Val's Cafe



  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all

    Yes I am one happy happy happy great nanny to be why cos its a boy its a boy yes a boy oh did I say its a boy. ok Carol don't get too carried away enough excitement for one day. :lol::lol:
    after 3 great grand daughters for Me and Mr t we will finally have our longed for GGS in July time.

    Enjoyed our lunch out with Mr t then friend did turn up and I think what I did on Wednesday made a bit of an impact because she didn't actually keep disagreeing with me today which is unusual. long may it last, now to see if she interrupts conversations on Wednesday.

    Aidan Oh dear naughty Mother Glitter Sparkles eating too many sweets serves her right. I was glad about SW too.
    Dad says the Gc feels like home bless glad he is recovering. yes the butting in is not on and she has been doing it for sometime now and I have just been ignoring it but Wednesday I had had enough and just flipped. :roll:
    thanks for the sparkles. the Italian cream puffs were wonderful I did have 2 but it was only one at a time honest
    Kath So I guessed right Florence did pop over glad they had a good look under your cupboards am sure i saw 2 hooman disguises when Florence returned so I think they returned here to check out our cupboards too. sorry about your ouchies sending you some sparkles t115006 to help with ouchies.
    Toni Rubie is a very happy baby like her sisters and always smiling. Everyone is over the moon about the news of a boy to join the family as my daughter was saying today that yes there is GS girlfriend little boy and although he is accepted as a GS and GGS is lovely to have one thats our own blood line is something else. yes friend did behave today I was always taught that interrupting some ones conversation was rude by my mum and dad too.

    Sue f course you can have pocket duties the cloak is ever ready to scoop us up and get us where we are needed. Just caught you there Barbara Rubie has got a lovely smile just like Lillie and Graycie. I am feeling more myself now. well we will see if friend interrupts any conversation at knitting on Wednesday she will get the same treatment again if she dose. she did seems better today but that was only the 2 of us.

    ok so its now time for this happy bunnie to have a potter so as always love and sparkles to you all t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all - chilly out there tonight :shock:

    Hi Barbara - I see Niamh has nabbed your laptop and left you typing on the phone. Bless :roll: :lol:

    Dad does like the GC as well as the T room, but I think the GC is his favourite.
    He seems to be doing ok, all things considered. We keep an eye on everything, from food in the fridge, meals etc etc. The community pharmacist is organising blister packs for his medicines, which will be easier for him...............if we remind him what day it is :roll: :? :?

    Yes, my white patch of hair is starting to grow. Pip does have a lot to answer for, more than they ever realise, with some terrible things that have happened to people who have been refused help.

    I will send you the link, when B has sorted out his "shop front", he has been a busy bee. Just takes a time to photo everything etc.

    Hi Carol - well, baby is a baby BOY, wooh, I bet you are SO excited and then some t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006

    Steady away, enough excitement for one day :lol::lol:

    Glad you enjoyed your lunch out with Mr T and also that your friend did turn up for coffee and a natter. I would guess she knew that the mark had been stepped over. Great that she was not disagreeing with everything you said.

    Oh Mother is a greedy one for her "sweets", on top of her gourmet chicken, nothing wrong with her appetite at all. She is off on a shrieking session at the moment :roll: :roll: :lol::lol:

    I see you enjoyed the cream puffs, one at a time of course :D:D

    Hi Toni, was a hair style decided upon, for Tia's wedding :) Sleek was all ears and relaying info to Mother, who was very busy shrieking about things :shock: :shock: :roll: :roll:

    A quiet evening here, catching up on the PGA and Ski Flying, pottering of course.
    BIL and SIL are coming over this afternoon, so cakes at the ready and immaculisation will be taking place this morning.

    Best be moving again. Hi to everyone else, in and about.

    Leaving lots of love and sparkles t4591 t115006 XXXXX Aidan

    Austrian Pancakes

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,219
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Joan and Sue 100% we will be there for pocket duties for Joan's op on Tuesday well done getting a cancellation :D

    Aidan hair styles were chosen for Tia and bridesmaids and me too :shock: Also booked the seamstress for alterations, and my outfit alterations for next month. Discussed flowers and arranged meal testing...phew!!!

    Will be sending B some pics of clothes so he can create something wonderful to go with my outfit(s) yes 's'!!

    Sleek was texting Mother and then off on the phone screenshotted everything we looked at on google!

    No Tosca's food was doctored - it wasn't the sweet overdose :roll: The visiting nymphs from Sherwood Forest were in awe of the droplet, (this was their first visit) and yes many pawtographs done and photos taken :) Sleek too as the apprentice (when did that happen :? ) of the VIC :animal_busy: No evidence of the skal pyng visible ay all and the lattes as perfect as always :D

    SYTTD was watched in their own homes, but shrieked about later on the crystal ball. Sleek thinks she is the expert now after Tia's and Lucy and my meeting today :wink:

    Mrs Darcey is always there to help and offer a word you are right, but she isn't pushy (unlike Sleek!) Auntie Kari is fine we had a cuppa on Thursday.

    It's her DIL who is in hospital with the kidney stone op. It was done on Weds I think, but it was so large that it has hurt the kidney. She has an infection now (and having diabetes) she is still in!! Any idea why infections are now routinely referred to as 'sepsis' Sounds scarier or is that maybe the idea???

    You think Dad was just in pain but didn't think to take pain killers? Glad he perked up and ate well at the GC.

    Now the cream horns....lovely one at a time you said? I managed that - one in each hand and one in mouth? Is that ok?

    So Bil and Sil visiting this afternoon you will be busy immaculising :roll: has to be done though :?

    I have eaten my share (larger than average) of the Austrain pancakes for my breakfast and see they contain several of my 5-a-day ta!

    I feel sick thinking of that dreadful terror crime in New Zealand and those poor poor people :cry: Truly diabolical, but hate will never win you're quite right.

    Carol What lovely news!! the first baby boy!! I am so pleased for you all I know every baby is special (the smile on Rubie proves that!) and you have one boy in the family so to speak, but bloodline I get it. You'll all have to try not to spoil him!

    I see your rather rude friend is behaving ATM I hope it carries on now. Of course you were brought up not to interrupt quite right too :)

    Well done back to target already - it's doesn't take you long!!!

    Barbara Lucy uses her laptop for videos too like Niamh, but messages on the phone isn't easy so well done :)

    Yes hair dos then flowers then food!! Very productive day all round!

    My neighbour is incredible bless her no-one quite like her. Their newest GD is 1 next week!

    Aw Kath sore hips :( Not nice here are a few t115006 t115006

    As Aidan says we are shrinking and gridning of bone on bone isn't clever is it ? :(

    I hope you are able to eat enough though? Maybe need to eat more high calorie stuff like cake and full-fat ice cream :D

    Those pancakes look delectable and have several of our 5-a-day too like Aidan's breaky :) We are so lucky! Thank you :)

    Well better get on

    Love to mig and everyone

    Toni xx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,233
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Aidan Carol Barbara Toni
    Kathleen how are you getting on with the wind go steady(((((()))))
    . Aidan sorry about your patch pip has a lot to answer for love to B and Dad((((())))
    . Carol good news indeed you needed that(((((())))
    . Barbara sue cannot find you on Facebook. Take care in the wind(((((())))
    . Toni you have the wedding planned better than leaving it too late
    . ((((((())))
    . take care all have a good weekend
    . joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    t111055 t111055 t110007 t110007 Well we might as well have another storm :shock: :shock: :? :?
    it is a bit like being in a washing machine at the moment t111055 t111055

    hi Toni, no wonder Mother was waking me up, :? :roll: repeatedly, from whatever silly o clock time it was, with all the news of the wedding preparations :shock: :shock:

    All hair styles chosen, very good :) Seamstress for alterations, booked in :)
    t69044 discussed and meal sampling, excellent, that's a lot of sorting already done.

    I have duly informed the jewellery artisan AKA Bill, of your pending photo's of outfit's plural :) I am certain he will come up with some lovely creations t115006

    Mother highly approved of all the screenshots that Miss Sleek took :D:D t4591 t4591

    She said her food had been doctored, something from the vets may have touched it at some point apparently :roll: :roll:

    The Nymphs were eager to show Mother and Sleek, the selfies they had with their friend Robin Hood et al. :shock: :shock: Apparently he still lives in Sherwood Forest - (I think they mean the visitor centre) :lol::lol: But, who am I do doubt them.

    Sleek is Mothers Apprentice and of course she was the one who was piloting the broom, when Mother discovered the Rainbow Droplet t115006 t115006
    Mother is keeping her cape, close by, just in case it is needed, due to being skalped :roll: :roll:

    Glad that Auntie Kari is ok t4591 and Mrs Darcey is a little darling.

    Why did I think the puskin was in hospital, Kari's DIL goodness, send me the cape, I am off to check on things..........and leave some magic squares t4591 t115006 t115006 .........

    It will certainly have ouched the kidney without a doubt and an infection post op is not surprising, despite all efforts to avoid them.

    Well, Sepsis has always been there, it is really to make the general population aware that an infection can cause a sudden over reaction in your immune system, to fight an infection, which, in turn, can rapidly affect your vital organs.

    We always said septicaemia. In the early stages it can be overlooked as something simple, that does not require treatment.
    But, if the person has trouble breathing, has a low BP, altered levels of consciousness, chills, altered heart rhythm......... then treatment needs to be started immediately, IV.

    It is treatable if caught early enough and most people recover fully, with no lasting problems :)

    Cream horns, yes, one in the mouth and one in each hand, that's fine :lol::lol:

    We are all immaculised, front to back, top to bottom. Early lunch, ready for guests, who, are now not coming :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

    The motorway they come on has been closed, as it is flooded and there is queuing traffic everywhere due to the foul weather. So they have called it quits, turned round and will come next week end. I cannot blame them, it really is wild out. t111055 t110007 t111055

    At least we are spotlessly clean :D:D and can chill a bit. Rang Dad, he was sleepy, having been nodding in his chair I think. I told him that visitors were not coming, he said, ok that's fine, I will rest........said his legs were not too bad. He is on orders to ring or press his buzzer if he needs anything at all. We did say come round for a while, B will fetch you in the boat :shock: :lol::lol:

    We have lots of cake too...................shame, we will have to eat it now :D:D

    The Austrian pancake was rather yummy :)

    The horrors of such mass murder just baffle my mind, how someone can actually do that. :cry::cry:

    Hi Joan and Sue - I hope you didn't get wet, just let the doggies out in the garden, rather than walkies in the pouring rain t110007 t111055 t111055
    I am there, on facebook, I will pm you, then I can look for Sue as well. Once you find one of us......... Barbara, Kath, or Toni, Carol.......then you will find us all.

    Hope you are safe and warm ((())) If the heating doing what it is supposed to do now?

    Hi to Barbara - you will be keeping Niamh busy, no chance to go outside, it is not fit to say the very least. Careful with the laptop, you know what happens, things get "pressed" :? :roll: :roll:

    Will it be roast dinners this week end, I know Niamh loves them t4591

    Hi to Carol - not sure if you are at Church open morning, depending on the weather maybe. If it is anything like here, we will need an Ark. :shock: :shock:

    Hi to Mig, sending lots of healing vibes your way t4591 t115006

    Same to you as well Kath, for those rotten ouches. t4591 t115006

    Well, I will have a potter, not that there is any immaculising to do, but I can still potter and admire everywhere :lol::lol:

    Will call back later. Love and Sparkles to everyone, take care t4591 t115006 XXXX Aidan

    Belgian Chocolate Mousse Cakes (there are several) Enjoy..........

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Erm Carol, is the baby a boy. How wonderful. And I forgot to say what a beautiful photo of Rubie the smiling girl. :D

    Aidan, I agree, a washing machine on a fast spin. Ouchies have affected my appetite, although I'm managing to get through the pile of Austrian Pancakes. Yum.

    Thank you everyone for the t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 A couple of Bushbabies have been over to rub me back :)

    Pasta with low fat pesto and peas

    INGREDIENTS 115g (4oz) dried tagliatelle or other pasta

    55g (2oz) fresh or frozen peas

    25g (1oz) fresh basil leaves

    20g (¾oz) parmesan cheese, finely grated

    1 clove garlic, crushed

    75g (3oz) fat-free fromage frais

    1–2 tbsp reduced-salt stock

    1. Cook pasta in boiling water (no need to add salt) for five minutes. Add the peas and continue cooking until the pasta is just tender. (These instructions are based on dried tagliatelle which usually cooks in 7-9 minutes - if you use a different pasta shape check the cooking time and if it's different, cook the pasta for a little more or less time before adding the peas.)

    2. Meanwhile, put the fresh basil, cheese, garlic, fromage frais and stock in a small blender. Blitz to a rough paste, adding a little more stock if necessary.

    3. Drain the pasta. Stir in the pesto and eat immediately.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all Niamh just gone home..
    Aiden I forgot to say thankyou for the monkey cream puffs..all I could find was cream on the floor... :o so will help myself to the pancakes and some chocolate mousse cake before that goes..
    what a shame your family didnt arrive..the weather has been horrendous..I now the bottom of our rd was flooded ..I remember septicemia very well when I was young...but things seem to have got worse with infections..
    Glad that dad has eaten ok the main things apart from drinking...yes Niamh has just gone home ..shes a little love...shes wont sleep in her own bed though has to be with daddy...
    Toni the wedding is all very exciting and you are getting there ..cant wait to see what you all wear :D
    Carol glad its a boy for you ..we were the same but wanted girls because we had mostly boys..and I am pleased your friend turned up ..its good to be straight with people sometimes
    Kath thanks for the recipe..and I hope your ouches are not to bad
    Joan I invited Sue but not to sure how facebook works it might be my setting..will try again..the cloak is ready for Tuesday..xx
    Better moveI am having an early night
    Love to everyone...
    t4591 t115006 t4591
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening - just started pouring again, after a brief respite - I think we need this :shock: :shock: t111055 t111055


    Three of the four ways we can cross the river, have been flooded today :? :? rather worrying.

    Hi Kath, yes, we are back in the washing machine, on a long rinse cycle at the moment. It as nice clear skies a little while ago, now pouring again. :roll: :roll:

    Large supply of magic squares are en route, they will be in your slippers and in your chair, so don't be shocked if you fizz a bit t115006 t115006

    The Bush Babies will help of course, in return for jammy dodgers :) Who was it that loved them? It was Tony, I remember now.

    I hope you have a bit more of an appetite today, ice cream, you need ice cream t4591 t4591 and hugs of course ((()))

    Thank you for the Pasta with Pesto and Peas, very nice it is too

    Hi Barbara - time to put your feet up, Niamh has gone home now so you can rest a bit, although you love to have her busy about :) Bless, she has to sleep with Daddy t4591

    Don't worry, there is so much food in our cafe, things can soon be overlooked, no sooner is there one cake, then another meal appears from Kath. Not sure what happened to the cream puffs :? :? did we eat them all - ooops. :oops: :oops:
    There are plenty of chocolate mousse cakes, I know who will be in the booth as quick as a flash when they are discovered :lol::lol:

    I think it was for the best that BIL & SIL didn't come over. With so many roads flooding and access to our village being limited to one bridge I think. Not venturing out until Monday.

    They will come over next week end, the weather is set to improve this coming week.

    I think the number of infections has just risen, in line with the vast increase in population. Trying to make people aware that an infection, can start off seemingly minor, but, if your condition changes noticeably then you need to be treated immediately. There has been a lot of publicity on social media, to make people more aware.

    We are going to pop round to Dads this morning, have a coffee with him, I can fuss a bit in the kitchen. His mood is quite low at the moment, cannot really be bothered much. We will keep encouraging him along and maybe get him to see the GP, for a mini review, post op.

    Don't blame you for having an early night, says me, who never wants to go to bed. :roll: :roll:

    hi Carol, hope you and yours are all ok.

    Hi Toni Miss Sleek was over at nap time, they put a sleepy spell on my and watched re runs of SYTTD, just in case they missed anything the first time round. Sleek is all things wedding, as you can imagine. t4591

    The Nymphs have shut all the watertight doors now, as the ravine is filling up with all the rains. They are quite safe and warm, they have geothermal heating (who knew) and all the lights they need from the fire flies t115006 t115006

    Hi to everyone in and about. I guess I should be pottering again.

    Love and Sparkles to all t4591 t115006 XXXX Aidan

    Happy St Patrick's Day :D

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,233
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Aidan Barbara Kathleen
    . Aidan sorry you have bad weather I expect the op took a lot out of your Dad((((((()))))))
    . Barbara Niamh thinks she's helping you((((()))))
    . Kathleen I hope the weather's not to bad there we have sun((((((())))))
    . take care love to Toni Carol Mig((((((()))))))
    . joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I found a few cream puffs that Toni had hidden at the back of the 'fridge. Good job we lub you Toni.Er, I finished them after eating a huge serving of Aidan's St Patrick Day lunch. I can't move now. :lol:

    Aidan, I saw the floods on the news - blimey, I think you'll need that ark. Perhaps we could save a few animals in it. Thank you for the St Patrick meal.

    Barbara, I hope your early night did you good.

    Vegan Carbonara

    18 ounces pasta of your choice (500 g), we used brown rice spaghetti
    10 ounces firm tofu (275 g)
    1/2 cup plant milk of your choice (125 ml), we used soy milk
    1/2 cup vegan parmesan cheese or nutritional yeast (8 tbsp)
    1/4 cup nutritional yeast (4 tbsp)
    2 tbsp lemon juice
    1 tbsp tahini (or extra virgin olive oil)
    1 tsp turmeric powder
    1/2 tsp sea salt
    1/8 ground black pepper
    Vegan bacon to taste, we usually add 3 slices for each serving
    Fresh parsley to taste
    Cook the pasta according to package directions.
    Place the rest of the ingredients (except the bacon and the parsley) in a blender and blend until smooth.
    When the pasta is ready, strain it and place it in a frying pan or in the same pot you’ve cooked the pasta, add the sauce and the bacon (chopped) and cook over medium-high heat for about 2 to 3 minutes, stirring constantly.
    Serve with some fresh parsley on top, more pepper and more bacon (optional).
    Store the pasta carbonara in the fridge in a sealed container for up to 4 days

    m0150 t69044 m0150 m0150 t69044 m0150 m0150 t69044

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all - a brighter day, sunshine, hoorah - maybe the Ark can go back under wraps after all.

    Of course all the animals would come with us, if there was a big flood.

    Hi Kath and Joan, did you find your PMessage, re facebook? Dad was not too bad today, thank you ((()))

    We went round for a coffee, he had taken the oven door apart, to clean the inside of the double glass door. :shock:
    It is the same as ours, you move the plastic clips and slide out the outer glass, very simple, then you can clean them all.

    No, Dad had taken it to bits and it was like the Krypton Factor, to get it all back together. But, we did it..............then had coffee, once I was able to move again............

    It took a while, Dad was suitably grateful for our interventions - I think he was about to throw it all out of the window :shock: :shock:

    That was the morning sorted, then just pottering and doing housey things this afternoon.

    hi Kath - you found some of the cream puffs, don't tell Barbara - ooops, too late.

    How is your appetite today Kath, I hope somewhat improved and the ouchies are less of a pain in the proverbial t115006 t115006 t115006
    The river Ribble burst its banks, glad we didn't have to try and get across it yesterday, most of the routes were blocked. Any more rain and we would have needed the Ark.

    I bet Ratcliffe on Soar flooded, Dad used to go in a boat, to take the services, when it was bad weather :shock: :shock:

    Glad you enjoyed the St Patrick's Day meal :)

    Thank you for the vegan carbonara - yummy :)

    hi to Barbara - did your early night do you good, I hope so :) Kath found some spare cream puffs, oh, I should not have said..........Toni hid them :lol::lol: :? :?

    Was it Sunday Roast to the door?

    Hi Toni, hope you and yours are ok, how is Kari's DIL hoping and praying that things are going positively.
    Sleek has been in Tiara mode today, she brought a selection, that David Emanuel had sent her to try on :shock: :shock: she must have his agents address, somewhere, in invisible ink..............Mother rather liked one that is similar to one the Queen Mother used to wear t115006 t115006

    Look at the time, I am being distracted by the golf...............

    I should be moving, so I will pop back later. Hi to everyone else, love and sparkles to one and to all t4591 t115006 t115006 XXXX Aidan

    Cherry Almond Angel Cake

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all and a happy st Patrick's day..horrible weather again with wind and hail...
    Kath so you found a cream horn.. :o I didnt get one :shock: ..and thankyou the early night did the job..vegan carbonara..must try that one :D hope you have been eating a little better..
    Joan Niamh is so lovely ..and appreciates everything you do for her..and shes only 6..she has mild autism so I think that that helps would you believe
    Aiden ..thankyou for the cherry almond cake... see I knew it was all down to Toni..she hasn't been in yet and lots of cake left.. :lol: ..I think it would be wise to get dad checked you remember that days when the district nurses would come for quite a while after an op..good job he has you.. :)
    Oh the cooker door..I bet the air was blue.. :lol: but the cavalry you and B :D bet its gleaming.. I see your weather hasn't been to bad ..I think we got it all again it stopped raining around 5 ish :roll:
    Any news on your phone yet or should I not ask
    We had roast to your door today..gosh it never fails to be good ..she uses duck fat for her roast like i do or did...
    right i will make a cuppa
    Love to everyone
    t4591 t115006 t4591
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all - I trust the weather has been a bit more favourable, after the Biblical rains we had on Saturday :shock:

    Having said that, I see you have had quite a lot of rain Barbara :? :? You must have "copped it" and we got most of the sunshine.

    Good to hear that the early night suited you well. You must have needed it.
    Just for you t4591


    Ssshhh - don't tell anyone :? :?

    Of course Niamh is just a love, bless her, being so grateful for all that you do for her. I understand what you are saying about mild Autism. She seems to get on with the children from next door and also likes her own company, doing her own things.

    I hope Toni is ok, I will ask Mother to get in touch with Sleek, to make sure..............

    There is a lot of cake left, but I am sure our friend will find it and head off to the booth, laden with goodies.

    Dad seemed to be a bit better today. I had a good nursey look at his legs, they are less swollen and a better colour. We need to get some more dry dressings, his op wounds are healing nicely.

    I do indeed remember the days of the DN coming out to everyone who had been in for an OP. Time and resources have gone out of the window, they have such a caseload now, it is a wonder they can fit everyone in. They do a lot more now, almost taking the place of the GP's in many cases.

    Yep, the Cavalry arrived, in the nick of time. Dad was just about loosing the plot. I had brought him some cheesecake, so he was happy to sit and eat that while B and I did some quantum physics and sorted the oven :shock: :shock: t115006 t115006

    Phone, oh, I am all over, looking at every possible one.............driving myself batty. I am just going to press buy, on the one I like and hope for the best :) Otherwise you can go on looking for ever and a day.
    I am a bit of a geek :? :? when it comes to smartphones, I have had so many makes over the years...........hard to say which ones I have loved the most.......................

    That's a bit better, my eyes were starting to go boggling :lol: It is frosty out, next door's roof top is white over.

    The roast was as enjoyable as ever then. Duck fat is perfect for roast tatties ( I wouldn't eat it now, but I have done many times).

    Now, Joan is off to Hospital on Tuesday for her op, Toni will have the cloak all ready, to scoop us up, we can always be in as many places as required, with Mig, Joan and anyone else who needs some company and support.

    Hi To Carol and to Mig, Christine, Kerrin, Elizabeth, DD, SW Toady and all who visit the lovely cafe t4591 t115006

    Time I was pottering again. Off to pick up repeat prescription (shipping order), pop into the T room, as it is on the, then home. Dad will be with us, of course :)

    Leaving lots of love and sparkles to everyone t4591 t115006 Take lots of care, catch up later...................XXXX Aidan

    Hashbrown Casserole - Easy and Cheesy :D:D

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,219
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning everyone :)

    Hahaha! We do need an Ark Aidan :lol:

    Yes it's TJT Tony who loved the jammie dodgers!! Bless him :)

    Chocolate mousse cakes - did some one say chocolate mousse cakes??


    aha!! yum yum!! Must leave one for someone else......mustn't I?

    I think it is for the best that you stay in with Dad nearby family can visit another time. Nice to be in an immaculised bungalow anyway isn't it? :D The Radford has burst it's banks here and I am sure Aldi will disappear anytime soon :shock: Also saw a barge half sunk in the canal at Penkridge yesterday!

    Cheer Dad up if you can bless him he has had a shock and isn't getting any younger :( . t115006 t115006 t4591 The sun is out here I hope it is with you too and that he feels a bit more cheery with the better looking day. It's still windy so be careful don't want blowing over!

    So sepsis is infection? Just trying to make us aware well that's all good then :)

    Sleek and Tosca love SYTTD imagine all that time we thought it was only her and Pepe who liked it and Mother was peeping the whole time!!! Sleek is the self-professed expert!!! All is back under control I think wedding-wise and very exiting. Thanks for giving B the heads-up. :)

    Sleepy spells are rather effective aren't they? Sleek likes being Tosca's apprentice and listens very avidly to all her advice and tales :) Of course she was the broomstick pilot on that special day when Tosca caught the rainbow droplet. Sleek has printed off a copy of the selfies form the nymphs for each of them....could have done without the printer going off at stupid O'clock :roll:

    Just don't let them put one on you when you are stood up!!

    Sleek is worried about the nymphs so they are going to set up a webcam so that she and Tosca can see they are fine. All that heating they must be so cosy!

    Thanks for checking on Kari's DIL. She seems in good spirits but hopefully the magic squares will speed her recovery and discharge.

    Ooh! Look at that St Patrick's day breakie - thank you and Happy St Patrick's day to you and everyone :)

    Barbara I can see Niamh has gone you have your lap top back!

    I bet you miss her though :)

    The wedding is getting very exiting I am loving it!

    Loving the pasta Kath thank you :) I think we'll have to send Sleek and Tosca over with an appetite spell for you ((()))

    I hope you are feeling all organised Joan for hospital? Yes I enjoyed wedding planning!

    lOve to everyone Carol and mig

    Toni xxx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,219
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    So sorry I hadn't realised yesterday's post was not posted as someone was also posting at the same time!!

    So that was totally out of place :oops: :idea:

    Will have to come back and sort it all out later.

    One slightly confused..

    Toni xxx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,233
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Barbara Aidan Toni
    . Kathleen the wind has gone now that's good.((((((()))))))
    . Barbara sue is on Facebook as Henrietta we found Toni that's all
    . Niamh is lovely((((((()))))))
    . Aidan what phone have you got I have iPhone se sue has a bigger one. sue has not found you yet. Your Dad needs the sun((((((()))))))
    . Toni we found you on Facebook lovely photos.((((((()))))))
    . take care all
    . love to Mig Carol ((((((())))))
    . joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,233
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello everyone I hope you are all having a good day
    Barbara sue says thank you she does not know how work facebook either.
    joan xx thank you for the cloak duties tomorrow.
    take care
    joan xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all, just a tad of drizzle today, with some sunshine thrown in for good measure. In fact I have had a few "moments" :shock: :shock: :roll: :roll: or is that too much coffee :? :?

    I see you found the choccy mousse cakes then Toni :lol::lol: I guessed you might well seek them out :)

    It was nice to be all immaculised and then have spare hours, which makes a change :shock: :shock:
    Now, all the hours are going like mad and we are back to normal, with time running away.

    There were so many flood alerts, it was best that family stayed at home, with most of our bridges out of action :? :? scary, don't like flood waters at all.

    Dad seems to be a bit better today, he enjoyed coming to the T room and had a big bacon butty, which he loved. I have re dressed his leg and he has more dressings, if he wants a shower. They are only dry dressings, for protection.
    It is a shock, he keeps saying, did they blow the clot out with air :shock: :shock: :shock: NO, air and arteries / veins, don't mix, AT ALL. I said I am not telling you what they did, or how they did it, but they cleared the blockage and you are mending nicely. Bless him t4591

    Yep, Sepsis is infection, well, the bodies immune system going into overdrive to fight an infection, which in turn, leads to organ damage or worse.............

    The more people are aware of it, the quicker it can be treated.

    Mother must have been peeping, at SYTTD, as she does, sleeping with one eye slightly open :? :? Missing nothing.

    She was SO shouty yesterday, if anyone had heard, they would have thought she was being lynched :shock: :shock: :shock: :roll: :roll:

    The wedding preps are very exciting and now worries, B is primed :) t115006 t115006

    That's why the picture of them all, came down the chimney we don't have, such a clatter............. :? :? :lol::lol:

    Apparently they have a selfie with me on it, but it is hidden somewhere in Mothers Ottoman, I must have been asleep, I will look a right bobby dazzler :o:o:lol::lol:

    The Nymphs are fine, they are more than happy to have the webcam set up, to ease Miss Sleeks worries, she is a fuss pot, mind you, so is Mother for that matter :roll: :roll:

    Good to hear about Kari's DIL, I will send extra well wishes and discharge dates to be discussed :) t4591 t115006 t115006

    I was well pleased when I found the St Patrick's day breakfast :)

    So your post didn't go through, as it was when others were posting.........ooops. Things sorted out now though, or seem to be.........oh dear, I am confused too............. :lol::lol:

    Hi Joan and Sue....Sue has found me on facebook and I have sent the friend request, so we are now joined on FB, successfully t4591 Lovely to see you :)

    I have an LG phone at the moment, but I am in the throws of deciding which one to buy, I change them every year or so.

    Hi to Barbara, Carol, Kath Mig and all ..................pill time is upon us again, so I will potter a while.

    Leaving lots of love and sparkles to all, as always t4591 t115006 t115006 Will check back in later this evening XXXXX Aidan

    Golden Mango, Passion Fruit and Caramel Tart

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all..still raining here :roll:
    Joan will be thinking of you tomorrow and sure that Sue will keep us updated and wish you a speedy recovery..(()) xx and Sue and I are now connected on Facebook :D
    Toni ..sorry what is wrong with Kari's DIL..I hope whatever that she is panning is so very exciting ..just have to wait for one of our GD ...think it will be forever off with the jobs they have..I think this rain is making up for the dry winter.. :shock:
    Aiden thankyou for the extra cakes.....I wont tell anyone...anyhow I have already eaten them :lol: and the Mango, Passion Fruit and Caramel Tart very nice glad dad is enjoying his food again will build him up..must say the district nurses were very good with me coming every night to do my injections after my second hip...I felt guilty but just couldn't do this time around .. :o
    I have been looking at the phone you mentioned that hasn't come into the country yet begins with X..and will be half the price of the new Galaxy...and very much the same even the triple camera..think this might be the next one I go for.. :)
    glad you have not had has much rain it has not stopped here for 2 days.. :roll:
    Niamh is doing well and the little girl next door..well shes 11 has so much patience with her.. :)
    Right will make a cuppa anyone want one
    Love to everyone
    t4591 t111055 t115006
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,219
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Has Kath been in???

    Barbara tell the girls weddings do not have to cost a fortune :) I love a good wedding :)

    Joan of course you'll have us with you tomorrow 100% I will ho on book tomorrow and find Sue. Thanks Sue for keeping us in the loop.

    Aidan lovely caramel swirls cake yum!

    I am very very pleased to hear Dad was much brighter today with a good appetite too :)

    No no need to give him the details of his operation least said methinks.

    Sleek is picking Tosca up tomorrow for a trip up to Pendleton Hermione has given the go ahead .

    She has always loved SYTTD I think ;) Sleek and Pepe used to love ot as you know but Mother is cool about it. Doesn't say much...very wise you know

    Hope she's ready for an early start they are collecting Mrs Darcey on the way.

    Tommy's mum is hopefully escaping hospital tomorrow! The drain in her kidney is out temp is down so they are on top of the infection:)

    Love to everyone

    Toni xxx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all - a bit drizzly this evening, supposed to be dry for the rest of the week....... m0150 ........we will see how that goes :?

    Hi Barbara - I remember our "civil ceremony" cost so little. Mind you, just us two, both sets of parents, the officiator in her fish net stockings (and other clothes I might add) :shock: :shock: :lol::lol:
    Then we went for a lovely meal together t4591 t115006 Even my Mum ate quite a lot :shock: :shock: :shock:

    You are welcome to the extra cakes, it's ok, no one knows about them, as far as I am aware :? :? :lol:

    The D Nurses are very good, they were with B's Mum when she was discharged (on several occasions) also with my Dad. They do a great job, under so much pressure for time now. A shame, because nurses are good at gleaning information, from a good natter with patients.

    I got my phone.............. :D:D:D I had been looking at importing one from China, (where they all come from anyway) but a little voice was kind putting me off that idea.

    I managed to remember one seller on Ebay, who had them the other week, but with less storage capacity, so, I checked again and he has the higher storage ones now, so I bought one in a flash. Click and collect from Argos in town, on Wednesday 8) 8) 8)

    Not the colour I wanted, this one is black, but, I always have them in a gel or flip case, so it was not a deal breaker. They are half the price of the new Galaxy, which can go up to £1000, with the same, if not higher spec. amazing camera's and artificial intelligence :shock: :? :? Good, as long as it knows what we are doing, that's fine by me :lol::lol:

    I will sell mine, as it is a really good phone.

    Good to hear that the girl from next door gets on so well with Niamh and has a lot of patience. Bless em. How are things with your neighbour and the house sale :? :?

    I will have a cuppa, thank you. See you under the cloak when we go to be with Joan and Sue t4591 t4591

    Hi Toni, no, I have not seen Kath - not seen any post on FB either. I hope all is ok, maybe some rotten ouchies than need some strong sparkles t115006 t115006

    True, weddings don't have to cost a lot, as you will have seen of ours :lol::lol:

    I knew you would have the cloak all ready for us, it will scoop us up in good time. I have packed some scones, if you could bring some Rhodda's, ta muchly :)

    I will be in two places at once, Beatrice is having her service, in Skipton KwikFit.

    Dad was better, he needs us to keep him going really, chivy along and encourage, say how well he is doing, (which is very true).

    No, no details of what is done on an embolectomy. Even I don't like to think about it............ :? :?

    The weather is a lot better for our puskins to go out and about this week. A trip up to Pendle will be just the tonic, after all the storms and torrential rains. There will be a lot of dew and mists to gather.

    Mother will be ready for off, she knew Mrs D was coming, they are both old school Hogwarts students. Mother is wise and VERY noisy, when she wants her gourmet chicken meals :roll: :lol::lol:

    Good news that Tommy's Mum might well be escaping hospital today, that's very encouraging t4591 Drain out, temp down, a lid on any infection, excellent. Some more sparkles for her t4591 t115006 t115006

    Better make a move, need to be up early doors, to get to Skipton in good time. Nero's here we come.

    Hi To Carol and Mig, Kath and Kerrin, Elizabeth, DD, SW, Toady, and all. Leaving lots of love and sparkles. t4591 t115006 t115006
    Porridge with maple syrup, under the cloak, on our way to be with Joan and Sue........................

    Take lots of care XXXXXX Aidan t4591
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,219
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    The rhodda's is packed Aidan all ready for Joan's hospital.

    The cloak is all aired and beds available if anyone needs them. Particularly worred about Kath it's not like her is it? :(

    Found Sue on facebook - you know I love the name Henrietta it's fabulous :D

    I am sure she will let us know how Joan gets on :?

    Mother was up in time according to Sleek and they picked up Mrs Darcey en route all back safely now full of lattes :)


    Toni xxx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all thought I would get on early to be under the cloak for Joan and Sue..and hope all goes well t4591 t4591
    Aiden is having the car serviced..and has ordered the phone... :D:D I am the same with the flip cover so you don't get to see the colour..I will wait with baited breath for a review from you :D have a good time in Skipton...sure you will..the house next door is not up for sale yet she is making him wait and knows he wants his hands on the money :x :x
    Toni glad to hear that Tommys mum is recovering well, kidney pain is awful...hopefully she will recover even better at home..
    I think our GDs wedding will be a small affair..saying that her fiance has 7 sisters and brothers..
    Right off our for a little while it has stopped raining for now :D
    Hope Kath is ok..xx
    Love to everyone
    t4591 t115006 t4591
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,233
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    hello Every one
    Just to tell you Joans op has been cancelled
    Love Sue
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    A quick explanation of my absence yesterday. Apologies to all, nothing to worry about. Sunday we ordered two new single mattresses for our adjustable beds. they arrived from Amazon on Monday. So we had to move the existing mattresses and mattress toppers into the spare room. Then we had to get the new Ghostmattresses upstairs (boy they were heavy). It took us 4 excrutiatingly painful hours to get them on the beds and properly 'dressed' with new sheets and pillow cases, then get rid of all packaging and cleaning up. They look gorgeous, and are very firm, I think it will take a while for our poor old joints and muscles to recover enough to pass judgement on their comfort. But they must be better than the old ones. Phew, that took longer than I thought.

    :animal_busy: :animal_busy: :animal_busy: :animal_busy:

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein