Val's Cafe
Evening all..sorry Im late just a strange sort of day..had my letter for the spinal fluid thingy..its on the 20th of this month the very day we lost 1972...
Toni so glad they let you in and you are all having a good looks amazing..oh I need some sunshine..
Mig how lovely having a second Christmas at your sons..and all that lovely food..its so nice to see our GC happy ..bless them and he will be going to uni ..Cambridge would be a good choice..
Kath that for the recipe..not had halibut for ages..its does sound good with the roasted tomatoes ..I hope the blood are ok when you get them back
Aiden Thankyou for the lovely breakfast..such a nice choice
I really do feel for you you ...but you are doing everything possible fingers crossed.. t115006 t115006 I hope there desk is piled high with letters serves them cold is not to bad thankyou for asking..I feel like I have one long cold with these sinuses..and always hope the sneezing will clear themthankyou for the info on the spell check I have got mine back off firefox..
My niece came round and we had a good laugh she brought lots of food..I wouldn't care but our cupboards are still full from Christmas..sorry your colds are on the way back..its going to be one of thoese winters..
Joan the path sounds just right for scooters how lucky are you we dont even have a man up our rd goes into the rd with his scooter..he put the fear of god into me :shock:
Think I will make a cuppa and have some of Aidens apple caramel cake..
Love to everyone.. t4591 t4591 keep warmLove
Barbara0 -
Hi to all - a chilly night here t110007 T shirt weather for those in warmer climes though m0150 m0150
I would have choked on my dinner, if all those fireworks went off without warning Toni. They do look very pretty though, looks like a great impromptu display - was there a celebration / holiday etc, or do they go off every night I wonder.
I am VERY pleased you are not in prison, with your prescription - :shock: :shock: Glad you are having a wonderful time. Look forward to lots more pictures. Barbara will be enjoying her snapchat video clips. I will have to join snapchat, something I have never even looked at.
Sleek has seen Mother Glitter Sparkles bald spots, but she didn't laugh - as you say, she knows better - there would be serious "looks". :? :?
Dad is ok, no chest infection, after a thorough examination by the Dr, just to keep up with pain killers, for likely muscle strain and to go back if he develops a rattling cough.
Glad he was checked up on, feel more settled now.
Hi Barbara - so we have a date for the spinal tap, the 20th, Toni will have it logged into the Cloak and we will be there with you, throughout.
The same day that you lost Mum, t4591 it will be a difficult day, but we will support you through it t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006
Yep, I think I have done what I can, for now, we will wait for my Drs letter, to send off, then cross everything XXX
I am pretty sure there are countless numbers, who are appealing the decisions made on their pip assessments. It messes with peoples lives, it truly does.
Sinus problems do make it feel like you have a permanent cold, all bunged up and it never really clears. A big sneeze would be great if it made those sinuses better.
Glad you have your spell check back
So you Niece arrived with a feast of foodwe would all have popped in, for afternoon T. I have a mountain of chocolates to get through, they usually last me until Easter, I say usually.............just in case I eat them sooner :roll:
Great that you had a good laughDon't worry, our colds are waning a bit today, just coughing more :shock: :roll: :roll: they will go, eventually.
When people are using their scooters on the roads, it scares me silly. Not too bad in town, but out here on the country roads, no pavements :shock: :shock: gives me the willy's - am I allowed to say that :? :?the heebie geebies then.
Hi to Carol, hope you and yours are all doing ok. Is it lunch today, then meet and knit with your friend. I remember you saw her earlier last week, or was it this week......... :roll: I forget.
Hi to everyone else, in and about.
We will pop into the T room today, have to gather some more repeats from the Drs, so, while we are within a few yards, it would be rude not to have a coffee and cake.
A little shopping, for the week end, that will be enough.
All the lovelies in the sanctuary are well, super well cared for, mountains of food of all descriptions. The Meerkats think we are in Siberia and are stopping underground.
Lots of love and sparkles to all. t4591 t115006 Take care XXXXX Aidan
Bubble and Squeak Potato Hash OmeletteXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hello Every one and a very good new year to every one
I would like to say thankyou to you all for helping me with my mouth on Tuesday I have an imprechion taken then I just have to wait for my teeth. I expect Joan will let you know on Wednesday.
bye for now. love Sue.take care
joan xx0 -
Oh it's FFFFFlipping FFFFFreezing. :shock:
Let me at that bubble and Squeak etcetera etcetera. Thank you Aidan. (can't you tell I recently saw The King and I). I didn't see the Pangolin program Aidan, wish I had, :?
Morning Sue, I hope your mouth isn't too sore after all that mauling about by the dentist.
Barbara, you mentioned spinal thingy and I've come over all unnecessary. Nothing new for me and medical stuff. :oops:
Thank goodness Toni isn't in prison, what would Sleek say?
Special Vegetarian stir fry
INGREDIENTS 2 teaspoons sunflower oil
1 carrot, cut into julienne (matchstick) strips
55g (2oz) seeded red pepper, cut into thin strips
2 spring onions, chopped
200g (7oz) cooked hot rice
55g (2oz) frozen peas, thawed
55g (2oz) canned sweetcorn kernels (drained weight)
1-2 teaspoons chilli sauce, or to taste
Freshly ground black pepper, to taste
1 teaspoon toasted sesame seeds
Heat oil in non-stick wok or frying pan over medium-high heat, add carrot, red pepper and spring onions and stir-fry for 1-2 minutes.
Add cooked rice, peas and sweetcorn and stir-fry for 3-4 minutes.
Add chilli sauce, black pepper and sesame seeds and stir-fry to mix. Serve immediately.
Cook’s tips
Use 1 small courgette in place of carrot. Use baby sweetcorn, sliced, or 1 beaten egg in place of sweetcorn kernels.
Hope that warms us all up.
t110007 t110007 t110007 t110007 t110007 t110007 t110007"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Afternoon to all - You are right Kath, it is rather chilly t110007 t110007
Hi Sue, I am sure the new teeth will be just fine, (sometimes takes a few little tweaks to get them nice and comfy). We will be there, to make sure all is well. t4591 t4591
Hope you had a good day and managed to get all you needed while out and about.
Take care and keep nice and warm. A cold week end, so the papers say.
Hi Kath, there you are, could not see you for thermals :shock:
The King and I, a veritable classic. Getting to know la la
Here is a link, from CNN, about the race to save the Pangolin from extinction.
Have some smelling salts Kath, :shock: :shock: we won't talk about spinal needles, I promise :? :? I know nothing about them, at all --- much :? :?
Oh Imagine the shrieking if Toni was incarceratedShe would be on her broom, with Mother and Mrs D, over to the foreign office as quick as a flash.
Thank you for the veggie stir fry, sounds and looks delicious.
They have Linda Mcartney's Veggie Sausages, on offer at Sainsb, a £1 for a box of 6. Bought a few today and if they are still there on Monday, I will clear the stock. At that price, you cannot go wrong. They are already frozen. I love a bargain.
My letters came from Motability, giving me the date the car has to go back, 8 weeks time.Thanks DWP, for taking my legs away from me.
Not much I can do, just wait for my appeal.
Hi Barbara, hope you are ok, cold improving. I am still coughing at times, just annoying now, have had enough of it.
Hi Toni, when you look in. don't worry about us, frozen bow legged t110007:shock: You enjoy that sunshine.
Sleek is fine, she came over this morning and took Mother up to Pendle, for a little mist gathering. Mother was well wrapped up in one of her new outfits, Harris Tweed coat, with scarf and tartan hat / gloves.
I saw a Unicorn hot water bottle cover in the chemist today, I was very tempted............. t115006 t115006
Coffee and cakes in the T room were very nice, glad their heating was on high, B and I were frozen and feeling very precious. Dad doesn't seem to feel the cold, or the heat. He said he feels a lot better today.
Hi to everyone else, Carol, Kerrin, Mig, Toady, SW, DD, Elizabeth, Christine and all
Let me go find a cake, to follow the lovely stir fry. We need our calories in mid winter.
Love and Sparkles to all. t4591 t115006 will call back later. Take care XXXX Aidan
Chocolate Stout Loaf Bake (seriously squidgy brownie / cake / pudding...........XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
I went to SW this morning first time in 5 weeks I have lost six and a half lbs which puts me four and a half lbs under my target weight ,there was a couple of weeks when I didn't eat much and I tried not to over eat when I was feeling better, if it wasn't for the fact that I had several chest X-rays I would be a bit worried but I have been told by my rheumy and gp that there was nothing suspicious on them ,so now Im going to open the big box of Black Magic chocolates I got as a present my absolute favourites.At the SW meeting I was surprised at how much I missed everyone they missed me too I was hugged to bits.
Take care all Mig0 -
Evening all late again..gosh its cold out there... t110007
Aiden what a lovely pic and saying its so true...and thankyou for breakfast and the lovely stout cake..
So they want your car back in 8 weeks how very dare they..I am fuming :x here so can only imagine what you are going through..yes everything crossed.. t115006 t4591 t115006
Glad yo got to the Tea rooms it nice to have it nearby to your doctors..
Lots of food from our will bring some into the cafe..glad to hear that dad is doing ok and you and B are felling a little better...I must do more in the glad all the animals have food and dry warm me the willys is allowed..he certainly does ..and fly's down the rd..we have seen him in the next town around 2 miles away..
I am hoping the spinal tap is no worse than the spine injections I had..gosh that hurt..facet joint one :shock:
Kath thankyou for the stir fry recipe...dont worry I will try and be quiet when I have the spinal tap...then we can all go to the pub..
Sue you are more than welcome for the help..must say I was lucky with these teeth.good luck with yours..if they need tweaking it doesnt take long..get some bongela in case they rub
Mig how lovely to get all those hugs at SW..I dont blame you for opening the box of chocolates..can I join youglad to hear that the doctor said that nothing look suspicious on the X does put your mind at rest
had some lovely pics off Toni looks stunning ..they have been up the tallest building in the world :shock: my OH said his knees had gone funny..he doesn't like heights
better go off to bed early tonight..
Love to everyone
t115006 t4591 t115006Love
Barbara0 -
Hi to all - No frost tonight, but still chilly.
Hi Mig, well done on the weight loss, even if it wasn't intentional, you kept things steady and are well within your target. Good to hear that the x rays are ok and you enjoy ALL the chocolates. Dark chocolate is even better for you than milk chocolate. Any chocolate is good for you in my dictionary
That's lovely to be hugged to bits at SW, of course people will miss each other when they don't go for a while.
Hi Barbara - You are very welcome to the picture and words, all very true. Glad you are tucking in to the yummy cake. Custard I think, would go well with it.
Yep, car goes back in just over 8 weeks. I will ring them and tell them that I am waiting for my appeal. Not that it will make any difference. Once you change over to PIP, your contract on your DLA comes to an end :roll: :roll:
To be honest, it is making me feel pretty rotten, stress wise, which has a knock on effect on physical problems. But, we will carry on and keep fighting.
All the lovelies are snug and warm, their sleeping areas are all heated with lots of bedding -( apart from the penguins, they like the ice and snow machine. t110007 )
I am glad giving you the willy's is allowed, You road is quite busy, so a little scooter is no match for traffic - obviously he goes far and wide on it :shock: :shock: A few people have them in town and they just go for it, stopping for no one :? :? :roll:
Note to self, facet joint injection, will not be had. Seeing as I have eroded facet joints. It is similar to an epidural, if you have ever had one of those. Too right we will all be off to the pub, they do coffee and puddings, so that's fine, with a slimline tonic of course.
Some fab pictures here too, from Toni. The Burj Khalifa is 2722 feet high, 160 floors :shock: :shock: :shock: The lifts travel at 22 miles per hour and take one minute to get to level 140, the observation deck.
The view looked amazing, but I am not sure I could go up there, so I will stay with Mr B, having the vapours
Hope you had a good long sleep t4591
Sleek was telling Mother Glitter Sparkles, that Mummy had been into the clouds, in a very tall houseNow she wants to go on her broomstick and see this big house.
Mother said it was a long way, but she will think about it. :roll: :roll:
Hi to Carol and Kerrin, Christine, Elizabeth, Toady, DD, SW and all
I had best be pottering, keep the joints going. Dad will be here in the morning, for croissants and coffee.
Week end at home. Bits to catch up with and no doubt lots of washing :roll: :roll:
Love and Sparkles to everyone t4591 t115006 Take care XXXX Aidan
Some nice cosy breakfasts - not sure what's in them, but the chocolate one is my favouriteXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Morning everyone
I am missing you all now still home tomorrow (quite late)
Here is a pic for you all of the tallest building in the world which we went up yesterday
Thanks for posting all the info Aidan
I am so very very upset about Bette.
Very upset
Love to everyone
Toni xxx0 -
Sorry having to do these one at a time.....
I'm ok here at least I found
A coffee place or several!! We've mostly been going to an independent one though
Xxx0 -
Hello Kathleen Barbara Mig Aidan Toni
. Kathleen yes it's freezing roll on the spring
. Barbara how is your computer very sensitive things as you know
. Mig dark chocolate good we all need a treat you enjoy them
. Aidan I hope they let you know soon it's frustrating ((((())))
. Toni sorry I could not see your photos. As long as you enjoyed it that's all that matters.
. take care. Have a good weekend everyone
. joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Poor little Pangolin. Can we have him/her in our refuge please?
We're both feeling squiffy, but don't know why. :? But I'll have a go at those yummy looking cereals thank you Aidan. I'm sorry you're having so much trouble with your PIP.
I can't see Toni's pics.As long as they are enjoying themselves)
Pea and mint soup Category: Soup | Serves: 2 (generously) for supper or lunch
INGREDIENTS 1 small onion, chopped
1 baking potato (about 225g/8oz), peeled and diced
500ml (18fl oz) homemade or reduced-salt vegetable stock (make your own or use a gluten-free brand if you want this dish to be gluten-free)
225g (8oz) frozen peas
2 tbsp finely chopped fresh mint leaves, plus extra to garnish
Freshly ground black pepper, to taste
2 tbsp natural yoghurt, to garnish (optional - omit for a vegan or dairy free soup)
Put the onion, potato and stock in a saucepan. Bring to the boil; cover, reduce heat and simmer for about 15 minutes or until potato is tender, stirring occasionally. Stir in peas, mint and black pepper. Cover and bring back to the boil; simmer for 5 minutes. Remove from heat; cool slightly. Blend in pan until smooth using hand-held stick blender (or transfer to a food processor or blender, blend until smooth, then return to pan). Reheat gently until hot. Serve in soup bowls, garnished with a swirl of yoghurt (if using) and a sprinkling of chopped mint. Cook's tip: This soup is suitable for freezing (once cooled and without the yoghurt garnish) for up to three months. Defrost, then reheat gently until piping hot before serving.
Hope everyone is keeping nice and toasy warm. t110007 t110007 t110007 t110007 t110007 t110007 t110007 t110007"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
One of my favourite soups Kath thank you! I will repost pics when I get home Joan and Kath the links obviously don't work from my phone;(
Who is pangolin? His name alone is so cute we must have him in my opinion!
All packed ready for home tomorrow. Will arrive back in time for bed.
Love to everyone Toni xxx0 -
afternoon to all - chilly grey day, you will need your winter woolies on for arriving back in the UK Toni.
We are missing you too. :? :? The Burj Khalifa is one humungously tall building, well over 2000 feet tall, that is 2000 feet too many for my liking.
No worries re the info. I cannot open your picture as I don't have permission from Google :shock: :shock: don't know what that's all about :roll: :roll:
We are very upset about Bette too. I am getting my MP involved in this fiasco decision, long letter sent to him today, he will get back to me asap.
I am going in with everything I can possibly muster.
Cannot see the second pic either, but I am sure the coffee is nice and strong, perfect, any cakes that we need to be trying out
I see you are all packed and ready for home, tomorrow, just in time to fall into bed................Safe journey, some sparkles to help you all along t115006 t115006 t115006 Sleek said Mummy was coming home on a rocket, tomorrow :roll: :roll:
Hi Joan and Sue - Don't worry, we are throwing everything and the kitchen sink at the DWP, right up to a Tribunal if I have to.
Hope you are keeping warm and the house is as warm as it can be with the strange radiators :shock: :shock:
Spring will not be long, but I feel that we will have a snowy spell soon, just a feeling in my bones. t110007 t110007
A Pangolin, of course, we must have two Pangolin in our Sanctuary Kath, one lady, one gentleman, we have to encourage them to have babies. They are a bit like ardvarks, armour plated. Sadly not tough enough to stop man killing them nearly to extinction for hocus pocus mdicine and for meat !! They are not aggressive and roll into a ball when threatened, which makes it easier for the poachers to catch them
"Around 300 pangolins are poached every day, making these unusual animals the most illegally trafficked mammals in the world. Also known as “scaly anteaters”, pangolins are found throughout Asia and Africa, but their numbers are dwindling as a result of poaching for international trade".
"What Is A Pangolin? Pangolins, often called “scaly anteaters,” are covered in tough, overlapping scales. These burrowing mammals eat ants and termites using an extraordinarily long, sticky tongue, and are able to quickly roll themselves up into a tight ball when threatened".
"The Tragic Tale of a Pangolin, the World's Most Trafficked Animal. Pangolins are considered the most illegally trafficked mammal in the world—scaly, cat-size, nocturnal anteaters found in Africa and Asia".
We will need specialist rare breed vetinary care, as they are not good in captivity and need specialist intervention and needs. Bless them.
We were feeling squiffy yesterday, is it another bug, let's hope now and hope you both feel better very very soon t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006
Sadly I am one of many thousands who are fighting to have their new PIP awards changed, either by reconsideration, or going to court tribunals. It is very sad, very stressful and upsetting, but I am not going to give up. t115006 t115006
I see I am not alone in viewing Toni's pictures. She will sort it when they get back, doing things from phones, is often more secure, so people cannot hack into your details.
Pea and mint soup, wonderfully gorgeous, a favourite of mine. Thank you.
We are nice and warm, not venturing out this week end. Heating up high
Hi to Barbara, hope you and yours are ok, is Niamh over this week end, to keep you on your toes and Gdad busy with bacon butties
Hope your cold is not too bad. t115006 t115006 t4591
Hi to everyone else, in and about, hope all are taking care.
Dad came round for lunch of croissants and coffee, we had to ring and remind him, he had forgotten, bless him.
Fussed and pottered, lots of letters here there and all over the place. B is chief secretary of state
Better make a move, it is time for a cuppa and siesta soon.
Let me go get the cake out, I baked it earlier :? :? honest
Love and Sparkles to all t4591 t115006 Catch up later XXXX Aidan
Chocolate Butterscotch Layer CakeXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hello all..a little milder here today..picked an order up from M&S ..not far OH a gilet in the sale and a jumper..they are lovely..and more to the point a bargain
Aiden thanks for breakfast..we do need must be feeling rotten..I just wish I could help but you know we are all behind you t4591 t115006 glad you have written to your MP...I am sure they will help..
dad nearly missed lunch ..bless ..its a good job your dont live far away...Niamh has just gone home ..all I could hear was see you Wednesday..yes bacon butties this morning..then straight back to bed..
I saw the Pengolins on the news they are lovely and dont bother a soul, man has so much to answer for.. :x
I have had an epidural when I had my hips you have facet joint disease...sorry I shouldnt have mentioned the injection.. :oops: thanks for the chocolate cake..the only place that does calorie free..hope your tummys are ok
Toni you have been missed..and you can look forward to your next holiday..
Joan comps are very sensitive.. :roll: hope you are managing to keep warm ..
Kath I bet the pea and mint soup is lovely and refreshing..thankyou and I hope your tummy are ok..
better move..keep warm everyone
t4591 t115006 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
Hello all
I have not been abducted by alien (They wouldn't dare try) just been giving myself a bit of a rest on the laptop I have also been a bit busy to with bits and pieces. we are doing Fine just Wishing the 15th would be over. Mr T has now been asked by Nephew if he will play on hymn at the funeral which he has said yes to as well as the eulogy. It has been cold here today and this cold weather is really drying out the skin on my face it I very dry and red and flaky I have had this before about 2 years ago. dr gave me some lotion called Dermol that you can rub in frequently also you can you it as a substitute for soap. so I have brought some again myself to see if it will help. it worked last time so fingers crossed this time. today our youngest daughter is 45 this is sure making me feel old. Tomorrow will be a difficult day I think as it would have been Bil birthday he would have been 91.
I have read your posts but I am not going to try and answer them as I will get them all muddled up. too many things going around in my brain at the moment. fortunately I am sleeping ok so I am fine.
Mr t was out yesterday lunchtime so our meal out ended up on Thursday this week but this fitted nicely as we had an electric man come to change our meter to one of the new smart meters that don't need reading they automatically send your readings to the electricity people .
well it is that time again for a potter so
Love and sparkles to you all and some of these t69044 for any sick peoples t2507Stay positive always👍xx0 -
Hi to one and all - chilly, but not frosty.
Nice to get some bargains from Mark's Barbara. Mr B will be looking very smart in his new gilet and jumper. Did you get anything for your good self
You are welcome to the goodies, all calorie free, mind you, I could happily eat that cake, in reality and not give a damn. But, that's how I feel :roll: :roll:
Thank you hun, I know everyone is rallying for me and I am glad my letters have gone off to my GP. It has been the Christmas Break for Parliament, but he will pick up his emails regularly. I think Parliament reconvenes on Monday.
He is a very good man and has helped me on many occasions. He always has time for his constituents.
It is a good job we are only 50 yards or so, from Dads. He just gets side tracked and then forgets what day it is. Even though the clock we bought him tells him everything, day, time, morning, afternoon etc.
He enjoyed his cheese croissants and watched some tennis and winter sports too.
See, I guessed correctly, bacon butties and then back to bed for Niamh. I take it she is coming over on Wednesday then :shock:
Pangolins are so lovely, very docile, enjoy eating ants and termites and do no one any harm. You are right, man has decimated the planet, so so sad.
Don't worry about mentioning injections. I will just avoid having a depo medrone one in my facet joints, forewarned etc. I don't mind them in my knees, they do mask the pain for a while, but then my cardio said, don't have them too often, as they degrade the joints :shock: :roll: :roll: Damned if you do and damned if you don't.
Spinal is very much like the epidural, only thing is that they don't put any anaesthetic in, just drain some spinal fluid out instead. They will give a local injection beforehand. We will be there, I will be poking my nose in without a doubt.
Tummy's are not so bad now, thank you. Keep taking my tablets. :roll:
Hi Carol - Of course you have not been abducted by aliens, you would soon give them short shiftHaving a rest from the computer is not a bad thing I guess. Says me, who loves technology.
I wish things were over and sorted, this time of limbo is horrid, all at sixes and sevens.
So Mr T will be playing for a hymn and also give the eulogy and the funeral. He will be proud to have done a great tribute for his late brother. t4591 t115006 Will be thinking of you, as it would be your BIL 91st Birthday today t4591
The cold weather plays havoc with our skin. Cold out, then warm in, then out again in the cold, our skin doesn't know where it is. Dermol is very good for dermatitis and eczema.
Hydromol is another lotion / bath and shower lotion, very good for using instead of soaps or shower gels.
Happy Birthday to your youngest, ages are only numbers, so no need to feel old. They say you are as old as you feel, which makes me 206 :shock:
I was reading that Olivia De Havilland is 102 years old and just as glamorous as ever
Don't worry about answering all the posts, I get muddled up at the drop of a hat
Lunch out was Thursday and you now have a very smart meter for your electricity, no waiting to let the man in to read the meter.
Toni will be all packed and ready for coming home. Sleek is all excited, she came over to have a nap with Mother, at siesta time. They were both very good, only got down for a few "sweets". Mother was quite "motherly" :shock: :shock:
Right, it is time I was moving again. Hi to everyone else, in and about.
Lots of Love and Sparkles to all t4591 t115006 Take care XX Aidan
Vegan "sausage" patties, nice with some crusty bread and lashings of butter, for calciumXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Morning everyone we are about to go down for breakfast but I'd rather have Aidan' s veg breakie! I need the calcium although my but D levels are good atm!!!
I will Google pangolins......I want one!!
See you tomorrow from Blighty!
Xxx0 -
Hello Kathleen Barbara Aidan Carol Toni
. Kathleen I could not see Toni pictures either has long has they had a good time.
. Barbara have a good day not.quite so cold they say.
. Aidan I hope you hear this week(((())))
. Carol I'm thinking about you and your family.(((())))
. Toni I bet it's colder here than where you was.
take care
. joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Just googled pangolins ,are they used as pets or something Id rather not know about ?
Yea my cough has gone.
Just crocheted the midwife blanket for my daughters godson whose wife is expecting a baby in 6 weeks time ,rather proud of it.Now working on a granny square blanket using my odds and ends of yarn.0 -
Some super grub there Aidan, glad I've been unsquiffified, but our appetites are greatly reduced. But who could say no to Chocolate Butterscotch Layer Cake - not me. Thank you for the info on the Pangolins. They are gorgeous. t4591
Carol, I should think not, aliens wouldn't dare snatch you away. They would be bombarded with the cafe mob, Hogwarts, pusscats galore, Silver and the unicorns, etcetera etcetera.not forgetting the cloak.
Tuscan Ribolitta
NGREDIENTS 2 tsp olive oil
1 small red onion, finely chopped
2 sticks celery, chopped
2 carrots, sliced
2 cloves garlic, crushed
1 courgette, thinly sliced
400g (14oz) can chopped tomatoes in rich natural juice
450ml (16 fl oz) homemade or reduced-salt vegetable stock
215g (7 1/2oz) can borlotti, butter or haricot beans, drained and rinsed
1 bay leaf
85g (3oz) cavolo nero (also known as black kale or Tuscan kale) leaves, shredded
55g (2oz) crusty white bread, crusts removed and bread torn into pieces
1 tbsp chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley
Freshly ground black pepper, to taste
Heat olive oil in a non-stick saucepan; add onion, celery, carrots and garlic and cook gently for about 10 minutes or until softened, stirring ocassionally. Add courgette; cook for a further 3 minutes. Stir in tomatoes, stock, beans and bay leaf; bring to the boil. Reduce heat, cover and simmer gently for about 25 minutes or until vegetables are tender, stirring occasionally. Remove and discard bay leaf. stir in cavolo nero; cover and cook gently for a further 10 minutes or until tender. Stir in bread and parsley; season to taste with black pepper. If soup is too thick, stir in a little extra hot stock; if soup is too thin, stir in a little extra bread. Serve in warmed soup bowls. Cook's tips Spring greens or Savoy cabbage can be substituted for the cavolo nero. This recipe can easily be doubled and the leftovers served the next day - which can be just as delicious, or more so. Simply double the quantities and cook as directed. Cool leftovers and refrigerate overnight then, the next day, reheat gently until piping hot throughout, before serving.
m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Hi to all - it is getting more and more misty as the day has gone on.
Have a safe journey home Toni, sending lots of sparkles, to help with the travelling t115006 t115006 Sleek is very excited and Mother has been shrieking SO loud, Sleek came flying through the gate to see what all the fuss was :shock: :shock: :roll: :roll:
Mother said the sky has fallen down, :shock: but we need not worry, it is only mist and it is so low, the Nymphs can gather it themselves today.
They shared some tuna at lunch time, with more shrieking :shock: :shock:
Some magic squares are dotted about, so expect glitter and sparkles, to ease the back and joints................ t4591 t115006
We all need to help the pangolin's
It is warmer today Joan, probably why it is so foggy. :shock:
I don't think I will hear anything this week, when I spoke to them about a reconsideration, they said it takes another 6 weeks or so :roll: :roll: :roll: I need time to get my Dr and MPs letter in as well.
Hi Mig - Glad your cough has gone. I am still barking away :roll: :roll: nothing nasty, but it just won't go.
No Pangolins are not kept as pets. They are hunted, slaughtered for meat and also for mumbo jumbo medicine from the scales on their backs. :x :x :x
I am sure the Midwife blanket is lovely and the granny square blanket will be equally as good
Hi Kath, de squiffed, that's good to hear. Naturally, butterscotch cake is highly delicate on the stomach :shock: :?so is a must eat.
Pangolins are lovely gentle creatures, I hope man is proud of what is being done to the animals of this world.
Tuscan Ribolitta, sounds lovely, thank you. I will butter some crusty bread, Barbara is in charge of yummy breads.
Hope any ouchies are minimal t115006 t115006
Hi to Barbara, hope you are yours are ok, having a bit of a rest day today, after Niamh has been like a whirlwind, bless her heart.
I seem to have been surrounded with laundry, which I don't mind at all. B loads and unloads, then loads the dryer, I do all the settings on the washer. One load still to do, but that can wait until later. Beds all immaculised, we are shaved, showered and ready for Monday
We have to be smart, for the GC, we like to go on a Monday, even better when the kids are now back at school
Hi to everyone else, in and about. Hope all are taking care. I will pop back later.
Love and Sparkles to all t4591 t115006 XXX Aidan
Chocolate Nut Brownies (now, they are very gooey and sticky, but not at all sickly :? :? :? , just need to pace yourself with them)
XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hi to all - we remain in thick mist / low cloud here. :? quite spooky here in the woods :? :?
Been catching up with Ski Jumping, now tennis, not quite sure we will fit in 6 hours of PGA golf, without stopping up all night. :roll: :roll:
Toni won't mind me saying that they are home, safe and sound t4591 I am sure they are all :animal_busy: :animal_busy: :animal_busy: at the moment, catching up and easing any ouches, from travelling. More magic squares en route t115006 t115006 Sleek was beside herself, Mother told her you were on the way home asap. t4591 t4591
Hi to Barbara, hope you and yours are ok and your cold is not too bad.
Mine seems to have had a resurgence, lots of bunged up-ness and coughing :roll: :roll: weary with it now.
I need some of these tissues to make it better t4591 t4591
Hi Carol, hope you are all as ok as can be, thinking of you and sending lots of hugs and sparkles ((())) t115006 t115006
Hope everyone else is ok too t4591
Off to the GC this morning, not been for a week. It should be quiet, with the kiddies back at school. Some shopping, pay gas and electric :shock: :? That will be enough expense for one day.
Leaving lots of love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 Take lots of care XXXX Aidan
Guava and Cream Cheese Puff Pastry WafflesXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Oooh lovely thanks for the waffles Aidan
Lovely. I need some of those tissues! Not that I have a cold poor you it sneaking back :x
Of course I don't mind you letting everyone know I was safely home. Sleek was over the moon purring and pretending she had been starved! I can see the empty 'sweet' packets in the bin, the depleted food cupboard so I know Charley has spoilt her! Also she's been at yours and Mrs D's a fair bit too.
She decided not to go out this morning, but rather to stay here with usShe was on the crystal ball till all hours though shrieking sorry about that :oops:
Enjoy the GC today. I hope Dad is ok.
Right will post some pics hopefully Joan can open them.... This was a fountain manufactured in the Dubai Mall the divers were so beautiful
This was the ceiling in the same Mall in one part of it:
will have to do another post now...0 -
The stairs up to the 2nd floor on the plane you can just see Paul's telly screen. We got front seats behind the captain!
(the posh people were up stairs!)
this was the Burj Khalifa the highest building in the worldWe went up and had a meal there at the restaurant. It was first class.
Forgot to say the way you are treated on the Emirates flight was wonderful you could not fault it!0
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