmas lunch with us in the nursing home. This had to be done before his lunch of course..

    Then we took Tia and her fiancé for lunch. Then Lucy needed picking up then it was another village event last night. An Elvis tribute in aid of a charity supporting people bereaved by suicide. Very entertaining it was too! Sent snap-chats out of him!

    Aidan the new telly sounds amazing! Paul would also have been using some choice words :oops: Worth it in the end though :)

    Just having a couple (of 3) vegan patties thanks ;) lovely!

    Thanks for asking my wrists are on the mend right is fine left almost better it was the worst anyway. No idea why I am right handed! :? Magic squares wrapped around it t4591

    How awful a sp***r in the house in Decembe[/i]r! :shock:

    AS for your ring Sleek says she knows exactly why you were drawn to it.... not a word more would come out of her mouth lips sealed, but she did let slip Tosca knows too. :? personally I think it's gorgeous!! Bless her Sleek had no problem out in her wet weather gear collecting all the dew and mist she took the trailer and got LOADS!!! Once he was wrapped up Pepe t115006 t4591 was fine in wet weather if you remember and still loved jumping in puddles. I suspect Tommy thumb may be similar...... :?

    Hahah! Poor you getting the wrong panatone for B. I love the 'new' blend in Costa too :)

    Morning Barbara what did you make of Elvis??? we had a great time as ever with several villagers that we know. We had a table of 8 and laughed the whole night :) a couple of glasses of prosecco too :wink:

    3 days of your eldest GD!! How lovely!! You will enjoy that. Lucy put up our tree while we were at Elvis looks good but she has refused to put up my red decs :( and I love them :( she says they aren't 'it' this year. :roll:

    Joan thanks Lucy is loving Elfing again. She has her interview at the nursery (full time) tomorrow bless her.

    I hope Sharon can sort out the problem for you.

    Kath poor poor Emily:( It's horrible being that poorly isn't it? ((()))

    I will definitely try the vegan spag bol! Thanks :)

    I hope Carol is ok sure she is just probably knitting like mad.

    Love to everyone

    Toni xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    OOOh Aidan, what a perfectly scrumptious white Chocolate Raspberry Pie off to the booth go I. TROT, TROT, TROT and slide and whoo. Quick rinse - luvverley. All my photos are on laptop, pen drives, cloud drives everywhere. But I also like them on my iPads so it's easy to show them to others. :D

    Toni, it wasn't Clarence braving the weather to make sure you are safe was it? He always was such a good boy. t4591

    I hope you all liked the picture I shared on FB, It so reminded me of Tosca and Sleek and dearest Pepe. t115006 t115006

    We had rain this morning, t111055 then sunshine, m0150 and now it's gone really dark. :?

    The best vegan apple crumble
    For the filling
    575g Bramley apple

    (3 medium apples), peeled, cored and sliced to 1 cm thick
    2 tbsp golden caster sugar
    For the crumble
    175g plain flour
    110g golden caster sugar
    110g dairy-free spread (we used Vitalite dairy-free spread)
    1 tbsp rolled oats

    1 tbsp demerara sugar
    oat-based vegan cream or custard, to serve
    Heat the oven to 190C/170 fan/gas 5. Toss the apples with 2 tbsp golden caster sugar and put in a 23cm round baking dish at least 5cm deep, or a 20cm square dish. Flatten down with your hand.

    For the crumble topping, mix the flour and sugar in a bowl with a good pinch of salt. Rub the dairy-free spread in with your fingertips until the mixture looks like moist breadcrumbs. Shake the bowl and any big bits will come to the surface – rub these in too.

    Pour the crumble mix over the apples to form a pile in the centre, then use a fork to even out. Gently press the surface with the back of the fork so the crumble holds together and goes crisp, then lightly drag the fork over the top for a decorative finish. Sprinkle the oats and demerara sugar over evenly.

    Place on a baking tray and put in the oven for 35-40 mins, until the top is golden and the apples feel very soft when you insert a small, sharp knife. Leave to cool for 10 mins before serving.

    Me gob'swatering already. :lol:

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,233
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Aidan Barbara Toni Kathleen
    Aidan I hope you are having a good weekend no angina((((())))
    Barbara how is your son now(((())))
    Toni good luck to Lucy for tomorrow((((())))
    Kathleen I hope Emily feels better soon. I hope you are having a good day.(((((((())))))
    take care all
    joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all, less misty today, finally, we can see Pendle again :)

    More rain, light, mizzling rain. t111055 t111055

    Started out with the morning, up to early afternoon, almost in front of ourselves, B's hair cut by salon assistant moi :) Mothers "facilities" beached out and re filled, to her liking.
    B did a bit of carpet shampooing with the mini bissell green clean machine (AMAZING THEY ARE) Mother had had a hair ball :mrgreen::mrgreen: only small, but lots of drama, as cats do :roll: :roll:

    Time has run away with us since lunch, but, we are used to that by now.

    You certainly did have a busy day Toni, I guessed you were pushed, here there and all over the place. Elfing and sorting and going out supporting t4591 t4591 I am off with my poems again :lol::lol:

    I remember you have to sort Christmas lunch with Granddad :)

    Elvis tribute sounds to have been quite good, with a teeny tot of Prosecco to help the night along - hic.

    Paul and Bill could have had a right old swearing match then, with the new tv :shock: :shock: :lol::lol:

    Glad your wrists are feeling better - t115006 t115006 t4591 t4591

    I know, spid--s in December, I will have to ask Kath and Carol to have a sweep through, just in case there are stray ones lurking. We don't want any sudden shocks. :? :? :shock: :shock:

    Mmm, Mother has been quiet about the mystical ring. She gave a little nod and a lot of shouting, but said no more of it :? :? t115006 t115006
    It is gorgeous and I want lots of them :)

    Oh Pepe was fine in wet weather, as long as he was all togged up and yes, jumping in muddy puddles, bless his little paws t4591 t4591 Sleek is a dab paw at gathering huge amounts of mists and dew now. The Nymphs are very grateful, they need to make lots of squares, coming up to winter time, lots of us will need them at some point or other. t115006 t115006

    It is a lot better, the coffee in Costa, way more flavour, nice and smooth too, very the point of dithering :shock: :shock: :roll: :roll:

    Mother has had a day in today, she wanted to rest, he back legs are a little weak, so she is saving her strength. No doubt there will be shrieking when I am napping, as she natters to Miss Sleek and Mrs D

    Hi Kath, oh the booth is lovely and clean, not a spot of white chocolate to be seen. Glad you enjoyed it :)

    You are a bit like me, photo's are stored in umpteen places, just for safe keeping, at least 5 times. :roll: :lol::lol:

    I think Clarence was here Kath, if not, he needs to call in, while I cannot see him and get him to root out any incomers. Thank you kindly.

    I loved the picture on FB, Thank you so much, just perfect t4591 t4591

    Now, let me at this vegan crumble - it looks delicious, ta mi duck, wa ya gob watterin :lol::lol:

    Hi Joan and Sue - Thank you we are having a good week end, busy at times, with one thing and another, catching up with washing, fussing and the like.
    Hope you are both ok and keeping warm and cosy and dry too.

    Right, time is marching and I have some pottering to do before a cup of T and rest time.

    Love to everyone, Barbara, Carol, Christine, Kerrin, Mig, DD, SW, Toady and all.
    t4591 t115006 t115006

    Some custard to go with the crumble

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello all cant believe how mild it is no heating on at the min :o
    Aiden thankyou for the potato patties ..very nice they were :D
    the new TV sounds brilliant ..I hate all the wires coming from ours..OH keeps saying I thought wireless meant wireless :lol: nice when its all setup and you can relax and watch :D so the coffee is in I have that right.. :? we dont go in coffee shops very often,because the coffee in our cafe is good..but must try it :) glad the TV came before your nap but I see you didnt get any sleep..that would be me to excited..Bs hair is all cut by his apprentice and all carpets cleaned..we are very excited to see our GD and fiance :D they come tomorrow and go home Friday even better :D
    Toni Elvis was very good..glad you had a good night nice when there are a few and you all get on.... :D Lucy is Elfing..bless we need another pic...think we got one last year.. :D I remember you sorting out Grandad for dinner..but you got there in the end..our GD will put our tree up ... :)
    Joan thankyou our eldest son still has checkups but is doing ok..they drained the lump but it can come back...hope you are all keeping ok ..what will the little doggies get this year for Christmas :D
    Kath now you are talking apple crumble..with Aidens custard..sorry I haven't seen your pic but go and have a look :)

    Presents wrapped thanks to my niece..she came round earlier to help...but had bad news her OH has lost his job form Tuesday..he forget to wear a gas mask while digging a trench for pipework he lays ..they are devastated he is such a good hard worker :(
    Right better move
    Love to everyone
    t4591 t115006 t4591
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all - quite breezy tonight, but nice and clear. Apparently it is going to get very chilly over the next few days, with snow on the high grounds and frosts at night t110007 t110007 Time for your thermals Kath :)

    Hi Barbara It has been mild this past week end. Heating on just for a little while first thing, but not needed after that. I guess it will be ramping up from Monday night.

    Yes, we love the tv, it is SO bright and clear, we have eyes like deers in headlights :shock: :shock: :shock: :lol::lol:

    Wires, oh, we are all invaded by them, like spaghetti................I must admit, the box, that is away from the tv, with just the one thin wire to do everything, is a great idea.

    Yes, it is Costa that are doing the new roast. We had not been in there for ages, until we went to take the car for a service. We normally go into Nero's as a rule.

    Yes, I did a good job of cutting B's hair, still no promotion to salon junior, only supervised sweeping :roll: :roll: after nearly 20 years, you would think I could at least do a re-style :shock: :shock: :? :? maybe not eh. :lol::lol:
    Mother was asking, did Daddy have lugs :lol::lol: no doubt she will have told Sleek all about it

    Your GD is coming today and staying all week, how wonderful will that be for you, with her finace too, just lovely t4591 t4591 t115006

    Not so good that your Nieces OH is loosing his job - what a shame, good workers are hard to find these days. I hope he finds work very soon..............

    Hi Carol, is it your Anniversary? Just noticed your change of profile picture on FB t4591 t4591 I hope you have been enjoying some time out, without knitting furiously

    Hi Toni, I hope you have managed to get some rest, after such a busy week end, elfing for Lucy and then a night out with Elvis :shock: for the charity fundraising t115006

    Sleek was nattering to Mother at siesta time, what a racket :roll: :roll: :lol::lol: I think they are up to Pendle this morning. No rain forecast for a change.

    We are off to Skipton, have a few bits to get, Dad needs a new winter coat and I need some new slippers - boy, I know how to treat myself :? :lol::lol: No doubt a visit to Nero's, as we park almost at the door. Cake and more cake, so that I don't have a hypo again :shock: :? :?

    Then to Tesco, ride in one of the buggy's, just to get a few "bits", which normally means a bigger shop than you planned.

    That will be enough for the day, for sure.

    Right my lovelies, I had best be pottering again. Back is a wee bit SHOUTY, as normal.

    Love and Sparkles to everyone. Take lots of care t4591 t115006 t115006 XXXX Aidan

    Vegetable Breakfast Bake Slices - mmmmmmmmmmm

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).