Val's Cafe



  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Just a quick HI to everyone, not been in long, days in Skipton go even faster. :shock: :shock: Nothing to do with shops and coffee breaks :oops: :oops: :? :?

    Beatrice had a leaky valve :shock: :? duly replaced within 20 mins, all done. :D:D

    Then she squeaked on the way home :roll: :roll: I give up. They will have to replace the brake pads, as they said, for free. Another day.

    Anyway. I will have to write a lot more later. Mother is shrieking, because we have been out..................she needs some fusses.

    Love to all, catch up tonight. XXXX Aidan t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591

    PS thanks for the samosas Kath, I will have 6 if that's ok :D:D
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Vegan samosas thanks Kath! Purrfect :)

    Sleek was horry fyde at the suggestion of PPs for your eyes :shock: She is a delicate soul, but kind too. She says she will put her paw in yours when they do the procedure, but her other paw will be over her eyes :shock:

    Oh Aidan I am glad leaky valve fixed but Sleek said that Mother said poor Beatrice still has embarrassing Jimmy Choos :roll:

    New village 'feature'. Beat THAT next village! HAH!!!

    Thank you Barbara for the flowers very much :) I've had a lovely birthday t4591

    Poor little Sleek was after me getting up this morning at 5am! I pretended to be asleep. When I got up at 6.30 bless her she'd had an upset tum :( :oops: luckily she always makes her litter in time, but takes me straight to it to sort out :)

    Kari did this sketch of me for my birthday!!

    Thank you Joan I had a lovely day apart from being a year older!!

    Better get on facebook to thank everyone for my birthday wishes :D

    Love to everyone

    Toni xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Goodness, I need to get me to the shed, there are months worth of hours in there..............

    At the end of the day, a Birthday too, I hope you had a wonderful day Toni t69044 t69044 t4591 t4591
    Sleek had told Mother and Mother shrieked at me. she insisted you had a Lady Glitter Sparkles cake, with lots of trimmings - sorry it took a while to get there........................


    You only had 2 Samosas, I might have accidentally picked up three by mistake and rammed them in quick as a flash :):lol::lol: A colleague I worked with, who was Asian, her Mum made THE most amazing veggie pakora's - a big tupperware box, lasted about 2 minutes on the ward.............

    Naturally you needed such treats, working so hard in the village.

    Great idea, I will link up with Carol and we will do a three legged race :shock: :shock: :shock: :lol::lol::lol: best to have a mattress at the ready, I fear we may go splat on the Church green.

    Jumping posts, I love the scarecrow refreshment cart, brilliant idea, Sleek village just has to win again :) t115006 t115006

    Mother whispered to me that Sleek had had a little upset and had to wake Mummy, to make sure all was "sorted". Mother has left some magic sparkles in Sleek ickle house, to help her feel a lot better asap t115006 t115006 :animal_busy: :animal_busy:

    I think the trauma of the eye plugs that the Dr mentioned to Kath, caused a big shock to Miss Sleekness :shock: :shock:

    The picture is great, Kari has a great gift :) Lovely picture.

    Beatrice will be fine I am sure. I bet her shoes are fine today, one way or the other we will get it sorted. At least the leaky valve has been changed and all tyres are fine, no red warnings coming on.

    We dallied in Nero's, changing seat three times in total, to get to our fav ones in the window. We started at the back of the cafe, then moved in two stages, as people upped and left...........B was off like a shot :lol::lol::lol:
    Well, you have to people watch, it is compulsory :D:D

    Back up to the top................Hi Joan and Sue. Bea tells you just about everything, even tells you if you have enough room to park :shock: not that B uses it, but it is handy to know. For 9 years old, she is a gorgeous car.
    Thank you for the hugs, we enjoyed our coffee / lunch / cakes

    Hi Barbara - LOL we did get there in the end. We are as bad as each other, I am sure Bill would agree with Mr B :roll: :roll: :lol::lol:

    Those fritters were wonderful, I lost count how many I ate - the shame :? :?

    Very pleased with the blackout thermal anti UV linings, I am sure they will help as much as if possible, come the summer months.

    Yes, the blinking tyre pressure warnings again................. :roll: :roll: At least that is sorted, just the squeak from one wheel. They will put new pads in again, they are guaranteed for life, which is great news, whenever you need new ones, they fit them.

    I am sure Niamh enjoyed herself, good to keep a competitive edge though :) Spurs her onward :)

    Mother is a terror at waking me up at silly o clock, just as your Susie used to. They know exactly what pitch to use, to wake you up, repeatedly. Bless em all. :roll: t4591 :lol:

    Hope you had a lovely time at the GC, which one did you end up at, the larger one, or the small one ?

    Hi Kath, Mother was very pleased to pass Tommy on his French exam. He is doing very well, lots of conjugating for sure

    I am with you, 6 samosas for sure......... :? :oops: :lol::lol:

    I was restrained with the Registrar. Out patients and on call, is not a good mix, but he did his best in the end - I did glower at him a couple of times :x :x

    I hope any ouchies are as minimal as possible t115006 t4591

    That goes for you as well Carol t4591 t4591

    I ate nearly all the samosas Kath, can we have some more, pretty please. I can eat them for fun, greedy hog that I am :lol::lol:

    Have I caught up ? I think so...............

    We have to take Dad to his Vascular clinic appt this morning. Over in Colne,( not so far from Boundary Mills Barbara). We have to be there for 1030, so up a bit earlier this morning.

    Back to town, then coffee, maybe brunch............

    Hi to everyone in and about.

    I had best be pottering a little. Leaving lot of love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 t115006 Take care XXXXX Aidan

    Just had to have these waffles

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Up early this morning :roll: awake since 3:55am :roll: gave in and got up in the end. What can you do?

    Off out to the market nearby (a massive one) to buy the village bedding for BKV there are 4 of us and two cars going. Judging starts today and who knows when they'll be here :?

    Aidan I love the cake!! Please thank mother Glitter sparkles for it, it is just perfect :D . Everyone please do have a slice cream in the fridge as usual!

    Sleek is feeling much better (thanks to Mother's magic squares)even risked a ride over to take Tosca up to Pendle first thing. She left when I got up. Not back yet so I think they are having a nice day....will they be dropping (biodegradable) litter over the next village I wonder :?

    If you mention those plugs to Sleek she goes rather green :mrgreen:

    I think solving the leaky valve was priority for Beatrice definitely. Her shoes work even if one is a tad noisy :?

    Always people watch always. It's essential and best done from a window seat too!!

    Does the cloak need to go to Dad's vascular apts? It was rustling this morning a bit on edge and wanting to I think :? Hope all went well.

    Will help myself to some waffles thanks very much and one of my five a day too t4591

    Love to everyone

    Toni xx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Barbara Kathleen Aidan Toni
    . Barbara my scar is healing good it's four weeks gone today thank you. how are you feeling((((((()))))))
    Kathleen how are your pains do they hurt more when it's cold((((((()))))))
    . Aidan does Beatrice tell you when she is running out of petrol.
    . I hope you all have a good day of course you have to sit in the right seats.(((((((((()))))) Dad(((((((())))))
    . Toni good luck today sue saw your video on facebook.(((((((())))))). Good photo Kari did
    . take care love to Carol Mig((((((())))))).
    . Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Aw, how sweet of Sleek to offer to hold my paw. (Hm there might be a little poem there) So sorry she had a dicky tum in the night. That drawing Kari did of you Was perfect Toni, so lifelike. I thought the scarecrow was reeeel, I'd bought quite a few items from him before I'd realized. I just thought he was the strong and silent type. Bit like our Aidan NOT. :lol: Of course you can have 6 samosas Aidan, or even 7. I hope Bea has stopped leaking. Just off to help mesen some waffles, and slice of Toni's wonderful cake that Mother made. I'm glad you glowered at the registrar, He seemed to recognise your seniority and showed you the appropriate respect.

    Vegan Trifle
    Trifle Layers:
    Vegan Vanilla Cake
    Vegan Jello (1 Batch Green, 1 Batch Red)
    2.5 fl oz (75ml) Sherry
    1 15oz (425g) Can Mixed Fruit Cocktail (in syrup)
    1 15oz (425g) Can Sliced Peaches (in syrup)
    3 oz (85g) Roasted Pecan Nuts
    Vegan Custard (made exactly according to package instructions. I used 70g Foster Clark’s Custard Powder, 34 fl oz (1000ml) Soy Milk and 4 Heaped Tbsp Sugar)
    Whipped Coconut Cream (Double Batch)
    Maraschino Cherries
    When you’re just thinking about making a trifle the first thing you need to do is make some vegan jello. This step comes first because it takes a long time to set.
    Once you have your jello made and setting in the fridge, you can get started making your vegan vanilla cake. You definitely want to do this in two layers, exactly like the recipe because you want your trifle to have two layers of sponge. No frosting on the cake is required, just the basic sponge cake.
    When your jello has set and your cake has cooled, you can get started on making your vegan custard. You want to make roughly 4 cups of custard. A little less or more won’t matter. I followed the package instructions that came along with my can of Foster Clark’s custard powder. I measured out 70g of custard powder and 1000ml (1 liter / approximately 34 fl oz) of soy milk. I poured a little of the soy milk over the custard powder and mixed it into a thick paste. Then I heated the soy milk on the stove along with 4 heaped tablespoons of sugar. When the soy milk boiled, I poured it all at once over the custard powder paste, mixing all the while (don’t do it the other way around – don’t add the custard powder paste into the pot of boiling soy milk, your custard will be ruined, it has to be that the boiling milk gets poured into the bowl with the custard paste, stirring all the while). Return to the pot and gradually heat again, stirring gently. The custard will quickly reach the desired thickness. Remove from the heat and allow to cool. It will thicken more as it cools so don’t let it cool too much. You just want it to no longer be hot. If it gets too thick and forms a skin, whisk it up with a hand whisk before using.
    Get a double batch of whipped coconut cream ready.
    When the jello is set, the cake is cooled and the custard is warm but no longer hot, and you have a batch of whipped coconut cream ready to go, you’re ready to assemble your trifle.
    In a deep trifle dish or other deep dish of your choice – place the first layer of vanilla cake at the bottom. If your cake doesn’t fit the bottom of the dish, cut it so that it does. If you need to cut your cake into pieces, this is totally fine.
    Prick holes into the cake with a toothpick and carefully pour over half the sherry, letting the sherry absorb into the holes you pricked into the cake, rather than pouring off the sides of the cake.
    Drain the can of mixed fruit cocktail, discard the liquid and add the fruit to the top of the vanilla cake. Add half the pecans.
    Then add the red jello.
    Then add half the custard.
    Add the second layer of the vanilla cake. Poke holes in the cake once again with a toothpick and pour over the remaining half of the sherry, letting it absorb into the cake rather than pour off the sides.
    Drain the can of sliced peaches, discard the liquid, and add the peaches to the top of the vanilla cake. Add the remaining half of the pecans.
    Add the green jello.
    Add the remaining half of the custard.
    Top with the whipped coconut cream and cherries.
    Place into the fridge to chill for a while and allow all the layers to set together.
    Keep leftovers covered in the fridge and consume within a couple of days.
    *Prep time doesn’t include setting time for the jello, cooling time for the cake or custard or setting time for the trifle. It’s just for preparing the jello, making the cake, making the custard and cream and assembling the trifle.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all, hardly any rain here, just a bit of drizzle, so watering the garden will be in order tomorrow.

    Blimey, that was early doors Toni :shock: :shock: I had not been in bed long at that time :roll: :roll:
    Nope, there is no point trying to go to sleep, nothing worse than (" I must sleep, I must sleep :roll: :roll: :roll: )

    maybe the impending visits from judges, was playing on your psyche........

    Hope you got some gorgeous plants for the village :) Two car loads should be great.

    Mother says you are very welcome to the cake, it was one of her most prized magic spells, seems to work a treat t115006 t115006 it tastes very good too. Thank you

    Our duo did go up to Pendle, had a sit on the stone bench and watched the world from on high t4591 t115006 Sleek said her little "upset" was much better now...........least said, soon as mended............ :? :? t4591 t4591

    Mother did take the rubbish bag from the kitchen, well, someone did, as it had gone when we came home. I am assuming it is scattered all over the next village :lol::lol::lol::lol: :shock:

    No, we must not mention tear duct plugs to Sleek, she goes wobbly and sickly............ :? :roll:

    People watching is just THE best thing. Not that we comment on anyone passing by...............................much :? :? :? :lol::lol:

    I thought there were 2 of our five a day in those waffles :D:D

    Steady away now, I can detect beginnings of ouches.............. t115006 t115006

    The cloak was with us at the Vascular clinic appointment, thank you, there was rustling and I did see a possum peep out :shock: :shock: All was well and Dad has been discharged, they are very pleased with the healing and his progress :) t4591 t4591 Not been to that practice in Nelson, they were all very nice, staff nurse was offering chilled water and juice to everyone if we wanted it and there was even a coffee bar..................I didn't try the coffee though :mrgreen:
    Very impressed was Matron Bubbles.

    Love to all, is Lucy still on nights, or back on days now..............

    Hi Joan and Sue - Beatrice bing bongs for every warning, gives you about 50 miles or so in the tank, before the warning comes on to refuel her. We don't let it run down to low low, not good for the engine, as dirt and grit can accumulate in the tank and gets sucked up into the fuel lines.
    Hope you are both ok, glad the wound is healing so well. Four weeks already, time flies.............

    Love to you and the doggies too (((())))

    There is a poem in there Kath, Sleek will lend a helping paw...........she might faint, so Mother will have some pilchard smelling salts to revive her :mrgreen::mrgreen: whilst knocking the rest of us out :lol::lol::lol::lol:

    Me, strong and SILENT - what y/on bout mi duck :lol::lol::lol::lol: Not strong any more, silent, well, I can keep my mouth shut, to a point, past that point, I am away.................. :shock: :shock:

    Somosas and Pakora's I could just sit and eat like sweets............

    Beatrice has been fine, no leaking and no squeaking either, she enjoyed her whizz up the M65 today, blew out the cobwebs :) Wafting us along in quiet comfort :)

    ope y'ad ya waffles duck. Gerrem down ya.

    Well, Matron has plenty of experience, so most Drs will respect a qualified nurse and will know the "looks" that mean so much. :shock: :? :D

    I am off to dive into one of the trifles, thank you kindly t4591 t4591

    Hugs ((())) for any ouches. t115006 t115006

    Hi to Barbara - hope you are all ok, sending lots of hugs ((())), as always, we will be with you this coming week, difficult times I know. t4591 t4591

    Hi to Carol - I hope the ouches are receding a bit, some more magic squares, just in case t115006 t115006 some for Mr T as well t115006 t115006
    If you see any spare hours flying by, try and catch some in a net, ta muchly :lol::lol:

    Hi to Mig, lots of strength and love t4591 t4591

    Hi to all our friends in and about.

    We were back to our neck of the woods before lunch, so went to the T rooms, after first getting a print out of my recent bloods, for my Cardio visit on Tuesday. ( Yes, more cost, but, it is worth it. I need a good replacement for my fav one who looked after me for so many years. )

    We had brunch, which was lovely. Then I just had to have a choc brownie, they were looking at me, everything is home baked, just gorgeous.

    Some shopping, then home. Day in tomorrow, catch up on things. B's housekeeping will be stripping beds no doubt. I have "done" Mothers tray, all bleached out and sparkling. I am sure Sleek will be over at siesta, to throw some fresh litter around the room, with Mother batting it back and forward :roll: :roll: :roll: She likes a game of football :D:D

    Right. I had better move myself, not long until T time and a much needed rest of the bones.

    I will pop back later. Love and Sparkles to all t4591 t115006 t115006 XXXX Aidan
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all..I was a good girl and went to my counseling this morning, just cant grasp it but will persevere
    Toni what brilliant pics of your village the other one has no chance :) and how talented is Kari..what a stunning portrait.. :D and a lovely present..hope the weather is good for the plants you have ..think you will be busy.. :o but it will be worth it..
    Joan I glad you are doing well.. :D I expected nothing less of you :D keep up the good work..and thankyou I am fine..xx
    Aidan thankyou for the hugs xx.. glad you got the Tyre fixed but now you have a squeak :o I am sure it wont take long to fix..
    I am so glad all was well for dad.. :) and you got to your coffee shop and managed to get in the window ..after some shuffling :lol::lol: good on Bill :D and I love Ton'is Birthday cake that must have taken you forever.. :D
    Kath our neighbour make us veggie samosa's..I love them..but never hadf vegan trifle..yum...
    Sorry this is short we have Niamh here.. :D
    Love to everyone t4591 t115006 t4591
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening All

    hope you are all as well as we can be. my ouchies have been very minimal after Sundays horrendous day of pain. When I woke Monday morning most of the pain was gone so I am not sure what Sundays pain was all about. went to knitting group today which was good lot of nattering done as well as knitting probably more nattering than Knitting. :lol::lol:

    I thought I would give you all a smile with the following picture of our Rubie.
    mummy was packing suitcase for holiday and Rubie was helping. :lol:

    really lost my cool yesterday when trying to upgrade my mobile phone due to it seems all their call centres are in the Philippines, and of course although the staff speak English their accent and the speed with which they talk it might just as well be a foreign language. Spent 45 +minutes on my mobile and it was getting the time I needed to go out so I asked how much longer and she said only just another 15 minuets so I lost it and told her to cancel the order as I had someone waiting for me, she had to cheek to say it was my fault because I had queried a point with the monthly payment :):):o :roll: Anyway I had cooled down by this morning and attempted to try again and managed to get it sorted in around 30 minutes so have a shiny new mobile being delivered tomorrow between 7am and 9pm I hope fingers firmly crossed Mr t and I may have to go out at different times. hope they come before 5.30 when we will both be out at the fortnightly church meal
    which I don't want to miss.

    Kath I thought I saw a couple of hooman disguise's when under the cloak so Florence did tell me she was checking your ambulance for naughty spids as she didn't want you to be frightened and she was looking after you. and that Clarence was very cheeky and cadged a lift home in mummy's ambulance. :lol:
    vegetable samosas to yummy to not have one or was it 2,3.4.5 not sure I didn't count. :? :? :?

    Barbara yes the Garden Parties are great. I did not ever meet Lady Diana. and have seen the Queen very close up on duty when myself and other St John members lined the route to the royal box at the Royal Albert hall. we have had a bit of sun here the last couple of days on and off.

    Toni yes but Glad Aidan requested the mattress in case we fall into a heap. :lol:
    Rest and peace mmm don't think that will happen I have forgotten what they mean. yes four teeth missing.

    Aidan yes tooth filled and sorted three legged race is fine but I agree we will defiantly need the mattress. in case we end up in a heap ouchies are now all under control at the moment. just need to have patience tomorrow when my new mobile is due I need to keep telling myself to keep calm. who am I trying to kid I know I won't be satisfied until it has been delivered. especially after the fuss ordering it. what naughty pusskins taking photos of Daddy 2 and laughing at them stern words required I think they are getting to cheeky for words.

    Well it's time for a potter love and sparkles to all t115006 t115006 t4591 t4591
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all - cooler this evening, after a pleasant day. I see there is frost for Friday and Sat night t110007 n'er cast a clout, till May is out, as they say.

    Hi Barbara - Well done for going to your counselling. What is their proposed end result, after your course? just out of interest - pain is such a personal and broad subject.

    You are more than welcome to the hugs, they are always available, there are some in the big biscuit tin in the cafe :D:D


    Yes, Beatrice has had her leaky valve sorted and today, her squeak had gone :)
    It was quite funny, if anyone was watching us in Nero's, going from place to place, to finally settle in the window seats :lol::lol:

    I sorted all the ingredients for Toni's Birthday cake :? :? then Mother wafted her magic wand and the cake was made t115006 t115006

    Sounds like Samosa's are a big hit all round. We all need to go out for a curry, with mountains of pakora's and samosa's :D:D:D

    Hope you are having a great time with Niamh. For some reason I think Wednesday is Friday :? :? By Saturday, it will probably be's a shame really.
    Dad was very pleased with his appointment and that he has been discharged :) Happy Bunny.

    I know we will all be there to support you on Friday t4591 t4591

    Hi Carol - very good to hear that the horrid ouchies left the building, those magic squares did the job :D:D t115006 t115006
    Lots of nattering and a little knitting, is fine, alongside plenty of coffee and maybe a cake :) Glad you were feeling better and able to go.

    Rubie is adorable, helping Mummy pack the suitcases t4591 t4591

    I can sympathise with your telephone is very difficult when companies outsource their call centres to far off countries. I know TalkTalk used to and it drove me bonkers. 45 minutes plus, I would have been fit to be tied and it was your fault, for it taking so long :shock: :shock:
    I bet the air nearly went blue :? :? :o:o

    The outcome of the second call sounds much better, with your new phone arriving today..............between silly o clock and silly o clock :shock: :shock: up to 9pm!! that is late, for deliveries :shock: :shock:
    I will ask Mother to cast a spell of timely deliveries t115006 t115006 t4591 Then you will be able to go to the Church meal and also have time to have a play with your new phone t115006

    Yes, keep calm and play with the phone t4591 t4591
    Waiting for a delivery can be very wearing :? :?

    We would definitely need a mattress or three, if we were doing the three legged race :lol::lol::lol: It would be quite a sight. We might be better to wear those big inflatable Sumo suits, so when we fall over, we just bounce :o:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

    The puskins are very cheeky at times. They think it hill hairy us when they are up to mischief. Litter throwing was full on at siesta time, nothing like deep catsan, to fling all over :roll: :roll:

    Hi Toni, I hope you are having a little rest, me thinks there are ouchies lurking, Sleek has been telling Mother that her Village looks bewti full with flowerz but Mummy is a bit ouchy. Best be putting some more magic squares in slippers t115006 t115006

    Mother and Sleek enjoyed their litter throwing and eating of sweets. Much vacuuming needed :roll: :roll:

    Well, time is marching and I need another potter about, so I will leave lots of love and sparkles to all. t4591 t115006 t115006

    At home today, catch up a bit on house things.

    XXXX Aidan

    Creamy Mushroom and Potato Bake ( on your marks Kath.......)

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    Kath the trifle was totally YUM!!! I loved it :D Tested the booth's cleaning powers though ;)

    Sleek said oh please!! a poem about her and you she would feel very special. Not to worry Aidan said Tosca will have smelling salts to revive her :D

    Carol just lately I think your life has been most frustrating :( I hope your phone works perfectly for you when you get home and you love it to make up for all the hassle and it comes this morning!!

    More natter than knit? why ever not :lol:

    I want Gracie to help me pack bless her little heart t4591 4 teeth I bet she is rich with all those tooth fairy visits!!!

    Barbara you are a very good girl going to counselling. I hope it slots into place for you over time ((()))

    We are hanging on to the plants and bringing them on a bit in our greenhouses for now while the frost risk passes by....

    Hope Niamh is ok the little sweetie :)

    Aidan Mother and Sleek had a great time playing with the litter. It was 'tennis' today apparently :? Sleek's Mummy has tickets for Wimbledon again :D:D:D Yes you were right :oops: the rubbish went to the next village. They wore black apparently and tiptoed putting it in highly visible, but tricky to reach places :shock: :shock:

    I am well impressed with the vascular clinic! Sounds really lovely especially Staff :) Dad has done well.

    Since I last spoke an old chap in the village had a stroke (he's 92) and another a TIA at 58. Scared Paul he is also 58 :?

    I was in bed and asleep for 5 past 9 last night m0150 feeling much better!

    Yes Sleek's 'upset' is fine thanks to Mother. She made one spell to block up one end and with that lovely cake - one to fill the other end :lol: They were up to Pendle again this morning Mother gently on her gel cushion wrapped up cosily t4591

    For the last 3 days I have had to take my Arcoxia 90s :? not to worry I'm ok.

    I hope B enjoys chucking the hoover around and bed stripping you your immacculising! Remind me when is the new cardio? I know the cloak probably knows, but not me!!

    Hi JoanThank you I have told Kari her drawing was liked by all of us. My best present it was t4591 The first year for ages we've been together on my birthday!

    Love to everyone

    Toni xx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Aidan Carol Barbara Toni
    . Kathleen I hope you have a good day with not too much pain((((((())))))
    . Aidan that's good a lot better than years ago car's have improved so much love to your Dad(((((((()))))))
    . Carol lovely photo good luck with your phone((((((())))))
    . Barbara that's good the counselling helping with your worries(((((((())))))
    . Toni that's nice having Kari there for your birthday(((((((())))))))
    . take care love to Mig(((((((()))))))
    . Joan xxx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Sleek - so sweet

    how sweet of Sleek
    holding onto my paw.
    with Pilchard lattes
    Just make to make sure
    that she won’t have a turn
    at the thought of plugs.
    Almost as bad as Tosca’s lugs.
    And She of course,
    with smelling salts handy
    will also ply Kath with glasses of Shandy.
    So off to Pendle we’ll fly away
    To collect mists galore on this glorious day.

    :animal_busy: :animal_busy: :animal_busy: :animal_busy:

    Aidan, such wonderful news about dad being discharged. Well done dad. t4591 Thank you for the Creamy Mushroom and Potato Bake . I think I knocked half a dozen people over in my hurry to get there, and Tosca has provided me 2 glasses of Shandy to wash it down with. :D Oh dear, it's chucking it dahn me duck. Both cats had better stop here until it's stopped, then use my magic gate to get home. s065.gif

    Carol, another gorgeous photo of Rubie. Thank Florence for looking after me in my ambulance. I won't be too hard on Clarence, I think he was trying to be helpful. p065.gif I'm glad you finally succeeded with your phone.

    Easy Nut Roast Ingredients
    1 medium sized onion or 1 small leek, chopped
    1 fl oz (30ml) vegetable oil
    2 tsp (10ml) yeast extract in 1/4 pint hot water (optional)
    8 oz (225g) chopped mixed nuts
    2 tbsp ground almonds
    4 oz (100g) wholemeal breadcrumbs
    1 tbsp sage
    Pinch cayenne pepper
    Salt and pepper to taste
    Pre-heat oven to 180C/350F/gas mark 4
    Saute the onion or leek in the oil until soft, not browned.
    Combine all of the ingredients together; the mixture may be slightly slack. Turn into an oiled ovenproof dish and bake for 30 minutes until golden brown.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Joan it was lovely having my sister here :)

    How long before you can pick your dog up now? Not too long I hope.

    Oh Kath Sleek is over the moon!

    She has been on her mobile (took a screenshot) and is shrieking to Tosca as I type! It's very loud :shock: They are so pleased with Tosca's name mentioned too t4591 t4591

    My pusskin googled what Shandy is and has ordered some for when the time comes :roll:

    Thank you very much :)

    The nut roast looks yum thank you very much and is vegan too so not just veggie :)

    I forgot to mention earlier - it's choir practise tonight!


    Toni xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all - I think we are all immaculised.................phew.

    Still drying to do, but the bedmakers (B) have been in, all nice and pristine.
    I watered all the pots / plants, in the garden, it keeps saying rain, but we don't get any :roll: :roll: and pots dry out so quickly.

    Hi Toni - any signs of Judges lurking in the village :? :? if they can arrive at any time..............Sleek will keep Mother posted, so they can throw more peelings around in the rival village.

    Go you, tickets for Wimbledon, well jell :lol::lol:

    All litter has been vacuumed away, ready for their next game of tennis :roll: :roll: Bless em........... t4591 t4591

    I was impressed with the clinic / gp surgery and I think I saw x ray department too. It was a bit like our little hospital in Clitheroe.

    Poor man, 92 is such a good age, I hope it was not a major one :? :?
    Then another at 58 having a TIA :shock: I hope he is ok too. Try not to worry Paul. I was 34 when I had my first heart attack :shock: even my Cardio was quite shocked - no more than I was :shock: :shock:

    My meet and greet with the new cardiologist is on Tuesday at 330.

    Retinopathy clinic tomorrow, at our local hospital, that is over and done with in no time. Last time I didn't even need the eye drops, by pupils were so dilated already :shock: :shock:

    You were early to bed, glad you feel better for it. Glad you are ok though, with the Arcoxia (not a drug I can take cause of my dicky ticker ) :roll:

    Mother enjoyed her trypp up to Pendle, she opened the side window in her regal carriage, to take a sniff at the morning air, see what was on the breeze, she said there would be rayn layta t111055

    Sleek was saying she felt much better for Mothers "anti whoopsie" spells. :lol: :? :? :lol:

    There was an almighty shriek :shock: :shock: when Sleek read out the poem that Kath kindly wrote for her. Over the moon is an understatement and Mother is most gracious that she has been included :D:D t115006 t115006 t4591

    Just sat down again, every time I sit down, I remember something else to would think we lived in a tip. :lol::lol::lol:

    Choir tonight - I will ring the Sisters, don't want them to miss a practice. Barbara will be en route to the shed.............. :D:D

    Hi Joan and Sue and the lovely doggies too.

    Cars are in a totally different league now, compared to when I started driving, let alone going back to my Dads old cars :shock: :shock: it was a wonder we got anywhere, safely, when you think about not think about it.......... :? :?
    B is a very safe driver, he does not speed, it is never worth the risk.

    Dad is ok, B popped round earlier on, he was just getting his lunch ready :)
    Love to both (((())))

    Hi Kath - well, your poem went down an absolute treat, Sleek is floating on thin air and Mother is most proud, to be mentioned in one of your poems t4591 t4591 I love it.

    We were pleased that Dad is now discharged from hospital / out patients. He has done remarkably well, with a little help along the way :)

    I heard all the commotion this morning, then realised that you had seen the Mushroom Bake, barging past people, too right, you gerrin there mi duck. :lol::lol:

    They enjoyed tarrying a while at yours, while the rain stopped. Mother is a dab hand at producing goodies, glad the shandy went down a treat, it will have magical powers, so you might well sparkle t115006 t115006

    I have not had a nut roast for a long time - I will take a portion or two, thank you kindly............. t4591

    Hi to Barbara - hope you had a lovely time with Niamh. Keeping the ((())) and t4591 t4591 coming your way. Choir practice be getting your vocals warmed up. :shock: :shock:

    Hi Carol - I do hope your delivery has been and gone, with shiny new phone in hand :) You can take it to your Church meal and leave it gleaming, on the table t115006 t115006 m0150 m0150

    Hi to everyone else, in and about. Dryer has just stopped, so I will go fuss some more. Roll on siesta, I am bushed.

    Will pop back later. Love and Sparkles to all t4591 t115006 t115006 XXXX Aidan

    Vegan Tiramisu ( cream is optional, or in my case and Toni's, it is compulsory ) :D:D

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all..very cold here.. :o
    Carol what a lovely pic of Rubie.. :D she looks happy to be helping mum to she took more out..bless
    Sorry I do read things then mix them up..I thought you had met Lady Diana..but seeing the queen is good ..the only royal I have seen is princess Anne ..glad the ouches are a little better..we never know when they will come on..or sometimes why..we have made a few phone calls lately..they do go on and on.. our server even changed my email because she didnt understand what we were saying or us them :roll:
    Aidan thankyou for the vegan tiramisu..I will leave the cream ..I do like it but my tummy doesn't :( .and the creamy mushroom bake..I have a good recipe for mushrooms on toast.. ..glad you are all immaculised.wish my house was.. :o I need help form you all.. :lol: thankyou for the extra hugs they are always welcome the funeral is 11 will have to get our skates on in the morning//the clok will be welcome..
    Glad the car is now behaving .. :) and I think we do all need to meet up for a curry..what fun that would be.. :D now I thought today was Wednesday and we had Niamh yesterday.. :? I think the end result for the counseling is more or less distraction and the worrying you find the positive side.. :shock: :?
    Toni you try and take things a little easier, you obviously needed that sleep..and hopefully you wont need the extra meds for your back...I was wondering if you was going to chance the plants ..but I see they are going in the greenhouse..I bet you are all on high alert :lol:
    Kath I love the poem..and I see Mother did.. :D thankyou for the nut roast recipe.. :) have you got new neighbours yet.. :?:
    Joan you would laugh at the counseling I never remember my log in info for the computer..I put it in my phone but forgot were..the poor girl she will be going off sick :oops: hope you are all doing ok..
    better move or I will set..
    Love to everyone
    t4591 t115006 t4591
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all - Mother was right, we did have some rain t111055 enough to wet the ground through. Quite chilly too.

    Hi Barbara - We will be there with you at 11 today, quietly with our thoughts and prayers t4591 t4591

    So you have had the same problems with your internet call centres. They can be a trial - to say the very least :roll: :roll: :? :?

    Glad you enjoyed the vegan Tiramisu -

    I am sure your house is nothing to worry about, but, it you like, we will all come round and help immaculise with pleasure. Then we can all go our for a curry :) It would be such a good time.

    I think I am on track with the days now - :roll: :roll: Whatever day it is, it always seems to be Friday :shock: :shock: the rest of the week just kind of melts away......................... :? :?

    The counselling sounds very similar to when I saw the Psychologist - distraction and diversionary tactics. I did receive a diagnosis, I forget what the long title was, something neurosis................ :shock: :shock: :oops: :?
    I am sure the lady is very patient, it is her job to be. Don't worry about forgetting your log in, or where you put it :shock: :lol:

    Beatrice is behaving nicely, no squeaks and all her shoes are fine :) You wait, now I have said that, she will squeak :roll: :roll:

    You all take care today t4591 t4591 t115006

    Hi to Carol - did the phone arrive in good time? I hope it did and you managed to go to the Church dinner.

    Sleek was over at Siesta time, the girls were very good, no litter flicking......they went under Mothers blankets, into her hidden rooms, much practising of spells - I do believe I was levitated at one point :shock: :shock: Mother said some friends from far away, came over, to bring new spells - :o


    I hope any ouches are under control and the plants are all safely acclimatising in the greenhouse - it is going to be chilly the next couple of nights....... t110007

    The Sisters enjoyed choir practice and I do believe Barbara was there to assist with the T and biscuits, after much singing :D:D

    Right, I had best be pottering. Last of the days washing, is finally dry, it seems to have been endless.

    The cloak will be ready to gather us all, to be with Barbara and her family t4591 t4591

    Love and sparkles to everyone t115006 t4591 t115006 Take care XXXX Aidan

    Almond Flour Loaf Cake With Honey Roasted Figs


    French Butter anyone :)
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning everyone :D

    Aidan what about that for a breakfast fig will be 'good' for us :wink: say no more. I added an extra 5mcg patch to my usual yesterday myself :shock: All the BKV preparations.

    My lovely neighbours are away for a week. They have located an adapted bungalow in Yorkshire and the whole family (kids and Gkids) will be joining them. I am watering their bedding plants for them. Please remind me to check on them will you?

    The Girls were practising spells for their visitors. they are doing a small performance when they get here. Sleek is so exited. This morning they went to the secret garden to see Silver who is giving them some sort of 'sparkle' display???

    They will also be taking their esteemed guests to see the rainbow droplet! t115006

    The judges turned up yesterday to a dreadful downpour of rain :roll: We were tidy I am sure.

    The plants are in the greenhouse and the judges came YESTERDAY!! So long as we get through to round :? The litter the girls threw (biodegradable) should still have been there yesterday. They will have been judged too.

    The old boy is already sitting up and cracking jokes!! I am not sure a stroke will hold him back! The 58 year old is home now safe and sound :) I did tell Paul that about your heart attack. You just have to do your best I said no point worrying.

    The cloak is shimmying ready to collect us all so see you at retinopathy!

    Barbara I am thinking of you today and sending some strength and ((())) will the wake be at the house so your niece can be part of it all?

    Well done for sticking the counselling out anyway.

    Choir was frustrating last night wasn't it? :roll: Couldn't get anything right could we?! :oops: ah well the sisters did ok and the biccies were yum!

    Hello to Sue and Joan hope the weather is ok for you if you're out today.

    Where was Kath? :? Kath Sleek has printed off a copy of your poem and framed it then popped it in her ickle house. I could hear the hammer going as she popped a nail in. Tosca said 'Why don't you magic it up?'

    Love to everyone

    Toni xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Toni, I just knew Sleek would want a copy in her ickle house. And I'm so glad that Mother approves, I enjoyed my shandy, and the girl's sat on my tootsies to keep me warm. I missed them both when they left. Much shrieking when they saw the size of our Wood Pigeons, Sleek kept shouting "The Eagles Have Landed"! :lol: If it hadn't been raining I think she would have been out there balancing on our neighbour's trampoline alongside the WPs. It would have been one to send off to Harry Hill's You've been framed. :shock:

    Figs, ta muchly Aidan. NOM NOM NOM. b040.gif
    I'm struggling to keep my peepers open and it's nearly time for Tesco, :?

    Special Vegan Fruit cake

    Dark Raisins ¼ cup
    Dried Cranberries ¼
    Dried Pineapple ¼ cup
    Dates ¼ cup
    Dried Figs ¼ cup
    Fresh Pear ½ cup
    Candied Orange *optional or just replace with another fruit ¼ cup
    Fresh grated ginger approximately 2 teaspoons
    Orange zest 1 teaspoon
    Lemon zest 1 teaspoon
    Rum spiced or gold your choice ½ cup + more for basting *Optional
    Granulated Sugar ½ cup (100g)
    Egg Replacer 3 teaspoons *I am using The Plant Based Egg see note above
    Baking Soda ½ teaspoon
    Baking Powder 1 teaspoon
    Salt pinch
    Ground Cinnamon 1 teaspoon
    Ground Ginger ½ teaspoon
    Cardamon ¼ teaspoon
    Allspice ⅛ teaspoon
    Nutmeg ⅛ teaspoon
    Anise pods 4
    Whole Cloves about 10-12
    All Purpose Flour ¾ cup + 2 Tablespoons (109g)
    Applesauce ½ cup (100g)
    Vegan Butter 5 Tablespoons (70g)
    Nuts of your choice I used almonds ½ cup
    Place the star anise pods and the whole cloves in a small pouch of cheesecloth so you can easily fish it out of the mixture later.
    Cut all the dried fruits to the same size as the raisins and cranberries and in a medium bowl, pour the rum over top. Let it macerate overnight at room temperature (Or to speed the process microwave for 1 minute to reconstitute)
    Chop the nuts to same size, but reserve aside for last.
    In a large saucepot combine the macerated fruits, the zest, grated ginger, spices, sugar, applesauce and vegan butter and bring to a boil.
    Reduce heat and simmer for 10 minutes on low heat.
    Let it cool for about 15 minutes, remove the sack of whole spices (anise pods and cloves) and discard then add the nuts and the sifted flour, egg replacer, baking soda and powder .
    Pour the batter into a greased 9" x 5" loaf pan or if you are using the mini loaf pan like me, you will only get 6, be sure to fill the batter almost to the top (about ¾ full) for whatever size [an you are using.
    Bake in a preheated 375°F oven for 10 minutes, then reduce heat to 350°F for another 10 minutes for the MINI LOAFS for a total bake time of 20 minutes.
    The large standard loaf will take 30-35 minutes total bake time.
    Cook in the pan until you can touch the pan without burning yourself and flip out onto a wire rack to cool the rest of the way.
    While still warm, brush with additional rum *Optional
    Cool completely then wrap well and store in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks
    Or ice with buttercream and additional fruit compote and store at room temperature for up to 1 day or in the refrigerator for up to 1 week wrapped so they won't dry out.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Everyone
    I am so sorry I forgot we were in Sainsburys and Joan said have you done the Arthritis I said oh no I forgot so I am late
    Thank you to everyone who says hello on Facebook
    Have a good weekend
    Love Sue
    take care
    joan xx
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all

    I am really not in the very best of moods today. Mr T is driving me mad The conversation in our house is almost non existent. If I talk to him his attitude is total disinterest. Unless it something he has asked you about. He is spending more and more time in the spare bedroom which he has got kitted out as an office for his study purposes. I am just about get fed up with it. It’s alright I’m just having a rant. He has had trouble with his laptop yet again what he does with them I do not know. It has been in the shop for the past week he got it back today.

    Met friend today after lunch with mr t and she was being very confrontational as usual at everything I said. It makes you feel as if you are stupid. When someone is always indicating you are wrong and they are right.

    Ok after all that I hope you are all ok.
    Joan don’t worry about forgetting we all do it. Hope you and Sue have a good weekend.

    Aidan Yes the phone came at about 3.00pm mr t had been out a little while and came back so I could get out. I keep the same number and it took me about 45mins to get all my data transferred from the old one . I had to laugh 😂 😂 when l said to mr t that it was already to go by the time we went to the church meal he looked and Said how did you manage to do it that quick surely you have to find out where everything is. I said no it The same make as the last one just a different model. So everything is much the same in the workings of it . :roll: :roll: :lol::lol:

    Barbara Yes i’m Sure Rubie was takin it all out I think GD said she was crawling into the case. Yes call centres that are abroad really do drive me crazy.

    Toniwhen you next packing we will send Rubie over to pack or should I say unpack your case for you :lol:

    Kath Florence said thank you she did say that Clarence was only looking after his mummy and he hoped she was not too cross with him.

    It’s now time for pottering
    So love and sparkles to all t115006 t115006 t4591 t4591
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all - finally, at the end of the day. Thank you for being at the hospital, t4591 I heard lots of rustling.............. :? :?

    Been thinking about you and yours Barbara, adding to the strength that Toni and everyone sends to you. I hope things went as well as possible. t4591 t4591 t4591 I bet you are shattered and in need of a rest. t115006

    Hi Toni, figs are very "good" for us indeed, one is fine, just the one...........least said........ :roll: :roll: :lol::lol:

    I trust the ouches are being kept at arms length...........with all the BKV preparations, we don't want you to overdo things...........Sleek said you have been bizzi :lol:

    So you are on watering duties for your gorgeous neighbours, I will remind you............he says :? :? I wonder whereabouts the holiday bungalow is, I might well know the town / village :)

    With us being out for what seems all of the day, Mother was full of shriekings, about the visit to the Enchanted Forest, talking to Silver and being privy to an abundance of sparkles, with a bag for her and one for Sleek. They are super special, not your every day sparkles, highly prized. Sleek has put hers in a hiding place in her ickle house and Mother has been under her blankets to one of her rooms. I think Sleek did magic the picture of the poem up, in the end, as it kept dropping down. t115006 t115006

    The guests enjoyed the performance. Sleek was showing them her broom and side car, Mother was in all her finery with matching Tiara t115006 t115006 worn mainly for state occasions when showing off the rainbow droplet. The guests were in awe t4591 t4591 and astonished at the length of time that Mother had been a scholar of Hogwarts :D:D

    Typical that the judges turned up in a downpour t111055 t111055 :? :? and all the plants were in the greenhouse. I am certain that everything was immaculate and all the scarecrows and secret weapon, would leap Sleeks village into the next round.

    Silver said the rival village was covered in potato peelings :lol::lol::lol: they are biodegradable after all :lol::lol:

    Well, that is wonderful, to hear that the elderly gentleman is sitting up and cracking jokes, prayers do get answered. t4591 And the young man (my age) is back home.

    It does make you sit up and take note when someone of a similar age, has a TIA, or other medical event. We cannot predict every eventuality, nor can we take precautions to avoid all that could possibly go wrong.
    If someone had said to me that I would have two MI's before the age of 40, I would not have believed them in a thousand years.

    We had brunch at the GC, then shopping, then home, put shopping away, then off to our little hospital.

    New guidelines say that you have to have the drops in, even if your pupils are already dilated :shock: :shock: which mine were...............the lady was lovely, we had a right, drops in, by this time I had pupils like saucers :shock: :shock: :o:lol::lol:

    Four quick pictures and we were away.

    Off to get a new sewing machine for Bill. Duly done. Proper sewing machine shop, near Burnley :) Not many of them left now. So, we didn't get in until nearly 5 and I could not see to type anyway. :roll: :roll:

    Choir was not a success then.................oh dear. As long as the biscuits were good :D:D:D

    Hi Kath - the girls did enjoy sitting on your tootsies, Mother said she had a little cuddle t4591 t4591 :animal_busy:

    Mother used to loath pigeons, they used to sit on the window ledges in France and she would actually sit next to Pepe and stalk them.
    Not quite sure that Mother would "balance" on the trampoline, she might be a little queasy :mrgreen: and wobbly on her back pins. Sleek would be ok, very deft of paw :D

    Did you manage to stay awake for the Tesco delivery? or was it all around you when you woke :shock: :shock:

    Ta for the cake, gorgeous.................. t4591 t4591

    Hope any ouches are minding their own business. t115006 t115006

    Hi Sue and Joan - don't worry, as long we know you are ok. We know where you were shopping :D:D when you remembered the cafe :lol: You are not late at all. I am the late one..........middle of the night and I am still pottering about. (((())))

    Hi Carol - oh dear, I think we need some extra special sparkles into Mr T's slippers and into his "office".

    Mother has put this book in his office, for him to find :animal_busy: :animal_busy: t115006 t115006


    We know he gets in a bit of a fluster with his laptop, as you say, what does he do to send them squiffy ? ? Being without for a week might well have added to the grumps.
    Maybe he will brighten a little, now that he has it back.

    Oh dear, your friend did not help either, being Mrs I know I am right about everything and more besides - :roll: :roll: Annoying for sure, but let it wash over, let them get on with being full of their own importance, then say you have to go, you are doing a dissertation on quantum physics :lol::lol::lol:

    Glad the phone came at a reasonable time and you were able to go out to the Church dinner. Phone duly sorted, everything transferred over, much to the shock of Mr T :? :?

    Hi to Mig and to all of our friends in the VA forum

    Dad will be round for croissants and coffee this morning. A quiet week end is in order. t4591

    Time I was pottering again. Leaving lots of love and sparkles to all. t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 Take lots of care XXX Aidan

    Butterscotch Breakfast Bread

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning a gorgeous day here!! m0150

    Aidan it's always a pleasure to support each other. Anyway I for one am nosey too and enjoy people watching :wink: Sleek looked away for the eye drops into Tosca's arms :animal_busy: Hopefully the photos were good. Did she take your best side :lol::lol:

    This breakfast bread is fabulous!!! thank you :D

    I will ask my neighbours exactly where my neighbours are when they get home which isn't until next Friday :? I will miss them at choir practise on Thursday :(

    Yes the poem pic did have to be magicked up! Thud there it went again and again in the end Sleek just whipped out her wand and it's been fine since :) She must love that bag of sparkles right enough every time she goes in her ickle house she comes out leaving a trail t115006 I thought it was all for their guests?!! Well some was!

    Sleek was full of it and sooooo proud of Tosca too t4591 The Esteemed guests were totally impressed by the side car and well of course the rainbow droplet - never seen before by any of them, but in most cultures laid down in folklore.

    I know it is wonderful that the old boy is doing so well at 92! As for the chap of 58 (Paul's age too!) he can't change much really maybe do a little exercise. Some of it is genetic isn't it?

    Ooooh! what make sewing machine did B have? Kari has one and my Mum had a Jones. I bet he loves it and keeps on looking at it!!!

    Enjoy the GC. Paul is working so Kari and I are off to visit Pom's gallery (well it's a consortium really) it's the 10 year anniversary today.

    Carol this is the place for a good rant!! Feel free I hope Mr T is happier with his laptop back :roll: Men eh? Present company excepted Aidan of course!

    Poor you ((()))

    I have a friend like yours. She says something...I try to give sympathy or something and the first word out of her mouth in reply (9x out of 10) is no!

    Maybe we need new friends!! I have got some better ones luckily!

    Rubie can get in my case with Sleek! She likes to get inside. Rubie can come over any day t4591

    Sue and Joan not to worry we all forget to post some days or haven't time. Hope shopping was ok :)

    Kath! Now I know Sleek and Tosca have been! that's exactly what she'd have said if she saw a fat pigeon!!! They said your tootsies were cold so they had to warm them up t4591

    Yes she would have been on the trampoline, but wouldn't have let Tosca on with her sore bones.

    The poem had to be magicked up in the end the nail wouldn't hold :roll:

    That fruit cake looks yum. I shall take a slie for Kari and myself if that's ok?

    Right off to the shower get ready to go to the gallery!


    Toni xxx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all..and the sun is out for now..
    Thankyou all for the support all went well till the wake..lovely to meet up with OHs family that we dont see much off but it was up 2 flights of stairs.. :shock: not good when down stairs was empty..anyway everyone got there food and came down to sit with lovely was that ..OHs brother is 84..and goes to the gym twice a week ..and has had a drip of whisky every night for over 60 years..wish I could drink I would try it.. :lol:
    Aiden thankyou for the fig bread..and for all the sparkles and good wishes..sorry did I miss one of your hospital visits :?
    ..OHs niece didnt go to the I asked could I film it on my phone so the agreed.. :)it was a young lady that did the service in the crematorium chapel .and what a lovely job she I thanked her and she said thankyou that was my first and it means alot..she had compassion in her voice when reading the poem and talking about will know what I mean :) I see that Bil is getting or got a new sewing machine..I was never any good with them but used to like hand sewing..
    Toni thankyou.. I am pleased to hear your neighbour is sitting up in bed..hope he comes home soon..poor Paul worrying like that.. :(
    only natural though..
    So your other nieghbours has found a cottage to holiday in..what a change for them to get away.. :):) the judges have been already ..seems a bit early ..and they got soaked..hopefully next time the sum will be out.. :) you enjoy the gallery with kari..wish I was coming with you I do love art gallery's.. :D
    Carol I feel for you the others say maybe Mr T will be more sociable when his laptop comes back.. :) your friend need a lesson in talking to people, she needs to listen and not but in.. :o and well done you for transferring your info from your phone..I was amazed at the speed it does it..
    Kath another good recipe I like fruit loaf but never made a vegan one..see you have been having fum with mother and miss sleek :D
    Sue dont you worry about a missed post like Toni says so long has we know you are both ok..xx
    Better move
    Love to everyone
    t4591 t115006 t4591
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello all Joan is having a problem getting into the site she’s ok but she can’t get her iPad to work
    Love from us both
    take care
    joan xx