Val's Cafe
Thankyou for letting us know Sue..I am sorry but hopefully they will have Joan back in very soon..there is nothing worse than being all prepared then this..
Love and hugs to both of you
t4591 t4591
Hi Karh..glad all is ok ..and you have new mattresses..hope they are really comfy..gosh bet you are both suffering today..xxLove
Barbara0 -
Oh Sue - fancy Joan's operation being cancelled - we were all there, under the cloak and sending lots of thoughts and prayers.............
I hope they don't keep Joan waiting long, it is not unusual these days, thousands of ops are cancelled for one reason and another........emergencies taking up theatre spaces being the main one. t4591 t4591
Thank you for the Rhoddah's Toni, knew you would not let us down with ample cream for all
Sleek Mother and Mrs D were all on Pendle, (which had completely vanished in mists and cloud). They gathered so much special pre Spring mists, for the Nymphs. There were droplets, but no more rainbow ones, Mother gathered them, none the less.
She is resting now, bless her :animal_busy: t4591 t4591
We were duly in Skipton for 10am, B dropped me off at Nero's, then took the car to KFit. One of the wheels was screeching, it was SO embarrassing......... :shock: :shock: :shock:
Anyway, off he went, with Bea screeching :? :?
I had a decaff to start, otherwise I would be on the ceiling. B came along, after his walk back into town, about half a mile. He had popped into a charity shop and bought me a present, I will post the picture later t4591
Lots of coffee, toasties, chocolate twist............very nice. Wandered up the high street for a short way, a new shop, crafty things, so B was in there like a many goodies, he wanted to buy the whole shop
Beatrice is all serviced, the screeching was grit and bits, that had stuck in the brake shims or whatever he was on about - I glazed over :shock:With them all being new, the grease, had caught some gritty bits, it's a common problem with cars apparently.
Everything else is fine, re tracked, everything ship shape and cost less than a £100, well pleased. Mind you, we are valued customers.
I got a message on my phone while supping coffee, that my new phone was ready to collect at Argos in Clitheroe - how on earth did it get there so quick, I only bought it late last evening. :shock: :shock: :shock: it must have been teleported :shock:
I have not even turned it on yet, will have a play later on and let you know all about it Barbara, it looks lovely, piano black, all gorilla glass, it is charged and ready for me to drool over later :roll: :roll:I know, I am a phone Geek............
I don't blame your neighbour for hanging on to the house, make him wait and make sure she gets the bigger share of any division, seeing he did the dirty on her...............grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr I will send her some sparkles t115006 t115006
I wanted to get housey things done when we got home. The pressing done and B was chambermaid, we are out again tomorrow meeting friends from Wales, we meet them once or twice a year, in's all go.
Kath, you have been a busy Bee. All that lugging and sorting of new mattresses, they are hard work.
I will send some special sparkles and lots of ((())) t115006 t115006 t115006 to help ease any ouchies, of which there could be quite a few :? :?
Glad you are all ok though, we were getting worried............ t4591 t4591
Right, I won't dally. Time is running away and some laundry needs sorting.
I will pop back later, if I am not glued to my phoneLots of love and sparkles to everyone t4591 t115006 XXXX Aidan
Slice of cake anyoneXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
I can't believe that! Poor Joan starved for nothing :roll: Hugs for you Joan and I hope you'll get another date very soon
That explains why the cloak took us all home before we even unpacked our scones!!!!
Still the rhodda's will go very nicely with that gateaux Aidan!
The 'girls' had a lovely trip out this morning (Sleek is in the dog-house now for trying to catch baby rabbits :roll: :x ) apparently the air was very fresh and the mist of excellent quality. Mother's whiskers almost 'attract' droplets from what She says, but they all know no pusskin will catch another rainbow droplet not even in Tommy's lifetime!. The nymphs reckon it has only happened once before in history and that was many 1000s of years ago.
I am glad you have sorted Bea out and she is running perfectly again now. You were wise to start on decaf!!
What did B buy for you I NEED to know!!!
The phone sounds fabulous. I just changed my phone for the 9 and to think I could have had yours!!
Kath I am very pleased to hear you are ok if rather sore! I was ready to send out a search party and have PMd you on BLF :oops:
I hope the new mattresses are super comfy
Barbara What is going on with nasty exes :x :x :x When I splt up with the kids Dad I made sure the girls saw their Nan regularly for THEIR sake!! What good father would want his kids to loose their home? grrr!
Now I hope we hear from Carol soon :?
and of course mig
Love to everyone
Toni xx0 -
Hi to all - it is like a November night here, misty over the valley and mizzling rain......that we are not supposed to be having :? :? A dry week they said - huh.
It is horrid when ops are cancelled, poor Joan, fasting and as prepared as you can be. Not fair at all, I quite agree Toni.
They did the same with B's Mum when she was having an aortic valve replacement - she was actually in hospital, ready for the op the day after, then the next morning, they said, sorry, we have had to cancel, you can go home :shock: :shock:
I know all sorts of emergencies crop up and Surgeons are called to one theatre after another, but it doesn't make it any easier for the patient waiting. I would be spinning on the ceiling.
I wondered why I was picked up and dropped back in Nero's, within the blink of an eye.:roll:
The cream will never go to waste, well, it will go to my waist, but hey ho.......... :roll: :roll:
Ah, that will be why Mother was shouting, something about wappitts in the gardin :roll: :roll: Sleek never said she had been chasing baby rabbits, oh dear, facing the wall in shame, as puskins do when they are told off.
They did have a good trip up onto Pendle, navigating with their GPS systems. Apparently the rainbow droplets only appear every 10000 years :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: Mother was SO honoured to find one, t115006 t115006 t115006 Minerva says there is one in northern Alaska and one in the Himalayas, that are known of. The exact locations are not for peeples to know about.
Bea wafted us home very graciously, having had her Jimmy Choo's cleaned, so no more squeaks.
This is what B found for me, in the charity shop and it is GORGEOUS (ethically sourced ).
My new phone will wait until Thursday, the SOS alarm system is set up on the LG phone and we are out today, meeting friends, so I don't want to be unable to get any alerts, if Dad needs us.
So, I am being uber patient :? :? and waiting until Thursday to bring the new phone into play. I need to be at Dads, to get his SOS pendant and WiFi, to log on to my new phone, it's all very convoluted.
Sat here, looking at the phone and I cannot play
You could have had mine from me, not to worry, I will use FB buy and sell first, as and when the new one is fully synced etc.
Hope Kari's DIL is doing ok, was she allowed home? Extra sparkles to help her along t115006 t115006
Yes, we need to hear from Carol, she has posted things on FB, so all is ok as far as I know. Probably a busy week end and catching up on getting back to normal life again. t4591
Up early doors again today. Plan is to go over to Burnley Tesco Extra, have a decent cup of coffee, while Bea has a pamper with the car valeters, we cannot meet our friends with Bea not looking her best. t115006 Tesco's is only a mile from the GC.
The GC were we meet, the coffee is a bit like dish waterhence the need for a "proper" one before we get there
So, I will say hi to everyone else, in and about. Leaving lots of love and sparkles to all t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 Take care, will catch up later. XXXX Aidan
Can we have Waffle Sundae for breakfast, you bet we canXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Waffle Sundae Aidan? Lovely thanks and do I see two of our five a day there? I think I do!
Proper coffee is vital to get the day off to a good start and that will give time for Bea to be spruced up nicely to meet your friends. I am so glad her Jimmy Choos are now perfect
Of course your phone must be connected to the SOS pendent and also the other one disconnected!! Imagine if you sold it to someone and Dad rolled over onto itFacebook will do nicely to sell your current phone I agree.
Yes baby rabbits :x I saw one up the lane yesterday (well two one definitely dead run over I think??) the other stunned so had to dash up to the dog walker's house and ask for an old towel to pop him in the hedge where I saw more baby rabbits playing. Fingers crossed t4591
Every 10000 years :shock: wow better not tell Sleek where they are she might be off on an expedition :? The fact that rainbow droplets are so rare will not stop her from keeping her eye out whenever she is out! t115006
THAT'S what she was talking about! What a gorgeous shell that is so very pretty! displaying it on the slate is very effective too. Tosca has told her it might have magic properties so watch out!
Thanks for letting me know Carol is doing ok just very busy with all she has on probably as you say.
Kari's DIL got home yesterday safe and sound and very happy to be home thanks for asking
Of course operations are cancelled, but at the last minute it's so disappointing
Well I hope Joan gets in today recovered from yesterday's disappointment ((()))
Love to everyone
Toni xx0 -
Oh Joan, how sickening. If it was me, I'd be climbing up the walls and hanging off the light fitting with Aidan. Thanks for the cake Aidan. Where would we be without cake? Thanks for letting us know Sue.
Toni, thanks for your lovely message. I'm sorry you were worried.
Went to the benches this morning, so still aching. Although everyone has helped, not forgetting the Bush Babies of course. BTW have the Dugongs moved in yet? Must pop over to look.
Tofu Scallion Scramble."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Hello Everyone
Joan is having a problem with her computer today she will write tomorrow.
She’s just had a phone call from the hospital to go in on the 4 of April. So fingers crossed for then.
Love Suetake care
joan xx0 -
Not long in, so just catching up a bit................what a lovely day, after all the fog and mists this morning. m0150 m0150 m0150
I think there are at least 10 of our 5 a day in that sundae Toni. If you eat two portions, you are set for the week
The coffee was perfect at Costa and Beatrice was spruced to perfection, even glossing her shoes for her. We had to have a nutella croissant (me) and a buttery one for Bill. Rude not to, when they have been baking them :? :?
We arrived at the GC, sparkling, just at the right time, before our friends arrived.
Wonderful to see them t4591 t4591
The coffee there is borderline unthinkable, but, we drank one, then had T. Cauliflower and broccoli soup for all, which was tomato and roasted peppers when it arrived :shock: :shock: :shock:It was fine, very nice actually. we had chips, as you do. I didn't even have a cake.
Shall not be going again though, one officious employee said "there is no smoking in the grounds of the garden centre" What, in the wide open air. Don't speak to us like we are criminals, jobsworth. :roll: :roll: :roll: Last time we went, they had smoking areas with pergolas over them :roll:
I will post a pic of my latest "additions" - well, there are always sparkling things that need a home t115006 t115006 t115006
Poor wappit, killed on the road, glad you rescued the other one and put him / her with the family, silver will send some magic over to them all t115006 t115006 t4591
Yes, phone can wait until tomorrow, although my fingers are itching to turn it on.................... :? :? Best wait, we need Dads SOS connected to it, that is most important.
Well, this 10 thousand years, is according to one of the time clocks in Hogwarts, that runs at a time, that it chooses, hence eons can pass in an hour - so, more rainbow droplets could well be around, Sleek is definitely on the look out and Mother has been shrieking at the top of her voice, wanting to find another.
It 's a lovely shell isn't it, cast into a charity shop, B was destined to find it and it may well have magical powers, from the deep t115006 t115006
I am sure Carol will be along later, to say hi and keep us updated, that, or I will send out a search party
That is good news, that Kari's DIL is home and very glad to be there without a doubt. Sending her lots of ((()))
Hi Kath - you went to the benches for a sit down, I hope the weather has been fair with you, much warmer today. I cannot even think where we would be without cake :shock: :shock: :shock:
Sending some extra strong sparkles, to keep the ouchies limited ((())) t115006 t115006
Yes, the work on the pools has all finished and the Dugongs are happily in their ginormous pools, with lots of rocks and native habitat to make them feel at home. t4591 t4591
Tofu Scallion Scramble, thank you VERY much, it looks wonderful.
Thank you for keeping us updated Sue, I am sure Joan will write when the computer / tablet, behaves itself. Good that there is now another date for her op. Let's hope and pray that this time all runs smoothly and you are not left in limbo land again. ((()))
Hi Barbara - now, Wednesday, Niamh will be along for her tea, so you will be busy away keeping her busyHope you and yours are all ok.
Hi to Carol - the same well wishes to you and yours, hoping all is ok and we will see you when you pop int4591 t115006
Big hi to everyone else, in and about. First day of Spring today, so the weather was kind to us.
Time is beating me again. Will ring Dad in a minute to see how he is and we will go out for brunch at the GC, he loves doing that. Bless him.
Will pop back later and post a picture of "diamond"
Love and Sparkles to all t4591 t115006 Take care XXX Aidan
A lovely Iced Chocolate Springtime CakeXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Evening all
It's ok there is no need for the search party AidanI am fine I have just been so busy that even I don't know if I am coming or going :? and the hours and days just seem to disappear, think I need a trip to the shed of many hours to claim some back. However one thing I have decide to do is to make sure that I take some time every day to have some me time. I think we all at times are so caught up in what we are doing that we forget about ourselves, I know I have been guilty of this. at the moment I have been hunting for the right knitting pattern to knit something for the new baby but as of yet I have not found anything. :roll: Mr T is suffering bad back pain at the moment and of course expects sympathy :roll: but does he give me any when my pain is bad of course not. the trouble is he will not go to the doctor. so my sympathy is very little I'm afraid. I am glad you all seemed to like my last picture of our Rubie and yes she is a real smiler only a couple of months time we will be seeing them all at her Christening. oh by the way the new baby's is to be named Kian-Colin. We have had a lot of windy days lately and our garden fence is in desperate need of repair or replacing before it blows down. we have a fencing contractor coming to take a look tomorrow.
Saturday is open morning as long as Mr T's back has improved a bit. I am expecting a parcel of new cards and 2019 brochures from the card people. so those of you who have ordered before will soon receive one of them from me . If you have not used my website before the link is and take a look. and if you like them and would like to buy some you can also do that too through the link we have quite a few new cards added.
I am happy to say that Sue has found me on fb too and Sue your doggies are beautiful. Sorry Joan's op was cancelled I too wondered why the cloak returned me so quickly .
had a good afternoon at knitting group today and I am meeting one of the other members of the group for coffee tomorrow afternoon and then its our church meal in the evening.
Florence is behaving very well I'm glad to say training hard Kath I am sure I saw 2 small hooman disguises creep under the door this afternoon did Clarence disappear today by any chance.
must take a stroll down to the sanctuary to see the new dugongs.
well time has run away again and I must do a potter so
love and sparkles to you all.
t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006Stay positive always👍xx0 -
Look at that cake!! Thanks Aidan I will have a slice and one for Barbara too
It's only good manners to help a friend out
Yes it is Niamh's day.
Not impressed by that staff members rudeness :shock: :x cheeky thing! Unless there are signs he had no right :x :x At least Bea looked good and you had a good time
I took a friend to our Tea rooms today for her birthday lunch she loved it and bumped into a villager! Good job too as she's the Church warden to remind me that I hadn't yet done my electoral roll form :oops: Duly completed a posted in the Church Porch box :shock: :oops:
I am praying that the wappit is ok and Silvers sparkles have saved him.
Sadly Kari's DIL is back in! the wound from the kidney (where the drain was) was weeping.... can Silver spare some more sparkles??
Sleek will be on the lookout forever for a rainbow dropletbless her>
Carol you are 100% right 'me time' is essential. Your life had been a bit full-on lately and some time for yourself is essential.
Oh dear Mr T is suffering and it's like he's the only person who's ever had pain!! patience and tolerance in abundance on its way to you ((()))
Kian- Colin who is the Colin part named after?? Surely a Grandad? You will be knitting BLUE when you get the right pattern t4591
I am very upset for Joan like you Carol - the cloak at least popped us at home so gently a ride out was nice!
Nice to see someone else from the group I hope she is more pole and sensitive than your friend :roll: enjoy the Church meal.
The dugongs are lovely aren't they?
Sue thanks for letting us know how Joan is....4th April - not too long ((()))
Kath you just are so reliable a poster and when you are AWOL it worried me and you weren't even on fbook!
Mmmmm that food looks yum today thank you.
Rest up tonight (())
Love to everyone
Toni xxx0 -
Hi to all - cooler now, after a lovely day m0150 m0150
Hi Carol - I have called off the search and rescue team, they are now "stood down", having been on high alertwe like to know our friends are safe and ok, we all worry so much, it should be Vals worry pots cafe
I will come to the shed of many hours and we can bring a trolley full of days back with us, slotting them in accordingly.
I 100% agree about taking some time, in each day, as "me time". It is in no way selfish and something we all overlook so often. We are here and there and worrying and doing and making sure that everyone else is ok and then more here and there....................
Then we nearly fall in a heap. :roll: :roll:
I know we have both said, we need to step back, just a little, having some time to ourselves is very precious.
I hope you find the pattern for your knitting, or can find one locally for your new GGS Kiam Colin (lovely name). t4591 t4591
So Mr T has a deal of pain. I will send him some anti ouching sparkles and put some magic squares in his slippers. These squares will also serve to remind him that pain is felt in all of us and understanding and support always works better when it is mutualt115006 t115006 Silver will deliver them and scatter some glitter at the same time
Drs cannot always solve every problem, but, it would be wise if he went and made the problem known to his GP, I am sure he can help wherever possible.
Soon be on countdown to Rubies Christening, that will be lovely, late spring, gorgeous weather t69044 m0150
Hope the fencing man can sort things out without it being too expensive for you
Look forward to the new catalogue of cardsThank you in advance
That will be nice to meet another member of the knitting group for coffee, you can never have enough coffee and lunch buddies t4591 t4591
Glad Florence and Clarence are keeping up their training, ready for the impending spi-r season............ :? :? :shock: :shock:
Hi Toni - I know, what a cakeWell, it is Spring, so we needed a HUGE one to celebrate
Yes, take one or three slices for Barbara, I know she is busy bee with family and getting online can be time consuming.
Oh the officious man at the GC, I wanted to give him what for, but, I was restrained. Makes me laugh, all the waste bins have ashtrays on top :shock: :shock: :roll: :roll: anyway, that's one place off our list............
Bea looked amazing and our friends thought she was wonderful and SO well kept and SO cleant4591 t4591
Glad your friend loved her Birthday lunch, good that you were duly reminded by the Church Warden, about the electoral roll form. Oh the shame:? :? Duly done and posted, phew, in the nick of time.
I pray the wappitt is ok too. Bless, they are so vulnerable when babies.
Oh no, DIL is back in hospital - best though, I guess they will send off samples and check there is no more infection lurking. Of course, Silver is on his way, to scatter a cloudburst of sparkles
Who knew that there was a very odd time clock at Hogwarts, obviously Mother did.............Droplet duty on stand by. t115006 t115006
Right. I have turned on my new phone and it is in the process of transferring everything from my other phone, it seems to know what it is doing, without me hardly getting involved. Lots of blips and pinging going on :shock:
So, I will have a little play, before bedtime.
Leaving lots of love and sparkles to everyone in and about t4591 t115006
Off to the GC with Dad, we need a catch up, not seen him for two days, he is ok though, we have rung, several times.
Take care XXXX Aidan
Creamy Mushroom Crepes
Oh, nearly forgot, meet Dazzle, my new sparkling friend. Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Oh I love Dazzle!! He's adorable
Aidan I am grabbing some breakfast (thank you very much) them stripping the bed :roll:
Sleek is just back from Pendle only her and Mother today Mrs D is looking after Kari worrying about her DIL :?
Of course friends adored Bea - how could anyone not?!!!!Hope Dad is ok and enjoys the GC today!
Busy day ahead hope all is well with everyone and Joan can get online today!!!
Love to everyone
Toni xx0 -
Good Morning
It’s Sue
Joan is trying to do two things at once so I said I would write to you she is okay just a bit rushed
I will write again tomorrow
Love Suetake care
joan xx0 -
Morning all sorry I have been absent but family problems im afraid.. :roll:
Aiden thankyou for the 2 cakes and the lovely Waffle Sundae..I really needed comfort food..
Glad to hear the car is sorted ..but how awful the jobsworth at the GC asking you not to smoke outside :shock: not nice to treat customers like this..
I see you are going to practice with your phone today..ooh bet you cant waitneither can I...
and what a lovely present B bought you..and just because he loves you..
Carol I hope Mr Ts back inproves very soon..I see you have been busy again..oops just had another read and I see Mr Ts back is a little better so you will be going to the church open day..good luck with the cards..
Kath has been was such lovely weather yesterday..nice to get out in the sun
Sue thankyou for the update ..and love to Joan..its not nice at all when these ops get cancelled..but I suppose its the way of the NHS..but I see it wont be long fingers crossed ..(()) xx
Toni I am sorry to hear that Karis DIL has been readmitted..poor thing must be suffering ..I will say a little prayer that she will pick up and be home very have reminded me of the electoral list I better do it online..
sorry this is short but things to do will be back later..
Love to everyone
t4591 t115006 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
Oh how cute is Dazzle,
Happy to hear that dad, Carol and Joan are well, but sorry that Kari's DIL is not well. t4591 t4591 t4591
The house next door now has 2 FOR SALE signs up. One at the front, and one on the side. It's end of terrace and next to the car park. So we are on tenterhooks waiting to see who buys it.
Aidan. as you know I LOVE mushrooms so thank you for the mushroom crepes. And that cake is going straight to the booth. Thud thud thud...hop, skip, skid plop!
Sorry you didn't get a recipe yesterday, hope this will suffice.
Curried quinoa with caramelized broccoli and cauliflower makes for a high-protein meal that comes together in less than 30 minutes and makes me feel great. It's a perfect weeknight dinner.
Why this recipe works:
Caramelizing the broccoli and cauliflower makes it sweet and nutty. Removing it from the pot and adding it back at the end ensures that it stays crisp and crunchy. Toasting spices helps them develop flavor and distributes that flavor evenly throughout the dish.
Ingredients 3 tablespoons olive oil, divided 3 cups broccoli florets, stems trimmed 3 cups cauliflower florets, stems trimmed Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper 1 red onion, thinly sliced 1 tablespoon curry powder ½ tablespoon ground cumin 1 cup quinoa, pre-rinsed or washed 2 cups homemade vegetable stock or store-bought low-sodium vegetable broth 2 1/2 cups lacinato or curly kale, leaves removed from the stalks and cut into 1-inch ribbons 1 tablespoon fresh juice from 1 lime ½ cup roughly chopped fresh cilantro ½ cup microgreens, such as sunflower (optional)
Directions 1. Heat the 1 ½ tablespoons oil in a large pot over medium-high heat until shimmering. Add the broccoli and cauliflower and a pinch of salt and pepper. Cook, stirring until lightly browned and just tender, 4 to 5 minutes.. Remove from the pot and set aside.
2. Add the remaining oil to the same pot, and return to medium-high heat until shimmering. Add the onion and a pinch of salt and cook, stirring, until softened, about 4 minutes. Add the curry powder and cumin, stirring until fragrant, about 30 seconds. Add the quinoa and toast until lightly fragrant, about 1 minute.
3. Add the broth, and adjust the heat to maintain an active boil for exactly 9 minutes. Stir in the kale until wilted and add the vegetables until they are finished cooking, about 2 minutes more. Stir in lime juice and season to taste with salt and pepper. Top with the cilantro and greens (if using) and serve."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Hi to all - A warmish day today, dry too, so Beatrice is still clean m0150 m0150
Glad you like "Dazzle" she is lovely I have to agree Toni, sitting watching me on my glitter sparkles tall plant standt115006 t115006
Sleek said the hooman beds were going into the watering machine :shock: :? one to do here, but I am far too busy with my new phone, being a total Geek
Some extra thoughts and prayers for Kari's DIL, to be better very soon and able to go home again.
Sleek and Mother gathered a huge amount of mist this morning, duly delivered to the Nymphs, who had re opened their doors, now that the waters have receded. t4591 t115006 t115006
We all enjoyed the GC, - that was after connecting Dads SOS alarm to my new phone, all done, didn't take long
Dont worry about busy days, we all have them Toni, if you cannot get in as you are racing about chasing tails, just let me know
See, Joan is multi tasking as well, so Sue has taken the reigns of the postingHope you are both as ok as can be, as always, sending lots of ((()))
Now don't be worrying about us Barbara, if you are busy bee's and need to help with family etc, we understand - I will leave a whole shed full of hugs for you, in case you need them t115006 t115006 t115006 ((()))
Shout and I will bring comfort food, have no worry about that, I am an expert in comfort foods :? :roll:
Bea is very posh and sorted now. Man at the GC in Burnley can go whistlewe won't be going back, I should have said, cig smoke is nowhere near as bad as the coffee you sell
I am having a wail of a time with the new phone, it just about did everything it needed to do, with little input from me, everything whizzed from the Lg, over to the Xiaomi Mi9. It is lightning fast. I love it, but time just goes SO quickly, when you are sorting your apps and getting to know it better. Picture is takes are so true to life it is scary.
The wonderful shell, it is gorgeous, I will need a bigger area to store all my glittery sparkly things t115006 t115006
will see you later XXX More hugs ((())) I will find cakes...........
Dazzle is so cute, you are right Kath. Dad is ok, he was glad to get out and about and have his hand battered fish finger sandwich at the GC this morning, B and I had Cauli cheese pots, with chips, wonderful...........
You are welcome to the mushrooms, I knew you would like them
So the house next door is for sale now, watch this space eh.............hopefully lovely people will move in, nice and quiet and super friendly. I will get Silver to pop over and scatter sparkles all over it t115006 t115006 t4591
I saw you pottering off to the booth, enjoying the cake I see
Curried quinoa with caramelized broccoli and cauliflower - that is a lovely recipe, thank you kindly, it looks VERY good indeed.
The afternoon is running away with me, so I will potter away and play with the phone a bit more, before T and siesta time.
A big hi to everyone else in and about. Mountains of love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 t4591 I feel we all need them at the moment :roll: :roll:
Take care, I will be back later, boggle eyed from phone viewing :shock: :shock: :shock: :roll: XXXX Aidan
Pear and Custard Ripple CakeXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hello Toni Barbara Aidan Kathleen
Toni sorry Karis is not well I hope she feel's better soon((((()))))
Barbara sorry you have problems I hope they can be sorted soon((((((()))))
Aidan that's good Bea is running well love to you all(((((()))
Kathleen I like mushrooms has well. I hope thing's are alright for you((((((())))))))
take care all
joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Thanks for the curry Kath it looks yum
Joan its Karis DIL shes had kidney stones out a week ago weds is still in hospital. She got home they took her back in!
Aidan Dazzle will have to meet Lucy's unicorns Mavis and Moonlight!
I hope Dad is ok?
All is well here Jaris been at the house today keeping Lucy company my day has been very busy
Hope Barbara and Carol are ok might too of course.
Toni xx0 -
oh dear, the day has gone, I have been messing with my phone and it is going up for 1am :shock: :shock: :? :? Shame on me. :oops: :oops:
Not often I have a Geek evening
Hi Joan, thank you we had a nice time at the GC with Dad, he enjoys it and always says it feels like home, he feels safe there as it is so familiar and he knows the staff - lots of love to you both ((())) t4591 t4591
Mavis and Moonlight, what wonderful names for Lucy's Unicorns. I am sure Dazzle would love to meet them Toni.
Dad was ok. The community pharmacist is coming back today, (no need for us to be there) to bring him his bubble packs of pills, it will be a lot easier, she will take all the open boxes away, so there is no chance of adding to any confusion. I guess she will ring us, to let us know how the visit went.
Good job Kari is round the corner now and can pop in when you are busy, to keep tabs on Lucy and Her Sleekness. Slimkins said that mummy was quite busy and here and there and all over the place :roll: :roll:
They will be off to Pendle again this morning, some Spring equinox dew, from the very top of the hill, is required by the Nymphs. Sleek loves a challenge. Mother will probably stay asleep in the side car:animal_busy:
I had better move my bones. Hi to Barbara and Carol, Kath and Mig and all our cafe friends. I hope and pray that all is well t4591
Leaving lots of love and sparkles to all. t4591 t115006 t115006
XXXX Aidan
Berry Breakfast CrumbleXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hello Aidan Toni Barbara Carol Kathleen
. Aidan I've just seen a photo of Dazzle cute good name((((((()))))))
. Toni sorry I hope Karis's Dil feels better soon((((((()))))))
. Barbara I hope you have a good day no problems((((((())))))
. Carol the weeks go so quick((((((()))))
. Kathleen I hope you are doing ok((((((())))
. have a good weekend everyone
. Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
NUNU please! Messy person alert. (won't talk just yet, mouth full of Pear and Custard Ripple Cake) smashing Aidan ta.
Overnight Oats
40g rolled oats
100g low fat yoghurt (You can use 0% Greek yoghurt)
150ml semi-skimmed milk
1 portion of fresh fruit (eg. An apple, a handful of berries or ½ a banana)
1tbsp/0.5 oz nuts or seeds
½ tsp cinnamon (optional)
Think of ‘overnight oats’ as the summer version of porridge or as Bircher Muesli just by a different name. This recipe is a great nutritionally balanced way to start your day – you get a serving of fruit, calcium-rich dairy, healthy fat from the nuts and satisfying, fibre rich oats all in one bowl! If, like me, you find you are particularly sore and stiff in the morning, it’s great to know that there is a healthy breakfast all ready and waiting for you in the fridge.
You can make up a few portions of the oat, yoghurt and milk base and store it in the fridge for up to three days. Try varying the fruit, nuts, seeds and flavourings you add. I’ve given you the basic recipe ‘blueprint’ alongside some suggested combinations.
In a serving bowl, mix together the oats, yoghurt and milk. Cover and refrigerate overnight or for at least four hours.
When ready to eat, add in the fresh fruit, nuts or seeds and dried fruit.
Suggested combinations:
Classic Apple – add a grated apple and 1 tablespoon of mixed seeds
Utterly Nutty – add half a banana, 1tbsp peanut or almond butter and 1tbsp chopped dates
Tropical Treat – use half a banana, 1tbsp dried coconut and 1tsbp chopped dried mango or pineapple
Berry Burst – add thawed mixed frozen berries, 1tbsp chia seeds or flax seeds
‘Bakewell Tart’ – add fresh cherries and 1tbsp flaked almonds
Hope you like it.
Joan, not doing too bad today thank you. t4591
Aidan, put yer phone down and get some sleep. Matron needs all the energy available. :roll:
Toni, Mavis and Moonlight are lovely names. m0150
Carol, Florence has just popped over to help Clarence with his chores. So don't worry if you can't find her. She's a GOOD GIRL."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Morning all..I had a moment last night very warm or it was just me.. :shock:
Toni busy is good..good that Kari can pop in and out..sisterly love
sorry I missed choir...its the tonsils not the shed honest :oops:
Kath I really hope you get new neighbours and can imagine how you feel waitng to find caramelized broccoli and cauliflower , different but sounds very nice..and overnight oats..thankyou
Joan we will be fine dont you worry about me..hope you and Sue have a good day with your lovely doggies..xx
Aiden thankyou for the hugs and sparkles and the cake boy was that needed..and the lovely berry breakfast.. you should have told the man its not has bad has there coffee..
that would have put him in his place..nice to know that dad is enjoying his food..especially the fish finger butties..
its good that the pharmacist makes visits ..I had never heard of that but takes some of the pressure off you and B
Now your phone sounds so goes to show what price they can do them for.. price of a second hand cars some of them.. :shock:
Right will leave you for out this morning
Love to everyone
t4591 t115006 m0150Love
Barbara0 -
hi to all - yes, it has just gone noon and I am posting :shock: :shock: wonders will never cease.
Hi Joan and Sue - Dazzle is lovely, keeping large beady eyes on meYou can never have too many sparkles t115006 t115006
Hope you have a good day and the weather is good so you can get out and about ((()))
Hi Kath, I have been round with the nu nu again - all that cake, goodness Kath :roll: :roll:I teck it ya loved it mi duck
Overnight Oats, very good for us all, low GI and very easy to do. I used to love porridge. Thank you kindly.
Hope any ouchies are kept at bay t115006 t4591 some extra ((())) just in case.
No Barabra, it was warm, I had a big "moment" and had to stand at the back door. Goodness knows what we will be like come mid summer :roll: :roll: :shock: You are more than welcome to abundant sparkles, always t4591 t115006 t115006
The Sisters were at choir, so there were plenty of people singing at top voice, best to rest the tonsils :? :?
Of course, cake is always needed, they are essential. I am diagnosed cake dependent
We have a mountain of them, BIL had rearranged to come over this Saturday, now the weather it better. He is coming on his own, SIL is out with friends in Leeds, so we will go to the T room for lunch on Sat then come back here for cakes galore.
I was very restrained at the GC with unthinkable T and coffee
The community pharmacist rang, in fact she rang me 5 times, before I realised it was my new phone ringing :roll: :roll:She was sorting out the bubble packs, the pharmacy could not find them :roll: :roll:
She must have sorted it and been to Dads, otherwise she would have called back.
Some of the phones are silly money and I won't pay it any more. There is no need. You are right, you can get a second hand car for less.
Have a good time, out and about. Take care.
Hi to Carol and to Mig, lots of sparkles and ((())) to you and to all.
Time for another potter and fussing. A bit of dusting needed, as it always is......... :roll: :roll:
I will pop back with a cake, later on this afternoon.
Love and Sparkles to everyone t4591 t115006 t115006 XXX AidanXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
As promised -
Blueberry Tea Cake XXX AidanXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hi all
We have had a good couple of days lately weather wise it has been pleasant and not raining. which is just as well with the state of our garden fence at the moment it unfortunately our responsibility to have it done and pay for it as we are leaseholders. Mr T has sorted it out now so it is just to let the guy know we want to go ahead now asap just in case we have anymore very strong winds.
Yesterdays food at the church meal was yummy as usual and enjoyed by all. hopefully Mr T's back is ok for tomorrow and open morning. he says it is a bit better today. he gets this from time to time
as he has got a slight problem with his spine. like me 2 of his vertebra have lost the fluid in between them and they rub one on the other causing inflammation.
usual lunch out with Mr T today during which we both manage to spill our coffee. Then I met my friend for the usual coffee.
Toni grandson says the colin part of babys name
is after an uncle of his girlfriend who passed away very young. he will also have the middle name of William which was GS other Granddads name , and was and my dads first name. and is also Mr t middle name and is GS own middle name. Yep I have discovered the me time is very much needed. I am quite looking forward to using some variegated yarn which has blue yellow dark pink and white in another colour which I cannot remember off hand. I think its is just the colour for a boy more than a girl because they are not pastel shades. I had a very nice afternoon with the new friend from knitting group she is ok. it was nice having a conversation without it being eavesdropped on and interrupted.
Aidan loving the new sparkly friend. my cards turned up yesterday so brochures will be on their way over the weekend. Mr T's problem is known to GP but as it is not all the time he has told him to use ibuprofen when it flares up. Florence and Clarence will be very prepared when the Spid..r season comes without a doubt.
oh dear problems with the GC so no more visits hate it when people are like that after all you were outside. no I certainly don't believe me time each day is selfish either it keeps my sanity if that is possible. love the Vals worrypots café
Barbara yes Mr T's back is slowly improving I always hope we have people in and i sell some cards but to be honest i dont really do much trade there. I have actually now started to carry some little cards around with me always that has the details of my website on and a spare brochure so that if i by chance get talking to anyone about the cards i can give them a brochure and a card. so they can look at the site in their own time.
Joan the weeks sure do go very quickly I hope all will go well on the 4th April .
Kath Ahh thats where Florence disapeared to when she finished her chores here. yes she is a good girl . overnight oats are quite nice.
well its time for my evening potter so off I go
t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 to allStay positive always👍xx0
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