Val's Cafe



  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    The finest clotted cream, without a doubt Toni. Cheese is also rather good, with a lovely fruit cake :)

    That's what Mother was hiding under her blanket, a new suitcase for their visit to Ireland.

    I might have a word with Hermione, if she can open a gate, for them to visit the Giants Causeway - Seek will be able to take her broom and side car for Mother Glitter t115006

    I heard whispering, that some sea spray, from the edge of the causeway rocks, would be extra perfect for the Nymphs and their magic squares. t115006 t115006


    Sleek was telling Mother of the rope bridge that they can play on while they are there -


    Oh my, not a chance, ever, no and no some more :shock: :shock: :shock: :? :? :mrgreen: waves of vertigo

    Mother said she was in your lapp topp, there was some floof, to dust out apparently :shock:

    The Artisan cafe sounds lovely and their porridge must be super good. It is a very good source of slow release carbs, I love it, but it always makes me feel a bit :mrgreen: :roll: :roll:

    We give a lot to the YMCA charity shop. B likes to have wander and normally comes back with something or other :) They have so much furniture, you could kit out a house for very little money and it is good quality too.

    B is almost finished one of the two walls that he is papering. The wallpaper is wonderful, grey snakeskin, it looks amazing. There will be pictures when we are all sorted and primped :D:D

    The lady who's Birthday it was, said that everyone left about 1230 in the morning, (the party started at 3pm) :shock: :shock:

    Whilemena looks utterly gorgeous, I have wisteria envy :lol::lol: our buds are growing, but they are more like a golf ball shape and size and the leaves are coming out, all ready to hide them :shock: :shock:
    Wilma has had extra feeds and lots of water too. The other wisteria on the arch, is all leaves, she does not want to flower, end of.

    Hi Barbara - oh dear, you are on your phone again - is it best not to ask about the laptop :roll: :? :roll:

    Yes, the YMCA were very pleased indeed, I bet the sofa is sold already. Our lounge looks huge now :) with lots of items gone to the charity shop. Once the papering is finished then we will take pictures and start on the sideboard that was my Mum and Dads. It is an Ercol one, quite old now. It is full of trammel to say the least. Big sort out needed.

    Nothing ever surprised us now, with the neighbours, they are all lovely, but boy there are drama's from time to time. :shock: :roll:

    Our gutters and down pipes look as white as the day we moved in, so so pleased and very grateful.

    We saw most of the programme from Wimbledon. It was really good. We love Paloma Faith, she is a bit off the wall, doesn't take herself too seriously and has a great voice. It is always nice to see the stars of tennis, Martina is a legend in her own lifetime. John Mc is so funny. :lol:

    Hi to Carol - hope you and yours are all ok, I can guess you have had a busy few days and the countdown to your mini break is now on 6 days, t4591 I think :?

    Hi to everyone else, in and about. hope all are taking care t115006

    Up early doors, ready for Openreach, I hope they come early, then I can go out with B and Dad, otherwise I will be house sitting while they go shopping :(:( There could be pouting, if I am left, home, alone :? :? :roll: :roll:

    Time for me to make B another drink, he only has one more drop to do on the far wall - there's no stopping him when he is on a roll, if you pardon the pun

    Love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 t115006 XXXX Aidan

    Savoury French Toast With Mushrooms and Cheese

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Good Morning everyone :)

    Aidan thanks for that tack of toastie mushrooms :D mmmmm…...yum :D

    Looks a bit breezy out there and possibly chilly like yesterday before we got 'some' sun m0150 not a lot of it!

    I hope Hermione can help out I really don't fancy the girls flying all that way :? and a teleport would knock them sick :mrgreen: a bit like you and too much porridge :lol: Sleek has been packing the causeway would be fabulous and if the spray has magic properties well.... :? :? :?

    Pom has one fabulous wisteria as you know it started flowering ages ago, but she also has one which NEVER flowers no mater what she does. I wonder whether Monty Don would have any ideas. Your will just take a little longer she flowered last year and I thought mine would never open but here they are :D

    Lots of interest and kindness in your community but dramas too. :roll: as Barbara said a pic of that paper would be lovely :animal_busy:

    Fingers crossed for Openreach to sort you out once and for all.

    I put the remaining fruit cake in the deepest cake tin if anyone wants any. with or without cheese :?

    oh dear I hope your lap top recovers from Niamh's fingers :shock:

    Yes I hope the awning will be ready sooner than they say. Paul always does that at work then the customer is thrilled when things arrive early :wink:

    I hope all is well with you all.

    Hi Joan I replied yesterday Lucy is doing very well still doing 2 jobs. ((())) to you and Sue t4591

    As Aidan said Carol will be manic ATM with countdown getting closer....

    Thinking of mig (((())))

    Love to everyone

    Toni xx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Toni Aidan Barbara
    . Kathleen I'm sorry Chris has OCD and panic attacks not nice(((((())))))
    . Toni lovely wisteria I have a mock orange. Lucy is doing well((((((()))))))
    . Aidan yes it does good to have a clear out I hope Bt come early for you((((((())))))) Dad(((()))
    Barbara sorry a bout your laptop Niamh has been to work (((((()))))
    take care have a good day. Leve to Carol Mig(((((())))))
    . Joan xxx
    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon or it will be when I finish this :o
    Toni I did wonder about the sales technique of giving us a date and then it comes much earlier ..we have had it done with a couple if firms...laptop not behaving..but Niamh was so sorry..bless her..note to myself must get Niamh her own tablet..
    Joan Niamh presses keys then forget which ones .. :lol: but you cant get mad at her she us always so sorry..unless she gas me under the thumb :lol: .hooe all us ok with you all..
    Aidan thankyou for the mushrooms on got me hooked on them :lol: ..Bill has nearly done..I know how he feels.. keep going till it's all done ..glad you caught some of the tennis I wasnt going to watch it,but glad I did..hopefully your other wisteria will flower soon..they must be quitek fittle..
    Rught we are off shopping so better move
    Live to everyone
    t4591 t115006 t4591
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Well I've done it again, refreshed my post and lost it. So I'll just post the recipe for Vegan meatball burger

    Ultimate Meatball Burger:
    2 cups chopped mushrooms
    2 cups chopped kale
    1 tablespoon chopped garlic
    about 1/2 cup low-sodium vegetable broth for sautéing (or a drizzle of oil)
    1 1/2 cups cooked brown or green lentils
    1/2 cup bread crumbs
    1/2 cup oats (gluten-free if needed)
    1/4 cup chopped walnuts
    1/4 cup quick and easy pizza sauce
    1 tablespoon dried basil
    1 tablespoon dried oregano
    1 teaspoon sea salt
    To serve:
    4-5 buns
    quick and easy pizza sauce
    Chopped sautéed kale
    1 cup tomato paste
    1/2 cup low-sodium veggie broth
    1 tablespoon dried thyme
    1 tablespoon dried basil
    2 teaspoons dried oregano
    1 teaspoon garlic powder
    1 teaspoon sea salt
    1 teaspoon maple syrup
    1/2 teaspoon crushed red pepper, optional
    1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
    Sauté the mushrooms, kale and garlic with broth or oil over medium heat until the mushrooms are soft and the liquid has evaporated, about 10 to 15 minutes. Set aside.
    Place the the lentils, bread crumbs, oats, walnuts, sauce, thyme, basil, oregano and salt in a food processor and pulse until well chopped. You want a crumblelike texture. Check to make sure the mixture sticks together, and if it doesn’t, pulse some more, but make sure it doesn’t turn into a purée. You can also add a bit more pizza sauce if it doesn’t stick yet, however, you don’t want it to be too wet.
    Place the mushrooms, kale and garlic into the processor, making sure not to add any leftover juices, and pulse a few times until everything is well chopped and incorporated. If the ingredients aren’t mixed after a few pulses, put the mixture in a bowl and mix it with your hands.
    Place the mixture into a bowl, and put it in the fridge for at least 20 minutes; an hour is best. Making this the day before and letting it sit overnight is optimal. This helps all flavors marinate and leads to a sturdier burger.
    To cook, shape the mixture into patties. If you’re not using a nonstick pan, then you may want to prepare the pan by brushing it with a tad of oil to avoid sticking. Place the patties in a pan on the stovetop over medium heat for 15 minutes on each side. Pans and stovetops vary, so begin to check the patties at 10 minutes. If you try to slide yourspatula under a patty and it won’t give, then it isn’t ready and needs to cook longer.
    You can also bake the patties on a parchment-lined cookie sheet at 375F (191C) for about 20 to 25 minutes on each side. Allow the patties to cool and set for 5 to 7 minutes. Serve on buns with the toppings of your choice.
    Put the tomato paste, broth, thyme, basil, oregano, garlic powder, salt, maple syrup, crushed red pepper and black pepper in a bowl and mix well.
    Notes: This sauce is best if made ahead of time and the flavors are allowed to marinate. This also helps the dried herbs to soften and allows the spices to fully combine with the tomato paste. If your sauce seems a little “gritty,”then allow it to sit longer. You can speed this up by heating it slightly. You can use water instead of broth, but the broth adds great flavor. Add more or less broth for the consistency you like. Add more or less crushed red pepper to achieve the level of spice you prefer, or leave it out altogether.

    No sign of life next door. g131.jpg

    Barbara, I do just the same as Niamh.

    Toni, Lucy Is A-MAZE-ING

    t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all, bright and sunny, sat in front of open window, with breeze coming through :) I am not normally here, but the other feature wall if being wallpapered at the moment :D:D:D so I am being shuffled about :lol::lol:

    You are welcome to the stack of toast mushrooms and cheese, I knew you would like them and I can see Kath has been in and had one, maybe two :? :? :lol::lol:

    Hermione has "granted" the request for the gate to the Giants Causeway, it will be open on Wednesday- she was in a bit of a huff, for some reason :? - " it is not a spell for holiday destinations" :shock: :shock: oooooooooooooh, get you Miss Wizard :lol::lol:
    Anyway, they can go for the morning, with broom and side car, but they must walk across the rope bridge :o:o:mrgreen: Sleek won't mind, not sure about Mothers wobbly back legs. Sleek will come up with a plan though. t4591 t4591

    Strange how some wisteria never flower, then others are festooned in gloriousness (is that a word - it is now)
    They both have lovely leaves on them :)

    Never a dull moment here, for the 99 % of the time, all is calm, the other 1% has it's startling moments for sure :shock: :shock: such is life, as my Dad would have said.

    So, today, up at silly o clock, another text from Sky to say that Openreach were coming this morning. Yes, I know, you have told me till I am blue in the face.
    B was going to pick Dad up at normal time and said if he comes in the next half hour, ring me and we will do the shopping, come back, then go for lunch.
    Mr Openreach did appear, B rang and said there is a van on the park, heading our way :lol::lol:
    He did all the line tests, then did a line reset, he showed me all the diagnostic equipment, that the line is ok, just the internet speed needed hard reset, which his work colleague had likely omitted - ooops.
    So, we are back up to nearer 20Mgb now, from less than 5. That is fine by us. It is about all the line can carry, until it is upgraded to fibre on the parks green box - when that is, only the Good Lord knows.

    Sorted, happy, B and Dad came back, shopping put away, off we went.
    Enjoyed a lovely lunch at the GC, Stilton filled portabello mushrooms - oh my, I would have eaten more and more. Chips, then a scone, avec creme, bien sure. :)

    Dad had a sausage butty, (they stop serving brekkie things after 11 30, but they cooked some for Dad, as they know us so well). Bless them. I think he had half a lb :shock: :shock: :lol::lol:

    I found the fruit cake and had a little tiny piece :? :D

    You wanted a pic of our snakeskin wallpaper :) Your wish t115006

    Glad to hear that Lucy is doing well in her two jobs, wow, all credit to her t115006 t115006

    Hi Joan and Sue and the lovely doggies too.
    Openreach were here at just the right time and we seem to have things sorted. Thank you for the hugs, lots for you too (((()))) t4591

    Hi Barbara - oh dear, we need some magic sparkles on your laptop t115006 t115006 and a rugged tablet for Niamh to use. Have a look at this link, it recommends the best ones

    I bet she was very sorry, bless her, pressing lots of keys at the same time, can send laptops and pc's a bit squiffy :shock: :shock: :? :?

    B is soldiering on with the other wall, not rushing at it, half done, will do the rest later, there is still plenty of light when we get up after our naps.

    Wisterias do seem to have their own mind, when it comes to flowering :? :roll: :roll:

    Love to all, as always t4591

    Oh dear, I won't mention your post going AWOL - ooops, sorry. I be t you were fit to be tied - send me nuts when I do that by mistake.

    The vegan meatball burger looks simply amazingly good, I will shovel one down as soon as possible - ta mi duck. Hope any ouches are minding their own business.

    All quiet on the neighbour front...............keep a look out :)

    Right, time I was moving again. Laundry to fuss over.

    Hi to Carol and to everyone else in and about.

    Leaving lots of love and sparkles to all. t4591 t115006 I will pop back later XXXXXX Aidan

    Pumpkin bars with cream cheese


    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Just a quick hi - been nattering to Niece online for ages and now it is well past the witching hour :shock:
    All wallpapering done, we are looking smart, :D:D but still upside down :? :?

    Wanted to leave something nice for breakfast.

    Hope everyone is as ok as can be and taking care t4591

    Lots of love and sparkles to all t115006 t115006 t4591 t4591

    XXXX Aidan

    Donuts, we have not had then in a long while

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Aidan we have earned those doughnuts! Thank you very much I'll have one or 4 :wink:

    So your internet will be sorted now? wires all ok...hard reset done. Yes fibre is what is needed to be fair :roll:

    Wow B! I think you picked a good un there you know. He can garden, cook, do jewellery, paint and wallpaper! That paper is fab! I think Charley would be after that :) I bet you look lovely and your primping will sort the rest.

    Glad the GC was good and Dad ate a sausage buttie too :)

    Hope niece was well??

    Sleek has no problem at all walking on that bridge in fact she is thrilled at the prospect. Not so Tosca she said, but she has an idea....but won't tell either of us for now :?

    Kath I am sorry your post went AWOL, but maybe it didn't? the ingredients for the vegan burgers (lovely BTW) were printed twice? Doesn't matter anyway :) Thanks t4591

    Lucy is amazing and is thinking whether she likes the oldies more than the kiddies..... :?

    No signs of anything next door then time will tell.

    Barbara it's a good technique and helps if for any reason there is a delay - the customer never knows as will have an extra two weeks to do the job!!

    Good idea to get Niamh her own lap top? a 2nd hand one maybe??? :wink:

    Joan I LOVE Mock orange is yours really tall???

    Hairdressers this morning then more planting up for me this afternoon :roll:


    Toni xxx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Barbara Aidan Toni
    Kathleen we have a lovely warm day here I hope it's the same for you(((((())))))
    . Barbara is Niamh trying to type has quick as you I do one finger typing I hope you got what you wanted at the shops((((((()))))
    . Aiden yes good wallpaper yes B is a good all rounder just like you
    . yes we watched Wimbledon saw the new roof on number. 1 court(((((()))) love to Dad and **** lovely cats(((((())))))
    Toni yes the Mock orange is tall. Lucy is good Sue's carers work so hard for little money(((((()))) Lucy ((((((())))))
    . take care all. love to Carol Mig ((((((())))))
    . Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Joan, I used to touch type,as years ago I worked in a typing pool. But because of RA I now can only type with two fingers, one on each hand. :roll: It is lovely and sunny here too which is good, as today we were on the benches with our magnums. :D

    Toni, so my recipe printed twice yeaterday! Good job it was one you enjoyed. Did Kari have some?

    Aidan, you know that wherever there are mushrooms or cheese, I'm never far behind. :D
    Stilton filled portabello mushrooms - oh my,
    Oh my indeed Aidan. I love Stilton, but Chris isn't keen, so double for me. Your wallpaper is certainly very calming.

    Stilton, leek and potato pie
    Preparation time: 40 minutes
    Cooking time: 45 minutes
    Total time: 1 hour 25 minutes 60 minutes 25 minutes
    Serves: 6

    600g maris piper potatoes, peeled and cut into 4cm chunks
    75g unsalted butter
    3 leeks, thinly sliced
    1 tbsp thyme leaves
    2 garlic cloves, finely chopped plain flour, for rolling
    500g puff pastry
    200g stilton, crumbled
    1 egg, yolk only
    1. Put the potatoes in a pan, cover with cold water and bring to the boil. Simmer for 10-12 minutes until tender. Drain, allow to steam-dry for a few minutes, then mash roughly. Stir in 25g butter and season. Cover and leave to cool.

    2. Meanwhile, melt the remaining butter in a pan over a medium heat. Add the leeks, thyme and garlic; cook for 10 minutes till soft. Season and leave to cool.

    3. Preheat the oven to 200°C, gas mark 6. Lightly flour a work surface; roll out 350g of the pastry into a 38cm circle, 3mm thick. Use to line a 20cm loose-based cake tin about 6cm deep. The pastry will hang over the sides. Spoon in the mashed potato, pressing down gently. Scatter the stilton over the top, then the leeks.

    4. Roll out the remaining pastry and cut out a circle to fit the top; lay it over the leeks. Mix the egg yolk with 1 tbsp water and use to brush the top of the pie. Fold the overhanging pastry over the top and press down to create a sealed rim. Brush the rim with egg wash. You can chill the pie at this stage and bake the next day.

    5. Cut a few slits in the top of the pie so the steam can escape. Bake for 40-45 minutes until golden. Serve hot or warm.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all - This will be very quick. Lots of sorting, fussing, moving a thousand wires and putting TV on what was the oak console table - re jigged :) Looks gorgeous.
    Grey sofa seat arrived

    Mother is keeping a low profile :animal_busy: :animal_busy:

    We do deserve donuts, you are quite right Toni. Glad you liked the paper t4591

    Mock Orange, we have one too, love love love them, smell wonderful :D:D

    Kath, I am going in to the booth with that pie, it looks so good I could eat it right now.

    Love to Barbara and Carol, Joan and Sue and to all our friends.

    Will write more later, just need to sit a while now, in comfy chair.

    Love and sparkles t4591 t115006 t115006

    Strawberry and Lemon Baked Alaska

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    If any of my friends get a minute on facebook could they 'like' my eldest daughter Charley's profile pic? She's having a rough time ATM :(

    Thanks guys!

    Toni xx

    Hang on!!!


    Booth on hot cycle extra rinse t4591
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all

    Wow I cannot believe it has been a week since I last posted but here all is a little update we are both ok I have been super busy and the hours have just run away with me. well it is now 3 sleeps as our Lillie would say before we go on our little trip to see our family in Margate and Ramsgate. We go on Friday and come back on Tuesday really looking forward to it. it will be time to unwind and relax after the last few months. the weather here is really nice at the moment hopefully it will last out at the weekend in Kent. after this our next visit down there will be around July/August time after new GGs is born it is also hard to believe that in August our Rubie will be 1year old and that's a scary thought.
    Aidan yes I have been super busy think I need to raid the shed and take a suitcase of hours with me at the weekend so that I can use them when and where necessary.
    well I am back out of target range again at SW 1lb over the top after a gain of 3and half lb last week but as I couldn't go today and will not of course go next week I may loose my diamond member status but because I will have to go back to paying until I am back to target well thats the rule, but we will see. I have got to speak to my consultant about that. but I did at least reach 5 years at target so I am not bothered.
    I cannot remember half of what I have read on here so I will not try to reply to anyone I hope you are all as well as can be. and I will try to pop in more frequently. Mr T has been asked by GD if he can take pictures at the christening so he has been seconded as official photographer. so we will have plenty of photos of this weekend.
    I must potter now and do a few things and move the good old joints as they are yelling at me to move.

    Love and Sparkles to all
    t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    A little time, to pen my ramblings - :D

    Hi Toni - I have searched for the post you mentioned, from Charley, but I cannot find.............Sending some super strength and lots of love though t115006 t4591

    The internet is fine - touch wood - running at the expected speed, as it should :)
    Fibre to the park might be a way off, but, you never know, if I can get the local roads resurfaced :) watch this space :D:D

    It is gorgeous paper, all done, glad you like it and Charley would love it too t4591
    There are lots of things to sort, sideboard, which always seem to have everything in them, that doesn't have a home..........much sorting and getting rid.
    B is a sure find, t4591 he can do the lot and look after me and Dad at the same time - talk about multi tasking :shock: :lol::lol:

    He loves a project and to be creating. I am steady away and happy in my cleaning washing preening world :lol::lol:

    Dad did enjoy his sausage butty and our Niece is fine - one of their puskins wandered off, weeks ago and has never come back - oh I would be stateless :cry::cry::cry: :? :? Bless.

    Tosca likes the new "love seat" sofa, she has been trying to explore behind the cushions - I think she has found another secret storage area - she was casting spells I am sure t115006 t115006

    I will post some pictures when we are fully "sorted".

    Mother is coming to Sleeks, through the gate, then another will open and off to the Giants Causeway they will go. Hermione was quite apologetic, apparently she had been working on a rather complex spell and could not find some dragon's tears :shock:
    :shock: Hence she was a little testy :roll: :roll:

    She says that the Causeway was used by giants, long long ago, muggles think it is all folklore, but, she knows the secrets as does Mother Glitter Sparkles, who is keeping it all under wraps. :? :?

    Mother is a little dubious about the rope bridge, she is all for exploring, but with wobbling legs, and a wobbling bridge :? :? I am sure Sleek will tend to her every need and keep her very safe. t4591

    Didn't those vegan burgers look totally drool worthy............I might have to have a go at them, with assistance :)

    If Lucy likes the older peeples, then that is great. A lot of my nursing, in the last years of my career, where on elderly care wards.

    Your hair is looking very good, we are all 10 years younger. B had his cut earlier, by his apprentice :) it must be the longest apprenticeship in creation. :shock: :roll: :lol::lol:
    I had mine trimmed over again, some rogue hairs had popped out, as they do.

    The booth is looking very clean, I hope I didn't leave a mess, after diving into the pie that Kath baked...............

    You found the baked Alaska then :lol::lol:

    Hi Joan and Sue - it has been a lovely bright day here, quite a breeze, which I don't mind at all, blows through and keeps everything cool and fresh :)

    I watered the garden, including the mock orange. The perfume is wonderful.

    B is very multi talented indeed. Glad you liked the wallpaper.

    The Wimbledon programme was really good. Thank you for the abundant hugs for us all - we return them to you both (((())))

    Hi Kath - I did shorthand and typing at school, I loved it. I cannot go at the speeds I used to, or, if I try, it is all gobble de gook :lol::lol:

    I bet is was a right noise in the typing pool :shock: :shock: very much 9 to 5 - great film with our Dolly.....

    Good that you had some time on your benches, with your ice creams, very soothing to the mouth.

    Oooh, we saw a Common Blue butterfly - never seen one in our lives before, despite living in many rural locations. Amazing, it flitted away, into the woods. t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006

    I knew you would like the breakfast, you were right there, on my shoulder :)

    The pie, was a dream, we are going to make that one, for SURE. Ta mi duck, it wa luvly

    Hi Carol - a week, really? It seems only a couple of days since you wrote - the thief of time, makes the days go even faster :shock: :shock:

    Only three more sleeps, I was way out, saying 6........ :roll: :roll: I bet you cannot wait and have some down time to relax and enjoy your visit. t4591 It has been quite a time, the last few months, without a doubt.

    Rubie will be a year old in August. :o I remember the waiting, we were all having phantom pains :lol::lol: :shock: :shock:

    Don't you worry about your minor target glitch, you have done so incredibly well, for over 5 years and that is an amazing achievement. You will be back on track again - come summer, you wait and see.
    for now, enjoy and treats on Holiday are totally essential, especially at the seaside :)

    I bet Mr T will be super proud to take all the photo's of the Christening, very important job. Look forward to seeing some pictures :D:D

    Hi to Barbara, hope you and yours are all ok. I am hoping the laptop is mended / working :? :? (((())))

    Hi to everyone else, in and about.

    T room this morning, prescriptions to collect, so might as well pop in for cakes, while we are so close. :D:D

    Time I was moving, must keep pottering..............

    Leaving lots of love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 XXXX Aidan

    Crisp Potato Pancakes

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Yum Aidan potato pancakes yes please I'll have one or two...…. :wink:

    Had to rescue Paul as the trains from London were haywire yesterday (someone had been hit by a train :cry: ) and my lovely neighbour too as his car was recalled.

    Well the girls have gone! That was an early start. Yesterday while I was doing planting again over by Church she was in and out sorting last minute bits. Sleek has the rope bridge 'in paw' I am told. She said she will zap the broom and side-car over and is going to give mother a piggy-back :shock: Yes really! She'll be able to do it I have no doubt she's been out with some weights in her rucksack (I thought she was slimming :roll: ) regularly this week.

    She has also bought a set of ear plugs so she can't hear Mother screeching! wise move. I suggested a sleepy spell she said that was plan B.

    Apparently Mother does have a new pusskin hidey place in your love seat :wink: careful where you sit!!!

    Enjoy your shuffling of bits now in the lovely new room t4591

    Oh we DO look 10 years younger I'm sure Daddy1 looks fab too :D Rogue hairs must be zapped and zapped fast!

    I'll text you Charley's surname only Lucy changed hers to Paul's that will be the problem! and anyone else who wants to help out.
    She will be ok I'm sure in time bless her.

    Your poor poor niece :cry: she must be beside herself :cry: I would be devastated too ((()))

    Carol It's lovely to hear from you such a busy time you've been having I think pop a small suitcase full of hours in when you go away that should help :)

    Gracie nearly a year :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: I can't cope with that at all! and next time you visit that way there will be a new addition to your family t4591 You are very family orientated. I still smile when I think of your growing family and some said you and Mr T wouldn't last!

    I'm hopeful your consultant can help with that blip if you are already back inside range! for one week?! 5 years though is phenomenal. I have told people who are on SW how well you did and about your double diamond status. It encourages them :D

    Kath yes at least the recipe printed twice so not everything was lost. Kari did enjoy her vegan burgers. I tried Linda McCartney's pulled pork burgers last night. Very nice but the real 'pulled pork' hadn't be invented before I gave up meat so I have no idea if they are any good really by comparison.... :?

    That stilton leek and spud pie was yum. I needed the energy for planting yesterday afternoon.

    Well to be fair I didn't plant much as I helped my lovely neighbour back from the Vauxhall garage - his car had a recall :roll:

    Joan yes community carers loose out money-wise because they don't get paid between jobs and that's not fair they can work 8 hours and only get paid for 5! AND they are vital girls (usually) working so hard makes me cross they aren't paid more :(

    Right must get on!

    Love to everyone

    Toni xx

    PS hello to our Barbara I hope Niamh hasn't broken (temporarily) your laptop :shock:
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Toni Aidan Carol
    . Kathleen I hope you have a good day with not too much pain(((((()))))
    . Toni I send (((((( to Charley))))))) I hope things will soon improve for her((((()))
    . Aidan a cold breeze is cold going along on my scooter I have a fleece over my legs it's still nice being out in the sun. How is Dad's legs getting on.((((((())) Dad((((()))
    . Carol have a nice time away I hope it's a good journey(((((()))))
    . take care love to Barbara mig((((()))))

    . Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Carol, Clarence has been packing his suitcase and says that Florence and he are joining you and Mr T on your trip to the gates - I'm not sure he understands what Ramsgate and Margate are, but sure that they will enjoy themselves. He says to reassure everyone that Rosie has hired some extra well trained Locums to do the daily checks while they are away.
    They might spend an hour or two at Spidworld, a bit like Legoland but smaller. WHO KNEW :?: :!:

    Aidan, is your t'interweb working properly now? My goodness you are smart boys today, enjoying strong coffee with yummy bickies and pinkies out. I preferred tryping to shorthand, as I never really got the hang of /. , or was it ./ for Mr? Too long ago to remember. Aunty Maggie used to do Greggs shorthand. Looked more like Arabic writing. Anyway she eventually became a bus conductress, which is where she met Uncle Gordon. He was her driver. :D t4591

    Vegan Coffee Cake with Kahlua frosting

    For the Coffee Cake:

    2 cups (250g) All Purpose Flour
    1 cup (200g) Brown Sugar
    1 tsp Baking Soda
    1/2 tsp Salt
    1/2 tsp Cinnamon
    3 Tbsp Instant Coffee Powder
    2 Tbsp Hot Water
    1 cup (240ml) Soy Milk (or other non-dairy milk)
    2 tsp Vanilla Extract
    1/3 cup (80ml) Canola Oil*
    1 Tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar
    1 Flax Egg
    For the Kahlua Frosting:

    4 cups (480g) Powdered (Confectioners) Sugar
    1/4 cup (56g) Vegan Butter
    1/4 cup (60ml) Kahlua
    1 Tbsp Instant Coffee Powder
    1–2 Tbsp Soy Milk (or other non-dairy milk)
    1 tsp Vanilla Extract
    Preheat the oven to 350°F (180°C).
    Sift the flour into a mixing bowl and add the sugar, baking soda, salt and cinnamon.
    Prepare your flax egg by mixing 1 Tbsp of ground flaxseed with 3 Tbsp of hot water from the kettle. Allow to sit for a minute and become gloopy.
    Then mix the instant coffee with 2 Tbsp of hot water from the kettle into a thick paste. Mix this with the soy milk and add to the mixing bowl along with the vanilla, oil, apple cider vinegar and flax egg.
    Whisk with a hand whisk briefly till smooth. Don’t overmix.
    Spray two 7 inch cake tins with non-stick spray and then place a circle of parchment paper at the base of each.
    Divide the cake batter evenly between the two cake tins.
    Place into the oven to bake for 30 minutes or until a toothpick inserted into the center of one of the cakes comes out clean.
    Place the cakes onto a cooling rack to cool completely before frosting.
    Prepare your frosting by adding the powdered sugar, vegan butter and kahlua into the bowl of an electric mixer. Mix the coffee powder with 1 Tbsp soy milk and the vanilla and form it into a paste before adding it in. Start mixing at low speed, gradually increase speed until it’s thick and smooth. You may or not need the extra Tbsp of soy milk, just use as little as needed so that your frosting is very thick, but still spreadable.
    Frost the cakes when cooled and decorate with melted chocolate drizzle and chocolate chips (optional).

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all..I was sure I posted yesterday must have had a read and forgot :shock: our eldest son was in an hotel this morning in Nottingham and they had a fire he tried to use the phones but all were dead..flames outside of the window he said..anyhow he is back home..very scary.. :shock:
    Aidan I love your new nice to have nice new sofas has well. :D now I cant remember all the food apart form the doughnuts and the Pavlova :lol: thankyou just what I needed..oh and crispy pancakes.. :D sorry not sure what is wrong with your niece..but saw that Toni mentioned her..hope all is well..I see that openreach arrived and you got to the GC ..thank goodness :D and thankyou for the link ..we really do need a tablet for Niamh :lol:
    Kath there is nothing worse than wondering what key we pressed when all goes wrong.. :o now meatball burgers ..and stilton and leek pie that does sound good.. :D
    Joan I think Niamh does try to type fast..either that or she loses it and presses all the keys.. :lol: I use just 2 fingers one on each hand..
    Carol not long then till your they are looking forward to seeing you.. :D is the knitting finish and already to take with you.. :D glad to hear you are both doing ok... :)
    Toni so you had to rescue Paul and your neighbour..the poor person that was hit by one bless him now I like painting so could come and help..I even have paper overalls.. :lol:
    Had my last counseling this morning..and have a review in two weeks..I have never been good at talking things over and have always kept things to its good to type things worry record..
    Niamh is on her way form school later via GDs will hide my laptop :lol:
    Love to everyone
    t4591 m0150 t115006
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all - sunny and breezy day, quite pleasant it is too :)

    I will now add, good late evening to all - neighbour came round so we had a long natter...........

    Are you sure it was two tattie pancakes Toni............. :? :? :lol::lol:
    Oh dear, someone hit by a train, good Lord. t4591 That will have sent the network awry, good job you were able to go to the rescue :)

    Then helping your lovely neighbours with their car, being on a recall - they always scare me when they recall - like, is it safe to drive at all :shock: :shock: When you stop and think, we put so much trust in so many things, that we do every day - ok, I won't think about it :? :? :?

    The girls were off at the crack of dawn and back by the time we came home.
    Mother said the Gyant Cawzways is luvverly, to smell the sea air of the Atlantic ocean and see where the giants used to walk onto the land t115006 t115006
    She doesn't really remember the rope bridge - apparently Sleek said to her "sniff this bottle" - next thing, they were over the other side :lol::lol::lol: the sleepy spell was needed and worked a treat. It was concentrated vapours of dried haddock :mrgreen:

    Mother did set off shrieking, so the ear plugs were most timely :shock: :shock: :roll: :roll:

    Sleek was looking very slim and muscular, she was telling Mother that she had been using wayts in her Jim :lol::lol:

    I thought as much, Mother has another hiding place. Nothing when you move the cushions, but when they are in place, Mother nips behind them t115006 t115006

    They gathered the required sea spray for the Nymphs, who were most grateful t4591 t4591

    B is busy "doing" and "fussing" - I have been sorting washing since we came in and sorting my en suite, that has had a move round, cupboard and laundry baskets, floors all immaculised too, thanks to the wondeful housekeeper :) Bless him.

    Everyone has said how young we look. They did, didn't they, tell me they did :lol::lol:

    Ah, the confusion on FB, I thought everything looked all out of kilter, so I will let you send the relevant names - ta muchly t115006 t115006 Many ((())) for her

    Nieces partner is very upset, it was her late Mum's puskin too, so double the trauma. :cry::cry:

    We will try the Linda Mc pulled "pork" burgers, have seen them, but not plucked up the courage to try them :? :?
    I always found the meat version of it, rather like eating string, if it wasn't done properly :mrgreen::mrgreen:

    T room was lovely, as always. I didn't have my usual cheese and mushroom, they tend to put half a lb of cheddar in each one, so it can be a bit filling :shock: :shock:
    I had a Tuna Devil Panini and that was gorgeous, Dad had his bacon butties and B had scrambled eggs.
    Then I had to have a bakewell slice. Needs must :lol::lol::lol:

    Hi Joan and Sue - I bet you need your blankie on when you are whizzing off into town, the wind in your hair t110007 t110007

    Dad is doing ok, with lots of our supervision. His legs are all healed nicely and he is walking better, when he remembers to take his sulpha. :roll: :roll: they are there, in the blister pack, dates and days etc, not much more we can do.............

    Hi Kath, so we have Locum spi--- removers on duty, while Clarence and Florence are off to Margate, they will enjoy the sea air. :shock: :?

    Spid-- world, one place I might just give a miss :shock: :o :shock:

    We are all up and running fine on the web, one glitch, for two minutes last night, but that's all.

    We did teeline shorthand, I found it quite useful when I started nursing, for taking notes. Over the years I forgot most of it though :roll: :roll:
    My late Dads secretary was the fastest shorthand typist in East Midlands, she was amazing to watch, never seen anything like it :shock: :shock: :shock: used to fascinate me.

    Auntie Maggie and Uncle Gordon, bless them t4591 he certainly was her driver :) how cool was that.

    The vegan coffee cake looks fabulous, thank you kindly. I will take a delicate portion and shovel it in :lol::lol:

    Hi Barbara, I had a read, to see which hotel it was, in Nottingham.

    I know where it is, the old lace market area, not far from the Ice rink. Scary indeed, :o good that no one was hurt and thankfully everyone was safely evacuated. t4591 Must have been a terrible shock for your Son, flames at the window, goodness.

    Thank you, the wallpaper looks lovely. The love seat sofa is just so cute, only really for "the look" it isn't one to lounge on, in fact I doubt I will ever sit on it. Mother loves it too. :animal_busy:

    Don't try and remember all the goodies, if we piled them all on one table, it would be gluttony in the extreme :shock: :shock: :shock: :? :? :lol::lol:

    Nieces partner, when her Mum passed, they took her pus cat to look after, as you would. It has wandered off and not come back, this was weeks ago. Obviously they are upset - I know I would be stateless.

    Openreach seem to have done the trick, in fact the speeds are increasing a little more each day, which is fine by us :) You are welcome, hope the link to all the best kid proof tablets, is of some use :)

    I see you are off to do some painting at Toni's in your paper overalls. A bit like those paper "dignity" pants that you get in hospital - as far removed from dignity as you can possibly get and 99% of the time, they are cut off anyway :shock: :shock: :lol::lol:

    I hope that the counselling has helped, a worry record, a great idea. t4591 t4591 We all need to keep one. :? :?

    Did you manage to hide your laptop before Niamh arrived :shock: we don't want all the keys pressed at once. Bless her.

    Hi to Carol - we must be on one more sleep now :animal_busy: - how exciting - have you packed yet :D:D t4591 t115006

    Hi to all our other friends, in and about.

    B and I are off to the Range today. I will be wheeled about, then we will go to the big Tesco, have Beatrice valeted while we munch in Costa and I whizz round the shop in a buggy. p032.gif

    Off to the surgery in the afternoon, steroid injection in my knee, courtesy of my GP. Sleek and Mother are bringing the cloak, along with Pepe's medical kit, just in case. :shock: :?

    Time I was pottering again. Leaving lots of love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 t115006 Take care XXXXX Aidan

    Pumpkin Leek and Feta Mini Frittata

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Just having one or two frittatas Aidan thanks (of course I only ever have 2 :shock: ) Thank you very muchly.

    Well Sleek has left with Pepe's bag to meet Mother for your knee injection. She remembered Pepe for a moment and teared up :cry: "He wud hav faynytid Mummy" she said and accepted a hug. She said that the piggy back was necessary because Hermione said they had to walk across the bridge and she herself knew she could 'easy peasy'!

    Mother has one or two sooven-ears behind your cushions :animal_busy:

    We will also be there like it or not sorry the cloak is ready to go! The GP might not recognise you both you look so young :wink:

    Good to hear Dad is doing so very well apart form the odd missed pill :roll:

    I agree with you about the cars....they worry you to death when they recall them :shock: I think the person who was hit by the train didn't make it sadly :( accident or suicide I don't know.

    Enjoy the range it's fabulous just keep a tight hold on your wallets money flies out of my purse there!

    Poor poor niece :( ((())) for her I do hope the poor puss returns soon. I presume you advised her to check in with old neighbours??

    Barbara that is terrifying!!! Your poor son! I hope he didn't tell you until afterwards though?

    What a worry that would have been still all's well that end's well :?

    I wonder what the outcome will be of the online counselling course :? will they recommend any further help? will you get a certificate?

    HIDE the laptop yes tell Niamh it's poorly :wink: bless.

    You are always welcome to help even in paper overalls. Just bring biccies and music too it's choir later.

    Kath how lovely the sp****s having a holiday. I hope the stand-ins are as good at disguising themselves and at the job.....

    Their 'legoland' should be good like Aidan I wll give it wide berth though :shock:

    Vegan chocolate cake! Yes please a slice for Kari too pinkies out!

    Thank you Joan I'm sure Charley will do fine she's such a sweetie. Keep your knees covered it's chilly out there.

    In case Carol gets in - have a fabulous holiday lots of pics please!


    Toni xxx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Barbara Aidan Toni
    . Kathleen do you remember when the coop gave green stamps that seems a long time ago(((((())))))
    . Barbara Argos do children's laptops. Are you feeling any better(((((())))))
    . Aidan have a good day I hope the steroid injection was not too bad. Will it be a new knee next love to Dad((((((()))))) I have my follow up appointment in June could I have the cloak please ((((()))
    . Toni how is Charley(((((())))) have a good day all of you(((((()))))
    . take care love to Carol Mig((((((()))))))
    . Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Joan, It was a very long time ago, Can you remember Green Shield Stamps too? My granddad used to smoke Kensitas cigarettes and gran would save the vouchers to get gifts with. :lol:

    Yes Aidan, I remember Teeline too. I played around with good old Pitmans.......SNORE

    Now for something more interesting. :D

    Smoked Tofu Vegan Hungarian Goulash

    400g sweet potatoes [14 oz]
    280g Tofoo Smoked Tofu [9.9 iz]
    1 red pepper
    1 yellow pepper
    400g can chopped tomatoes [14 oz]
    2 Tbsp tomato paste
    3 1/2 tsp smoked paprika
    3 tsp ground cumin
    1 bay leaf
    75ml white wine [2 1/2 fl oz / US 1/3 cup]
    1 onion (finely chopped)
    4 garlic cloves (crushed)
    500ml vegetable stock [17 fl oz / US 2 cups]
    olive oil
    bunch of fresh parsley
    lemon juice to taste
    salt & pepper
    Cooked rice or grain (barley, quinoa etc... ) to serve with
    Remove tofu from packaging. Press for 1 to 4 hrs to drain off any excess water.
    When you are ready to start cooking, heat some olive oil in a large saucepan.

    Add onion, garlic, smoked paprika and cumin. Cook for a few minutes until onion is soft.
    Cut pepper in 2cm [0.8 inches] wide slices. Half each slice by cutting it across its width. Cut sweet potatoes in 2cm [0.8 inches] dice. Cut pressed tofu in 2cm [0.8 inches] dice.
    Add peppers and sweet potatoes to onion mixture. Stir in tomato paste.
    Add chopped tomatoes, vegetable stock, wine and bay leaf.
    Tip tofu in the saucepan. Stir gently to mix ingredients in without breaking up the tofu dice.
    Bring to a boil then cook under medium heat for 20-30 minutes until sweet potatoes are soft (they should still have a bite).
    Season to taste with lemon juice (1/4 to 1/2 lemon), salt & pepper.
    Add one to 2 generous handfuls of chopped parsley on top.
    Serve with cooked rice or grain (barley, quinoa etc... ).

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all..its been alovely day so off I went into the garden ..and then fell..doesn't take much these days..I left my crutch in serves me right..thank goodness I was on grass..but I cant get up once down.. :roll: it took me ten mins to get OHs attention ..hes not deaf he says.. :roll:
    Aidan thankyou for the Pumpkin Leek and Feta Mini Frittata very nice indeed..has mother made the love settee her own.. :lol: bless..your home sounds so lovely..our son said the alarm went off twice in the hotel then stopped..he checked the lobby and nothing ..then went back to his room only to see flames outside and smoke pouring in.. :o he drove home at 3 am ..its a real fear of mine ..
    You both do look so young..must get Bill to cut my hair see what he can do.. :lol: I like the range but like you say they are so big..but seel everything.. :)
    Your poor niece must be distraught..I hope the pussykins comes home soon...
    Joan I might look at Argos I have my nectar points so could use those...we will certainly have the cloak ready for June..(()) xx
    Kath stroganoff sounds nice..I got many things off greensheild was a bit like argos you choose out of a catalogue..
    Toni how is the planting going..wont be long no..and the wedding is all going to day I will tell you about mine..the only thing that went right was we both tured up.. :lol:
    Yes glad our son kept it form us mind you it was the early hours.
    hope Carol and hubby have a safe journey....
    love to everyone
    t4591 t115006 t4591
    right will leave you for now
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all - finally, Matron has a little time and a very ouchy knee :? :? :roll: :roll:

    Of course Toni, we never have more than two frittata's - more than sufficient I think. :? :? :lol::lol:

    Pepe would have faynted for sure, large needle into daddy's neeee :o:o Bless, Sleek tearing up, I know just how she feels, I could bawl at the drop of a hat :? :? deep breath.

    Mother has been very busy, moving her "treasures" from under her blankets to the new rooms, behind the mustard cushion. Like Sleeks ickle house, it is the same principle as platform 9 and 3/4. :shock: :shock:

    She said one of the treasures was some basalt rock, from the giants causeway, just a little bit - needed for one of Mothers spells t115006 t115006

    The Range is always a pleasure. I managed to potter, it is not their biggest store, so could see down the aisles and admire EVERYTHING :lol::lol::lol:

    B could not resist this gorgeous wall unit, it is not too big and is just the style we have gone for

    I think I spent about £10000, in about an hour t4591 t4591 :lol::lol: I wish. There are SO many sparkling wonderful things, I would just be smothered in glitz :lol::lol:

    Thank you, our Niece and her partner are pretty resilient, having been through some super tough times. They have another puskin and I am sure a visit to the rescue will be in the offing. They have checked and asked everywhere and everyone - so sad.

    Ai, Dad is ok, with us two taking the reigns so to speak.

    People and trains, certainly don't mix - so many people play tag, on the lines - how crazy are they !!!

    Sorry you all had to keep shuffling about at the surgery - check in, go up in lift, waiting room empty, hoorah, straight in to GP's room, met a medical student who was so sweet, she was quite timid and very very new to medical school.
    Dr I agreed with me, when I said to her, always make friends with Sister or Charge Nurse, when you are first allocated a ward, stick to them like glue, they will help you no end :)

    Anyway, back down in lift, to treatment rooms.....................the end one, "theatre room"

    The bits and bats were all laid out, I spied a purple needle - mmm, they are wide bore, compared to many............ :shock: I saw tails swishing from under the cloak, but I distracted Dr I. Large needle duly in and drugs injected. OUCH. He went from the inner side, under what is left of my knee cap :? :? :o

    Thank you all for being there, t4591 t4591 Sleek was all eyes and ears, Mother was asleep I think, bless her. Sleek wants to be a medical student :D:D

    FB request duly sorted - :) t4591 t4591

    I hope choir practice was fruitful and the biccies were yummy :)

    Hi Joan and Sue - I do remember the stamps from the CoOp, Mum used to have books full of them. I liked sticking them all in - it was a long time ago :shock: :? :roll: :roll:

    The knee jab was ouchy but not too bad, it is hurting now, but that will improve once the steroids kick in. The Ortho surgeon said he would not be happy to do knee operation, due to my heart problems :roll: :roll:
    Of course you will have us all under the cloak for your appointment in June (((()))) we would not miss it t4591 t4591

    Hi Kath - I remember the Green Shield Stamps too, it seemed forever to get enough for something worthwhile from the catalogue :lol::lol:

    Any news on the neighbours ? Anyone appeared on the horizon........

    The vegan goulash looks totally amazing and I am all over it like a rash - thank you kindly.

    Oh Barbara, I hope you are ok, t4591 t4591 thank goodness you went onto the grass :shock: :shock:
    At least Mr B is not hard of hearing - much :? :roll: :roll:

    For any ouches that you might have today, some magic squares t115006 t115006 with extra sparkles t4591 t4591 (((())))

    As if the news of the fire in the hotel was not enough, you end up on the lawn the day after.
    I don't blame him for driving home, fire really frightens me too. :? :? It must have been an awful shock. So glad no one was hurt.

    We have three smoke detectors and a Carbon Monoxide one for the gas.

    Thank you, we do look very young. Of course B will do your hair :)

    Mother is very happy with her new love seat. She approves of the changes to her lounge :lol::lol: Very Scandinavian :)

    Take care now, no leaving that crutch behind - Matron's orders t4591

    Hi to Carol - you will be ready for off, so have a fabulous time, safe journey and enjoy your time with family and the Christening t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006

    I guess it is time I was moving. Not sure I will be pottering too much tonight. Just to the kitchen and back, that will be enough.

    Going to the GC this morning, need cakes, B said have a scone and a piece of cake :shock: :shock: :D:D he's the best :lol::lol:

    Dad will fancy a bacon or sausage butty I am sure. Then vets, for Mothers kitten "sweets", pop into the factory shop, then Sainsb. I might be being wheeled by this point. :roll: :roll:

    Hi to everyone else, Mig, Christine, Kerrin, Elizabeth, DD, SW, Mell, Toady and all.

    Lots of love and sparkles t4591 t115006 Take care XXXX Aidan

    Vegan skillet potato's

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Vegan skillet spuds Aidan thank you very much :)

    We didn't mind all the moving around yesterday under the cloak we like to get our bearings and have a nose :lol: Your poor knee! I should start to ease maybe later on tonight and fingers crossed you might feel the benefit then for a while ((()))

    Sleek was very interested indeed she has had her Hogwarts medical books out and thinks she may be able to do a spell :? not sure about that though...…

    She will be over later to inspect and Mother's love seat. She has heard all about it and is really exited. She has bought Tosca a small wall unit (oddly enough rather like your lovely new one :roll: ) to display some of her treasures. Who would have thought! all that behind your cushions :shock: :animal_busy:

    I love your unit yes very Scandinavian! So lovely against the new paper too.

    I hope the GC is lovely and Dad enjoys his sausage butty.

    If your knee gets too bad we can soon d025.gif you on the head - no GA required :wink:

    Oh Barbara! You poor girl getting stuck outside on the grass :shock: do not forget your stick from now on ((()))

    Thanks for the biccies at choir practise last night. Those chairs were tiny being in one of the school mobiles!! Polling day rendered the community centre out of action.

    Your son was wise to tell you only when you could see him there in real life and fine! Fire is one of my greatest fears too.

    Please do tell all about the wedding it sounds unusual to say the least!

    Hi Joan and SueI also remember greenshield stamps! My mum bought my brother a toy panda with ours! Thank you Charley is doing ok I am looking after her t4591 enjoy your day out today.

    Kath imagine us being rewarded (encouraged) to buy cigs with vouchers :shock: Wouldn't be allowed nowadays would it?

    Well indeed the goulash is perfect for myself and Kari her being vegan and our Dad having been Hungarian :D thank you very much.

    My Mum did pitmans.

    Love to everyone

    Toni xx