Val's Cafe
Oh, Silver looks wonderful, I'm glad he approves.
I made a mistake in my last post. It's Braille Emily has to learn now, as well as Makaton. When she was taking her A Levels it was her ambition to work in a prison full of rapists and murderers! She got married and had the boys instead - PHEW So now she's helping children with learning difficulties and behavoural problems.
Heritage Tomato Salad with pangritata salad
white wine vinegar 1½ tbsp
mirin 1½ tbsp
heritage tomatoes 500g, mixed varieties, cut into different sized pieces
extra-virgin olive oil 40ml
mint a small handful, leaves picked
stale bread 100g, torn into chunks
lemon 1, zested
thyme 1 sprig
garlic ½ a clove, sliced
olive oil 4 tbsp
Put all of the pangritata ingredients, except the olive oil, in a food processor with a pinch of salt and blitz until it resembles fine breadcrumbs. Heat the olive oil in a frying pan and cook the mixture gently for 4-5 minutes or until golden, then drain on kitchen paper.
Whisk together the vinegar and mirin, then add the tomatoes and lots of seasoning. Pile up on serving plates, drizzle with extra-virgin olive oil, scatter with mint and the pangritata."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Happy Mothering Sunday, to all Mum's, those with us, those who have left us and those still to take up the reigns in the future t4591 t4591 t69044 t69044
Hi Joan and Sue I have had my hair cut, so feeling very happy bunny today, SO much better. I would have it cut every day, I find it quite relaxing, yes, me, relax, almost unheard of :roll: :roll:
We will be with you while you are in hospital Joan, watching and supporting and holding hands as required- you are both very precious t4591 t4591
Hi Toni, hope the Mothering Sunday Service went well, I am sure it did and everyone would have been in fine voice. Thank you for passing on my best wishes to all. t4591 t4591 Sleek sent Mother a Mothers Day card, but only Mother can see it. She was very quiet this morning, obviously reading the verses carefully. Sleek is a love t4591
Then they had a meet and greet at the Nymphs cafe, with Tom, Tommicat, Jerricat, Mrs D, Sleek and some other gorgeous puskins, from far and wide. Some knew Mother well, from when she was chief catwizard at Hogwarts :shock: :shock: They said she was a wonderful tutor.
You are very welcome to the Mothers Day breakfast Barbara
I am sure the pancakes that Niamh wanted to make, were lovely. It is true, the distraction of a fun fair, overrides the concerns about excess noise.
I am ok, keep plodding along as we do. I am at the podiatrist tomorrow and have my bloods and whatever at the end of the week, 6 monthly check up. Bit breathless at times, but COPD does that to you :roll: :roll: :? and will I quite smoking, will I eck as like............ :roll: :roll:
Sending extra prayers and blessings to your BIL and to his Daughter, how they can turn someone down, when they have had a lifetime of suffering like that, is just beyond me, totally beyond me. I would take it to tribunal, all the way....... Your poor BIL has suffered for a long time, Bless him t115006 t115006 I am glad he is not in any pain, that is always a great concern to family members.
Glad you like the picture I put on FB of both Mums and my late Dad. That was taken before we moved to France, so 2001 - 2002 we were a lot younger and I was not the size of a Minky Whale :shock: :shock: :shock: :? :? :?
so who will be discovered with the DNA kit from Ancestry ?? Yes I had read that we were all dark skinned at one time in history.
Enjoy the roast to the door...........lovely t115006 t115006
I knew you would like Silver, with the butterflies all around him Kath. t115006 t115006 t4591
I am glad Emily has chosen the path to work with people who have learning and behavioural problems, rather than in prison with very dangerous criminals. Now to learn braille, how rewarding.
When we were training, we went to Rampton Hospital - it was rather surreal, to be talking to people who were in very high security, who had taken peoples lives and were incredibly dangerous. Strange it was. I could not have worked their. All items where counted in, no knives or forks, only spoons, no cigarette lighters, just a lighter socket in one wall. It was an eye opener.
Thank you for the lovely Salad, it looks deliciousDo you think I look 10 years younger now, with a No 2 cut
I hope everyone else is having a fair day. Quite warm here, or is that the tumble dryers fault............
All pressing done, the loss of an hour does not seem to have caused too much upset to ones equilibrium, thank goodness.
Time for pills............ I will pop back later.
Love and Sparkles to everyone t4591 t115006 XXXXX Aidan
Chocolate and Violet FanciesXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Kari and I want to do ome of those kits Barbara....we think we have long lost family.
Your poor BIL. I will also be thinking of him ((()))
Kath braille! That is wow! Go Emily! Like learning new language.
Thank you for the recipe
Aidan I am late in due to Mothers day visitors. The service went very well The Rev Delphine did a great job. Very interactive we were all laughing whilst getting the message of her sermon
You do look 10 years younger yes!
Maybe you should have regular head massages. Relaxing is GOOD!
Sleek adores Tosca who is passing on all her life experience to her apprentice. Again Sleek is using contacts! The other cats are impressed that Mother has even taken on an apprentice at all!! She's always refused until now so she must see something in Sleek t4591
Happy Mothers day to all the Mums and happy Double Mothers day to all the Grandmas
Better get on my back os not happy today
Love to everyone
Toni xxc0 -
Hi to all - chilly tonight, on the verge of a frost, stars shining brightly
Hi Toni, glad the Mothering Sunday Service went well. Rev Delphine delivering her sermon with a note of humour. Usually works well, to emphasise a point t4591 Dad was very much the same.
Thank you kindly, I thought I looked 10 years younger too. I love my rose tinted specs 8) 8)
I had taken some more lugs from Mother on Sat. Of course she was mortified at being skalped again, but, she took pleasure in seeing me having my hair removed - happy that Daddy 2 was almost hairless
I am sure Sleek will have heard ALL about it, with embellishments :roll: :roll:
We used to have reflexology, that was just amazing. Quite how they knew, all that they knew, from "doing" massage etc on your feet, was just astounding. I can highly recommend it.
I think Mother has surprised herself, with the sharing and caring that she has for Miss Sleek. Naturally there is an instant link, through Hogwarts, but, she has never been one to instil knowledge to others, more to reflect on things and keep things to herself.
Sleek will have her contacts, for sure, from her term times at Hogwarts.
Mother Glitter Sparkles is quite at ease and happy to impart as much as she can. t115006 t115006
I don't think Sleek has seen the painting of Mother, after she became a catwizard
(why are we not writing a book between us)
Extra ((())) for your ouching back, my sympathies entirely :? :?
Hi to Carol - hope you have had a nice week end, with the smart meters working as they should - do they give scary readings of how much it costs each day :shock: :shock:
Hi to MIg, keeping you topped up with extra energy and lots of t4591 t4591
Hi to everyone else, in and around about.
Off to the GC this morning, for brunch with Dad. Then a quick shop, before I see the Podiatrist / Farrier
Time I was having another potter, tramadol required :roll: :roll:
Leaving lots of love and sparkles to everyone t4591 t115006 take lots of care XXXXX Aidan
Kaiserschmarrn - an Austrian breakfast of pancake bites in carmelised sugar with rum soaked raisinsXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Rum soaked raisins Aidan reminds me of Paul's favourite ice cream flavour!!
Just realised I missed those violet fancies - I could have had them with some violet gin! Pinkies out!!
Oh Sleek is enchanted with the picture of Mother Glitter Sparkles receiving her wizardship!! She is soooo impressed and is after a copy for a wall in her ickle house (I thought all walls must be full by now, but I am forgetting it's like a Tardis in there!). All scalping hidden under her cape again Sleek insists it is very undig-nifyed. Too right we should write a book
Injecting humour and in this case some audience participation into sermons is absolutely the best way to get your message across and keep it there too. Your Dad certainly knew his stuff!
I hope all goes well at the farrier's...ooops! Podiatry and Dad is well still
If reflexology helps you again a regular session might be an idea?
Barbara I think Niamh is adorable wanting to do a Mother's day breakfast for her Mummy bless t4591
Your voice is indeed very special and vital for choir!
Do get that DNA kit done I am so interested
BIL sounds a tough cookie 10 years is really good to live with prostate cancer ((()))
A quick woo-ooo! To Joan (and Sue) the date is getting closer....
Love to everyone
Toni xx0 -
Hello Toni Kathleen Barbara Aidan
. Toni I'm pleased you had a good mother's day((((((()))))
. Kathleen I would think sign language difficult to learn good of Emily to do it((((((())))
. Barbara thank you we have our dinner at 11 00. That's nice you had a nice mother's day((((((()))))))
. Aidan we have had no heating since yesterday afternoon he is coming out today. yes you do feel better when you have your hair cut
. love to your Dad((((((()))))))
. take care love to Carol Mig
. Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Chocolate and Violet Fancies Don't mind if I do thank you Aidan. Wil try some Kaiserschmarrn too. Oh my, I'm so cold today. Does (or did) Mother know Catsweezel back in the day? I bet she did.
My Sjogren's is really bothering me today, eyes, nose, mouth, skin and other areas we won't mention.
Vegan Bangers and Mash (well it's going to be colder this week)
INGREDIENTS (3–4 portions):
Sausage ingredients:
1 medium size onion 150g closed cup chestnut mushrooms 1 tbsp minced garlic 200g firm tofu 3 tbsp tomato paste 3 tsp BBQ seasoning 1 tbsp sunflower oil (or any oil) 2 1/2 tsp smoked paprika powder 1 1/2 - 2 tsp salt 2 tsp lemon juice 180g breadcrumbs 150g gram (chickpea) flour Mash ingredients:
1kg potatoes 1 1/2 tsp garlic 1 1/2 tsp salt 8 tbsp plant based milk 2-3 tsp olive oil
Home-made vegan gravy ingredients:
2 medium size onion 500ml water 2 tbsp soy sauce 2 tsp Worcester sauce 2 tsp gram flour or any other flour 2 tsp Dijon mustard 1 1/2 tsp minced garlic 2 tsp tomato paste 1/2 tsp lemon juice 1 - 2 tsp olive oil
Vegan sausages recipe:
Preheat your oven to 200C (390F).
Finely chop up an onion and 150g of closed cup chestnut mushrooms and sauté in a pan with some oil until they have softened and almost all water from the mushrooms has evaporated . It shouldn't be dry but make sure there is no water from the mushrooms at the bottom of the pan.
Add the mixture, including all other ingredients (apart from the bread crumbs and gram flour), into a food processor to make a smooth sausage paste.
Once that's done pour it into a large bowl and add the breadcrumbs and gram flour until you get a nice batter. You might have to add a bit more chickpea flour or breadcrumbs if it's too moist.
Line two baking trays with baking paper and take some of the batter and roll it into sausages - I rolled them directly on the on the baking paper. But you could also try on your kitchen counter top. I made around 15 sausages with this batter - make sure they aren't too thick though as they have the be thoroughly baked otherwise the gram flour might make them bitter.
Baste them with some oil and put into the oven for about 20 minutes. Be aware that they dry out a little bit more once you've taken them out.
Vegan mashed potatoes recipe:
Cook 1kg potatoes until very soft. Peel and then mash together with all other ingredients. Very easy!
Home-made vegan gravy ingredients:
Chop onions finely and sauté in a pan with a bit of oil until lightly browned. Add all other ingredients and cook for about 5-10 minutes. Season to taste if necessary. Put into a blender and process until you get a smooth gravy.
Serve the sausages on the mash with some fried onion rings on top and pour the gravy over it. Enjoy!"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Hi to all - poof and the day is gone...............I know, I said that the missing hour had not made a difference, until today :roll: :roll:
Pleasant day, chilly first thing.
Paul will love the breakfast then Toni, I am guessing Rum and Raisin - yuck............he can have my share
There are some spare choccy and violet goodies, so help yourself to some, with a G and T.Pinkies out for sure..................
I guessed Miss Sleek would want to put Mothers picture up on her ever expanding walls, in her not so ickle house :shock:
Yes, Mother had her faux fur cape on this morning, ready for the trip out to gather some frost, from the top of Pendle. It is possible, for a rainbow droplet to be found, frozen in time...........ssssshhhh, don't tell Miss Slimkins..............she will be off like a shot, as soon as the temperatures dip.
We do need to write a book."the enchanted puskin tales"
Dad was always easy to listen to, his sermons were super well planned, often with lots of props - I used to nip out and pick up whatever he had sent flying from the Pulpit
I am suitably sorted with my neatly trimmed trotters :shock:much better.
I would have to lie on a proper bed, for reflexology, I could not lie on a couch, it would crease me. Something to think about though
Dad was bright and chirpy, enjoyed his scrambled eggs on toast at the GC. I had my muffin, with fried eggs and hash browns inthen a piece of GORGEOUS chocolate orange cake............oh I could have been very greedy with that - my new go to cake for a while. t4591 t4591
I am itching to know all about the DNA Ancestry, we need a full report from our Barbara
Hi Joan and Sue - sorry you had no heating again yesterday. What are they like grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr I hope it is sorted now, it might be Spring, but it drops chilly at night and you need to be warm, both of you, in every room.... :roll: :roll:
Hi Kath, yes, Mother nodded when I mentioned Catweezel, also pus in boots, cats the musical (apparently it was first thought up at Hogwarts - who knew that, not me :shock: :shock: )
It was chilly this morning, sorry your Sjogrens is being a problem, gengigel and all manner of things for easing the dryness. We won't mention the things we cannot mention :? :?
Bangers and mash (vegan) sounds just perfect, than you very much. Soul food, you cannot beat some mashed tatties
Some extra ((())) for ouches and horrid dryness.
Hi to Barbara - hope you and yours are all ok. Some ((())) and t115006 t115006 , always come in handy
Hi to Carol - hi to you and to Mr T. Was it knit and natter group today.............I get confused sometimes :roll: :roll: :roll:
Hi to all our other friends in and out and around about.
Time I was pottering. Coming up to cup of T and biscuit time, before siesta. Sleek will be over to sit with Mother and listen to tales of y'or.............. t4591 t4591
Leaving lots of love and sparkles t4591 t115006 will call back later. XXXX Aidan
I baked some cakesXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hi all
Just a quickie to let you know we are both ok, it just been a silly busy few days which as we all know runs away with the hours. I also think I have done something really silly by accident tonight I was checking something on my online banking and I think I might have closed my account :oops: :? :? :roll: :roll:, this will mean a trip to the bank first thing tomorrow morning to check. meaning I will have to get up early to get to the bank by to see, and if I have will need to get it reinstated. I am keeping my fingers crossed that because I did not press any buttons to confirm closure that it may be ok. at the moment I can still log into the account so thats another good thing. Oh well we shall see we all do silly things at times. I just hope I don't lay awake all night thinking about it. :roll: :roll:
Aidan no knit and natter group is Wednesday. and you are not the only one that gets confused I think we all do.
it's time for a potter as I need to get things ready for tomorrow to get out around 8.30-8.45 to get to the bank early will get back on tomorrow to catch up we you all and update you on our events of the past few days.
love and Sparkles to all t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006Stay positive always👍xx0 -
No heating again Joan?! Hed better fix it tomorrow grrrr!
Carol good to see you and know you're ok. I hope you haven't deleted your bank account I this k ot sounds ok but was close!
Kath thanks I can make vegan bangers!! Kari will be chuffed
I hope you feel a bit better tomorrow.
Aidan has soft feet now
If you get the refexologist to come to the bungalow you can use your own bed
Cakes look yum too you've been busy....I might need about 3 or 4.
I am sure Sleek knows nothing about frozen rainbow droplets.....she would be off to the arctic!!
A book about our pusskkns....I wonder whether Kari can illustrate....hmmm.....
Been at Pom's with Tia sorting flowers for the wedding!
So exiting!!
Love to everyone
TonI xxx0 -
Hi to all - just started raining here t111055 t111055 mind you, it has been dry as a bone for over two weeks, so some rain is welcome
Hi Carol - I thought you would have had a busy few days, as long as you are all ok.
you have been pressing lots of buttons - :shock: :shock: I think, if nothing was confirmed, then the link would just close and your account would remain the same.
If you can log back in and it seems ok, then I am sure it will be ok.........he says, with fingers crossed :? :? t115006
Best to check though, to make sure all it well. Do you have a contact number / customer services, to save you having to go out early doors.
Knit and natter, Wednesdays, right.........yes, it happens to us all, slight confusion is nothing new. :roll: :roll:
Take care, there seems to be ever increasing trouble and injuries to people in and around London. t4591 t115006
Look forward to hearing the catch up news, later today
Hi Toni I do have such soft feet nowI could get a home visit for reflexology, something to think about
Oh I was SO busy making all those cakes, but, well worth it in the end :?3 or 4 is just about right, at each sitting.
The frozen rainbow droplets are top secret, she would be off to the North Pole in a flash........... t110007 t110007 Mother knows nothing and is keeping very tight lipped, in fact she looks like she is sucking a polo mint :shock:
Of course, Auntie Kari can do little drawings to illustrate our books on the adventures of the catwizardst4591 t4591 t115006 t115006
Exciting, sorting flowers for the wedding.................. t69044 t69044 they will be gorgeous, I just know it.
Mother is happy, all dishes, boiled, immaculised (as they are every day), fresh mountain of sweets, fresh litter tray, bleached and spotless (well rinsed of course, as puskins absorb bleach through their paws).
There can be huge litter throwing competitions this morning, while we are out with Dad.
We are off to Boundary Mill, massive store. Dad needs some new troosers. Then to the fish and chip restaurant that is on site. I can always be tempted with whole tail scampi chips and mushy peas
B Mill has lots of chariots, so I can be whizzed about, wafting along through the home ware department t4591 t4591 There will be lots of sparkly things, I just know it. t115006 t115006
Sleek will be over, to keep Mother company, eat some sweets and litter flicking.
Hi to Mig, topping up the pots of well being and keeping those prayers and thoughts with you t4591
Hi to everyone else, in and about.
Time I was pottering again. Leaving lots of love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 Take lots of care XXXXX Aidan
Grandma Ellen's Swedish PancakesXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
I'm not a Grandmother yet, but may I have a pancake please Aidan?!
Ellen0 -
Hello Kathleen Carol Toni Aidan
. Kathleen I hope it's not raining there ((((()))))
Carol. Can you phone your bank good luck(((((())))
. Toni very exciting a wedding (((((()))
. Aidan yes it's so comfy when your feet are done. It's the circuit board that's gone in the boiler (((((()))))
. love to Barbara
. take care
. Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
I'm not a Grandmother yet, but may I have a pancake please Aidan?!
Neither am I Ellen :shock:but I sure want to pop over to Sweden and meet Nan who makes these pancakes. Help yourself, as many as you like
Best laid plans, deliveries due today now, B's new phone and parcel for next door neighbour, so Boundary Mills has gone out of the window.
We might go to Skipton tomorrow instead. There is a really good "traditional" menswear shop - a bit like Grace BrothersThe owner is a right grump, but he doesn't serve customers, he hides in the back, counting his fortune :roll: :roll:
It absolutely poured overnight, t111055 t111055 t111055
Sun is shining now..........washing piled up, beds all stripped......might as well make use of the day
Hope they can soon sort your new circuit board Joan, we don't want any boiler issues dragging on.................(((())))
Waving to everyone else, will call in later XXXX t4591 t4591 AidanXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
We toddled to the Co-op and benches in the mizzle and drizzle this morning. Anyone would think I LIKED being poorly sicky. :roll:
t111055 t111055 t111055 t111055 t111055 t111055
Thankfully Sjorgren's has settled down - for today. :?
Aidan, thank you for Grandma Ellen's Swedish Pancakes. They are scrumptious. By the way, now I can see properly, I'd say you look at least 20 years younger.
Whole urad dhal
Category: Main meal | Serves: 6
Prep time: 6 hours | Cooking time: 25-35 minutes
225g/8oz whole urad (black gram)
50g/2oz dried red kidney beans
450ml/16fl oz water
1 teaspoon chilli powder or green chillies, crushed
¾ teaspoon turmeric powder
1 tablespoon rapeseed oil
1 teaspoon cumin seeds
½ teaspoon asafoetida
1 medium onion, finely chopped
1 teaspoon garlic, crushed
1 1/2 teaspoons ginger, crushed
225g/8oz ripe fresh tomatoes, roughly chopped
1 tablespoon tomato purée
1 teaspoon cumin coriander powder
1 teaspoon garam masala
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
¼ teaspoon black pepper, coarsely ground
¼ teaspoon clove powder
2 tablespoons coriander leaves, chopped (optional)
Clean and soak the urad and kidney beans separately in hot water for 4-6 hours. Drain the beans.
Place the urad and kidney beans in a pressure cooker with 450ml/16fl oz water, add the chilli powder (or green chillies) and turmeric . Bring to the boil on a medium heat until the whistle blows. Lower the heat and cook for another 15 minutes.
In a heated pan, add the oil, cumin seeds, asafoetida and the chopped onion. Fry until golden brown, then stir in the garlic and ginger and cook for 1 minute.
Add the tomatoes, tomato purée and the rest of the spices, and cook for 5 minutes. Allow the mixture to cool.
When cool, liquidise the mixture and add it to the cooked dhal in the pressure cooker. Cook for another 5 minutes on a medium heat, stirring continuously. Add enough water to achieve the desired consistency.
Stir in the coriander just before serving."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Evening all
What a day of funny weather here today first its overcast chilly but dry then later its raining or should I say drizzly rain and windy t110007 ,then later this afternoon we get sunshine for about an hour and a half m0150 then hey presto we are back to heavier rain t111055.
I am pleased to say that I did not close my bank account by accident had it all checked out this morning after waiting for about 15 minuets to see a personal banker. who told me she would check it out but that you cannot close your account on line what I clicked was just info about how to go about getting it closed. boy was I relived. And I did not lay awake all night worrying about it Just for about 45 mins at 3am this morning after getting up to use the little room oh Carol you are being polite the little room.
I met up with my new friend from knitting yesterday and had a good chat. only have one problem here the first week we met we both had 2 drinks and I paid and I said you can pay next time to which she said yes. however yesterday she made no attempt to pay its not that I mind but I cannot keep doing it I know this place is the cheapest place for tea and coffee around here but at £8 every week I am not willing to do it so I think if she calls and says shall we have coffee I will have to say only if you are paying this time. the good thing about my other friend is that we take turns to pay for drinks when we are together so that is fine I don't mind that. I do know that this new friend and her partner are both unable to work due to disability and only have their benefits but we
are both pensioners and our income is reasonable because we both get private pensions from ex employers. But I do feel to expect someone else to pay every week is just not on. so I need to stop it happening before it gets to be a habit and I have to stop meeting her altogether outside of knitting group.
We have just had to take money from Mr T's high interest saving account (that we keep for emergencies that have to be dealt with without delay) to repair our garden fence as it was in danger of blowing down in the wind and possibly injuring someone all been done and paid for now and safe again.
Toni bank account all ok but well it was a near thing
Aidan I didn't have a Grandma Ellen but some grandma Ellen's Swedish pancake I could certainly go for a couple of those.
as you see bank was sorted out but thinking I had close it was a bit scary.
Joan I could have phoned but I would rather go in there personally and it is not far away just 5 bus stops away and there is not much distance between stops. bus stops right outside the bank. hope they get the circuit bard quickly and get your heating working soon.
well I must potter again and medications to take
Love and sparkles to all t4591 t4591 t69044 t69044Stay positive always👍xx0 -
What a day it’s been rained almost all day with intermittent polystyrene ball hail!
Today I have been very productive – did 50% of my ironing and made a huge quantity of soup to freeze (parsnip and apple). Also fed Tia’s kittens as she and her fiancé are away. In addition I planted my corms ready for summer baskets. trailinging begonias I think…..
Then off to Pom’s with her birthday pressie and card. A basket of fruit as she loves her fruit.
Kath I am so pleased to hear you are feeling more yourself. Sjorgens can go away and leave you alone for a while :x The recipe looks good too, by the way, another vegan one.
Well done for getting out today - I failed it was too wet and I had plenty to do anyway. Will join you tomorrow.
Joan I am thoroughly enjoying planning this wedding. Are you all ready for your operation? I hope your heating gets sorted ASAP
Aidan Kari said she’ll illustrate our book!! She likes hearing our tails (tales) too with it including Mrs Darcy who is blackmailing her ATM :roll: . For extra sweets because Kari has been moody as she’s been busy!
Sleek and Tosca have been here watching SYTTD with Mrs D and Tommy Thumb. I didn't see them being so busy but Lucy spotted them all in front of the telly sweets in paws :shock: :animal_busy:
Have you been giving my..... erm the pancakes away to moderators now?!! Ok they do do a good job, but not too many!!
I hope B’s phone has arrived and next door’s parcel too and you can get off to Skipton tomorrow without any trouble.
No chance of putting washing out here it’s rained almost constantly!
Carol your weather has been similar to us except no hail. I am so glad the bank account is safe I was sure it would be, but gosh you are like me! I worry about things when I go to the loo in the night too. Little room! Very posh!
You are wise to make sure your new friend pays her way no-one can afford to pay every time even if you do have extra provision with your pensions. Also I think it makes relationships unequal don’t you?
Barbara I hope all is well with you and the family today and you’ve just been very busy.
Mig I must check on your thread I think about you every day and send strength to you ((()))
Love to everyone
Toni xxx0 -
Hi to all - no rain here, he says, has it rained..................erm, no, it poured overnight that was it...............brain fade again :roll: :roll:
Hi Kath, so you had a potter to your benches, despite the mizzling rain. Getting places is always an achievement, for all of us, don't forget thatt115006 t115006 Even though you were feeling icky.
Some very gentle hugs and sparkles ((())) t115006 t115006 t115006 Silver will be over, to pop some magic into your slippers t4591
I am glad the Sjogrens has settled, it is horrid, a bit like fybromyalgia, (now called chronic widespread pain syndrome). You just cannot do anything about it, just let it take its course and as the Rheumy said, live with it I am afraid. :shock: :? :?
Thank you for the recipe - some of the ingredients are new to me, but I am more than happy to try
Hi Carol I see you have had all sorts of weather today m0150 t110007 t111055
Thank goodness you had not closed your account, I was keeping everything crossed that all was well and it was. Phew. Glad you didn't loose much in the way of sleep, apart from your little trip to the powder room.
The little room is just fineThere are far less favourable descriptions :shock:
I am totally with you on the "going Dutch" with paying for drinks and snacks when out for coffee etc. If we meet up with friends, we split the bill, if it is coffee etc, then we take it in turns.
Maybe your friend just forgot it was her the benefit of the doubt. A little reminder of "oh yes, it's your treat this time isn't it" might be a gentle nudge
Coffee's etc do not come cheap and money does not grow on trees, despite me looking through the woods :shock: :?
Glad that the new fencing is all sorted.
We do need to find Grandma Ellen, to make those delish pancakes for us on a regular basisA trip to Sweden is in the offing me thinks
Hi Toni, you have had a wet day too, along with little bouncy hail, they are funny, they just blow about, they never seem to actually be wet.
You have been a busy bee, soup making, ironing, tending to mini puskins, taking presents to the lovely Pom for her Birthdayt69044
oh and planting corms as well.
Bless Auntie Kari, for being our illustratort115006 t115006
I am glad she loves the tails / tales of our feline adventurers. They do get about when you think about it.
So Mrs Darcey is bribing Mummy for extra sweets - Mother will have a little word in her shell like :animal_busy: t4591
Tosca was most put out, " you were going OUT today - huh" well, excuuuuse me, pardon me all over. Hence the SYTTD fest was over at yours. They were glued to the screen, whilst munching sweets as if they were going out of fashion. I hope there were no fishy latte's:? :?
I have informed Mother, that we are out today, in Skipton. She was most approving and no doubt Sleek will be over with Mrs D and Tommy, I think Mother is doing a spell tutorial t115006 t115006 :shock: :shock:
I expect things to have moved or levitated when we get home
I was giving away the wonderful pancakes, dear Ellen asked so nicely and we can share our stash of goodies with all our VA family
B's phone did arrive and he is VERY pleased with it indeed. The neighbours parcel arrived and he has gathered that, so all things duly sorted.
Dad was ok about the change of days and will be looking forward to a trip to Skipton. It is market day there too, he needs a new mat for his kitchen. No doubt Nero's will be frequented
Barbara dropped a line to say that she has been hither and tither with family, so has not had chance to get on, but will post later today. I said I would let people know she is ok t4591 t115006
Hi to everyone else, in and about. Potter time is fast approaching.
Lots of love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 XXXX Aidan
Mexican Egg and Hash Brown CasseroleXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Mmmm...very nice too Aidan I'll have several of those hash browns please!
I intend to do very little today to make up for yesterday!
There were fishy lattes I'm afraidcollected from the catdonalds drive through by Mrs D Mother and Sleek don't rate them very highly :roll:
Glad they'll be back at yours today sweet debris everywhere. Tommy can't come he's looking after his Mummy after her surgery. She is now at home healing nicely phew! Also very wise with Mother doing spells don't want Tommy getting ideas do we :shock: :shock:
Skipton will be lovely today I'm sure market day is always good as your Mums for a parking spaceDad will enjoy it and having something to buy is good. Nero's too? perfect!
Which phone has B had? is it the same as yours?
Thanks for letting us know Barbara is ok t4591
A quick hello to Joan hoping you aren't feeling too nervous for tomorrow we will be with you under the cloak of invisibility making sure you're ok and of course in Aidan's case making sure they do the job properly!!
Love to everyone
Toni xxx t45910 -
Aidan, the Mexican Egg and Hash Brown Casserole looks wonderfully tasty. I'll have a bit of that - no - I'll have a LOT of that.
I'm glad B loves his new phone.
My Sjogren's is still hovering a bit, but my back has been agony. Oramorph, paracetamol and Fenbid gel finally got it under control.
Toni, you are more sensible than me and stayed home and dry. Hope Kari enjoyed the meal I left yesterday.
Carol, I'm so relieved your bank account is scure. Lucky you didn't have to travel far to get there.
Sending t4591 t4591 and t115006 t115006 for Joan and Sue.
serves: 4
prep: 20 min
cooking: 30 min
2 tbsp raisins (or dried cranberries)
2-3 tbsp brandy or marsala wine
185 g / 1¼ cup cashew nuts, soaked overnight*
300 ml / 1¼ cup soy milk (or other thin plant based milk)
1 tsp vanilla essence
60 ml / 4 tbsp maple syrup, adjust to taste
¾ tsp cinnamon, plus more for sprinkling
½ tsp ground ginger
¼ tsp ground nutmeg
1/8 tsp ground cloves
1 tbsp cornflour / corn starch
8 slices quality sourdough**
2 tbsp vegan butter or coconut oil
2 tbsp diced candied orange peel
1 tbsp pomegranate seeds
1 tbsp orange marmalade (optional) OR coconut / date sugar
Soak the raisins in brandy and set aside.
Place the soaked and rinsed cashews (discard the soaking water) in a blender. Add half of the soy milk, put the lid on but leave the opening on the top. Start blending the cashews while trickling the remaining soy milk through. You should end up with a thick liquid resembling cream.
Add vanilla essence, maple syrup and all the spices for a gingerbread flavoured custard. Finally add cornflour (cornstarch) while the blender is running to prevent lumps from forming.
Grease a baking dish with vegan butter or coconut oil and preheat the oven to 180° C / 355° F (or 160° C / 320° F fan forced).
Cut the bread slices in half and ‘butter’ them on both sides with vegan butter or coconut oil.
Pour a bit of custard at the bottom of the dish, followed by a few raisins and some candied orange. Arrange the buttered bread slices snugly so that their cut sides stand half immersed in custard (fill the empty spaces with small pieces of bread). Sprinkle some more raisins and orange peel over the top. Top the bread slices with more custard, filling all the empty spaces. Set aside for 30 minutes to allow the bread to soak up the custard.
Dilute the marmalade with a teaspoon of hot water to create a glaze. Brush parts of the bread that stick out of the custard with this glaze, sprinkle with some extra cinnamon, leftover candied orange pieces and coconut (or date) sugar if you don’t want to use a marmalade glaze.
Bake for 25-30 minutes until the custard thickens and the bread colours nicely. Decorate with leftover raisins, orange peel and pomegranate arils for a touch of festive colour.
*If you forgot to soak your cashews in advance, you can simply soak them in boiling water for 20 minutes.
**This recipe works best with one (or two) day old bread. If you only have fresh bread, toast it lightly (just to dry it out, not to give it colour) prior to assembling this dessert."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Afternoon all sorry I haven't been on but thankyou Aiden for letting people know I am busy
I did read all your post but wont remember it all so here goes :shock:
Aiden I am glad to hear that dad is still eating ok and B got his phone ooh how nice..has he got the same has to Skipton thgen I do like it there and we have been to boundary mill many a time is it the one at Colne
Kath thanks for all the recipes..will have to give them a go...especially the sausage one
Joan I will be under the cloak tomorrow..never to busy for you and Sue..(())
Carol Im glad to hear you hadn't closed your bank account..and I see your friend is not being very nice..she should pay her share thats what friends do :roll:
Toni how lovey that Pom is doing the wedding flowers I bet they will be beautiful and more special when its someone you know
Our BIL is still holding on bless him but they are looking after him
Niamh is on her way form school with better get her tea on
Love to everyone
t4591 t115006 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
Afternoon to all, not long back from Skipton - just getting sorted, putting things away etc.........................
New T towels in the wash £1 each, good quality - I will have 6 of those, thank you kindly
Dad got his troosers, very pleased, we know what size waist he is now, so he can get some more from Premier Man, when they send me discount codes
B went off to the crystal shop and the hobby shop. We have a lovely piece of Citrine, in each purse / wallet, as it is a good fortune crystal
He also treated me to a lovely piece of rock crystal and wonderful pens too. Pic below. t115006 t115006
He nearly bought a mini suitcase, a Unicorn one...........but he said I had enough :shock: :shock: :shock: Never, you can never have enough Unicorns or Sparkles
You help yourself to the baked hash browns Toni, they are very good indeed.
A day of doing not a lot will be perfect, you need to have a rest up day, or things will be shouting loudly, ie backs and the like :? :roll: :roll:
Oh the fishy latte's from CatDonalds are not good at all,(neither is their coffee come to think of it) Mother and Sleek have discerning palettes.
Mother said they have been up to Pendle, to gather some wet mist - I didn't know you could get anything else :? :? It must mean something special to them....................
Lots of litter throwing and the sweet pile has gone down a lot. There had been spell practice, as Mothers bed was on the ceiling, but it soon came down when it saw me :shock:
I am glad that Tommy is looking after Mummy, who is home and healing well, t4591 t115006 t115006
We got the perfect parking spot, as always, we ask Dad and Mum's to take care of parking and lo and behold, one 20 feet away from Nero's............magic in the air t115006 t115006
B;s phone is the new Blackview. Only just released. It has a laser projector built in, so you can project films, pictures, etc, onto a wall, screen or whatever, it is amazing............he is over the moon and back again.
Always glad to let people know, that our friends are ok
We will be under the cloak for Joan tomorrow, I will put my uniform on, well, which bits fit me anyway:shock: I will be all eyes and ears and will have my nitrile gloves on, to assist as required t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006
You have a lot of the Mexican breakfast Kath, as much as you can manage, then rest a while and have some more
Sjogrens is still lurking, as it does. Grrrrr, wills end some more sparkles and get the possums to come over with special drops t4591 t4591
Backs do take some settling, we really have to throw some heavy weight pain relief at it, people don't realise just how much - oh, a bit of a back ache, that's normal.............errrrrrm, no, this is way beyond normal, it affects many aspects of our daily living and leaves us immobile at times. :roll: :roll: :? :?
Thank you for the bread and butter pudding, just what the Dr ordered............. t4591 t4591
Don't worry about being out Barbara, we all have times when we just cannot get in to the forum, letting each other know is ideal, then none of us worry............much........... :? :?
We had a nice time in Skipton, I preferred to go there, than Boundary Mills, yes, the one at Colne. I find it a bit overwhelming, it is SO big, I get a bit panicky :oops: :oops: :roll: :roll:
There was not much of a market on today in Skipton, the weather was not great, so some stall holders will have had a day off instead.
Lots of prayers and thoughts for your BIl and for everyone. t4591 t4591
Stand by your beds, Niamh is on the way and will want her T. She enjoys her food, not p icky picky like some youngsters are. My Cousin would eat nothing but chicken breasts when we were young :roll: :roll:
Right, time I was moving a bit, I am setting like lava.
Big hi to everyone else, in and about. I will pop back later. Lots of love and sparkles t4591 t115006 t115006 XXXX AidanXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
All quiet on the Western Front
Hope everyone is as ok as possible. We are all getting ready to be with Joan and Sue, while Joan has her operation t4591 t4591 ( it had better not be cancelled again).
We will all be gathered and will try and behave whilst under the cloak
Sue will keep everyone updated - t4591
A sleepless siesta :roll: :roll: then a quiet evening. Pottering and fussing with some washing and drying. (new T towels)
It is quite chilly and I see snow has fallen in several areas t110007 t110007 :shock: :shock:
:animal_busy: Mother is having a quiet evening too t115006 t115006
I won't dally, back is ouchy and I need to keep moving about. At home today
Loads of ((())), Love t4591 and t115006 Sparkles to everyone. Take lots of care. XXXAidan
Vermont Maple PancakesXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Morning everyone!
Today will be busy again for me...kittens to attend to as well as having my outfit(s) for the wedding alteredand choir tonight!
I need one of those Vermont maple pancakes ta very much Aidan
The cloak is ready for us all I can hear it swishing beds for those who need and heating today (pefectly ambient) as we have a frost. Joan will be absolutely fine I'm sure especially with Matron ready to go if needs be
Sleek took Mother up to Pendle early doors to fetch frozen mists and they collected a 'decent' latte from the nymphs while they were at it
You had a good day didn't you yesterday? Trousers sized; parking spaces and B's trip to his hobby shop tooI have opened your link and can't see anything - is this just a fluke or is it the same for everyone??? Its says 'this album is empty'???
I am very glad B loves his phone so much, but really you did need that suitcase......a unicorn one!! and a lovely Nero's coffee
Kath Kari very much enjoyed your offerings from the day before and I very much enjoyed the bread and butter pud Kari will too I'm sure.
Walking today?
Hope the back eases very soon ((()))
Barbara lovely to have Niamh over - I expect she was after a roast? Does she enjoy Grandad's chips like myself and Aidan?
Don't forget choir practise tonight all being well. If BIL takes a turn for the worse please don't worry :? bless him. Thinking of you all ((()))
Love to Carol and mig too
Toni xxx0 -
Morning all..thought I would pop in early to get under the cloak for our lovely Joan and I hope the ops goes ahead this time..(()) love to Sue has well xx
Kath sorry I forgot to mention your poorly back..I hope you can get on top of the pain , not always easy..and the Sjogrens settles down for you
Toni more excitement looking after kittens and having your wedding clothes altered..I need some kittens here..
yes I will be at choir tonight and will top the biscuits up..Niamh much prefrs a roast to chips..even like new potatoes beofre chips..and cabbage she could eat a full one..very starnge
Aiden thankyou for the me cooking something not that I do just toast :roll:
Boundary mill is a bit big..but the cafe are good my main reason for the visit..its been a few years though..glad that dad has his new trousers..and you now can order them when he needs more..
How lovely to have the crystal shop to visit in Skipton..and all the nice thing that B bought ..sorry the pic wouldn't open the mini suitcase I am sure you can go back soon..
I went for the counseling yesterday, not sure about it yet but its early days..and I have homework :shock:
our BIL is being transferred to Christie's tomorrow it has gone in his kidneys and pressing on an artery..
Right will leave you for now
Love to everyone
t4591 t115006 t4591Love
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