Val's Cafe
I went off to get these for B and what do I find :shock: my entire (really GOOD TOO) post is gone gone gone :x :x :x :x :x :x
Fuming I am :x
It was such a good one
so pleased to see Kerrin....checking in on Aidan......and Brabara's cold too
Thanking Kath for her food....
saying Hello to Joan
Grr grr gRRR!!!!!
Will try again later
Love to all
Toni xxx0 -
Hello Kathleen Mig Aidan Barbara Toni Kerrin.
. Kathleen I hope you got everything you wanted from Tesco's.
. Mig good luck with the MRI(((())))
. Aidan I'm sorry you are so poorly((((()))))
. Barbara that's good your son fixing your washer. How is Niamh's sister.
. Toni it will be lovely having Kari there for Christmas.
. Kerrin. I'm so sorry you have the problems. Have a good Christmas.
. Take care everyone
. joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Heavy rain and drizzle all day. But oddly, my screeching hips feel much better. Dad rang this morning, he sounded like a tractor about to blow a gasket. Bad throat and chest. Anita is keeping him dosed up though.
Hi Joan and Sue, hope you are keeping warm and dry.
Oh, it looks like Toni is having PC trouble. Has it been at the Gin Toni.
Morning Darth, I mean Aidan,You sound like me dad - or maybe he sounds like you.
Hello Kerrin, I hope the MTX helps, I've been trying to get my rheumy to stop my Leflunomide and put me back on Sulphasalazine. Won't see her until April while she looks into it.
Pan fried brussel sprouts with Tofu bacon
200g Brussels sprouts, cleaned
2tbsp olive oil
½ red onion, thinly sliced
100g uncooked tofu bacon (for details and recipe link see notes above), cut into small 1cm cubes
Freshly ground black pepper, to taste (optional)
Bring a pan of water to the boil, lower the heat slightly and add the sprouts to the pan. Boil for around 3-4 minutes until they have softened slightly. Drain and set aside.
Meanwhile, add one tablespoon of the olive oil to a frying pan. Heat over a medium high heat then add the cubes of marinated tofu. Cook for around 4-5 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the cubes are crispy on all edges. Remove from the pan and set aside.
Add the remaining olive oil to the same pan (no need to wash), then add in the red onion. Cook for around 3-4 minutes, stirring regularly, until it has begun to soften.
Add the par-boiled Brussels sprouts to the pan with the onions and cook for a few minutes, stirring frequently. Now add in the cubes of tofu bacon, mix well and cook for another minute or so.
Season if desired and serve!
t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591
Sounds yummy, but I think I'l have some chish and fips."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
oh my days - t111055 t111055
Toni has lost her post, I bet it was a good one too, drat and double drat and other words to that effect :? :? :shock: :shock:
Don't worry, it is "one of those days"..................................a synopsis later, if you get time.
Thank you for the tissues, we forgot to get extra when we were at the THRONGING shops this morning.
Booths was fine, easy for parking, right at the door. A bit different when we went in :shock: :shock: :shock: WHO invited thousands of people into a small ish supermarket. We managed to get the things that we needed, so that we don't have to go to a shop until Thursday. Yippee.
Of course, the till we chose to queue at was going through ok, then it packed in and had to be re booted............why, why do we always choose the one till, that goes pear shaped :roll: :roll: :roll:
Then had to go to Sainsb as Booths don't sell Tosca's gourmet was even more manic in there. I was thrown out at the door while B and Dad waited for a car space.
Cat food bought, ciggies bought (most important), Belgian chocolate yule log (very important)
Back to ours, lots of sorting then croissants for lunch with carrot cake afterwards. Dad enjoyed it. He is just going with the flow, while B and I are sneezing barking and hacking :shock: :roll: :roll:
Anyway, we are catching up now, washer is on, so I am happy. Little things eh.
Tosca is resting, there was a lot of glitter around, so I am guessing she had been wrapping presents while we were out. Bless her. :animal_busy: t07108
Hi Joan, don't worry, I will be mending soon. I was coughing quite a lot in the night, then lots of coughing when I got up, always worse when you have been laying down.
Keep taking the AB's and steroids. If no better next week, I will be back at the surgery. :roll: :roll:
Hope you are both ok, doggies too.
Hi Kath, I am glad your screeching hips are feeling better, those magic squares must be doing the trick. t115006 t115006
So I sound like your Dad and vice versa, two Darth Vader's at the same time. Glad he is being dosed up with meds.
Thank you for the sprout and tofu dish, looks very nice.
We didn't buy any veggies, as in sprouts etc. Mini buffet will be fine, we have enough for at least most of the week. Cheese butties will do me
Right. I am going to move, time for my pills, much needed anti ouches and antibiotics.
I will call back later
Love and sparkles to everyone. t4591 t115006 Take care XXXX Aidan
Vegan Mince pies, well, mince pies had to come out at some point :shock:Cream please Toni
XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Evening all..bare with me I am typing on my phone.. Niamh has done something yo my laptop..not sure what
Toni so you lost you post... :roll: hope you are all already for Christmas...who's doing the cooking..hope you have some help..and do lovely to have Kari there..
Kath thanks for another veggie recipe..hope you dad recovers very's such a worry
Aiden we went to Sainsburys but couldnt tured around and went local..glad you got what you needed from boots..we won't starve will cold us keeping me awake.. but fingers croosed it so went go on my chest like yours..I really hope you feel better soon..((()))and b of course..
Joan are you treating the doggies for Christmas..I have seen more doggie and cat treats this year..than other years
I had better go and sort this comp..
Love to everyone
Barbara0 -
Evening all
I am almost getting to the stage where i am getting fed up with Christmas thank goodness there is only one more whole day and then we have the day itself. but all presents now got. and all food except a couple of things I have managed to forget. I will cook my Turkey crown tomorrow and will carve and rewarm on Christmas day and then I will just need to do the vegetables. when Mr T gets back from the Christmas day service at church. The veggies and other bits will not take long as daughter and self will do it together. we will also need to make some sausage rolls tomorrow.
Toni Even if she is kept occupied it still wont stop her talking about St John Ambulance it is a subject that can drift into any conversation with her. Bil still seems to be hanging on as we have heard no more from his son. Have now found a present for Mr T yesterday so am now happy. open day at church was very quite just 2 people came in. but I enjoyed it more than usual as it was so relaxing not rushing around and M T was play Christmas carols and music on the keyboard. I was reading a book and listening to his playing.
Aidan Yes it is a very difficult time at the moment with Bil we have not heard anything else yet from Nephew and i am sure we will when anything happens. because he always rings Mr Ts sister first as she is the elder of the 2 then rings us. Thanks for the extra hugs they are needed. he has been a little bit moody but I am keeping my cool by just letting it all wash over my head as I know what the problem is. hope the ABs will kick in soon and you feel better there are some extra hugs on the way for you both. hope B is not too bad with his cold.
Joan the mouth ulcers are improving and the teeth are fitting better and I make sure I have them in each day.
Kath oh that salmon looks delicious I love salmon. I am not veggie but I will eat vegetarian foods lots of them are quite nice.
Barbara Mr T and I didn't mind going to the funeral as the gentleman asked Mr T if we would go. and yes I was thanked for going this morning at church by the gentleman himself so it was appreciated. No such Luck for youngest not to talk about St John but she has been out all day as she had a job to do for them this morning so maybe that is why.
I did manage to get Mr T's present yesterday afternoon. so that is now sorted .
Well its pottering time again not sure if I will get in now until after Christmas as on Christmas day we have a ban on laptops and I pads. we do this every as otherwise we all tend to sit using them all day and nobody even communicates with each other.
So if I don't get on here till after I hope you all have a good Christmas Love and Sparkles to you all.
t4591 t4591 t115006 t07161 t7304 t7304 t79146Stay positive always👍xx0 -
Hi to all - And so, t'was the Night Before Christmas
When All Through The House
Not a Creature Was Stirring
Not Even a Mouse
The Stockings Were Hung By The Chimney With Care
in Hopes That St Nicholas Soon Would Be There
Hi Barbara - bearing with, doing a grand job on your phone. Now then, what did Niamh "do" to your laptop :shock: :shock:
I hope you managed to get it sorted. Phone typing is challenging at the best of times, even with today's large smartphones.
You can bet I get a message or text, when we are in the car and trying to reply, whilst jiggling about :roll: :roll: with the motion of the ocean and predictive text, I look and think, WHO wrote that
We did well with parking at Booths, just the mayhem inside - everyone gathering their special food "orders" - goodness, the price of some of the boxes of food £40 for a Turkey - I nearly fainted.
I don't blame you for turning round in Sainsb and going local. We just needed it for Mother's fav gourmet mini tins. She would not have been impressed if we had run out. So I bought a whole tray of them.
The shops are all open again on Boxing Day :roll: :roll: I am sure people buy mountains of things just for the sake of it, then throw it all in the bin.
Anyway, enough of shops for a few days.
I hope your cold does not go to your chest. This cough is a shocker. As most of us will know, coughing does not help a crumbling lower back - "singing" is one word for it. :? :? :shock: Tramadol increased accordingly.
Today will be day 4 of AB's and steroids. B is still full of it and starting to sound chesty. I am sure we will be fine, for the New Year :shock: :roll: :roll: Thank you for the hugs ((())) t115006 t115006 right back to you, to feel better asap.
Hi Carol - I know what you mean, is it over with yet
You seem to have things nicely organised, for Christmas Day lunch, with the assistance from your Daughter along the way. Well done for finding Mr T a present. I know it was on your to do list.
I am glad you enjoyed the peace and calm at Church on Saturday, with Mr T playing the organ and you reading your book. As long as you were warm too. t4591
No news re your BIL, it is a difficult time. I can understand that Mr T will be a bit off ish, with all sorts on his mind.
t115006 t115006 t4591 Some more sparkles and hugs to help.
We will both be ok, Thank you for the hugs ((()))
I remember you have an embargo on I Pads and Laptops on Christmas Day, not a bad idea. I remember my Dad removing the tv from the house, the year I was doing my O levels - "you won't concentrate with that in the house " He was right, but, at the time I was mortified :shock:He lent it to one of the Church Wardens :shock: :shock:
I hope you have lovely Christmas, all of you. t7304
Hi Toni Hope you are all ok. How was the service at Church? went well I trust.
Now, it today a normal busy day, or are there a 1000 and 1 things to do :shock: Sleek said she was keeping a low ish profile as there were quite a few peeples in out and around about. She did come over at siesta time, she was reading A Catmas Carol, with Mother. Then they watched Alice in Wonderland.
I nodded off, after listening to myself rattle away, then had nightmares, so was glad to get up really :roll: :roll: :roll:
Today, we are not going to any shops, just for a coffee and a cake, at the GC, with Dad, then back home.
Neighbour will pop round later, so we can swap presents. t07108 t07108
Niece will be here on Christmas Day, duly warned that it is a simple sandwich buffet for lunch, no cooking, to speak of. She goes with the flow, no trouble.
Well, I need me more Tramadol and a potter about.
So, I will bid farewell for now. Will catch up later. Leaving lots of love and sparkles to everyone t4591 t115006 t7304 t7304 XXX Aidan
Time for Breakfast with Santa me thinksXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Silver said he will be helping Santa TonightXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0
Lovely Aidan breakfast with Santa before his big day!!
Our stockings are suitably hung too
Sleek and someone is it Niamh?? are also planning to help Santa this year....along with Silver of course!
Ta v much for the mincies! Of course a large container of clotted cream in the fridge help yourself. I have popped a shovel in there too for your's any everyone's convenience
Now your online 'voice' sounds a little better so maybe the meds (or Tosca's ministrations?) are helping. How awful steroid nightmares ((()))
The service went very well, but guess what? Barbara forgot!! Well she got there in time for the mulled wine and yes more mince pies
I tried the most dreadful chocolate one....must remember to get that out of my coat pocket :oops:
Lovely to have your niece over isn't it? She really does sound a nice girl like Barbara's niece is. I have 3 all sisters so no real chance to get to know any of them really closely.
You know I think I like Christmas Eve best of's all to come.... t4591
Well done for doing ok in Booth's I am pleased Mum sorted your parking for you makes life so much easier.
Tosca has done all her wrapping with Sleek lending a paw. Mrs D popped in for a drop of cat milk and a natter. She who can take off her own jumper is perfectly capable of wrapping her gifts on her own
Carol I can see why you fell I love with Mr T when you said that about listening to him play in ChurchNothing like a bloke who can play music is there?
Hmmmm...sounds as though youngest daughter needs a special someone in her life to give her something else to think of!!
I know you won't be in now so I wish you a very merry Christmas and see you after the 'day' ((()))
Barbara Lucy says 'bear with' when she's struggling! I hope your computer is sorted now?
I hate using my phone, but will if I have to :roll:
At least you got to the service in time for the mine pies and mulled wine last night. Tonight is the carol service at our Church 6pm if you are interested? Not choir for everyone
I will do the cooking no problem and yes actually Charley is my disher-upper helper
Hi Kath good job your Dear Dad has Anita to keep an eye on him t2507
Good to hear your hips have eased back a bit that is good. I just banged my knee and it hurt already!!! Have got witch hazel on it (Pom's theory) :roll:
Thanks for the recipe my mum used to do a lovely sprout dish similar with mustard seeds I think....
Laptop must be teetotal today all seems well
Joan this will be the best Christmas ever with Kari round the corner even if she does make me go shopping at stupid-O'clock!!! Even better knowing she won't be going back to Scotland afterwards t79146
Well better get on I still have pressies to wrap
Toni xxx0 -
Kathleen Aidan Carol Barbara Toni.
. Kathleen sorry you have the rain. Have a lovely Christmas
. Aidan sorry you feel so poorly I hope it clears up soon((((())))) and B's cold ((((())))
. Carol have a lovely Christmas you and Mr T and family
. Barbara I hope you and your husband and family have a good Christmas
. Toni have a good Christmas you and your family.
. take care
. joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Morning all ..lovely and bright after the few dark days..
Its OHs Birthday today 71..he has just opened the 1950s beano comics I got him off ebay..I knew he has been watching then because he uses my ebay
Psss dont tell him I was spying.. :oops:
Aiden 2 lovely pics there I do love Christmas your niece is coming over I am sure she will be happy whatever food there is..nice when they are easy going..I hope B doesn't get to poorly and the ABS work for you very soon ..and yes I sorted the comp not a clue how..
Toni I did get distracted with the shed but made it in the end just stood at the back..I really enjoyed the singing..and will be there tomorrow..then to yours for dinner..Niamh isn't coming here..
Joan thankyou and the same to you Sue and the doggies..hope its nice and bright like today..look after yourselves...
Carol you sound all sorted now, unlike me.. :shock: nice to have help with the veg..I couldn't do it full stop now
I hope that BIL is comfortable bless him ..its so hard have a lovely time with your family..
Better go our eldest GD is face timing Granddad for his Birthday..better brush my hair..
Love to everyone
t07161 t7304 t79146Love
Barbara0 -
Right, now let me at those mince pies. 2 in each hand, and 2 in a bowl with custard, steaming hot. Scrummy. :P
Bah Humbug - Our favourite version of Christmas Carol is on Channel 5 at 4.30, Alastair Simm. Watching Oklahoma at the moment - oh, it's finished. Next up, The King and I - Shall we dance tralalala.
Lovely sunshine, but still rather cold. My offering today is a Vegan Sherry Trifle
200g of self-raising flour
160g of caster sugar
60g of ground almonds
1 1/2 tsp baking powder
250ml of soya milk
100ml of oil, (such as groundnut or sunflower)
1 tsp vanilla extract
1.5l almond milk
180g of caster sugar
2 tsp vanilla extract
1 pinch of vanilla seeds, scraped from the pod
1 pinch of saffron, (about 10 threads)
80g of cornflour
260g of raspberries
100ml of water
1 pinch of vanilla powder
lemon juice, to taste
60g of caster sugar
800ml of coconut milk, (full fat) or 4 160ml cans of coconut cream, chilled in the fridge overnight
50g of icing sugar
1 pinch of vanilla, (seeds scraped from the pod)
125ml of Pedro Ximénez sherry
50g of flaked almonds, toasted
10 raspberries
Preheat the oven to 180°C/gas mark 4. Line a 23cm (9-inch) round cake tin with baking parchment
Place all the dry ingredients for the vegan sponge in a large bowl and mix together with a small balloon whisk. Measure out the wet ingredients into a jug and again mix together with the whisk. Pour the wet ingredients into the dry mixture and mix until well combined, then pour into the lined cake tin. Bake for 30 minutes until well risen and the sponge springs back to the touch
Remove from the oven and leave to cool for a few minutes in the tin, then turn out on to a wire rack and leave to cool completely
To make the custard, put all the ingredients, except the cornflour, in a pan and heat gently, stirring frequently, until warm
Mix the cornflour with enough cold water to make a smooth paste. Add to the almond milk mixture and cook for a few minutes, stirring until thickened. Remove the pan from the heat. You can strain the custard through a sieve to remove any lumps. Leave to cool
To make the raspberry compote, put half the berries with the remaining ingredients in a saucepan and bring up to a simmer. Cook gently for 10–15 minutes, stirring frequently, until the berries have totally broken down and the liquid is glossy
Take the pan off the heat, leave the compote to cool a little then blend with a stick blender. Strain the mixture through a fine-mesh sieve to remove the seeds, then mix with the remaining berries
To assemble, cut the sponge into slices 2.5cm thick and use to line the base of a glass trifle dish, 20cm in diameter with a flat base, evenly. Pour the sherry evenly over the sponge, then spoon over an even layer of raspberry compote
Leave in the refrigerator for 20 minutes or so to settle before carefully spooning over the custard. Cover and leave the custard to set in the refrigerator for a few hours
When the custard is almost set, make the coconut whipped cream. Open the can of coconut milk and scoop off the thick cream from the top (usually around 200g) into the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the whisk attachment. Do the same if using creamed coconut, although there will be less liquid
Sift the icing sugar into the bowl and add the vanilla, if using. Whisk on a fairly high speed until the mixture comes together, being careful not to overwhip
Pipe the freshly whipped coconut cream on top of the trifle. Alternatively, add in small spoonfuls and spread out evenly across the top, then heat the spoon in hot water and use it to smooth the surface of the cream. Finally, scatter with the toasted almonds and decorate with the raspberries if you like
Hope everyone is OK, and ready for tomorrow.
m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150
t07108 t07108 t07108 t07108 t07108 t07108 t07108"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Hi Kath ..vegan sherry trifle..I suppose the none vegan would have the gelatin has been a lovely day..but like you say very cold
Just popping in to say have a lovely Christmas everyone..I might not get on later..we have our neighbour coming round its sort of a tradition..she is already full of a cold so dosent matter..
Aiden and Bill hope you feel better very soon ....
Love to everyone
t07161 t7304
Barbara0 -
Evening all
Just a pop in before as we say the big day as in this house it a no laptop and no I-pad free zone tomorrow Mobile phones are allowed but that is all.
Kath Yummy Sherry trifle we will have some of that me thinks Splat face first Yum yum now to the booth to get clean again ok now all clean again also booth sparkling clean ready for the next one.
Barbara hoping Oh liked his birthday present happy birthday to him. yes reasonably sorted. youngest daughter is good about helping over Christmas with no complaint. just like I will help her when we go to her house for the day on the 28th. Have heard no more about Bil as yet, but yes it is hard to cope with over this time of year and infact youngest was telling me today that she had a chat with her dad when they were on their own she asked him how he was feeling and he said well you know me I don't show my emotions. so she said to me when it happens watch him because he will bottle it up. I was glad she told me although i know she is right and i will be watching him.
Joan Thank You i hope you Sue and the doggie have a wonderful Christmas too.
Toni ooh Mincie Pies and clotted cream thank you . I do love listening to Mr T playing the keyboards or the organ he used to have the keyboard at home but our flat is not very big so it now lives at the church. and on our open mornings he often plays. He is the church organist and has been for many years. he likes all kinds of music we have loads of CDs of all kinds of music.
Aidan yes only thing allowed Christmas day is mobile phones. Yes Mr T now has a present from me tomorrow it wasn't what I was looking for but thats ok because we don't tell one another what we have for each other anyway this I have lost the plot today I put Turkey in the oven after I had cooked dinner tonight thought ok it says it takes 1 hr 45 mins so go out into kitchen around a quarter to nine and find the oven is not even on. on now but now will not be done till around 11.30. What a silly person I am. :roll: :roll:. Mind you In was up at six this morning as I was suffering some real bad back pain from about 4am so spent 2 hours disturbed sleep. it has improved over the day. Mr T is not being too bad really but I know when it happens he will be upset and will possibly then be worse but I am prepared for that.
well I must away and potter as it helps with the pain.
Love Sparkles and a very merry Christmas to you all have a great day tomorrow and enjoy it. see you all on boxing day t4591 t115006 t79146 t7304 and for all the t07161 t07161 pusskinsStay positive always👍xx0 -
Hello lovely people
From the last-minute nature of this greeting, you can get a shrewd idea of how well ahead I am for Christmas; as I don't do a thing about it these days I'm not sure how I can still find it stressful but there we are :roll: I ordered some Christmas cards online in miles of good time, they arrived on Saturday - I took that as a bit of a signI have told people they are going to be getting one now late or not, I'm jolly well sending them now they're here.
My 2018 in a nutshell; still cobbling along on a Humira/Hydroxy combo (which is not remotely making me fizz with wellbeing but doing ok for my joints so the Drs are happy enough - bully for them) so I doubt much will change unless the Humira screeches to a halt.
As I say, I am horribly behind but I am looking forward to a quiet bit now, so all being well I WILL call in over the holidays to have a better catch up with you all & I WILL be helping myself to whatever I can lay my hands on, as I can't put weight on for the life of me at the moment so bring out your leftovers, I'm not fussy.
Love to absolutely everyone & see you again soon, but for now a very last-squeak Happy Christ(mouse)mas from me to you
t07108 t73040 -
Hi to all - and that was Christmas Eve, all but gone now.
Best laid plans to write earlier. So I will blame the neighbours for popping in with presentst07108
It was nice to have breakfast with Santa I thought Toni. As he is SO busy tonight, all around the world t115006 t115006
I knew there would be a large container of clotted cream, with the most enormous spoon / shovel
I think, finally, the AB's and steroids are having some effect now, thank goodness. Oh, steroid nightmares, they are horrid, :shock: even if the pills mask some joint pains along the way and help with the COPD - rock and a hard place. I would not want to take them long long term. :? :?
B is a little improved as well. Everyone around is full of coughs and colds.
Mother and Sleek say it is their potions and expert medical magic that has helped, which I am sure it has. Bless, Mother is looking very frail, but still very vocal :shock: :shock:
Oh fancy forgetting the service Barbara, only arriving in time for the mulled wine and mince pies. Sisters were there, singing I believe along with Mother Superior.
A chocolate mince pie. Not quite sure about that, it isn't a great combination, not that I am a mince pie expert. Did you remember to take it out of your coat :shock: :shock:
Yes, B's Eldest Niece is very laid back, just goes along with whatever is happening, you hardly know she is here, normally buried in her phone :roll: :roll: She is collecting Gdad, hope he is up and about, if not, she has a key - MORNING:shock: :shock:
I always liked Christmas Eve. Midnight Mass was a fav of mine. I often played for the service, rushing home from a late shift at the hospital, to get ready for 1130 Service. Then if I was not working, I played for Christmas Communion in the morning, then Dad would shut the doors at home and pretend there was no one homeYou can bet the phone would always ring though.
All our wonderful puskins gathered for Christmas Eve sweets and minced tuna pies :? :? I believe they went to the ravine, with Silver and quite a gathering, of Hogwart scholars. They each have a gift of a visit to Hogwarts in the early New Year, so they are all very excited. Mothers invitation came down the non existent chimney. Sleeks is in her ickle house, pinned to her "to do list".
They have all exchanged presents, which they will open on catchat, so the excitement can be shared t07108 t07108
I had to laugh, I was saying "bear with" on Sunday night, when I was faffing with one of my meds.............
It will be lovely to have Kari with you this Christmas, only 5 minutes away too, no long long journeys up to northern lands. Very special. t4591 Enjoy the day, everyone t4591 t4591 t7304 t7304
It is SO frosty here, the decking looks like it has been showered in diamonds, magical it is t115006 t115006 t115006
It was frosty on the ramp decking in the morning, so there was ninny walking - B said, what are you laughing at........oh, just me, walking like a ninny. :shock:
Hi Joan and Sue Thank you for the hugs, We are improving, the meds are working, with less coughing and spluttering and I am not rattling or wheezing now. Bill is a bit better too. Thank you
I hope you both have a lovely day together, hugs to both and the doggies too t4591
Hi Barbara - it has been a bright and very chilly day. The cold air makes me cough a bit. Happy Birthday Jimmy, hope you had a lovely day t4591 t4591 70 is the new 50, so they say, which makes me 16
I bet he liked his presentsSpying, no, no one has been spying here.
Glad you sorted the computer, don't worry if you cannot remember how, sometimes they just need a telling off. We are both feeling a bit more human, thank Heavens.
I could not do a cooked dinner now, I know B would do all the chopping and the like, but, the simpler the better is the order of the day. I used to enjoy making big dinners, years ago. How I found time I have NO idea.
Ohh, face timing, right, hair, lights, camera....................
So your neighbour came round as well, same as ours, they were full of cold, so no point trying to avoid each other.
Have a lovely day t07108 t07108 t4591 t4591
You were enjoying the Mince Pies I see Kath - good for you, with lashings of hot custard, mmmmmm
We saw a little of a Christmas Carol, noted that the King and I was on too, plus Mary Poppins, National Lampoons Christmas Vacation - seem to have missed Oklahoma - where the wind comes rushing down the plain.........
The vegan trifle is just lovely, I am not a lover of Christmas pudding, so that will be perfect, thank you kindly.
Have a lovely day, all of you t4591 t115006 t07108
Hi Carol - I know you will not get this until Mission Control switches back on, on Boxing Day, I trust you have had a lovely day together, good company and good food.
Good that your Daughter had had a chat to Mr T and he had spoken to her about his thoughts and feelings. I know you know, but a little forewarning does no harm. Many people keep things inside and cannot share their feelings easily, it isn't a fault, just the way some of us are made.
You will have exchanged presents now, oooh, what did you get
So you cooked the turkey without turning the oven on, I have done the same, with meals, thinking "it is taking a long time to cook"All done, just in time for bed :shock: :?
Now, hugs and anti ouch magic squares, for the back pains. t115006 t115006 Keeping moving does tend to ease things, you are quite right.
Hi Toady, lovely to see you and nice to have a little catch up. I see you are well in front with all the cards arriving with a day to spare :shock: :shock:
I think the frenzy of the time of year is contagious and we all get slightly "twitchy" will everything be done, have we bought enough food to last 25 weeks, even though the shops are closed for one day
So the Drs are happy, as you say, bully for them :roll: :roll: they are not living with the ever changing moods of arthur. Glad that the joints are not shouting too much. As for fizz, well, that might have to be bottledThere will always be a plethora of goodies for you to munch on, have no fear, we will plump you up, for want of a better term
What a gorgeous mouse XXXX Look forward to catching up again soon. t115006 t115006
Well dear friends - it is time for me to do some midnight pottering.
I wish everyone, near and far, those who are gone, but not from our hearts, the most wonderful Christmas Day, with family, friends and fondest thoughts. Many many Blessings, love and sparkles on this Holy of Days. t4591 t115006
Will have a catch up later. Take care. Love to all. XXX Aidan
MERRY CHRIST MASSXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
A very Happy Christmas to you all.
Have as painfree a day as possible.
Enjoy all you can do.
Seasons greetings from
t07108 t07108 t7304 t73040 -
Looks like he came here and this morning this seems to have happened too...
Some cats have been over. Tosca, Mrs Darcey. even Tommy Thumb!
Thank you Chris K a very merry Christmas to you too I hope yours is a good onePlease do help yourself to a mince pie there's' clotted cream in the fridge and coffee in the machine
Aidan Sleek is keeping a very careful eye on Tosca looking after her physical comfort, but listening to all her tales of the 'old Hogwarts' days. She is able to cast a youthful spell over her for short periods, but only for a while at a time.
I am very pleased to hear their ministrations and potions (not ABs or steroids) have started to work. Great that steroids do so much good, but those nightmares ((()))
Luckily the sisters did make the service at the next village and Mother superior. I removed the mince pie after OUR village service last night :oops:t4591 t4591
That's it! Exactly how to say 'bear with' you are so down with the kids!! Try it on your niece later
Sleek is so pleased with her Hogwarts invite and all her pressies she wants me to put my laptop in our bedroom so she can open hers on catchat videolink later. 'while you peeples are being noisy'
Here's to a great day niece helping out with Dad and being chilled! Merry Christ mass from us too Love to B.
Toady how lovely to see you!! You are welcome to pop in and put your feet up we have calorie free food, but can add some extra to yours
Carol I hope you have a wonderful day with no computer or techie distractions to spoil it. Play some music and enjoy every minute
I have made a vegetarian trifle Barbara veggie gel, but proper cream on top!! After all this is me!!!
Have a lovely day I hope your neighbour is ok with her cold.
I shall steel some vegan trifle for Kari if you don't mind Kath?
I wish you a lovely day and hope Dad is well and Anita too as well as the rest of the family.
Joan I wish you and Sue a peaceful warm and happy Christmas day
With love and Season's Greeting to you all!
Toni xxx0 -
Hello Chris K Barbara Kathleen Carol Toady Aidan.
Chris K A very happy Christmas to you and yours.
. Barbara have a lovely day (((())))
. Kathleen have a lovely time all of you.)(()))
. Carol have a lovely time you and Mr T((()))
. Toady it's nice to see you again have a good day ((()))
. Aidan I hope you B and your Dad have a good day (((()))))
. Happy Christmas everyone t07161
. take care
. joan xx. Love to Toni (((())))take care
joan xx0 -
Hi to all Well, Christmas Day is all but over.
I hope everyone has had a lovely time with family friends and all those we hold dear.
Thank you for the festive wishes ChrisK, I hope your day was as good as it possibly could be. t07108
Hi Toni, a little belated, 11.30 at night, you are probably tucked up in bed, after a very busy day with family and all the trimmings.
Hope G dad was ok and enjoyed his time with you, all arrangements going to plan
Santa did come down the Chimney I see and three puskins were tearing up a storm with tinsel and wrapping paper.
Tosca is very grateful for the brief spells of youthfulness - they don't last long I know, bless her old bones. She is resting, :animal_busy: having opened her presents on catchat with Tommy, Sleek and Mrs D, Tomi and Jerry joined in too at one point, there was much shrieking.
I saw that Sleek has a new Tiara set, new riding gear, from the new Spring collection, one can never be too early. t115006 t115006 t07108 t07108
Tom has a little book of spells, from Mother, ones that he can "play" with, causing no alarm.t07108
Mother likes her new extra comfy blankets of magical cotton wool, t115006 100 times better than memory foam apparently. I think the nymphs helped Sleek to make it. t07108
I spoke too soon about the cough etc improving. Two steps forward, one step back. From 0700 on Christmas Dad, I woke with coughing spasms that felt as if they were never going to stop - quite scary really. :shock: :shock: :? :?
I was misting ventolin, like an atomiser spray, just to get some relief. On and off it has been bad. We have both felt worse than we did on Christmas Eve. Hey ho. Keep taking the pills and see how we go. :roll: :roll: :roll: Me thinks I might well be back at the Drs before the week end. Whatever bugs they are, can sling their hooks, enough of them already.
I digress Good that the Sisters and Mother Superior made it to the Church on time. Good too that the "strange" mince pie has now been removed and disposed of
I knew I was down with the kids, lol. Bear withI forgot to try it on our Niece though, mind, she is in her mid 30's now, even if we do think she is still a little one. :shock: :shock: Does that mean we are getting old
Both Niece and Dad enjoyed their day, presents, well, vouchers between us and then presents for Dad. My festive butties went down wellNot quite sure what I had on mine, stuffing and something veggie, not sprouts, no sprouts allowed this year, they cause too much "trouble".
Lots of Christmas pudding or Belgian Chocolate Fudge Log which just about finished everyone off
By 5, Dad and Niece had gone, she had friends to see near to home. Dad would have needed to sleep his lunch off. We just kicked back, cup of T, ciggy by the back door............all is quiet.
I could eat some chocolate right now, so I will go hunt for some. ( I never have to hunt too far )
Hi Joan and Sue, Kath, Barbara, Carol, Kerrin, Christine, Mig, Toady, DD, SW, Elizabeth and all
I hope you have all had a wonderful day and enjoy Boxing Day, lots more musicals and some classic movies to nod off to. :animal_busy:
Dad will be round for lunch today. Fresh Broccoli and Garstang Blue cheese soup. (made by Booths, not me) for lunch, with sausage / veggie rolls and some bread and butter, nothing over fancy, just yummy.
Time I was pottering about a little. So, I will leave a lot of love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 and catch up again later.
Bubble and Squeak - nice and simple, with cranberry jousXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Mmm bubble and squeak eh? Lovely Thanks Aidan
So the daytimes are ok but the nights sounds pretty awful I agree take your temp and if there's any sign at all back to the Drs before they close again for the weekend!
You are quite right about Tosca's comforter apparently Sleek had been to see the nymphs on her own back in October and they made something very special for their very important cat (VIC) altos known as 'she who caught the rainbow droplet'.
She is living in her new tiara and yesterday showed me her new collection riding gear. Blimey it looks so swish!
From us she got a FAT scratching post some of the stronger catnip. Some cat bubbles (Definitely good for enchanting pics of them, but made her jump at first) and a new laser chaser. She's had those before and she susses them after a week or so with a "Mum do you think I'm stupid?"
Niece to see your nice had a good time even if she isn't down with the kids herself! My nephew was 30 last year but my niece are 18-22 It can make us feel a little older not much though
Gdad and Paul's Mum were our guests of honour with both arriving perfectly and on time (Paul fetched his mum) the taxi easily sorting Gdad outBoth ate well and both slept well too
Looking forward to the day when I can do that!!
I did very well....Charley and her GF got me an echo dot so Alexa now lives in my house too :shock: so far she is behaving well finding me Christmassy songs and reading my audio!!
We had to eat a little earlier than I would have liked due to taxi times, so us 3 had chees and biccies for supper I tried Kari's homemade damson gin
Today is family secret santa at Kari's - there will be the 16 of us to this event!
I am taking veg sausage rolls, Lucy pretezels and Tia a dessert...not sure about Charley and Kat :?
Secret santa gift exchange occurs there. Usually at mine, but I am more than happy to stand down for my sister
I hope you and Sue had a great day Joan and whichever carers you Sue had did too.
Toni xxx0 -
Hello Toni Aidan and everyone else
. Toni you had yesterday all sorted good for you((((((())
. Aidan I hope you feel a bit better today and B((((()))))))
. I hope everyone else had a good day yesterday
love to Barbara Kathleen Carol Kerrin.
. take care
. joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Morning all..were did Christmas go..must say we had a lovely dinner made but our soon ..but one little person missing ..she is coming today..but our middle GD had her dinner with us and slept last night was her dad that cooked so she helped..
Toady its lovely to hear form you..sorry you have now got any fix from the meds but hopefully they carry on protecting these joints..I am with you being behind..I dont have a clue who got cards this not to worryand yes pop in when you feel like it
Mod Chris K sorry I missed you but thankyou for the Christmas wishes..its very kind of you..x
Toni so glad it all went to plan..GD and NIL arriving on time and today a secretsanta did you say at Karis..and the girls all helped out..ooh an echo dot..our son has the same and paid for the 99p trial form spotify..then he has the music..
Joan and Sue thankyou and I hope all is well at your house..what did the doggies get..sorry I am so nosy
Aiden so you were feeling a little better then bang its back..typical with these infections..hopefully the ABs and steroids are still doing there job..neice and dad enjoyed themselves ..must say the soup form booths sound nice just the thing after over indulging..or was that just me..plenty of chocolate here if you want some..Jimmy is 71 did I put 70..oh well at that age who cares,,
thankyou for the lovely pic you put on..(()) t115006 t115006
Carol its good you know my T is bottling things up..good on your daughter for talking to him they dont tell us everything.. :roll: hope you all had a lovely day...some sparkles for you all t115006 x
Right better go Niamh is on her way..did I say OH is getting to grips with his smart phone but keeps turning it off..he sent his first text to our GD in London..she text back to say well done but it was off.. :roll:
Love to everyone
Barbara0 -
Toady, how wonderful to see you , as Aidan said, but your tootsies up an grab a plateful, glassful or mugful. If you fancy a faceplant, try the booth, it's self cleaning at the flick of a switch.
Rang me dad again yesterday, chest and throat better, he just has a bit of a cough now. Anita was there too, cooking turkey crown and veggies. She had taken Marley and I could hear him yapping in the background.Noisy little Shih Tzu.
Thought I'd send something less rich after all that Christmassy food. Macaroni Cheese.
250g (8oz) fresh spinach leaves, washed
200g (7oz) dried macaroni
1 leek (about 75g) washed and diced
For the sauce:
150g (5oz) quark (a type of fat-free soft cheese)
100ml (3½ fl oz) home-made or reduced-salt stock
½ tsp English mustard powder
25g (1oz) reduced fat mature Cheddar cheese, finely grated
30g (2 tbsp) dried wholegrain breadcrumbs (made from half a slice of stale wholemeal bread or bread which has been baked till dry)
1. Whisk together all the sauce ingredients, except 1 tbsp of the grated cheese, and season with ground black pepper.
2. Cook the spinach, with no extra water, in a medium saucepan until just wilted. Remove, squeeze out all the excess liquid and chop. Spoon over the base of a shallow, heatproof dish.
3. In the same saucepan, cook the macaroni in boiling water for 7–10 minutes until tender. Add the chopped leek for the last 2–3 minutes of cooking time.
4. Drain the macaroni well and stir in the sauce ingredients. Spoon on top of the spinach and sprinkle with the reserved cheese and breadcrumbs.
5. Pop under a hot grill for 2–3 minutes until well browned. Serve immediately. Before I'd rung, she had bought dad a steam cleaner and immaculised the kitchen and sun longe floor and windows with it.
Sending love and hoping all are feeling better.
t07108 t07108 t07108 t07108 t07108 t07108 t07108"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Morning all
Just thought I would pop in and let you know that Bil passed away this morning around cannot put this on my fb page as I don’t want to upset the family. I know this is a closed group so I can do so on here. Nephew rang about 10 this morning. Mr t say he is ok but I know that he is not really but will have to bide my time before saying too much. But one things for sure we will always remember Boxing Day 2018. I will post again later if I get the chance. Not really in the frame of mind to type anymore at the moment
Love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006Stay positive always👍xx0
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