Val's Cafe
Evening all got on earlier but the net went off ..ok now not a clue why..
Aidan I am sorry to hear about your neighbour bless her..what a worry..but how comforting she must have felt having you there.xx.glad to hear she has had the stent fitted ..sending many prayers and love to her .. t4591 t4591 t4591
So you had curry ..the smell is so hard to get rid of..but worth it..oh and thankyou for the crumpets , never had them with cheese..and I love the sparkly moon..
and the angry bird faces..
hope you had a good time at the GC..we went to ours today but more coaches.. :roll:
Sue I am sure you look forward to taking your little doggies out..its a proper little family..
Toni oh the judges can turn up anytime :shock: but I am sure you are all ready for didnt need my biscuits at choir..cake instead..much the hotel sounds amazing...7 course I have only ever had 3..
Niamh does love sleeping with daddy..shes a little love
Carol how awful of your friend..what is wrong with people these days.. :x the children are adorable and the dress on the little one is is stunning
Right better go Niamh is here againshe said I missed you GM..she was only here weds...
Love to everyone
t4591 t115006 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
Hi to all - thank you for all your thoughts and prayer for Mandy t4591 t4591 She is on total bed rest for 12 hours, then they will let her sit up and potter as deemed fit.
Having been there myself on more than one occasion, I just knew how she was reacting and feeling, which brings it all flooding back :? :?
Glad you enjoyed the crumpets Toni
Sleek and Mother have cast spells to dispel smellst115006 t115006 so we are all fresh and new again - no more spycies says Mother :roll:
They enjoyed their latte's and a chat with the Nymphs and of course a little peek at the rainbow droplet t115006 t115006 t115006
Duras is a lovely town, we went there a couple of times. Fancy, being sent to bed by the hotel ownersI am sure the wine was divine
Singing always improves with cake t4591 no doubt about it - not that I remember having cake when I played for choir practice :? :?
Those angry birdies are wonderful, love them.Just had to put them on, with us all giving Carol's "friend" the cold stare :x :x
Here are a couple of pics of our baby wisteria
This flower is nearly fully out, they are quite squat, but so cute
Some of the many more, waiting to come out
Gardening gloves and early warning on full alert, from today then, looking out for Judges :? :? :? t69044 t69044 t69044
Mother has sent Tommy a gift card for Catazon,so he can choose an outfit to meet Silver - she is going soft in her old age
t4591 Sleek will have the smelling salts ready, she knows what it was like with Pepe fainting at the drop of a hat :roll: :roll:
It was busy at the GC, but we had one of our fav tables, two Beth specials, then choccy orange cake with jaffa cake ice cream, oh I was in raptures t4591I didn't want it to end........
Hi Kath - I did spy that there were blubbery pancakes :?we do come up with some typos without a doubt :shock:
Lady spid--s are not too romantic when it comes to their men folks:shock: :?
Good to see you joining in with the angry looks - duly deserved.
Thank you for the veg and almond crumble, sounds amazingly good t4591 t4591
Hi Barbara, we have all had internet trouble over the past couple of weeks, seems to be a continuous problem, despite all this uber modern technology.
Thank you for the thoughts and prayers for Mandy t4591 t4591
She didn't want to let my hand go, when I got into the ambulance - I know the fear, it is horrendous. She understood that the paramedics had to get on and put the IV in quickly and give her some morphine.
She will need to rest now. We will go up to Blackburn Hosp over the week end. We know that place all too well :? :? :?
Glad you liked the sparkling moon and the angry birds were great.
Coaches are not really a problem at our GC, they seem to fend them off wherever possible. It was busier than normal, being half term as well.
Niamh missed her GM, bless her. t4591 t4591 she is a love.
Hi Carol hope you and yours are all ok.
Hi to Mig and to everyone else in and about.
I had best be moving again. Time to potter a little. At home (so far) today..........Dad will be round for coffee and croissants, we will try a veggie sausage roll on him, see if he knows the difference
Love and sparkles to all XXXX AidanXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
I nearly forgot breakfast
Lemon Breakfast Muffins XX t4591XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hello Kathleen Aidan Barbara
Kathleen how is Chris getting on. Have a good weekend both of you((((((()))))))
. Aidan sorry about your neighbour Mandy you were there to comfort her good((((((())))))) how is your Dad how was the sausage roll's((((((())))))). have a good weekend all of you.
Barbara have a good weekend how are your fingers((((((()))))))
. take care all love to Toni Carol Mig((((((()))))))
. Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Happy weekend to all. m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006
Good to hear that Mandy is in a safe place and her heart is beating superbly. ((((sending hugs and blessings)))) to help her recover.
t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t69044 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591
Joan, I hope you and Sue had a good walk with Lexi and Pepper today.
Thank you for the lemon breakfast muffins Aidan.
t4591 Toni t4591 Kari t4591 Barbara t4591 Carol.
Apricot and Macadamia nut scones
1½ cups self rising flour
¼ cup sugar
¼ teaspoon salt
50 grams butter, grated
1/2 cup chopped, dried apricots
¼ cup roughly chopped, toasted macadamia nuts
½ cup buttermilk ( or use half milk and half plain yoghurt)
Preheat the oven to 220°C. Place the rack just above centre. Grease a baking tray.
Sift flour, sugar and salt into a bowl. Cut in the butter until the mixture resembles fine breadcrumbs.Stir in apricots, macadamia nuts and buttermilk to make a soft dough. Turn out onto a floured board and knead lightly until smooth.
Roll out gently to 2.5 cm thick. Cut into 5cm rounds and place on the prepresd tray. If wished, brush with milk to glaze.
Bake for 10-12 minutes until golden and well risen. Serve warm with whipped cream."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Afternoon to all - damp, humid and very mild, that's enough about me :shock:
Hi Joan and Sue - hope you are both ok, No news from Mandy as yet. I sent a text to her and she will ring when she is feeling a bit more human again. Rest is important at the moment.
Thank you for the hugs (((())))
Dad was here for his lunch, he rang and asked what was happening today, so we reminded him that it was Sat and we have croissants for lunch.
He liked the sausage rolls, then we said, they were veggie ones -He enjoyed them though.
Mother Tosca was not at all happy that Granddad was sat in her Daddy's chair, so she sulked and faced the wall, on her new fleece. :roll: :roll:She is ok now that he has gone home
Happy week end to you too mi duck. Hope you are not too ouchy Kath and feeling a bit more settled in yourself Chris too. Some extra sparkles and magic squares are on the way, one in each chair and every pair of slippers and socks t115006 t115006
Mandy will be well looked after, they have plenty of staff and Drs on Coronary Care units, all the Registrars etc, tend to spend a lot of time on either critical care of coronary care - often it is needs must.
Will catch her Son when they get back from visiting. I don't want to ring her phone, in case they are busy with obs and ecg's, bloods etc etc.
Thank you for the hugs and blesings (((()))) t4591 t4591 They always help, no matter how far away they come from.
Glad you enjoyed the lemon muffinsWe need cake, at any time of day / night...............
Apricot and Macadamia nut scones, how perfect are they - I will grab some clotted cream from Toni's vat. t4591 t4591 thank you kindly.
Hi Toni, hope you and yours are all ok - is it village tidy up today, just to keep things preened and maybe some more planting. Sleek said mummy had been bizzy with other peeples t4591
She picked Tosca up this morning and they went to Blackburn hospital, under the cloak, to check on Mandy. She had Pepe's bag, but was in awe of all the amazingly clever medical equipment and now wants to order everything.........Mother did say no, we don't need to.
This eekwipp ment iz for hosspittles to help peeples, not for puskins medical bags. Sleek understood that even her bag, would not fit all that eekwipp ment in.
We are here to leave love and magical sparkles for Mandy, t4591 t115006 t115006 nosey at the charts, as you do, then vanish as quickly as we came.
Mother was shouting the observations to me at some silly hour - they seemed to be stable.
Any sign of lurking Judges :? :? :roll: :roll:
Been busy with washing and drying, after the housekeeper came through like a whirlwind and did the beds, bless im. Just mothers bed blankies to go through the immaculiser and we are all done. Thank goodness there is a bit of a breeze, with the dryer kicking out some heat. Condenser ones still throw hot air out :shock: :shock:
Hi Barbara, hope you are all ok, Niamh will be enjoying her time with GM, having missed you, for one nightHave you tried the roast to the door again, or is that a no go, after the last one not being up to scratch.
Hi to everyone else, in and about, Mig, Carol, Kerrin, Christine, Elizabeth, DD, SW, Toady, Mell and all
Nearly time for pills - again - so I will potter along.
I will put the kettle on, we need T with our scones, pinkies out
Catch up again later XXX Love and Sparkles t4591 t115006 t115006 XXX AidanXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Evening everyone so sorry I am late in had a busy day. Eating my lemon muffin thanks Aidan v much
Scarecrow is up but google drive will not open the pic so I can share it with you grrrrrr!!!! Judges visit is imminent so we are as smart as can be.... :?
Sleek was laughing apparently Tosca was cross with her Grandad :shock:bless her!
I have been followed all round the village by my little angel-puss :animal_busy: When someone was chatting to me in the front garden with a DOG :shock: wow! She grew to twice her size bless her t4591
She enjoyed the hospital trip (I'm not sure that's the idea really) and is busy seeing if there is any way she can shrink some of the shynee ekwipment to fit inside :roll: bless... I have a candle lit for Mandy Aidan she is in the right place according to Sleek and Tosca.
Now what a dreadful thing for you to witness such a shock ((())) for you too. Sounds as though she is much better now bless you all you obviously made her feel safe t4591
When are they going to see Silver? Apparently Tommy has chosen his outfit and Tosca paid :shock: :shock: she is going soft bless her little cotton paws. Smelling salts are ready tooPepelongstockings fainting how could we ever forget?!
The wisteria looks fabulous so sweet I bet it smells divine too
Where's my scone?!! Kath?cream is here
Thank you very much
Love back at you Joan I hope you and Sue had a good trip out yesterday?
Barbara the judges can indeed turn up any time. We are visiting our next village on 13th, but I cannot say where can I....?
We are ready I think. It's such a lovely village, but we have roadworks ATM so signs everywhere ruining the effect a bit :roll:
Sleek likes Niamh t115006 t4591
love to everyone
Toni xxx0 -
Here it is...what do this t's meant to be?0 -
Hi to all - it is a TAD humid and warm - a few days ago we had the heating on in the evening and now I am having "moments" :roll: :roll:
Don't worry Toni, Sleek had warned us that you were bizzy
The scarecrow is wonderful, Rapunzel, to the tower, to the tower t4591 t4591
Judges imminent and roadworks at the same time, how annoying IS that :shock: :shock: :roll: :roll:
I am sure your village, sorry, Sleeks village, looks wonderful, after all the hard work from everyone.
Oh yes, Mother was most annoyed at Gdad, she was looking at the wall, all her teddies had been thrown out of the pramSleek did think it hill hairy us.
There was a lot of shrieking about Sleek meeting a dog and blowing up like a puffer fish - Mother was most impressed t115006 t115006
Thank you for lighting a candle for Mandy - doubling up on the prayers, with our candles t4591 Not heard any news from today, I would guess she has been sleeping a fair bit, on enforced bed rest. I remember it all too well :? :? They needed a chemical mallet to keep me in bed :shock: :shock: :roll: :roll:
It has brought everything back to the front of my mind, B knows it has.
But, Mandy wanted to see me and I knew I had to go to her in the ambulance and offer a little comfort, while the paramedics were getting the IV's ready.
She is in the right place and the Cardio's have worked magic to open two arteries with stents.
Mother has relented and given Sleek some new compact ekwippment for her medical bag. Monitors, auto BP and O2 sats. Sleek has them in her ickle house, carefully stored. t4591 t115006
Invitations have arrived, one came down the chimney tonight, from Silver - I assume Sleek has hers, Mrs D and Tommy too t115006
The meet and greet is on Wednesday morning in the enchanted forest t4591
They will be met by Mrs Silver - wait until Sleek sees Mrs Silvers finery :shock:Tommy might not be alone, in the fainting stakes.
Mother has a supply of essence of pilchard and vinegar,to revive anyone who feels dizzy
Who could forget Pepe and his regular fainting do's :roll: :roll:
Yes, the wisteria has a lovely smell and the bee's love them, which is even better. We need bees t69044 t69044
I should be pottering again, I am a tad warm. Hi to Carol, Mig, Kerrin and all our friends on VA
Lots of love and sparkles to everyone - t4591 t115006 XXXX Aidan
Pumpkin Pie French Toast BakeXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Morning!! Thanks Aidan the pumpkin pie French toast was yum - rather moreish!
Up early village clear-up day hopefully the judges might come while we are busy busyNo rain till after 12 please!
Sleek did think it was hill hairy us Mother's hissy fit
I had to get between Sleek and the dog (who was on a lead and not at all interested anyway....) so she could pass by bless her I am instructed to take a photo next time for Tosca to see :roll: All new medical ekwipmant was demonstrated on me before being safely stowed away in the ickle house
Good job it was a warm night here no fire lit when Sleek's invite came for a visit to see Silver :shock: . Tommy's is there too he is sooooo exited bless him!! Hopping up and down hoping Silver will see how special he is with his thumbs t4591
I can imagine all too well how it must have been for you your own terrifying memories flooded back :? Yes Mandy will be fine (probably not trying to escape) and feel a good bit better after she's recovered. ((()))
Mrs Silver is looking lovely!! Mother has smelling salts too? I think Sleek won't faint she'll want to make a note of where Mrs S bought it all :roll: Sleek used to be quite naughty scaring Pepe with voles and whatnots
We do need bees! and plenty of them
It was indeed Rapunzel!! well spotted
Not sure the door will stay stuck on the wall all summer though :?
A quick hello to Joan who will be here soon I'm sure
Love to everyone else
Toni xxx0 -
Hello Kathleen Aidan Toni
. Kathleen I hope both of you are feeling a bit better and not too worried. ((((((()))))))
. Aidan I hope all is well with everyone love to your Dad((((((()))and Mandy((((((()))) and to you and B (((((((()))))))
. Toni good luck with your garden being judged love to Charley ((((((()))))))
. take care love to Barbara Carol Mig((((((((())))))).
. Joan xxxtake care
joan xx0 -
MMM yummy, the pumpkin pie French toast was scrumptious she said licking her fingers noisily. Ta muchly Aidan. I rang dad this morning and he wasn't too happy. He put a line of washing out thinking it wasn't going to rain until later, but it rained early so he put it in the tumble dryer out in the garage.
Toni, WOW your Rampunzel Tower is utterly fantabulous. You should win an armful of prizes, cups and medals for that alone. All the very best when the judges arrive.
Brandy Snaps with Mascarpone Cream
Serves 4
115g sugar
115g butter
4 tbsp golden syrup
2 tbsp brandy
115g flour
1 tsp ground ginger
finely chopped hazelnuts, fruit and icing sugar to garnish
Ingredients for the cream
600ml cream
250g mascarpone
1 vanilla pod
1. Melt the butter, sugar, syrup and brandy in a pan. When they’re combined take off the heat.
2. Mix the flour and ginger together and fold into the mix. Then chill it.
3. Roll into about 20mm balls and spoon onto baking parchment (middle of separate squares of paper).
4. Bake at 180C for 5-7 minutes, then cool slightly.
5. Lift around a wooden spoon to form a cylinder. Allow to cool and crisp up.
6. Whisk the cream, vanilla and mascarpone together, put into a piping bag, then pipe into the brandy snaps.
7. Garnish with fruit, hazelnuts and icing sugar."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Hello all late agin and think I missed a day.. :? very humid here but wet again..
Aidan I can understand Mandy being poorly with her heart bring it all back to you , very scary indeed..I hope all is well today when you speak to her son... t4591
Did you say you had choccy orange cake with jaffa cake ice cream..oh my thats sounds so good..and thankyou for the lemon muffins ..not quite the same though..
your Wisteria is lovely and has really come must be very proud of it..
Niamh had a good day ..she didnt go skating but went for a walk instead with daddy..then played football in the I didnt join in ..not after last week...
I need to borrow your housekeeper..urgently...
Kath I like macadamia nuts might try the you feeling any better..I think we need some sun but not to warm..
Joan my hand is fine just the arm that OH yanked me up withhope you have all been out and about...
Toni you are very talented..its brilliant...Niamh want you to build her a castlewith Rapunzel of course..
I think Aidan and I will have to come and paint the roadwork signs in pretty you are off to the next village..umm what are you up to :?
We have a family of Robins in the tree next door..there are at least 6 of them , but they are so fast ...and very tame..
Right will leave you for now
Love to everyone
t4591 t115006 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
Hi to all - a bit cooler and quite t111055 t111055 at the moment
Yes Toni, breakfast was a little moreish to say the least - I think I only had two portions - ish :? :?
I hope the rains held off until after 12, just to the tidy up could take place in good time - with Judges lurking at any moment :? :? :?
Mother nearly had another hissy fit :shock: I was not as fast as a rocket serving her tuna :roll: :roll: off she went, shrieking to Daddy 1.
Tosca would like to see Sleek when she turns into a puff ballgood that the dog was not interested though.
I am sure you were fully informed of the medical ekwipment that Sleek has added to her Drs Bag.
Glad the fire wasn't lit, mind you, invites from Silver and Hogwarts would not burn apparently, which is good to know.
Mandy is not in Blackburn, she is at Blackpool, :? which is the main Cardiac centre for the north west. She rang just before lunch and we had a long natter, she was quite upset at times and has been having a lot of chest pain still.
It is normal for medications to be stopped when you have had stents put in, to see how things settle, but I think she will need to go back on to some of them.
We are going over to Blackpool tomorrow afternoon, visiting is strict, 230 -330 so we will get there early, knowing what the parking is like. B's Mum was in there for a valve replacement, another hospital we know pretty well.............there is a theme going on. Airedale, Leeds General, Blackburn, Blackpool, Burnley.......... :? :roll: :roll:
We used to have a loyalty card for the coffee shop, over in Blackpool :shock::roll: :roll:
Yep, everything has come back to haunt me somewhat, but I am keeping focused and carrying on pottering and doing.
Sleek will indeed want to know where Mrs Silver's finery has come from - well, it is not something you can buy in a shop, but maybe Silver will pass on a present for each of our puskinst115006
Pepe was highly allergic to voles and half eaten meecesbless him. t4591
Rapunzel and a very good one it is too, first prize to Mrs Toni. I am sure the door can be re-attached if there is a deluge :shock: :shock:
Ooo, nice breeze blowing through............:)
Hi Joan and Sue, thank you for the hugs, from us all. We send the same to you both and to the lovely doggies (((()))) t4591 t4591 hope you have had a nice week end
There was a lot of smacking of lips Kath, those pumpkin bakes were very sticky and wonderful too.
Dad has had to dry his washing all over again, the rains have come in fits and starts, quite heavy at times. t111055 t111055
Toni should win a raft of prizes for the Rapunzel tower on her gate post, it is superb
hope any ouches are minimal t115006 t115006
Brandy snaps with Mascarpone Cream - I think mascarpone is quite low in calories :? :? :? or maybe not
They look delicious, I will take 2 or 6, thank you kindly.
Did you miss a day Barbara - I have forgotten- oh dear, we are a pair :roll: :roll:
As you will have read, we spoke to Mandy and we are heading off to Blackpool tomorrow, to visit in the afternoon. She said "it is a long way to come" but it is less than an hour door to door, very easy journey and Beatrice will enjoy a run out.
I did indeed have choc orange cake, with jaffa cake ice cream - it was a maz ing. The ice cream is all made locally and they keep coming up with new recipes - I wish I had had the ferrero roche one.
Lemon muffins are a poor substitute really :roll: :roll:
I should think you did not play football in the garden, even if Niamh had asked you to. We don't want any more oopsies :shock: :shock:
We admire the wisteria every day, cannot wait for all the flowers to be out, it won't be long now. t4591 t4591
I will send B over asap, to attend to housekeeping needshe is very swift.
Sure, we can go over to Toni's, sorry, Sleeks village and paint rainbow colours on the roads, to match in with the planting colour theme t115006 t115006 t115006
Robins do become very tame, Mum always fed hers by hand, he loved little bits of cheese t4591 nice to have a family of them close by. We have a couple that visit the garden every day, they love to have a bath.
Hi to Carol, you will have had a busy week end, plus catching up from your time away.
Have you spoken to your friend, since her rude comments :shock: :? :?
Time I was pottering - some fussing to do in the kitchen.
Hi to everyone else, in and about. Will call back later.
Lots of love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 t115006 XXXX AidanXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hi to all - it is very blustery t110007 not cold though. Blowing pots over in the garden :? :?
Hope it is not too windy with you Toni, upskittling anything in Sleeks village.
Did you get all the tidying up done, before any t111055 t111055 arrived :? :roll:
Sleek was over at siesta time - they had to put three spells on me, to get me to sleep. Lots of sweets were eaten and discussions about their outfits for the visit to the Silver's, on Wednesday. Sleek brought all her tiara's and other finery. :shock: in her Mary Poppins bag - who knew she had one :shock: :shock:
Hi Barbara - hope Niamh and Daddy enjoyed their game of football, with you keeping watch, safely of course. Is it back to school today? I think all the schools go back around here.
Hi Carol, hope you and yours are all ok too. How was your week end? I trust your GD has received the memory stick with all the photo's from the Christening t4591 t4591
Hi to everyone else, in and about.
Just some shopping, then home, lunch, then off to Blackpool Hospital to visit our neighbour.
We will "do lunch" on Tuesday instead.
I might not get on until late evening -
Leaving lots of love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 XXX Aidan
Buttermilk Pancakes with Blueberries - drool worthyXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Oooh thanks for the pancakes Aidan! I'll have one....or 3
I hope Mandy is feeling better when you get to see her this afternoon. Bless her you can help just by visiting t4591 ((())). Beatrice will enjoy the ride out for sure. We won't worry if you are late in.
3 Sleepy spells yes Sleek said so too it was worry and the upset of this weekend. :roll:
It did rain on us while we were clearing up, but not enough for even one of us to give upPlease do come along and pain rainbows for us if you can that would be lovely t115006
Sleek said Tosca has chosen both of their outfits ready for seeing Silver. They have purchase gifts for him MRs Silver and the youngsters too. No idea what :?
I can't believe Tosca 'told on you' to Daddy1 when you weren't fast enough with her food :shock: :shock: :shock:
Thank you for you kind comments on Rapunzel. I was doing a mermaid (tail ready and everything) but a neighbour down the Rd did the same and got hers up first :roll: So Rapunzel was 'plan B' and that's why I was so late :oops:
Hi Barbara!
Aha to Niamh needs a castle too? One of my neighbour's Gkids used to think our Church was a castle and was thrilled to hear he had a KEY!!!
Glad no football for you. I don't think you'll get into the premier league now sadly
How lovely having the robins I hope none of next doors cats come to visit when they are learning to flay :?
Thank you Kath for your kind words, but we have some lovely scarecrows this year in the village so I doubt I will win. Shall I take some more pics of those??
What delight have you for us today? Brandy snaps!!
Oooh lovely
Ta v muchly.
Hi Joan hope you are well and Sue too. ((())) for you both and the doggies too
Love to everyone
Toni xxx0 -
Hello Kathleen Barbara Aidan
Kathleen how are you both feeling now a bit better I hope(((((((())))))))
. Barbara its best you sit and be the judge of things you don't want to fall again its so easy done I know. (((((((()))))))
. Aidan I hope you and B have a good ride to Blackpool Mandy will be pleased to see you (((((((((())))))) Mandy((((((()))))))
. Toni we had little showers of rain yesterday when we were coming back from our walk good luck ((((((())))))) Charley((((((()))))))
. take care love to Carol Mig((((((()))))))
. Joan xxxtake care
joan xx0 -
Hello everyone in the cafe. I dozed off in my recliner thia morning and had the weirdest dream about a bus parked outside our house. we don't have a road outside our house as we live on a court with a car park at the end of the row. The neaest bus stop is about half a mile away. Anyway, I was picking bits up from the bus floor so I was on hans and knees. No wonder the driver was giving me weird looks.
Joan, we're not too bad considering, thank you for thinking of us.I hope you, Sue and the doggies are managing to get out in the sun.
Toni, the village must be a hive of excitement. Is Miss Sleek taking Mother on a tour in her sidecar? There will be shrieks of delight and excitement - wish I could come to watch. m0150
Aidan, those Buttermilk Pancakes with blueberries were great thankyou. I'm glad to hear Mandy is being looked after properly, and that your own heart is behaving itself too.
Barbara, you be careful while in th garden. Step away from the football. Let Niamhh and daddy do all the running about.
Carol, hope you and the family are keeping well.
Leek and Lentil Pot Pie with Carrots and Mushrooms
1 yellow onion, diced
3 cloves garlic, minced
2 tbsp olive oil
2 tbsp paprika
2 tbsp chili powder
1 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp onion powder
2 tbsp flour
1 tsp salt (it may be better if it were a bit more, but taste as you go. Easier to add than take away =P)
1/2 tsp chili pepper flakes
1/2 tsp pepper
4 medium sized carrots, peeled, sliced, then quartered (so you have little pieces)
1 cup green lentils, picked over and rinsed
2 1/2 cups vegetable broth
1 leek, sliced and thoroughly rinsed
2 Portobello mushrooms, chopped
1 tbsp vegan butter
1 cup vegan cheese
1 sheet of vegan frozen puff pastry
2 tbsp soy milk
Cook the diced onions over medium heat until translucent and then add garlic and cook until fragrant.
Add the garlic powder, onion powder, paprika, chili powder, chili flakes, pepper, and salt. Stir until the spices are fragrant and then add flour to make a roux.
Add 2 1/2 cups broth and stir until the spices are incorporated into the liquid. Add the lentils and carrots and bring to a boil and then let simmer for about 20 minutes. The lentils will be tender but not mushy.
Meanwhile, melt the butter in a large pan. Cook the mushrooms until browned, then add the leeks. Cook the leeks are soft and have the same texture as translucent yellow onions would have.
Add the leek and mushroom mixture to the stew, and ladle stew into oven-safe bowls. Stir in some cheese and cover the bowls with a layer of the thawed puff pastry. Poke some holes for the steam to escape.
Using a pastry brush, wet the tops of the puff pastry with some whole milk. I didn't have egg yolks on hand otherwise I would have used those.
Bake in the oven at 350F for about 20 minutes, or until the pastry is golden and flaky-looking.
Lentil Pot PIe
Makes about 1 large casserole dish, or about 6 regular servings."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Just a quick note, our lovely neighbour is coming home today, so no trips to Blackpool t4591 t4591 t4591
Will be back later - XXXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Right, I can write a little more now - shopping away, some of the plants given some extra watering (they get so many leaves, the rain misses them). t69044 t69044
B weeded around the gravel, no matter what you do, they pop up like pimples :? :?
Glad you enjoyed the pancakes Toni, just three, are you sure, Sleek said Mummy had cheeeeks lyke a ham stur
Not seen Mandy yet, but have put cards in door, ready for when she gets home. Probably waiting for TTO's - as always :roll: :roll:
She did sound better on the phone this morning, obviously glad to be coming home.
I did read the riot act and said remember what has happened and take time to rest, before you try and hit the ground running - MATRON's ORDERS :!: :!: :!:
Good that the rain did not dampen the enthusiasm of the village clean up - if you don't win first prize, I will eat my hat :? :?
Painting rainbows, yes, they would look amazing, little ones to guide the Judges around - "more gorgeous things this way t115006 "
The upset did give Mother and Sleek some trouble, getting me to doze off :roll: :roll: Mother had to go under her blankets for the ancient book of spells, for stubborn muggles :shock:
No, no idea what they have bought, as gifts for the Silver family - nothing has come through on Catgos or Catazon.
Oh Tosca will tell anyone who is here, if there is any delay in her demands for either gourmet chicken, deeper water in her bowls, or Tuna............. :roll: :roll:
Fancy, a neighbour beat you to the Mermaid scarecrow - I think Rapunzel is a clear winner to be honest t4591 t4591
Did I hear of more pics, of other scarecrows - oh yes, we like to be nosy
Just taken this of our little wisteria, bless, she is going mad with flowers and the bees are loving it t4591 t4591
Hi Joan and Sue, - as you will have read, no trip to Blackpool, Mandy is coming home, which is good. Thank you for the hugs and well wishes for us all, you are both so kind, truly you are t4591 t4591
Kath, I hear you have been having strange dreams about a bus, outside the house, on a road, that isn't there :shock: :shock: with you on your knees picking up bits from the floor, goodness me. I wonder what that would translate to, for one of the dream experts :? :?
I googled it - apparently dreaming about a bus, means you are travelling towards your hearts desire t4591 :shock: so, there you go.............keep us posted
Many and I will be like two peas in a pod. Matron will be keeping an eye, that she is not doing too much - says me - :roll: :roll:
The Pot Pie looks delicious and I am right in there with a spoon, ta mi duck t4591 t115006
Mother was shrieking from about 0530, then phone rang at 830, delivery of Dads new outdoor brolly, which was coming Wed, was now coming today.......rang Dad and told him.
Still waiting for delivery when we went round, so we rang them and they said it was ok, they would leave it under cover, no need to sign for it.
Off we went, to the GC Had brunch, I had a veggie breakfast with no beans, but extra hash browns and mushroomsThen choccy orange cake with a scoop of chocolate and toffee ice cream............wonderful
Hi Barbara, hope you are all ok. Have you been out and about, should be less busy now that the schools are back in term.
Hope you are ok too Carol t115006 t115006
I will go sort the washing, might put some out on the airer, it is nice and blowy still.
Love and sparkles to everyone in and about t4591 t115006 t115006
Catch up again later XXXX Aidan
Strawberry and Raspberry PuddingsXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Evening all its been a lovely lots of washing dried instead of using the dryer so after bloods we had a ride out and guess were we ended up..GC
Aidan how did I miss the pumkin pie..and just seen the Strawberry and Raspberry Puddingsthankyou
I am pleased that Mandy is you say she must rest now and do had they have told her to..Blackpool is one hospital I have never been to..but like you say its not far..I hope she recovers well. t4591 t115006
I look forward to Bill coming over..and I have a new mop..the spray swivel one its brilliant the head stick to the velcro and never moves..
your wisteria is doing so well, they are selling them in Aldi next week..the ones that flower the first year..grafted ones..
Toni glad the rain didnt hamper the cleanup..I am not surprised that children think the church is a castle its so beautiful..fingers crossed for you all this year..
Kath I missed your gingersnaps yesterday..hope there are some left..that was a strange dream its always make me wounder were do they come mine I am always on the rum from someone..
Joan dont worry I wont play you say I can be the what date is your checkup I know its not far off..
will leave you all for now
love to everyone
m0150 t4591 t115006Love
Barbara0 -
Hi to all - Hope everyone is as ok as can be
Hi Barbara - you have been busy away with your washing and drying. I did put some out, the "smalls" went in the dryer :? :?not hanging them out for all to see :shock: :shock:
The GC is just fine, it is our go to place as well, feels like home and we feel comfortable there, same as in the T room. Hope your bloods are doing ok t4591
No idea how you missed the pumpkin treats, blink and they are gone and the next goody has come along to tempt us
Thank you for the well wishes for Mandy, have not seen her since she came home, not sure what time, we may have been in siesta mode.
B will be away, with the new mop, swivelling and immaculising
Not heard of the grafted wisteria, will have to nosy at them, only been once to the Aldi in town, never think to go in.
Hi to Toni, any signs of Judging :? :? Sleek says she is on high alert and her crystal ball has an alarm on it, for peeples with klip bords
I see a new series of SYTTD UK was on tonight, on TLC, I am hoping we recorded it, as Mother and Sleek will want to watch it on a loop.
They were busy throwing fresh litter, at siesta time :roll: :roll:
There was much admiration for the Queens Diamond and Ruby ensemble, that she wore for the state banquet, some SERIOUS rocks t115006 t115006
I am idling away, reading all about the state visit - time has vanished before me.
Hi to Carol Mig, DD, SW, Kerrin Toady, Christine Elizabeth Mell and all our friends.
I had better be pottering.
At home today, no great plans.
Leaving lots of love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 take lots of care XXXX Aidan
vegan-qunioa-pancakesXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
The judges came!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yesterday about 1pm just as I was taking Lucy off to have her nails done (:roll: ) 4 of them - not 4 nails Aidan - judges
Pom texted me and I spotted them too looking at our notice board which I had festooned with bunting only a week back. The cart looked lovely and had cake on it with the 'homemade cake' sign out on the path :)I think we deserve to win, but as you can imagine the next village have pulled out all the stops :?
Quinoa pancakes lovely ta v much adding some of Cornwall's finest!and some of those little puddings too oops maybe I had one too many?t2507
Your wisteria is doing so very very well you must be pleased there are loads of flowers. How very French we both are
Sleek did say that the new series of SYTTD will be recorded for them :shock: Sleek told me Mother had to yewz and aynchent alkemie to knock you out!!!
Such very good news that Mandy is safely home I hope resting quietly. t69044 Oh yes TTOs will have hampered her departure :roll: when all you want to do is GO HOME!!
Some parcels have arrived here??? Hidden very swiftly in Sleek's ickle house....
I had my bloods done yesterday too Barbaracouldn't run fast enough!!!
Are you going to buy a wisteria? I hope you can get one and it flowers for you 1st year. I have heard of grafted one yes.
Not much stops this village from looking after it
Hi Kath! There was a s****r on my dressing table last night :shock: Yeeek!!! Paul sorted him and I have phoned Rosie and booked a visit.
Sleek will take Mother for a tour of the village and it's scarecrows and flowers tomorrow when they are off to take Tommy to see SilverShe will love them I will take you all some more pics today.
Nu-nu will hoover the bits on your bus....your mind must have been BUSY!!
Ta for the pot pie I can do it without cheese and pastry in the insta pot and it's vegan too
Joan no rain yesterday just 2/3 times a handful of drops of rain :roll: Hope you stayed dry ((()))
Love to everyone
Toni xx0 -
Hello Kathleen Aidan Barbara Toni
. Kathleen we live in a court and once a week a dial a ride bus comes and takes us into town. or perhaps you will move and be by a road((((((()))))))
. Aidan that's nice Mandy is home((((((())))) love to your Dad((((((())))) and you and B(((((((()))))))
. Barbara thank you for thinking about me my app is the 17 June .Good luck with your blood results(((((((()))))
. Toni good luck with winning the best village and your bloods((((((()))))))
. Joan xx. love to Carol Mig ((((((()))))))take care
joan xx0 -
Aidan you could have knocked me down with your feather duster.He rang me this morning and came and did my blood test and blood pressure (164/72 :shock: ) The clinic begged him to come back, as none of the HSOs could do the blood tests properly and myself and all Martin's patients were thoroughly happy to have him back. He'll be doing my BP as well as my blood test every 6 weeks.
Joan, one lives in hope. t115006 t115006
Toni, so the judges have been, I'm keeping my hopes high for you. I'm glad you made an appointment through our Rosie. t69044
One of the young neighbours in the flats went to the Co-op for us this morning. We hope she will help us again. We slipped her a little bit to treat her kiddies with as a thank you.
Blue and Blackberry Smoothie
250ml of orange juice
125g (4.4oz) of yoghurt
1 tablespoons of flaxseed oil
230g (8oz) of frozen blue and black berries.
1 small banana
Recipe Summary
Whether it is too warm for toast or lack of time to prepare breakfast in the morning, we have got a smoothie recipe for you. A quick and easy idea if you have a blender/food processor.
The dark navy colour of blackberries indicated that they have one of the highest antioxidant levels of all fruits. Antioxidants play an important role in ameliorating oxidative stress in the inflammatory pathway. People with arthritis should ensure a good daily of dietary antioxidants, preferably from food.
This smoothie has an added twist – It has added flaxseed oil. This plant oil is a good source of gamma linolenic acid (GLA). GLA has been found to exert anti-inflammatory properties. However the actual therapeutic dose and the duration of treatment remain unclear.
Put the orange juice, yoghurt, berries, banana and flaxseed oil in the blender. Cover and blend until smooth. Pour in glass and add 2 or 3 berries to finish."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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