Val's Cafe



  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all..very warm indeed.
    I am sue they said it would be 17..that's is why I booked.. :shock:
    Joan I haven't been in the sea..hee those were the days :D we did go on the little road train to the other bay..that was nice..hope you are all ok..
    Toni not long then till your awning..much better than an umbrella
    Carol I am sure you will get back on target..I mix the names up if our gc and we only have 3
    Kath I do like a good dald thankyou..and you did the co.op and had icecream in the you are due another nap..
    Aidan would you believe we haven't had fish and chips..there is a lovely pub nearby so we had tea there..the breakfast is enough to keep us going till then..hooe you can all get the bus for tomorrow ..then we can all share fish and chips..but mind the seagulls.. :shock: it was nice if your neighbours to give you the they miss you..
    The wisteria us lovely..think I told you next door had one 30 ft high..and the new neighbours took it down :shock:
    Now was it cherry rolypoly you left for us with custard.
    Better move..we will be back Friday
    Love to everyone m0150 t4591 t115006 .
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi again - I will try and catch up from where I was so rudely interrupted by the t'interweb :roll: :roll:

    Hi Barbara - it has been another hot day, somewhere around 25 here I think. They say 20, but they are fibbing :? :?

    Hopefully it will be a bit cooler for Thursday and Friday. Did you say your Birthday was today :) t69044 t69044 t4591 t4591


    Have a wonderful day t115006 t115006

    Glad the breakfasts are good and the pub is close by, for your evening meals. No fish and chips :shock: :shock: we will be there in a flash and all have a potter on the promenade :)

    I remember you saying about your neighbours wisteria and the unwanted ratties that climbed up it :shock: :shock: :? :? Shudder..................

    It was a cherry breakfast roll, but custard would be ideal with it, at any time of day :)

    We went to Homebase, bought some bedding plants, compost etc, the blue pots are now all nicely planted and on the decking steps to the back door, very French t4591 t4591 t69044
    I did some watering in the garden, I would have happily stood under the hosepipe - I was a tad warm. :shock:

    Bought some paint, which B has started using in the lounge. Two walls are being re papered, (on order, will be here in a day or so) silver mist on the rest of the walls, light grey is the new white :lol::lol:
    I can feel a big removal of "stuff" as well. Very cathartic. We have to do it from time to time, to make room for more :roll: :lol::lol:

    Hi to Carol - hope you are ok and enjoying the fine weather - are we on 9 days or is it 8 or the other, it is getting closer to your mini break :)

    Hi to everyone else, in and about.

    Time I was moving, need to potter a bit, move the bones............throw Tramadol at them as well. :roll: :roll:

    At home today. B will be painting, after cleaning skirtings etc with his very magic white cloth :) I will be fussing too no doubt.

    Mother Glitter Sparkles is busy napping, so will no doubt be shrieking half the night :animal_busy: :roll: :roll:

    Lots of love and sparkles to everyone t4591 t115006 t115006 XXXX Aidan

    Sorry cannot post another breakfast pic, the internet is down again and I am using the 4g network as a hotspot........................grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Lovely salad thanks Kath :)

    The dress was my size but not being that tall the waist and bust were in the wrong place now it really is a perfect fit :) I doubt anyone is the same shape as me!!

    Not sure you ought to be chilly it's quite warm ((()))

    Thanks for the salad Kari and I both had some not her DIL she is on that keto diet :roll:

    Auntie Kari has been over with her DIL Aidan Charley and Lucy had a good chat with her so did I - ours was about the garden :D Charley and my sister had a long talk to each other :? hmmmm??? not sure what about..... :shock:

    I spoke to Mrs Darcey and nearly let the human out of the bag! I Mrs D thinks Kari doesn't know about their japes so when I saw them doing loop the loops around the Church spire I shrieked - look at those cats!!!! Tosca quick as a flash put a spell on them all so they looked like drones :oops: phew!!!

    Sleek showed me a copy of Mother's photo of the nymph. She explained that they are a shy race and not prone to 'showing off' like us peepel. What? Says she queen of the selfies!!! :shock: :lol:

    Yes wisteria flower twice in France with their longer summers.

    Started work on my scarecrow....

    Joan mint green tea? :shock: I've had lemon green tea never mint though :?

    I don't blame Mr T not wanting to give up his last drink Carol....I would feel the same to be fair so long as it's decaf which it is....

    Not happy on your behalf about the weight gain. You'll soon shift it I know you and have a word with your normal consultant you've been at target for so long :?

    Thanks I am grabbing 24 hours - I need them!!

    Barbara it's roasting today :shock: m0150 I'm not complaining yet though :)

    So glad the awning should be here before the REAL hot weather :D

    Take care

    Toni xxx

    I wouldn't mind a wee wisteria for our patio area :)
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Post hadn't gone!! Oh dear me so it's out of place now :oops: I'll quickly check if there's anything I should have read.....

    Right blackout blind is working for Aidan having to use mobile date as a hotspot!!!

    That cost serious cash I hope it gets sorted ASAP!!!!

    The judges won't come here now until June so nothing to worry about for now. :D phew!!!

    The awning will now be made especially for our space :) So exiting! The surveyor was lovely talked me through everything.

    Baby wisteria coming along nicely I see t4591 t4591 Mine is trying to actually open the flowers now m0150 m0150 m0150

    Barbara was it your birthday? Oh dear HAPPY BIRTHDAY albeit belated :oops:


    Make sure you have some fish and chips now!!!

    I hope you are having a lovely time.

    It was at least 20 here :shock: :roll:

    Hi to Joan and Sue


    Toni xxx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Toni Kathleen Aidan Barbara
    . Toni did you see the programme the oap's this week with Harry Redknapp he had a mower like yours he fixed the rail wrong.(((((())))))
    . Kathleen that was nice sitting and having ice cream and resting your legs((((((()))))))
    . Aidan I hope you have a good day not too much pain((((((()))))) Dad((((((()))))
    . Barbara. You have a good day it's going to be colder on Friday((((((()))))))
    . Take care love to Carol Mig(((((())))))
    . Joan xxx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    At Last! My appointment review letter arived today. Date of appointment was 29th april. date of letter 9th may. date of arrival - 16th ay. They don't rush themselves do they! Errors in letter -

    seropositive RA 1987 - I was seronegative in 1087 until 2015!
    Failed corneal graft left eye 1976. My son Jonathan - who was born in 1983, was 5 years old when I had this surgery! Should I laugh, or cry? :lol::cry: :roll: They are calling my secondary Sjogren's Sicca, but my prescription was deliverd today and they've included A.S Saliva Orthana.

    Oh dear Toni, a lost post. It happens to the best of us doesn't it. I've heard of the Keto diet. But I don't know anything about it.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all - after the internet croaked last night, it has come back on, with a rubbish speed - - big do's and little do's, Openreach are coming out on Sat morning - again............only three weeks since they were last here.

    Anyway, we have some internet - grateful for slow mercies. Unless you have a huge data package on your sim, then using the phone as a wifi hotspot chews up your data like mad Toni.

    Lovely that Auntie Kari has been round and Charley - you must find out what the conversation was between them................ :? :?

    No wonder Mother was shrieking this morning, saying she had turned them into drownez - :shock: :shock: now I know, she is on the front foot when it comes to super fast spells, is our Mother Glitter Sparkles t115006 t115006

    Mother was very grateful for the picture of the wood Nymph, naturally shy and no selfies at all.............says Sleek :shock: :lol::lol: Muggles are show off's and have selfie sticks :lol::lol:

    I am sure your scarecrow will be wonderful :) cannot wait to see :)

    Much better today, three big windows wide open, with mesh in of course. Lovely fresh breeze blowing through, so washing and dryer going at a pace. Beds done, B busy painting, prepping one wall ready for new wallpaper, lots of deep cleaning of skirting boards with his magic white cloth :) It's all go.......................

    Good that the judges will not be back for a couple of weeks at least. Time for planting and more preening etc. t4591 t4591

    The awnings will make a huge difference, :D:D we should have proper shutters like they have in France, or the roller shutters, that let air in and keep heat out.
    People often say that French houses have small windows, well, there is a rational reason - HEAT m0150 m0150

    Thank you, the baby wisteria's are so cute t4591 t4591 the leaves are coming along quickly now, ready to hide all the flowers :shock: :roll: :roll:
    Yours will soon be out, looking gorgeous.

    I hope Barbara is having a lovely Birthday and fish and chips are a must have, away from seagulls of course. t69044 t69044

    Hi Joan and Sue, - we are having a nice day thank you ((())) - good to have the breeze blowing through, not too warm at all, just perfect, I could stand this all year.
    It is going to cool off a bit now, and there is some much needed rain on the way........... t111055 t111055

    Was your letter delivered by a snail Kath :roll: :roll: :shock: :shock: hardly next day recorded :? :? then to have a list of errors in your review - bloomin eck duck, what's up wi em. Sicca is just another name for Sjogren's
    Glad the prescription has a substitute saliva included, that's good. I hope it works............or helps as much as possible.

    Laugh I think - until you see them next time.............or send a little note in, saying can you amend the following please :)

    Keto diet, yes, heard of it, but know nothing about it. The only thing that we used to say Keto, was ketoacidosis when someone had unstable diabetic crisis :shock: :shock:

    I hope you are feeling less yucky today, some extra sparkles to help t115006 t115006
    Thank you for the gorgeous cake, I will nip round to Toni's for some cream..............

    Birthday girl will be enjoying the sea side - hope you are both having a lovely time Barbara and Mr B :) t69044 t69044 t4591 t4591

    Hi to Carol and to Mig, to all our friends here on the forum.

    I had best be doing some more pottering, wonderful cool breeze wafting through...............relishing it t110007

    Will write more later - love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 XXX Aidan

    Mother sent some extra sparkles too

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all..home tomorrow after a few lovely
    Thankyou for the Birthday wishes ..its strange being away
    Aidan what a lovely cake thankyou.. :D must have taken ages to ice.
    Glad you have flowers for your pots..and new wallpaper on order..must say I do like some of these greys..I go on DIY on a budget on Facebook.. some of the rooms are stunning ..
    Toni I hope the awning comes just in time for the weather to return..the dress will be like made to measure..and thankyou for the birthday wishes
    Joan..we have had a good time..I did check the ten day weather before I booked.. :D it's going to rain tomorrow and go cold..but we will be home..
    Kath you have so much going some times makes you wonder why..and the letter coming last min.honestly :roll:
    Better ho in case the wifi drops..
    Love to everyone t4591 t115006 t4591
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all - just a quick visit, all is ok, there was a huge "do" at the neighbours, upshot being police came, family were there...............we didn't go round, but have spoken to her at length tonight.
    All is settled for now - boy, we have some drama's around here. :shock: :shock:

    Glad you had a lovely Birthday Barbara t4591 t4591 - that cake took me forever to do the icing, needed a very steady hand, just like mine :? :? :? said no one, EVER. :lol::lol:

    You will be home, safe and sound, just as the weather is turning. Rain on the horizon and cooler. Today (Thursday) has been just right, lots of nice breezes blowing through, all washing done and dried.

    Hi to Toni and Carol and Mig, Mell, SW, Toady, DD, Elizabeth, Kerrin, Christine and all

    Sleek was over at siesta time, having heard all the cafuffle going on. Mother put her mind at rest and said that peeples sometimes have big fall outs. Silver sent sparkles to calm everything down, which has worked well t115006 t115006

    Sorry this is short and sweet. Off into town, with Dad, need to pick up my inhalers, pop into the T room, do a bit of shopping.

    Love and sparkles to everyone t4591 t115006 Take care, will catch up later XXXXXXXX Aidan

    Summer Fruit Vanilla Bean Chia Pudding Bowl t4591

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    All of our 5 a day thanks Aidan!

    Is this the neighbour with the heart condition? If so that will not have helped :?

    Sleek has reassured Tosca about the row. Peepels she said are stooped sumtymes. They hiss and spit and their claws cum out.

    Mother is ok they went to the nymphs café for a cuppa as it is raining t111055 Talking about how vain us peepels are selfie and all that big heddz :lol: :roll:

    I think keto is just that Aidan when you are burning fat and they give off that smelly breath!! YUK why would anyone want to do that to themselves. Mind you her DIL does have diabetes.

    Internet is doing something at least, but openreach need to sort it for goo this time :x

    Hope Dad is ok and you get prescriptions etc ok. Enjoy the tea room t4591

    Welcome home to Barbara t69044 I've left you some flowers :D

    I have no idea who that letter was about Kath - not you for sure. :shock: :shock: :shock:

    Keto diet is mostly protein very very very little carbs! No good for us lot eh?!!

    Lovely cake ta impressed with your piping too :wink:

    Joan yes the wire needs to be just under the soil!!! Silly Harry. That programme makes me laugh :lol:

    Love to Carol and mig

    Toni xx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Everyone
    What a change in the weather. We are off to town again.
    I can’t remember if I told you I left Facebook.
    Have a good weekend
    Love Sue.
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Ecky thump Aidan, slow t'interweb is just as bad as none at all. Those sparkles are gorgeous, I could gaze at them all day - interspersed with mouthfuls of Summer Fruit Vanilla Bean Chia Pudding Bowl. Too wonderful for words. :D

    Yes Toni, the letter was from my Rheumatology registrar. Bonkers really. It's been like that for ages now and I can't be bothered to say owt, but I do like moaning don't I. :lol: Quite a few people do the Keto diet, but I like me carbs. :wink:

    Sue, so you've left FB. Don't blame you really. It can be a nuisance at times. But we still have you here in the cafe thank goodness. Much more friendly than FB and you know you are among people who love you and Joan. t4591

    Goat Cheese and Spinach Omelette

    SERVES: 2

    3 large eggs

    300g (10.5oz) baby spinach

    2 tablespoons of goat cheese in cubes (or feta)

    1 tablespoon of olive oil

    Small pinch of black pepper


    Boil a small amount of water in a saucepan. Drop in spinach and cook just until wilted. Drain and chop coarsely. Stir in the cheese.

    Beat the eggs with a fork in a medium bowl. Add in a pinch of black pepper. Heat the olive oil in a nonstick pan over medium-high heat until hot. Pour in egg. Tilt the egg from side to side. Add in the spinach mixture over the omelette. Continue to cook until almost set, and the bottom is golden.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all - sunny, but a nice breeze again, thank goodness :)

    All of our five a day and more besides Toni, two helpings and we are sorted for the week, cake all the way on................. :lol::lol::lol:

    Sleek and Mother are right, peeples have big arr guw ments and things go UP in the air..................... :shock: :shock:

    I know I am going to run out of time - it is 5pm and the whole day has gone grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Lounge is a tip, B is painting, I am in the midst of it, Tosca has gone to bed, she doesn't like a tip. :roll: :roll:

    I will have to write later tonight. We are all ok, neighbour is as ok as can be.

    Hope you are home safely Barbara

    Hi Joan and Sue

    Thanks for the lovely omelette Kath, I am all over it :)

    Love to all, will catch up later XXXX Aidan t4591 t4591 t4591

    Summer Strawberry and Cream Sponge Cake - booth is ready

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi once more, - late, but nothing new there :roll:

    No naps in the afternoon, B was well away with the painting, doing the wall with the two big bay windows in, so, lots of moving things, lots of "oh my goodness - look at the fluff" :o:o when you move settee etc.............the shame :oops: :oops:

    Anyway, I was in charge of immaculising the leather two seater, as that has gone in buy and sell - B has ordered a new sofa, very on trend, grey, gorgeous and very inexpensive :)

    Lots of leather food, lots of vacuuming with all cushions off.

    Mother was horrified, she went to bed in a HUGE sulk, as there was no nap, she went and had the same amount of time, to the minute, that we would normally take a siesta - how amazing are puskins at knowing t115006 t115006

    SO much "stuff" has gone into the car, ready for the charity shop, a major clearance from the lounge. Super cathartic. t4591 t4591

    Neighbour came round, hugs and a quick natter, as her Bro was there doing her new decking area. Dust is still settling, which is normal and I am sure events have not finished yet, even though her OH is officially out the door. :? :roll: :roll:

    Keto, it is a dangerous diet in my humble opinion as well Toni, no carbs, or super low carbs, is not good for anyone, let alone a diabetic. Slow release carbs are fine, as are some treats. Sticking to a keto diet for the long term is super difficult.

    There is a lot written about the keto diet, for and against. I am not a fan personally................. :? :?

    We still have a bit of internet, enough to get by. Hopefully Mr Openreach man can sort it out, once again..............they could be here at 0800, that is silly o clock :o:o :roll: :roll: If we vanish offline I will message.

    Inhalers duly collected from the Surgery. Dad is ok - as long as we keep him on track. He has British Gas coming today, as his boiler has gone kaput :roll: :roll:

    Hi Joan and Sue - hope you managed to gather all you needed in town. It has been milder than expected here, there as a big downpour about 7am, by 9, it was all as dry as a bone :shock:

    I wondered where you had gone on FB Sue. :? :?

    So you liked the breakfast then Kath :) It looks SO good, we could have it as a side dish most mornings, just in case we need some fruity things with our huge pancakes :shock: :? :lol::lol:

    Hopefully the interweb will be sorted today - have had enough of it messing about now.

    I think the keto diet is popular, but like you, I like some carbs, maybe too many, but my bloods are spot on, in depth blood sugar analysis is perfect. My blood sugar is normally low, rather than high whenever I test it.. Pills are doing their job very well.

    You aint moanin mi duck, Drs down know wot the're talkin bout, gerrem towd :lol::lol:

    Extra ((())) for any lurking ouches t115006 t115006 some more sparkles to gaze at :)


    Hi to Barbara - I bet you are tired, after your journey home. Glad you had a lovely time, but I can guess your own bed is better than any other :D:D t115006 t115006
    Hope you, Mr B and your loved ones are all ok t4591 t4591

    Hi to Carol - well, I have lost count, are we at 7 days now........before you head off on your mini holiday to see family :shock: time is flying by..............I did have some hours left in the wheelbarrow, but they are all gone. :roll: :roll:
    I hope you, Mr T and yours are all ok, how is your GS feeling now, did they say what the cause of his flare was?

    Hi to everyone else, in and about :)

    Sleek is taking Mother out for a spin round Pendle, there is some mist expected and the moon is quite full, so the magic will be bountiful - she said, if you are all getting up at silly o clock, to turn the house upside down again, to do more payntyng, I am going OUT. :shock: :shock: She is not amused, at all. :? :?

    Time I stopped rambling and had another potter, ones back is shrieking at me, so tramadol has been increased :roll: :roll: needs must

    hopefully we will be super fast internet later. Until then, I will say n night........ lots of sparkles and love t115006 t4591

    Coconut Pancakes with caramelised orange and pineapple compote ---- oooh, posh

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I'm off to the market to buy more village plants :)

    Sleek took Tosca out early doors got some great mists....moon was AMAZING so I heard :shock:

    Mother was unimpressed (singularly!) with the prospect of mess so they lingered and had a latte and some breakfast with the nymphs.

    I have had some layered cake followed by a trip to the booth which showered me off too (necessary!)

    Coconut pancakes...several of our 5 a day good :)

    I hope the neighbour is doing ok ((())) and B is still enjoying painting.

    Kath rheumatologists and registrars all the same tooo busy to remember us as individuals sadly.

    Joan has Sue left facebook? I don't blame her I avoid the place it's annoying and wastes time :roll:

    Catch you all later I hope


    Toni xxx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Aidan
    . Kathleen I hope you have a good weekend how are your new neighbours ((((((((((())))))
    . Aidan yes when you change the furniture the place looks different. I have never been on a diet I'm 9 stone when I was weighed at the hospital (((((((()))))) love to Dad((((((())))
    . take care love to Barbara Toni Carol Mig((((((()))))))
    . Joan xx. Toni I hope you find the plants you want(((((()))))))
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Joan, Chris looked out the bedroom window at 8ish last night and noticed the For Sale sign had become a SOLD sign (it hadn't been changed earlier that afternoon). Well someone just arrived as we heard the front door slam. but we've seen nobody yet. Hope you and Sue have a good weekend. t4591

    Toni, more flowers. I bet you can't tell where your garden ends and the village starts. Yes, you're absolutely righ about Rheumys and registrars. Actually it's the first time I've ever seen a rheumy registrar. Saw loads in Opthalmology, but in the chest clinic I saw a lot of trainee doctors, especially on the wards. 1st year ones were so shy and didn't like asking too many questions, but 2nd year and 3rd year were lovely an we had some smashing conversations. Shame they change as soon as they qualify. :D

    Aidan, thank you for the pretty sparkles, the pancakes and that extra super dooper cake. Just toddle to the booth.

    Dum di doo, dum di daa - SPLAT Quick wash and blow dry.

    I'm back now. :lol:

    Grilled mackerel with cherry tomato, pea and spinach salad
    Category: Main meal | Serves: 4

    Prep time: 10 minutes | Cooking time: 20 minutes

    500g (18 oz) new potatoes

    4 x150g (5 1/2 oz) mackerel fillets

    Low-calorie cooking spray (or 1 tsp unsaturated oil)

    1 tbsp coriander seed, crushed

    Freshly ground black pepper

    200g (7 1/4 oz) frozen peas, defrosted

    1 tsp grain mustard

    1 tsp English mustard

    1 tsp honey

    2 tsp cider vinegar

    4 tsp extra virgin olive oil

    3 spring onions, finely sliced

    250g (9oz) vine-ripened cherry tomatoes, halved

    50g (2 3/4 oz) baby spinach leaves

    Boil the potatoes for 12-15 minutes or until tender then drain. Pre heat the grill.
    Sprinkle the coriander over the fish and season with black pepper. Mist with cooking spray or drizzle over oil. Grill on a tray lined with foil, skin side up for 6-8 minutes, depending on the strength of your grill, until flesh is opaque and skin beginning to blacken.
    In a bowl mix together the mustard, honey, vinegar and oil. Add the warm potatoes, tomatoes, peas, spring onion and spinach. Serve topped with the fish fillets.
    Cook’s tips
    Try substituting the mackerel with salmon or tuna for a variety of fish each week.

    Florence, Clarence and Rosie having a meeting.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all..sorry this is late..think I need another holiday to recover feels like we were away for a week :lol:
    Aidan you are right nothing better than your own bed.. :D we both didnt sleep properly this time not a clue why ..the bed was comfy..I see your neighbours had the police..oh I hope all is ok..and you have a new settee .. :D new furniture make such a difference..I need a new carpet ..this one is wearing through :o
    the pancakes were to die for..I had 4... :lol: and I love the sparkly pictures..but now Niamh wants one :lol:
    Toni wonder how long the awning will take.. :) so you have till the end of June to get the village ready..we can all come and help :D
    Kath bet you cant wait to see who your new neighbours are..I have panic attacks when ours move..3 times on one side.. :shock:
    Joan we enjoyed our break but home is better.. :D I was 9st 2lb when I went to the gym..dont ask what I am now.. :oops:
    Sue I dont blame you for coming off facebook..I joined many years ago but came off and have gone back on only to see old photos of the twon I live in mostly...
    Right will leave you for now we have Niamh here
    Love to everyone
    t4591 t115006 t4591
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Goodness me, what a long long day

    Up at the crack of dawn, ready for Openreach, between 0800 and Noon.

    No one came, :x :x :x so by 2pm, I rang Sky - oh, Openreach were never booked, they don't do week end visits, the adviser should have told you last Thursday - Matron not happy AT ALL. :? :?

    Big do's and little do's, Openreach are booked for Monday, 100%.

    A credit to our account, for their error.

    Free Sky Sports for 6 months, cheaper phone call package, free Cinema pack, cheaper broadband and lots of apologies from a very nice lady.
    She is calling back on Monday to check that the internet problems are fixed and see if there is anything else we can have to reduce our monthly costs further. :D:D:D
    I should think so to. :roll:

    Then we were at the neighbours at the end of our row, who were throwing a surprise Birthday party for a neighbour opposite. We stopped for a couple of hours, then came back home.
    B painted the last wall, finishing just as it was going dusky.

    We both ache like the proverbial pain in the ****

    Anyway, that was Saturday.................. :roll: :roll: :roll:

    I hope you managed to gather all the plants that you needed Toni. Are they all going out now, hopefully all frosts are over with for the season. t69044 t69044

    We were only in a slight HUGE mess, so Mother was wise to stay out a little longer, with Miss Sleekness. She has not been quite as Granny Grumps today. I think Sleek came over while we were at the neighbours for a couple of hours, they watched SYTTD Ireland, back to back episodes. t4591 t4591 they ate a whole dish full of sweets too :shock: :shock:

    I heard the booth running, so I guessed that it was either your good self, or Kath, in there, having splatted into the cakes :lol::lol::lol:

    Neighbour is ok, I think the party for the other neighbour took her mind off things.

    B is aching in places he didn't know he had :o :shock: but all the wall painting is done, just the papering on two walls, when it arrived on Monday. New sofa on Wednesday - oh we will be so a la mode :)

    Hi Joan and Sue - diets, oh I have been on just about all of them, the most I lost was just over 9 stone :shock: :shock: it took me a year, but I was working then and able bodied, so I could go to the gym 5 times a week too.
    the F plan, weight watchers, Egg diet..............and so on...........

    The rooms looks better already with so many things going to the charity shop this morning :) We are completely de cluttering every single room, every drawer.

    Thank you for the hugs, many to you both too and to Pepsi and Lexi (did I get their names right )? (((())))

    So you have new neighbours then Kath - SOLD has appeared on the board and already a door has slammed :shock: :shock: :roll: :roll:
    Keep a look out, we all need to know who, what, why, when, how, etc. :lol::lol:

    Oh, the first year Drs are so out of their depth, bless them and rely a lot on the ward staff, we used to lead them round and keep a close eye - Matron was all eyes and ears.
    Second and third year were on their feet and generally really good, we used to have some great times, just a few needed their bedside manner improving :)

    Booth is looking nice and clean, all washed and dried, glad you enjoyed yourself :D:D

    Thank you for the lovely fish dish, I like Mackerel.........I know I am veggie, but I do eat some fish - does that make me not quite veggie :? :? :shock:

    Glad to see that Rosie is keeping Florence and Clarence updated, taking minute of the spid-- meeting.

    Hi Barbara - i knew you would need another holiday :lol::lol::lol:
    You have had an awful lot on your plates recently, so not sleeping very well is not out of the ordinary, no matter how comfy the bed. I hope you have had a better night and feel more rested today. t4591 :animal_busy: :animal_busy:

    Oh we have had some times, with neighbours, so many drama's over the past 10 years :roll: :? :? but, we are always here, if there is a need and if we can help, we will.

    Settee will be here on Wednesday, we have one to shift out first :shock: :shock:

    Niamh wants a sparkly picture - bless - t115006 t115006 Hope you are enjoying her company tonight :)

    Time I was moving again, I cannot sit, nor stand, for any amount of time, have to keep pottering, my back is screeching louder than Mother Glitter Sparkles :roll: :roll:

    Lots of love to everyone, in and about. Loads of sparkles and hugs to all t4591 t115006 t115006

    Off to the charity shop, then for a coffee, just the two of us - ( I feel a song coming on.............) :lol::lol:
    Then hair cuts are's all go...................

    Love to all XXXXX Aidan

    Fresh Peaches, Blueberries, Homemade Granola, Chia Seeds and Honey with Goats Yoghurt

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Lap top not too happy this morning took nearly half an hour to update :roll:

    Aidan thanks for the peachy fruit filled breakie . What a day you've had busy busy visiting neighbours finishing decorating, but worst of all getting up at stupid O-clock for Openreach who let you down :x Well done getting those extras and the like as compensation :wink:

    Sleek and Mother did indeed watch SYTTD Ireland. She's being doing her Irish accent all night :roll: She is quite authentic, but after a bit it does get on your nerves :animal_busy:

    This morning they went into the sanctuary for me I had so much fruit I couldn't carry it! Sleek had the trailer on and mOther in the side car. When they arrived Mother waved her wand and it was all distributed to relevant animals :shock:

    then :animal_busy:

    Hope neighbour is ok ((())) glad the party distracted her.

    Wednesday for new settee! lovely and the old one? Do you have a home for it or to charity?

    Barbara I expect you are exhausted, but glad you went?

    I bet Niamh is glad to have you back :)

    It could be the beginning of June :shock: :shock: for judging!

    The awning? They say 6 weeks but I bet it's much less :)

    Kath I am quite exited about your new neighbours. Beaky really :oops:

    I know what you mean about junior Drs bless them - they need nice Matrons to help them like Aidan was.

    Booth was in fine form yesterday wasn't it?!

    I am having my salad without the mackerel I bet Tosca would have it!!

    So the Sp***r team are conferring eh? :?

    bless you we did get what plants we wanted and will start planting this week. As someone said (who? brain cells are gone) there ought not to be more frosts now fingers crossed.

    Love to everyone

    Toni xxx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Barbara Aidan Toni
    . Kathleen has long as your new neighbours are friendly and helpful to you that's all that matters((((((()))))))
    . Barbara sorry you didn't sleep well on holiday in your own bed you make a place you fit in love to Niamh ((((((()))))))
    . Aidan sorry you are having problems with Bt Internet that's why we left them love to your Dad(((((((())))))) pepper lexi
    . Toni how is Lucy doing((((((())))))) thinking of you planting((((((((()))))
    . take care have a good day. Love to Carol Mig((((((()))))))
    . Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Toni, you aren't beaky, just a little curious - and you know what that did to the cat! Just ask Sleek. :wink: (hope she enjoyed the mackerel).

    Aidan, at least Sky are looking after you now, free Sky Sports for 6 months, just in time for Wimbledon whoopee. :idea: :idea: :idea:

    Barbara, I think Chris will be having panic attacks while they are moving in. He suffers from OCD and anxiety. :o :shock: :?
    Kathleen has long as your new neighbours are friendly and helpful to you that's all that matters
    Joan, there's a first time for everything. :D

    Moroccan-spiced tomato sauce with roast vegetables and chickpeas
    Category: Main meal | Serves: 2-3

    Prep time: 20 minutes | Cooking time: 35-45 minutes

    4 tsp olive oil

    2 tsp Ras El Hanout spice

    1 red onion, cut into 8 wedges

    1 red or yellow pepper, deseeded and cut into chunks

    200g (7oz) prepared butternut squash (flesh only), diced

    2 small courgettes, cut into chunks

    1 clove garlic, finely chopped (optional)

    400g (14oz) can cherry tomatoes in rich natural juice

    2 tbsp homemade vegetable stock or water

    150g ( 5 1/2oz) canned chickpeas in water (drained weight), rinsed and drained chopped fresh coriander to garnish

    Roast in oven for 20-15 minutes or until vegetables are brown and tender, stirring once or twice. Add canned tomatoes, stock and chickpeas to roasting tin; stir to mix. Roast in oven for a further 10-15 minutes or until mixture is hot and bubbling, stirring once.
    Sprinkle over chopped coriander; server immediately on its own or with baked potatoes, cooked pasta or pitta bread.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all - pleasant day, windows open, nice breeze :)

    Mother said she will cast a spell onto your laptop Toni, to make it all better :? :? :o t115006


    I think we have done our weeks fruit with this mornings breakfast.

    What a day, for sure. I will see what else Sky are going to kindly donate :)
    Two texts already, one from Sky, one from Openreach, confirming again and again, that they are coming in the morning :? :? they had better......................

    Mother was shrieking in an Irish accent, sounded most odd :lol::lol:
    They both want shamrocks and to go and visit the Giants Causeway :shock: :shock: I can guess they will be over the Irish sea in no time............

    Ah, Mother was talking about frewt for the sank chary :shock: :shock: and casting a very complicated spell - t115006 t115006 she was most pleased that it still worked, after 85 years :o:o

    I think most of the neighbours are ok, some I am guessing have had rather sore heads this morning - :roll: :roll:
    None of us were early to rise, I just crashed and did not move, didn't wake up until nearly 10 am At least some of the spasms had eased from my back, by being in one position and resting for longer.

    B took all the things he had gathered to the charity shop, it is the YMCA, big place, it used to be a small supermarket. They take lots of furniture. They said the settee would be perfect, so it was collected within two hours :o:o :shock: :shock: They said, this is very good quality :) it will sell in a flash.

    Had my hair cut, just finished when the van arrived and I was off into the shower................B's will be done another day this week

    Wallpaper is arriving today, so that's good.

    Tosca will gladly help with the mackerel :)

    I think I said that all the frosts are finished :? :? :oops: :oops: :roll: :roll: let's hope so, if all the plants are going out this week t69044

    Hi Joan and Sue - hope you are having a good week end. Openreach will sort things out, again.........there are quite a few places having more fibre cables installed, not sure if the one on the park is going to get one, but I will ask.
    We don't have BT Internet, we have Sky, but of course, all the telephone lines etc, are still owned by BT and Openreach.

    Hi Kath - Sky lost all the tennis, they didn't bit for it this last time, so we pay for tennis tv, which covers 99 % of all the ATP tour. BBC will host Wimbledon
    We do watch a lot of Sky Sports so having it for free for 6 months is fine by us :)

    I can totally sympathise with Chris - I have been there and continue to remain there, at times. t4591 ((()))

    Your dish of the day, looks absolutely wonderful - thank you kindly t4591

    B is behind the corner unit, getting the last bits of the old wallpaper off.............I cannot see him, but there is a lot of rustling :shock: :? :?

    Hi to Barbara - hope you are a bit more rested today, or does Niamh have you up early doors :shock: Love to all t4591

    To you too Carol, Mig, Mell, SW DD, Elizabeth, Christine, Kerrin Toady and all. t4591 t4591

    Neighbour across, is a painter decorater, he has just come over to clean all our gutters and down pipes, he said we do lots of good things for them, so all is fair to do something for us. Bless eh t4591 t4591 We will be sparkling m0150 m0150

    Time I was pottering, keep the painter topped up with coffee :) he won't take any £ :roll:

    Will catch up again later. Love and Sparkles to all t4591 t115006 t115006 XXX Aidan

    I baked an Old English Fruit Cake :)

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Oooh! Aidan you know what goes well with fruitcake?! yes you guessed a large dollop of Cornwall's finest clotted cream :D mmmm lovely thanks :)

    Shrieking in an Irish accent? Ah yes here too and yes Sleek was on catazon looking for matching suitcases for her and mother so they can cross the Irish sea for a weekend break :? :shock:

    I saw Tosca IN my lap top!!but all seems well since she was in there.

    We went to one of our favourite cafe's called the Artisan it's lovely I had porridge! That was about half 11 was full until 6.30 impressive eh?!

    Enough about food!

    I bet the YMCA were delighted they should make plenty of pennies for those who need it. All good :) and the wallpapering will be perfect too I'm sure when B gets the old stuff off.

    Nice neighbour helping with the gutters. Hope the others have recovered from the shenanigans!

    Kath yes Sleek said 'do not be curious it's not safe!' she would say no more :| her lips were sealed.

    She and Tosca ate up all the mackerel no problem (fishy breath now :mrgreen: ) thanks v much

    and thanks v much for lunch it was lovely and veggie too!! t4591

    Lucy is doing really well thanks Joan still doing two jobs :) we only planted some of the plants so far not overdoing it.

    Everyone look at THIS!!

    My wisteria Wilhelmina! her petals are opening :)

    Love to everyone

    Toni xxx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all..on my phone again..its a long story involving Niamh..
    Toni how fantastic the Wisteria really have green fingers..planting to start soon..hopefully the awning will be here well before 6 time for summer to return
    Joan you always send so many here are some for you and Sue..(((())))..and of course the little doggies((()))..
    Kath poor Chris..I hope you get really good neighbours then he can feel settled..thankyou for the recipe even though I have forgotten what it is..I know there was tomatoes sauce :lol:
    Aidan I bet the YMCA are over the moon with the furniture..
    Your poor neighbour hope that husband stays away..whatever gets into people..
    Glad to hear openreach come Monday.. and they have compensated you ..I should think so..getting up early..
    When Bill has finished we need to see photos.. all nice and fresh ready for summer..and how kind of the neighbour to clean your gutters..its so nice to help one another :D
    Did you watch the tennis today..showing off the new roof on court one at was so funny ..but also brilliant tennis from all the old ones..
    Right better try and sleep..
    Love to everyone
    t4591 t115006 t4591