Val's Cafe



  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Good Evening all you lovely people

    Not a bad day today Mr T decided he needed a day to himself to basically what lies ahead of us next he took himself off this morning about 10 o'clock. So I took myself off to visit my elderly aunt. I had a lovely afternoon as she had a stream of family visitors all afternoon, some who I have not seen for ages. In fact one of her granddaughters turned up with her little boy who is three, and I had never met him until today. he is a little cutie not at all shy. after only 5 mins after coming in the door he was chatting away to me as if I see him regularly.
    As I said washing machine now working the problem was a couple of small cane bit from our dirty laundry basket blocking the drain pipe. repaired in less than 15 mins. The only blip today was I lost my cool with our youngest daughter she is driving us mad about her arrangements for getting to the funeral on Tuesday she cant make her mind which way she wants to go, That was I lost it and told her our arrangements and said this Is what we are doing you do what you need to and just let us know where you want to meet us so we all arrive together. Eldest will be coming to us on Monday late afternoon and staying with us overnight so we can go together.

    I think the phrase everything come is threes is spot on our loo has a very delayed action when you flush it will call engineer out after the funeral again this I covered by British Gas and then yesterday I find my laptop battery must need changing because I have to have it plugged in to the mains it will not run on the battery only it's a good job I only use it at home. but again that is under an insurance so another job to do this can also wait until after the funeral.

    tomorrow I will have our usual meal out with Mr T then onto meet my friend for our coffee and knitting or in my case crochet at the moment. So quite a normal day. just as well because next week will be a very busy one lots of things going on.

    Just a little picture of our cheeky little Rubie-Leigh to make you all smile

    I think it is time for a potter now hope you are all as ok as can be at this time of year.

    Love and sparkles to you all
    t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all -
    Misty murky again here, Pendle has vanished into cloud.

    Hi Joan and Sue - fancy finding the forum closed, must have been a glitch in the system somewhere. Good that you are back with us again :)

    Colds, I think mine is a bit better as the day has gone on, it has lasted more than long enough. B is fine now, all gone. Dad was over his cold in 24 hours :shock: unlike yours truly, 24 days :roll: :roll:

    Sue will be happy when she has her new teeth, just the interim wait for the gums to heal.

    Hi Kath, there is snow on the horizon, a week or so away I think. Hopefully nothing like the snow they have had in Europe, Turkey, Greece, Austria and Germany have had umpteen feet of snow t110007 :shock: :shock: bringing everything to a standstill. The weather said, Britain is protected from the path of icy air from the arctic and Siberia, by the jet stream. Famous last words, let's not tempt fate. The jet stream can and does move, as it so pleases.

    Blankies all round, to keep any sneaky chills at bay. I am sure Dad will be up and about today, when we go round. Probably been up since the crack of dawn.

    Spiced parsnip soup, ooooooh, thank you kindly, I might have to have two helpings, with crusty bread and slices of butter :D:D:lol::lol:
    I forgot to put a cake out and also no breakfast, I am slacking. :oops: :oops:

    Hi Carol - I am sure Mr T wanted to take a bit of time out, gather thoughts, reflect and remember. Ready for next week, which will be difficult enough, but we will all be there, quietly, supporting. t115006 t4591
    You had a good time visiting your Auntie - who had a gathering of visitors. Nice to have a catch up and meet new members of the family :)

    It was "bits" that were blocking the drain on the washer, ooops. Plastic one on the horizon maybe :? :? At least it didn't take long to fix, which is good.

    Oh dear, having "words" with your youngest. Well, you stick to what you are doing, along with your eldest and as you say, let others do what they need to do. As long as you all end up meeting on time etc. t115006

    Now the Loo, oh and the laptop, both need attention :shock: :shock: as you say, things that can be done in the fullness of time. Both covered under insurance, so that's a good thing.

    What a cutie picture of Rubie Leigh, bless her t4591 t4591

    Enjoy lunch and your crochet and natter with your friend, over a coffee or two :)

    Hope everyone else is ok, Did Barbara turn up for choir practice Toni, or was there a delay, in the shed :lol::lol:
    Sleek was over, to eat some more sweets :shock: :lol::lol: there has been shrieking in the bedroom.
    Mother says she might go out this morning, if she is feeling up to it. Mists are plentiful at the moment. t115006 t115006 The Nymphs have gone on holiday apparently :shock: who new that they went on vacation :o

    Right. Time I was a pottering again. Off out for a coffee / scone, with Dad, then a little shopping. Will call in at the surgery, see if there is a letter waiting. Have to gather Dads prescription anyway, so no harm in asking.

    Love and Sparkles to everyone in and about t4591 t115006 XXX Aidan

    Sweet Potato Waffles

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Oh I am very glad all is well with you Joan and Sue too. New teeth are imminent I see Sue will be pleased :)

    Barbara told me at choir practise that you had posted Barbara I know you lovely neighbour will get half but is it enough for her to house the children and herself? I hope she still has legal support?

    You made it to choir maybe a little late but in time for the AGM, nuts crisp chocolates and wine!! Not sure you needed much as you'd already been in the shed :lol:

    I hope your niece soon recovers.

    Kath thank you for the parsnip soup it will make a change from my parsnip and apple soup :)

    I hope all is well with you and Chris?

    Aidan Mother did come out this morning with Sleek! They went to see Silver and family as there were no nymphs to visit. They also popped in to inspect Aunty Kari's decorating of Tommy's Mum and Dad's bedroom while they have been away.

    I do hope the Dr's letter is ready I can't bear the thought of Bette going I feel sick to the stomach thinking of it :cry:

    I think there was a warning that the forum would be down briefly for maintenance so Joan must have just been unlucky.

    I washed all the people's blankies yesterday so they all smell lovely :)

    Sleek is still napping in our bed under the duvet between our pillow :animal_busy:

    Carol you are very wise to give Mr T some space you know him so well and are absolutely the right wife for him!

    As Aidan said we will all be there for you next week ((()))

    How lovely a day did you have! Meeting an adorable little boy and seeing your own Auntie. Rubie-Leigh is soooo sweet really made me smile :)

    Glad the washer is fixed but sorry your repair list is growing.... :roll:

    Why do some people have to make life difficult. the funeral next week is about Mr T not your youngest daughter! You made your plans jolly well stick to them!

    mig - I hope all went well yesterday ((()))


    Toni xxx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning Sue and Joan, you seem to be invisible on my manky laptop ( I've probably upset it good and proper now) But I hear you had trouble with the forum, so maybe that's the problem. Hope you are both well. m0150 m0150 The sun is beaming here, but still icy cold, hence the blankie etc. t4591

    Aidan thank you for the sweet potato waffle. Must trot over to th BHF to look for some heart friendly vegan or veggie goodies. Oh the very thing, whatever else you are having, make sure you have some Lower-fat spiced chips.

    Category: Snack/side dish, Starter/snack | Serves: 4

    Prep time: 7-10 minutes | Cooking time: 15-20 minutes

    INGREDIENTS 450g/1lb potatoes, peeled

    1 tablespoon olive oil

    1 teaspoon lemon juice

    1/2 teaspoon red chilli powder

    Pre-heat the oven to gas mark 4, 180°C (350°F) Slice the potatoes into 2cm/¾in thick chips. Blanch in boiling water for 2 minutes, then drain and return to the pan. Mix the oil, lemon juice and chilli powder. Pour this mixture over the chips, toss them in the pan and coat them evenly. Place on a non-stick cooking mat in a baking tray in the oven for 15-20 minutes. Turn the chips as necessary, until cooked and golden brown.

    Toni, plenty for Kari too. Did you wash my blankie as well? It certainly smells gorgeous when I snuggle down into it, so thank you.

    Carol, what a peach Rubie Leigh is. She looks a happy little love, she must lift Mr T's spirits just to see her.

    Barbara has been in the shed again, :roll: as long as she's happy.

    t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Aidan Toni Carol
    . Kathleen I'm sitting here in the recliner with a fleece over my legs and Lexi on my lap. Sue has gone to town I have a cold and cough I took the dogs for their walk.
    Aidan I hope you are feeling a bit better yesterday the forum said closed for maintenance ((((()))))
    . Toni did you have a nice holiday and a rest.
    . Carol lovely photo of Rubie Leigh she looks a little darling.
    . take care
    . joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • mig
    mig Member Posts: 7,154
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Sorry I didn't post about MRI yesterday was completely wiped out 45 mins in the machine it was very uncomfortable laying still for all that time places ached I didn't know could ache.My daughter picked me up when she had finished work and we got stuck in rush hour traffic was gasping for a cuppa.They said it could take a week to 10 days for the report to go to rheumy.
    Fish cakes for tea today with homemade veg rice.
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello all..very dark here..but milder..
    Toni sorry I was late but all those gins in the many flavours to try.. :lol: I wish.. our friend has opened a gin bar in our little town..he keeps asking us to join him..would have done years ago when I could drink :roll: but I enjoyed the sweets and biscuit at the choir.. :D
    Joan so glad you and Joan I was going to say ok.. but I see you have the cough and cold..oh I hope its leaves you alone very soon ..did the doctor give you anything for the heartburn... :?: I see that Sue is nearer getting her teeth..I hope they fit really well..
    Kath cumin is good for you so they say..I might just try the soup in my soup maker.. :D I have my fleecy blanket here over my legs snug and warm :D
    Mig that was a long scan I remember my back one and pelvis..they had to lift me I feel for you mines was only 30 mins.. :shock: hope you managed some sleep after such a long day..
    Aiden thankyou for the potatoe waffles.. :D ...hopefully you have head something today..not nice having this pressure on you.. :x t4591 t115006 a lazy day is good ..there is always something to do at home anyway... :roll: that cold is lingering..but its no wonder :roll: I did see all the snow in Germany and some in Greece can you imagine the children there bet many had never seen it..
    Carol what a lovely pic of Rubie Leigh..a proper smiley face :D Mr T has had some time In London..probably with all his thoughts ..hopefully your youngest will make her own arrangements....then you can get on with things ..not the toilet now its a good job you have the insurance.. :o
    wonder when we have snow..did you see that Scotland was much warmer than odd...
    Right better move
    Love to everyone
    t4591 t115006 t4591
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all - goodness, what a day. Sorry I didn't get on earlier, we were out at 10 and didn't come in till T time. :roll: :roll: :roll:

    Went round to Dads as normal, he was VERY confused and looked peaky to say the least. Said he wanted to breathe - alarm bells with Matron :shock: :shock: :? :? He didn't have a cough, said he had no pain, no matter how many times I asked him.
    I said to B, ring for an appointment at the Drs, if I had a stethascope I could listen for any crackles, but I cannot hear anything without one.

    Anyway, appointment booked and we went to GC, Dad had a nibble of a T cake, then left it - so not normal.

    B and I had brunch, I declined a scone, which caused a gasp, throughout the building :shock: :shock: :shock: :lol::lol::lol: what, no scone, after 10 years, no scone !!!

    A little shopping, then B and I went to look at two second hand cars, over Preston way. It seemed to take for ever to get there. Neither were suitable, one I was so uncomfortable and the other B did not feel right in it.

    It makes me feel ill that Bette is going too Toni. But, we have to make provision, no choice. I will go to Tribunal, if my appeal comes back as declined. No letters from GP or MP, I will be on the phone on Monday morning again.

    Anyway, we left and the sat nav decided to take us through every blinking country road imaginable, time was ticking down, to get back to take Dad to the end I said sign, M6, head for it, ignore the bloomin machine, it wants to take us hill and dale.

    We got back with five minutes to spare, I was thrown out of the car and B took dad to Drs. I was right Dad has a chest infection, so he is on AB's for a week. He will be less confused as the infection clears up. Bless him. We will keep extra close eyes on him, which we do already really.

    Good that Mother went out with Sleek, nice of them to see Silver and the family, then visit and inspect the decorating that Auntie Kari has done. No wonder there was shrieking galore when we came home :shock: :roll: :lol::lol:

    Oh Barbara, a little too much wine and one too many nuts :lol::lol:

    You are welcome to the waffles Kath - Thank you for the wonderful low fat spiced chips, perfect, love them, could eat them daily :)

    Been a grey day here, damp, mucky roads, that make your car look like a skip. :roll: :roll: :roll:

    That sounds nice to sit in your recliner with Lexi looking after you, a nice warm fleece too. Sorry you have a cough and cold, it is really a horrid bug this time round.

    I have not been coughing as much today, apart from choking on my supper, which was quite alarming :shock: :shock: :shock:

    Glad we were there to help a bit with the MRI Mig, you did very well to stay in there for 45 minutes, I was out within less than 4, a gibbering wreck, claustrophobia something terrible. I would not go near the department now, even the thoughts..................... :? :? I hope the results are ok. (((())) Supper sounds lovely.

    Hi barbara, they do do an alcohol free gin and tonic, not quite sure what it would taste like. There are so many flavours now, it is very much in fashion, Mothers ruin as they called it.

    As you will have read, no letters and the most non lazy day possible, just manic and draining. Maybe today will be better.

    So many people have been killed in the terrible snow storms that they have had in Switzerland Austria Germany etc. Huge avalanches, one came straight into a hotel dining area :shock: :shock: :shock: 8 feet of snow is some going, it would be to the top of our doors.

    Hope you had a nice day Carol, with Lunch and then coffee with your friend.

    Well, I am jaded, so I am going to potter a bit, I need to move my shouting bones about.

    I will try and get back to something like normal again, sometime soon, hopefully this year :lol: :shock:

    Love hugs and sparkles to everyone, in and about. t4591 t115006 ((())) Take lots of care XXXX Aidan

    Veggie sausage casserole

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Joan thank you we did have a nice break, but I much prefer home I think except for France I love France :) Sorry you have a cold. Reclining with your blanket and Lexi sounds perfect :D

    Kath Yes I washed your blankie of course do you like the smell? It's my new 'splosh' washing liquid and fabric conditioner :D

    Those chips sound lovely I wonder whether they are as nice as Barbara's husband's :?

    'Fraid our Barbara does love her gin in the shed!

    mig well-done you did well there 45 mins is dreadful. I hope the results are helpful ((()))

    Barbara you can drink gin in the shed to your heart's content and if you like tonic water why not go to your friend's gin palace anyway and enjoy the atmosphere. In the daytime though going out in the dark isn't nice is it? That's for the young-uns!

    You didn't say much at our choir AGM I think your mouth was full of chocolates!!!

    Morning Aidan I am eating my veggie casserole as I type with Noo-noo on the table top! Paul's on a diet so no nice veggie breakfast out for me at our tea rooms today or tomorrow :(

    Oh my gosh poor Dad! That explains why he was so late up the day before! I hope the ABs kick in ASAP for him and he is a little more himself today ((()))

    You are very wise to start looking at cars. I know the savings will take a hit, but no-one can take that one away from you. Sorry to be so upset about Bette, but it's almost as though she has a character and you two have nurtured her and washed her so well :(:cry: :x :x :x

    Yes chase up the letters on Monday if they haven't materialised by then. Now forget that for the weekend there's nothing you can do at the moment.

    No scone? NO SCONE??!! That's dreadful news!!! Are you quite well? :shock: :?

    It's dreadful what nature can throw down on us; tsunamis tornados and the like and now snow :( I can't imagine those poor people :(

    Mother came over here this morning with Sleek and Mrs D to inspect Sleek's Daddy's new garage! Oh yes all done and dusted so he should be happy. I am glad it's done my tea (and sugar) supplies are much depleted!!!

    The nymphs are still away so they are looking for things to do I'm afraid they cleaned out Sleek's ickle house and now I have to tidy up all around it neatly tied bin bags and a cattity pile. That is going to the lady in the village's charity - our local cat's protection. I hope Mother hasn't brought any rubbish home with her :roll:

    I hope Carol's going ok. Hopefuly she is crocheting away and keeping calm :)

    Right better get on!

    Love to everyone

    Toni xx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Mig Barbara Aidan Toni
    . Mig I know I've had MRI's you feel worn out(((())))
    . Barbara yes I have medicine from the Doctors and I'm waiting for a hospital app. how are you((())))
    . Aidan sorry about your Dads chest infection I hope it don't stay too long good luck on finding the right car((((()))))
    . Toni yes there's nothing like your own bed((((()))))
    . take care have a good weekend
    . joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • mig
    mig Member Posts: 7,154
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all,What a miserable morning here grey and drizzling .
    My daughter saw someone somewhere making tuna burgers so that's what she's making for tea, love it the she's not working she she experiments with cooking ,we are having chinese take away tomorrow so we can eat while watching the skating hubby is having a pie.
    Going shopping in a little while need fresh veg and salad.
    Hope you all have a good day.Mig
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Well, what a dreqdful dismal day. t110007 t111055 t110007 t111055 Hope all are in the warm and feeling not too bad. I know Aidan will be anxious about his letters. And we can all understand that. t115006 t4591 t115006

    I have an awful tight feeling in my lower back and hips. It's really annoying, as I can't get comfy at all and can't relax. BLEUGH :?

    Mig, enjoy your Tuna burgers, while hubby enjoys his pie. What a kind daughter. t4591

    Aidan, I hope dad's chest recovers soon.

    Toni, thank you for making my blankie soft and sweet smelling. I'll have to get some SPLOSH myself, but you are so much better than I am at housewifey stuff, so I might get some and send it to you.

    Fresh strawberry scones

    Category: Dessert, Starter/snack | Serves: 4

    Prep time: 15 minutes | Cooking time: 10-12 minutes

    INGREDIENTS 115g (4oz) self-raising wholemeal flour

    1/2 teaspoon baking powder

    1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon

    25g (1 oz) sunflower spread

    15g (1/2 oz) caster sugar

    70g (2 1/2 oz) hulled fresh strawberries, chopped

    About 4 tablespoons skimmed milk, plus a little extra for glazing
    Preheat oven to 220ºC/fan 200ºC/gas mark 7. Lightly flour a non-stick baking sheet; set aside. Combine flour, baking powder and cinnamon in a bowl; rub in sunflower spread until mixture resembles breadcrumbs. Stir in sugar, strawberries and enough milk to form a soft dough. Lightly knead dough on lightly floured surface. Divide into 4 equal portions; shape each one into a circle roughly 6cm (2 1/2 in) in diameter, or if you prefer, shape into triangles where the sides are about 8cm (3in) long. Place on baking sheet; brush tops with milk to glaze. Bake for 10-12 minutes. Transfer to a wire rack to cool. Serve scones warm or cold, split and spread with a little strawberry jam and topped with fresh strawberry slices. Fresh strawberry scones and of course, lashings of Toni's never endng supply of fresh cream.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all -
    Just a quick hi...............

    Dad has been round here for a good part of the day, B went to pick him up, made sure his AB's had been taken, he had a little bit to eat for lunch, then went back, in time for his next AB. He was ok, chatting (confused at times), watched the winter sports. Said he felt reasonably ok.

    We will keep matronly eyes on him, to make sure the AB's are kicking in.

    Waving to everyone, will write more later. Cough and cold seems to finally be waning, yippee :D:D

    Love and Sparkles till later t4591 t115006 XXX Aidan
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi again - t110007 t110007 a bit breezy here tonight

    So, Paul is on a diet then Toni, so now brekkies out at the GC, that will never do. You will have to come with us to ours, they do a nice veggie one :)

    True, no one can take a car off us if we buy it outright. If, if, I am awarded the higher rate mobility, then we can always re join the scheme after 6 months, but, while all the waiting and appeals etc are going on, we cannot be without a vehicle that is comfortable and reliable.

    Bette does have a lovely character and we have loved her to pieces, gleaming for the most part, mucky at the moment :roll: :roll:

    I have really tried not to over think the DWP this week end, we are going to look at a few cars today, not far away and I know exactly where they are, sans sat nav :D:D It might involve a visit to Costa and something yummy, rude not to while we are over that neck of the woods.

    I will chase up the letters on Monday, trouble is, MP is up to the eyes in the flamin Brexit votings, so a super busy time for him.

    I know, no scone, poor Beth, one of the waitresses that spoils us rotten, nearly fell over :shock: :lol::lol:

    The deluge of snow in Europe has been terrible, 7 or more feet of it, is some going, quite a lot killed in avalanches. Then the gas explosion in Paris bakery :cry::cry::o

    Mother and I were awake on and off from 5am :shock: :shock: :roll: :roll: goodness knows why, maybe because she was up and down, eating sweets, then all quiet...............obviously when she was visiting Pauls new garage with her dearest friends. Sleek was very excited, as was Mrs Darcey. Mother was impressed :)

    I hear that the Nymphs have gone into a magical forest, that is far away on the other side of the Enchanted forest. A very exclusive retreat, where Nymphs can recharge their magical powers. Mother said, "look, here is the place they are at" - what does Mother not know :shock: :shock:


    Mother wants to throw out some blankies, she says they are not quite plush enough now. :roll: :roll: I think the de clutter of Sleeks ickle house has set her in to Spring cleaning.

    Hi Joan and Sue. Hope you are feeling a little better Joan, sending extra ((())). Keep warm and snug and lots of fluids and any medicines necessary. Big hi to Sue as well and pats to the lovely doggies. Dad will be ok, we keep a very close eye on him, even more so when he is not so well.

    We will find the right car, we will know, immediately. As soon as I get in and I feel supported, can stretch my legs right out to my tip toes, then I am sorted, for all our short journeys. We don't go far.

    Hi Mig, it has been a grey and damp day, blowing a hooly at the moments.
    Tuna burgers, now, they sound interesting. If you find a recipe, it would be worth posting, I would get B to make them :)

    Chinese takeaway, mmmmmm, not had one in so many years I have forgotten. Special fried rice, sweet and sour veggies, chips, there has to be chips, prawn crackers too. Enjoy both the food and the skating, hope OH enjoys his pie :)

    Hi Kath, you are having the same weather, pretty miserable, at least it isn't snowing, yet............... :? :? there are musings of a Beast from the East, on its way in a week or two. :shock: :shock:

    Magical healing squares on the way, to help with your lower back and hips. I can totally sympathise with not being able to get comfortable, or relax (a word that is not in my vocabulary). t115006 t115006 t4591
    Some of the possums will come over, to cuddle up and keep your ouchies at bay.

    Anxious, me, no, not a bit of it :? :? much. I am sure things will sort out ok in the end, it is all the waiting and waiting...................

    I can hep with any blankies that need Sploshing :lol::lol: very domesticated Matron :)

    Fresh strawberry scones, perfectly perfect. Thank you kindly. Thank you Toni for the endless clotted cream supplies.

    We have had a quiet evening, opened one of the boxes of choccies, well it is a big star, by the Cocoa and Co Chocolatier Prive no less, very exclusive apparently, Sainsb had the sole rights to sell it at Christmas, it is only found in top hotels normally. Anyway, we both enjoyed a good munch, only ate half, between us. VERY nice it was too. No, I won't be checking my blood sugar tonight :shock: :? :? :?

    Right, onwards, time for a cuppa. Time for more pills, time for another potter.

    Hi to Carol, Kerrin, Christine, Toady, DD, SW, Elizabeth and all

    Pinkies out for our uber posh mini pancakes with strawberries

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Strawberries it must be then!! pancakes that will make up for my missed veggie breaky mind you I am happy enough to join you at your GC Aidan for their veggie breaky :D

    Sleek has had the same effect on Mrs D according to Kari deciding 'old' :shock: bedding and blankies need replacing :roll: She said she will come over later and help Mother sort hers out - oh no sorry she's been there a pile :?: :?

    First thing a delivery man came and dropped off a new wardrobe for the ickle house! She hasn't thrown out the double one - just had an extra. French style like Lucy's :roll: She may have ordered one for mother??? :?

    Oh yes Sleek knew where the nymphs were apparently she's shown her already. That's us told eh? :wink: and "mother says they always go after New Year when it's quiet"

    I am glad to hear Dad is ok I very much hope today is the day when you'll see a good bit of improvement ((()))

    Good luck car-hunting today and of course you must enjoy a Costa. Let's hope your MP has a chance this week with all this Brexit malarkey (very scary) to write you a really good letter.

    I have had that chocolate! it was delectable if I remember rightly...there was so much this year :) Go Sainsbury's!

    There are a couple of Bush-babies missing - did they go to Kath's with the Possum? Johnny was mithering :roll:

    Kath it was a pleasure washing your blankies the splosh stuff has a lovely smell. I hope it keeps things bright too over time. My refills arrived today which was so exiting! Kari's first bottles arrived to she can do refills next time.

    I love their kitchen cleaner it's lavender and the floor cleaner is almond all v good for the environment.

    I do know that feeling in your hips and back :? maybe a wheatbag???

    Thank you those scones look lovely! Of course there is always plenty of clotted cream :)

    Mig your daughter sounds an angle making you tuna burgers bless her. Chines takeaway is always a treat of course we must all watch the skating tonight. I can't wait! We missed it last week we were too late home :(

    Hi Joan I hope you are winning the battle with your cold? I have to agree your own bed is the best place ever!!

    Sending some love to Barbara...wonder whether Niamh has been visiting :?

    and of course to Carol I hope Mr T has been ok over the weekend the poor man :cry:

    Love to everyone

    Toni xx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Mig Kathleen Aidan Toni
    . Mig that will be nice some one else doing the cooking.
    Kathleen I hope you are having a good weekend((()))))
    . Toni I hope you are having a good weekend it's windy to day
    . Aidan I hope you find the car you want good luck((((())). thank you for the hugs.
    . take care
    . joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all..sorry about yesretday ..Niamh came and we had the little girl from next door round..I say little she is 11 and Niamh 6 but they really get on...they both love dancing.. :D Niamh slept with daddy..and went home last night ..see you Wednesday..she said.. :lol:
    Aiden thankyou for the pinki breakfast.. I am so sorry dad is feeling poorly..its a good job you know what is what and got him to the doctors..with just mins to spare the blinking satnavs...I hope the ABs kick in very soon and he is back to his old self...
    I see you have been car hunting..I hope you find the one you like ..but dont need it in the end.. t115006 .my OH wont have one on mobility because they can just take it back :shock: I would but he is adamant... :o ..
    Toni I do like the toni water..we have been to the bar before it was open though.. :lol: how odd that people stand at the bar there are only 3 tables..its my age.. :lol: so Paul is on a diet..oh know ..I dont like the word but must try harder.. :(
    Joan sorry you have a cold but how nice to cuddle up with lexi..I am glad to hear you have something for the heartburn..I take ameprizole..(sp)and its really does help to curb the acid..
    Kath I used to make lots of scones ..but not very good ones.. :lol: so thankyou ...
    Mig tuna burger sound nice...your daughter must love cooking :D I used to but cant satnd the smae now...hope you are recovering form the MRI like you say you ache in places you didnt know you had
    We are having our Sunday dinner delivered today so cant wait..I have a small one has the normal ones are so large.. :o
    Right better move
    love to everyone
    t4591 t115006 t4591
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Had a chat with dad this morning. He needs new sheets. Anita will probably organise that. The wind didn't keep him awake, but it did us.

    Well, ouchies not so bad today, so all the help I've had has worked. Mind you, it chucked it down all morning, so I think that might have helped too, as rain helps clear the humidity levels which relieves the pain.

    I've been looking at Splosh online Toni. It does look good.

    Egg and tomato wraps
    Category: Breakfast, Starter/snack, Main meal | Serves: 2
    Prep time: 5 minutes (assuming eggs are already cooked) |

    INGREDIENTS 2 wholemeal or multi-seed tortillas (deli) wraps (each about 25cm/10in in diameter)

    4 tbsp low-fat soft cheese (5% fat)

    1-2 tbsp snipped fresh chives or parsley (optional)

    2 large eggs, hard-boiled, drained and cooled

    25g (1oz) rocket leaves

    2 tomatoes, sliced

    Freshly ground black pepper, to taste

    Spread one side of each tortilla wrap with soft cheese; sprinkle with snipped chives or parsley (if using). Remove and discard shells from eggs, then slice. Arrange egg slices and rocket leaves across middle of each wrap. Top with tomato slices and season with black pepper. Wrap/fold or loosely roll up tortilla wraps to enclose filling; cut each into 3 or 4 portions. Serve immediately.

    t110007 t111055 t110007 t111055 t110007 t111055

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all -

    I will try and be polite, as to the course of the day. I don't want to use profanities and swear like a Trooper :shock: :shock:

    B popped round to check on Dad, he was reasonably ok, had taken his ABs ok. Was about to have something to eat. Encouraged to drink plenty, that will be the next thing, dehydration, a major problem with some elderly people.

    So B and I then went off to look at some cars that we had sourced. Big dealership over in Burnely, won't mention it by name. It was pouring with rain, blowing a gale, so we went into the indoor area. It was more like a giant cattle auction building, I had to climb up some steps, (not a good start). Huge place, packed with cars, wandered round a little, then finally someone came to help.

    Found the main one we wanted to look at. No way, legs bent up in the passenger seat, no way can I sit like that, they have to be stretched out. So, that was a no deal. The other one was locked up in a separate area and they had no keys to get in. :roll: :roll: anyway, they had another the same, which was a manual, I said we can sit in it and at least know if it is any good. It was outside, so off I toddle, out of the level area, no more steps thank you. Went to use the "facilities" - B said, are you sure................. :? :? oh, my, days. Give me umpteen bottles of bleach, some gloves and lots of cloths :mrgreen::mrgreen:

    Outside it was t110007 t110007 t111055 t111055 I was dripping wet. Went to sit in car, could not even get my head in, my neck doesn't bend that far any more - so, thanks, see you, byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Get me out of here, get me to Costa.

    Cofee, toastie and lemon tart was lovely, we dried out nicely. Then headed off to next garage, which was on the way home. Drove past it twice, thinking it was a derelict building :shock: :shock: so I rang, oh, you have to make an appointment.........but you can look at the cars from the outside. Stopped, looked, t110007 t111055 got back in car, and came home, totally miffed.

    I hope the bl---y DWP are happy that we have to trail round, with crippling back pain, trying to find a car that is affordable and comfortable.

    Anyway, another day, we will look some more.

    There was a pile of blankies, Mother and Sleek had been in the blanket cupboard, deciding which were suitable to be kept :roll: :roll:

    I have noted a new wardrobe yet Toni, unless it is inside the main wardrobes, with blankies etc. Mother has moved her "treasures" into there, since I moved her bed, to be next to me.

    That posh chocolate is VERY nice, glad you agree :)

    Dad will soon mend I am sure. He will be up to a visit to the T room in the morning.

    Oh the Brexit malarky, goodness, we have Labour and that awful Corbyn, wanting to vote out Theresa May, then the big vote on brexit, which no one will back. Goodness knows what the outcome will be, it is a costly farce if you ask me. Very costly :? :? :?

    Hi Joan and Sue, hope you are ok and the cold and cough is getting better t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 No luck with a car yet, but we will get there, in the end.

    hi Barbara, you had Niamh and her friend from next door, doing lots of dancing. I bet you were worn out and needed to put your feet up by the end of the day :shock: :shock: :lol:

    Dad will soon mend, we are keeping a regular eye and phone calls in between, to make sure he is up to speed with his pills. "can I take these, with my other pills" YES, YES........... :shock: :roll: :roll:

    In some ways I don't blame hubby, for wanting to keep your car. It is different though, when people are over pension age, (sorry mr B) not meaning to be ageist. But the DWP don't often change the award of someone is over pension age, it is because I am not quite 60, that they are putting people through the ringer.

    Hope you enjoyed your Sunday Roast :D:D

    Hi Kath, hope Dad is over the cough and cold ok and new sheets will be sorted :)

    I am so glad the ouchies are not too bad today, all the magic squares and possums, must have helped t115006 t115006 t4591

    We had the pouring rain, as you will have seen, only when we were outside though :shock: :shock: :roll: :roll: I don't like rain running off the end of my nose :? :?

    Thank you for the egg and tomato wraps, I could eat a couple right now.

    Hi to Carol - hoping you are all ok, keeping you in thought and prayers.

    Hi to everyone else, in and about, hope you are keeping dry and warm.

    I need to potter and then hit the Tramadol yet again, that will be 4 already, on top of everything else. :roll: :roll:

    Lots of pressing to do, but it can wait till another day. Beds can wait too. I cannot be fussed at the moment.

    Will pop back later. Love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 t115006 XXXX Aidan

    pinkies out again, it is afternoon T time

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • mig
    mig Member Posts: 7,154
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Blinking Eck Aiden sounds like a trek and half.
    My stomachs rumbling daughter and I are having chow mien,veg rice,spare ribs and spring rolls for tea it’s coming in time for the skating,we have a 30% off coupon as we use them often new year loyalty.
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all

    It was a trek and a half Mig :roll: :roll: :roll: Not far away, Burnley is only a 20 min ride away. But, with the weather being foul, getting drenched t111055 t111055 and frozen bow legged, t110007 t110007 it was not a fruitful day :? :? My back has given in to Tramadol, thank goodness.
    It is no fun getting in and out and in and out of cars, but, needs must, we have to find one.

    The Chinese take away sounds yummy, minus the ribs for me, the rest I will help you with for sure :)
    Vouchers for 30% off is even better. Hope you enjoyed both the meal and the skating and Mr Mig enjoyed his pie :D:D

    A quiet evening here, siesta was a waste of time, but I needed to rest the bones, even if I didn't doze.

    Trying to ignore the ironing and washing :? :? :roll:

    Will go to the surgery today and ask them to see where my letter might be :? :?
    Will have a coffee, as the T room is on the doorstep. Dad should be feeling a bit better, we rang and he said he was ok.

    I won't dally, need to potter about a bit. Mother is :animal_busy: she said Sleek was coming over in the morning, while we are out, with Mrs Darcey, for a tuna latte :shock: :mrgreen: They are going to speak to the Nymphs, on the crystal ball, see if they are enjoying their magical recharge. It is a wonderful place they are at


    Leaving lots of love and sparkles to everyone t4591 t115006 Take lots of care XXXX Aidan

    Sauteed Mushrooms with Truffle Salt Crostini

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    What an awful experience Aidan car-hunting :( Grr!! Tia got her replacement for her stolen then trashed one from a big chain. They were after them paying on finance but no way were they doing that! I think they get commission on finance sold too. :roll:

    So far no good then? I hope you have an idea of which car to try next?

    So far with the advent of PIP you seem to be right about the DWP being 'after' younger claimants. :?

    Thanks for the afternoon tea very nice pinkies out!!

    Mother's wardrobe is indeed inside yours on the left very much at the back behind some shoes I think Sleek said. Could you tell which blankies were for the cat's protection league?? Blimey she whiffed of tuna latte when she got home :shock: :lol:

    How lovely to be able t speak to the nymphs over the crystal ball. I would love to holiday there!

    Off to the Drs then Tea room later then? Hoping Dad is still recovering ok. Fingers crossed you can take less tramadol today ((())) t115006 some sparkles. Mother had popped some under the sheet where you back should land. Sleek held the sheet up for her,

    Oh look that breakfast looks fabulous!! Just my cup of tea thank you :)

    mig Dancing on ice for us last night too then Call the Midwife - we are loving Sunday nights at the moment :D I bet the Chinese was yum. What do people who are watching their figures have to keep the calories down?

    I suspected it was Niamh who stopped you posting she is entitled to your attention when she visits. Much happier now Santa and the Elves are away for another year :lol:

    She's got her routine sussed hasn't she? "See you Wednesday"!

    Cute how 'big' girls like to play (and Mother) little ones :)

    I hope your roast dinner was yum ;)

    Hi Kath. So far so good with Splosh I am trying to cut down my plastic use. Ecover do not do refills you see sadly. I will let you know if my whites stay white! Sure Anita will sort Dad out with new sheets. She probably washes his anyway and knows.

    I have some vegan wraps (not edible) to wrap cheese and stuff in avoiding cling film where possible.

    I'm glad the bush-babies and pussums helped your aches. We had those high winds yesterday afternoon! Blimey they were blustery and scary!! t110007

    Thanks for the edible wraps they look yum :D

    Love to Carol we are all thinking about you and Mr T ((()))

    Joan how is your cold? Not too bad I hope ((())) for you too

    Love to everyone

    Toni xxx
  • mig
    mig Member Posts: 7,154
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I shouldn't eat it not from the take away but when I went to SW I had lost 6and a half pounds which is 5lb under my target so I have eaten a few things I really shouldn't ,SW recipes are very good but I needed to put the weight back on, you could tell I had lost the weight in my face which I didn't think looked good.
    I am having a clothes clear out half the stuff I haven't worn in years done the drawers when Ive ad my coffee its on to the wardrobe which is a big one I know my wedding dress is in there somewhere :shock: at the end of march this year we have been married 50 years.
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Barbara Kathleen Aidan Toni
    . Barbara yes I take that for acid but I had to have stronger for heartburn the pain goes from my throat to my tummy when it's bad.
    . you enjoy the meal.
    . Kathleen I hoe you have a good day today.
    . Aidan I hope you find the right car soon what about the same make you have((((()))))
    . Toni how are you yes I still have the cold. Some are having snow today.
    . take care
    joan xx. Hello Mig that's good people don't work at their marriage's it's too easy to have a divorce (((())))
    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all..what about the storm yesterday..nearly blew our patio door off.. :o
    Oh Aiden I have just had a read of your post..what a rotten day you both had.. you are allowed to swear .. :shock: finding cars that fot us is hard work ..our old one was perfect but they stopped making my I dont mind you calling me a pensioner. :lol: but I have to face the DWP again in 2 years I got it for 3 and one has already gone :shock: :roll: I am panicking already time soon they know of a miracle cure.. :x I hope you find the car you want soon and then dont need it..glad to hear dad is getting there with his ABs..ooh the toilets..I dont like public ones but sometimes needs must.. I have antibacterial wipes in my bag..I hope you get the letter off your doctor today and things fall into place for you t4591 t115006
    Toni Niamh does know the routine... :lol: and must say the dinner is so nice ..she used duck fat for the roast....we have tried another one when she was on holiday but not has you had the came form nowhere.. :shock:
    Kath I love Dunhelms brushed cotton sheets ..have tried many for winter..they wash do nice..
    Joan I hope the new meds work on the heartburn sound like my neighbour her had reflux that went into his throat..hope you are all keeping warm..I need Lexi to come and sit on my knee.. :D
    Mig hopefully you can get the weight back on..have you had your thyroid tested could be that..x
    Better move we are off to the GC for a change :lol:
    Love to everyone
    t4591 t115006 t4591