Val's Cafe
Smashing photos Frog,I love flying but hubby doesn't like it anymore bad flight home a few years ago from USA.
Oh dear Aiden I know exactly how you feel it does tire you out,I could have napped all day then I was awake coughing all night fingers crossed its behind me now.
Cottage pie with cheesy mash for tea with broccoli and carrots.
Im going to my knit and natter group tomorrow haven't been since well before Christmas really missed it.
New Jeremy Kyle shows today I know a lot of people don't like it but its the only show I shout at the tv hubby thinks Im mad.0 -
Hello and good morning
Its Sue Joan has gone to the doctor because she has run out of medicine
I am writing.this from my phone for the first time so much better
And I can use predictive text wee.
Joan will speak soon
Love Suetake care
joan xx0 -
Morning all..I seem to have lost a day..just found out my spinal tap is the 22nd..not the 20th..this is down to oh reading my letter again..its these eyes ..
Welcome home Toni and thankyou for the lovely picks..must say you seemed to have a lot of room on the need to be upstairs..hope the jet lag is not to bad..I bet Miss sleeks was all purrs
Carol glad you hear you have not been will be sad on BILs birthday bless him ...
but how nice that Mr T can say the eulogy and paly the music at the will make him feel better doing this for his brother..
Mig glad to hear the cough is a little I have never heard of a midwife blanket it sound so cosy..
Joan its is a lot milder for now and getting winter over with ..fingers crossed..
Aiden so all letters are sent I still have everything crossed for you..its so hard to put it at the back of your mind.. t4591 t115006..but try and enjoy the GC today especially has you are all gleaming..yes Niamh will be here weds..shes a little love ..she gave me a maltesar and I just took it ..was just going to say thankyou and she said manners GM please and thankyou..
sorry forgot to say thankyou for all the goodies..especially the waffles have been eating lots lately..and I need the lovely tissue even though my cold has nearly gone..
Kath the recipe looks nice and warming..sorry forgot the nameglad to hear your tummy are better..
Better move my neighbours wants a chat..
Love to everyone t4591 t4591 t115006Love
Barbara0 -
Barbara, don't worry about forgetting the recipe name, just eat it and enjoy it. Todays is called chunky vegetable bean goulash. It's from the British Heart Foundation, and is vegan. Ever mindful of Matron's heart, and both he and Toni's vegan requirements, I think it's the best I can do. I know they appreciate my efforts, bless them. t4591
Chunky vegetable and bean goulash Category: Main meal | Serves: 4
Prep time: 15 minutes | Cooking time: 1 hour 35 minutes
INGREDIENTS 1 onion, chopped
2 cloves garlic, crushed
1 red pepper, deseeded and cut into small chunks
3 carrots, sliced
2 sticks celery, chopped or sliced
175g (6oz) button mushrooms
400g (14oz) can chopped tomatoes
150ml (1/4 pint) homemade or reduced-salt vegetable stock
150ml (1/4 pint) medium cider (or extra stock)
2 tbsp paprika
2 tsp dried herbes de Provence
Freshly ground black pepper, to taste
400g (14oz) can butter beans, drained and rinsed
400g (14oz) can cannellini beans, drained and rinsed
2 tsp cornflour
Chopped fresh coriander (optional)
2 tbsp soured cream, to serve (optional)
Preheat oven to 180°C/160°C fan/gas mark 4. Put all ingredients, except canned beans, cornflour, coriander and soured cream, into a large, flameproof, ovenproof casserole and stir to mix. Cover and bake in oven for 1 hour. Remove from oven; stir in canned beans. Re-cover and return to oven; bake for a further 30 minutes or until vegetables are tender. Remove from oven. Blend cornflour with 1 tbsp cold water in a small bowl. Stir into vegetable mixture. Heat gently on top of stove, stirring continuously, until mixture comes to the boil and thickens slightly. Simmer gently for 2 minutes, stirring. Sprinkle coriander over top and garnish with a swirl of soured cream, if you like. Serve with cooked brown rice or couscous.
Aidan, thank you for the Guava and Cream Cheese Puff Pastry Waffles. And tissues with rainbows should definitely help with our sniffles and coughs. Your misty woodland photo looks very pretty.
Toni, thanks for reposting your photos. So glad to see you safely home, and that you enjoyed youselves. :animal_busy:
Sending hugs and love for Sue and Joan, Carol and anyone I've forgotten.
Johnny is looking for a pair of Pangolin for us. He knows all about them and is sure we'll give them a good home. t4591
t69044 t69044 t115006 t115006 t69044 t69044"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Hi to one and all - gosh, what a different day, t110007 t110007 t111055 t111055 only managed to get soaked four times today :roll: :roll: :roll:
You are welcome to the waffles Toni, I guessed some healthy :? cafe food would hit the spotNice to see you all home safely.
I will try and find those tissues, Unicorns and Sniff on the pack is the order of the day.
Cold seems to be at an impasse, no worse, which is good. One day soon it will go............
I am sure her Sleekness was SO glad yo see you, the shrieking was at fever pitch. She started to tell Mother that she had been starved, until Mother gave her a knowing look :? :roll:
Eating lots of sweets, including sharing Mothers "bedroom" sweets. The bowl was piled high yesterday, now there are about 6 in there :shock: :shock: Peckish Mother
Mother and Mrs D insisted Sleek stopped at home today, the weather has Hermione closing the gates, as it is too windy and wild, wherever pendle is, in the mists somewhere.
Plenty of room at the GC, though it was busier than we thought it might be. We were soaked, as we (B and I ) decided to have a cig, before we went in. The very same time as the Heavens opened, the brolly was no use as the rain was horizontal t110007 t111055 so we put them out in the end :roll: :roll:
Dad is fine, he seems to have got over his cold in about 24 hours :shock: :? :? three weeks here and counting :roll: :roll:
The fountain looks amazing and the fairies / nymphs, just wonderful t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006
Sitting close to the Captain is always goodStairs up to the posh peoples ample seating come beds. You had good seats for sure. I have read very good reports of Emirates looking after everyone very well indeed. A world away from certain budget airlines :? :?
The Burj Khalifa is one impressive building. I dread to think what the apartments are priced at. 1.6 million ££ on average, for a two or three bedroom, with maids quarters :shock: :shock: I would never be able to look out of the windows
hi Mig, I am with your OH. My flying days are over, not just for health reasons, I don't think my nerves could stand it any more. :roll: :roll: :oops: :oops:
I hope your cough etc is behind you and I am looking forward to mine leaving as soon as it likes.
Tea sounds lovely, minus the cottage, everything else I will join in with
Have a lovely time at your knit and natter group. Has it been Christmas break, or because you were unwell - bit of both most likely Aidan, silly question really :roll: :roll:
I have watched J Kyle, in the past and was SO irate at the people on it, that I gave up in the end, just what has Britain become :shock: :shock:
Hi Sue and Joan. Hopefully Joan sorted out her repeat prescription at the Doctors. I see you are typing on the phone and finding it quite easy, that's good
Predictive text is ok, but you sometimes have to check just what it has chosen, for fear of upsetting anyone
Hi Barbara, you missed a day, don't worry, I have no clue what day we are on. I think it is Tuesday no matter how many times I am told otherwise.
So, the spinal is on the 22nd, Toni will make a note, ready for the cloak duties.
Still waiting for Dr and MP to write their letters, then they will go off, recorded delivery, to the DWP. After that, it is anyone's guess.
It is playing on my mind. Try not to let it, but, that don't work. I am guessing my GP will ring me and probably want to see me, due to my alopecia :? :?
So Niamh was teaching you manners, bless her, not letting you get a word in, before you were reprimanded
How are the neighbours and your friend who was in rehab...........?
Hi Kath You do a wonderful job with your recipes Kath, they are gorgeous. The latest goulash looks and sounds equally deliciousThank you. Matron't ticker, the poor thing.
All the mists have gone from the woods now and we can see again
No signs of the pangolin in our Sanctuary. Johnny has gone off to Asia, to find ones that have been captured for meat and medicine. We will look after them, with lots of ants and termites. Termite mounds are HUGE :shock:
Hi to Carol, Kerrin, Christine, Toady, Elizabeth, DD, SW and all.
Time I was a pottering again. Will catch up again later.
Love and Sparkles to everyone t4591 t115006
I could not resist this oneXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Evening all
weather today is not bad a little chilly but not really too cold. well 2 days to go until the engineer comes to see the washing machine. hope he can deal with it and it doesn't need parts. as I do not fancy another trip to the launderette went on Saturday and it cost me £10
just for 1 machine load and to dry it as well.
Aiden No aliens would not dare try to abduct with all you aroundYesterday went better than expected really Mr T has started to really talk now I think it is helping that he has something to take his mind off of it. He said to me today that if he seems to keep looking up at me when he reads the eulogy it will be because it will help him. he has put in some humorous bits about his brother hopefully to raise a few smiles from family members. As far as ages are concerned I will be 71 on the 30th of the month where have the years gone. as you may have seen on Fb it would also have been my dads birthday on the 3rd of this month he would have been 99. and if you are only as old as you feel I would be about 171. Glad mother was doing her motherly bit for Sleek. Thank you for the hugs and sparkles. if the more you weigh it is harder to be kidnapped thats ok by me.
Joan Thank you this can be a very difficult time the waiting for the funeral. its a week tomorrow.
Mig I love the call the midwife Blanket where did you get the pattern. I would love to knit one for our next great grandbaby that my grandson and partner are expecting in July August time.
I am also doing a granny square with my odd left overs of yarn at the moment too.
Kath well with that group I think aliens would be too scared to try it especially the Hogwarts pusscats and silver too, and well think they would have to be quick to catch the cloak at work. m0150
Toni those photos are fantastic
Barbara Yes I think Mr T is a bit nervous and will be happy when it is over but it seems to be giving him something to do.
Well I suppose it is potter time think I may have a little potter down o the sanctuary and visit the all the lovelies down there. may have to kidnap a couple of bush babies while I am at it
Love and sparkles to all t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006Stay positive always👍xx0 -
Hi to all - quite mild this afternoon and evening, although Toni will be feeling very chilly, after the break, in warm climates. t110007
Another two days, well, one day now Carol, for you to wait for the engineer to come and sort out / kick - the washing machine. That seems a lot of money to wash and dry one load £10 :shock:
We would not let aliens abduct you, unless we were all going on a trip around the Universe and back.
I am so glad that Mr T is chatting away, it is good to hear. Definitely have you as a focal point while he is speaking at the funeral, it will concentrate his mind and if he needs to, he can look at you and take a little break. t4591
A little humour always lightens the pain of what is a very difficult time. I made sure that the Chaplain who took Mums funeral, told the story of when Mother blew away in a high wind :shock:fortunately the railings stopped her, or she might never have been seen again :shock: :shock: :shock: t110007
So you are 71 at the end of this month and feel 171:shock:
I did see the post on FB about your Dad, who would have been 99, bless him. t115006
You are always welcome to hugs and sparklest4591 t115006 they are free, for all and from all.
By all means, take some bush babies home, as long as you have some biscuits, they will be more than happy
Hi to everyone else, Toni will be getting over a bit of jet lag and coming back to British time again. Do they say that going east to west, is better than going west to east - now I have confused myself.
I remember having jet lag when we came back from LA, that was a lonnnnnng flight :? I think I lost a couple of days.
Sleek said it was lovely to have her family back in her house (still being a bit dramatic over the starvation regime she has been on) :? :roll: :roll:
Well, it is time for another potter, Mother is shrieking at her biscuits :roll: :roll: :shock: bless.
At home today, will ring surgery, see if there is a letter from my GP
Everyone take lots of care. Lots of Love and Sparkles t4591 t115006 t115006 XXX Aidan
Cheesy Mashed Potato BallsXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Those cheese potato balls look yummy.
Well I went to knit and natter today haven't been for a few weeks as we had christmas and I had the cough felt alright everyone said nice to have you back EXCEPT one woman though very friendly is a doom and gloom merchant she said you look bad still I wouldn't have come out if I was you :shock: I suppose there's one in every group.
Spag bol for tea with garlic bread.0 -
Hi all - just a quick word, otherwise I will be considered AWOL
Cough and cold seem to be back with me, blinking bugs I am sick of it.
Been a pottering day, neighbour came round, had bad angina, :shock: I said her pulse was very rapid and getting irregular, despite GTN sprays - so, in end rang Drs, who called an ambulance and she has gone to hospital for blood tests etc. :? :? All in a days goings on here. :shock:
Much immaculising, including mothers facilities, which has resulted in excessive shrieking :shock: :shock: :shock:
Hi Mig, there is always one isn't there. Just what you want to make you feel better. When people say to me, "are you alright, you look tired" - I am blo--y tired, but, that's par for the course :roll: :roll:
Apart from Mrs Doom and gloom, glad you enjoyed your knit and natter. Spg Bol sounds yummy too, not had that in years. Quorn makes the same yummy recipe.
Hi to everyone else, sorry I am here and gone. I will write more later............he says, with the best intentions.
Love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 Take care XXXXX Aidan
Fresh Cream Strawberry CakeXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Evening all..its been a lovely day ..but clear sky I see so going cold
Aiden I love the pic about being to heavy to be I am safe...
so you got wet it was horrible...our GC is very quiet ..and there is a sale on mind you next week they reduced to 75% off..I have never seen so many chocolates and other stuff left...
your poor mum being blown away you say its nice to have a smile at funerals..
bet your mum was saying they would talk about that..
My neighbours is going to put the house up for salehe will not pay anything and still says he cant afford to..its so sad..and my friend is home and struggling but he has some good friends around him...think I will try the strawberry cake..with fresh cream..thankyou..
Carol not long then till your washer is mended..but long enough..gosh the launderette have gone up ...can you imagine having to do that regular..I am sure that Mr T will do a brilliant job for his I said to Aiden its good to be able the smile at a funeral....but not alwasy easy...I am 69 this not far behind..
Mig what a shame the lady had to bring you down..or try to.. :roll: you go off what you feel and never mind them..
Kath now I know what Goulash will tuck in ..
and its good for the heart wonder if it will help my blood pressure....have you been walkabout today its been nice and sunny here..
Hope Joan and Sue are ok..and Toni is resting up but I think not...
right I am of for a walkabout..
Love to everyone
t4591 t115006 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
Hello everyone sorry to be so late in had a busy day (again) all washing caught up on even did Sleek's bedding(s).
Also got Lucy motivated to do her OU course work. Started to read a bit myself it was very interesting I must say!
Then had friends of....trustees meeting this evening!
Will have some cake! Off to the booth......taptaptaptap APTAPTAPTAPTAPTAP! SPATTT!
I hope Aidan's neighbour is ok :? safety first I think definitely
Sorry to be so late and so tired will try to catch up tomorrow
But the 22nd is in the cloak's diary for that spinal :shock: I can help hold you still Lucy had chemo in her spine so many times I lost count!
Toni xx0 -
Hi to all -
You are quite right Barbara, it is crystal clear and frosty t110007 t110007 oisutuvely chilly by the back door.
It's true, the more you weigh, the harder it is to be kidnappedNot sure what they would get as ransom for me :shock: :shock: certainly not my chocolates.
You will be off to the GC again next week, if there is a 75% sale on. Just imagine what they actually pay for things in the first place. Still making a profit after reducing something by 75% :shock: :shock:
I know, poor Mother. She blew away when she was at school, she blew across the playground and off into the railings. She said the others ran in and said that Audrey had blown away :shock: :shock:
It is sad that your neighbour is putting the house up for sale. I just don't get it that he cannot afford anything towards the mortgage. Where will they move to? A big worry for her and the children.
Good to hear that your friend is at home and has some excellent friends around to make sure he is ok. Sending your neighbour and your friend some extra sparkles t115006 t115006
Hope you enjoyed the fresh cream cakeI see Toni found one
Ah, there you areI see immaculising has been going on at Sleeks house as well. It must be that time of year. Early spring cleanings.
Sleek did say that her bedding had gone into the wishy washy thingy. Mother was going to donate some of her spare blankies, bless her.
Lucy has been busy with her OU courseand a friends of the trustee's meeting to finish the day.
Neighbour is home, the blood test came back ok, the Dr was saying it is not angina it is oesophagitis, there was a big discussion and upset with the Dr, who apologised in the end, when he realised that she has another coronary artery that is 70% blocked and has had nothing done about it in five years. He has referred her to Cardio to be seen asap.
They have just rung again, wanting advice about taking more aspirin. Matron is always on call.
Kath posted on FB that they are having internet issues, might not be on until Thursday. I said I would pass on the news.
Neighbours just called again, I can see me having to go round soon, so I had better not delay.
Big Hi to everyone else, will have another catch up today..........
Hoping to hear from GP today, re letter for DWP.
Love and Sparkles to all XXXXX Aidan t4591 t115006 t115006
Danish Pastry ?XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Oh dear me Aidan!! Your poor neighbour how annoying the hospital treating her wrongly. Glad they know now and hopefully will see a cardio ASAP.
Thing is it's frightening you heart, breathing anything like that which is why Matron is on call :?
Sleek did borrow one of Mother's blankies yesterday and is bringing it back later on. She nipped up for some frozen dew for the nymphs but said Tosca didn't want to go today. Her bones couldn't face the chill she said. Expect some noise later when she comes over with the blankie!
Imagine your poor Mum getting blown away! How old was she?
A quick woo-ooo! to Joan
I'll be back later
Toni xx0 -
Well that was quick, well done BT, we're back online.
So I'll help myself to a huge slice of fresh cream strawberry cream cake, followed by a couple of Danish pastries as a celebration, thank you Aidan and thank you for passing on my FB message from yesterday.
Wrapped up warm here, 'cos even though it's sunny, it's freezing. Got my three layers on, with my blankie round my legs. Mother would be proud of me.
Winter fruit compote Category: Breakfast, Dessert | Serves: 2-3
Prep time: 10 minutes, plus overnight chilling | Cooking time: 5 minutes, if serving warm
INGREDIENTS 225g (8oz) mixed dried fruit of your choice or dried fruit salad (such as apricots, pitted prunes, peaches, pears and apple rings)
100ml (3 1/2fl oz) unsweetened apple juice
100ml (3 1/2fl oz) unsweetened orange juice
1/2 teaspoon mixed spice
10g (1/4 oz) toasted flaked almonds (optional)
Put dried fruit in a bowl. Pour juices into a jug. Add mixed spice and whisk together. Add juice to fruit and mix well. Cover and chill in refrigerator for several hours or overnight. If serving compote cold, remove it from fridge and stand at room temperature for about 1 hour before serving. If serving warm, transfer fruit and juices to a small pan and heat gently. Stirring occasionally. Alternatively, put compote in a microwave-safe container, cover loosely and heat on High for about 2 minutes (or until hot), stirring once. Remove from heat; cool slightly before serving. Divide compote between 2 serving bowls; sprinkle with flaked almonds (if using). Serve on its own or topped with a little low-fat natural yoghurt. Variations Ground cinnamon can be substituted for the mixed spice. Try sprinkling the compote with toasted seeds instead of the flaked almonds Cook's tips Try snipping the dried fruit into pieces with scissors before adding the juice.
Love to all, glad you're keeping warm. t4591 t110007 t4591"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Afternoon all sunny again but sooo cold.. think we, well i do forget how cold it can get
Aiden sorry I forget to mention your poor neighbour scary for its a blocked artery..gosh I hope they get there skates on and treat it properly...
Thanks for the hugs for our neighbour and my friend..its such a worry for her she told the children this might be the last Christmas in there house..its all a think we used to take her husband out with his sister when they were little was his mums house they bought next door.. :x
wont be going back to the GC you say ..I always feel for people that paid full price.. :roll: hope yours and Bs cough is easing ..and fingers crossed you hear form your MP today.. t4591 t115006 and thankyou for the pastries..I like the ones with the vanilla cream in the mind has gone blank and I have forgotten the name :?
Toni what course is the OU course..I hope Lucy does really well whatever it is..the worse bit is washing after an holiday... :roll: hope the meeting goes well..if you have not already had it :?
Kath that is my kind of OH thinks its alien ...not a breakfast at all
Now were is Joan I hope all is well xx
OH has gone to pick up Niamh from will have to move
Love to everyone
t4591 t115006 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
Hi to all, poof and the day has gone................................
Went to pick dad up at 1030 as usual, he was still in bed, bless him, so it was quite a wait, gave us time to sort his repeats and alter a vascular appointment that we found, out of the blue. :roll: :roll:
By the time we got into town, it was more than coffee time. I had three freebies on my Nero's app, so free drinks for all, plus some pastries, I was greedy and had twoam I bothered, no.
Neighbour is all booked in to see GP tomorrow Toni, I wasn't called on again last night.
I can understand her concerns, having been there twice myself, heart attack wise. It alters your mind set completely and permanently. Not quite waiting for God O, but along those lines, it takes a lot of managing.
I am sure the Cardio team will pick up very soon.
I think the blankie has arrived back, Mother has been shrieking her head off in the bedroom and I head the wardrobe door closing. The sweets in the bedroom are vanishing at a rate of knots. Sleek and Mother are diving in.
No, she didn't want to move from her ottoman today, keeping close to the radiators, when she saw the thick frost t110007 t110007 there was no way she was for going up on Pendle.
The car windscreen was frozen inside and out :shock: :shock:
I think Mum would have been about 12, she left school before she was 14, to start working as a seamstress. Long hard hours. Imagine what young folks of today would say, at that age. Off you go and earn your keep.
I am glad your internet is working now mi ducky, aka KathBT have excelled themselves. You dive into that cake by all means.
You keep wrapped up, another cold night tonight. Mind you, we could have snow like they have in Austria and Germany, umpteen feet of it :shock: :shock: :shock:
Dad bought a new fleecy blankie in Sainsbury's today, to keep his tootsies warm when he is nodding in his chair. I said, you had 12 hours sleep last night, so you don't need to be napping
Winter fruit compote - I will try it, I am not a fruit lover really, but, with lashings of yoghurt and maybe some cream, I am sure it will be ok, thank you kindly.
We do forget how cold it can be here, imagine all that snow they have had in Europe and in north America.............we would be up to our necks in it :shock: :shock:
I am sure out neighbour will be seen asap, now that they actually realise she had been forgotten for the past 5 years:roll: :roll: I think she will be complaining.
Your neighbour and friend are all welcome to hugs and thoughts t4591 such a difficult time for them all. So it was the Ex's mums house, gosh, all those memories............
B's cough and cold seems to have waned, mine is still in full flow again. :roll: :roll: :roll: totally sick of it now. I will be back at the Drs soon, as my chest is not getting better at all. I think it is Bronchitis, which takes ages to clear, that plus the COPD, makes it all the more difficult to get rid of. It will get there I am sure, eventually.
No word from my MP, no word from the Drs, re any letters. I am getting a bit jittery as they only give you 28 days to get everything back to the DWP. I will ring them if needs be and ask for an extension. MP will be in parliament all week, as it is major Brexit fall outs and votes and rows and shoutings................... :roll: :roll: goodness knows what the outcome will be. He is very good though and always cares well for his constituents.
The custard Danish, are they the ones you mean? I had one of them today, along with a chocolate danish twist. I would have happily had three, I was that way out. :?
Right, stand by your beds, Niamh is en route. Enjoy, then put your feet up later ont4591 t4591
hi to everyone else, Carol, Kerrin, Christine, Elizabeth, DD, Toady, SW, Mig, Joan and Sue
I had best be pottering, sort some dishes, laundry to fold, T, then siesta............
Much love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 will call back later. XXXX AidanXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Kath I am very pleased you are back online so quickly
I also am layered up and considering lighting the fire too....
That compote sounds yummy although you know me I'd add a large dollop of clotted cream
Hi Barbara Lucy is doing a Teaching Assistant course it's ever so interesting. useful for me to understand a bit too as I am usually her chief typer-upper!
I am very sad for your neighbour. He is not a nice man you know to do that to his children. Of course he could afford to pay the mortgage with her! I bet you are ashamed that that sweet little boy turned out so badly
I hope Niamh has a lovely visit!
I know I was worried too...I hope our Joan is ok :?
Afternoon AidanThe day has flown by here too a haze of ironing and bed changing (human
Dad lying in eh? It sounds as though it was useful to be honest! Lots of treats at Nero's and you certainly deserve a treat with all the hassle you are having!
I watched a short film 'I Daniel Blake' about the very subject it was excellent and should be compulsory viewing for all DWP assessment staff.
Your neighbour will get things in as much perspective as you ever can after such a scary experience I hope the GP can help.
Poor Bette frozen inside and out!! bless her. Yes Sleek copes ok with chilly weather she likes making dragon breath. Sorry she keeps eating the sweets, she took some to Tommy because his mummy and Daddy are still away and Aunty Kari is feeding and cuddling him ATM.
Too right we worked earlier and our parents even earlier my own Mum was 13. I think someone should remember that we started work as kids and kids today are 18 (23 if the go to 'Uni'!) before they even start!! So us retiring at 69 is a tad unfair.
Right I've made Paul's favourite toasted red pepper soup for tea got some yummy bread to go with it. Remotely healthy until I add some president butter - by the slice!!!
I hope Carol is ok, Mr T is coping ok too. ((())) I bet she's already loosing her Christmas weight!!
Toni xxx0 -
evening all
just a little update we are fine washing machine now sorted. and back in service thank goodness. will post more tomorrow as a bit busy tonight and time is running away with me.
so off I go will post tomorrow when I have a bit more time.
love and sparkles to all t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006Stay positive always👍xx0 -
Off for an MRI on my sternum this afternoon anybody free to come along ?0
Absolutely mig in
the cloak will gather everyone up and we'll all be there.
Carol I am very pleased to hear the washer is all back and working. So long as you are ok that's all we care about you post when you have five minutes
Where is our Joan? :? I hope she's alright :?
All is well here Sleek was out early doors fetched some frosted dew and brought Mother back a take-out cat milk and sardine catnini.
Love to everyone
Toni xxx0 -
Morning all..yes morning
very icy out there..our friends in Scotland are having warmer weather.. :shock:
Mig I will be under the cloak..and I hope the results are ok or at least helpful x
Carol I am so pleased your washer is up and it has never stopped..
Aiden so dad was in bed..bless..but you got there in the end and a free coffee to boot..glad your neighbour didnt need you in the night..I can only imagine how its always there at the back of your mind..
I do hope you hear something soon form your MP ..I think the 28 days pressure they put on people is awful :x :x has though its not bad enough... t115006 t115006
Our neighbour bought the house off his mum when they got married.. she will get half..but thats not the you say how could he do this to his children
I hope you can get on top of that chest infection..maybe like you say another visit to your GP... t4591
Toni I am with you, I remember now that Lucy was doing her teaching assistant course,,this is what my neighbour did and she loves her mum started work at 14 straight into service at a big house that owned a slaughter house.. :shock:
now toasted red pepper soup..crusty bread and presidents butter..did you save me some..
Was suppose to be meeting my niece today but she is poorly..a chest infection and has to have bloods done..
So I will stay by the fire..
Love to everyone
t4591 t115006 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
I am under the cloak Mig, all eyes and ears
Hope all goes ok with the MRI XX
Having a lazy day ourselves, this permanent cold is driving me nuts.
Misty and chilly here, no frosts though. Mother enjoyed her catnini - with essence of fish
Hope you and yours are ok Toni, is it choir tonight ? I am sure Barbara will be there, as her Niece is poorly with a chest infection. Bless her. Whatever bugs that are doing the rounds are just horrid. :shock:
I am ever hopeful that someone writes, or rings, or gets back to me asap. Time is ticking, for Bette to be returned :? :?
Right, washing busy away, everywhere seems tidy enough.........not that the Queen is visiting
Catch you later XXXX t4591 t115006 AidanXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hello Carol Mig Toni Aidan
. Carol that's good the washing machine working again.
. Mig I will be there for you when you have the MRI don't worry (((((()))))
. Toni I hope you are having a good day
. Barbara I hope everything is going well for you how is the computer.
. Aidan sorry you still have the cold how is B's cold((((())))).
. we are ok thank you I had a Doctors app mon for heartburn
. Tues morning Dentist sue has to go for 3 weeks then she gets her teeth. yesterday I came on the forum was closed so back to day.
. take car everyone
. joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Oh dear me, still lots of coughs, colds and chesties. So horrible. And where is Joan and Sue? Hope they are both OK. :? I'm not surprised dad wants to stay in bed. Blankies all round, plus hats gloves and fluffy socks - and now Aidan has mentioned the 'S' word. NOOOO. :shock:
Any way, Cumin-spiced parsnip soup
Category: Main meal, Snack/side dish, Soup | Serves: 4-6
Prep time: 15 minutes | Cooking time: 40 minutes
INGREDIENTS 2 teaspoons olive oil
1 large onion, chopped
1 clove garlic, crushed
3-4 sticks celery (about 175g/6oz total trimmed weight), chopped
1 tablespoon ground cumin
750g (1lb 10oz) parsnips (about 4 large parsnips), peeled and roughly chopped
1.2 litres (2 pints) good quality vegetable stock
Freshly ground black pepper, to taste
Chopped fresh parsley or coriander, to garnish Heat olive oil in large, non-stick saucepan. Add onion, garlic and celery; cook gently for 5 minutes, or until softened, stirring occasionally. Add cumin; cook gently, stirring, for 1 minute to release its flavour. Stir in parsnips, stock and black pepper. Bring to the boil; reduce heat, cover and simmer for about 30 minutes, or until vegetables are tender, stirring occasionally. Remove pan from heat; cool slightly. Puree soup in blender or food processor until smooth; return soup to rinsed-out pan. Alternatively, use a hand-held blender to carefully puree soup in pan until smooth. Reheat soup gently until hot, stirring occasionally. Serve in warmed soup bowls with a sprinkling of chopped herbs to garnish. Variations Use carrots in place of parsnips. 1 large red onion can be substituted for the standard onion, if desired. Add an extra 1 teaspoon ground cumin for a slightly stronger spicy flavour.
You can't beat a nourishing hot bowl of soup with a chunk of crusty bread in this weather. t110007 t4591 t115006"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Good evening all you lovely people
Had a lovely afternoon with my elderly aunt today, Mr T decided he needed a day to himself today ahead of the coming week. so took himself out this morning around 10am into central London he apparently didn't get back home until around five this evening I got back from aunt about 6.15pm I stayed a little longer as she had a stream of family visitors some whom I have not seen for a long while. In fact one of my cousins daughters turned up with her little boy who is 3 and today was the first time I had really met him. he's a little cutie not shy at all five minutes after arriving he was chatting away to me quite happily.Stay positive always👍xx0
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