Val's Cafe
Hi to all - wet and windy here t110007 t111055 the tail of storm Hannah I guess :? :?
Hi Carol - goodness, no wonder you didn't have time to post :shock: :shock:
I have read through a couple of times and I need a lie down :?You really have been here, there and all over the place.
I am glad Mr T is feeling a lot better now and you have been able to spend some time out, in the fine weather over the Easter week end. It will take you a week to recover.
Good that your youngest Daughter could spend time with you, visiting the hospital, some moral support is always welcome. t4591 t4591
Bill knows Richmond very well, not far from where he was born and brought up. Very nice, by the river
Fancy the Queen not inviting you in for afternoon T, seeing as were so close to the Palace :roll: :roll: T on the terrace, with HRH t115006
Glad the tooth / filling is sorted and you didn't have to pay out again. Rightly so.
Now you have open morning at Church. I think Storm Hannah is more down south, so it might well be tipping it down t111055 t111055 :? :? I hope it has passed, likely on its way up here
The pictures of your GGD are lovely, all dressed up and looking gorgeous t4591 t4591 Thank you for sharing
Now, time to put your feet up and rest a little..........I will put the kettle on and slice some caket115006 t115006
Hi Barbara - glad you are hereThank you for the hugs and sparkles. I have taken less Tramadol today, so that is a plus. I am more pottering again, less waddling :shock: :roll: :roll:
Yes, it took some doing, to get Dad to have something to eat, but Matron was determinedHe forgot what he wanted so many times, but we sorted his order and the staff are very patient and understanding.
Glad you enjoyed the sticky toffee pudding, I seem to remember it was a firm favourite of yours. Warm, with Cornish ice cream, perfect, so the sauce and ice cream melt together.................mmmmmmmmmm
Our heating is on low, such a change in the weather. I hope it has helped to put the moorland fires out.
Yes, you mentioned that the funeral of your BIL was on the same date that your Brother passed. He was in Blackburn Hospital if I recall. t4591 t4591
Anti Dep are often used when someone has a lot of pain and or discomfort. The last couple of days has been a firm reminder just how things can change from day to day. Pain is a fickle part of life for us all.
I can understand where you are coming from re the counselling. It might well be a good thing to go next week, given the recent course of events.
We will be on standby to throw bio rubbish all over Toni's rival village
We never leave our doors unlocked. We all have to be extra vigilant these days.
I like our car, as soon as you get in and pull away, the doors lock "anti hijack" I think they call it :? :?
SYTTD Lancs was really good, Mother was asleep on Daddy's lap, but she will watch it on catch up with Sleek. They were very good at siesta time, no flicking of litter, no spitting of sweets.
I hope your neighbour is ok Toni, any news on why the ambulance was called? t115006
Hi to everyone else, in and about.
time I was pottering again. Dad will be round for coffee and croissants (B will fetch him, as the weather looks to be super wet).
Lots of love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 t115006
Raspberry Cream Cheese MuffinsXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
That's a good way to start the day Aidan with raspberry jam cream muffins
Ta v muchly!
Hang on what is that black cherry creamy cake?! Off to the booth with my share (about 5 by my reckoning!) tap tap tap TAPTATPTAPTAPSPLATTT! full power jet wash!
Glad to hear Dad did eat in the end and he will be having croissants evec you both this morning aussi!
Sleek has been over to see Mother early doors (Via the gate) I hope they were quiet - I had told her to be good. They watched some SYTTD and read some more spells out of the ancient spell book :animal_busy: then had a rest....the new kitten sweets were very tasty apparently and were duly pinged here and there
They love David best, but they think Gok is Hill hairy us! Sleek says I need a new hoover - cheeky thing! but she says Daddy1's is noisy according to Tosca. Tommy's French is coming alongSleek pops a patience draught into Mothers food...shhh! Hermoine gave her some.
The neighbours who had the ambulance are in their late 80s (on the other side not the choir ones) very nice people (very posh)no news yet.
Barbara I think loads on here take anti-depressants and it's not surprising is it? Shame the online counselling gives you nothing new though
The nurses love seeing the kids back when they are well, but I suspect even more so when they didn't think they'd make it :?
Carol I am so glad Mr T is ok now, but that did not sound like fun at allI hope he'll know what to do now if he has to take strong painkillers again :oops:
Well done for getting to the meal and fingers crossed today goes well for you.
You have been a bit manic this week it's a wonder you had time to breathe! Tooth ok after the filling? Good thing they guarantee them for 6 months
The girls look gorgeous in their frocks!! I see baby teeth coming out and one tiny princess too! I bet they had a lovely holiday
Ah Kath that does sound like our pusskins….Tommy is doing very well he's like a sponge sucks it all up the good and bad :shock: :oops: He's a risk-taker that little boy!
Dr Tim did not notice your look trips at all...mind you he is the soul of discretion
Sorry about the unladylike eating habits it's only for extra nice food and well...that's why we have Nu-nu and the booth...……
The beetroot salad looks yum and we can leave out the feta for vegansta v much
Sue/Joan isn't it lovely to locate long lost family? That's where I think facebook is wonderfulOther times not so - it steals hours of your day if you let it!
Well better get on I have a busy day. Village clear-up at 10 Eden awnings at 10:30 ( :shock: ) then the quiz tonight :roll:
Love to everyone
Toni xx0 -
Hello Kathleen Aidan Carol Barbara Toni
. Kathleen I will be thinking about you on Monday((((((()))))))
. Aidan we have wind and showers sorry you have back pain ((((((()))))) love to your Dad(((((())))))
. Carol thank you for the photo's they grow up quick. That's good the filling was put right((((((()))))))
. Barbara I'm sorry you have so much going on it's no wonder you feel worried((((((()))))))
Toni I'm so pleased for Lucy it's been so hard for all of you(((((((())))))
. take care have a good weekend. Love to Mig((((((())))))
. Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Morning all..yes its me..
do you know why its pouring down ..I have ordered a new hosepipe
Aiden thankyou for the cream cheese muffins..
I think we are at cross wires it probable me :? but might be the extra tramadol..the 3rd of May is my late brothers he didnt pass away in Blackburn they took him to the was so much easier to vist..
You are right about the hijacking..I always lock the car doors..but then think what if we have an accident and no one can get in :shock: when I think back to the 50s and 60s my mum would just call in on our neighbours and the doors would always be today the GC ..I read things then forget.. :? :oops: ...I hope that back is behaving for you... t4591
Toni it is a busy time for you worries we are on our way ..we help to tidy up.....I can even help out at the quiz night...
Joan your a love we all have problems..but we get through mum used to say just plod on you will get there..and if we had worries she would say it will come and go..
love to Sue
Right better go we have Niamh here..
Love to everyone
t4591 t115006 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
Tee hee hee - Barbara has a new hose pipe, so it's wet weather from now on.
Quick somebody buy a huge sunshade or would that scare the sun away?
It is cold, and of course chucking it down. t111055 t111055
Joan, thank you for being there on Monday. I hope my transport isn't late.
Carol what lovely photos of your GGC. t4591
Aidan, those Raspberry Cream Cheese Muffins are superb, thank you.
Scones with strawberry jam and clotted cream."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Afternoon to all - pretty t111055 and t110007 here. Pendle keeps vanishing in the mists and cloud.
Lovely muffins, started us all off perfectly Toni and at least one of our five a day :? :?
I have unblocked the drain in the booth, all those cherry stones, ewww, very messy :shock:well worth it though
B went out the door, to fetch Dad, but Dad was already walking up the ramphe doesn't usually forget coffee and croissants, it has become a Saturday "event" in his weekly schedule
The girls were quiet, well, until Sleek went back home through the gate, then Mother had a very loud shout in my ear - she was waving her spell book about, squirrelling into her blankets t115006 t115006
I looked to see if it was safe and it was already gone :shock: :? :? Where does it go?
There were some sweets, pinged around, but none in the water dish, so they had been very good. Mother is fibbing, she cares less about the cylinder vac, you can adjust its speed, in fact you can vacuum her coat and she isn't bothered :roll: :roll:
She was impressed with Daddy 1's immaculisation of HER bedroom :? :?
I think the special drink, is keeping Mother calm, when it comes to teaching Tommy his French. Exams on Monday apparently :shock: :shock:
No news from the neighbours, hope they are ok. Very posh. We like posh, we can do Pinkies and eat soup properlyThen shovel cake in
Hope the village clean up went well and the choice of awnings from Eden was interesting and competitive..............
Hi Joan and Sue - it is very wet and windy here now, just started pouring down............ t111055 t111055
Thank you for the hugs, they are always welcome t4591 I am keeping on top of my back pains / legs, neck etc etc, with my cocktail of pills :roll: :roll: :? :? These things are sent to try us
Thank you for the hugs for Dad too. He was quite perky today, enjoyed watching some Golf while he was here.
Oh Barbara, cancel the order for your hosepipe or we will need an Ark t111055 t111055:shock:
I think I am straight now on the dates in May, the 3rd was the day your Brother passed away, is that the same date as your BIL funeral next week?
I remember you were visiting Blackburn, was that before they moved your late Brother?
We are a pair aren't we :roll: :roll: :? :? Bless us.
No GC today, Dad was round for his coffee and croissants.
I think most cars self lock the doors now, if there is an accident they are set to unlock automatically, even with a slight bump. The emergency crews can soon get in, no matter what (thank goodness)
We never used to lock the doors to the Vicarage or the Church, for many years, but, as time went by, Mother started to insist that changed and she used to check them about 10 times, before bedtime. I used to go and check the Church was all locked up.
Have a lovely time with Niamh, t4591 t4591 skating tomorrow, with Daddy ?? Lots of love to all t115006 t115006
Hi Kath - we need to buy some wet weather gear, now that Barbara has a new hosepipe :shock:
Much cooler today and yes, it's pourin mi duck
We will all be with you on Monday, Toni has the cloak on auto collect, so we will be whisked from our beds :shock: :shock:
Is that Rhodda's cream, I spy, with my little eyes - I do believe. Scones with cream and jam, perfect, thank you t4591 t4591
Some sparkles t115006 just to keep those pesky ouches at bay for as long as possible. I hope all is quiet with the neighbours, if not, I will send Silver over, to cover them in thick glitter :shock:
Back after yet another potter, this time to press the curtains that have been through the wash, the ones on the side, where the sun streams in and bakes us.
The new blackout, silver sided linings arrived, so B is going to sew them on tomorrow- thought the drapes might as well have a wash first.
I managed to slop Dads coffee this morning, then I knocked mine over on the counter top. What a mess. :roll: :roll: :roll: How far can a cup of coffee spread ? ? A LONG WAY !!
Think that is enough making a mess for one day....................time I was moving about a bit more.
Hi to Carol and Mig and everyone else, in and about. Leaving lots of love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006
Can we have two lots of cake ? Yes, it is Saturday after all
Peach, Pistachio and White Chocolate Pound CakeXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
I have a friend Barabara who was a fireman he said lock yourself in we will get you out
Thanks we came 4th in the quiz too last time 6th so might be improving!!
Kath its Monday? The cloak is on 'auto' as Aidan said so ready to pick us all up
Aidan I hope the new linings help lots for your hot room
Eden were a class above Hillary's Paul signed up on the spot!
Should be in place by end of may then l hope we'll both be cooler
Dad does well on Saturdays he must love his crumpets!
The spell book? I have seen it only once it is very elusive for sure. I think it is so magical it can disappear in milliseconds.
Glad they behaved. Kari was on our quiz team, us my lovely neighbours Charley and her gf. She was very impressed to hear about Tommy's French lessons. Test on Monday bless his little paws!
One exhausted Toni here...ready for bed. Hot to get up to pick Lucy up from night duty at 8am!
Night all
Toni xxx0 -
It is still raining - t111055 t111055
Everything will grow like mad this coming week.......... :shock:
A quiet evening here, supper, then catching up with the golf playing, in the background.
Hi Toni - for sure, the fire service would soon get you out of a locked vehicle. I could not leave car, or house doors unlocked.
Soon be number 1 in the quiz team, moving up two places each time, well done to all of youSleek was telling Mother that you had all gonn 2 a kwizz :? :roll:
At the moment, the only thing up at the window, is the lining, draped over the rail. The curtains are washed pressed and now drying off on the airer. Looks like we have a space blanket up :shock: :shock:
Glad you went with Eden, m0150 I have never been a great fan of Hil---s :? :?
I hope we are all a bit cooler this summer. Last year was an exceptionally hot one to say the least m0150 m0150 :shock: :shock:
Dad is back into his routine, after family being up over the Easter holidays.
Mother keeps the old spell book deep within her blankets - not for peeples to see t115006
Glad Charley and gf were impressed with Tommy's French studies. The exam is a very simple one - just some basic words and counting to 100 :shock:
So Lucy is on a night shift, I hope she enjoyed it. It is a whole new world. t4591
Trust you had a good nights sleep :animal_busy:
Hi to Barbara - enjoying time with Niamh, any new jigsaws to do?
Hi to Carol - was it Church open morning or was the weather too wet?
Hi to everyone else, Mig, Christine, Kerrin, Toady, Elizabeth, DD, SW, Mell and all.
Time I was pottering again.
Love and Sparkles to all t4591 t115006 t115006 XXXX Aidan
Apricot, Pine Nut and Ginger, Breakfast BreadXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hello Barbara Kathleen Aidan Toni
. Barbara we have no rain at the moment. Niamh skating I bet she enjoys that(((((())))))
. Kathleen I hope it goes alright tomorrow and it helps you((((((()))))))
. Aidan all the sports you watch have you played them ((((((()))))))
. love to your Dad((((((())))
Toni Lucy working nights or everyone wants to do that do they((((((()))))))
. take care love to Carol Mig (((((((())))))
. Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Apricots are good for our mental health and one of our 5 a day Aidan thanks v much
Just picked Lucy up she's very tired tucked up in bed now Zzzzzing uniform in washer..... Charley and gf came for breakfast so a full house here very early
Space craft at yours then Sleek woke me up at 6am shrueking about it all :roll: she came over via the gate no ride out today - even she thought it too wet!! I hope we are both cooler this year I know last year was exceptional but I don't want to go through that again no way.
Dad is best with routine I think bless him. Good that family care and visit but a bit confusing.
I shall find out how much we raised last night later I hope.
I shall post a pic soon of our latest village feature - should throw the next village a bitha!!
Joan I drove through two floods on the way to pick Lucy up this morning and the Radford (river) has burst its banks too
Love to everyone
Toni xxx0 -
I'm really cold she said with a mouthful of Peach, Pistachio and White Chocolate Pound Cake while eyeing up the Apricot, Pine Nut and Ginger, Breakfast Bread. I'll just get some best butter for that. Thank you Aidan.
Yes Toni I've just been to edit my last post, I made a mistake about my appointment date. I don't want to confuse the cloak. :shock:
Spiced mushroom and lentil hot pot
2 tbsp olive oil
1 medium onion , sliced
300g mini Portobello mushrooms or chestnut mushrooms, sliced
2 garlic cloves, crushed
1 ½ tsp ground cumin
1 tsp smoked paprika
2 x 400g cans green lentils, drained and rinsed (drained weight 240g)
1 tbsp soy sauce
1 tbsp balsamic vinegar
1 medium sweet potato
, peeled and very thinly sliced
1 large potato, very thinly sliced
1 thyme sprig, leaves picked
Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6. Heat half the oil in a medium saucepan. Fry the onion for 3 mins, then add the mushrooms. Cook for another 3 mins, then increase the heat and add the garlic, ground cumin and paprika, and cook for 1 min. Remove from the heat and add the lentils, soy sauce, balsamic vinegar and 100ml water. Season, then tip the mixture into a casserole dish.
Rinse the saucepan and return to the hob. Add a kettle full of boiled water and bring back to the boil over a high heat. Add the potato slices, cook for 3 mins, then drain. Arrange on top of the lentils, then brush with the remaining oil. Roast in the oven for 25 mins until the potatoes are golden, then scatter over the thyme before serving."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Afternoon all...
Aidan we are not quite there..think it might be me confusing you.. :? the 3rd is the day my brother was born he died on Christmas day..not to worry
..thankyou for the Pistachio and white chocolate cake..
and the other one.. :?
Glad that dad knows the he was already there ..bless him he must enjoy it..
so you have your blackout linings like you say the curtains might has well be laundered and pressed then its nice and fresh...
Niamh came 6th in the skating she wasn't very pleased..
Toni its nice to know that the firemen could get us out of the car..its has been a worry of you came 6th in the quiz like Niamh did in the skating ..maybe its because I was on the team..
Good on Lucy she was so glad to see her bed bless..and you all had breakfasts..wish I had known .. :)I see you have gone with you cant wait to have it installed.
now what is happening on Monday :?
Joan Niamh loves skating but hates to lose..hope its dry there then you can get out..its on and off here
Kath I will be there Monday but not sure what is going on :? tell you if I buy sunscreen the rains comes..better then the weather channel I am :shock:
The mushroom and lentil hotpot sounds nice..thankyou..Love
Barbara0 -
oh dear, it is my brain not working Barbara - I do recall Christmas Day, when we were talking about the festive season not being the best time, for either of us. with my Mum passing on N Years Day and your Bro on Christmas Day.
You know what we are like, for confuddling each other :roll:We got there, in the end...........................
Poor Niamh, coming 6th, I bet she wasn't pleased at all, bless her t4591 t4591 Will have to get Silver involved t115006 t115006
You are welcome to the cakes, Kath is still busy in the booth at the moment :shock:in a right cakey mess
B has hemmed the blackout linings and they are up on a voile rail now, better than being on the curtain, as they sit away from the window a bit, on those big metal poles.
Must say, they keep the heat out very well. Probably blinding the neighbours, withe the silvery backing to the fabric :shock: :shock:
I did press the curtains, then they dried on the airer, now they are full of creases again :? :? :roll: :roll:
Dad is better when he knows roughly what is going on each week. We still have to keep reminding, but that's ok.
If it gets too warm, we will send you out for sunscreen and a parasol
Kath has an appointment on Monday, but the cloak will gather us, it is set to auto
Lots of sparkles to all t115006 t115006 t4591
Now, I seem to be going backwards here............... :? :roll: :roll:
OK, I see Joan and Sue now.............hi there both. Sports, well, I liked playing tennis at school, loathed football and would do anything to get out of it. Could not abide cross country running (hardly cross country, down Western Boulevard and Nutthall Road - Kath will know it well).
We used to take a short cut and then get told off for coming in first
Thank you for the ((())) for us all. The same for you both and the lovely doggies too.
Hi Toni, Apricots for mental health, will remember that one..........Cheers mi dears
Sleek said that Lucy had been owt all nyte work yng. Mother was horrified, so much so she had to wake me at 0615 - are these two in cahoots to wake us up at the same time :shock: :shock: :shock: :? :?
I bet Lucy was shattered. You did have a family gathering for breakfastt4591
No, cannot go through the same heat as last year. The blackout voile is very good, keeps the sun and the heat out. Will still have the AC unit out though, that is an absolute must.
I hope you raise lots at the quiz night
Looking forward to seeing the photo of the secret things for your village. Pity it might throw the rivals, NOT
Gosh, two floods, with the river bursting its banks :shock: :shock: hope hoomans and animals are ok, with lambing etc.
Hi Kath I hope you are thawing out now, after the pound cake and the lovely breakfast bread (with best butter).
Monday, we will all be ready - are we going to the City Hosp / QMC
I might be half asleep, in fact I am already at that stage :roll: :roll: see above, for Mother waking me up at silly o clock. One of those days, did I actually go to bed? :? :?
The Hot Pot looks amazing, I will be there with my bowl later on, thank you kindly
Hope you neighbours are reasonably quiet, no silly parties and bouncy structures.
Some ((())) for any lingering ouches t115006
I seem to have been away, pottering and now time has run off into the shed. So, I had best be posting, before T and siesta.
Hi to everyone in and about. Lots of love and sparkles t4591 t115006 Will call back later XXXX Aidan
Some mini fancies, for afternoon TXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Evening all
hope you are all having a good weekend weather her is chilly and windy but a least it is dry just the odd spot of rain here and there.
Thank you for your lovely comments about our GGDs. I have been in a lot of pain today with my right knee which is the one that has the arthritis in and to my right ankle has decided to join in. was diagnosed with the arthritis in my ankles when I was around 35 but they have never really given me much trouble. but today the right one has decided to be really painful. And to top that I woke up with the mother of all headaches which has lasted best part of the day. Needless to say I did not go to church today. Hopefully I will be a bit better tomorrow.
Barbara Yes I am very proud of the girls love them to bits i just wish they did not live so far away still we shall be seeing them at the end of May for Rubies Christening which we are looking forward to, and of course I want to go down there when the baby is born. We did have two great days out over the Easter they were very well enjoyed buy us both.
Aidan I must admit I was grateful for the fact that youngest daughter was able to be at the hospital with me funny thing is I often moan that she only rings when she wants something but when things like this happen she comes up trumps as they say. luckily she was on holiday and not doing anything in particular so she visited with me I didn't even have to ask her to. eldest daughter was on holiday in Florida when it happened and we decided or should I say my eldest 2 GC that as it wasn't serious we would not tell her until she was back home. I did say to them I hope your mother doesn't have a go at me for not telling her, and was told by both of them that if she did they would take the blame. And infact my GD told her before I even had chance to ring her.
Ha Ha tea on the terrace with HRH well why not I ask. mind you having said that I have done many a First Aid duty with the ST John ambulance at the palace, at a couple of her garden parties and also when they had the palace open to the public after Diana died. think I did it 3 years running. We did have open morning but only on family of 5 came in one of the quite mornings. No cards sold. sorry to hear your back has been bad and as you say we keep on top of the pain with our cocktail of pills and carry on.
time I was a pottering need to keep the joints moving .
love and sparkles to you all t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006
Toni Yes Mr t is feeling a lot better , but I must admit the hospital trip was no fun at all for either of us. I was lucky the tooth that needed refilling was only treated in September last year so was within the six month period. yes Lillie has lost 4 now I believe the bottom ones are growing now. yep a little princess too they had a great holiday they were not very far from home but enjoyed it all the same. they have some beautiful dresses and my GD always tries to dress them alike but now that Lillie is 7 she is finding it not so easy.
Joan yes I'm afraid the girls are growing up far too quickly. Rubie now crawls and is everywhere. tooth sorted no trouble the dentist is lovely.
Kath glad you like the photos of our girls. did you miss Clarence today as I think I saw 2 little hooman disguises crawling under the front door this morning. and later 2 crawling back out under the door. and Florence's hooman disguise had gone.Stay positive always👍xx0 -
Hi to all - dry, cool and clear tonight - hark at me, I am the resident cafe weather forecaster :roll: m0150 t110007 t111055
Hi Carol - sending lots of magic squares to help with those horrid ouches t115006 t115006 from your knee and ankle, then a monster headache on top :shock: :shock:
My left knee if the worst, so if we link arms, would that give us one stronger middle leg :? :? :shock:
I hope you feel considerably better today t4591 t4591
Your gorgeous GGD's could only ever receive lovely words t4591 t4591 of course you love them to pieces. It won't be long now until you visit and then the new baby GGS to visit, time will fly past.
Good to know that your Daughter stepped up to the plate and was there in no time, to support you with hospital visiting, which is tiring in itself.
I am sure your eldest Daughter understood, if there had been a need, (which thankfully there wasn't) then you would have been in contact asap.
Very pleased to hear that Mr T is feeling a lot better
I should have realised that St John's would be at the Palace, for events like the Queens garden parties - how lovely to be there for the parties. I hope you were looked after with T and cakesFreshly baked by HRH of course. :?
Then after the sad death of Lady Diana
We do keep going with our cocktail of pills. I see they are going to put lots of warnings on, about how addictive some of the stronger pain killers are :roll: :? Well, without them I would barely function, I never think about being addicted :roll: . They serve a purpose and keep me and so many of us, up and about.
Clarence and Florence have been out and about I see :? :?
Just been to back door, the owls are shrieking and hooting like mad :shock: :shock: when one starts, they all start - nice to hear them though.
Mother said she understands what they are talking about :shock: who am I to question that one. She said they are love songs t4591 Bless.
Sleek and M'ama had a quiet conversation on the crystal ball t115006 t115006 Mother has sent some big clues to the questions for Tommy's mini French exam t4591
Off to the GC this morning, not been for a week, they will wonder where we are............... :? :? should be less busy now the schools are all back, time for the adults to come out and play
Time I was pottering, so I will leave lots of love and sparkles to all
t4591 t115006 XXXX Aidan
Mother wanted to cast a little magic spell, to everyoneXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hello Toni Kathleen Aidan Barbara Carol
Toni good luck with the best kept village((((((()))))
Kathleen have a tkr mines 16 years old now I hope your pain has calmed down now((((((())))))
Aidan on box's of coco's it says only take for 3 weeks the people who write that don't know about pain the people that take them take them right do you think((((((()))))Dad (((((())))))
Barbara were the children in front of Niamh older than her((((((())))))
Carol it must be lovely having a big family(((((()))))
take care all love to Mig (((((((())))))
joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Afternoon all, just thought I'd pop in now I'm home from the hospital. Thank you all for being there. As you probably noticed, I saw the registrar - who was on call and his mobile kept ringing. He noticed a rather angry growl when Tosca got fed up of his rudeness (being the grand lady she is). He looked round anxiously and then Tosca and Sleek both poked their tails out. I managed to reach them and gave them both a little stroke to calm them down. He soon settled down when he realised he had a NOT VERY APPRECIATIVE AUDIENCE. Being young, he was very self aware and decided to impress by talking about Punctal Plugs. I think a few eyes began to water. Anyway, it all ended well as he reduced my Pred dose and referred me to Opthalmology to discuss the Puntal Plugs. I think Tosca was well impressed by his pronunciation of Opthalmology and couldn't resist a whispered hill hairy us. Next appointment in 6 months, by which time I will have been to Opthalmology and might even have had the plugs fitted.
Extra fish lattes for ALL pusscats, and Lemon Sunshine pudding for all Hoomans.
Carol, Florence was busy at the hospital as even hospitals have Spids, and Clarence was on Ambulance Alert.
t4591 t4591 :animal_busy: :animal_busy: t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Afternoon to all - bright and sunny, but nicely blacked out on our hot window side
Time is vanishing today, so I will write a bit more later....................
Hi Joan and Sue - well, I can see that there will always be a potential problem with most pain killers, especially the ones with codeine in them, or Tramadol, Fentanyl, Oromorph, etc etc. Things are always open to abuse, in the wrong hands.
But, as patients, who experience a high level of pain for a greater part of the day, then we know how that affects us, how is changes our daily lives and how we would be without them. I know my GP agrees, they tried it with sleeping pills, they might cause dependence. Well, after 18 years, I guess I am dependent on them, never have I taken more than one and they work as well now, as they did when I started, so, where is the problem.
Now I am on my soapbox :roll: :roll: I will hush.................but you are quite right, we are the ones who know our bodies, we don't abuse the medication we are prescribed.
Thank you for the hugs, from all of us ((())), right back to you both ((()))
Hi Kath, it was a pleasure to be there under the cloak for your appointment. t4591 Mother and Sleek were rather put out and Matron was getting testy as well :? :? :?
Not easy seeing a Registrar, who is on call :roll: :roll: kind of breaks up your appointment, to say the least. Mother wanted to cast a spell on his phone, :shock: t115006 but Sleek said, best not, it could be a big immurgency :?
So he was a bit of a young whipper snapper.............mmmm, I remember them well :?tell him not to use big medical words, it don't work, not with Matron under the cloak and all ears. Little plugs that help your eyes to stay moist, would have sufficed. Bless im.
A reduction in the preds is good, well, see how it goes..............and a referral to Opthalmology - Sleek cannot even begin to say it, without hissing, then laughing
6 months time, for next appointment, i am sure you will have been to Opth..............y and be fitted with your little plugs
Mother enjoyed her pilchard latteand Sleek her Tuna Latte :?
Lemon pudding souffles, ooooh, thank you kindly. I can hear Toni en route, with the Rodda's clotted cream.
Oh, Tommy passed his french test Toni, with flying colours, he can now count to a hundred and can ask for his dinner in french, with please and thank you, of course. t4591 t4591 Mother was MOST impressed.She let him play with her elder doesn't work for anyone else, it just sparkles, which Tommy thinks is amayzing t115006 t115006
Hi to Barbara, Carol, Mig, Kerrin and all our lovely friends. Heaping ((())) and sparkles on all t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006
Went to GC, just had coffee and cakes, then had coffee sweats :roll: :roll: shopping, then home, then lunch, then hair cut..........Mother is very pleased that I have been skalpedso am I
Now it is nearly cup of T and siesta time. I will write more later. In the meantime, take lots of care XXXXXX Aidan
I found the cream Toni, ta muchly XXXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Kath well done you did well today. Tosca did say hill hairy us! Could you hear :shock:
Sleek looked the registrar but not plugs in your eyes she us horry fyde!! And he wammcan say ophthalmology easy peasy
The rhoddas is ready to compliment your dish thanks very much!
Aidan Sleek is so pleased with Tommy! She made him a sleepy subliminal CD to play with the French numbers on it :animal_busy:
Mother was very kind letting him play with the elder wand. Safely unusable to him thank goodness!!!
Just cake today then and a haircut! Tosca thinks your skalping was hill hairy us :roll:
Do so far so good with the new solar resistant window dressing? Fingers crossed
Joan thank you the next village is looking very tidy too :?
Carol 4 teeth for Lillie? Wow! I know what they're like as they get older they want to choose their own clothes sadlythey are adorable looking girls you must all be so proud.
I am very glad your filling was sort of under guarantee
O hope Nr T stays well bless him you do not need to go the hospital again for a good while ((()))
Recovery time now I think.
Tight off to bed I need to be off my feet
Love to everyone
Toni xxx0 -
Hi to all - having a "moment" here, tumble dryer has heated us up, so fans on, lots of wafting.......... :roll: :roll:
Hi Toni, Sleek was shokked about the aye pluggs that the doktor said to our Kath. :shock: :shock: Mother did her best to calm her down and said that they were quite safe. :roll: :roll:
There were a few hill hairy us outbursts, good job that Kath stroked their tails, to stop them shrieking :? :?
The subliminal CD worked a treat for Tommy, I need one, that says "relax" a million times each night :? :? :roll: :roll:
It was a good job the Elder Wand was only fizzing and sparkling - imagine if it had been on full power, with Tommy wafting it about t115006 t115006 :shock: :shock: We would all be toads and frogs
Mother is very pleased that I am skalped, she was on the phone to Miss Sleekness, having taken pictures of my skalped head, while I was taking a siesta...............they are cheeky. Laughing at Daddy 2.
Neighbour was impressed with our new blackout lining, having wondered what we had up at the window.........I knew it would not go unnoticedm0150 m0150
Mid summer will be the acid test, but, so far, it is working well
We need to see the secret idea, that you have in your village, that no one knows about, over in yonder rivals territory8) 8)
Some magic squares for your slippers and shoes, to ease those ouching feet. t115006 t115006
Hi to Barbara - hope you are all as ok as can be. t4591 t115006
Hi to Carol, MIg, SW, DD, Toady, Christine, Elizabeth, Kerrin and everyone in and about.
Off to sunny Skipton today, Beatrice needs her tyres re checked, the warning lights are coming on again "check tyre pressures" :roll: :roll: :? :? plus, she started squeaking again :? :?
KwikFit here we come, then Nero's of course.
That will no doubt take up most of the day, by the time we have popped into Boyes and I have stocked up on all things for immaculising - like a kid in a sweet shop. Bless.
Leaving lots of love and sparkles to all. t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 Take care XXXX Aidan
Italian Sweet Ricotta FrittersXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Morning fellow café dwellers
Not too bad out there so far today hoping to get out and do more village clearing if I can. Plenty of us outside yesterday afternoon and one of the village Drs came over with some samosas for the workers!
I had two :oops:
Aidan you and Carol can do the 3 legged race! On the church green behind the sack race scarecrows.
I do hope you feel much better soon Carol. You need some rest and peace after the Mr T and hospital0 -
THAT was one of yesterday's posts!!! Looks like it didn't go!! :oops:
Aidan a photo shall be taken forthwith
Enjoy Skipton I know you willAll that stuff you can buy while poor Beatrice is looked at again bless her shoes :?
Sorry to say they did have a pic of you one their phones :shock: cheeky things. Tosca said it was riv henj!
Now I must sort my laptop out with sustenance the sweet ricotta fritter while I am busy sorting out this laptop. Sleek just walked all over it now it's gone quite dark :shock:
A quick woo-ooo to Joan bet you wondered where I was yesterday!!
Love to everyone
Toni xx0 -
Hello Kathleen Aidan Toni
. Kathleen I'm pleased the Doctor managed to help you I hope it works(((((((())))))
Aidan that good having a signal coming up on the car saying hat it needs. Enjoy the coffee((((((())))))) love to your Dad((((((()))))))
. Toni. Hope you all have a good day((((((()))))))
. take care love to Barbara Carol Mig ((((((()))))))
Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Morning all we have sun.. m0150
Aiden we got there in the endI am good at befuddling people..ask my OH.. :shock:
mini fancies were very nice I do like a choice..and the fritters were to die for.thankyou
So the linings are up..good idea to put them up separate form the you say we shall see ..oh not the warning light again hope they sort it this time..but a good excuse to go to Skipton..
Niamh doent like losing at anything..a good thing sometime ..we keep telling here has long as she enjoys herself..I see that Mother got you up early..when we had our little doggie Susie she would do that every morning just sit at the side of the bed and make little noises..
Toni you deserve a rest and I see today is your have a lovey day..sure you will.. t4591 t69044 just bought you these,,
Carol how good to be on duties at the palace garden party' wish I had been there but never got an invite..and you met Lady Diana..
Joan how are you doing the wound healing ok..hope Sue and the doggies are doing well..xx
Kath you are very welcome..sorry it was the registrar, this seems to happen more and more..but at least he has come up with something for your eyes..and getting you referred..
Right better go we are off to the GC ..not sure which one but they are both in the same direction
Have a good day everyone
t4591 t115006 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
Oh I'm so pleased that Tommy passed his French exam, Mother will have breathed a huge sigh of relief that she won't have to listen to him conjugating verbs and practising tu, nous and vous.
Toni, yes I heard HILL HAIRY US quoted a few times and I thought Sleek was going to be quite ill when the PPs were mentioned. So when I have THAT appointment she needn't come to watch, she's such a sensitive little soul. You only had TWO Samosas.I'd have had at least 6, I love Samosas.
Aidan, I was half expecting Matron to give the whippersnapper Registrar a good dressing down, but you were very restrained. Many thanks for the Italian Sweet Ricotta Fritters.
The sun is out, so I hope Carol, Joan and Sue are enjoying some fresh air. Carol, I hope Florence got home safely, Clarence cadged a lift in my ambulance - there's cheeky.
Vegan vegetable Samosas
For the Filling:
2 medium potatoes, peeled and cubed
1/2 cup of peas
2 shallots, minced
1/2 teaspoon cumin
1/2 teaspoon ginger
1/2 teaspoon turmeric
1/2 teaspoon paprika
For the Dough:
1 cup flour
2 tablespoons oil
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 baking powder egg
1/4 cup water
First, make the dough. It is going to sit for about 20 minutes during which time you can make the filling for the samosas. Begin by measuring out the flour and salt into a medium-sized bowl. Add 2 tablespoons of oil into the dry ingredients. Mix this together using your fingers until the oil is thoroughly combined with the flour.
Next, add in the baking powder egg, to make this mix 1 teaspoon of baking powder with 2 tablespoons of water, then add to the flour mixture. Begin adding the 1/4 of water a teaspoon or two at a time, mix it in, and then adding more, the amount of water you may need can vary so use a little less or a little more as needed.
Once the dough is to the point that it can be formed into a ball without it being sticky, it is finished. Set the finished samosa dough aside to set for about 20 minutes.
Wash, peel, and cube your potatoes. Keep the cubes to around a 1/2-inch size, this will help them to cook a little bit faster.
In a medium frying pan, add a teaspoon or so of oil, the diced garlic, shallots, and the spices. Let these simmer on medium heat for about a minute and then add the potatoes.
Cook the potatoes on medium heat stirring occasionally for 15-20 minutes until the potatoes are soft. Add the peas for that last 3-4 minutes of cooking.
Remove the dough from the refrigerator and split it into 6 even balls. Roll each ball of dough out until it forms a flat circle about six inches across. Slice through the center of each circle to create two even semi-circles.
Roll each semi-circle into a cone with the strait section forming the open end, pinching the dough together to seal the cone. Now you can stuff the cones with the samosa filling and then seal up the open end.
Repeat this until all of the dough and filling is used up, this should be approximately a dozen samosas.
Pour about a 1/4-inch of oil into a frying pan. You want to have enough that when the samosas are placed in the pan the oil reaches about midway up.
Heat the oil on medium until it is ready, test with a wooden spoon. When the oil is ready for cooking, it will form bubbles around a wooden spoon placed into it. Fry samosas for approximately 2 minutes on each side, or until they are a golden brown. Place on a plate with paper towel to drain. Serve."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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