Val's Cafe
Hi to all - I think that is all the running about today, well, sitting there, being chauferred, with Dad.
I hope Mig was ok today - just had a bing bong. I see it went ok, they even asked you about problems with needles. Kind of them to ask, maybe it is a new policy now. It was a pleasure to be under the cloak with all our friends, to make sure you were ok t115006 t115006
I will google maps the QMC, it must be a new part to what I remember, there were no trams when I lived and worked in Nottm and no, I don't remember the original ones either
HI Joan and Sue - I did see the match with Federa loosing to Tsitsipas, he was gracious in defeat, I don't think he is too bothered, he is not in the game for the money any more, he is already probably the best player of all time and has won everything, umpteen times.
Hope you are both as ok as possible. Keep warm, it is going to get quite cold over the next week to 10 days. Snow, thunder, eeek :shock: :shock: t110007
Hi Kath Of course you can have two eggs and some grated cheese on your breakfast, you help yourself. Parmesan would be perfect
Fractures that have healed, can still be very painful, sometimes for life - speaking from experience :roll: :roll: t115006 t115006 ((()))
Dad was a lot better today. He enjoyed his ride out to Skipton, then back to the GC and he had his fav, hand battered fish finger sandwich, (which are quite large) with salad, coleslaw. Appetite is certainly back and he was so much brighter - Bless his heart t4591 t4591
He is excited about Bea, becoming part of the fold, so to speak.
I was thinking about ninny walking, having seen our forecast for later this week. Thundersnow, hail, sleet, ice, rain, windy :shock: :shock: :roll: :roll:
Just you be careful, if there is any doubt, no wandering down to the Co Op :? :?
Sleek and Mother were very excited by the Wolf Blood Moon, they were out gathering mists, as such a moon is a rare thing and the dew is very special.
I have seen some fabulous pictures that people have taken of the blood moon.
Matron, busting some moves, in killer heels, more like busting some joints etc. :shock:
Biccies look luvly mi duck, a ya got kettle on ? Good on ya.
Hi Barbara - I just had a sneaky feeling that you were having a Sunday roast, Matron knows these things, nurses intuition
You will have seen that Dad has his appetite back again and is a lot brighter, which is good. They had two soups that I liked, Broccoli and Stilton and Carrot & Corriander, I had the latter and B had the Broccoli, two portions of wonderfully crisp and chunky chips, then I forced myself to have a scone, took some doing :roll:Even Dad has some mint ice cream for pudding :shock:
We will be empowered with Beatrice being all ours, no one can take her, unless we decided otherwise, down the line a while. I had to ring the DWP as my months time frame is up, for getting information back to them, regarding my appeal I said I am still waiting for my GP letter (it was stuck on reception for 10 days that's why) :roll: :roll: :roll:
They made a note that it is still in the pipeline. She said no decision had been made yet anyway. Well, I guessed that :roll: :?
Ah, Wrightington is the hospital that you do like, it is the other one that you are not so keen on, see, I am muddled already, two peas in a pod are we not.
You will be just fine Barbara, honest, we will be there, in thoughts and prayers and hand holding, just as we were with Mig. Only a little needle, honest..................You may well be asked to lie fairly flat, for a while afterwards, to stop you getting a headache. (((())))
I was a bit surprised when Roger was beaten, it was a very tight match. The crowd were going wild at times
Angina, well, it is a bit like next doors, unstable, normally at silly o clock in the morning. My cardio would certainly say that the stress of recent months has not helped one bit. It is very scary when it comes on and you can feel your pulse going all over the place....... :? :?
Not hear any more from Neighbour today, mind, we have been out for the most part. I will be asking her v soon.
Now, what time do we have to be at the hospital - SEVEN :shock: :shock: in the morning, right, ok, Toni will make sure we are all scooped up, even if we are still asleep. t115006 t115006
You take care - we will all be holding hands with you t4591 t4591
Hi to Toni, hope you and yours are all ok, Carol and everyone else too. t4591 t4591
Time I was pottering about a bit.
I see Kath has mashed the T, so I will away and eat umpteen biscuits.
Will catch up with everyone later. Take care, love and sparkles to all XXXX Aidan t4591 t115006 t115006XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Evening all
didn't get in yesterday as I got up with a very loudly complaining knee and back I took me till the evening to get any relief from it. it dose this very occasionally. So I Did not go to church but basically sat messing about with the i pad as I have some games on there as I really could not concentrate on anything. and guess what last night again I had a stuffed up nose which woke me up at around 3 along with the need to go to the loo, couldn't clear the nose whilst lying down. Decide to sit in the armchair and try to sleep upright but that didn't work either meaning I only had about 4 hours sleep. Now today it feels like I now have another cold brewing although i don't feel hot or anything. but I am sneezing too now. so maybe it's a night in the armchair again to see if it makes any difference. went out to get some bits earlier and I was fine outside in the fresh air. maybe I should just wrap up and sleep in the gardenthink it might be a bit cold though. t110007 t110007 so perhaps not the best idea I've had.
toilet flush now working properly was just the plastic washer under the syphon was spilt so he replaced it. now only the laptop to sort out next week.
Aidan Glad to hear Dad s feeling a bit Better now and has started eating more. so glad you now have Bea and that she is your for as long as you want and no one can take her off of you. as for the angina stress would not help at all and you have had a bit of that lately. I Didn't pull the plug out of the wall it was the one at the laptop end
Barbara yes the girls did do well to do what they did even if I could strangle then at times. Don't worry we the cloak will scoop us all up as Aidan said even if we are asleep we will be there we you.
Joan hope you and Sue are ok and Sue has her teeth on the 30th thats my Birthday. I am getting on ok with mine now since the dentist adjusted them at the start of November.
Mig glad it wasn't for too long. Mr T hasn't said much about his brother over the weekend but I think the realisation is there now that I am there for him when needed and not always nagging him as is the usual phrase I get.
well its time for a potter and a few bits to do before i try to get some sleep
Love and Sparkles to all. t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006Stay positive always👍xx0 -
All done for today not well done l hope it helped we were all thinking of you ((()))
Barbara yes already for tomorrow blimey the cloak will be picking us up in our beds except me and Joan were up early!
Never fear we will be there distracting you....maybe a little choir practise. If you need me I can be right there with you. Lucy had chemo into her spine loads and I can help ((()))
Hi Joan hope you are all recovered now from the cold. Ypur name is in the cloak diary for 28th and Due for 30th.
Kath be careful we hate snow and ice! No ninny walking just stay inside!
Did I tell you the large (very large) hall mirror fell on my rt foot! Hop-along is my new middle name.
Aidan have you seen the selfies the girls took? With that blood moon :shock: Mother says she has seen many a blood moon and he dew is very potent 1000 times as strong!!
Looking forward to Friday when Be a will be with you for ever!!! Makes looking Bette much more tolerable. Delays at the Drs is very much par for the course really the DWP should make allowances for it it's so common.
We have extra bits on out poor little hospital too progress I think. I'm sure you'd still recognise the old hospital!
Good to hear that Dad has his appetite back with a huge fish finger buttie - one of Paul's favourites t4591
K hope you hear from neighbour soon and she is coping God Bless her.
Carole glad the lav is sorted o e job ticked off. I admire you after the time you've had as doo as things are done you are on to the next problem to sort!
I very much hope you can chuck this cold off and manage to sleep tonight ((()))
Right best be getting to bed another manic day tomorrow!
Toni xxxx0 -
Hi to all - its wet t111055 t111055 with various forecasts from snow, to sleet, thundersnow, thinks Pendle will be white in the morning.
Sleek and Mother will be up there, gathering the firsts snow of the year. I didn't realise just how potent the blood moon dew was Toni. No wonder there was shrieking in the ravine :shock: :shock:
Hi Carol, I hope your ouchies are lessening as we speak, sending some extra sparkles and ((())) t115006 t115006 to help them go away.
Then waking up with the beginnings of a cold, no, no, we don't want anyone else getting the horrid bugs. t2507
Perhaps a doze in the chair will be helpful, as long as you are comfortable.
Fresh air is good, (even though my Mother said, don't you go out with wet hair, you will catch a cold) :shock: :roll:
Best not sleep in the garden, might be a little nippy t110007 t110007 :shock: :shock:
Good that the loo is now working as it should, with its new washer. SortedJust the laptop to go. Good that it was not the plug you took out of the wall
Bea will be with us from Friday, we are looking forward to picking her up and bringing her home to usQuite true, she is ours, well, we have paid for her, but she is still being "prepared".
We are glad that Dad is feeling more like himself again.
Hi there Toni, a busy day, we are all here and there and all over the place.
Put the coffee on under the cloak, while we are on route to be with Barbara.
You have been there with Lucy, having spinal chemo and I have been there for a fair few spinal taps, so we will be right there with our Barbara, along with everyone else. t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006
So, Hop Along, that is not good, dropping the mirror on your foot :roll: :roll: Sleek was telling Mother that the wall fell down on top of Mummy :shock: :shock: Mother was most perturbed :? :? Anti ouches are on the way t115006 t115006
I have been looking for the selfies, cannot find them, let me go look again.................
No, cannot find them :? :? Mother has indeed, seen a few Blood Moons, who knew that they were so powerful. I wonder what the ancients thought, it must have been very strange.
All excited about Friday, we have the garage located, to drop Bette back at, only 4 mins away from the other dealers, so maybe one or the other will give us a lift, if not, a taxi.
I guess delays at the Drs are inevitable :roll: :roll: they must be up to their necks with paperwork, on top of all the daily surgeries.
At least I have informed the DWP.
I used to love fish finger butties too, the ones at the GC are really good, homemade, I must try one..........It was good to see Dad enjoying his food again. t4591
Another manic day today then :shock: steady as you go, with your ouchy foot - best be putting a magic square in your shoes and boots
A quiet evening here, catching up with the tennis, before it all starts again at 130am. Not that we will be up all night watching it. Keeps us going throughout the day. At home today. Need a catch up on house things.
Hope everyone is ok, love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 t115006 Time I was pottering a little. XXXXX Aidan
Baked Berry Cheesecake, Barbara will need treats after her appointment.XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Still waiting..mind you I am used to this..Waited all day with both hip ops.. :roll: I'm hungry have you brought any food..if I don't answer you know they have me tied down..thanks everyone xxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Hello Kathleen Mig Barbara Carol Aidan Toni
. Kathleen I hope the weather is not too bad where you are.
. Mig I hope you don't have to wait too long for your results.
. Barbara good luck for your appointment((()))
. Carol I hope your cold does not stay too long (((())))
. Aidan I bet you are looking forward to Friday sorry about your Angina (((())))
. Toni I hope your foot's not too sore did the mirror break. (((())))
. take care
. joan xx. Barbara we have biscuits you can have (((())))take care
joan xx0 -
Don't worry Barbara, we are making sure the wait is not an endlessly long and drawn out affair. t4591 t4591 Silver is with us and is throwing glitter sparkles everywhere, so don't worry if you see things glistening t115006 t115006
Sending lots of love and hugs from beneath the cloak t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006
Aidan XXXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
We braved the cold. No ninny walking though, as it wasn't icy - just a little frosty. Oh I'm so glad dad is improved. And he has his appetite back. What a relief.
t4591 Thank you for the Baked Berry Cheesecake.
How is hop along this morning? I hope the mirror didn't break, :shock: what a mess that would have made - to say nowt of 7 years bad luck. :? I bet Sleek had summat to say about it.
Carol, I hope your cold soon gets better. Maybe a slice of Cranberry nut pumkin loaf might help."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Hi to all t110007 t110007
How are things Barbara, I hope you were not waiting too long and are feeling as ok as can be, been thinking of you all day. t4591 t115006
We were as quiet as possible under the cloak, I know Kath was snoring, or was it me :shock: :shock:Toni was holding hands with you and I poked my nose in wherever I could.
Hi Joan and Sue, hope you are both ok. We have had a blizzard this afternoon, everything is pretty and white, it appeared from nowhere.
Take care if you are out and about. I know you won't go on your scooters if it bad weather or icy.
Angina is just one of those things, my sprays normally work well, which is good. If they don't, then it is a 999. :shock: :?
You did brave the cold then Kath. No ninny walking, which is good. It is bloomin cowd mi duck. t110007
We are pleased that Dad is more back to his usual self. t4591 t4591
Thank you for the yummy cake, I will pinch some to go with our cuppa's.
I am assuming hop along Toni is ok, another busy day ahead. Sleek said that Mummy was walking a little "strangely", after the wall fell down (not that she embellishes things at all) :roll: :roll: I hope that your foot and mirror are all intact :shock:
Mother and Sleek were up on Pendle at some unearthly hour, gathering small amounts of snow. No need to go up there now, we are covered in it :shock: :shock: Mother has taken one look outside and said she is not going anywhere, while the world is white. :roll:
Finally, my letter from the Drs was ready, HOORAH, well, it was printed out, when I phoned. Dr X will sign it when he comes back next week - OH, sorry, no, it has to go, today, I am already on borrowed time with the DWP - anyway, big do's and little do's, one of the partners signed it for him and we went to collect it, they copied it, I paid them £24 and the copy has gone off, recorded, fast as you like, to the DWP. I hope they read it properly, no one could have offered me more support and stated every medical and psychological fact.
We left town and it was drizzling, got to Waddington (a mile away) and it was a blizzard, which carried on while B was in the Post Office, then all the way home. Winter wonderland, appeared from nowhere. There was ninny walking up the ramp. :? :? :roll: :roll:no, no pictures were taken..............
Right. I had best be pottering. It is T time and then siesta.
Will call back again later. In the meantime, take lots of care, ((())) love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 XXXX AidanXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hello all and thankyou for the cloak duties they did help loads
Got back a couple of hours ago..and we had snow, but its gone now the car was covered..all that for a few mins injection I am shattered..have a rotten headache ..but least said about the taking of fluid :shock: :shock:
Toni ..I do think the singing helped..but the poor doctors ears..a large mirror has fallen on your foot..oh gosh hope its not broken ..the foot I mean :shock: there are so many little bones in feet....xx
Joan and Sue thanks for being there ..I am fine not sure about the doctor though..think I put him through it...
Carol I hope you dont get a full blown cold..I hate being stuffed up..we dont want you sleeping in the garden maybe with the window open
Kath thanks for the cranberry and pumpkin loaf I was ready for that with my cuppa
Aiden I am so glad dads is eating again..roll on Friday when you can bring Bea home ..and a good one it will be..I spotted all the sparkles under the cloak ..was a good distraction
Mig I am happy to hear that things weren't to bad and it another injections they do get you worrying...
Right will leave you for now..looking forward to an early night
Love to everyone
t4591 t115006 t4591
Just spotted you there Aiden...yes you were all quiet, but I could hear you have your letter and its all gone off ..fingers crossed for you..xLove
Barbara0 -
Hi to one and all
Very cold her today but has been dry most of the day up until about half three when it started to rain then sleet then the freezing rain nasty but it has stopped now slept in armchair last night managed to get myself comfortable about midnight snuggled with the spare duvet around me the next thing I knew was it was 6am so a full 6 hrs sleep without having to use the loo very unusual for me. feel a lot better today just a little stuffy with the nose but not so much sneezing so hopefully it may continue and I will be able to sleep in bed tonight. well it's Wednesday again tomorrow and that means knitting group in the afternoon.
Barbara I just hope the cold dose not last as long as the one I had back in November it took about 7 week till the cough went away. at the moment this seems to be a head cold headache stuffy nose and sneezing. I do feel a bit better today and no I wont be sleeping in the garden. bit difficult to have even the small window open in our bedroom as our bed is so close to the window. I was there under the cloak for your appointment I was still half asleep but the just cloak whisked me up and away we went.
Aidan think it might have been me snoring as well under the cloak . So glad Dads eating well again. and Bea is due to be picked up on Friday. so all is well with the doctors letter.
Kath I'm sure the Cranberry nut pumpkin loaf will be fine.
Joan I hope this cold don't linger too long either.
Toni I hope the foot is not too painful.
its now time to love and leave you all as I must have a little potter
love sparkles sent to all
t115006 t115006 t4591 t4591Stay positive always👍xx0 -
Evening everyone!
Barbara I am so glad you are home safe and sound and were very brave.Aidan and I weren’t at all scared, but some people under the cloak were averting their gazes. :shock: We are all super proud of you ((())) Better get some answers now.
Sorry about the singing, but that’s what I used to do for Lucy ‘In the jungle the mighty jungle…’
Carol it has been a grotty day you keep warm. Very good news that your cold was helped by upright-ish sleeping. Fingers crossed you keep it under control ((())) t115006
I have travelled through snow storms twice today and had tea with Kari just dropped her off lost of snow up at hers and on the way NONE on the Chase very odd.
Enjoy knitting tomorrow and worry not about my foot – I am coping! The mirror was intact and me I am superstitious!
Aidan Sleek is (so far) being silly with the snow and plans to get Mother up on Pendle to make snow pusskin-angels tomorrow (afternoon – she reckons Tosca needs her bed these days). We’ll see how she gets on. The red-moon selfies were on cat-chat and ‘insta’ apparently. Lucy has seen them.
Your Dr sounds to have been a total star and if that doesn’t help with the MPs backing then I am sorry NOTHING can. I feel very optimistic, but adjusted to the loss of Bette and arrival of Bea. I will raise the flags when you win because you really should. £24 well-spent!
Yes hop-along is ok!!! Thanks you for asking, but very bruised would you all like a pic?
The mirror is intact, but the wire is frayed which held it up on the wall. Heaven knows why I was in the wrong place at the wrong time??? :roll:
Honestly the wall did not fall on me, but I am certainly walking very oddly. :?
I have been through several snow storms today, but not much settled by the time I took Kari off home (she came for tea). YOU be careful I know I am anxious to see some ninny walking, but really be careful!!!
Kath hasn’t been ninny walkingHop-along is ok definitely hopping and glad to sit down though and the mirror is fine. :roll: What am I like I was more bothered about that! Until the pain kicked in!!! Sleek was there worried that the wall had fallen on me. She probably put a spell to save the actual mirror…what about Mummy’s foot!!
The pumpkin loaf was YUM ta
Joan thank you the foot is a bit sore, but luckily the mirror didn’t break. I could not cope with 7 years bad luck I hope you and Sue are ok?
Love to everyone t4591
Toni xxx0 -
Hi to all, from Narnia :shock: Not deep snow, but everywhere is white over and frozen solid............. t110007
Hi Barbara, it was the least we could do, to be there under the cloak. All that waiting and then a minimum of invasion from needles.
t115006 t115006 for your headache to go asap. Extra drinks, pain dullers and some rests with feet up - Niamh will be able to do the housekeeping when she comes today.
Glad you spotted the sparkles around and about. A very good distraction and every little helps. t4591 t4591
I think it was Carol who was snoring, there are so many rooms under the cloak :shock: bedrooms and rest rooms and therapy rooms
Yes, I have the Drs letter, well, the original, the copy has finally gone off to the DWP. SO relieved.
Hope you have a good nights rest, take lots of care XX
Hi Carol - It certainly is cold out. Freezing rain is horrid, it sticks like glue and makes things treacherous for walking etc. Glad you have no snow. Hope it stays that way. It might look pretty here, but, there will be Ninny walking in the morning :? :? :roll: :roll:
So you had a reasonably comfy night, snuggled in the armchair, wrapped in your quilt. Good to hear that the cold is not getting any worse and the sneezing is less. t115006 t115006 Let's hope you have had a good nights sleep, in bed.
We don't want repeats of the colds and coughs, so many of us had over Christmas and New Year.
Crochet and natter today, enjoy, take care when you are out and about.
I don't think you were alone, snoring, under the cloak, it was an early start and there was quite a wait :roll: :roll: Toni kept us all awake with lots of strong coffee though.
Drs letter will be with the DWP today, made sure it went recorded, not taking any chance of it being "lost".
Bea will be very welcome, cannot wait
Hi Toni - OUCH, that is a bruised foot and tootsies - let me go sort some very special sparkles for it - These can be applied umpteen times a day
We are indeed, very proud of our BarbaraShe did very well. Some don't like needles, me, I want to see where they are going and why :shock: :? :?
Mother has taken another look outside and has been shrieking the house down, so I am taking it that the morning snow gathering will be a no show :roll: :roll:Maybe after lunch, as long as her side car is super warm. Sleek has been sending pictures on cat chat, of her new ski outfit :shock:
Ah, that's why I didn't see the pictures of the Wolf Moon, ask Lucy to pop some on FB, as I don't do insta any more. Cheers Lucy
I was re reading my Drs letter. It doesn't make for "good" reading, when you realise just how things are in black and white :? :? :? , but, the powers that be, need to know the clear facts.
His letter and the letter to the Secretary of State from my MP, as you say, if that gets nowhere, then what will? £24 spent and worth every penny.
So looking forward to Bea. She is all paid for, arranged for Bette to go back to the nearest Motability dealer in Blackburn. Insurance done, road tax will be done at the dealers, instant, online, straight to the DVLA. How times change, when you had to queue at the PO, with all your documents :roll: :roll:
Those wires do start to wear on pictures and mirrors, quite why your foot was there at the wrong time :shock: :roll: :roll: :? :? Lots of arnica gel or cream, along with the magic sparkles and some ((()))
Glad nothing is broken, foot wise or mirror wise.
We will be careful, it is just the bit from the door, down the ramp, to the car. B salted it earlier in the evening, so hopefully it won't be too bad.............
Nice that Auntie Kari came for THi Auntie Kari
A great photographer from the Ribble Valley, compiled this picture of Pendle, the Witch and the Blood Moon, I love it
Well, I had better do some more pottering. Beds all done, B was chief bed maker, I sorted some of the washing for immaculisation. We like cleanFresh bedding is just wonderful.
Some groceries to get today, with Dad. Tesco and Sainsb, then Drs to pick up my shipping order of pills, :roll: :roll: Back here for croissants and coffee.
Hi to everyone else, in and about. Hope all are taking care and keeping warm. Be careful if it is icy, there is nothing wrong with ninny walking
Love and Sparkles abound. t4591 t115006 XXXX Aidan
Breakfast on the next post.................XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Seven Grain Porridge with Seeds and BerriesXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0
Hi Everyone
We are white all over, but I can see a little Rd so no doubt a little later I will be able to venture out myself.
Aidan it must have been very upsetting reading the letter from your Dr, but if that is what is needed then that is what has to be done ((())) Deep breath onwards and upwards.
I hope, WHEN you win your appeal that somehow the injustice done to you and OTHERS in similar positions is righted and this farce gets sorted out.
Another positive about Bea being a forever-car is you can do any alterations you jolly well like! such as alloy wheels or sdding extra drink holders etc
Have a good day I hope the snow hasn't worse overnightavoid Ninny-walking (unless there's a video going!!)
Thank you for those extra special sparklesI have popped some on my toes and in my (freshly washed) slippers and already can feel an improvement. Sometimes I am very grateful that we are on one level at home.
Sleek has her snowsuit ready and asked if you can help Tosca into hers (she struggles with the tail bit) so that after lunch they can go and make snow-pusskin-angels?
I also love the photo very atmospheric and clever. I bet folks in the old days though God was very angry with them and behaved better for a while.
Thanks for the porridge just what you need on a day like this
A quick woo-ooo! to Joan. I hope there is little or no snow with you
Love to all
Toni xxx t45910 -
Hello Aidan Barbara Kathleen carol Toni
. Aidan good Luck I do hope the letters help you they should((((())))). Lovely photo
. Barbara how long have you got to wait for the result((((())))
Kathleen go care full I know you will (((())))
. Carol there is a lot of colds about mine is beginning to go (()))
. Toni we haven't got any snow. That's a good bruise did you put a ice pack on it (((())))
. take care all
. joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Finally, my letter from the Drs was ready, HOORAH
How's Hop a long Toni today? Did I see her hobbling on a rather large bandage? The photo is very impressive.
Hardly any snow here, but that may change.
t110007 t110007 t110007 t110007 t110007 t110007 t110007"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Hello all this will be short due to a banging headache..but it will no doubt go soon
Aiden they struggled with the needle apparently,it's down to the stenosis..something like that..glad all letter are now with the pip people.. roll on Friday for Be a.. can't wait to see a pic
Toni that foot looks so painful..suppose you have arnica..but rest it has well..I once drop an oil filled radiator on I know how painful it is.i think Lucy was braver than brave having a few spinal fluids taken.x
Joan the results will be a couple of weeks I think..not long off your preop now..hope you are all keeping warm
Carol I hope that cold eases very soon..sleeping in the chair wil be hard on your back..x
We had lots of snow last night and most hasn't gone.. but won't be going out anyway..
Love to everyone
t4591 t115006 t4591
Sorry hi to Kath...Love
Barbara0 -
Hi to all - What a VERY chilly day. Everywhere that has been in shade, is still snowy and very sparkly frosty t110007 t110007
Bette needed a good warm up, before we went to pick Dad up, she was frozen solid, poor love.
I see your Village was still white over Toni, sorry, Sleeks village :roll: :roll:
I take it you managed to get out and about, safe and steady. Lots of black ice around here.
I guess it just makes you stop and think, when you read letters from GP's and Consultants :? :? :shock: But, you are right, it is what is needed. Deep breaths.
When I win, I will help as many people as I can and also get my MP to debate "is PIP, fit for purpose" in Parliament.
Yes, Bea will have additions, as and when. She has everything comfort wise already in situ.
On the wheels, which are alloys, there is a central disc, with the Merc Sign in it, we have four brand new ones, ready to clip on, the ones on at the moment, are ok ish, better with the new lush ones
We have our eyes on a private no. plate. With BEA as the main lettersIt is not an expensive one. I did put in one that I liked and it was £33000 :shock: :shock: :? :? OW MUCH :!: :!: :!:
£100 or so is ok, no more.
Extra drinks holders, I will have to check on the number that she has. I spied a couple, front and back, but the test drive was not long and we were so cold.
A cake holder would be niceand a mini nu nu, so we don't have any crumbs on the plush :roll:
The garage said they would put some mats in, but, I doubt they will be made to measure ones, so, I have one set on my fav lists, all ready to order
There was no ninny walking, Bills salting of the ramp, worked a treat, it was all clear and ice free.
I am glad the special sparkles have helped with the foot ouches. t115006 I bet the bruising is changing colour nicely, to a yellow / blue hue.
I am permanently grateful that we live on one level.
I did manage to get Mother Glitter Sparkles into her snow suit. Pendle looks amazing when she is white with snow. I think they had a good time, making snow puskin Angels. They brought some snow balls back for the Nymphs to store in their cold room. t115006
It was a great photo, he takes some wonderful shots of the Ribble Valley. The ancients must have been very fearful, when the moon appeared red, or there was an eclipse.
Porridge is great on icy cold days, (says me who never eats breakfast :roll: :roll: )
Hi Joan and Sue - good to hear that your cold is going now Joan,((())) they do take some getting rid of.
Glad you didn't get any snow.
I am hoping and praying that the letters do help. I hope they actually ready them :roll: :roll:
Hi Kath - yes, we can all breathe now, letters all gone off, at long last. Things are in the lap of the Gods now.
Glad you enjoyed the porridge
I hope you stopped at home and kept warm, no walking to the Co Op when it is super cold. It is going to warm up a bit for the week end, plenty of rain in store for us, just when we get Beatrice - bloomin typical :roll: :roll: t111055 t111055
Mmm, fig cake, thank you, it looks gorgeous. I might have some of Toni's clotted cream, for the calcium only, of course :? :?
Hugs ((())) for any ouches, t115006 they can sneak up on us without warning, so always wise to have some sparkles to hand. t115006
Hi Barbara - sorry you have still got a headache, it will go, honest, it is the main side effect of having a spinal tap. t4591 t4591 ((()))
Having a stenosis will make things difficult, ie getting a needle into the correct position.
I am glad the GP letter has now gone, they will have it with them now, it just has to filter through the "system".
We are looking forward to picking Bea up on Friday. I hope the garage ring today, to let us know all is going to plan.
An oil filled rad on your foot, big ouch !! Hope you didn't break any bones.
Don't blame you for not going out, with the snow. I guessed you would have similar weather to us. We are having an at home day today.
Hope your headache is much improved today t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006
Hi to Carol - How is your cold, improving I trust. Did you manage to sleep in bed, better for your ouchies without a doubt.
Hope the knitting group was ok, with coffee to help things along.
Right, I had better make a move and do some more pottering. Catch up with some tennis that has not long started.
Hi to everyone else, in and about. Keep warm and safe.
Love and Sparkles to all t4591 t115006 XXXX Aidan
Mushroom Bruschetta for breakfastXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hello Kathleen Barbara Aidan
. Kathleen I hope you don't have any snow it wa icy here yesterday.
. Barbara what did you have looked at was lt your sinus's.
. Aidan go careful in the snow and B((((())) what time are you getting the car tomorrow.
. take care
. joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Hi everyone!
Sorry this will be short am practising singing with my lovely neighbours!
Barbara can come along. You and Lucy were BOTH very brave ((())) Spinals can give you a headache it will ease off.
Kath hopalong is here!! thanks for that fig cake looks WOW!!
Joan thanks I used arnica on my foot it's ok more or less. Glad you have no snow
Aidan yes 'proper mats' I like the idea of a cake holder and a noo-noo! maybe a fridge for some rhoddas
Get the number plate - you must I got Paul one for Christmas and he loves it t4591 BEA - perfect!
Glad B's salting did the job always safety first every time. No inny walking although it is funny I am actually glad.
My foot is now BLUE Must take you and updated picturethe special sparkles are definitely helping I even found a bush-baby in my pillow the night before last....
What a great idea for a debate. He can quote the figures of deaths the 68% appeal success rate. That equals a lot of people unjustly treated!!!
Shut up Toni! behave!! Might fall off my soapbox!!
Toni xxx0 -
Just polishing off my Mushroom Bruschetta, many thanks Aidan. You know I love mushrooms.
Me ribs hurt, could be the damp, because my wrists are flaring too. We are all excited about tomorrow and can't wait to see Bea arrive.
Nooo Toni, don't fall off your soap box - you already have a blue foot. I wonder if it matches Bea?
Joan only had rain here, but it could still be slippy. So we're staying in.
Carol, how many boxes of tissues have you got through? I hope you are feeling a bit better.
Cranberry and Orange Rum Babas
Ingredients babas fresh yeast or dried yeast 1 tsp milk 90ml, warmed until tepid strong white flour 225g salt ½ tsp golden caster sugar 2 tbsp eggs 4, beaten butter 100g, very soft dried cranberries 75g rum syrup golden caster sugar 250g orange 1 small, finely grated zest and juice dark rum 4 tbsp, or more if you like dried cranberries 75g whipped cream or crème fraîche or ice cream to serve
Method STEP 1
Lightly butter 6 × 150ml pudding moulds. Put the yeast, milk and 50g of the flour in a bowl and blend until smooth.
Stand in a warm place for 15 mins until it starts to bubble. Add the remaining flour, salt, sugar, eggs and butter to make a soft dough and beat well for 3 minutes.
Add the cranberries, then half-fill the moulds with the dough and allow to rise in a warm place for about 30 minutes.
Heat the oven to 190c/fan170c/gas 5. Put the babas on a baking sheet then bake for 20-25 minutes or until puffed and golden.
Meanwhile, make the rum syrup. Put the sugar in a saucepan with 300ml water and heat gently until dissolved.
Bring to the boil and simmer for a few minutes until thickened a little. Remove from the heat and add the orange zest and juice, rum and cranberries.
Turn the babas out into a large, deep dish and pour the syrup over. Leave to soak at room temperature, turning occasionally, for at least 30 minutes or up to 2 hours.
Serve with whipped cream, with a little extra rum whipped in if you like, crème fraîche or ice cream.
t4591 t4591 t110007 t110007 t110007 t110007 t4591 t4591"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Oatmeal Cottage Cheese Pancakes
75g (2.6oz) cottage cheese
75g (2.6oz) oats
1 large egg
150ml (5.2fl oz) semi skimmed milk
2tsp linseeds (flaxseeds)or chia seeds
1/2tsp baking powder
1 tablespoon maple syrup (optional)
1/4tsp cinnamon
Recipe Summary
They are wheat-free and high in protein and fibre so will keep you going all morning long. The cottage cheese makes them light and fluffy but doesn’t leave a ‘cheesy’ taste. Added flax seeds or chia seeds to help bind the mixture and give a little boost of omega 3 fatty acids. Plant sources of omega 3 aren’t quite as efficiently used by the body as those from oily fish as the body, but are a useful source of essential fatty acids for vegetarians or vegans.
These are easiest to make in a jug with a hand blender. If you don’t have a food processor, blender or hand blender then simply swap the oats for a flour of your choice – you could use a wheat free blend, wholemeal or plain rice flour. You can also swap the cottage cheese for a banana and the milk for a non-dairy variety if you prefer a dairy-free pancake. Eat these with blueberries and yoghurt but they are also delicious with a little lemon and sliced mango or bananas.
Put all the ingredients in a blender and blitz together until you have a smooth batter. Leave it to stand for 10 minutes – it should thicken slightly as the oats and seeds absorb the fluid.
Lightly grease a frying pan by rubbing some sunflower or rapeseed oil over it with kitchen roll. Place the pan on a medium heat and let it get hot for 2 minutes. Pour or ladle coaster sized puddles of the batter into the pan. You will be able to cook 2 or 3 at a time, depending on the size of the pan. When the surface no longer looks wet and bubbles have come to the surface, flip the pancake over and cook for another minute or so on the other side.
Serve immediately."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Hi to all - all the snow has gone now, along with Jack Frost. Getting more mild, for a couple of days
Hi Joan and Sue - we are picking Beatrice up in the morning, we will leave home about 0900, we want to be done and sorted, back in time to pick Dad up and go out for lunch. He will be itching to see the car, but best if we go on our own, or there will be too much nattering :roll:
All the snow has vanished, thank goodness. I spy some more on the forecast for next week :? :?
I hope you can get out and about, now that the ice is melting away.
Hi Toni - Mother had to correct Sleek, who said that you had gone out to shriek, with the peeples next door :shock: :shock: She said that hoomans, sing, puskins shriek. :roll:
I hope you enjoyed your singing with the neighbours, something that is being practised for choir tonight?
I am sure Barbara will be along, headache allowing. If not, Sisters Euphemia and Inviolata will be there.
Yes, we will get proper mats. I rang to see if everything was on track, he said yes, all ready for tomorrow morning, then thanked me for payingI asked if there were mats, as I could order some, he said, hang fire, we will put some in, to keep the cream carpets clean, then you can decide if you want to order made to measure ones.
They are going to pick us up from the motability garage, just phone them when ours is returned and one of the crew, will come and collect us. Bless them.
I am sure we will be new plates, BEA is too tempting not to, with our initials at the beginning, perfect
B has been out and given Bette a once over with the water less car cleaner, she is all pristine.
A blue footed Toni, yes, updates pictures, to see progress. Keep up with the arnica, it does help with the bruising. t115006 t115006
A bush baby in the pillow slip, they do get everywhere. t4591
It is a good idea to debate, I don't think it would be the first time either. I quite agree with what my MP said, about there has to be systems in place, to prevent fraud etc, but, the system itself, if so flawed, it needs a huge shake up. I will join you on the soapbox, don't you worry, we will go to Hyde Park Corner
Hi Kath, glad you enjoyed the Bruschetta and mushrooms. I remembered you liked them
Ouchy ribs, have you been coughing more, or laying oddly :shock: I will send the possums over, with some magic squares to help, they can tend to your wrists as well. t115006 t115006 ((()))
We will take a nice pic of Bea tomorrow, so you can see how smart she isIt is exciting
Rum Baba, I remember them well, you felt very posh, in the 70's, if you had one of them for your puddingYou are spoiling us, with Rum Baba and Oatmeal and cottage cheese pancakes, mmmm, I am heading for Toni's fridge, I need a scoop or two of the clotted cream.
Thank you kindly t4591
Hi to Barbara - I hope your headache is better today, sending extra ((())) and sparkles to help with any ouches t115006 t115006
Did Niamh come over last evening?
Hi to Carol - hope your cold is on the mend and you are feeling better t115006
hope everyone else is ok, in and about. Time I was pottering. We don't need any cakes today, I might find a suitable one later, for Bea's arrival tomorrow. Will catch up again tonight. Love and Sparkles to all. t4591 t115006 XXX AidanXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Evening all..headache not quite has bad :shock: my back fells like its been kicked by a donkey..but got some sleep
Aiden I am so pleased that you have found such a nice car..its helping you through this awful time..personalized num plate and why not you and Bea deserve it ..must say the car center sounds nice and to pick you up form the mobility place..and mates till you get the made to measure ones and new cake holder why didnt I think of that
yes Niamh came yesterday bless her..GD said try and be quiet GM has an headache..and she was...
Toni I will be at choir tonight will sit though..glad the snow let you get out..its very scary to drive in ..noo Lucy is far braver than I
Joan they took fluid from my spine to see whats going on with these dizzy spells..just have to wait now..
Kath rum baba..blimey its many years since I had one of those..thankyou..hope the ouches are easing...
all snow has gone thank goodness...but still ninny careful of ice everyone
t4591 t115006 t4591Love
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