Val's Cafe
Yes Aidan, Piddling with a capital P. Glad all went well with the Cadio, thanks for the Spinach Potato Pancakes.
Pan Baked Halibut
INGREDIENTS 4 dry-packed sun-dried tomatoes
1 small red onion, finely sliced
2 tsp red wine vinegar
2½ tbsp olive oil
4×180g halibut steaks
200g cherry tomatoes, quartered
25g flat-leaf parsley, chopped
25g basil, chopped
cover the sun-dried tomatoes with boiling water and leave to soak for 20 minutes, then drain and chop. Preheat the oven to 200°C/gas mark 6. Place the sliced onion in the vinegar and leave to infuse. Place the halibut steaks on a baking sheet lined with baking parchment. Brush the fish with half a tablespoon of the olive oil and roast in the oven for 10–15 minutes, until the fish is starting to flake and is just cooked. In a small saucepan, gently warm the remaining oil, then add the sun-dried tomatoes and cherry tomatoes until the cherry tomatoes start to soften. This should take about 5 minutes. Add the infused onion and vinegar and continue to cook for a further 2 minutes. Remove from the heat and stir in the herbs. Serve the sauce warm, and spooned over the roasted fish."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Hi to all - it has stopped piddling down here, for a while.
I see it has been doing the same piddly things in your neck of the woods as well Toni. t111055 t111055
I hope you had a big brolly and didn't get too soaked through
Judging the larger villages, as you say, it will be a learning curve I am sure :shock: And the village rival to yours, has footpaths,well, that's not cricket, surely your village needs them for the safety of its residents - oh I can feel a letter to the MP coming on
Barbara and I have been to the next village and thrown old peelings far and wide
Yes, that hydrangea bush was just gorgeous, had to take a pic. The gardens were so lush and green.
Mother was fine, with staying in this morning, far too wet for delicate bones and paws, not to mention lugs........... :? :?
I am sure there will be a marathon SYTTD at siesta time, they quite like the Irish one, with FroncI notice that Drag me down the aisle is coming on soon as well, that is a must watch, just brilliant......... t4591
Oh the Cardio is very high up in cardiac circles, to be off to seminars in Toulouse. He said did Dr Sauget look after you, no, but I did see him, as he was the boss of the cardio team, almost like I had been on hallowed ground
He said you will have quite a bit of insight, being a retired nurse (hence your crumbling bones) :roll: :roll: I agreed, but said I am not sure if that is always a good thing or not............... :? :?
Let us know how the judging goes, do you get time out for coffee and cakesI should hope so.
Hi Joan and Sue. Thank you, the new consultant was very nice indeed, obviously very pro active and skilled at carrying out more complex procedures.
Dad is ok, we are keeping a close eye on him, as normal. He needs us to be around almost every day.
Love to both and to the doggies too. (((())))
Hi Kath - I love your little poem about the Royal baby. I have just seen pictures of him, at Windsor Palace.
It is not rubbish at all. t4591
It is piddling in Nottm as well then..... t111055 t111055 ........we are all getting a soaking. Much needed here.
Glad you enjoyed the pancakes, I only had 6...............ish. :? :?
I will try some of that lovely pan baked Halibut. Thank you kindly.
Hope any ouchies are minimal t115006 t115006 That goes for everyone too............ t4591
Hi Barbara - I bet you are still busy away, helping and sorting. Don't you do too much, or the ouches will bite :shock: Keeping the ((())) going. Will Niamh be with you today, it is Wednesday isn't it............. :? :? Some dusting and helping G Ma, then maybe a jigsaw
Hi to Carol and to Mig, Christine, Kerrin, Elizabeth, DD, SW Mell, Toady and all.
We had brunch at the T rooms, which was very nice. Dad enjoyed his bacon buttie and a Mocha. Gathered my shipping order of pills from the surgery, then Sainsb, then home. Now pottering and sorting washing etc, the usual things
We should have some Royal Baby Cakes, to celebrate t4591 t4591
Love and Sparkles to everyone. t4591 t115006 Will call back later XXXXX AidanXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Royal baby cakes! Don't mind if l do Aidan!! Thanks very much
No cake for us today had lunch though at one of the villages pub. The other villages community centre spotted us and made us a cuppa too!
Both villages were spotless not a piece of litter or a weed or dog poo to be seen in either! Very impressive! Got some good ideas for our own village. Came back through the neighborhood one and there was potato peeling everywhere...odd that
Non stop rain though :roll:
Brunch today sounded nice. Glad Dad enjoyed it
Kath pidding down here too luckily I was the youngest judge by about 20 years so got very wet and cold
Well I loved the royal baby Milo's poem!!
Joan it rained all day except when we were indoors eating lunch! Typical!
Love to everyone
Toni xxx0 -
Hi to all, rain has stopped and skies are clear - quite chilly :? :?
So you were the youngest of the judges then Toni
Very pleased to hear that the bigger village was spic and span. No weeds, no poops, no litter, everything in orderwe like clean.
Lunch in the pub, to give you time to dry out a little, then the word was out and suddenly cups of T appeared. News travels faster than the internet, when there is something happening locally
Peelings, really, in your rival village..................errrrrrm, well, Barbara and I did go through. We were far too busy talking, to take any notice of Sleek and Mother flinging veg peelings, far and wide :shock:Bless them eh.
Glad you have some ideas for your village too, sharing is caring, after all
A damp, but fruitful day. A little rest per chance, keep those ouches to a minimum. Sleek was telling Mother that Mummy was bizzi in the rayn. t111055 t111055 t115006 t115006 I bet your bed was calling you :animal_busy: :animal_busy:
Hi Barbara - have you had a busy evening with Niamh visiting? I bet you and Mr B are both pretty shattered after the last few weeks. Some extra t115006 t115006 will not go amiss. ((()))
Hi Carol - hope you are both ok, enjoying your new phone and Mr T is happy with his laptop back and working. How is Rubie, feeling better I trust. t4591 t4591 t115006
Hi to everyone else, in and about.............
Quiet evening here, a little pottering, as is normal.
I had better do a little more. So I will leave lots of love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 t115006 Take lots of care XXX Aidan
Pecan, Praline Stuffed, Breakfast Biscuit Sandwiches - oh my t4591XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Oh my indeed Aidan!! I love pecan and those breakfast bars look right up my street! I'll have one...or two...if I may??
Yes both villages were spotless how lovely is that, but a miracle that the larger village didn't have any mess at all I think.
Oh yes the villages knew we were there alright! We can spot BKV judges a mile off when they're in oursThen we all dash out primping and preening!!
One village had loads of knitted flowers on lamp posts etc they looked so sweet t4591
Sleek took Tosca out first thing and my peelings caddy is missing :shock: She admitted it when questioned!! Said 'it's byo di grayd abbl Mummy' and they need sum kom posst lyj you mayk. Apparently Mother thinks it's Hill Hairy us :roll:
Quieter day today although Tia is visiting
t111055 still raining! How did you do the rain video BTW??
Morning JoanWe got soaked yesterday today I will only be outside very briefly
Love to everyone
Toni xx0 -
Hello Kathleen Aidan Toni
. Kathleen that's the first poem I've seen for the Royal baby((((((()))))
. Aidan it's stopped raining here at last we have the sun coming.
Aidan how many tablets do you take a day((((((())))))) Dad((((((((()))) B(((((())))
Toni when is your village being judged good luck(((((((()))))
. take care love to Barbara Carol Mig((((((()))))))
. Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
So that's who was ferretting through the bins last night. It was bin day today, so everyone had put theirs out last night ready for today. I'll bet they slept through the night.
Yes little Archie (not Milo) :roll: is a real cutie. His shawl was made by G. H. Hurt & Son from Chilwell in Nottingham the same company made shawls for all of Kate and Williams babies. The pattern was Leaves and Flowers. Nottingham Lace is still very popular.I notice the sanctuary was dressed up with bunting and the Bush Babies were eating their Jammy Dodgers from Royal Crown Derby plates.
It's stopped piddling here, just spitting now.
Hemsley Cashew and chocolate chip blondies
Makes 12
50g cashew nuts, plus 25g for the top (soaked in water for 3 hours)
75g soft butter, plus extra for greasing
1 x 410g tin cannellini beans, drained and rinsed
2 medium eggs
75g pure maple syrup
2 tbsp vanilla extract
1 x 100g bag ground almonds
½ tsp bicarbonate of soda
100g dark chocolate (we use 85% cocoa solids), chopped into chunks
This is a beautiful, light cake served warm – especially with a dollop of organic full-fat yogurt. The blondies will keep in an airtight tin for 2-3 days and freeze well too.
Grease and base line a 9” loose bottomed cake tin.
Set oven to 160°C.
Cream together butter and sugar into a bowl and incorporate the ground almonds. Add all the other ingredients and beat together until well mixed.
Pour into the prepared cake tin and bake in oven for 30-40 minutes until set in the middle and golden on the top.
Sprinkle lightly with icing sugar and serve with a dollop of crème fraiche."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Afternoon to all - stopped raining now, sun is coming out. Windows open, dryer on, washer on, housekeeping has been in and done the beds (B).
Just taking five minutes to have a little catch up...................
The breakfast bars had mystical powers, that make you eat more and more Toni, so be careful, they are self replicating too. :shock: :shock:
I can eat pecan's for fun, in any recipe, or on their own. Pecan pie.......mmmmmmmmmmm
It is very impressive that the villages, including the larger one, had no mess at all, what a refreshing change, with people taking great pride in where they live. As a village grows into a town, then you often find standards going out of the window, which is a great shame.
I am sure you have a BKV judge radar, at all times, so you can suddenly be out, preening, as necessarySleek will know when they are about too. Her crystal ball will show all.
Knitted flowers on the lampposts, how cute, I bet they loved lovely
So your peeling caddy had gone.................erm, I think the intrepid duo have been out and about making kom posstMother has been shrieking very loudly, most hill hairy us, all the peelings flying everywhere
They popped into the Nymphs cafe, had a fishy chino this time, for a change.........just as whiffy
Mother had tuna for her snack lunch.
I suspect there will be litter tennis at siesta time, the tray is immaculate, full of fresh catsan, perfect for batting all over the room :roll: :roll:
A visit from Tia is just fine, as long as you are having a quieter day, we all need them............says me...........hah :roll: :roll: Mr never stop pottering. :? :?
Hi Joan and Sue, glad the rain has stopped and the sunshine is peeping through. It is forecast to get a bit warmer over the coming week or so.
I take between 54 and 60 tablets a day, depending how the ouches are playing up. A lot are for cardiac issues, the rest for pain, neuropathic problems etc etc.............I am so used to them all now, after so many years.
Thank you for the hugs to all of us. Same back to you both ((())) and to the doggies t4591
Hi Kath I think there was gathering of peelings and other bio waste, naughty puskins........... :shock: :shock: :roll: :roll:
Archie was very smart in his lace. Nottingham Lace is famous the world over. I remember walking through the lace market so many times.........we used to go to St Mary's for some of the Saints Days. All those steps down to Broad Marsh, imagine trying to get down them now !! or worse still, up them :shock: :shock:
The Sanctuary was looking most Regal, bedecked in red white and blue.
I did notice the Crown Derby plates..............I didn't dare linger, in case they went flying :shock: :shock:
Cashew and choc chip blondies, they sound and look perfect. Thank you kindly t4591 t4591
just let me check the drying, the machine has stopped...............Bear with
Ta. All good.
Hi Barbara, hope you and yours are ok, likewise Carol and Mig and all our other friends. t4591 t4591
Washer is about to finish, so last lot can go in. I will potter away.
Leaving love and sparkles to all. Will call back later t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 XXXXX Aidan
I thought a little chocolate blancmange would go well with the cake that Kath madeXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Those choccy puds will go perfectly with Kath's pecan slices!! Thanks Aidan Lovely and a dollop of rhoddas too
t4591 t4591 t4591
Oh yes Hill hairy Us - peelings all over tha place up high and down low and plenty out of reach :shock::animal_busy:
Sleek's breath was shocking after their cuppas diabolical. I bet you were fumed out when they came over to play litter tennis :? (we only use catsan too only the best for my small cat ((())) and her guests.
I have rested a bit; sat with Tia talking weddings only did a bit of ironing and some washing taking it steady today. Yesterday was lovely incredible community effort to see, but hard on us judges :roll:
Our judges have been we think already on about the 3rd. We didn't have any summer bedding out but we were neat and tidy.
Choir practise tonight no neighbour they are back from their hold tomorrow I will miss them tonight :? Neighbour on the other side was off blues and twos. They will be upset to come home to that news. The 58 year old is back at work and the 92 year old doing fabulously well.
Kath I have been to the sanctuary it looks so pretty - bunting everywhere, red white and blue! Baby blue booties stuck up here and there too
I love cashews almost as much as pecan thank you very much
Everyone knows about Nottingham lace and of course it's the only lace god enough for a royal baby
Joan our judges have been already - really early 2nd or 3rd I think so now we must be ready for June, but can breath out for a week or so
Love to Carol, Barbara and mig ((()))
Toni xxx0 -
Well Im here at last,it has not stop raining here for 2 days..
roll on
summer but not to hot..
Aiden thankyou for all the goodies think there were potato cakes and Praline Stuffed, Breakfast Biscuit Sandwiches and of course the lovely royal baby cake..
So your new cardio consultant knew the one in France , how good ..and to know he was one of the best..the picture of the hydrangea is lovely ..the white ones are so nice..
Niece and Nephew mostly done now apart form furniture, she is going to live with her brother but apply for a flat somewhere nearby..she is taking it in her stride ..
Niamh is poorly and off school so she hasn't been since no dusting..mum says she is feeling a little maybe she will be here tomorrow..
I hope Bill can find an outlet , he will have to keep plugging away I am sure he will..your garden sound like an haven for the birds..not sure what is happening here ..many blackbirds and one robin but only a couple of sparrows..we have lots last year.. :?
Toni you made me laugh ..Paul is a breath holder..bless..sorry about the potatoe peeling ..but Aidan put me up to it :oops: they were clean potatoes..
nice that you had some quiet time wedding planning with Tia..
and I am glad to hear your neighbours are doing the next village has paths..well they are posh..
Kath how lovely that Archie shawl was made in mum had a shawl made of Nottingham was passed down the we want a poem about Archie
Joan I am fine honestly dont you go worrying with all you and Sue have to cope with..but you are very kind..
Right I will make a cuppa
Love to everyone
t4591 t115006 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
Hi all
I do apologise for my absence I have no excuse but the fact that I have just been to lazy to bother starting up my laptop. My iPad is faster, only thing is it takes me forever to write a post on that as the keys are so small that I keep making mistakes and then get fed up with it and cancel the post. What am I like :roll: :roll: and of course the days seem to go so quickly. well I need to buck my ideas up as we have Rubies Christening 2 weeks on Sunday and we are in Margate for the bank holiday weekend we go 2 weeks tomorrow and we com back on the Tuesday. we are really both looking forward to that. Just to get away for a few days. weather here is very hit and miss at the moment. Rubie seems to be better now. But Grandson spent a night in a&e recently he does have chronic Pancreatitis and gets flare ups from time to time but this time was a bit different so he has been having some tests. all is good with Mr t and myself at the moment. :shock: :shock:
Tomorrow it is lunch out and then meeting my friend I wonder how that goes :? I think she is a bit confused at the moment because my conversation is general without to much detail. I am being so naughty lately he heconfusing :? :? her and Mr t with my attitude. Naughty Carol.
So we have a new Royal baby boy I have heard lots of people are not liking his name. But as I see it he is their baby not ours.
hope you are all as well as we Arthur sufferers can be.
Love and sparkles to you all t115006 t115006 t4591 t4591 and I really must get to post more often.Stay positive always👍xx0 -
Hi to all - the sun didn't last long, gentle rain for the rest of the day - good for the plants though
Choccy pud and cake, with clotted cream, perfect idea Toni.
Mother said that they wownt throw enny mooor peeel ings - it was hard work, getting them to stick in high places, with lots of spells to keep them airbornet115006 t115006
The cattychino's did leave a bit of fishy breathextractor is still on :? :? They sent me off to sleep and just ate loads of sweets, not one bit of litter :shock: :shock: Catsan is the best, but goodness they know how to charge for it. I remember it was £4, now it is £7, but, worth it for the right "facilities".
Glad you have taken things steady and had a nice chat with Tia, for all things wedding
I bet it was heart warming to see communities coming together and keeping their villages in tip top condition t4591 t4591
So your judges were out and about around the 3rd of May. I assume they then shortlist and do another visit, before deciding on the winners. All the bedding plants will be in full bloom for their next visit t69044 t69044
Of course, it was choir, I forgot to mention to the Sisters - hope they turned up to swell the numbers.
Neighbours back today, are all the plants watered :shock: :shock: Must find out where they went on their jolly's
Another neighbour in hospital?? On a blue light ? :? :? oh dear, I pray all is ok.
Good that the young man, well, early middle age manis back at work and the elderly gentleman is going great guns.
You asked about the rain picture - I thought I heard singing, while you were judging t111055
Hi Barbara - a bit wet then.............. :? :? yes, summer is fine, just warm, not so we are in a lather, like last year :roll: m0150 m0150
You are welcome to all the goodies, there is enough for everyone and the family.
Yeah, my Cardio was very impressed that the hospital in Toulouse had looked after me. He looked at all the imaging and results etc. He is a really nice man
I want one of those hydrangea bushes, it was lovely. Will have a look at the GC today.
Sounds like your Niece and Nephew are almost sorted and good that your Niece is taking it in her stride and is going to live with her Brother.
I am sure she will settle into her own place eventually. A nice flat, near to everyone would be good. I would get CAB on the case, she is more than entitled to some help. t4591
t2507 poor Niamh, we don't want her poorly, bless her. I hope she is soon better and can visit.
B is making and making, he has such a collection now, he just enjoys creating so much.
Since our hawthorn hedge has grown over the years, the birds just love it. We have a little bird bath in the garden and there was a queue, blue tits and sparrows, all waiting for a bath, so lovely to see them.
I was reading about the hedges that are covered in nets, so that the birds cannot nest - how dreadful is that :shock: :shock: :x :x
I think sparrows are on the increase again, after declining in numbers over the years.
I did Toni, I made Barbara come with me, to throw peelings into peoples gardens :? :? :roll: :roll: We will stop now, or Karma will come and bite us :shock: :shock:
Hi Carol - No need to apologise for any absence. As long as you are ok. The tablets are often easier than a pc or laptop, but like you, I find it difficult to type on them.
How are you getting on with your new phone - good I hopeWe like new phones
Two weeks to Rubies Christening and your trip to Margate, we are on countdown. You will be looking forward to the mini break and a lovely catch up with the family t4591 t4591 Glad Rubie is a lot better now.
Sorry to hear about your GS being in hospital. Chronic pancreatitis is not nice at all - is it an inherited gene? It does flare and is very painful - I hope they can find out what was different this time. Sending him lots of ((())) and well wishes. t115006
All good with Mr T, those magic slippers are working a treatt115006 t115006
Lunch with Mr T, then see how things go when you meet up with your friend. Some sparkles in her coffee won't go amiss - t115006 no, you are not naughty, just mischievous
Yes, Archie the new Royal Baby, as you say, it is their child and Her Majesty looked thrilled in the photo's.
Kath is going to write a poem about Archie - aren't you Kath
Hi to everyone else, around and about. t4591
Quiet evening here, all caught up with washing etc. Br and SIL are coming over on Saturday afternoon, so lots of immaculising prior and post visitBest buy a trolley full of cakes today, they both have a sweet tooth.
GC this morning, then Sainsb.
Time I was pottering again. So, I will leave lots of love and sparkles to all. t4591 t115006 Take care XXXXX Aidan
Raspberry and Pecan Danish KringlesXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Morning everyone!
At least it's not raining although judging by the ground it didn't stop long ago!! Judging by the words pastry and pecan I think I will have a few 'kringles' thanks Aidan!! Nuuuu Nuuuuu!!
Catsan is £7!!! :shock: but by far the best. Charley tried the posh crystal stuff for a while, but her pusskin got sore paws
Sleek brought the sweets over to yours she reckoned she owed Tosca a few packets :animal_busy: They didn't go out this morning, but are meeting up this afternoon at Mrs Darceys for Tommy's French lesson. Serious business that.
The sisters did turn up for choir practise Barbara flew in by the skin of her teeth at break with a large packet of M&S thick choccy biccies so is forgiven for her tardiness!!
Oh Aidan you got me dancing in the rain therejudging day was very wet indeed. Yes we'll go into round 2 and hope we are in full bloom by June. I have village plants in my greenhouse and must get some miracle grow for them!! ASAP!!!
Glad to hear you and Barbara have stopped throwing peelings, Sleek and Tosca too. It's not very sporting really, but remember last year when several of our planters were vandalised??
Netting over hedges is wicked just wicked
Carol!! Hello We have missed you but good to see you are well. Sorry about GS they really ought to look into his flares :?
Glad Rubie is well and you are off to Margete to see everyone and a christening too t4591 LOVELY - more pics for us to seet4591
Glad to hear you are changing how you deal with two tricky customers in Mr T and your friend. Thye do say you can't change others but can change how you respond to them. Let us know how it goes.....
Barbara I am so glad your niece is doing well and her bro is being kind and supportive until she finds her own place. They have done well ((())) to you all.
Aidan is taking responsibility for the peelings don't worry the M&S biccies you brought with you to choir made up for everything
Bless little Niamh((())) and sparkles for her. Tell her Sleek will check on her with Pepe's Drs bag and stethoscope!
Yes Paul is naughty holding his breathall right he stopped when he was 5 I think!!!
Joan did you see my post? Our judges have already been!! VERY early. We were tidy and neat but not flowering :?
Love to everyone
Toni xx0 -
Hello Everyone
The weather is supposed to be better this weekend let’s hope.Joan is out with the dogs
Then we are off to town for our weekly treat of having a meal and some one else cooking it and washing it up it’s lovely.
I hope everyone has a good weekend.
Love Suetake care
joan xx0 -
Morning all..yes its me honest..thought I would post before I forget.. :? not that I forget you all but sometimes think I have posted.. :shock:
Sue how nice to be having your weekly meal you say no washing up or mess..enjoy both of you..still raining here..hope you get it dry..xx
Toni Niamh will be thrilled to see Sleek with Pepes doctors bag..she is a good patient..I think Aidan and I have done enough now ..I know its not sport but needs must. :P .I am sure when all the plants are out ..your lovely village will win.
Carol your poor GS I have heard that pancreatitis is very painfuland in someone so young..I hope he will recover very soon.. t115006 its good to have something to look forward to, and Rubies Christening will be just the job..
..hope the weather will be good for you ..
think it might take a while with your friend..
Aidan..Raspberry and Pecan Danish Kringles went down very well with my enjoy the Gc and sainsb..hope you get a good tableI think that our niece is getting used to the idea of not being able to lean on her dad
..I have been in touch with mind thanks to you and Toni and they have been very helpful
So you have family coming ..and extra cake will be needed..cant go wrong..
I am so glad you like your cardio it makes a big difference..t115006
We have more rain at the it down to Toni's singing or mine I wonder. :? .by the way I love the pic
Right we are off out in a min not sure is Niamh is coming or not so will text mum
Love to everyone
t4591 t115006 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
I once wrote a rhyme to Prince Milo,
but my betters had different ideas.
Prince Archie it is, and always will be
and I’m happy with that my dears.
So by Royal command, and a rather stern look,
Queen Toni has issued the orders
So the Val’s Poet Laureate (the dozy old bat)
has now got her writing re-ordered
So here is an ode to the sweet Prince of Sussex
son of Harry and Meghan, Prince Archie
7th in line to the throne,
May he live long and prosper.
Not happy with those last two lines, so if anybody can improve, it's all yours.
Hello Sue, the sun has just come out here so I hope you have some too as you set off walking the dogs.
So you use Catsan Aidan and Toni. My neihbours cats have always used our front garden, which is why everyone turns their noses up when they walk past. I worry about what their diet includes, as there have been comments about us growing strange plants, but I assure you it is Deposit of Cat under our Hydrangea.
Oh hello Barbara, you just beat me to it.t4591
Jam Roly Poly with Custard
Butter, for greasing
160g self-raising flour (plus extra for dusting)
40g caster sugar
75g light vegetable suet, shredded
1 medium egg, beaten
2tbsp semi-skimmed milk
125g raspberry jam
3 medium egg yolks
60g caster sugar
1tsp cornflour
200ml whipping cream
200ml whole milk
1 vanilla pod, cut in half
Preheat the oven to 200°C/180°F/Gas Mark 6. Butter one side of a sheet of baking parchment.
For the jam roly-poly: sift the flour into a large mixing bowl, then stir in the sugar, suet and a pinch of salt.
Add the egg and semi-skimmed milk and, using a wooden spoon, stir to form a firm dough.
On a lightly-floured surface, roll out the dough to a 30 x 20cm rectangle, then spread with the jam, leaving a 2cm border around the edge. Roll up tightly and pinch each end to seal.
Place the jam roly-poly on one end of the greased side of the baking parchment and roll up. Wrap in a sheet of foil and bake in the oven for 35-40 mins, until cooked through and browned.
Meanwhile, for the custard: whisk together the egg yolks, caster sugar and cornflour in a large bowl. Heat the whipping cream, whole milk and vanilla pod in a pan. When just about to simmer, remove from the heat and pour over the egg yolk mixture, whisking all the time. Remove the vanilla pod and discard. Pour the mixture back into the pan and place over a gentle heat for 5-10 mins, stirring until the custard has thickened. Do not boil.
Slice the jam roly-poly and serve hot in bowls with the homemade custard."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Jam roly poly YUM lovely Kath I have some custard with fresh cream in it to go with
I ADORE your poem! It's so clever. You are talented really maybe someone can improve the lady two lines I know I can't I'm not capable. Baby Archie is adorable and now Meghan looks relaxed MUCH happier doesn't she?
Catsan is far better than the neighbour's garden :shock: Ooops!
Joan it REALLY REALLY rained here so much so that Charley's door let water in and quite a bit at that! So Mum took her out and got a sandbag (she thought I meant a bag of sand!!!) and then on to a man I know who will go on Thursday for her and her GF to choose a nice new shiny door. Essential if they are to keep their floor!!! I hope you enjoyed your meal out with no cooking OR washing up
Hi Barbara! Nice and earlyHow is Niamh? Sleek says she has been over once and will check on Niamh while she's asleep I think she'll probably stay over. Tosca has sent a potion to be administered hourly.
It isn't our singing causing the rain it can't be :shock: we sing like angels we BOTH think so
Aidan I think Tommy did well today at his French lessons. Mother was fairly pleased apparently. He's learning the days of the week and the names of the Months. Sleek Mrs D and Mother all had a fishy latte made in Mrs D's new cattimo machine. Tommy had a choccochino (sp) and got it all round his little face bless him
You'll see above that we had MORE rain and lots of it hail the size of your fingernail :? Had to rescue Charley and her GF. They are ok now dry I hope we get no more.
I hope today has been good for you. It's been cake day on the village cart and lots has been sold!!
Last week we made just over £100 and that is just donations t4591
Right better get on!
Love to everyone
Toni xxx0 -
Evening all
Its been a nice day here today not hot but dry and pleasant with some sun.
Aidanthe kringles were oooh so delicious just could not resist one or was it three I did leave some for others though.
Mischievous me no never :shock:all I know is its starting to work a bit with Mr T. my friend well that may take a little longer think maybe I need the strongest sparkles there.
Yes Grandson says it is very painful when it flares up but like us all here he has pain a lot of the time but worse when he has a flareup. he had it diagnosed when he was 17 he is now 25 so he now knows what is normal for him and what isn't. I don't think it is an inherited gene. its most common in alcoholics but he has not had a drop of alcohol since he was first taken ill with it. he is home now as usually they only keep him in over night now. thank you for the hugs yes its countdown to Rubie's Christening now.
New phone is great it is the same make as my last one a Samsung Galaxy so I have got used to it quite quickly.
Toni Gs is fine he is home was only at the hospital overnight. his pancreatitis is something that is always prone to little flare ups he knows how to deal with them and only goes to the hospital if really bad, but this was different this time and that is
why they want to do more tests and he cannot work at the moment. watch this space for updates on the attitude.
BarbaraGs is ok and is home but needs to have more tests to see what was different about this flare up to all the others.
yes we are hoping the weather is going to be kind to us on the christening weekend too. yep think your right there it will take friend a long time as I said to Aidan maybe the strongest sparkles available needed there.
Kath Loving the poem and jam Roly-poly and custard yummiiiiiieee.
Have you noticed how Clarence and Florence have been out and about a lot on the hunt for those naughty Spid..s that get into our houses and frighten people. They are doing a very good job I hear.
it is time now for a potter so love and sparkles to you all
t115006 t115006 t4591 t4591Stay positive always👍xx0 -
Afternoon to all - a pleasant day, then it absolutely threw it down this afternoon, with hail a plenty - the garden will NOT need watering for a couple of days t111055 t111055
Sun coming out now and the rooftops are steaming m0150 :shock:
I did start this in the afternoon, it is now 11pm gone. Neighbour came round, not had a catch up in ages, so that went on until siesta time :shock: :shock: Anyway, I am here, finally.............
Nuu Nuu was needed for those Kringles, whatever the name is, they are gorgeous and very eatableI did another pass with the vac, I was rather messy too Toni.
We have tried other inferior cat litters, useless, all of them. So it is still Catsan, despite the £, Mother is more than worth it.
Mother was very very excited when we got back, shrieking about Tommy and his much improved French. He asked everyone how they were, to have a nice day and counted to a 100, said all the days and months, awwww. t4591 t4591 Bless him.
Mother ate all her gourmet chicken, then ate too many sweets, you can guess the rest :roll:Then again a while later............
She is now resting in bed...........recuperating from her "icky" do. I kept an eye on her at siesta time, she was fine, eating sweets every five minutes :roll: :roll:
That was good, the Sisters and Barbara all turned up for choir practice. If Barbara brought Mark's choccy biscuits, then everything is redeemed, for sure
Singing in the rain, you were, tippy tapping over the grass, swinging your brollyt111055 t111055
I am sure everything will look beautiful, with plants in full bloom. Tomorite is a good feed for food and flowering plants, a lot cheaper too.
I do remember you had vandals, grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. We have stopped mucking up the neighbouring village - I will have to come up with an amazing cake, to redeem my indiscretions. :? :? :oops: :oops:
Hi Joan and Sue, happy SuesdayIt is lovely to get out and about and have a treat, where you don't have to worry about preparing a meal or washing up, just pay and off you go
I think the weather is improving for us all, not boiling hot, but warm. Love to both ((())) and to your fab doggies
Of course you would not forget us Barbara t4591 t4591We would soon send out a search party.............:)
Glad you enjoyed the Kringles, so yummy, I lost count how many I have had................ :oops: :oops:
I am so glad that MIND have been helpful re your Niece, there is a big push to provide more care and assistance for those of us with mental health problems. I know a lot of people think it carries a stigma, from days of old, but, it is a very real problem for so many and there is a very thin line, between being mentally well and having mental health issues. Myself for one.
Cakes bought, ready and waiting on top of the M Wave.
We did get our fav seats in the GC, it was quite busy, as normal. I had to have spicy sweet potato soup, ir is amazing, with some chips, then summer fruit cheesecake, well, it was more than one of my 5 a day :? :shock:
I hope Niamh is feeling better and can come visit t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006
Your poem is super, Kath, I love it, all of it. t4591 t4591
Naughty puskins using your garden as a giant litter tray, they just love earthy areas..........there are some jelly things that you can sprinkle about, rain proof, that cats really don't like the smell of. It is called "get off". Works quite well.
Strange plants, oh dear:shock: :shock:
Jam Roly Poly - fabulous, reminds me of school dinners, I used to love it when they had roly poly. Thanks very much. I have to bake Toni a special cake, to redeem myself for mucking up Toni's nearest village :roll: :roll: :? :? Oh the shame :oops:
Hope any ouches are keeping their distance t115006 t115006
Oh I see Toni has some custard with added cream, (for vitamin D of course ) :?
We had some more hail and super heavy rain, about 7ish, thought the roof was coming in :shock: :shock:
Sounds like you had similar weather, poor Charlie and GF with their door letting in water t111055 t111055 t111055 :shock: definitely needs to be replaced, loosing a good floor would be far more costly.
No, it isn't the singing that is causing the rain, not possible with angelic voices
So Mother had a fishy latte, before we came home and then pogged herself - no wonder she was icky. She wants a cattimo - obviously our nespresso is not good enough :roll: :roll:
Tommy did need a big wash, bless, covered in chococino (sp) how do you spell it............. :? :?
Cake day on the village cart - I would have bought loads, cannot pass a cake stall
Well done on the £100 in donations last week. t4591 t4591
Hi Carol - You have had the pleasant weather m0150 m0150 a world away from driving rain and hailstorms. Grim up ere in t'northt111055 t110007
I think the Kringles are a must have breakfast option - I know I could easily send my blood sugar sky high with them :shock: :? :?
No, not mischievous at all - but, if things seem to be working with Mr T, tiny steps.........and I will send some super strong sparkles to pop into her handbagt115006 t115006
Good that your GC is home, after a night in hospital. Do they give steroids etc while he is in? Definitely avoid alcohol, it is a major cause of pancreatitis. After living with it for 8 years he will certainly know what is the norm and when things are not right. ((()))
We can say two weeks now, as it is the week end alreadythen you will be off to the Christening and to Margate
t4591 t4591
I liked my Samsung phones too, but I am forever changing and trying different and their toys :roll: :roll:
I need to potter, so off I will go. If I don't post this, it will likely vanish and then I would throw all my teddies out of the pram. :? :shock:
Much fussing and immaculising this morning, ready for Bro and SIL coming after lunch.
Lots of love and sparkles to everyone t4591 t115006 XXXX Aidan
Let me redeem myself for throwing tattie peelings over Toni's nearest village...........
Butter-Pecan Kringle with chocolate and butterscotch saucesXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
My goodness! Look at this! Butter-Pecan Kringle with chocolate and butterscotch sauces Aidan you must misbehave more often!! YUMMMMM!! Booth for this one
That's me done - it's one 'standby' for the rest of us
Cappuccino...must be Choccoccino? Googled it's chococino. Bless little Tommy eh?
The girls are going a ride over the chase this afternoon if the sun stays out. Tommy is sitting on Mother's knee what a treat for himThey are going to have a friendly game of quidditch (sans voles) using quidditch balls.
Sleek is back from tending to Niamh who seems much improved. A copy of the obs chart is there for you to look at and check overah I see you've got it! Mother's potion seems to have helped.
Chatting to the neighbours never does any harm a good natter (and laugh?) helps us all
I hope you are all immaculised and the visitors enjoy their visit and Dad enjoys seeing them and his routine isn't too badly thrown out.
I have quite a 'family' of old Samsungs here. Would pass them on to charity if I knew how to delete all my info :?
Carol I am glad to hear the technique is working on Mr T. I think your friend sees you less than him so yes it will take longer! She will just have to adjust!
I saw a s****r here yesterday (not too large)so if they have time Clarence and Florence might happen over??
Your poor GS though! They need to try to help the poor lad as you say 17 is too young to be an alcoholic which is the usual pancreatitis sufferer.I hope he's not too bored off sick.
I hope Joan and Sue didn't get wet out yesterday :?
Toni xxx0 -
Hello Barbara Kathleen Carol Toni Aidan
. Barbara I'm sorry Niamh is poorly hope it don't last too long((((((()))))))
. Kathleen good poem have you done one about the forum((((((())))))
Carol the weeks go quick((((((())))
. Toni I'm sorry about Charley's and her girlfriends door Toni to the rescue good((((((()))))
. Aidan sorry about your neighbour I hope she's not in hospital too long((((((())))))
. take care all
. Joan xx. Hello Toni((((((()))))))take care
joan xx0 -
Totally Joan! Mum's are always on standby I think!! I hope you are all ok ((()))0
Start again if I can remember what I put!!!
We've had sounds next door(New neighbours? )
I also had to tell Carol thay Clarence and Florence have hired their frien Rosie. She is in charge of their office and organises new clientsShe's very organised.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Aha Kath
A wise move for Clarence and Florence to get some admin back-up. Welcome to Rosie. We book rescues via Rosie then??
How interesting new neighbours!
Aidan Riccall that's where my neighbours were. In Yorkshire fabulous adapted bungalows
I had my tea with Kari this evening having taken her to B&Q. Mrs Darcey was very pleased to see me bless her :animal_busy:0 -
Hi to all - finally. Family left about 5, so that was almost siesta time. We were getting testy
Nice to see them and we had a good natter t4591 ate carrot cakes and mini chocolate cakes
I am thoroughly redeemed then Toni, with that rather indulgent breakfast - talk about a sugar rush :shock: :shock: I had to go in the booth, I was a total gooey mess :? :roll: :roll:
Chococino, right, we know now, catachocochino for Tommy then :shock:
Mother enjoyed her trip out to the Chase, Sleek un-clipped the side car, suspended in mid air (as you do) t115006 so she could view all around and talk to Tommy about her times in France. He was wide eyed and all ears. Sleek was having a wail of a time with the quidditch, batting it from tree to tree
I have perused Niamh's obs chart and all seems to be ok, NAD as we used to write, good that she is on the mend. Mother never mentioned any potions :? :? that one snook past me.
It was lovely to see B's Brother and SIL, they often pop over. Dad was round here too. Somewhat confused to say the least, but ok otherwise.
Easy to delete any info on the phones, make sure sims and SD cards are out.
Wipes the phone back to factory settingsAll your data, gone.
This will walk you through it..............
You saw a spi---oh my. Not too big, well, that's sort of ok then..............we don't want any Autumn ones around yet. Clarence and Florence will happen by, I am sure...................
Riccall - south of York, not a place I know, but plenty around to see and do. Hope they had a lovely time. Adapted bungalows are just great. Makes life that bit easier. t4591
Tea with your Sis, after visiting B&Q and Mrs Darcey all pleased to see you, bless her. Mother is very fond of Mrs D
Mother was not too pleased that GDad was sat in Daddy's chair, she was VERY vocal about it and most put out that she could not sit on the cushion, or be with Daddy and have cuddles- I am sure Sleek will have heard all the catafuffle :roll: :roll:
Hi Joan and Sue - hope you managed to get all the things you wanted on Friday and enjoyed your lunch out
Our neighbour is going to outpatient cardiology, not a long procedure, but not particularly pleasant. :? :? I think that is why she wants us to take her and be there
Did your post vanish Kath - oh dear, I hope you didn't throw the computer :shock:
New neighbours, sounds, ooooh. Do tell more, as and when you discover thingsNot that I am nosy at all, not a bit :? :? :?
So our spid-- patrol now have a secretary to organise their ventures, leaping to our rescue at a moments notice. Rosie will keep a record of who has the most eight legged creatures :shock: :shock: I will make sure her office is on speed dial
Just in case there are ouches lurking, some magic squares are under your cushions and pillows t4591 t115006 t115006
Hi to Barbara - how is everyone? I hope Niamh is feeling better and has been able to come stay over t4591
Have you tried dinner to the door again............ :? :? or giving it a miss for a while.
Hugs ((())) to everyone, as always t115006
Hi to Carol - hope your week end is ok. Church this morning if you are feeling up to it. Hope your GS is feeling a bit easier t4591
Official two week countdown now...................
Hi to everyone else, in and about. t4591 t4591
I think we are taking today off - it's official, we need a day of doing what we want to do, which will likely be not a lothe says, telling porkies. I will be pottering and fussing, but that is therapy to me and B will be creating
Sunshine forecast, so I would guess Mother and Sleek will be off to see the sunrise, from atop is extra magical at that time of day, any mists will be scooped up t115006 t115006
Time I was pottering again.
Love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 XXX Aidan
Sweetcorn FrittersXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0
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