Val's Cafe



  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all - the cloak scooped me out of bed, along with Mother :animal_busy: to be with our lovely Joan and Sue. t4591 t4591

    We will all be very vigilant and make sure all is well t115006 t115006

    Just a quick visit, as I potter about.......................

    I tried my link and it said "empty folder" :shock: :shock: anyway, I think I have sorted it now, so it should work

    Hi Toni, you have a busy day ahead again, steady away, we don't want undue ouches..........

    Hi Barbara - we did get everything sorted yesterday, glad we didn't go to Colne. The cafe we went in, umpteen years ago, was horrid, dried up cheese sandwich and a coffee £7.50 :shock: :shock:

    Right, will catch up again later on. Love to all t4591 t4591 XX Aidan
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Everyone
    Joan has gone in this time I just heard from her and she said they told her she could be home on Saturday.
    We have had no heating since Sunday and it can’t be fixed until tomorrow.
    Joan has just rung she is being cut from her right hip to her left grion. She is going down at 1 15 for an hour as soon as I know anything I will write
    Love Sue
    take care
    joan xx
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 3,635
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Sue could you please pass on our very best wishes to Joan t69044

    Ellen and all of the Moderators.
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    We will all be gathered and will try and behave whilst under the cloak
    Aidan, we ALWAYS behave!! Thank you for the Vermont Maple Pancakes. Slurp.

    Sue, thank you for letting us know. Give Joan our love when she wakes. t4591 t4591

    Aidan, watched 'Dom on the spot' yesterday it was in Pendle. I thought I saw you, dad and B getting out of Bea. :lol:

    Vegan lunch bowl with Hoisin sauce
    For Lee’s Hoisin sauce (adapted from GOOP)
    1/4 cup miso
    1/4 maple
    1 tablespoon brown rice vinegar
    1 tsp hot sauce
    1 tsp canola or sunflower oil
    1 small clove garlic
    For the bowl:
    1 cup quinoa
    1 handful sun dried tomatoes
    1 avocado mashed
    1 Tbs lemon juice
    cilantro, chopped
    1 large handful cherry tomatoes
    7 oz (200 g) mushrooms
    1 onion
    1 large handful brussels sprouts
    olive oil
    salt and pepper, to taste
    Mix all ingredients in a small sauce pan and bring to a boil.
    Let it simmer for about 4-5 minutes, then set aside to cool.
    For the bowl:
    Preheat oven to 390°F (200°C) and prepare a baking sheet with parchment paper.
    Cook the quinoa according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
    Prepare the brussels sprouts and put them on the baking sheet with a dash of olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Roast in the oven for about 15 minutes.
    Clean and chop the mushrooms, onion, and tomatoes. Heat a bit of oil in a large pan and sauté the mushrooms and onion for about 10 minutes. Season with salt and pepper.
    In a small bowl, coarsely mash the avocado together with lemon juice and chopped cilantro.
    Arrange everything in a bowl and sprinkle with the hoisin sauce.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all, a bit more time now, after fussing and pottering - we seem to be quite tidy - ish :? and I am ignoring pressing of shirts

    Thinking about you and trusting that all went well this afternoon Joan. It is quite an incision, but will soon heal, I am sure the D Nurses will be on the case as needed. Usually they put in internal sutures that dissolve, sometimes some clips on the surface - all depends on the Surgeon. t4591 t4591

    You will be busy today Toni. Outfits being altered, ooooh, B is on high alert :lol::lol: t115006 t115006
    Tending to the little puskins and then of course, choir tonight. Sisters will be there and I am sure Barbara is already practising the higher notes :shock: :shock: :D:D

    Vermont pancakes, just perfect, with the freshest of Maple Syrup and lots of just churned butter mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm t4591

    The cloak was the perfect temperature, which is more than it is at Sue's. No heating since Saturday :shock: :shock: and no repairs possible until tomorrow. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, we will be on the bus Sue, as soon as we are out of the cloak.

    I think all went to plan, I was ready to assist with passing instruments and sutures :)

    Mother was out early. It was quite blustery, so she stayed in the side car while Sleek gathered the frosty mists, made axtra special as it was from the heather. The Nymphs were very excited...........must have more magic in it.

    Latte's were enjoyed, plenty of catteine in the ones in the cafe, not like CatDonalds, dish water.....

    Very pleased that Dad has at least one new pair of troosers, they measured him properly in the "menswear" shop. SO now we can get others from different places :)

    No, the link was missing, it was working last night, but it had vanished today :roll: :roll: I have re posted it and I think that one works ok.

    That's what I said, " I need that mini suitcase, if it is Unicorn and sparkly" :roll: :roll:

    Hi Barbara - I found you under the cloak, singing away, ready for choir.
    That's really good that Niamh will eat her greens and much prefers a roast to Gdads chips. (more for Toni and I). Cabbage is not often a fav for children. Way to go Niamh t4591

    I am not one for cooking, too many things go flying and with neuropathy, it is not really safe.

    There are a couple of cafe's in B Mill, one is a bit more like Butlins canteen and the other is table service, I think we went in the Butlins one :lol::lol: :? :?

    You have homework from your counselling - as you say, early days............

    Very sorry to hear about your BIL. It is not good, pressing on an artery having spread to his kidneys. I will send him prayers and strength and peace t4591 t4591 t115006 As long as he is comfortable and not in any pain

    Hi Sue, thank you for keeping us all updated. We are there, keeping our eyes and ears peeled. We will keep a look out for more updates............loads of love to Joan and to you t4591 t4591
    Home by Saturday, that is very good :)

    Hi Kath, of course, we are always well behaved when under the cloak :? :? :lol::lol:

    Help yourself to Vermont pancakes :) Plenty to go round.

    How are the ouchies? I will send some more sparkles and put some magic squares in your slippers and socks. Don't worry if they fizz a bit t115006 t115006 t4591 t4591

    You did see us, we were out in Beatrice yesterday :) Pendle is a popular place on the map :)

    The vegan lunch bowl looks amazing. I am diving in.............ta mi duck.

    Hi to Carol - hope you are having a more restful day.........

    Hi to Mig. Abundant hugs and well wishes Mig, prayers are always ongoing for you. t4591

    Hi to everyone else, in and about, to our lovely Mods as well.

    Time I was having another potter about. Nearly pills time......... :roll: :roll:

    Let me go see what there is, something sweet................

    Will pop back later. Love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 t115006 XXXX Aidan

    Chocolate Orange Cake with Caramelised White Chocolate Ganache

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello it’s Sue
    I have just rang the hospital and Joan is in recovery and I can ring in about 3 hours she will be awake then
    Love Sue
    take care
    joan xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Sue, that is good news, surgery all over with, now to recover. A little sleep :animal_busy: then Joan will have a natter with you. Bless her. Sending lots of love to you both. t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006
    Thank you for updating us t4591 XX Aidan
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all
    Sue thankyou so much for keeping us informed and so glad to hear that Joan op is overwith and I really do wish her a good recovery..the heating not being on is disgraceful they had better come tomorrow.. :x or else t4591 t115006 t4591
    Aiden there were two cafes and one was really bad the other you had to quie but that is a few years ago now..butlins :lol: we have been there many time but only once did we eat I have seen the picture how lovely are they.. :)
    Thankyou for the chocolate cake just what was needed.. while I do my homework :?
    Kath thankyou for another nice recipe wish it would warm up I do like a good salad
    Hi to Ellen its good of you to post for our Joan..
    Right better move
    Love to everyone
    t4591 t115006 t4591
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    t110007 t111055 It has been blowing a hooly and pouring with rain here. :shock: :shock:
    Snow up and down the country. We seem to have missed that. Hope everyone is safe. t4591

    Hi Barbara - we are all ready to jump on the cafe Bus and whizz down to Sue and Joan's to have their heating sorted. I do hope they get it fixed today, if Joan is coming home on Saturday, then post op you can feel really chilled.

    Toni will have the bus ready, just in case.

    Yes, you are right, the Butlins cafe at B Mill was just not good AT all and the other one was pot luck if you got a table. Better now that Banny's Fish and Chip Restaurant is on the same site.

    Good, the photo is working now. I am spoiled with all my glitter sparkles t4591 t115006 t115006 I will need a bigger stand, to put them on.

    How did you get on with your homework? Did the cake distract you - it would me :lol::lol:
    Then is was choir practice too. A busy evening :)

    How is your BIL? Sending lots of love t4591 t115006 t115006

    Sleek said that Mummy and all the peeples syngyng was very nyce :shock: :D:D
    I think for forecast is for better weather for at least 10 days (don't hold me to that one though).

    Mother and Sleek were very quiet at siesta time. Obviously there was munching of sweets and the odd sound of pages turning. Mother had her ancient book of spells out and they were pawing through, wondering which ones to try :shock: :shock: :? :? It was very sparkly


    I assume the biscuits were plentiful after choir practice Toni - I know Barbara enjoys them, the chocolate ones especially :)

    How is Bot? Is she mended now and ready to flit about the garden? :?

    Alterations going ok :)

    Hi to Carol - hope you are all ok. Friday, lunch with Mr T. Is it really Friday already :shock: :? who stole the week :shock: :shock:

    Strength and love to Mig t4591 t4591

    Hi to everyone else, in and about.

    Off for my 6 monthly bloods BP etc at the surgery. Will see if I can get the HCW to book me in with my GP - lets hack the computer :lol::lol:

    Then to the T room, across the road. Rude not to go in when you are so close :)

    Time I was pottering again. Leaving lots of love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 XXXX Aidan

    Quick hi to Sue and to Joan, hope you had a little chat last night and Joan is resting and mending XX

    Pizza for breakfast, you bet. Shaved Asparagus and Gogonzola Pizza

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    That pizza looks really yum Aidan! Ta very muchly :)

    Barbara got to choir brought biccies and some of that chocolate cake you put out from yesterday I think. I did not face plant Used pinkies instead....much more appropriate :roll:

    Sleek was correct we all syngd very well not sure where the sisters were maybe visiting Joan they can get in there no problem.

    We were all very proud of you passing the right instruments in theatre yesterday for Joan's operation. Honestly the cloak was the only place to be yesterday it was a chilly day heating on all day here :(

    Sleek is back from an early, jaunt Mother took the morning off, but will see Sleek later (she is hoping for more spelling lessons) at siesta time. More heather frosty mist collected I believe and a decent catteinated latte for herself (one popped in to Tosca) and home now :)

    Yes the bus is ready for action as and when p065.gif

    The alterations will make all the different to my wedding outfit Aidan I'm really pleased and I also collected Tia's 2nd (yes 2nd!!) veil t4591

    Keep B on high alert please.

    Kath that bowl of vegan goodies looks very very warming on a day like yesterday thank you :) The recipe for hoisin sauce will be useful for other things too....

    Braving a walk today? I am going to try I think. :?

    Barbara you did well at choir - the conductor didn't notice you were 5 mins late and your biccies were yum.

    I hope you managed your homework?

    I hope Christies can make your BIL comfortable (())

    Sue I am so glad to hear Joan is done and dusted and hope she was not too uncomfortable last night. I hope you were able to speak to her too or at least that they told her you had phoned.

    Home this weekend? Wow! that's quick, but if she's well enough home is always best ((())) to both of you

    Love to Carol and mig

    Toni xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Aidan, that is SOME pizza, it should go round 2 or 3 times. Thank you.

    Hope Joan is recovering nicely Sue.

    Toni, that was very restrained for you, not to face plant.

    We thought the wind had blown our TV aerial down yesterday, as we lost everything but found out one of the transmitter relay stations was having work done. All back now.

    We have a newish cafe in town, called Cod'Scallops (very expensive) who are currently selling fried Cadbury Eggs in batter. No ta.

    Today we have the perennial favourite. FISH CHIPS AND MUSHY PEAS. :lol:

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Everyone
    Joan is doing very well she is walking around she is having a problem spending a penny she has to spend so much before she can come home l said to her it’s like that when you have had a catheter in
    I will write again tomorrow
    Love Sue
    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all very cold here
    Our BIL has gone to Christies..they have said he has a month or two maybe weeks :cry: ...and we thought of face time for his daughter who cant get to see him,, and it worked brilliantly ..she was so pleased to talk to dad and so was he seeing her.. :)
    Aiden the pizza was lovely never had that for breakfast these biscuits at choir may I remind you I did take my own :lol: and some of your chocolate cake we did make a mess :shock: not me but Toni...yes you need a bigger stand to show off your lovely ornaments and Crystals... :D they really are beautiful..
    I am hoping all is going well for Joan I am sure Sue will get on when she can sending many hugs and love to both of you..((())) xxxxx
    Toni 2 veils and why not it there big day..and has to be perfect :D:D glad your outfit is now finished and looking good..I can wait so dont know whet you are feeling.. :D yes I was late but think they let me off because I was laden with biscuits..
    Kath you are spoiling us fish chips and mushy OH will be pleased..I hope you are feeling a little better ..and you have a new cafe hope its good..

    Right better go Niamh finishes early and GD is picking her up..
    Love to everyone
    t4591 t115006 t4591
    Sue just spotted you thankyou agin for letting us know how Joan is I am so very pleased and hope she will be home soon I remember the spending a penny very well.. :shock: :shock:
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all - much warmer today, blowy, but quite mild - was just having a "moment".................not been in long, and that was Friday snatched away. :roll: :roll:

    You are very welcome to the veggie morning pizza Toni, I think Kath and Barbara are enjoying it too :)

    So Barbara was laden with biccies and you had delicate huge slices of chocolate cake too, pinkies out, most refined. I think the Sisters did pop to the hospital to see Joan, being "of the cloth" they can access visiting at any time. Dad could go at any time too, being a man of the cloth :)

    I was a bit rusty with some of the instruments, it is a long long time since I assisted in theatre :shock: :? at least the surgeon didn't throw any over his shoulder (which I have seen happen on more than one occasion, when the wrong thing has been passed) :shock: :shock:

    It was chilly yesterday, different again today. Still windy.

    Mother Glitter Sparkles said she was having a lay in this morning, sunbathing on the window sill, nudging everything out of her way :roll: :roll: :lol::lol: clatter clatter.............

    There will be more lessons and spells at siesta time, as long as they don't levitate me, mind you, it would need a BIG spell to do that t115006 t115006 :shock: :shock:

    Best to keep the bus on standby, until we hear that Joan and Sue have had their heating sorted...............I want to write to their MP :)

    So glad the alterations are going super well and two veils, well, why ever not, there can never be enough tulle, sparkles and glitter t115006 t115006

    B is suitably alerted :shock: :lol::lol:

    Hi to all............Lucy will be off for Easter soon, it is today that the schools finish? It seems early for the holidays to start............

    Hi Kath - you are right, the pizza will go round and round, trouble is, each time it goes round, it regenerates itself............ :shock: :shock: :lol::lol:

    Good that it was not your TV receiver, but the main mast having work done. It was pretty wild last night.

    CodScollops -well scallops are very expensive, are these like medallions of cod fillet? Cod is very expensive now, as it is getting so scarce, more expensive than steak I believe.

    Fish chips and mushy peas, I just cannot resist, thank you very much.

    Cadbury's cream eggs, battered................. :mrgreen::mrgreen: oh no, I can't abide them as they are, never mind warm and battered :mrgreen: pass on that one :? :?

    I hope any ouchies are minimal and your sjogrens is not being a pain. ((())) just in case t115006 t115006

    Hi Sue and Joan. Thank you for letting us know how Joan is doing, up and about already, excellent. They don't leave you resting in bed for long these days.
    Often a little "glitch" when you have had a catheter in, to get the wee wee's back to normal. Plenty of fluids.............They will be measuring input and output I assume. Loads of love and sparkles to you both. t4591 t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006

    How is the heating? Is it fixed now? Do we need to start the bus.

    Hi Barbara, you are cold over the hills, we must have your warm weather this side of Pendle

    What a good idea for your BIL to face time his Daughter, I bet they were both thrilled to have a chatter together. t4591 t4591 Prayers to make sure of his continued comfort and TLC from the staff and family. t4591

    I had forgotten you were taking SO many biscuits to choir :shock: :lol::lol: no wonder they let you in late. So Toni had made a big mess, even with her pinkies out, mind you, the size of the slices was a tad large :? :? :lol::lol:

    B has found the cutest console table, perfect for his bedroom, for the clock / radio / music player, cups of T etc. Found it in the YMCA, he went in with Dad while I was in the Drs having bloods done and wee's tested.

    Hope Niamh is ok, I am sure GD was there in good time to pick her up from school. Have they finished for Easter now?

    I was saying to the HCWorker, (who I know quite well) about the difficulty in getting to see my own GP, who wants to see me about GTN spray usage.
    Well, big do's and little do's, the reception have opened up an appointment on Monday, at 10.30, she should not have done it really, but hey ho. I said I would get an appointment at a sensible time. :):)

    I was ages in the surgery, the HCW was on time, then was called away, so I was 25 mins late going in...........back was killing, the chairs are designed to cause the most discomfort possible :shock: :shock:

    I met B and Dad in the T room, was in a lather by the time I had walked all of 20 yards. /knocked all the menu's over, spilled Dads coffee...............don't worry, Aidan's here, just in case you hadn't noticed :roll: :roll: :lol::lol::lol:
    We had lunch.............cheese and mushroom toasties, which turned into cheese and ham.....................sorry, I cannot eat that, B did, but mine had to go was the girls mistake, who took the order...........never mind, all was worth the wait.

    From there, to Sainsb. Then home. Just catching up on some washing, (nothing new there then).

    Hi to everyone else, I hope all are as ok as can be. Time I was moving again. I need to keep pottering.

    Leaving lots of love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 will pop back later. I must pop into the Sanctuary with a lorry load of fruits and foods...........

    Take care XXXX Aidan

    Chocolate Truffle Cake

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Pulling strings is sometimes necessary Aidan. I am just glad you have an apt with your GP.

    Ta for truffle cake going down very nicely.....

    Sleek reckons she levitate you! Then B then you again! Then she and Lucy had a look at Niamhs easter project. I believe hers was the best Barbara?

    Mother Glitter Sparkles is teaching Sleek well and Sleek is a conscientious pupil too. :)

    Sue I am so pleased Joan is up and walking. Those catheters do affect your ability to spend a penny but she will be back to normal by tomorrow fingers crossed.

    Thank you for the fish and chips Kath! We love our chips ;)

    I was very well behaved wasnt I? :)
    Had a potter in the front garden this afternoon...and a chat with several neighbours including the rev Delphine and one of the two recent widows....two in one week :(

    Lucy and Paul are off to Goodwood tomorrow so a quiet day for me tomorrow apart from our scarecrow workshop tomorrow afternoon....

    Love to all

    Toni xxx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to everyone - all quiet here, very quiet in fact, after a stormy time last night :? :? Feel like we should be whispering :shock: :lol::lol:

    Hi Toni - Yep, it was a bit of string pulling. Well, my GP had put a note that he wanted to see me, then there are no appointments :roll: :roll: Nah, that wasn't happening. The HCW is lovely and she came through to the receptionists and did some whispering and they pulled an appointment from the urgent list for Monday.

    Well, it could be urgent, I need to know what he wants to see me about using my GTN sprays.

    Truffle cake is rather good, I must admit. :D:D

    That was the reason for the floating feeling, :shock: :shock: Mother and Sleek were levitating us....... t115006 t115006 ....... :shock: :shock: whilst keeping us in the sleepy spell at the same time. Mother said that Mrs Darcey was here too, it took three of them to get me into the air :? :? :lol::lol: Little Tinkers they are.


    Sleek is a very diligent pupil, keeping shortpaw notes at all times. Mrs D was adding some interesting memoirs and spells too. t4591 t4591
    Mother is resting at the moment, after all that magic, I am not surprised.

    I think she is going out with Miss Sleek this morning. The weather is set fair, so a trip up Pendle will be in order. t115006 t115006

    I see you have been chatting with Rev Delphine and two ladies who have recently lost their husbands, two in one week, ouch. Sending some extra strength and ((())) to them and their families t115006 t115006

    I hope Lucy and Paul have a great time at Goodwood and you can spend some Scarecrow time - you always make really good ones. Is it that time of year again :shock: already :? I am sure the weeks and months are just vanishing so fast.

    Hi to Carol - I bet those days are vanishing as quickly as ever. Trusting that you and yours are all ok t115006 Is it Church open morning today?
    I meant to ask did you sort a new battery for your laptop?

    I hope Joan is doing well and that little wee problems are back to normal. It happens to gentleman patients too. :? :? :roll:
    If you are coming home, then I trust the D nurses are going to come in and check wound sites etc.
    Sending lots of ((())) and love t4591 t4591

    Barbara will be resting after a busy evening with Niamh t4591

    Dad will be over today, for croissant lunch and coffee's. He enjoyed his trip to the T room yesterday, they do a wonderful prawn sandwich, he loves prawns.

    Time I was pottering. So, I will leave lots of love and sparkles to all. t4591 t115006 t115006 Everyone take lots of care XXXXX Aidan

    Kartoffelpuffer for breakfast :shock: ( I LOVE the name ) German potato pancakes

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    I'll have one or two of those....yum ta very much :)

    Sleek has been back awhile (she doesn't know but this morning Lucy and Paul went off at 4:30 am to Goodwood and spotted she was missing :shock: ) she said it was a lovely morning lots of early frosts dew, mist and heather so the nymphs were really pleased t115006

    She is indeed a very diligent pupil and loved levitating you both while you were 'asleep' :wink:

    Apparently she is not going to listen to Tosca and Mrs Darcey at the same time again because she mixed up 2 spells :shock:

    Yes her cat flea treatments grew huge and plentiful while her sweet bowl disappeared :shock: :shock: Mother came and sorted it out for her :lol: Told her it could have been far worse :roll:

    You do need to know what the GP means regarding the GTN so could be urgent certainly very important over ingrowing toenails and the like :?

    We have a m0150 day for the scarecrow workshop this afternoon and later on I will post a pic of this years' Church display you will be very impressed for definite.

    Joan will be ok by this morning all being well. all essential things back to normal I'm sure and then home tomorrow hope t4591 t4591 t69044 t69044 Please send our love Sue if you remember.

    Is it Carol's Church open day today? If so I hope she does well fingers crossed.

    Love to everyone

    am going over to check on mig.

    Toni xxx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all lovely and sunny out there..
    Aiden thankyou for the chocolate truffle cake and potato pancakes much appreciated :D
    I am glad to hear you now have an appointment at your GPs and I hope all is fine and they just want to review, and all bloods dont then off to the T rooms and you rearranged the tables :shock: not to worry you all enjoyed :D
    I see that B has found a nice little table..we do love our charity shops never know what you will find..
    Thankyou for the sparkles for our BIL..he has his pain under control thank goodness..
    Now Joan's op you did very well..and the surgeon has said there is a part time job to be had.. :)
    Toni so its scarecrow time again how brilliant.. :D and Lucy and Paul are off to Goodwood...and the weather is lovely for you all..
    Sending love to Joan and Sue and hope Joan is still doing well (())xx
    Niamh is still here and going roller skating this afternoon..and we won the Easter egg comp with only two hours to make it the other day before she went home..she was delighted and won a very large egg.. :D
    Right will make a move
    Love to everyone
    m0150 t4591 t115006
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Oooh, German potato cakes. Can't get me tongue around the real name, but I shall have several, thank you Aidan. We've never been to Cod's scollops, but I thought they were shellfish and nowt to do wi Cod at all. Still, what do I know?

    Sue, so glad Joan is up and about, I'm sure they'll get her to spend a penny soon. I can spend £3 in one go! Thank goodness for Tena Lady. LADY :lol: Hark at her.

    Barbara, well done Niamh the lovley. Glad she got a big Easter Egg, she desrves it.

    Toni, showing off again. :lol: I'll stick to the easy name. Enjoy your visit to mig.

    Those kittens have such bautiful eyes, is the lilac one called Elizabeth Taylor? Very pretty.

    Oh, we have a super abundace of chocolate cakes - wonderful. Booth, here I come. Trot trot trot and whoops, all fall down. :shock:

    No recipe today, I think you all know how to toss a pile of veggies in a pan to make a hearty vegtable stew. Enjoy.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Everyone I am sorry I am late writing to you Joan is on her way home thank you for your support
    Love to you all
    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Kath thankyou..Niamh is still going on about it :lol:
    Sue thankyou ..I am so pleased Joan is on her way really are made of good stuff..give her my love and wishing her a good recovery 💕💕on my phone again...
    Love to everyone xxxxx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all - a m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 day here, just finished the pressing, so I am melting and have flung all the windows open - one of my "moments". :roll: :roll:

    Kofflepoffletofflepifflepeckle - :shock: :shock: :lol: potato things, are very tasty, I have had five, I mean one, honest.....................

    Sleek didn't mention that Daddy and Lucy had gone out, she thinks they have gone shoppyng :? :? Mother didn't say anything Toni. She had seen them leave, on her crystal ball, but her lips were sealed.
    The mists were at the perfect temperature, for the Nymphs, they are super happy and busy flitting about in the sunshine, deep in the ravine. They get a lot of energy from sunshine, they can store it in their wings t115006 t115006

    Mother was most helpful is rearranging the spell that Sleek cast. Best not to listen to two tales at once - Mother was horrified at the site of the fleeee dropps from the vetnary :shock: :shock: remembering them well, from time in France (when we had them in the floorboards from previous owners) :? :roll: :roll:

    The vets said with it being an old house, we would never get rid of them.... :shock: :shock: .........................oh, really, you have not met Matron - needless to say, we were rid of them within a VERY short space of time.......................none of us could breathe, for bleach and household puce spray............cans and cans of it. Mother hated her drops with a passion.

    Anyway, I digress, reinstating her sweets was very important to Miss Sleek. Duly done t115006 t115006

    I will be all ready for Drs on Monday, 1020, just the right time, to come round, take shed loads of pills, shower etc.

    So looking forward to seeing the Church display and you do have the perfect day for your scarecrow workshop. t4591

    I have topped up Migs strength and pots of love t115006 t4591 t4591

    Hope Lucy and Paul are having a great time, they will be tired when they get back............. :animal_busy: :animal_busy:

    Hi Barbara - You are always welcome to the goodies, the chocolate cake was yum, as were the tatties. Cannot say what their name is, but no matter...... :lol::lol:

    I am hoping Monday with my GP is just a review of meds and GTN sprays. They will have had some directive from the NHS and need to check up on patients. I am one of his "chronics" anyway :shock: :shock: :? :?

    I certainly did rearrange the T room............huffing and puffing and sending things flying....................look out, Aidan's here........... :roll: :roll: :lol::lol:

    B loves charity shops, he always finds something amazing, like that gorgeous shell and two small tables so far...............The YMCA one in town is a big store, always plenty to nosy at.

    I am glad to hear that your BIL has pain control sorted. His comfort is paramount, it eases the families worry's when a person is settled and comfortable t4591 t115006

    Ooo, a part time job in theatre, goodness, I would have to brush up again, it is like 1980 something since I was in theatre.......... :shock: :shock: imagine how things have changed in that time. :shock: :shock:

    Way to go Niamh for winning the big Easter Egg. Amazing that you got it all together in time for the competition. Hope she enjoys the roller skating :) t4591 t4591

    Hi Kath - yes, German tatties, much easier to call them that. Enjoy, as many as you like.
    You are quite right, scallops are a shellfish, a delicacy and very expensive. You can get scalloped fish and tatties, meats etc. just means medallion I think.

    Of course you are a Lady t4591

    I am sure we can call one of the Kitten's Elizabeth Taylor :) t4591

    I see you landed in the chocolate cake, best that you stopped in the booth while it was on a wash and rinse cycle :lol::lol::lol:

    We can never have enough chocolate..........not possible, ever :lol::lol::D

    The stew looks wonderful, I will save some for late supper. Thank you kindly.

    Hi to Joan and Sue. I hope all is well and things are "working" as they should. Sending lots of love and sparkles to you t4591 t115006

    Oh, I have just seen that Joan is on her way home. That is wonderful news, lots of rest and gentle pottering about. The doggies and Sue will look after you t4591 t4591

    Time I was having yet another potter around. All the washing done and dusted. Am having another "moment" - goodness knows what I will be like in summer :shock: :shock: :roll: :roll:

    Seen one butterfly in a neighbours garden this afternoon, too far off to tell which type it was t4591 t4591

    Hi to Carol Mig and everyone else.

    Leaving lots of love and sparkles to all t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 Will call back later XXXX Aidan

    Sticky Toffee Apple Caramel Cake


    We might need the booth....................
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Oh thank you Sue for such good news :D Please send Joan our love I know you'll spoil her now at home t69044

    Well done Niamh and Barbara for your Easter competition winning presentation. I reckon you could be useful doing scarecrows too!!

    Glad to hear BIL is not in pain ((()))

    Kath I can't really speak much German :lol: I think I'll stick to English stews and cake, but did enjoy those potato pancakes :)

    I have saved the stew recipe I think it looks yum :)

    Sleek still thinks Daddy and Lucy are just 'out' Aidan although she has been watching me on the Church Green helping with the scarecrows making sure I don't 'go out'!

    The sweets are all the right size as are the flea drops thank you Tosca t4591 . Sleek as you know is a hunter so she has her drops monthly as the creatures she hunts are all flea-ridden :shock:

    I can believe you got rid of the French fleas pretty fast knowing you. Tosca has told Sleek all about it how terrible it was :roll:

    The cloak will be ready for 10:20 Monday morning too :)

    We had a great day and the display is done are you ready?

    It's a sack race! Spot the child who has tripped over!

    Sticky toffee apple cake Mmmmmm...can I take some over to Church tomorrow - it's village clear-up!

    Right off for a hot soothing shower :D

    Love to everyone

    Toni xx
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all

    Well thats the end of another week where do the days go that shed has been at it again stealing our hours how dare it must go to the shed and claim some back. hope you are all well. I have been very busy knitting for my new yet to be born Great Grandson. who is due in July I am knitting a little jacket. Its a very old pattern I knitted it in cream for Lille when she was born. I am now knitting it in a multi coloured wool that is a mixture of darker and lighter shades of grey. blue yellow deep pink cream. I am pleased how it is turning out I will post a picture when finished. it was church meal out on Thursday with was enjoyed. Did not meet my friend as she is away for the weekend. I also told the other one that if we met this coming week that I could only afford my own coffee. and have left it to her to ring me over the weekend. funny thing is I am only telling her the truth as I am very short of cash this week until Friday.

    Toni no it wasn't church open morning today we have it on the last 2 Saturdays of the month. hope you Paul and Lucy are all ok.

    Joan I am glad you are on your way home now I hope you have a speedy recovery sending you some hugs (((((()))))))

    Kath I think the Tena Lady comes to us all some point. did Clarence disappear today Florence think they were out on patrol to check we were all free of spid**s.

    Aidan glad you have a Drs appointment on Monday they can drive you up the wall getting appointments . we have had it twice this weeks I lost one of the tooth fillings the dentist put in when I had my dentures part of the tooth has come away with it dentist appointment 26th unless I have any pain. Mr t is still having problems with his back is seems better and then flares up again so he goes into the surgery he is told no appointments for 3 weeks so he complains and magically they find an appointment. No have not got round to taking the laptop to the shop yet but it, or an appointment, works ok as long as it is plugged into the mains so there has been no hurry. I must though silly really as it will not cost me anything as I have cover on it if it goes wrong.

    I must potter as I will get stuck armchair shaped if I don't

    Love and Sparkles to all .
    t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all - a better temperature now, after all of my "melting moments" :roll: :roll:

    Joan and Sue, I hope you are both ok, t4591 t4591 taking things steady and being pampered and fussed over. Will the D Nurses come out and check your dressings - I would be there, if we lived close :) Matron likes to be nosy with all things medical :D:D

    Sleek was saying to Mother that the fam milly arr owt shoppyng for a long tyme :? :?
    She did want to keep an eye on Mummy on her Church green - not forgetting it is all Miss Sleeks land and property :roll: :roll: :lol::lol:

    I am glad Tosca sorted out the sweets and the flea drops Toni. She was very vocal about it and did a lot of shrieking at siesta time :shock: :shock:
    I think the vitnery drops en france, brought back memories :? :?

    I wonder if Mother could cast a spell on the garden, that removes puces, when these little creatures enter Sleeks domain t115006 t115006 best to keep up with the drops though, we don't want lodgers :shock: :shock:

    I was like a crazy person, getting rid of the unwanted hopping horrors.

    Thank you, everyone is welcome to come to the GP's, he is very nice, plenty of room in his office. t4591 t115006

    I absolutely LOVE the scarecrow display, it is amazing. I did spot that one of the sack race members had face planted the grass :lol::lol:
    They are great. Big high 5's all round. :D:D:D:D

    I will leave another cake to take to Church. I have baked a larger one, so plenty to go round


    Village clear up, excellent - if you leave all the rubbish you find, Barbara and I will take it to the next village and put it up into the trees :lol::lol::lol:

    I hope the shower was nice and soothing. There are some magic squares in your slippers too. Some for Paul and Lucy too, after their long day out. t115006 t115006 t115006

    Hi Carol - I am going to "borrow" a trolley from one of the supermarkets, so that we can go into the secret garden, down to the shed and bring back a load of hours that we loose each week.

    I am sure the little jacket that you are knitting will be gorgeous, with the mixture of colours in the wool. Look forward to seeing a picture :)

    Glad you enjoyed the Church meal and you did right, saying that you were only going to pay for your own coffee. None of us like to be taken for granted. :? :? :roll: :roll:

    The ball is in her court now. Hopefully the penny will drop..........

    Tena will come to us all, :? :? you are quite right. :roll: The range that there is, in the shops, is mind boggling. :shock: :shock: sports, active fit, comfort this, pull ups etc etc

    I think I saw Clarence and Florence, checking out the rooms, in their mini hooman outfits. With the warmer weather, I am on high alert :shock: :shock:

    I hope you don't get any pain from your missing filling, before your appointment date.

    Mr T did right to complain, 3 weeks away, is not much cop when you are having a flare of back pain. Appointments are put aside, just like they "found" me one for Monday, after I pulled strings.

    Some magic squares in his sippers too t115006 t115006 anti ouchie ones :)

    No rush for the laptop, as long as the wire is safely hidden, I would be the first to trip over it and drag the laptop behind me :roll: :roll: :lol::lol:

    Armchair shape is not a good look - so potter we must..............he says, off for a wander............

    Hi to everyone else, in and about.

    At home today, catching up with immaculisation and more laundry no doubt. :roll:

    Leaving lots of love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 t4591
    Take care XXXX Aidan

    The cloak will take us for breakfast in Santorini t4591 t4591

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).