Val's Cafe
Afternoon all lovely and sunny here..we had Niamh all day yesterday she was poorly..we tucked her up on the settee and she stayed there till home time..just had lots of fluids..
Aiden so pleased you have found a suitable care and nice and high..I need to know the name..ours is a skoda yeti ..I get in backwards and like you my neck dosen't bend..I hope yo can get the price down and the test drive goes ok..
no wonder you enjoyed the GC after that nice and relaxed with good food....I am so pleased your MP has written a letter to who ever..good on him or her..have you got your doctors ones now ..hopefully it will all come together.. t4591 t115006 glad you can see my pick I am a bit sick of seeing it to be honest..I hate having my pic taken..
I do love the iccle hotel pic..
I need to go and find our were it is..and thankyou for breakfast and the caramel cheescake..but still didn't mange to get there before Toni..good on your neighbours for taking herself to A&E..I hope will be well..
Hi Mig it is worrying when they say they want you back but we will all be with you.under the cloak..good luckxx
Kath thankyou again for the recipes...I must go and have a read of the poem ...
Joan I hope your cold gets better very soon..glad to hear you got out with the doggies..
Toni so you was sat in the car waiting for Lucy..hope the heater kept you I wouldnt know a wax wing if I saw one..but nice to have them around..
so many birds in decline..ooh you have the power..dont let it go to your head..
I hope Lucy does really well with the course..
Carol so nice that you were all proud of Mr T it must have been hard..but he did well ...and glad to hear the buffet was ok I remember well the relief after I think this is what funerals are about to you all xx
Nothing much to report will leave you be
Love to everyone
t4591 t115006 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
I don't think I will ever be warm again t110007 t110007 t110007
Icy cold this morning and has been all day. Hanging about a bit and getting chilled through, umpteen times over. Not that you can help it when you are viewing and trying a car.
We have said yes, to a Merc B Class 2 litre SE CDI Auto. It is a few years old, but in superb condition, very well cared for, one lady owner. Full service history. Mileage average.
Garage will do a new MOT, Service, 2 new tyres, valet, all points check, plus a warranty. Got it for a good price. All should be ready a week tomorrow.
Even their offices were cold. I tried in vain to get the heaters to come on, pressed all buttons, probably blew it up :shock: :shock:Pay the deposit quick, so we can go get in our car and ramp up the heated seats etc.
Home, via costa, two large coffee's, goats cheese and roasted pepper tostati, nice cake, perfect..............then home, heating on very high and staying there.
Right. So, that is the car sorted as far as we can.
That hoppelpoppel is just SO good isn't it Toni. I see you have been cleaning the car, what a mess with the cheesecake
As you see the car, we loved, B was very happy test driving. In a big town, it is never easy, but, I was super comfy and happy pressing every button I could find :roll: :roll: :roll: Ideal height, they are about 8 inches higher than average cars, so you slide into the seat, rather than having to climb in, or bend your neck, just perfect.
Neighbour, we are waiting for an update on what has gone on today. Her hubby will be going over later, so we will try and catch him.
I don't like ringing her mobile, in case they are busy or doing tests etc. t115006 t115006
Mother was telling us all about the little trip out with Sleekness, she said it was nice and warm, with clear skies, lovely and crisp. She loves her cup holders and phone holder and crystal ball holder :shock: :shock: what else does this side car have in it :? :? :roll: :roll: t115006 t115006
I hope your back is not too ouchy, from car sitting. Mine has not been too bad, being cold, does tend to bring on spasms, but, needs must I guess. We are thawing out a bit now. I can feel my arms, if not my hands.
Oh I see you have had the POWER of the Church keys, that is a great honour. I was always happy to carry the Church keys,( which is no surprise, being a Rectors Son.)Hope the lights are all sorted and Gods house is well illuminated. Rev Delphine will be pleased too.
hi Joan and Sue, hope you managed to get out and about with the doggies, I know you were in a bit of a rush this morning. We are ok, cold, but ok otherwise.
Ohh, snow, we don't want that Mig. Is see there has been quite a fall in Newcastle.
It is going to be darned cold for the next week or more, winter is here t110007 t110007
We need a snowy emoticon, dearest MODS
So, you need a CT scan now. Maybe they want to get a different image, I know they say MRI is the best, but, I always predered a CT image to see what was what. Sending lots of hugs ((())) for things to sort and to find out what it going on asap.
Kath, are you in there? Oh yes, I can see your eyes now, :shock: :shock: amidst all the woollen hats and gloves and thermals. t110007 t110007 it is rate cowd mi duck
The Hoppelpoppel is very warming and very filling, not at all fattening :? :? :roll: much...........
I will have a look at the news forum and a read through.
Grilled Veg Brushetta, wonderful, will have some for supper, thank you.
I am guessing you did not go and sit on your benches this morning :? :? t110007 t110007
Oh bless, niamh being poorly, I am sure you looked after her so well though Barbara t4591 hope she feels better very soon t115006 t115006
We had been looking at a Skoda Yeti, but wasn't too sure about getting in and out. You would like the Merc, BIG high doors, just slide in, perfect. No neck bending.
Just seen a post from our neighbour, having waited 17 hours in A & E, due to no beds, she is coming home, out patient appt for 2nd April :roll: :roll: things must be fairly ok, or they would have kept her in.
hope you are all ok there. We had a note from the Park Office, saying the price of our LPG gas has gone down :shock: :shock: not often you hear that, but we will take it. Have turned the heating up even higher now:roll:
Hi to Carol, Kerrin Christine Toady DD SW Elizabeth
I trust you have had a less stressful day Carol, it will be a while, to catch up, so I will pop some magic squares in both pairs of slipperst115006 t115006
Right. I need to move a bit. I am chair shaped. GP still had my letter "in hand" - if I miss the deadline, then so be it. I will still send it in, regardless.
Leaving lots of love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 will pop back later, when properly thawed out.
Chocolate Cobbler, with Chocolate SauceXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Afternoon all
Yes believe it or not it is still afternoon as I start this. Some normality now reins in our house again. this morning I have booked an appointment for Monday morning to sort toilet flush sounds as though the man who answered the phone already has an idea what the problem is so hopefully comes ready with whatever is needed. next thing is a visit to pc world to sort out laptop, but that may be the week after next as will not have a chance next week the good thing is it is still working as long as it is plugged into the mains so no big problem. Now time to focus on getting the Weight I put on over Christmas off I CAN AND I WILL DO IT.
Ok I now have to have a little potter to do my Shepherds pie for dinner will be back later.
Right I am back
Kath Yes the eulogy went really well.
Aidan At the Funeral our daughters were very crafty because they both said you go in that row with dad we will sit in the row behind, when the eulogy was over Mr T had to then go to the back of the chapel to play the hymn as he passed us I gave him as quick thumbs up and then glanced round at the 2 girls and they were both in tears think they had known that if I had seen them in tears I would have started too and that would not have been good at all for their dad. So I say well thought out girls. Glad you have found the car you want and all are happy. hope the letter is with you soon too. and of course a trip to costa on the way home. I have had a less stressful day today thanks for magic squares found them neatly tucked in slippers. I know you were all there for me and it did keep me sane and was very much appreciated believe me.
Barbara yes immensely proud of Mr T it was hard for him and her was very jittery for a few days before the funeral but our eldest daughter came up to London on Monday afternoon to stay with us for the night to travel with us on Tuesday and we took her out for and meal and then when we got back we opened a bottle of wine and had 2 glasses each. so a really nice evening was had by us all. and we all slept reasonably well.
Mig hope the MRI goes well for you.
Toni Yes I think he found it quite hard but did it so well. he had actually looked up how to deliver a eulogy without getting upset and it said focus on a loved one or something at back of church or chapel as it stops you focusing on anything that is going on. as for the bible study it was that the subject was a bit too close to what we had just gone through for comfort.
as for the jobs the appointment for toilet is now planned for Monday morning and laptop can wait till the week after next when I can get it to shop. think that it needs a new battery as it is not charging it is fine all the time it is connected to the mains.
Well tomorrow is another day back to normal Lunch with Mr T and then off to meet my friend for coffee knit and natter.
and on Saturday we have our first church open morning of the year.
Well must now have another potter to keep the bones moving
Love and sparkles to all
t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006Stay positive always👍xx0 -
hi to all, a frosty night, but we are finally thawed out, in fact, quite warm :shock:
Hoping that we don't have much in the way of snow................ :? :?
Hi Carol Glad that you have had a more normal day - home things sorting, with plumber coming on Monday, I am sure he will arrive with the bits he needs, nothing worse than, oh, I will have to order............. :roll: :roll:
At least the laptop is working ok on the mains and can be sorted, re its battery, as and when.
Your girls did do the right thing, I know what it is like, if you see other family members so upset, then it is only natural to become tearful. t4591 Mr T was certainly very focused. Not an easy thing to do, at all.
We are glad to have found a car, hopefully it won't be for too long and I win my appeal, at this stage or at Tribunal.
You are more than welcome to the t115006 t115006 squares, they are very helpful, if you find them in your slippers
Good that we kept you sane, in difficult times.
And now Friday has come round again. I am not quite sure where the week has gone to be honest. I have been two days behind, all week :roll: :roll: B has been reminding me, no, it is Friday tomorrow..............bless, it's a shame for me. :roll: :roll:
Enjoy your lunch with Mr T and your knitting and nattering with your friend, or crocheting as it is at the moment.
Wrap up warm for the open morning at Church on Sunday. I see they have had snow in Jerusalem :shock: :shock:
I hope everyone else is ok, keeping warm and cosy.
Mother Glitter Sparkles is keeping warm by the radiator on her ottoman (she hides things in there, as well as the wardrobe). She is not sure about today, with the chilly forecast of sleet and cold winds. Sleek might well come over while we are at the GC with Dad.
Siesta was a bit of a waste of time :roll: :roll: too many things going round in my mind. :roll: :roll:
Think I will have a potter about. Leaving lots of love and sparkles to everyone t4591 t115006 t115006 Take lots of care XXX Aidan
Cherry and Walnut Sweet RollsXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Get ready everyone! STAND BY YOUR BEDS! the cloak has just warned me we are all off to Wrightington with Barbara :shock: why we shall find out.....I expect it's more tests bless her.
I hope Niamh is ok today you won't be available to sit with her :?
mig like Aidan I think CTs do really good images. It happened to Lucy too she has ultrasound MRI and CT on her shoulder :roll:
The sooner the rheumy has all the info the better ((()))
Aidan I have googled the car and got a pic up it looks very smart! Very you and B methinks! quelle couleur??
Cars must be comfy number 1 priority! My car is comfy for me, but after 2 hours sitting there the other day my neck was the crossest :roll:
I am pleased to hear the Drs letter is 'in-hand' you don't really want it rushed it needs to have power I suppose. Like me with the Church keyit's HUGE!!!
Sleek is coming over later this morning she has been bored while the nymphs have been away, not much to do. I think they are going to look through the contents of the ottoman.....I have said to make tidy piles :?
I hope your neighbour is ok - maybe 'just' anxiety (totally understandable) or maybe she has some extra treatment via A&E.
cherry and walnut sweet rolls lovelythanks t4591
Carol I am pleased to know Mr T had 'let you in' while he has been going through his bereavement. Very tough for you both, but all those years of marriage do equip you with the skills to cope with each other. ((())) Glad it's all over.
The loo issue is in-hand? My lap-top also has a battery issue and only works plugged in :roll:
Enjoy your cuppa with your friend. I hope you have a restful weekend apart from the open morning at church - hope you keep warm!! t115006
Joan and Sue I hope the weather is ok for you and you get out today. Won't be too long until Sue has her new smile
Kath love the bruschetta recipe ta very much!
That hoppel popple was nice a bit like our bubble and squeak I think yum
It was cold yesterday and so far it's pretty chilly oot there!! Lucy just left for work and also left the front door open by mistake :shock: t110007
Get your gloves on!
Love to everyone
Toni xxx0 -
Just a short visit while we hang about for Tesco. My wrist keeps going numb - ecky thump, what next. Just popped in with a nice recipe I thought you all might enjoy - and Aunty Kari too.
Lemon-scented rice pudding
Category: Dessert | Serves: 4
Prep time: 15 minutes | Cooking time: 2 hours
75g (2 3/4oz) pudding rice or short-grain rice
25g (1oz) caster sugar
Finely grated zest of one small lemon
600ml (1 pint) semi-skimmed milk (or to make this suitable for a vegan diet, use almond milk)
A little freshly grated or ground nutmeg, to sprinkle (optional)
Preheat oven to 150ºC/130ºC fan/gas mark 2. For rice pudding, lightly grease an 850ml (1 1/2 pint) ovenproof dish.
Put rice, caster sugar and lemon zest into prepared dish. Pour in milk; stir gently to mix. Sprinkle top with nutmeg, if you like.
Bake in oven for about 2 hours or until top is lightly browned. Remove from oven; leave to stand for about 10 minutes before serving.Serve with plum compote
6 fresh ripe red plums (about 400g/14oz total weight), quartered and stones removed (choose a naturally sweet variety such as Victoria, Santa Rosa or black amber to keep the added sugar content down)
About 2 tbsp soft light brown sugar (plus a little extra to taste, if needed)
1 cinnamon stick
1 whole star anise (optional)
Place plums in a small, non-stick saucepan with 2 tablespoons water, 2 tablespoons brown sugar and the cinnamon stick and star anise (if using).
Cook gently, stirring to dissolve sugar; bring to a simmer, cover and cook gently for 5–10 minutes or until plums are softened but not mushy, stirring occasionally. Plums will vary in juiciness so you can add a splash more water if needed. Remove from heat; cool slightly.
Remove and discard whole spices; stir in extra sugar to taste, if needed.
Serve on its own or alongside our lemon-scented rice pudding.
Dietary tip
You can make this dairy-free and suitable for vegan diets by using almond milk instead of cow's milk.
Love to all. t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Got a call for CT scan they had a cancellation did I want it so get the cloak ready for 11 monday morning please.0
Evening all has Toni said I got a call yesterday for Wrightington today..extra clinic they was only a check up on these hips but what a journey this morning and hour and half..coming back it started to snow.. :shock: not for long though ..and we stopped of for luck near the hospital
Toni its hard having to sit for long periods especially in a car..a different position from sitting in a chair..I hope your neck has eased for what on earth is popple..whatever..hope Lucy course is coming together..
Mig we will all be under the cloak and are very tidy and quiet but just watch out for cream and crumbs when we move :shock: hope it all goes well..x
Carol what lovely daughter to thing of sitting behind then they didnt start you crying...bless them ..glad it all came together and your daughter stayed with you..a couple of glasses of wine will have done you all good..hope that toilet gets mended when he comes..
Kath I hope Tesco appeared with you shopping..lemon sented rice pudding think I might just try that..with strawberry jam
Aiden a merc sounds very posh ..but pressing all the buttons..I get told off for thisso glad you like it..and your mind must be more at rest now they cant take that off you.. t4591 t115006 bet you were glad to get to costa to warm up and enjoy lunch..gosh your poor neighbour..what is this country coming to..I dont blame the staff ..they are run off there feet..lets make it free to train nurse I say..again... :roll: Niamh is much better mum used to say children are down one min and up the next..
Chocolate cobbler sound so nice and the cherry and walnut rolls you spoil us but carry on..and the gas has gone down ..wish ours had.. :roll:
now it time for our takeaway..not hungry to be honest but will have a poppadom...
Love to everyone
t4591 t110007 t115006Love
Barbara0 -
Afternoon to all, it is a bit t110007 t111055 t111055 sleety, more rain than snow, thank goodness.
Goodness, the cloak took me by surprise when I was scooped up to go off to Barbara's appointment. Glad you had the kettle on Toni.
More tests, was it a cancellation, like Migs ?? We will find out later I am sure, in the meantime we will be listening and taking note and holding hands as needs be. t4591 t4591
The Car, is metallic blue, a very nice blue, it has a full body kit on it as well, factory fitted, so it must have cost a mint when it was new. The parking sensors are not working at the moment, which we knew, but there is a electrical car place in Blackburn, that the dealership uses a lot. He said, if they cannot sort it, no one on earth can :shock:
We told Dad all about it today, he was very interested to see pictures and glad that we are happy to have found one that is comfy, light and airy, service history etc etc.
We don't do long journeys, they are a no go really. 30 mins is enough, then I am getting to squirming :roll: :roll:
It is very us, her name will be Beatrice AKA Bea. We thought that quite fitting.
Time is all but up for getting info back to the DWP, so, I will have to see if the letter is ready Monday and post it recorded or send it by courier :shock: :? :?
Sleek and Mother have been through the Ottoman, all Grandads diaries are out, in neat piles,right from 1945 ish. Would make a fantastic film, of his struggles from TB of the bone, all those years in hospital, all those broken bones, operations, testing AB's when they first came just cannot imagine really.
Lucy, close the door love, we are all chilledbless t115006 t115006
Well, I started this at 3pm and it is now going on for 11.30pm :roll: :roll: neighbour came round, had a cuppa and lots of natterings, chatting about her hospital ventures. She needed a good chat and we are as good as family when all is said and done.
Hope your Tesco delivery was on time Kath and you were not hanging about. I know you said they are pretty good with their times.
Numb wrists, do you have carpel tunnel? Just being nosy. Some hugs and anti ouches, to help them bring back the feeling t4591 t115006
Lemon scented Rice Pudding, just perfect for these rather chilly days and nights. Thank you kindly
Don't worry Mig, we will be under the cloak on Monday, gathered in the CT scanner room. Is that at City Hosp or Queens? I know them both well, seeing as I worked at both
Talking of cloaks, now, I see Barbara is back in the fold.
A check up on hips, after a hectic journey there and yes, it did snow a bit here too, not enough to cover, thank goodness. You did right, to stop off for lunch, on the way back.Needs must, after hospital visits.
Hope we didn't make a racket, Toni was singing, whilst making tea in the cloaks own kitchens. :shock:
A Merc, I know, it does sound SO posh. Bless her, Bea is a few years old now, but very refined and we got a good deal. There are a few bits that we will want to have checked and or rectified, parking sensors being one thing. But, as you say, they cannot take it off us, hands off our MERC.
I have been told off, well, "looked" at, by B when I am pressing all the buttons, :roll: :? stop "fiddling" he will say, "who, me"?
We were SO SO cold, even felt cold in Costa, but, big cauldrons of hot coffee did help, as did the toasties and cakes.
Neighbour has unstable angina, the same as I have. She has an appointment at Blackburn now to see the Cardio team in a few weeks. She needed a good natter.
I am totally with you on the nurse training. It was the worst thing ever, when they stopped paying student nurses a proper salary and gave them a bursary to go to Uni. Bring back the schools of nursing, get them out on the wards. We had 6 weeks in schooling, then you were in at the deep end, boy did you learn fast. Grrrr, makes me so angry.
Glad to hear that Niamh is a lot better, youngsters are up and down like a Jack in the box, quite true.
Enjoy all the goodies, sorry there are no more eclairs, not quite sure who kept eating them................:roll:
Hope you enjoyed your poppadomnot had one of those in ages.
Hi to Carol, I hope you had a pleasant lunch with Mr T and then a good crochet and natter with your friendA bit more of a back to normal day, which is good, after such a stressful time t115006 t115006
Dad is not particularly brilliant at the moment, not really interested in much. I know the chest infection has not helped. BIL and SIL are coming over from Huddersfield today, they will see a change, even in two weeks, I am sure.
We have had a quiet evening, keeping nice and warm. Watching the tennis from Melbourne at the moment. It only starts at midnight, given the time difference. We record it too, so we can watch it in the day.
Time for a potter I think. At home for the week end, next week will be quite busy, sorting cars, taking Bette back on the same day as we pick up BeatriceAt least we will be in Blackburn for both, so no faffing about.
Mother said Sleek will be over, they might go for a little trip out, they are looking forward to the Nymphs coming back today t115006 t115006 there will be magic in the air.
Hi to everyone else, in and about. Take lots of care. Love and Sparkles to all XXXX Aidan t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006
Sweet potato and broccoli frittataXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Oooh I'll have a slice of frittata thanks Aidan
I am sorry to hear Dad's recent decline I hope he picks up when the family visit today :? Sleek said Mother was 'a tad' worried about him.
Sleek read all the diaries you know she reckoned you ought to turn them into a book. Glad they left everything neat and tidy.
The nymphs aren't due back until near tea-time apparently, but the 'girls' (add Mrs D here)went over early doors and put up welcome home banners balloons and the like. Mother 'supervised' and added some sparkles via her wand she can't stand up and hang things up like she used to according to Miss Slimkins t4591
I love blue in a car Bea sounds lovely and can live with you for ever! Tia's replacement car for the stolen one is a fiesta in white it is in the garage on Thursday for bits and pieces like Bea.
I got caught in a nasty snow storm on my way home yesterday at 5:50pm visibility was very low :shock: :? it was sticking and when I got home an hour later I looked out of the window - no snow!!! at all :shock: what's that about??
It is a good job the cloak is sound proofed isn't it? we all needed a cuppa yesterday being at Wrightington so early with our Barbara
Always good to treat yourself when you've been to outpatients I say!!
Kids are amazing how they bounce back I am glad Niamh is well now - will she be over this weekend?
My neck is way better thanks I am always scared I'll 'set it off' properly :roll:
mig the cloak is booked your name is in the diary 11am we'll all be with you ((()))
Kath I hope your wrist stops misbehaving :? naughty thing!
Aunty Kari will love the rice pud lemon is lovely in a sweet pudding just the right amount of tartnessWe shall use the almond milk
Thank you
Hope Joan is ok - Sue too :?
Love to Carol who is I hope getting back to normal although I think there's a Church open day today :?0 -
Hello Aidan Toni Barbara Carol Kathleen Mig
. Aidan sorry your Dad is not well I hope he feels better soon nice blue car. (((((()))))
. Toni I hope you don't have any more snow.
. Barbara I hope you have a good weekend. I have my pre assessment for my cyst on the 28 Jan.
Carol yes you can do it sue gets her teeth on the 30 Jan.
. Kathleen have a good weekend keep warm.
. Mig that's good a cancellation I will be thinking about you on Mon
. take care all
. joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
It was a cancellation, cant say Im looking forward to ,its at the treatment centre which next to and connected to Queens,Im going by myself hubby has got a foot app at the health centre he has been waiting a while foe it so we don't want to cancel it and with his hip we would have to go out a lot earlier, glad you all will be under the cloak.
No snow here we shopped yesterday just incase. Mig0 -
Hello Bea, welcome to our lovely group. We will hear all about your adventures with our Aidan and Bill. t4591 Thanks for the Sweet potato and broccoli frittata.
Mig, pity I don't have an appointment the same day. My next one isn't until April. I've asked if I can swap Leflunomide for Sulphasalazine. I'm staying with MTX though, but might have that increased. :?
My wrist is fine today thanks. No Carpal Tunnel here. It's very damp here though, so hips and toes are complaining.
Lunch (or supper) is Vegan Shepherds pie.
Ingredients 1.2kg floury potatoes, such as Maris Piper or King Edward 50ml vegetable oil 30g dried porcini mushrooms, soaked in hot water for 15 mins, then drained (reserve the liquid) 2 large leeks
chopped 2 small onions
chopped 4 medium carrots about 300g), cut into small cubes 1 vegetable stock cube (make sure it's vegan - such as Kallo 3 garlic cloves, crushed 2 tbsp tomato purée 2 tsp smoked paprika
1 small butternut squash, peeled and cut into small cubes ½ small pack marjoram or oregano, leaves picked and roughly chopped ½ small pack thyme leaves picked ½ small pack sage sage leaves picked and roughly chopped 4 celery sticks, chopped 400g can chickpeas 300g frozen peas 300g frozen spinach
20ml olive oil
small pack flat-leaf parsley, chopped tomato ketchup, to serve (optional) Method Put the unpeeled potatoes in a large saucepan, cover with water, bring to the boil and simmer for 40 mins until the skins start to split. Drain and leave to cool a little.
Meanwhile, heat the vegetable oil in a large heavy-based sauté pan or flameproof casserole dish. Add the mushrooms, leeks , onions, carrots and the stock cube and cook gently for 5 mins , stirring every so often. If it starts to stick, reduce the heat and stir more frequently, scraping the bits from the bottom. The veg should be soft but not mushy.
Add the garlic, tomato purée, paprika, squash and herbs. Stir and turn the heat up a bit, cook for 3 mins, add the celery, then stir and cook for a few more mins.
Tip in the chickpeas along with the water in the can and reserved mushroom stock. Add the peas and spinach and stir well. Cook for 5 mins, stirring occasionally, then season, turn off and set aside. There should still be plenty of liquid and the veg should be bright and a little firm.
Peel the potatoes and discard the skin. Mash 200g with a fork and stir into the veg. Break the rest of the potatoes into chunks, mix with the olive oil and parsley and season.
Divide the filling into the pie dishes and top with the potatotes. Heat oven to 190C/170C fan/gas 5 and bake the pies for 40-45 mins, until the top is golden and the filling is heated through. If making individual pies, check after 20 mins. Best served with tomato ketchup – as all great shepherd’s pies are.
t110007 t110007 t110007 t110007 t110007 t110007 t110007"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Hello all very cold and wet here.. t110007
Aiden even the hospital was cold yesterday...have you ever known that :shock: 3 time I had to visit the loo.. :roll:
So glad your car is sorted..Bea...and a nice blue colour..and more to the point you can drop Bette off has you pick up Bea.. :Dso you get told off has well pressing button and turning dials on the dash I try and get the heating just so or I bake but OG has it top wackits so nice at this time of the year to have cosy nights in..especially with the tennis to watch....poor dad it has knocked him for 6..I hope he can get back to his old self soon t115006 oh and thankyou for the broccoli was so filling and yummy
Toni yes Niamh is back to her old self she has just gone home..she is a little love..see you Wednesday was this little voice..with a bag full of goodies we send her home with to share with her sisteroh gosh the weather was awful then like you it had all gone when we got near you look after that neck...
Joan we will be there on the 28th..I think you will feel much better if they drain the cyst...hope you are all keeping warm...
Kath our eldest son make veggie shepherds pie just like that and you would think it had meat in it...nice and warming thankyou
Dont worry Mig we will al be there..I hope the weather is kind to you ..and the results are good...
My spinal tap on the 22nd how fast has that gone..scared me nooooo :shock: :shock:
Better move have a good evening everyone
t4591 t115006 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
Evening all
I typed a good long post yesterday almost got to the end so that I could post it, I moved the table because I needed to go and do something in kitchen and somehow managed to dislodge the mains lead from laptop, and yes you guessed it because of the battery problem the thing just closed down and I lost the post. :x :x :x
Aidan I don't blame mother glitter sparkles keeping warm by the radiator snuggled up on the ottoman. cherry and walnut sweet rolls now that sounds yum. Lunch with Mr T and coffee with friend were good. I have also lost track of days with all that has been going on over the last few weeks. I hope Jerusalem not send their snow over here I for one don't want it. I was warm at church this morning on open morning as I was sitting inside by a radiator and had my thermals on and a couple of cups of coffee. yes I the girls were right in where they sat. Mr T sure was focused his Nephew was very pleased how it all went. Glad you have found the car you like. hopefully you will soon have the pip sorted too. Sorry dad is not feeling himself hopefully he will soon be on the mend sending him some Hugs (((((()))))).
Toni So Lucy left the front door open no not good in this weather. I was really Glad that Mr T opened up and spoke more as it certainly made thinks easier on both sides. and your right after many years together you do find the way to cope. with these things.
Kath Hope your wrist is not giving you too much pain sending you some sparkles and magic squares.
Barbara Our daughters can both be a pain at times but on occasions when it is needed they can use their brains and be sensitive and do the right thing. Yes the meal with eldest and then going home and opening a bottle of wine was a good way to relax ready for what was coming the next day.
Joan hope Sue gets on well with her teeth soon she gets them on my birthday Hope you are ok too keep warm both of you.
Well its off for a potter and I had better post this before I move as I don't want another lost post
Keep warm love and Sparkles to all t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006Stay positive always👍xx0 -
Finally, hi, to everyone...............and that was Saturday gone in a flash.
Glad you enjoyed the frittata Toni, it did look very good and very moreish, with crusty bread and butter and a helping of mayo........:)
I had my hair cut, much better, doesn't feel like I am wearing a tea cosy now.:roll: :roll: high maintenance ? Who, me :roll: :roll:
Dad was not too bad today. B and SIL were two hours earlier than they had said, so we were mid sandwich when there was a knock on the door :shock: :shock:
Dad has finished his AB's now, just complaining about his legs and his vascular problems. There is not a huge amount I can suggest or do for him, pain relief, walking around, gentle exercise..........
Just need to get him back to eating properly again.
I was awake at 5am, with angina, it's bloomin catching, more on that in a bit. I was using my GTN, which helped and I went back to sleep, but was awake every half hour or so :? :? :roll:
Mother was up and about, obviously been out to the ravine with Miss Sleekness, to sort out the welcome home of the Nymphs. She did use her wand, she cannot jump or stretch up very far now, with her wobbly back legs. Bless her little paws.
The Nymphs are back now and a million fire flies came to welcome them home. Sleek, Mrs D and Mother, were most impressed t115006 t115006
Bea will be just fine. I know we will have to spend out a bit, to make sure that everything is re checked, up to spec, fully serviced etc etc. But, she will be ours and no one can take her away, unless we decide to change. Rather empowering to be honest. That is not to say I would not go to tribunal with my pip, I most certainly will.
I hope Tia's car is ok after being services and the bits and bobs sorted )
So you had your own personal snow storm :shock: :shock: It happens here too. We can be in town, then come back up the lane and it changes to Narnia :shock: :? Glad you didn't get a whole load of it. It is not nice to drive in, like being in a tunnel.
Hope your neck is ok. I dread mine having one of its bad times. You can tell when it is on the verge of going askew. Not nice at all.
We did need a cuppa, after the early start with Barbara. I know she is not so keen on that hospital.
Hi to everyone, plus Rev Delphine, Pom and the other lovely neighbours t4591 t4591 have you had the Church keys of POWER again :shock: :shock:
Hi Joan and Sue - thank you hun, Dad is a bit better, not his usual self, but we will keep persevering and do whatever we can to make life easier for him.
The car is lovely, I am quite excited to be honest. We will be with you on the 28th for your pre assessment prior to the cyst op and then with Sue on the 30th for her new teeth fittings. The cloak is going to be busy this month and next. t115006 t115006 t4591 t4591
Hi Mig, we will be there with you, try not to worry, says me, the worlds biggest worrier :roll: :roll: :?
The treatment centre, now, I don't remember that, at the Queens. Is it on ground floor, same level as A and E, or on the same level as the shop, bank, main entrance?
We will help find the parking for you and make sure you are as calm as can be. Barbara will bring some lavender spray, to keep everyone calm t4591 t4591
Bea is very happy to be joining the group Kath, later on in the week. I will take a nice picture of her, so you can see her, before she gets mucky :roll: :roll: We could have called her lady glitter sparkles, but Mother was adamant that she could be the only one with such a title t115006 t115006
Glad to hear that your wrist is a lot better, but the hips and toes are not liking the damp weather. It does creep into your joints, once there, it seems to settle and not want to move. Good that you don't have C Tunnel problems, not nice, but, we have to press on.
The vegan shepherds pie looks amazing, ta very much mi duck.
Hi Barbara A cold hospital, goodness, :shock: :shock: they are normally boiling and a breeding ground for bugs. :roll: :roll: Blackburn is normally tropical.
Three visits to the powder room, well I never. Needs be, the cold must have got to ones bladder.
I am sure things will go smoothly on Friday when we pick up Beatrice and take Bette back. I love to keep messing with the heating and ventilationMr B ;likes it on top whack heat then, while you sit there gasping :shock: :shock: :roll: :roll:
We are enjoying the tennis and the golf and the ski jumping and then we have recorded the new Jane McDonald much to catch up on.
Dad will rally I am sure, t115006 we will do what ever it takes. Matron is always on call.
Remember neighbour who had been in A and E twice in the last two weeks, who came round on Friday. Well, blue light ambulance today, to take her back into hospital, more severe unstable angina. The paramedics did not hang about getting into the house. B saw her walk to the ambulance and they went on a blue light. Not heard anything since T time. :? :? :? praying all is well, she is in the right place, be it Blackpool or Blackburn. Hubby has not come home yet, at 1230am.
Glad Niemh is just fine, "see you Wednesday" and off with her goodies. Nice that she will share things with her Sister. Bless her.
Cloak duties on Tuesday for you. We will be there, holding hands and I will be assisting the Dr, poking my nose in. Toni has the cloak all immaculised ready to go. I will pack some scones.
Oh dear, Carol, that is a big oooops, when you pulled the plug and your post vanished. Lucky the laptop didn't go out of the window :shock: :shock:
Mother is happy when she is warm and cosy, she sleeps for a long time now, with just a few shrieks and an occasional run about, not bad for her tender years.
Good that you enjoyed your lunch and then coffee. Glad you were warm at the Church open morning. Toasty with all those layers and keeping a close contact with the radiator.
I am glad your Nephew was pleased with Mr T's Eulogy and then playing the organ. He did his Brother proud, I can tell. t4591 t4591
When you look at the things we go through, as life moves on, you wonder how you ever managed to get through them. But, we do,
Thank you for the hugs, I will send them round the corner, to Dads, with some magic sparkles to put in his slippers. t115006
Hope everyone else is as ok as can be.
Time I was pottering about a bit.
We will go round to check on Dad in the morning. Otherwise, a day at home, catch up with pressing shirts etc, they are breeding on the coat hangers as we speak.
Love and Sparkles to everyone t4591 t115006 t115006 Take lots of care XXXX Aidan
Cheese loaded potato cakesXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Oh dear me Aidan just my cu of tea I love potato cakes - with cheese too!!
thank you
Oh it will be a sad day to give Bette backI am not looking forward to that although it will improve no end when Bea gets collected
Very empowering she is yours for as long as you want her t4591
Sleek saw a photo of her c/o Mother who says she doesn't want to go out in her much only place she ever goes is to the 'vetinry' and neither of them like the 'vetinry' :shock:
The nymphs are home the girls have been over to see them have a cuppa (yuck!) see the slide show and to visit the rainbow droplet.
On the subject of standing on back paws Sleek used the temporary wellness spell on Mother lady glitter sparkles so she could show off her ballroom dancing skills! She was fabulous apparently! Should be on strictly according to Sleek - Strictly Cats Dancing.
Angina attack brought on worrying about your neighbour - possibly, but with all the PIP stress and Dad being iffy :? I do hope you have heard from your neighbour by now and that she is ok ((())) YOU take care too and keep your hat on it's chilly! Now more snow so far here you totally got my snow-storm it was like a tunnel! I was lucky to find our lane :shock:
Glad Dad's visitors came good that they know how he is too. A bit early though 2 hours early :roll: I wouldn't have liked that at all I like to be ready!!! Pop some t115006 under Dad's pillow from me too.
Carol it was very chilly with the door open!! It's ok now though... must remember to get more very long matches for the fire :?
I hope Mr T will keep communicating, but whatever he does, experience has given you the ability to cope either way.
Glad you were warm enough at the open day t4591
I would lose posts if my wire came unplugged. I must also sort out a new battery :roll:
Barbara my neck isn't too bad thanks. I am being careful.
Cold here too we had to have the firelit yesterday. Paul does the same with the heating I am sweltering. It can be got right.
Niamh sounds a real blessingLovely to hear her little voice I bet. Such a shame they don't stay little for long :?
We'll be there for the 22nd never fear ((()))
Kath wouldn't it be lovely to bump into mig at the hospital! Hope you can swap back to the sulfa.
Naughty hips and toes tell them to behave t115006 t115006
Vegan shepherds pie lovelyBlimey there's loads there, but I will dodge the tomato sauce with mine. Gravy for me
mig we will be with you. The CT is much easier and less uncomfortable than an MRI. ((()))
Joan we'll be with you on the 22nd and with Sue if she'd like our support on the 30th. I bet she can't wait!
Love to everyone
Toni xxx0 -
Hello Mig Kathleen Barbara Aidan Carol Toni
. Mig don't worry we will be with you((((()))))
. Kathleen yes it makes your body ache and you feel worn out(((())))
. Barbara thank you I hope you have a good day(((())))
. Aidan I'm pleased you found the right car and you can keep it((((()))))
. Carol. how are you getting on with your teeth((())))
. Toni. I hope all of you have a good day((()))
. take care all
. joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Well, had trouble breathing this morning. That's not happened for ages. Had to use me salt pipe for about an hour and dozed at the same time. Felt better after that. Beatrice sounds just the ticket Aidan, I hope Bette gets a good home after you've waved bye bye. I hope your angina attack wasn't too taxing on you. And I hope dad improves soon.
I haven't got a recipe today, just a photo. Vegan Paleo Strawberry Cheesecake.
I'm getting 2 free booklets from Blood Pressure UK, they are posting them on Monday. One about food and one about exercise.
Yes Joan, it's dreadful. :?
I'd love to bump into mig at the hospital Toni. But we've never had appointments on the same day. :roll:
t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Hi to all,
Those tattie and cheese fry ups, are wonderful Toni. I could go at them all day long.
We are hoping that Friday goes smoothly, drop Bette off, at whichever motabiliy garage in Blackburn, then either get a lift, or a taxi to the other garage, to gather Beatrice, into our family.I was sad about Bette, but, to be honest, the more I think about it, the more annoyed I get and that is not good for my equipoise.
And, we can keep her, even if I win my award / tribunal. She will be ours.
Mother used to love going out in the car, strange but true. Not so, the older she has become, as you say, most trips are to the vets, who are to be bitten and scratched and hissed at :shock:She likes the name, but she is not bothered about having a ride.
It has been a bright ish day, Mother said they enjoyed a trip down to the ravine, to see the Nymphs, while we were round at Dads. A lovely pilchard lattetuna latte for Miss Sleek.
Both are quite pungent :shock: :shock: They were marvelling at the slide show and the magic that the Nymphs have been recharged with.
So that is why Mother Glitter Sparkles was looking to jump from B's bed, onto the very tall chest of drawers :shock: :shock: :shock: with Sleeks spell of youth. I did pick her up and show her just how far it was.
Dancing with the stars I see. Way to go Mother. (did you see Cheryl Cole / Tweedy / Versace, whatever her name is, dancing with Oti Mabuse, on the greatest Dancer. Worth looking for on Youtube, she can really give it the jive, with killer heels on too.) I was quite impressed.
I thought, I could do thatsaid no one, EVER
I said to Bill, I think I had an angina attack at the same time as next door. Strange isn't it. Poor love she had 5 more attacks, hence the call to 999. She did right, if angina does not go in 15 minutes, after three lots of spray, then you ring 999 regardless.
She is home now, t4591 same thing, unstable angina, but they have messed all her pills up, so she will have to go to GP first thing tomorrow. :roll: :roll:
I will take care, he says, trying not to potter too much. I am my own worst enemy sometimes, but, we all push things that bit too far at times.
You did have a snow storm, if you could hardly see where to drive. Glad you got home safely. We have snow forecast for Tuesday, so an at home day me thinks.
Mm, visitors two hours early, I am with you on liking to be ready and properly checked around, immaculised. Fortunately B had done the immaculising earlier in the day, or I would have been in a flat spin.
Dad was a bit better today, we went round for a good while, I said you sit here while I make you a big cup of coffee. He had had some breakfast. We sorted all his paperwork that gathers in his letter rack. All filed, neatly away.
We are off to Skipton tomorrow, he wants to come with us for a ride out, it is quick trip, one to the garage to get the service book stamped in Bettes book, they forgot, in 2017 :roll: :roll: B is popping in the bank, then we will head back over here, go to the GC and encourage him to have some lunch.
I have put the sparkles under his pillows and his slippers, thank you t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006
Hi Joan and Sue, hope you are both ok and the doggies too. Keeping warm and cosy. Hope the coughs and colds are going or gone.
We are looking forward to getting the car on Friday
Hi Kath, hope you are feeling better with your breathing, after your salt pipe inhalation. It is a very old tradition / treatment. But, effective.
Dad was a little improved, not his normal self, but getting there, we trust ((()))
No more angina at the moment. It happens at the most random of times, usually when I am resting :shock: :shock: :roll: :roll:
Bette will be a lovely car for someone, just as Bea is a good choice for us. We expect there to be some rather big ££ in the first month or so, to make sure everything is as good as new.
The vegan cheesecake looks lovely, I will try some in the booth, thank you kindly.
It would be nice to bump into Mig, at the hospital, stop for a natter and a coffee
Hi to Barbara, hope you are all ok. Having a restful day and maybe a roast dinner, deliveredt115006
Carol needs to carry a huge power bank, to keep her laptop up and running, no more pulling the plug out of the wall :? :? t115006
Hi to everyone else, in and around and about. Time I was a pottering again. Lots of love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 t115006 Take lots of care. Will pop back later XXXX Aidan
I thought we could have a can each, to go with the cheesecakeXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hi to all - t110007 chilly out again and I see snow on the horizon for later in the week :? :? Better not be on Friday when we go to gather Beatrice.
Not a lot to report from here, had a nice siesta, catching up with the tennis, ski jumping, then more tennis starts at midnight...............
Mother is all settled and cosy on B's chair cushion. I think Sleek was over while I was napping. They were looking through the Catgos book, a bit of window shopping. Sleek is also thinking of her Spring collection :shock: :roll: :roll:
I guess they will be out on Pendle, after the Blood Moon, the mists and dew will be very special indeed. They will wait until we are away to Skipton. As long as there are no Pilchard latte's left on the side:? :?
I won't dally, I will potter. Hope all are ok. Everyone take lots of care.
We are off to be with Mig today, t4591 under the cloak. I will wait for it to collect us all.
Love and Sparkles to everyone. t4591 t115006 t115006 XXXX Aidan
Saute'd mushrooms and Egg, on Toasted CiabattaXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hello Kathleen Aidan
. Kathleen how are your pains I hope they are not too bad((((()))))
. Aidan did you see Federer got knocked out. have a good day all of you ((())))
. take care love to Barbara Toni Carol and Mig don't worry about the scan.
. joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Oh wonderful, Saute'd mushrooms and Egg, on Toasted Ciabatta, can I have 2 eggs and a little grated cheese on mine please Aidan? For me spine yer know. Fractures have healed, but still hurt. :? Sorry to hear dad is not quite himself, but I'm sure with all the care and attention he will get there soon. A drive in Bea when you collect hee, to the GC for coffee and cake will perk him up. t4591 t115006
Looks as though ninny walking down to the Co-op tomorrow - ICE! :shock: If it's too bad we might wait until Wednesday as we don't want any falls.
What did the puss cats think of the wolf moon last night? A pretty awsome sight I thought.
Matron in killer heels hehehe I'm not laughing honest. :oops:
Right, put kettle on duck let's mash and scoff some choccy biccies - they're vegan.Toni, Kari, Barbara, mig and anyone else fancy some.
:animal_busy: :animal_busy: :animal_busy: :animal_busy:"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Afternoon all..lovely and sunny here after the early fog..
Aiden so Friday it is for car you say you are now empowered and beholding to no oneI hope that dad eats something at the GC...fingers crossed...maybe wheb he see the scones they will temp him
how did you know we had a roast delivered..
we keep say we will miss a Sunday but are hooked now..she is only young that cooks them but boy is she good...
The hospital I went to Friday is the one I like hip hospital, and Lucys shoulder one ..its the one tomorrow I dont like ..and to be honest am terrified... :shock: :shock: never had one before bit didnt get on with the injections :shock:
We have been watching the snooker ...but I saw that Roger had been knock of of the tennis..
I see you had an angina attack.. t115006 its no wonder with all the stress hopefully things will settle for you..and your neighbour is doing ok...thankyou for the potatoes cakes with lashing of butter
Kath I hope your breathing has eased..and chocolate cookis are very welcome thankyou..
Joan and Sue..hope you have been out with the doggies...and the heating is keeping you all warm..
Toni..Wrightington was really cold on Friday..I needed lots of wees....think you are mixing Joan up with me my spinal tap is tomorrow :shock: and Joan is in for pre op on the 28th..hopefully I have that right..hope Lucys course is going ok
Carol I have 2 sons so no what you are talking about..but they did ok for you..hope you get that new battery very soon..
See you all under the cloak tomorrow early Im afraid..have to be there for 7..I do not like this hospital.. :roll: :roll:
Love to everyone
t4591 t115006 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
Well it went alright had to have another injection was actually asked if there were any needle problems
first time I've been asked that ,just got to wait again. Thank you all for the company it really meant a lot .
Aiden the treatment centre is adjacent to QMC,where the tram stops QMC is one side and Treatment Center the other there is a walkway bridge to the hospital and another to the treatment centre,it might be better if you googled it.0
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