Val's Cafe
Hi all
Aidan yes thank you we are ok except for the aches and pains. we both go through with the ever changing weather. I am still plagued with the stuffy nose on and off but its not too and not bad enough to keep me awake at night which is a blessing.
I seem to be very busy at the moment never seem to have much of the day left however I make sure that some part of the day is set aside as me time even if it has to be in a coffee shop with my knitting and a coffee
Today has been knitting group and tomorrow there has to be one or other of us in as we have BG engineer due to check our shower cos its not working properly. and hasn't for some time but it is getting worse. maybe more money to pay out if it is the shower itself as it is not covered by my contract. Just hoping the engineer comes early. wait a minuet who am I kidding he is due between 8am and 1pm, knowing our luck we will be last in that time slot. also tomorrow at some time I need to go to youngest daughters to put some milk in for her as she has been away this week and will return on Saturday. I can't say no as she has often done the same for us when we have been away and I don't really mind as I can have my me time at her house with a coffee instead of the coffee shop.
Aidan I think it was you who asked it my new found friend had got back to me with regards to meeting up for a coffee last week with her paying no she didn't so we didn't meet this week. so she is going to be told next time we are in contact that she has to share the cost or I will not be meeting her for coffee anymore as
I am not willing to pay every time.
OOH Aidan that Ganache tarte was wonderful went down a treat. and no the tilt is not for me don't fancy that at all.
anyway its now time for me to potter as i have been sitting for a while an i don't want to set chair shaped do I
Love and Sparkles to you all.
t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006Stay positive always👍xx0 -
Evening all..our BIL wont be coming home he had a sort of siezure last might and they sent for his son he was just sleeping..bless..I was on messenger to his daughter trying to help by letting her talk..
Carol not the shower now you have had some bad luck with things..hope they do come soon..and your friends needs to learn that it's not all take
Joan so the nurse doesn't come..I must be thinking if me and my injections..I hope all is well when you have the dressing off..and of course the stitches or staples out xxx
Aidan thankyou for the chocolate torte..I keep spelling your name wrong sorry..yes Niamh is here..hence the phone...she had her roast dinner from Mark's and extra broccoli...glad you got a good seat near to the cakes..a scone with jam and cream is a the tilt ..I dont mind heights but not being tilted like chance..even if you do come with me...
The diamond egg is lovely I did think for a min that Bill had been in the charity shops again
Mel ..time has gone so quickly ..Val will never be forgotten .in the cafe or out..such a lovely lady...
Toni I am glad that Lucy's legs are back to normal..bless..maybe we will make a little scarecrow.. then again I have got her doing jigsaw.. you gave me the idea.. we started at 50 now we will try 100..
Right better ho my eyes are going
Love to everyone xxxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Hi to all, chilly night, new moon, stars all shining, love looking at the stars, still I go all dizzy :roll: :roll: :? :?
Hi Mel - it is a long time now since Val Val passed, I remember she was there for me when I lost my Dad, back in August 2011 - she was an inspiration and very much missedt4591
Hi Carol - those aches and pains just don't quit do they :roll: :roll: I often think, to wake up and have none, just for a day even............anyway, we keep going and pottering along.
The weather is gorgeous at the moment, the garden is really dry and will need a water soon. Chilly frosty nights ahead.
Glad the stuffy nose if not keeping you awake at night, a blessing indeed t115006
Good to make a little "me time" each day, a coffee and a little knitting is just fine. I will drink the coffee, you do the knitting
Talking of knitting, it was your group knit and natterThen the BG man is coming to see to your shower - I hope it can be mended, rather than more expense.
Between 8 and 1. Oh, you get up at the crack of dawn and they arrive and 12.55 :roll: :roll:
They normally ring when they are not far away. Fingers and toes crossed that he can fix the shower............
Then a little trip to your Daughters, to sort out fresh milk and have a me time coffee
So, your friend did not get back to you - so far - I had a feeling there might be a hiatus. :? :? Still, you did the right thing, give and take and share alike. Up to her if she throws the teddy's.....
Glad you enjoyed the ganache tart. None of us are going on the tilt, so far......... :? :? :shock: :shock:
Hi Barbara - Sorry to hear about your BIL taking a downward turn. Sleeping is fine, peaceful I pray. t4591 t4591
It is a shame that his Daughter is not well herself and cannot get to the hospital, but she did chat to Dad online, which was good.
Letting her talk through things will be a big help to her. Sending her and you all, extra love and prayers t4591 t115006 t115006
Don't worry about spelling my name wrong. I have been called everything from Haydn, to Anadin :shock:I answer to most things
So you are on the phone and Niamh has enjoyed her roast dinner with extra veggies, bless her t4591
Then doing a jigsaw and moving on to 100 pieces now, excellent
I had a feeling you would not like the tilt :? :? that's good, none of us are going, not even to watch, I would be like jelly on springs
If Bill had found that egg in a charity shop, I would be writing to you from the Seychelles m0150 m0150Mind you, people have found Faberge jewellery in jumble sales and car boot sales. t115006
Hi Toni - I hope you are resting a bit more today, :? Matron's ouch detector is going off, so sending some sparkles t115006 t115006 and magic squares..........
Did Bessie Bot have her repairs done? She had a blocked whatever it waspoor love. :? :?
I was looking at and reading about the first pictures of a Black Hole, 55 million light years away - if the light from that, has taken 55 million years to get here, does the black hole still exist :? :?
What is on the other side of a black hole?
Mother Glitter Sparkles said it is all to do with Astrophysics and a lot of magic :shock: :shock: t115006 t115006 I didn't ask if they studied space and time quantum physics at Hogwarts :? :?
Right, I am waffling on..........time to move my bones around in a pottering manner.
Love to everyone else in and about. Everyone take lots of care. Many sparkles and hugs t115006 t115006 t4591 t4591 ((()))
XXXX Aidan
Latvian Yeast PancakesXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Pass me a Latvian pancake please Aidan
Ta very much!
How did you know my back is cross ATM? Was Sleek talking again :roll: also had had 4 migraine auras in the last 3 daysI asked her about astrophysics ad yes it is a Hogwarts compulsory subject :shock: There you go!
Apparently the quality of the spring frozen haze (??) they collected this morning went down really well with the nymphs. They were chattering madly and lots of oohs and aaahs!!
Apparently there will be a replica Fabergé egg at the ball (thanks to you and Hermoine!) Sleek has bought several tickets :roll: Sleek is going to help with her nails. She's seen Lucy do it so is now a 'pro fesh nol' :?
Oh yes plenty of cream for that ganache tart......hang on...….tap tap tap tapTAPTAPTAP………..SPLAT!!!! Erm I think that's the booth on an extra rinse cycle... :oops:
Glad to hear Dad ate well and you kindly shared your cream with B. Extremely kind :shock:
Last night I went to the BKV judges meeting and I now know which villages I will be judging! Obviously not ours or the next one (drat!!)
Nice choccy biccies though! Talking of which choir practise tonight Barbara?
Sorry to hear BIL isn't great, but he sounds comfortable and maybe will slip away so gently ((())) for you all so very sad
Niamh enjoyed her M&S dinner again good girl. I hope your lap top survives!! Jigsaws are good for her too I'm pleased.
I have ordered some bits off ebay for my scarecrow!
Carol how lovely having your Mum pop you some milk in for when you get back off your hols! Lucky daughterYou enjoy sme alone time while you can.
Hope BG are prompt and can fix the shower....
I hope your friend does get in touch and agree it's her turn to pay, but if not it's no loss really you can't afford to pay all the time
Mellman!!! Oh yes it has been a long time I can't believe it. We loved Valval didn't we? How are YOU doing?
Kath Have some of everything, but avoid the tilt!! No way!!!
Mushroom filo pastries eh? Good I see I can buy the ready made pastry! ta v much looks yum
Hello to Joan I hope all is well with you and Sue take care
Love to everyone
Toni xx0 -
Hello Toni Aidan Barbara Kathleen Carol
. Toni sorry you have a bad back((((((()))))
. Aidan I hope everything is going has well as it can with you B and your Dad((((((()))))))
. Barbara I had to take the dressing off on Monday the stitches were dissolvable. sorry about your brother in law((((((()))))))
. Kathleen we have sun I hope you have ((((((())))
Carol I hope your shower is fixed(((((())))
. take care all
. Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Toni, I think Aidan is saying you and I sound like a herd of Effalumps charging to the booth with our various booty - who cares, gerrahttheroad! Aidan will understand that, it's pure Nottm. It means SHIFT for them that don't know.
Joan, glad your dressing has gone, now you can get some fresh air to the wound - I bet it itches. :roll: We do have sun, but it's still cold. BRRR
Too right I'm avoiding the TILT.
Those Latvian pancakes look very jammy - I bet the Bush Babies would LOVE one or six.
Barbara, prayers for your BIL and (((()))) for you and the family.
Vegan Jam Tart
300 gr strog white flour
150gr brown sugar
85 gr non dairy milk or water
60 gr sunflower oil
7 gr cream of tartar or baking powder
lemon zest or orange zest or vanilla extract
1) Make the vegan pastry:
In a medium mixing bowl, mix all the dried ingredients together (flour, sugar, lemon zest, cream of tartar).
Add the sunflower oil and with your hands start to rub in the mixture, adding a bit of non dairy milk at time,until it resembles a consistent dough.
Wrap the dough in plastic wrap and let it stand for about 30 minutes.
2) Finish the tart:
After 30 minutes roll out 2/3 of the vegan pastry dough on a flat surface dusted with some flour.
Place it in a tart case and, using your fingers, gently press the pastry into the tin to line the base and the sides.
Trim off any excess around the edges with a knife. Using a fork pierce the bottom of the tart.
Add the jam in the tart, covering all the base surface.
Tuck the edges in.
Roll out the left over pastry and with a pastry cutting wheel cut some strips.
Put the strips on the surface.
Cook the tart in preheated oven at 170° C for 15-20 minutes. Allow to cool completely before removing from tart case. (untill it is turning golden brown)
Perhaps the Bush Babies would enjoy this too."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
One plate of Latvian pancakes coming your way Toni - oh, one for Kath too and some for the Bushbabies, good job I baked dozens of them, Barbara and Carol will need some too..............
How did I know your back was cross? Nurses know these things, we sense them across the ward and across the miles tooPlus Sleek tells Mother Glitter Sparkles everything
Now, we don't want any more aura's if we can help it. Abundant anti aura sparkles t115006 t115006
Mother said she can cast a spell - she is full of it, after lecturing me on sub atomic particles, matter and anti matter plus how light years are measured. She said, how could we use the gates and the platform, if we did not know about various forms of physics and how magic t115006 can bend the rules. WHO KNEW :!: :!: :shock:
Sleek and Mrs D know the same too, with it being a compulsory subject at Hogwarts - I am speechless :? :?
It was frosty last night, it was gathering on next doors roof and would have been plentiful on Pendle this morning. Glad the Nymphs were super pleased with the frosted mists, Spring and a new moon, I think the planets aligned, but I am not asking, or Mother will lecture me on our solar system :?
I am glad there is now a replica Faberge egg, at the Easter Ball, Mother has a few dozen raffle tickets under her blankets. Not quite as many as Miss Sleek :shock: :shock:
Naturally Mother needs her nails done pro fesh nillySleek being an expert..............
I checked the booth, it is all nice and clean, after your face dive into the chocolate ganacheIt had to be done.
I was kind, sharing my cream, there was quite a lot, the lady said, I hope that is not too much - NO, IT IS FINE - Leeeeeave it
Oooh, what a pity your are not judging your neighbouring village, you could have picked it to pieces
Yes, choir tonight, I hope Barbara can make it, her poor BIL is such a poorly man bless him.. t4591 t4591
Hi Joan and Sue - we are all pottering along thank you kindly ((())) hope you are recovering well and enjoying the fine weather. Dressings off and sutures dissolving away, I was going to come and take the stitches out, but no need now :roll:
Kath, nothing of the sort, Effalumps indeedI do understand you, my native dialect, although long since faded now. I have lived longer in North Yorks and Lancashire, than I did in Nottingham now. I am still bi lingual in Nottm and Lancs
I thought you would dislike the TILT - What about this one instead :shock: :shock:
Thank you for the jam tart, of course, we should save some for the Bush Babies, they will be all over it.t4591 t4591
Hi Barbara, hope you are all ok, thinking of you and sending lots of love and prayers (((()))) t4591 t115006
Hi to Mig, loads of strength to you hun ((()))
Hi to Carol and to everyone else in and about. Hope everyone has some sunshine, quite warm here now.
Hi time I was moving again. Mother has just had some lugs removed, so she will be on the phone to Miss Sleek asap, having been skalpt :roll: :roll:
Love and sparkles to all. Will call in later XXXX Aidan t4591 t115006
We had to have this, to go with the Jam Tart
Chocolate Birds Nest CakeXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
All is quiet and I have had to bake another Nest Cake :? :? :oops: :oops: I could not resist.............that was after Kath's Jam Tart.........this little piggy ............. :roll: :roll:
I hope everyone is ok.
Toni - I trust your ouchie back is more settled, a bit of rest me thinks. Sleek said that Mummy had a hedd ayk too :shock: so I will pop some magic squares in your slippers. Mother has cast a spell onto them, but she won't say what :? :? :roll: :roll:
Sleek did pop over to see Mother, after Daddy 2 had been de lugging..........Mother didn't mind at all, she just sat there and let me clipper some out.
Apparently she doesn't feel like she has been skalpt this time :shock: :shock:
I think she is kidding and they will put me mid air again, while I am asleep t115006 which seems to be an hill hairy us sight:shock:
I hope choir was enjoyable and tuneful, with plenty of biccies afterwards.
Hi Barbara, keeping you in thoughts and prayers, that your BIL is very comfortable and resting t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006
Was it roast dinner night, freshly delivered
Hi to Mig, topping up the towers of strength and gentle hugs t4591 t4591
Hi to Carol - goodness, it is Friday again - :shock: :? :? I was asking B earlier, where did the other 4 days go :roll: :roll: It seems to always be Friday :roll: :roll:
I dare not open the shed door, so many weeks and months will fall out............
Did the man / lady - from B Gas, fix the shower, I do hope so - no big expense...............
It will be lunch with Mr T and your friend will meet you for a coffee and natter.
Did you enjoy the me time at your Daughters, whilst dropping off the shopping for her
Hi to everyone else in and about.
Quiet here, catching up with the golf from Augusta, wonderful course, just gorgeous. Another frosty night me thinks.
Picking Dad up this morning then off to the GC, plus some shopping.
Time I was having another potter. So, i will leave lots of love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 t115006 take care.......XXXX Aidan
Slovak Blueberry Cream Cheese Kolaches (sweet dough pastry )XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Oh my what about those for breakfast Aidan!! and one of our five a day too! I had a slice or two of yesterday's bird's nest cast too Easter is approaching after all
Sleek also said Tosca didn't look skalpt :shock: Very odd. So they didn't levitate you preferring to look online for outfits for the Easter ballMother has her eye on a rainbow glittery two-piece apparently with silver shoes and handbag. Perfect for Mother glitter-sparkles!! t115006
Sleek has ordered several outfits :roll: I have ordered another wardrobe :roll:
Much frozen dew was collected this morning by Sleek (she insisted Tosca stay in her side car wrapped up warm and just watch) and a fishy latte each for the journey home
I suppose the physics makes sense really cats aren't stupid are they unlike humans they would never walk straight at a wall without knowing they can go through it :roll:
GC today then? Good you'll enjoy that so will Tosca's Grandad :roll:
My ouches are much better thank you I took a tablet or two yesterday and did much less. Tomorrow we have a man talk about awnings.....
The slipper trick so far seems to have worked no more migraine auras since the magic squares went in!
Barbara came to choir and sang like an angel (shed first to lubricate her tonsils!) in time for tea break!! No sign of the sisters though hope they come on Sunday it being Palm Sunday :?
Kath shall we let the bush-babies have some pancake? Not too much you know how they get with too much sugar!!!
Who cares if we are fairy elephants?! We have to get to the booth before we make a mess everywhereyep SHIFT!!
vegan jam tart now?! Where's the cream?
Joan did the wound look ok when you took the dressing off and did you put another one on? Don't worry about my back I'm used to it!
Hope Carol is ok and the shower got sorted.
I think Barbara was doing jigsaws with Niamh! Peppa pig amongst others
Aidan I know it's Friday again :shock: :shock: :shock: do not I repeat do NOT open the shed door we would need some help if all those hours fell on you!
Love to mig and everyone
Toni xxx0 -
Hello Every One
Thankyou for being with Joan all the time in hospital, she is coming on ok,we have lovely sun today.,I have a blood test Joan is just going to walk the dogs then we are off to town I hope everyone has a lovely weekend my computer is being very silly today lots of love Suetake care
joan xx0 -
I went to the shed - I opened the door.
This is me trying to shut it again.
and rapidly leaving
Serves me right.
Toni, whre there is JAM there will be a Bush Baby or seventeen. I'll choose something healthy today.
m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150
Morning Sue, hope the blood test comes back 'normal'. Glad Joan feels strong enough to take Lexi and Pepper for walkies. t4591
Hello Little Piggy Aidan, we love the cakes you give us, it's only fair that you have your fair share. I never know whether to take them to the booth or to just eat them.I'd better stay away from that pesky ride. :roll:
Carol, if Florence does a vanishing act, it's because Clarence has arranged a special training session at Spid Fit School. It's very intensive so they will be gone all weekend. :shock:
One Pan Balsamic Chicken and Veggies (special treat for meat eaters and Bush Babies)
1/4 cup + 2 Tbsp Italian salad dressing (I recommend using Kraft light Italian it’s the perfect consistency for this and it’s what I used)
3 Tbsp balsamic vinegar
1 1/2 Tbsp honey
1/8 tsp crushed red pepper flakes (more or less to taste)
1 1/4 lbs chicken breast tenderloins
2 Tbsp olive oil
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
1 lb fresh asparagus, trimmed of tough ends, chopped into 2-inch pieces (look for thinner stalks. Green beans are another good option)
1 1/2 cups matchstick carrots
1 cup grape tomatoes, halved
In a mixing bowl whisk together salad dressing, balsamic vinegar, honey and red pepper flakes, set aside.
Heat olive oil in a 12-inch skillet over medium-high heat. Season chicken with salt and pepper to taste, then place chicken evenly in skillet. Cook about 6 – 7 minutes, rotating once halfway through cooking, until chicken has cooked through (meanwhile, chop asparagus and tomatoes). Add half the dressing mixture to skillet and rotate chicken to evenly coat. Transfer chicken to a large plate or a serving platter while leaving sauce in skillet. Add asparagus and carrots to skillet, season with salt and pepper to taste and cook, stirring frequently, until crisp tender, about 4 minutes. Transfer veggies to plate or platter with chicken.
Add remaining dressing mixture to skillet and cook, stirring constantly, until thickened, about 1 minute. Add tomatoes to chicken and veggies and drizzle dressing mixture in pan over top (or return chicken and veggies to pan and toss to coat)."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Morning all lovely to see the sun shinning again..
Aiden thankyou for all the goodies I did sneak in yesterday to see what you had left us..but saw Kath running to the booth..but she did leave some..
thankyou for all the sparkles and hugs our BIL is still asleep bless him he has live over ten years with this he never gave a thought to being poorly..think that is what kept him going..
Now the ride at one time I would have been the first in the queue.. :shock: I went on the big pone at Blackpool 3 times before my back went..maybe that is why it went.. :?
the roast dinner for Niamh was from Marks with us adding yorkshire puds and more broccoli..might has well make our own..
So you are off to the GC today hope you get a good seat and enjoy whatever you have..
Toni sorry I was late again for choir..I got involved with another jigsaw for Niamh its an 100 one I get it started and she carry's on
I hope you dont get a full on migraine ..maybe that and your back is saying slow down a little..(()) so you have ordered bits for your scarecrow..ooh its exciting cant wait to see it a secret..hope the man turns up marquee..
Joan thankyou so you have taken the dressing off..hope its all clean and healing well..this nice weather will do you good..(())
Sue you are both very welcome to our support ..I hope the bloods come back ok..(())
Kath you beat me to the booth..didnt know you could run so fast...but I manged to grab a couple of cakes..
Niamh is coming back tonight to go roller skating tomorrow..wish I could join her ..skating I mean not watching..
We are off to the GC this morning ..just hope there are not many coaches there..
Love to everyone
m0150 t115006 t4591
Just spotted your there Kath..the balsamic chicken sounds very nice..thankyou ..I am one of the meat eaters..but will save some for the bush babies..
Barbara0 -
Afternoon to all - it was nice and sunny, but has clouded over now. A chilly breeze this morning too.
They were gorgeous those Kolache, for breakfast and absolutely at least one of our five a day Toni
I keep thinking Easter is this week end :roll: :roll: but no, it is Palm Sunday
I think there has been more browsing of catazon while we were out. Lots of pages open on the PC, umpteen outfits for the Easter Ball.........No wonder you need another wardrobe for Miss Sleek. :shock: :shock:
Mother has hers on order, it is super glitzy and sparkly, sensible low kitten heels (with her wobbly back legs and all that). The handbag is something else - pearls, chain mail, diamante, uber gorgeous.
I seem to think Mother has ordered it on my account............. :shock: :shock: something to do with payment for de lugging
Mother was quite happy to sit in the side car while Sleek gathered the frozen dew.
The side car needed an "airing" when they arrived back, quite a whiff of mackerel:?
They seem to fully grasp the order of the universe when it comes to quantum physics and going through walls :shock: :shock: unlike us hoomans, who walk into things repeatedly :roll: :roll:
The car park was fairly quiet at the GC, but it was almost full to bursting inside, Dad managed to get a table while we had a ciggy....... :oops: :roll:
We were going to just have coffee and cake, but Dad decided he would like a hand battered fish finger sub roll with chipsso we had brunch. I had the butternut and basil soup, with chips, then the last slice of choccy orange cake.
Glad your back is a bit easier and the magic slippers are working on the auras t115006 t115006 t4591
Awnings, as in for the windows, the ones that wind out ? Keep the sun off ?
Glad Barbara enjoyed the shed and the choir and the biscuitst4591
Sisters are on their way down from the Scottish islands, they have had to wait for the ferry to be repaired, to get them to the mainland -then they will be on the train from Glasgow.....................they would not want to miss Palm Sunday. Mother Superior is coming too
I have steered well clear of the shed doors, but, I fear that Kath opened them...................good job she had roller blades on, or we would have needed a search party. :shock: :shock:
Hi there Sue, happy Suesday and Joansday tooGlad that you are doing your usual things, Joan off walking the doggies and then off to do the shopping together. It is always a pleasure to be with all our friends when they are in need of the cloak, hiding us all beneath
t4591 t4591
I hope your computer starts to behave, if in doubt, re boot it a couple of times, they have a mind of their own............... :roll: :roll:
Fingers crossed the blood tests are ok
Hi Kath - goodness, you had a close shave with the shed, :shock: :shock: all those hours pouring out, good job you were off like a shot. :shock: :shock: :? :?
Carol and I will gather some of the debris and put the hours back into the weeksCarol can knit them in, no trouble. t115006 t115006
The Bush Babies cannot resist jam and they can detect it from miles awaysuper jam has less sugar, well, less added sugar...........
We do have such a selection of goodies, always available to anyone who happens across the cafeI have eaten my fair share and maybe a little more besides :roll: :roll: :oops: :oops:
I loved loved loved Las Vegas, but, we remained on terra ferma - apart from the hotel room, which was up in the sky somewhere :shock: :shock: That ride, no, not a chance, I would be the biggest screeching ninny in the USA.:?
So Clarence and Florence are away for the week spid-- boot camp...........I will make sure B is on high alert
I will chop some quorn "chicken" burgers, into your yummy recipe, for Toni, Kari and I, it looks lovely and very healthy too.
Hi Barbara - that's fine, you sneak in and help yourself to as many goodies as you can
Kath was next in line for the booth, after Toni had finished face planting
I will keep those hugs, prayers and candles going. Always have a candle burning when we are in t4591 t4591
Your BIL has lived a full life with his diagnosis, ignoring it and getting on with things is a good thing, whenever possible, bless his heart. That stubborn streak has stood him in good stead really
See, I used to love going on rides, Goose Fair in Nottingham, I was there, get me on the most scary thing there is..............same at Blackpool, I was on the Grand National umpteen times, then I think I saw the light and I would not go on anything...........even the hall of mirrors used to scare me witless :shock:
Ah, Mark's and Spark's roast dinner, with the added extras, I see. I thought it was someone called Mark, who delivered it from the lady who does the meals :roll: :roll:
We had to take a 6 seat table at the GC, all the others were occupied, it was super busy, but enjoyable.
Hope you didn't find the bus trips in, when you went to your GC :roll: :roll:
Niamh is on the way to you, to go skating tomorrow, with Daddy, while you spectate. Best to watch, we don't want you up skittled :shock: :shock:
Hi to Carol, hope you have had a pleasant day and that your shower is doing what is should do t4591 t115006 t115006
Love and strength to Mig, who is not having a great day today, feeling pretty yucky. t115006 t115006 t115006
Time I was moving around. I need to potter.
I will be back later. Love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006
Would this be a bit sickly - ? Nah, not reallyXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Evening all the last 2 days have been quite nice with the weather yesterday was sunny m0150 m0150 all day. BG did arrive after a bit of confusion engineer rang about 11.10am tells me he is 10mins away fine I had decided because I wanted to go out immediately he left and I put my lunch in the microwave to heat up ate said lunch and realise the time was 11.35. so I rang back his number and gets told his sat nav had sent him to the wrong place and he was on way to me but still 10 mins away. He duly turns up at 11.50 takes one look at the shower and says you need a new shower unit so I ask him could he give us an estimate. cutting a long story short he returned to his van 3 times, which I must add was parked at least 2-3 mins away. he finally left at 12.20. we are now awaiting a call back from them to arrange a electrical engineer to give an estimate.
Our Rubie was eight months yesterday and Graycie is 2years 4 months today.:? how did that happen
Kath yes Florence did inform me that Clarence was taking her to a fit thingy and she would be away all weekend.the balsamic Chicken and veggies went down a treat.
Aidan oh what mischief these puskins get up to. the shed is full too the brim sounds a bit of a dangerous place to go at the moment. Think I will stay clear until it's safePoor Kath what a shock I think we need some strong string to knit them back into place maybe need to sedate them first though. :roll: :roll: I :roll: :roll: am still trying to work out where the other days went
my me time at my daughters was really enjoyed and of course free coffee which was a bonus. I was only there for about half hour because I wanted to look around some of the shops in the main shopping street there before coming home. she is due home today.
Latvian pancakes were divine i did have one or was it three or maybe ????? oops didn't count they went too quickly. :shock: :shock:
Sue Of course we were there for you and Joan our lovely sparkly cloak always picks us up and whisks us off to wherever we are needed.
Barbara no unfortunately it needs a new shower unit which dose not come under our contract but awaiting some to ring us with an appointment for some one to estimate for a new one. changing it depends on its cost how quickly it gets done.
Toni didn't mind putting some her milk in because she has done it enough times for us and this was the first time she has ever asked me to do it for her. the new friend from knitting group who shall be called friend C is going to be told this weekend that I am willing to meet her next week but only if we pay for our own coffees. and I will leave it to her to decide if she wants to join me. I mean my other friend meets me and we share the cost in fact if one of us cannot pay one week the other one will but then the next time it vice versa.
well its time for a little potter to keep the good old bones and joints moving.
Love and Sparkles to all
t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006Stay positive always👍xx0 -
Hi to all - cool evening, heating on
Hi Carol - finally, the man from B Gas arrived, after a sat nav detour :roll: :roll:
A new shower, oh dear, is it an electric one, or runs off the mains hot water?
I have answered my own questionelectrical engineer is the clue - :roll: :roll: silly me.............
Let's hope it is not astronomical to replace :? :?
Ruby is 8 months and Graycie is over 2 years, are you sure :shock: :shock: it seems like yesterday when we were on countdown
The answer lies in a big heap, outside the shed door. All those weeks and months, taken away. You will need a big pair of needles to knit them all back inside.
Kath was very lucky, she was nearly swamped in borrowed time :shock: :shock:
Glad that you had some nice me time at your Daughters, then a little retail therapy on the way home
I am doing well with my breakfasts from around the world. The latvian pancakes went down a treat. Not sure where I will end up tonight. :?:
I hope your friend sees the fair side of going out for coffee's, it is pretty simple, take it in turns, you are not asking too much by any means.
Hi Toni, trusting that there have been no more auras - there are more magic spells in your slippers, Mother insisted she sent some t115006 t115006 making quite a fuss and rummaging through her spell books :? check how many toes you have, just to be sure :shock: :shock:
Did you get any further with the awnings?
Sleek was over at siesta time, no siesta, just watching the clock go round - and round.............. :roll: :roll: rested the joints a while though.
They tried the sleepy spell and that didn't work, so they watched SYTTD Lancashire, with headphones on t115006 t4591 They love Gok...........
Hi Barbara - I hope you are all ok, Niamh will be tucked up in bed now, only the likes of me, a night owl...........Special thoughts for your BIL t4591 t4591 ((())
I hope you have recovered from your near miss with the shed, Kath. So glad you had roller blades on, to get away in time.
Time I was pottering, so I will love and leave everyone for now. Lots of sparkles and love to all t115006 t4591 t4591
We are round at Dads this morning, B is sorting out the back patio / garden, while I get some croissants ready for lunch - Dad cannot do it, so, team B and A, are on the move, well, team B
Sweet New England Corn Bread CakeXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Mmmm….corn bread cake! Yes please Aidan! adding some president butter to mine...oooh! It's still warm!! Thank you
Dad is probably very grateful to you pair for all your help I hope his garden isn't too big?
Awnings Hillarys are coming this morning then Eden 2 weeks today. After that a decision shall be madeI'm quite exited!
Sleek had me up at some ungodly hour this morning having walked up and down my body purring 2 or 3 times :roll: Basically she wanted to tell me all about Gok! :roll: Yes I missed a vital episode I hear.
Please tell Tosca (if Sleek hasn't already) that the magic squares in my slippers have worked a treat. Last night we were out with some villagers to see the Illegal Eagles it was brilliantIn bed by 10:30pm even better!!!
0 -
To finish my post!
Carol I think you can say that to your new friend (C) quite easily and she ought to be fine with it. If not then she'd be a user and we don't like them! My friends and I always take turns to pay or pay for ourselves.
A new shower?! Oh dear they don't come cheapFingers crossed for you.
Well that's nice to do things for family nothing worse than coming home and not being able to have a cuppa is there? :? Did you honestly say the BABY is 8 months :shock: :shock: :shock:
Aidan let me see Tosca's handbag!! Wow!! looks so swish I love it t4591 Sleek said she has low heels; she herself has ordered several pairs though I suspect will wear her Silver strappy sparkly ones if they match the final outfit :roll:
Tosca stayed at home this morning Sleek had to have all the windows open in the side car apparently it was full of fliesYes they forgot to air it and left their empty (washable) cups inside :shock:
They are very intelligent when it comes to physics and don't understand why we get confused about it all. Some part of their brain is super developed. NOT the part which remembers to wash up reusable cups :roll:
Dad loves his fish fingers butties (rolls) and that's goodButternut and basil soup sound lovely as does choccy orange cake t4591
I am very glad to hear that the Sisters will be here for Palm Sunday. Easter is late this year my head is all over the place with it all :?
Did I see cream egg cake? OMG!!! These need to be eaten in the booth for sure! super sticky required an extra long wash and rinse cycle :roll: but soooo worth it!!
Barbara I have to agree with you and Aidan your BIL has done so well 10 years of ignoring it and just now I would say asleep is good.
He will be being kept comfortable God bless him.
Niamh loves her roast dinners (must have extra Yorkshires!) and jigsaws are good for her I am impressed. More skating for her today
Are you ok Kath? were the hours in the shed heavy? I think loads of them are still outside. I might bring my wheelbarrow along later and pinch some
Too right where there is jam you'll usually find bushbabies!!
I don't suppose s*****s go to boot camp do they? That would be 4 pairs each
I have altered the recipe to halloumi instead of chicken
Sue and Joan I hope Sue's computer is behaving now? Joan is doing so very well I can't believe her! Sunny here and bright
Well better get on love to everyone (mig)
Toni xxx0 -
Hello Kathleen Aidan Barbara Carol Toni
. Kathleen have a good weekend((((((()))))))
. Aidan I hope all is alright with you go careful with the gardening((((((())))
. Barbara yes the wound is healing well thank you(((((()))
. Carol the years go so quick((((((())))
. Toni have a good day how is your back(((((())))
. take care all
. Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Right, that's the booth set to clean after my visit with the chocolate eggy beauty, now to butter some of that gorgeous corn bread. Thank you Aidan. Do you think Mother would let me touch that wonderful bag? I'll be super careful, honest. Yes The days and hours were super heavy. I thought I wouldn't escape. Thank you, Toni, and Carol for cleaning up my mess. :oops:
Carol, I'm glad Florence warned you of the trip to Boot Camp. It's a joint operation between the Armed Forces (all of them) and the police. I heard a whisper that MI5 and MI6 were also involved. All top secret - Shhh.
Barbara, yes I can be quite sprightly on me pins - just a shame about my back. Sorry if I startled you on the way to the booth. I'll have to carry a klaxon round with me. :roll:
Joan and Sue, so glad you are getting out in the sun. m0150 m0150
1/2 cup butter (softened* // 1 stick equals 1/2 cup)
3/4 cup sugar
1 medium egg*
1/4 scant cup molasses
1 1/2 scant cups unbleached all-purpose flour
1 pinch salt
1 1/2 tsp baking soda
1 tsp each ground cinnamon and ginger
1/2 cup butter (softened* // 1 stick equals 1/2 cup)
2 1/2-3 cups powdered sugar
1 large orange (zested)
2-3 Tbsp orange juice
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (176 C). In a bowl, cream butter. Then add sugar and egg and mix again. Add molasses and mix until well combined.
Add flour, salt, baking soda and spices to a sifter and gradually sift over wet ingredients while mixing. Beat until well combined, scraping sides as needed.
Chill dough for 10-15 minutes while oven continues to preheat.
Scoop rounded 1 Tablespoon balls of dough onto a parchment-lined cookie sheet – press down slightly with your finger to flatten. (Rolling in sugar is optional, but not necessary.)
Bake for 9-11 minutes, being careful not to over bake. Cook completely on a cooling rack and then prepare buttercream by creaming butter and zest, then adding in powdered sugar in 1/2 cup measurements. Thin out to desired consistency with orange juice. Mix until well combined and fluffy, scraping down sides as needed.
Once cookies are cooled, place a generous amount of buttercream on the bottom of half the cookies and top with the other half (you will have leftover frosting). Store in an airtight container for up to a few days. However, they’re best when served fresh.
t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Afternoon to all a sunny ish day, with a fair breeze. No rain at all in the next two weeks, temps up to 20 at the week end :shock: :shock:
Hi Toni Butter with the Corn Bread Cake is vital, Toni. Actually, it is law.
Dads garden is not big, he has two patio's, then a raised area, that is pebbled. It had got out of hand, so many plants had died off and it all looked a big mess really.
Dad is not able to take care of it, even though he says, oh, I will do that, I will do, Bill will do it, hush now.
B was off into town to get the bags of Cotswold stone, 7 bags so far, more to get I am sure.
Then he picked me up and round we went. I kept Dad inside and did housey things.............immaculising what I could, whilst Dad was sorting shirts etc and cussing at them all :shock:
Oh, those troosers nee d awash, oh and those (I was making it up) anyway, I managed to get a full load of washing, grabbing towels and flannels when he wasn't looking :? :? There, washing is on...........:) No flies on Matron.
Each time Dad went out to see what B was up to I was off with my cloth and milton spray
I made lunch, croissants with cheese and butter and mayo, made coffee's, washed up, spritzed around.
All dead plants and cracked and broken pots are awaiting the tip, all is tidy up on the raised section, plants that are doing well, are easily accessed.
Just the new chippings to go down another day. Didn't want B over doing things or his back will go.
All in all, a successful visit
I would be excited too, with the makers coming to talk about awnings. You can have electric ones too t115006 t115006
Funny, Mother was awake, very early, just as Sleek was, nearly nose to nose, shouting at me........... :roll: :roll: You did miss a good SYTTD Lancs, it will be on again and is on catch up.
Sleek had mentioned that Mummy's slipperz were very magic indeed, she was super impressed, as they were sparkling in different wavelengths, only visible to puskins :shock: :shock: t115006 t115006
Glad you enjoyed your time out last night at the concert, Wet Coast country and rockcool.
Mother Glitter Sparkles has sent another spell of anti ouchies, far and wide, to all of us................expect glitter t115006 t115006 t115006
Her new pawbag is hidden under her bed. Things vanish, when I look they are not there, when Mother looks, they appear :shock: :shock: :? :?
Sleek has shown Mother the range of glittery shoes that she is buying - a range !! How many is, a range ???
Oh ewwwww, they forgot to wash the fish latte' cups, oh phew, no wonder the side car needed a blow through
Cats do have a sixth sense and are totally in tune with what us hoomans are doing, even if they cannot see or hear us.............Mother said do hoomans not talk through telepathy, like we do - errrrm, we try.........she rolled her eyes :roll: :roll: :? :?
Dad always enjoys the home made battered fish, goujons or fingers, whatever..........they are actually on the kids menu, but there is too much for a child really - even Dad gets over faced.
The soup was nice and I am not a huge fan of Basil, but, I enjoyed it.
Cake, was always
Glad I am not alone with Easter being late. B's Bro and family are coming up from London, for a few days, next week, staying at the park, over in the trough of bowland. It was a sister park to ours, when the original owners had them. Lovely spot.
We will be going over on Wed, to meet up at the Old Rectory, amazing T room.............if you google the old rectory, Tosside, you will find it.........
With the schools already being off for a week, I am thinking this week end is is all to pot this year.
The cream egg cake is SO messy, but SO good
That's better, upping the Tramadol, due to extra fussing at Dads............There is always payback...........gets wearing sometimes. But, onward and upward.
Hi Joan and Sue, hope you are both having a nice week end, out and about and rest times too. I was only an observer, I wasn't doing any of the garden work, sadly those days are over with. I am best at the kitchen duties.
Glad the wound is healing well, some extra ((())) for goo measure t4591 t4591
Hi Kath - oh you were in a mess mi duck, glad you put the booth on for a long wash, while you were in it :shock:It was worth it, for a cream egg cake
The corn bread cake was yummy, with all that French butter from Toni's.............
Of course, Mother is going to teleport the glitter bag, over to yours, via the enchanted forest at the bottom of your garden, (we haven't forgotten it is there) t115006 t115006 She said, hoomans think it is good luck to have a small coin put into a new bag, she asked it you would pop a couple of pennies in, bless her.
It was a very close shave, deluged in hours and weeks, good job you were quick on yer feet
I won't say a word about the secret service training week end for Clarence and Florence. Mum's the word.
Ginger cookies with orange buttercream, ooooh, perfect, thank you. I will put some ice cream out, to go with them
Hi Barbara - you will be watching on while Niamh and Daddy go skating, don't be tempted to try some skates on :shock: :shock: we want you upright, not up skittle'd................
Is Niamh stopping over tonight as well?
Love to all and hugs and sparkles too t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 Thoughts and prayers for your BIL t4591
Hi to Mig, lots of anti yucky hugs ((())) and some more strength too XX t4591 t115006
Hi to Carol, to Kerrin, Christine, DD, SW, Toady, Mel, Elizabeth and all.
Time I was moving, the joints are shouting the odds.
Will call back later, love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 XXXX Aidan
Rocky Road Ice Cream to go with Kath's BiscuitsXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
The old Vicarage looks lovely Aidan I wanna go!
I'm vey glad you didn't let B overdo it I was worried hearing how much needed doing, but WHAT a team :shock: the bungalow is suitably immaculised and sanitised too
So Dad's fish fingers butties are on the kids' menu?! and defeat even him :shock:
I asked Madam Sleek why she was up so early this morning...turned out the 'girls' that's Sleek, Tosca and Mrs Darcey were up skyping early this morning looking at each other's ball outfits. Mrs D has gone 'scottish' as she and Auntie Kari were from Fyfe and is wearing a tartan ballgown - full-length :? She has also done in as a tribute to Sleek's beloved Pepe Longstockings who loved his kilts. Brought a tear to Sleek and Tosca's eyes...
Over-exited they were now they are :animal_busy: If they can speak telepathically how come they shriek so loud?? :roll:
Let's hope tomorrow is quieter early doors :roll:
Our school (Lucy's) broke up Friday only this one just gone.
Rock Rd ice where are these biscuits?
Kath? You are welcome cleaning up is something I actually enjoy! Carol must to too!
Those biccies are lovely thank you very much. Shhhh! Not aword about sp***r boot camp
Joan thank you my back has eased a bit still taking a little extra pain relief, but fine how about you?
Love to everyone I think Niamh is still at Barbara's don't forget choir Palm Sunday tomorrow!
Toni xxx0 -
Evening all niamh has gone home..she has done well
100 peice jigsaw..after skating..
Aidan thankyou for the sparkles (())the cake was not sickly at all very moorish though..and the corn bread was lovely
I see you have been imaculusing at dads when he wasn't lookingand B has been busy sorting his garden..must say it sound hard work with all the stone..he must be careful.. the fish fingers sound so good.. glad dad enjoyed them
Now Tosca glitcy..I bet miss sleek would like one..Easter is so late I think everyone is the same..but Palm Sunday tomorrow.. 🙂I used to love all the storys when we were at school..nice to have the family coming over..and like you say the weather is going to be really nice.
Toni bet you cant wait to choose an awning..all ready for it the eden project you are going to.we went when it first opened ..would love to see how all the plants have come on
Carol so it's a new shower..I think you suspected it might be..time seems to fly with the little ones..just wait till the new little ggs is here..
Joan glad to hear the wound is ok..did the fix your heating I was getting worried that your house would be cold..
Kath thoes biscuits look yummy..I used to love making biscuits with lots of ginger..
Our BIL is still sleeping ..they are talking about sending him home on Monday.. goodness know how just daughter will managed..apparently there will be carers going every day..I hope so
Right I am off to bed
Love to everyone
Sleep well
t4591 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
Hi to all - another frosty night here, but I see the weather is going up to the 20's at the week end. Barbara and I will be melting :roll: :roll:
The Rectory T rooms are lovely Toni, of course you can goThere is the old post office for sale, opposite the Rectory. Gor Ge Ous and very expensive :shock: :shock:
No, Bill paced himself, getting things sorted and tidy, before attempting to lug the chippings about. They are all ready. Some more tidying to do first and get rid of the mountain of old pots and dead plants :? :?
I was very slick with my immaculising and sorting the washing............keeping Dad distracted, sorting out some shirts. The troosers he bought in Skipton, have vanished :? :? :roll: :roll:
I even rang Nero's to see if we had left them there. No joy.
Yes, the fish pieces are huge really, way too much for the average child, with chips and beans too :shock: :shock:
So there was a mass Skyping session, no wonder there was so much fuss :roll: :roll: Mrs D will look beautiful in floor length tartan, Pepelongstocking would highly approvet4591 (strange, I still cannot look at pictures of him, just too painful)......
I am thinking Mother has a pinkish outfit, to match her new nail art
Don't show Lucy, or she will want some
Mother has been looking at this outfit, but is not too sure about the wig :shock: :shock: :? :?
Telepathy is fine, but they have to skype to show each other pictures and outfits :roll: :roll:
Naturally Mother is resting now, just like Miss Sleekness :animal_busy:
So your schools broke up two days ago, ours have been off a is all wrong..........used to be one week before Easter and one week after.
Rocky road ice cream, perfect with ginger cream biscuits
Palm Sunday, I loved gathering the small palm leaf crosses, kept them for years, in fact I bet there is one in the ottoman, with Dads paintings and diaries. t4591 Hope you have a lovely service and the singing is joyful t115006 t115006
Hi Barbara, you are up and about late doors tonight. I bet you are shattered, after watching Niamh at the skating then doing a 100 piece jigsaw t4591 t4591 way to go Niamh.
Glad you enjoyed the very chocolatey cake and the corn bread, best save the ice cream and biscuits or you might pop
Yes, we were busy at Dads, I wasn't lifting or gardening, just fussing in the kitchen and getting the croissants and coffee ready, with secret immaculising in between timest115006 t115006
B is taking it steady.
Mothers bag is so bright and sparkly you can see it from the space station t115006 m0150I am sure Sleek will have one that is equally as glitzy...........
Easter was always a special time at Church, Mother always had a new hat ( she often wore hats ).
It will be nice to see BIL and SIL and their now very tall young adults
Good that they will have nice weather too.
So they are thinking of sending your BIL home :shock: :shock: :? :? will that not be too much for his Daughter ? I know you mentioned his Son, does he live close by?
Even with carers coming in, there are long gaps in between times.
I hope you slept well, ready for your singing today
Hi Carol - hope you and yours are all ok. Any news on the shower quotes, or will that be next week sometime? t111055
Hi to everyone else, in and about. Time I was pottering again, the ouches are persistent partners :roll: :roll:
Love and Sparkles to all t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 XXX Aidan
Some simple pancakes, very good though.XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Lovely pancakes to sustain us prior to singing! I see 2 of our 5-a-day too thanks Aidan
In the 20's? I think that will be a lovely temperature for getting the village spruced up ready for BKV but hopefully not too hot to sleep in :? m0150
Shall I get the bus ready and we can all go on a trip to the Old Rectory? I don't think we can afford to buy the post office sadly
Good that B paced himself and didn't do his back in :shock: but where oh where are the new trousers?
You can see why we are all getting fatter as a nation these days with portions for children so huge :roll:
To be fair I can only just now look at pics of Eric Catona with pleasure and not huge sadness and it's been nearly 10 years t4591 Pepe is still very recent and Cookie too t115006 t4591 t115006
Sleek likes to look at pics of him and have a little cry from time to time.
I LOVE Mother's outfit!! Yes ditch the wig part, but the rest of it it lovelyAs for her nails well they are just purrfect as you'd expect. Sleeks will be sparkly, but Lucy will want those herself! She's a bit upset that at the rest home she can't have her nails done
Sleek said "you can't tell-e-pafize with moar than 2 pusskins Mummy. It hertz yor hed" Hence the shrieking on the crystal ball.
Barbara Eden are another Awning company!! I haven't been to the Eden project for many years I used to go a lot when the kids were younger. It's great isn't it?
Niamh is a busy bee skating then anther puzzle! Check out the charity shops for more. I am very impressed that she can sit so quietly and do her puzzles
If BIL is still sleeping his daughter ought to be ok. I imagine the carers will attend to personal care and a nurse will come for anything bigger like pain relief. She might become a bit trapped though at home I hope other family will enable her to get out.
Here we have hospice carers who will come overnight so families can sleep. He wouldn't have to go into the hospice??? Just a thought.
Morning to Joan I hope you have this lovely sunshine today and you are still healing well.
Love to everyone
Toni xxx0 -
Hello Kathleen Aidan Toni Barbara
. Kathleen yes we have sun shine it makes you feel better((((((())))))
. Aidan your Dad will so pleased when he sees the garden. sorry about the trousers they have to be somewhere((((((())))))
. Toni I remember you having Eric the cat (((((((())))
Barbara yes Niamh did well 1 00 piece jigsaw that's good very small prices I've tried it((((((()))))))
. take care all
. Joan xxtake care
joan xx0
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