Val's Cafe
Hi to all -
Have had a day without turning the computer on, until now.
Sincere condolences Carol, to You, Mr T and the Family, at the sad loss of your BIL.
Even though we expect things to follow a turn of events, it does not make it easier, by any means. I truly know how you feel, My Mum passed away on New Years Day, as you will remember, on the first day of 2015. Such times, bring things home and hit hard.
Thoughts and prayers are with you all. t4591 t4591
Hi to everyone else, Toni and all your family had a good time, hope all was good at Auntie Kari's.
Chest infection is getting there, I think, touch wood.
Hi to you too Barbara, I am hoping things will get back to more normal activities for at least 24 hours until we meet up with Nephew his wife and kiddies :shock: :shock:
Hi to Kath Joan and to everyone else. I will write properly later today. It is nearly 1am and I am pretty tired, just been kicking back and watching tv / pottering / watching tv. Love The Trolls - I want to to be Matron Glitter Sparklesand need a collection of Trolls, like we had in the 70's as I believe.
Mother called them Gonks.
Right my friends, until later. All my love and sparkles to everyone t4591 t115006
T room this morning, simple scone and cups of coffee will be VERY welcome.
Take care XXXXXXXXXX t115006 Aidan t115006XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Morning everyone
It's a normal day today! t07161
Morning AidanEnjoy the Tea rooms. Don't worry about us we are all well here. Can it really be almost 4 years since your Mum passed?
My nephew's Grandad, (on his Dad's side) died last year on Christmas Eve. These are not good days for us afterwards
Mrs Darcey was showing off at Kari's going round sitting on all our laps or shoulders! My nephew was shocked to hear what Tommy Thumb gets up to tooI explained about his wand and it's limitations that they he and his wife are safe for now...…. :animal_busy:
Well Carol I am very sad to hear that Mr T's brother died yesterday.
No rush to come in just know we are all thinking of you in the café sending much love (((()))) t4591 t115006 t115006 t115006
Hello there Kath! I am very pleased to hear your Dear Dad sounds to be on the mend nowPHEW!!!
Bless Anita looking after him so well although I know you probably wish you could yourself. You know he is in very good hands
Thanks for the 'normal' food
BarbaraYour son is a star doing the dinner with help of middle GD
Niamh today? Good all good Santa and Elves away!!! :shock:
All went well here too the oldies had a good day as guests of honour and the secret santa swap was a good laugh tooMy bro got brussel sprout 'f*rt' pants!
I am on the amazon prime trial for my music for a month. We'll have to let each other know how we get on
Wonder what OH is doing with his phone :? :shock:
Did you have a good day Joan? What did you and Sue get each other? I always want to know as often it is the same! Twins eh?
Love to everyone
Toni xxx0 -
Hello Barbara Kathleen Carol Aidan Toni
. Barbara you had a good time with all your visitor's good.
. Kathleen we had macaroni cheese yesterday our grand's recipe.
. Carol sorry to hear your sad news thinking of you(((((()))))
. Aidan I'm pleased you are feeling better and B I hope((((()))))
. Toni yes we have so many biscuits and chocolates she's carers can have some when they want.
. take care
. joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Carol,sending love and hugs for your sad loss.
Joan and Sue, glad you have so many biscuits that you can share them with the carers. They will appreciate them. But don't give them ALL away.
Toni, normal day? What's one of those?
Vegan Stollen
INGREDIENTS Dry Ingredients 4 ¼cups all purpose flour 2½ tsps. yeast ½ cup sugar 4 tblsps. icing, (powdered) sugar for dusting ¼ tsp. salt Spices and Fruit ¼ tsp. ground nutmeg ¼ tsp. ground cloves ¼ tsp. ground cardomom, (optional) 1 cup raisins ½ cup currants 1 cup fruit cake mix or mixed orange and lemon peel 2 tblsps. finely sliced almonds Wet Ingredients 7oz butter/almost 1 cup butter when melted, non-dairy butter for vegans 1 cup almond milk or milk of your choice 1 tsp vanilla extract ½ teaspoons almond extract extra melted butter, (non-dairy butter for vegans) 8 oz/approx. 1½ cups Marzipan, see recipe below Please add the remaining sugar to the melted butter and mix into the flour
METHOD Melt butter and keep aside to cool Warm the milk Mix yeast with 1 teaspoon sugar, then add milk, mix and leave aside to rise Use remaining sugar to add the flour by mixing into the melted butter Sift flour in a large dish. Add all the spices Follow with vanilla and almond extracts. Mix all together Combine with risen yeast and melted butter Knead well. If dough feels too dry add small amounts of milk until you get a good consistency When well kneaded add almonds, and dried fruits. Carefully mix all ingredients When well mixed, place back in bowl, cover with cling wrap and leave to rise in a warm place, between 1-2 hours When well risen, knead again, divide dough in half & roll out Apply marzipan in center of rolled out dough, leaving a border of about 2" on all sides Fold the dough with marzipan inside Place in a greased baking tray and leave to rise again between 1-2 hours Before baking place a piece of foil on top of bread to prevent burning Bake in a preheated oven, 190°C/ 375°F for approx 40-60 minutes When baked, remove from oven. Whilst still hot, brush generously with melted butter and dust with icing sugar Leave to cool When cool, slice, apply butter and serve Dust with icing sugar before serving Keep the extra stollen in an airtight container or wrap in foil image that separates sections
Marzipan Ingredients 1 and 1/3 cup ground almonds ½cup plus 1 tblsp. icing/powdered sugar 3 tblsps. water ½ tsp. almond essence Method: Mix icing sugar and ground almonds together until well blended Add water and essence and mix until it forms a dough like texture Divide mix equally to apply to each rolled stollen dough
Hope you can understand all that.
Love to all. t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Hi to all - Yes, it is a normal day today - hoorah we cried.
I will take it as a new day and hope that everyone is as ok as can be.
Carol and Mr T and family, you are very much in our thoughts and prayers. t4591
It is coming up to 4 years, you are right Toni, next Tuesday will be four years since Mum passed. I cannot believe it myself. With your Nephews GDad passing last Christmas Eve, these times of family and friends, do become more and more fragmented as life goes on. B and I were saying, it is like loosing pieces of a jigsaw, each year, there are gaps that cannot be filled. But, we go onward, as we must.
It was nice to go to the T rooms, well before Christmas since we went in. Picked Dad up en route. He is more forgetful than ever, but, with the different routines this week, it is not surprising, things will "calm" by next week I am sure, when we get back to more usual activities. All of the decorations and cards etc are all away, dusted, vacuumed, sorted, done. Bah Humbug, that's me
I need surfaces, I have to dust.
Sounds like Mrs Darcey was having a wonderful time at the secret santa party with Auntie Kari. Tommy is fine, with his new wand and mini spells, only fizzes and pops, but he will enjoy it none the less.
Mother was kind of chilled out yesterday, she did sneak off to the bedroom for a while and there was a lot of shrieking over Christmas presents. She had a new onsie, with super soft fleece lining, a new wand, (goodness knows how many she has now), some new booties, a book of advanced quantum physics spells :shock: :shock: :? :?
She enjoyed watching Trolls and laid claim to the name before I could - she is now Mother Ragamews Tosca Lady Glitter Sparkles :shock: :shock: t115006 t115006
We did have the Wizard of Oz on, but she said, not that old one again, we went to the Emerald City on a day out from Hogwarts, when we were young students - you DID, who knew :shock: :shock:Yes, she said. I have the ruby slippers under the bed. :shock: This Lady puskin is full of surprises.
Sleek has been over and can verify that the ruby slippers are real, t4591 t4591 in fact she wants some, to go with her new tiara sets :roll: :roll:
Cough / etc seem to be lingering, I think the remnants are viral now, the bacterial infection has cleared, just time now, for the cough to sling its hook. AB's finish today and steroids have finished now, thank goodness. Enough with the nightmares.
Hi Kath, thank you for the Mac Cheese, perfect, normal food, most kind.
Glad to hear that Dad is on the mend and Anita was looking after him so well.
Hope any ouches are not too troublesome - ooh, I spy some Stollen, I will nibble a little, thank you.
Hi Barbara - we are getting there, returning to normal I think now. Starting to feel almost human, for the first time in 10 days.
Glad you all had a lovely time, So Jimmy is 71 - the new 51 then
He is getting used to his new smartphone I see, sending texts now, well, wonders of modern technology. He will be very pleased with himself.
I will pop round later for some more chocolates. Thank you
Hi Joan and Sue, hope you are both ok. I see you have plenty of chocolates too, I will pop round on my way back from Barbara's
We are feeling a bit better now, thank you kindly. Finally.
Not a lot else to report from here, it is dark and misty and no sign of Pendle.
I am going to fuss and potter a little. Eat some stollen and take more pills. :roll: :roll:
I will catch up again later. Leaving lots of love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 t115006 XXXX AidanXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Afternoon all dull but very mild here..Just had a trip out but its was far to busy so back we came..
Carol I am so sorry to hear that Mr Ts brother has died..bless Aiden says it doesn't make it any easier when you know they haven't long..many hugs and love for all of you..((())).xxx t4591
Toni what a good day you had laughter is good..I use to love secret santa ..its a shame we dont bother any more..would have loved to hear the pants your brother got..glad all went well with the Christmas dinner its must have been such a change for the elderly ones
Kath now you are talking macaroni cheese..and vegan stolen..something we haven't bought stolen this year..glad to hear that dad is improving..
Hello Joan we have enjoyed Christmas but glad of the quiet days like today..must be my age..hope you are all well..
Aiden hope you got a seat at the T rooms..mind you most people are shopping in the sales and not stopping for breath..glad to hear your cough is a little better..or getting there..thanks for leaving the scones...
My hairdresser has just come back from lapland..and there was no snow..they had booked the sleigh ride and everything.. :roll:
Right better move..still trying to teach OH how to use this phone he is getting there..
Love to everyone
t7304 t7304
Just spotted you there the cough is lingering..I do hope it leave you alone very soon..I see you did get a seat in your T rooms..and dad was with you..there are masses of chocolate here, I get them in for the children and forgot to give them out this year :? yes I cant wait to get the cards down and dust away...
t115006 t115006
Barbara0 -
Evening all
Well it has been a funny sort of christmas really this year. it really started on the Thursday before Christmas when nephew told us about Bil so that was in our minds come Christmas eve we still had not heard anything. Next on Christmas morning Mr t gave me a nice silver bracelet as a present went to put it on and could not get it over my hand (it was one with no opening) so obviously he was not best pleased. I know he got it when we were in Ramsgate for Graycie-Mai's birthday so asked him which shop as there are 2 jewellers there he wasn't sure, but after a bit of detective work we narrowed it down to one and decided to try to get it changed today for a different one which we did. ad then of course the call yesterday to say Bil had died Thank you all for your love and hugs . Despite all that has happened over the last couple of weeks we can still say Christmas has not been a bad one. Mr T has been asked by Nephew has asked if he will do the eulogy at the funeral which is on the 15th of January he has said he will. Youngest daughter will be going with us. Eldest is not sure she can get there at the moment. and at least today Mr t has spoken just a little more about it all. we have are off to have dinner and tea with youngest at her house tomorrow which will be nice.
Aidan you are right you knowing it is going to happen doesn't make it any easier when it happens. wow is it really 4 years on Tuesday since your Mum passed away. funnily enough Mr T said to me yesterday after Nephews call do you realise it would have been his brothers wedding anniversary yesterday (his wife passed away some years ago) .
Toni Thank you for you love and hugs at least it wasn't Christmas day. I know you lovely people on here are thinking of us it is a great feeling.
Joan Thank you hope you and Sue had a lovely Christmas.
Kath thank you for your love and hugs. the stollen
looks yum
Barbara Than you for your love and Hugs
Well must go now as need a little potter before bed.
Love and Sparkles to all you lovely peeples t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006Stay positive always👍xx0 -
Hi to all -
It is funny weather, was boiled before siesta time, now it feels really damp............. :roll: :roll: there is even a fly lurking somewhere about :shock: :? It seems more like November weather, than mid winter.
Hi Barbara - You DO have a lot of chocolate, I will make a few visits if that is ok, not wishing to appear greedy, by eating it all in one visit
If it is an age thing, liking the quieter days, then we are right there with you. Today has been nice, just coffee, scone, shopping, home. Done.
First thing B did was take all the bits and bobs down, cards down, now there is glitter sparkles, all over, the more you dust, the more appear t115006 t115006 Niamh will be in her element when you do take them down. Best if you sort out Santa and the Elves on the shelves :? :? we don't want her upset................
It was really quiet in town, I know we are not a big place, so SALES are not like they are in places like the Trafford Centre or White Rose etc. (Perish the thoughts).
Oh, imagine, going to Lapland and there being no snow. :shock: I would have been mortified. If and ever and when and possibly never..........we would go late on in the season, end of Jan / Feb, when it is super cold. Not so bothered about having a meet and greet with Santa, just want to be in a snowy forest, icy icy cold, t110007 with a lovely warm cabin.........Sigh :?
Hi Carol - I quite understand the "funny kind of Christmas" with thoughts of your BIL on your mind.
A lovely silver bracelet, sounds very nice, I am glad you managed to get it changed, so nothing for Mr T to worry about.
You are very very welcome to the love and hugs, it is the least we can do t4591 ((()))
It is something I could not do, the eulogy. I am certain Mr T will convey his thoughts and words, with great affection. Fancy it being your BIL wedding anniversary as well.
I am glad that Mr T has spoken more about the passing of his Brother and going to your Daughters today, will be a break from cooking and doing.
Yes, four years on Tuesday, t07026 since Mum passed. I find it hard to believe.I do like to go to Tarn Moor, but Mum always said, don't you be coming up here in winter time :shock:
bless her.
I hope everyone else is as ok as can be. Taking a bit of time out to recover from the festivities.
Off to the GC this morning, meet with Nephew Wife and kiddies, give them their presents (vouchers) The race will be on to get the only 8 seat table in there. I can imagine it will be busy :? :?
Right. On that note I had best be moving again. Mother said Sleek is coming over while we are out, not sure if there is a trip up to Pendle.
Love and Sparkles to everyone in and about, t4591 t115006 take lots of care XXXXX Aidan
Gingerbread Pancakes with Pears and YoghurtXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Aidan now I understand what Sleek was going on about!!! ruby slippers I misheard! She has been on catazon and catbay on and off all night. She found a pair of fake ones on catbay which Mrs Darcey advised against apparently.
We love Tosca's new name very much
Did she like the special book Sleek got her about Hogwarts in the years she was a pupil-cat?
Tommy's name is now down on the list for some toddler classes there in the summer. Hermione has been warned by Sleek, Mrs D and Mother! She knew anyway....she seems to know everything :?
I am very glad to hear your steroid nightmares will soon be over and your cough is just the residual left over one which times should sort ((()))
Tosca is keeping an eye though so any worsening symptoms and you will be 'told'!
It is a trip to Pendle this morning (or was they've been!) they haven't had time and of course there's been no ice/mist up there anywayJust to see what they could find. They ended up in the forest at the 'nymph's retreat' café having cat milk and tuna on toast.
I hope the visit with nephew and 'kiddies' goes well no moodiness (on anyone's part!!) and youget the big tables
Those pancakes were divine BTW just the right amount of ginger!
So sad loosing someone at times like this the reminders seem more powerful somehow when everyone else seems to be happy...
Dad does well you are keeping him on track. Tis time of year with routines all over the place is confusing enough for the best of us!
Carol I can imagine Mr T will do an excellent eulogy and do his brother proud.
I am very glad Christmas has been ok despite BIL's health having hung over you all. You did well I hope having your daughter there helped you.
Well-done getting the bracelet sorted out with your detective work!
Still thinking of you ((()))
Barbara I think the elder relatives enjoyed their meal not too much on their plates, but plenty of seconds if required and not too noisy our kids being old enough
Secret santa was funny yes. the pants didn't 'do' anything but were covered in sprouts!
He put them straight on over his jeans!!
Be patient with OH he will soon grow to love his phone bless him.
No snow in lapland :shock: oh dear :?
Kath ok there is really no such thing as a normal dayhehehe! Just less over-indulgence. manged one or two walks but not my usual
Vegan stolen Ok will have that before I stop over-doing the food!!
That's it Joan you can treat the carersI bet they appreciate a nice biccie or choccy
Right better get myself showered and dressed!
Toni xxx0 -
Deepest sympathy to Carol and family.
I still have this cough ,most of the time its a dry non-productive cough so I don't think its infected and mucus is clear so I won't bother the Dr unless it worsens.Hope your cold is much better Aiden seems to take a while there's lots of people in our area that's got it.
I got a new hairdryer for Christmas and a new bedside lamp that you can alter the brightness on it also has a usb port so I can charge my phone or iPad.
Its very grey and overcast here but its quite warm.0 -
Hello Every one I am sorry we are in a bit of a hurry
we are ok and hope that you are to Joan will speak tomorrow
lots of love Suetake care
joan xx0 -
Absolutely adoring Tosca's new name. Totally devouring the Gingerbread Pancakes with Pears and Yoghurt, and howling with laughter at the various typos (EG Niece to see your nice had a good time) and look forward to adding my own.
So Tommy will be joining Hogwarts toddler classes in the summer. How exciting.I hope Mother gives him a good talking to beforehand. :roll:
It sounds as though someone nearby had a new (very noisy) motorbike for Christmas and they are giving it a good try out. Where's me earmuffs? :?
Apricot Meusli (BHF)
Place oats, wheat flakes, barley flakes, rye flakes and sunflower seeds in a large bowl; stir to mix. Add dried fruit; mix well.
Transfer muesli to an airtight container; cover tightly. Serve with milk (or a dairy-free alternative) or low-fat natural yoghurt and top with a little prepared fresh fruit such as blueberries or raspberries.
Bran flakes, bran sticks or buckwheat flakes can be substituted for the barley or rye flakes. Try using other mixed dried fruit such as ready-to-eat dried pears and raisins, or ready-to-eat dried figs and cranberries, in place of the apricots and sultanas. Pumpkin seeds can be substituted for the sunflower seeds.
Almost time to get next Year's Countryfile calendar ready to put up. t07026
t07108"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Hi to all - Is Christmas OVER YET :? :? :?
Felt not too bad this morning, but have waned over the day (both of us). Lingering blinkin cough is driving me batty and we are both very snooty, or is it snotty :shock:
Yes, Ruby Slippers Toni, that was what Miss Slimkins was trying to describeMother did say that they all had emerald slippers, from the Wizard of Oz, but don't tell her Sleekness, or she will be envious............
No, avoid the fake slippers on Catazon, they are imported from far away places and of poor quality. Mother will do a mirroring spell on hers, so that Sleek can have a set for her wardrobe.
I have forgotten the order of Mothers new name, Mother Ragamews Tosca Lady Glitter Sparkles............I think t115006 :?
She had hidden the book of Hogwarts from 90 years ago, I found it when I tidied her bed of many blankies. She looked SO young bless her t4591 t4591 I think she was a bit shy, of showing off her awards and certificates in advanced magic...............
The mist is coming down on Pendle now, so I think a trip out in the morning will be in order. A snack at the Nymphs cafe was enjoyed and they discussed Tommy and his "induction" course at Hogwarts in the New Year. AS you say, Hermione already knows, well in advance, before things happen. :shock: :shock: That's magic..............
I am under medical supervision, Pepe's Dr's bag is by the bed, with stethascope at the ready. I am thinking it is residual, but am planning to be primed ready for a GP visit on Monday, if needs be.
We did get the last of the big tables, a 6 seater, with one chair to add. It was PACKED to the rafters, shortly after we arrived, with queues out of both doors :shock: :shock: :shock:
Lovely to catch up with them, kiddies were very well behaved really and I didn't get in a mood
It is a difficult time, when you remember those who are no longer with you, at such family times of year. Mum, Dad, Mum IL, SIL, BIL, Aunt, Uncle, all within the last few years. They would want us to carry on as normal and do what we do.
We are keeping Dad organised. Over to BIL and SIL and their teenagers, who are up from London now, for a few days, they are taking over the reigns for tomorrow, looking after Dad - another family meal out, but we are off duty............stopping in and catching our breath, we will catch up again on Sunday lunch, when SIL does a buffet.
Glad you liked the Gingerbread pancakes, just warming, without being over spiced.
I understand the sprout underpants now, for secret santa
Hi Mig, I think my cough is very similar, nothing nasty being "produced", just irritating and as soon as you lay down, well, we won't go there, it is just so annoying.
So many people are falling by the wayside with coughs, colds etc etc. Everywhere you go, there are people hacking and barking - like, someone give me a mask to wear please. :shock: :shock:
New hairdryer, new lamp, very nice, with a USB for charging your phone at the same time, very nice indeed.
Warm here, I am lathered, but grey skies and very misty.
Of course, it is Suesday, hi there Sue and Joan, don't you worry about being in a rush, as long as we know you are ok, hope you had a good day shopping etc. ((()))
Hi Kath, I thought you might like Mother Glitter Sparkles new name
Oh typo's - sometimes I read my posts back and think who on earth wrote this, it is gibberish:roll: :roll: I always get Niece and nice and sprakles and sparkles all mixed up.
So a neighbour has a new motorbike, oh dear, ear muffs on the way for you................ t115006
Thank you for the apricot Muesli, something nice and whoesome for us, after all the richness of the past week. We are now officially allergic to sage and onion stuffing - it does nothing for ones equilibrium. :shock: :shock: Least said, soon as mended.................
Right, I had best be moving again. Pottering needed.
Hi to everyone, Barbara, Carol, Kerrin, Christine, Toady, DD, SW, Elizabeth and all
Will catch up again later - Love and Sparkles t4591 t115006 XXXX AidanXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Evening all
Not a bad day today spent the afternoon and early evening at youngest daughter house for dinner and tea. Nice roast Pork Dinner and buffet tea. I really enjoyed not cooking today. got home about Well I have eaten and drunk far to much this Christmas I must had put a few pounds but do I care No I do not. our next weigh in is on new years day and I am certainly not going to that one so after the 1st I must get back to my healthy eating to get rid of any extra lbs.
Love Tosca's new name. the pancakes were yummy indeed Aidan. thanks all of you for keeping us in your thoughts as we try hard to keep things as normal as possible whilst we are leading up to the funeral we know it is what BIL would want. I must admit I did have reason for smile yesterday whilst talking to eldest daughter on the phone she told me when talking to our youngest GD aged 16 nearly 17 about Bil GD turned round and said how long have you known him Mum daughter answered all my life he was my uncle. GD apparently laugh and said oops what I really meant was how well did you know him. it even raised a smile from Mr T when I told him.
well time has run away with me tonight and I must have a little potter.
Lots of love and sparkles to every one t115006 t115006 t4591 t4591 only 3 more days left to the end of the year.Stay positive always👍xx0 -
Hi to all - Misty murky here, I think we are in cloud :? :? Quite warm though.
Hi Carol - glad you had a lovely time at your Daughters, with no cooking to doRoast dinner then a buffet, wonderful.
Eaten too much, well, it happens at this time of year and you don't need to worry I am sure.
Nephew and family bought us Argos vouchers and then gave me a big Christmas Thornton's selection box, so I will have to force myself to eat them, unfortunately I cannot share them, it is forbidden
What did I buy in Sainsb today, cadbury's, what was I thinking :shock: :shock: :? :? :roll: :roll:
It is difficult to keep things as normal as possible, even though we know it is the right thing to do. This time is always a kind of limbo, the wait between a loved one passing and the funeral, is quite surreal. Continued thoughts and prayers t4591 are on the way.
Your GD asking your Daughter how long she had known your BILthen realising she meant, how well. t4591
Glad you like Mother's new name, she is changing it by catpole in the New Year apparently. :animal_busy:
Mother is going to have her hair done shortly, Sleek is going to perform the magic t115006 t115006
Lady Glitter Sparkles Seriously - herselft115006 t115006
We have had a quiet evening, siesta I actually napped for a little while, exhausted............. :animal_busy:
Caught up on some of the skiing - tennis starts again this week end, Brisbane, then Melbourne, plus lots of ski jumping, we will have square eyes
Time I was pottering again.
Hope everyone is ok, Barbara, Toni, Kerrin, Christine, Mig, Toady, SW DD Elizabeth and all.
Love and Sparkles to everyone t4591 t115006 Take care XXXX Aidan
Little Danish Pastries, nice and lightXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Thanks Aidan for the pastries...I've had two pinkies out after some of Kath's muesli. She's spotting our typos :oops:
Sleek has taken advice from Lucy about doing Mother's hair like lady glitter's either going to be various colour hair spray cans (therefore washes out) or a spell. The reversible one, but she's going to ask Hermione first. In-case it won't reverse :shock:
Keep an eye on Mother while she's sleeping Sleek may well be practising.... :?
Sleek was shrieking last night!! What was in the wardrobe?!! Her own pair of ruby slippers!! Thanks to Mother's mirroring spell
She just walking in having put her broomstick away safely and told me they got plenty of mist for the nymphs earlier the fine gossamer stuff :? and she's thanked Mother for her slippers with a big hug t4591
They saw Silver too with his familyvisiting for the season.
I am very pleased all teenagers were happy and hope mobile phones weren't too much in evidence!!
Good that family are visiting and you and B will get a rest from your caring duties for a day. Dad will be very pleased to see them:)
You have been thoroughly checked over by all cats (Mrs D included) and they feel you are ok and should recover now, but Pepe's Drs kit will be remaining close by until all is definitely well :?
Carol it's lovely to get the day off cooking isn't it? I am pleased your daughter looked after you.
I agree dodge weigh in on 1st I bet there won't be many thereknowing you though you will soon be back on track and any gains soon shifted
Gdaughter gave you a smile then? always goodfor me there is only one person in the world who has known me all my life and that is my sister. Hanging onto her!!
Keep on keeping on you'll get there ((()))
Kath the muesli was yum thanks healthy too after all the chocolate I've been eating!
Tommy's Mum and Dad are on holiday so Kari and Mrs D are looking after him ATM. He is so exited about his toddler classes - Mother has spoken yes with a look!
Hope our Barbara is ok sure she is just busy with all the festivities no doubt
Love too to Joan and Suet4591
Toni xxx0 -
Hello Kathleen Carol Aidan Toni
. Kathleen I hope the motorbike does not keep you awake too much.(((())))
Carol people can say things that make you laugh even sad times(((())))
. Aidan how are you feeling today and B (((())))
Toni I sent you a email (((())))
. Have a good weekend everyone.
. love to Barbara and everyone else
. joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Those little Danish Pastries are a delight Aidan, thank you muchly. Motorbike man went out early, but we got up quite late (for us) 6.30am and I've been snoozing most of the morning.
Carol, Gchildren are sent to cheer us up and are blessings indeed, I'm glad it made Mr T smile too. t4591
Yes Aidan, Christmas is over - almost, so pinching healthy recipes from Heart Foundation, taking care of Aidan's ticker, seeing as he won't pack in the ****. :roll:
INGREDIENTS 1–2 oranges, depending on size
85g (3oz) kale, large stalks removed, leaves finely shredded
1½ tbsp extra-virgin olive oil
1 tbsp freshly squeezed blood orange juice
1 tsp clear (runny) honey
½ tsp Dijon mustard, or to taste
½–1 tsp poppy seeds, or to taste
Freshly ground black pepper, to taste
2–3 tbsp pomegranate seeds, to garnish
Peel oranges and remove as much pith as possible.
Break flesh into peeled segments; cut segments in half, if you like. Combine orange segments and shredded kale in a bowl.
In a separate small bowl, whisk together all remaining ingredients (except pomegranate seeds), seasoning to taste with black pepper.
Drizzle dressing over salad; toss gently to mix. Serve salad with pomegranate seeds sprinkled over to garnish.
t4591 t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 t4591 t4591 t4591"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Hi to all - well, it has turned out quite fine, after a very dark and dreary start.
Having a very lazy day, in between pottering and some fussing. Not doing the ironing, cannot be bothered. Too tired.
Hi Toni - I know, Kath is keeping an eye out for our typo's :shock: :? :?I must remember, my Niece's and nice's
Pinkies out for sure, with the delicate danish pastries and rather lovely muesli.
Mother seems to think that spray colours might be better, as a trial, for her Lady Glitter Sparkles Seriously. The spell could have us all looking like trolls :shock: :shock:t115006 t115006
Oh, shrieking, yes, I heard it, through the "gate" - Even Mother jumped and she is as deaf as a post. I guessed her Sleekness had found her new ruby slippers t4591 t4591
I think the brooms are out of action until New Year, the Nymphs have special celebrations for the coming New Year, with wild violet wine and special cake, to welcome all things new. There is no working on the looms, the little factory has closed. With ample mist, dew and cloud, all stored neatly in jars.
Puskins, Silver and family, are invited to the ravine to greet the New Year. t07026
I see Silver and his family are looking well and magnificent t115006 t115006
It is nice to have a day of down time. Much needed. I don't think we would have had the oomph to partake in another day out. Let the rest of the family have some time with Dad, which is not meant to sound mean, in any way.
I noticed that the Drs bag is still by the bed. Looking at my obs, I was coughing less in the night. Hoping that we feel a little brighter tomorrow, when we meet up for buffet lunch at the cottage B and SIL are staying in, not far away.
I see Auntie Kari and Mrs Darcey are looking after young Tommy Thumb, whilst his Mum and Dad are away. Auntie Kari will do a wonderful job, as will Mrs D. If they need Mother, to give any "looks" then she will be happy to oblige. :? :?
I think Barbara is wading through the chocolates that she has been stock pilingI could happily open the Thornton's and sit there and eat the lot :shock: :shock:
Hi Joan and Sue - thank you, I think we are on the mend, finally, it has been a long drawn out cold / infection :roll: :roll:
Thank you for the hugs. I hope you are both ok, keeping warm. The weather is going to get colder this week.
Hi Kath, so glad you enjoyed the delicate Danish Pastries
You were up late at 0630 :shock: :shock: :shock: That is the middle of the night mi Lady. We were up late at 0930
No wonder you have been snoozing for most of the morning :animal_busy: :animal_busy: don't blame you, it is hibernation time of year, after all.
Recipes from the heart foundation - oh dear. I know it's a drag, but we do like a ****
I did have quite bad Angina this morning, talking of things cardiac - but it soon passed after using my GTN spray. I will enjoy the yummy recipe, thank you most kindly.
I was trying to make sense of the weather, a Sudden Stratospheric Warming, :shock: over the polar region, about 40 miles high into the atmosphere..............apparently, it usually causes the wind directions to change, bringing cold icy blasts to us, from Siberia...........I did watch the animation with everything spinning in all directions..... :? .........I have decided it is easier to just call it winter :?t110007
We might need some snowy emoticon's - pretty please
Right. It is heading to pills time. So I will potter away for now.
Big hi to Barbara, Carol, Toady, Christine, Elizabeth, DD, SW, Kerrin and all
Should we have a healthy pudding today......................errrrrm, no, let's not
Love and Sparkles to everyone t4591 t115006 Catch up later XXXX Aidan
Festive Ice Cream Cake with Caramel SauceXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hello all very warm here today and last night I had a moment..
sorry Im late but Niamh has been here over night..
I did read all your post but might not remember it all
Carol you are welcome to the hugs and I think its fitting that Mr T does the brother would be happy with that..and there are no better words than life goes on so a laugh is good..glad you got the bracelet changed..
and had a lovely meal at your nice for it to be made for you
Kath thankyou for the it you that said how tired you are..this time of the year doesn't help..a new motor bike oh no and the racket they make we have them at the back in the fields :roll:
Toni I am glad you were all well behaves at your Christmas you say children all grown up..just wait till you have GC...
I thought the sprout pants made a noise..
Aiden thankyou for the pancakes and you are welcome to the chocolate but I see you have moreso you had a nice time at the ..was it GC or T rooms ..with your family..must say I like vouchers and Argos is good...
so your cards are down and dusting done I am dreading this tree coming down its the first one we have had with snow on
we will wait till the new year..used to be the 6th the 12th night but not any more..sorry you are still coughing and had an angina attack..whatever did they do before the sprays..
is it nice and calm now Christmas is over..must say it was so lovely when I was wasn't all about spending... :roll:
Its is a time to remember family and friends..I lost my brother on Christmas day I think its 11 years since now..he was apologizing...because it was Christmas and said sorry I will have to go ...
Mig sorry you are still suffering with that cough..but it sounds like its getting better..
Joan and Sue hope you are both doing ok and Joan you are right ..there is always something to smile or laugh about even at sad times..
Right thats me for now still full of a cold but no cough thank goodness
Love to everyone
t69044 t4591 t69044Love
Barbara0 -
Hi to all -
It is funny weather Barbara, you are right. Quite warm at times, not had a "moment" as yet.................coughing fits, yes :roll: :roll:
We guessed you were busy with family, now, you should have whipped the cards down and given Niamh a duster, then it would have been done
Hope you had a lovely time with her staying. I bet she loves it. Was it "bacon butty Gdad" and back to bed
Thank you for the chocolates, I seem to be hoarding it at the moment :shock:Most things are half price in the shops, so, you cannot leave a bargain behind, especially if it is chocolate. :? :?
We had two faux candle ornaments, with lights in the candles and around the wreath base, one in each bay window. They were covered in some kind of snow and glitter..........what a mess. Much grumbling from B. He has cleaned up twice and I did the window sills again today.......glitter is breeding, I am sure of it. t115006 t115006
Mum used to leave things up until 12th night - I would be fit to be tied if I had to leave everything so long :shock: :shock: :shock:
Coughing is just wearing, admittedly it is not like it was last week, but a pest, none the less. Angina, I would guess that rest would have been the only option, before the advent of drugs and sprays to help alleviate angina attacks.
B said I was doing too much and told me off :roll: Every time I see the postman, I can feel my chest tighten - waiting and waiting for my decision letter.
I used to enjoy Christmas, I never minded working, usually I would be on an early shift. The staff who had young children normally had Christmas Day off. We used to dress up in tinsel and baubles and make the day as fun as it could be for all the patients.
We did have a nice time at the GC. So so busy, we were just in time to get a bigger table, to seat us all.
Oh bless your Brother, saying he had to go and apologising for having to leave you all. t4591
Mum made sure she said "take care" very clearly, to each of us, before we left the hospital on New Years Eve.............I knew, but, you never quite know when......... :?
I hope your cold gets better soon. Glad you have not got the cough that seems to be doing the rounds, try and avoid it at all costs. We should all wear masks
One more family get together today, at the cottage B's Brother, SIL from London, are staying at, not so far from us. Nephew and Niece are in their teens, they do their own thing - :?They are doing a buffet, B's other B and SIL from Huddersfield will be there too and we will take Dad with us.
Dad had a nice time with them at the meal out on Sat. We rang at tea time and he said we will like the cottage, (all on one level). I might not get into the cafe until late in the evening.
That will be enough then, for this year. We always spend New Year, quietly, at home, with a cup of T and watch Jools Holland and his Hootin Annie
Time I was pottering again.
Hi to everyone in and about. Lots of love and sparkles to all. t4591 t115006 Take care XXXXX Aidan
French Toast with Raspberries, Bilberries, Granola and Whipped Cream.XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Now that looks a rather posh Breakfast Aidan
The bread is brown so healthy too. Along with Kath's salad we should be healthy enough for some more chocolate!
I think it's nice of you to step back and give other family members time with Dad actually. Enjoy your time with them all today though
Sleek has just had a little fly over the village to check all is well and back. To clear the cobwebs as she put itShe said the nymphs are on their holidays, but she Mother Mrs D will all be going to the party on N Year's Eve. She said Silver would be there with the family.
The spray colours have arrived from catazonI do not want to look like a troll either :shock: :shock:
I have been shown the ruby slippers!!! They go very well with a tiara Pepe bought her a while ago t115006 t115006 t115006
There are lots of bargains to be had aren't there? Chocolates and shortbread galore. Christmas cards at half price etc
M&S were putting out the summer clothes!
Sleek said sorry about the snow and glitter....she and Mother had Tommy over one day and 'forgot' to keep a proper eye on him :oops:
I hope the angina behaves itself now. Thank goodness for GTN. Coughing is tiring and of course you may be coughing less now, but you are much more tired.
I blame the angina on that darn missing letter :x :x :x
My Mum told me she was dying, but I didn't believe she was rightBoth of mine went a bit unexpectedly. I have known people take stock and also people like your Mum making sure people take care.
Barbara you had a moment did you?!! I have had a few myself!! I hope Niamh has had a fabulous Christmas with lots of pressies
Sadly the sprout pants were silent! Have you heart of the ones which have a filter in them for the 'fumes'?!
It sounds as though your Dear brother was ready to go. Imagine apologising! God bless him.
Dozing off were you Kath? Still found time to do us a salad. Sounds lovely just right for Aidan's ticker. We also have some rather nice caramel ice cream cake though.....coming to the booth?!
Joan you are right at sad times we often do need to laugh to get rid of some of the emotion.
I will go and look for my email
Everyone I have news!
My n-i-e-c-e had a baby girl yesterday evening both are well and healthy.
Kari and I are now Great Aunties!!! Our bro is a Grandad!!! Oh we will enjoy that!!!
Toni xxx0 -
Hello Kathleen Barbara Aidan.
. Kathleen how is Emily I hope she's feeling better.
. Barbara I bet your home is strange now without Niahm.
. Aidan is your cold and infection on the way out now sue has a cough cold it's going around((((())))
. take care all
. joan xx. Hello Toni that's good news Congratulations.take care
joan xx0 -
Rang dad, "Hey up dad, how are ya?" "Ooh I'm alright - cough cough" "Still coughing then" "No, just clearing me throat"
Men, especially them over 80s. :shock:
Just seen the end of BFG, now I'm watching Dynasties with Sir David Attenborough. All about lions. We watched a program about wood ants yesterday. Superb. I love wildlife programs.
Spiced Black Forest Gateau
INGREDIENTS 450g frozen Black Forest fruits, defrosted
1 tsp clear honey or agave syrup
85g wholemeal flour
55g medium oatmeal
50g low-fat spread (choose a dairy-free version if following a vegan or dairy-free diet)
70g light soft brown sugar
¼ – ½ tsp ground cinnamon
Preheat the oven to 190°C /gas mark 5.
Tip the fruit with any juices into a 1 litre baking dish or individual ovenproof pudding bowls.
Drizzle honey over the fruit. Put the flour and oatmeal in a bowl and stir to mix.
Lightly rub in the low-fat spread with your fingers until the mixture resembles breadcrumbs.
Stir in the sugar and cinnamon. Spoon this mixture evenly over the fruit and bake for 40 minutes until golden brown.
Love to all. t115006 t4591 t115006"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Hello everyone..sorry this will be short ..on my phone again..not sure what Niamh does to my laptop but it won't let me delete and if I need to go back and type something that won't work
Anyhow I know that Aiden and B is going to there famous cottage they have hired...and having a buffet..I do lovely helping myself..and I hope your letter has not got list in the's awful for you having to wait so long...
How moving that your mum said take care to each of must make them feel so much better..
Thank you for the lovely frut toast breakfast..just the sort of thing I like to eat
Toni pants with a filter..I know a few people that need thoes..a lovely great nice for you to enjoy..
Joan our house is quiet I have my feet up..
Sorry my hands and eyes are letting me down on this phone.. Will try and sort this laptop
Love to everyone
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