Val's Cafe
Hi to all - cooler this evening, nice clear skies. Just had enough drizzle in the afternoon to make Beatrice wet :roll: :roll:
I did put the phone down Kath, honest - when I fell asleep:roll: Fortunately I didn't launch it off the bed, as I usually do :shock:
Hi Carol, good that you have had better weather, it has warmed up in the daytime, without a doubt. Barbara and I both had "moments" on Thursday m0150 :roll:
I know March is usually a very windy month, after two storms already, best be on the safe side and have the fence repaired / replaced asap, just in case. All the various weather forecasts are different, so we just look out of the window. :? :?
A lovely meal out with the Church meet upSending extra sparkles to Mr T's slippers (and yours too) t115006 t115006 hurting backs are just horrid. We are all in the same boat with our bones graunching together :roll: :roll:
Glad he is in less discomfort and today is ok at open morning.
You both managed to spill your coffeewelcome to the club. Remember when I drooled mine all down my white shirt in the T room and I didn't even know - until B said, have you seen the mess you are in :shock: :shock: :roll: :roll:
A pleasant meet up with the friend from the knitting group - more reasons to go for more coffee's and me times
Looking forward to seeing the new brochures of cardsGood that Mr T's back trouble is known about, as you say, it is not a constant proverbial pain.
Good to know that Clarence and Florence will be on the ball, when it comes to the warm weather.
No, no more visits to the GC over in Burnley. Neither of us would ever dream of smoking without being out in the open, even at home. I think the man was being super jobsworth. :roll: :roll:
We do have to try and keep our sanity, not always easy is it :? :? :? so down time or me time, is super necessary t4591 t115006
Hi to Toni, Sleek was over this afternoon, to sit with Mother and watch Gok Waan on SYTTD Lancashire. They like him, but not as much as our friend David Emanuel. t4591 There was sweet eating and litter throwing. :roll: :roll:
I think there is sunny weather for a few days, so flights up to Pendle and into the Trough of Bowland, will be on the cards. Mother won't mind a trip out if there is lots of sunshine m0150 m0150
I hope you have some decent weather too, is bot on the prowl, sorting out the grass? a little sunshine, but not too hot8) 8)
Hi to Everyone else, in and about. Time I was having another potter round.
Off to Dads, wait for B's Brother to arrive, then we can go to the T room for lunchA little shopping in Booths, (they have the best veggie range by far).
Back here for cakes, we have enough to feed the street:roll: :roll:
Leaving lots of love and sparkles to all. t4591 t115006 Take lots of care XXXXXX Aidan
Golden Honey BunsXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hello Kathleen Aidan Carol Barbara
. Kathleen it's getting chilly some say snow((((((()))))))
. Aidan all phones are different I have the iPhone se I keep to that.
. love to B and your Dad((((((())))))
. Carol that was both good spilling your drink together((((((()))))
. Barbara hope you have a good day((((((()))))))
. have a good weekend everyone
. take care
. Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Hello all, hope you are well. Emily and Alex will be driving to Bradford later, to fetch Emily's new car. It's a Chevrolet Aveo. It's newer than her current car (Honda Jazz) and as she will be driving further when she starts her new job on 1st April, she will need a really reliable car.
I'm quite cold today, I think it's because the sun's gone in.
Golden Honey Buns yum yum, thank you Aidan. Glad yer didn't knock yer phone on floor miduck. Wedon't want that!
I know some of you aren't keen on nanas, but they're good for you, honest. And they are in a salted caramel mixture, and I know you love that."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Hello all not quite has been a lovely day so the garden is being tidied ..gone cold now though...I have always loved gardening so seeing it in a sate but its getting there with our son and a young man from up the road that wanted to make some money..bless him I had to stop him digging and give him some lunch
Aiden blueberry tea loaf ..and honey buns..what more could i ask for..thankyou
I dont think I would be going back to the GC in serves them right..I see you are getting to grips with your you are cake dependent..
snap..I bet that BIL was looking forward to coming back to yours...
Joan we had a nice day thankyou..I am loving the pics that Sue is putting on facebook ..your doggies are adorable..beautiful coats
Carol glad you enjoyed your meal at the church..I feel for Mr T and you I have a couple of bulging have to be remind me when your new GGS is you cant wait
Kath I love salted caramel icecream ...thankyou..Hope that Emily got back safe and sound with her new car..
Right will make a cuppa and have a honey bun ..
Love to everyone
t4591 t115006 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
Hi to all - Well, Saturday has come and gone, in a flash :? :shock: pleasant weather, nice spring like day.
I did glance that there would be snow, but I would imagine that is on the highest mountains in the Cairngorms. A bit like "look out and see the Northern Lights" yes, that's ok, if you live in the far north of Scotland - don't get our hopes up. :roll: :roll:
I have never had any kind of Apple device, phone or PC, I have tried to use one and was completely out of my comfort zone Joan. I guess it is what you are used to.
Love the picture of the doggies on FacebookThey are gorgeous
Thank you, lots of love back to you both, hope you have a lovely week end and enjoy the fair weather. m0150
Hi Kath, Emily and Alex up in Bradford, I used to work at the hospital in Bradford, not far from Skipton. I hope the car is just right and that they had a safe journey there and back, up and down the M1, quite a straight route.
We nearly bought a Chevvy, what was it called..........errrrm, anyway, I forget :? :roll: :roll:
Out of the sun, it was a bit chilly. Did you av yer at on
I am glad the phone didn't go flying. It is a nice soft carpet and phones can take drops onto most surfaces, but, preferably best not to launch it. :roll: :roll:
You are very welcome to the honey bunsNow, nana's, errrrm, I really cannot
even the smell of them :? :?
I will have the caramel sauce on the ice cream though, that will do just fine, thank you v muchly
Hi Barbara - I think B is planning on pottering in the garden today, that's after he has been to Screw fix and the big charity shop for a nosy round. I will stop at home and potter about.
I liked gardening too, but not possible now.
I bet yours is all nice and tidy now, with your Son and an extra pair of hands to help. Sounds like he was digging for victory, before you stopped him and gave him sustenance
You found all the goodies, excellent. Yes, I am cake dependent, a bit like Toni, who is Clotted Cream dependentIt is a recognised condition
I am super pleased with my new phone, it is very slick, very quick and very thinLove it.
We went round to Dads, BIL was bang on time, which is a miracle in itself :shock: :shock: so off we went into town, parked nearly at the door to the T rooms. We were there just in time, we got a table, then not long after that, people were being turned away it was so packed.
I was very good and didn't have a cake, seeing as we had enough to stock a shop, here.
We ate the meringue muffins, I gave BIL the chocolate cake to take home for SIL, (she is cake dependent as well). A spare muffin for Dad and now we only have two flapjacks.
I am sure Toni is enjoying the fine weather, here there and in and out............Sleek says mummy cannot keep still for a minute :roll: :roll: Mother was telling her, it is because it is spring, hooman peeples get all excited and have to kleen their houzez
The intrepid duo where off onto the hills and then to the Castle, to survey all of Mothers lands :? :? :roll: :roll: Then they had lunch at the Nymphs open air T roomst4591 t115006 t115006
Hi to Carol, hope you and Mr T are feeling ok, sparkles and hugs for less back pain. t4591 t115006
Hi to everyone else, in and about.
Best be doing some pottering. Need to move.
Everyone take lots of care, love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 t115006 XXXX Aidan
Stovetop Frittata - yes Kath, lots of mushrooms inXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hello Kathleen Barbara Aidan
. Kathleen yes I thought it was cold yesterday it looks warmer today we will soon find out(((((((((()))))
. Barbara have a good day to day thank you the dogs are lovely((((((()))))))
Aidan the only other phone I've had is Nokia I've tried others but I could not get on with them photos from my. Phone go on my ipad(((((()))))
. take care all love to Toni Carol
. Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
OOOOOhhh more mushrooms, thank you Aidan. I googled Emily's new car - very smart, it's shiny black.
I'm a bit warmer today Joan, but I've put a nice warm polo neck jumper on, with an edge to edge cardigan over it.
Warm beetroot and lentil salad
1/4 cup olive oil
1 red onion, chopped
2 garlic cloves, crushed
2 x 400g cans brown lentils, drained, rinsed
450g can beetroot wedges, drained
1 tablespoon red wine vinegar
80g baby rocket leaves
180g feta cheese, cut into cubes
Step 1
Heat 1 tablespoon of oil in a frying pan over medium heat. Add onion. Cook for 2 minutes or until softened. Add garlic, lentils and beetroot. Cook for 1 minute.
Step 2
Whisk together remaining oil, vinegar, and salt and pepper. Add to lentils. Toss to coat.
Step 3
Combine rocket, feta and lentil mixture in a bowl. Toss gently to combine. Serve."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Hi to all, just a quick post, seeing as the afternoon has been stolen and put in the shed of many hours :roll: :roll: :roll:
It was very pleasant, now spoiled itself by t111055 t111055
Bill has been back and forth to town, twice, while I stopped at home, pottering, doing the shirts.
This is the lovely find at the charity shop from last week, sits nicely in the hall.
The two small boxes B has made and the other little chest, he has painted and gold leafed - he is a clever socks. He should have a shop.
Then he went back and brought back a TV, for £20, bigger than the one I had in my bedroom, bargain
Hi Joan and Sue, loving the pictures on facebook, gorgeous doggies and hi to Sue too.
I have had a nokia, back in the day, when sending a text was a miracle in itself, how times have changed :shock: :shock:
hope you have had a nice week end ((())) t4591 t4591
Hi Kath, I knew you would like the mushrooms mi duck. t4591
Nice car, very smart, sporty, but elegantI hope it serves her well on her new work travels. t115006 t115006
A polo neck jumper, eeeerk, I would be hospitalised, feeling all choked:roll: :roll: with a cardi as well, then I would melt
he says, having just turned the heating back up :shock: :shock:
Love Beetroot and Love lentils, feta cheese too, thank you kindly for the recipe and dish of the day
Hi to Barbara, I bet you are about to post, just as I post mineI hope you and yours are ok and sending extra ((())) and sparkles t115006 t115006 t4591 we never know when we might need them
Hi to Toni, I think Sleek said Auntie Kari had been over to see everyone, she was talking to Mother, which has set Mother shrieking at the top of her voice, :shock: :shock: goodness knows what was discussed :? :? :roll: :roll:
((())) to all, take care, here there and everywhere.............steady away, we don't want any ouchies.
Hi to Carol, how is Mr T's back feeling, better I hope, some extra ((())) just in case anti ouchies are needed t115006 t115006
Hi to everyone else, in and about, love and energies and every possible positive thoughts to you Mig and to everyone.
I will pop back later, love and sparkles in the meantime. t4591 t115006 t115006 XXXX Aidan
Clotted Cream Tea'sXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Evening all..after a lovely day its gone very cold..
I did hear from Toni via whatsapp and she has probs with her internet..sure she will be along when she can
Joan I need a doggy to sit on my lap when its cold..hope you are all ok ...xx
Kath Emilys car looks nice I hope she likes it ..did they arrive back ok or did they stay beetroot is very good at lowing the blood pressure I have jars of it..
Aiden thankyou for the Frittata..and the hugs and sparkles xx .. and of course the clotted cream tea you cant go wrong..glad that BIL was on time and you got a seat in the T if you gave me a chocolate cake to take home I would come again very soon
Like you I have always had android phone ..just couldn't get on with Apple ..our GDs have them and wouldnt do glad you are enjoying yours ..still cant get over the price..just shows what profits the others are making..
like B we have been backward and forward to srewfix for fence treatment..we do like there prices..and I love the things on your table in your hallway..B is very clever..will his online shop include the boxes..
its say on the news toward the end of the week it is warming up again...dont want it to hot though..
We rang the pub that we had Sunday dinner the other week and they couldn't fit us we went to our little GC and it wasn't good at all so wont be eating there again :roll:
Right will leave you for now
Love to everyone
t4591 t115006 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
Well that hasn't been easy no ability to get online but I'm here now via my phone.
Having some frittata c/o Aidan and some Warm beetroot lentil salad c/o Kath.
Thanks for letting everyone know I am still alive Barbara and Aidan via Sleek via Tosca!
Joan I've only ever had a Nokia-well a few and now a few Samsungs.
That car pic opened on my phone but not Adans latest charity find.
Sleek has been going over to Aidan and B's a fair bit watching more SYTTD I have been chatting to a young girl called Emily ( not Kath's!!) About hers. Fun chat and one really lovely suggestion....a Dad's dance after the first dance. Paul will be so touched. I'll ask Tia the song is called 'I loved her first' by heartland.
He would be so touched eg?
Hope Carol is ok Mr T behaving?
Might too ((()))
Posting quick while I can
Toni xxx0 -
Hi to all - it has gone chilly this evening :? :? then you read the newspapers (online read that is) and they say there is a three month heatwave about to start m0150 :shock: :shock:
I got the same report as you did Barbara, that Toni's t'internet has gone squiffy and then some. Wonder if someone cut a cable somewhere - that happened here one time, a still saw went right through the phone lines :shock: :roll: :roll:
Sounds like it might take a few days to fix. :roll: :roll:
You are more than welcome to the frittata and all the hugs and sparkles I can muster t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 We need a big tin of them, in the cafe, along side the lavender pats and wheaties
Clotted cream tea, well, it was Sunday, so I thought it was only fitting to have something suitable.
We were amazed when B's Brother arrived on the strike of noon, he is always late. Good job though, with the T room being packed to the rafters not long after we got there.#
You like beetroot as well then, I always have jars of it and we eat quite a lot on our cheese butties, I could eat them for fun, love them t4591 t4591 yes, they do lower your blood pressure and improve athletic performance :shock: :shock: :shock: Not sure about the athletic bit :? :?
They improve heart health and protect the liver too.
Apple phones and computers just leave B and I totally baffled :roll: :? I guess it is what you are used to. I am amazed at my new one, it is super clever :shock: I think it already knows more about me, than I do :shock:
Glad you like the hall table and all the things that B has made or added to with his creations. He says he will put boxes on his web shop, might take a little while. He is busy seed beading at the moment.
No, we don't want it too hot. Warm and pleasant is fine, but melting moments, we can do without them. We had more than our fair share last year. :? :? :roll: :roll:
The pub you went to, is obviously very popular. Shame that you could not get a table and then the meal at the GC was not much cop. That's two of us not going back to certain garden centres
Hi there Toni, bloomin internet, :roll: :roll: No wonder Mother has been shrieking. Sleek said she cannot even get through on her crystal ball :roll: :roll:
We will keep updating and hope your web access is not too protracted :? :? :roll:
Aww, you didn't get the pic of B's charity shop find. I will post it again as and when
Yes, the "girls" have been watching SYTTD and Gok SYTTD Lancashire, which is filmed in a Bridal Boutigue in Colne - not so far from us, know it quite well.
A Dad's dance, after the first dance, that is SO lovely t4591 t4591 of course Paul would just melt. I will have to listen to the song on Youtube.
Hi to Carol, hope you are ok. A busy week-end I would guess. How is Mr T's back feeling? Sending extra sparkles to help with any ouches t115006 t115006
Hi to all our other friends, in and out and around about
Time I was pottering again. I am setting like a plaster cast.
Off to the GC with Dad, then some shopping.
Leaving lots of love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 t115006
Take care XXXXX Aidan
All in One Veggie BreakfastXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hello Aidan Toni Barbara Kathleen
. Aidan yes useful and the little draws are good((((())))
. Toni I hope you don't have to wait too long for the internet(((((((()))))
Barbara yes Lexi would sit on your lap and let you cuddle her((((((()))))))
. Kathleen yes I wear polo jumpers it's the cold wind((((((()))))))
. hope you all have a good day love to Carol and Mig((((((())))))
. Joan xxxtake care
joan xx0 -
Still a bit breezy, but the winders are cleaned, so watch out for rain, hail, sleet and snow being chucked all ovva em. :? Some brainbox has dumped a fridge on the car park (they took the door off first) And loads of polystyrene has been broken up and is blowing all down the back alley. :roll:
So you like Polo necks too Joan, nice and warm when there's a chill. Lexi and Pepper are real cuties. t4591 t4591
Thank you for the cream teas Aidan, B's little draws look very useful and sparkly. He's a clever little chucky egg. t4591 t4591
Oh no Toni, t'interweb on the blink.
Barbara, I'm sure Emily and Alex got home safe. I googled the car, that's where I got the pic from. I have beetroot every day, it doesn't seem to keep my blood pressure down in spite of 2 types os BP tablets.
Herby buttered Wild Mushroom Tagliatelle, sorry, no recipe, but it is Vegan and it looks scrummy, so I hope you enjoy it."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Hi to all - the day has run away and it is after 4.30 already :roll: :roll:
Hi Joan and Sue - thank you, it is a lovely little table and the drawers are always ideal for those bits and bobs that appear from nowhere.
Hope you enjoying some fine weather m0150 m0150 ((())) m0150 m0150
Hi Kath So, we an expect all kinds of weather, now that your windows are clean - it'll be chuckin down mi duck. It usually rains every time our window cleaner visits :roll: :roll:
That's nice, said no one EVER, to have a fridge dumped in the carp park, leaving polystyrene to blow all over :x :x I hope someone has them on CCTV, so they can catch em and make them clean the streets for a few months. As if that would ever happen. :? :? I loathe polystyrene, it is just so non biodegradable and gets everywhere.
B is a clever chucky egg indeedHe has been removing old silicone from around the bedroom windows, ready to re- seal them in. Has to be done, on park homes, you have to make sure they are kept up to standard to keep any water from creeping under the render.
Looks a bit of a work in progress at the moment, but he will soon have it all sorted, now the weather is set fair for a week. You cannot make an omelette without cracking eggs.
I am not sure how much beetroot you have to eat, to get a reduction in blood pressure.............. :shock: :shock: I will have to look into it :? :?
Thank you for the tagliatelle - mushrooms, mmmmm, we love them
Hi Barbara - have you been out in the was so warm when we got back home, the lounge was boiling m0150 m0150
Busy at the GC, lots of people sat out, far more people out and about, with the sunshine.
No word from Toni, so I am thinking Houston still has a problem with the t'interweb............ :roll: :roll:
Sleek was over early doors, to take Mother up onto Pendle, to gather some chilly mists. There was a frost on our roof, so the neighbours said.
Hi to Carol and Mig and all of our friends in and about.
I had better move myself, it is not far off T time and siesta :animal_busy:
Will call back later, leaving lots of love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 XXXXX Aidan
Key Lime Pie, most refreshingXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Evening all..a lovely day, but I am now freezing and have the heat on high..might be these kidneys playing up :roll:
Toni glad you managed to get in on your phone..hope the net is soon sorted...and forgot to ask how is your summer house coming along...and I can imagine how proud Paul will be at the wedding..bless
Kath you eat beetroot every day and you still have high blood pressure..well there's me having it with everything..mind you I do like it but mostly with hot foot hotpot and cottage pie..thankyou for the Tagliatelle recipe
Joan I used to have a really fluffy all white Jack Russel..loved her to pieces she was my late dads..and she would kep me warm..I miss having a dog ..
Aiden thankyou for the veggie breakfast..and the key lime pie..only ever had that once..
So you like beetroot has does make you wonder how much we should eat..mind you if it improve athletic performance
I have met Gok he was in the Trafford center once and so approachable and lovely...and I got an hug off him
I see that B is on with sealing the windows..its good that they keep up standards on the park..I know that some dont care..
we did have a trip out its been so lovely and gives you a lift..and I bought a pair of blackout curtains ..the sun this morning woke me up...couldnt believe how bright it was..
I look forward to seeing Bs website..
Better move..
Love to everyone
t4591 t115006 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
Super-fast post due to the last post 'timing out' grrr!!!
Not sure how long I will get....
Sleek googling 'raynboe droplit - locashun' and various similar may not be helping!!!
Quickly letting you all know that I am ok and thank you for caring. Checking you are all ok too I can see Joan, Aidan and Kath are ok hope Carol, Barbara and of course mig are too.
Stay well everyone I hope my internet issues are short-lived!
Love to everyone
Toni xxx0 -
Barbara thanks I am ok posting at the same time thanks to you and Aidan for letting everyone know I am ok (())
I love beetroot too it's good for stamina!
Toni xx0 -
Hi to all, quite a frost tonight, next doors rooftop is all frozen white.
Hi Barbara - I put the heating on after siesta's, the temperature had really dropped, after a beautiful sunny day.
Keep an eye, we don't want any added problems with those kidneys, is your temp ok? ? water infection? Matron just being cautious :? :?
Aww a fluffy white Jack Russel doggy, perfect for cuddles. You are welcome to the veggie breakfast and key lime pie is just wonderful, had it loads of times in the States, as well as Pecan pie - I was such a pig :shock: :shock:
I still have not had chance to see how many stones of beetroot we should eat in a day, to bring our blood pressure down :shock: :shock:
Not so sure about the increased athletic abilities :? :? :? :roll:
So you met Gok, how amazing, and he gave you a CUDDLE, way to go BarbaraHow cool are you 8) 8) 8)
Yes, Bill is on with so many things he will meet himself coming back at this rate. Making jewellery, maintenance to the window sealing, keeping me and Dad in his line of sight, as well as umpteen other bits and bats. Bless, he is a rock t4591 t115006
We need some blackout curtains for the lounge, it gets SO hot. My bedroom is north facing, so sun shining in is not a problem.
Glad you enjoyed your trip out and it was fruitful
As soon as Bills store front is up and running, I will let you know
Hi Toni, oh, the interweb is still kaput :? :? and then your phone times you out, it will chew up data too.
Ahh, Sleek has been asking Google to search for some very strange words - that might have blown it up :shock: :shock:She was saying to Mother, that mummy's rooota had gonn rong :roll: :roll:
We will keep letting people know that you are ok and have not vanished into the ether, even if the WWW has done.
Beetroot for stamina, goodness, I need to eat more and more............
Love to all, hope the wedding plans are going according to plan t4591
Hi to Carol, I bet the hours and days are all in the shed, along with some the rest of them, that are taken away from us each day. :roll: :roll:
I hope you and Mr T are ok, less ouchies. Some more sparkles, just in case t115006 t115006
Hi to Mig, lots of love and endless sparkles and well wishes t115006 t115006
Hi to everyone else, in and about. Hope you enjoy the fine weather m0150 m0150
Time I was pottering again.
At home today, catch up a bit.
Leaving lots of love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 t115006 XXXX Aidan
Breakfast Potato PancakesXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hello Kathleen Aidan Barbara Toni
. Kathleen I used to knit polo jumpers then you could have what colour you wanted(((((()))
. Aidan I hope you are having a good day no more angina attacks and your Dad and B((((((())))))
Barbara dogs are so cuddly aren't they((((((()))))
. Toni at least you are alright ((((((())))
. take care love to Carol and Mig ((((((())))))
. Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Hi to all - another pleasant day, after a very frosty night.
At home, I have been pottering indoors and B has been sorting out the sealant round the windows at the back, all drying nicely now.
Catching up with house things.
Hi Joan and Sue - I used to knit quite a lot when I worked on nights, often forgetting where I had got up to when beeps went off or someone rang their buzzer :roll:I often gained a few stitches
Angina seems to have settled, it just appears from nowhere.........but has been ok for a while now, thank you ((()))
Hi to Kath and to Barbara, Carol, Mig and all who are in and about.
I won't dally, but I will put a nice cake out. I shall call in again later. Love and Sparkles to all t4591 t115006 XXX Aidan
Raspberry Bakewell CakeXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
I wanna meet Gok!!!
Am in on my phone again Aidan yes data vanishing but at least I can let you all know I'm ok.:)
Is B coming to do my shower?
Sleek blew the router up?!
Love to everyone
Toni xxx0 -
Evening all
The weather is nice here at the moment but temperature due to drop next week its been a very busy weekend. but all thing went ok. But oh what a difference today. We had a gas smart meter fitted yesterday we now have one for both gas and electricity. we have only had them fitted to stop the constant calls urging us to have them fitted. the electricity one was fitted a short while ago it took the guy about 45 minuets to change the meter and set the little box device up that goes with it and we have had no problems . However the gas guy yesterday took 2 hours to do the same thing. and lo and behold this morning our boiler did not turn on, I tried to start it manually but it would not have it . so we have had to have the engineer out today on an emergency call out because I told them I have no hot water and heating and as my mobility is bad it was dangerous for me to carry hot water from kitchen to bathroom. when engineer came he did all the checks and could not find anything wrong. He did change batteries in the thermostat in our hallway which controls the timing of the boiler switching on and off. mind you they have never been changed in the 6years we have had the boiler in fact we didn't even know there were batteries in there :shock: :? :? it di go on on time around 4.30p. so fingers crossed it will work tomorrow morning. :roll: :roll: mind you when Mr T told the guy who came today how long it took the guy to do the meter yesterday he was disgusted he said it should not take any longer than 45 minuets to do the job. so watch this space because if it fails again tomorrow morning I will be really mad and they will soon hear about it.
I was very naughty after because I did not go out at the usual time to have some lunch as Mr T was out this morning and I had to wait for him to get back I was so fed up with it all that I treated my self to a fish finger buttie some thing I would not eat on slimming world but it was gorgeous so I don't care on little bit :shock: :shock:.
well time has run away with me again and I have some pottering and little jobs to do so love and sparkles to you all t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 hope you are all as well as can be expeced and enjoying some nice weather.Stay positive always👍xx0 -
Hi to all - heating on again, turned chilly after dark.
We all want to meet Gok, we will have to fix it Toni. If we can work magic with David Emanuel - all things are possible t4591
Don't worry, as long as we know that you are all is eaten by ramping up the internet, without WiFi. Mother said that Sleek had brokern the roota - there was a spell cast, which we are not privy to............ t115006 me thinks it went wrong. :roll: :roll:
Mother is keeping very tight lipped about it, "nothing we need to know about" she said. :? :? :roll: :roll:
Yes, I am sure Bill can come and sort out the sealant for your shower, the stuff he got for the outside is bomb proof, called storm something or other - mind you, at £13 a tube, it should be too :shock: :shock:
It is all looking better now, around the back windows, keeping the rain from sneaking under the render, is very important.
Hi there Carol - I did see your post on FB, goodness, it is hardly a smart meter when it stops your heating and hot water working :shock: :shock: :roll: :roll:
BGas tried to sell us one of the "hive" things, (we have drains and electrics covered with them), but we said no thanks.
I am glad they came out and let's hope that it is fixed. Sounds like the person who fitted it was either dragging their heels, or not too sure what they were doing :? :?
If the heating or hot water doesn't work this morning, we will hear you from up here in Lancashire:x :x I will send some sparkles, to make sure it does what it is supposed to do t115006 t115006
You had a fish finger butty - wonderful, I would have joined you, they are amazing, with tomato sauce and lots of buttert4591
A little bit of soul food does no harm, well that's my motto, every time I see a cake :shock:
Hi to Barbara - hope you are all ok, Niamh will be over today I would guess. Many ((())) and t115006 to everyone.
Kath, how are you all - hoping that any ouches are not causing too much trouble. Extra t115006 t115006 just in case. Have you been to your benches or the Co Op? Some sunshine may have assisted a little strollm0150
Hi to Mig, I know you are having a tough time. Abundant hugs and well wishes.
Hi to Kerrin, Christine, DD, SW, Elizabeth, Toady and all.
Time I was pottering a little.
Off to the T room, via the surgery, to pick up more Tramadol :roll: :roll: needs must.
Leaving lots of love and sparkled to all t4591 t115006 XXXX Aidan
Cheese Mushroom and Spinach ToastiesXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hello Aidan Carol Toni
. Aidan yes remember you said you did knitting when you worked nights have a good day all of you((((((()))))))
. Carol what you fancy does you good sorry about your problems((((((()))))))
. Toni sorry about your internet((((((())))))
. take care all love to Barbara Kathleen Mig ((((((())))))
. Joan xxxtake care
joan xx0 -
Morning all...
sorry didn't get on yesterday so many going on..
Carol honestly Aiden say its not a very smart meter or engineer. :roll: .I hope your heating came on this fingers sandwichesour GDs love them with melted cheese not my recipe may I add..
Joan hope you all have a good day ..and its noce and dry out..
Toni I will see what I can do about Gok...not that I have seen him since..he was making over larger ladies so think he spotted me in the crowd
Aiden breakfast potato pancakes were unusual..prefer the Cheese Mushroom and Spinach Toastiesand the bakewell cake ..thankyou
So the sealant B is using is bomb proof..thats good should last a while then
Now Gok, has I said to Toni think I stood out in the crowd ..he was looking for larger ladies :shock: :oops:
I was never much good at knitting but gave it a try..but like you I would lose were I was..and once knitted a jumper for me...but it ended up a size 6 :shock:
Hope that dad is doing ok and you all have a good day
Love to everyone
t4591 t115006 t4591Love
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